Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

17.10.2013 03:20:51
Ozma FAQ
= That Round Guy Called OZMA: =
= *How To Beat Him* =
= v3.6 =
= by: Satoma Heishiruu =
= e-mail: =
= game: Final Fantasy IX =
= genre: RPG =
= console system: PSX (Sony) =
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Ok, so everybody that had been playing Final Fantasy IX told me what a problem
was OZMA to beat and that nothing could be done. Well I had more problem beating
Ruby WEAPON from Final Fantasy VII than this inapt multi-colored ball. He is NOT
that big of a deal, only an annoying evil dude. Honest to death, OZMA was so darn
easy and at some point harmless, well not that much! Anyway it was an easy fight
with some, but little awful moments, like that 'Meteor' spell and 'Doomsday', what
a joke, ha ha!:D With the help of the right arrangement of abilities and equipment
you should be on the right path to annihilate the OZMA. If you prepare beforehand
to this battle it'll be a snatch getting rid of him, odds are that OZMA will make
some mistakes, lending you that true and important opportunity to crash this guy.
I really wish this guide helps you as to how, or just to inform you plain out about
this optional BOSS, that is as annoying as they can get.

So let's move on shall we...

= Table of Contents =

ii) The Rockers[Characters]
-The Concert At 1
(1st Party I Used)
-The Concert At 2
(2nd Party I Used)
-The Lone Rocker
(Amarant's In This Too!)
iii) Let's Make OZMA A Wimp
"Spirits Of Gaia"
iv) The Boss...Target Scanned
v) Some Pointers...Advantage IS GOOD
vi) Just For Fun!
vii) The Poeple...Credits
viii) Guide History
ix) It's All About The Legality

= After All...First Things First =
Before engaging in combat with OZMA make sure notice of every equipment
you're going to use in the battle; the ones on my list are just a mere
suggestion, you're, obviously, in charge of your own styles. But my point
is that for a more save and shorter battle equip items such as Pumice Piece,
Demon's Mail, Ninja Gear, well items that absorb Shadow element, since one
of OZMA's attack is the mighty 'Doomsday' which, if not equipped with some
kind of protection against Shadow magic, will kill all your characters and
in the process, to be more unprecedented it could also heal this gaint of a
ball. Also is wise to level up a little bit before this fight, but is most
AND I'M NOT BLUFFING, beware of OZMA's L5 Death and L4 Holy spells, mostly
L5 Death since it can be a destroyer. Because of this boss' usage of all
kinds of attacks and most unpleasent the status ailment ones such as 'Curse',
'Gas', 'Mini' and 'Berserk' arrenge your item inventory in a way were you
can access them more faster when the ailments are in. Usually Phoenix Downs/
Pinions, Remedies, Elixirs, Ethers and Hi-Potions do the trick.________________________
-*-I make reference of Phoenix Pinions to revive characters, but if you can DON'T
use them 'cause if you have a lot in your inventory, mostly 99, when you summon
Phoenix there's a BIG chance of this mystical bird of healing your fallen allies
to FULL HP...keep this in mind.
*The same applies to the other summons, Ex: a lot of Aquamarine means more damage
with 'Leviathan'. Keep this items in your inventory LOTS of them so that the element
gift of your Eidolons raises on strenght.

= The Rockers[Characters] =
Let's get right to it. This was the actual party I used for this battle. I'm
actually on plans to fight again since I saved it in different blocks so that I
could experiment with other "rockers" ^_^. As soon as I can I'll use Steiner or
Amarant, Vivi of course and Dagger. But 'til then this is what I've got.
*Remember poeple out there, you're your own. Dare to use different strategies this
is just an advise so that you know what you're dealing with, 'cause that OZMA is
a pushover, well kinda anyway.
Equip them with equipment that absorbs Shadow damage, and with the strongest of
your weapons. Although you did, if so, the "Spirits of Gaia" sidequest you won't
be needing the physicality of attacks, so don't attack in normal ways. Oh, just in
case I'm sorry about calling the party rockers and the fights concerts but since it
was an easy fight this is my way of not calling OZMA a wimp. So if it annoys you,
is my FAQ and is my will to express myself this way! @_@

Well let's go...

-Concert At 1
1st-Rocker: Zidane[Ukyoru]|Level 93|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste/Regen, HP+20%, Master Thief, Gamble
Defense, Level Up(a good one), Clear Headed, Mug and

Equipment: The most important one, Ninja Gear (stole it from Quale at Qu's
Marsh sidequest.) and the Rebirth Ring to boost the Spirit.

*The Deal: Zidane's an incredible DAMAGE dealer. At first try Mugging OZMA
'til you get the items you want from him, like say Robe of Lords and the
Pumice Piece, as you steal you deal a fair amount of damage around 1,800
to 3000+ points of damage to the bastard! After you accomplish your goal of
stealing get right away into attack mode with 'Thievery'(i got lucky with
the 'Lucky Seven' it dealt the all lucky 7,777, cool!), and also Zidane will
be like a medic with Phoenix Downs/Pinions, Ethers, Elixirs and Remedies.
Make sure his spirit is high in like 49 to 50+ so that Regen works faster and
perfectly. When his in Trance, well you know what to do, and don't worry about
the others give pain to OZMA in between 2 to 3 turns and then help your party.
Remember act fast with Zidane that's the key! To be more of use and easy arrange
your items(like i say earlier), these 5 in general, in a way where you can make
use of them in the battle much faster, I'll tell you, this REALLY helps since
OZMA is so fast. One more thing, when you know OZMA is about to fall try stealing
the last item and maybe that'll kill him since you have Mug equipped ^_^.

2nd-Rocker: Eiko[Tomei]|Level 78|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Regen, Reflect-Null, Guardian Mog(he prevented
the poison status; he works wonders), Clear Headed and Boost

Equipment: Magic Racket, Holy Miter(found with a chocograph) and White Robe(also
found with a chocograph or buy it in Daguerreo) to increase the Holy
power of the spells 'Holy' and 'Madeen' also the Pumice Piece

*The Deal: Well, kinda obvious she's your healer, summoner and status eraser.
Like they say, "Small, but packs a WALLOP!" well she's Eiko the girl from Madain.
Is easy what you need to do with her, but since she has NOT the Auto-Haste ability
cast 'Haste' on her so that everybody is at pace with each other and OZMA, also her
first turn or the second if you want cast 'Madeen' as soon as possible. If Trance
greets Eiko pound away with 'Holy' and cure if necessary(you have Reflect-Null so
that curative spells don't go to OZMA). When 'Haste' fades out recast it. Her Double
White Magic Trance is mega helpful. Watch closely her HP don't keep her in 1500 or
less than that although she has Auto-Regen, to acelerate things have other character,
preferably Zidane, use a Hi-Potion and that should work or Quina's 'White Wind'.

3rd-Rocker: Quina[Goldana]|Level 84|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste/Regen, MP+10%, Gamble Defense, Level Up(-),
Absorb MP and Clear Headed

Equipment: Pumice Piece

*The Deal: Magic Hammer for 2 MPs and you can suck 1500 to 9000+?! Count this one in
the party of four. Basically Quina is kinda strange and all but he/she really RULES
when it comes to great magic tricks. Pound OZMA with 'Magic Hammer' right away and with
the other party members pound heavily in damage so that OZMA has no other choice but
to cast 'Curaga' on himself. Then after 4 last hammers cast Auto-Life on everyone,
first Eiko of course. Don't worry it won't bounce back to OZMA. Also Quina is pretty
handy with the 'Angel's Shack' magic, it will use 4 remedies on your crew when afflicted
with the so annoying 'Curse' spell. If Quina, when OZMA calls upon 'Meteor' survives, but
his/her life is very low hit OZMA with 'Pumpkin Head' and if he/she survives with only
1 HP rapidly use the 'Limit Glove', this is a hard trick, though it works are the same as
'Pumpkin Head' anyway. Also there's the 'Frog Drop' which I basically used a lot when the
shiny ball fell on MP which caused 9,999HP damage since I had caught 127 frogs, and I thought
it would deal 10,668 points of damage>.>. For those of you that don't understand the drop top
it goes like this: if you have caught 61 frogs this number will be multiplicated by Quina's
level let's say the level is 58 the sum will go 61 x 58 thus dealing a damage equal as for
3,538, so in short catching more frogs means more damage._________________________________
-*-Note: The "Frog Drop' spell does NOT break the 9999 damage barrier. Oh man!!*,*
So for now is Quina's 'Magic Hammer' that will help a lot here, and since she will be using
other spells thus consuming MP don't worry you have Absorb MP support ability meaning "you hit
me with magic I'll absorb the MP", and when 'Doomsday' comes heal in both ways HP and MP !Wooee!
The Gamble Defense gives a helping hand too, but is occasionally though, but hey it still does
it's job right! Also if 'Twister' is in Quina's magic list use it since OZMA's weaknesses are
Wind and Holy. But remember the main role here is 'Magic Hammer'. Almost forgot to mention...if
you have 'Mighty Guard', which you should, use it, it'll cut damage done by 'Meteor' and 'Flare
Star', although it's not that necessary, but it makes a big difference. ;)

4th-Rocker: Freya[Ceiran]|Level 86|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste/Regen, HP+10%/20%, MP+10%, Level Up(-) and
Clear Headed

Equipment: Demon's Mail(can be found in chocograph quest or steal it from the boss
Tantarian) and the Rebirth Ring to raise her Spirit

*The Deal: Well Freya is Freya, pound away with 'Dragon's Crest'. At first help Quina
deplete OZMA's MP with 'Lancer', then cast away the crest's power. If you want time
to regain HP without the risk of getting hit use her unique and wonderfull ability 'Jump'
and you'll be in no harsh hands, pretty cool if you ask me. When Trance kicks in use
this ability,'Jump', and for all that time Freya will be out of danger and as well she
will be throwing the spears, but think this through-fully it may be risky. Also I used her
as a medic too, but only when truly needed, when a party member got killed and when in
need of MP, 'White Draw', an Elixir or Ether. Proudly enough Freya gave the final blow
to OZMA as the Dragoner she truly is, the Dragon Slayer, well in this case the Shiny Ball
Deflator^_^! *Thanks Freya you're the QUEEN and the SAVIOR. [Ha Ha!]*


Well I'm back with the battle update. Remember I told you so? Well here I am. This time
the battle was no exception. Although it was a bit more tiresome, OZMA didn't pose as a
threat as I though it would. The hardest thing was to keep the timing right on the money
since in this battle I didn't use Quina for the MP absorption, but still I manage to break
the ice. He at some point got more annoying than usual using 'Meteor' twice to the point
where I only had Zidane to do the work but since he had Auto-Regen and a high Spirit he
recovered pretty fast allowing me time to revive the others. Anyway this battle was a lot
different than the first one, still I don't know but OZMA isn't so smart for it's size, heck
he doesn't know what he does is like his on a berserk factor or something, but I say it was
different in the sense of the party I had this time and that he almost every turn tried to kill
Vivi with 'Flare' or worst, with 'Meteor'. Oh but we have to give OZMA credit he though this
time, instead of curing every round like on my first battle, he alternated attacks with healing.
My second party for this battle consisted of Zidane(well DUH!), Dagger, Vivi and Steiner, the
games principal characters...HA what irony! So let's cut the crap and get right to it...

-Concert At 2
1st-Rocker: Zidane[Ukyoru]|Level 93|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste/Regen, HP+20%, Master Thief, Gamble
Defense, High Tide, Clear Headed, Mug and Bandit

Equipment: The most important one, Ninja Gear (stole it from Quale at Qu's
Marsh sidequest.) and the Rebirth Ring to boost the Spirit.

*The Deal: Well basically the same strategy I used on the first battle applies here. Use Zidane
to Mug the ball and when you get what you want from him attack without mercy. More than ever on
this battle Zidane will have to assist your other band mates with remedies since Quina is not
here to save you with the 'Angel's Shack'. Well to end this battle quickly I equipped High Tide
for more hard and painful attacks, yes the Dyne attacks. Just keep Zidane alive and I assure you
that it will be very easy to win, after all his the one you're counting on. Don't worry about any
of OZMA's spells your more than well prepared.

2nd-Rocker: Dagger[Kyuri]|Level 77|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Regen, Reflect-Null, Half MP and Boost

Equipment: Stardust Rod, Robe of Lords(stole it from Quale at Qu's Marsh
sidequest) and the Rebirth Ring these three items to raise her
Spirit because of the Auto-Regen. Also the Egoist's Armlet to
protect her from the so feared 'Doomsday' spell.

*The Deal: Dagger, as well as Eiko, is your healer, summoner and also, not
so good as Eiko, but your status eraser. What I did with her is I started
the battle casting Bahamut, and NO this eidolon does NOT heal OZMA as someone
told me. Also before the battle I used all of my Ore's, finally some use to
this stoopid things, and synthesize them into the Garnet's to raise Bahamut's
power and Amethysts' to raise Atomos' percentage power ratio. ON the battle
OZMA, I guess it was luck, but didn't constantly attack Dagger although it
didn't matter since almost all of OZMA's attacks are group spells. The one
spell that got me worried sick was the 'Curse' spell since I didn't equip her
with the Clear Headed support ability to protect her against confusion and that
was a big problem because OZMA constantly use this annoying spell, so I had to
act pretty darn fast to cure her before the ATB reach the limit. I almost didn't
use that much curative spells with the fact that Steiner wasn't equipped with the
Auto-Regen ability, but still it was a big one to have in mind. What I did was
wait for two turns without using Dagger and if no one needed her help well, the
Eidolons had to do the dirty work, Bahamut and Atomos where the ones a used most
of the time. Oh, and the same thing happened here like Eiko with Madeen on my
first battle he used 'Berserk' on Dagger every time I summoned these two Eidolons.
So if you are a bit or to worried about the 'Curse' spell well don't equip Boost,
equip Clear Headed level up a bit 'til you can equip Concentrate so that when you
summon the Eidolon, since Boost will not be, the power increases at least a little.
This is something that occured to me and also gave it a try.

3rd-Rocker: Vivi[Atoré]|Level 76|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Regen, MP+20%, Reflectx2 and Clear Headed

Equipment: N-Kai Armlet to raise the Spirit and Pumice Piece

*The Deal: Ok, Vivi REALLY helped me out on this battle with the reflect trick. It
consisted of having Vivi, equipped with the Reflectx2 support ability, cast 'Flare'
or any other spell directly to one of your party members, and as you might know if
any spell gets reflected back to the caster it will hit doubled on damage, but this
support ability amplifies its power times 2. Vivi is a great character with lots of
useful magical spells at its disposal and they don't cost that much either, so there
is no need for the Half MP support ability, well that's what I think. On this battle
I used Vivi as the high offense of the party attacking Steiner, since it was closer
to Vivi, with 'Flare' returning it to OZMA for 9,999 points of excruciating damage.
'Flare' for the reflect trick, 'Meteor' I used it to counter his 'Meteor', like a
sweet revenge, 'Demi' is great since he has lots of HP and the occasional 'Drain' if
Vivi gets low on HP. There's also 'Osmose' if Vivi gets low on MP, but it won't steal
to much MP if your Spirit is very low so if this is the case deal it with an Ether,
make Steiner give it to him. Keep Vivi alive so that everything flows smothly, and if
he gets knocked out have Dagger, if available, use 'Life' and let Auto-Regen do the
work or if she's doing other command have Zidane or Steiner use a Phoenix Down. Here
Vivi was my key attacker.

4th-Rocker: Steiner[Reinoll]|Level 73|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste, HP+10%/20%, Chemist, Auto-Potion,
High Tide and Clear Headed

Equipment: The Ragnarok for power, Demon's Mail and the Protect Ring

*The Deal: Here you have it, a knight with the greatest sword out there ready to kick
some ass...OZMA's ass. Steiner is your other high offense attacker with 'Shock'. His
role is to be, besides the attacker, a medic and that's why he has the Chemist support
ability equipped to raise the power of such items as Hi-Potions, Ethers and Phoenix
Downs. Also right out telling you to sell all your Potions so that when Auto-Potion
kicks in the Hi-Potions are the ones Steiner use. It was hard having Steiner alive since
he didn't had Auto-Regen, but oddly enough he only got knocked out cold five times; see
Auto-Potion-Chemist combo works is almost like a Regen! 'Shock' is very powerful dealing
9,999 points of damage, knowing this every turn is worth pulling this trick on OZMA. If
Steiner's HP gets low, and it will, use 'Minus Strike' is a great alternative if his MP
is rather low and at the same time his HP. Don't waste time using the Break abilities,
although thinking it better use 'Magic Break' and/or 'Mental Break' to reduce his magical
stat, I don't know if they work but try them dare to experience. Remember as well as Zidane,
Steiner will assist with remedies and the other items mentioned, but keep in mind that is
not his duty nor Zidane's to assist every time you have to know when and when not to help
your party since sometimes you can let Dagger or Vivi take care of it the key is to be very
patient so that when OZMA gets the shot you don't lose it. I almost left without metioning
High Tide well what to, you know what's for and when it kicks in pound OZMA hard. Oh, and
if this also happens to you do it. At one point my characters got pretty weak, near death,
because of 'Meteor' spell and it was Steiner's turn so I acted fast and used 'Charge!' which
makes all Near Death party members attack and well you know the rest, BOOM! HA HA! Try it out!

-As for this battle Dagger gave the final blow with my favorite Eidolon/Summon of all time
The Dragon God, Bahamut.


Hey, we can't forget about Amarant! In case you're using him I also used him and made some
strategies hopping, as those others I did, that they help you the way they did to me. So
let's talk the Amarant deal...

The Lone Rocker: Amarant[Emazu]|Level 74|

Abilities Equipped: Auto-Reflect/Haste/Regen, Bird Killer, Gamble Defense, Return Magic
and Clear Headed

Equipment: Circlet to raise his Magic Defense, Ninja Gear(stole it from Quale or Garland)
or Pumice Piece, the N-Kai Armlet to raise his Spirit

*The Deal: Man how can we forget this cool loner guy originally called Salamander? His tactics
for the battle don't change one bit from the other characters. Amarant is a magnificent addition
to your group thanks to 'Chakra', 'Aura', 'Revive' and also 'No Mercy', even his 'Curse' helps.
Basically the way to use him talks itself out because of it's abilities. What I did was cast on
everyone 'Aura' so that if they get killed they reraise without any turns wasted, sort of saying,
and also those without Regen will get it with it as a bonus. 'Revive' is the other one that really
helps out big-time when someone gets cut out. When its his turn use 'No Mercy' or instead throw
every Pinwheel, Rising Sun and Wing Edges you have even the weapons you don't use to deal lethal
damage and thanks to Bird Killer a bit more will be dealt. If using Magical attackers cast 'Curse'
so that OZMA becomes weak to some element, it works so try it out! Return Magic, so that whenever OZMA
casts 'Meteor' or 'Doomsday' he returns either of them back to him, and if you did the so mentioned
"Spirits of Gaia" sidequest returning 'Doomsday' won't be a hazardous stun. Be careful how you control
Amarant on battle be fast but at the same time keep an eye on what's happening on the battle ground so
that you know what to do with him if go head on or to assist your crew. Take advantage of his Trance,
when he does so his abilities will be more useful since it will be for everyone and his attack will go
up slightly. If you are very full on Gil try using 'Spare Change' anyway OZMA gives a good amount of
Gil and anyway Gil is easy to find. Now in real life well money's hard to come by, if we could recieve
money that easy beating up poeple and buah-la mullah! $_$

-Make your own party. Interchange characters from each set, you could do a team only of attackers. For
example: Zidane, Steiner, Freya and Amarant, sure a little risky but if done correctly and you know
how to use each one of them that will not be hard. Be yourself experiment with every characters. Do
your own strategies and you'll be one step closer to do your own FAQ, that's what make me do this FAQ,
besides bieng bored, but the joy and ego of seeing other readers read the knowledge you have to share
is very rewarding! Experimentation is what makes better RPG gamers...=D

= Let's Make OZMA A Wimp =
= "Spirits of Gaia" =
There are certain battles that you’ll encounter wherein you’ll see a weird
enemy asking for items, especially gems, and gives you clues to the other of
his friendly "compadres" whereabouts. You'll know when the fight is on since
the normal combat music is replaced with a melodical one.
I’ve listed them in the order I found them. They will let you wimp out that OZMA.
Monster Name: Location: Demands: Rewards:
Mu Forest near Dali 1 Ore 10 AP

Nymph Eesistern Coast 3 Ore's 30 AP, 2 Emerald Stones
(North of Cleyra)

Ghost Forest Area near Treno 1 Ore 10 AP

Lady Bug Forest around Black 2 Ore's 20 AP, Ether
Mage Village

Yeti Lucid Plains near 2 Ore's 20AP, Elixir, Yeti Card
Madain Sari (forest)

Garuda Forest up the vines 2 Lapis Lazuli's 40 AP, Diamond
from Gizamaluke’s

Feather Circle Outside Esto Gaza 1 Moonstone 30 AP, Lapis Lazuli

Jabberwock Forest to the east 2 Emerald's 40 AP, Moonstone
of Oeilvert

*Yan Vile Island (forest) 1 Diamond 50 AP, Rosseta Ring
Gimme Cat \ Sacrobless Island 1 Diamond NOTHING AT ALL!!
__________/ near Daguerreo Well 5,000 Gil if killed!

* You need to encounter all 8 friendly monsters in order to give the Diamond to
the Yan so that OZMA get's the shot of weakness._______________________________________________
-*-Note: The Gimme Cat is not a friendly monster, anyway the song is played the
normal way.

= The Boss...Target Scanned =
This fellow is located in Chocobo's Air Garden at the northern isle like montain, is the
one without Mene on it. Examine the rock formation and Mene will tell you he feels a dark
like precense emitting from that rock. You'll be given the opportunity to regroup, equip
or not to fight.
|_________________BOSS: OZMA__________________|
Level: 99 or 70(?) Type: Flying
HP: 55,535 Gil: 18,312
MP: 9,999 Spoil/s: Dark Matter, Pumice, OZMA Card, Strategy Guide
AP: 100(Oh my!) EXP: 65,535(That's a lot!)
Weakness(Yes!): Wind and Holy
Stolen Item/s: Pumice Piece, Robe of Lords, Elixir, Dark Matter

Attacks: Curse: Your party gets the abnormalities Mini, Blind, Confuse and Poison.

L5 Death: Characters with multiples of 5 are goners. Rare but it can start
casting this.

L4 Holy: Characters with multiples of 4 are damage with Holy element.

Meteor: Attacks all party(it can not be reflected.)
Usually starts battle with this, 2 out of 3 is my guess.

Flare: Damages one character. Starts battle casting it.

Flare Star: The same as 'Flare' but the whole party gets hit. Is somewhat
less stronger.

Holy: Damages one character. Starts battle with this.

Reflect: He cast 'Reflect'...stay clear 'cause he uses the strategy of
casting spells to himself so that they hit you more stronger.
A friend told me that actually OZMA seeing that his characters
had 'Reflect' on themselves, casts 'Berserk' on himself so that
it could bounce and enter the defense of Vivi making him go all
out. He did cure it though with a Gysahl Green, but this proves
that old saying, "Don't overstimate your enemy".

Doomsday: Well, the Shadow spell that whoops some rear. It might cure him
or damage him. 1 out of 3 is the chance that he'll use this at
the bigginig of the battle.

Curaga: He uses it when the feel of the battle is in your side. About 7,000
or 8,000+ is cured.

Mini: He uses 'Mini' on all. Cure immediately, characters get weak.

Berserk: He uses this when you cast a damage magic spell on him so that you
won't do it again.

Gas: Now he didn't use this on me, but some say it causes status effects.

MP Absorb: You guessed it, suck up some MP for his little bag of tricks.

OZMA is a big boss with an incredible storm of attacks, although rare to see all of 'em
you still need to be aware of their existance and characteristics. If you, ahead of time
did the 'Friendly Monsters' sidequest you're one step in vantage of OZMA. I first did a
test. Without completing this sidequest, just for fun in Disc 2, went to the rock and
enter in combat. First thing he did, 'Doomsday', lucky I had everyone well prepared. Ok
so that didn't do nothing to the crew, but OZMA was unreachable to normal physical attacks
and here is where the sidequest comes into play. I said to myself, "Wait let's see what
else he can do!", so I did. One thing caught my attention, and to be honest I don't really
know if the sidequest has something to do with it, but when he used 'Doomsday' in my test
fight he always got healed, never damaged. When I fought the real deal with the sidequest
done, OZMA didn't had that ability, if you can call it like that, to heal with this amazing
spell, and yes I know that when he cast this spell he either heals or hurts himself, but
maybe by doing the sidequest it makes the odds of him to heal with the spell drop, raising
the so needed factor of luck. I don't know, but I suggest you do this sidequest you won't
regret it;). Other thing I noticed was that he casts the 'Berserk' spell whenever I commanded
Eiko to cast 'Holy' or 'Madeen', this got me all psyched up!

True, maybe you won't find this fight as easy as I did, but eventually you'll come around and
kick his arse. You'll agree with me if you have played Final Fantasy VII that those WEAPONS,
Emerald and Ruby precisely, that they threat a bigger challenge, meaningless to say that damn
exuberant amount of HP they had. Lavos from Chrono Trigger is more challenging than OZMA. But,
I'm not writing this guide to talk about comparisons between different bosses strengths. Besides
my test fight,wich I ended at the eleventh turn, it only took me one try that took only 48 minutes
to deflate this massive fidgety ball, and with time to spare, 47:29:57 to be more accurate. Just
keep concentrating on attacks that deal a great amount of damage, be technical about your way of
fighting; technicality is the way this fight has to go. Be patient. DON'T GET UPSET, chances are
some of his attacks will MISS, just keep your healer-summoner character, Eiko or Dagger in this case,
alive and no problem.

The HP of OZMA does not concern your battle, only his attacks are of concern, especially those
cruel to the eye. Don't commit the same mistake one of my friends did, he kept bragging, "When
this is gonna END, he keeps on healing...and where's the HP I took from him!!??" Giving priority
to that he lost in about the thirty-fith round, the HP you need to be concerned is that of your
party. For now stand your ground and you'll be fine, and thanks to my rockers I was.

=Some Pointers...Advantage IS GOOD=
-OZMA is an immense ball of anger, meaning you hit him with attack magic he'll counter
with 'Berserk' giving you the advantage since you've got Auto-Reflect and it'll bounce
to OZMA wasting one of his so precious turns. Keep this in's crucial!
-NEVER EVER take turns for to long this will cause death or lethal damage cuases on your
crew. Is IMPORTANT the speed and the knowledge of your attack, NEVER call for help [select],
if you have doubts concerning an attack, recall it before entering in combat.
*Leave the Moogle out of this. Kupo? ^_^
-Anticipate OZMA's moves. A 'Meteor' spell means his going for a 'Flare' or 'Flare Star',
so make healing or reviving preparations. DO NOT let OZMA kick your CAN, give it to HIM!
-Watch him meticolously. The upper part of OZMA means curative spells and negative stats.
The down part is the one you don't want attacking, his spinning and bouncing so you'll
know which one will attack. If he or it who knows, starts spinning really really MAD well is
the 'Doomsday' time....don't worry you'll get a treat out of it...HEALING!(if well equipped)
-Don't try to do any stat lowering or changing attack on him it doesn't work.
-Remember that 'Meteor' won't bounce because is an attack for all your rockers.
-Take advantage of long animations. This means Auto-Regen will work without risks. Summon
Eidolons that have long animations for this matter. If more than one get knocked out cold
call 'Phoenix',if using Eiko.
-With Eiko in your party 'Might' things up, cast this spell on Zidane so that when he
succesfully Mugs, OZMA takes a bit more damage, and to Freya's 'Jump' attack.
-Place EVERYBODY in the back row, anyway you're not going to attack phisically. Is your own
tech method(i.e. 'Thievery', 'Dragon's Crest', 'Shock', etc.)
-Be aware that this battle may be a bit unpleasent to the fact of OZMA's great speed, that's
the use of Auto Haste, to at least counter little by little that speed. With Zidane, since
he's a bit more faster than the other characters, he may have at first go at it!
-If you equip an item that says, 100% Elem-Def, that means it'll absorb it or it may cause
0 damage. For example for this fight the Egoist Armlet, this one is a good alternate choice
with the Pumice Peice.
-Amarant, YES Amarant!!! =@
-The joy of been advantageous. Well when you win enjoy you're new toys besides those you
stole: Dark Matter, Pumice(Oh Yeah!), OZMA Card and the Strategy Guide, and as a treat
Mene restores your health and any abnormalities.
-*-Remember advantage is the key to kill this orb/ball, oh whatever that is!!!!

= Just For Fun! =
Man when you're bored you do anything well here are some stuff people haven't talked
about yet on Final Fantasy Series or Other Games comparison FAQs:

--Like on Final Fantasy Tactics items have there own little drawing. Also the Blood Sword,
and the Defender are from this game too as well as others.

--Bahamut has his own tittle game all about him called Bahamut Lagoon for the SNES. Go and
check it out is GREAT!

--If you've notice all the black mages especially Vivi looks like Orko from "Masters of the
Universe" or "He-Man" show. Remember?

--Man the name Cid always appears on every Final Fantasy even on the movie, although spelled
Sid, but the idea is there.

--Cerberus, Final Fantasy's Guardian Force is now a normal monster that roams Ipsen's Castle.

--Is it me? But ever since Final Fantasy VII came out and everybody adopted Sephiroth as the
bad ass of every RPG game Squaresoft is trying to copy him. Look at Seifer from FFVIII cold
attitude and his presence, and FFIX's own Kuja almost blind with his ideals the same as
Sephiroth and also his attitude and presence are a little Sephish.

--Beatrix can be looked almost as a copy of Agrias from Final Fantasy Tactics.

--Always every loner on FF series has his hair long. Vincent, FFVII, an almost beast with black
long hair. Irvine, FFVIII, although not so loner, long brown hair and the new guy, Amarant, big
red afro.

--A big difference here. On FFVII the strongest summon, 'Knights of the Round', dealt massive damage
since there were 13 Knights hitting and slashing. On FFVIII the Guardian Force 'Eden' along with
its sooooo long animation breaks the damage barrier/limit, but here on FFIX neither 'Ark' nor 'Madeen'
does more samage than 9,999 I mean is good but, well, it would've been better to have another like
those two. And not even the 'Frog Drop' which you can still catch more and more frogs, even though it
doesn't break the damage barrier/limit as well.

Well that's basically it I just wrote this as a diary of those so called
'Masters of RPGs' that cried and bragged about OZMA. This is like my dairy
of Honor, he he! ^_^ Hope it help you out!

"Those who cheat in the role of playing games don't
really know the true power and knowledge these give."
Satoma Heishiruu G.B. (Me!^_^)

= The People...Credits =

Thanks to
- Yeah! Finally found Breath of Fire III guide here and others
too. I'm really thankful for you being around. Thanks a lot for
posting this FAQ you guys! ^o^

Thanks to
- You guys rule thanks to your guides I'm well informed.

Thanks to SQUARE CO. LTD/Squaresoft for every Final Fantasy
- Nobou Uematsu for such a great sountrack, every song
is more than magnificent.
- Hironobu Sakaguchi the face behind Final Fantasy series
the one responsible for these incredible titles.
Thanks one million to those that make Final Fantasy a dream come
true....thanks one million.

Thanks to...well ME...LOL!
- No one help here all this guide was done by me without help.
I mostly did this because I wanted to share my knowledge with
other people. Thanks to my dog that this time wasn't messing with
my stuff. :P

Thanks to Paolin
-Thanks to this great friend of mine who shares the same taste on
games and for being so cool and an RPG freak like me ^_^.

= Guide History =

Version 1.0
As soon as I won the fight I started on it. Well I'm working on
a guide to Final Fantasy VII entitled "Useful Stuff" as soon as I
finish it maybe I'll put it some place.
* I'll be playing the game a couple of times with a different and
new strategy to defeat OZMA. As soon as I can I'll write it down.
As well I may put other stuff if i find any.

Version 1.5
Corrected some grammar and punctuation errors. Man how annoying is
this!! Also added a new thanks to

Versoin 2.0
Added the copyrights to my invented nicknames for the game characters
and myself.

Version 3.6
Added a bunch. After going through more excitting battles against OZMA
I rapidly started the update I promised. Also added the new section of
fun stuff, "Just For Fun!". Corrected more grammar errors, MAN this gets
on my nerves. Added more Legal stuff and also changed the OZMA logo. You
like? ^_^

= It's All About The Legality =

That Round Guy Called OZMA FAQ v3.6
Copyright© 2002 Satoma Heishiruu (Calébor, Ossimadias, Rubikei)
All Rights Reserved

Ukyoru, Tomei, Goldana, Ceiran, Kyuri, Atoré, Reinoll and Emazu
are nicks that I gave to my characters and all are invented by me,
so PLEASE don't steal these names/nicks; be original. Also Calébor,
Ossimadias and Rubikei are invented by me and are some aliases that
I'm use to be known on places. They are copyright to me.

All Final Fantasy series and names of characters published on
this FAQ are copyright of Squaresoft/EA. This FAQ is for freely
distribution not to sell or anything else, I did it to help other
gamers. The content on this FAQ is not to be changed by anyone. If
there's a misspelled word or something that is of your concern
I prefer that you E-Mail me than rather change the origal content.

Feel free to E-Mail me if you have any doubts concerning this game
and/or OZMA. Also if you know other fun stuff or compirisons for FFIX
with other games, e-mail them to me and I'll give you credit and post
your site, E-Mail or anything you like to say. But please NO stupid
chain mail I detest those! So E-Mail me at or also
to, mostly df6_ok since that's where I mostly go.
Don't ask for permission to add you on my list 'cause there's a BIG 100%
chance I will NOT give it to you!

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Complete Game Script

15.October 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.October 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.October 2013
Character Guide

11.October 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

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All Characters at Level 99 with all Equipment.

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Tetra Master

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Boss Guide

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16.October 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

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English to Japanese

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Part 1 Guide

17.October 2013
Boss Guide

11.October 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

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PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.October 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

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PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

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