Tales of Destiny 2

Tales of Destiny 2

16.10.2013 06:25:55
Secrets and Locations FAQ

| Tales of Destiny 2 |
| Playstation |
| Secrets and Locations FAQ |
| Version 1.0(21/11/2001) |

/ \
| T H I S F A Q I S D O N E B Y |
| Rena Chan |
| alucard_rpg@yahoo.com |
| Star Ocean 2 Archive(http://members.atozasia.com/renachan/) |

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that you used this FAQ without my permission, you will be deemed a person who
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Revision History
| Version 1.0(21/11/2001) \___________________________________________________
| \
| Stared typing this FAQ. Added in as much info as I could with my limited |
| amount to time since I'm doing my FYPJ and I'm rushing to submit 3 FAQs |
| as soon as possible(ASAP). I'm also redoing the format of my previous FAQs. |

/ \
| 1.0 What you will find in this FAQ |
| 2.0 Wonder Chef Locations |
| 2.1 Inferia |
| 2.2 Celestia |
| 2.3 Other Recipes |
| 3.0 Lens Locations |
| 3.1 Inferia |
| 3.2 Celestia |
| 3.3 Other Locations |
| 4.0 Hidden Locations |
| 4.1 Surface Caches |
| 4.1.1 Inferia Caches |
| 4.1.2 Celestia Caches |
| 4.2 Underwater Caches |
| 4.2.1 Inferia Caches |
| 4.2.2 Celestia Caches |
| 4.3 Hidden Sites |
| 4.4 Bonus Dungeon |
| 5.0 Chat and Max's Skills |
| 5.1 Chat's Skills |
| 5.2 Max's Skills |

1.0 What you will find in this FAQ
This FAQ is to help gamers of Tales of Destiny 2 locate hard to find stuff
and locations in the game. It is almost impossible to locate certain things
without asking other people or even ask people with a guide book for the game.
Not everyone can afford to buy the guide book. This FAQ is to help people
without a guide book. Of course, this FAQ's info is not totally from the guide
book itself either, it is also topped off with my experience and the double
checking of the info found there. I aim to make the FAQ as close to 100%
accurate as possible. This FAQ only consists of the locations of things. If you
want a more descriptive info, either look at other FAQs or e-mail me if you
want to confirm anything.

2.0 Wonder Chef Locations
Wonder Chefs are located all around the game. You will find them disguised as
objects found around towns. They are usually out of place objects in towns.
So if you see something out of place, that's most likely a Wonder Chef. There
are a total of 27 Wonder Chefs altogether.
2.1 Inferia
| Hamburger(#1) \_____________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Bread, Bear Meat, Lettuce |
| Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP |
| Location: Mintche, Student Cafeteria |
| Disguise: Pot of Flower(Plant) |
| Sandwich(#2) \______________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Bread, Cheese, Lettuce |
| Effects: Restores 30% of all allies HP |
| Location: Rasheans Village, Neighbour's house beside Farah's house |
| Disguise: Pig Doll(Piggy Bank?) |
| Seafood Pasta(#3) \_________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Pasta, Shrimp, Squid, Tomato |
| Effects: Restores 60% of all allies HP |
| Location: Chambard, Lobby of Bistro Chambard |
| Disguise: Wine Bottle |
| Fruit Juice(#4) \___________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Kirima, Lemon, Strawberry |
| Effects: Restores 10% of all allies TP |
| Location: Morle, Professor Mazet's house |
| Disguise: Treasure Chest |
| Garden Salad(#5) \__________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato |
| Effects: Restores 20% of all allies TP |
| Location: Morle, Grocery Shop |
| Disguise: Pumpkin |
| Soft Cake(#6) \_____________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Kirima, Strawberry |
| Effects: Restores 60% of all allies HP |
| Location: Inferia City, Royal Playhouse |
| Disguise: Plant |
| Calamari(#7) \______________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Squid, Cabbage, Lemon |
| Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, cures Poison |
| Location: Barole Port, Crates south of main docks |
| Disguise: Wooden Box |
| Steak(#8) \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Bear Meat, Potato, Carrot |
| Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, cures Stun |
| Location: Barole, Barole Bar second floor |
| Disguise: A Drunkard |
| Beef Stew(#9) \_____________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Bear Meat, Carrot, Cabbage |
| Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, temporarily increases Attack |
| Location: Regulus Dojo, second floor of Inn |
| Disguise: Golden colored Kettle(Pot?) |
| Fish Stew(#10) \____________________________________________________________
| \
| Ingredients: Squid, Tuna, Cabbage, Radish |
| Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, temporarily increases Defense |
| Location: Inferia Port, Ship Chandler |
| Disguise: Anchor |

2.2 Celestia
Working on it...

2.3 Other Recipes
Working on it...

3.0 Lens Locations
Lens practically located anywhere in the world. Unlike Wonder Chefs which you
can only find in towns, you can find Lens even in dungeons. There are 60 Lens
altogether in the game, and it's not easy to locate all 60 Lens. What are
Lens for? You will be given an item everytime you find a certain amount of
Lens. If you collect all 60 Lens, you will be given the Lens Collector Title.
You need to talk to a person called Irene to collect your item. She can be
found at Chambard in Inferia and Port Tinnsia at Celestia.
/ \
| 10 Lens - Combo Command |
| 20 Lens - Inferi Cape |
| 30 Lens - Celesti Cape |
| 40 Lens - Extreme |
| 50 Lens - Krona Symbol |
| 60 Lens - Lens Collector Title |

3.1 Inferia
| Lens #1 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Rasheans Village |
| GPS: 22, 106 |
| Hiding Spot: Door to the abandoned windmill, near the entrance to the |
| village |
| Lens #2 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Rasheans Village |
| GPS: 22, 106 |
| Hiding Spot: Basement of Reid's house, in the box on the right |
| Lens #3 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Barole |
| GPS: 50, 40 |
| Hiding Spot: Shop of Desire, in the golden pot on the bottom right |
| Lens #4 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Nostos Cave |
| GPS: 88, 149 |
| Hiding Spot: Area to the right from exit, room right at the top of the area |
| in a pile of wood(The place where the first high tide takes |
| place) |
| Lens #5 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Mt. Farlos Sanctuary |
| GPS: 93, 110 |
| Hiding Spot: Resting Room, in the cabinet on the left |
| Lens #6 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Inferia City |
| GPS: 187, 120 |
| Hiding Spot: Royal Playhouse, in a plant |
| Lens #7 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Inferia Port |
| GPS: 181, 108 |
| Hiding Spot: In the barrel on the left, at docks where ship to Barole is |
| docked at |
| Lens #8 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Barole Port |
| GPS: 57, 41 |
| Hiding Spot: Below the tent on the bottom left |
| Lens #9 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Efreet Gorge |
| GPS: 220, 76 |
| Hiding Spot: Through the bottom door after opening with Sorcerer's Ring. |
| Defeat the monster, inside Treasure Chest |
| Lens #10 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Inferia City |
| GPS: 187, 120 |
| Hiding Spot: Royal Observatory of Astronomy, Telescope Room, Bottom of the |
| bookshelf(Halfway into Disc 2 and in Disc 3 only) |

3.2 Celestia
Working on it...

3.3 Other Locations
| Lens #1 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Van Eltia |
| Hiding Spot: Engine Room, Behind the Engine |
| Lens #2 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Van Eltia |
| Hiding Spot: Observation Deck, in the barrel(After 1st upgrade of Van Eltia)|
| Lens #3 \___________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Van Eltia |
| Hiding Spot: Aifish Docks, at the tip of the Blue cover Aifish on the left |
| (After 1st upgrade of Van Eltia) |

4.0 Hidden Locations
These are hidden caches found all over Eternia. You can find good items in
these places, some of which are new battle commands for battle. These places
are worth going to. So take your time to find them. You can usually access the
surface caches after getting the Aerial Board on Inferia and the Van Eltia on
Celestia. But these locations are found most easily when you have the valuable
GPS and the Aibird. As for the underwater caches, they can only be acccessed
when you have the Aifish. There are also hidden villages, extra dungeons and a
bonus dungeon. I'll include a mini walkthrough for the bonus dungeon in this
FAQ. The tips given are mainly given from my own experience.
4.1 Surface Caches
4.1.1 Inferia Caches
| Cache #1 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: NorthWest of Mt. Mintche |
| GPS: 50, 150 |
| Item/Event: Rune Bottle |
| Cache #2 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: North of Morle Village |
| GPS: 114, 144 |
| Item/Event: Concentrate Attack Command |
| Cache #3 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: South of Regulus Dojo |
| GPS: ??? |
| Item/Event: Range Attack Command |
| Cache #4 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: North Cape, Undine Stream |
| GPS: 150, 100 |
| Item/Event: Dialogue Event |
| Cache #5 \__________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: North of Undine Stream |
| GPS: 150, 114 |
| Item: Poison Charm |

4.1.2 Celestia Caches
Working on it...

4.2 Underwater Caches
4.2.1 Inferia Caches
| Hideout 1 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthWest of Mt. Farlos |
| GPS: 76, 122 |
| Items: 12,240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, |
| Holy Cloak |
| Hideout 2 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthEast if Mt. Farlos |
| GPS: 120, 122 |
| Items: 8,415 Gald, Fire Shard, Rune Bottle(x2), Hourglass, Sage, |
| Aifread's Monument |
| Hideout 3 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: South of Morle |
| GPS: 142, 0 |
| Items: 10,710 Gald, Ninja Sword, Earth Shard, Rune Bottle(x2), Lavender |
| Hideout 4 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthEast of Inferia City |
| GPS: 226, 130 |
| Items: 9,945 Gald, Rune Bottle, Elixir, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard |
| Sunken Ship \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthWest of Mintche |
| GPS: 34, 4 |
| Items: 54,815 Gald, Insea Map, Vorpal Sword, Twinkle Flute, WakeUp Charm |
| Rare Plate |

4.2.2 Celestia Caches
| Hideout 1 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthWest of Aifread's Platform |
| GPS: 56, 112 |
| Items: Silver Cage 1, Summon Destiny(S.D.) |
| Hideout 2 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: NorthWest of Port Peruti |
| GPS: 152, 164 |
| Items: Silver Cage 2 |
| Hideout 3 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: East of Chat's Hut |
| GPS: 167, 112 |
| Items: Silver Cage 3 |
| Hideout 4 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: East of Tinnsia |
| GPS: 228, 42 |
| Items: Silver Cage 4 |
| Hideout 5 \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: West of Ruins of Volt/Jini |
| GPS: 3, 151 |
| Items: Silver Cage 5 |
| Jini Tunnel \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: SouthWest of Jini(Only appears after visiting Aifread's Platform) |
| GPS: 35, 14 |
| Items: N/A |
| Aifread's Platform \________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: NorthWest of Chat's Hut, NorthEast of Jini |
| GPS: 98, 92 |
| Items: Lens |

4.3 Hidden Sites
| Craymel Hot Springs \_______________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Mountains South of Efreet Gorge |
| GPS: 208, 108 |
| Type: Town |
| To get there: First you need the Aibird. After getting it, board it and fly |
| south of Efreet Gorge. Using the GPS will be the easiest. Look|
| for a low dome shaped forest surrounded by mountains. Land |
| near the forest. Enter the place marked ??? the first time you|
| visit. |
| Katz Vilage \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Mountains East of Chat's Hut |
| GPS: 120, 109 |
| Type: Town |
| To get there: First you need to have the Aibird. Then fly to the GPS |
| location. The area for landing is pretty small, so you'll have|
| slowly position the Aibird properly. |
| Sunken Ship \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: In the seas SouthWest of Mintche |
| GPS: 34, 2 |
| Type: Dungeon |
| To get there: First you need the Aifish. Then use the Van Eltia and go to |
| GPS location. Then get into the Aifish and dive. You should |
| end up near the ship. |
| Shadow Cave \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: In the seas NorthEast of Balir's Castle |
| GPS: 5, 12 |
| Type: Dungeon |
| To get there: First, you need the Aifish. Then go to the nearest island |
| NorthEast of Balir's Castle. You can see a odd hole in a |
| small mountain. Get on the Aifish and dive. You will be able |
| to find Shadow Cave. |
| Below the Farlos Sanctuary \________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Mt. Farlos Sanctuary |
| GPS: 93, 110 |
| Type: Dungeon |
| To get there: Go back to Inferia when you got the Seyfert Key. Make your way|
| to the statue at the back of the sanctuary. The Seyfert Key |
| will glow revealing stairs down to another short dungeon. |
| Glimmer Spire \_____________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Mountains NorthEast of Barloe |
| GPS: 107, 22 |
| Type: Dungeon |
| To get there: You first need the Aibird. Fly to a red dot northeast of |
| Barole. It is surrounded by mountains. You will find the |
| Glimmer Spire. |

4.4 Bonus Dungeon
Working on it...

5.0 Chat and Max's Skills
These 2 character's skills are not gotten through normal battle means. You must
find them around Eternia. There is also a certain timing which you can get
their skills, especially Max. This section is for locating skills of these 2
extra characters.
5.1 Chat's Skills
| Toss Hammer \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Field, Celestia |
| GPS: 184, 139 |
| Requirements: Chat is in your party |
| Ice Hammer \________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Hideout 2, Inferia |
| GPS: 120, 122 |
| Requirements: Chat is in your party |
| Para Ball \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Craymel Hot Springs |
| GPS: 208, 108 |
| Requirements: Chat is in your party, must pay at the front desk to get the |
| skill |
| Eternal Hammer \____________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Chat's Hut then Aifread's Cave |
| GPS: 106, 112 then 204, 98 |
| Requirements: Disc 3, Chat is in your party. Go back to her hut first then |
| you will see a event and you will have to go to Aifread's |
| Cave. Clear the Quiz to get Eternal Hammer at the end. |

5.2 Max's Skills
| Air Blade \_________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Port Peruti |
| GPS: 36, 100 |
| Requirements: Max in the party, After Seyfert Shrine |
| Event: You will find the Pink Miacis near the docks |
| Aqua Spiral \_______________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Port Tinnsia |
| GPS: 212, 53 |
| Requirements: Max in the party, enter Shadow Cave once |
| Event: At Gnome statue on the north side of town, you will see the Pink |
| Miacis |
| Rage Laser \________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Cape Fortress |
| GPS: 34, 63 |
| Requirements: Max in the party, after Seyfert Observatory |
| Event: On the top of the fortress, you will meet the Pink Miacis |
| Dark Laser \________________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Luishka |
| GPS: 115, 70 |
| Requirements: Max in the party, after Regulus Tomb |
| Event: Near the mountain of debris. You will meet the Pink Miacis there |
| Elemental Master \__________________________________________________________
| \
| Location: Jini |
| GPS: 66, 152 |
| Requirements: Max in the party, after getting Aibird, Canceler already |
| obtained, nighttime in Jini |
| Event: Go to the area just outside of the Auction House. The event will |
| occur |

/ \
| Me for typing out this FAQ. |
| |
| Namco and anyone else involved for making this game. |
| |
| My brother for playing this game with me ^_^. |
| |
| One of my brother's friend for helping us as much as possible. |
| |
| The people at the GameFAQs ToD2 MB. |
| |
| Prima Guide for doing a ToD2 Guide Book. |

Copyright(C) alucard_rpg@yahoo.com
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