Roller Coaster Tycoon

Roller Coaster Tycoon

13.10.2013 10:54:26
Beginners Guide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ROLLER COASTER TYCOON<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

General Information

Type of Guide: Beginners Guide
Date of last update: 8/3/02 UK or 3/8/02 USA
GameFAQs username: irishmillionaire
Real name: Ciarán Gorman
Game Platform: PC
Percentage complete: 100%
Version: Final

Legal Disclaimer

This document is Copyright 2002 Irishmillionaire. It may not be reproduced
nor retransmitted in any form without previous consent from the author, Ciarán
Gorman.It may not be published, sold, altered etc, without previous permission
from the author, Ciarán Gorman. All outside sources which have contributed to
the making of this guide in some form have been credited in the last section
of the guide. Violation of the above terms can and will result in a lawsuit.
Any website not listed below may NOT post this on there website EVER. I am
no longer issuing permission.

Table of contents

I. Introduction
II. The Basics
III. Forest Frontiers
IV. Dynamite Dunes
V. Leafy Lake
VI. Diamond Heights
VII. Evergreen Gardens
VIII. Help
X. The End

I. The Introduction

Main Introduction

Hello everyone, this is my first FAQ ever, so please e-mail me with comments,
suggestions and of course dislikes. I have written this FAQ on the first
five levels, because they are the first levels a gamer will tackle.
They are not that hard but must be played to get used to the game. Also
at the end I have included a tips section which may also be of use to the
more professional player.

Version History

Version 1.0
~ Started FAQ, 30th December 2001,
~ "Introduction" Finished,
~ "Forest Frontiers" Finished,
~ "Dynamite Dunes" Finished,
~ "Leafy Lake" Finished,
~ "Diamond Heights" Finished,
~ "Evergreen Gardens" Finished,
~ "Tips" Started,
~ "Credits" Finished,

Version 2.0
~ Started Updating, 10th January 2002,
~ "FAQ" Finished,
~ "Tips" Updated,
~ "Golden Rules" Started,

Version 2.5
~ Started Updating, 14th January 2002,
~ "Construction Guide" Started,
~ "Tips" Updated,
~ "FAQ" Updated,
~ "Golden Rules" Updated,
~ Minor Formatting Changes,
~ Minor Spelling Corrections,
~ "Coming Soon" Section added,

Version 3.0
~ Started Updating, 21st January 2002,
~ "Construction Guide" Updated,
~ "Tips" Updated,
~ "FAQ" Updated,
~ "Golden Rules" Updated,
~ "Coming Soon" Updated,

Version 3.5
~ Started Updating, 30th January 2002,

Version 4.0
~ Started Updating, 24th February 2002,
~ Spellchecked,
~ "Themeing Guide" Started ,
~ General Updating,
~ Format Change,
~ Heading Edited,
~ Section Positioning Adjusted,
~ "The Basics" added

Version Final
~ Started Updating, 26th February 2002,
~ Erased Themeing and Construction section,
~ Indent All lines,
~ Spellchecked,
~ Info added to last section,
~ Finished, 8th March 2002,

How to read this FAQ

This FAQ is written along the guidelines of CJayC himself, meaning that there
is less than 79 letters/icons/symbols per line etc... Other than that the
formatting is as follows:

A section is indicated by the following:



A subsection:



And a sub-subsection:

>>> <<<

II. The Basics


F1 = Land menu
F2 = Water menu
F3 = Scenery & Gardens menu
F4 = Path Construction menu
F5 = New Rides & Attractions menu
Pause/break = Pause
1 = Underground view
4 = See-through trees
8 = Land Height Markings
0 = Ride/Path Height Markings
Page Up = Zoom Out
Page Down = Zoom In
Enter = Rotate Screen
M = Recent Messages menu
G = Guests menu
F = Finance menu
Cancel/back = Close menu
D = R&D menu
S = Staff
Tab = Map screen
R = Rides & Attractions menu
P = Park Entrance menu

III. Forest Frontiers

Level: 1
Area: 177,100sq.ft
Objectives: 250 guests
600 rating
By October Year 1
Game Description: "Deep in the forest, build a thriving theme park in
a large cleared area."
Initial Loan: £10,000
Loan: Up to £30,000
Rides: Monorail, Haunted House, merry-go-round, Car ride, Spiral
Slide, Wooden Roller Coaster, Steel Mini Roller
Coaster, Twist, Swinging Ship, Boat Hire, Burger Bar
Drink Stall, Popcorn Stall and The Toilets.
My Rating: 7/10

The very first thing I would do is go to the research menu and select max
funding, then start reaching "Trill Rides" and "Roller Coasters." Roller
Coasters because you can borrow plenty and you need to attract plenty of
people early on. Trill Rides because they are small, cheap and if used
well they can make up to £2,000 per hour.

Next open your park and leave the entrance price at zero. You should build
a few cheap rides like a twist or merry-go-round. Charge there excitement
rating, e.g. If the excitement rating is 1.74 you charge £1.70. You always
round your figures down, e.g. 1.99 is £1.90 not £2.00. This means for a
roller coaster with an excitement rating of 7.69 you can charge the nice
amount of £7.60!

Note: If you start charging at the entrance, people will refuse to go on
your rides.

Placing trees or other things like flowers beside a ride, the excitement
rating will increase by about 0.20, but if done well on rides like a monorail,
it can double!

Now that you have some rides, you should hire some staff. Hire 2 of each.
Later when increasing staff only go by the amount of rides so if you have
25 rides you should have 25 staff. Try to keep an even number of staff. Always
have the same amount of guards as handymen or mechanics as entertainers.
They are always needed.

Note: If you are having rating problems then you should break the rule
and hire extra entertainers.

Next you should borrow up to £10,000 and build a top of the range roller
coaster near the back of the park. The reason that I have said the back,
is that it will keep people away from the exit, without harming your ratings.

You should place benches and bins mainly at the exit of the roller coaster
to avoid having to clear up vomit. At the exit of your biggest roller coaster
you should place a toilet and charge £0.10 for it. Some people say not to do
this but unless the satisfaction drops below 60%, then it is ok. People will
willingly pay after a very intense ride.

By now you should have well over a hundred people in your park. But the second
you stop building people will slowly stop coming. So when this happens put
all the advertisements and marketing on even the free entry, even though
it is already free, it just reminds people of your park. If you can not
afford them all, then you should start with the most expensive ones. After that
you should spend about £2,500 per month. Always choose six weeks or you will
never have time to build.

I would usually say to always try to decrease your debt, but this park is
only a year long, so borrow plenty for building and advertising.

When people start complaining about there being no where to eat or drink, you
should build at least one burger bar and drink stall. The ideal place to
build these is at the back of your park because people are hunger and thirsty
after crossing the whole park and are twice as likely to buy something.

Near the end of September you should be taking in about £6,000 in ride tickets

Since you have so little time to research in this level you can get away with
building more than one of each ride. Mainly thrill rides because it doesn't
really work with gentle rides.

In the first week of October you should check the park rating and the number
of guests in your park. Although you only need 250 guests, it should be of
no surprise if you have over 700 or even a thousand. The real worry is the
park rating, later you will be able to have ratings of up to 999, but if
your still a beginner, aim for 700 or more. If the rating is below the vital
600, you should hire more entertainers and handy men, lower ride prices and
listen to guest complaints.

IV. Dynamite Dunes

Level: 2
Area: 264,880sq.ft
Objectives: 650 guests
600 rating
By October Year 3
Game Description: "Built in the middle of the desert, this theme park
contains just one roller coaster but has space for
Initial Loan: £10,000
Loan: Up to £15,000
Rides: Miniature Railway, merry-go-round, Car ride, Spiral
Slide, Wooden Roller Coaster, Mine Train Roller
Coaster, Twist, Log Flume, Ice Cream Stall,
Drink Stall, Burger Bar and The Toilets.
Unique ride: Dynamite Blaster
My Rating: 8/10

This park has loads of space, but very little money to build rides so as always
start with small, cheap and quick trill rides, like the twist. As I said last
time don't stop building when you run out of rides, build the same ride at the
other side of the park, this is especial true in such a big park.

Even though you have so little money you should still spend max on your
research and as I said before trill rides are the first thing you need
to research because they are small and cheap.

Once you have three or four rides built, you should think about building a
miniature railway the whole way around your park, since there are a good few
hills in this park, it doesn't matter if you have to build under ground, it
actually adds to your rating. Try to have as many stations as possible, and
space then evenly. Theme the track until you have an excitement rating of 4
or over, therefore a ticket price of £4.00! It seems weird but this is your
must important ride in the whole park, and if managed well, it will contribute
up to £12,000 per hour!

This park is very easy, so take your time in building a good park, and listen
to customer complaints and fix them. It is easy to get a park rating of up to
999 in this park if you try.

In this park you are given the chance to buy land, I have one thing to say
about this, DON'T, it is a complete waste of money, and in a park with so
much land and so little money, it is completely insane.

By the end of the first year you should have all the guests you need and then
some, if not you are not listening to me. You should also have about seven or
eight really good rides and some shops as well.

The next thing you MUST do, is build your second roller coaster, it should be
a Mine Train Roller Coaster and should have a photo piece, preferable near a
steep drop. On average one in five buys a photo, so if you're charging £2.00,
you should make an extra £2,000 per hour on a fairly good roller coaster.

Now go to the research screen and start researching roller coasters ASWELL as
trill rides. The ride you are hoping to get is the "steel roller coaster."
This is my favourite because it takes so little room if you use the "pre built
powered launch roller coaster," and since it is so small more people can use it
in less time, but since it is a roller coaster it still has a high excitement
rating! So it should come as no surprise if you get over £6,000 per hour!

Now that you have seen a powered launch roller coaster, you will be ready to
build your own. Try to build different types like one with two loops or no
loops. Later on in the game you will be able to build this type of roller
coaster with other roller coasters like ones with half loops or twists. Since
this is a roller coaster, you should be able to add a photo point. When you
have your roller coaster built select "Powered launch Mode" and have a test run,
increase the speed to match the track height.

You should be able to build about five of these around your park, but make sure
they are all different. You should get about £7,000 per hour from each. So that
is 5x£7,000+5x£2,000=£45,000 per hour!

At the end of year 2 you should have twice as many guests as required and about
10 small rides and 6 roller coasters not to mention about 6 stalls! Not bad.

Now we are back to trill rides, at this stage you should have researched the
cinema. I have only two things to say, ONLY BUILD ONE, and DON'T CHARGE THE
EXCITEMENT RATING. Unlike other rides people will only go to the cinema ONCE,
unless you change the movie ever few months. The ideal amount to charge is £1.90.

By now you should have also have researched GoKarts. These are great at
collecting money. When building one with race mode, you should always leave
it on one lap only, this will bring the excitement rating up by about 1.50. You
will notices that the winner does a 2nd lap, this is really his prize! In a
large park like this one 2 GoKarts should be built, one on race mode and the
other on continuous mode. If built well they should take in about £5,000 to £6,000

Finish off this level by checking your rating and guest number. As I said before
you should have several times your objectives.

V. Leafy Lake

Level: 3
Area: 360,140 sq.ft
Objectives: 500 guests
600 rating
By October Year 3
Game Description: "Starting from scratch, build a theme park around
a large lake."
Initial Loan: £10,000
Loan: Up to £50,000
Rides: Monorail, merry-go-round, Car ride, Ferris Wheel
Steel Mini Roller Coaster, Wooden Roller Coaster,
Twist, Boat hire, Ice Cream Stall,
Drink Stall, and the Toilets.
Unique ride: none
My Rating: 5/10

This park has even MORE room than the last but most of it is in the lake, which
is VERY expensive to build on. So to help the park has a maximum loan of £50,000!
Now as I said before loans are dangerous, and that you should not borrow money
after the 1st year unless totally necessary. But I did not say you couldn't borrow
as much as you want in the 1st year, so go ahead and borrow the fifty grand!

First things first, go and build the two biggest roller coasters, woodchip and
mischief over the lake. As I said this is very expensive, but it will increase
the excitement rating of the ride by about 0.50 to 1.00. Each roller coaster
should cost about £10,000 each maybe £12,000. Now DO NOT go ahead and build paths
for them or open your park.

Next head over to the only large piece of land. It might seem small, but it
is almost the size of Forest Frontiers! Now build a steel mini roller coaster
and another wooden roller coaster of your own design, before this you should
save, so if you make a large mistake you can load back. You want an intensity
rating of below 10.60 (extreme) and an excitement rating of over 5.00. People
will go on extreme rides but only some and will not willingly pay over a fiver.

Now you have four roller coasters and £10,000 you can open your park and build
paths to your rides. As I said before as soon as possible you should start
researching trill rides and roller coasters. And of course give max funding.

Next you litter your park with trill rides, gentle rides and powered launch
mode roller coasters. Stop when you are at £1,000. I say this because you
are going to build a monorail around your entire park EVEN the large grass
area. You may run out of money, if this happens, leave your PC running and
go and watch TV or something, by the time you come back it will be October
year three and you will have several thousand pounds in the bank!

Finish off your monorail and start building stalls and toilets all around
your park. Also build about 3 boat hires at different points around the lake,
these should take in about £700 to £1,000 an hour.

At the end of year one you should have all your objectives completed and be
taking in about £10,000 in ride tickets a month.

Now on to the hardest part, complaints. Try to fix the top five complaints,
they are usually something like "there is a lot of litter in this park," or
"the vandalism in this park is really bad."

Continue year two by fixing complaints, themeing your park and building new

Sometimes after building a large ride beside another, its excitement rating
will improve, so every couple of months you should check ALL your rides
excitement ratings and adjust the ride ticket price if necessary, this can add
up to £1,500 on to your ride ticket income each month, that's more than £25,000
a year! Enough to build 2 very good roller coasters!

Now spend year three improving guest numbers and the park rating. Also add some
more small rides.

You should fly through year 3 like this and by October run out of space to build!

VI. Diamond Heights

Level: 4
Area: 630,960 sq.ft
Objectives: Park value of £20,000
By October Year 3
Game Description: "Diamond heights is already a successful theme park
with great rides-develop it to double its value."
Initial Loan: £1,000
Loan: Up to £25,000
Rides: Miniature Railway, merry-go-round, Car ride, Haunted
House, Steel Mini Roller Coaster, Steel Roller
Coaster, Wooden Wild Roller Coaster, Boat hire,
Swinging Ship, Log Flume, Ice cream Stall, Pizza
Stall Information Kiosk and the Toilets.
Unique rides: Agoraphobia, Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia,
Doppelganger, Grimble's Gallopers, Indiana Jane
Railway, Shortstuff's Slide, Snake River Falls.
My Rating: 8/10

The first thing you do is adjust the prices of the eight rides to there
excitement ratings, you will see that you will be able to charge over £7.00
for 3 of them!

Next you will need to build plenty of stalls mainly pizza stalls, and
information kiosks. Then as always go to the research screen and research
trill rides and roller coasters.

As you can see this park is massive, the biggest yet, so go ahead and
borrow £25,000 and build about 2 roller coasters and a few trill rides.
When that's done build 2 or 3 powered launch mode roller coasters.

Since your objective is to double your PARKS value NOT your COMPANYS value,
don't worry about money, or guest numbers, remember if you build a good
park people will come and money will pile up.

This park will always have a problem with litter, so hire as many handymen
as you can (about 20 should do) and place plenty of bins around the park.

If money does become a problem, just leave the computer running for a couple
of months (game months not our months!) until you have a good bit of money.

You will find sadly that later in this level, things start to crash, like
that 20 something thousand pound roller coaster you have! So to avoid
this, select "check every 10 minutes" on the ride screen of ALL your roller
coasters, then hire about 150 15 mechanics.

At the end of year one you should have a park value of at least £15,000 and
a company value of about -£5,000.

In year two try to save your money for a building spree in year 3.

Finally in year 3, first thing, IGNORE ALL YOUR GUESTS, yes all, second BUILD,
BUILD, BUILD. Build up to 3 of EVERY ride. By the end you should have a park
value of at least £30,000.

VII. Evergreen Gardens

Level: 5
Area: 925,980 sq.ft
Objectives: 1,000 guests
600 rating
By October Year 4
Game Description: "Convert the beautiful Evergreen Gardens into a
Thriving theme park."
Initial Loan: £10,000
Loan: Up to £40,000
Rides: Miniature Railway, merry-go-round, Car ride, Haunted
House, Steel Mini Roller Coaster, Steel Roller
Coaster, Monorail, Hedge Maze, Wooden Roller Coaster
Twist, Ice cream stall, Burger bar, Drink Stall,
Unique rides: none
My Rating: 2/10

I hate this park, it is easy to clear but is so long and there is so, so many
trees. The very first thing I would do is clear ALL the trees. Then like the
last 4 levels, start researching trill rides and roller coasters.

Next build plenty of trill rides at the entrance and roller coasters at the
back of the park. Borrow the £40,000 and build, build, build. The one good
thing about this park is you have a decent amount of money and plenty of land,
the bad thing is water takes up a lot of it and trees, well the trees speck
for themselves!

Because of the colossal size of this park you will be able to build as much
as you want and for once spread them out. Again because of its size, stalls
will do very, very well.

A miniature railway should be built as soon as possible, to if you want, and
information kiosks should be built everywhere.

By year three you will want to give up, this is understandable but don't.
Gentle rides are important in this level, so build up to three merry-go-rounds.
Also hedge mazes are great for filling up some of the thousand corners in this

VIII. Help


1. Borrow all you want in the first year, but try to repay it by year three,
this is important if you start to have problems later on, like guests being
scared away after a crash etc.
2. Charge the excitement rating for your rides, and always round down, e.g.
7.59 is equal to £7.50. This will only work if you have no entrance fee.
3. Listen to customer complaints, because you might even be able to profit
from them when, say they are hungry or something.
4. Only charge £0.10 for the toilets no more no less. Some say this is a
bad idea, but customers don't mind in this game. Some toilets can make up
to £500 pre hour.
5. Be creative when building rides, it will pay off, e.g. the powered launch
roller coaster, you can build up to ten of these in the one park and still make
huge profits from them, as long as they are different.
6. Fill any small spaces with flowers, this will boost your ratings greatly, and
is very cheap.
7. Build seats and bins at ride exits, you can build a thousand seats in your
park and not make a difference, but if they are built in the right places they
will be rewarded with good ratings, and is great PR, if done well.
8. Hire one member of staff for every ride so that if you have 40 rides you have
40 staff. This is a great way of making sure you are not overstaffed.
9. Don't hire 15 handymen and only 5 entertainers, hire the same amount.
10.If you are having trouble with litter, don't go and hire a heap of handymen,
just place the ones you already have in the worst areas. The same goes for

11. Borrowing is OK, but it will affect the company value hughly. All thought
it doesn't seem like a lot, but interest will add up, say if you are paying
£50 per month in a four year park (8 months to a year) you will end up
paying: 8x50x4=£1,600! That is enough to build one of my beloved powered
launch mode roller coasters, these as I said make over £5,000 per hour
and a four year level lasts for about 3 hours! That is £15,000!
12. If you pay back your loan you sometimes will be able to borrow much larger
amounts of money. This not always necessary, if you just have a VERY high
park value you probably will be able to borrow a lot more.
13. Give your guests space, if they start complaining about crowding, well then
make the paths bigger. Always keep paths about 3 squares wide. This does
not apply to ride exits.
14. If you have not got the objectives within a month of the end, take out a
large loan and spend ALL of it on ads, complaints and themeing, this should
boost your guest numbers and park rating.
15. Do the short levels first, it is almost impossible to lose a level, so
it is wiser to do all the short levels first, this gets rid of boredom from the


16. The only ratings you need to worry about on rides is the excitement and
17. Don't waste space with gentle rides and themeing.
18. Feed your guests, build plenty of stalls ALL over your park, you can
build up to 20!
19. Mix rides, i.e. put all your water rides in one place, all your gentle
rides in another etc.
20. Don't overcharge, as this will ruin your reputation.


Q: How big of a loan is TOO big?
A: It depends from level to level, if the level is only one year long, then
take as much as you want. However if the level is four years long, try to pay
most of it back, SEE: Tips 11 & 12

Q: How many rides should a very good park have?
A: It depends on how big the park is, If it is a really small park below
150,000 s.q.ft, then 15-20 is good, if it is a small/medium park from
150,000 s.q.ft to 300,000 s.q.ft, then 20-30, if it is a fairly big park
from 300,000 s.q.ft to 500,000, then 30-40, and if it is above 500,000 s.q.ft,
then at least 40 up to about 100 or so!

Q: I never have enough money to build big roller coasters, what do I do?
A: This will always be a problem because a decent roller coaster costs over
£10,000, and as I said you will be doing well earning that much in an entire
month, excluding research, marketing, loan interest, wages, food/drink stock,
ride running costs, etc! So the main option is usually borrowing, as I have
continuously said try not to borrow. The best way is simply, leave the game
running and go and watch tv or something! Another option is cut costs, e.g. cut
marketing, lower funding for research etc.

Q: The game has suddenly turned purple/pink/yellow, what do I do?
A: This sometimes happens to older copyies, like mine, mainly after saving.
This is easy to fix. When it happens, just go to the save menu and then cancel
it, it should be OK then.

Q: How do you deal with trees?
A: There is no easy way to deal with trees, so get ride of them as early
as possible. (just right click on them when using a building tool)


Q: How intense is to intense for a roller coaster.
A: It depends on the type of roller coaster, but generally anything over Extreme
is too much for everyone but a few.

Q: How do I build a really good roller coaster?
A: Just build what you your self would like to ride on (refer to "Construction
Guide" for a decent answer)

Q: My park is two small, and there is no land for sale, what do I do?
A: Try to buy the construction rights, if you can not just build under ground,
and high up, try to build small roller coasters, like powered launch mode ones.

Q: When I try to hire more staff, I can't, what do I do?
A: There are is a maximum number of staff you can hire, so use them wisely.

>>>Golden Rules<<<

1. Never ignore your customers.
2. Never leave dead ends on your paths.
3. Never borrow after the first year.
4. Never give up!
5. Never charge at the main entrance AND ride entrances.
6. Never misuse money.
7. Never ignore other people's advice.
8. Never reinstall the game, because all your hard work will be destroyed.
9. Never charge over a tenner for a ride, even if the ride excitement rating is higher.
10. Never waste your money on building rides you have no experience
10. Never forget to theme ALL your park.
11. Never build crap rides just because you have no money.

X. The End

Contacting me

If you have an inquire, questions, etc., e-mail me at with the subject as "FAQ help."
If you want more information an gamefaqs, try or


Thanks to:
The websites that host this FAQ for me!
Hasbro, Chris Sawyer and MicroProse for creating such a great game!
Me for writing it!
The following for pointig things out to me:
Crayonkid2000 for reminding me about the trees

The Last Words

Thanks for taking the time to read this, Slán.


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Beginners Guide

13.October 2013
Set happyness and energy of the visitors (works with all versions and updates)

15.October 2013
For v1.10.016 & 1.10.019

14.October 2013
A +26 Trainer

13.October 2013
Scenario Progress Recovery Utility

09.October 2013
Save game editor

15.October 2013
Money trainer

17.October 2013
Most Popular
30. December 2013
19.February 2014
25.September 2015
28.February 2016
11.June 2014
04.March 2019
07.May 2019
25.June 2019