Resident Evil Survivor

Resident Evil Survivor

15.10.2013 19:01:07
Speed Walkthrough
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"
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Resident Evil: Survivor: PSX version: Speed Walkthrough - Version 1.4
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:


Last updated: 8/14/02

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Revision History
3: Game Strategies
4: Walkthrough
5: Thanks
6: E-mail policy
7: Copyright


1: Introduction

Hello and welcome to my Resident Evil - Survivor guide! This game may not
be fun to most people. To me, if you are trying to get through it as fast
as possible, it becomes an exciting game, with the clock ticking in the
background to finish as fast as possible. Before using this guide, you
should have a good knowledge of the course of events of the game and where
most monsters are located in each room, because I believe all time spent
playing the game, including the pause screens, adds to your total time.
This is not a regular walkthrough. It is not meant for a casual run through
the game, it is meant for getting a fast time, nothing else. Most of the
things I will tell you to do in this guide might require too much skill for
the rookie RE player.


2: Revision History

Version 1.0 6/21/01 - First Edition


Version 1.1 7/22/01 - Added a new copyright and a new e-mail policy. Will
have both of these up and running on all guides that belong to me soon.


Version 1.2 10/18/01 - So far, the only question I have received regarding
this game is about saving. There is absolutely NO saving of position in
this game whatsoever, so don't email me asking how to save.


Version 1.3 11/26/01 - Just a small copyright revision concerning using my guides.


Version 1.4 8/14/02 I have a small copyright revision today and a new email
address. may now host my guides, and my new email
address is

3: Game Strategies


I put this right at the start of the strategy section as this is the only
question I have received so far about this game. There is absolutely NO
saving of position in the game whatsoever. You must play through the ENTIRE
game on every run. There are NO save points. Okay, glad we got that
cleared up.


I assume this game measures time throughout the game, even during cutscenes
and checking the inventory screen. Skip every scene the game will allow you
to skip by pressing start, and access the inventory screen only to heal when
the situation is dire or if you are reloading your gun in preparation for a
tough battle.


This game seems to cater to those who don't mind using HANDGUNS a lot, as
they all have unlimited ammunition and a few other special perks. Because
of these special features, HANDGUNS will see a lot of use in my walkthrough.
Someone who is skilled enough with a HANDGUN can even take down a hunter
or Mr. X with ease. The trick is to fire rapidly. Even hunters will have
trouble attacking you if you poke them full of holes quickly.

HANDGUNS also get special reload perks as well. If you are using a HANDGUN
and only have a few bullets left in your current clip, then shooting them
off is much faster than going to the inventory screen to reload that way.
Also, don't worry about reloading a HANDGUN when changing rooms. The
HANDGUN will be automatically reloaded when you enter the next room.


This game is different from the other RE games in the fact that you don't
have to waste time with inventory boxes or even look at the inventory screen
to use a puzzle item. All you have to do is collide with an object to pick
it up and collide with switches and mechanisms to make them work. This
really keeps the time down that is ordinarily wasted looking at your
inventory screen. It really shortens an already short game! All you have
to do on the inventory screen now is heal and reload guns to prepare for a
big battle.


Keeping track of your health is now easier than ever thanks to the onscreen
ECG. Only heal when you enter DANGER status. I do not believe that the
game takes away for using FIRST AID SPRAYS like the previous games, but
still, we are going for the best rank possible in addition a fast time, so
use your HERBS before using a potentially rank-lowering FAS.


Zombies - These zombies have been stupidified down from RE3. They have no
new attacks and cause lesser damage than before. They are easily evaded
with a tactic I discovered called "pushing." When a zombie grabs you from
the side or behind, you automatically turn to face them. During this time
the zombie can't hurt you. However, if you run into them, you can push them
back to give yourself more space. Don't push longer than a second or two,
or you will be bitten. No real threat, except when you are surrounded from
all sides. Pelt several times with one of the HANDGUNS to kill.

Dogs - These guys are extremely hard to kill. They run circles around you
then charge in and poke you with their jaws. I recommend running from them
because they take way too long to kill. One of their weaknesses is they
cannot run backwards. A dog will not turn around in midstride to face you.
No, he will run in circles trying to get a line on you. While doing this,
they tend to collide with walls and other objects. Use this time to run
past. If they must be killed than the best weapon would be something with a
wide spread, like the SHOTGUN or the GRENADE GUN.

Lickers - Arrrgghh, my least favorite RE enemy makes an appearance in this
game. Always run from them; they move very quickly and are lethal. Much
easier to run around than in RE2. They simply LOVE to jump at you through
windows and air ducts. When they first jump through, they pause briefly.
This is the time you should use to get around them to the safety of the next
room. Also remember to point down when you shoot them as they are
vertically challenged.

Hunters - Hurray, the green menaces you've grown to hate made it into this
game too. Fortunately, these are weaker than their predecessors in the
other games. Now all you need to kill them is one closeup SHOTGUN blast, no
longer up to FOUR of them like in RE1. They have still retained their
agility however. This is the most agile version of the Hunters yet. They
can now leap right in front of you if you try to run, cutting off escape
routes. And they also retain their cheap one-hit kill decapitation cut.
You should take the time to kill them, because they will get in your face if
you try to run. This makes it easy to do the one-hit SHOTGUN kill mentioned
above. If you are stuck with the HANDGUNS, then try to keep your Hunter
fights one-on-one or you will be in deep trouble. If you are bold like me
and try to evade them, run in a zig zag pattern to make it difficult for
them to track you.

Spiders - Other than increase their size, the T-virus didn't seem to do much
to these wimps. Just pelt with HANDGUN BULLETS until dead or run.

Crows - Ignore these pests. They cause little damage and are way too hard
to hit anyway.

Mr. X - YEAH! I love to fight this guy. In fact, I love to fight any
Tyrant that gets in my way. He moves real slow, so you can escape easily,
but you don't want to do that. If you kill him, he will give you SHOTGUN
SHELLS, or GRENADE ROUNDS of any of the three flavors. The easiest way to
take him down is to be in a large room. Run laps around the room, pressing
L1 at each corner to face him, then pelt him with HANDGUN BULLETS. When he
gets too close for comfort, run to the next corner and shoot from there.
Repeat until dead. If you want to run past him in a narrow space, run to
one side of him. He will throw a punch and likely hit you. After he gives
you the punch, he will stand still for a moment. Quickly run past...
Basically, Mr. X is a beefed up zombie.

Moths - There are only two of these things in the whole game. Blast it
several times with the SHOTGUN to kill or just run, as they are lacking
enthusiasm to get you. You won't have to encounter them if you follow my

Crocodiles - The easiest RE2 boss returns, but this time he's not so easy,
as now there are two of them, and no explosive cans to blow off their heads
with. They will slowly come down from both ends of the hall towards you.
Focus only on the one blocking the ladder. Blast him with your most
powerful weapons. If this is the first game on your file, all you will have
is the SHOTGUN and two HANDGUNS at the most, so you are pretty much dead.
Wait until you finish your first game and get the GRENADE GUN and all those
other weapons before you decide to fight them. Thankfully, it is not
necessary to encounter them at all during the game. If you stick to my
route, you'll never have to fight them. They're just a big waste of ammo
and health if you ask me.

Plants - Dodge these guys. They are really slow and absorb way too much
ammo to kill.

First Tyrant form - A good method is to blast him with HANDGUN Da few times,
run to the other end of the hall when he gets too close, then blast him some
more. Repeat until dead.

Second and Third Tyrant form - This battle is very simple. Whip out your
GRENADE GUN and blast him repeatedly whenever he stops jumping around. In
this battle he'll be in your face a lot so it'll be easy to hit him. Back
up while loading another grenade to help avoid his claw swipes. If he
grabs you by the throat, shoot him with another grenade to make him let go.


4: Walkthrough

Press START at the title screen and choose NEW GAME. Select NORMAL mode.
After you hear "Resedent Eeevil....SURVIVOR," rapidly tap START until you
gain control.

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There is nothing to see here, so enter the gate near the boxes.


Stride over to the dead body of "Ark Thompson" and listen to the trademark
RE acting we've come to love. After the scene is over, a zombie is in your
face. Shoot him up and take the RUSTED KEY he drops. Unlock the double
doors near the dead bodies with the RUSTED KEY.


Immediately start shooting upon entry. Kill the two zombies and enter the
door to the right.


Shoot all three zombies and take the CLOCK WINDER from the clock and the
CHAPEL KEY from the desk behind the partiton. Leave.


Walk across to the door on the other side of the chapel.


Ignore the double doors and run down the hall. A three-zombie mob
approaches from around the corner. Stand near the wall opposite them and
wait for them to walk past the corner. When they go past the corner run
around them on the right and crash into a clock that, *ahem*, just happens
to look exactly like that clock we saw earlier. These RE puzzles are way
too easy. Put the CLOCK WINDER on it and a secret set of stairs is exposed.
Take the stairs.


Pelt the single spider until it is dead, and enter the door it was


Scrape right along the boxes you see to collide with a desk that has another
key. Take the CHURCH'S REAR KEY. Now tap L1. AAAHH! Zombies! Scrape
along the boxes again back to the door. If you are slow you may have to do
some pushing.


Go back up the stairs.


Run to the door you see immediately after entering.


Ignore the ringing telephone and go down the stairs to the right.


Scrape along the benches to pick up the CRACKED KEY and avoid the two
lickers. Now go get the GREEN HERB beside the other set of stairs. Tap L1
to face the lickers, then run around the railing and up the stairs.


Rapidly tap START to avoid the telephone conversation. I prefer the library
route at this point in the game, because you get HANDGUN D. HANDGUN D seems
to be able to put down enemies the fastest of all the HANDGUNS because it
puts quite a bit of power behind every shot. It puts down zombies on
occasion with only two bullets! Anyway, go to the library. It is the
building at the far end of the street.


Rapidly tap START to skip a cinema, then go up the stairs.


Take the GREEN HERB near the double doors, then enter the doors.


Upon entry, you will hear the door lock behind you. After a few words from
a mysterious stranger behind the door, sinister music will begin. There is
a hunter wandering around the maze of bookshelves. Put him down, then take
the glorious HANDGUN D from the desk with the computer. Try the door, and
unbelievably, the door has mysteriously unlocked.


You will hear a door open and close downstairs. Probably that crazy guy who
locked you up in the library! Let's follow him.


Enter the double doors to the left of the stairs.


Run around the bookcase and dodge the licker. Run for the exit around the


Shoot all the zombies and take the MANHOLE OPENER from the desk. Leave thru
the other door.


Get out of the offshoot and into the alley. While evading dogs and crows,
pick up the RED HERB in the back corner and open up the manhole with the


Press the red button you see upon entering. Now lots and lots of bugs will
come and attack. Instead of wasting your time on them, run for the exit.


Go to the door this sewer was named after.


Walk over to the desk and pick up the diary. Tap SQUARE then TRIANGLE to
avoid reading the diary. Then rapidly tap START until you magically
teleport to a door. Go thru this door.


Run down the hall to the ladder and avoid the licker that leaps through the
air duct.

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | / / - "PARADISE" PRISON
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Funny name, huh? Well look at the sign above the doors. After you are done
looking around, enter into "PARADISE."


Scrape along the left wall to evade the zombies then enter the door marked


Shoot down enough zombies to clear a path to the next door.


Take the PRISON CELL KEY off the desk and leave.


Shoot your way back to the lobby.


Walk to the heavy metal door across from you marked "Prison" and unlock it


Blast the zombies in the hall if they are there, then take the ROPE off the
stand. Enter the door that is standing open. Evade the zombies if you can
and get to the barred door.


Run past the zombies to the heavy metal door at the end of the hall. There
is nothing to pick up inside the cells except for a worthless file.


Take the white door on the right side of the hall.


Blast the two zombies you see upon entry, then charge for the SHOTGUN they
were in front of. By now, the other two zombies you haven't seen yet have
come out of their side of the room. Run around the bank of showers to evade
them and escape.


Take the door you see immediately after entering.


Here you will either encounter dogs or hunters. Evading dogs is cake. Run
for the opening in the concrete wall on the right to end up in a small
alley. Pick up the RED HERB here, do an about face, and run for the ladder
at the other end of the alley. With hunters, accomplishing these tasks is
not quite so easy. Take advantage of the wide open space of the firing
range. Run in a zig zag pattern to evade the hunters, then escape into the
small alley. They don't seem to be able to shortcut over the concrete wall,
so you will be at least relatively safe from their leaps.


Walk over to the railing on the other side of the platform to automatically
tie the ROPE and climb down it.

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In the distance, you can see a gloomy green figure approaching. That's no
zombie, it's Mr. X! Take out HANDGUN A and pelt him with lead. If your aim
is good and you fire quickly, he won't even be able to reach you before
dying. Take the item he drops and leave out the door at the far end of this


Mr. X confronts you again here, but this time you are in a tiny room with
lots of clutter. Try shooting when you first enter the room until he
briefly stuns under the fire, then quickly sprint past to the other side of
the room and finish the job from there. Take the item he drops and leave
out the next door.


This place is empty currently, so go up the small set of stairs and enter
the door there.


Walk around the wall and pick up the CLUB HALL KEY on the coffee table.
After you pick it up, Mr. X comes a'callin. Tap L1 to face the corner of
the small wall, then pelt Mr. X till he dies. He may get confused trying to
walk around the wall, giving you more time to shoot him. Take the item he
drops and leave.


Yet another Mr. X attacks you, but this time you have a wide open space to
work with. Run laps around the room, pausing at each corner to pop off a
few shots. Repeat till dead. Take his item, unlock the front door with the
CLUB HALL KEY, and leave.


Rapidly tap START until Umbrella's proud logo disappears from the screen.
Press L1 to discover a RED HERB. Pick it up and enter the skyscraper.


You are attacked by either hunters or lickers. If there are hunters, gun
them both down and take the MAGNUM ROUNDS off the front desk. Go out the
door on the right side of the lobby. Lickers are much easier. Take the
MAGNUM ROUNDS, slip past them, and leave thru the next door.


Scrape along the left wall to evade the zombies, then take the elevator on
the right. The left one is broken.


You encounter either hunters or lickers. Evade either one and take the
first door you see.


You will see a cutscene that is unskippable until your character looks away
from the video screens. Do so at that point. Now, press L1 to face the
CARD KEY on the computer. When you try to pick it up, Mr. X crashes through
the computer! Run around the room and shoot him from the corners like you
did back at the nightclub. Take the item he drops, then take the CARD KEY
that landed near the desk. Leave.


Run over to the door across the hall and use the CARD KEY on the card reader
to unlock it. Enter after doing so.


You will meet either zombies or lickers. Evade either one. Run around the
computer desk and take the other door in the back of the room.


Go over to the elevator. Unfortunately, its not at your floor yet, so
you'll have to wait. But don't worry, you'll have your hands full with the
Mr. X that comes thru the hole in the wall. After defeating him, take his
item and the RED HERB in the back corner. Go back to the doors and the
elevator will arrive then.


Ignore the card reader and just charge straight thru the metal detector. It
will set off the alarm and a licker will crash thru the window, but before
he can attack, you'll be long gone down the stairs.


Run into the lot and snag the GRENADE GUN someone carelessly left lying on
top of a car (I thank his incompetence), and then run up the ramp past the
car to get away from the dogs.


Skip the cutscene. Wade down the waterway to the door on the left side of
the fence. It's a little hard to see, so use L1 to aim yourself at it.


You can see a hunter lurking on top of a bridge. Snipe him with a HANDGUN
and keep firing to kill him before he can reach you. Leave out the gate at
the other end of the canal.


Zig left between the two big spiders, then zag right to hit the ladder on
the right wall.


Immediately turn left upon entry to discover a GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB.
Take both of them and then enter the house. Ignore the zombies behind the


Take the door on the right side of the room.


You hear a tremor, and it's coming from the closet. Walk over to the closet
and then press start to skip the boring cinema. Now leave the room. (BTW,
notice the poster to the left of the bunkbeds. Street Fighter, anyone?)


Go to the door next to the kitchen.


Run over to the curtains and pick up the RED HERB, then zip back out again
so you don't have to deal with the zombie.


Go back out the front door.


Zombies have positioned themselves about the place. Scrape along the walls
to evade them, then go down the street and up the stairs.

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |__ | - THE MOUNTAIN PATH
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Shoot down the dogs, then try to enter the control shack. But, before you
can run over to open the door, a hunter crashes thru it! Kill him then go
open the next door.


Run over to the control panel and throw the switch to start up the tram.
Now run for the exit. As you try to leave, a licker leaps thru the window,
but you'll be able to escape easily before it can attack you.


Board the tram. As you board the tram, a hunter leaps atop.


Right after you exit the tram, you are jumped by the hunter that was atop
the tram. Gun him down, then avoid the rest of the hunters and get to the


Mr. X will climb over the railing. Gun him down, take his item, then evade
the dogs and run out the gate.


Run to the gate you see upon entry.


What is up with that music? Anyway, you'll see a brief cutscene of a rock
slide sending you over the cliff, and even more strangely, there is no sound
effects to go with it. After the scene, start running up the path. You
will be confronted by Mr. X. Dodge past him and continue on. In fact,
evade Mr. X every time you run into him here, as he now gives up nothing for
killing him. After more running, you will see him again. Run past. The
next time you see him, you will be on a narrow ledge. Run at him and let
him hit you. During the pause between punches, sprint past. After a little
more running, you will cross a rope bridge. At the other end, Mr. X makes
his last appearance in this area. Hopefully, he will be looking away. Get
past him and (finally) out through the gate.


Here you will meet dogs or hunters. Run in a zig zag pattern to the gate at
the other end of the quarry.


Sprint past the dogs and run for the big front gates.


Hunters will attack. Kill the one that sees you right away, then shoot the
ones on the left and right sides of the yard. Take the GREEN HERB from
around the left side of the mansion, then run to the right side and enter
the small door there. Don't bother with the front doors, because they are
boarded up from the other side.


You'll hear Lott give a yell, but befoe running down the stairs to his
rescue, take the GRENADE ROUNDS from the back corner of the room.

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |__ | - THE FACTORY
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Mr. X comes for you as you enter. Shoot him. Now there will either be a
group of zombies, another Mr. X, or nothing at all after the first attack.
Anyway, kill the monsters if they are there, then go to the elevator control
room. Throw the switch, take the MAGNUM, then go down on the elevator.


There are many zombies shambling about in this room, but don't bother to
kill them as they will regenerate every time you come through this room
again. Ignore the door you see after entering. Instead, turn right at the
fork and dodge your way to that door.


There are lickers crawling on the ceiling, but you won't even see them if
you move fast enough. Take the door on the left side of the hall. It's
near where the hall curves.


Take the ACID ROUNDS off the desk and take the next door. BTW, look at the
huge broken capsule in the middle of the room. Something must have gotten


Shoot down the licker that attacks and take the ACTIVATION DISK from the
counter. After you pick it up, you hear a crash. Run back down the little
hall to the last room and you will be jumped by a licker, but like all the
other suprise-lickers in this game, you'll be long gone before he can


Well, the plants escaped, not that it's any big suprise. They are way too
slow to catch you, so leave the room.


Run back to the double doors you used to enter.


Remember that other door I told you not to go to yet? Well now you can go
there. Dodge your way to the other set of double doors.


Run down the catwalk to the computer at the end of it. Insert the
activation disk and watch the zombies do a funky dance. You hate their
dancing so you should shoot all of them and go into that little room they
came out of. Take out the shy ones who wouldn't come out and take the


Dodge all the zombies and go to the other set of double doors.


Hey neat, no more lickers. Press that bright blue button that is calling
for you, then watch the boring cinema showing the big shutter open. Dodge
the plants and take the ID CARD from the dead scientist. Run to the
elevator at the end of the hall, and activate it with the ID CARD. (BTW,
this is the first time I have ever played a RE game and found a key in the
same room it was needed in. Strange.)


Evade the plants and press another pretty blue button. After the shutter
opens, take the FLAME ROUNDS and the BLUE HERB if you want it. Leave out
the huge double doors.


This is absolutely the coolest room in the whole series! You're on a
walkway surrounded by Mr. Xs in giant tubes, but fortunately you will only
need to fight one of them. After the cinema, kill Mr. X for the last time,
take his item, and take the door at the other end of the catwalk.


You will see a brief cinema of Lott trying to fend off a hunter with a
multi-colored baseball bat. Stupid kid. Come to his rescue by killing the
hunter, then after you see the flashback, tap start. After you hear the
goofy sounding self-destruct tape, take the FAS and leave the room thru the
single door.


After the cheesy cinema, run to the other door at the end of the hall.


Run forward and activate the terminal with a green screen, then turn tail
and run out again.


Go activate the switch to raise the shutter. Dodge both plants and take the
door at the end of that hall.


Take the MASTER KEY off the terminal in front of you, then turn around and
leave. Ignore the hideous creature in the tube.


Cool, no more plants, run down the hall to activate a cinema showing Andy
the troll being killed. Take out your HANDGUN D and shoot the Tyrant until
it gets too close, then run to the other end of the hall and shoot from
there until he gets too close again. Repeat until dead. Now, go back into


Turn to the right and take the MAGNUM ROUNDS. Shoot your way to the little
door between the big video screens. Use the MASTER KEY and get out.


As you enter, all the doors in the hall will blast from their frames, but
nothing will come out of them. Strange. Run over all the doors and get


The kids will wave for you then get inside the train. After the cinema, run
down the hall then turn right. Activate the panel there to raise the doors
blocking the tracks. Now tap L1 and you find yourself in a cleaner ambush!
Dodge past all the cleaners. If you try to fight them, you'll just get
jacked up because they swarm from all sides. Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS near
the train and then board it.


After watching the kids wave again, follow them to the elevator.


After the cinema, the Tyrant returns again to fight you on the heliport.
Brings back memories, but this time you have no bazooka to kill him in one
shot. For his first form, pelt him with MAGNUM BULLETS whenever he stops
leaping around. Also walk backwards a little between every shot to put
extra distance between you and the Tyrant. He should change his form again
as you run out of ammunition for the MAGNUM.

This form actually weakens him because he loses the ability to leap at you
and practically run circles around you. Take out the GRENADE GUN and shoot
him up with ACID ROUNDS first. When you run out of acid, use FLAME ROUNDS,
when out of that, use GRENADE ROUNDS. In the unlikely event you run out of
even THAT, use the SHOTGUN. Eventually, after absorbing enough ammo to
destroy a city block, he will die. Watch the Tyrant's goofy death in the
ending movie and look at your time. Go get yourself a drink, you need a
rest after this strenuous game.


5: Thanks

- Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist!
- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and
this game!
- Thanks to Capcom! I am really looking forward to Resident Evil: Code
Veronica X.
- Thanks to S.D. Perry for her brilliant novelization of the Resident Evil
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


6: E-mail Policy

I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to
waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my
document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you
send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1
lvl ok thnks gby."

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

- be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted.

Please DO NOT:

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
similar to that.

- flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the
s-word. These will be instantly deleted.

- send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be
deleted instantly.

- ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the
manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or
would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to
get back to you?

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.

- send me a message in any language other than English. The only other
language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can
hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language
besides English or I simply won't be able to help you.


7: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act
against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it
as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons
whatsoever, even if no money is made.

I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so
from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides:

This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. Since is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.

I bid you farewell.


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