Tales of Destiny 2

Tales of Destiny 2

16.10.2013 06:25:49
Debug Feature Guide
*Tales of Destiny II *
*Debug Feature Guide *
*Date: 7/21/02 v1.4 *
*Author: Chad *
*E-Mail: speed-bump@cox.net *
*Copyright 2002 *

The guide is intended solely for personal use. You may NOT use this guide for a
profit and you may NOT use this guide or parts of it as your own. Webmasters feel
free to post this guide on your own site as long as you leave it in its original state.

BTW, how DARE you people let me leave this guide incomplete!
And if you have any information, or think something I put is unclear, E-Mail me and
I'll fix it up for the next update. I WILL complete this guide!

Version History
v1.4 Update 7/21/02
-Defined EL in 5B. Battle Menu
-Added Info regarding Continue + features in 7. Other Notes
-Changed E. Anomalies to F. Anomalies to make room for...
-E. Event Flags. I've verified it.
-Verified the extra valuables (Etapoke) are the supposed removed pocket
station games in 4C. Craymel Ball Player (The debug room) Updated info.
-8D. Battle Group List now goes to 1-200 & 949
-8E. Town Map List now goes to 1-206 & 807

v1.3 Update 6/28/02
-Major reformatting
-Change to Cox.net E-mail (Don't you wish I made up my mind? :D)
-Extended 8D. Battle Group List to 1-100 & 949
-Extended 8E. Town Map List to 1-107 & 807

v1.2 Update 3/30/02
-Added 8E. Town Map List (Just 3 for now)
-Changed 5A. Field menu to Town Menu
-Changed 4E. Other to Anomalies
-Minor updates to 5A. Town Menu
-Even more minor updates that I can't recall
-My new Email updated

v1.1 Update 2/7/02 (Not much, this version)
-Added 8D. Battle Group list (Thanks Rena)
-Simplified 6. Extra Controls
-Changed the Lists format around
-Minor updates,
4. The Debug Room
4D. Dede
7. Other Notes

v1.0 Original 1/6/02

1. Thanks
2. Introduction
3. The Code
4. The Debug Room
A. Party Members
B. Undine
C. Craymel Ball Player
D. Dede
E. Event Flags
F. Anomalies
5. Extra Menus
A. Town Menu
B. Battle Menu
6. Extra Controls
A. Field Controls
B. Map Controls/Map Detail
7. Other Notes (Read!)
8. Lists
A. Field List
B. Movie List
C. Mini Game List
D. Battle Group
E. Town Map
9. Things to Come (Hopefully)

1. Thanks
I give my thanks to:

-Rena Chan Shuzhen(alucard_rpg@yahoo.com) for contributing much info.

-Namco Ltd. And Staff for making this great game.

-The many outstanding FAQ creators, for without FAQ's like theirs, I would have no
example and be totally lost.

-Gamefaqs.com, for the information on how to make a FAQ, having a place on the web
to display this guide, and many other things.

-InterAct Accessories Inc. For making GameSharks, without it there might've never
been any debug features found

2. Introduction
This guide is designed to explain all the specifics of the debug feature for Tales
of Destiny 2. A debug feature, in most cases is a special menu, room, control, or
aspect the creators have placed in the game to test the game for any glitches or bugs
that may have been overlooked. It is usually left in the game release, but is
inaccessible by any normal means. Debug features are usually unlocked by use of a
cheat device. Debug features are also confusing, often including menus of selections
that don't even include words, but jumbled symbols. Tales of Destiny 2's debug room
is well developed, and all of it, with a few exceptions, is in perfectly understandable
English. Yet, there are still many things that need explaining.

3. The Code
Here's the code: 30132748 0003 (Note: Gameshark must be version 2.2 or up)

After the title screen comes up, press start. You'll notice none of the options
are highlighted. Now press X, you'll be taken to the debug room.

4. The Debug Room
Here, you start in the middle of a small area, with two houses, A tree in the lower
left corner, which takes up much of the screen, and stairs that lead to a path. You
cannot go in either of the houses, or go down the path. The characters here are: Undine,
Dede the Miacis, a Craymel ball player, Reid (lying down), Farah, Keele, Meredy, Ras,
Chat, Max, and a Townsperson(?). Let's go into detail about the different options
you can do here. Also notice that you start with the Sorcerer's ring, Freeze ring,
and Inferian Map.

You can use the Sorcerers ring and the freeze ring here on the characters and they'll
respond as if you walked up and talked to them normally. (Contributed by Rena Chan)

4A. Party Members
All of your possible party members are lined up on your right side. To have a
character join your party, simply talk to them, then select "yes". The character
sprite will fall on the ground, and you'll have them in your party. To have a
character leave your party, talk to their character sprite (that's lying down) you
can also remove Reid. The townsperson behind Max will give you the option to have
your current main character changed into one of the characters from the Seyfert Trials.
That is: an Eggbear, Little Keele, Little Meredy, and Shizel. If you talk to the
townsperson after having your character changed, you'll change back to normal. You
can only have six characters in your party at one time, and only four in battle like

4B. Undine
If you talk to her, you get an option to select a craymel. You can only select one
at a time, but you can repeat this until you get the normal greater craymels. I have
tried, but there seems to be no way to get any of the supreme greater craymels (Rem,
Shadow, Maxwell, or Sekundes), but you can get them through the game. You must have
someone that has a craymel cage in your party to receive craymels. (I.E. Meredy or

4C. Craymel Ball Player
She's the one at the top of the stairs
Here's the menu:

1. Items, Cooking
A. Give All Items(15)
B. Learn Inferian Cooking
C. Learn Celestian Cooking
D. Learn Other Cooking
2. Set Monster Guide Flags
A. Encounter All Monsters
B. Examine All Monsters
C. Set All Flags
D. Clear All Flags
3. Call Auction menu
4. Call C.Cage Menu

1A. Give All Items(15)
Does what it says. It give you ALL the items, including some stuff impossible to
get in the normal game. This gives you four new valuable items called Etapoke1,
Etapoke2, Etapoke3, and Etapoke4, respectively. These are for the pocket station.
Each one has to do with a main character (I.E. Reid is on Etapoke1, Farah on 2, etc.).
I didn't have a chance to find out exactly what they consist of, as the PSX
pocketstation I bought off my friend had no batteries. Who knows, maybe someone will
write a FAQ about them.

1B. Learn Inferian Cooking
Teaches you all the cooking from Inferia

1C. Learn Celestian Cooking
Teaches you all the cooking from Celestia

1D. Learn Other Cooking
Teaches you all the "other" cooking recipes

2A.Encounter All Monsters
It acts like you've "seen" all the monsters. The monster guide is filled with all
the monsters, but none of them show the items or "examined" information

2B. Examine All Monsters
Act's like you've used the spectacles on all the monsters. Shows the monster
statistics and element information in the monster guide.

2C. Set All Flags
Shows everything about the monsters in the monster guide. Shows the items the
monsters have along with the examined info.

2D. Clear All Flags
Clears all monster information from the monster guide.

3. Call Auction Menu
It calls a mock Auction menu to test if the auction menu is working. It only shows
up if you have an item in the normal inventory. Nothing special.

4. Call C.Cage Menu
Activates the C.Cage menu to show that it's working properly.

4D. Dede
Dede (Max's Miacis) starts off at the bottom of the stairs, but will follow the
character your controlling. When she get to your character, she'll say "Hiya ???"
(??? is replaced with whatever character your controlling) then fall asleep. If you
talk to her, she'll say "Restore!" and heal your party. (info submitted by Rena Chan.

4E. Event Flags
Here's how to set the event flags:
You have to be in the debug room. I hope your familiar with the controls, it isn't
hard to find though.
-Press L2, See the red rectangle? That'll help you see where you are when there's
a foreground layer in front of the main character.
-Then press R2, which sets a no clipping mode (You can walk anywhere on the map).
-Walk into the tree, towards the base of the screen.
-Press R2 again, disabling clip mode.
-Now navigate (using the red rectangle as a guide for where your character is) to
near the base of the screen, and walk around in the lower left area.
-This should pop up:

1:toe +1000
2:toe +100
3:toe +10
4:toe +1

These ARE event flags. Experiment with them, go nuts. I'm not making a list of oh
say.... 15,000 or so events... Here's how they work:
-Go to a selection
-Press X
-The screen will pop up again. This is because it's cumulative. Keep on making
selections if you want to add them up.
-After you think you've gone far enough, Press O. You'll exit the screen.
-Go to your menu, then exit. If you've gone far enough, it'll ask you to switch discs.
You don't need to, just press X, then X again. (Override)
-Wander around using Town Map or just run around and check out what's going on in
the world.

4F. Anomalies
These are some hidden text messages that I've found.

"OFF SWITCH 0-2048"
To find this message in the debug room turn off clipping (Described in section 6A)
and turn on the red square shadows to help see your character(also described in 6A)
and walk "into" the tree. After you're in the tree, turn clipping back on and walk
around where the red shadow is around the middle of the tree, and slightly to the
left. This message comes up, but so far I have not figured out its significance.

5. Extra Menus
The debug feature adds two extra menus, one for the field, and one in battle.

5A. Town Menu
Pressing start in a town, cave, dungeon, etc. brings up this menu. Here's what it
looks like:

Town Map 0
Battle Group 0
Battle Map 0
Field 0
Movie 0
Mini Game 0
Chat 0

Left/Right = Changes the number in increments of 1
Up/Down = Changes selected option
X = Executes desired option (Dependent on the number)
Square + Left/Right = Changes the number in increments of 10

All the numbers can wrap around from 0 to the end number (ex. Press left when its
set on 0 on the Town Map selection and it'll go to 902.)

Town Map
Town Map refers to the locations in towns, dungeons, caves, castles, etc. Any place
works on any disc, even though there is no possibility of it existing on that disc
anyway. For instance, you can go to the entrance of Shizel's Castle by just setting
the number to 807 and press X. Limit: 902.

Battle Group
Refers to a group of enemies. Selecting a number and pressing X causes a battle.
This works in conjunction with Battle Map. Limit: 949.

Battle Map
Selects the scenery for battle. Set the number like usual, and pressing X will put
you in a battle with what ever is selected in the Battle Group. Limit: 115.

Warps you to a map. Note that some of these are cinemas. See "Lists" for a list
of selections. Limit: 14.

Plays a game movie. Note that these are disc specific, and if you pick a number
of a movie that's not in the disc, it'll just black out for a second.
See "Lists". Limit: 16.

Mini Game
Starts a mini game. I haven't thoroughly experimented with this, so I don't know
how to get out of demo mode on the Dance Hall (its 0), or I don't know if there's
a way to play craymel ball against the computer (3). See "Lists"
Limit: 7.

Supposedly initiates a game chat. The only ones that worked for me are
265-343, which are the map hints. I would make a list for them but I don't know
how to title them! Limit: 376.

Exits the game and goes to title screen.

5B. Battle Menu
To open this menu, in a battle, open the Battle Options menu. It is an invisible
selection to the right of "Items". NOTE!!!: Once in this menu, you cannot exit it
to the battle you were just in! If you press O in any selection other than "Exit"
it will reset the battle to what ever is on the variables. Here's the options:

1. RID Lv30 Manu
2. FAR Lv30 Auto
3. KEE Lv30 Auto
4. MER Lv30 Auto
Group ?
Map ?
EL ?

The first four rows are your battling party. The numbers are just that, the order.
The three letters after that are the character. The number next to Lv are the set
level of your characters. The last part is how they are controlled. Lv Limit: 1-250

Changing these variables:
To change the character, simply press left or right.
To change the level, use the L2/R2 shoulder buttons.
To change the control method use the L1/R1 shoulder buttons.
Here are the character names:

RID: Reid FOG: Max
FAR: Farah KUM: Eggbear
KEE: Keele C-Ke: Little Keele
MER: Meredy C-Me: Little Meredy
RAC: Ras SHI: Shizel
CHA: Chat

Group ?
You can change the variable by simply moving the cursor to it and pressing left
or right. This selects the enemy group you fight when the battle restarts. Same
variables as in the Battle Group on the Field Menu.

Map ?
Selects the map scenery for the battle when it resets. It has 4 extra map backgrounds
than the Field Menu does, 116-119. (Info contributed by Rena Chan)

This changes the battle to a special battle, where if you put the cursor on this
and press left/right it'll go through two other options, ON, and Stop.
When it is ON, and the battle resets, all enemies can be brought down to 1 HP, but
they will not die. Stop indicates that the enemies will just sit there and do nothing.
It also has the effect of "ON".

Effects unknown

I now assume EL = Enemy Level, thanks to information given to me on the GameFAQ's
Message Board. The higher the number the more difficult the enemies seem. Limit: 1-30

If you have the cursor on this option when you press O, you'll exit the battle and
it'll be as if you won the battle. (I accidentally did this on the first Hyades, and
he ran off like he got worked.)

6. Extra Controls
The debug feature activates some extra controls that aren't usually there...

6A. Field Controls
Here are the extra controls I have found that can be done in any town, cave or

R2-toggles clipping on/off. Clipping is the aspect of an object or wall that will
stop your character from moving beyond it. For short, toggle clipping off and you
can walk right through walls. Quite important if you're going to use the Town Map
feature, because sometimes you are placed on a wall...

L2-toggles a red shadow on/off. I'm not sure why this is here, but it helps for
navigating behind stuff, like a tunnel. (Or the big tree in the debug room, with
clipping off)

Select, w/ field menu opened-Changes character movement from your control to event
control and back. A green menu background means that your character is under event
control, blue background means your control. Example: Go to Field Map 25, Reid will
move along the path by himself. Open the Field menu and notice the background is green.
Now press select and it'll change blue. Reid will no longer be moving along the path,
but stop. Now you can control him. If Reid is in an area or section in the game where
the computer wouldn't normally control him to advance the story, and you change it
green he'll just stand there.
NOTE: There are times when you use "Town Map"

L1, w/ field menu opened-Changes character sprite size. There are just three sizes,
small, medium, and large (it doesn't say that anywhere though...). Simply open the
Field menu and press L1. All the sprites will change a size.

6B. Map Controls/Map Detail
The map seems to have changed a little...hmm...That's it! There's a new clock in
the upper right corner, telling you the time of day (game time) on the map. Anyway,
here's the controls for the map:

R2-Toggles time on and off. Tap it once and you'll see the clock in the corner stop.
It'll stay stopped until you tap it again. That means it won't change to night if
it's day and vice versa.

L2-Advances the time by one hour. It doesn't matter if you stopped time (R2) or
it's still going, every time you press L2 the hour advances.

O-Speeds up movement on the map. It is also a no clipping button. As long as it's
held down, you can run over mountains and water. (Stand on top of Mt. Farlos.

Van Eltia
It's not a new control, but with this the Van Eltia starts off with all conversions
done, but still empty cabins. You get all the map commands that are normally there.

7. Other Notes
Here are some important notes about the Debug feature:

*With the debug code activated, there are NO random encounters. but all the enemies
you can see are still there to fight. (ex. shadow cave reapers)

*Apparently, if you lose in battle, it's no end game scene, you just show up in the
same spot with all allies dead.

*With the debug code on, you can override the disc change menu. This leads to some
very weird stuff. To override it, just press X, it'll say wrong disc, but press X
again and it will continue like usual. One weird thing is playing the game from the
beginning...on the 3rd disc. The voice acting is on the other disc, but since they
used the same numbers for the different voice clips, It started off with Hyades for
some of Reid's parts, and they were completely wrong. BTW, in order to play movies
through the Field Menu that are on other discs that the first one, you will have to
override the change disc menu.

*You CAN save the game with the stuff you've got from the debug features, stop using
the code, reload the save and play normally. (random monsters, YAY!) It has no active
effect left over though...meaning the only thing that stays is the level you may have
altered your characters to be, the characters you've selected, craymels, and items.
Remember, there is no way out of the debug room unless you select a map, and that
doesn't stay if you turn off the code. (So DON'T SAVE IN THE DEBUG ROOM)

*To play the game normally, you must start the story line by going to Field Map

*Nereid's Labyrinth is accessible by setting "Field" to 5 in the debug menu, which
will take you to the Orbus barrier, on Celestia side. Nereid's Labyrinth is unlocked.
However, you cannot access the "Hardcore" difficulty. Other than that, I do not know
if it stays that way as if you were to play the game normally.

8. Lists
Here are a couple lists of the variables in the Menus:

8A. Fields
0. Inferia Land (023,108)
1. Inferia Aifish (115,168)
2. Orbus Barrier Van Eltia (000,000) (Inferian side)
3. Celestia Land (041,072)
4. Celestia Aifish (215,175)
5. Orbus Barrier Van Eltia (000,000) (Celestian side)
6. Orbus Relay Pt. Van Eltia (???,???) (Celestian Side)
7. CINEMA: Aifish, Tunnel to Jini (Actually takes you there)
8. CINEMA: Mt. Farlos, Bridge of Light
9. CINEMA: Van Eltia, Destination: Balir Castle
10. CINEMA: Van Eltia, From Celestia, to Orbus Relay
11. CINEMA: Van Eltia, From Orbus Relay, To Inferia
12. CINEMA: Van Eltia, Surrounded by Inferian Ships
13. CINEMA: The Luishka Disaster
14. Mini game: Race around Celestia!

8B. Movies
(These aren't the real names of the movies, if they do have names for them... I just
made them up depending on what I saw. And could someone confirm that you can't get
the cool Van Eltia Aibird Upgrade movie, because its on disc two, and there's no
possible way to get the conversion normally on the second disc?)

Disc 1
0. Game Introduction
1. Galenos and Meredy (new game start)
2. The Orbus Barrier Wave
3. Bridge of Light

Disc 2
4. Launch of Van Eltia
5. The Van Eltia Cannon (Assault on Balir Castle)
6. Shizel: To the Dark Matter
7. Van Eltia: Conversion 1 (Stage 2: Aifish add-on)
8. Van Eltia: Conversion 2 (Stage 3: Aibird add-on; Not normally accessible?)
9. Projection Room (Story of Seyfert)
10. Seyfert Observatory (Breaking the Seyfert Ring)
11. Unsuccessful Attack on the Dark Matter

Disc 3
12. Overhead shot of Balir Castle, in relation to the Seyfert Observatory
13. Firing of the Fringe Cannon (2nd attack on Dark Matter)
14. Collision imminent (Inferia & Celestia begin to collide)
15. Destruction of the Orbus Barrier
16. Taking off: Van Eltia's Final Stage

8C. Mini Game
Could someone tell me if there's a way to change the Dance hall to where you can control
a character, or change Craymel Ball to against the CPU?

0. Dance Hall (Demo by the Dance Master)
1. Abandoned Mine
2. The Craymel Express
3. Craymel Ball (2 player, weird characters)
4. River Rafting
5. Sea Battle
7. Carousel Sushi

8D. Battle Group (Many contributed by Rena Chan)
I find combinations 84-89 really cool, as they combine bosses with normal creatures
you'd see everywhere in the game (From Nereid's Labyrinth).

0. SwampThing
1. Antler(4)
2. Bandit, Striker, & Night Flyer
3. Maxwell
4. Celsius
5. Gnome
6. Undine
7. Volt
8. Sylph & Arms(2)
9. Valkyrie
10. Rassius
11. Shadow & EmptyDoll(2)
12. Shizel
13. ????? (Hyades 1)
14. Rem
15. Efreet
16. Hyades 2
17. Sekundes
18. Cress
19. Cress & Arche
20. Shizel {Nereid}
21. Hyades 3
22. Living Armor
23. Guardian
24. Monk(8)
25. Shileska G.(8)
26. Jungler
27. Hershel & Zeibel (Seyfert egg bear battle)
28. Spiral & Escargot(3)
29. Birial Guard(4)
30. Elementler(Water) & GraveKeeper(3)
31. Elementler(Wind) & GraveKeeper(3)
32. Elementler(Fire) & GraveKeeper(3)
33. Elementler(Earth) & GraveKeeper(3)
34. Elementler(Ice) & GraveKeeper(3)
35. Elementler(Lightning) & GraveKeeper(3)
36. Siren & Ghost(4)
37. Egg Trader
38. Fake
39. Regulus {Nereid}
40. Inferian G.
41. Night Flyer(2) & Green Roper(2)
42. Green Roper(2), Blood Sucker & Octoslime
43. Green Roper(2), Night Flyer & Blood Sucker
44. Night Flyer(2), Blood Sucker & Octoslime
45. Green Roper(2) & Blood Sucker(2)
46. Blood Sucker(2) & Octoslime(2)
47. Green Roper(2) & Octoslime(2)
48. Egg Bear
49. Storm Claw(2) & Mist
50. Chamballoon(4)
51. Chamballoon(4)
52. Chamballoon(4)
53. Chamballoon(6)
54. Chamballoon(7)
55. Chamballoon(7)
56. Chamballoon(8)
57. Chamballoon(8)
58. Chamballoon(8)
59. Chamballoon(8)
60. Storm Claw
61. Guitaricle
62. Storm Claw(2) & Mahogany(2)
63. Mahogany(2) & Archer
64. Mahogany(4)
65. Snow Lobster(2), Medusa(2) & Red Sizzer
66. Snow Lobster(2), Medusa(2) & Starfish
67. Medusa(3), Snow Lobster(2) & Red Sizzer
68. Mocking Plant(3) & Mahogany
69. Minicoid(2) & Woods Worm(2)
70. Mocking Plant(2) & Woods Worm(2)
71. Minicoid(2), Woods Worm & Mahogany
72. Mocking Plant(2) & Minicoid(2)
73. Mocking Plant(3) & Mahogany
74. Mocking Plant(2), Woods Worm & Mahogany
75. Evil Needles(4) & Insect Plant
76. Slime(2), Mad Eel & Crusher
77. Kick Frog(3) & King Frog
78. Slime(3) & Crusher
79. Slime(2), King Frog & Kick Frog
80. Slime(2) & Mad Eel(2)
81. Kick Frog(2), King Frog & Mad Eel
82. Kick Frog(3), King Frog & Crusher
83. Slime(3) & Mad Eel(2)
84. Voltic(2) & Undine (What? COOL!)
85. Elementler(Lightning) & Harpy
86. Elementler(Fire) & Fire Cloud
87. Elementler(Earth) & Stronghorn(2)
88. Living Armor & Bigfoot (scary...)
89. Hyades & Lakamar(2)
90. Squire(2), Ranger & Sage
91. Kraaken(2) & Toriton(2)
92. Beast Ogre(2) & Fire Cloud
93. Revenant(2), Metallicore & Mega Death
94. Mythril Golem (2) & Sky Keeper
95. Evil Ripper(2) & Tentacles(2)
96. Wizard(2) & Duelist
97. Phoenix(2) & Hellkite
98. Hellkite(2) & Red Dragon
99. Starfish(2) & Red Sizzer
100. Starfish(2) & Red Sizzer
101. Bandit(3)
102. Bandit(4)
103. Bandit(2) & Archer
104. Bandit(3) & Archer(2)
105. Sword Soldier(3)
106. Sword Soldier(2) & Witch
107. Sword Soldier(2) & Witch(2)
108. Sword Soldier(3) & Witch(2)
109. Mahogany
110. Mahogany(2) & Sprite
111. Mahogany(2) & Evil Needles(2)
112. Mahogany(2) & Red Hawk(2)
113. Beast Bear
114. Evil Needles(2)
115. Evil Needles
116. Rocky Hawk
117. Rocky Hawk(2)
118. Rocky Hawk(2)
119. Arrow Tail
120. Arrow Tail(2)
121. Arrow Tail(2) & Rocky Hawk
122. Arrow Tail(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
123. Night Raid
124. Night Raid(2)
125. Night Raid(3)
126. Night Raid(2) & Rocky Hawk
127. Beast Bear(2)
128. Beast Bear(2) & Rocky Hawk
129. Beast Bear(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
130. Red Sizzer(2)
131. Red Sizzer(2) & Harpy
132. Red Sizzer(2) & Harpy(2)
133. Sea Slug(2)
134. Sea Slug(2) & Harpy
135. Sea Slug(2) & Harpy(2)
136. Harpy(2)
137. Harpy(3)
138. Zombie(2)
139. Zombie(2) & Sprite
140. Zombie(3)
141. Zombie(2) & Sprite(2)
142. Sea Slug(2) & Sprite
143. Red Sizzer(2) & Sprite
144. Sprite(2)
145. Sprite
146. Sprite(2)
147. Sprite(2)
148. Slime
149. Slime(2) & Evil Needles
150. Slime(3)
151. Slime(2) & Sprite(2)
152. Brown Pot(2)
153. Brown Pot(2) & Sprite
154. Brown Pot(3)
155. Brown Pot(2) & Sprite(2)
156. Rock Golem(2) & Harpy
157. Rock Golem(2)
158. Rock Golem(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
159. Rock Golem(2) & Harpy
160. Green Roper
161. Green Roper(2)
162. Green Roper(3)
163. Green Roper(2) & Sprite
164. Bandit(3) & Archer
165. Sword Soldier(2) & Witch(2)
166. Mahogany(2) & Sprite
167. Arrow Tail(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
168. Night Raid(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
169. Beast Bear(2) & Rocky Hawk(2)
170. Red Sizzer(2) & Harpy(2)
171. Sea Slug(2) & Harpy(2)
172. Zombie(2) & Voltic(2)
173. Slime(2) & Sprite(2)
174. Brown Pot(2) & Sprite(2)
175. Rock Golem(2) & Harpy(2)
176. Green Roper(2) & Voltic(2)
177. Bandit(2) & Archer(2)
178. Sword Soldier(2) & Witch(2)
179. Mahogany(3) & Sprite(3)
180. Arrow Tail(2) & Rocky Hawk
181. Night Raid(3) & Rocky Hawk(3)
182. Beast Bear(3) & Rocky Hawk(3)
183. Red Sizzer(3) & Harpy(3)
184. Sea Slug(3) & Harpy(3)
185. Zombie(3) & Voltic(3)
186. Slime(3) & Sprite(3)
187. Brown Pot(3) & Sprite(3)
188. Rock Golem(3) & Harpy(3)
189. Green Roper(3) & Voltic(3)
190. Striker(2)
191. Striker(3)
192. Striker(2) & Mage(2)
193. Striker(2), Thug(2) & Mage(2)
194. Thug(2)
195. Thug(3)
196. Thug(2) & Sorcerer(2)
197. Insect Plant & Evil Needles(3)
198. Mocking Plant(2) & Mahogany
199. Mocking Plant(2) & Evil Needles(4)
200. Insect Plant(2) & Forest Hawk(2)
949. GraveKeeper(3)
8E. Town Map
Some descriptions I put down are going to be vague, as some places are hard to describe,
lacking characteristics.

0. Debug Room
1. Far Away Village, Rasheans (Front display)
2. South Rasheans
3. Northwest Rasheans
4. Northeast Rasheans
5. South Rasheans (Past, Pre-disaster)
6. Northwest Rasheans (Past, Pre-disaster)
7. Northeast Rasheans (Past, Pre-disaster)
8. South Rasheans (Past, Mid-disaster)
9. Northwest Rasheans (Past, Mid-disaster)
10. Northeast Rasheans (Past, Mid-disaster)
11. South Rasheans (Past, Mid-disaster, Event Close-up)
12. Elders House (Rasheans, Hole in wall)
13. Elders House (Rasheans, Hole Boarded up)
14. Farah's House (Rasheans)
15. Elders House 2nd Story (Rasheans)
16. Reid's House (Rasheans)
17. Traveler's Shop (Rasheans)
18. Reid's Basement (Rasheans)
19. Keele's House (Rasheans, Past)
20. Private House (Rasheans, Keele's old house)
21. Keele's House 2nd story (Rasheans, Past)
22. Cow Shed (Rasheans)
23. Inside the Well (Rasheans, Past)
24. Far Northeast bend (Rasheans Forest)
25. Northeastern Path (Rasheans Forest, Where the game begins)
26. Watch Tower (Rasheans Forest, Not Destroyed)
27. Watch Tower (Rasheans Forest, Top, Event close-up)
28. Watch Tower (Rasheans Forest, Destroyed)
29. South Fork (Rasheans Forest)
30. East Fork (Rasheans Forest)
31. Northeastern Dead End (Rasheans Forest)
32. East Bend (Rasheans Forest)
33. West Bend (Rasheans Forest)
34. Northwest Lake (Rasheans Forest)
35. Crash Site (Rasheans Forest, Ship intact)
36. Crash Site (Rasheans Forest, Destroyed)
37. Bridge (Outside Rasheans, Event close-up)
38. Regulus Dojo South
39. Regulus Dojo Entrance
40. Franco's Room (Regulus Dojo)
41. Beginner's Room (Regulus Dojo)
42. Advanced Room (Regulus Dojo)
43. Great Dojo (Regulus Dojo)
44. Great Hall (Regulus Dojo)
45. Craymel Arts Room (Regulus Dojo)
46. Inn Lobby (Regulus Dojo)
47. Traveler's shop (Regulus Dojo)
48. Inn 2nd floor (Regulus Dojo)
49. Regulus Knoll Entrance
50. First fork (Regulus Knoll)
51. Elbow Path (Regulus Knoll)
52. Second fork (Regulus Knoll)
53. Camp Sight (Regulus Knoll)
54. West area (Regulus Knoll)
55. Outside tomb entrance (Regulus Knoll)
56. Northwest Hall (Regulus Tomb)
57. Eastern Double Elbow Turn (Regulus Tomb)
58. Four-way (Regulus Tomb)
59. Southern Treasure Hall (Regulus Tomb)
60. Western Double Elbow Turn (Regulus Tomb)
61. Bridge Hall (Regulus Tomb)
62. Hairpin Hall (Regulus Tomb)
63. West Hall (Regulus Tomb)
64. Two Cave Fork (Regulus Tomb)
65. Southeastern Treasure Hall (Regulus Tomb)
66. Tomb Entrance (Regulus Tomb)
67. Descending tunnel (Regulus Tomb)
68. Underground Lake (Regulus Tomb)
69. Treasure room (Regulus Tomb)
70. Sealed Door (Regulus Tomb)
71. Regulus Seal (Regulus Tomb)
72. Rasheans River Pier, North Entrance
73. Halfway point (Rasheans River Pier)
74. Landslide Site (Rasheans River Pier)
75. Landslide Site (Rasheans River Pier, Repaired)
76. Library Fork (Mintche)
77. Mintche Entrance
78. Southeast Mintche
79. Mintche Track (Crayball Arena)
80. Mintche Port (Wooden Ship)
81. Mintche Port (Van Eltia 1)
82. Mintche Port (Van Eltia 2)
83. Mintche Port (Van Eltia Final Form, Epilogue)
84. Mintche Entrance (Epilogue)
85. Southeast Mintche (Epilogue)
86. Mintche University (Overview)
87. Mintche Entrance (Overview)
88. Mintche Sanctuary
89. Student Store (Mintche)
90. Reception Desk (Mintche University)
91. Mintche Inn 2nd Floor
92. Fire laboratory (Mintche University)
93. Light Laboratory (Mintche University)
94. Water Laboratory (Mintche University)
95. Wind Laboratory (Mintche University)
96. Light Laboratory (Mintche University, Destroyed)
97. Mintche Inn Lobby
98. Mintche Cafeteria
99. 1st Floor Hallway (Mintche University)
100. 2nd Floor Hallway (Mintche University)
101. 4th Floor Hallway (Mintche University)
102. Beginner Exam Room (Mintche University)
103. Intermediate Exam Room (Mintche University)
104. Advanced Exam Room (Mintche University)
105. Lecture Hall (Mintche University)
106. Library Reception (Mintche)
107. Library Stack Room (Mintche)
108. First Section (Mt. Mintche)
109. Campsite (Mt. Mintche, day)
110. Campsite (Mt. Mintche, night)
111. Second Section (Mt. Mintche)
112. Bridge (Mt. Mintche)
113. Mt. Mintche Observatory
114. Inferian/Celestian Map (Mt. Mintche Observatory)
115. Telescope View (Mt. Mintche Observatory, "What's Reid doing out there?")
116. Southwest Tunnels (Nostos Cave)
117. Southeast Tunnels (Nostos Cave, Low Tide)
118. Southeast Tunnels (Nostos Cave, Mid Tide)
119. Southeast Tunnels (Nostos Cave, High Tide)
120. Middle Section (Nostos Cave, Low Tide)
121. Middle Section (Nostos Cave, High Tide)
122. North Section (Nostos Cave, Low Tide)
123. Campsite (Nostos Cave, Fire Lit)
124. Eggbear Den (Nostos Cave)
125. Southeast Tunnels (Nostos Cave, Low Tide, Event Close-up)
126. Entrance (Nostos Cave)
127. Campsite (Nostos Cave, Eggbear Slaughter)
128. Campsite (Nostos Cave)
129. Northern Tunnel (Nostos Cave)
130. Morle Entrance
131. South Path (Morle)
132. Middle Path (Morle)
133. Middle Bend (Morle)
134. South Village (Morle)
135. North Village (Morle)
136. North Path (Morle)
137. North Turn (Morle)
138. Outside Mazet's House (Morle)
139. Inn, First Floor (Morle)
140. Inn, Second Floor "Lobby?" (Morle)
141. Inn, Third Floor (Morle)
142. Grocery Store (Morle)
143. Mazet's House (Morle)
144. Mazet's House, Second Floor (Morle)
145. Traveler's Shop (Morle)
146. Northwest Path (Morle Backwoods)
147. Northeast Section (Morle Backwoods)
148. Campsite (Morle Backwoods)
149. Southern Hairpin (Morle Backwoods)
150. Southern X-ing path (Morle Backwoods)
151. Southwest bottom (Morle Backwoods)
152. Mazet's Map (Morle)
153. Entrance (Forest of Temptation, referred to as FoT here on, Event Close-up)
154. Statue Room (FoT)
155. Campsite/Lower River (FoT)
156. Upper River (FoT)
157. Campsite (FoT, Fire Lit, Event Close-up)
158. East/West Path (FoT)
159. North/South Path (FoT)
160. North/East/West Path (FoT)
161. South/East/West Path (FoT)
162. North/South/East Path (FoT)
163. West/South Turn (FoT)
164. West/North Turn (FoT)
165. East/North Turn (FoT)
166. West Dead End (FoT)
167. North Dead End (FoT)
168. Four Way Path (FoT)
169. Spring of Life (FoT)
170. Deity of Creation (FoT)
171. Deity of ? (FoT)
172. Inferia City Entrance (Event)
173. South Central Section (Inferia City)
174. Southwest Section (Inferia City)
175. Southeast Section (Inferia City)
176. North Central Section (Inferia City)
177. Northeast Section (Inferia City)
178. Castle Gate (Inferia City)
179. Castle Entrance (Inferia City)
180. Outside Sanctuary (Inferia City, Event Close-up)
181. Playhouse (Inferia City, Before Play)
182. Playhouse (Inferia City, Play Set-up 1)
183. Playhouse (Inferia City, Play Set-up 2)
184. Playhouse (Inferia City, Play Set-up 3)
185. Playhouse (Inferia City, Play Set-up 4)
186. Playhouse (Inferia City, Play Set-up 5)
187. Playhouse Lobby (Inferia City)
188. Weapons Shop (Inferia City)
189. Hotel Lobby (Inferia City)
190. Hotel, Second Floor Hallway (Inferia City)
191. Hotel, Third Floor Hallway (Inferia City)
192. Hotel, Fourth Floor Hallway (Inferia City)
193. Observatory First Floor (Inferia City)
194. Observatory Second Floor (Inferia City)
195. Observatory Third Floor (Inferia City)
196. Observatory Fourth Floor (Inferia City)
197. Observatory Top (Inferia City)
198. Hotel Room Basic (Inferia City)
199. Battle Arena Reception Desk (Inferia City)
200. Arena Infirmary (Inferia City)
201. Arena Corridor (Inferia City)
202. Battle Arena (Inferia City)
203. Seyfert Sanctuary (Inferia City)
204. Item Shop (Inferia City)
205. Armor Shop (Inferia City)
206. Observatory Telescope (Inferia City)
807. Shizel Castle Entrance

9. Things To Come
Every Update I'll add 100 more to the two lists, Battle group and town map. To be
able to call this guide complete I'll have to figure out what everything does, which
is going to be a real pain... Anyway, ENJOY!


I hope you (the reader) have found this guide to be helpful. Any
questions/comments/suggestions/corrections (Whatever you wish to tell me) feel free
to e-mail me at speed-bump@cox.net
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Craymel Artes FAQ

15.October 2013
Debug Feature Guide

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Savegame after the Boss. Many Items and Abilities are in here.

17.October 2013

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