Lunar: The Silver Star Story

Lunar: The Silver Star Story

16.10.2013 23:24:47
RENEWAL: March 7, 2002
AUTHOR : enigmaopoeia [ ]
[This Guide is copyrighted © by enigmaopoeia, 1999 - 2002.]
The latest updates are always at "GameFAQs" @

This Guide is in dedication to Mike Ram, probably one of the biggest Fans of this
Guide, he asks as much questions as I and he's amazing. =} *hugs Mike* THANK YOU~!!! I
haven't forgotten about you~! ^~


6.0 - LYRICS


VERSION 7.5 : March 7, 2002 [FINAL: 90.2 KB]
- I really hate to update this, I really do. But I gotta make this Guide
up-to-date with the layout I always use for my Guides. ^^;; Some new DYN?s
from Dan Xena, Death Mage, and Blitz. [You can read them in the VIDEO GAME DYN?s
section!], but they are the last ones -- I PROMISE! ^^;;

VERSION 7.0 : November 17, 2001
- I promised this'll be the final update last time, but I gotta get everything
filled out that was marked as a "???" and added some final information to make
it VERY complete! Such as General Datsin's DYN?s that I forgot to add a LONG
time ago, and Brian's theory about the Holy Water [Found at the end of section
2.0!]. I will not answer any e-mails to this Guide, they will be deleted.
Thanks to those who love and hate this Guide! Love ya guys~! ^^;;

Guide is "completed" no matter what anyone says! I just don't want to update
this any longer~! I got 6 Websites to manage~! Gimme a break! ^^;; [HOLY COW,
April 8th, 2000~??! MAN, I'M BAD~!!! =P ]

- Rearranged this Guide, and added and corrected some DYN?s [Most of them were
from Ray Almand, I don't know how to thank you!!!], and I finally uploaded this
damn thing!!! ^^;;

- Took out some things and added in some things. =P Gah, I kept forgettin' to use
my PSX Video thingy to look up the STRs. Probably next update. New comment and
some text corrections. I can't seem to use that damned PSX Video because my
computer doesn't fit the requirements. *grumbles* >=(

- Corrected the WinAmp-CD thingy and the "straight from the Official" part! =P
Now by that, my mistakes went from 175 to 173!!! x_X;; Gah, I have to overlook
myself sometimes -- but I'm too lazy, and I'm right now busy with Goemon's Great
Adventure! BANZAI BANZAI!!! Minor changes and a new comment! ^^;;

- Got rid of Section 12.0! ^^;; BANZAI! Also added one DYN? about Royce. One
new DYN? from Philip! Thanks! Hey, it's January 2000 and you know what that
means?! Yup, they stop the productions of LSSSC! ^^;; For what reason is
unknown, but it's kinda weird they stopped it right when it's Y2K. Heh heh . . .
Anyways, wrote a note to the part about the Holy Water-Cleansing Water thingy.
It's really weird! x.X;; Also corrected some minor things like spelling errors
and of the sort.

- Two new DYN?s from Gamer_7! THANKS! And also more new comments, heh heh. And
one more note added to section 9.0! Make neccessary changes because my pop'n
music Guide got accepted! ^^;; Added some stuff here and there . . .

- Added a real strange thing while messin' around with my CD Player and WinAmp!
Corrected Links. Added a new comment as well as a DYN? series thingy, and a DYN?
from Zak! Finally uploaded this new version to GameFAQs! x_X;;

- Added my pop'n music Guide to section 12.0. And added a new section which is a
little notice for those who are about to e-mail me.

- Added Kyle's Japanese name and Linked my other Website.

- Attempt to make a stab at discovering the mistakes in the Video Game starting
with those Anime Cutscenes in which I made a new category: DID YOU NOTICE IN
THE ANIME FMVS? I am NOT willing to replay LUNAR again since I'm already busy
with Star Ocean: The Second Story [HAH! I so far found two mistakes!], and
I'm typing up a "Did You Notice? Guide" for Bust A Move, Bust A Groove, and
Bust A Move 2 which should be ready around late October or early November.
Added another comment from my good friend, Bill! [Thanks for liking my Guide,
Bill! =P ] Added some new people to thank in my Thanks To section, added new
miscellaneous mistakes, and added some text here and there. Rearranged this
Guide, again . . . o_O;; I'm unsure if this Guide will ever be "COMPLETE" like
what LUNAR is! =P [Lame joke, I KNOW!] Gave this Guide a 800x600 viewing in
order to make it looks "shorter". Added one new mistake from Joe Levert!
Thanks, Joe! ^^;; Just added some miscellaneous things to this Guide that I
found about LUNAR from a Japanese Website as well as from RPGamer and from
common knowledge! ^^;;

- Added some things: Thanks To in the Credits, added some stuff into the
Introduction, rearranged this Guide, a new mistake in Did You Notice?
Miscellaneous, added new section called Check This Out!, and the full lyrics to
the Promo Song with all of my thanks to Deathy and Pegasus7!

- RELEASED THE GUIDE FOR THE PUBLIC! Finally finished that damned game and
finished the whole crapload of mistakes! BANZAI FOR ME! ^^;; Got my own
personal Home Page, so had to change the Links. And added a thing about Male

- More mistakes! GAH! Try correcting Track 09's lyrics.

- Bought the Official Strategy Guide and added more stuff to this Guide! Got
lyrics to Track 09 of the Music Soundtrack with help from Vagita35!

- Created the LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE - Did You Notice? Guide!


Welcome to my little Guide to one of the Games for the PlayStation, LUNAR: Silver
Star Story COMPLETE! This all started when I was reading the instuction manual from front
to back. Then I notice that there was a mistake when I was reading about Myght's profile.
The manual stated that he has two names: Myght and Might. An idea popped into my head as
I wonder what other mistakes has they made and, unbelieveably, I was able to spot over 100
mistakes in the instuction manual, CD cover, CD box cover, in the game, and many more!!! I
must got some REAL good eyes, eh? ^^;; Words just cannot describe this Guide, really!
^^;; Just call this your one source for things you will never seem to notice while playing
LUNAR such as lyrics, mistakes, and other stuff of the like! =P
Well, I do hope that you enjoy reading my quirky Guide. Thank you and happy
reading! WARNING: This Guide is strictly for entertainment purposes only! Another thing
to note: I know that mistakes like these are pretty common, not everyone is perfect! ^^;;
I've seen other Games with similar mistakes such as the Final Fantasy series, I just typed
this up because I wanted to do something "out of the ordinary" for once. =P You may call
my Guide "a worthless piece of shit" or you may call my Guide "one of the most innovative
non-FAQ Guide ever". I'll let you be the judge. This Guide is by NO MEANS attacking
LUNAR. I *was* addicted to LUNAR: The Silver Star for the Sega CD for 5 years, and I
have never even played that Game! x_X;; Sorry if my Guide "seems" to be offending LUNAR,
but I'm trying not to. I'm not the type to attack Video Game nor it's Creators. Think of
this Guide as "constructive criticism" by a Fan. Thank you for understanding. ^~
And to answer the burning question: NO, I WILL NOT DO A DID YOU NOTICE? GUIDE FOR
LUNAR II: ETERNAL BLUE!!! ^^;; Why? It's because after hearing so much crap Working
Designs has done, I lost respect for them. Sure, I'll play the Game -- but I won't enjoy
it as much because it's not up to par with the Japanese version. Yes, I don't like Working
Designs, I think they are one of the the worst company ever -- Hell, they don't even
translate their Video Games. They Americanize it up the wazoo. ^^;; Anyways, rejoice.


I know everyone is not perfect, and I do not blame them. I guess you can call me
paranoid or it's just the Virgo blood inside of me, but that's the way I am . . . Here I
list all the mistakes I was able to find and they are numbered as well as what others found
as well! THANKS! ^^;;
From SiberioS: "Don't take into account almost ALL (if not ALL) art within the
strategy guide and the various promotional/packaging stuff is pre-production art. Meaning
it's not meant to be 'right'. Same goes for the changed quotes within the game. The Guide
is finished before the game, meaning stuff like the dialogue text can, and usually will, be
changed." [MY NOTE: Yeah, as shown from the PERSONA 2 Eternal Punishment Guide. ^^;; ]

- On the front cover of the instruction manual, they forgot to add the word COMPLETE after
LUNAR: Silver Star Story.
- On page 2, 76, and 77, the Opening Song is really titled "Wings".
- On page 2, 78, and 79, the Boat Song is really titled "Wind's Nocturne".
- On page 21, Myght was mistakenly called Might! [This was the FIRST mistake that I've
ever noticed! ^^;; ]
- On page 21, I don't understand why they didn't show Taben's picture on his profile when
they show a small sketch of him on the upper-left hand corner of page 45? o_O;;
- On page 30 and 56, the currency symbol they used for Silver is wrong!
- On page 31, they failed to mention that not only Ramus doesn't have any special skills,
but Laike as well!
- On page 49, there is no such condition as Good, it was later replaced by the character's
Level! The only time I remember seeing the condition Good was back in LUNAR: The Silver
- On page 54, is it impossible to have Ramus in your party along with Mia?!? ^^;;
- On page 83, Working Designs stated that they decided to go with just audio for the
bromides is false. Luna's Bromide has her singing the Festival Song!
- [From Karniz Archada] On page 85, wasn't it weird that Royce and Xenobia is shown and not
Phacia? Isn't she part of the Vile Tribe as well?
- On page 86, it states that the walkthrough is "an abbreviated excerpt from the Official
Strategy Guide" yet still, I don't remember seeing a LUNAR Dictionary Excerpt in the
Official LUNAR Strategy Guide . . . ^^;;

- [From Joe Levert] When you're going to Meyrod to join the Thieves' Guild, Kyle says
you're there to join the Magic Guild. Odd, but true. [My note: Weird, I have yet to
notice this! o_O;; ]
- In Nanza when Kyle becomes a transvestite so he can get captured by the Vile Tribe.
Wasn't it weird that Xenobia said, "Ha, ha, ha! Hello, fools! Don't make a move or I'll
rip her to shreds..." and just when "Kyle" pushed away those Scythe Masters, then Xenobia
said, "Hey, what's happening?! Catch him! Quickly! What's going on here?" I mean, she
called "Kyle" a HER and then back to a HE?!? If Xenobia knew that it was a MAN, wouldn't
she stop pursuing him and go on to find other Singers!?!
- In Myght's Tower, there is a sign that is supposed to tell you what the password it, but
Nall says that it is blank. There was REALLY supposed to be a sign telling you what the
combination is to pass, but was forgotten to be in there by Working Designs. In order to
get anywhere further, just do a combination of the four: Star, Planet, Sun, and Moon
until you will get somewhere!
- [Face it, this is the BIGGEST mistake I've seen so far!] After you become a Dragonmaster
or after Nash made a hole in the Airship and you got the free engine, go to Lann and talk
to the boatsman there. The dialogue is so screwed up! When the boatsman was talking,
you see Jessica's face and EVERYTHING is messed up! And because of that, it's hard to
get Jess' Bromide 2! There is a flag that you must trigger in order to get her Bromide,
but unfortunately, I already finished the Game when it was posted! ^^;; You can read
about this in the "Gaming Intelligence Agency" Website:
- Did anyone think this is weird that the place where you fight Royce on the map compared
to the battlefield are VERY different??? x_X;;
- [From Gamer_7] HOW DID THE LAST BOSS GET SO TALL!!! Ghaleon is nowhere near that size
when you first see him!
- [From Philip B. Copp III] After Mel is turned to stone, go to the rightmost house on
Black Rose Street and talk to the Magician in the gray robe. Jessica is talking, but the
portrait shown beside the dialogue is Mia! [MY NOTE: How odd! o_O;; I rarely talk to
the villagespeople, so I could never notice this one comin'! =P ]
- [From Atenkate] After you first meet Nash (yeah when he is trapped) in old Hag House, If
you return there Nall will say "All that is in here is a banana, still hungry Nash", Nash
will answer "Are you talking??" [MY NOTE: That's mainly a response you would give to a
smartass cat, there's no mistake in that! =P ] The mistake occurs when you return to
old Hag House after Nash has left the party, Nall will say the same thing and he will get
no answer!! [MY NOTE: Maybe Nash got sick of talkin' to Nall? I know I would, but
still this is kinda odd! =P ]
- [From Jaron H.] Did anyone else notice that Dragon Protect's picture is of Nall!!! I
didn't check earlier in the game, but I checked when the wings still worked and it was
Nall!!! [MY NOTE: AWESOME~!]
- [From Mike Ram] Oh, and BTW, it's a small thing but you forgot to mention that in the
towns, the clouds make shadows on the ground but no shadows appear when you're on the
World map! [MY NOTE: TOO WEIRD~!]
- You can start a NEW GAME on either DISC 1 or DISC 2.
- [From Mike Ram] In their character portraits, Dyne and Alex wear red helmets, but not on
their outer map icons.
- [From Mike Ram] How come you can't open the treasure boxes in Ramus' shop?
- [From Mike Ram] The way the arrows fall on Xenobia's monsters near Tamur, there is no way
that Tempest and Fresca shot them from their position on the cliff!
- [From Mike Ram] When fighting the Black Dragon, everyone becomes paralyzed and is later
killed. But a few moments later when Alex becomes a Dragonmaster, all of a sudden
everyone is not only alive, but totally healed!
- [From Mike Ram] Ghaleon wastes yet another opportunity to kill Alex in the Grindery
(Before it moves)!
- [From Mike Ram] The Grindery makes tracks on the Moon's craters but it doesn't disturb
the trees or plains later on.
- [From Mike Ram] Another coincidence that Tempest and his group save Alex's party at the
exact time they needed help!
- [From Mike Ram] The way the arrows fall on the monsters near the Grindery, there is no
way that Tempest and Fresca shot them from their position on the nearby plains (Deja
Vu?)! [MY NOTE: Yeah, I experienced that too. o_O;; PERSONA 2 ETERNAL PUNISHEMENT!!!]
- [From Zak] On the outer map icon of Ramus, he has black hair whereelse in the Anime FMVs
and on his status screen, Ramus is a brunette! o_O;;
- [From Gamer_7] On the outer map icon of Mia, she has blue hair whereelse in the Anime
FMVs and on her status screen, Mia has black hair!
- [From GAMEFAN2001] Mia, Tempest, and Laike all suffer from this weird syndrome in which
one eye gets larger than the other in their battle stance? Weird.
- They kept Alex's original Japanese voice whenever he casts his Magic.
- [From Raijin52] After you have killed Ghaleon and rescued Luna, and you are in Meribia.
If you go into the room in Mel's castle with Jessica and to Mel's room, and talk to the
Guard. I think in the upper left corner he will say that Mel was inspired by the battle
between Vane and the Grindery and that is what inspired him to make a battleship . . .
(Not a quote from the Game) Here's the strange part, Mel was turned to stone so how did
he see it? [MY NOTE: I didn't notice that, but that sure is interesting! O_O ]
- [From Ricardo Ballin] Did you notice that after you save Luna from Royce, Phacia, and
Xenobia from the Crystal Tower, and after you talk to Lemia in the grand hall of the
Magic Guild in Vane. Before you leave for Meribia to escort Ghaleon to Quark, if you
talk to Mia before you leave Vane she will mention that she has to protect Vane from
- [From Mike Ram] When Luna sings to comfort herself, her mouth moves, but when the other
girls join in, their mouths don't move!
- [From Mike Ram] When Kyle defeats Xenobia's monsters, the screen says, "Alex's party has
won!," yet Alex is not involved in this battle! The same thing happens when Kyle fights
Plaster Mel.
- [From Mike Ram] Damon tells you to read all the books, but I did and he didn't do
anything. [MY NOTE: Mean ole' Damon. ^~ ]
- [From Mike Ram] When Alex and Nall meet Ghaleon for the first time, he turns around to
see them. Then, in the Anime FMV, he turns around again!
- The voice of Alex in the American version is Ashley Angel, better known as one of the
Singers of O-Town! o.O;; No, Boy Bands~!!! *runs*
- Most of the character's surnames has been removed from the American version though some
was kept such as Mia's and Jessica's.
- [From General Datsin] Before leaving for Vane, talk to the elderly man on Black Rose
Street, he tells you to stock up for your trip to Vane, and Nash says, "I couldn't agree
with her more, Alex." [MY NOTE: Nash is bad at telling genders. LMAO~!! ^^;; ]
- [From General Datsin] The West Nanza Barrier Guard says that nothing is worse than Kyle
in a berserked rage, except for my "mother on one" . . . On one what? I think he meant
to say is his mother-in-law . . . guess we'll never know for sure. [MY NOTE: It just
boggles the mind! ^^;; ]
- [From Blitz] I saw you didn't have down this one part when Evil Althena is bringing up
the Goddess Tower. Alex mutters under his breath, "Oh my God!" But there isn't a God in
the Game! [MY NOTE: GOOD OBSERVATION~!!! ^^;; ]
- [From Dan Xena] In Vane's Cave of Trial in one room from the lower level looking onto the
upper level you can see an Old Man next to a Priest and a door. But when you make it up
to that upper level, the Old Man has been replace with a Woman. [This is the same level
with the Austin Powers NPC!]
- [From Dan Xena] Ramus' hair is blue in the Menu, yet brown in the Movies.
- [From Dan Xena] In Quark's dialogue box, what's with the purple thing below the chin
where his neck should be? [MY NOTE: I wanted to say beard, but I'm unsure myself!]
- [From Death Mage] When you get to the Badlands, if you look aorund, you can see what
looks like a footprint. Considering that this is the Moon [Silver Star], isn't that
Armstrong's footprint? And what happened to the flag? [MY NOTE: HOLY ALTHENA! o_O;;
That's a good observation~!]


2.3a - "LUNAR Opening"
- In the beginning when it shows Alex's back, the handles of his backpack are wrongly
designed, but it was corrected when it shows his front! o_O;
- In the beginning when it shows an upclose of Luna's face with feathers around her, the
designs on her scarf are wrong!
- Around the beginning when it shows Luna's face as she is brushing her curls away from her
face, the designs on the scarf tied around her waist are wrongly colored.
- Around the middle when it shows Luna's face after Xenobia cast a spell, Luna's scarf is
wrongly designed!
- Around the middle when it shows Dragonmaster Alex's sword shining, the jewel is supposed
to be Diamond-shaped, not Opal-shaped; and the designs on his sword are wrong!
- Around the middle when it shows Alex holding hands with Luna just before White Dragon
Nall flies away, the designs on Luna's scarf around her waist are wrongly colored.
- Around the middle when it shows Alex holding hands with Luna just before White Dragon
Nall flies away, is it just me or I don't remember Alex having a sleeping bag tied to his
- Around the middle when it shows Alex and Luna riding White Dragon Nall in the Sunset,
Luna's scarf around her waist is wrongly colored.
- Around the middle when it shows Alex and Luna riding White Dragon Nall in the Sunset,
Luna's scarf is designed wrongly.
- Around the ending when it shows Alex and Luna holding hands as they race up a cliff, the
patches on Alex's shirt are supposed to be brown, not bluish-gray.
- Around the ending when it shows Jessica on a white background, the furs on Jessica's
outfit are supposed to be blue-black, not dark brown.
- Around the ending when it shows Kyle on a white background, his clothes are black, not
sienna brown.
- Around the ending when it shows Mia on a white background, they are missing designs on
Mia's sleeve!
- At the ending when it shows Alex and Luna at the cliff holding hands, Luna's scarf is
wrongly designed.
- [From Brad] In the Opening Movie in the game, listen carefully to the voice of Jennie.
Now go to Working Design's web site and download the Opening Movie from their Website.
Compare the two voices, and you will find many differences in the voice's pitch and
depth (especially on the line "When everything is pinned on a hope"). [MY NOTE: WOW!
Now this is note worthy. >=} ]

2.3b - "Alex at the Monument"
- At the beginning when Alex turns to talk to an exhausted Nall, they are missing the lines
extending from the buttons on Alex's surcoat.

2.3c - "Ramus Shows His Stripes"
- At the beginning in which you see an upclose of Ramus' face, the designs on his scarf are
- [In order to see this, you must have either GOOD eyes or record this onto a video tape.]
Just when Ramus is about to lunge at you with his eyes shining, press Slow-Mo and you can
see that on his scarf, one of the lines will change colors from red to yellow!?!?

2.3d - "Luna at the Springs"
- The place Luna sings the Festival Song looks nothing like it does on the map!
- You never get to see Luna with a basket full of flowers outside of the FMV! Where the
Hell did it go?!?
- The designs on Luna's scarf are wrong!
- Alex's Ocarina is wrongly colored.
- They're missing the lines extending from the buttons on Alex's surcoat!
- When Luna stands up and calls Alex "a silly" and all of that, isn't she worried that the
flowers in her lap would fall down? Or did she threw them into the Spring when it went
upclose to Alex playin' on his Ocarina?

2.3e - "Quark Awakens"
- [From Karniz Archada] Quark's hair keeps changing from curly to straight.

2.3f - "Laike's Introduction"
- Before Laike throws his cloak behind him, observe his sash, the designs will change!

2.3g - "On the Boat"
- [From Karniz Archada] Isn't it weird that where Alex and Nall were in the boat was no
where NEAR where he was standing in the FMV? o_O;;
- Luna's scarf designs are wrong!
- At some scenes, they will color the scarf around Luna's waist wrongly.

2.3h - "Enter the Kyle"
- The band around Kyle's upper-right arm is supposed to be yellow, not white.
- Right when Kyle was about to fall down drunk, you can see that the band on his upper-
right arm is missing.
- Right when Kyle was about to fall down drunk, you can't see his tattoo.

2.3i - "Jessica Speaks"
- When the camera focuses upward on Jessica, they mis-colored the bottom of the scarf tied
on her waist. It's supposed to be yellow, not blue.
- After the camera stops focusing upward on Jessica, they mis-colored the blue on Jessica's
hood to green! And when they show an upclose of Jessica's face, you can still see the
green hue in Jessica's hood! o_O;;

2.3j - "Ghaleon vs Quark"
- Luna's scarf designs are wrong.

2.3k - "La Kyle Aux Follies"
- They're missing Kyle's earring sometimes!
- The band on Kyle's upper-right arm is loose when it's supposed to be tight.

2.3l - "Althena's Spring 1"
- I don't think Kyle's crack was mosiaced out in the Japanese version.
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.
- It's weird that you can see this FMV in the disc swap trick of LUNAR, but not in the

2.3m - "Saviors on Horseback"
- The designs on Fresca's bandanna are missing.

2.3n - "Tempest's Indignation"
- Tempest is missing his bandanna.

2.3o - "A Frightening Dream"
- The designs on the scarf tied around Luna's waist are wrongly colored.

2.3p - "A Dragonmaster Born!"
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.

2.3q - "Vane vs The Grindery"
- They mis-colored the bottom of the scarf tied on Jessica's waist. It's supposed to be
yellow, not blue.
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.

2.3r - "Althena's Spring 2"
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.

2.3s - "Althena's Spring 3"
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.

2.3t - "Althena's Spring 4"
- Oddly enough, this FMV is kept in Japanese.

- [From Karniz Archada] On the cover, wasn't it weird that Royce and Xenobia is shown and
not Phacia? Isn't she part of the Vile Tribe as well?
- On pages 6 - 10, I'm unsure if anyone seems to bother about this, but I would like to see
also what can other minor characters can wear such as Ghaleon, Tempest, and Laike! Such
as they never put down who can use the Pixie's Bow! >=(
- On pages 55 and 56, how the heck can it be called Royce's Shop when she doesn't even sell
anything! I rather call it Royce's Hut or whatever -- NOT SHOP!
- On page 57, read the box with the caption "OFF LIMITS". There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you
can get to the right of the sewers from those three treasure chest by Mel's Mansion!
They probably meant to draw the red line toward the door labeled A-1, not the right of
the treasure chests!
- On page 60, even though this isn't a mistake, but in many Walkthroughs and Strategy
Guides I've read on LUNAR mistake this A LOT! The psycho who thinks that Jessica is her
sister is A GIRL! NOT A BOY! Get it right, dammit! It clearly states in the Video Game
that the person is a FEMALE! >=(
- On page 60, they forgot to tell you where you go if you go South of Althena's Shrine.
- On page 62, did anyone notice the word STORY STORY on the upper-right corner of the
bottom right map?
- [From Karniz Archada] On page 68, the WHOLE map is screwed up!
- On page 81, look at the STORYCHECK at the middle and notice the upper caption box with
the words "Jessica's so darn grumpy when she's about to be killed." has absolutely NO
picture to prove Jessica's grumpiness! The picture left of that caption is a scale-down
version of the map above! o_O;;
- On page 86, they forgot to state on the map where you go if you go South of Reza.
- On page 88, it states in the Animecheck that Althena's Spring 1 is Nash bathing in the
Springs and Althena's Spring 2 is of Kyle, Nash, Nall, and Alex bathing . . . is it the
other way around?!?
- On page 101, they state that the Red Dragon is a male whereelse Nall says that the Red
Dragon is female, and then later in the Game, it states the Red Dragon is male! o_O;;
I'm so confused!
- On page 102, there is no Animecheck for Hindenburg Redux.
- [From Karniz Archada] On page 106, the caption "DON'T DRINK THE WATER" is wrong. It
should've been more like "ROCK AND ROLL" or something. That caption "DON'T DRINK THE
WATER" was already used on page 73.
- On page 112, they state on top of the map that going North leads to Myght's tower when it
really leads to the Stadius Zone.
- On page 116, if you go north of the Forest of Illusion it leads you to the Stadius Zone,
not Tamur!
- On page 121, has anyone notice that they didn't do an Anime Check on the scene called "A
Dragonmaster Born"? [From SiberioS: It's already covered in the storycheck.]
- On page 123, there are no Animechecks for the Althena's Springs for females! [From
SiberioS: It's already covered in the storycheck.]
- On page 132, it has Kyle saying, "Let them go, you Wonderbra-wearing witch!" on the first
picture below the caption: "Groped By Xenobia!" I remember it more like him calling her
a wench or something on that terms. ^^;; [From SiberioS: That's because the Strategy
Guide is finished before the final Game is done, meaning there might be changes in the
Game after the Guides done.]
- On page 136, they used a wrong picture for the "Sneak Attack" scene.
- On page 138, they did it again; There is no Anime Check for the scene called "Vane vs The
Grindery"! [From SiberioS: It's already covered in the storycheck.]
- [From Karniz Archada] In the Strategy Guide on page 139 you cannot see the Blue Dragon in
the black spot indicated on the South-Eastern sector of A-4 passage. The Blue Dragon is
supposed to be shown (well almost), but it is instead black . . . but you CAN see the
other Dragons: Red, White, and Black on the A-5 passage.
- On page 143, feast your eyes on this juicy text found on the bottom picture under the
caption: "Family Feud"! I just LOVE this quote from Xenobia even though Phacia is one
of my favorite females in LUNAR! ^^;; It's so unfit for print that it's not even in the
Video Game! Damn, Xenobia . . .
- On page 153, you never said "You're right, Nall..." around when you are confronted by
your other halves by Xenobia.
- On page 155, the Anime Check called "Ghaleon Decends" was supposed to be here, not on the
back on page 159! x_X;;
- [FYI, the second biggest mistake! ^^;; ] On page 155, you never get 50000 experience
points from the Magic Emperor! Practically, you get NO EXPERIENCE from him!
- [Third biggest mistake!] On page 156, it states that you must have Alex's Ocarina in
Alex's inventory, but the only problem is that: YOU CANNOT GET RID OF YOUR OCARINA FROM
ALEX'S INVENTORY PERIOD! [NOTE: I recieved some e-mails about this mistake and now I
will state this: Yes, I know that you can give your Ocarina to Nall in the Demo CD of
LUNAR, but since the Official Strategy Guide is written for the FULL version of LUNAR,
they shouldn't have stated this, right? o_O;; ]
- There is no Anime Check for the "ending" ending! =P You know, the ending in which you
can see Alex and Luna hold hands with each other . . . *ick*
- On page 159, the Anime Check called "Ghaleon Descends" is supposed to be on page 155.
- There are no Animechecks when you attain the special Dragon equipment!
- [From Karniz Archada] On page 131 of the Official Strategy Guide of LUNAR that on the
first picture on the right-hand side underneath the caption: "Moral Dilemma" it has Kyle
saying, "If the guards see a bunch of humans running around, our jig is up!" BUT in the
Video Game, Kyle says, "If the guards see a bunch of humans running around, our gig is
up!" SO WHICH ONE RIGHT HERE: JIG OR GIG?!?! [From SiberioS: Noticing that the Guide
was done first before the Game, this is pretty common. =} ]

The majority of my DYN? comes from pre-production Artwork by request of SiberioS!
[NOTE: Most of the stuff I've listed are based on pictures on these pages in the
instruction manual: 10 - 23, 26, 30, 36 - 37, 39, 41, 47, 48, and 65; or by a majority in
which I see them in; or in the Video Game. ^^;; ]

- On the front cover, look at the sword Dragonmaster Alex is weilding. The arrowhead-like
hilt of his sword is colored silver when it's really is supposed to be gold like the rest
of the hilt.
- On the front cover, look at the red bands supporting Dragonmaster Alex's armor at the
middle. They are not supposed to have those zigzag marks.
- On the front cover, I shall not explain how wrong is Dragonmaster Alex's scabbard is!
The color and the designs, it's ALL wrong!
- On the bottom side of the box cover, look at Alex's backpack. The red triangles on it is
really supposed to be orange.
- Look at the back cover, they yet again mistakingly colored the arrowhead-like hilt on
Dragonmaster Alex's sword silver!
- Open up the box cover, now look at the background on the right side, you can see an image
of Dragonmaster Alex's sword. Now look at the bottom of his hilt, the very bottom design
is wrong. It's supposed to be a straight line design, not a small v-shaped one.
- [From Mike Ram] Look at the box of LUNAR. On the front cover there is a picture of an
evil-looking chick wearing a sorcerer's cap with zig-zag designs on the white part.
Now open up the velcro part of the box and look at the anime snapshots. One of them
shows the woman but the zig-zags on her cap are missing.

- There are different covers for every LUNAR Silver Star Story COMPLETE Game released?
Read Section 2.7 about them!
- The front cover of the CD has Dragonmaster Alex's sword all wrong: The shape of his
sword is not correct, it has no Diamond-like edge; the hilt is smaller than it's supposed
to be; and the design is supposed to be a straight line, not a v-shaped one!
- Open the first part of the CD in which you should see Disc 1, the cloth map, and the
Music Soundtrack. Take out Disc 1 and look at the back CD cover. Now observe Alex's
backpack, the red triangles on it are supposed to be orange.
- Look again at the back CD cover of Disc 1, the designs of Alex's ocarina is wrong. There
are supposed to have red zigzag-like patterns on the bottom which is absent in this
picture. It is also supposed to be white, instead of grayish-lavender.
- On the Music Soundtrack cover, Luna is supposed to wear small golden earrings in which
she doesn't here.
- Now open to the second part of the CD cover in which you should see Disc 2 and The Making
Of LUNAR CD. Look at the cover of Disc 2 at the sword Dragonmaster Alex is weilding.
The arrowhead-like hilt of his sword is colored silver when it's really is supposed to be
gold like the rest of the hilt.
- On the cover of Disc 2, the red bands supporting Dragonmaster Alex's armor at the middle
are not supposed to have zigzag marks.

- On page 1, Luna's scarf designs are wrong!
- On page 84, Luna's earrings are triangular when they are supposed to be round!
- On page 6, Luna's earrings are supposed to be small, not large!
- On page 6, Luna wears gold earrings, not white earrings!
- On page 10, the colors on Alex's ocarina is all wrong!
- On page 10, Luna's scarf designs are wrong!
- On page 11, the first "film-frame" on Luna's profile has her scarf's designs wrong!
- On page 14, the suit Kyle is black, not blue!
- On page 14, the first "film-frame" of Kyle has his earring missing.
- On page 15, the fourth "film-frame" on Jessica's profile has Kyle's dagger hilt colored
yellow. It's supposed to be black!
- On page 15, the drawing of Jessica has the marks on her face missing.
- On page 20, the designs on Fresca's bandanna above is not present as it is below!
- On page 24, the girdle Luna is wearing is supposed to be black, not golden-orange!
- On page 24, Luna's dress is SO off colored!
- On page 28, is it just me or did Quark gotten a haircut and grew out his fangs?!
- On page 20 and 72, Tempest is supposed to be wearing a bandanna!
- On page 36, Alex's buttons are orange when they are supposed to be red.
- On page 37, the hilt of Kyle's dagger is colored gold when it's supposed to be black!
- On page 37, Kyle's belt is sienna brown, not gray as it is in the picture.
- On page 37, the fur on Jessica's outfit are supposed to be blue-black, not gray!
- On page 41, Luna's scarf designs are wrong!
- On page 47, Phacia's hairband doesn't have a straight line as it did in the picture,
it supposed to be designs like the Vile Tribe's markings.
- On page 47, Royce's headband is supposed to have white designs on it instead of it being
completely red.
- On page 6, the sleeves on Jessica's outfit are shorter than they are supposed to be.
- On page 6, Luna's eyes are miscolored a brownish-orange when they are supposed to be
blue. [If you are planning to rebut me saying that Luna's eyes are colored that way
because of the Artist's style, I understand you. But then why are everyone else's eyes
are their normal color and Luna is the exception?! o_O;; ]
- On page 6, the fur on Jessica's outfit is a brownish-black when it's supposed to be a
bluish-black color.
- On page 6, the earring Kyle is wearing is on the wrong ear. He wears an earring on his
left ear, not right.
- On page 54, Alex has a band on his pant leg when he's not supposed to!
- On page 72, Tempest is supposed to be wearing a bandanna!
- On pages 78 and 79, the designs on Luna's skullcap is absent on some of the "film-
frames" below!

- On the cover, Luna's skullcap and scarf are supposed to be colored orange, not red.
- On page 2, Alex's buttons are supposed to be red, not orange.
- On page 3, the hilt of Kyle's dagger is colored gold when it's supposed to be black!
- On page 3, Kyle's belt is sienna brown, not gray.
- On page 3, the fur on Jessica's outfit are supposed to be blue-black, not gray!
- On page 4, Phacia's hairband doesn't have a straight line as it did in the picture, it
supposed to be designs like the Vile Tribe's markings.
- On page 4, Royce's headband is supposed to have white designs on it instead of it being
completely red.
- On page 12, look at the three sketches of Luna. Let me tell you that the middle one is
the correct sketch of her! The other two has the designs on her scarf wrong! Look at
Luna's scarf in the middle sketch and compare it to the other two!
- On page 16, on the "film-frames" of Ramus, the designs of Ramus' scarf are wrong.
- On page 16, on the second "film-frames" of Ramus, one of the lines on Ramus' scarf are
wrongly colored.
- On page 17, the designs on Luna's scarf is wrong! Look at the middle sketch on page 12
to see how Luna's scarf is REALLY supposed to look like!
- On page 17, when the heck did Luna ever wear LIPSTICK!!!
- On pages 49 and 50, notice that the drawing of the boat below on page 49 looks NOTHING
like the one in the upper-left corner on page 50!
- On page 63, the sketch of Phacia has her brooch wrongly decorated! Her brooch is not
JUST a circle, but with more designs on it!
- On page 63, Royce wears two earrings, not one!
- On page 84, the picture on the bottom-right corner has Luna's scarf designs wrong!
- On page 87, the zig-zag patterns on the bottom of Alex's Ocarina are supposed to be blue.
- On page 87, Luna's scarf design is yet again wrong!
- On page 87, the tip of Alex's boots are supposed to be a bluish-gray color, not a very
light whitish-brown!
- On page 102, the color of Kyle's breastplate is darker than it's supposed to be!
- On page 102, Jessica's brooch is half-way completed!

- Most of my friends don't know what the Bromides are useful for! o_O;; If you happen to
have a Bromide, equip that Bromide onto their significant other such as Luna's Bromide to
Alex, Mia's Bromide to Nash, and Jessica's Bromide to Kyle. It will make their Wisdom
increase by one point!!! ^^;; [It doesn't work the other way around such as Nash can't
be equipped with Luna's Bromide!] Oddly enough you can equip Xenobia's, Phacia's, and
Royce's Bromides, but you won't gain anything from it. And another thing a Bromide can
be used for is to go to Use Item and select the Bromide to see some real delicious eye
candy! =P
- [From Brad] I noticed that you said that you don't know how to trigger the flag to get
Jess' Bromide 2. Well, I'll tell you. When you go to Lann, get on the boat and sail to
Lann Island, but instead of beating Zoc, go back on the boat and sail back to Lann. Then
talk to the boat guy until he compliments Jess on her beauty. <-- THIS IS THE FLAG!
After he says this, go back to Lann Island and defeat Zoc, then wait until WAY later in
the game, and AFTER you kill the black dragon, but BEFORE Nash destroys the engine, go
back to Lann with the White Dragon Wings, and talk to the boat guy a few times, and then
he will give you Jess' Bromide 2. [MY NOTE: WOW, THANKS BRAD~!! *hugs him*]

- Here is a short Guide on how to get the Bromides:
Jess' Bromide 1 After Jessica joins talk to her "sister" at the Shrine twice.
Jess' Bromide 2 Talk to the boat master in Lann after you first become a Dragonmaster.
Jess' Bromide 3 Able to buy it from Ramus.
Jess' Bromide 4 In Kyle's bed after he defeats the demons, but before he joins.
Mia's Bromide 1 Nash's initial equipment.
Mia's Bromide 2 In Vane prior to destruction. In the mansion, go to the eastern-most
classroom on the first floor. Talk to the Fan Club Leader at the back
left desk a couple of times.
Mia's Bromide 3 After Nash destroys the airship engine, but before you head back to
Myght, go to Iluk and talk to the person who wanted to photograph Mia.
Mia's Bromide 4 Able to buy it from Ramus.
Luna's Bromide 1 Able to buy it from Ramus.
Luna's Bromide 2 In Alex's basement on a shelf. Anytime after Luna leaves the party.
Phacia's Bromide At Althena's Shrine after Phacia reveals herself. Talk to the Head
Priest twice.
Royce's Bromide Talk to one of the Magicians on Black Rose Street right after Mel is
turned to stone.
Xenobia's Bromide After finishing up the Grindery, go back to the room where you had the
opportunity to save the Vile Tribe Miner. Talk with the Miner on the
lower left side, and he'll give it up to you.

[NOTE: These are short descriptions for the CD Covers of Disc 1 and 2 of LUNAR Silver Star
Story COMPLETE. The Music and Making CDs all have the same cover! ^^;; I am not
going indepth with this section! ^^;; ]
- VERSION 1: Dragonmaster Alex, Nall, and the Four Heroes.
- [From Vagita35] VERSION 2: Luna and Althena.
- [From kenomac] VERSION 3: Alex, Luna, Nall; and Ghaleon, Mia, Nash, and Dragonmaster
Alex: "disc 1 has alex luna and nall on some sort of red background and nall looks he
was drawn by someone who didnt do the art for the game! disc2 has gahleon in a sepia
tone with nash and mia in color and it has alex getting the dragonsword on the top part."


While I was writing this DYN? Guide, I wrote:
- On page 63, wasn't it Antidotes that neutralize poison, not Holy Water? And isn't Holy
Water supposed to be Cleansing Water!? [MY NOTE: Mora told me that it was Holy Water
in her version of the Game, but it was called Cleansing Water in my version! Weird!]

Brian was so nice to reply to me about it:
- In your "Did You Notice?" Guide for Lunar SSSC you mentioned that in some versions there
was an item called Holy Water, and in others it was called Cleansing Water. Well, after
extensive research* [* = Sheer coincidence], I discovered that both items are in the
game. Holy Water cures all conditions, while Cleansing Water cures only paralysis.
There you have it; hope that helps; and sorry if I just destroyed one of your fun little

THANK YOU SO MUCH, BRIAN!!! ^^;; Now there we have it~! And I didn't mind it
deleting my DYN?, but hey, it's something to note. Weird that I never got a Cleansing
Water. -_-;;


Here are the name changes from the Japanese version to the American version. I do
not own the LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE Artbook to make this accurate, so I have to
use the best of my translations. =}

The Hero Alex Noah Aresu=Noa Alex
The Heroine Luna Noah Ruuna=Noa Luna
The Dragon of the Hero Nall Naru Nall
The Hero's best friend Ramus Farmain Ramusu=Faamain Ramus
The ancient White Dragon White Dragon Fydi Hakuryuu Faidi Quark
The mysterious man Lake Bogard Reiku=Bogaado Laike
The arrogant Magician Nash Rumack Nasshu=Ruumakku Nash
The evil Fortune Teller Batanin Lowis Batanen=Rouisu Royce
The nice Sister Faithia Feishia Phacia
The evil Overlord Ghaleon Gareon Ghaleon
The young Magician Mia Ausa Mia=Ousa Mia Ausa
The tomboyish Shaman Jessica Alkark Jeshika=Arukaaku Jessica de Alkirk
The brash Swordsman Killy Kirii Kyle
The evil Shapeshifter Zenobia Zenobia Xenobia
The prairie Archer Temjin Temujin Tempest
The Archer's girlfriend Philia Piria Fresca
The Dragonmaster Dyne Dain Dyne
The grumpy Inventor Mait Farn Maito=Faan Myght
The possessed mother Lemilia Ausa Remiria=Ousa Lemia Ausa
The evil Singer Black Luna Buraku=Ruuna Dark Songstress
The Goddess Althena Arutena Althena
The Shaman's father Mel de Alkark Meru=de=Arukaaku Mel de Alkirk


Here are the list of the Seiyuus and Voice Actors for LUNAR: Silver Star Story
COMPLETE. To know about the Seiyuus, I suggest you go here for the best information about
them and the roles they did!:

Alex Noah /Alex Akira Ishida Ashley Angel
Luna Noah /Luna Kyoko Hikami Rhonda Gibson
Nall /Nall Junko Hagimori Jackie Powers
Ramus Farmain /Ramus Yasuhiro Takato Nancy Davis
Fyde /Quark [UNKNOWN!] Hal Delahousse
Lake Bogard /Laike Akio Ootsuka Blake Dorsey
Dyne /Dyne Kiyoyuki Yanada Blake Dorsey
Nash Rumack /Nash Daisuke Sakaguchi Lief Huckman
Mel de Alkark /Master Mel Yuusaku Yara Keith Lack
Batanin Lowis /Royce Machiko Toyoshima Jenny Stigile
Faithia /Phacia Sakura Tange Paula Angel
Ghaleon /Ghaleon Kiyoyuki Yanada John Truitt
Mia Ausa /Mia Ausa Youko Asada Jackie Powers
Jessica Alkark/Jessica de Alkirk Haruna Ikesawa Melissa Gulden
Killy /Kyle Tomokazu Seki John Haas
Lemilia Ausa /Lemia Ausa Aya Hara Dixie Garrett
Zenobia /Xenobia Aya Hara Katheryn Kirk
Temjin /Tempest Yasunori Masuya Chad Letts
Philia /Fresca Sakura Tange Melissa Gulden
Black Luna /Dark Songtress Kyoko Hikami Rhonda Gibson
Mait Farn /Myght Yuusaku Yara Dean Williams


I know that Working Designs state in their instuction manual on page 82: "Our
biggest goal was to make a soundtrack CD that was listenable from beginning to end, with
no 'dog' tracks. One question people may ask regarding the soundtrack is 'Why no track
names and numbers on the label for reference?' This was a conscious omission to encourage
people to listen to the CD as a whole, beginning to end, and not pick and choose. Don't
hate us because we're control freaks!" And I don't hate them! They did encourage me to
listen to the CD from beginning to end, but not because that they "encouraged" me, but I
always listen to a CD from beginning to end, AND THEN I start picking and choosing! =P

TITLE - LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE Music Soundtrack.
TOTAL TRACKS - 24 Tracks.
RUNNING TIME - 00:54:59

Track 01 00:01:50 "Opening Theme"
Track 02 00:02:19 "Burg"
Track 03 00:02:03 "Overworld Arrange 1"
Track 04 00:01:31 "Tumultuous Seas"
Track 05 00:01:51 "Toward the Horizon"
Track 06 00:01:09 "Boss Battle Theme"
Track 07 00:01:28 "Ghaleon's Theme"
Track 08 00:01:30 "Grindery"
Track 09 00:01:42 "Opening Song from Sega CD"
Track 10 00:02:39 "Magical Weapon Nash"
Track 11 00:03:21 "Determination"
Track 12 00:03:11 "Meribia"
Track 13 00:01:26 "Recollection"
Track 14 00:01:09 "Mysterious Party"
Track 15 00:01:44 "Overworld Arrange 2"
Track 16 00:03:08 "Go Go Go!"
Track 17 00:03:27 "Mysterious Cave"
Track 18 00:03:25 "Four Heroes"
Track 19 00:03:00 "Reach for the Front"
Track 20 00:01:39 "Battle Theme"
Track 21 00:02:05 "Thieves' Bazaar"
Track 22 00:02:27 "Sad Piano Theme"
Track 23 00:03:03 "Luna's Boat Song"
Track 24 00:03:52 "Lunar Theme Arrange"

6.0 - LYRICS

Here are the North American Lyrics to our favorites vocal tracks from LUNAR! There
are three Songs that can be heard on the Music Soundtrack: The Opening Song, the Promo
Song, and the Boat Song! I personally love all three of them! [NOTE: If you are
wondering why I call Track 09 the Promo Song because in the promo movie of LUNAR: Silver
Star Story COMPLETE in Japan had this Song playing in the background, but it was in
Japanese! ^^;; And yes, I have been informed that it is the Opening Theme in the original
LUNAR, but in LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE, it is the Promo Song! Enough said!]:

[NOTE: Thank you VERY much, Deathy, Brad, and Pegasus7 for the Lyrics! ^^;; ]


In your dreams,
magical thoughts . . .

All things are real
unless you dream they're not.

In your dreams,
love is the plot
carried on wings of hope.

Each of our souls
intertwine, when we do.

Instantly we see it
the time to grow and be it
when everything is pinned on a hope.

Let rise the dreams of your heart,
that innocent youth
careless and kind.

Free to roam the breeze in love
only when two
brilliantly shine as one . . .


When all the land is peaceful
and there is no
real threat to us at last.

Then comes the time for love
two hearts colliding
into one great hymn.

But there are winds foreboding
and there is a
dark storm that soon will pass.

Kiss me my love, then go
the time for
valor has returned again.

On though the night
Keep marching on...

Through the darkness
All is evil
still we must press on

forged in battle
watch your backs now
take heed!


Through the darkness
All is evil
Still we must press on

toward the power
that enslaves us
yet we are not done.

toward the climax
of the battle
to return to love.

'gainst the power
evil forces
take heed!!


Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping it will come today.

Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe there is hope.

Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me, but,
There's a hole within my soul.

What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?

I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need,

Is my star to come . . .


This is just a compile of miscellaneous things I as well as others happen to find
out while playing around the game or reading the manual, etc. that just doesn't seem right,
IMHO, or things you'd naturally wonder about about LUNAR! ^^;; :

- [From Karniz Archada] Isn't it weird everyone says that Alex is the next Dragonmaster
because they can foretell it since he has the green eyes. But how can Dyne become a
Dragonmaster when his eyes are the color of brown!?
- Isn't it just weird that all of the couples that the girls have eyelashes while the boys
don't with the exception of Nash and Mia in which NASH has the eyelashes and Mia
doesn't! ^^;;
- NOT EVERY GIRL IN LUNAR HAS A BROMIDE! With the exception of those villagewomen and
other minor characters! =P Here are the women of LUNAR without a Bromide, but one might
want to see one of: Lemia, Fresca, Althena, and . . . KYLE IN DRAG! =P
- For us female RPG players out there: WHY CAN'T WE GET TO SEE MALE BROMIDES!?!? C'mon,
we gotta let us girls have some of the fun! Hey, girls, you HAVE to agree with me on
this one! I wouldn't mind to see some Tempest Bromides myself! ^^;; ] UPDATE: You
can get Male Bromides in the Lunar II: Eternal Blue remake for the PlayStation! I so
far seen Leo's, Ghaleon's, Hiro's, Ronfar's, and Nall's. All I gotta say is that I
REALLY like Ghaleon's and Nall's Bromide, but I don't like Leo's. He reminds me too much
of Tuxedo Mask for some dumb reason. -_-;;
- This is my rant: Why can't I see Tempest bathing in the Springs! WHY!?! >=(
- [From Karniz Archada] Why is it that whenever you look through Jessica's or Mia's stuff
that their significant other yell at you, and not Jessica and Mia themselves?
- Why do in the Making of LUNAR CD do they pronounce LUNAR as "LOON-NAR"? I don't remember
pronouncing a lunar eclipse as a "LOON-NAR I-KLIPS" . . . I remember pronouncing it like
this, "LOON-ER I-KLIPS" . . . I pronounce it as "LOON-ER". [NOTE: I know since the
Japanese pronounce LUNAR as "RUU-NAH", but shouldn't Working Designs Americanized it as
"LOON-ER" as they did with everything else?] And this is from Matt Dameron: He said
that why they pronounce it as "LOON-NAR" because it is their way of sayin' the name of
their World. Sounds reasonable enough. =}
- Phacia must be the oddball sister because Royce and Xenobia both have blonde hair, and
she has gray hair. Phacia looks a little bit more like Ghaleon's sister than Royce's and
Xenobia's! ^^;;
- I wonder how Lemia can have dark brown hair when she was young, and grew to have golden-
orange hair??? I didn't knew hair dye existed in their World . . . o_O;; [Probably she
has been out in the Sun a little bit TOO long! =P ] Ramc said: After the Blue Dragon
tells you to go get the Helmet, talk to him a bunch of times. Among other things, he
tells Mia that she looks a lot like her mother Lemia, and to "check her roots, because
she isn't a natural blonde". :)
- [From Karniz Archada] Why is Kyle's crack mosaic out and not Nash's?
- [From Karniz Archada] Where in LIFE did those Lyrics in "Wind's Nocturne":
come from??? Is it Nall in the BG???
- Why can't Tempest be one of the permanent party members! He was kinda kewl in The Silver
Star in which he has three Skills, and all we got in Silver Star Story COMPLETE was two
dinky Magic spells and they weren't even good eye candy for me! Why, oh why did they
have to destroy my Tempest SO MUCH! Gah! [Can anyone tell that I like Tempest VERY
MUCH? ^^;; I just HAVE to be Tempest's number one fan!]
- This is just my pure ranting due to my knowledge of Japanese: Why do they call Earth the
Blue Star when if you think about it, the Blue Star in Japanese is Aoi Hoshi which IS
translated as the Blue Star, but knowing the word Hoshi can also be translated as Planet
[if you know what I mean if you have translated the Lyrics in the Final Fantasy VII OST
or translated the Lyrics to "Pure Again" from Breath Of Fire III]. So, what does sound
better: The Blue Star or the Blue Planet? I think the Blue Planet sounds a lot better.
Please don't start a thing that back then the Planets were once called Stars. I just
think that the Blue Star should have been called the Blue Planet, and LUNAR should keep
the name: The Silver Star. ^^;;
- [The information here was from RPGamer] Working Designs is going to stop the productions
of LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE on December 31st, 1999, but for what reason? Kinda
odd they stop the production around the eve of year 2000 . . . ^^;; Ooh, Y2K~! [From
SiberioS: To make it a collectors' item simply. They'd rather make it harder for people
to get the Game then to see it in bargain bins somewhere.]
- From polls I've read, Ghaleon was voted the most kewlest Boss. o_O;; I'm still tryin'
to figure out how is that possible because Ghaleon has the most BORING Final Boss Music
ever [I rather sing "One-Winged Angel" from FFVII], he has a VERY annoying voice over [I
think listening to Rimsala's laugh from Arcana is pure bliss! =P ], he's pretty wimpy
for a final Boss, and who likes a final Boss with readable moves?!? But I have to give
credit for Ghaleon because: 1.) He didn't follow the "Final Boss" rule in which once the
Final Boss is dead, there is always a final FINAL Boss such as Ganondork for example!
2.) He died when he's supposed to. And 3.) He's Ghaleon, 'nuff said! =P See, Ghaleon
is kewl, but not to the point in which he's the number one Final Boss. Hell, Black Luna
was even kewler than him IMHO! x_X;;
- Magical Weapon Nash did not have a long lifespan. =( C'mon, we all want to hit that
cute and annoyin' prissy pretty-boy some more, don't we? Die, Nash, die! ^^;; [Don't
mistake me, I love Nash to death, but that boy has got some MAJOR problems!]
- Not enough of Tempest! ^^;; *gets smacked*
- Now move the cloth map aside in which you can look at the cover of the Music Soundtrack.
To explain the change in running time from the CD to WinAmp can only be better explained
by Adam Durham and this is what he typed: "I can explain one thing for you: The running
time discrepencies, for the soundtrack CD. Most music CDs today have a "pre-gap" of about
two seconds or so at the beginning of each track; standard CD players will include this
time in their running time calculations, but some computer programs like WinAmp won't.
So, the running time that's on the CD and reported by WinAmp is the running time without
the pre-gaps; the running time reported by your CD player is running time with the
pre-gaps. Hope this clears that up for you." [MY NOTE: OH HELL YEAH, THAT CLEARS UP
EVERYTHING! O_O;; I'm practically speechless . . . ]
- The cloth map is just completely useless, it is only a cute trinket to hang up on your
wall. ^^;; I found the Dragon Warrior map that came with the Game more useful! =P
- [From Mike Ram] Why doesn't someone attack Dark Songtress while she's singing the Dark
Song on the Grindery?
- [From Mike Ram] Why is Nall the only Dragon who can transform?
- [From Mike Ram] I don't understand how one song can hurt an entire village (Except
Backstreet Boys :) ) [MY NOTE: LOL! That's cold! ^~ ]. Not only that, but only
certain people get hurt by it rather than everyone in the area!
- [From Mike Ram] If Alex is so attached to Luna then why doesn't Xenobia shape-shift into
her form (Like she did with Lemia earlier) and get close to Alex so she can kill him?
[MY NOTE: Rules of villains number one: They are NOT as smart as the Heroes! ^~ ]
- [From Mike Ram] Why do Tempest and his group block Alex's exit from the Grindery? Don't
they know Alex and the group might have to recuperate?
- [From Mike Ram] Pretty weird that Phacia hapened to show up at the Blue Dragon Cave at
the exact same time as you do. Why didn't she kill it earlier? Was she too busy
listening to Luna's Song?
- [From Mike Ram] Weird that Jessica and Kyle, and Nash abdMia happen to sing the same
Festival Song. It's Alex and Luna's personal Song, so how do the others know to sing it?
- [From Mike Ram] You meet the Thief that stole your Dragon Diamond deep in the sewers.
Did he have to fight all the monsters along the way as well?
- [From Mike Ram] If the people in LUNAR are decendants of us, how come they are
technologically inferior? On the one hand, they live on the Moon and can cast Magic.
That's superior to us. On the other, no one has cars, cell phones, or the Internet. (No
porn for Nash :@ ) [MY NOTE: *hugs Mike* LOL!!!]
- [From Mike Ram] All the male and female characters have the same taunts, battle cries,
and prayers in battles. This makes it sound like Luna is still with you even though it's
supposed to be Mia or Jessica.
- [From Mike Ram] Several women in the game can sing to you, yet they all sing the same
Song! And only the dancer in Meryod really sounds different. [And doesn't the Song
sound like the "Smurfs" theme? LA LA LALALALA LA LALALALA...] *sings along*
- [From Mike Ram] Why has no one tried to take the sword out of the stone in Dyne's
monument yet? :|
- [From Mike Ram] Why do some of the forests have monsters while others don't?
- [From Mike Ram] Isn't it convenient that as you progress further into the game the
enemies happen to match your strength?
- [From Mike Ram] How does everyone know the names of the enemies/bosses?
- [From Mike Ram] When you first meet Mia, she's crying. Why? Yet neither Alex nor Nash
seem to care!
- [From Mike Ram] Where in Quark's cave did Laike find the Dragon Wings? Behind Quark?
- [From Mike Ram] Kyle breaks out of Royce's spell by yelling, yet Alex yells the same
thing when he does a special attack, so why can't he break out too?
- [From Mike Ram] How does Plaster Mel move?
- [From Mike Ram] If Plaster Mel is made out of stone like Mel then wouldn't one hit from
Kyle's weapon crack him into bits?
- [From Mike Ram] After Plaster Mel is defeated, everyone turns back to normal. Why
doesn't Royce leave them as statues?
- [From Mike Ram] If Royce wants to kill the party why doesn't she stop playing around and
KILL THEM with her power? Same thing with Phacia and Xenobia.
- [From Mike Ram] In Damon's Spire, Jessica heals a man with her magic, yet no Magic Points
are deducted from your inventory.
- [From Mike Ram] Is Lily's grandfather stupid or something? Why would you place your
grandchild's room BEHIND A BAR and RIGHT NEXT TO a seedy Thieves Guild?!?
- [From Mike Ram] Where does Kyle hide the balloon maker's Big Fluffy Bug?
- [From Mike Ram] The balloon maker allows you to sleep at his house, but there are only 2
beds. I would guess that Jessica and Mia slept in the beds, but I doubt Nash would sleep
on the floor!
- [From Mike Ram] My PS must be REALLY messed up. The text appears after Jessica and Kyle
sing, but DURING the song between Nash and Mia! So apparently they can sing and talk at
the same time! I replayed that scene over and over and it keeps happening. :{}
- [From Mike Ram] You meet the Thief that stole your Dragon Diamond deep in the sewers.
Did he have to fight all the monsters along the way as well? [MY NOTE: Nah, usually
monsters ignore the weaklings. =P Especially those who stole Dragon dung. =P ]
- [From Mike Ram] Why is it that in almost all RPG's you can just barge right into people's
houses without asking? [MY NOTE: This can never be explained. I know EarthBound kinda
doesn't do this as does Revelations: Persona.]
- [From Mike Ram] Do all the normal people have to fight all those monsters when traveling
from place to place? (EX: Did Jessica have to when she went from Meribia to Lann
through Nanza?)
- [From Mike Ram] They actually have Tootsie Pops, M&M's, Austin Powers movies, etc. on
the Moon in this universe that also has outhouses and looks like the 1800's? (But it is
pretty funny!)
- [From Mike Ram] Everyone calls Nall a cat. Uh-huh, a FLYING cat with WINGS that can
TALK and STORE ITEMS! [MY NOTE: Nall's special . . . =P ]
- [From Mike Ram] BTW, where does cute little Nall keep all those items? [MY NOTE:
Beneath his wings? In his mouth? Only Althena knows! =P ]
- [From Mike Ram] Why do all of the main women in LUNAR have to be beautiful? Just to
make Alex nervous? [MY NOTE: Yeah, I'm amazed that he can keep faithful to Luna!]
- [From Mike Ram] If this game actually takes place on the Moon, how does it have water?
And floating islands? And how do the characters breathe/walk/stay warm? (I guess
because it's another universe?)
- [From Mike Ram] Hmm. Pretty sure Ghaelon is evil. Come on, why can't we have a
beautiful happy girl with a sweet voice and blue dress become the main villain instead
of a wildly dressed crackpot guy who probably wears makeup? (Like Cefca in FF6)
- [From Mike Ram] Could be a problem with my PS but whenever I cast Explosion Staff all
of the characters start to talk for no reason! (Luna about Althena and how your time
has run out, Nall about getting on your feet...) [MY NOTE: Yeah! What's even weirder
was when Ghaleon was in my party, my sister made him cast one of his spells. And then
he started to laugh REALLY EVILLY for 2 minutes which scared the living shit outta us!]
- [From Mike Ram] Luna goes to see Ghaleon because she thinks he is Alex. But Alex
plays the Ocarina, not the lute! [MY NOTE: Luna's tone deaf. =P ]


I *was* addicted to LUNAR back then in 1994 when they released LUNAR: The Silver
Star to the SEGA CD. And I bought an Official Strategy Guide by Zach Meston and J. Douglas
Arnold even though I didn't have LUNAR or EVEN a SEGA CD! [I *was* THAT ADDICTED to it, I
read about it in the reviews and saw some previews of it, and I fell in love!] Five years
later after still drooling over LUNAR [as well as other things, but that is BESIDE the
point! ^^;; ], I finally bought their PS title: LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE!
Well, below is a little list of the changes I can find from reading my Official Strategy
Guide to playing LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE. Don't expect it to be complete and
accurate! ^^;; You may also want to buy the Official Strategy Guide for LUNAR: Silver
Star Story COMPLETE so you can read the Retrochecks inside! Here is the short list of the
changes from The Silver Star to Silver Star Story COMPLETE! And don't complain to me if I
made errors because this is from what I read in the Strategy Guide!
[NOTE: Most of the things on this list CANNOT be read in the Official Strategy Guide for
LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE! ^^;; ]:

THE SILVER STAR CHANGES [in almost NO order!]:
- It's called The Silver Star! *gasps*
- [From Ray Almand] Track 09 on the Music Soundtrack is the Opening Theme!
- Ages, heights, weights, and quotes are given.
- Spells and statistics are somewhat different for each character.
- Pary members had either more or less Magic/Skills, etc.
- Everyone looked different.
- Less FMV . . . -_-;;
- [From Ray Almand] The newer manual had a lot more characters in it.
- [From Ray Almand] They used the same voice for Quark in the wew one as in the old one.
(I mean, there was no difference. Words and voice, cut and pasted from one game to
another.) [MY NOTE: How cheap! >=( ]
- New voices added! =P
- Alex played a harp!
- Different dialogue!
- Laike is really Dragonmaster Dyne!
- Laike HAS special skills!
- There are battles in the world map.
- Quark didn't have hair! ^^;;
- Mel de Alkirk looked a LOT younger!
- No Royce or Phacia! =(
- [From Ray Almand] All the Dragon Magic was hurting Magic.
- Taben's picture is shown at least here in the Strategy Guide! [From Ray Almand: Taben
wasn't mentioned in the manual, but the same picture of him was shown on a page of the
- The Magic Emperor is known as Evil Ghaleon.
- Saving your game doesn't display Level or Time.
- There are HP Shrines and MP Shrines on world map.
- There is ONLY one Bromide, and it's of Mia! ^~;;
- Party order was a little weird to adjust from my point of view!
- There were less options in battle.
- Items, Special Items, Armor, Weapons, etc. are different.
- Monsters are different: they are different looking, have different names, and are placed
in different locations! OH MY! ^^;;
- Different looks for locations! YEAH! ^^;;
- Different profiles! ^^;;
- Different places sell different stuff . . .
- Luna emerges from bushes in Burg Springs.
- [From Ray Almand] Dyne's memorila wasn't on a cliff.
- You need a Chest Key to get the items in the basement of Alex's house.
- Ramus states that there is a Magic Ring in order to melt the chunk of ice at the entrance
of the White Dragon's Cave. [From Ray Almand] You can also get the Ring of Fire from
Ramus' house in advance, and save a trip.
- There's a broken bridge.
- There is a shed in the Weird Woods!
- [From Ray Almand] Laike didn't help out in the Weird Woods.
- [From Ray Almand] The Weird Woods was in a different spot, there was no fog, and Ramus
didn't run away the first time you go in. Laike is there, though.
- You get a Father's Letter to get a boat in Saith!
- Nash is in a Tavern at Saith! Darn, I like his introduction inside of a box! =P
- There is a Lighthouse in Saith Harbor!
- Luna leaves you in Saith . . .
- No "Wind's Nocturne"! =(
- [From Ray Almand] There was a Fortune Teller in Vane. As I recall she/he was pretty bad.
- You can haggle on the Dragon Diamond! x_X;;
- [Correction from Ray Almand] Nash didn't awaken Alex's magic in the sewers, you talk to
a man in the sewers so that Nash will appear in a Shop on Black Rose Street (with went
north/south rather than west/east), and a man in the Shop tries to awaken Alex's and
Ramus' magic. Ramus didn't have any and there was a glitch in the sound. It made a
"failing" sound when he awoke Alex, but a success sound when Ramus went. o_O;;
- You can play a card game with Brett! ^^;;
- Ramus leaves off on his own adventures! "Fare thee well, fair Ramus! We'll miss ya!"
- You are all alone [with the exception of Nall] in the Cave of Trials!
- There is no bardic Ghaleon! =(
- You first meet Mia in the Silver Spire.
- Ghaleon's assistant name is Glumm.
- [From Ray Almand] When Alex first met Ghaleon, his speech is almost the same as the one
in the original.
- You have to search for Althena's Mirror! x_X;;
- Nash joins you again in the Silver Spire!
- Althena's Mirror actually show that the fake Lemia is Xenobia! ^^;;
- Dross' Shop became a Magic Shop
- You meet Brett in the Merbian Sewers
- Blackjack is Brett's game!
- Ghaleon kills Quark! >=(
- Xenobia captures Luna in Burg! ^^;;
- The people of Burg are really Gargoyles in disguise!
- There is a fake Damon in Iluk.
- One of Kyle's soldiers steals the Dragon's Wings from you in Reza.
- You buy soap in Reza!
- [From Ray Almand] There were to parts of the Dragon Cave. One lead to an old man, who
gave you the Hero Crest which was needed to get to the second part of the cave. There
was also a chest that contains Dyne's Sword (essential to beating the Dragon Angels).
- [From Ray Almand] In Reza, Dross sets up a Bank whereupon if you deposit something, you
can't take it out because he's "keeping it safe forever"!
- [From Ray Almand] You can also play a card game with a woman who I believe is in Reza.
- The cast are doing different things when bathing in the Springs.
- Most of the cast are at least clothe in the Springs.
- The hot-air balloon crashes into Iluk.
- You ride on a giant turtle to Damon's Spire.
- Damon tells you that Xenobia is about to capture Lily.
- Xenobia captures Lily!
- You use a Rain Cloud to get to the Red Dragon's Cave.
- The Red Dragon is a male! o_O;;
- [From Ray Almand] The Blue and Red Dragons were just flames.
- There was a Fountain of Transmission in the Stadius Zone.
- You have to walk through a waterfall to enter the Blue Dragon's Cave!
- Brainiac is the boss of the Blue Dragon's Cave! ^^;;
- Nash betrays you for Xenobia and steal the Dragon Helmet in the Blue Dragon Cave!
- You can talk to Tempest for a challenge in Tamur!
- There are holes in the pipes of Myght's Tower that sent you to ground level! o_O;;
- On the roof of Myght's Tower, you will meet Ghaleon!
- Laike has a house! ^^;;
- [From Ray Almand] The first Airship flys over Damon's Spire, then crashed in Reza.
Later, it can be seen in the Thieves' Bazaar.
- [From Ray Almand] Myght makes a balloon for Alex at Laike's request. When it's finished,
you're about to board it, when Xenobia shows up. Laike gets turned to stone in order for
you to get on.
- [From Ray Almand] Xenobia captures Luna at Burg Springs, and sends five or six Bosses at
you at once.
- To get to Pao, you go through a Prairie Cave, not a Forest of Illusion!!
- The disease never claimed Fresca.
- You have to get the Seal of the Goddess to cure the disease!
- You have to go inside the Cave of Darkness, or Grimzol's Cave, to get the Seal.
- The Cave is North of Pao.
- Tempest fights with a whip as well as a bow and arrows! WOO, WHIP IT, TEMPEST! =P
- Grimzol is an Inca God Boss dude! *Gasp* =P
- The village elder is a woman! o_O;;
- The village elder gives you the "Water of Mirage", or Mirage Potion.
- You goto the Dark Cave from the Spring of Transmission to get to the Frontier!
- You can go to Cadin without going through a cave.
- There was a kid named Beau.
- You have to go through the Black Dragon Cave to get to Talon Mine.
- The slaves in Talon Mine were the townsfolk of Burg as well as Alex's mother and father.
- Noah tells Alex everything from that Laike is Dyne, the origins of Luna and Nall, etc.
- [From Ray Almand] Not only did Noah go on a quest with Dyne, but the Boatmaster in Saith
went as well.
- [From Ray Almand] Mel and Dyne once had a seven days battle at sea when Mel was still a
Pirate and attacked Dyne's boat.
- You attack a thing called a Dragon Tank.
- There is a town called Marke.
- [Corrected by Ray Almand] The Black Dragon was a skeleton.
- [From Ray Almand] Dyne was "killed" fighting the Black Dragon.
- [From Ray Almand] You don't get to see Mel get turned to stone.
- You go through a place called Taben's Tower.
- [From Ray Almand] You never break Lemia out of the cell in Vane. In fact, I think she
stayed there til Vane crashed.
- You get the Sword of Althena earlier.
- You go to Althena's Tower earlier.
- You get to enter the Grindery AFTER you enter Althena's Tower!?!
- You use the wings to go to Marke to follow the Grindery.
- [Corrected by Ray Almand] The Stratagy Guide exaggerated. Only part of Talon was
- [From Ray Almand] When you try to go into the Gindery without all the Dragon Stuff, you
reawake in Reza.
- When you are about to enter the Grindery as it is about to zap Vane, the party would get
zapped by the force field, and you will gain consciousness SEVEN days later in Reza!
- Kyle and Nash loses morale and got drunk in Reza. ^^;;
- Laike reveals he is Dyne in the Tavern at Reza! WHOAH, BIG step there, old man! ^^;;
- No long story about Dyne and Althena like the one he told you on Burg's Monument.
- Laike tells you where to go retrieve the Sword of Althena, so you have to go to Burg or
- You use the balloon to get to Althena's Tower.
- [From Ray Almand] Althena's Tower is east of Meribia, rather than at the base of the
Goddess Mountian.
- You get to learn about Nall's existence [as the child of Quark] and the history of Luna
inside Althena's Tower.
- [Corrected by Ray Almand] Alex does take the whole Party with him to Althena's tower, but
he fights the Dragon Angels alone.
- The Grindery was also heading for Meribia!
- You lost consciousness [YET AGAIN] and reawaken inside Althena's Tower if you don't equip
the Dragon stuff . . . Baka Alex! ^^;;
- You meet up with Tempest and Fresca inside the Grindery . . .
- You will get to meet Luna in Ghaleon's Palace, but she is really Xenobia.
- When you defeat Xenobia, you will get teleported to Ghaleon's inner sanctum.
- Poor Ghaleon never had a exquisite selection of outfits! ^^;; [Darn . . .]
- No Dark Songstress. =(
- Dragon Angels were helping Luna regain back her memories, but they were zapped by good
ole' Ghal! [From Ray Almand] The Dragon Angels were trying trying to free Luna from
Ghaleon's spell, but she wouldn't retain her memories.
- Ghaleon becomes some kind of "Demonic dog"? WTF?!?
- When you go to meet with Luna and when she starts to blast ya with bolts, they REALLY DO
take damage! x_X;; Ouch, Luna! Love hurts, doesn't it? =P [From Ray Almand] Alex
could play his harp to lesson the damage he took from Luna's bolts in the end.
- [From Ray Almand] Ramus isn't in his store til the end of the Game.
- The End! ^^;;


Here it is, feast your eyes on it! It's not much.:

EXTERNAL TIME: Around June and July of 1999 - August 29, 1999.
INTERNAL TIME: "Meribia: 39 Hours, 31 Minutes".

Wonder why did it take us so LONG to finish? Well, I had this obsession with Bust
A Move/Groove, and it was affecting my gameplay with Brigandine and LUNAR! ^^;; At least
I still finished Brigandine as King Cai and LUNAR after a while . . . You thought that was
long? Don't let me tell ya how long it took me to finish Final Fantasy Tactics: Three
months! I lost my will to play that game around the Deep Dungeons! =P Anyways, here are
Alex's statistics that I record when I was at Meribia with Luna at the ending. I couldn't
get my other members' statistics because I saved over that damned slot! ^^;; Remember
that these statistics are from when I FIRST played and finished the game. Do note that
Alex is unequipped, so these are his natural statistics! =P :

LV - 48
EXP - 1155211
HP - 275/275
MP - 0/0
ATTACK - 108
RANGE - 18
LUCK - 18
SILVER - 463225 S
# OF BROMIDES - 12 Bromides. I missed "Jess' Bromide 2" due to the bug! >_<


Here is what you can discover inside of your LUNAR CDs!

10.1 - DISC 1 [Lunar_the_s]
_audio.xa Sound effects and vocal clips of LUNAR.
_b000.str LUNAR Opening
_b001.str Alex at the Monument
_b002.str Ramus Shows His Stripes
_b003.str Luna at the Springs
_b004.str Quark Awakens
_b005.str Luna's Dream
_b006.str Laike's Introduction
_b007.str Nash and His Hair
_b008.str On the Boat
_b009.str Arrival in Meribia
_b010.str Hail, Hell Mel
_b011.str Royce's Introduction
_b012.str Facing Phacia
_b013.str The Magic City, Vane
_b014.str A Mysterious Musician
_b015.str Mia Stays Composed
_b016.str Ghaleon in Full Regalia
_b017.str Enter the Kyle
_b018.str Jessica Speaks
_b019.str Lemia Ausa?
_b020.str A Trinity of Terror
_b021.str Ghaleon vs Quark
_b022.str La Kyle Aux Follies
_b023.str Red Dragon's Gift
_b024.str Hindenburg Redux
_b025.str Althena's Spring 1
_b026.str Blue Shrine Revealed
_b027.str Blue Dragon's Gift
_b028.str Saviors on Horseback
_b029.str Myght's Irritation
_b030.str Tempest's Indignation
_b031.str A Frightening Dream
_b032.str Black Dragon's Gift
_b033.str A Dragonmaster Born
_b034.str To the Dark Frontier
_b035.str NOT VIEWABLE!

Track01.cda "Opening Theme"
Track02.cda "Burg"
Track03.cda "Overworld Arrange 1"
Track04.cda "Tumultuous Seas"
Track05.cda "Toward the Horizon"
Track06.cda "Boss Battle Theme"
Track07.cda "Ghaleon's Theme"
Track08.cda "Grindery"
Track09.cda "Opening Song from Sega CD"
Track10.cda "Magical Weapon Nash"
Track11.cda "Determination"
Track12.cda "Meribia"
Track13.cda "Recollection"
Track14.cda "Mysterious Party"
Track15.cda "Overworld Arrange 2"
Track16.cda "Go Go Go!"
Track17.cda "Mysterious Cave"
Track18.cda "Four Heroes"
Track19.cda "Reach for the Front"
Track20.cda "Battle Theme"
Track21.cda "Thieves' Bazaar"
Track22.cda "Sad Piano Theme"
Track23.cda "Luna's Boat Song"
Track24.cda "Lunar Theme Arrange"

10.3 - DISC 2 [Lunar_the_s]
_audio.xa Sound effects and vocal clips of LUNAR.
_b000.str LUNAR Opening
_b036.str The Grindery Unleashed
_b037.str Vane vs The Grindery
_b038.str The Dark Goddess
_b039.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b040.str A Goddess Reborn
_b041.str A Dragonmaster Reborn
_b042.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b043.str Ascent To Althena's City
_b044.str Ghaleon Descends
_b045.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b046.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b047.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b048.str NOT VIEWABLE!
_b049.str Warm Embrace
_b050.str The Green Earth
_b051.str Credits Roll
_b052.str Althena's Spring 2
_b053.str Althena's Spring 3
_b054.str Althena's Spring 4
_second.xa The vocal bloopers of LUNAR!

10.4 - THE MAKING OF LUNAR CD [The_making_]
_b000.str The Making Of LUNAR FMV


This Guide [lssscdyn.txt or whatever it may be called] is copyrighted © by me,
enigmaopoeia []. This Guide is for personal use ONLY! This Guide
must NOT be: ALTERED [Such as deleting the text inside!]; PUBLISHED [Such as printing it
in a magazine, online, or any form of media!]; or REPRODUCED [Such as copying or stealing
bits and pieces of my Guide!]. This Guide should NOT be used for profit! It is by a Fan
for the Fans! Please do NOT post this Guide, this Guide should ONLY be posted at the Links
mentioned in "MY GUIDE CAN BE FOUND AT". If I did gave you permission, then you are not to
alter or delete anything within my Guide and keep it AS IT IS. Once you have my permission
and post this Guide on your Website, it is _YOUR_ responsibility, not mines, to update it
with the most recent version which is at: "GameFAQs" @ . If it's
bothersome to keep it current and updated, then you may not post it. Simple as that.
I will NOT accept any other e-mail about this Guide! They will be deleted. Please keep
your Flames to yourselves and in the trash where it belongs.
[This Guide is strictly for entertainment purposes only!]
CREDIT GIVEN TO: Christine Bomke A.K.A. CB! [].

"LUNAR" is a registered trademark of Game Arts/Working Designs. Licensed from ESP
by Working Designs. Original Game copyrighted Game Arts/Studio Alex 1992. Reprogrammed
game copyrighted Game Arts/Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. 1998. English Translation
copyrighted Working Designs 1998/1999. "Working Designs" is a registered trademark of
Working Designs, Inc. LUNAR: The Silver Star: The Official Strategy Guide is
copyrighted 1994 by Zach Meston and J. Douglas Arnold. SEGA and SEGA CD are trademarks
of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. LUNAR: The Silver Star copyrighted 1992 Game Arts.
PlayStation is registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

My deepest thanks to those who contributed to make my LUNAR DYN? Guide huge as
heck. =P And thanks to those many who told me about the Track Listings~! ^^;; *bows
before them* I'm not worthy!:

Ray Almand -
Blitz -
Brad Ansell -
Karniz Archada -
Ricardo Ballin -
Brian -
Matt Dameron -
Death Mage -
Deathy -
Mark Eaton -
enigmaopoeia -
General Datsin -
kenomac -
Raijin52 -
Mike Ram - [HE'S GOD!!! ^^;; ]
Ramc -
Shaun Philip Wittenburg -
Dan Xena -

You know I would love to thank all of my friends as well as my younger sister, but
Hell, I'm not gonna make this Guide huge~! You know I love you guys, and thanks for being
kewl friends~! ^^;; Thanks to all of the people who are reading this Guide whether they
like it or not, yes -- that even means you! =P Also thanks to those I forgot to mention!
Sorry! ^^;;

[NOTE: "ginkoGINKO" is my official Website! ^^;; ]
-Game Arts -
-Kadokawa Shoten Publishing -
-Working Designs -
-ginkoGINKO -

-GameFAQs -
-Games Domain -
-lolliPOP! -
-playstation -
-RPG Classics -

[NOTE: If you posted my Guide on your Website and you do not see your name below is
because you never asked me for permission to post my Guide!]

"Are you a Thief as well?" - Tempest, LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete
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16.October 2013
US Version: Highest Level Characters.

09.October 2013
Saved at the End of the Game

14.October 2013
Did You Notice? Guide

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PAL/NTSC Selector

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