Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

16.10.2013 12:52:41
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two for Final Fantasy X
For Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System
Version : Final
By : StoneKotr (Francis Bilodeau)
Created : January 10, 2002
Last Update : June 8, 2002
My E-Mail :
MSN Messenger :
My Home Page :
My nickname on the GameFAQS Board : StoneKotr

Legal Stuff

This FAQ/Walkthrough is created for personal use only. It is prohibited to
use this FAQ on your commercial web page, magazine or game guide without
advising me. You are also not allowed to rip off any segment of my FAQ
without advising me by e-mail. I worked hard for this and I don't want to
see someone says that he has done the whole FAQ. But, you can put this FAQ
on your home page, the only condition for this is to e-mail me and TELL me
that you are putting this FAQ on your home page and you need to GIVE me the
URL. Thank you for you cooperation.


This will be the Final Update of the FAQ, which means I won't add anything
myself since I think it's complete enough. I will still update for
contributions though, so you can send them to me and I will update the FAQ
just for them. Also, you can still ask me questions about the game, since
I won't be working on the FAQ, it won't take a lot of time before I answer
your questions. It has been fun folks, thanks for your support and see you
in another FAQ!

E-Mail Policy

Well, I guess I have no choice to make this section because my FAQ is a
little more popular than I thought. Anyway, I get a lot of questions that
are already answered in the FAQ and lots of questions that are not even
related to the game. So, before sending me a e-mail and be ignored, read


- Questions that are already answered in the FAQ.
- Questions that are not even related to the game.
- Questions related to previous Final Fantasies.
- Don't send me false information.
- Bad comments about my FAQ or how good you are at this game.
- Viruses, in a day I get at least one e-mail containing a virus.


- Questions that are not answered in this FAQ, I'll be happy to help you.
- Suggestions to make this FAQ a better FAQ.
- Mistakes that are in my FAQ (You will be credited).
- Things that I missed, it is really appreciated and you will be credited.
- Strategies to beat hard bosses, you will also be credited.

You can send me questions in English or French, not any other languages.


Hello everyone, this is my second attempt and my second project for a FAQ/
Walkthrough. You may know me for making a Story Mode FAQ/Walkthrough for
WWF Smackdown! : Just Bring It. Anyway, I'm happy to be with you in a FAQ
for this great game called Final Fantasy X. It's not a small task and
I don't have a lot of experience, so I hope you will be patient. Here is
what you can find in this FAQ. First, you'll see my review for the game,
then a complete description of the characters and the basics of this game.
Of course, you can find a complete Walkthrough of this great game and a
mini-FAQ on the Blitzball mini game and finally there are all the weapons,
armors and items lists, a complete bestiary and a list of every sidequests
and secrets of the game. I hope you understand that this cannot be done in
one month, so I'm asking for your patience and cooperation. Well, that's
about it. Final Fantasy X will be the only thing in my life for the next
couple of months !


Version 1.0 :
First Version of this FAQ, here is what I have done for the first version :

- Completed the Review of the game
- The Basics of the Game are completed
- Completed the Walkthrough to Luca
- Started the Shops List
- Started the In the next update... section
- Started the About this FAQ section
- Started the Credits section
- Started the Final Words section

Version 1.1 :
Well, it's the second version and my main goal is to complete the
walkthrough, but I've started other sections of the FAQ.

- Completed the Walkthrough of the game to Mushroom Rock
- Started the Sidequest Section
- Started the Overdrives Section
- Started the Aeons Section

Version 1.2 :
Third version of the FAQ, it's getting bigger and bigger now ! I've decided
to start new sections and complete them little by little at each updates.

- Changed the characters section (contributions)
- Added informations in the Overdrives section.
- Completed the Shops List to the Thunder Plains
- Started the Bestiary (Letter A Complete)
- Started the Abilities List (Part A Completed)
- Started the Weapons List
- Started the Sidequests / Secrets Section

Version 1.3 :
Just a little small update there, I'm trying to finish the FAQ before
school starts back. So the FAQ should be near completion by January 21st.

- Added contributions for the Magus Sisters Aeon.
- Added new Sidequests / Mini Games
- Worked on the Walkthrough (Guadosalam) !
- Added a new Overdrive Mode
- Added new informations on the Jecht Sphere
- Completed the Weapons List !
- Continued the Bestiary (Letter B Complete)

Version 1.4 :
Another daily update... whew ! What a rush. We are January 16th now and
school starts back in five day, yeah! Just joking, I don't like school, but
I'm happy to go there for one reason :). Oh well, I understand myself.
Anyway, I'm adding a lot of stuff coming from everywhere and even though I
think I have a perfect game, I could have missed Items or something, so
anyway, if you see any mistakes, please be gentle and tell me :).

- Started and completed the Items Section !
- Worked on the Walkthrough (Thunder Plains)
- Added a new strategy for the Ultima/Omega Weapons
- Added new informations on the Magus Sisters
- Added the Chocobo Mini Game in the Sidequests section
- Added the Anima quest in the Sidequests section

Version 1.5 :
What an historic moment... It's been one week since I've created this FAQ!
My god, it's time to celebrate, anyway, I worked a lot on the Sidequests
section and it's almost complete, I didn't have the time to work on the
Walkthrough now, sorry! Now every sections are started except for the Mix
List Section. I'll try to finish writing the FAQ by Sunday or Monday. Stay

- Added informations on Tidus's Overdrives and Auron's Overdrives
- Worked on the Bestiary (Letter C Complete)
- Started the Blitzball FAQ
- Almost finished the Sidequests section, I only have to do the Monster
Arena Sidequest.
- Clarified the Cloudy Mirror Sidequest
- If you have any strategies on how to complete the Walkthrough for the
Omega Ruins Sidequest, send them to me please !

Version 1.6 :
Whew, this is getting BIG and I'm near the Final Version too, well the
Final Version for me since I'll take a little break when all the Sections
will be completed. I asked CB! to use her Mix List FAQ in my own FAQ,
because I think no one can do a better job than what she did. I hope she
says I can use it, so the FAQ will be a better one. Also, it's cool to see
ATadeo writing a FAQ for FFX, I hope I can exchange information with him.
Anyway, here is what's new for this version.

- Worked on the Walkthrough and it's COMPLETED!
- Added a Strategy for Nemesis a.k.a. Omega Gold
- Worked on the Bestiary (Letter A to I Completed)
- Armors List Completed!
- Completed the Overdrive Section, added Rikku Mix List Results.
- Shops List Completed!
- BlitzBall FAQ Completed! courtesy of Michael Gallant, if you have any
questions about Blitzball, tell him at :
- Added a Walkthrough for the Omega Ruins thanks to Dan Grubbs,

Version 1.7 :
Just a small update here, corrected a few mistakes in the FAQ. It also seems
that T.J. Martin has ripped off something from CB! And sent it to me. My
apologies CB!... I don't want any problems... Also, I've decided to continue
on my own. So I will do the Mix List myself! It will take a while because I
will now take a well deserved break. It's been too long since I have been
working on this FAQ. I'll do another update in a week or two, maybe one
month... You can still send in your questions and contributions though :).

- Changed the Contributors List, removed T.J. Martin, added CB!
- Started the Weapon's Abilities List
- Added the Ability Pray in the Special Abilities List.

Version 1.8 :
Hello everyone, just a little update here, added some contributions that
were in my E-Mail Inbox. I try to follow my E-Mail Policy and answer every
e-mails as they come. I haven't followed it lately, so if you have sent a
question after Jan. 21, be patient, I will answer your question soon. I'm
still working on the Bestiary, maybe it will be completed in the next

- Added loads of contributions, thanks to you!
- Added the Tips Section in the Basics of the Game.
- Worked on the Bestiary (Letter A to L Completed).
- Worked on the Weapon Ability List.
- Worked on the Armor Ability List.

Version 1.9 :
It's been a long time since I haven't updated two days in a row! Anyway, I
worked on completing the Weapons/Armors List. Sorry, I haven't answered any
e-mails today, since I've decided to work on the FAQ. It's getting a lot
closer to completion now, there is only the Bestiary & The Monster Arena
Sidequest to do. So that's about it.

- Completed the Weapon Ability List.
- Completed the Armor Ability List.
- Added the Movies/Music Spheres Sidequest.
- Worked on the Bestiary

Version 1.95 :
Why Version 1.95 and not 2.0 ? Because I want V.2.0 to be the Final Version
and I am not at the Final Version yet! All there is to do is to correct my
spelling / grammatical errors and complete the Walkthrough by adding items
that I've forgot. Now, again, I ask your patience if you have written
e-mails to me. I try to answer them when I have the time and it's not always
easy, because of the College. Don't worry I'll answer your questions pretty
soon. Here is what's new for this update :

- Completed the Bestiary.
- Started/Completed the Monster Arena Sidequest.
- Started/Completed the Remiem Temple Sidequest.
- Added a strategy for Yunalesca.
- Added some information about the Random Items in the Omega Ruins.
- The Bestiary is corrected, added a few sections in it.
- Worked on the Walkthrough, corrected a few mistakes about the location
of some items in Al Bhed Territory and Kilika Forest.
- Blitzball FAQ Completed, added How to get Jecht Shot 1 & 2 corrected
spelling/grammar errors and added the Scouting Level.

Version 2.0 :
This is it folks, it's the last version of the FAQ. I've decided to split it
up in two parts, since it will be easier for you to look at what you want.
Some web pages like still has the FAQ in one part
though. Now, Part 1 will be covering the Walkthrough / Sidequests and
Blitzball and Part 2 will cover the lists. Again, I'll try to answer all of
your e-mails a s they come, since I won't be working on the FAQ, it won't
take a lot of time to answer your many questions. One last thing : Please
read the section right before the E-Mail Policy to see what will be going on
in the future of this FAQ.

- Corrected a lot of grammar/spelling errors.
- Added "Inside Sin" section in the Walkthrough.
- Added a lot of contributions, thanks to you!

Version 2.05 :

I told you that Version 2.0 was the last one... Well I think there is always
place for one little update :). It has been one month today that the FAQ is
on, so what a great way to put an end to this FAQ. I realized that I have
too much e-mails that I don't answer and it's always the same question
coming up, so if I haven't answered you, it's because your question is
answered in the NEW Frequently Asked Section. This section is mainly used to
answer the most frequent questions that I get. I won't accept any questions
that are answered in the FAQ Section from now on, I will just delete them.
If you have sent a question after January 21 and before February 10 and you
are still not answered, it's probably because your question is in the FAQ
section and you will never be answered. That's about it folks, and thanks
again for your great comments.

- Corrected the remaining grammar/spelling errors.
- Added a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Version Final :
Well, this one is real, it's the Final Version. I've done the same thing I
have done with Part I, that means I have polished the FAQ, corrected most of
my grammar/spelling errors and added some contributions. For the last time,
I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, you have been so great with
me, and your comments were so gentle, thank you very much. I'm planning on
taking a break from FAQ writing now, because of a lot of reasons, like the
college and my huge loads of homeworks. This and my relationship with
others. My name, in those past months has been mainly an electronic one, so
I am planning on passing more time with the ones I love. Once again, thank
you and here's what is new for this Final Version.

- Polished the FAQ.
- Corrected the remaining Grammar/Spelling errors.
- Updated the Credits Section.
- Added the remaining load of contributions.
- Added a question in the FAQ Section.
- Added a Mix List FAQ, thanks to the contribution of Ryan Dean.

Version Final (Second Part) :
Well, I'm back after a long and well-deserved break. I have decided to
update this FAQ because it needed an update with all the questions about
Final Fantasy International. So you will find the main changes in Part One
of this Walkthrough. Here are the small changes that you can find here.

- Corrected a statement about O'Aka's Shops.
- Updated the About this FAQ section.
- Updated the Frequently Asked Question section.
- Updated the Credits section.
- Updated the Final Words section.

Table of Contents

I. Review of Final Fantasy X
II. Basics of the Game
A) Controls
B) Field Screen
C) Battle Screen
D) Menu Screen
E) Tips
III. Characters
IV. Walkthrough
V. Side Quests / Secrets
A) Yojimbo Aeon
B) Anima Aeon
C) Magus Sisters Aeon
D) Airship Sidequest
E) Cloudy Mirror
F) Remiem Temple
G) Legendary Weapons
H) Al Bhed Primer Locations
I) Revisiting the Chambers of the Fayth
J) Mini-Games
K) Movies/Music Theater
L) Omega Dungeon
M) Monster Arena Sidequest
N) Ultimate Weapons Strategies
VI. Final Fantasy International
A) What's Final Fantasy International
B) Dark Aeons
C) New Ending
VII. Blitzball FAQ
A) Introduction
B) Basics
C) Game Modes
D) Movement
E) Actions
F) Encounters
G) Status Ailments
H) Starting a Game
I) Techniques & Abilities
J) Recruiting Players
K) Team players and free agent list

VIII. Aeons
A) The Basics
B) Ability List
C) Aeons List
IX. Overdrives
X. Weapons List
XI. Armors List
XII. Items List
A) Curative Items
B) Rare & Key Items
C) Al Bhed Primers
D) Spheres
E) Other Items
XIII. Ability List
A) Characters Abilities
1) Special Abilities
2) Skill Abilities
3) White Magic
4) Black Magic
B) Weapon's Abilities
C) Armor's Abilities
XIV. Mix List
XV. Shops List
XVI. Bestiary
XVII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
XVIII. In the next update...
XIX. About this FAQ
XX. Credits
XXI. Final Words

VIII. Aeons

Aeons, call them summons if you want, are part of Final Fantasy X. There is
a total of eight Aeons in the game and those Aeons can only be used by Yuna.
Aeons are kind of a character in FFX, meaning that, when you summon them,
they have turns like characters and you can choose commands, like any
characters. They also have Overdrives, and at a time in the game, you will
be able to make Aeons learn new Abilities and boost their HP, MP, Strength,

Now were getting in the in-depth, each summons have special commands that
you can access in any battles. Press right to show a set of commands. You
have three command : Boost, Shield and Dismiss.

Use Boost to lower the Aeon's defense, thus you will take more damage from
an enemy and your Overdrive gauge will charge faster. Boost will only last
one turn, so don't worry about having to resist all the fiends attacks for
the fight.

There is also the Shield option, select Shield to raise the Aeon's defense,
it's pretty good when you know that an enemy will do a strong attack. Shield
will block physical AND magical attacks, so it's pretty useful. The only
disadvantage about Shield is that your Overdrive gauge won't charge. Same as
Boost, the Shield effect will only last for one turn.

The last one is dismiss. Dismiss will make your Aeon go away and your party
will return to the battlefield.

Now, once you acquire the Summonner's Soul Key Item, you will be able to
make each Aeons learn new abilities. Look below for the list of every
abilities possible to learn.

| Ability | Items & Number of Items needed |
| Dark Attack | Smoke Bomb X4 |
| Silence Attack | Silence Grenade X3 |
| Sleep Attack | Sleeping Powder X3 |
| Dark Buster | Smoke Bomb X12 |
| Silence Buster | Silence Grenade X10 |
| Sleep Buster | Sleeping Powder X10 |
| Delay Attack | Silver Hourglass X20 |
| Delay Buster | Gold Hourglass X30 |
| Zombie Attack | Holy Water X99 |
| Triple Foul | Skill Sphere X4 |
| Power Break | Stamina Spring X8 |
| Magic Break | Mana Spring X4 |
| Armor Break | Lv.2 Key Sphere X2 |
| Mental Break | Shining Thorn X4 |
| Pray | Healing Water X5 |
| Cheer | Power Sphere X5 |
| Aim | Speed Sphere X5 |
| Focus | Mana Sphere X10 |
| Reflex | Speed Sphere X10 |
| Luck | Fortune Sphere X2 |
| Jinx | Fortune Sphere X2 |
| Lancet | Soul Spring X20 |
| Doublecast | Three Stars X5 |
| Cure | Hi-Potion X99 |
| Cura | X-Potion X30 |
| Curaga | Mega-Potion X60 |
| NulBlaze | Bomb Fragment X2 |
| NulShock | Electro Marble X2 |
| NulTide | Fish Scale X2 |
| NulFrost | Antartic Wind X2 |
| Scan | Ability Sphere X10 |
| Life | Elixir X6 |
| Full-Life | Megalixir X1 |
| Haste | Chocobo Feather X10 |
| Hastega | Chocobo Wing X16 |
| Slow | Silver Hourglass X4 |
| Slowga | Gold Hourglass X8 |
| Shell | Lunar Curtain X4 |
| Protect | Light Curtain X6 |
| Reflect | Star Curtain X3 |
| Dispel | Purifying Salt X3 |
| Regen | Healing Spring X50 |
| Holy | Blessed Gem X60 |
| Fire | Bomb Fragment X1 |
| Thunder | Electro Marble X1 |
| Water | Fish Scale X1 |
| Blizzard | Antartic Wind X1 |
| Fira | Bomb Core X2 |
| Thundara | Lightning Marble X2 |
| Watera | Dragon Scale X2 |
| Blizzara | Arctic Wind X2 |
| Firaga | Fire Gem X4 |
| Thundaga | Lightning Gem X4 |
| Waterga | Water Gem X4 |
| Blizzaga | Ice Gem X4 |
| Bio | Poison Fang X8 |
| Demi | Shadow Gem X4 |
| Drain | Stamina Spring X60 |
| Osmose | Mana Spring X10 |
| Death | Farplane Shadow X30 |
| Flare | Shining Gem X60 |
| Ultima | Supreme Gem X99 |

I will now go through each Aeons, where you can get them, what are their
Overdrives and their Unique Attacks.

Yuna acquires Valefor at Besaid Temple at the beginning of the game. It's
part of the story plot, so you can't miss it. Valefor is a flying Aeon,
which means he have a high Accuracy rate. That means he is pretty good to
dodge attacks and Valefor his pretty quick too.

Valefor's unique attack is Sonic Wings, it's not really strong, a regular
attack hurts more, but it has a chance to delay a fiend's turn.

Valefor's Overdrive is Energy Ray. It's a powerful light beam that deals
damage on all the enemies. You can also find a second Overdrive for Valefor.

Valefor's Second Overdrive : Once Yuna first joins your group, go back into
Besaid and talk to person behind counter at the item shop (it doesn't matter
if you buy anything or not). She will tell you something about her dog
digging up something. Go talk to the dog in the hut closest to the temple on
the right. The dog will give you something mangled and torn, which teaches
Valefor the Energy Blast Overdrive. This Overdrive is almost twice as
powerful as Energy Ray so it's a far more effective attack.

To make Valefor's Overdrive do more than 9999 HP damage, you will need to
find Yuna's Ultimate Weapon, the Nirvana.

Ifrit is the second Aeon you get. You will need to get through the Cloister
of Trials at Kilika Temple to get him. Ifrit is part of the story plot so
you can't miss it. Ifrit is good for one thing, he starts with the Fire
magic, so he can heal himself by casting Fire on himself. It will give you
HP instead of damaging you.

Ifrit's Unique attack is Meteor Strike, it's a non-elemental attack that
attacks only one fiend.

Ifrit's Overdrive is called Hellfire, it attacks every fiends on the field
and it deals massive damage on every enemies. You can do more than 9999 HP
of damage by finding Wakka's Legendary Weapon, the World Champion.

Ixion replaces Ramuh from previous FFs. You get Ixion after completing the
Cloister of Trials at Djose Temple. He has a very high defense and you can
use him as a bait for a fiend attack.

Ixion's unique attack is the Aerospark, which cause non-elemental damage on
a single fiend. This attack his also like a Dispel, because it removes
statuses like Haste, Protect and Shell.

Ixion's Overdrive is called the Thor's Hammer, it attacks every fiends with
a Lighting elemental attack. It also attacks every enemies on the field and
to break his 9999 HP of damage, you will need to find Kimahri's Spirit

You can acquire the Queen of Ice at Macalania Temple. She is a powerful Aeon
that uses Ice Elemental for her attacks.

Shiva's unique attack his the Heavenly Strike, it attacks one enemy and
delays the fiend turn. The attack also inflict physical damage on the fiend.

The Queen of Ice Overdrive is the Diamond Dust, it freezes every fiends on
the field and Shiva breaks the Ice by clapping her fingers. You can deal
more than 9999 HP of damage by finding Lulu's Legendary Weapon, the Onion

The last of the Aeon you can get in the story, Bahamut is an almighty dragon
with powerful strength and defense. You can get him at the Bevelle Temple.
Bahamut starts with powerful spells like Firaga, Wateraga, Thundaga and

Bahamut's unique attack his called Impulse. It attacks every enemies on the
field and deals great damage. The only disadvantage of that attack his that
you lose a turn after you have used it.

Bahamut's Overdrive is the Mega Flare, which fires a destructive beam
attack. It deals 9999 HP of damage and you don't need to find any items to
make him break that limit. It will break itself on its own.

Yojimbo is a hidden Aeon, you can find him in a secret cavern after the Calm
Lands. Just look in the Sidequests / Secrets section to find more about how
to get him.

Yojimbo doesn't have any Overdrives attack, but it has three unique attacks,
the Daigoro, the Kozuka, Wakizashi and the Zanmato. Yojimbo attacks fiends
depending on how much you paid to get his services. You can make Yojimbo
break his 9999 HP of damage barrier by finding Auron's Ultimate Weapon, the

Anima is Seymour's Aeon, you actually fight Anima at one part of the game
and there is a way to make Anima one of your Aeons. Return to Baaj Temple,
you already have been there with Tidus at the beginning of the game,
remember? This is where you can get Anima, the most destructive Aeon in the

Anima's unique attack is called Pain, it has a high chance of causing
instant death on a single enemy.

Anima's Overdrive is called Oblivion, well maybe you already know that if
you know what I mean :). Anyway, it's one hell of an Overdrive, since it
attacks all the fiends on the field with multiple non-elemental attacks.

Magus Sister right, remember FFIV ?! You can acquire this Aeon at Remiem
Temple, but first, you need to capture all enemies at Mt. Gagazet and in the
Calm Lands then return to the Monster Arena to win the Blossom Crown.

Then, acquire all the previous Aeons mentioned above. Then go to Remiem
Temple located in the Calm Lands. You will fight Belgemine yet again, defeat
her Bahamut to win the Flower Scepter. After move to the door in the back
and use your two key items.

The names of the Magus Sisters' Special attacks are Razzia (Sandy), Camisade
(Cindy), and Passado (Mindy). In Razzia, Sandy shoots daggers of fire at her
opponent, in Camisade, Cindy uses a column of water to fire herself into the
air and onto an enemy, in Passado, Mindy will shoot 15 stingers at a single
enemy, this is the most powerful special attack of all Aeons because - if
Yuna is properly leveled - each stinger will inflict up to 99,999 damage.

The Magus Sister's Overdrive is called the Delta Attack, the three sisters
must be in Overdrive. You will see a new command called Combine Powers!.
Then, the three sisters will unleash a powerful Overdrives on all the

Here's what has to say about the Magus Sisters

"No disrespect, but the Magus Sisters ( Cindy the Ladybug, Sandy the
Grasshopper, and Mindy the Bee) are the BEST Aeon(s) in the game, crushing
Anima! To start out with, they are three individual women, each with their
own adjustable stats. Also, because of this, they rarely ever don't use
their individual turns not in succession, so you virtually start by getting
three turns in a row. Now, their attacks: They all have a few primary ones:
Do As You Will, which lets the current girl choose; Attack, which attacks;
etc. There are other various attacks, depending on the sister and the
circumstances of the battle, such as Go! Go! Go!, which has the girl use
offense magics and attacks; Help Each Other, where they cast support magic
on each other, and Defense where they cast defensive magic like Reflect.
Also, they are very smart! The main magic user (Cindy, I think), often
starts out the battle by casting Auto-Life on at least a person or two. They
appear to have a full arsenal of spells. Then, they are strong! Right now,
without much Aeon strengthening (but much Yuna leveling up), they do 99,999
on a physical attack! But, the best move of all is Mindy's move, Passado.
She attacks around 10-20 times!! With me, each one of her hits can do up to
40,000 damage each!!! Wow! But, this does depend on the enemy's defense and
such. That's bout all I can think of... :)"

Here's the only downside to the Magus Sisters, sent in by :

Chandler Groover,

"The only downside to the Magus Sisters is that they sometimes "take a
break" and refuse to follow any commands that you give them. This can be
terrible if you are engaged in a hard boss fight and they just sit around
and get slaughtered."

Here's what ~Wayne, got to say about the Magus Sisters.

"The 3 Magus Sisters summon they're not all they're cracked up to be. I've
tried the 3 Sisters, Bahamut, and Anima. Here's what I found out. The 3
Sisters are powerful, but unreliable. They randomly use their moves,
sometimes "taking a break" now and then, and often using pointless moves to
waste their turns. They're extremely powerful (Yuna is high enough that all
of my summons have over 200 str, Bahamut and Anima have 255 str and 255 def)

Now what I did find was that, if you teach Bahamut or Anima the following
moves: Haste - Curaga - Protect - Shell and get Yuna's speed built up
adequately enough, Bahamut and Anima will be far more powerful than the 3
Magus Sisters. This is because Anima and Bahamut, while Hasted, will use
2-4 moves per turn, perhaps more, each taking 99,999 per regular physical
attack. The 3 Sisters sometimes use magics such as Firaga, Thundaga, etc
that does around 20,000 damage, and often do nothing but "take a break". I
found also that some bosses in the arena which can kill the 3 Magus Sisters
still cannot defeat Bahamut or Anima using this strategy, which seemed
obvious to me.

I think that everybody should worry less about the Passado move that one of
the 3 Magus Sisters uses - it does massive damage, but not often. Bahamut or
Anima are much better choices in the grand scheme of things..."

Look in the Sidequest Section for more information on how to get the three
secret Aeons.

IX. Overdrives

I've been able to put my hands on all the Overdrives, some of the Overdrives
are hard and long to get, put some of them are pretty easy to get. Here is
the description on how to get them.


Tidus Overdrives are pretty easy to get, but you need to understand how to
get them. First, when you use Tidus's Overdrive in a battle, you will see a
little cursor moving from the right to the left. Your goal is to press the X
Button when the cursor is at the center of the meter. It's pretty hard to
get it on your first try, but it should be pretty easy to get after two or
three times. Here's how to unlock Tidus's Overdrives.

You start with it at the beginning of the game.

You need to perform ten Overdrives successfully, meaning that you have
pressed the X Button when the cursor is at the center of the meter. This
Overdrive attacks random enemies you encounter six times.

You need to perform 25 successful Overdrives to acquire Energy Rain, it's a
pretty massive attack that hurts all the enemies you fight against.

You need to perform 80 successful Overdrives to acquire the Final Overdrive
for Tidus. It's pretty long but it's worth it since it deals a good amount
of damage on all the enemies you encounter. Blitz Ace attacks any fiend on
the field nine times.

The followings are some strategies on how to make Tidus learn his Overdrives

Thanks to iZealot, for this strategy :

If you want to obtain Tidus's Overdrive faster, teach Entrust Ability to the
other characters and let them share their Overdrive Gauge to Tidus. This
way, you can learn most of his Overdrives in no time.

Thanks to for this strategy :

If you put the Triple Overdrive ability on his weapon and let him finish off
the enemies, it should take only 2 killed enemies or fiends, and put his
Overdrive mode in Slayer, that works the best of any mode if you want to use
your Overdrives a lot.


Grand Summon :

Yuna has only one Overdrive and it's Grand Summon. Grand Summon makes an
Aeon appears with a full Overdrive gauge. Here's what is cool about Grand
Summon. If your Aeon already have an Overdrive and you use your Grand Summon
Overdrive to call it, you will have two Overdrives with that summon ! Pretty
cool huh !? So in other words, when you use your Overdrive attack, your Aeon
gauge will return to its previous condition.


The Overdrives for Auron are pretty hard to get. Once you have defeated
Spherimorph at Lake Macalania, you will acquire a Jecht Sphere. From that
point, nine others spheres will be scattered all around Spira and your job
is to find them to make Auron learn new Overdrives.

When you have an Overdrive, you'll need to input a correct set of commands,
look below for the list of all the correct input commands.

Dragon Fang attacks all enemies on the screen, it's a pretty good Overdrive
to start with. Here's how you input the commands :

Down + Left + Up + Right + L1 + R1 + O + X

To learn Shooting Star, you need to find one Jecht Sphere, so you learn it
automatically after defeating Spherimorph. What is good about Shooting Star
is that it eject any fiends from a fight, except bosses of course. Here's
how you input the commands :

Triangle, O, Square, X, Left, Right, X

Banishing Blade is a pretty powerful attack, it attacks one fiend and deals
great damage on him _AND_ the attack does Power Break, Armor Break, Magic
Break and Mental Break on the enemy. So yes, it's pretty powerful. You need
to find three Jecht Spheres to learn Banishing Blade. Here's how you input
the commands :

UP, L1, Down, R1, Right, Left, Triangle

This is the hardest Overdrive to get, to learn it, you need to find all 10
Jecht Spheres. Tornado attacks all the fiends on the field so you will enjoy
that Overdrive. Here's how you will need to input the commands :

X, Right, R1, Left, L1, Triangle


- You can get one once you defeat Spherimorph at Lake Macalania.
- There is another one in Besaid, near the Temple.
- There is one at Luca, in the Stadium.
- There is another one in SS Liki, on the bridge, this is a ship you board
at Besaid.
- There is one at the Mi'ihen Road, adjacent to where you found the Mars
- Another one at the Mushroom Rock.
- There is another one at the Moonflow.
- There is another one at the South of the Thunder Plains.
- There is one at Mt. Gagazet, on the mountain path.
- The last one is in Macalania Woods South, near the boy and his mother.


Wakka's Overdrives revolves around a slot-machine style reel : Line up three
of the same symbol and get a crazy attack. This, if for no other reason, is
why you should play blitzball : Wakka's initial Overdrive is terrible, but
his later ones are great. They are as follows:

Adds an element to your attack. Getting three different colors results in a
critical-hit with no elemental attribute. Two same and one different gets
you an elemental attack against a single random enemy. All three of the same
symbol results in an elemental attack against all enemies. This reel
underpowered, in my opinion, because of its low overall damage output,
especially compared to...

This one is the jackpot. Winnable in Blitzball tournaments, this Overdrive
lets Wakka hit enemies 2 - 12 times depending on how you line up the reels.
Three "2-hit" results in Wakka going crazy and doing 12 hits to random

Winnable in Blitzball, this reel adds status effects to your attack.
Potentially useful, but I'd rather stick with the Attack Reels.

Winnable in Blitzball, this reel is a combination of several other reels.
The true beauty, however, comes when you line up 3 of the Besaid Aurochs
logo - Wakka inflicts heavy damage on all your opponents.


Lulu's Overdrive can get pretty strong by the end of the game but is pretty
weak at the beginning. Her Overdrive is Fury, and when you select it in a
battle, you will see a screen with a number. Spin the right analog stick
clockwise to get the highest number possible. The number indicated is also
the number of time you need to do full rotation of the stick in order to get
the number go up by one.

Just to tell you, I've never been able to get a higher number than 8 !

Here is the list of spells she can cast in her Overdrive :

Fire Thunder
Water Blizzard
Fira Thundara
Watera Blizzara
Firaga Thundaga
Waterga Blizzaga
Bio Demi
Death Drain
Osmose Flare


Rikku's Overdrive is Mix. When you have it in a fight, you will need to
select two items in order to make one. This is, without a shadow of a doubt,
the most complex Overdrive in the game. For more information about Mixing,
please look in the Mix List Section. Now, I will list the final 64 items you
can achieve by Mixing.

Grenade Frag Grenade
Pineapple Potato Masher
Cluster Bomb Tallboy
Blaster Mine Hazardous Shell
Calamity Bomb Chaos Grenade
Heat Blaster Firestorm
Burning Soul Brimstone
Abaddon Flame Snow Flurry
Icefall Winter Storm
Black Ice Krysta
ThunderBolt Rolling Thunder
Lightning Bolt Electroshock
ThunderBlast Waterfall
Flash Flood Tidal Wave
Aqua Toxin Dark Rain
Nega Burst Black Hole
SuperNova Ultra Potion
Panacea Ultra Cure
Mega Phoenix Final Phoenix
Elixir Mega Elixir
Super Elixir Final Elixir
NulAll Mega NulAll
Hyper NulAll Ultra NulAll
Mighty NulAll Mighty G
Super Mighty G Hyper Mighty G
Vitality Mega Vitality
Hyper Vitality Mana
Mega Mana Hyper Mana
Freedom Freedom X
Quartet of 9 Trio of 9999
Hero Drink Miracle Drink
Hot Spurs Eccentric


Kimahri learns blue magic / enemy skills by using its Lancet Ability. There
aren't much enemy skills to learn, but try to do Lancet numerous times on
enemies, some fiends have more than one Lancet to learn. Look in the
bestiary to find if you can learn any Enemy Skills from them.

Here's the list of all the enemy skills you can learn in the game :

Jump Fire Breath
Seed Cannon Self-Destruct
Thrust Kick Stone Breath
Aqua Breath Doom
White Wind Bad Breath
Mighty Guard Nova

X. Weapons List

Here is the list of every weapons in the game for every characters by
alphabetical order. If you want to know the Auto-Abilities equipped with
those Weapons, I suggest you go check CB!'s Equipment Remodeling Guide on


Tidus's have five equipment appearances, and here is the name of all his
weapons :

1 : Ambitious
2 : Apocalypse
3 : Arc Sword
4 : Ascalon
5 : Astral Sword
6 : Avenger
7 : Balmung
8 : Baroque Sword
9 : Basilisk Steel
10 : BrotherHood
11 : Caladbolg (Legendary Weapon)
12 : Crystal Sword
13 : Dance Macabre
14 : Deathbringer
15 : Double-Edge
16 : Durandal
17 : Encahanted Sword
18 : Excalibur
19 : Fencing Saber
20 : Flametongue
21 : Force Saber
22 : Gilventure
23 : Gravestone
24 : Heartbreaker
25 : Helter-Skelter
26 : Hrunting
27 : Hunter's Sword
28 : Ice Brand
29 : Knight Sword
30 : Largamente
31 : Lifesaver
32 : Lightning Steel
33 : Lionheart (Squall Ultimate Weapon in FFVIII)
34 : Liquid Steel
35 : Longsword
36 : Lullaby Steel
37 : Mage Masher (A Weapon for Zidane in FFIX)
38 : Mirage Sword
39 : Muted Steel
40 : Nightbringer
41 : Nightmare
42 : Poison Steel
43 : Prism Steel
44 : Ragnarok (Appeared in previous FFs)
45 : Razzmatazz
46 : Rune Steel
47 : Runemaster
48 : Save The Queen (Appeared in previous FFs)
49 : Sidewinder
50 : Slasher
51 : Soldier's Saber
52 : Sonic Steel
53 : Sorcery Sword
54 : Stunning Steel
55 : Taming Sword
56 : Tri-Steel
57 : Twilight Steel
58 : Variable Steel
59 : Vendetta
60 : Vigilante
61 : Warlock
62 : Warrior's Sword
63 : Wizard Sword


Yuna have six weapon appearances, here's the name of every of them.

1 : Abraxas
2 : Arc Arcana
3 : Astral Rod
4 : Beladonna Wand
5 : Bizarre Staff
6 : Break Rod
7 : Calcite Staff
8 : Chaos Rod
9 : Conductor
10 : Darkness Staff
11 : Death Wand
12 : Defender
13 : Dual Rod
14 : Ductile Rod
15 : El Dorado
16 : Enchanted Rod
17 : Entangling Rod
18 : Faerie Staff
19 : Force Rod
20 : Full Metal Rod
21 : Healing Rod
22 : Heavenly Axis
23 : Herding Staff
24 : Impasse
25 : Judgment
26 : Laevatein
27 : Lullaby Rod
28 : Mage's Staff
29 : Malleable Staff
30 : Mirage Rod
31 : Monk Staff
32 : Nemesis Rod
33 : Nimbus Rod
34 : Nirvana (Legendary Weapon)
35 : Ominous Rod
36 : Power Staff
37 : Prism Rod
38 : Punisher
39 : Reticent Staff
40 : Rod of Beating
41 : Rod of Darkness
42 : Rod of Fire
43 : Rod of Ice
44 : Rod of Lightning
45 : Rod of Roses
46 : Rod of Silence
47 : Rod of Striking
48 : Rod of Water
49 : Rod of Wisdom
50 : Rune Rod
51 : Seraphim Rod
52 : Shining Staff
53 : Sorcery Rod
54 : Spiked Rod
55 : Staff of Thorns
56 : Tri-Rod
57 : Wicked Wand
58 : Wind Rod
59 : Wing Wand
60 : Wonder Wand
61 : Wonder Wing


Auron have five weapon appearances, here's the list of all his weapons.

1 : Alkaid
2 : Ashura
3 : Assassin Blade
4 : Basara Blade
5 : Beastmaster
6 : Blockade
7 : Blurry Moon
8 : Chaos Blade
9 : Conqueror
10 : Corruptor
11 : Critical Blade
12 : Dark Blade
13 : Divider
14 : Djinn Blade
15 : Dozing Blade
16 : Dragonkiller
17 : Dual Blade
18 : Fire Blade
19 : Frost Blade
20 : Genji Blade
21 : Gilmonger
22 : Gorgon Gaze
23 : Heaven's Cloud
24 : Hunter's Blade
25 : Ichimonji
26 : Inducer
27 : Katana
28 : Knight Blade
29 : Kotetsu
30 : Lifegiver
31 : Magic Blade
32 : Masamune (Legendary Weapon)
33 : Master Djinn
34 : Master Ogre
35 : Matoya's Blade
36 : Mirage Blade
37 : Muramasa
38 : Nodachi
39 : Ogre Blade
40 : Ogrekiller
41 : Painkiller
42 : Peaceful Slumber
43 : Peacemaker
44 : Prism Blade
45 : Riot Blade
46 : Rune Blade
47 : Sentry
48 : Shimmering Blade
49 : Shiranui
50 : Sonic Blade
51 : Soundless Scream
52 : Spider's Kiss
53 : Spiritual Blade
54 : Stillblade
55 : Stunner
56 : Tacit Blade
57 : The Nameless
58 : Thunder Blade
59 : Venomous Blade
60 : WarBlade
61 : WaterBlade


Wakka have five weapon appearances, here's the list of all his weapons.

1 : Ace Striker
2 : Ace Wizard
3 : All-Rounder
4 : Blackout
5 : Blind Pass
6 : Blowout
7 : Breakaway
8 : Buzzerbeater
9 : Catcher
10 : Center Foward
11 : Comeback
12 : Delay of Game
13 : Double Header
14 : Double Score
15 : Dream Team
16 : Fire Ball
17 : First Goal
18 : Four-on-One
19 : Free Agent
20 : Grand Slam
21 : Halftime
22 : Hyper Ball
23 : Ice Ball
24 : Magic Ball
25 : Mirage Ball
26 : Muffler
27 : Noisebreaker
28 : Ovation
29 : Over the Top
30 : Overtime
31 : Penalty Master
32 : Power Ball
33 : Power Play
34 : Prism Ball
35 : Rematch
36 : Rookie Star
37 : Rough Play
38 : Rout
39 : Rulebreaker
40 : Rune Ball
41 : Scoring Spree
42 : Scout
43 : Sleeper
44 : Stone Cold
45 : Striker
46 : Sudden Death
47 : Switch Hitter
48 : T.K.O.
49 : Thunder Ball
50 : Tie Breaker
51 : Timeout
52 : Trickster
53 : Tricolor
54 : Triple Penalty
55 : Triple Score
56 : Turnover
57 : Violation
58 : Virtuoso
59 : Water Ball
60 : Winning Streak
61 : World Champion (Legendary Weapon)


Lulu have five weapon appearances, here's the list of all her weapons.

1 : Abaddon Cait Sith
2 : Attack Mog
3 : Blinding Cait Sith
4 : Booster Cactuar
5 : Buster Mog
6 : Cactuar Scope
7 : Cactuar Spy
8 : Cactuar Wizard
9 : Chaotic Cait Sith
10 : Chronos Cait Sith
11 : Comet Cactuar
12 : Dark Cait Sith
13 : Dreamy Cait Sith
14 : Fatal Cait Sith
15 : Fire Moomba
16 : Fossil Cait Sith
17 : Ice Moomba
18 : Late Cait Sith
19 : Lord Cactuar
20 : Magical Cactuar
21 : Magical Mog
22 : Magician Mog
23 : Mana Mog
24 : Medical Mog
25 : Moomba Duo
26 : Moomba Force
27 : Moomba Mage
28 : Moomba Quartet
29 : Moomba Trio
30 : Moomba Warrior
31 : Morphing Mog
32 : Mute Cait Sith
33 : Noxious Cait Sith
34 : Ominious Cait Sith
35 : Onion Knight (Legendary Weapon)
36 : Power Mog
37 : Prism Cactuar
38 : Quiet Cait Sith
39 : Raging Cactuar
40 : Rune Mog
41 : Sleepy Cait Sith
42 : Soul of Mog
43 : Space Bandit
44 : Space Energy
45 : Space Force
46 : Space King
47 : Space Mage
48 : Space Master
49 : Space Power
50 : Space Soul
51 : Space Warrior
52 : Star Cactuar
53 : Stinger Mog
54 : Stone Cait Sith
55 : Swift Cactuar
56 : Thunder Moomba
57 : Toxic Cait Sith
58 : Trapper Mog
59 : Variable Mog
60 : Vengeful Cactuar
61 : Water Moomba
62 : Wicked Cait Sith


Rikku have five weapon appearances, here's the list of all her weapons.

1 : Barbed Knuckles
2 : Battle Freak
3 : Break Knuckles
4 : Brunhilde
5 : Buster Claw
6 : Bulster Glove
7 : Buster Knuckles
8 : Clock Hand
9 : Clockwork
10 : Colossus
11 : Daydreamer
12 : Deus Ex Machina
13 : Devastator
14 : Dual Claw
15 : Executioner
16 : Eye Poker
17 : Flexible Arm
18 : Force Knuckles
19 : Godhand (Legendary Weapon)
20 : Golden Arm
21 : Golden Hand
22 : Hawkeye
23 : Hot Knuckles
24 : Hurricane Claw
25 : Ice Claw
26 : Infinity
27 : Iron Claw
28 : Iron Grip
29 : Ironside
30 : Jammer
31 : Kaiser Knuckles
32 : Lights Out
33 : Mage Husher
34 : Magic Claw
35 : Magic Glove
36 : Magic Knuckles
37 : Magical Rave
38 : Manticore Claw
39 : Mirage Claw
40 : Ninja Claw
41 : Overload
42 : Override
43 : Poison Claw
44 : Prism Claw
45 : Rising Sun
46 : Shocking Fist
47 : Sonar
48 : Spartan
49 : Stickyfingers
50 : Survivor
51 : Tempest Claw
52 : The Ogre
53 : Tidal Knuckles
54 : Tit-for-Tat
55 : Tongue Holder
56 : Typhoon Claw
57 : Unlimited
58 : Untouchable
59 : Valkyrie
60 : Vanguard
61 : Victorix
62 : Warmonger


Kimahri has six weapon appearances, here's the list of all of his weapons :

1 : Astral Spear
2 : Berseker
3 : Break Lance
4 : Calamity Spear
5 : Chaos Lance
6 : Chariot
7 : Darkbringer
8 : Detector
9 : Dragoon Lance
10 : Dream Lance
11 : Dusk Lance
12 : Eldritch Lance
13 : Enchanted Lance
14 : Force Lance
15 : Full Metal Spear
16 : Gae Balg
17 : Giant Spear
18 : Gungnir
19 : Halberd
20 : Harpoon
21 : Healer Spear
22 : Heat Lance
23 : Heavy Spear
24 : Highwind
25 : Horn of the Ronso
26 : Hunter's Spear
27 : Hypnos Spear
28 : Ice Lance
29 : Kain's Lance
30 : Knight Lance
31 : Luin
32 : Mage Hunter
33 : Magic Lance
34 : Matador Spear
35 : Mirage Lance
36 : Net Spear
37 : Prism Spear
38 : Prospector
39 : Quadforce
40 : Rebel Lance
41 : Rock Buster
42 : Rune Lance
43 : Shamanic Spear
44 : Shapeshifter
45 : Silent Spear
46 : Snakehead
47 : Sonic Lance
48 : Spirit Lance (Legendary Weapon)
49 : Striking Spear
50 : Taming Spear
51 : Thanatos Lance
52 : Thunder Spear
53 : Tidal Spear
54 : Titan Lance
55 : Transmuter
56 : Trident
57 : Twin Lance
58 : Venom Spike
59 : Venus Gospel
60 : Vicious Lance
61 : Web Lance
62 : Wizard Lance

XI. Armors List

Here's the list of all the Armors you can find in the game by alphabetical


Tidus has four types of armor. Here's the list of all his armors.

1 : Adept's Shield
2 : Aegis Shield
3 : Alert Shield
4 : Assault Shield
5 : Barrier Shield
6 : Blessed Shield
7 : Blue Shield
8 : Bright Shield
9 : Buckler
10 : Cerulean Shield
11 : Collector's Shield
12 : Crimson Shield
13 : Crystal Shield
14 : Curative Shield
15 : Defending Shield
16 : Diamond Shield
17 : Dynasty Shield
18 : Echo Shield
19 : Elemental Shield
20 : Emblem
21 : Emerald Shield
22 : Endless Road
23 : Faerie Shield
24 : Genji Shield
25 : Glorious Shield
26 : Gold Shield
27 : Golem Shield
28 : Haste Shield
29 : Knight's Shield
30 : Light Shield
31 : Lucid Shield
32 : Mage's Shield
33 : Magic Shield
34 : Magister Shield
35 : Marching Shield
36 : Medical Shield
37 : Metal Shield
38 : Moon Shield
39 : Mythril Shield
40 : NulBlaze Shield
41 : NulFrost Shield
42 : NulShock Shield
43 : NulTide Shield
44 : Ochre Shield
45 : Onyx Shield
46 : Paladin Shield
47 : Peaceful Shield
48 : Pearl Shield
49 : Phantom Shield
50 : Phoenix Shield
51 : Platinum Shield
52 : Protect Shield
53 : Rainbow Shield
54 : Recovery Shield
55 : Red Shield
56 : Reflect Shield
57 : Regen Shield
58 : Rescue Shield
59 : Revive Shield
60 : Ruby Shield
61 : Sapphire Shield
62 : Seeker's Shield
63 : Serene Shield
64 : Serum Shield
65 : Shaman Shield
66 : Shell Shield
67 : Shield
68 : Shield of Hope
69 : Shining Shield
70 : Silver Shield
71 : Snow Shield
72 : Soft Shield
73 : Soldier's Shield
74 : Sorcery Shield
75 : Soul Shield
76 : Spiritual Shield
77 : Star Shield
78 : Tetra Shield
79 : Treasure Shield
80 : Warrior's Shield
81 : White Shield
82 : Wizard Shield
83 : Yellow Shield


Yuna has four types of armor, here's the list of all her armors.

1 : Adept's Ring
2 : Aegis Ring
3 : Alert Ring
4 : Arcane Ring
5 : Assault Ring
6 : Barrier Ring
7 : Blessed Ring
8 : Blue Ring
9 : Bright Ring
10 : Cerulean Ring
11 : Collector Ring
12 : Crimson Ring
13 : Curative Ring
14 : Defending Ring
15 : Diamond Ring
16 : Echo Ring
17 : Elemental Ring
18 : Emerald Ring
19 : Faerie Ring
20 : Forbiding Ring
21 : Fortitude Ring
22 : Glorious Ring
23 : Gold Ring
24 : Haste Ring
25 : Healing Ring
26 : Light Ring
27 : Lucid Ring
28 : Mage's Ring
29 : Magic Ring
30 : Magical Ring
31 : Marching Ring
32 : Medical Ring
33 : Metal Ring
34 : Moon Ring
35 : Mythical Ring
36 : Mythril Ring
37 : NulBlaze Ring
38 : NulFrost Ring
39 : NulShock Ring
40 : NulTide Ring
41 : Ochre Ring
42 : Onyx Ring
43 : Peaceful Ring
44 : Pearl Ring
45 : Phantom Ring
46 : Phoenix Ring
47 : Platinum Ring
48 : Power Ring
49 : Protect Ring
50 : Rainbow Ring
51 : Recovery Ring
52 : Red Ring
53 : Reflect Ring
54 : Regen Ring
55 : Ring
56 : Ring of Hope
57 : Ruby Ring
58 : Sapphire Ring
59 : Saviour Ring
60 : Seeker's Ring
61 : Serene Ring
62 : Serum Ring
63 : Shaman Ring
64 : Shell Ring
65 : Sheltering Ring
66 : Shining Ring
67 : Silver Ring
68 : Snow Ring
69 : Soft Ring
70 : Soldier's Ring
71 : Solomon Ring
72 : Sophia Ring
73 : Sorcery Ring
74 : Soul Ring
75 : Spiritual Ring
76 : Star Ring
77 : Tetra Ring
78 : Tough Ring
79 : Treasure Ring
80 : White Ring
81 : Wide Ring
82 : Wizard Ring
83 : Yellow Ring


Auron has four types of armor, here's the list of all his armors.

1 : Adept's Bracer
2 : Alert Bracer
3 : Assault Bracer
4 : Barrier Bracer
5 : Battle Bracer
6 : Blessed Bracer
7 : Blue Bracer
8 : Bracer
9 : Bracer of Hope
10 : Bright Bracer
11 : Cerulean Bracer
12 : Collector Bracer
13 : Crimson Bracer
14 : Curative Bracer
15 : Defending Bracer
16 : Diamond Bracer
17 : Dragon Lord
18 : Echo Bracer
19 : Elemental Bracer
20 : Emerald Bracer
21 : Faerie Bracer
22 : Genji Bracer
23 : Glorious Bracer
24 : Glutton
25 : Gold Bracer
26 : Guardian Bracer
27 : Haste Bracer
28 : Healer
29 : Immortal
30 : Knight's Bracer
31 : Light Bracer
32 : Lucid Bracer
33 : Mage's Bracer
34 : Magic Bracer
35 : Magical Bracer
36 : Marching Bracer
37 : Medical Bracer
38 : Metal Bracer
39 : Moon Bracer
40 : Mythril Bracer
41 : NulBlaze Bracer
42 : NulFrost Bracer
43 : NulShock Bracer
44 : NulTide Bracer
45 : Ochre Bracer
46 : Onyx Bracer
47 : Overlord
48 : Peaceful Bracer
49 : Pearl Bracer
50 : Phantom Bracer
51 : Phoenix Bracer
52 : Platinum Bracer
53 : Protect Bracer
54 : Rainbow Bracer
55 : Recovery Bracer
56 : Red Bracer
57 : Reflect Bracer
58 : Regen Bracer
59 : Resistant
60 : Ruby Bracer
61 : Sapphire Bracer
62 : Seeker's Bracer
63 : Serene Bracer
64 : Serum Bracer
65 : Shaman Bracer
66 : Shell Bracer
67 : Shining Bracer
68 : Silver Bracer
69 : Snow Bracer
70 : Soft Bracer
71 : Soldier's Bracer
72 : Sorcery Bracer
73 : Soul Bracer
74 : Spiritual Bracer
75 : Star Bracer
76 : Tetra Bracer
77 : Treasure Bracer
78 : Undefeated
79 : Warder
80 : Warrior's Bracer
81 : White Bracer
82 : Wizard Bracer
83 : Yellow Bracer


Wakka has four types of armor, here's the list of all of them.

1 : Adept's Armguard
2 : Alert Armguard
3 : Armguard
4 : Auto Armguard
5 : Automatic
6 : Benchwarmer
7 : Best Play
8 : Blessed Armguard
9 : Blue Armguard
10 : Bright Armguard
11 : Cerulean Armguard
12 : Crimson Armguard
13 : Danger Armguard
14 : Diamond Armguard
15 : Echo Armguard
16 : Element Save
17 : Elemental Armguard
18 : Emerald Armguard
19 : Energy Armguard
20 : Fast Break
21 : Final Four
22 : First Aid
23 : Glorious Armguard
24 : Gold Armguard
25 : Great Four
26 : Great Play
27 : Guardian Armguard
28 : Hat Trick
29 : High Spirits
30 : Indomitable
31 : Keeper
32 : Last Ditch
33 : Light Armguard
34 : Low Risk
35 : Lucid Armguard
36 : Mage's Armguard
37 : Magic Ace
38 : Magic Armguard
39 : Medical Armguard
40 : Metal Armguard
41 : Miracle Comeback
42 : Miracle Save
43 : Mythril Armguard
44 : NulBlaze Armguard
45 : NulFrost Armguard
46 : NulShock Armguard
47 : NulTide Armguard
48 : Ochre Armguard
49 : Off Season
50 : Onyx Armguard
51 : Pearl Armguard
52 : Pep Talk
53 : Platinum Armguard
54 : Power Ace
55 : Power Armguard
56 : Protect Armguard
57 : Recovery Armguard
58 : Red Armguard
59 : Reflect Armguard
60 : Ruby Armguard
61 : Sapphire Armguard
62 : Second Wind
63 : Seeker's Armguard
64 : Serene Armguard
65 : Serum Armguard
66 : Shaman Armguard
67 : Shell Armguard
68 : Silver Armguard
69 : Snow Armguard
70 : Soft Armguard
71 : Soldier's Armguard
72 : Sorcery Armguard
73 : Soul Armguard
74 : Spiritual Armguard
75 : Super Goalie
76 : Tetra Armguard
77 : The Guardian
78 : Top Shape
79 : Triple Guard
80 : Triple Save
81 : Warrior's Armguard
82 : White Armguard
83 : Yellow Armguard


Lulu has four types of armor, here's the list of all her armors.

1 : Adept's Bangle
2 : Aegis Bangle
3 : Alert Bangle
4 : Assault Bangle
5 : Auto Bangle
6 : Bangle
7 : Bangle of Hope
8 : Barrier Bangle
9 : Black Ribbon
10 : Blessed Bangle
11 : Blue Bangle
12 : Bright Bangle
13 : Cerulean Bangle
14 : Collector Bangle
15 : Crimson Bangle
16 : Curative Bangle
17 : Diamond Bangle
18 : Draupnir
19 : Echo Bangle
20 : Elemental Bangle
21 : Emerald Bangle
22 : Faerie Bangle
23 : Glorious Bangle
24 : Gold Bangle
25 : Guardian Bangle
26 : Haste Bangle
27 : Imperial Bangle
28 : Light Bangle
29 : Lucid Bangle
30 : Mage's Bangle
31 : Magic Bangle
32 : Magister Bangle
33 : Marching Bangle
34 : Medical Bangle
35 : Metal Bangle
36 : Minerva Bangle
37 : Moon Bangle
38 : Mythical Bangle
39 : Mythril Bangle
40 : NulBlaze Bangle
41 : NulFrost Bangle
42 : NulShock Bangle
43 : NulTide Bangle
44 : Ochre Bangle
45 : Onyx Bangle
46 : Peaceful Bangle
47 : Pearl Bangle
48 : Phantom Bangle
49 : Phoenix Bangle
50 : Platinum Bangle
51 : Power Bangle
52 : Precious Bangle
53 : Protect Bangle
54 : Queen's Bangle
55 : Rainbow Bangle
56 : Recovery Bangle
57 : Red Bangle
58 : Reflect Bangle
59 : Regen Bangle
60 : Ruby Bangle
61 : Samantha Soul
62 : Sapphire Bangle
63 : Savior Bangle
64 : Seeker's Bangle
65 : Serene Bangle
66 : Serum Bangle
67 : Shaman Bangle
68 : Shell Bangle
69 : Shining Bangle
70 : Silver Bangle
71 : Snow Bangle
72 : Soft Bangle
73 : Sorcery Bangle
74 : Soul Bangle
75 : Spiritual Bangle
76 : Star Bangle
77 : Tetra Bangle
78 : Tough Bangle
79 : Treasure Bangle
80 : Vita Bangle
81 : White Bangle
82 : Wizard Bangle
83 : Yellow Bangle


Rikku has four types of armor, here is the list of all her armors.

1 : Adept's Targe
2 : Alert Targe
3 : Argonaut
4 : Armada
5 : Assault Targe
6 : Atlas
7 : Blessed Targe
8 : Blue Targe
9 : Bright Targe
10 : Buccaneer
11 : Celestial
12 : Centurion
13 : Cerulean Targe
14 : Corsair
15 : Crimson Targe
16 : Curative Targe
17 : Dauntless
18 : Diamond Targe
19 : Dominator
20 : Dreadnought
21 : Echelon
22 : Echo Targe
23 : Elemental Targe
24 : Emerald Targe
25 : Glorious Targe
26 : Gold Targe
27 : Goliath
28 : Guardian Targe
29 : Haste Targe
30 : Intrepid
31 : Invincible
32 : Knight's Targe
33 : Light Targe
34 : Lucid Targe
35 : Mage's Targe
36 : Magic Targe
37 : Marching Targe
38 : Medical Targe
39 : Metal Targe
40 : Moon Targe
41 : Mythril Targe
42 : NulBlaze Targe
43 : NulFrost Targe
44 : NulShock Targe
45 : NulTide Targe
46 : Ochre Targe
47 : Onyx Targe
48 : Peaceful Targe
49 : Pearl Targe
50 : Phalanx
51 : Phantom Targe
52 : Phoenix Targe
53 : Protect Targe
54 : Recovery Targe
55 : Red Targe
56 : Reflect Targe
57 : Regen Targe
58 : Reliant
59 : Ruby Targe
60 : Seeker's Targe
61 : Serum Targe
62 : Shaman Targe
63 : Shell Targe
64 : Silver Targe
65 : Snow Targe
66 : Soft Targe
67 : Soldier's Targe
68 : Sorcery Targe
69 : Soul Targe
70 : Spritual Targe
71 : Star Targe
72 : Talisman
73 : Targe
74 : Targe of Hope
75 : Tercio
76 : Tetra Targe
77 : Triumph
78 : Victorious
79 : Warlord
80 : Warrior's Targe
81 : White Targe
82 : Wizard Targe
83 : Yellow Targe


Kimahri's has four types of armor, here's the list of all his Armlets.

1 : Adamantite
2 : Adept's Armlet
3 : Aegis Armlet
4 : Alert Armlet
5 : Armlet
6 : Armlet of Hope
7 : Assault Armlet
8 : Barrier Armlet
9 : Blessed Armlet
10 : Blue Armlet
11 : Bright Armlet
12 : Cerulean Armlet
13 : Collector Armlet
14 : Crimson Armlet
15 : Crystal Armlet
16 : Curative Armlet
17 : Defending Armlet
18 : Diamond Armlet
19 : Echo Armlet
20 : Elemental Armlet
21 : Emerald Armlet
22 : Enhanced Armlet
23 : Faerie Armlet
24 : Genji Armlet
25 : Glorious Armlet
26 : Gold Armlet
27 : Guardian Armlet
28 : Haste Armlet
29 : Knight's Armlet
30 : Light Armlet
31 : Lucid Armlet
32 : Mage's Armlet
33 : Magic Armlet
34 : Magical Armlet
35 : Marching Armlet
36 : Medical Armlet
37 : Metal Armlet
38 : Moon Armlet
39 : Mythril Armlet
40 : NulBlaze Armlet
41 : NulFrost Armlet
42 : NulShock Armlet
43 : NulTide Armlet
44 : Ochre Armlet
45 : Onyx Armlet
46 : Orichalcum
47 : Peaceful Armlet
48 : Pearl Armlet
49 : Phantom Armlet
50 : Phoenix Armlet
51 : Platinum Armlet
52 : Pride of the Ronso
53 : Protect Armlet
54 : Rainbow Armlet
55 : Recovery Armlet
56 : Red Armlet
57 : Reflect Armlet
58 : Regen Armlet
59 : Ronso Armlet
60 : Ruby Armlet
61 : Safe Passage
62 : Sage's Armlet
63 : Sapphire Armlet
64 : Seeker's Armlet
65 : Serene Armlet
66 : Serum Armlet
67 : Shaman Armlet
68 : Shell Armlet
69 : Shining Armlet
70 : Silver Armlet
71 : Snow Armlet
72 : Soft Armlet
73 : Soldier's Armlet
74 : Sorcery Armlet
75 : Soul Armlet
76 : Spiritual Armlet
77 : Star Armlet
78 : Tetra Armlet
79 : Treasure Armlet
80 : Warrior's Armlet
81 : White Armlet
82 : Wizard Armlet
83 : Yellow Armlet

XII. Items List

In this section, you will find the name and description of every Items in
the game. You will also find the list of Key Items and where to find them.


| Item Use / Effects |
| Potion | Restores 200 HP to one character |
| Hi-Potion | Restores 1000 HP to one character |
| X-Potion | Restores MAX HP to one character |
| Mega-Potion | Restores 2000 HP to each party member |
| Ether | Restores 100 MP to one character |
| Turbo Ether | Restores 500 MP to one character |
| Phoenix Down | Revives one character from KO |
| Mega Phoenix | Revives the party from KO |
| Elixir | Restores MAX HP/MP to one character |
| Megalixir | Restores MAX HP/MP to the party |
| Antidote | Heals Poison |
| Eye Drops | Heals Darkness |
| Echo Screen | Heals Silence |
| Soft | Heals Petrification |
| Holy Water | Heals Zombie / Curse |
| Remedy | Heals all status abnormalities |


Here is the list of the hardest items to get in the game. This is very hard
to get all of them, but you can see where to get them in this FAQ. Just
press CTRL + F and the name of the item you want to have and you will see
where you can get it.

| Item Use / Effects |
| Amulet | Teaches Pickpocket Ability (x30) |
| Designer Wallet | Gillionaire (X30) |
| Door To Tommorow | Overdrive to AP (X10) |
| Gambler's Spirit | SOS Overdrive (X20) |
| Hypello Potion | BerserkWard (X8), Berserkproof (X32) |
| Map | World Map |
| Musk | ConfuseWard (X16), Confuseproof (X42) |
| Pendulum | Teaches Master Thief Ability (X3) |
| Rename Card | Renames an aeon |
| Shining Thorn | Used to Mix only |
| Underdog's Secret | Double Overdrive (X30) |
| Wings To Discovery | Triple AP (X50) |
| Winning Formula | Triple Overdrive (X30) |
| Sun Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Sun Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Moon Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Moon Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Mercury Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Mercury Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Mars Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Mars Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Jupiter Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Jupiter Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Venus Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Venus Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Saturn Crest | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Saturn Sigil | Unlock Legendary Weapon Power |
| Blossom Crown | Used to acquire the Magus Sisters |
| Flower Scepter | Used to acquire the Magus Sisters |
| Cloudy Mirroir | Used to obtain the Celestial Mirroir |
| Celestial Mirroir | Used to obtain the Legendary Weapons |
| Withered Bouquet | Used to make a fire in Baaj Temple |
| Flint | Used to make a fire in Baaj Temple |
| Summoner's Soul | Allows Aeons to learn abilities |
| Aeon's Soul | Allows Aeons to raise their attributes |
| Rusty Sword | Used to obtain the Masamune |
| Jecht's Sphere | A sphere recorded by Jecht |
| Mark of Conquest | No use, just to prove you are good |


Those Items are part of the Key Items List. Here, you will find which book
teaches which letter. Well, if you want to know how to get each of the
books, look in the Walkthrough for an In-depth location or in the Sidequest
section for a fast location.

| Al Bhed Primer Vol. I | Teaches the letter 'A' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. II | Teaches the letter 'B' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. III | Teaches the letter 'C' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV | Teaches the letter 'D' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. V | Teaches the letter 'E' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI | Teaches the letter 'F' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII | Teaches the letter 'G' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII | Teaches the letter 'H' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX | Teaches the letter 'I' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. X | Teaches the letter 'J' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI | Teaches the letter 'K' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII | Teaches the letter 'L' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII | Teaches the letter 'M' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV | Teaches the letter 'N' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV | Teaches the letter 'O' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI | Teaches the letter 'P' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII | Teaches the letter 'Q' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVIII| Teaches the letter 'R' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX | Teaches the letter 'S' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XX | Teaches the letter 'T' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI | Teaches the letter 'U' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXII | Teaches the letter 'V' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII| Teaches the letter 'W' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIV | Teaches the letter 'X' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV | Teaches the letter 'Y' |
| Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXVI | Teaches the letter 'Z' |


Since you can find a pretty good description of all the spheres in the
Basics of the Game Section, I will only put the Sphere names here. If you
have any problem finding one or have a question on what it is used for, tell
me at and put Spheres as the topic.

| Sphere Name | Sphere Name |
| Power Sphere | Defense Sphere |
| Speed Sphere | Magic Defense Sphere |
| Mana Sphere | Attribute Sphere |
| Ability Sphere | Skill Sphere |
| Fortune Sphere | Special Sphere |
| Lv.1 Key Sphere | White Magic Sphere |
| Lv.2 Key Sphere | Black Magic Sphere |
| Lv.3 Key Sphere | Master Sphere |
| Lv.4 Key Sphere | Agility Sphere |
| HP Sphere | Accuracy Sphere |
| MP Sphere | Evasion Sphere |
| Strenght Sphere | Luck Sphere |
| Magic Sphere | Clear Sphere |
| Return Sphere | Teleport Sphere |
| Warp Sphere | Friend Sphere |


Those items are used by Rikku in a battle. In a battle, on the Command Menu
screen, select < Special >, then < Use > to make these items effective in a
battle (the distillers items can be used by every characters).

| Item | Use / Effects |
| Al Bhed Potion | Heals 1000 HP Heals poison, silence, |
| | petrification on all the party members |
| Antartic Wind | Ice Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Arctic Wind | Ice Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Blessed Gem | Inflicts damage on all enemies |
| Bomb Core | Fire Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Bomb Fragment | Fire Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Candle of Life | Casts Doom on a fiend |
| Chocobo Feather | Casts Haste on a character |
| Chocobo Wing | Casts Haste on the party |
| Dark Matter | Inflicts massive damage on all enemies |
| Dragon Scale | Water Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Dream Powder | Inflicts Damage/Sleep to all enemies |
| Electro Marble | Lightning Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Farplane Shadow | Casts Death on an enemy |
| Farplane Wind | Casts Death on all enemies |
| Fire Gem | Fire Elemental Attack on all ennemies |
| Fish Scale | Water Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Frag Grenade | Casts Armor Break/damages all enemies |
| Gold Hourglass | Damage/Delay turns of all enemies |
| Grenade | Inflicts damage on all enemies |
| Healing Spring | Casts Regen on a character |
| Healing Water | Restores MAX HP of all the party |
| Ice Gem | Ice Elemental Attack to all enemies |
| Light Curtain | Casts Protect on a character |
| Lightning Gem | Lightning Elemental Attack on all enemies |
| Lightning Marble | Lightning Elemental Attack on an enemy |
| Lunar Curtain | Casts Shell on a character |
| Mana Spring | Absorb MP from an enemy |
| Mana Tablet | Doubles MAX MP of a character |
| Mana Tonic | Doubles MAX MP of the party |
| Petrify Grenade | Inflicts Petrification on all enemies |
| Poison Fang | Inflicts Damage/Poison on all enemies |
| Purifying Salt | Inflicts Damage/Dispel on an enemy |
| Silence Grenade | Inflicts Damage/Silence on all enemies |
| Shadow Gem | Reduces HP of all enemies by half |
| Shining Gem | Inflicts damage on an enemy |
| Silver Hourglass | Delays the turn of an enemy |
| Sleeping Powder | Inflicts Damage/Sleep on all enemies |
| Smoke Bomb | Inflicts Damage/Darkness on all enemies |
| Soul Spring | Absorbs HP/MP from an enemy |
| Stamina Spring | Absorbs HP from an enemy |
| Stamina Tablet | Doubles MAX HP of a character |
| Stamina Tonic | Doubles MAX HP of the party |
| Star Curtain | Casts Reflect on a character |
| Supreme Gem | Inflicts Damage on all enemies |
| Tetra Elemental | Restores MAX HP / Casts NulAll on party |
| Three Stars | MP costs reduced to 0 for all the party |
| Twin Stars | MP costs reduced to 0 for a character |
| Water Gem | Water Elemental Attack to all enemies |
| Power Distiller | Makes an enemy drop Power Sphere |
| Speed Distiller | Makes an enemy drop Speed Sphere |
| Mana Distiller | Makes an enemy drop Mana Sphere |
| Ability Distiller | Makes an enemy drop Ability Sphere |

XIII. Abilities List

In this section, you will find a list of every Abilities you can have in the
game. So you will find Weapon & Armor Abilities, you will also find
Characters Abilities. Please note that you won't be able to add an Ability
to your Weapon/Armor until Rikku joins your party for good. Now, let's start
with the characters abilities.


SPECIAL ABILITIES : Used by Tidus, Lulu, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri

Ability : Use
MP : 0
Description : Rikku's Ability, use any items in stock to attack, to defend
or to heal.
Ability : Flee
MP : 0
Description : Tidus's Ability, used to escape a battle, note that you can't
escape boss fights.
Ability : Cheer
MP : 0
Description : Tidus's Ability, used to raise your party Strenght and
Ability : Aim
MP : 0
Description : Auron's Ability, used to increase the party's accuracy.
Ability : Jinx
MP : 0
Description : Kimahri's Ability, used to lower enemies Luck.
Ability : Reflex
MP : 0
Description : Lulu's Ability, used to raise the party's evasion.
Ability : Focus
MP : 0
Description : Lulu's Ability, used to raise your party's Magic Attack and
Magic Defense.
Ability : Luck
MP : 0
Description : Rikku's Ability, used to raise your party's Luck.
Ability : Lancet
MP : 0
Description : Kimahri's Ability, used to learn Enemy Skills and transfers
HP/MP from an enemy to your character.
Ability : Guard
MP : 0
Description : Auron's Ability, used to take damage for another character.
Ability : Steal
MP : 0
Description : Rikku's Ability, used to Steal Items from an enemy.
Ability : Spare Change
MP : 0
Description : Rikku's Ability, used to throw Gil at an enemy, divide the
amout of Gil throwed by ten to know how much damage it will
Ability : Sentinel
MP : 0
Description : Auron's Ability, used to take damage for another character.
Ability : CopyCat
MP : 28
Description : Rikku's Ability, used to mimic the last action taken by your
character. You cannot copy Overdrives or Aeons.
Ability : Threaten
MP : 12
Description : Auron's Ability, used to immobilize a fiend with fear.
Ability : Entrust
MP : 8
Description : Auron's Ability, used to transfer an Overdrive Gauge to
another character, very useful when you transfer your gauge
to Wakka, thus making his Attack Reels Overdrive available!
Ability : Provoke
MP : 4
Description : Tidus's Ability, used to draw a fiend's attack toward a
Ability : DoubleCast
MP : None
Description : Lulu's Ability, used to cast two magics in a row.
Ability : Pray
MP : None
Description : Restores the party HPs by a little.
Ability : Bribe
MP : None
Description : Pay enemies for a safe passage, you can see how much money it
takes, look in the Bestiary section.

SKILL ABILITIES : Used by Auron, Wakka, Tidus and Rikku

Ability : Power Break
MP : 8
Description : Auron's Ability, lowers a fiend strenght, thus reducing the
amount of damage you get.
Ability : Mental Break
MP : 12
Description : Auron's Ability, lowers a fiend Magic Defense, thus your
Magic Attacks hurt him more.
Ability : Armor Break
MP : 12
Description : Auron's Ability, lowers a fiend defense, thus your physical
Attacks hurt him more.
Ability : Magic Break
MP : 8
Description : Auron's Ability, lowers a fiend magic attack, thus reducing
the amout of damage you get by a magic attack.
Ability : Dark Attack
MP : 5
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts darkness on an enemy for three
Ability : Silence Attack
MP : 5
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts silence on an enemy for three
Ability : Sleep Attack
MP : 5
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts sleep on an enemy for one turn.
Note that a physical attack will wake up the fiend.
Ability : Dark Buster
MP : 10
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts darkness on an enemy for one turn,
no chance of missing unless the fiend is immune.
Ability : Silence Buster
MP : 10
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts silence on an enemy for one turn,
no chance of missing unless the fiend is immune.
Ability : Sleep Buster
MP : 10
Description : Wakka's Ability, inflicts sleep on an enemy for one turn, no
chance of missing unless the fiend is immune.
Ability : Delay Attack
MP : 8
Description : Tidus's Ability, delays a target turn.
Ability : Delay Buster
MP : 18
Description : Tidus's Ability, greatly delays a target turn.
Ability : Zombie Attack
MP : 10
Description : Auron's Ability, can inflict Zombie on an enemy, thus it is
possible to kill an enemy by doing a Phoenix Down on him
after that.
Ability : Triple Foul
MP : 24
Description : Wakka's Ability, if successful, inflicts darkness, silence
and sleep on an enemy for three turns.
Ability : Mug
MP : 10
Description : Rikku's Ability, can steal an item while inflicting HP
Ability : Quick Hit
MP : 12
Description : Tidus's Ability, can attack an enemy with a normal physical
attack, but the recovery time for the next attack is reduced.

WHITE MAGIC : Used by Yuna, Rikku, Kimahri, Tidus

Ability : Scan
MP : 1
Description : Kimahri's ability, useful to see an enemy's HP, attributes,
immunities, weaknesses and tips on how to defeat the fiend.
Ability : Haste
MP : 8
Description : Tidus's ability, the main reason why you bring him in the
party, it accelerates the speed of a character so its turn
will come faster.
Ability : Hastega
MP : 30
Description : Tidus's ability, same has Haste but it will do Haste on the
entire party! Excellent ability!
Ability : Slow
MP : 12
Description : Tidus's ability, slows an enemy so his turn will come up
Ability : Slowga
MP : 20
Description : Tidus's ability, cast slow on every enemies on the field at
the same time.
Ability : Cure
MP : 4
Description : Yuna's ability, restore a small amount of HP, about 500 HP,
it depends on your Magic attributes.
Ability : Cura
MP : 10
Description : Yuna's ability, restore a greater amount of HP, about 1200 HP
or so, it depends on your Magic attributes.
Ability : Curaga
MP : 20
Description : Yuna's ability, restore a massive amount of HP, about 4000 HP
or so, it depends on your Magic attributes.
Ability : Esuna
MP : 5
Description : Yuna's ability, cure darkness, poison, silence, sleep,
confusion, berserk, slow and petrification.
Ability : Life
MP : 18
Description : Yuna's ability, restore a KO'd character to life.
Ability : Protect
MP : 12
Description : Yuna's ability, protects an ally from physical attacks, it's
kind of a Defend but you can attack at the same time.
Ability : Shell
MP : 10
Description : Yuna's ability, protects an ally from magical attack.
Ability : NulBlaze
MP : 2
Description : Immunity from a single fire attack, cast the magic on all the
party, its an ability for Yuna.
Ability : NulShock
MP : 2
Description : Immunity from a single lightning attack, cast the magic on
all the party, its an ability for Yuna.
Ability : NulTide
MP : 2
Description : Immunity from a single water attack, cast the magic on all
the party, its an ability for Yuna.
Ability : NulFrost
MP : 2
Description : Immunity from a single ice attack, cast the magic on all the
party, its an ability for Yuna.
Ability : Full-Life
MP : 60
Description : Rikku's Ability. Revives an ally from KO with all his/her
Ability : Reflect
MP : 14
Description : Yuna's Ability, reflect a spell to the enemy. Beware, if you
cast Cure on an ally, it will reflect it on the enemy thus
healing it.
Ability : Dispel
MP : 12
Description : Yuna's Ability, removes any spell on the fiend, so it can
remove Haste, Protect, Shell and Reflect, it also removes
Ability : Regen
MP : 40
Description : Yuna's Ability, can restores your HPs after each turn.
Ability : Holy
MP : 85
Description : Yuna's Ability, use Holy Magic to damage a fiend.
Ability : Auto-Life
MP : 97
Description : Yuna's Ability, automatically revives an ally once he his

BLACK MAGIC : Used by Lulu, Wakka, Kimahri

Ability : Fire
MP : 4
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a small fire element attack on an enemy.
Ability : Fira
MP : 8
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a medium fire element attack on an
Ability : Firaga
MP : 16
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a massive fire element attack on an
Ability : Water
MP : 4
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a small water element attack on an
Ability : Watera
MP : 8
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a medium water element attack on an
Ability : Waterga
MP : 16
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a massive water element attack on an
Ability : Thunder
MP : 4
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a small thunder element attack on an
Ability : Thundara
MP : 8
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a medium thunder element attack on an
Ability : Thundaga
MP : 16
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a massive thunder element attack on an
Ability : Blizzard
MP : 4
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a small ice element attack on an enemy.
Ability : Blizzara
MP : 8
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a medium ice element attack on an enemy.
Ability : Blizzaga
MP : 16
Description : Lulu's Ability, cast a massive ice element attack on an
Ability : Bio
MP : 10
Description : Lulu's Ability, poison the fiend, deals HP damage after every
Ability : Death
MP : 20
Description : Lulu's Ability, can inflict the KO status instantly.
Ability : Demi
MP : 32
Description : Lulu's Ability, deal 1/4 of the enemy HP in damage.
Ability : Drain
MP : 12
Description : Wakka's Ability, takes HP from an enemy to restore its own.
Ability : Osmose
MP : 0
Description : Wakka's Ability, absorb an enemy MP.
Ability : Flare
MP : 54
Description : Lulu's Ability, cause non-elemental damage on the target.
Ability : Ultima
MP : 90
Description : Kimahri's Ability, deals massive non-elemental damage on
every enemies on the field.


Ability : Sensor
Items Used : Ability Sphere (x2)
Description : You can view the Data of an enemy during a battle, the Sensor
Window appears.
Ability : First Strike
Items Used : Return Sphere
Description : You have the first turn during a battle.
Ability : Initiative
Items Used : Chocobo Feather (x6)
Description : Increase the chances to have a PreEmptive fight.
Ability : Counterattack
Items Used : Friend Sphere
Description : When you are hit, your character will strike back.
Ability : Evade & Counter
Items Used : Teleport Sphere
Description : Strike back when you evade an Attack.
Ability : Magic Counter
Items Used : Shining Gem (x16)
Description : When you are hit by magic, your character will strike back.
Ability : Magic Booster
Items Used : Turbo Ether (x30)
Description : More MP Used, but the Magic Attack is stronger
Ability : Alchemy
Items Used : Healing Water (x4)
Description : The effect of the recovery items are doubled.
Ability : Piercing
Items Used : Lv.2 Key Sphere
Description : Pierce the armor of enemies to deal normal damage.
Ability : Half MP Cost
Items Used : Twin Stars (x20)
Description : MP Cost of all the spells are reduced by half.
Ability : One MP Cost
Items Used : Three Stars (x20)
Description : MP Cost of all the spells are reduced to One.
Ability : Double Overdrive
Items Used : Underdog's Secret (x30)
Description : The Overdrive Gauge charges two times faster.
Ability : Triple Overdrive
Items Used : Winning Formula (x30)
Description : The Overdrive Gauge charges three times faster.
Ability : SOS Overdrive
Items Used : Gambler's Spirit (x20)
Description : The Overdrive Gauge charges two times faster when HP is low.
Ability : Overdrive to AP
Items Used : Door to Tommorow (x10)
Description : Earn more AP, but the Overdrive Gauge doesn't charge.
Ability : Double AP
Items Used : Megalixir (x20)
Description : The AP are doubled after a fight.
Ability : Triple AP
Items Used : Wings to Discovery (x50)
Description : The AP are tripled after a fight.
Ability : NO AP
Items Used : ---
Description : You earn no AP after a fight.
Ability : Break Damage Limit
Items Used : Dark Matter (x60)
Description : Allows you to deal more than 9999 HP damage.
Ability : Gillionaire
Items Used : Designer Wallet (x30)
Description : Gil is doubled after a fight.
Ability : Firestrike
Items Used : Bomb Fragment (x4)
Description : Deals fire elemental attack when you physically attack.
Ability : Icestrike
Items Used : Antartic Wind (x4)
Description : Deals ice elemental attack when you physically attack.
Ability : Lightningstrike
Items Used : Electro Marble (x4)
Description : Deals lightning elemental attack when you physically attack.
Ability : Waterstrike
Items Used : Fish Scale (x4)
Description : Deals water elemental attack when you physically attack.
Ability : Deathstrike
Items Used : Farplane Wind (x60)
Description : Adds Death to your physical attacks.
Ability : Deathtouch
Items Used : Farplane Shadow (x30)
Description : Adds Death to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Zombiestrike
Items Used : Candle of Life (x30)
Description : Adds Zombie to your physical attacks.
Ability : Zombietouch
Items Used : Holy Water (x70)
Description : Adds Zombie to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Stonestrike
Items Used : Petrify Grenade (x60)
Description : Adds Petrify to your physical attacks.
Ability : Stonetouch
Items Used : Petrify Grenade (x10)
Description : Adds Petrify to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Poisonstrike
Items Used : Poison Fang (x24)
Description : Adds Poison to your physical attacks.
Ability : Poisontouch
Items Used : Antidote (x99)
Description : Adds Poison to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Sleepstrike
Items Used : Dream Powder (x16)
Description : Adds Sleep to your physical attacks.
Ability : Sleeptouch
Items Used : Sleeping Powder (x10)
Description : Adds Sleep to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Silencestrike
Items Used : Silence Grenade (x20)
Description : Adds Silence to your physical attacks.
Ability : Silencetouch
Items Used : Echo Screen (x60)
Description : Adds Silence to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Darkstrike
Items Used : Smoke Bomb (x20)
Description : Adds Darkness to your physical attacks.
Ability : Darktouch
Items Used : Eye Drops (x60)
Description : Adds Darkness to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Slowstrike
Items Used : Gold Hourglass (x30)
Description : Adds Slow to your physical attacks.
Ability : Slowtouch
Items Used : Silver Hourglass (x16)
Description : Adds Slow to your physical attacks (sometimes).
Ability : Strenght +3%
Items Used : Power Sphere (x3)
Description : Raises Physical Attack by 3%.
Ability : Strenght +5%
Items Used : Samina Spring (x2)
Description : Raises Physical Attack by 5%.
Ability : Strenght +10%
Items Used : Skill Sphere
Description : Raises Physical Attack by 10%.
Ability : Strenght +20%
Items Used : Supreme Gem (x4)
Description : Raises Physical Attack by 20%.
Ability : Magic +3%
Items Used : Mana Sphere (x3)
Description : Raises Magic Attack by 3%.
Ability : Magic +5%
Items Used : Mana Spring (x2)
Description : Raises Magic Attack by 5%.
Ability : Magic +10%
Items Used : Black Magic Sphere
Description : Raises Magic Attack by 10%.
Ability : Magic +20%
Items Used : Supreme Gem (x4)
Description : Raises Magic Attack by 20%.
Ability : Capture
Items Used : None
Description : Used to capture fiends for the Monster Arena Owner. You can
buy weapons with that ability from him.


Ability : Auto-Potion
Items Used : Stamina Tablet (x4)
Description : Automatically use Recovery Items when you are hitted.
Ability : Auto-Med
Items Used : Remedy (x20)
Description : Automatically use Healing Items when damaged by an ailment.
Ability : Auto-Phoenix
Items Used : Mega Phoenix (x20)
Description : Automatically use a Phoenix Down when a character is KO.
Ability : Pickpocket
Items Used : Amulet (x30)
Description : The chance to steal rare items increases.
Ability : Master Thief
Items Used : Pendulum (x30)
Description : Always steal rare items.
Ability : Break HP Limit
Items Used : Wings to Discovery (x30)
Description : Breaks the 9999 HP Limit.
Ability : Break MP Limit
Items Used : Three Stars (x30)
Description : Breaks the 999 MP Limit.
Ability : HP Stroll
Items Used : Stamina Tablet (x2)
Description : HP recovers while walking.
Ability : MP Stroll
Items Used : Mana Tablet (x2)
Description : MP recovers while walking.
Ability : No Encounters
Items Used : Purifying Salt (x30)
Description : No random fights.
Ability : Fire Ward
Items Used : Bomb Fragment (x4)
Description : Take half damage from Fire Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Fireproof
Items Used : Bomb Core (x8)
Description : Take no damage from Fire Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Fire Eater
Items Used : Fire Gem (x20)
Description : Take Recovery Points from Fire Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Ice Ward
Items Used : Antarctic Wind (x4)
Description : Take half damage from Ice Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Iceproof
Items Used : Arctic Wind (x4)
Description : Take no damage from Ice Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Ice Eater
Items Used : Ice Gem (x20)
Description : Take Recovery Points from Ice Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Lightning Ward
Items Used : Electro Marble (x4)
Description : Take half damage from Lightning Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Lightningproof
Items Used : Lightning Marble (x4)
Description : Take no damage from Lightning Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Lightning Eater
Items Used : Lightning Gem (x20)
Description : Take Recovery Points from Lightning Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Water Ward
Items Used : Fish Scale (x4)
Description : Take half damage from Water Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Waterproof
Items Used : Dragon Scale (x8)
Description : Take no damage from Water Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Water Eater
Items Used : Water Gem (x20)
Description : Take Recovery Points from Water Elemental Attacks.
Ability : Deathproof
Items Used : Farplane Wind (x60)
Description : Protects against Death.
Ability : Death Ward
Items Used : Farplane Shadow (x15)
Description : Protects against Death (sometimes).
Ability : Zombieproof
Items Used : Candle of Life (x10)
Description : Protects against Zombie.
Ability : Zombie Ward
Items Used : Holy Water (x30)
Description : Protects against Zombie (sometimes).
Ability : Stoneproof
Items Used : Petrify Grenade (x20)
Description : Protects against Petrify.
Ability : Stone Ward
Items Used : Soft (x30)
Description : Protects against Petrify (sometimes).
Ability : Poisonproof
Items Used : Poison Fang (x12)
Description : Protects against Poison.
Ability : Poison Ward
Items Used : Antidote (x40)
Description : Protects against Poison (sometimes).
Ability : Sleepproof
Items Used : Dream Powder (x8)
Description : Protects against Sleep.
Ability : Sleep Ward
Items Used : Sleeping Powder (x6)
Description : Protects against Sleep (sometimes).
Ability : Silenceproof
Items Used : Silence Grenade (x10)
Description : Protects against Silence.
Ability : Silence Ward
Items Used : Echo Screen (x30)
Description : Protects against Silence (sometimes).
Ability : Darkproof
Items Used : Smoke Bomb (x10)
Description : Protects against Darkness.
Ability : Dark Ward
Items Used : Eye Drops (x40)
Description : Protects against Darkness (sometimes).
Ability : Slowproof
Items Used : Gold Hourglass (x20)
Description : Protects against Slow.
Ability : Slow Ward
Items Used : Silver Hourglass (x10)
Description : Protects against Slow (sometimes).
Ability : Confuseproof
Items Used : Musk (x48)
Description : Protects against Confusion.
Ability : Confuse Ward
Items Used : Musk (x16)
Description : Protects against Confusion (sometimes).
Ability : Berserkproof
Items Used : Hypello Potion (x32)
Description : Protects against Berserk.
Ability : Berserk Ward
Items Used : Hypello Potion (x8)
Description : Protects against Berserk (sometimes).
Ability : Curseproof
Items Used : Tetra Elemental (x12)
Description : Protects against Curse.
Ability : Auto-Shell
Items Used : Lunar Curtain (x80)
Description : Casts Shell on the user at the beginning of the battle.
Ability : Auto-Protect
Items Used : Light Curtain (x70)
Description : Casts Protect on the user at the beginning of the battle.
Ability : Auto-Haste
Items Used : Chocobo Wing (x80)
Description : Casts Haste on the user at the beginning of the battle.
Ability : Auto-Regen
Items Used : Healing Spring (x80)
Description : Casts Regen on the user at the beginning of the battle.
Ability : Auto-Reflect
Items Used : Star Curtain (x40)
Description : Casts Reflect on the user at the beginning of the battle.
Ability : SOS Shell
Items Used : Lunar Curtain (x8)
Description : Casts Shell when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS Protect
Items Used : Light Curtain (x8)
Description : Casts Protect when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS Haste
Items Used : Chocobo Feather (x20)
Description : Casts Haste when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS Regen
Items Used : Healing Spring (x12)
Description : Casts Regen when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS Reflect
Items Used : Star Curtain (x8)
Description : Casts Reflect when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS NulTide
Items Used : Dragon Scale
Description : Casts NulTide when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS NulFrost
Items Used : Arctic Wind
Description : Casts NulFrost when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS NulShock
Items Used : Lightning Marble
Description : Casts NulShock when the user's HP is low.
Ability : SOS NulBlaze
Items Used : Bomb Core
Description : Casts NulBlaze when the user's HP is low.
Ability : Defense +3%
Items Used : Power Sphere (x3)
Description : Raises Defense by 3%.
Ability : Defense +5%
Items Used : Stamina Spring (x2)
Description : Raises Defense by 5%.
Ability : Defense +10%
Items Used : Special Sphere
Description : Raises Defense by 10%.
Ability : Defense +20%
Items Used : Blessed Gem (x4)
Description : Raises Defense by 20%.
Ability : Magic Def +3%
Items Used : Mana Sphere (x3)
Description : Raises Magic Defense by 3%.
Ability : Magic Def +5%
Items Used : Mana Spring (x2)
Description : Raises Magic Defense by 5%.
Ability : Magic Def +10%
Items Used : White Magic Sphere
Description : Raises Magic Defense by 10%.
Ability : Magic Def +20%
Items Used : Blessed Gem (x4)
Description : Raises Magic Defense by 20%.
Ability : HP +5%
Items Used : X-Potion
Description : Raises MAX HP by 5%.
Ability : HP +10%
Items Used : Soul Spring (x3)
Description : Raises MAX HP by 10%.
Ability : HP +20%
Items Used : Elixir (x5)
Description : Raises MAX HP by 20%.
Ability : HP +30%
Items Used : Stamina Tonic
Description : Raises MAX HP by 30%.
Ability : MP +5%
Items Used : Ether
Description : Raises MAX MP by 5%.
Ability : MP +10%
Items Used : Soul Spring (x3)
Description : Raises MAX MP by 10%.
Ability : MP +20%
Items Used : Elixir (x5)
Description : Raises MAX MP by 20%.
Ability : MP +30%
Items Used : Mana Tonic
Description : Raises MAX MP by 30%.

XIV. Mix List

Big Thanks to Ryan Dean,, for contributing to this
FAQ with an excellent Quick Mix List. You can also see his Mix List FAQ at, in the In-Depth Section of Final Fantasy X.

Compiled with permission from the Mix List Faq by
-- CB! (Christine Bomke, --

Square comes up with some long, yet cool names for the items. That's just
the japanese way, to be descriptive. So I had to shorten them, Apologies for
that. It was inevitable if I wanted to make it shorter. I tried to keep them
logical. Potion = Potn <> Phoenix = Phnx. Kind of like the original nes
games, where they had only a few hundered k to work with. So, there are
only a few that should be confusing. Nevertheless here is a list of the
abbreviations I made.

Potion = Potn Agility = Agil
Sphere = S. Antidote = Antd
Sleep = Slp Powder = Pwdr
Silver = Slv Hourglass = Hrgls
Chocobo = Choc Curtain = Crtn
Farplane = Frpln Grenade = Grnd
Elixir = Elix Power = Pwr
Supreme = Suprm White = Wht
Lightning = Lit Turbo = Trb
Underdog's Secret = Undrdg Scrt Gambler's Spirit = Gmbl Sprt
Wings to Discovery = Wings Disc Door to Tomorrow = Door Tmrw
Candle of Life = Cndl of Life Winning Formula = Win Frml
Shining Thorn= Shn Thorn Ability = Abil
Distiller = Distl Screen = Scrn
Water = Wtr Silence = Sln
Smoke = Smk Petrify = Ptr
Shadow = Shdw Spring = Sprng
Stamina = Stmn Petrify = Prfy
Poison = Psn Elementary = Elem
Electric = Elec Black = Blk
Fragment = Frag Arctic = Arc
Antarctic = Anrc

If you can't figure it out, add vowels, or say it outloud, it will sound
like you're saying the actual word fast.


* Ultra Potion - all party members; full HP recovery

Potn + Potn High Potn + Agil Distl X-Potn + Map
Potn + High Potn High Potn + Abil Distl X-Potn + Rename Card
Potn + X-Potn High Potn + Al Bhed Potn Mega Potn + Pwr Distl
Potn + Mega Potn High Potn + Grnd Mega Potn + Mana Distl
Potn + Pwr Distl High Potn + Frag Grnd Mega Potn + Agil Distl
Potn + Mana Distl High Potn + Pwr S. Mega Potn + Abil Distl
Potn + Agil Distl High Potn + Mana S. Mega Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Potn + Abil Distl High Potn + Speed S. Mega Potn + Pwr S.
Potn + Al Bhed Potn High Potn + Abil S. Mega Potn + Mana S.
Potn + Grnd High Potn + Map Mega Potn + Speed S.
Potn + Frag Grnd High Potn + Rename Card Mega Potn + Abil S.
Potn + Pwr S. X-Potn + Pwr Distl Mega Potn + Map
Potn + Mana S. X-Potn + Mana Distl Mega Potn + Rename Card
Potn + Speed S. X-Potn + Agil Distl Phnx Dwn + Map
Potn + Abil S. X-Potn + Abil Distl Phnx Dwn + Rename Card
Potn + Map X-Potn + Al Bhed Potn Pwr Distl + Al Bhed Potn
Potn + Rename Card X-Potn + Pwr S. Mana Distl + Al Bhed Potn
High Potn + Mega Potn X-Potn + Mana S. Agil Distl + Al Bhed Potn
High Potn + Pwr Distl X-Potn + Speed S. Abil Distl + Al Bhed Potn
High Potn + Mana Distl X-Potn + Abil S. Al Bhed Potn + Al Bhed Potn

* Panacea - all party members; cure abnormal status

Potn + Antd High Potn + Remedy Soft + Remedy
Potn + Soft X-Potn + Antd Soft + Pwr Distl
Potn + Eyedrop X-Potn + Soft Soft + Mana Distl
Potn + Echo Scrn X-Potn + Eyedrop Soft + Agil Distl
Potn + Holy Wtr X-Potn + Echo Scrn Soft + Abil Distl
Potn + Remedy X-Potn + Holy Wtr Soft + Al Bhed Potn
Potn + Heal Wtr X-Potn + Remedy Eyedrop + Eyedrop
Potn + Tetra Elem Mega Potn + Antd Eyedrop + Echo Scrn
Potn + Slp Pwdr Mega Potn + Soft Eyedrop + Holy Wtr
Potn + Dream Pwdr Mega Potn + Eyedrop Eyedrop + Remedy
Potn + Sln Grnd Mega Potn + Echo Scrn Eyedrop + Pwr Distl
Potn + Smk Bomb Mega Potn + Holy Wtr Eyedrop + Mana Distl
Potn + Shdw Gem Mega Potn + Remedy Eyedrop + Agil Distl
Potn + Psn Fang Phnx Dwn + Antd Eyedrop + Abil Distl
Potn + Slv Hrgls Phnx Dwn + Soft Eyedrop + Al Bhed Potn
Potn + Gold Hrgls Phnx Dwn + Eyedrop Echo Scrn + Echo Scrn
Potn + Cndl of Life Phnx Dwn + Echo Scrn Echo Scrn + Holy Wtr
Potn + Ptr Grnd Phnx Dwn + Holy Wtr Echo Scrn + Remedy
Potn + Choc Fthr Phnx Dwn + Remedy Echo Scrn + Pwr Distl
Potn + Choc Wing Antd + Antd Echo Scrn + Mana Distl
Potn + Lunar Crtn Antd + Soft Echo Scrn + Agil Distl
Potn + Light Crtn Antd + Eyedrop Echo Scrn + Abil Distl
Potn + Star Crtn Antd + Echo Scrn Echo Scrn + Al Bhed Potn
Potn + Heal Sprng Antd + Holy Wtr Holy Wtr + Holy Wtr
Potn + Mana Sprng Antd + Remedy Holy Wtr + Remedy
Potn + Stmn Sprng Antd + Pwr Distl Holy Wtr + Pwr Distl
Potn + Musk Antd + Mana Distl Holy Wtr + Mana Distl
Potn + Hypello Potn Antd + Agil Distl Holy Wtr + Agil Distl
Potn + Shn Thorn Antd + Abil Distl Holy Wtr + Abil Distl
High Potn + Antd Antd + Al Bhed Potn Holy Wtr + Al Bhed Potn
High Potn + Soft Soft + Soft Remedy + Remedy
High Potn + Eyedrop Soft + Eyedrop Remedy + Pwr Distl
High Potn + Echo Scrn Soft + Echo Scrn Remedy + Mana Distl
High Potn + Holy Wtr Soft + Holy Wtr Remedy + Agil Distl
Remedy + Abil Distl
Remedy + Al Bhed Potn

* Ultra Cure - all party members; cure abnormal status and full HP recovery

Pwr Distl + Slp Pwdr Mana Distl + Choc Fthr Abil Distl + Dream Pwdr
Pwr Distl + Dream Pwdr Mana Distl + Choc Wing Abil Distl + Sln Grnd
Pwr Distl + Sln Grnd Mana Distl + Heal Sprng Abil Distl + Smk Bomb
Pwr Distl + Smk Bomb Mana Distl + Mana Sprng Abil Distl + Psn Fang
Pwr Distl + Psn Fang Mana Distl + Stmn Sprng Abil Distl + Slv Hrgls
Pwr Distl + Slv Hrgls Mana Distl + Soul Sprng Abil Distl + Gold Hrgls
Pwr Distl + Gold Hrgls Mana Distl + Prfy Salt Abil Distl + Cndl of Life
Pwr Distl + Cndl of Life Mana Distl + Musk Abil Distl + Ptr Grnd
Pwr Distl + Ptr Grnd Mana Distl + Hypello Potn Abil Distl + Frpln Shdw
Pwr Distl + Frpln Shdw Mana Distl + Shn Thorn Abil Distl + Frpln Wind
Pwr Distl + Frpln Wind Agil Distl + Slp Pwdr Abil Distl + Choc Fthr
Pwr Distl + Choc Fthr Agil Distl + Dream Pwdr Abil Distl + Choc Wing
Pwr Distl + Choc Wing Agil Distl + Sln Grnd Abil Distl + Heal Sprng
Pwr Distl + Heal Sprng Agil Distl + Smk Bomb Abil Distl + Mana Sprng
Pwr Distl + Mana Sprng Agil Distl + Psn Fang Abil Distl + Stmn Sprng
Pwr Distl + Stmn Sprng Agil Distl + Slv Hrgls Abil Distl + Soul Sprng
Pwr Distl + Soul Sprng Agil Distl + Gold Hrgls Abil Distl + Prfy Salt
Pwr Distl + Prfy Salt Agil Distl + Cndl of Life Abil Distl + Musk
Pwr Distl + Musk Agil Distl + Ptr Grnd Abil Distl + Hypello Potn
Pwr Distl + Hypello Potn Agil Distl + Frpln Shdw Abil Distl + Shn Thorn
Pwr Distl + Shn Thorn Agil Distl + Frpln Wind Al Bhed Potn + Slp Pwdr
Mana Distl + Slp Pwdr Agil Distl + Choc Fthr Al Bhed Potn + Dream Pwdr
Mana Distl + Dream Pwdr Agil Distl + Choc Wing Al Bhed Potn + Sln Grnd
Mana Distl + Sln Grnd Agil Distl + Heal Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Smk Bomb
Mana Distl + Smk Bomb Agil Distl + Mana Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Psn Fang
Mana Distl + Psn Fang Agil Distl + Stmn Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Slv Hrgls
Mana Distl + Slv Hrgls Agil Distl + Soul Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Gold Hrgls
Mana Distl + Gold Hrgls Agil Distl + Prfy Salt Al Bhed Potn + Cndl of Life
Mana Distl + Cndl of LifeAgil Distl + Musk Al Bhed Potn + Ptr Grnd
Mana Distl + Ptr Grnd Agil Distl + Hypello Potn Al Bhed Potn + Frpln Shdw
Mana Distl + Frpln Shdw Agil Distl + Shn Thorn Al Bhed Potn + Frpln Wind
Mana Distl + Frpln Wind Abil Distl + Slp Pwdr Al Bhed Potn + Choc Fthr
Al Bhed Potn + Choc Wing

* Mega Phoenix - all party members; revive from K.O. with half HP

Potn + Phnx Dwn Phnx Dwn + Frag Grnd Phnx Dwn + Lunar Crtn
High Potn + Phnx Dwn Phnx Dwn + Slp Pwdr Phnx Dwn + Light Crtn
X-Potn + Phnx Dwn Phnx Dwn + Dream Pwdr Phnx Dwn + Star Crtn
Mega Potn + Phnx Dwn Phnx Dwn + Sln Grnd Phnx Dwn + Heal Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Phnx Dwn Phnx Dwn + Smk Bomb Phnx Dwn + Mana Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Pwr Distl Phnx Dwn + Shdw Gem Phnx Dwn + Stmn Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Mana Distl Phnx Dwn + Psn Fang Phnx Dwn + Soul Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Agil Distl Phnx Dwn + Slv Hrgls Phnx Dwn + Prfy Salt
Phnx Dwn + Abil Distl Phnx Dwn + Gold Hrgls Phnx Dwn + Pwr S.
Phnx Dwn + Al Bhed Potn Phnx Dwn + Cndl of Life Phnx Dwn + Mana S.
Phnx Dwn + Heal Wtr Phnx Dwn + Ptr Grnd Phnx Dwn + Speed S.
Phnx Dwn + Tetra Elem Phnx Dwn + Choc Fthr Phnx Dwn + Abil S.
Phnx Dwn + Grnd Phnx Dwn + Choc Wing Phnx Dwn + Musk
Phnx Dwn + Hypello Potn
Phnx Dwn + Shn Thorn

* Final Phoenix - all party members; revive from K.O. with full HP

Potn + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Clear S. Mega Phnx + Dream Pwdr
High Potn + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Return S. Mega Phnx + Sln Grnd
X-Potn + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Friend S. Mega Phnx + Smk Bomb
Mega Potn + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Teleport S. Mega Phnx + Shdw Gem
Elix + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Warp S. Mega Phnx + Shn Gem
Phnx Dwn + Mega Phnx Phnx Dwn + Pendulum Mega Phnx + Bless Gem
Phnx Dwn + Shn Gem Phnx Dwn + Amulet Mega Phnx + Psn Fang
Phnx Dwn + Bless Gem Phnx Dwn + Door Tmrw Mega Phnx + Slv Hrgls
Phnx Dwn + Frpln Shdw Phnx Dwn + Wings Disc Mega Phnx + Gold Hrgls
Phnx Dwn + Frpln Wind Phnx Dwn + Gmbl Sprt Mega Phnx + Cndl of Life
Phnx Dwn + Attribute S. Phnx Dwn + Undrdg Scrt Mega Phnx + Ptr Grnd
Phnx Dwn + Special S. Phnx Dwn + Win Frml Mega Phnx + Frpln Shdw
Phnx Dwn + Skill S. Mega Phnx + Mega Phnx Mega Phnx + Frpln Wind
Phnx Dwn + Wht Mag S. Mega Phnx + Antd Mega Phnx + Choc Fthr
Phnx Dwn + Blk Mag S. Mega Phnx + Soft Mega Phnx + Choc Wing
Phnx Dwn + Master S. Mega Phnx + Eyedrop Mega Phnx + Lunar Crtn
Phnx Dwn + Lev 1 K S. Mega Phnx + Echo Scrn Mega Phnx + Light Crtn
Phnx Dwn + Lev 2 K S. Mega Phnx + Holy Wtr Mega Phnx + Star Crtn
Phnx Dwn + Lev 3 K S. Mega Phnx + Remedy Mega Phnx + Heal Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Lev 4 K S. Mega Phnx + Pwr Distl Mega Phnx + Mana Sprng
Phnx Dwn + HP S. Mega Phnx + Mana Distl Mega Phnx + Stmn Sprng
Phnx Dwn + MP S. Mega Phnx + Agil Distl Mega Phnx + Soul Sprng
Phnx Dwn + Str S. Mega Phnx + Abil Distl Mega Phnx + Prfy Salt
Phnx Dwn + Def S. Mega Phnx + Al Bhed Potn Mega Phnx + Pwr S.
Phnx Dwn + Mag S. Mega Phnx + Heal Wtr Mega Phnx + Mana S.
Phnx Dwn + Mag Def S. Mega Phnx + Tetra Elem Mega Phnx + Speed S.
Phnx Dwn + Agil S. Mega Phnx + Grnd Mega Phnx + Abil S.
Phnx Dwn + Evas S. Mega Phnx + Frag Grnd Mega Phnx + Musk
Phnx Dwn + Accr S. Mega Phnx + Slp Pwdr Mega Phnx + Hypello Potn
Mega Phnx + Shn Thorn

* Elixir - one party member; full HP and MP recovery

Antd + Pwr S. Soft + Speed S. Eyedrop + Abil S.
Antd + Mana S. Soft + Abil S. Echo Scrn + Pwr S.
Antd + Speed S. Eyedrop + Pwr S. Echo Scrn + Mana S.
Antd + Abil S. Eyedrop + Mana S. Echo Scrn + Speed S.
Soft + Pwr S. Eyedrop + Speed S. Echo Scrn + Abil S.
Soft + Mana S.

* Mega Elixir - all party members; full HP and MP recovery

Potn + Elix Elix + Rename Card Echo Scrn + Shn Thorn
Potn + Shn Gem Mega Phnx + Map Holy Wtr + Heal Wtr
Potn + Bless Gem Mega Phnx + Rename Card Holy Wtr + Tetra Elem
Potn + Frpln Shdw Antd + Heal Wtr Holy Wtr + Slp Pwdr
Potn + Frpln Wind Antd + Tetra Elem Holy Wtr + Dream Pwdr
Potn + Soul Sprng Antd + Slp Pwdr Holy Wtr + Sln Grnd
Potn + Prfy Salt Antd + Dream Pwdr Holy Wtr + Smk Bomb
High Potn + Elix Antd + Sln Grnd Holy Wtr + Shdw Gem
High Potn + Heal Wtr Antd + Smk Bomb Holy Wtr + Shn Gem
High Potn + Tetra Elem Antd + Shdw Gem Holy Wtr + Bless Gem
High Potn + Slp Pwdr Antd + Shn Gem Holy Wtr + Suprm Gem
High Potn + Dream Pwdr Antd + Bless Gem Holy Wtr + Psn Fang
High Potn + Sln Grnd Antd + Suprm Gem Holy Wtr + Slv Hrgls
High Potn + Smk Bomb Antd + Psn Fang Holy Wtr + Gold Hrgls
High Potn + Shdw Gem Antd + Slv Hrgls Holy Wtr + Cndl of Life
High Potn + Shn Gem Antd + Gold Hrgls Holy Wtr + Ptr Grnd
High Potn + Bless Gem Antd + Cndl of Life Holy Wtr + Frpln Shdw
High Potn + Psn Fang Antd + Ptr Grnd Holy Wtr + Frpln Wind
High Potn + Slv Hrgls Antd + Frpln Shdw Holy Wtr + Choc Fthr
High Potn + Gold Hrgls Antd + Frpln Wind Holy Wtr + Choc Wing
High Potn + Cndl of Life Antd + Choc Fthr Holy Wtr + Heal Sprng
High Potn + Ptr Grnd Antd + Choc Wing Holy Wtr + Mana Sprng
High Potn + Frpln Shdw Antd + Heal Sprng Holy Wtr + Stmn Sprng
High Potn + Frpln Wind Antd + Mana Sprng Holy Wtr + Soul Sprng
High Potn + Choc Fthr Antd + Stmn Sprng Holy Wtr + Prfy Salt
High Potn + Choc Wing Antd + Soul Sprng Holy Wtr + Pwr S.
High Potn + Lunar Crtn Antd + Prfy Salt Holy Wtr + Mana S.
High Potn + Light Crtn Antd + Map Holy Wtr + Speed S.
High Potn + Star Crtn Antd + Rename Card Holy Wtr + Abil S.
High Potn + Heal Sprng Antd + Musk Holy Wtr + Map
High Potn + Mana Sprng Antd + Hypello Potn Holy Wtr + Rename Card
High Potn + Stmn Sprng Antd + Shn Thorn Holy Wtr + Musk
High Potn + Soul Sprng Soft + Heal Wtr Holy Wtr + Hypello Potn
High Potn + Prfy Salt Soft + Tetra Elem Holy Wtr + Shn Thorn
High Potn + Musk Soft + Slp Pwdr Remedy + Pwr S.
High Potn + Hypello Potn Soft + Dream Pwdr Remedy + Mana S.
High Potn + Shn Thorn Soft + Sln Grnd Remedy + Speed S.
X-Potn + Mega Potn Soft + Smk Bomb Remedy + Abil S.
X-Potn + Elix Soft + Shdw Gem Remedy + Map
X-Potn + Heal Wtr Soft + Shn Gem Remedy + Rename Card
X-Potn + Tetra Elem Soft + Bless Gem Remedy + Musk
X-Potn + Grnd Soft + Suprm Gem Remedy + Hypello Potn
X-Potn + Frag Grnd Soft + Psn Fang Remedy + Shn Thorn
X-Potn + Slp Pwdr Soft + Slv Hrgls Pwr Distl + Heal Wtr
X-Potn + Dream Pwdr Soft + Gold Hrgls Pwr Distl + Tetra Elem
X-Potn + Sln Grnd Soft + Cndl of Life Pwr Distl + Shn Gem
X-Potn + Smk Bomb Soft + Ptr Grnd Pwr Distl + Bless Gem
X-Potn + Shdw Gem Soft + Frpln Shdw Pwr Distl + Suprm Gem
X-Potn + Shn Gem Soft + Frpln Wind Mana Distl + Heal Wtr
X-Potn + Bless Gem Soft + Choc Fthr Mana Distl + Tetra Elem
X-Potn + Psn Fang Soft + Choc Wing Mana Distl + Shn Gem
X-Potn + Slv Hrgls Soft + Heal Sprng Mana Distl + Bless Gem
X-Potn + Gold Hrgls Soft + Mana Sprng Mana Distl + Suprm Gem
X-Potn + Cndl of Life Soft + Stmn Sprng Agil Distl + Heal Wtr
X-Potn + Ptr Grnd Soft + Soul Sprng Agil Distl + Tetra Elem
X-Potn + Choc Fthr Soft + Prfy Salt Agil Distl + Shn Gem
X-Potn + Choc Wing Soft + Map Agil Distl + Bless Gem
X-Potn + Lunar Crtn Soft + Rename Card Agil Distl + Suprm Gem
X-Potn + Light Crtn Soft + Musk Abil Distl + Heal Wtr
X-Potn + Star Crtn Soft + Hypello Potn Abil Distl + Tetra Elem
X-Potn + Heal Sprng Soft + Shn Thorn Abil Distl + Shn Gem
X-Potn + Mana Sprng Eyedrop + Heal Wtr Abil Distl + Bless Gem
X-Potn + Stmn Sprng Eyedrop + Tetra Elem Abil Distl + Suprm Gem
X-Potn + Soul Sprng Eyedrop + Slp Pwdr Al Bhed Potn + Heal Wtr
X-Potn + Prfy Salt Eyedrop + Dream Pwdr Al Bhed Potn + Tetra Elem
X-Potn + Musk Eyedrop + Sln Grnd Al Bhed Potn + Shn Gem
X-Potn + Hypello Potn Eyedrop + Smk Bomb Al Bhed Potn + Bless Gem
X-Potn + Shn Thorn Eyedrop + Shdw Gem Al Bhed Potn + Suprm Gem
Mega Potn + Mega Potn Eyedrop + Shn Gem Al Bhed Potn + Heal Sprng
Mega Potn + Elix Eyedrop + Bless Gem Al Bhed Potn + Mana Sprng
Mega Potn + Heal Wtr Eyedrop + Suprm Gem Al Bhed Potn + Stmn Sprng
Mega Potn + Tetra Elem Eyedrop + Psn Fang Al Bhed Potn + Soul Sprng
Mega Potn + Grnd Eyedrop + Slv Hrgls Al Bhed Potn + Prfy Salt
Mega Potn + Frag Grnd Eyedrop + Gold Hrgls Al Bhed Potn + Three Stars
Mega Potn + Slp Pwdr Eyedrop + Cndl of Life Al Bhed Potn + Pwr S.
Mega Potn + Dream Pwdr Eyedrop + Ptr Grnd Al Bhed Potn + Mana S.
Mega Potn + Sln Grnd Eyedrop + Frpln Shdw Al Bhed Potn + Speed S.
Mega Potn + Smk Bomb Eyedrop + Frpln Wind Al Bhed Potn + Abil S.
Mega Potn + Shdw Gem Eyedrop + Choc Fthr Al Bhed Potn + Map
Mega Potn + Shn Gem Eyedrop + Choc Wing Al Bhed Potn + Rename Card
Mega Potn + Bless Gem Eyedrop + Heal Sprng Heal Wtr + Pwr S.
Mega Potn + Psn Fang Eyedrop + Mana Sprng Heal Wtr + Mana S.
Mega Potn + Slv Hrgls Eyedrop + Stmn Sprng Heal Wtr + Speed S.
Mega Potn + Gold Hrgls Eyedrop + Soul Sprng Heal Wtr + Abil S.
Mega Potn + Cndl of Life Eyedrop + Prfy Salt Heal Wtr + Map
Mega Potn + Ptr Grnd Eyedrop + Map Heal Wtr + Rename Card
Mega Potn + Choc Fthr Eyedrop + Rename Card Tetra Elem + Pwr S.
Mega Potn + Choc Wing Eyedrop + Musk Tetra Elem + Mana S.
Mega Potn + Lunar Crtn Eyedrop + Hypello Potn Tetra Elem + Speed S.
Mega Potn + Light Crtn Eyedrop + Shn Thorn Tetra Elem + Abil S.
Mega Potn + Star Crtn Echo Scrn + Heal Wtr Tetra Elem + Map
Mega Potn + Heal Sprng Echo Scrn + Tetra Elem Tetra Elem + Rename Card
Mega Potn + Mana Sprng Echo Scrn + Slp Pwdr Heal Sprng + Pwr S.
Mega Potn + Stmn Sprng Echo Scrn + Dream Pwdr Heal Sprng + Mana S.
Mega Potn + Soul Sprng Echo Scrn + Sln Grnd Heal Sprng + Speed S.
Mega Potn + Prfy Salt Echo Scrn + Smk Bomb Heal Sprng + Abil S.
Mega Potn + Musk Echo Scrn + Shdw Gem Mana Sprng + Pwr S.
Mega Potn + Hypello Potn Echo Scrn + Shn Gem Mana Sprng + Mana S.
Mega Potn + Shn Thorn Echo Scrn + Bless Gem Mana Sprng + Speed S.
Elix + Elix Echo Scrn + Suprm Gem Mana Sprng + Abil S.
Elix + Phnx Dwn Echo Scrn + Psn Fang Mana Sprng + Map
Elix + Antd Echo Scrn + Slv Hrgls Mana Sprng + Rename Card
Elix + Soft Echo Scrn + Gold Hrgls Stmn Sprng + Pwr S.
Elix + Eyedrop Echo Scrn + Cndl of Life Stmn Sprng + Mana S.
Elix + Echo Scrn Echo Scrn + Ptr Grnd Stmn Sprng + Speed S.
Elix + Holy Wtr Echo Scrn + Frpln Shdw Stmn Sprng + Abil S.
Elix + Pwr Distl Echo Scrn + Frpln Wind Stmn Sprng + Map
Elix + Mana Distl Echo Scrn + Choc Fthr Stmn Sprng + Rename Card
Elix + Agil Distl Echo Scrn + Choc Wing Soul Sprng + Pwr S.
Elix + Abil Distl Echo Scrn + Heal Sprng Soul Sprng + Mana S.
Elix + Al Bhed Potn Echo Scrn + Mana Sprng Soul Sprng + Speed S.
Elix + Heal Wtr Echo Scrn + Stmn Sprng Soul Sprng + Abil S.
Elix + Grnd Echo Scrn + Soul Sprng Soul Sprng + Map
Elix + Frag Grnd Echo Scrn + Prfy Salt Soul Sprng + Rename Card
Elix + Pwr S. Echo Scrn + Map Prfy Salt + Pwr S.
Elix + Mana S. Echo Scrn + Rename Card Prfy Salt + Mana S.
Elix + Speed S. Echo Scrn + Musk Prfy Salt + Speed S.
Elix + Abil S. Echo Scrn + Hypello Potn Prfy Salt + Abil S.
Prfy Salt + Map
Prfy Salt + Rename Card

* Super Elixir - all party members; cure abnormal status and full HP and
MP recovery

Potn + Mega Elix Remedy + Frpln Shdw Heal Sprng + Str S.
Potn + Suprm Gem Remedy + Frpln Wind Heal Sprng + Def S.
Potn + Attribute S. Remedy + Choc Fthr Heal Sprng + Mag S.
Potn + Special S. Remedy + Choc Wing Heal Sprng + Mag Def S.
Potn + Skill S. Remedy + Heal Sprng Heal Sprng + Agil S.
Potn + Wht Mag S. Remedy + Mana Sprng Heal Sprng + Evas S.
Potn + Blk Mag S. Remedy + Stmn Sprng Heal Sprng + Accr S.
Potn + Master S. Remedy + Soul Sprng Heal Sprng + Clear S.
Potn + Lev 1 K S. Remedy + Prfy Salt Heal Sprng + Return S.
Potn + Lev 2 K S. Remedy + Attribute S. Heal Sprng + Friend S.
Potn + Lev 3 K S. Remedy + Special S. Heal Sprng + Teleport S.
Potn + Lev 4 K S. Remedy + Skill S. Heal Sprng + Warp S.
Potn + HP S. Remedy + Wht Mag S. Heal Sprng + Map
Potn + MP S. Remedy + Blk Mag S. Heal Sprng + Rename Card
Potn + Str S. Remedy + Lev 1 K S. Mana Sprng + Attribute S.
Potn + Def S. Remedy + Lev 2 K S. Mana Sprng + Special S.
Potn + Mag S. Remedy + Lev 3 K S. Mana Sprng + Skill S.
Potn + Mag Def S. Remedy + Lev 4 K S. Mana Sprng + Wht Mag S.
Potn + Agil S. Remedy + HP S. Mana Sprng + Blk Mag S.
Potn + Evas S. Remedy + MP S. Mana Sprng + Master S.
Potn + Accr S. Remedy + Str S. Mana Sprng + Lev 1 K S.
Potn + Clear S. Remedy + Def S. Mana Sprng + Lev 2 K S.
Potn + Return S. Remedy + Mag S. Mana Sprng + Lev 3 K S.
Potn + Friend S. Remedy + Mag Def S. Mana Sprng + Lev 4 K S.
Potn + Teleport S. Remedy + Agil S. Mana Sprng + HP S.
Potn + Warp S. Remedy + Evas S. Mana Sprng + MP S.
Potn + Pendulum Remedy + Accr S. Mana Sprng + Str S.
Potn + Amulet Remedy + Clear S. Mana Sprng + Def S.
Potn + Door Tmrw Remedy + Return S. Mana Sprng + Mag S.
Potn + Wings Disc Remedy + Friend S. Mana Sprng + Mag Def S.
Potn + Gmbl Sprt Remedy + Teleport S. Mana Sprng + Agil S.
Potn + Undrdg Scrt Remedy + Warp S. Mana Sprng + Evas S.
Potn + Win Frml Remedy + Pendulum Mana Sprng + Accr S.
High Potn + Mega Elix Remedy + Amulet Mana Sprng + Clear S.
High Potn + Suprm Gem Remedy + Door Tmrw Mana Sprng + Return S.
X-Potn + Mega Elix Remedy + Wings Disc Mana Sprng + Friend S.
X-Potn + Frpln Shdw Remedy + Gmbl Sprt Mana Sprng + Teleport S.
X-Potn + Frpln Wind Remedy + Undrdg Scrt Mana Sprng + Warp S.
Mega Potn + Mega Elix Remedy + Win Frml Stmn Sprng + Attribute S.
Mega Potn + Frpln Shdw Pwr Distl + Attribute S. Stmn Sprng + Special S.
Mega Potn + Frpln Wind Pwr Distl + Special S. Stmn Sprng + Skill S.
Ether + Mega Elix Pwr Distl + Skill S. Stmn Sprng + Wht Mag S.
Trb Ether + Mega Elix Pwr Distl + Wht Mag S. Stmn Sprng + Blk Mag S.
Elix + Mega Elix Pwr Distl + Blk Mag S. Stmn Sprng + Master S.
Elix + Remedy Pwr Distl + Lev 1 K S. Stmn Sprng + Lev 1 K S.
Elix + Tetra Elem Pwr Distl + Lev 2 K S. Stmn Sprng + Lev 2 K S.
Elix + Bomb Frag Pwr Distl + HP S. Stmn Sprng + Lev 3 K S.
Elix + Bomb Core Pwr Distl + MP S. Stmn Sprng + Lev 4 K S.
Elix + Fire Gem Pwr Distl + Str S. Stmn Sprng + HP S.
Elix + Elec Mrbl Pwr Distl + Def S. Stmn Sprng + MP S.
Elix + Lit Mrbl Pwr Distl + Mag S. Stmn Sprng + Str S.
Elix + Lit Gem Pwr Distl + Mag Def S. Stmn Sprng + Def S.
Elix + Fish Scl Pwr Distl + Agil S. Stmn Sprng + Mag S.
Elix + Drgn Scl Pwr Distl + Evas S. Stmn Sprng + Mag Def S.
Elix + Wtr Gem Pwr Distl + Accr S. Stmn Sprng + Agil S.
Elix + Anrc Wind Pwr Distl + Clear S. Stmn Sprng + Evas S.
Elix + Arc Wind Pwr Distl + Return S. Stmn Sprng + Accr S.
Elix + Ice Gem Pwr Distl + Friend S. Stmn Sprng + Clear S.
Elix + Slp Pwdr Pwr Distl + Teleport S. Stmn Sprng + Return S.
Elix + Dream Pwdr Pwr Distl + Warp S. Stmn Sprng + Friend S.
Elix + Sln Grnd Pwr Distl + Pendulum Stmn Sprng + Teleport S.
Elix + Smk Bomb Pwr Distl + Amulet Stmn Sprng + Warp S.
Elix + Shdw Gem Pwr Distl + Door Tmrw Soul Sprng + Attribute S.
Elix + Psn Fang Pwr Distl + Wings Disc Soul Sprng + Special S.
Elix + Slv Hrgls Pwr Distl + Gmbl Sprt Soul Sprng + Skill S.
Elix + Gold Hrgls Pwr Distl + Undrdg Scrt Soul Sprng + Wht Mag S.
Elix + Cndl of Life Pwr Distl + Win Frml Soul Sprng + Blk Mag S.
Elix + Ptr Grnd Mana Distl + Attribute S. Soul Sprng + Master S.
Elix + Frpln Shdw Mana Distl + Special S. Soul Sprng + Lev 1 K S.
Elix + Choc Fthr Mana Distl + Skill S. Soul Sprng + Lev 2 K S.
Elix + Choc Wing Mana Distl + Wht Mag S. Soul Sprng + Lev 3 K S.
Elix + Lunar Crtn Mana Distl + Blk Mag S. Soul Sprng + Lev 4 K S.
Elix + Light Crtn Mana Distl + Lev 1 K S. Soul Sprng + HP S.
Elix + Star Crtn Mana Distl + Lev 2 K S. Soul Sprng + MP S.
Elix + Heal Sprng Mana Distl + HP S. Soul Sprng + Str S.
Elix + Mana Sprng Mana Distl + MP S. Soul Sprng + Def S.
Elix + Stmn Sprng Mana Distl + Str S. Soul Sprng + Mag S.
Elix + Soul Sprng Mana Distl + Def S. Soul Sprng + Mag Def S.
Elix + Prfy Salt Mana Distl + Mag S. Soul Sprng + Agil S.
Elix + Musk Mana Distl + Mag Def S. Soul Sprng + Evas S.
Elix + Hypello Potn Mana Distl + Agil S. Soul Sprng + Accr S.
Elix + Shn Thorn Mana Distl + Evas S. Soul Sprng + Clear S.
Mega Elix + Phnx Dwn Mana Distl + Accr S. Soul Sprng + Return S.
Mega Elix + Mega Phnx Mana Distl + Clear S. Soul Sprng + Friend S.
Mega Elix + Antd Mana Distl + Return S. Soul Sprng + Teleport S.
Mega Elix + Soft Mana Distl + Friend S. Soul Sprng + Warp S.
Mega Elix + Eyedrop Mana Distl + Teleport S. Prfy Salt + Attribute S.
Mega Elix + Echo Scrn Mana Distl + Warp S. Prfy Salt + Special S.
Mega Elix + Holy Wtr Mana Distl + Pendulum Prfy Salt + Skill S.
Mega Elix + Remedy Mana Distl + Amulet Prfy Salt + Wht Mag S.
Mega Elix + Pwr Distl Mana Distl + Door Tmrw Prfy Salt + Blk Mag S.
Mega Elix + Mana Distl Mana Distl + Wings Disc Prfy Salt + Master S.
Mega Elix + Agil Distl Mana Distl + Gmbl Sprt Prfy Salt + Lev 1 K S.
Mega Elix + Abil Distl Mana Distl + Undrdg Scrt Prfy Salt + Lev 2 K S.
Mega Elix + Al Bhed Potn Mana Distl + Win Frml Prfy Salt + Lev 3 K S.
Mega Elix + Grnd Agil Distl + Attribute S. Prfy Salt + Lev 4 K S.
Mega Elix + Frag Grnd Agil Distl + Special S. Prfy Salt + HP S.
Mega Elix + Pwr S. Agil Distl + Skill S. Prfy Salt + MP S.
Mega Elix + Mana S. Agil Distl + Wht Mag S. Prfy Salt + Str S.
Mega Elix + Speed S. Agil Distl + Blk Mag S. Prfy Salt + Def S.
Mega Elix + Abil S. Agil Distl + Lev 1 K S. Prfy Salt + Mag S.
Mega Elix + Map Agil Distl + Lev 2 K S. Prfy Salt + Mag Def S.
Mega Elix + Rename Card Agil Distl + HP S. Prfy Salt + Agil S.
Antd + Attribute S. Agil Distl + MP S. Prfy Salt + Evas S.
Antd + Special S. Agil Distl + Str S. Prfy Salt + Accr S.
Antd + Skill S. Agil Distl + Def S. Prfy Salt + Clear S.
Antd + Wht Mag S. Agil Distl + Mag S. Prfy Salt + Return S.
Antd + Blk Mag S. Agil Distl + Mag Def S. Prfy Salt + Friend S.
Antd + Lev 1 K S. Agil Distl + Agil S. Prfy Salt + Teleport S.
Antd + Lev 2 K S. Agil Distl + Evas S. Prfy Salt + Warp S.
Antd + Lev 3 K S. Agil Distl + Accr S. Pwr Distl + Slp Pwdr
Antd + Lev 4 K S. Agil Distl + Clear S. Pwr Distl + Dream Pwdr
Antd + HP S. Agil Distl + Return S. Pwr Distl + Sln Grnd
Antd + MP S. Agil Distl + Friend S. Pwr Distl + Smk Bomb
Antd + Str S. Agil Distl + Teleport S. Pwr Distl + Psn Fang
Antd + Def S. Agil Distl + Warp S. Pwr Distl + Slv Hrgls
Antd + Mag S. Agil Distl + Pendulum Pwr Distl + Gold Hrgls
Antd + Mag Def S. Agil Distl + Amulet Pwr Distl + Cndl of Life
Antd + Agil S. Agil Distl + Door Tmrw Pwr Distl + Ptr Grnd
Antd + Evas S. Agil Distl + Wings Disc Pwr Distl + Frpln Shdw
Antd + Accr S. Agil Distl + Gmbl Sprt Pwr Distl + Frpln Wind
Antd + Clear S. Agil Distl + Undrdg Scrt Pwr Distl + Choc Fthr
Antd + Return S. Agil Distl + Win Frml Pwr Distl + Choc Wing
Antd + Friend S. Abil Distl + Attribute S. Pwr Distl + Heal Sprng
Antd + Teleport S. Abil Distl + Special S. Pwr Distl + Mana Sprng
Antd + Warp S. Abil Distl + Skill S. Pwr Distl + Stmn Sprng
Antd + Pendulum Abil Distl + Wht Mag S. Pwr Distl + Soul Sprng
Antd + Amulet Abil Distl + Blk Mag S. Pwr Distl + Prfy Salt
Antd + Door Tmrw Abil Distl + Lev 1 K S. Pwr Distl + Musk
Antd + Wings Disc Abil Distl + Lev 2 K S. Pwr Distl + Hypello Potn
Antd + Gmbl Sprt Abil Distl + HP S. Pwr Distl + Shn Thorn
Antd + Undrdg Scrt Abil Distl + MP S. Mana Distl + Slp Pwdr
Antd + Win Frml Abil Distl + Str S. Mana Distl + Dream Pwdr
Soft + Attribute S. Abil Distl + Def S. Mana Distl + Sln Grnd
Soft + Special S. Abil Distl + Mag S. Mana Distl + Smk Bomb
Soft + Skill S. Abil Distl + Mag Def S. Mana Distl + Psn Fang
Soft + Wht Mag S. Abil Distl + Agil S. Mana Distl + Slv Hrgls
Soft + Blk Mag S. Abil Distl + Evas S. Mana Distl + Gold Hrgls
Soft + Master S. Abil Distl + Accr S. Mana Distl + Cndl of Life
Soft + Lev 1 K S. Abil Distl + Clear S. Mana Distl + Ptr Grnd
Soft + Lev 2 K S. Abil Distl + Return S. Mana Distl + Frpln Shdw
Soft + Lev 3 K S. Abil Distl + Friend S. Mana Distl + Frpln Wind
Soft + Lev 4 K S. Abil Distl + Teleport S. Mana Distl + Choc Fthr
Soft + HP S. Abil Distl + Warp S. Mana Distl + Choc Wing
Soft + MP S. Abil Distl + Pendulum Mana Distl + Heal Sprng
Soft + Str S. Abil Distl + Amulet Mana Distl + Mana Sprng
Soft + Def S. Abil Distl + Door Tmrw Mana Distl + Stmn Sprng
Soft + Mag S. Abil Distl + Wings Disc Mana Distl + Soul Sprng
Soft + Mag Def S. Abil Distl + Gmbl Sprt Mana Distl + Prfy Salt
Soft + Agil S. Abil Distl + Undrdg Scrt Mana Distl + Musk
Soft + Evas S. Abil Distl + Win Frml Mana Distl + Hypello Potn
Soft + Accr S. Al Bhed Potn + Attribute S. Mana Distl + Shn Thorn
Soft + Clear S. Al Bhed Potn + Special S. Agil Distl + Slp Pwdr
Soft + Return S. Al Bhed Potn + Skill S. Agil Distl + Dream Pwdr
Soft + Friend S. Al Bhed Potn + Wht Mag S. Agil Distl + Sln Grnd
Soft + Teleport S. Al Bhed Potn + Blk Mag S. Agil Distl + Smk Bomb
Soft + Warp S. Al Bhed Potn + Lev 1 K S. Agil Distl + Psn Fang
Soft + Pendulum Al Bhed Potn + Lev 2 K S. Agil Distl + Slv Hrgls
Soft + Amulet Al Bhed Potn + HP S. Agil Distl + Gold Hrgls
Soft + Door Tmrw Al Bhed Potn + MP S. Agil Distl + Cndl of Life
Soft + Wings Disc Al Bhed Potn + Str S. Agil Distl + Ptr Grnd
Soft + Gmbl Sprt Al Bhed Potn + Def S. Agil Distl + Frpln Shdw
Soft + Undrdg Scrt Al Bhed Potn + Mag S. Agil Distl + Frpln Wind
Soft + Win Frml Al Bhed Potn + Mag Def S. Agil Distl + Choc Fthr
Eyedrop + Attribute S. Al Bhed Potn + Agil S. Agil Distl + Choc Wing
Eyedrop + Special S. Al Bhed Potn + Evas S. Agil Distl + Heal Sprng
Eyedrop + Skill S. Al Bhed Potn + Accr S. Agil Distl + Mana Sprng
Eyedrop + Wht Mag S. Al Bhed Potn + Clear S. Agil Distl + Stmn Sprng
Eyedrop + Blk Mag S. Al Bhed Potn + Return S. Agil Distl + Soul Sprng
Eyedrop + Lev 1 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Friend S. Agil Distl + Prfy Salt
Eyedrop + Lev 2 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Teleport S. Agil Distl + Musk
Eyedrop + Lev 3 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Warp S. Agil Distl + Hypello Potn
Eyedrop + Lev 4 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Door Tmrw Agil Distl + Shn Thorn
Eyedrop + HP S. Al Bhed Potn + Wings Disc Abil Distl + Slp Pwdr
Eyedrop + MP S. Al Bhed Potn + Gmbl Sprt Abil Distl + Dream Pwdr
Eyedrop + Str S. Al Bhed Potn + Undrdg Scrt Abil Distl + Sln Grnd
Eyedrop + Def S. Al Bhed Potn + Win Frml Abil Distl + Smk Bomb
Eyedrop + Mag S. Heal Wtr + Heal Wtr Abil Distl + Psn Fang
Eyedrop + Mag Def S. Heal Wtr + Tetra Elem Abil Distl + Slv Hrgls
Eyedrop + Agil S. Heal Wtr + Slp Pwdr Abil Distl + Gold Hrgls
Eyedrop + Evas S. Heal Wtr + Dream Pwdr Abil Distl + Cndl of Life
Eyedrop + Accr S. Heal Wtr + Sln Grnd Abil Distl + Ptr Grnd
Eyedrop + Clear S. Heal Wtr + Smk Bomb Abil Distl + Frpln Shdw
Eyedrop + Return S. Heal Wtr + Shdw Gem Abil Distl + Frpln Wind
Eyedrop + Friend S. Heal Wtr + Shn Gem Abil Distl + Choc Fthr
Eyedrop + Teleport S. Heal Wtr + Bless Gem Abil Distl + Choc Wing
Eyedrop + Warp S. Heal Wtr + Suprm Gem Abil Distl + Heal Sprng
Eyedrop + Pendulum Heal Wtr + Psn Fang Abil Distl + Mana Sprng
Eyedrop + Amulet Heal Wtr + Slv Hrgls Abil Distl + Stmn Sprng
Eyedrop + Door Tmrw Heal Wtr + Gold Hrgls Abil Distl + Soul Sprng
Eyedrop + Wings Disc Heal Wtr + Cndl of Life Abil Distl + Prfy Salt
Eyedrop + Gmbl Sprt Heal Wtr + Ptr Grnd Abil Distl + Musk
Eyedrop + Undrdg Scrt Heal Wtr + Frpln Shdw Abil Distl + Hypello Potn
Eyedrop + Win Frml Heal Wtr + Heal Sprng Abil Distl + Shn Thorn
Echo Scrn + Attribute S. Heal Wtr + Mana Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Slp Pwdr
Echo Scrn + Special S. Heal Wtr + Stmn Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Dream Pwdr
Echo Scrn + Skill S. Heal Wtr + Soul Sprng Al Bhed Potn + Sln Grnd
Echo Scrn + Wht Mag S. Heal Wtr + Prfy Salt Al Bhed Potn + Smk Bomb
Echo Scrn + Blk Mag S. Heal Wtr + Attribute S. Al Bhed Potn + Psn Fang
Echo Scrn + Lev 1 K S. Heal Wtr + Special S. Al Bhed Potn + Slv Hrgls
Echo Scrn + Lev 2 K S. Heal Wtr + Skill S. Al Bhed Potn + Gold Hrgls
Echo Scrn + Lev 3 K S. Heal Wtr + Wht Mag S. Al Bhed Potn + Cndl of Life
Echo Scrn + Lev 4 K S. Heal Wtr + Blk Mag S. Al Bhed Potn + Ptr Grnd
Echo Scrn + HP S. Heal Wtr + Lev 1 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Frpln Shdw
Echo Scrn + MP S. Heal Wtr + Lev 2 K S. Al Bhed Potn + Frpln Wind
Echo Scrn + Str S. Heal Wtr + HP S. Al Bhed Potn + Choc Fthr
Echo Scrn + Def S. Heal Wtr + MP S. Al Bhed Potn + Choc Wing
Echo Scrn + Mag S. Heal Wtr + Str S. Potn + Potn
Echo Scrn + Mag Def S. Heal Wtr + Def S. Potn + High Potn
Echo Scrn + Agil S. Heal Wtr + Mag S. Potn + X-Potn
Echo Scrn + Evas S. Heal Wtr + Mag Def S. Potn + Mega Potn
Echo Scrn + Accr S. Heal Wtr + Agil S. Potn + Pwr Distl
Echo Scrn + Clear S. Heal Wtr + Evas S. Potn + Mana Distl
Echo Scrn + Return S. Heal Wtr + Accr S. Potn + Agil Distl
Echo Scrn + Friend S. Heal Wtr + Clear S. Potn + Abil Distl
Echo Scrn + Teleport S. Heal Wtr + Return S. Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Echo Scrn + Warp S. Heal Wtr + Friend S. Potn + Grnd
Echo Scrn + Pendulum Tetra Elem + Tetra Elem Potn + Frag Grnd
Echo Scrn + Amulet Tetra Elem + Slp Pwdr Potn + Pwr S.
Echo Scrn + Door Tmrw Tetra Elem + Dream Pwdr Potn + Mana S.
Echo Scrn + Wings Disc Tetra Elem + Sln Grnd Potn + Speed S.
Echo Scrn + Gmbl Sprt Tetra Elem + Smk Bomb Potn + Abil S.
Echo Scrn + Undrdg Scrt Tetra Elem + Shdw Gem Potn + Map
Echo Scrn + Win Frml Tetra Elem + Shn Gem Potn + Rename Card
Holy Wtr + Attribute S. Tetra Elem + Bless Gem High Potn + Mega Potn
Holy Wtr + Special S. Tetra Elem + Suprm Gem High Potn + Pwr Distl
Holy Wtr + Skill S. Tetra Elem + Psn Fang High Potn + Mana Distl
Holy Wtr + Wht Mag S. Tetra Elem + Slv Hrgls High Potn + Agil Distl
Holy Wtr + Blk Mag S. Tetra Elem + Gold Hrgls High Potn + Abil Distl
Holy Wtr + Lev 1 K S. Tetra Elem + Cndl of Life High Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Holy Wtr + Lev 2 K S. Tetra Elem + Ptr Grnd High Potn + Grnd
Holy Wtr + Lev 3 K S. Tetra Elem + Frpln Shdw High Potn + Frag Grnd
Holy Wtr + Lev 4 K S. Tetra Elem + Heal Sprng High Potn + Pwr S.
Holy Wtr + HP S. Tetra Elem + Mana Sprng High Potn + Mana S.
Holy Wtr + MP S. Tetra Elem + Stmn Sprng High Potn + Speed S.
Holy Wtr + Str S. Tetra Elem + Soul Sprng High Potn + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Def S. Tetra Elem + Prfy Salt High Potn + Map
Holy Wtr + Mag S. Tetra Elem + Attribute S. High Potn + Rename Card
Holy Wtr + Mag Def S. Tetra Elem + Special S. X-Potn + Pwr Distl
Holy Wtr + Agil S. Tetra Elem + Skill S. X-Potn + Mana Distl
Holy Wtr + Evas S. Tetra Elem + Wht Mag S. X-Potn + Agil Distl
Holy Wtr + Accr S. Tetra Elem + Blk Mag S. X-Potn + Abil Distl
Holy Wtr + Clear S. Tetra Elem + Lev 1 K S. X-Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Holy Wtr + Return S. Tetra Elem + Lev 2 K S. X-Potn + Pwr S.
Holy Wtr + Friend S. Tetra Elem + HP S. X-Potn + Mana S.
Holy Wtr + Teleport S. Tetra Elem + MP S. X-Potn + Speed S.
Holy Wtr + Warp S. Tetra Elem + Str S. X-Potn + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Pendulum Tetra Elem + Def S. X-Potn + Map
Holy Wtr + Amulet Tetra Elem + Mag S. X-Potn + Rename Card
Holy Wtr + Door Tmrw Tetra Elem + Mag Def S. Mega Potn + Pwr Distl
Holy Wtr + Wings Disc Tetra Elem + Agil S. Mega Potn + Mana Distl
Holy Wtr + Gmbl Sprt Tetra Elem + Evas S. Mega Potn + Agil Distl
Holy Wtr + Undrdg Scrt Tetra Elem + Accr S. Mega Potn + Abil Distl
Holy Wtr + Win Frml Tetra Elem + Clear S. Mega Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Heal Wtr Tetra Elem + Return S. Mega Potn + Pwr S.
Remedy + Tetra Elem Tetra Elem + Friend S. Mega Potn + Mana S.
Remedy + Slp Pwdr Heal Sprng + Attribute S. Mega Potn + Speed S.
Remedy + Dream Pwdr Heal Sprng + Special S. Mega Potn + Abil S.
Remedy + Sln Grnd Heal Sprng + Skill S. Mega Potn + Map
Remedy + Smk Bomb Heal Sprng + Wht Mag S. Mega Potn + Rename Card
Remedy + Shdw Gem Heal Sprng + Blk Mag S. Phnx Dwn + Map
Remedy + Shn Gem Heal Sprng + Master S. Phnx Dwn + Rename Card
Remedy + Bless Gem Heal Sprng + Lev 1 K S. Pwr Distl + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Suprm Gem Heal Sprng + Lev 2 K S. Mana Distl + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Psn Fang Heal Sprng + Lev 3 K S. Agil Distl + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Slv Hrgls Heal Sprng + Lev 4 K S. Abil Distl + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Gold Hrgls Heal Sprng + HP S. Al Bhed Potn + Al Bhed Potn
Remedy + Cndl of Life Heal Sprng + MP S. Al Bhed Potn + Pendulum
Remedy + Ptr Grnd Al Bhed Potn + Amulet

* Final Elixir - all party members; cure abnormal status, partial HP and MP
recovery, and revive from K.O. with partial HP and MP

Potn + Dark Matter Mega Potn + Wings Disc Eyedrop + Master S.
High Potn + Dark Matter Mega Potn + Gmbl Sprt Echo Scrn + Dark Matter
High Potn + Attribute S. Mega Potn + Undrdg Scrt Echo Scrn + Three Stars
High Potn + Special S. Mega Potn + Win Frml Echo Scrn + Master S.
High Potn + Skill S. Ether + Dark Matter Holy Wtr + Dark Matter
High Potn + Wht Mag S. Trb Ether + Dark Matter Holy Wtr + Three Stars
High Potn + Blk Mag S. Elix + Shn Gem Holy Wtr + Master S.
High Potn + Master S. Elix + Bless Gem Remedy + Dark Matter
High Potn + Lev 1 K S. Elix + Suprm Gem Remedy + Three Stars
High Potn + Lev 2 K S. Elix + Frpln Wind Remedy + Master S.
High Potn + Lev 3 K S. Mega Elix + Heal Wtr Pwr Distl + Dark Matter
High Potn + Lev 4 K S. Mega Elix + Tetra Elem Pwr Distl + Three Stars
High Potn + HP S. Mega Elix + Bomb Frag Pwr Distl + Master S.
High Potn + MP S. Mega Elix + Bomb Core Pwr Distl + Lev 3 K S.
High Potn + Str S. Mega Elix + Fire Gem Pwr Distl + Lev 4 K S.
High Potn + Def S. Mega Elix + Elec Mrbl Mana Distl + Dark Matter
High Potn + Mag S. Mega Elix + Lit Mrbl Mana Distl + Three Stars
High Potn + Mag Def S. Mega Elix + Lit Gem Mana Distl + Master S.
High Potn + Agil S. Mega Elix + Fish Scl Mana Distl + Lev 3 K S.
High Potn + Evas S. Mega Elix + Drgn Scl Mana Distl + Lev 4 K S.
High Potn + Accr S. Mega Elix + Wtr Gem Agil Distl + Dark Matter
High Potn + Clear S. Mega Elix + Anrc Wind Agil Distl + Three Stars
High Potn + Return S. Mega Elix + Arc Wind Agil Distl + Lev 3 K S.
High Potn + Friend S. Mega Elix + Ice Gem Agil Distl + Lev 4 K S.
High Potn + Teleport S. Mega Elix + Slp Pwdr Abil Distl + Dark Matter
High Potn + Warp S. Mega Elix + Dream Pwdr Abil Distl + Three Stars
High Potn + Pendulum Mega Elix + Sln Grnd Abil Distl + Lev 3 K S.
High Potn + Amulet Mega Elix + Smk Bomb Abil Distl + Lev 4 K S.
High Potn + Door Tmrw Mega Elix + Shdw Gem Al Bhed Potn + Dark Matter
High Potn + Wings Disc Mega Elix + Shn Gem Al Bhed Potn + Master S.
High Potn + Gmbl Sprt Mega Elix + Bless Gem Al Bhed Potn + Lev 3 K S.
High Potn + Undrdg Scrt Mega Elix + Suprm Gem Al Bhed Potn + Lev 4 K S.
High Potn + Win Frml Mega Elix + Psn Fang Heal Wtr + Frpln Wind
X-Potn + Suprm Gem Mega Elix + Slv Hrgls Heal Wtr + Dark Matter
X-Potn + Dark Matter Mega Elix + Gold Hrgls Heal Wtr + Master S.
X-Potn + Attribute S. Mega Elix + Cndl of Life Heal Wtr + Lev 3 K S.
X-Potn + Special S. Mega Elix + Ptr Grnd Heal Wtr + Lev 4 K S.
X-Potn + Skill S. Mega Elix + Frpln Shdw Heal Wtr + Teleport S.
X-Potn + Wht Mag S. Mega Elix + Frpln Wind Heal Wtr + Warp S.
X-Potn + Blk Mag S. Mega Elix + Choc Fthr Heal Wtr + Pendulum
X-Potn + Master S. Mega Elix + Choc Wing Heal Wtr + Amulet
X-Potn + Lev 1 K S. Mega Elix + Lunar Crtn Heal Wtr + Door Tmrw
X-Potn + Lev 2 K S. Mega Elix + Light Crtn Heal Wtr + Wings Disc
X-Potn + Lev 3 K S. Mega Elix + Star Crtn Heal Wtr + Gmbl Sprt
X-Potn + Lev 4 K S. Mega Elix + Heal Sprng Heal Wtr + Undrdg Scrt
X-Potn + HP S. Mega Elix + Mana Sprng Heal Wtr + Win Frml
X-Potn + MP S. Mega Elix + Stmn Sprng Tetra Elem + Frpln Wind
X-Potn + Str S. Mega Elix + Soul Sprng Tetra Elem + Dark Matter
X-Potn + Def S. Mega Elix + Prfy Salt Tetra Elem + Master S.
X-Potn + Mag S. Mega Elix + Musk Tetra Elem + Lev 3 K S.
X-Potn + Mag Def S. Mega Elix + Hypello Potn Tetra Elem + Lev 4 K S.
X-Potn + Agil S. Mega Elix + Shn Thorn Tetra Elem + Teleport S.
X-Potn + Evas S. Phnx Dwn + Suprm Gem Tetra Elem + Warp S.
X-Potn + Accr S. Phnx Dwn + Dark Matter Tetra Elem + Pendulum
X-Potn + Clear S. Mega Phnx + Suprm Gem Tetra Elem + Amulet
X-Potn + Return S. Mega Phnx + Dark Matter Tetra Elem + Door Tmrw
X-Potn + Friend S. Mega Phnx + Attribute S. Tetra Elem + Wings Disc
X-Potn + Teleport S. Mega Phnx + Special S. Tetra Elem + Gmbl Sprt
X-Potn + Warp S. Mega Phnx + Skill S. Tetra Elem + Undrdg Scrt
X-Potn + Pendulum Mega Phnx + Wht Mag S. Tetra Elem + Win Frml
X-Potn + Amulet Mega Phnx + Blk Mag S. Mana Sprng + Pendulum
X-Potn + Door Tmrw Mega Phnx + Master S. Mana Sprng + Amulet
X-Potn + Wings Disc Mega Phnx + Lev 1 K S. Mana Sprng + Door Tmrw
X-Potn + Gmbl Sprt Mega Phnx + Lev 2 K S. Mana Sprng + Wings Disc
X-Potn + Undrdg Scrt Mega Phnx + Lev 3 K S. Mana Sprng + Gmbl Sprt
X-Potn + Win Frml Mega Phnx + Lev 4 K S. Mana Sprng + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Potn + Suprm Gem Mega Phnx + HP S. Mana Sprng + Win Frml
Mega Potn + Dark Matter Mega Phnx + MP S. Stmn Sprng + Pendulum
Mega Potn + Attribute S. Mega Phnx + Str S. Stmn Sprng + Amulet
Mega Potn + Special S. Mega Phnx + Def S. Stmn Sprng + Door Tmrw
Mega Potn + Skill S. Mega Phnx + Mag S. Stmn Sprng + Wings Disc
Mega Potn + Wht Mag S. Mega Phnx + Mag Def S. Stmn Sprng + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Potn + Blk Mag S. Mega Phnx + Agil S. Stmn Sprng + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Potn + Master S. Mega Phnx + Evas S. Stmn Sprng + Win Frml
Mega Potn + Lev 1 K S. Mega Phnx + Accr S. Soul Sprng + Pendulum
Mega Potn + Lev 2 K S. Mega Phnx + Clear S. Soul Sprng + Amulet
Mega Potn + Lev 3 K S. Mega Phnx + Return S. Soul Sprng + Door Tmrw
Mega Potn + Lev 4 K S. Mega Phnx + Friend S. Soul Sprng + Wings Disc
Mega Potn + HP S. Mega Phnx + Teleport S. Soul Sprng + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Potn + MP S. Mega Phnx + Warp S. Soul Sprng + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Potn + Str S. Mega Phnx + Pendulum Soul Sprng + Win Frml
Mega Potn + Def S. Mega Phnx + Amulet Prfy Salt + Pendulum
Mega Potn + Mag S. Mega Phnx + Door Tmrw Prfy Salt + Amulet
Mega Potn + Mag Def S. Mega Phnx + Wings Disc Prfy Salt + Door Tmrw
Mega Potn + Agil S. Mega Phnx + Gmbl Sprt Prfy Salt + Wings Disc
Mega Potn + Evas S. Mega Phnx + Undrdg Scrt Prfy Salt + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Potn + Accr S. Mega Phnx + Win Frml Prfy Salt + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Potn + Clear S. Antd + Dark Matter Prfy Salt + Win Frml
Mega Potn + Return S. Antd + Three Stars Stmn Tblt + Pendulum
Mega Potn + Friend S. Antd + Master S. Stmn Tblt + Amulet
Mega Potn + Teleport S. Soft + Dark Matter Stmn Tblt + Door Tmrw
Mega Potn + Warp S. Soft + Three Stars Stmn Tblt + Wings Disc
Mega Potn + Pendulum Eyedrop + Dark Matter Stmn Tblt + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Potn + Amulet Eyedrop + Three Stars Stmn Tblt + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Potn + Door Tmrw Stmn Tblt + Win Frml


* Nul-All - one party member; all four Nul-Spells

Potn + Bomb Frag Potn + Wtr Gem Phnx Dwn + Lit Mrbl
Potn + Bomb Core Potn + Anrc Wind Phnx Dwn + Lit Gem
Potn + Fire Gem Potn + Arc Wind Phnx Dwn + Fish Scl
Potn + Elec Mrbl Potn + Ice Gem Phnx Dwn + Drgn Scl
Potn + Lit Mrbl Phnx Dwn + Bomb Frag Phnx Dwn + Wtr Gem
Potn + Lit Gem Phnx Dwn + Bomb Core Phnx Dwn + Anrc Wind
Potn + Fish Scl Phnx Dwn + Fire Gem Phnx Dwn + Arc Wind
Potn + Drgn Scl Phnx Dwn + Elec Mrbl Phnx Dwn + Ice Gem

* Mega Nul-All - all party members; all four Nul-Spells

High Potn + Bomb Frag Mega Potn + Elec Mrbl Sln Grnd + Lunar Crtn
High Potn + Bomb Core Mega Potn + Lit Mrbl Sln Grnd + Light Crtn
High Potn + Fire Gem Mega Potn + Lit Gem Sln Grnd + Star Crtn
High Potn + Elec Mrbl Mega Potn + Fish Scl Smk Bomb + Lunar Crtn
High Potn + Lit Mrbl Mega Potn + Drgn Scl Smk Bomb + Light Crtn
High Potn + Lit Gem Mega Potn + Wtr Gem Smk Bomb + Star Crtn
High Potn + Fish Scl Mega Potn + Anrc Wind Shdw Gem + Lunar Crtn
High Potn + Drgn Scl Mega Potn + Arc Wind Shdw Gem + Light Crtn
High Potn + Wtr Gem Mega Potn + Ice Gem Shdw Gem + Star Crtn
High Potn + Anrc Wind Mega Phnx + Bomb Frag Lunar Crtn + Map
High Potn + Arc Wind Mega Phnx + Bomb Core Lunar Crtn + Rename Card
High Potn + Ice Gem Mega Phnx + Fire Gem Lunar Crtn + Musk
X-Potn + Bomb Frag Mega Phnx + Elec Mrbl Lunar Crtn + Hypello Potn
X-Potn + Bomb Core Mega Phnx + Lit Mrbl Lunar Crtn + Shn Thorn
X-Potn + Fire Gem Mega Phnx + Lit Gem Light Crtn + Map
X-Potn + Elec Mrbl Mega Phnx + Fish Scl Light Crtn + Rename Card
X-Potn + Lit Mrbl Mega Phnx + Drgn Scl Light Crtn + Musk
X-Potn + Lit Gem Mega Phnx + Wtr Gem Light Crtn + Hypello Potn
X-Potn + Fish Scl Mega Phnx + Anrc Wind Light Crtn + Shn Thorn
X-Potn + Drgn Scl Mega Phnx + Arc Wind Star Crtn + Pwr S.
X-Potn + Wtr Gem Mega Phnx + Ice Gem Star Crtn + Mana S.
X-Potn + Anrc Wind Slp Pwdr + Lunar Crtn Star Crtn + Speed S.
X-Potn + Arc Wind Slp Pwdr + Light Crtn Star Crtn + Abil S.
X-Potn + Ice Gem Slp Pwdr + Star Crtn Star Crtn + Map
Mega Potn + Bomb Frag Dream Pwdr + Lunar Crtn Star Crtn + Rename Card
Mega Potn + Bomb Core Dream Pwdr + Light Crtn Star Crtn + Musk
Mega Potn + Fire Gem Dream Pwdr + Star Crtn Star Crtn + Hypello Potn
Star Crtn + Shn Thorn

* Hyper Nul-all - all party members; all four Nul-Spells plus Cheer and Focus

Lunar Crtn + Mana Sprng Mana Sprng + Mana Sprng Soul Sprng + Soul Sprng
Lunar Crtn + Stmn Sprng Mana Sprng + Stmn Sprng Soul Sprng + Prfy Salt
Lunar Crtn + Soul Sprng Mana Sprng + Soul Sprng Soul Sprng + Musk
Lunar Crtn + Prfy Salt Mana Sprng + Prfy Salt Soul Sprng + Hypello Potn
Light Crtn + Mana Sprng Mana Sprng + Musk Soul Sprng + Shn Thorn
Light Crtn + Stmn Sprng Mana Sprng + Hypello Potn Prfy Salt + Prfy Salt
Light Crtn + Soul Sprng Mana Sprng + Shn Thorn Prfy Salt + Musk
Light Crtn + Prfy Salt Stmn Sprng + Stmn Sprng Prfy Salt + Hypello Potn
Star Crtn + Star Crtn Stmn Sprng + Soul Sprng Prfy Salt + Shn Thorn
Star Crtn + Mana Sprng Stmn Sprng + Prfy Salt Musk + Musk
Star Crtn + Stmn Sprng Stmn Sprng + Musk Musk + Hypello Potn
Star Crtn + Soul Sprng Stmn Sprng + Hypello Potn Musk + Shn Thorn
Star Crtn + Prfy Salt Stmn Sprng + Shn Thorn Hypello Potn + Hypello Potn
Hypello Potn + Shn Thorn
Shn Thorn + Shn Thorn

* Ultra Nul-All - all party members; all four Nul-Spells and all stat boosts

Heal Wtr + Choc Fthr Light Crtn + Heal Sprng Heal Sprng + Soul Sprng
Heal Wtr + Choc Wing Star Crtn + Heal Sprng Heal Sprng + Prfy Salt
Tetra Elem + Choc Fthr Heal Sprng + Heal Sprng Heal Sprng + Musk
Tetra Elem + Choc Wing Heal Sprng + Mana Sprng Heal Sprng + Hypello Potn
Lunar Crtn + Heal Sprng Heal Sprng + Stmn Sprng Heal Sprng + Shn Thorn

* Vitality - one party member; doubles max HP

High Potn + High Potn High Potn + X-Potn X-Potn + X-Potn

* Mega Vitality - all party members; doubles max HP

Potn + Stmn Tblt Wtr Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Mana S.
Potn + Three Stars Anrc Wind + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Speed S.
High Potn + Stmn Tblt Arc Wind + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Abil S.
High Potn + Three Stars Ice Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Attribute S.
X-Potn + Stmn Tblt Grnd + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Special S.
X-Potn + Three Stars Frag Grnd + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Skill S.
Mega Potn + Stmn Tblt Slp Pwdr + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Wht Mag S.
Mega Potn + Three Stars Dream Pwdr + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Blk Mag S.
Elix + Stmn Tblt Sln Grnd + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Master S.
Elix + Three Stars Smk Bomb + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Lev 1 K S.
Phnx Dwn + Stmn Tblt Shdw Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Lev 2 K S.
Phnx Dwn + Three Stars Shn Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Lev 3 K S.
Antd + Stmn Tblt Bless Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Lev 4 K S.
Soft + Stmn Tblt Suprm Gem + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + HP S.
Eyedrop + Stmn Tblt Psn Fang + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + MP S.
Echo Scrn + Stmn Tblt Slv Hrgls + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Str S.
Holy Wtr + Stmn Tblt Gold Hrgls + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Def S.
Remedy + Stmn Tblt Cndl of Life + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Mag S.
Pwr Distl + Stmn Tblt Ptr Grnd + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Mag Def S.
Mana Distl + Stmn Tblt Frpln Shdw + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Agil S.
Agil Distl + Stmn Tblt Frpln Wind + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Evas S.
Abil Distl + Stmn Tblt Choc Fthr + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Accr S.
Al Bhed Potn + Stmn Tblt Choc Wing + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Clear S.
Heal Wtr + Stmn Tblt Lunar Crtn + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Return S.
Tetra Elem + Stmn Tblt Light Crtn + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Friend S.
Bomb Frag + Stmn Tblt Star Crtn + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Teleport S.
Bomb Core + Stmn Tblt Heal Sprng + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Warp S.
Fire Gem + Stmn Tblt Mana Sprng + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Map
Elec Mrbl + Stmn Tblt Stmn Sprng + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Rename Card
Lit Mrbl + Stmn Tblt Soul Sprng + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Musk
Lit Gem + Stmn Tblt Prfy Salt + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Hypello Potn
Fish Scl + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Shn Thorn
Drgn Scl + Stmn Tblt Stmn Tblt + Pwr S. Stmn Tblt + D. Wallet

* Hyper Vitality - all party members; doubles max HP plus Cheer

Potn + Stmn Tonic Arc Wind + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Abil S.
High Potn + Stmn Tonic Ice Gem + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Attribute S.
X-Potn + Stmn Tonic Grnd + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Special S.
Mega Potn + Stmn Tonic Frag Grnd + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Skill S.
Ether + Stmn Tonic Slp Pwdr + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Wht Mag S.
Trb Ether + Stmn Tonic Dream Pwdr + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Blk Mag S.
Elix + Stmn Tonic Sln Grnd + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Master S.
Phnx Dwn + Stmn Tonic Smk Bomb + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Lev 1 K S.
Antd + Stmn Tonic Shdw Gem + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Lev 2 K S.
Soft + Stmn Tonic Psn Fang + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Lev 3 K S.
Eyedrop + Stmn Tonic Slv Hrgls + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Lev 4 K S.
Echo Scrn + Stmn Tonic Gold Hrgls + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + HP S.
Holy Wtr + Stmn Tonic Cndl of Life + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + MP S.
Remedy + Stmn Tonic Ptr Grnd + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Str S.
Pwr Distl + Stmn Tonic Frpln Shdw + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Def S.
Mana Distl + Stmn Tonic Frpln Wind + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Mag S.
Agil Distl + Stmn Tonic Choc Fthr + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Mag Def S.
Abil Distl + Stmn Tonic Choc Wing + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Agil S.
Al Bhed Potn + Stmn Tonic Lunar Crtn + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Evas S.
Heal Wtr + Stmn Tonic Light Crtn + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Accr S.
Heal Wtr + Three Stars Star Crtn + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Clear S.
Tetra Elem + Stmn Tonic Heal Sprng + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Return S.
Tetra Elem + Three Stars Mana Sprng + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Friend S.
Bomb Frag + Stmn Tonic Stmn Sprng + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Teleport S.
Bomb Core + Stmn Tonic Soul Sprng + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Warp S.
Fire Gem + Stmn Tonic Prfy Salt + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Map
Elec Mrbl + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tblt + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Rename Card
Lit Mrbl + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Musk
Lit Gem + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Mana Tonic Stmn Tonic + Hypello Potn
Fish Scl + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Twin Stars Stmn Tonic + Shn Thorn
Drgn Scl + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Three Stars Stmn Tonic + Pendulum
Wtr Gem + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Pwr S. Stmn Tonic + D. Wallet
Anrc Wind + Stmn Tonic Stmn Tonic + Mana S. Stmn Tonic + Speed S.

* Mana - one party member; doubles max MP

Potn + Ether Ether + Echo Scrn Ether + Elec Mrbl
High Potn + Ether Ether + Holy Wtr Ether + Fish Scl
X-Potn + Ether Ether + Pwr Distl Ether + Anrc Wind
Mega Potn + Ether Ether + Mana Distl Ether + Grnd
Ether + Phnx Dwn Ether + Agil Distl Ether + Frag Grnd
Ether + Antd Ether + Abil Distl Ether + Pwr S.
Ether + Soft Ether + Al Bhed Potn Ether + Mana S.
Ether + Eyedrop Ether + Bomb Frag Ether + Speed S.
Ether + Abil S.

* Mega Mana - all party members; doubles max MP

Potn + Trb Ether Ether + Str S. Trb Ether + Smk Bomb
High Potn + Trb Ether Ether + Def S. Trb Ether + Shdw Gem
X-Potn + Trb Ether Ether + Mag S. Trb Ether + Psn Fang
Mega Potn + Trb Ether Ether + Mag Def S. Trb Ether + Slv Hrgls
Ether + Ether Ether + Agil S. Trb Ether + Gold Hrgls
Ether + Trb Ether Ether + Evas S. Trb Ether + Cndl of Life
Ether + Elix Ether + Accr S. Trb Ether + Ptr Grnd
Ether + Heal Wtr Ether + Clear S. Trb Ether + Frpln Shdw
Ether + Tetra Elem Ether + Return S. Trb Ether + Choc Fthr
Ether + Bomb Core Ether + Friend S. Trb Ether + Choc Wing
Ether + Fire Gem Ether + Teleport S. Trb Ether + Lunar Crtn
Ether + Lit Mrbl Ether + Warp S. Trb Ether + Light Crtn
Ether + Lit Gem Ether + Map Trb Ether + Star Crtn
Ether + Drgn Scl Ether + Rename Card Trb Ether + Heal Sprng
Ether + Wtr Gem Ether + Hypello Potn Trb Ether + Mana Sprng
Ether + Arc Wind Ether + Shn Thorn Trb Ether + Stmn Sprng
Ether + Ice Gem Trb Ether + Trb Ether Trb Ether + Soul Sprng
Ether + Slp Pwdr Trb Ether + Elix Trb Ether + Prfy Salt
Ether + Dream Pwdr Trb Ether + Phnx Dwn Trb Ether + Pwr S.
Ether + Sln Grnd Trb Ether + Antd Trb Ether + Mana S.
Ether + Smk Bomb Trb Ether + Soft Trb Ether + Speed S.
Ether + Shdw Gem Trb Ether + Eyedrop Trb Ether + Abil S.
Ether + Psn Fang Trb Ether + Echo Scrn Trb Ether + Attribute S.
Ether + Slv Hrgls Trb Ether + Holy Wtr Trb Ether + Special S.
Ether + Gold Hrgls Trb Ether + Pwr Distl Trb Ether + Skill S.
Ether + Cndl of Life Trb Ether + Mana Distl Trb Ether + Wht Mag S.
Ether + Ptr Grnd Trb Ether + Agil Distl Trb Ether + Blk Mag S.
Ether + Frpln Shdw Trb Ether + Abil Distl Trb Ether + Master S.
Ether + Choc Fthr Trb Ether + Al Bhed Potn Trb Ether + Lev 1 K S.
Ether + Choc Wing Trb Ether + Heal Wtr Trb Ether + Lev 2 K S.
Ether + Lunar Crtn Trb Ether + Tetra Elem Trb Ether + Lev 3 K S.
Ether + Light Crtn Trb Ether + Bomb Frag Trb Ether + Lev 4 K S.
Ether + Star Crtn Trb Ether + Bomb Core Trb Ether + HP S.
Ether + Heal Sprng Trb Ether + Fire Gem Trb Ether + MP S.
Ether + Mana Sprng Trb Ether + Elec Mrbl Trb Ether + Str S.
Ether + Stmn Sprng Trb Ether + Lit Mrbl Trb Ether + Def S.
Ether + Soul Sprng Trb Ether + Lit Gem Trb Ether + Mag S.
Ether + Prfy Salt Trb Ether + Fish Scl Trb Ether + Mag Def S.
Ether + Attribute S. Trb Ether + Drgn Scl Trb Ether + Agil S.
Ether + Special S. Trb Ether + Wtr Gem Trb Ether + Evas S.
Ether + Skill S. Trb Ether + Anrc Wind Trb Ether + Accr S.
Ether + Wht Mag S. Trb Ether + Arc Wind Trb Ether + Clear S.
Ether + Blk Mag S. Trb Ether + Ice Gem Trb Ether + Return S.
Ether + Master S. Trb Ether + Grnd Trb Ether + Friend S.
Ether + Lev 1 K S. Trb Ether + Frag Grnd Trb Ether + Teleport S.
Ether + Lev 2 K S. Trb Ether + Slp Pwdr Trb Ether + Warp S.
Ether + Lev 3 K S. Trb Ether + Dream Pwdr Trb Ether + Map
Ether + Lev 4 K S. Trb Ether + Sln Grnd Trb Ether + Rename Card
Ether + HP S. Trb Ether + Hypello Potn
Ether + MP S. Trb Ether + Shn Thorn

* Hyper Mana - all party members; doubles max MP plus Focus

Potn + Mana Tblt Ice Gem + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Wht Mag S.
Potn + Mana Tonic Ice Gem + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Blk Mag S.
High Potn + Mana Tblt Grnd + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Master S.
High Potn + Mana Tonic Grnd + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Lev 1 K S.
X-Potn + Mana Tblt Frag Grnd + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Lev 2 K S.
X-Potn + Mana Tonic Frag Grnd + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Lev 3 K S.
Mega Potn + Mana Tblt Slp Pwdr + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Lev 4 K S.
Mega Potn + Mana Tonic Slp Pwdr + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + HP S.
Ether + Mana Tblt Dream Pwdr + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + MP S.
Ether + Mana Tonic Dream Pwdr + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Str S.
Ether + Three Stars Sln Grnd + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Def S.
Trb Ether + Mana Tblt Sln Grnd + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Mag S.
Trb Ether + Mana Tonic Smk Bomb + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Mag Def S.
Trb Ether + Three Stars Smk Bomb + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Agil S.
Elix + Mana Tblt Shdw Gem + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Evas S.
Elix + Mana Tonic Shdw Gem + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Accr S.
Phnx Dwn + Mana Tblt Psn Fang + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Clear S.
Phnx Dwn + Mana Tonic Psn Fang + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Return S.
Antd + Mana Tblt Slv Hrgls + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Friend S.
Antd + Mana Tonic Slv Hrgls + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Teleport S.
Soft + Mana Tblt Gold Hrgls + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Warp S.
Soft + Mana Tonic Gold Hrgls + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Map
Eyedrop + Mana Tblt Cndl of Life + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Rename Card
Eyedrop + Mana Tonic Cndl of Life + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Musk
Echo Scrn + Mana Tblt Ptr Grnd + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Hypello Potn
Echo Scrn + Mana Tonic Ptr Grnd + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Shn Thorn
Holy Wtr + Mana Tblt Frpln Shdw + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Pendulum
Holy Wtr + Mana Tonic Frpln Shdw + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + D. Wallet
Remedy + Mana Tblt Frpln Wind + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Mana Tonic
Remedy + Mana Tonic Frpln Wind + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Twin Stars
Pwr Distl + Mana Tblt Choc Fthr + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Three Stars
Pwr Distl + Mana Tonic Choc Fthr + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Pwr S.
Mana Distl + Mana Tblt Choc Wing + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Mana S.
Mana Distl + Mana Tonic Choc Wing + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Speed S.
Agil Distl + Mana Tblt Lunar Crtn + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Abil S.
Agil Distl + Mana Tonic Lunar Crtn + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Attribute S.
Abil Distl + Mana Tblt Light Crtn + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Special S.
Abil Distl + Mana Tonic Light Crtn + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Skill S.
Al Bhed Potn + Mana Tblt Star Crtn + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Wht Mag S.
Al Bhed Potn + Mana Tonic Star Crtn + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Blk Mag S.
Heal Wtr + Mana Tblt Heal Sprng + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Master S.
Heal Wtr + Mana Tonic Heal Sprng + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Lev 1 K S.
Tetra Elem + Mana Tblt Mana Sprng + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Lev 2 K S.
Tetra Elem + Mana Tonic Mana Sprng + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Lev 3 K S.
Bomb Frag + Mana Tblt Stmn Sprng + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Lev 4 K S.
Bomb Frag + Mana Tonic Stmn Sprng + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + HP S.
Bomb Core + Mana Tblt Soul Sprng + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + MP S.
Bomb Core + Mana Tonic Soul Sprng + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Str S.
Fire Gem + Mana Tblt Prfy Salt + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Def S.
Fire Gem + Mana Tonic Prfy Salt + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Mag S.
Elec Mrbl + Mana Tblt Stmn Tblt + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Mag Def S.
Elec Mrbl + Mana Tonic Stmn Tblt + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Agil S.
Lit Mrbl + Mana Tblt Stmn Tblt + Twin Stars Mana Tonic + Evas S.
Lit Mrbl + Mana Tonic Stmn Tblt + Three Stars Mana Tonic + Accr S.
Lit Gem + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Mana Tblt Mana Tonic + Clear S.
Lit Gem + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Stmn Tonic Mana Tonic + Return S.
Fish Scl + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Mana Tonic Mana Tonic + Friend S.
Fish Scl + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Twin Stars Mana Tonic + Teleport S.
Drgn Scl + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Three Stars Mana Tonic + Warp S.
Drgn Scl + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Pwr S. Mana Tonic + Map
Wtr Gem + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Mana S. Mana Tonic + Rename Card
Wtr Gem + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Speed S. Mana Tonic + Musk
Anrc Wind + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Abil S. Mana Tonic + Hypello Potn
Anrc Wind + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Attribute S. Mana Tonic + Shn Thorn
Arc Wind + Mana Tblt Mana Tblt + Special S. Mana Tonic + Pendulum
Arc Wind + Mana Tonic Mana Tblt + Skill S. Mana Tonic + D. Wallet

* Mighty Wall - all party members; Shell and Protect

Antd + Lunar Crtn Pwr Distl + Speed S. Abil Distl + Mana S.
Antd + Light Crtn Pwr Distl + Abil S. Abil Distl + Speed S.
Antd + Star Crtn Mana Distl + Lunar Crtn Abil Distl + Abil S.
Soft + Lunar Crtn Mana Distl + Light Crtn Grnd + Lunar Crtn
Soft + Light Crtn Mana Distl + Star Crtn Grnd + Light Crtn
Soft + Star Crtn Mana Distl + Pwr S. Grnd + Star Crtn
Eyedrop + Lunar Crtn Mana Distl + Mana S. Choc Fthr + Pwr S.
Eyedrop + Light Crtn Mana Distl + Speed S. Choc Fthr + Mana S.
Eyedrop + Star Crtn Mana Distl + Abil S. Choc Fthr + Speed S.
Echo Scrn + Lunar Crtn Agil Distl + Lunar Crtn Choc Fthr + Abil S.
Echo Scrn + Light Crtn Agil Distl + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Pwr S.
Echo Scrn + Star Crtn Agil Distl + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Mana S.
Holy Wtr + Lunar Crtn Agil Distl + Pwr S. Choc Wing + Speed S.
Holy Wtr + Light Crtn Agil Distl + Mana S. Choc Wing + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Star Crtn Agil Distl + Speed S. Lunar Crtn + Pwr S.
Pwr Distl + Lunar Crtn Agil Distl + Abil S. Lunar Crtn + Mana S.
Pwr Distl + Light Crtn Abil Distl + Lunar Crtn Lunar Crtn + Speed S.
Pwr Distl + Star Crtn Abil Distl + Light Crtn Lunar Crtn + Abil S.
Pwr Distl + Pwr S. Abil Distl + Star Crtn Light Crtn + Pwr S.
Pwr Distl + Mana S. Abil Distl + Pwr S. Light Crtn + Mana S.
Light Crtn + Speed S.
Light Crtn + Abil S.

* Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, and Haste

Remedy + Lunar Crtn Al Bhed Potn + Star Crtn Tetra Elem + Hypello Potn
Remedy + Light Crtn Al Bhed Potn + Musk Tetra Elem + Shn Thorn
Remedy + Star Crtn Al Bhed Potn + Hypello Potn Bomb Frag + Lunar Crtn
Pwr Distl + Pwr Distl Al Bhed Potn + Shn Thorn Bomb Frag + Light Crtn
Pwr Distl + Mana Distl Heal Wtr + Lunar Crtn Bomb Frag + Star Crtn
Pwr Distl + Agil Distl Heal Wtr + Light Crtn Elec Mrbl + Lunar Crtn
Pwr Distl + Abil Distl Heal Wtr + Star Crtn Elec Mrbl + Light Crtn
Mana Distl + Mana Distl Heal Wtr + Musk Elec Mrbl + Star Crtn
Mana Distl + Agil Distl Heal Wtr + Hypello Potn Fish Scl + Lunar Crtn
Mana Distl + Abil Distl Heal Wtr + Shn Thorn Fish Scl + Light Crtn
Agil Distl + Agil Distl Tetra Elem + Lunar Crtn Fish Scl + Star Crtn
Agil Distl + Abil Distl Tetra Elem + Light Crtn Anrc Wind + Lunar Crtn
Abil Distl + Abil Distl Tetra Elem + Star Crtn Anrc Wind + Light Crtn
Al Bhed Potn + Lunar Crtn Tetra Elem + Musk Anrc Wind + Star Crtn
Al Bhed Potn + Light Crtn

* Super Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, and Regen

Bomb Core + Lunar Crtn Choc Fthr + Hypello Potn Lunar Crtn + Mag S.
Bomb Core + Light Crtn Choc Fthr + Shn Thorn Lunar Crtn + Mag Def S.
Bomb Core + Star Crtn Choc Fthr + Pendulum Lunar Crtn + Agil S.
Fire Gem + Lunar Crtn Choc Fthr + Amulet Lunar Crtn + Evas S.
Fire Gem + Light Crtn Choc Fthr + Door Tmrw Lunar Crtn + Accr S.
Fire Gem + Star Crtn Choc Fthr + Wings Disc Lunar Crtn + Clear S.
Lit Mrbl + Lunar Crtn Choc Fthr + Gmbl Sprt Lunar Crtn + Return S.
Lit Mrbl + Light Crtn Choc Fthr + Undrdg Scrt Lunar Crtn + Friend S.
Lit Mrbl + Star Crtn Choc Fthr + Win Frml Lunar Crtn + Teleport S.
Lit Gem + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Choc Wing Lunar Crtn + Warp S.
Lit Gem + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Lunar Crtn Light Crtn + Light Crtn
Lit Gem + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Light Crtn Light Crtn + Star Crtn
Drgn Scl + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Star Crtn Light Crtn + Three Stars
Drgn Scl + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Heal Sprng Light Crtn + Attribute S.
Drgn Scl + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Mana Sprng Light Crtn + Special S.
Wtr Gem + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Stmn Sprng Light Crtn + Skill S.
Wtr Gem + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Soul Sprng Light Crtn + Wht Mag S.
Wtr Gem + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Prfy Salt Light Crtn + Blk Mag S.
Arc Wind + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Three Stars Light Crtn + Master S.
Arc Wind + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Attribute S. Light Crtn + Lev 1 K S.
Arc Wind + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Special S. Light Crtn + Lev 2 K S.
Ice Gem + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Skill S. Light Crtn + Lev 3 K S.
Ice Gem + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Wht Mag S. Light Crtn + Lev 4 K S.
Ice Gem + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Blk Mag S. Light Crtn + HP S.
Grnd + Heal Sprng Choc Wing + Master S. Light Crtn + MP S.
Frag Grnd + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Lev 1 K S. Light Crtn + Str S.
Frag Grnd + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Lev 2 K S. Light Crtn + Def S.
Frag Grnd + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Lev 3 K S. Light Crtn + Mag S.
Frag Grnd + Heal Sprng Choc Wing + Lev 4 K S. Light Crtn + Mag Def S.
Choc Fthr + Choc Fthr Choc Wing + HP S. Light Crtn + Agil S.
Choc Fthr + Choc Wing Choc Wing + MP S. Light Crtn + Evas S.
Choc Fthr + Lunar Crtn Choc Wing + Str S. Light Crtn + Accr S.
Choc Fthr + Light Crtn Choc Wing + Def S. Light Crtn + Clear S.
Choc Fthr + Star Crtn Choc Wing + Mag S. Light Crtn + Return S.
Choc Fthr + Heal Sprng Choc Wing + Mag Def S. Light Crtn + Friend S.
Choc Fthr + Mana Sprng Choc Wing + Agil S. Light Crtn + Teleport S.
Choc Fthr + Stmn Sprng Choc Wing + Evas S. Light Crtn + Warp S.
Choc Fthr + Soul Sprng Choc Wing + Accr S. Star Crtn + Three Stars
Choc Fthr + Prfy Salt Choc Wing + Clear S. Star Crtn + Attribute S.
Choc Fthr + Three Stars Choc Wing + Return S. Star Crtn + Special S.
Choc Fthr + Attribute S. Choc Wing + Friend S. Star Crtn + Skill S.
Choc Fthr + Special S. Choc Wing + Teleport S. Star Crtn + Wht Mag S.
Choc Fthr + Skill S. Choc Wing + Warp S. Star Crtn + Blk Mag S.
Choc Fthr + Wht Mag S. Choc Wing + Map Star Crtn + Master S.
Choc Fthr + Blk Mag S. Choc Wing + Rename Card Star Crtn + Lev 1 K S.
Choc Fthr + Master S. Choc Wing + Musk Star Crtn + Lev 2 K S.
Choc Fthr + Lev 1 K S. Choc Wing + Hypello Potn Star Crtn + Lev 3 K S.
Choc Fthr + Lev 2 K S. Choc Wing + Shn Thorn Star Crtn + Lev 4 K S.
Choc Fthr + Lev 3 K S. Lunar Crtn + Lunar Crtn Star Crtn + HP S.
Choc Fthr + Lev 4 K S. Lunar Crtn + Light Crtn Star Crtn + MP S.
Choc Fthr + HP S. Lunar Crtn + Star Crtn Star Crtn + Str S.
Choc Fthr + MP S. Lunar Crtn + Three Stars Star Crtn + Def S.
Choc Fthr + Str S. Lunar Crtn + Attribute S. Star Crtn + Mag S.
Choc Fthr + Def S. Lunar Crtn + Special S. Star Crtn + Mag Def S.
Choc Fthr + Mag S. Lunar Crtn + Skill S. Star Crtn + Agil S.
Choc Fthr + Mag Def S. Lunar Crtn + Wht Mag S. Star Crtn + Evas S.
Choc Fthr + Agil S. Lunar Crtn + Blk Mag S. Star Crtn + Accr S.
Choc Fthr + Evas S. Lunar Crtn + Master S. Star Crtn + Clear S.
Choc Fthr + Accr S. Lunar Crtn + Lev 1 K S. Star Crtn + Return S.
Choc Fthr + Clear S. Lunar Crtn + Lev 2 K S. Star Crtn + Friend S.
Choc Fthr + Return S. Lunar Crtn + Lev 3 K S. Star Crtn + Teleport S.
Choc Fthr + Friend S. Lunar Crtn + Lev 4 K S. Star Crtn + Warp S.
Choc Fthr + Teleport S. Lunar Crtn + HP S. Heal Sprng + Three Stars
Choc Fthr + Warp S. Lunar Crtn + MP S. Mana Sprng + Three Stars
Choc Fthr + Map Lunar Crtn + Str S. Stmn Sprng + Three Stars
Choc Fthr + Rename Card Lunar Crtn + Def S. Soul Sprng + Three Stars
Choc Fthr + Musk Prfy Salt + Three Stars

* Hyper Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen, and Reraise

Choc Wing + Pendulum Lunar Crtn + Wings Disc Star Crtn + Amulet
Choc Wing + Amulet Lunar Crtn + Gmbl Sprt Star Crtn + Door Tmrw
Choc Wing + Door Tmrw Lunar Crtn + Undrdg Scrt Star Crtn + Wings Disc
Choc Wing + Wings Disc Lunar Crtn + Win Frml Star Crtn + Gmbl Sprt
Choc Wing + Gmbl Sprt Light Crtn + Pendulum Star Crtn + Undrdg Scrt
Choc Wing + Undrdg Scrt Light Crtn + Amulet Star Crtn + Win Frml
Choc Wing + Win Frml Light Crtn + Door Tmrw Heal Sprng + Pendulum
Lunar Crtn + Pendulum Light Crtn + Wings Disc Heal Sprng + Amulet
Lunar Crtn + Amulet Light Crtn + Gmbl Sprt Heal Sprng + Door Tmrw
Lunar Crtn + Door Tmrw Light Crtn + Undrdg Scrt Heal Sprng + Wings Disc
Light Crtn + Win Frml Heal Sprng + Gmbl Sprt
Star Crtn + Pendulum Heal Sprng + Undrdg Scrt
Heal Sprng + Win Frml

* Freedom - one party member; 0 MP Consumption

Ether + Mega Phnx Ether + Remedy Ether + Frpln Wind

* Freedom X - all party members; 0 MP Consumption

Potn + Twin Stars Elec Mrbl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Mag S.
High Potn + Twin Stars Lit Mrbl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Mag Def S.
X-Potn + Twin Stars Lit Gem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Agil S.
Mega Potn + Twin Stars Fish Scl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Evas S.
Ether + Shn Gem Drgn Scl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Accr S.
Ether + Bless Gem Wtr Gem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Clear S.
Ether + Suprm Gem Anrc Wind + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Return S.
Ether + Stmn Tblt Arc Wind + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Friend S.
Ether + Twin Stars Ice Gem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Teleport S.
Ether + Musk Frag Grnd + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Warp S.
Ether + Pendulum Slp Pwdr + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Map
Ether + Amulet Dream Pwdr + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Rename Card
Ether + Door Tmrw Sln Grnd + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Musk
Ether + Wings Disc Smk Bomb + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Hypello Potn
Ether + Gmbl Sprt Shdw Gem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Shn Thorn
Ether + Undrdg Scrt Psn Fang + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Pendulum
Ether + Win Frml Slv Hrgls + Twin Stars Twin Stars + D. Wallet
Trb Ether + Mega Phnx Gold Hrgls + Twin Stars Three Stars + Pwr S.
Trb Ether + Remedy Cndl of Life + Twin Stars Three Stars + Mana S.
Trb Ether + Shn Gem Ptr Grnd + Twin Stars Three Stars + Speed S.
Trb Ether + Bless Gem Frpln Shdw + Twin Stars Three Stars + Abil S.
Trb Ether + Suprm Gem Frpln Wind + Twin Stars Three Stars + Attribute S.
Trb Ether + Frpln Wind Choc Fthr + Twin Stars Three Stars + Special S.
Trb Ether + Stmn Tblt Choc Wing + Twin Stars Three Stars + Skill S.
Trb Ether + Twin Stars Lunar Crtn + Twin Stars Three Stars + Wht Mag S.
Trb Ether + Musk Light Crtn + Twin Stars Three Stars + Blk Mag S.
Trb Ether + Pendulum Star Crtn + Twin Stars Three Stars + Master S.
Trb Ether + Amulet Heal Sprng + Twin Stars Three Stars + Lev 1 K S.
Trb Ether + Door Tmrw Mana Sprng + Twin Stars Three Stars + Lev 2 K S.
Trb Ether + Wings Disc Stmn Sprng + Twin Stars Three Stars + Lev 3 K S.
Trb Ether + Gmbl Sprt Soul Sprng + Twin Stars Three Stars + Lev 4 K S.
Trb Ether + Undrdg Scrt Prfy Salt + Twin Stars Three Stars + HP S.
Trb Ether + Win Frml Twin Stars + Twin Stars Three Stars + MP S.
Elix + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Three Stars Three Stars + Str S.
Phnx Dwn + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Pwr S. Three Stars + Def S.
Antd + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Mana S. Three Stars + Mag S.
Soft + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Speed S. Three Stars + Mag Def S.
Eyedrop + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Abil S. Three Stars + Agil S.
Echo Scrn + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Attribute S. Three Stars + Evas S.
Holy Wtr + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Special S. Three Stars + Accr S.
Remedy + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Skill S. Three Stars + Clear S.
Pwr Distl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Wht Mag S. Three Stars + Return S.
Mana Distl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Blk Mag S. Three Stars + Friend S.
Agil Distl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Master S. Three Stars + Teleport S.
Abil Distl + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Lev 1 K S. Three Stars + Warp S.
Al Bhed Potn + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Lev 2 K S. Three Stars + Map
Heal Wtr + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Lev 3 K S. Three Stars + Rename Card
Tetra Elem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Lev 4 K S. Three Stars + Musk
Bomb Frag + Twin Stars Twin Stars + HP S. Three Stars + Hypello Potn
Bomb Core + Twin Stars Twin Stars + MP S. Three Stars + Shn Thorn
Fire Gem + Twin Stars Twin Stars + Str S. Three Stars + Pendulum
Twin Stars + Def S.

* Hero Drink - one party member; high critical hit rate

Potn + Fortune S. Holy Wtr + D. Wallet Frag Grnd + Fortune S.
Potn + Luck S. Remedy + Fortune S. Slp Pwdr + Fortune S.
Potn + D. Wallet Remedy + Luck S. Dream Pwdr + Fortune S.
High Potn + Fortune S. Remedy + D. Wallet Sln Grnd + Fortune S.
High Potn + Luck S. Pwr Distl + Fortune S. Smk Bomb + Fortune S.
High Potn + D. Wallet Pwr Distl + Luck S. Shdw Gem + Fortune S.
X-Potn + Fortune S. Pwr Distl + D. Wallet Psn Fang + Fortune S.
X-Potn + Luck S. Mana Distl + Fortune S. Ptr Grnd + Fortune S.
X-Potn + D. Wallet Mana Distl + Luck S. Choc Fthr + Fortune S.
Mega Potn + Fortune S. Mana Distl + D. Wallet Choc Wing + Fortune S.
Mega Potn + Luck S. Agil Distl + Fortune S. Lunar Crtn + Fortune S.
Mega Potn + D. Wallet Agil Distl + Luck S. Light Crtn + Fortune S.
Ether + Fortune S. Agil Distl + D. Wallet Star Crtn + Fortune S.
Elix + Fortune S. Abil Distl + Fortune S. Mana Sprng + Fortune S.
Phnx Dwn + Fortune S. Abil Distl + Luck S. Stmn Sprng + Fortune S.
Phnx Dwn + Luck S. Abil Distl + D. Wallet Soul Sprng + Fortune S.
Phnx Dwn + D. Wallet Al Bhed Potn + Fortune S. Prfy Salt + Fortune S.
Antd + Fortune S. Al Bhed Potn + Luck S. Pwr S. + Fortune S.
Antd + Luck S. Al Bhed Potn + D. Wallet Pwr S. + Luck S.
Antd + D. Wallet Heal Wtr + Fortune S. Mana S. + Fortune S.
Soft + Fortune S. Heal Wtr + Luck S. Mana S. + Luck S.
Soft + Luck S. Heal Wtr + D. Wallet Speed S. + Fortune S.
Soft + D. Wallet Tetra Elem + Fortune S. Speed S. + Luck S.
Eyedrop + Fortune S. Tetra Elem + Luck S. Abil S. + Fortune S.
Eyedrop + Luck S. Tetra Elem + D. Wallet Abil S. + Luck S.
Eyedrop + D. Wallet Bomb Frag + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Fortune S.
Echo Scrn + Fortune S. Elec Mrbl + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Map
Echo Scrn + Luck S. Fish Scl + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Rename Card
Echo Scrn + D. Wallet Anrc Wind + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Musk
Holy Wtr + Fortune S. Grnd + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Hypello Potn
Holy Wtr + Luck S. Grnd + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Shn Thorn

* Miracle Drink - all party members; high critical hit rate

Ether + Luck S. Cndl of Life + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Gmbl Sprt
Ether + D. Wallet Ptr Grnd + Luck S. Fortune S. + Undrdg Scrt
Trb Ether + Fortune S. Ptr Grnd + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Win Frml
Trb Ether + Luck S. Frpln Shdw + Fortune S. Attribute S. + Luck S.
Trb Ether + D. Wallet Frpln Shdw + Luck S. Attribute S. + D. Wallet
Elix + Luck S. Frpln Shdw + D. Wallet Special S. + Luck S.
Elix + D. Wallet Frpln Wind + Fortune S. Special S. + D. Wallet
Mega Elix + Fortune S. Frpln Wind + Luck S. Skill S. + Luck S.
Mega Elix + Luck S. Frpln Wind + D. Wallet Skill S. + D. Wallet
Mega Elix + D. Wallet Choc Fthr + Luck S. Wht Mag S. + Luck S.
Mega Phnx + Fortune S. Choc Fthr + D. Wallet Wht Mag S. + D. Wallet
Mega Phnx + Luck S. Choc Wing + Luck S. Blk Mag S. + Luck S.
Mega Phnx + D. Wallet Choc Wing + D. Wallet Blk Mag S. + D. Wallet
Bomb Frag + Luck S. Lunar Crtn + Luck S. Master S. + Luck S.
Bomb Frag + D. Wallet Lunar Crtn + D. Wallet Master S. + D. Wallet
Bomb Core + Fortune S. Light Crtn + Luck S. Lev 1 K S. + Luck S.
Bomb Core + Luck S. Light Crtn + D. Wallet Lev 1 K S. + D. Wallet
Bomb Core + D. Wallet Star Crtn + Luck S. Lev 2 K S. + Luck S.
Fire Gem + Fortune S. Star Crtn + D. Wallet Lev 2 K S. + D. Wallet
Fire Gem + Luck S. Heal Sprng + Fortune S. Lev 3 K S. + Luck S.
Fire Gem + D. Wallet Heal Sprng + Luck S. Lev 3 K S. + D. Wallet
Elec Mrbl + Luck S. Heal Sprng + D. Wallet Lev 4 K S. + Luck S.
Elec Mrbl + D. Wallet Mana Sprng + Luck S. Lev 4 K S. + D. Wallet
Lit Mrbl + Fortune S. Mana Sprng + D. Wallet HP S. + Luck S.
Lit Mrbl + Luck S. Stmn Sprng + Luck S. HP S. + D. Wallet
Lit Mrbl + D. Wallet Stmn Sprng + D. Wallet MP S. + Luck S.
Lit Gem + Fortune S. Soul Sprng + Luck S. MP S. + D. Wallet
Lit Gem + Luck S. Soul Sprng + D. Wallet Str S. + Luck S.
Lit Gem + D. Wallet Prfy Salt + Luck S. Str S. + D. Wallet
Fish Scl + Luck S. Prfy Salt + D. Wallet Def S. + Luck S.
Fish Scl + D. Wallet Stmn Tblt + Fortune S. Def S. + D. Wallet
Drgn Scl + Fortune S. Stmn Tblt + Luck S. Mag S. + D. Wallet
Drgn Scl + Luck S. Mana Tblt + Fortune S. Mag Def S. + Luck S.
Drgn Scl + D. Wallet Mana Tblt + Luck S. Mag Def S. + D. Wallet
Wtr Gem + Fortune S. Stmn Tonic + Fortune S. Agil S. + Luck S.
Wtr Gem + Luck S. Stmn Tonic + Luck S. Agil S. + D. Wallet
Wtr Gem + D. Wallet Mana Tonic + Fortune S. Evas S. + Luck S.
Anrc Wind + Luck S. Mana Tonic + Luck S. Evas S. + D. Wallet
Anrc Wind + D. Wallet Twin Stars + Fortune S. Accr S. + Luck S.
Arc Wind + Fortune S. Twin Stars + Luck S. Accr S. + D. Wallet
Arc Wind + Luck S. Three Stars + Fortune S. Luck S. + Luck S.
Arc Wind + D. Wallet Three Stars + Luck S. Luck S. + Clear S.
Ice Gem + Fortune S. Three Stars + D. Wallet Luck S. + Return S.
Ice Gem + Luck S. Pwr S. + D. Wallet Luck S. + Friend S.
Ice Gem + D. Wallet Mana S. + D. Wallet Luck S. + Teleport S.
Grnd + Luck S. Speed S. + D. Wallet Luck S. + Warp S.
Frag Grnd + Luck S. Abil S. + D. Wallet Luck S. + Map
Frag Grnd + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Attribute S. Luck S. + Rename Card
Slp Pwdr + Luck S. Fortune S. + Special S. Luck S. + Musk
Slp Pwdr + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Skill S. Luck S. + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Luck S. Fortune S. + Wht Mag S. Luck S. + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Blk Mag S. Luck S. + Pendulum
Sln Grnd + Luck S. Fortune S. + Master S. Luck S. + Amulet
Sln Grnd + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Lev 1 K S. Luck S. + D. Wallet
Smk Bomb + Luck S. Fortune S. + Lev 2 K S. Luck S. + Door Tmrw
Smk Bomb + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Lev 3 K S. Luck S. + Wings Disc
Shdw Gem + Luck S. Fortune S. + Lev 4 K S. Luck S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shdw Gem + D. Wallet Fortune S. + HP S. Luck S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Fortune S. Fortune S. + MP S. Luck S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Luck S. Fortune S. + Str S. Clear S. + D. Wallet
Shn Gem + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Def S. Return S. + D. Wallet
Bless Gem + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Mag S. Friend S. + D. Wallet
Bless Gem + Luck S. Fortune S. + Mag Def S. Teleport S. + D. Wallet
Bless Gem + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Agil S. Warp S. + D. Wallet
Suprm Gem + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Evas S. Map + D. Wallet
Suprm Gem + Luck S. Fortune S. + Accr S. Rename Card + D. Wallet
Suprm Gem + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Luck S. Musk + D. Wallet
Psn Fang + Luck S. Fortune S. + Clear S. Hypello Potn + D. Wallet
Psn Fang + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Return S. Shn Thorn + D. Wallet
Slv Hrgls + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Friend S. Pendulum + D. Wallet
Slv Hrgls + Luck S. Fortune S. + Teleport S. Amulet + D. Wallet
Slv Hrgls + D. Wallet Fortune S. + Warp S. D. Wallet + D. Wallet
Gold Hrgls + Fortune S. Fortune S. + Pendulum D. Wallet + Door Tmrw
Gold Hrgls + Luck S. Fortune S. + Amulet D. Wallet + Wings Disc
Gold Hrgls + D. Wallet Fortune S. + D. Wallet D. Wallet + Gmbl Sprt
Cndl of Life + Fortune S.Fortune S. + Door Tmrw D. Wallet + Undrdg Scrt
Cndl of Life + Luck S. Fortune S. + Wings Disc D. Wallet + Win Frml

* Quartet of 9 - one party member; hit for 9999 every time

Bomb Frag + Dark Matter Ice Gem + Wings Disc HP S. + Win Frml
Bomb Core + Pendulum Ice Gem + Gmbl Sprt MP S. + Pendulum
Bomb Core + Amulet Ice Gem + Undrdg Scrt MP S. + Amulet
Bomb Core + Door Tmrw Ice Gem + Win Frml MP S. + Door Tmrw
Bomb Core + Wings Disc Grnd + Dark Matter MP S. + Wings Disc
Bomb Core + Gmbl Sprt Frag Grnd + Dark Matter MP S. + Gmbl Sprt
Bomb Core + Undrdg Scrt Slp Pwdr + Dark Matter MP S. + Undrdg Scrt
Bomb Core + Win Frml Dream Pwdr + Dark Matter MP S. + Win Frml
Fire Gem + Pendulum Sln Grnd + Dark Matter Str S. + Pendulum
Fire Gem + Amulet Smk Bomb + Dark Matter Str S. + Amulet
Fire Gem + Door Tmrw Shdw Gem + Dark Matter Str S. + Door Tmrw
Fire Gem + Wings Disc Suprm Gem + Lev 4 K S. Str S. + Wings Disc
Fire Gem + Gmbl Sprt Psn Fang + Dark Matter Str S. + Gmbl Sprt
Fire Gem + Undrdg Scrt Slv Hrgls + Dark Matter Str S. + Undrdg Scrt
Fire Gem + Win Frml Gold Hrgls + Dark Matter Str S. + Win Frml
Elec Mrbl + Dark Matter Cndl of Life + Dark Matter Def S. + Pendulum
Lit Mrbl + Pendulum Ptr Grnd + Dark Matter Def S. + Amulet
Lit Mrbl + Amulet Dark Matter + Choc Fthr Def S. + Door Tmrw
Lit Mrbl + Door Tmrw Dark Matter + Choc Wing Def S. + Wings Disc
Lit Mrbl + Wings Disc Dark Matter + Lunar Crtn Def S. + Gmbl Sprt
Lit Mrbl + Gmbl Sprt Dark Matter + Light Crtn Def S. + Undrdg Scrt
Lit Mrbl + Undrdg Scrt Dark Matter + Star Crtn Def S. + Win Frml
Lit Mrbl + Win Frml Dark Matter + Heal Sprng Mag S. + Pendulum
Lit Gem + Pendulum Dark Matter + Mana Sprng Mag S. + Amulet
Lit Gem + Amulet Dark Matter + Stmn Sprng Mag S. + Door Tmrw
Lit Gem + Door Tmrw Dark Matter + Soul Sprng Mag S. + Wings Disc
Lit Gem + Wings Disc Dark Matter + Prfy Salt Mag S. + Gmbl Sprt
Lit Gem + Gmbl Sprt Dark Matter + Three Stars Mag S. + Undrdg Scrt
Lit Gem + Undrdg Scrt Dark Matter + Pwr S. Mag S. + Win Frml
Lit Gem + Win Frml Dark Matter + Mana S. Mag Def S. + Pendulum
Fish Scl + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Speed S. Mag Def S. + Amulet
Drgn Scl + Pendulum Dark Matter + Abil S. Mag Def S. + Door Tmrw
Drgn Scl + Amulet Dark Matter + Map Mag Def S. + Wings Disc
Drgn Scl + Door Tmrw Dark Matter + Rename Card Mag Def S. + Gmbl Sprt
Drgn Scl + Wings Disc Dark Matter + Musk Mag Def S. + Undrdg Scrt
Drgn Scl + Gmbl Sprt Dark Matter + Hypello Potn Mag Def S. + Win Frml
Drgn Scl + Undrdg Scrt Dark Matter + Shn Thorn Agil S. + Pendulum
Drgn Scl + Win Frml Lev 1 K S. + Pendulum Agil S. + Amulet
Wtr Gem + Pendulum Lev 1 K S. + Amulet Agil S. + Door Tmrw
Wtr Gem + Amulet Lev 1 K S. + Door Tmrw Agil S. + Wings Disc
Wtr Gem + Door Tmrw Lev 1 K S. + Wings Disc Agil S. + Gmbl Sprt
Wtr Gem + Wings Disc Lev 1 K S. + Gmbl Sprt Agil S. + Undrdg Scrt
Wtr Gem + Gmbl Sprt Lev 1 K S. + Undrdg Scrt Agil S. + Win Frml
Wtr Gem + Undrdg Scrt Lev 1 K S. + Win Frml Evas S. + Pendulum
Wtr Gem + Win Frml Lev 2 K S. + Pendulum Evas S. + Amulet
Anrc Wind + Dark Matter Lev 2 K S. + Amulet Evas S. + Door Tmrw
Arc Wind + Pendulum Lev 2 K S. + Door Tmrw Evas S. + Wings Disc
Arc Wind + Amulet Lev 2 K S. + Wings Disc Evas S. + Gmbl Sprt
Arc Wind + Door Tmrw Lev 2 K S. + Gmbl Sprt Evas S. + Undrdg Scrt
Arc Wind + Wings Disc Lev 2 K S. + Undrdg Scrt Evas S. + Win Frml
Arc Wind + Gmbl Sprt Lev 2 K S. + Win Frml Accr S. + Pendulum
Arc Wind + Undrdg Scrt HP S. + Pendulum Accr S. + Amulet
Arc Wind + Win Frml HP S. + Amulet Accr S. + Door Tmrw
Ice Gem + Pendulum HP S. + Door Tmrw Accr S. + Wings Disc
Ice Gem + Amulet HP S. + Wings Disc Accr S. + Gmbl Sprt
Ice Gem + Door Tmrw HP S. + Gmbl Sprt Accr S. + Undrdg Scrt
HP S. + Undrdg Scrt Accr S. + Win Frml

* Trio of 9999 - all party members; hit for 9999 every time

Bomb Core + Dark Matter Bless Gem + Wings Disc Lev 3 K S. + Wings Disc
Lit Mrbl + Dark Matter Bless Gem + Gmbl Sprt Lev 3 K S. + Gmbl Sprt
Drgn Scl + Dark Matter Bless Gem + Undrdg Scrt Lev 3 K S. + Undrdg Scrt
Arc Wind + Dark Matter Bless Gem + Win Frml Lev 3 K S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Master S. Suprm Gem + Master S. Lev 4 K S. + Pendulum
Shn Gem + Warp S. Suprm Gem + Pendulum Lev 4 K S. + Amulet
Shn Gem + Pendulum Frpln Shdw + Dark Matter Lev 4 K S. + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + Amulet Frpln Wind + Dark Matter Lev 4 K S. + Wings Disc
Shn Gem + Door Tmrw Dark Matter + Stmn Tblt Lev 4 K S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shn Gem + Wings Disc Dark Matter + Mana Tblt Lev 4 K S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Gmbl Sprt Dark Matter + Stmn Tonic Lev 4 K S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Undrdg Scrt Dark Matter + Mana Tonic Door Tmrw + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + Win Frml Dark Matter + Twin Stars Door Tmrw + Wings Disc
Bless Gem + Master S. Dark Matter + Pendulum Door Tmrw + Gmbl Sprt
Bless Gem + Warp S. Lev 3 K S. + Pendulum Door Tmrw + Undrdg Scrt
Bless Gem + Pendulum Lev 3 K S. + Amulet Door Tmrw + Win Frml
Bless Gem + Amulet Lev 3 K S. + Door Tmrw Wings Disc + Wings Disc
Bless Gem + Door Tmrw Gmbl Sprt + Gmbl Sprt

* Hot Spurs - one party member; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast

Elix + Attribute S. Elix + Agil S. Fire Gem + Three Stars
Elix + Special S. Elix + Evas S. Lit Gem + Three Stars
Elix + Skill S. Elix + Accr S. Wtr Gem + Three Stars
Elix + Wht Mag S. Elix + Clear S. Ice Gem + Three Stars
Elix + Blk Mag S. Elix + Return S. Shn Gem + Mana Tblt
Elix + Master S. Elix + Friend S. Shn Gem + Stmn Tonic
Elix + Lev 1 K S. Elix + Teleport S. Shn Gem + Mana Tonic
Elix + Lev 2 K S. Elix + Warp S. Shn Gem + Twin Stars
Elix + Lev 3 K S. Elix + Pendulum Bless Gem + Stmn Tonic
Elix + Lev 4 K S. Mega Elix + Mega Elix Bless Gem + Twin Stars
Elix + HP S. Mega Phnx + Stmn Tblt Bless Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Elix + MP S. Mega Phnx + Mana Tblt Suprm Gem + Stmn Tonic
Elix + Str S. Mega Phnx + Stmn Tonic Suprm Gem + Twin Stars
Elix + Def S. Mega Phnx + Mana Tonic Suprm Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Elix + Mag S. Mega Phnx + Twin Stars Suprm Gem + Friend S.
Elix + Mag Def S. Mega Phnx + Three Stars Suprm Gem + Teleport S.

* Eccentric - all party members; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast

Elix + Dark Matter Mega Elix + Mag Def S. Mana Tonic + Amulet
Elix + Amulet Mega Elix + Agil S. Mana Tonic + Door Tmrw
Elix + Door Tmrw Mega Elix + Evas S. Mana Tonic + Wings Disc
Elix + Wings Disc Mega Elix + Accr S. Mana Tonic + Gmbl Sprt
Elix + Gmbl Sprt Mega Elix + Clear S. Mana Tonic + Undrdg Scrt
Elix + Undrdg Scrt Mega Elix + Return S. Mana Tonic + Win Frml
Elix + Win Frml Mega Elix + Friend S. Twin Stars + Amulet
Mega Elix + Dark Matter Mega Elix + Teleport S. Twin Stars + Door Tmrw
Mega Elix + Stmn Tblt Mega Elix + Warp S. Twin Stars + Wings Disc
Mega Elix + Mana Tblt Mega Elix + Pendulum Twin Stars + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Elix + Stmn Tonic Mega Elix + Amulet Twin Stars + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Elix + Mana Tonic Mega Elix + Door Tmrw Twin Stars + Win Frml
Mega Elix + Twin Stars Mega Elix + Wings Disc Three Stars + Amulet
Mega Elix + Three Stars Mega Elix + Gmbl Sprt Three Stars + Door Tmrw
Mega Elix + Attribute S. Mega Elix + Undrdg Scrt Three Stars + Wings Disc
Mega Elix + Special S. Mega Elix + Win Frml Three Stars + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Elix + Skill S. Mana Tblt + Amulet Three Stars + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Elix + Wht Mag S. Mana Tblt + Door Tmrw Three Stars + Win Frml
Mega Elix + Blk Mag S. Mana Tblt + Wings Disc Pendulum + Door Tmrw
Mega Elix + Master S. Mana Tblt + Gmbl Sprt Pendulum + Wings Disc
Mega Elix + Lev 1 K S. Mana Tblt + Undrdg Scrt Pendulum + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Elix + Lev 2 K S. Mana Tblt + Win Frml Pendulum + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Elix + Lev 3 K S. Stmn Tonic + Amulet Pendulum + Win Frml
Mega Elix + Lev 4 K S. Stmn Tonic + Door Tmrw Amulet + Amulet
Mega Elix + HP S. Stmn Tonic + Wings Disc Amulet + Door Tmrw
Mega Elix + MP S. Stmn Tonic + Gmbl Sprt Amulet + Wings Disc
Mega Elix + Str S. Stmn Tonic + Undrdg Scrt Amulet + Gmbl Sprt
Mega Elix + Def S. Stmn Tonic + Win Frml Amulet + Undrdg Scrt
Mega Elix + Mag S. Amulet + Win Frml

- NON-Elemental -

* Grenade - all enemies; small damage

Bomb Frag + Anrc Wind Lit Mrbl + Drgn Scl Fire Gem + Ice Gem
Bomb Core + Arc Wind Lit Gem + Wtr Gem Elec Mrbl + Fish Scl

* Frag Grenade - all enemies; small damage

Pwr S. + Pwr S. Pwr S. + Abil S. Mana S. + Abil S.
Pwr S. + Mana S. Mana S. + Mana S. Speed S. + Speed S.
Pwr S. + Speed S. Mana S. + Speed S. Speed S. + Abil S.
Abil S. + Abil S.

* Blaster Mine - all enemies; small damage plus status abnormalities

Antd + Grnd Grnd + Stmn Sprng Slv Hrgls + Speed S.
Antd + Frag Grnd Grnd + Soul Sprng Slv Hrgls + Abil S.
Soft + Grnd Grnd + Prfy Salt Slv Hrgls + Map
Soft + Frag Grnd Grnd + Pwr S. Slv Hrgls + Rename Card
Eyedrop + Grnd Grnd + Mana S. Gold Hrgls + Pwr S.
Eyedrop + Frag Grnd Grnd + Speed S. Gold Hrgls + Mana S.
Echo Scrn + Grnd Grnd + Abil S. Gold Hrgls + Speed S.
Echo Scrn + Frag Grnd Grnd + Musk Gold Hrgls + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Grnd Grnd + Hypello Potn Gold Hrgls + Map
Holy Wtr + Frag Grnd Grnd + Shn Thorn Gold Hrgls + Rename Card
Remedy + Grnd Slp Pwdr + Pwr S. Cndl of Life + Pwr S.
Remedy + Frag Grnd Slp Pwdr + Mana S. Cndl of Life + Mana S.
Pwr Distl + Grnd Slp Pwdr + Speed S. Cndl of Life + Speed S.
Pwr Distl + Frag Grnd Slp Pwdr + Abil S. Cndl of Life + Abil S.
Mana Distl + Grnd Dream Pwdr + Pwr S. Cndl of Life + Map
Mana Distl + Frag Grnd Dream Pwdr + Mana S. Cndl of Life + Rename Card
Agil Distl + Grnd Dream Pwdr + Speed S. Ptr Grnd + Pwr S.
Agil Distl + Frag Grnd Dream Pwdr + Abil S. Ptr Grnd + Mana S.
Abil Distl + Grnd Sln Grnd + Pwr S. Ptr Grnd + Speed S.
Abil Distl + Frag Grnd Sln Grnd + Mana S. Ptr Grnd + Abil S.
Al Bhed Potn + Grnd Sln Grnd + Speed S. Ptr Grnd + Map
Al Bhed Potn + Frag Grnd Sln Grnd + Abil S. Ptr Grnd + Rename Card
Grnd + Slp Pwdr Smk Bomb + Pwr S. Pwr S. + Musk
Grnd + Dream Pwdr Smk Bomb + Mana S. Pwr S. + Hypello Potn
Grnd + Sln Grnd Smk Bomb + Speed S. Pwr S. + Shn Thorn
Grnd + Smk Bomb Smk Bomb + Abil S. Mana S. + Musk
Grnd + Psn Fang Psn Fang + Pwr S. Mana S. + Hypello Potn
Grnd + Slv Hrgls Psn Fang + Mana S. Mana S. + Shn Thorn
Grnd + Gold Hrgls Psn Fang + Speed S. Speed S. + Musk
Grnd + Cndl of Life Psn Fang + Abil S. Speed S. + Hypello Potn
Grnd + Ptr Grnd Psn Fang + Map Speed S. + Shn Thorn
Grnd + Choc Fthr Psn Fang + Rename Card Abil S. + Musk
Grnd + Choc Wing Slv Hrgls + Pwr S. Abil S. + Hypello Potn
Grnd + Mana Sprng Slv Hrgls + Mana S. Abil S. + Shn Thorn

* Hazardous Shell - all enemies; small damage plus status abnormalities

Heal Wtr + Grnd Dream Pwdr + Soul Sprng Slv Hrgls + Choc Fthr
Heal Wtr + Frag Grnd Dream Pwdr + Prfy Salt Slv Hrgls + Choc Wing
Tetra Elem + Grnd Dream Pwdr + Map Slv Hrgls + Lunar Crtn
Tetra Elem + Frag Grnd Dream Pwdr + Rename Card Slv Hrgls + Light Crtn
Grnd + Frpln Shdw Dream Pwdr + Musk Slv Hrgls + Star Crtn
Grnd + Frpln Wind Dream Pwdr + Hypello Potn Slv Hrgls + Heal Sprng
Grnd + Attribute S. Dream Pwdr + Shn Thorn Slv Hrgls + Mana Sprng
Grnd + Special S. Sln Grnd + Sln Grnd Slv Hrgls + Stmn Sprng
Grnd + Skill S. Sln Grnd + Smk Bomb Slv Hrgls + Soul Sprng
Grnd + Wht Mag S. Sln Grnd + Psn Fang Slv Hrgls + Prfy Salt
Grnd + Blk Mag S. Sln Grnd + Slv Hrgls Slv Hrgls + Musk
Grnd + Lev 1 K S. Sln Grnd + Gold Hrgls Slv Hrgls + Hypello Potn
Grnd + Lev 2 K S. Sln Grnd + Cndl of Life Slv Hrgls + Shn Thorn
Grnd + Clear S. Sln Grnd + Ptr Grnd Gold Hrgls + Gold Hrgls
Grnd + Map Sln Grnd + Choc Fthr Gold Hrgls + Cndl of Life
Grnd + Rename Card Sln Grnd + Choc Wing Gold Hrgls + Ptr Grnd
Frag Grnd + Slp Pwdr Sln Grnd + Heal Sprng Gold Hrgls + Choc Fthr
Frag Grnd + Dream Pwdr Sln Grnd + Mana Sprng Gold Hrgls + Choc Wing
Frag Grnd + Sln Grnd Sln Grnd + Stmn Sprng Gold Hrgls + Lunar Crtn
Frag Grnd + Smk Bomb Sln Grnd + Soul Sprng Gold Hrgls + Light Crtn
Frag Grnd + Psn Fang Sln Grnd + Prfy Salt Gold Hrgls + Star Crtn
Frag Grnd + Slv Hrgls Sln Grnd + Map Gold Hrgls + Heal Sprng
Frag Grnd + Gold Hrgls Sln Grnd + Rename Card Gold Hrgls + Mana Sprng
Frag Grnd + Cndl of Life Sln Grnd + Musk Gold Hrgls + Stmn Sprng
Frag Grnd + Ptr Grnd Sln Grnd + Hypello Potn Gold Hrgls + Soul Sprng
Frag Grnd + Frpln Shdw Sln Grnd + Shn Thorn Gold Hrgls + Prfy Salt
Frag Grnd + Frpln Wind Smk Bomb + Smk Bomb Gold Hrgls + Musk
Frag Grnd + Choc Fthr Smk Bomb + Psn Fang Gold Hrgls + Hypello Potn
Frag Grnd + Choc Wing Smk Bomb + Slv Hrgls Gold Hrgls + Shn Thorn
Frag Grnd + Mana Sprng Smk Bomb + Gold Hrgls Cndl of Life + Cndl of Life
Frag Grnd + Stmn Sprng Smk Bomb + Cndl of Life Cndl of Life + Ptr Grnd
Frag Grnd + Soul Sprng Smk Bomb + Ptr Grnd Cndl of Life + Choc Fthr
Frag Grnd + Prfy Salt Smk Bomb + Choc Fthr Cndl of Life + Choc Wing
Frag Grnd + Pwr S. Smk Bomb + Choc Wing Cndl of Life + Lunar Crtn
Frag Grnd + Mana S. Smk Bomb + Heal Sprng Cndl of Life + Light Crtn
Frag Grnd + Speed S. Smk Bomb + Mana Sprng Cndl of Life + Star Crtn
Frag Grnd + Abil S. Smk Bomb + Stmn Sprng Cndl of Life + Heal Sprng
Frag Grnd + Map Smk Bomb + Soul Sprng Cndl of Life + Mana Sprng
Frag Grnd + Rename Card Smk Bomb + Prfy Salt Cndl of Life + Stmn Sprng
Frag Grnd + Musk Smk Bomb + Map Cndl of Life + Soul Sprng
Frag Grnd + Hypello Potn Smk Bomb + Rename Card Cndl of Life + Prfy Salt
Frag Grnd + Shn Thorn Smk Bomb + Musk Cndl of Life + Musk
Slp Pwdr + Slp Pwdr Smk Bomb + Hypello Potn Cndl of Life + Hypello Potn
Slp Pwdr + Dream Pwdr Smk Bomb + Shn Thorn Cndl of Life + Shn Thorn
Slp Pwdr + Sln Grnd Shn Gem + Pwr S. Ptr Grnd + Choc Fthr
Slp Pwdr + Smk Bomb Shn Gem + Mana S. Ptr Grnd + Choc Wing
Slp Pwdr + Psn Fang Shn Gem + Speed S. Ptr Grnd + Lunar Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Slv Hrgls Shn Gem + Abil S. Ptr Grnd + Light Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Gold Hrgls Bless Gem + Pwr S. Ptr Grnd + Star Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Cndl of Life Bless Gem + Mana S. Ptr Grnd + Heal Sprng
Slp Pwdr + Ptr Grnd Bless Gem + Speed S. Ptr Grnd + Mana Sprng
Slp Pwdr + Choc Fthr Bless Gem + Abil S. Ptr Grnd + Stmn Sprng
Slp Pwdr + Choc Wing Psn Fang + Psn Fang Ptr Grnd + Soul Sprng
Slp Pwdr + Heal Sprng Psn Fang + Slv Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Prfy Salt
Slp Pwdr + Mana Sprng Psn Fang + Gold Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Musk
Slp Pwdr + Stmn Sprng Psn Fang + Cndl of Life Ptr Grnd + Hypello Potn
Slp Pwdr + Soul Sprng Psn Fang + Ptr Grnd Ptr Grnd + Shn Thorn
Slp Pwdr + Prfy Salt Psn Fang + Choc Fthr Frpln Shdw + Pwr S.
Slp Pwdr + Map Psn Fang + Choc Wing Frpln Shdw + Mana S.
Slp Pwdr + Rename Card Psn Fang + Lunar Crtn Frpln Shdw + Speed S.
Slp Pwdr + Musk Psn Fang + Light Crtn Frpln Shdw + Abil S.
Slp Pwdr + Hypello Potn Psn Fang + Star Crtn Frpln Shdw + Map
Slp Pwdr + Shn Thorn Psn Fang + Heal Sprng Frpln Shdw + Rename Card
Dream Pwdr + Dream Pwdr Psn Fang + Mana Sprng Frpln Wind + Three Stars
Dream Pwdr + Sln Grnd Psn Fang + Stmn Sprng Frpln Wind + Pwr S.
Dream Pwdr + Smk Bomb Psn Fang + Soul Sprng Frpln Wind + Mana S.
Dream Pwdr + Psn Fang Psn Fang + Prfy Salt Frpln Wind + Speed S.
Dream Pwdr + Slv Hrgls Psn Fang + Musk Frpln Wind + Abil S.
Dream Pwdr + Gold Hrgls Psn Fang + Hypello Potn Frpln Wind + Map
Dream Pwdr + Cndl of LifePsn Fang + Shn Thorn Frpln Wind + Rename Card
Dream Pwdr + Ptr Grnd Slv Hrgls + Slv Hrgls Map + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Choc Fthr Slv Hrgls + Gold Hrgls Map + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Choc Wing Slv Hrgls + Cndl of Life Map + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + Heal Sprng Slv Hrgls + Ptr Grnd Rename Card + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Mana Sprng Rename Card + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Stmn Sprng Rename Card + Shn Thorn

* Pineapple - all enemies; medium damage

Pwr Distl + Map Elec Mrbl + Ice Gem Mana S. + Skill S.
Pwr Distl + Rename Card Lit Mrbl + Anrc Wind Mana S. + Wht Mag S.
Mana Distl + Map Lit Mrbl + Arc Wind Mana S. + Blk Mag S.
Mana Distl + Rename Card Lit Gem + Anrc Wind Mana S. + Lev 1 K S.
Agil Distl + Map Fish Scl + Anrc Wind Mana S. + Map
Agil Distl + Rename Card Fish Scl + Arc Wind Mana S. + Rename Card
Abil Distl + Map Fish Scl + Ice Gem Speed S. + Attribute S.
Abil Distl + Rename Card Drgn Scl + Anrc Wind Speed S. + Special S.
Bomb Frag + Elec Mrbl Drgn Scl + Arc Wind Speed S. + Skill S.
Bomb Frag + Lit Mrbl Wtr Gem + Anrc Wind Speed S. + Wht Mag S.
Bomb Frag + Lit Gem Pwr S. + Attribute S. Speed S. + Blk Mag S.
Bomb Frag + Fish Scl Pwr S. + Special S. Speed S. + Lev 1 K S.
Bomb Frag + Drgn Scl Pwr S. + Skill S. Speed S. + Map
Bomb Frag + Wtr Gem Pwr S. + Wht Mag S. Speed S. + Rename Card
Bomb Core + Elec Mrbl Pwr S. + Blk Mag S. Abil S. + Attribute S.
Bomb Core + Lit Mrbl Pwr S. + Lev 1 K S. Abil S. + Special S.
Bomb Core + Fish Scl Pwr S. + Map Abil S. + Skill S.
Bomb Core + Drgn Scl Pwr S. + Rename Card Abil S. + Wht Mag S.
Fire Gem + Elec Mrbl Mana S. + Attribute S. Abil S. + Blk Mag S.
Fire Gem + Fish Scl Mana S. + Special S. Abil S. + Lev 1 K S.
Elec Mrbl + Anrc Wind Abil S. + Map
Elec Mrbl + Arc Wind Abil S. + Rename Card

* Calamity Bomb - all enemies; medium damage plus status abnormalities

Slp Pwdr + Clear S. Shn Gem + Heal Sprng Cndl of Life + Lev 2 K S.
Grnd + Master S. Shn Gem + Mana Sprng Cndl of Life + Clear S.
Grnd + Lev 3 K S. Shn Gem + Stmn Sprng Ptr Grnd + Ptr Grnd
Grnd + Lev 4 K S. Shn Gem + Soul Sprng Ptr Grnd + Frpln Shdw
Grnd + Pendulum Shn Gem + Prfy Salt Ptr Grnd + Frpln Wind
Frag Grnd + Attribute S. Bless Gem + Psn Fang Ptr Grnd + Three Stars
Frag Grnd + Special S. Bless Gem + Slv Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Attribute S.
Frag Grnd + Skill S. Bless Gem + Gold Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Special S.
Frag Grnd + Wht Mag S. Bless Gem + Cndl of Life Ptr Grnd + Skill S.
Frag Grnd + Blk Mag S. Bless Gem + Ptr Grnd Ptr Grnd + Wht Mag S.
Frag Grnd + Lev 1 K S. Bless Gem + Choc Fthr Ptr Grnd + Blk Mag S.
Frag Grnd + Lev 2 K S. Bless Gem + Choc Wing Ptr Grnd + Lev 1 K S.
Frag Grnd + Clear S. Bless Gem + Lunar Crtn Ptr Grnd + Lev 2 K S.
Slp Pwdr + Frpln Shdw Bless Gem + Light Crtn Ptr Grnd + Clear S.
Slp Pwdr + Frpln Wind Bless Gem + Star Crtn Frpln Shdw + Frpln Shdw
Slp Pwdr + Three Stars Bless Gem + Heal Sprng Frpln Shdw + Frpln Wind
Slp Pwdr + Attribute S. Bless Gem + Mana Sprng Frpln Shdw + Choc Fthr
Slp Pwdr + Special S. Bless Gem + Stmn Sprng Frpln Shdw + Choc Wing
Slp Pwdr + Skill S. Bless Gem + Soul Sprng Frpln Shdw + Lunar Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Wht Mag S. Bless Gem + Prfy Salt Frpln Shdw + Light Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Blk Mag S. Suprm Gem + Pwr S. Frpln Shdw + Star Crtn
Slp Pwdr + Lev 1 K S. Suprm Gem + Mana S. Frpln Shdw + Heal Sprng
Slp Pwdr + Lev 2 K S. Suprm Gem + Speed S. Frpln Shdw + Mana Sprng
Dream Pwdr + Frpln Shdw Suprm Gem + Abil S. Frpln Shdw + Stmn Sprng
Dream Pwdr + Frpln Wind Psn Fang + Frpln Shdw Frpln Shdw + Soul Sprng
Dream Pwdr + Three Stars Psn Fang + Frpln Wind Frpln Shdw + Prfy Salt
Dream Pwdr + Attribute S. Psn Fang + Three Stars Frpln Shdw + Three Stars
Dream Pwdr + Special S. Psn Fang + Attribute S. Frpln Shdw + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Skill S. Psn Fang + Special S. Frpln Shdw + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Wht Mag S. Psn Fang + Skill S. Frpln Shdw + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + Blk Mag S. Psn Fang + Wht Mag S. Frpln Wind + Choc Fthr
Dream Pwdr + Lev 1 K S. Psn Fang + Blk Mag S. Frpln Wind + Choc Wing
Dream Pwdr + Lev 2 K S. Psn Fang + Lev 1 K S. Frpln Wind + Lunar Crtn
Dream Pwdr + Clear S. Psn Fang + Lev 2 K S. Frpln Wind + Light Crtn
Sln Grnd + Frpln Shdw Psn Fang + Clear S. Frpln Wind + Star Crtn
Sln Grnd + Frpln Wind Slv Hrgls + Frpln Shdw Frpln Wind + Heal Sprng
Sln Grnd + Three Stars Slv Hrgls + Frpln Wind Frpln Wind + Mana Sprng
Sln Grnd + Attribute S. Slv Hrgls + Three Stars Frpln Wind + Stmn Sprng
Sln Grnd + Special S. Slv Hrgls + Attribute S. Frpln Wind + Soul Sprng
Sln Grnd + Skill S. Slv Hrgls + Special S. Frpln Wind + Prfy Salt
Sln Grnd + Wht Mag S. Slv Hrgls + Skill S. Frpln Wind + Musk
Sln Grnd + Blk Mag S. Slv Hrgls + Wht Mag S. Frpln Wind + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Lev 1 K S. Slv Hrgls + Blk Mag S. Frpln Wind + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Lev 2 K S. Slv Hrgls + Lev 1 K S. Attribute S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + Clear S. Slv Hrgls + Lev 2 K S. Attribute S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Frpln Shdw Slv Hrgls + Clear S. Attribute S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Frpln Wind Gold Hrgls + Frpln Shdw Special S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Three Stars Gold Hrgls + Frpln Wind Special S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Attribute S. Gold Hrgls + Three Stars Special S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Special S. Gold Hrgls + Attribute S. Skill S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Skill S. Gold Hrgls + Special S. Skill S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Wht Mag S. Gold Hrgls + Skill S. Skill S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Blk Mag S. Gold Hrgls + Wht Mag S. Wht Mag S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Lev 1 K S. Gold Hrgls + Blk Mag S. Wht Mag S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Lev 2 K S. Gold Hrgls + Lev 1 K S. Wht Mag S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Clear S. Gold Hrgls + Lev 2 K S. Blk Mag S. + Musk
Shdw Gem + Three Stars Gold Hrgls + Clear S. Blk Mag S. + Hypello Potn
Shn Gem + Psn Fang Cndl of Life + Frpln Shdw Blk Mag S. + Shn Thorn
Shn Gem + Slv Hrgls Cndl of Life + Frpln Wind Lev 1 K S. + Musk
Shn Gem + Gold Hrgls Cndl of Life + Three Stars Lev 1 K S. + Hypello Potn
Shn Gem + Cndl of Life Cndl of Life + Attribute S.Lev 1 K S. + Shn Thorn
Shn Gem + Ptr Grnd Cndl of Life + Special S. Lev 2 K S. + Musk
Shn Gem + Choc Fthr Cndl of Life + Skill S. Lev 2 K S. + Hypello Potn
Shn Gem + Choc Wing Cndl of Life + Wht Mag S. Lev 2 K S. + Shn Thorn
Shn Gem + Lunar Crtn Cndl of Life + Blk Mag S. Clear S. + Musk
Shn Gem + Light Crtn Cndl of Life + Lev 1 K S. Clear S. + Hypello Potn
Shn Gem + Star Crtn Clear S. + Shn Thorn

* Cluster Bomb - all enemies; large damage

Bomb Frag + Shn Gem Abil S. + Evas S. Lev 3 K S. + Lev 3 K S.
Bomb Frag + Bless Gem Abil S. + Accr S. Lev 3 K S. + HP S.
Bomb Core + Shn Gem Abil S. + Return S. Lev 3 K S. + MP S.
Bomb Core + Bless Gem Abil S. + Friend S. Lev 3 K S. + Str S.
Fire Gem + Shn Gem Abil S. + Teleport S. Lev 3 K S. + Def S.
Fire Gem + Bless Gem Abil S. + Warp S. Lev 3 K S. + Mag S.
Elec Mrbl + Shn Gem Abil S. + Pendulum Lev 3 K S. + Mag Def S.
Elec Mrbl + Bless Gem Abil S. + Amulet Lev 3 K S. + Agil S.
Lit Mrbl + Shn Gem Abil S. + Door Tmrw Lev 3 K S. + Evas S.
Lit Mrbl + Bless Gem Abil S. + Wings Disc Lev 3 K S. + Accr S.
Lit Gem + Shn Gem Abil S. + Gmbl Sprt Lev 3 K S. + Return S.
Lit Gem + Bless Gem Abil S. + Undrdg Scrt Lev 3 K S. + Friend S.
Fish Scl + Shn Gem Abil S. + Win Frml Lev 3 K S. + Teleport S.
Fish Scl + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Lev 2 K S. Lev 4 K S. + Map
Drgn Scl + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Lev 3 K S. Lev 4 K S. + Rename Card
Drgn Scl + Bless Gem Attribute S. + HP S. HP S. + HP S.
Wtr Gem + Shn Gem Attribute S. + MP S. HP S. + MP S.
Wtr Gem + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Str S. HP S. + Str S.
Anrc Wind + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Def S. HP S. + Def S.
Anrc Wind + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Mag S. HP S. + Mag S.
Arc Wind + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Mag Def S. HP S. + Mag Def S.
Arc Wind + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Agil S. HP S. + Agil S.
Ice Gem + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Evas S. HP S. + Evas S.
Ice Gem + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Accr S. HP S. + Accr S.
Grnd + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Return S. HP S. + Return S.
Frag Grnd + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Friend S. HP S. + Friend S.
Frag Grnd + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Teleport S. HP S. + Teleport S.
Frag Grnd + Pendulum Special S. + Lev 2 K S. HP S. + Warp S.
Slp Pwdr + Shn Gem Special S. + Lev 3 K S. MP S. + MP S.
Slp Pwdr + Bless Gem Special S. + HP S. MP S. + Str S.
Slp Pwdr + Pendulum Special S. + MP S. MP S. + Def S.
Dream Pwdr + Shn Gem Special S. + Str S. MP S. + Mag S.
Dream Pwdr + Bless Gem Special S. + Def S. MP S. + Mag Def S.
Dream Pwdr + Pendulum Special S. + Mag S. MP S. + Agil S.
Sln Grnd + Shn Gem Special S. + Mag Def S. MP S. + Evas S.
Sln Grnd + Bless Gem Special S. + Agil S. MP S. + Accr S.
Sln Grnd + Pendulum Special S. + Evas S. MP S. + Return S.
Smk Bomb + Shn Gem Special S. + Accr S. MP S. + Friend S.
Smk Bomb + Bless Gem Special S. + Return S. MP S. + Teleport S.
Smk Bomb + Pendulum Special S. + Friend S. MP S. + Warp S.
Shn Gem + Map Special S. + Teleport S. Str S. + Str S.
Shn Gem + Rename Card Skill S. + Lev 2 K S. Str S. + Def S.
Bless Gem + Map Skill S. + Lev 3 K S. Str S. + Mag S.
Bless Gem + Rename Card Skill S. + HP S. Str S. + Mag Def S.
Suprm Gem + Map Skill S. + MP S. Str S. + Agil S.
Suprm Gem + Rename Card Skill S. + Str S. Str S. + Evas S.
Pwr S. + Master S. Skill S. + Def S. Str S. + Accr S.
Pwr S. + Lev 3 K S. Skill S. + Mag S. Str S. + Return S.
Pwr S. + Lev 4 K S. Skill S. + Mag Def S. Str S. + Friend S.
Pwr S. + HP S. Skill S. + Agil S. Str S. + Teleport S.
Pwr S. + MP S. Skill S. + Evas S. Str S. + Warp S.
Pwr S. + Str S. Skill S. + Accr S. Def S. + Def S.
Pwr S. + Def S. Skill S. + Return S. Def S. + Mag S.
Pwr S. + Mag S. Skill S. + Friend S. Def S. + Mag Def S.
Pwr S. + Mag Def S. Skill S. + Teleport S. Def S. + Agil S.
Pwr S. + Agil S. Wht Mag S. + Lev 2 K S. Def S. + Evas S.
Pwr S. + Evas S. Wht Mag S. + Lev 3 K S. Def S. + Accr S.
Pwr S. + Accr S. Wht Mag S. + HP S. Def S. + Return S.
Pwr S. + Return S. Wht Mag S. + MP S. Def S. + Friend S.
Pwr S. + Friend S. Wht Mag S. + Str S. Def S. + Teleport S.
Pwr S. + Teleport S. Wht Mag S. + Def S. Def S. + Warp S.
Pwr S. + Warp S. Wht Mag S. + Mag S. Mag S. + Mag S.
Pwr S. + Pendulum Wht Mag S. + Mag Def S. Mag S. + Mag Def S.
Pwr S. + Amulet Wht Mag S. + Agil S. Mag S. + Agil S.
Pwr S. + Door Tmrw Wht Mag S. + Evas S. Mag S. + Evas S.
Pwr S. + Wings Disc Wht Mag S. + Accr S. Mag S. + Accr S.
Pwr S. + Gmbl Sprt Wht Mag S. + Return S. Mag S. + Return S.
Pwr S. + Undrdg Scrt Wht Mag S. + Friend S. Mag S. + Friend S.
Pwr S. + Win Frml Wht Mag S. + Teleport S. Mag S. + Teleport S.
Mana S. + Master S. Blk Mag S. + Lev 2 K S. Mag S. + Warp S.
Mana S. + Lev 3 K S. Blk Mag S. + Lev 3 K S. Mag Def S. + Mag Def S.
Mana S. + Lev 4 K S. Blk Mag S. + HP S. Mag Def S. + Agil S.
Mana S. + HP S. Blk Mag S. + MP S. Mag Def S. + Evas S.
Mana S. + MP S. Blk Mag S. + Str S. Mag Def S. + Accr S.
Mana S. + Str S. Blk Mag S. + Def S. Mag Def S. + Return S.
Mana S. + Def S. Blk Mag S. + Mag S. Mag Def S. + Friend S.
Mana S. + Mag S. Blk Mag S. + Mag Def S. Mag Def S. + Teleport S.
Mana S. + Mag Def S. Blk Mag S. + Agil S. Mag Def S. + Warp S.
Mana S. + Agil S. Blk Mag S. + Evas S. Agil S. + Agil S.
Mana S. + Evas S. Blk Mag S. + Accr S. Agil S. + Evas S.
Mana S. + Accr S. Blk Mag S. + Return S. Agil S. + Accr S.
Mana S. + Return S. Blk Mag S. + Friend S. Agil S. + Return S.
Mana S. + Friend S. Blk Mag S. + Teleport S. Agil S. + Friend S.
Mana S. + Teleport S. Master S. + Lev 2 K S. Agil S. + Teleport S.
Mana S. + Warp S. Master S. + Lev 3 K S. Agil S. + Warp S.
Mana S. + Pendulum Master S. + HP S. Evas S. + Evas S.
Mana S. + Amulet Master S. + MP S. Evas S. + Accr S.
Mana S. + Door Tmrw Master S. + Str S. Evas S. + Return S.
Mana S. + Wings Disc Master S. + Def S. Evas S. + Friend S.
Mana S. + Gmbl Sprt Master S. + Mag S. Evas S. + Teleport S.
Mana S. + Undrdg Scrt Master S. + Mag Def S. Evas S. + Warp S.
Mana S. + Win Frml Master S. + Agil S. Accr S. + Accr S.
Speed S. + Master S. Master S. + Evas S. Accr S. + Return S.
Speed S. + Lev 3 K S. Master S. + Accr S. Accr S. + Friend S.
Speed S. + Lev 4 K S. Master S. + Return S. Accr S. + Teleport S.
Speed S. + HP S. Master S. + Friend S. Accr S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + MP S. Master S. + Teleport S. Clear S. + Return S.
Speed S. + Str S. Lev 1 K S. + Lev 2 K S. Clear S. + Friend S.
Speed S. + Def S. Lev 1 K S. + Lev 3 K S. Clear S. + Teleport S.
Speed S. + Mag S. Lev 1 K S. + HP S. Clear S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + Mag Def S. Lev 1 K S. + MP S. Return S. + Return S.
Speed S. + Agil S. Lev 1 K S. + Str S. Return S. + Friend S.
Speed S. + Evas S. Lev 1 K S. + Def S. Return S. + Teleport S.
Speed S. + Accr S. Lev 1 K S. + Mag S. Return S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + Return S. Lev 1 K S. + Mag Def S. Friend S. + Friend S.
Speed S. + Friend S. Lev 1 K S. + Agil S. Friend S. + Teleport S.
Speed S. + Teleport S. Lev 1 K S. + Evas S. Friend S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + Warp S. Lev 1 K S. + Accr S. Teleport S. + Teleport S.
Speed S. + Pendulum Lev 1 K S. + Return S. Teleport S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + Amulet Lev 1 K S. + Friend S. Warp S. + Warp S.
Speed S. + Door Tmrw Lev 1 K S. + Teleport S. Map + Pendulum
Speed S. + Wings Disc Lev 2 K S. + Lev 2 K S. Map + Amulet
Speed S. + Gmbl Sprt Lev 2 K S. + Lev 3 K S. Map + Door Tmrw
Speed S. + Undrdg Scrt Lev 2 K S. + HP S. Map + Wings Disc
Speed S. + Win Frml Lev 2 K S. + MP S. Map + Gmbl Sprt
Abil S. + Master S. Lev 2 K S. + Str S. Map + Undrdg Scrt
Abil S. + Lev 3 K S. Lev 2 K S. + Def S. Map + Win Frml
Abil S. + Lev 4 K S. Lev 2 K S. + Mag S. Rename Card + Pendulum
Abil S. + HP S. Lev 2 K S. + Mag Def S. Rename Card + Amulet
Abil S. + MP S. Lev 2 K S. + Agil S. Rename Card + Door Tmrw
Abil S. + Str S. Lev 2 K S. + Evas S. Rename Card + Wings Disc
Abil S. + Def S. Lev 2 K S. + Accr S. Rename Card + Gmbl Sprt
Abil S. + Mag S. Lev 2 K S. + Return S. Rename Card + Undrdg Scrt
Abil S. + Mag Def S. Lev 2 K S. + Friend S. Rename Card + Win Frml
Abil S. + Agil S. Lev 2 K S. + Teleport S. Grnd + Shn Gem

* Potato Masher - all enemies; large damage

Bomb Core + Lit Gem Skill S. + Wht Mag S. MP S. + Rename Card
Bomb Core + Wtr Gem Skill S. + Blk Mag S. Str S. + Clear S.
Fire Gem + Lit Mrbl Skill S. + Lev 1 K S. Str S. + Map
Fire Gem + Lit Gem Skill S. + Clear S. Str S. + Rename Card
Fire Gem + Drgn Scl Skill S. + Map Def S. + Clear S.
Fire Gem + Wtr Gem Skill S. + Rename Card Def S. + Map
Lit Mrbl + Ice Gem Wht Mag S. + Wht Mag S. Def S. + Rename Card
Lit Gem + Arc Wind Wht Mag S. + Blk Mag S. Mag S. + Clear S.
Lit Gem + Ice Gem Wht Mag S. + Lev 1 K S. Mag S. + Map
Drgn Scl + Ice Gem Wht Mag S. + Clear S. Mag S. + Rename Card
Wtr Gem + Arc Wind Wht Mag S. + Map Mag Def S. + Clear S.
Wtr Gem + Ice Gem Wht Mag S. + Rename Card Mag Def S. + Map
Pwr S. + Lev 2 K S. Blk Mag S. + Blk Mag S. Mag Def S. + Rename Card
Pwr S. + Clear S. Blk Mag S. + Lev 1 K S. Agil S. + Clear S.
Mana S. + Lev 2 K S. Blk Mag S. + Clear S. Agil S. + Map
Mana S. + Clear S. Blk Mag S. + Map Agil S. + Rename Card
Speed S. + Clear S. Blk Mag S. + Rename Card Evas S. + Clear S.
Abil S. + Lev 2 K S. Master S. + Lev 1 K S. Evas S. + Map
Abil S. + Clear S. Master S. + Clear S. Evas S. + Rename Card
Attribute S. + Attribute SMaster S. + Map Accr S. + Clear S.
Attribute S. + Special S. Master S. + Rename Card Accr S. + Map
Attribute S. + Skill S. Lev 1 K S. + Lev 1 K S. Accr S. + Rename Card
Attribute S. + Wht Mag S. Lev 1 K S. + Clear S. Clear S. + Clear S.
Attribute S. + Blk Mag S. Lev 1 K S. + Map Clear S. + Map
Attribute S. + Lev 1 K S. Lev 1 K S. + Rename Card Clear S. + Rename Card
Attribute S. + Clear S. Lev 2 K S. + Clear S. Return S. + Map
Attribute S. + Map Lev 2 K S. + Map Return S. + Rename Card
Attribute S. + Rename CardLev 2 K S. + Rename Card Friend S. + Map
Special S. + Special S. Lev 3 K S. + Clear S. Friend S. + Rename Card
Special S. + Skill S. Lev 3 K S. + Map Teleport S. + Map
Special S. + Wht Mag S. Lev 3 K S. + Rename Card Teleport S. + Rename Card
Special S. + Blk Mag S. HP S. + Clear S. Warp S. + Map
Special S. + Lev 1 K S. HP S. + Map Warp S. + Rename Card
Special S. + Clear S. HP S. + Rename Card Map + Map
Special S. + Map MP S. + Clear S. Map + Rename Card
Special S. + Rename Card MP S. + Map Rename Card + Rename Card
Skill S. + Skill S. Speed S. + Lev 2 K S.

* Tallboy - all enemies; large damage

Bomb Frag + Suprm Gem Shn Gem + Teleport S. Wht Mag S. + Master S.
Bomb Core + Suprm Gem Shn Gem + Musk Wht Mag S. + Lev 4 K S.
Fire Gem + Suprm Gem Shn Gem + Hypello Potn Wht Mag S. + Warp S.
Elec Mrbl + Suprm Gem Shn Gem + Shn Thorn Wht Mag S. + Pendulum
Lit Mrbl + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Bless Gem Wht Mag S. + Amulet
Lit Gem + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Attribute S. Wht Mag S. + Door Tmrw
Fish Scl + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Special S. Wht Mag S. + Wings Disc
Drgn Scl + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Skill S. Wht Mag S. + Gmbl Sprt
Anrc Wind + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Wht Mag S. Wht Mag S. + Undrdg Scrt
Arc Wind + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Blk Mag S. Wht Mag S. + Win Frml
Ice Gem + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Lev 1 K S. Blk Mag S. + Master S.
Grnd + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Lev 2 K S. Blk Mag S. + Lev 4 K S.
Grnd + Amulet Bless Gem + Lev 3 K S. Blk Mag S. + Warp S.
Grnd + Door Tmrw Bless Gem + HP S. Blk Mag S. + Pendulum
Grnd + Wings Disc Bless Gem + MP S. Blk Mag S. + Amulet
Grnd + Gmbl Sprt Bless Gem + Str S. Blk Mag S. + Door Tmrw
Grnd + Undrdg Scrt Bless Gem + Def S. Blk Mag S. + Wings Disc
Grnd + Win Frml Bless Gem + Mag S. Blk Mag S. + Gmbl Sprt
Frag Grnd + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Mag Def S. Blk Mag S. + Undrdg Scrt
Frag Grnd + Three Stars Bless Gem + Agil S. Blk Mag S. + Win Frml
Frag Grnd + Amulet Bless Gem + Evas S. Master S. + Master S.
Frag Grnd + Door Tmrw Bless Gem + Accr S. Master S. + Lev 4 K S.
Frag Grnd + Wings Disc Bless Gem + Clear S. Master S. + Warp S.
Frag Grnd + Gmbl Sprt Bless Gem + Return S. Master S. + Pendulum
Frag Grnd + Undrdg Scrt Bless Gem + Friend S. Lev 1 K S. + Lev 4 K S.
Frag Grnd + Win Frml Bless Gem + Teleport S. Lev 1 K S. + Warp S.
Slp Pwdr + Suprm Gem Bless Gem + Musk Lev 2 K S. + Lev 4 K S.
Slp Pwdr + Amulet Bless Gem + Hypello Potn Lev 2 K S. + Warp S.
Slp Pwdr + Door Tmrw Bless Gem + Shn Thorn Lev 3 K S. + Lev 4 K S.
Slp Pwdr + Wings Disc Suprm Gem + Attribute S. Lev 3 K S. + Warp S.
Slp Pwdr + Gmbl Sprt Suprm Gem + Special S. Lev 4 K S. + Lev 4 K S.
Slp Pwdr + Undrdg Scrt Suprm Gem + Skill S. Lev 4 K S. + HP S.
Slp Pwdr + Win Frml Suprm Gem + Wht Mag S. Lev 4 K S. + MP S.
Dream Pwdr + Suprm Gem Suprm Gem + Blk Mag S. Lev 4 K S. + Str S.
Dream Pwdr + Amulet Suprm Gem + Lev 1 K S. Lev 4 K S. + Def S.
Dream Pwdr + Door Tmrw Suprm Gem + Lev 2 K S. Lev 4 K S. + Mag S.
Dream Pwdr + Wings Disc Suprm Gem + HP S. Lev 4 K S. + Mag Def S.
Dream Pwdr + Gmbl Sprt Suprm Gem + MP S. Lev 4 K S. + Agil S.
Dream Pwdr + Undrdg Scrt Suprm Gem + Str S. Lev 4 K S. + Evas S.
Dream Pwdr + Win Frml Suprm Gem + Def S. Lev 4 K S. + Accr S.
Sln Grnd + Suprm Gem Suprm Gem + Mag S. Lev 4 K S. + Clear S.
Sln Grnd + Amulet Suprm Gem + Mag Def S. Lev 4 K S. + Return S.
Sln Grnd + Door Tmrw Suprm Gem + Agil S. Lev 4 K S. + Friend S.
Sln Grnd + Wings Disc Suprm Gem + Evas S. Lev 4 K S. + Teleport S.
Sln Grnd + Gmbl Sprt Suprm Gem + Accr S. Lev 4 K S. + Warp S.
Sln Grnd + Undrdg Scrt Suprm Gem + Clear S. Clear S. + Pendulum
Sln Grnd + Win Frml Suprm Gem + Return S. Clear S. + Amulet
Smk Bomb + Suprm Gem Suprm Gem + Musk Clear S. + Door Tmrw
Smk Bomb + Amulet Suprm Gem + Hypello Potn Clear S. + Wings Disc
Smk Bomb + Door Tmrw Suprm Gem + Shn Thorn Clear S. + Gmbl Sprt
Smk Bomb + Wings Disc Attribute S. + Master S. Clear S. + Undrdg Scrt
Smk Bomb + Gmbl Sprt Attribute S. + Lev 4 K S. Clear S. + Win Frml
Smk Bomb + Undrdg Scrt Attribute S. + Warp S. Return S. + Pendulum
Smk Bomb + Win Frml Attribute S. + Pendulum Return S. + Amulet
Shdw Gem + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Amulet Return S. + Door Tmrw
Shdw Gem + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Door Tmrw Return S. + Wings Disc
Shdw Gem + Suprm Gem Attribute S. + Wings Disc Return S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shn Gem + Shn Gem Attribute S. + Gmbl Sprt Return S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Bless Gem Attribute S. + Undrdg Scrt Return S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Attribute S. Attribute S. + Win Frml Friend S. + Pendulum
Shn Gem + Special S. Special S. + Master S. Friend S. + Amulet
Shn Gem + Skill S. Special S. + Lev 4 K S. Friend S. + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + Wht Mag S. Special S. + Warp S. Friend S. + Wings Disc
Shn Gem + Blk Mag S. Special S. + Pendulum Friend S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shn Gem + Lev 1 K S. Special S. + Amulet Friend S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Lev 2 K S. Special S. + Door Tmrw Friend S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Lev 3 K S. Special S. + Wings Disc Teleport S. + Pendulum
Shn Gem + Lev 4 K S. Special S. + Gmbl Sprt Teleport S. + Amulet
Shn Gem + HP S. Special S. + Undrdg Scrt Teleport S. + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + MP S. Special S. + Win Frml Teleport S. + Wings Disc
Shn Gem + Str S. Skill S. + Master S. Teleport S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shn Gem + Def S. Skill S. + Lev 4 K S. Teleport S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Mag S. Skill S. + Warp S. Teleport S. + Win Frml
Shn Gem + Mag Def S. Skill S. + Pendulum Warp S. + Pendulum
Shn Gem + Agil S. Skill S. + Amulet Warp S. + Amulet
Shn Gem + Evas S. Skill S. + Door Tmrw Warp S. + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + Accr S. Skill S. + Wings Disc Warp S. + Wings Disc
Shn Gem + Clear S. Skill S. + Gmbl Sprt Warp S. + Gmbl Sprt
Shn Gem + Return S. Skill S. + Undrdg Scrt Warp S. + Undrdg Scrt
Shn Gem + Friend S. Skill S. + Win Frml Warp S. + Win Frml
Wtr Gem + Suprm Gem

* Chaos Grenade - all enemies; large damage plus status abnormalities

MP S. + Hypello Potn Psn Fang + Def S. Frpln Shdw + Str S.
Grnd + HP S. Psn Fang + Mag S. Frpln Shdw + Def S.
Grnd + MP S. Psn Fang + Mag Def S. Frpln Shdw + Mag S.
Grnd + Str S. Psn Fang + Agil S. Frpln Shdw + Mag Def S.
Grnd + Def S. Psn Fang + Evas S. Frpln Shdw + Agil S.
Grnd + Mag S. Psn Fang + Accr S. Frpln Shdw + Evas S.
Grnd + Mag Def S. Psn Fang + Return S. Frpln Shdw + Accr S.
Grnd + Agil S. Psn Fang + Friend S. Frpln Shdw + Clear S.
Grnd + Evas S. Psn Fang + Teleport S. Frpln Shdw + Return S.
Grnd + Accr S. Psn Fang + Warp S. Frpln Shdw + Friend S.
Grnd + Return S. Psn Fang + Pendulum Frpln Shdw + Teleport S.
Grnd + Friend S. Psn Fang + Amulet Frpln Shdw + Warp S.
Grnd + Teleport S. Psn Fang + Door Tmrw Frpln Shdw + Pendulum
Grnd + Warp S. Psn Fang + Wings Disc Frpln Shdw + Amulet
Frag Grnd + Master S. Psn Fang + Gmbl Sprt Frpln Shdw + Door Tmrw
Frag Grnd + Lev 3 K S. Psn Fang + Undrdg Scrt Frpln Shdw + Wings Disc
Frag Grnd + Lev 4 K S. Psn Fang + Win Frml Frpln Shdw + Gmbl Sprt
Frag Grnd + HP S. Slv Hrgls + Master S. Frpln Shdw + Undrdg Scrt
Frag Grnd + MP S. Slv Hrgls + Lev 3 K S. Frpln Shdw + Win Frml
Frag Grnd + Str S. Slv Hrgls + Lev 4 K S. Frpln Wind + Frpln Wind
Frag Grnd + Def S. Slv Hrgls + HP S. Frpln Wind + Attribute S.
Frag Grnd + Mag S. Slv Hrgls + MP S. Frpln Wind + Special S.
Frag Grnd + Mag Def S. Slv Hrgls + Str S. Frpln Wind + Skill S.
Frag Grnd + Agil S. Slv Hrgls + Def S. Frpln Wind + Wht Mag S.
Frag Grnd + Evas S. Slv Hrgls + Mag S. Frpln Wind + Blk Mag S.
Frag Grnd + Accr S. Slv Hrgls + Mag Def S. Frpln Wind + Master S.
Frag Grnd + Return S. Slv Hrgls + Agil S. Frpln Wind + Lev 1 K S.
Frag Grnd + Friend S. Slv Hrgls + Evas S. Frpln Wind + Lev 2 K S.
Frag Grnd + Teleport S. Slv Hrgls + Accr S. Frpln Wind + Lev 3 K S.
Frag Grnd + Warp S. Slv Hrgls + Return S. Frpln Wind + Lev 4 K S.
Slp Pwdr + Master S. Slv Hrgls + Friend S. Frpln Wind + HP S.
Slp Pwdr + Lev 3 K S. Slv Hrgls + Teleport S. Frpln Wind + MP S.
Slp Pwdr + Lev 4 K S. Slv Hrgls + Warp S. Frpln Wind + Str S.
Slp Pwdr + HP S. Slv Hrgls + Pendulum Frpln Wind + Def S.
Slp Pwdr + MP S. Slv Hrgls + Amulet Frpln Wind + Mag S.
Slp Pwdr + Str S. Slv Hrgls + Door Tmrw Frpln Wind + Mag Def S.
Slp Pwdr + Def S. Slv Hrgls + Wings Disc Frpln Wind + Agil S.
Slp Pwdr + Mag S. Slv Hrgls + Gmbl Sprt Frpln Wind + Evas S.
Slp Pwdr + Mag Def S. Slv Hrgls + Undrdg Scrt Frpln Wind + Accr S.
Slp Pwdr + Agil S. Slv Hrgls + Win Frml Frpln Wind + Clear S.
Slp Pwdr + Evas S. Gold Hrgls + Master S. Frpln Wind + Return S.
Slp Pwdr + Accr S. Gold Hrgls + Lev 3 K S. Frpln Wind + Friend S.
Slp Pwdr + Return S. Gold Hrgls + Lev 4 K S. Frpln Wind + Teleport S.
Slp Pwdr + Friend S. Gold Hrgls + HP S. Frpln Wind + Warp S.
Slp Pwdr + Teleport S. Gold Hrgls + MP S. Frpln Wind + Pendulum
Slp Pwdr + Warp S. Gold Hrgls + Str S. Frpln Wind + Amulet
Dream Pwdr + Master S. Gold Hrgls + Def S. Frpln Wind + Door Tmrw
Dream Pwdr + Lev 3 K S. Gold Hrgls + Mag S. Frpln Wind + Wings Disc
Dream Pwdr + Lev 4 K S. Gold Hrgls + Mag Def S. Frpln Wind + Gmbl Sprt
Dream Pwdr + HP S. Gold Hrgls + Agil S. Frpln Wind + Undrdg Scrt
Dream Pwdr + MP S. Gold Hrgls + Evas S. Frpln Wind + Win Frml
Dream Pwdr + Str S. Gold Hrgls + Accr S. Master S. + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Def S. Gold Hrgls + Return S. Master S. + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Mag S. Gold Hrgls + Friend S. Master S. + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + Mag Def S. Gold Hrgls + Teleport S. Lev 3 K S. + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Agil S. Gold Hrgls + Warp S. Lev 3 K S. + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Evas S. Gold Hrgls + Pendulum Lev 3 K S. + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + Accr S. Gold Hrgls + Amulet Lev 4 K S. + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Return S. Gold Hrgls + Door Tmrw Lev 4 K S. + Hypello Potn
Dream Pwdr + Friend S. Gold Hrgls + Wings Disc Lev 4 K S. + Shn Thorn
Dream Pwdr + Teleport S. Gold Hrgls + Gmbl Sprt HP S. + Musk
Dream Pwdr + Warp S. Gold Hrgls + Undrdg Scrt HP S. + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Master S. Gold Hrgls + Win Frml HP S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Lev 3 K S. Cndl of Life + Master S. MP S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + Lev 4 K S. Cndl of Life + Lev 3 K S. MP S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + HP S. Cndl of Life + Lev 4 K S. Str S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + MP S. Cndl of Life + HP S. Str S. + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Str S. Cndl of Life + MP S. Str S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Def S. Cndl of Life + Str S. Def S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + Mag S. Cndl of Life + Def S. Def S. + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Mag Def S. Cndl of Life + Mag S. Def S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Agil S. Cndl of Life + Mag Def S. Mag S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + Evas S. Cndl of Life + Agil S. Mag S. + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Accr S. Cndl of Life + Evas S. Mag S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Return S. Cndl of Life + Accr S. Mag Def S. + Musk
Sln Grnd + Friend S. Cndl of Life + Return S. Mag Def S. + Hypello Potn
Sln Grnd + Teleport S. Cndl of Life + Friend S. Mag Def S. + Shn Thorn
Sln Grnd + Warp S. Cndl of Life + Teleport S. Agil S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Master S. Cndl of Life + Warp S. Agil S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Lev 3 K S. Cndl of Life + Pendulum Agil S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Lev 4 K S. Cndl of Life + Amulet Evas S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + HP S. Cndl of Life + Door Tmrw Evas S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + MP S. Cndl of Life + Wings Disc Evas S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Str S. Cndl of Life + Gmbl Sprt Accr S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Def S. Cndl of Life + Undrdg Scrt Accr S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Mag S. Cndl of Life + Win Frml Accr S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Mag Def S. Ptr Grnd + Master S. Return S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Agil S. Ptr Grnd + Lev 3 K S. Return S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Evas S. Ptr Grnd + Lev 4 K S. Return S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Accr S. Ptr Grnd + HP S. Friend S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Return S. Ptr Grnd + MP S. Friend S. + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Friend S. Ptr Grnd + Str S. Friend S. + Shn Thorn
Smk Bomb + Teleport S. Ptr Grnd + Def S. Teleport S. + Musk
Smk Bomb + Warp S. Ptr Grnd + Mag S. Teleport S. + Hypello Potn
Shn Gem + Frpln Shdw Ptr Grnd + Mag Def S. Teleport S. + Shn Thorn
Shn Gem + Frpln Wind Ptr Grnd + Agil S. Warp S. + Musk
Bless Gem + Frpln Shdw Ptr Grnd + Evas S. Warp S. + Hypello Potn
Bless Gem + Frpln Wind Ptr Grnd + Accr S. Warp S. + Shn Thorn
Suprm Gem + Psn Fang Ptr Grnd + Return S. Musk + Pendulum
Suprm Gem + Slv Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Friend S. Musk + Amulet
Suprm Gem + Gold Hrgls Ptr Grnd + Teleport S. Musk + Door Tmrw
Suprm Gem + Cndl of Life Ptr Grnd + Warp S. Musk + Wings Disc
Suprm Gem + Ptr Grnd Ptr Grnd + Pendulum Musk + Gmbl Sprt
Suprm Gem + Frpln Shdw Ptr Grnd + Amulet Musk + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Frpln Wind Ptr Grnd + Door Tmrw Musk + Win Frml
Suprm Gem + Choc Fthr Ptr Grnd + Wings Disc Hypello Potn + Pendulum
Suprm Gem + Choc Wing Ptr Grnd + Gmbl Sprt Hypello Potn + Amulet
Suprm Gem + Lunar Crtn Ptr Grnd + Undrdg Scrt Hypello Potn + Door Tmrw
Suprm Gem + Light Crtn Ptr Grnd + Win Frml Hypello Potn + Wings Disc
Suprm Gem + Star Crtn Frpln Shdw + Attribute S. Hypello Potn + Gmbl Sprt
Suprm Gem + Heal Sprng Frpln Shdw + Special S. Hypello Potn + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Mana Sprng Frpln Shdw + Skill S. Hypello Potn + Win Frml
Suprm Gem + Stmn Sprng Frpln Shdw + Wht Mag S. Shn Thorn + Pendulum
Suprm Gem + Soul Sprng Frpln Shdw + Blk Mag S. Shn Thorn + Amulet
Suprm Gem + Prfy Salt Frpln Shdw + Master S. Shn Thorn + Door Tmrw
Psn Fang + Master S. Frpln Shdw + Lev 1 K S. Shn Thorn + Wings Disc
Psn Fang + Lev 3 K S. Frpln Shdw + Lev 2 K S. Shn Thorn + Gmbl Sprt
Psn Fang + Lev 4 K S. Frpln Shdw + Lev 3 K S. Shn Thorn + Undrdg Scrt
Psn Fang + HP S. Frpln Shdw + Lev 4 K S. Shn Thorn + Win Frml
Psn Fang + MP S. Frpln Shdw + HP S. Pendulum + Pendulum
Psn Fang + Str S. Frpln Shdw + MP S. Pendulum + Amulet

* Nega Burst - all enemies; HP reduced to 1/4th

Pwr Distl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Blk Mag S.
Mana Distl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Psn Fang Shdw Gem + Lev 1 K S.
Agil Distl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Slv Hrgls Shdw Gem + Lev 2 K S.
Abil Distl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Gold Hrgls Shdw Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Al Bhed Potn + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Cndl of Life Shdw Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Bomb Frag + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Ptr Grnd Shdw Gem + HP S.
Bomb Core + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Frpln Shdw Shdw Gem + MP S.
Fire Gem + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Frpln Wind Shdw Gem + Str S.
Elec Mrbl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Choc Fthr Shdw Gem + Def S.
Lit Mrbl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Choc Wing Shdw Gem + Mag S.
Lit Gem + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Heal Sprng Shdw Gem + Mag Def S.
Fish Scl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Mana Sprng Shdw Gem + Agil S.
Drgn Scl + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Stmn Sprng Shdw Gem + Evas S.
Wtr Gem + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Soul Sprng Shdw Gem + Accr S.
Anrc Wind + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Prfy Salt Shdw Gem + Clear S.
Arc Wind + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Pwr S. Shdw Gem + Return S.
Ice Gem + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Mana S. Shdw Gem + Friend S.
Grnd + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Speed S. Shdw Gem + Teleport S.
Frag Grnd + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Abil S. Shdw Gem + Map
Slp Pwdr + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Attribute S. Shdw Gem + Rename Card
Dream Pwdr + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Special S. Shdw Gem + Musk
Sln Grnd + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Skill S. Shdw Gem + Hypello Potn
Smk Bomb + Shdw Gem Shdw Gem + Wht Mag S. Shdw Gem + Shn Thorn

* Black Hole - all enemies; HP reduced to 1/16th

Shdw Gem + Master S. Shdw Gem + Gmbl Sprt Shdw Gem + Amulet
Shdw Gem + Warp S. Shdw Gem + Undrdg Scrt Shdw Gem + Door Tmrw
Shdw Gem + Pendulum Shdw Gem + Win Frml Shdw Gem + Wings Disc

* Supernova - all enemies; 19998 damage

Fire Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Fortune S. Dark Matter + Friend S.
Lit Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Attribute S. Dark Matter + Teleport S.
Wtr Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Special S. Dark Matter + Warp S.
Ice Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Skill S. Dark Matter + Amulet
Shn Gem + Suprm Gem Dark Matter + Wht Mag S. Dark Matter + D. Wallet
Shn Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Blk Mag S. Dark Matter + Door Tmrw
Shn Gem + Three Stars Dark Matter + Master S. Dark Matter + Wings Disc
Bless Gem + Suprm Gem Dark Matter + Lev 1 K S. Dark Matter + Gmbl Sprt
Bless Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Lev 2 K S. Dark Matter + Undrdg Scrt
Bless Gem + Mana Tblt Dark Matter + Lev 3 K S. Dark Matter + Win Frml
Bless Gem + Mana Tonic Dark Matter + Lev 4 K S. Three Stars + Three Stars
Bless Gem + Three Stars Dark Matter + HP S. Master S. + Amulet
Suprm Gem + Suprm Gem Dark Matter + MP S. Master S. + Door Tmrw
Suprm Gem + Dark Matter Dark Matter + Str S. Master S. + Wings Disc
Suprm Gem + Mana Tblt Dark Matter + Def S. Master S. + Gmbl Sprt
Suprm Gem + Mana Tonic Dark Matter + Mag S. Master S. + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Three Stars Dark Matter + Mag Def S. Master S. + Win Frml
Suprm Gem + Warp S. Dark Matter + Agil S. Wings Disc + Gmbl Sprt
Suprm Gem + Amulet Dark Matter + Evas S. Wings Disc + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Door Tmrw Dark Matter + Accr S. Wings Disc + Win Frml
Suprm Gem + Wings Disc Dark Matter + Luck S. Gmbl Sprt + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Gmbl Sprt Dark Matter + Clear S. Gmbl Sprt + Win Frml
Suprm Gem + Undrdg Scrt Dark Matter + Return S. Undrdg Scrt + Undrdg Scrt
Suprm Gem + Win Frml Undrdg Scrt + Win Frml
Dark Matter + Dark Matter Win Frml + Win Frml

- FIRE -

* Heat Blaster - all enemies; small damage in five bursts

Antd + Bomb Frag Agil Distl + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Lev 1 K S.
Antd + Bomb Core Abil Distl + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Map
Soft + Bomb Frag Abil Distl + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Rename Card
Soft + Bomb Core Al Bhed Potn + Bomb Frag Bomb Core + Anrc Wind
Eyedrop + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Grnd Bomb Core + Grnd
Eyedrop + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Frag Grnd Bomb Core + Pwr S.
Echo Scrn + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Three Stars Bomb Core + Mana S.
Echo Scrn + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Pwr S. Bomb Core + Speed S.
Holy Wtr + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Mana S. Bomb Core + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Speed S. Bomb Core + Attribute S.
Remedy + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Abil S. Bomb Core + Map
Pwr Distl + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Attribute S. Bomb Core + Rename Card
Pwr Distl + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Special S. Fire Gem + Anrc Wind
Mana Distl + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Skill S. Fire Gem + Arc Wind
Mana Distl + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Wht Mag S. Fire Gem + Map
Agil Distl + Bomb Frag Bomb Frag + Blk Mag S. Fire Gem + Rename Card

* Fire Storm - all enemies; small damage in six bursts

Antd + Fire Gem Heal Wtr + Bomb Core Bomb Core + Special S.
Soft + Fire Gem Heal Wtr + Fire Gem Bomb Core + Skill S.
Eyedrop + Fire Gem Tetra Elem + Bomb Frag Bomb Core + Wht Mag S.
Echo Scrn + Fire Gem Tetra Elem + Bomb Core Bomb Core + Blk Mag S.
Holy Wtr + Fire Gem Tetra Elem + Fire Gem Bomb Core + Lev 1 K S.
Remedy + Bomb Core Bomb Frag + Bomb Frag Bomb Core + Clear S.
Remedy + Fire Gem Bomb Frag + Bomb Core Fire Gem + Fire Gem
Pwr Distl + Fire Gem Bomb Frag + Fire Gem Fire Gem + Grnd
Mana Distl + Fire Gem Bomb Frag + Lev 2 K S. Fire Gem + Frag Grnd
Agil Distl + Fire Gem Bomb Frag + Clear S. Fire Gem + Pwr S.
Abil Distl + Fire Gem Bomb Core + Bomb Core Fire Gem + Mana S.
Al Bhed Potn + Bomb Core Bomb Core + Fire Gem Fire Gem + Speed S.
Al Bhed Potn + Fire Gem Bomb Core + Frag Grnd Fire Gem + Abil S.
Heal Wtr + Bomb Frag Bomb Core + Three Stars Fire Gem + Attribute S.
Fire Gem + Clear S.

* Burning Soul - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts

Bomb Frag + Master S. Bomb Frag + Undrdg Scrt Fire Gem + Skill S.
Bomb Frag + Lev 3 K S. Bomb Frag + Win Frml Fire Gem + Wht Mag S.
Bomb Frag + Lev 4 K S. Bomb Core + Master S. Fire Gem + Blk Mag S.
Bomb Frag + HP S. Bomb Core + Lev 2 K S. Fire Gem + Master S.
Bomb Frag + MP S. Bomb Core + Lev 3 K S. Fire Gem + Lev 1 K S.
Bomb Frag + Str S. Bomb Core + Lev 4 K S. Fire Gem + Lev 2 K S.
Bomb Frag + Def S. Bomb Core + HP S. Fire Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Bomb Frag + Mag S. Bomb Core + MP S. Fire Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Bomb Frag + Mag Def S. Bomb Core + Str S. Fire Gem + HP S.
Bomb Frag + Agil S. Bomb Core + Def S. Fire Gem + MP S.
Bomb Frag + Evas S. Bomb Core + Mag S. Fire Gem + Str S.
Bomb Frag + Accr S. Bomb Core + Mag Def S. Fire Gem + Def S.
Bomb Frag + Return S. Bomb Core + Agil S. Fire Gem + Mag S.
Bomb Frag + Friend S. Bomb Core + Evas S. Fire Gem + Mag Def S.
Bomb Frag + Teleport S. Bomb Core + Accr S. Fire Gem + Agil S.
Bomb Frag + Warp S. Bomb Core + Return S. Fire Gem + Evas S.
Bomb Frag + Pendulum Bomb Core + Friend S. Fire Gem + Accr S.
Bomb Frag + Amulet Bomb Core + Teleport S. Fire Gem + Return S.
Bomb Frag + Door Tmrw Bomb Core + Warp S. Fire Gem + Friend S.
Bomb Frag + Wings Disc Fire Gem + Special S. Fire Gem + Teleport S.
Bomb Frag + Gmbl Sprt Fire Gem + Warp S.

* Brimstone - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status Abnormalities

Bomb Frag + Slp Pwdr Bomb Frag + Mana Sprng Bomb Core + Slv Hrgls
Bomb Frag + Dream Pwdr Bomb Frag + Stmn Sprng Bomb Core + Gold Hrgls
Bomb Frag + Sln Grnd Bomb Frag + Soul Sprng Bomb Core + Cndl of Life
Bomb Frag + Smk Bomb Bomb Frag + Prfy Salt Bomb Core + Ptr Grnd
Bomb Frag + Psn Fang Bomb Frag + Musk Bomb Core + Heal Sprng
Bomb Frag + Slv Hrgls Bomb Frag + Hypello Potn Bomb Core + Mana Sprng
Bomb Frag + Gold Hrgls Bomb Frag + Shn Thorn Bomb Core + Stmn Sprng
Bomb Frag + Cndl of Life Bomb Core + Slp Pwdr Bomb Core + Soul Sprng
Bomb Frag + Ptr Grnd Bomb Core + Sln Grnd Bomb Core + Prfy Salt
Bomb Frag + Frpln Shdw Bomb Core + Smk Bomb Bomb Core + Musk
Bomb Frag + Frpln Wind Bomb Core + Psn Fang Bomb Core + Hypello Potn
Bomb Frag + Heal Sprng Bomb Core + Shn Thorn

* Abaddon Flame - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus
status abnormalities

Bomb Frag + Choc Fthr Fire Gem + Sln Grnd Fire Gem + Choc Fthr
Bomb Frag + Choc Wing Fire Gem + Smk Bomb Fire Gem + Choc Wing
Bomb Core + Dream Pwdr Fire Gem + Psn Fang Fire Gem + Heal Sprng
Bomb Core + Frpln Shdw Fire Gem + Slv Hrgls Fire Gem + Mana Sprng
Bomb Core + Frpln Wind Fire Gem + Gold Hrgls Fire Gem + Stmn Sprng
Bomb Core + Choc Fthr Fire Gem + Cndl of Life Fire Gem + Soul Sprng
Bomb Core + Choc Wing Fire Gem + Ptr Grnd Fire Gem + Prfy Salt
Fire Gem + Slp Pwdr Fire Gem + Frpln Shdw Fire Gem + Musk
Fire Gem + Dream Pwdr Fire Gem + Frpln Wind Fire Gem + Hypello Potn
Fire Gem + Shn Thorn


* Thunderbolt - all enemies; small damage in five bursts

Antd + Elec Mrbl Agil Distl + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Lev 1 K S.
Antd + Lit Mrbl Abil Distl + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Map
Soft + Elec Mrbl Abil Distl + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Rename Card
Soft + Lit Mrbl Al Bhed Potn + Elec Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Fish Scl
Eyedrop + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Grnd Lit Mrbl + Grnd
Eyedrop + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Frag Grnd Lit Mrbl + Pwr S.
Echo Scrn + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Three Stars Lit Mrbl + Mana S.
Echo Scrn + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Pwr S. Lit Mrbl + Speed S.
Holy Wtr + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Mana S. Lit Mrbl + Abil S.
Holy Wtr + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Speed S. Lit Mrbl + Attribute S.
Remedy + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Abil S. Lit Mrbl + Map
Pwr Distl + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Attribute S. Lit Mrbl + Rename Card
Pwr Distl + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Special S. Lit Gem + Fish Scl
Mana Distl + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Skill S. Lit Gem + Drgn Scl
Mana Distl + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Wht Mag S. Lit Gem + Map
Agil Distl + Elec Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Blk Mag S. Lit Gem + Rename Card

* Rolling Thunder - all enemies; small damage in six bursts

Antd + Lit Gem Heal Wtr + Lit Gem Lit Mrbl + Special S.
Soft + Lit Gem Tetra Elem + Elec Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Skill S.
Eyedrop + Lit Gem Tetra Elem + Lit Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Wht Mag S.
Echo Scrn + Lit Gem Tetra Elem + Lit Gem Lit Mrbl + Blk Mag S.
Holy Wtr + Lit Gem Elec Mrbl + Elec Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Lev 1 K S.
Remedy + Lit Mrbl Elec Mrbl + Lit Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Clear S.
Remedy + Lit Gem Elec Mrbl + Lit Gem Lit Gem + Lit Gem
Pwr Distl + Lit Gem Elec Mrbl + Lev 2 K S. Lit Gem + Grnd
Mana Distl + Lit Gem Elec Mrbl + Clear S. Lit Gem + Frag Grnd
Agil Distl + Lit Gem Lit Mrbl + Lit Mrbl Lit Gem + Pwr S.
Abil Distl + Lit Gem Lit Mrbl + Lit Gem Lit Gem + Mana S.
Al Bhed Potn + Lit Mrbl Lit Mrbl + Frag Grnd Lit Gem + Speed S.
Al Bhed Potn + Lit Gem Lit Mrbl + Three Stars Lit Gem + Abil S.
Heal Wtr + Elec Mrbl Heal Wtr + Lit Mrbl Lit Gem + Attribute S.
Lit Gem + Clear S.

* Lightning Bolt - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts

Elec Mrbl + Master S. Elec Mrbl + Undrdg Scrt Lit Gem + Skill S.
Elec Mrbl + Lev 3 K S. Elec Mrbl + Win Frml Lit Gem + Wht Mag S.
Elec Mrbl + Lev 4 K S. Lit Mrbl + Master S. Lit Gem + Blk Mag S.
Elec Mrbl + HP S. Lit Mrbl + Lev 2 K S. Lit Gem + Master S.
Elec Mrbl + MP S. Lit Mrbl + Lev 3 K S. Lit Gem + Lev 1 K S.
Elec Mrbl + Str S. Lit Mrbl + Lev 4 K S. Lit Gem + Lev 2 K S.
Elec Mrbl + Def S. Lit Mrbl + HP S. Lit Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Elec Mrbl + Mag S. Lit Mrbl + MP S. Lit Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Elec Mrbl + Mag Def S. Lit Mrbl + Str S. Lit Gem + HP S.
Elec Mrbl + Agil S. Lit Mrbl + Def S. Lit Gem + MP S.
Elec Mrbl + Evas S. Lit Mrbl + Mag S. Lit Gem + Str S.
Elec Mrbl + Accr S. Lit Mrbl + Mag Def S. Lit Gem + Def S.
Elec Mrbl + Return S. Lit Mrbl + Agil S. Lit Gem + Mag S.
Elec Mrbl + Friend S. Lit Mrbl + Evas S. Lit Gem + Mag Def S.
Elec Mrbl + Teleport S. Lit Mrbl + Accr S. Lit Gem + Agil S.
Elec Mrbl + Warp S. Lit Mrbl + Return S. Lit Gem + Evas S.
Elec Mrbl + Pendulum Lit Mrbl + Friend S. Lit Gem + Accr S.
Elec Mrbl + Amulet Lit Mrbl + Teleport S. Lit Gem + Return S.
Elec Mrbl + Door Tmrw Lit Mrbl + Warp S. Lit Gem + Friend S.
Elec Mrbl + Wings Disc Lit Gem + Special S. Lit Gem + Teleport S.
Elec Mrbl + Gmbl Sprt Lit Gem + Warp S.

* Electroshock - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Elec Mrbl + Slp Pwdr Elec Mrbl + Heal Sprng Lit Mrbl + Gold Hrgls
Elec Mrbl + Dream Pwdr Elec Mrbl + Mana Sprng Lit Mrbl + Cndl of Life
Elec Mrbl + Sln Grnd Elec Mrbl + Stmn Sprng Lit Mrbl + Ptr Grnd
Elec Mrbl + Smk Bomb Elec Mrbl + Soul Sprng Lit Mrbl + Choc Fthr
Elec Mrbl + Psn Fang Elec Mrbl + Prfy Salt Lit Mrbl + Choc Wing
Elec Mrbl + Slv Hrgls Elec Mrbl + Musk Lit Mrbl + Heal Sprng
Elec Mrbl + Gold Hrgls Elec Mrbl + Hypello Potn Lit Mrbl + Mana Sprng
Elec Mrbl + Cndl of Life Elec Mrbl + Shn Thorn Lit Mrbl + Stmn Sprng
Elec Mrbl + Ptr Grnd Lit Mrbl + Slp Pwdr Lit Mrbl + Soul Sprng
Elec Mrbl + Frpln Shdw Lit Mrbl + Sln Grnd Lit Mrbl + Prfy Salt
Elec Mrbl + Frpln Wind Lit Mrbl + Smk Bomb Lit Mrbl + Musk
Elec Mrbl + Choc Fthr Lit Mrbl + Psn Fang Lit Mrbl + Hypello Potn
Elec Mrbl + Choc Wing Lit Mrbl + Slv Hrgls Lit Mrbl + Shn Thorn

* Thunderblast - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Lit Mrbl + Dream Pwdr Lit Gem + Slv Hrgls Lit Gem + Heal Sprng
Lit Mrbl + Frpln Shdw Lit Gem + Gold Hrgls Lit Gem + Mana Sprng
Lit Mrbl + Frpln Wind Lit Gem + Cndl of Life Lit Gem + Stmn Sprng
Lit Gem + Slp Pwdr Lit Gem + Ptr Grnd Lit Gem + Soul Sprng
Lit Gem + Dream Pwdr Lit Gem + Frpln Shdw Lit Gem + Prfy Salt
Lit Gem + Sln Grnd Lit Gem + Frpln Wind Lit Gem + Musk
Lit Gem + Smk Bomb Lit Gem + Choc Fthr Lit Gem + Hypello Potn
Lit Gem + Psn Fang Lit Gem + Choc Wing Lit Gem + Shn Thorn

- Water -

* Waterfall - all enemies; small damage in five bursts

Antd + Fish Scl Agil Distl + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Skill S.
Antd + Drgn Scl Abil Distl + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Wht Mag S.
Soft + Fish Scl Abil Distl + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Blk Mag S.
Soft + Drgn Scl Al Bhed Potn + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Lev 1 K S.
Eyedrop + Fish Scl Elec Mrbl + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Map
Eyedrop + Drgn Scl Elec Mrbl + Wtr Gem Fish Scl + Rename Card
Echo Scrn + Fish Scl Lit Mrbl + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Grnd
Echo Scrn + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Grnd Drgn Scl + Pwr S.
Holy Wtr + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Frag Grnd Drgn Scl + Mana S.
Holy Wtr + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Three Stars Drgn Scl + Speed S.
Remedy + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Pwr S. Drgn Scl + Abil S.
Pwr Distl + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Mana S. Drgn Scl + Attribute S.
Pwr Distl + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Speed S. Drgn Scl + Map
Mana Distl + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Abil S. Drgn Scl + Rename Card
Mana Distl + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Attribute S. Wtr Gem + Map
Agil Distl + Fish Scl Fish Scl + Special S. Wtr Gem + Rename Card

* Flash Flood - all enemies; small damage in six bursts

Antd + Wtr Gem Heal Wtr + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Wht Mag S.
Soft + Wtr Gem Tetra Elem + Fish Scl Drgn Scl + Blk Mag S.
Eyedrop + Wtr Gem Tetra Elem + Drgn Scl Drgn Scl + Lev 1 K S.
Echo Scrn + Wtr Gem Tetra Elem + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Clear S.
Holy Wtr + Wtr Gem Fish Scl + Fish Scl Wtr Gem + Wtr Gem
Remedy + Drgn Scl Fish Scl + Drgn Scl Wtr Gem + Grnd
Remedy + Wtr Gem Fish Scl + Wtr Gem Wtr Gem + Frag Grnd
Pwr Distl + Wtr Gem Fish Scl + Lev 2 K S. Wtr Gem + Pwr S.
Mana Distl + Wtr Gem Fish Scl + Clear S. Wtr Gem + Mana S.
Agil Distl + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Drgn Scl Wtr Gem + Speed S.
Abil Distl + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Wtr Gem Wtr Gem + Abil S.
Al Bhed Potn + Drgn Scl Drgn Scl + Frag Grnd Wtr Gem + Attribute S.
Al Bhed Potn + Wtr Gem Drgn Scl + Three Stars Wtr Gem + Clear S.
Heal Wtr + Fish Scl Drgn Scl + Special S. Grnd + Grnd
Heal Wtr + Drgn Scl Drgn Scl + Skill S. Grnd + Frag Grnd
Frag Grnd + Frag Grnd

* Tidal Wave - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts

Fish Scl + Master S. Fish Scl + Gmbl Sprt Wtr Gem + Skill S.
Fish Scl + Lev 3 K S. Fish Scl + Undrdg Scrt Wtr Gem + Wht Mag S.
Fish Scl + Lev 4 K S. Fish Scl + Win Frml Wtr Gem + Blk Mag S.
Fish Scl + HP S. Drgn Scl + Master S. Wtr Gem + Master S.
Fish Scl + MP S. Drgn Scl + Lev 2 K S. Wtr Gem + Lev 1 K S.
Fish Scl + Str S. Drgn Scl + Lev 3 K S. Wtr Gem + Lev 2 K S.
Fish Scl + Def S. Drgn Scl + Lev 4 K S. Wtr Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Fish Scl + Mag S. Drgn Scl + HP S. Wtr Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Fish Scl + Mag Def S. Drgn Scl + MP S. Wtr Gem + HP S.
Fish Scl + Agil S. Drgn Scl + Str S. Wtr Gem + MP S.
Fish Scl + Evas S. Drgn Scl + Def S. Wtr Gem + Str S.
Fish Scl + Accr S. Drgn Scl + Mag S. Wtr Gem + Def S.
Fish Scl + Return S. Drgn Scl + Mag Def S. Wtr Gem + Mag S.
Fish Scl + Friend S. Drgn Scl + Agil S. Wtr Gem + Mag Def S.
Fish Scl + Teleport S. Drgn Scl + Evas S. Wtr Gem + Agil S.
Fish Scl + Warp S. Drgn Scl + Accr S. Wtr Gem + Evas S.
Fish Scl + Pendulum Drgn Scl + Return S. Wtr Gem + Accr S.
Fish Scl + Amulet Drgn Scl + Friend S. Wtr Gem + Return S.
Fish Scl + Door Tmrw Drgn Scl + Teleport S. Wtr Gem + Friend S.
Fish Scl + Wings Disc Drgn Scl + Warp S. Wtr Gem + Teleport S.
Wtr Gem + Special S. Wtr Gem + Warp S.

* Aqua Toxin - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Fish Scl + Slp Pwdr Fish Scl + Heal Sprng Drgn Scl + Gold Hrgls
Fish Scl + Dream Pwdr Fish Scl + Mana Sprng Drgn Scl + Cndl of Life
Fish Scl + Sln Grnd Fish Scl + Stmn Sprng Drgn Scl + Ptr Grnd
Fish Scl + Smk Bomb Fish Scl + Soul Sprng Drgn Scl + Choc Fthr
Fish Scl + Psn Fang Fish Scl + Prfy Salt Drgn Scl + Choc Wing
Fish Scl + Slv Hrgls Fish Scl + Musk Drgn Scl + Heal Sprng
Fish Scl + Gold Hrgls Fish Scl + Hypello Potn Drgn Scl + Mana Sprng
Fish Scl + Cndl of Life Fish Scl + Shn Thorn Drgn Scl + Stmn Sprng
Fish Scl + Ptr Grnd Drgn Scl + Slp Pwdr Drgn Scl + Soul Sprng
Fish Scl + Frpln Shdw Drgn Scl + Sln Grnd Drgn Scl + Prfy Salt
Fish Scl + Frpln Wind Drgn Scl + Smk Bomb Drgn Scl + Musk
Fish Scl + Choc Fthr Drgn Scl + Psn Fang Drgn Scl + Hypello Potn
Fish Scl + Choc Wing Drgn Scl + Slv Hrgls Drgn Scl + Shn Thorn

* Dark Rain - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Drgn Scl + Dream Pwdr Wtr Gem + Slv Hrgls Wtr Gem + Heal Sprng
Drgn Scl + Frpln Shdw Wtr Gem + Gold Hrgls Wtr Gem + Mana Sprng
Drgn Scl + Frpln Wind Wtr Gem + Cndl of Life Wtr Gem + Stmn Sprng
Wtr Gem + Slp Pwdr Wtr Gem + Ptr Grnd Wtr Gem + Soul Sprng
Wtr Gem + Dream Pwdr Wtr Gem + Frpln Shdw Wtr Gem + Prfy Salt
Wtr Gem + Sln Grnd Wtr Gem + Frpln Wind Wtr Gem + Musk
Wtr Gem + Smk Bomb Wtr Gem + Choc Fthr Wtr Gem + Hypello Potn
Wtr Gem + Psn Fang Wtr Gem + Choc Wing Wtr Gem + Shn Thorn

- ICE -

* Snow Flurry - all enemies; small damage in five bursts

Antd + Anrc Wind Agil Distl + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Skill S.
Antd + Arc Wind Abil Distl + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Wht Mag S.
Soft + Anrc Wind Abil Distl + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Blk Mag S.
Soft + Arc Wind Al Bhed Potn + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Lev 1 K S.
Eyedrop + Anrc Wind Bomb Frag + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Map
Eyedrop + Arc Wind Bomb Frag + Ice Gem Anrc Wind + Rename Card
Echo Scrn + Anrc Wind Bomb Core + Ice Gem Arc Wind + Grnd
Echo Scrn + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Grnd Arc Wind + Pwr S.
Holy Wtr + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Frag Grnd Arc Wind + Mana S.
Holy Wtr + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Three Stars Arc Wind + Speed S.
Remedy + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Pwr S. Arc Wind + Abil S.
Pwr Distl + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Mana S. Arc Wind + Attribute S.
Pwr Distl + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Speed S. Arc Wind + Map
Mana Distl + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Abil S. Arc Wind + Rename Card
Mana Distl + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Attribute S. Ice Gem + Map
Agil Distl + Anrc Wind Anrc Wind + Special S. Ice Gem + Rename Card

* Icefall - all enemies; small damage in six bursts

Antd + Ice Gem Heal Wtr + Arc Wind Arc Wind + Special S.
Soft + Ice Gem Heal Wtr + Ice Gem Arc Wind + Skill S.
Eyedrop + Ice Gem Tetra Elem + Anrc Wind Arc Wind + Wht Mag S.
Echo Scrn + Ice Gem Tetra Elem + Arc Wind Arc Wind + Blk Mag S.
Holy Wtr + Ice Gem Tetra Elem + Ice Gem Arc Wind + Lev 1 K S.
Remedy + Arc Wind Anrc Wind + Anrc Wind Arc Wind + Clear S.
Remedy + Ice Gem Anrc Wind + Arc Wind Ice Gem + Ice Gem
Pwr Distl + Ice Gem Anrc Wind + Ice Gem Ice Gem + Grnd
Mana Distl + Ice Gem Anrc Wind + Lev 2 K S. Ice Gem + Frag Grnd
Agil Distl + Ice Gem Anrc Wind + Clear S. Ice Gem + Pwr S.
Abil Distl + Ice Gem Arc Wind + Arc Wind Ice Gem + Mana S.
Al Bhed Potn + Arc Wind Arc Wind + Ice Gem Ice Gem + Speed S.
Al Bhed Potn + Ice Gem Arc Wind + Frag Grnd Ice Gem + Abil S.
Heal Wtr + Anrc Wind Arc Wind + Three Stars Ice Gem + Attribute S.
Ice Gem + Clear S.

* Winter Storm - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts

Anrc Wind + Master S. Anrc Wind + Undrdg Scrt Ice Gem + Wht Mag S.
Anrc Wind + Lev 3 K S. Anrc Wind + Win Frml Ice Gem + Blk Mag S.
Anrc Wind + Lev 4 K S. Arc Wind + Master S. Ice Gem + Master S.
Anrc Wind + HP S. Arc Wind + Lev 2 K S. Ice Gem + Lev 1 K S.
Anrc Wind + MP S. Arc Wind + Lev 3 K S. Ice Gem + Lev 2 K S.
Anrc Wind + Str S. Arc Wind + Lev 4 K S. Ice Gem + Lev 3 K S.
Anrc Wind + Def S. Arc Wind + HP S. Ice Gem + Lev 4 K S.
Anrc Wind + Mag S. Arc Wind + MP S. Ice Gem + HP S.
Anrc Wind + Mag Def S. Arc Wind + Str S. Ice Gem + MP S.
Anrc Wind + Agil S. Arc Wind + Def S. Ice Gem + Str S.
Anrc Wind + Evas S. Arc Wind + Mag S. Ice Gem + Def S.
Anrc Wind + Accr S. Arc Wind + Mag Def S. Ice Gem + Mag S.
Anrc Wind + Return S. Arc Wind + Agil S. Ice Gem + Mag Def S.
Anrc Wind + Friend S. Arc Wind + Evas S. Ice Gem + Agil S.
Anrc Wind + Teleport S. Arc Wind + Accr S. Ice Gem + Evas S.
Anrc Wind + Warp S. Arc Wind + Return S. Ice Gem + Accr S.
Anrc Wind + Pendulum Arc Wind + Friend S. Ice Gem + Return S.
Anrc Wind + Amulet Arc Wind + Teleport S. Ice Gem + Friend S.
Anrc Wind + Door Tmrw Arc Wind + Warp S. Ice Gem + Teleport S.
Anrc Wind + Wings Disc Ice Gem + Special S. Ice Gem + Warp S.
Anrc Wind + Gmbl Sprt Ice Gem + Skill S.

* Black Ice - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Anrc Wind + Slp Pwdr Anrc Wind + Heal Sprng Arc Wind + Gold Hrgls
Anrc Wind + Dream Pwdr Anrc Wind + Mana Sprng Arc Wind + Cndl of Life
Anrc Wind + Sln Grnd Anrc Wind + Stmn Sprng Arc Wind + Ptr Grnd
Anrc Wind + Smk Bomb Anrc Wind + Soul Sprng Arc Wind + Choc Fthr
Anrc Wind + Psn Fang Anrc Wind + Prfy Salt Arc Wind + Choc Wing
Anrc Wind + Slv Hrgls Anrc Wind + Musk Arc Wind + Heal Sprng
Anrc Wind + Gold Hrgls Anrc Wind + Hypello Potn Arc Wind + Mana Sprng
Anrc Wind + Cndl of Life Anrc Wind + Shn Thorn Arc Wind + Stmn Sprng
Anrc Wind + Ptr Grnd Arc Wind + Slp Pwdr Arc Wind + Soul Sprng
Anrc Wind + Frpln Shdw Arc Wind + Sln Grnd Arc Wind + Prfy Salt
Anrc Wind + Frpln Wind Arc Wind + Smk Bomb Arc Wind + Musk
Anrc Wind + Choc Fthr Arc Wind + Psn Fang Arc Wind + Hypello Potn
Anrc Wind + Choc Wing Arc Wind + Slv Hrgls Arc Wind + Shn Thorn

* Krysta - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

Arc Wind + Dream Pwdr Ice Gem + Slv Hrgls Ice Gem + Heal Sprng
Arc Wind + Frpln Shdw Ice Gem + Gold Hrgls Ice Gem + Mana Sprng
Arc Wind + Frpln Wind Ice Gem + Cndl of Life Ice Gem + Stmn Sprng
Ice Gem + Slp Pwdr Ice Gem + Ptr Grnd Ice Gem + Soul Sprng
Ice Gem + Dream Pwdr Ice Gem + Frpln Shdw Ice Gem + Prfy Salt
Ice Gem + Sln Grnd Ice Gem + Frpln Wind Ice Gem + Musk
Ice Gem + Smk Bomb Ice Gem + Choc Fthr Ice Gem + Hypello Potn
Ice Gem + Psn Fang Ice Gem + Choc Wing Ice Gem + Shn Thorn

XV. Shops List

This section is now complete, please take note that this Shops List is only
for your first time through the story, some items will change when you get
your airship by the end of the game.

Now, if I missed any Shops, please e-mail me at and
put Shops as the topic, thank you very much.

Besaid Village (Items) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----------
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50

Kilika Island (Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----------
Hunter's Sword 250
Rod of Wisdom 250
Scout 250
Cactuar Scope 250
Hunter's Spear 375
Seeker's Shield 150
Seeker's Armguard 150
Seeker's Bangle 150
Seeker's Armlet 150

Luca (Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----------
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50

Warrior's Sword 150
Enchanted Rod 150
Power Ball 150
Magical Mog 150
Halberd 225
Shimmering Blade 225
Metal Shield 250
Metal Ring 250
Metal Armguard 250
Metal Bangle 250
Metal Armlet 250

Djose Temple (Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----------
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50
Soft 50

Fencing Saber 550
Rune Rod 550
Hyper Ball 550
Rune Mog 550
Halberd 825
Shimmering Blade 825
Metal Shield 550
Metal Armguard 550
Metal Bangle 550
Metal Armlet 550
Metal Bracer 550

Moonflow (Woman near Tent, Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 62
Phoenix Down 125
Antidote 62
Eye Drops 62
Echo Screen 62
Soft 62

Bright Shield 1968
Serum Ring 1781
Danger Armguard 1968
Echo Bangle 1968
Soft Armlet 3281
Blue Bracer 3843

Moonflow (Man at Docks, Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 100
Phoenix Down 200
Antidote 100
Eye Drops 100
Echo Screen 100
Soft 100

Serum Shield 2850
NulTide Ring 3150
Soft Armguard 5250
Emerald Bangle 2250
Bright Armlet 3150
White Bracer 6150

Moonflow (Man in the Tent, Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 100
Phoenix Down 200
Antidote 100
Eye Drops 100
Echo Screen 100
Soft 100

Hunter's Sword 2250
Flametongue 3750
Ice Ball 3750
Twin Lance 8700
Blurry Moon 6150

Guadosalam (Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 75
Phoenix Down 150
Antidote 75
Eye Drops 75
Echo Screen 75
Soft 75

Baroque Sword 1237
Ductile Rod 1237
Switch Hitter 1237
Variable Mog 1237
Halberd 2475
Shimmering Blade 2475
Devastator 1237
Yellow Shield 3487
Yellow Ring 3487
Yellow Armguard 3487
Yellow Bangle 3487
Yellow Armlet 3487
Yellow Bracer 3487
Yellow Targe 3487

Thunder Plains (Inn, Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50
Soft 50
Grenade 300
Map 50

Baroque Sword 825
Ductile Sword 825
Switch Hitter 825
Variable Mog 825
Halberd 1650
Shimmering Blade 1650
Devastator 825
Yellow Shield 2475
Yellow Ring 2475
Yellow Armguard 2475
Yellow Bangle 2475
Yellow Armlet 2475
Yellow Bracer 2475
Yellow Targe 2475

Lake Malacania (Inn, Items & Weapons) :
Name Price (Gil)
---- -----
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 500
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50
Soft 50
Grenade 300
Map 50

Baroque Sword 825
Ductile Sword 825
Switch Hitter 825
Variable Mog 825
Halberd 1650
Shimmering Blade 1650
Devastator 825
Seeker's Shield 1575
Seeker's Ring 1575
Seeker's Armguard 1575
Seeker's Bangle 1575
Seeker's Armlet 1575
Seeker's Bracer 1575
Longsword 1575

Mt. Gagazet (Items & Weapons)
Name Price
---- -----
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 500
Phoenix Down 100
Holy Water 300
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50
Soft 50
Power Distiller 100
Mana Distiller 100
Speed Distiller 100
Ability Distiller 100

Baroque Sword 22 725
Ductile Sword 22 725
Switch Hitter 22 725
Variable Mog 22 725
Shapeshifter 37 875
Shiranui 37 875
Devastator 22 725
Glorious Shield 4725
Glorious Ring 4725
Glorious Armguard 4725
Glorious Bangle 4725
Glorious Armlet 4725
Glorious Bracer 4725
Glorious Targe 4725

Airship (Rin, Items & Weapons)
Name Price
---- -----
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 500
Phoenix Down 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Echo Screen 50
Soft 50
Power Distiller 100
Mana Distiller 100
Speed Distiller 100
Ability Distiller 100
Grenade 330
Map 55

Baroque Sword 907
Ductile Sword 907
Switch Hitter 907
Variable Mog 907
Halberd 1815
Shimmering Blade 1815
Devastator 907
Seeker's Shield 1732
Seeker's Ring 1732
Seeker's Armguard 1732
Seeker's Bangle 1732
Seeker's Armlet 1732
Seeker's Bracer 1732
Seeker's Targe 1732


The secret for O'Aka is this, since his prices are very high if you don't
loan him up with Gil, I suggest you take time to loan him since you will
have major discounts by the end of the game. You can loan O'Aka with money
at two locations :

S.S. Liki, S.S. Winno, Dock 1, Luca and Mi'Ihen Highroad are where you need
to loan money to him and if you want a discount, you will need to give him
more than 10,000 Gil.

If you loan him with that money, you will have a discount of 30 % of the
standard price found in Shops! Anyway, I won't list the shops for him since
you can find him almost everywhere in the game and I talked about him in the
Walkthrough, so that's about it.

XVI. Bestiary

In this section, you will find every monsters that are in the game. Here's
how it will work :


HP : (Hit Points) MP : (Magic Points)
AP : (Ability Points) Gil: (Gil earned)

STR: (Monster's Strength) DEF: (Monster's Defense)
MAG: (Monster's Magic) MDE: (Monster's Magic Defense)
AGL: (Monster's Agility) LCK: (Monster's Luck)
EVA: (Monster's Evasion) ACC: (Monster's Accuracy)

Weakness : (Monster's Elemental Weakness)

Items Dropped : (Common, Rare)
Items Stolen : (Common, Rare)
Bribe : (Gil Required, Item Received)

Lancet : (If Kimahri can learn a magic from the monster)


HP : 5100 (7500 Overkill) MP : 85
AP : 730 Gil: 4201

STR: 33 DEF: 10
MAG: 52 MDE: 20
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Water Gem, Healing Spring
Bribe : 120,000, Healing Spring x16

Lancet : None

HP : 54,400 (11,036 Overkill) MP : 40
AP : 12 500 Gil: 2200

STR: 38 DEF: 90
MAG: 31 MDE: 90
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Healing Water, Stamina Tablet
Bribe : 1 088 000, Special Sphere x6

Lancet : None

HP : 200 (300 Overkill) MP : 220
AP : 92 Gil: 144

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 16 MDE: 120
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 13 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Electro Marble, Lightning Marble
Bribe : 4000, Lightning Marble x4

Lancet : None

HP : 2800 (4200 Overkill) MP : 400
AP : 2200 Gil: 650

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 38 MDE: 180
AGL: 24 LCK: 15
EVA: 18 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Musk, Musk
Bribe : 56 000, Farplane Wind x6

Lancet : None

HP : 430 (645 Overkill) MP : 42
AP : 310 Gil: 240

STR: 16 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 26 LCK: 15
EVA: 15 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Smoke Bomb, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : 8600, Mega Phoenix x2

Lancet : None

HP : 5800 (4060 Overkill) MP : 70
AP : 1380 Gil: 750

STR: 27 DEF: 1
MAG: 48 MDE: 1
AGL: 16 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Petrify Grenade, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 116 000, Healing Water x16

Lancet : Stone Breath

HP : 18 000 (1400 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 2500 Gil: 3000

STR: 25 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 25 LCK: 20
EVA: 0 ACC: 30

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Silence Grenade, Farplane Shadow
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 2025 (3028 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 240 Gil: 340

STR: 1 DEF: 100
MAG: 22 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 40 500, Water Gem x15

Lancet : None

HP : 800 (500 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 37 Gil: 300

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 0 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : Potion, Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1800 (2700 Overkill) MP : 75
AP : 820 Gil: 880

STR: 32 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 180
AGL: 32 LCK: 15
EVA: 11 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Dream Powder, Dream Powder
Bribe : 36 000, Dream Powder x20

Lancet : None

HP : 95 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 480
AP : 17 500 Gil: 1550

STR: 42 DEF: 90
MAG: 38 MDE: 15
AGL: 28 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Return Sphere
Items Stolen : Star Curtain, Blessed Gem
Bribe : 1 900 000, Teleport Sphere x20

Lancet : None

HP : 17 000 (6972 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 1860 Gil: 730

STR: 34 DEF: 45
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 16 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soul Spring, Soul Spring
Bribe : 340 000, Stamina Tablet

Lancet : None

HP : 2025 (924 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 140 Gil: 125

STR: 14 DEF: 1
MAG: 35 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Petrify Grenade, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 40 500, Petrify Grenade x24

Lancet : Stone Breath

HP : 380 (570 Overkill) MP : 280
AP : 240 Gil: 320

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 29 MDE: 120
AGL: 16 LCK: 15
EVA: 13 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Silence Grenade
Bribe : 7600, Silence Grenade x12

Lancet : None

HP : 23 000 (6972 Overkill) MP : 480
AP : 6540 Gil: 1350

STR: 43 DEF: 1
MAG: 37 MDE: 1
AGL: 23 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ppwer Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Ether, Mana Tablet
Bribe : 460 000, Lv.2 Key Sphere x30

Lancet : Mighty Guard

HP : 67 500 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 700
AP : 16 800 Gil: 1850

STR: 46 DEF: 25
MAG: 44 MDE: 25
AGL: 27 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Healing Water, Twin Stars
Bribe : 1 350 000, Three Stars x14

Lancet : Mighty Guard

HP : 2000~3000 (2500 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 4500 Gil: 1500

STR: 25 DEF: 30
MAG: 2 MDE: 50
AGL: 4 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Return Sphere, Friend Sphere
Items Stolen : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Bribe : None

Lancet : Thrust Kick, Doom, Mighty Guard, Self-Destruct

HP : 200 (300 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 40 Gil: 62

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 0 LCK: 15
EVA: 12 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Antidote, Poison Fang
Bribe : 4000, Poison Fang x2

Lancet : None

HP : 7600 (11 400 Overkill) MP : 500
AP : 3150 Gil: 1040

STR: 1 DEF: 240
MAG: 28 MDE: 20
AGL: 15 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Shining Gem
Bribe : 182 400, Blk Magic Sphere x2

Lancet : None

HP : 1500 (2250 Overkill) MP : 220
AP : 240 Gil: 180

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 27 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Fish Scale
Bribe : 30 000, Water Gem x9

Lancet : None
BOMB (1)

HP : 850 (560 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 22 Gil: 70

STR: 19 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment
Bribe : 17 000, Bomb Core x16

Lancet : Self-Destruct
BOMB (2)

HP : 2200 (1432 Overkill) MP : 45
AP : 620 Gil: 470

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 17 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment
Bribe : 17 000, Bomb Core x16

Lancet : Self-Destruct

HP : 230 (345 Overkill) MP : 250
AP : 92 Gil: 132

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 22 MDE: 120
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 12 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Musk
Bribe : 4600, Musk x2

Lancet : None

HP : 400 (600 Overkill) MP : 15
AP : 48 Gil: 97

STR: 22 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water, Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hypello Potion
Bribe : 8000, Hypello Potion x16

Lancet : None

HP : 800 (1200 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 8000 Gil: 1500

STR: 23 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 255
AGL: 24 LCK: 15
EVA: 20 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wings
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 550 (825 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 240 Gil: 300

STR: 24 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 21 LCK: 15
EVA: 9 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 11 000, Petrify Grenade x6

Lancet : None

HP : 5250 (1432 Overkill) MP : 130
AP : 1220 Gil: 970

STR: 25 DEF: 1
MAG: 22 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Shining Gem, Lightning Marble
Bribe : 105 000, Mana Tablet x10

Lancet : Aqua Breath

HP : 9000 (1432 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 2000 Gil: 980

STR: 30 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Arctic Wind, Lightning Marble
Bribe : 180 000, Underdog's Secret x15

Lancet : Aqua Breath

HP : 9880 (4060 Overkill) MP : 250
AP : 1200 Gil: 1000

STR: 34 DEF: 1
MAG: 32 MDE: 10
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Ice Gem, Lightning Gem
Bribe : 196 000, Lv.4 Key Sphere x2

Lancet : Aqua Breath

HP : 10 000 (800 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 90 Gil: 970

STR: 25 DEF: 25
MAG: 20 MDE: 35
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 25

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Lv.1 Key Sphere, Lv.1 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 6000 (4060 Overkill) MP : 480
AP : 1300 Gil: 1100

STR: 38 DEF: 1
MAG: 26 MDE: 40
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Bribe : 120 000, Friend Sphere x2

Lancet : None

HP : 95 (143 Overkill) MP : 15
AP : 2 Gil: 12

STR: 9 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 10 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Phoenix Down, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : 1900, Smoke Bomb x3

Lancet : None

HP : 16 000 (4000 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 4400 Gil: 7000

STR: 25 DEF: 100
MAG: 30 MDE: 50
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 30

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Elixir, Elixir
Items Stolen : Lunar Curtain, Lunar Curtain
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1800 (2700 Overkill) MP : 280
AP : 810 Gil: 520

STR: 1 DEF: 190
MAG: 30 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Shining Thorn, Shining Thorn
Bribe : 36 000, Return Sphere x3

Lancet : None

HP : 12 8000 (19 200 Overkill) MP : 250
AP : 3750 Gil: 1080

STR: 1 DEF: 220
MAG: 30 MDE: 200
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Star Curtain, Star Curtain
Bribe : 256 000, White Magic Sphere x2

Lancet : White Wind

HP : 12 000 (4060 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 2700 Gil: 1300

STR: 40 DEF: 1
MAG: 5 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Lunar Curtain, Lunar Curtain
Bribe : 240 000, Stamina Tablet x20

Lancet : None

HP : 64 000 (4060 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 6600 Gil: 3500

STR: 42 DEF: 30
MAG: 5 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.2 Key Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Lunar Curtain, Lunar Curtain
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 42 300 (8848 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 6000 Gil: 2400

STR: 45 DEF: 70
MAG: 5 MDE: 70
AGL: 16 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.2 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Lunar Curtain, Lunar Curtain
Bribe : 846 000, Designer Wallet x5

Lancet : None

HP : 45 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 9999
AP : 11 000 Gil: 1470

STR: 33 DEF: 1
MAG: 99 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Petrify Grenade, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 900 000, Lv.3 Key Sphere x40

Lancet : None

HP : 125 (188 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 2 Gil: 15

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 5 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Sleeping Powder
Bribe : 2500, Sleeping Powder x4

Lancet : None

HP : 140 (210 Overkill) MP : 25
AP : 9 Gil: 27

STR: 14 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 13 LCK: 15
EVA: 5 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 2800, Petrify Grenade x2

Lancet : None

HP : 1875 (560 Overkill) MP : 18
AP : 42 Gil: 105

STR: 22 DEF: 1
MAG: 3 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Hi-Potion
Bribe : 37 500, Hi-Potion x60

Lancet : Blaze

HP : 3795 (1432 Overkill) MP : 22
AP : 820 Gil: 520

STR: 27 DEF: 1
MAG: 8 MDE: 1
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Bribe : 75 900, Mega-Potion x25

Lancet : Blaze

HP : 8700 (4060 Overkill) MP : 25
AP : 970 Gil: 950

STR: 28 DEF: 20
MAG: 1 MDE: 20
AGL: 28 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion
Bribe : 174 000, Farplane Wind x25

Lancet : None

HP : 310 (465 Overkill) MP : 300
AP : 300 Gil: 205

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 26 MDE: 120
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 13 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Musk, Musk
Bribe : 6200, Musk x3

Lancet : None

HP : 430 (645 Overkill) MP : 310
AP : 480 Gil: 280

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 120
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 13 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Musk, Musk x2
Bribe : 8600, Musk x4

Lancet : None

HP : 32 000 (2000 Overkill) MP : 500
AP : 5400 Gil: 2600

STR: 36 DEF: 1
MAG: 30 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Black Magic Sphere, Black Magic Sphere
Items Stolen : Water Gem, Water Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 16 384 (2000 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 5800 Gil: 3000

STR: 32 DEF: 1
MAG: 27 MDE: 1
AGL: 25 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : Life

Items Dropped : Black Magic Sphere, Black Magic Sphere
Items Stolen : Water Gem, Stamina Spring
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 7400 (11 100 Overkill) MP : 300
AP : 2400 Gil: 840

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 24 MDE: 1
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Silence Grenade, Ether
Bribe : 148 000, Turbo Ether

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 (600 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 660 Gil: 2400

STR: 23 DEF: 1
MAG: 15 MDE: 1
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 30

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mega Phoenix, Mega Phoenix
Items Stolen : Potion, Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 3300 (4950 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 1200 Gil: 540

STR: 28 DEF: 40
MAG: 33 MDE: 40
AGL: 27 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Life

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Candle of Life, Purifying Salt
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 3300 (4950 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 1200 Gil: 540

STR: 28 DEF: 40
MAG: 33 MDE: 40
AGL: 27 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Life

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Candle of Life, Purifying Salt
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1500 (2250 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 480 Gil: 448

STR: 1 DEF: 180
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Fire Gem, Fire Gem
Bribe : 30 000, Fire Gem x10

Lancet : None

HP : 6700 (10 050 Overkill) MP : 520
AP : 7100 Gil: 1265

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 45 MDE: 120
AGL: 33 LCK: 15
EVA: 18 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Musk, Musk
Bribe : 134 000, Gambler's Spirit x10

Lancet : None

HP : 140 (210 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 21 Gil: 44

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 18 MDE: 120
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 11 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Echo Screen, Musk
Bribe : 2800, Musk

Lancet : None

HP : 540 (810 Overkill) MP : 60
AP : 44 Gil: 42

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 26 MDE: 1
AGL: 4 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Silence Grenade, Ether
Bribe : 10 800, Turbo Ether x2

Lancet : None

HP : 148 (220 Overkill) MP : 160
AP : 32 Gil: 62

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 23 MDE: 120
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 12 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Electro Marble, Electro Marble
Bribe : 2960, Lightning Marble x3

Lancet : None

HP : 240 (360 Overkill) MP : 35
AP : 48 Gil: 88

STR: 17 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 16 LCK: 15
EVA: 7 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Sleeping Powder
Bribe : 4800, Sleeping Powder x7

Lancet : None

HP : 1400 (2100 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 8 Gil: 30

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 10 MDE: 1
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1800 (500 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 28 Gil: 0

STR: 18 DEF: 1
MAG: 12 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 20

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 (560 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 170 Gil: 140

STR: 21 DEF: 1
MAG: 40 MDE: 1
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Smoke Bomb, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : 80 000, Smoke Bomb x99

Lancet : None

HP : 36 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 7800 Gil: 1111

STR: 33 DEF: 50
MAG: 1 MDE: 30
AGL: 21 LCK: 0
EVA: 1 ACC: 9

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Light Curtain, Light Curtain
Bribe : 720 000, Stamina Tonic x10

Lancet : None

HP : 450 (500 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 5 Gil: 30

STR: 14 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 10
EVA: 0 ACC: 20

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 32 767 (32 767 Overkill) MP : 128
AP : 14 200 Gil: 10000

STR: 36 DEF: 50
MAG: 40 MDE: 50
AGL: 48 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 50

Weakness : Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Water Gem, Water Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 9999 (4060 Overkill) MP : 350
AP : 1450 Gil: 810

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 33 MDE: 1
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Varies

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Phoenix Down, Farplane Shadow
Bribe : 199 980, Mega Phoenix x38

Lancet : Doom

HP : 1200 (1800 Overkill) MP : 180
AP : 92 Gil: 107

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 32 MDE: 1
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Electro Marble, Electro Marble
Bribe : 24 000, Electro Marble x20

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 (6000 Overkill) MP : 25
AP : 980 Gil: 520

STR: 28 DEF: 50
MAG: 1 MDE: 50
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Antidote, Remedy
Bribe : 80 000, Remedy x40

Lancet : Seed Cannon

HP : 64 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 21 000 Gil: 1900

STR: 36 DEF: 1
MAG: 42 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Remedy, Mana Tonic
Bribe : 1 280 000, Wings to Discovery x8

Lancet : Bad Breath

HP : 7500 (5384 Overkill) MP : 63
AP : 1350 Gil: 540

STR: 26 DEF: 1
MAG: 24 MDE: 150
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Fire Gem, Fire Gem
Bribe : 150 000, Shining Gem x12

Lancet : Self-Destruct

HP : 9500 (6972 Overkill) MP : 62
AP : 2600 Gil: 730

STR: 41 DEF: 50
MAG: 23 MDE: 1
AGL: 31 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Bribe : 190 000, Mega-Potion x60

Lancet : Blaze

HP : 8000 (2550 Overkill) MP : 600
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 23 DEF: 10
MAG: 21 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1200 (1432 Overkill) MP : 330
AP : 290 Gil: 480

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 14 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, X-Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 2000 (2000 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 290 Gil: 300

STR: 10 DEF: 1
MAG: 15 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Ether
Bribe : 40 000, Ether x10

Lancet : None

HP : 2600 (1432 Overkill) MP : 600
AP : 540 Gil: 380

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 24 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, X-Potion
Bribe : 52 000, X-Potion x30

Lancet : None

HP : 13 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 5300 Gil: 1030

STR: 46 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 23 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hypello Potion, Shadow Gem
Bribe : 260 000, Supreme Gem x20

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 (800 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 15 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : none

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1350 (2025 Overkill) MP : 160
AP : 300 Gil: 188

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 21 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind
Bribe : 27 000, Ice Gem (x9)

Lancet : None

HP : 370 (555 Overkill) MP : 70
AP : 240 Gil: 138

STR: 23 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 19 LCK: 15
EVA: 8 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 7400, Petrify Grenade (x5)

Lancet : None

HP : 880 (1320 Overkill) MP : 300
AP : 770 Gil: 610

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 180
AGL: 24 LCK: 15
EVA: 16 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Lightning Gem, Lightning Gem
Bribe : 17 600, Lv.1 Key Sphere

Lancet : None

HP : 180 (270 Overkill) MP : 35
AP : 24 Gil: 46

STR: 15 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 13 LCK: 15
EVA: 7 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 3600, Petrify Grenade (x3)

Lancet : None

HP : 3600 (924 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 800 Gil: 600

STR: 30 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Light Curtain, Light Curtain
Bribe : 72 000, Stamina Tonic

Lancet : None

HP : 110 (165 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 9 Gil: 23

STR: 8 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 10 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Antidote, Poison Fang
Bribe : 2200, Poison Fang

Lancet : None

HP : 750 (300 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 3 Gil: 100

STR: 10 DEF: 15
MAG: 8 MDE: 5
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 10

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1500 (400 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 5 Gil: 50

STR: 14 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 4 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 50

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Grenade, Grenade
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 445 (668 Overkill) MP : 31
AP : 92 Gil: 112

STR: 32 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 120
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Silver Hourglass
Bribe : 8900, Silver Hourglass (x20)

Lancet : None

HP : 275 (413 Overkill) MP : 21
AP : 32 Gil: 72

STR: 23 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 120
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Silver Hourglass
Bribe : 5500, Silver Hourglass (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 80 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 160
AP : 22 000 Gil: 2200

STR: 55 DEF: 10
MAG: 50 MDE: 10
AGL: 21 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Stamina Spring, Stamina Spring
Bribe : 1 600 000, Dark Matter (x2)

Lancet : None

HP : 1498 (924 Overkill) MP : 1000
AP : 262 Gil: 330

STR: 10 DEF: 40
MAG: 19 MDE: 45
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Lunar Curtain, Lunar Curtain
Bribe : 29 960, Shining Thorn (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 65 000 (10 000 Overkill) MP : 999
AP : 16 000 Gil: 10 000

STR: 30 DEF: 100
MAG: 30 MDE: 50
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : HP Sphere, HP Sphere
Items Stolen : Mega-Potion, Mega-Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 4649 (800 Overkill) MP : 39
AP : 40 Gil: 420

STR: 15 DEF: 1
MAG: 23 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 20
EVA: 0 ACC: 10

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : MP Sphere, HP Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Potion
Bribe : 92 980, Remedy (x80)

Lancet : None

HP : 18 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 59
AP : 8300 Gil: 1450

STR: 35 DEF: 55
MAG: 1 MDE: 10
AGL: 39 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Stamina Tonic
Bribe : 360 000, Chocobo Wing (x60)

Lancet : None

HP : 10 000 (7500 Overkill) MP : 35
AP : 600 Gil: 330

STR: 40 DEF: 50
MAG: 33 MDE: 1
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Water Gem, Water Gem
Bribe : 200 000, Attribute Sphere

Lancet : None

HP : 710 (1065 Overkill) MP : 25
AP : 300 Gil: 172

STR: 29 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning, Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hypello Potion
Bribe : 14 200, Hypello Potion (x28)

Lancet : None

HP : 999 999 (? Overkill) MP : 9999
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 1 DEF: 255
MAG: 40 MDE: 255
AGL: 0 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

* It's impossible to defeat this monster. What you need to do
is to hit is eyes and pray Lady Luck that you have hitted the
good one. If you did that, he will give you an item and if you
hit the wrong eye, he will destroy himself on you.

HP : 27 000 (4060 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 2200 Gil: 1500

STR: 32 DEF: 1
MAG: 32 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Remedy, Remedy
Bribe : 540 000, Wings to Discovery (x4)

Lancet : Bad Breath

HP : 31 000 (5384 Overkill) MP : 120
AP : 6230 Gil: 1200

STR: 34 DEF: 12
MAG: 40 MDE: 15
AGL: 13 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Remedy, Remedy
Bribe : 620 000, Return Sphere (x24)

Lancet : None

HP : 13 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 540
AP : 6500 Gil: 2030

STR: 42 DEF: 1
MAG: 38 MDE: 40
AGL: 23 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.1 Key Sphere, Friend Sphere
Items Stolen : Farplane Shadow, Farplane Shadow
Bribe : 260 000, Warp Sphere

Lancet : None

HP : 48 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 20 000 Gil: 2400

STR: 47 DEF: 10
MAG: 52 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Items Stolen : Mana Spring, Tetra Elemental
Bribe : 960 000, Pendulum (x3)

Lancet : None

HP : 2222 (2108 Overkill) MP : 1111
AP : 1850 Gil: 620

STR: 11 DEF: 40
MAG: 24 MDE: 45
AGL: 15 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 44 000, Water Gem (x14)

Lancet : None

HP : 8700 (5384 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 950 Gil: 880

STR: 40 DEF: 15
MAG: 1 MDE: 10
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Phoenix Down, Mega Phoenix
Items Stolen : Al Bhed Potion, Al Bhed Potion
Bribe : 174 000, Al Bhed Potion (x99)

Lancet : None

HP : 1280 (1432 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 310 Gil: 600

STR: 25 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion
Items Stolen : Grenade, Grenade
Bribe : 25 600, Grenade (x50)

Lancet : None

HP : 2800 (1432 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 540 Gil: 800

STR: 31 DEF: 10
MAG: 1 MDE: 10
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion
Items Stolen : Al Bhed Potion, Al Bhed Potion
Bribe : 56 000, Al Bhed Potion (x40)

Lancet : None

HP : 5500 (4060 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 820 Gil: 673

STR: 36 DEF: 10
MAG: 1 MDE: 10
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Phoenix Down Mega Phoenix
Items Stolen : Al Bhed Potion, Al Bhed Potion
Bribe : 110 000, Al Bhed Potion (x60)

Lancet : None

HP : 3700 (5550 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 830 Gil: 530

STR: 31 DEF: 5
MAG: 28 MDE: 19
AGL: 15 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Mega Potion
Items Stolen : Grenade, Frag Grenade
Bribe : 74 000, Door to Tomorrow (x2)

Lancet : None

HP : 2750 (4125 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 480 Gil: 384

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 14
AGL: 15 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Items Stolen : Grenade, Grenade
Bribe : 55 000, Door to Tomorrow

Lancet : None

HP : 265 (405 Overkill) MP : 65
AP : 92 Gil: 108

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 8 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 5300, Petrify Grenade (x4)

Lancet : None

HP : 60 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 0 Gil: 50 000

STR: 54 DEF: 1
MAG: 26 MDE: 1
AGL: 25 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 40 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 0 Gil: 50 000

STR: 33 DEF: 150
MAG: 38 MDE: 150
AGL: 29 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 40 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 0 Gil: 50 000

STR: 42 DEF: 255
MAG: 12 MDE: 1
AGL: 22 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 40 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 0 Gil: 50 000

STR: 42 DEF: 1
MAG: 58 MDE: 255
AGL: 22 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 160 (240 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 20 Gil: 33

STR: 16 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 13 LCK: 15
EVA: 5 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Water

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Sleeping Powder
Bribe : 3200, Sleeping Powder (x5)

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 MP : 50
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 22 DEF: 50
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 28 LCK: 20
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 4000 MP : 512
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 40 DEF: 100
MAG: 40 MDE: 1
AGL: 38 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 580 (870 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 240 Gil: 165

STR: 25 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hypello Potion
Bribe : 11 600, Hypello Potion (x24)

Lancet : None

HP : 680 (1020 Overkill) MP : 38
AP : 310 Gil: 270

STR: 36 DEF: 1
MAG: 42 MDE: 120
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Gold Hourglass
Bribe : 13 600, Soft

Lancet : None

HP : 700 (1050 Overkill) MP : 65
AP : 480 Gil: 320

STR: 22 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 22 LCK: 15
EVA: 16 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Poison Fang, Poison Fang
Bribe : 14 000, Poision Fang (x6)

Lancet : None

HP : 1000 (1000 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 220 Gil: 300

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 0 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Potion, Hi-Potion
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 2000 (3000 Overkill) MP : 46
AP : 810 Gil: 602

STR: 43 DEF: 1
MAG: 50 MDE: 180
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Gold Hourglass
Bribe : 40 000, Gold Hourglass (x12)

Lancet : None

HP : 6000 (600 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 36 Gil: 580

STR: 16 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 1 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 10

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Elixir, Elixir
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 7200 (924 Overkill) MP : 35
AP : 180 Gil: 520

STR: 22 DEF: 1
MAG: 14 MDE: 1
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Remedy, Remedy
Bribe : 144 000, Remedy (x70)

Lancet : None

HP : 4500 (2108 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 700 Gil: 220

STR: 27 DEF: 1
MAG: 5 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Dragon Scale, Water Gem
Bribe : 90 000, Stamina Spring (x20)

Lancet : None

HP : 9400 (4060 Overkill) MP : 3
AP : 1080 Gil: 980

STR: 28 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Stamina Spring, Stamina Spring
Bribe : 188 000, Stamina Spring (x50)

Lancet : None

HP : 99 999 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 50 000 Gil: 30 000

STR: 54 DEF: 80
MAG: 50 MDE: 20
AGL: 32 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.4 Key Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : Nova

HP : 1680 (2108 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 650 Gil: 410

STR: 26 DEF: 1
MAG: 33 MDE: 20
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Dragon Scale, Water Gem
Bribe : 33 600, Healing Spring (x6)

Lancet : None

HP : 50 (225 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 1 Gil: 2

STR: 6 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Grenade, Grenade
Bribe : 1000, Water Gem

Lancet : None

HP : 12 000 (2550 Overkill) MP : 1000
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 20 DEF: 10
MAG: 18 MDE: 10
AGL: 21 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 20 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 180
AP : 3200 Gil: 970

STR: 36 DEF: 40
MAG: 25 MDE: 1
AGL: 28 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Lv.1 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Fire Gem (x3), Fire Gem (x4)
Bribe : 400 000, Shining Gem (x36)

Lancet : Self-Destruct

HP : 500 (750 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 350 Gil: 1500

STR: 19 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 255
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 17 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Feather
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 780 (1170 Overkill) MP : 15
AP : 20 Gil: 48

STR: 18 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Antidote, Remedy
Bribe : 15 600, Remedy (x8)

Lancet : Seed Cannon

HP : 240 (360 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 20 Gil: 42

STR: 19 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 5 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Hypello Potion
Bribe : 4800, Hypello Potion (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 200 (300 Overkill) MP : 45
AP : 32 Gil: 48

STR: 18 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 7 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 4000, Petrify Grenade (x3)

Lancet : None

HP : 450 (675 Overkill) MP : 130
AP : 32 Gil: 55

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 23 MDE: 1
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment
Bribe : 9000, Bomb Core (x8)

Lancet : None

HP : 3000 (2108 Overkill) MP : 22
AP : 830 Gil: 535

STR: 30 DEF: 30
MAG: 25 MDE: 1
AGL: 11 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Dragon Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 60 000, Water Gem (x20)

Lancet : None

HP : 65 000 (10 000 Overkill) MP : 999
AP : 17 000 Gil: 10 000

STR: 30 DEF: 100
MAG: 30 MDE: 50
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : X-Potion, Shining Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 100 (200 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 3 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 5 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 25

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 380 (570 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 560 Gil: 200

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 7600, Water Gem

Lancet : None

HP : 1380 (2070 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 200 Gil: 180

STR: 28 DEF: 15
MAG: 24 MDE: 1
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 27 600, Water Gem

Lancet : None

HP : 170 (340 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 2 Gil: 20

STR: 12 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 25

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 40 000 (6400 Overkill) MP : 256
AP : 11 000 Gil: 6500

STR: 37 DEF: 100
MAG: 40 MDE: 100
AGL: 32 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 50

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Return Sphere, Return Sphere
Items Stolen : Turbo Ether, Turbo Ether
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 12 750 (1432 Overkill) MP : 3
AP : 540 Gil: 336

STR: 25 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Al Bhed Potion
Items Stolen : Remedy, Musk
Bribe : 255 000, Remedy (x99)

Lancet : Seed Cannon

HP : 450 (675 Overkill) MP : 55
AP : 310 Gil: 225

STR: 23 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 23 LCK: 15
EVA: 9 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion
Items Stolen : Sleeping Powder, Sleeping Powder
Bribe : 9000, Sleeping Powder (x12)

Lancet : None

HP : 45 000 (1432 Overkill) MP : 100
AP : 2000 Gil: 1000

STR: 30 DEF: 5
MAG: 28 MDE: 5
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Lv.1 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Shadow Gem, Stamina Spring
Bribe : 900 000, Winning Formula (x15)

Lancet : None

HP : 6000 (1400 Overkill) MP : 100
AP : 2000 Gil: 5000

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 25
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

After Anima is defeated :

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 32 MDE: 32
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Black Magic Sphere, Special Sphere
Items Stolen : Turbo Ether, Elixir
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 70 000 (3500 Overkill) MP : 512
AP : 10000 Gil: 6000

STR: 30 DEF: 40
MAG: 15 MDE: 40
AGL: 38 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.4 Key Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Elixir, Elixir
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 36 000 (3500 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 6300 Gil: 3500

STR: 30 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 1
AGL: 2 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.2 Key Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Tetra Elemental, Tetra Elemental
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 80 000 (15 000 Overkill) MP : 999
AP : 24000 Gil: 12 000

STR: 20 DEF: 180
MAG: 35 MDE: 100
AGL: 40 LCK: 20
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Shining Gem, Supreme Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1950 (2975 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 480 Gil: 368

STR: 35 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 180
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Hypello Potion, Hypello Potion
Bribe : 39 000, Hypello Potion

Lancet : None

HP : 200 (300 Overkill) MP : 27
AP : 48 Gil: 73

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Smoke Bomb, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : 4000, Smoke Bomb (x4)

Lancet : None

HP : 2000 (1000 Overkill) MP : 100
AP : 10 Gil: 100

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 36 000 (3000 Overkill) MP : 999
AP : 18000 Gil: 10000

STR: 1 DEF: 100
MAG: 30 MDE: 100
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : MP Sphere, MP Sphere
Items Stolen : Stamina Spring, Stamina Spring
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 140 000 (10000 Overkill) MP : 999
AP : 20 000 Gil: 12000

STR: 30 DEF: 40
MAG: 30 MDE: 40
AGL: 30 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Ether, Supreme Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 100 (500 Overkill) MP : 0
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 5 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 100 (300 Overkill) MP : 0
AP : 2 Gil: 24

STR: 11 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 1 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 200 (400 Overkill) MP : 0
AP : 2 Gil: 22

STR: 13 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 2400 (1000 Overkill) MP : 400
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 5 MDE: 1
AGL: 9 LCK: 10
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 2000 (400 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 12 Gil: 115

STR: 10 DEF: 1
MAG: 15 MDE: 1
AGL: 5 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 15

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 20 000 (2000 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 1800 Gil: 10000

STR: 30 DEF: 80
MAG: 35 MDE: 50
AGL: 25 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Return Sphere, Return Sphere
Items Stolen : Star Curtain, Shining Gem
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 3000 (900 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 48 Gil: 300

STR: 15 DEF: 1
MAG: 10 MDE: 1
AGL: 7 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 12 000 (800 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 400 Gil: 1000

STR: 29 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 30
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : Potion, Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1000 (1500 Overkill) MP : 60
AP : 480 Gil: 420

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 19 MDE: 1
AGL: 7 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Dream Powder, Dream Powder
Bribe : 20 000, Dream Powder(x12)

Lancet : None

HP : 600 (900 Overkill) MP : 120
AP : 48 Gil: 93

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 8
AGL: 0 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind
Bribe : 12 000, Arctic Wind (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 400 (600 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 300 Gil: 192

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 8 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Sleeping Powder, Sleeping Powder
Bribe : 8000, Sleeping Powder (x11)

Lancet : None

HP : 20 000 (2550 Overkill) MP : 1500
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 31 DEF: 1
MAG: 38 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 52 000 (8000 Overkill) MP : 500
AP : 12 000 Gil: 7000

STR: 36 DEF: 100
MAG: 1 MDE: 100
AGL: 36 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 8

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.4 Key Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Ether, Turbo Ether
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 12 000 (2000 Overkill) MP : 100
AP : 3420 Gil: 4000

STR: 20 DEF: 100
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 15 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 30

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.2 Key Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Ether, Turbo Ether
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 10 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 700
AP : 4300 Gil: 1300

STR: 1 DEF: 60
MAG: 42 MDE: 1
AGL: 24 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Friend Sphere
Items Stolen : Healing Spring, Healing Spring
Bribe : 200 000, Twin Stars (x10)

Lancet : White Wind

HP : 200 (900 Overkill) MP : 2
AP : 140 Gil: 100

STR: 14 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 10 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Grenade, Frag Grenade
Bribe : 1200, Dragon Scale (x12)

Lancet : None

HP : 850 (1275 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 30 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning, Ice

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : 17 000, Hypello Potion (x28)

Lancet : None

HP : 4080 (4060 Overkill) MP : 120
AP : 830 Gil: 530

STR: 1 DEF: 1
MAG: 25 MDE: 1
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Silence Grenade, Ether
Bribe : 81 600, Turbo Ether (x16)

Lancet : None

HP : 450 (675 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 24 Gil: 50

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 17 MDE: 1
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Electro Marble, Electro Marble
Bribe : 9000, Lightning Marble (x8)

Lancet : None

HP : 13 500 (4060 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 6500 Gil: 2000

STR: 40 DEF: 10
MAG: 43 MDE: 10
AGL: 14 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Farplane Shadow
Bribe : 270 000, Amulet (x2)

Lancet : None

HP : 2200 (600 Overkill) MP : 10
AP : 8 Gil: 100

STR: 10 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 20

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Grenade, Grenade
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 70 000 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 40 000 Gil: 20 000

STR: 50 DEF: 60
MAG: 45 MDE: 60
AGL: 28 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Door To Tommorow, Door To Tommorow
Bribe : 140 000, Pendulum (x99)

Lancet : None

HP : 8700 (4060 Overkill) MP : 29
AP : 1320 Gil: 720

STR: 26 DEF: 1
MAG: 21 MDE: 1
AGL: 23 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion
Bribe : 174 000, X-Potion (x60)

Lancet : Fire Breath

HP : 56 000 (11 036 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 19 500 Gil: 1780

STR: 13 DEF: 50
MAG: 38 MDE: 10
AGL: 26 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Farplane Wind, Shining Gem
Bribe : 1 120 000, Megalixir (x20)

Lancet : None

HP : 255 (500 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 14 Gil: 50

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 3 LCK: 0
EVA: 0 ACC: 25

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 255 (500 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 14 Gil: 50

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 21 MDE: 120
AGL: 6 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Potion, Silver Hourglass
Bribe : 5100, Silver Hourglass (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 1400 (2100 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 420 Gil: 460

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 19 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Purifying Salt
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 1400 (2100 Overkill) MP : 20
AP : 420 Gil: 460

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 20 MDE: 1
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Purifying Salt
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 360 (540 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 240 Gil: 142

STR: 17 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 13 ACC: 0

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Poison Fang
Bribe : 7200, Poison Fang (x3)

Lancet : None

HP : 315 (473 Overkill) MP : 30
AP : 2 Gil: 18

STR: 3 DEF: 120
MAG: 15 MDE: 1
AGL: 5 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Fish Scale, Dragon Scale
Bribe : 6300, Water Gem (x2)

Lancet : None

HP : 18 000 (1432 Overkill) MP : 32
AP : 2000 Gil: 3000

STR: 40 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 18 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, X-Potion
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 390 (585 Overkill) MP : 120
AP : 20 Gil: 48

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 22 MDE: 1
AGL: 5 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind
Bribe : 7800, Arctic Wind (x7)

Lancet : None

HP : 300 (600 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 7 Gil: 85

STR: 12 DEF: 100
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 10 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 15

Weakness : Lightning

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, X-Potion
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 22 222 (13 560 Overkill) MP : 3500
AP : 3100 Gil: 1070

STR: 1 DEF: 150
MAG: 24 MDE: 30
AGL: 25 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Bribe : 444 440, Farplane Wind (x60)

Lancet : Doom

HP : 2700 (1432 Overkill) MP : 5
AP : 520 Gil: 220

STR: 20 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 1
AGL: 17 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Ability Sphere, Ability Sphere
Items Stolen : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Bribe : 54 000, Megalixir

Lancet : None

HP : 3700 (5550 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 3200 Gil: 1080

STR: 43 DEF: 1
MAG: 38 MDE: 120
AGL: 12 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Water

Items Dropped : Phoenix Down, Mega Phoenix
Items Stolen : Holy Water, Ether
Bribe : 74 000, Ether (x16)

Lancet : None

HP : 2700 (2108 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 1870 Gil: 1300

STR: 40 DEF: 1
MAG: 32 MDE: 120
AGL: 9 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Water

Items Dropped : Phoenix Down, Mega Phoenix
Items Stolen : Remedy, Ether
Bribe : 54 000, Ether (x10)

Lancet : None

HP : 300 (450 Overkill) MP : 100
AP : 9 Gil: 33

STR: 1 DEF: 120
MAG: 18 MDE: 1
AGL: 5 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Water

Items Dropped : Mana Sphere, Mana Sphere
Items Stolen : Electro Marble, Lightning Marble
Bribe : 6000, Lightning Marble (x6)

Lancet : None

HP : Varies (2500 Overkill) MP : 200
AP : 4500 Gil: 1500

STR: 2 DEF: 30
MAG: 3 MDE: 50
AGL: 4 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 100

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Return Sphere, Friend Sphere
Items Stolen : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Bribe : None

Lancet : Fire Breath, Stone Breath, Aqua Breath, White

HP : 6200 (8848 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 3200 Gil: 1080

STR: 34 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 60
AGL: 25 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Water

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Items Stolen : Holy Water, Ether
Bribe : 124 000, Elixir (x12)

Lancet : Spin Kick

HP : 4200 (2108 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 1870 Gil: 1300

STR: 30 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 60
AGL: 22 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : Fire, Water

Items Dropped : Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion
Items Stolen : Remedy, Ether
Bribe : 8400, Elixir (x8)

Lancet : Spin Kick

HP : 33 000 (4060 Overkill) MP : 2000
AP : 0 Gil: 0

STR: 34 DEF: 80
MAG: 35 MDE: 1
AGL: 32 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : None
Items Stolen : None
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 900 (1350 Overkill) MP : 95
AP : 810 Gil: 480

STR: 26 DEF: 1
MAG: 1 MDE: 180
AGL: 29 LCK: 15
EVA: 10 ACC: 30

Weakness : Ice

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Power Sphere
Items Stolen : Soft, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 18 000, Petrify Grenade (x12)

Lancet : None

HP : 1st Form : 24 000 MP : 500
2nd Form : 48 000
3rd Form : 60 000
AP : 14 000 Gil: 9000

STR: 20 DEF: 50
MAG: 30 MDE: 50
AGL: 40 LCK: 20
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.3 Key Sphere
Items Stolen : Mega-Potion, Farplane Wind
Bribe : None

Lancet : None

HP : 7850 (11 775 Overkill) MP : 1
AP : 5000 Gil: 950

STR: 38 DEF: 30
MAG: 1 MDE: 120
AGL: 46 LCK: 15
EVA: 14 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Speed Sphere, Speed Sphere
Items Stolen : Petrify Grenade, Petrify Grenade
Bribe : 164 000, Rename Card (x10)

Lancet : None
ZU (1)

HP : 12 000 (12 000 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 1200 Gil: 1200

STR: 32 DEF: 20
MAG: 30 MDE: 20
AGL: 8 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion
Items Stolen : Smoke Bomb, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : None

Lancet : None
ZU (2)

HP : 18 000 (1432 Overkill) MP : 50
AP : 1200 Gil: 1200

STR: 37 DEF: 20
MAG: 35 MDE: 20
AGL: 20 LCK: 15
EVA: 0 ACC: 0

Weakness : None

Items Dropped : Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion
Items Stolen : Smoke Bomb, Smoke Bomb
Bribe : 360 000, Skill Sphere (x2)

Lancet : None

XVII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. In the beginning of the game I missed the Destruction Sphere treasure in
Besaid temple. I am in the airship, and I can go back to Besaid, but I
can't get into the temple. Is there anything I can do to get back in?

A. Of course you can do something to go back inside the Temple. It's really
simple too and this works for all the temples except Bevelle Temple. Once
you have your airship, you must go back to the Highbridge in Bevelle.
There you will have a scene with Maester Mika and a Fayth. After those
scenes, you will be able to get back to previous temples and you will be
able to do the Cloister of Trials again.


2. My question is as follows : when I'm in a battle how do I use the
abilities that my weapon has. For example, say I'm using Lulu and one of
her weapons has Icestrike. How do i use it ?

A. Your question is pretty easy to answer. It's because you don't see the
Ability or there is no option to use an Ability that a weapon has. So if
you use a weapon with Icestrike, a physical attack will automatically be
transformed in an Ice elemental Attack. It's the same for all the
abilities for the Weapons and Armors.


3. I'm Monster Hunting in the Thunder Plains and I can't find that Qactuar.
I walked around for like an hour and saw every guy but him. Any tips on
making him pop up so I can capture him?

A. There is no magic tips to make the Qactuar pop up. One thing I must tell
you though is that you must pray at one of the glowing Qactuar Stones to
make the Qactuar appear in a battle.


4. I need some help with getting Anima. I've already gotten him but I can't
find the way to get back to the ship after that. I can't get out of that
circle of water back at the entrance. How do I get out?

A. It's pretty easy to get out, first you must get to the surface of the
water, then you must press the Square Button to exit the area, pretty
easy huh !?


5. I was reading your FAQ on the Cactuar Village Sidequest and I am stuck on
the 7th Cactuar "ISRAA" you say "The seventh cactuar is inside one of the
whirpools in Sanubia Desert West." I have looked in all the whirpools
and cannot find it. Is there a trick to it that I am over looking? I have
visisted all 4 whirpools and still have not found the elusive Cactuar.

A. Well, there is one thing I forgot to tell you about the 7th Cactuar. The
thing is, once you got the advice on how to find the 7th Cactuar, you
must exit Sanubia Desert West to go to Sanubia Desert Central, then
return to Sanubia Desert West and the Cactuar should now be in one of the
four whirpools.


6. I want to go to the Remiem Temple and I can't find the lady that lends me
a chocobo. I have already trained a chocobo too. Is it possible to get a
chocobo after you get the airship?

A. Well yes, it is possible to get a Chocobo after you get the Airship. The
most frequent problem that the people don't know about the Chocobo Lady
is that she isn't always at the same point in Calm Lands. A good way to
find her fast is from your airship, talk to Cid and head to Calm Lands.
You will be near an Item Shop, head immediately south and you should meet
the Chocobo Lady, you can't miss her.


7. I've been through Final Fantasy X three times now, and the one item I
cannot find is called the Mark of Conquest.

A. The Mark of Conquest is acquired by defeating Nemesis at the Monster


8. Could you tell me a list of [Spheres] locations, I cannot find them...

A. Lv. 3 Key Sphere :
- Steal from Ultima Buster ( Monster Arena ), Biran & Yenke, DefenderZ,
Machea, Right Fin, Seymour Omnis, Sin (Head), Ultima Weapon, Yunalesca.
- There is one in Zanarkand and Inside Sin
- You can win one with the Catcher Chocobo mini-game by beating 45.0
- Bribe Demonolith (900 000 Gil for 40 Lv. 3 Key Spheres)

Lv. 4 Key Sphere :
- Steal from Land Worm, Omega Weapon, Seymour Flux, Spectral Keeper.
- There is one Inside Sin and at Mt. Gagazet.
- Bribe Chimera Brain (196 000 Gil for 2 Lv.4 Key Spheres)

HP Sphere :
- Steal from Left Fin, Lord Ochu and Ironclad -> Monster Arena
- There is one in Luca, Bevelle, Mt. Gagazet and Inside Sin.
- You can win three of them by dodging 100 lightning bolts at the Thunder

MP Sphere :
- Steal from Lord Ochu, Sin (Core).
- Win from Vidatu at the Monster Arena.
- There is one at Macalania Woods, Calm Lands and at the Cavern of the
Stolen Fayth.
- You can win two of them by dodging 20 lightning bolts at the Thunder

Clear Sphere :
- Those are pretty rare, you can buy them from the Monster Arena owner
when you have unlocked Ultima Buster.

Fortune Sphere :
- There is one at Mi'Ihen Road, Calm Lands, Mt. Gagazet, Zanarkand and at
the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.
- Win from Earth Eater at the Monster Arena.

Evasion Sphere :
- Found in Bevelle Temple once you have your Airship, return to the
Chamber of the Fayth to acquire it.


9. I would like to know the name of the song when Tidus is playing Blitzball
(in the beginning).

A. That song isn't an unlockable one in the game, but there is a way to
obtain that song.

This heavy metal song is titled "Otherworld" on the FFX Soundtrack, so if
you go to Morpheus or KaZaA, you should be able to download it to your


10. I am running around fighting monsters in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
and I keep coming across these Magic Urns is there anything special with
them, or some trick to beating them? Please give me any info you can,

A. You can't defeat those Urns. Each of the Magic Urns have a lot of eyes,
you can hit one of them and if you it the good one, he will give you an
item. If you hit the wrong one, he will self-destruct himself on you and
the fight will be over.


11. I need help finding the monster Garuda for the Musroom Rock Road area. I
need to capture him. I am at the end of the game, but I have looked all
over that area and then some, but I still cannot find that monster
anywhere. Please help me find Garuda, he is the only monster I have not

A. Well, maybe you don't look in the good area. You can find the Garudas
near the Command Center.


12. I'm looking for an armor with no encounters on it and I can't find one.

A. Well, you should head to the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth or Inside Sin.
Some enemies drop armors with that ability on. You can also customize
one with 30 Purifying Salts.

Also, Geosgaeno at Baaj Temple always drops an armor with that ability.
You can only fight him one time though since he is a boss.


13. I'm in the Thunder Plains and I'm stumped. I have activated the Qactuar
Stones, prayed to the fallen temple. However, it says that the chest is
locked. How do i open it?

A. Well it's pretty simple, it's because you don't have the Celestial
Mirror. You absolutely need that mirror to open the chests that contains
a Legendary Weapon. If you are on your first time at the Thunder Plains,
you won't get the Celestial Mirror for a while. If you have your
Airship, you can get the Mirror, just look in the Sidequest section for
more information.


14. I can't get that guard to move at the northwest part of the Calm Lands.

A. To get the guard move, it's pretty simple. You must race against the
Chocobo Lady. Beat her on the fourth test (the one with the balloons and
the birds). Don't disembark your chocobo or exit the Calm Lands, head on
your Chocobo to the Northwest part of the Calm Lands (where the guard
is), there, disembark your Chocobo and the guard shouldn't be there.
Remember that you need the Celestial Mirror to get the Legendary Weapon


15. I have the Legendary Weapons, but I don't exceed the 9999 HP Limit for
the Aeons Overdrives like your FAQ says, what is the problem ?

A. Well, once you get the weapon, you don't exceed the 9999 HP Limit, you
need to power up your weapon with the Crest/Sigil of the weapon.
Remember that you need the Celestial Mirror in order to get the weapon
and the Sigils/Crests. Once you have upgraded your weapon, you will deal
more than 9999 HP of damage with your Aeons Overdrives.


16. I have unlocked Nemesis at the Monster Arena, but I can't fight him!
What is the problem?

A. Well, to fight Nemesis you need to defeat every Special Creations
Monsters. If you don't do that, you won't be able to fight Nemesis.


XVIII. In the next update...

The FAQ/Walkthrough is mainly completed, if not ALL completed. To be frank
with each and everyone of you, I don't think I will add anything else to
this FAQ except contributions and maybe a location of all the Weapons and
Armors. It has been fun folks and yet again, I thank all of you that sent me
those great e-mails. It really motivated me and I thank you from the bottom
of my heart.

XIX. About this FAQ

You can see this FAQ at :

This FAQ is currently translated in Spanish, you can see the FAQ
here :

An HTML Version of this FAQ is under construction at :

--- FAQ STATS ---

Part One
158 Pages
69 159 Words
319 998 Characters
8981 Lines

Part Two
179 Pages
66 305 Words
273 506 Characters
10 197 Lines

337 Pages
593 504 Characters
135 464 Words
19 178 Lines

--- Game Stats ---

1st Game : 36 : 29
2nd Game : 75 : 16

FAQ Size (Part One) : 427 KO
FAQ Size (Part Two) : 419 KO
FAQ Size (Total) : 846 KO

Number of E-Mails I got : 597 in English
12 in French

* The first e-mail was sent in by Shane Fountain,
* The first e-mail in French was sent in by Alexandre Castonguay,
* The 100th e-mail was sent in by Viarre Rayn,

I got my first HATE message, I'm so happy :) !

XX. Credits

* I would like to thank CjayC, the GameFaqs big boss for his great job.
* Squaresoft for making this great game
* Thanks to Michael Gallant, for the followings
- Playing a whole game for me :)
- Making the BlitzBall FAQ
* Special Thanks to Ryan Dean, for contributing to
the FAQ with an excellent Quick Mix List.
* Thanks to Dan Grubbs, for the Omega Dungeon
* Special thanks to Christian Morelock, for the most
complete Walkthrough ever about the Sun Sigil Quest.
* Special Thanks to (Darryl Knight) for giving me
a great FAQ about the random items in the Omega Dungeon.
* Thanks to Ace Kwans, for new Overdrives Modes
* Thanks to T.J. a.k.a. dmltn8r, for his boss strategies
(Omega & Utlima Weapons)
* Thanks to Lucas Miller, for new Overdrives Modes
* Thanks to Josh Carriveau, dragoon2716@hotmail, for the followings :
- Strategy for the Boss Chocobo Eater
- For telling me how to get Valefor's second Overdrive.
* Special thanks to Andrew Hamada, for the
followings :
- New Characters Informations ( He made the 2nd paragragh of each
- New Overdrives Informations on Wakka
- Giving me a few tips on how to write a FAQ
* Thanks to for telling me you need to capture every fiends
in the Calm Lands to earn the Blossom Crown.
* Thanks to for telling me about the Hero Overdrive Mode
* Thanks to KoW K'oTic, for telling me more
information about Jecht Spheres and how to input the Tornado Overdrive.
* Thanks to for is thoughts about the Magus Sisters
* Thanks to Dave O'Hearn, for his Strategy on the
Ultima/Omega Weapons.
* Thanks to Benji Schrager,, for his Strategy on how to
have 0:0.0 on the Catcher Chocobo.
* Thanks to iZealot, for the following :
- Auron's Overdrive input : Banishing Blade
- A strategy on how to obtain Tidus's Overdrive faster
* Thanks to Harley Hafner, for a new Overdrive Mode
* Thanks to Bill Harper, for giving me a few tips on
Anima's Sidequest.
* Thanks to CB! for a strategy on how to defeat Nemesis a.k.a. Omega Gold
and some information for the Monster Arena Sidequest.
* Thanks to AcidTwister, for his useful strategy on
how to defeat Anima.
* Thanks to Alexandre Castonguay, for telling me I have
missed the Ability Pray.
* Thanks to Chandler Groover,, for his comments on
the Magus Sisters.
* Thanks to Wayne, for his useful comments on the Magus
* Thanks to for giving me in-depth informations about
the Magus Sisters and their attacks.
* Thanks to for his contribution on the Key Items
* Thanks to Paul Friedman, for telling me a mistake
in my Evrae Battle Strategy and for telling me that Yojimbo has a fourth
attack : Wakizashi which damages all enemies.
* Thanks to for his information on the location of the Al
Bhed Primer Vol. III.
* Thanks to for his strategy on how to get Tidus
Overdrives faster.
* Thanks to for his strategy on the Sun Sigil.
* Thanks to Mike Lee, for Tips #1-2-3-4 in the Basics of
the game section.
* Thanks to for his strategy on how to defeat the Spectral
* Thanks to for telling me a huge grammatical mistake
with the word Playstation and for telling me a few tips on the butterflies
* Thanks to Raynier Martinez, for his strategy on how to
defeat Yunalesca.
* Thanks to Raiyan Khan, for his strategy on how to
defeat Seymour Natus.
* Thanks to Tony, for his information about the GODHAND
* Thanks to Lyda,, for his/her? information about the
VICTORIOUS password.
* Thanks to Thomas Harris-Warick, for his information
about the GODHAND password.
* Thanks to Tim, for his strategy on how to defeat
the Sanctuary Keeper.
* Thanks to for reminding me that you have to beat
0:0.0 to acquire the Sun Sigil.
* Thanks to metalgear ray09 for his strategy on how to get the Sun Sigil.
* Thanks to Seth E. Randall, for a strategy on how to defeat
* Thanks to for telling me that the Sun Crest isn't
at the right of the screen when you defeat Yunalesca.
* Thanks to Daniel Conley, for his strategy on
how to defeat Seymour Natus.
* Thanks to Bobbi, for a strategy on how to defeat
Braska's Final Aeon.
* Thanks to for his information on the GODHAND Password.
* Thanks to Matthew McLuhan, for his strategy on how to get
the Sun Sigil.
* Thanks to Justin Faulkner, for a strategy on how to defeat
the Spectral Keeper.
* Thanks to Joe Angelone, for a strategy on how to get
the Venus Sigil.
* Thanks to Mark Stanga, for a strategy on how to
defeat the Puraboras.
* Special thanks to James, for telling me to add some
information that wasn't in the FAQ/Walkthrough.
* Thanks to Jeff, for telling me the location of the
Password Murasame.
* Thanks to Lord Sagacyte, for telling me that there
are 71 Music Spheres.
* Thanks to for giving me a great strategy on Adamantoise.
* Thanks to Richard Stanley, for a useful tip on how
to defeat the Master Tonberrys at the Omega Ruins.
* Thanks to for a strategy on how to defeat the Crawler
and Negator.
* Special thanks to Andrew Schaffer, for giving me some
information about revisiting the Chambers of the Fayth.
* Thanks to Cindy J Mariner, for a useful strategy on how to
defeat Catastrophe.
* Thanks to Sigma X, for a useful strategy on how to
defeat Seymour, Anima and the Guado Guardians.
* Thanks to Matthew Montgomery, for telling me
another location of armors with No Encounters.
* Special thanks to NagisaKaworu, for the followings :
- Giving me a great amount of Boss Strategies
- Correcting a lot of mistakes with both Parts of the FAQ.
* Special thanks to John McPherson, for a very useful
strategy on how to defeat Yunalesca and all future bosses.
* Thanks to Riffus, for telling me to clear up the
location of the Destruction Sphere in Djose Temple.
* Thanks to Tommy Harold a.k.a The Game, for telling me
that you need to activate a Crest / Sigil to exceed 9999 HP of damage
with an Aeon Overdrive.
* Thanks to George, for a useful strategy on how to
defeat Defender X.
* Thanks to D West, for some strategies on the fights
at Bevelle.
* Thanks to Val Kain, for a clarification on the song
"Otherworld" on FFX Soundtrack.
* Thanks to for a great strategy on Seymour Omnis.
* Thanks to for a strategy on the Besaid Area
* Thanks to David Juiliano, for pointing out a
mistake about Evrae in the FAQ.
* Thanks to Joshua Burrus, for a great strategy on
Neslug located at the Monster Arena.
* Thanks to Blitzer, for an In-Depth Strategy on
how to defeat Jumbo Flan.
* Thanks to FrEAky flOW, for a quick way to defeat
the Sand Worms.
* Thanks to David Trammell, for a quick way to kill
the Mimics at Omega Ruins.
* Thanks to Superguy888, for an in-depth strategy on how
to defeat Evrae.
* Thanks to Kenny Blume, for a useful tip on how
to kill the Bombs at Mi'Ihen Highroad.
* Thanks to for a correction on Seymour's statistics after
Anima is defeated.
* Thanks to Hannah Price, for his information on
how to travel with Rikku/Lulu from Macalania Woods to Macalania Temple.
* Thanks to ~Pheobus, for a useful strategy on how to
defeat Jumbo Flan.
* Thanks to Randy François, for telling me a new
Overdrive Mode.
* Thanks to Justin Neme, for a strategy on how to defeat Zu.
* Thanks to Tave, for telling me that you can obtain
two potions at the beginning of the bridge in Zanarkand.
* Thanks to Michael Hayes, for correcting a spelling
* Thanks to Alastair, for telling me new locations of
O'Aka and a correction about Blitzball recruiting.
* Thanks to Andres Tamara, for telling me five new
Overdrives Mode.

XXI. Final Words

First of all, I would like to dedicate this FAQ to all of my friends that
helped me getting through a tough situation. Things haven't turned out
like I have hoped, but life goes on, so I just stayed on the road, thanks to
all of you.

There is a second point I would like to talk about, even though I am pretty
sure that person will NEVER read this part, but I just wanted to tell it
anyway. I know our friendship may be over, but I think that we should forget
the past and look up to what is next in our lives. I always wanted to stand
right by you, that's what I always wanted, to be with you. There is nothing
more important than that for me. This FAQ is for you Annie, it may not be
much but that's all I can give you. Thanks for the memories and let's go on
to the future as I hope our roads will cross again...

"Live for the moment, not for hopes that may never happen."

Now, it has been fun making this FAQ folks, I hope you have enjoyed it has
much has I have enjoyed making it. I'll tell you this, if you have any kind
of talent, share it with others by making a FAQ. It his so much fun playing
a game for others, you have to try this once. It his possible that you will
see me in another FAQs, because I enjoy making them. Well, that's about it,
so goodbye everyone !

Final Fantasy X FAQ/Walkthrough
By StoneKotr
Copyright 2002 All rights reserved
Part Two of Two

|End Of Part Two|
|End of FAQ|

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