Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem

16.10.2013 13:48:37
Land of Babes
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes
Secrets, Quest Items, Easter Eggs & Bugs
Platform - PlayStation
Version 1.2
Copyright, W. Raider, 2000
This FAQ may not be redistributed or reproduced by any means (either presently
or in the future) whatsoever without my permission. It may not be redistributed
or reproduced without my written permission for any promotional or profitable
purposes including, but not limited to, magazines, books, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-
RAM or any other storage media presently or in the future or for retail sale.

Send all questions/comments to: wombraider@macsrbetter.com (include "duke" in
the subject or the email will be filtered out and I'll never see it)

"Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes" is a copyright of 3D Realms, 2000
0. What this FAQ is and isn't.
1. My Rant
2. Notes
3. The Secrets
4. Easter Eggs (General)
5. Secrets (General)
6. Brief Gameplay Tips
7. Bugs I Encountered
8. Hoped Future Additions
It is a specific guide to help you find all the secrets and Quest Items in the
game. It isn't a complete walkthrough of every level simply because they are not
that difficult. In fact, the last level with the big boss is the easiest level
of the entire game. It is a guide to help you avoid some bugs, and gameplay
issues. It isn't a list of cheat codes.

There are, in my opinion, two reasons to really like this game: One, it's not
Tomb Raider. Now, I love Tomb Raider, but enough is enough already. Two, each
level takes about 30mins or less to complete. As far as Land of the Babes is
concerned, I'd rather have another 14 levels to play than these levels being any
longer. Somehow they seem just right, not too short nor too long.

The general consensus is that this game is horrible and is worth a rental at
best. While the replay value is low -unless you're looking for all the secrets-
it's a blast while it's lasts. Personally, I've never replayed any Tomb Raider
game once I'm through, but for some inexplicable reason I love going back and
replaying some Land of the Babes levels. Heck, out of all the games I've played
this is only the third game that's inspired me to write a FAQ for it.

Think of Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes, as a smaller, testosterone-filled Tomb
Raider Lite. Duke has a lot of the same moves, weapons and features as Lara yet
several that Lara could only dream of.

Finally this FAQ is basically complete! I made it a tad easier to read since
some of the secrets take a lot of text to describe and added in a few Babe
counts and Cheats Unlocked. Now I just need a few little things to wrap this FAQ

When I say that you find ubiquitous "ammo" in a secret area it's because it
seems to change depending on what weapon you use the most. Example; if you use
the Freezer more than any other weapon you'll tend to find more Freezer ammo.
So, I'll just say ammo, to avoid confusion. The same thing applies to crates.
(and what's a good game without a few hundred crates lying around, eh?)

Also, the secrets are not necessarily in the order you'll find them. People run
all over games like this in different ways so you may or may not find the
secrets in this order when you play.


- Enter the Pool Area and at the bottom of the pool you'll see a vent. Shoot
this out, jump in and swim until the end of this short underwater passage for
this secret.
- None.
- 0
- ???

"Welcome to the Future"
- In the room with the missile hanging from the monkeybar scaffolding. The wall
opposite from where you enter, look for a slightly lighter colored crack in the
wall and shoot out. MonkeyBar climb over to it, drop down and climb in.
- After you restore power, at the very bottom of the elevator shaft, shoot out
transformer and enter the room behind it.
- In power room with electricity flying all over the place. Shoot out the vent
in the wall opposite you, between some computers and climb in.
- In Secret #2 room.
- 2 (Could be 3, I think I remember one asking for help right before or after I
restored power but didn't manage to save her.)
- ???
- There are several red telephones on the walls in different places. Position
Duke in front of any of them and hit X. Duke will have three different funny

"The Future isn't so Bright"
- Behind a HUGE fan in a room with a control room with a gorilla in it, and a
water gap across from the fan. Shoot out the metal vent behind the fan and climb
up. (It's a bit of a hassle to get behind the fan at first. You may want to spin
it up then turn it off to get it in a better position first.)
- The door to the right as you enter fan room. Hit the button labeled "Elevator
Override". Duke will say, "Hmmmm..." This opens the left elevator's doors, of
the pair of elevators, back near the beginning of the level. Enter the left
elevator for the secret.
- After you open the top of, and swim through the water tank, you'll be in
another section of this level and at a Reentry Point. In one of the many rooms
beyond this bathroom, you'll find a large gray window, with two flaming barrels
in front of it, opposite a desk. Shoot the barrels to blow them and the window
up. Climb inside for the secret.
- In Secret #1 room
- 1?
- ???

"Big Guns"
- Shoot away a large bright boulder (brighter then the others next to it) at the
far opposite end and to the right of where you start out in the level. Jump down
into the hole. The boulder is behind a tall building.
- In Secret #1 room, shoot out a part of the floor and hop down. Then shoot out
the door and hop across the pit. Turn right and you'll see a white floor with a
door on it and a door on the wall up and to your right. DO NOT shoot the floor!
It's a lava pit trap. Instead, shoot out the door on the wall and walk over to
it hop up and climb through. Hop down then hop across the pit to get the Quest
Item which hovers above the pit. The door behind the Quest Item is a fake.
- In Secret #2 room, where you find the Quest Item, drop down into that pit,
seriously! Gravity is lowered here so you'll take little or no damage when you
hit the bottom. At the bottom of the pit jump up and climb into an opening in
the wall that's a little hard to see. Find ammo, then make your way up and out
of this area by climbing the ladders and jump climbing. You'll emerge in Secret
#2 room near where you found the Quest Item. It's best to jump down to the left.
(It took me FOREVER to find this secret!)
- Shoot out the ground in front and to the right a little of the Gun Turret.
It's behind some building ruins. Hop down.
- Shoot out a spot on the ground very near (opposite the bomb) the tower that
gets blown up.
- In Secret #2 room.
- 3?
- ???

"Getting Wet"
- In the area where you destroy the GunSub, high up on the far wall on the right
side, is a brighter than normal square. Shoot it out and swim through and up and
then climb up. Eyeball all the goodies. You can't get to them from here, not
even with a JetPack. To get to them, swim back out into the GunSub room you came
from, and look to your right at an opening in the wall opposite the large crack
to your left. Swim into the opening on the right until you can climb out and
walk around. Climb up onto the first ledge, make your way around, then climb up
onto the second. To your left the wall has a texture of windows on it, find the
second window from the right, second up from the bottom, shoot it out and climb
through and you'll be in the room with the goodies from a vantage point where
you can get to them. If you can't locate the right spot, just get way back and
blast the wall with the RPG.
- This one is VERY hard to see. In the same room where you shoot out the window
to access Secret #1, on that second ledge, walk over to where you are about to
jump up and out of the room from the higher, normal exit. Not the same way you
came in or the way to access the first secret. This opening is opposite the
window you shot out to access Secret #1. Now, turn to your right and face the
large brick wall. If you shoot straight you should hit the second secret and
shoot out a section of bricks. It may help to just stand back and shoot the
brick wall a few times with the RPG to find it. Hop across for lots of goodies.
- In the area where the crashed ship is, where you rescue the trapped Babe
inside, swim back around and down to where you normally exit this level. Behind
you, just after you swim down through the opening in the floor, that's to the
right of the crashed ship, you'll see three planks of wood blocking a passage.
To the left of that you'll see a room with a goody and a brightly lit section of
floor. Shoot out the floor and swim down. You may need goggles to find your way
as it's pretty dark here.
- In Secret #3 room.
- 0 (You can't use the Stealth Generator underwater, doh!)
- ???

- To the right of the switch that lowers the water in this area, on a lowered
part of the ceiling is an opening. Swim up here for secret #1. This area is only
accessible when the area is filled with water, or you have a Jetpack.
- In the room behind the laundry room (the laundry room is the room with the
switch that shuts off "those annoying currents") Shoot out the vent in the wall
that is above a crate. Climb up and in.
- In the room directly across from boiler, turn left, then do a running jump
across the pit and grab onto the tiny ledge. (You can Jetpack or swim down to
the bottom of the pit for an Ego boost) Shimmy to the right until you stop and
drop down. Climb up and into this area. Kill the baddies that appear, and
opposite the valve here, you'll see three stacked boxes. Get on the side of the
boxes opposite the pit, and pull them until they stop. Drop down into the hole.

Now, drop down again to the area with sconces on the walls. To your left is a
fake wall, and to your right is a path that leads around a corner. They both
lead to the same place. The path to the right leads to an invisible fake door
that enters the next room you have to deal with, while the path to the left,
through the fake wall, is the end of a trap that you're supposed to fall for
when leaving the next room. It's slightly easier to take the path to the right.

The path to the left, through the fake wall, is an area with a bridge over a pit
of spikes and severely lowered gravity. The trap here is that once you are
leaving the next room, you'd see the bridge over the pit of spikes, think it'll
collapse so you'd jump to avoid it, the lowered gravity takes you way too far
and impales you on a wall of spikes hidden behind a fake section of rock on the
wall directly after the bridge.

The path to the right uneventfully leads to the room with the Quest Item. Enter
this room and kill the baddies. Turn around and you'll notice that there's a
door behind you when you never used a door to get in here. Again this is a
little trap. Check the wall to the left of the "door" and you'll find the fake
wall that takes you back to the path area. Clever eh?

Now, go over to the Quest Item. See the stone slab that it's rotating over? Grab
one end of this stone slab and pull it until it stops. I think it only works
from one end. Then you'll see an opening in the floor. Jump over this opening
and grab the Quest Item. You'll see a cut-scene of a spiked ceiling slowly
descending upon you. (Grabbing the Quest Item triggers the spiked ceiling) Now
you see how the two exits to this room are also traps. On the left you have the
fake door that would eat up time as you shot at it trying to get out. On the
other side is a real door that you can shoot out and then get killed by the
lowered gravity bridge spike trap should you fall for it.

Although the spiked ceiling will reset itself given enough time, it's just
easier to drop down into the new opening in the floor and avoid it altogether.

- The opening in the floor revealed once you pull the stone slab that the Quest
Item was over, aside. This is another series of traps. (Why aren't the rest of
the secret areas in the game as cool as these?) Read the wall. "The Penitent Man
shall pass. The Name of Duke. Leap of Faith." These are clues to getting past
the three traps ahead.

Trap number one, "The Penitent Man Shall Pass", is very tricky if you don't know
the secret. See, Duke's not exactly penitent, so he can't kneel or just run
straight through this trap. Ahead of you you'll see a hallway with two slightly
lower trenches on each side. If you ran down this hallway in the center you'll
be killed by two spinning saw blades that chase you and cannot easily be
avoided. There are invisible walls nearly the entire way along this hall
preventing you from jumping to the side to avoid the blades. So, simply step
into the hall (the blades aren't triggered until nearly the end of the hall) and
turn to the right or left and step down into one of the lower side trenches.
Then simply walk forward, behind the invisible walls. At the end of this hall,
step up and enter the next room.

Trap number two is "The name of Duke". See the letters on the floor? Jump on the
ones, in this order, that spell N-U-K-E-M. Step on N, walk to U, then do a
running jump to K, then a standing jump (from the edge of the square) to E then
another standing jump to M. Simple.

Trap number three is even easier. It's the "Leap of Faith". Just do a running
jump and grab across the deep pit to grab onto the edge of an invisible ledge.
Climb up and get the Super Shotgun. If you are playing through this and already
have this weapon and it's at full ammo, then shoot off a round or two to "take"
this one and you'll be beamed back to the beginning of all this mess and can
finish up the level.

- In Secret #3 room.
- 0
- ???

"Underwater Streets"
- From the manhole you enter the level through, swim to the only smashed car you
can see. Then turn left into an alley immediately to the car's left. In this
alley you'll see a mailbox and a fire hydrant with bubbles emanating from it.
Almost directly above the mailbox is an opening in the building. Swim into the
- Enter the Police Station, go through the rear doors and turn right. Follow
this hall until you reach the jail cells. Swim through the main doors here and
all the way into the back and ever the jail cell on the left. From this cell
you'll be able to swim directly into the jail cell next to it, the one with the
mattresses against the cell's doors, and find Secret #2.
- After blowing open the exit beneath the fountain, swim down into the opening
and at the bottom of this area, directly opposite the way you need to go, is a
small vent in the wall. Shoot it out and enter.
- In Secret #3 room.
- 0
- 1st Person View

"What's that Smell"
- From the entry point turn right and follow the path until you reach a room.
Just before entering this room there will be a ladder on the right. Descend the
ladder and WADE, DO NOT swim underwater, past three pillars until you see a
large vent in the wall ahead of you. Shoot out the vent and quickly swim down
and into it and surface. The water in this level is toxic unless you wade above
it, or wear a Biomask while under it.
- From the entry point, go straight (this area is toxic, make sure you have
enough Biomask to last) and then take the path on the far right. Enter the
double doors, (this area is not toxic so take off your Biomask to save it) and
drop down to the floor of this area. It doesn't matter if you have lowered the
water in this area or not. If you haven't lowered the water here, swim to the
floor. If you have, jump across to the second platform and climb down the
ladder. Then, directly beneath the first platform, the one you were on after
walking through the double doors, is the secret. Shoot out the wall and enter,
then turn to the right to find the Quest Item.
- In Secret #2 room.
- 0
- ???

"Silverback's Stronghold"
- After the area where you find the Quest Item you'll enter a large room with
two control panels on a slightly raised platform. Kill all the baddies, then hit
the control panel on your left. This turns off the lasers to the room on your
left. Enter this room which contains a large torture machine with a bloody
chair. Kill the baddie on the platform above and behind you then climb up there
via the ladder. You'll claim the "Blue Key Cube" here. Now, face the torture
machine and shoot both of it's "arms" that are connected to the ceiling leading
down to the bloody chair until they both explode. You'll now see an opening in
the ceiling. Hop down from the platform you're on, and stand by the side of the
bloody chair and climb up on top of the machine. Hop up and grab the ladder here
and climb up for the secret area. (A switch in the main room just outside this
one turns off the laser grid protecting this ladder I think.)
- From this level's original entry point, where Duke says, "That's one way to
get blown," turn left and head down this hall until you reach a door guarded by
lasers. Inside this room is Secret #2. To gain access to this room you'll need
to find the second lava pit area on this level. This second lava pit area is not
the one beneath the window with two Han Solo in Carbonite Babes behind it.
This second lava pit area has a ladder on it's far side that's guarded by a
moving laser which, if you time correctly, you can avoid while climbing the
ladder. Get to the bottom of this area either by jumping across and down, or by
shooting out the vent near the bottom, entering it, and climbing up the ladder,
grabbing the goodies and then making your way down and exiting this lava pit
room by the only exit at the bottom. Enter the next multi-level area and make
your way to the top and through a short hall, you'll find yourself in the room
with Secret #2. In front of you will be a long rock formation to the left of a
large cube with a boulder atop it. Shoot away the boulder, climb up and enter
the secret area.
- After going into the room directly opposite this level's original entry point
(which will not have lasers anymore) shoot out the floor, hop down, then slide
down the incline. Run forwards a short distance until you see two ladders. Climb
the one on the right and look for a large vent above you in the ceiling. Shoot
out this vent and climb up for the secret area.
- Oddly, this isn't a secret area. After jumping over the first lava pit and
grabbing onto the small ledge (you have to shoot away the series of vents across
from you and underneath the Han Solo in Carbonite Babes behind the window) and
shimmying left, you'll climb up and then climb a ladder. You'll now be in the
area with the Han Solo in Carbonite Babes. Continue on until you reach a dead
end, then shoot out the floor and make your way to the bottom of this area.
You'll see the Quest Item in the middle of the floor.
(Since this is the level where you get the Stealth Generator for the first time,
these are the first "official" Babes that you need to rescue.)
- Temp: Invulnerability

"Babes in Distress"
- In the room (opposite the room with the three pipes and the valve you turn)
that fills with water that has the "Han Solo in Carbonite Babes" that float,
swim into it, then almost immediately swim to the left against the wall. Look
for a small area of rock texture underwater, with see-thru cracks. It's hard to
spot at first. Shoot this out and swim in and step out of the water. You'll find
Ego, ammo and a very dead Lara Croft! (This secret took me the longest out of
them all to find!)
- From the landslide where Duke says, "Hmmm, that's a pretty big landslide", as
you face the landslide take the left passage. You'll come to an area made of
cement with two rooms. Enter the room on the left and on the left wall you'll
see a large bookcase. Shoot it out and drop down into the water for this secret
and the Quest Item. Shoot out the cracked wall to leave this area.
- In Secret #2 area.
- 3
- ???

"Hunter Killer Factory"
- Right at the beginning of this level walk to the edge of the surface you're
on. The edge stops just before and above a small pit of lava. Look to your left
above a pipe and you'll see a large vent in the wall. Shoot it out and enter for
this secret.

NOTE: I was never ever able to jump or climb over there no matter what I tried.
I had to use the JetPack to get up on top of the pipe directly beneath the
secret area.
- After you blow up the pipe and duke says, "Nothing like relieving a little
pressure." enter the now busted pipe and make your way to the end and up and out
via the ladder. Hop down to the floor, and head towards the rear of this area
(don't use that ladder just yet) and kill all the baddies here. On your right,
in a dimly lit section is a cracked wall. Shoot it out and climb up for the
secret area.
- You may need goggles for this secret. After you teleport to a new section of
this level hop down and kill the two baddies then climb up into the large air
duct which is the only way out of this area. Go forwards and follow the passage
as it gently curves to the left. Now, continue on past the first right you see
and continue on until you come to the second right. Take this right turn and
you'll see a large vent. Shoot it out, and the large vent behind it, then drop
into the small pit of water for the secret; a pair of much needed goggles.
- All the way across, directly opposite Secret #3 is a very dark dead-end with a
large non-shootable vent on the wall. The Quest Item is just sitting there right
in front of the vent.

NOTE: In this area there seems to be a baddie (one of those small facehugger
types) that is invisible and invincible sometimes. On occasion I returned here,
found him again and was able to kill him. I'm not sure if this is a bug or
intended to be some sort of trap.
- 0

"Space Port"
- When you reach the area with a passage (the passage leads to the "Motherbrain"
boss room) that's blocked by two electricity gates take the passage to the
right. Enter this room, kill the baddies that appear and climb up the ladder.
Proceed until you reach the room with water at it's bottom. Jump down into the
water and on your right you'll see a metal tube jutting out from the wall with a
small vent covering it's end. Shoot out this small vent, then shoot out the
second vent inside. Swim inside for the secret and the Quest Item.
- To the left of where you acquire a space suit is a crate. Shoot the crate to
blow it up and enter the opening that was hidden behind it for secret #2.
- In Secret #1 area.
- 0
- Invisibility

- I'm not sure if this is one but near the beginning of this level in the area
adjacent to the Doc Salvage area on the right is an electromagnet. You can jump
while beneath it and you'll stick to it as if your fists are magnetic. If you
stay there too long the electromagnet will break off and crumble away. Maybe
there's just something here I'm missing.

"Space Bay"
- After the trash compactor, head up the stairs which curve to the right. On the
wall above you is a small vent. Shoot this out and climb up for Secret #1 and
the Quest Item.
- From below Secret #1, head up one flight of stairs, kill the baddie and up on
the wall you'll see another small vent. Shoot it out and climb up for Secret #2.
- In Secret #1 area.
- 7?
- ???

- In some of the jail cells there is a photo on the wall of a girl. Could this
be a programmer's girlfriend?

- From the level's starting point turn left. On wall in front of you will be
what looks like a window A/C unit jutting out from the wall. It looks like a
cube with vents on all sides. Shoot it away and climb up for Secret #1.
- In Secret #1 room, there is another A/C unit on the wall. Shoot it away and
climb up. Walk into next area and turn to your right. Two jumps away is another
A/C unit. Shoot it away then jump across to the opening that was hidden behind
it and enter for Secret #2.
- The remaining secrets are a bit tricky to locate. From the "Air Lock" control
panel where, if you turn it on while the baddies are in the air lock they will
all explode, go through the air lock and halfway through it will be a hallway on
your right. Take this hallway into the second air lock and turn left. Go
straight, PAST a right a turn, until you see a teleporter on the floor. Use the
teleporter. Now, follow this upper level path until it dead ends. To your left
is a gap. Jump across this gap, then look to your right. Shoot out the A/C unit
in front of you and enter for this hard to find secret. (If you drop down from
where this secret is to the lower level, you'll be very near the "Air Lock
Controls LOCKED" sign.)
- At the teleporter you use after the second air lock for secret #3, stop just
before using the teleporter. To your right will be a set of doors with a Babe on
them and a control panel. Directly behind you is Secret #4. As you face the
teleporter, with the Babe doors to your right, turn around 180 degrees. (Hit
Triangle) Look up. You'll see an A/C unit jutting out from the wall. Shoot it
away then climb up the glowing metal column on your left. Then from this point,
jump grab onto the little walkway where the A/C unit was. Climb up and enter the
opening for Secret #4 and the Quest Item. Use the Control Panel in this room to
open the doors to get out.
- From the "Air Lock Controls" control panel, where you saw all the baddies
blown up in the airlock, turn around 180 degrees (Hit Triangle). Look up and to
your left a bit and you'll see an A/C unit jutting out of the wall in front of a
small walkway. Behind it is Secret #5. Getting there is another matter. If you
have enough JetPack just fly up there.

If not, from this "Air Lock Controls" control panel turn around 180 degrees so
you're facing away from the airlock sign. Follow the path to your left (NOT
through the air lock) as it curves around to the right (don't take right path at
the fork). A short distance away you'll come upon a teleporter on the floor. Use
this teleporter. When you're through the teleporter you'll be on the upper level
with the "Spanky Monkey" below you. Face in the direction of the "Spanky Monkey"
then turn left. Follow this passage ALL the way around until it ends at a ledge.
In front of you is a gap with a little walkway and an A/C unit. Shoot away the
A/C unit and enter the opening that was hidden behind it for Secret #5.
- In Secret #4 room.
- 12 or 14?
- ???
- Try using one of the slot machines in the strip club or just outside it. I've
never won anything, but it may be possible to win ammo or ego or something.

- After first room with PigCops, before you turn left to enter the next room, in
the Deathstar-like area between rooms, straight ahead you'll see the lights on
the wall are different. Make a running leap through the fake wall to find a
secret area.
- In the Orangutan room, opposite the door you enter through, on the other side
of the room on the right, you'll see cracks in the ceiling in the corner. Shoot
this out and climb up for some Ego and ammo.
- After second room with PigCops, before you enter the next room this secret is
directly beneath you as you enter the area between rooms. Grab, fall and then
grab and climb up onto it's ledge, or to be safe use the Jetpack. You'll find a
Jetpack and some ammo. (It took me FOREVER to find this secret!)
- None (There isn't one listed in the pause menu.)
- 0
- Ending Movie and Invulnerability (see note below)

NOTE: For some reason, at least so far, the game refuses to save these unlocked
cheats after I complete the Combat level. Completing this level means finding
all the secrets and killing the boss. You'll get the Invulnerability and Ending
Movie cheats unlocked, but they won't be saved so you seem to have to complete
this level again to unlock those cheats (unless you use the button cheats to
unlock the cheats :) which doesn't make any sense. Maybe I'm just doing
something wrong.

4. EASTER EGG (General):
1) Let Duke stand unattended in a safe area for a while. He'll do a few funny
things and say something to you.
2) Talk to any Babe walking around. Duke and the Babe will have about four
different conversations. Also, your ego will get a boost of about 5 points
during some conversations.
3) Hit X while Duke is standing in front of a toilet for a 5 point Ego boot.
4) During the Ending Movie, you can see the development team's picture on the
5) During the end credits you'll see all sorts of interesting things in the
three tiny screens on the right. Too bad we didn't see this stuff in the game!
6) If Duke get's "blow'd up" then you use a continue, you'll often see Duke's
blood still dripping everywhere when you return to the area you died in. Maybe
it's not an Easter Egg per se, but it's still kinda fun.
7) On levels with sharks and water that you can drain, leave one or two sharks
alive and see what happens to them when the water is gone.

5. SECRETS (General):
1) Unconfirmed so far. Play through the game once and find all the Secrets and
Quest Items, then load that saved game and play through again using the Stealth
Generator to rescue all Babes on the levels BEFORE the level where you get the
Stealth Generator. This may or may not unlock the three hidden DukeMatches #7, 8
& 9. It seems like if you don't rescue a Babe, and she is killed, you need to
start a fresh new game, not from a save, in order to save her. Only Babes that
yell, "Duke Save Me!" may count. I just don't know at this point. The game keeps
crashing when I try to play through a second time so I can't confirm this yet.
It is interesting to note that upon subsequent playing, you can save Babes in
levels where your first time through you didn't have the Stealth Generator yet.
If these are not three extra DukeMatch levels then they are some more levels for
something. Pop the CD-ROM into your computer and you'll find folders 00-14 which
are the game levels and the training level, then you'll find folders 23-31,
which must be DukeMatch Levels, but 9 of them??? If you hunt around with a
GameShark Pro with the Memory Editor feature, you'll find some text about these
extra DukeMatches and even one that appears to say "DukeMatch 9: Unlocked".

1) Don't kill Babes.
2) When you hear a Babe yell, "Duke Save me!" find her quick and save her.
3) Don't Freeze yourself.
4) Don't use a cheat the first time you play a level. If you do use something
like Temp. Invulnerability or Double Damage you won't get a cheat unlocked even
if you find all secrets and the Quest Item. This may apply to cheats that are
activated only during the game and receive a Gunblast sound when activated.
5) Most crates don't have anything in them.
6) Flaming barrels will explode if shot.
7) Using the Energy Weapon at close range is useless.
8) Use the Throwing Knives (you have an infinite supply) to destroy crates to
save ammo when no enemies are around.
9) Any liquid other than transparent water is nearly instantly deadly: green
slimy stuff, red hot lava...
10) The Nightvision Goggles are only good for navigating to one secret and even
then you don't really need them.
11) If you restart a level after using all four of your continues you'll only
have basic weapons. It's better to load a saved game.
12) If you're in outer space and see a window leading to outer space, it's
generally a good idea to avoid it, especially if it's on the floor.
13) In my opinion the Freezer is the best weapon. It's cool to bounce a freeze
blast around a corner to nail a baddie, then quickly switch to another weapon
and shoot him to pieces. If you run up to a frozen baddie Duke will kick him
into pieces.
14) You can toss more than one pipebomb before setting them off. Just toss one,
then hit CIRCLE, then toss that one until you have as many as you want all over
the place. Hit X to detonate them all at once. Watch the game completely bog
15) Some things you need to destroy to open or go through take several shots to
destroy. Usually five at most, one at the least.
16) Save after each level into the same save file. The game may crash at any
17) You can't kill cloaked baddies until you uncloak them by shooting the
cloaking device.
18) Speaking of cloaking, don't shoot baddies with the Stealth Generator.
They'll turn nearly invisible. And although I can freeze myself with the Freezer
gun, I can't shoot myself with the Stealth Generator to make myself invisible.

1) The game locked up more than a few times. Mainly during the "Babes in
Distress" level but it also froze during the "Big Guns" level when I was running
and switching weapons simultaneously. It also froze up once near the end of
"Space Bay" during a big battle.
2) Once, during the final level "Combat" a PigCop was blasted with a pipebomb
through a window in the first room you encounter them and into outer space and
just stayed there floating, dead.
3) I fell through the game's textures a few times when navigating objects or
running into a corner.
4) Texture Meshes/Clipping is just horrible.
5) When MonkeyBaring someplace Duke seems to drift to the left.
6) When pushing an object for a little while Duke will drift to the right.
7) Once when the game crashed, the audio kept playing all the things Duke and
the Babes say. I heard a Babe remark, "Careful Duke, it's hot in here...like
you." I have yet to hear a Babe say that during the game.
8) Occasionally, albeit rarely, when Duke goes from one elevation to another
either by stepping up or by climbing up he'll suddenly be whisked away to
another part of that room. It's really disconcerting and a nasty bug if you
happen to reappear above some lava.
9) If the floor where Duke is has angles to the sides, sometimes Duke will hit
the angles when he's walking and just stop moving. Then it seems like you cannot
move him for a second or two before he'll start walking forwards again.
10) In the level "Big Guns" the ship flying around shooting at you occasionally
with it's laser beam will sometimes be able to shoot through a building and hit
you. Lame.
11) No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to kill all the baddies in some
levels. The final score always seems to leave one or two left. I'm not sure if
this is a bug or not.
12) In Level 8, "Silverback's Stronghold", there are three Babes in rotating
machines that you need to rescue. If you zap them with the Stealth Generator
before you stop them from spinning the game will not recognize that you have
rescued them until you hit the controls to stop the empty spinning machines. The
audio will have a hard time trying to keep up with the mix of Babe and Duke
13) Level 11, Space Port. The boss on this level is called "Motherbrain" above
her hit point meter while you fight her, but in the objectives in the pause menu
she's listed as "Hunter Killer Brain".
14) Sometimes, when I'm using the Look button to aim a shot, the gun and the
view will drift upwards on their own no matter how many times I pull it back
down. This happens with analog mode both on and off on the controller.
15) Level 12, Space Bay, in this low gravity environment, when Duke jumps up
from the water in the trash compactor the water will drop off of him as if in
normal gravity.
16) Level 12, Space Bay, the laser turret in the beginning of this level, where
you fight the MechApe was aligned properly and shot out the door but Duke still
remarked, "Oops. A little off target."

I'd like to add what Cheat is unlocked when you complete each level with all the
secrets and the Quest Item. Being the bonehead I am I completely forgot to do
this the first time through the game. At this point I'm not even sure what the
difference between Secrets and Quest Items is. A Quest Item just seems like an
additional secret in a way.

It would be great to include a specific list of "Duke! Save me!" Babes in here
as well, but I'll only consider that if they are more important than quiet
Babes. As a note, off-hand I seem to recall "Save Me!" Babes as being in levels
1, 2, and 3.

Until Next time!

W. Raider

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Land of the Babes

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Time to Kill

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