Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

16.10.2013 09:51:07
Animal GameSave FAQ
Animal GameSave FAQ
John Valor D. Guardiano Email: sagajohn@bulacan.ph
Version Number: 1.2
Date This FAQ Was Started: January 1, 2002

This FAQ is available on:
www.GameFAQS.com, www.psxcodez.com and www.neoseeker.com

The gamesave that goes with this FAQ is available on:
www.GameFAQS.com and www.psxcodez.com


1.2 January 10, 2002

I've added some important information about trading animals between
section. I also inserted spaces between the steps in the procedures of
duplication trick for easy reading. By the way, the gamesave that goes
with this FAQ is now available at www.psxcodez.com too.

I checked GameFAQS.com's PSX game database and found out that the
other Harvest Moon game is called Harvest Moon for Girls. It's not yet
out on the U.S. though, but I hope this game is backward compatible
with the Harvest Moon: Back to Nature game, so we can duplicate the
golden animals there as well.

1.1 January 9, 2002

Ok, ok, I'm eating my words already. I just made a few spelling
checks, moved a few paragraphs where they really belong, and I added a
few stuff in the credits and the disclaimer.

Is the OTHER Harvest Moon Game for the PS out on the U.S. yet?
I have a friend who has one, it's pirated so I'm not sure of the
title, but it says 'Harvest Moon 2'. It's Japanese, and your character
is a girl. If it is already been translated to English, and the
duplication bug works here also, contact me; so I can make an animal
gamesave on this game as well since I'll be getting a new PSONE unit
soon. Thanks.

1.0 January 1, 2002

This will probably be the first and last version of this FAQ. This
FAQ explains how to trade/duplicate golden animals with or without the
use of my Harvest Moon: Back to Nature gamesave on Gamefaqs. Although
it's easier to use the trick below using my gamesave, there's also
a step by step procedure on how to duplicate golden animals without
my gamesave.


II. WHAT YOU NEED (gamers with dexdrives)
III. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO (gamers with dexdrives)
IV. WHAT YOU NEED (gamers without dexdrives)
V. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO (gamers without dexdrives)


Hi. If you're reading this, then you've probably seen the Harvest
Moon: Back to Nature gamesave I submitted on GameFAQS and psxcodez. If
you're looking for a walkthrough or a control guide for this game,
check the other FAQs. I've read some of them, and they're great.

The purpose of my Harvest Moon: Back to Nature gamesave is for
you to have the animals that produce golden products (golden eggs) at
FESTIVALS. Unlike other gamesaves where you actually need to load and
play the gamesave to enjoy what the creator of the save has made for
you, all you have to do is trade animals with my gamesave. You don't
have to play it in the game. Promise.

Normally, you would have participate your animal(cow, chicken,
sheep) in it's respective festival and win. Technically, you can only
own 3 gold cows, 3 gold chickens, and 3 gold sheep in the whole game.
This is because the respective animal festivals occur only once a
a year in the game's time, and the whole game revolves only in THREE

The gamesave contains 10 cows that produce Medium-size milk, and
10 chickens that laid golden eggs. What? No golden sheep or cows you
say? Sadly, my PS broke before I could win the sheep or cow festival
to obtain the sheep that made golden wool and the cow with the G-size
Milk. Even though these cows don't produce golden products, they're
still worth a lot if you sell them.

The Golden Eggs alone will reap you a lot of money daily,
especially if you use the Mayonaise Maker and turn the Golden eggs
into G-size mayonaise(or Golden Mayonaise, or whatever it is called)

If I can afford another PS, I'll update the gamesave on GameFAQS.
Like I said, if you want to know how to win in the festivals, read the
other FAQs.

II. WHAT YOU NEED (gamers with dexdrives)

A Dexdrive for the Playstation.
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Game for the PS (duh).
One Memory Card that contains YOUR gamesave.
Another Memory Card where MY gamesave will be transferred to.

III. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO (gamers with Dexdrives)

1.) Download my Harvest Moon gamesave on GameFAQS.com or psxcodez.com

2.) Use the Dexdrive to transfer my gamesave to a memory card.

3.) Insert both memory cards on the PS (One that has your gamesave,
and the other, containing mine.)

4.) Start Harvest Moon: Back to Nature game, and load your save.

5.) Once your save has loaded, move your character to the diary,
press X on the PS pad to activate the menu, and choose trade

6.) On the trade animals screen, choose my gamesave, and get the
animals in it. You get them even without giving animals in

It's that simple!

You can sell these animals for quick cash especially the cows ( useful
if you want to buy that that farming tool you've always wanted, or
upgrade a tool ). Just repeat steps 2 to 6 above to get them again.

NOTE: These animals may NOT immediately produce the golden products
the next day; it may be two or three days from the day you got
them from my gamesave. Also, don't forget to feed them as soon
as you got them.

If you don't own a Dexdrive, below is an alternative way. This is
actually a more complicated and longer process, and you would be using
the memory card duplication trick like I did, and YOU NEED TO WIN IN
other FAQ's on how to win the animal festivals. It doesn't matter if
the animal produces golden products, if you wish to duplicate
regular animals, the trick below is still applicable.

IV. WHAT YOU NEED (gamers without dexdrives)

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Game for the PS.
One Memory Card that contains YOUR gamesave.
Another Memory card where you will make a NEW gamesave.

V. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO (gamers without Dexdrives) Duplication Trick

Since you will be using two gamesaves, I will refer your current game
save as YOUR gamesave, and the other one on the other memory card as
the OTHER gamesave

After winning your first gold animal(from festivals), do the ff:

1.) Start a new game on another memory card. It should have a
same filename or farm name, the game will say something like it
can't trade animals with the same farm.

2.) After the intro sequence and talking to the Mayor, save this game.

3.) Reset, and load YOUR gamesave(the one with the golden animal)


4.) Now that YOUR gamesave has loaded, move your character to where
the diary is, and select trade animals.

5.) On the trade animals screen, GIVE(that's right, give) your golden
animal to the OTHER gamesave on the other memory card.

6.) Once finished trading, the Harvest Moon game would 'update' the
OTHER gamesave file, which means that it has now a gold animal.

7.) Reset (yes, reset, don't save) the game. Load the OTHER gamesave.

8.) Now that the OTHER gamesave has loaded, move the character to
where the diary is, and select trade animals. Give the golden
animal on this OTHER gamesave to YOUR gamesave.

9.) Once finished trading, the Harvest Moon game would 'update' the
YOUR gamesave file, which means that it now has TWO gold animals.
Reset and DON'T SAVE the OTHER gamesave.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 if want more gold animals.


This is a game bug. If you observe what happens during the animal
trade, the game only 'updates' the other gamesave(not the one you are
currently playing). It only assumes that you will save your game
once you read the diary and put your character to sleep, so it can
update the gamesave you are playing. To exploit this bug, we don't
save, then reset, not giving the Harvest Moon game a chance to update
the gamesave you are currently playing, and therefore, we have
duplicated the animals.

One funny drawback however, that your animals will have the same
names (they're duplicated, so are the names). But I guess the pros
outweighs the cons in this case, since the animals have many heart
icons meaning they are very happy.

If you have a friend who is also playing Harvest Moon: Back to
Nature, you can apply this trick and duplicate/trade animals you have,
and vice versa.

Just don't get too greedy or you'll end up duplicating and selling
the animals for cash (it's easier to use a gameshark if you REALLY want
to cheat that BADLY) instead of really enjoying the game.

NOTE: I'm not really sure about the CHARACTER NAME, but I am quite
certain that if you trade animals with a gamesave with the SAME
FARM NAME, the game will say that it cannot trade animals with
the same farm.

I encountered this message when I traded my animals on another
memory card, but the same gamesave.


File1 File2
Name: Kenshi Name: Kenshi
Farm: Bukid Farm Farm: Bukid Farm

Trading animals between these two files is not possible. That's
why you need to trade with a different gamesave with a different
FARMNAME. Just to be safe, it must have a different CHARACTER NAME as



GameFAQS.com - For posting my first FAQ. YEY! Thanks CJ!

GameFAQS Message Boards - Best Game Message Board in the Web

NATSUME - For Making the Harvest Moon series and Wild Guns

Bryant Turner - I used his some of his simple FAQ format and
applied it to mine, and I also made a basis of
his disclaimer.

????? - The guy who emailed me asking what my gamesave on
GameFAQS was for. The email message nudged me into
making the FAQ. You know who you are, and if you want
your name displayed here, email me again.

Interact - for making the best PS peripheral ever.

If you have Playstation AND a PC, go get a dexdrive.
I bought mine at $20, and I hear they're about $15
now or so. It's worth it.

Gamewinners.com - Where the duplication trick is from. The trick
also inspired me to make the gamesave in the
first place.

Manok - My first chicken in Harvest Moon, who won the Chicken
Festival, and was cloned through the duplication
trick. :)


This FAQ is copyright 2002, of me, John Valor D. Guardiano. This FAQ
can ONLY be put on are http://www.GameFAQS.com,
http://www.psxcodez.com, and http://www.neoseeker.com. This script may
not be copied and/or published in any way. Any commercial use of this
FAQ is strictly forbidden and can only be used for personal usage.
Any necessary legal action WILL take place if any of these rules are
violated. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is (c)2000, Natsume.
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