Hugo's House of Horrors

Hugo's House of Horrors

16.10.2013 19:38:54
Complete points list
Hugo 1 - Complete points list

Action Points
Take pumpkin 2
Smash pumpkin 5
Take key 5
Get into house 11
Take candle 3
Look hole 8
Take knife 6
Take whistle 6
Take bung 11
Take mask 4
333 9
Take oil 4
Yes 8
Lift rug 8
Open trapdoor 17
Get out of screen (between the tow rocks) 12
Blow whistle 7
Take gold 10
Yes 33
Give gold 21

Total: 190/190

This File have been written by Avi Machness.
for corrections / additions / comments please contact
me at:
Note: if you have points lists for any quest,
or can give me more points for this one,
please contact me ASAP.
Thanks, Avi

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Solution for the Windows version

16.October 2013
Complete points list

16.October 2013