SaGa Frontier 2

SaGa Frontier 2

15.10.2013 14:53:19
Instructions FAQ
Control Pad - Move cursor
Left Stick - Move cursor quickly
Right Stick - Move cursor quickly
START - Pause
SELECT - Not used
CIRCLE - Confirm
X - Hold down while using control pad to move cursor fast
SQUARE - Not used
TRIANGLE - Not used
L1/L2 - Switch regions on Event Select/Rewind Chronological Table
R1/R2 - Switch regions on Event select/Fast Forward Chronological Table

Control Pad - Walk
Left Stick - Run
Right Stick - Run
START - Pause
SELECT - Not used
CIRCLE - Talk/Confirm
X - Cancel/Hold down while using control pad to run
SQUARE - Menu Screen
TRIANGLE - Quick Save
L1 - Equip Items
R1 - Equip Arts
L2 - Party Status
R2 - Character Status

Control Pad and Analog Sticks - Move cursor/Switch command screens
START - Pause
SELECT - Not used
CIRCLE - Confirm
X - Cancel
SQUARE - Display party's Hp and LP
TRIANGLE - Not used
L1 - Not used
R1 - Move target cursor to opposite side (ally to enemy or vice versa)
L2 - Not used
R2 - Not used

Control Pad and Analog Sticks - Move cursor/Switch displayed character
START - Initialize Key Config settings
SELECT - Confirm new Key Config settings
CIRCLE - Confirm
X - Cancel
SQUARE - Menu Screen (so you can choose a new option)
TRIANGLE - Help Message
L1 - Equip Items
R1 - Equip Arts
L2 - Party Status
R2 - Character Status

*The Analog Controller sticks can only be used when the LED light is on.
*The Analog Controller will vibrate even if the LED light is off. The
ON/OFF option for the vibration function is in the System Config option
of the Menu Screen.
*You can advance messages using the CIRCLE button.
*To go back to the title screen, press L1, R1, START, and SELECT at the
same time. This is called Soft Reset.
If there is no save data present on your memory cards when the game is
turned on, the first event of Gustav's storyline will start. If there is
save data present on your memory cards, the title screen will appear
with New Game and Load Game available.

NEW GAME - This option takes you to the Region Select screen, where only
2 events will be available, both in Merchemin. They are the first events
of Gustav's and Will Nights' storylines.

LOAD GAME - This option allows you to load save data from a memory card.
Pressing X takes you back to the title screen. Press left and right to
choose a memory card, up and down to choose a file, and CIRCLE twice to
confirm your choice.

QUICK START - This option loads the game at the last point you saved or
quick saved. Note: Quick Save data is lost if the system is reset, but
the Soft Reset is safe. (You can Quick Save by pressing TRIANGLE while
on the field. A box will appear asking you if you want to Quick Save.
The choice on the left is yes, and the one on the right is no. Use the
control pad to pick one, and press CIRCLE to confirm.)
EVENT SELECT - This shows you all the events in a region. To switch the
displayed region, press L1, L2, R1, or R2. To enter an event, move the
cursor over it with the control pad, and press CIRCLE. Completed events
have darkened text in their titles. To get to the Region Select, place
the cursor over one of the two circles in the lower corners of the
screen, and press CIRCLE.

REGION SELECT - This shows you a map of Sandail. To enter the Event
Select for a region, place the cursor over it and press CIRCLE. To get
to the Chronological Table, place the cursor over one of the two circles
in the lower corners of the screen, and press CIRCLE.

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE - This shows you a table of the events in Sandail.
To move forward in the table, press R1 or R2. To go back, press L1 or
L2. To return to the Region Select, place the cursor over the circle in
the lower right corner of the screen, and press CIRCLE.
On the field, press SQUARE to bring up the Menu Screen. The Menu Screen
appears as follows:
Party Status
Character Status
Equip Items
Equip Arts
Battle Style
Player Note
System Config
You can press SQUARE almost anywhere in the Menu Screen options to bring
the Menu Screen back up, so you can choose a different option. Also,
when you have the cursor placed on an art or item, you can press
TRIANGLE to bring up a help message, which gives information the art or
item. The information displayed for an art is as follows:
Attack # More Information
Duel Commands to Use (waza only)
The information shown for items is found in the ITEM option section

PARTY STATUS - This option displays a mini-status for each character in
your party. Each status appears as follows:
Name Sex Age
HP Current/Max
LP Current/Max
WP Current/Max (Recharge)
JP Current/Max (Recharge)
The box in the middle of the screen shows the following information:
Chips Crown

CHARACTER STATUS - This option displays a character's full status. It is
divided into 4 boxes. The box in the upper left shows the same
information about a character as the Party Status does. The box in the
upper right shows the character's skill levels, as follows:
Tai-jutsu Staff-waza Tree-jutsu Water-jutsu
Sword-waza Spear-waza Stone-jutsu Music-jutsu
Axe-waza Bow-waza Fire-jutsu Animal-jutsu
Waza and jutsu basically mean the same thing (art), but waza refers to
weapon techniques, and jutsu to magic, in this game. The exception to
this is Tai-jutsu, which means "body art" or martial arts. The box in
the lower left shows equipped items as follows:
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
The lower right box shows equipped arts as follows:
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
Slot 8
The line appears in different places for different characters. Newly
learned arts are placed in a slot below the line. So, if all the slots
below the line are full, the character won't learn arts in battle. Press
X to go back to the field. Press left and right to change the displayed

EQUIP ITEMS - This option allows you to equip items on a character. The
Character Status screen appears, but this time, the lower right box
shows items that can be equipped in the slot the cursor is pointing to.
Press X to go back to the field. Press CIRCLE to lock onto a slot/item.
You can then move to another slot/item and press CIRCLE to switch the
two slot/items' places, or press CIRCLE again to go to the item box,
which appears as follows:
Item 1 Uses
Item 2 Uses
Move to the item you want to equip, or Unequip, if desired, and press

EQUIP ARTS - This option allows you to equip arts on a character. The
Character Status screen comes up, but this time, the lower left box
shows the art types. Press X to go back to the field. Press CIRCLE to
lock onto a slot/art. You can then move to another slot/art and press
CIRCLE to switch the two slot/arts' places, or press CIRCLE again to go
to the art type box, which appears as follows:
Tai-jutsu Tree-jutsu
Sword-waza Stone-jutsu
Axe-waza Fire-jutsu
Staff-waza Water-jutsu
Spear-waza Music-jutsu
Bow-waza Animal-jutsu

BATTLE STYLE - This option allows you to change 3 things related to
battle. Press X to go back to the field. Go to the option you want and
press CIRCLE to choose. The top box contains the Battle Style options.
It appears as follows:
Member Change Turn Order Role
The middle box displays the characters on your Main Party, along with
the following information below them:
Turn Order
The first option is Member Change: Selecting this will make the Sub
Party box appear below the Main Party box. The Sub Party box shows all
of your extra characters, with their roles below them. Press X to return
to the Battle Style option box. You can use up and down to switch boxes.
Press CIRCLE when on a character to lock onto the character. Move to
another character and press CIRCLE to switch their places. The second
option is Turn Order: Press X to return to the Battle Style option box.
Go to the character you want to go first in battle and press CIRCLE. 1st
will appear under him/her. Repeat this for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, if you
wish. You can stop setting the turn order at any time by pressing X. A
box will pop up asking you if this is the turn order you want. Move to
the choice you want, and press CIRCLE. The left choice is yes, right is
no. This question will also appear if you set the turn order for all the
characters in the Main Party. Any member who doesn't have a specific
turn order set for him will be set on normal. If all your characters are
set on normal, they will go in the order of their speed. There is no way
to see characters' speeds. You just have to know who goes before who.
The third option is Role: Press X to return to the Battle Style option
box. Move to the character whose role you wish to set, and press CIRCLE.
A box with all the available roles will appear, as follows:
Role 1
Role 2
Role 3
Move to the role you want and press CIRCLE. Press X to go back to select
another character. I don't know most of the roles' names, let alone what
they do. You're on your own with this one.

PLAYER NOTE - This option allows you to view combos and arts you have
learned. Press X to go back to the field. Press left and right to
switch boxes, and CIRCLE to enter a box. You start on the combo box,
which appears as follows:
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
Slot 8
Press X to return to the box select. Press CIRCLE when on a combo to
lock onto it. Press X to return to the combo select. The box at the
bottom of the screen will display the attacks that make up the combo.
You can then move to another slot/combo and press CIRCLE to switch the
two slot/combos' places, or press CIRCLE again to bring up another box,
which appears as follows:
Combo Pocket
The Combo Pocket option allows you to store your combo data on the
Pocket Station, for viewing at a later time. Discard erases the combo
from the list, and Keep takes you back to the combo box. New combos are
placed below the line. The second box is the Custom Arts box, which
appears the same as the Combo box. You also have the same options as
with the combos. New custom arts are placed below the line. The third
box is the Arts List, which appears as follows:
Art 1 WP or JP cost
Art 2 WP or JP cost
Press X to return to the box select.

SYSTEM CONFIG - This option allows you to set various things. The
System Config menu appears as follows:
Sound Stereo Mono
Vibration ON/OFF OFF ON
Screen Position X # Y #
???Help OFF ON
Key Config
Press X to return to the field. Use the control pad to select an option,
and CIRCLE to confirm. Set Sound to the right setting for your TV.
Vibration ON/OFF is used to control the vibration function for an analog
controller. Screen Position adjusts the position of the Menu Screens on
your TV. "X" moves the screen up and down, while "Y" moves it left and
right. After choosing one of them, use up and down to set the position,
and CIRCLE to confirm it. I don't know what ???Help is. It must not be
anything seriously useful, since I've gone through without it on so far.
Key Config lets you change the function of the controller buttons, but
I'd recommend just leaving it alone. The original controls are good, and
you wouldn't be able to use this guide if you changed all of them.

ITEM - This option lets you disacrd, unequip, sort, and use you items.
The top box has the following commands in it:
Use Discard Unequip Sort Special
The middle box shows your items in like the following:
Item 1 Uses Item 2 Uses
Item 3 Uses Item 4 Uses
The bottom menu gives a description of the item. This varies for
different items. Weapons are:
Attack # Other information
Armor and accessories are:
Defense # ??? #
Other information
Press X to return to the field. Go to an option and press CIRCLE to
confirm your choice. The first option is Use: Move to the item you wish
to use and press CIRCLE twice. The second option is Discard: Move to the
item you want to discard and press CIRCLE. A box will pop up with asking
you if you want to discard the item. The top choice is yes, bottom is
no. Move to the one you want and press CIRCLE. The third option is
Unequip: A box of all the items currently equipped to your characters
will appear. Move to the item you want to unequip and press CIRCLE. A
box will pop up asking if you want to unequip the item. The top choice
is yes, bottom is no. Move to the one you want and press CIRCLE. The
fourth option is Sort: A box will appear with the following in it:
Choosing auto will sort your items quite nicely (and quickly), so I'd
recommend choosing auto. If you choose manual, you can sort the items by
pressing CIRCLE once to lock onto an item/slot, and then moving to
another item/slot and pressing CIRCLE. The old switch trick. You can
also do this in the Use and Discard options. the fifth option is
Special: This has something to do with the Pocket Station. You can
collect special items throughout the game if you have one. I guess you
can view them here.

SAVE - This option lets you save your game. Press X to return to the
field. Use left and right to choose a memory card, up and down to choose
a file, and CIRCLE twice to confirm.
When you run into an enemy, one of three things will happen: you will
enter a Party Battle, a Duel, or have a choice of a Party Battle or
Duel. If you have a choice of a Party Battle or duel, an enlarged enemy
will appear on the screen, along with a menu box. The following are in
the box:
Initiate Party Battle
Member 1's Name
Member 2's Name
Member 3's Name
Member 4's Name
If you wish to duel the enemy, move to the name of the character you
want to duel the enemy, and press CIRCLE. Otherwise, move to Initiate
Party Battle, and press CIRCLE.

PARTY BATTLE - At the beginning of each round of a Party Battle, a box
will appear with the following in it:
Issue Commands
Restore HP
Run (Does not appear on first round)
Move to the one you want and press CIRCLE. Issue Commands: Choosing this
will let you issue your commands for each member. Two boxes will appear
on the top of the screen. The box on the left has the current member's
name in it. The box on the right has the current weapon or accessory's
name in it. The box below the upper right box has the arts and other
commands available to the current attack type, as follows:
Regular Attack (weapons)
Art 1
Art 2
Art 3
The box to the left of that box shows the WP or JP cost as follows:
Cost/Current WP or JP
The box in the lower left corner of the screen shows the following about
the current character:
Current HP/Max HP
Current LP/Max LP
The box in the lower right of the screen shows information about the
current command chosen. Attack is usually first, then other information.
Pressing X takes you back to the beginning round commands if the current
character is the first to recieve commands, or takes you back to the
last character if this is not the first. Use left and right to change
weapons and attack types, up and down to choose one, then CIRCLE to
confirm. You must then choose a target for the attack or spell. Use the
control pad to choose one, and press CIRCLE to confirm. You can usually
press R1 when choosing a target to move the cursor to the opposite side
(ally to enemy, or vice versa). Repeat this process for all members.
Restore HP: If a character is not at max HP, he/she can sacrifice a LP
to restore all their lost HP. Move to the character whose HP you want
restored and press CIRCLE. When you are done, press X to return to the
beggining round commands. Run: Choose this command if you want to escape
from the battle. It doesn't always work, but there's no penalty if it
fails. TIP: If you want to learn more waza arts in battle, use normal
attacks. You can learn them by using other arts, but not as quickly. I
find the best way to learn new jutsu arts is by having a character use
the same spell every round of a battle, or at least use spells of the
same type. After battles, characters may get increases to their HP, WP,
JP, skill levels, and may learn new jutsu arts. Also, keep in mind that
characters regain WP and JP after every round of battle. You can find
out how much characters recharge by looking at their statuses out of
battle. The numbers in parentheses next to their WP and JP is how much
of each they recharge during battle. Use the recharging to your
advantage. You can use Arts that don't have costs higher than a
character's recharge without having to worry about draining your WP and
JP. Of course, if your enemy is fairly powerful, don't hesitate to let
loose with some powerful arts, even if they will use up a couple more WP
or JP than a character can recharge.

DUEL - This is a one on one battle between a member of your party and an
enemy. When a duel begins, a box with the beggining round commands
appears. These commands are the same except for one addition. The box is
as follows:
Issue Commands
Restore HP
Run (Does not appear on first round)
Weapon Change
The upper left box shows the enemy's name before you Issue Commands, and
the character's when you are issuing commands.
The commands box for the character is a little different this time. It
appears as follows:
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Weapon Elemental Jutsu
Charge 1
Charge 2
Charge 3
Charge 4
While every weapon has the same 4 charges, not every weapon has 3
different attacks. Some don't have the Weapon Elemental Jutsu either.
The Jutsu is a mini-jutsu blast with whatever elemental your weapon is.
If you have a Stone Knife, it'll be Stone-jutsu. If your weapon has no
elemental, then that slot will not even appear. The WP/JP cost box will
also appear next to the command the cursor is on. You can press X to go
back to the beginning round commands. Now, remember how I said you can
see the Attack and info of arts by pressing TRIANGLE while the cursor is
on them? Well, in the info, usually on the bottom line, is a series of
commands that are available when dueling. If you input these commands in
the exact order they are listed in the info section, the character will
probably execute the art. In fact, if you get lucky enough to pull off
an art that your characters haven't learned yet while you're in a duel,
it will be available to you after the battle. Provided you don't die, of
course. Anyway, you have to enter 4 commands, so go to the ones you want
and press CIRCLE to choose them. A box will appear asking you if these
are the right commands. The top choice is yes, bottom is no. Choose one,
and press CIRCLE. A warning when trying to pull off arts in duels:
sometimes, even if you entered the commands in the correct order, the
character will not perform the art. You will have the greatest chance of
pulling off an art if the character had it equipped when he entered the
duel. By the way, you can see a command's information in the box below
the command box. It will usually just have the Attack of the command.
Change Weapon: This allows you to change which weapon the character is
using. Move the cursor to the desired weapon and press CIRCLE. TIP: A
character's WP and JP recharge after every round of battle in duels,
like in party battles. Keep this in mind when planning on what attacks
to use. But, as I said before, if you need to, use powerful arts, even
if the character won't be able to recharge all the WP and/or JP he uses.

WEAPON TYPES - There are 6 types of items you can equip in the Weapons
slots of a character. They are : Sword, Axe, Staff, Spear, Bow, and
Shield. Shields often give a character a certain percentage chance of
dodging physical attacks.

ARMOR TYPES - There are 6 types of items you can equip in the Armor
slots of a character, 5 of which are divided into 2 sub-types. They are:
Head Gear (Helmets and Hats), Body Armor (Mail and Robes), Hand
Protectors (Gauntlets and Gloves), Foot Gear (Metal Boots and Shoes),
Full Body Armor (Full Mail and Full Robes), and Accessories. Full Body
Armor counts as having everything but accessories equipped. Therefore, a
character can only equip Accessories while wearing Full Body Armor.

ABNORMAL STATUS CONDITIONS - Sorry, no info one these right now.
SPECIAL THANKS TO... for telling me what the Combo Pocket option does!
Questions? Comments? E-mail me at, Subject:
SaGa Frontier II

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© 1999 by Kurt Zillgitt
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