Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

17.10.2013 06:00:25
Bulletproof Vehicle FAQ
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The Bulletproof Vehicle FAQ


All artwork and contents by Kyle Sutton

GAME TITLE: Grand Theft Auto 3
PUBLISHER: Rockstar Games

Written for the Sony Playstation(r)2 console


September 16, 2002 - Final Version: Content additions to
The Rumor Mill
- Minor spelling/grammar corrections

September 8, 2002 - Version 2.4: Content additions to
The Rumor Mill
- Various additions to "Storing the Bulletproof
Vehicles" section

August 28, 2002 - Version 2.2: Minor spelling/grammar corrections
- Major additions to acquiring the Trashmaster
- Content additions to The Rumor Mill
- Revamped the "Table of Contents"

August 23, 2002 - Guide posted at
- Version 1.9: Replaced "Q & A" section with
"The Rumor Mill"
- Added Closing portion to Conclusion section
- Corrected error in acquiring the Bobcat

August 20, 2002 - Guide posted at and
- Version 1.7: Minor spelling/grammar corrections
- Added introductory paragraph to "Acquiring the
Bulletproof Vehicles" section
- Content additions to acquiring the Barracks OL
- Content additions to acquiring the Cheetah

August 18, 2002 - Version 1.5: New vehicle added, Trashmaster
- Major correction to acquiring the Stretch
- Content additions to "Acquiring the
Bulletproof Vehicles" section
- Corrections to storing the Bobcat and Securicar

August 12, 2002 - Guide posted at
- Version 1.1: Fixed alignment problem,
- Added Special Thanks portion to Contact section

August 9, 2002 - Rough Draft, Version 1.0 Completed



* To skip right to a certain section of the guide, use the Find tool
(by pressing "Ctrl + F" or choosing "Edit > Find" on your browser) and
type in the number next to the section you would like to view.

1. Introduction
1.1: Mission Statement
1.2: A Word of Warning

2. Acquiring the Bulletproof Vehicles
2.1: The Securicar
2.2: The Cheetah
2.3: The Stretch
2.4: The Trashmaster
2.5: The Barracks OL
2.6: The Bobcat
2.7: The Patriot

3. Storing the Bulletproof Vehicles
3.1: The Securicar
3.2: The Cheetah
3.3: The Stretch
3.4: The Trashmaster
3.5: The Barracks OL
3.6: The Bobcat
3.7: The Patriot

4. Conclusion
4.1: The Rumor Mill
4.2: Special Thanks
4.3: Contact
4.4: Closing



This is the final version of the Bulletproof Vehicle FAQ, meaning this
guide will no longer be updated. I believe I've covered every aspect in
successfully acquiring and storing the seven bulletproof vehicles in
the game, and unless an entirely new bulletproof vehicle is discovered
(a very rare chance), this guide will remain final. I will still be
accepting and responding to e-mails concerning the bulletproof
vehicles, however Rumor Mill submissions will no longer to added to
this guide. I'd like to thank everyone for supporting me on this guide,
and I'm anticipating making another guide once Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City hits the shelves. Thank you and enjoy!

1.1: Mission Statement

The sole purpose of this guide is to inform gamers on: 1) How to
acquire the bulletproof vehicles. 2) How to properly store the
bulletproof vehicles. Any other illegal use of this guide, such as
reproduction or plagiarism, is forbidden. The information contained in
this guide is all written from personal experience playing Grand Theft
Auto III. Please enjoy!

1.2: A Word of Warning

YOUR HIDEOUT AND GARAGE! I personally was shocked to have 3 of my
bulletproof cars disappear from my garages after saving. It seems that
when more than 1 bulletproof vehicle is in a garage, they can vanish if
not checked on before saving. As long as you double-check that your
bulletproof cars are present in your garage(s) before saving your game,
you should be safe from this glitch.

Also take note that all of the bulletproof vehicles here are from the
game's database. This guide does not include bulletproof cars from
exterior programs (i.e. SharkPort) that can alter a vehicle's
abilities, or make every vehicle everything-proof.



This portion of the guide is dedicated to explaining the most
effective methods of obtaining the game's seven bulletproof vehicles.
Along with the vehicle name, I've listed in what location you will find
it, which mission the bulletproof vehicle can be obtained in, who will
give you that mission, as well as the vehicle's special abilities. Make
note that the Pay 'n' Spray can be used on these cars for repairs,
respraying, or losing your wanting level and your bulletproof cars will
not lose their special abilities.

* The vehicles listed appear from order of appearance in the game's
storyline and missions

2.1: The Bulletproof Securicar
MISSION: Van Heist

The 'Van Heist' mission for Joey Leone has you ramming the pay role van
(better known as a Securicar) off of the road until the driver bails,
and then taking it to a garage in Portland Docks. As Joey even says
himself, "Bullets won't even dent the van's armor," telling you that
this baby is bulletproof, as well as flameproof, and a one-of-a-kind
Securicar. Here's how to get it:


Once you accept the 'Van Heist' mission and Joey gives you the low-
down, go steal yourself a medium to large sized vehicle. A van of any
kind worked well enough for me. Now, locate the Securicar on your
radar. Once you find it, floor your car and ram it. You may get one or
two stars from doing so, but even so, avoid the police cars and carry
on with damaging the pay role van. You'll notice the Securicar has a
Damage Meter, so continue to ram the van until the meter fills entirely
and the driver(s) exit the vehicle. Now, the subtitle will tell you to
take the Securicar over to a garage in Portland Docks, but instead,
bring it over to your hideout. As soon as you arrive there, back the
Securicar into your garage and exit the vehicle. Now in order to end
the mission, you're going to have to destroy the Securicar. Use either
Grenades or the Blow Up All Cars Cheat (L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2,
Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1) to destroy the van. Once
you do so, you'll be told "Mission Failed". Now that the mission is
over, walk to your garage, allow the door to open, and you'll find a
new and repaired Bulletproof Securicar waiting for you!

2.2: The Bulletproof Cheetah

In El Burro's mission 'Turismo', the objective is to get a fast car and
to race against three other Diablo members all around Portland,
collecting checkpoints and finishing in first place in order to pass.
But as you may notice, the three other cars you are racing against are
all Cheetahs, and believe it or not, they're all bulletproof,
fireproof, and explosions proof as well. The Cheetah, in my opinion, is
one of the best bulletproof cars you can get. Unfortunately, the doors
to these vehicles are locked, so it's going to take some fancywork to
acquire them and get them safely to your Portland hideout. Obtain the
Bulletproof Cheetah as soon as possible to avoid attack from the Triads
or the Mafia. Here's how it's done:


The easiest and best way to obtain a Bulletproof Cheetah is with the
use of a Rhino tank. First, accept the 'Turismo' mission, but instead
of finding a fast car, get yourself a Rhino. To do so, either head down
to the Portland Docks and receive your Rhino from the crane (ONLY if
you have completed the Emergency Vehicle Crane in Portland and the
vehicle icons appear), or, enter in the Free Tank Cheat in order to
receive your Rhino (Circle x6, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle).
Now that you have a tank, head down to where the Cheetahs are lined up,
but don't enter the starting circle. Instead, make your way around them
until you are facing the opposite direction, and start from there. Once
the race begins, haul ass all the way back to your hideout (the easiest
way is by taking the alley with the Police Bride, then simply following
that road until you get to the turn leading to your hideout)

Now, make sure your garage is empty, and then line up your Rhino so
that it is blocking the one-way street right outside your hideout. When
the race clock reaches about 100, you'll notice the 3 Cheetahs will
come flying down the wrong way of the one-way street you are blocking.
The easiest way to keep an eye on these Cheetahs is to use the L2
button to get a side camera view (that is, if the nose of your Rhino is
facing the hideout, otherwise use R2). Make certain that one of the
Cheetahs rams into your Rhino and goes flying into your hideout. If the
Cheetah gets flipped over and stays that way, you're in luck, but if
not, depending on where the Cheetah heads next is random. Sometimes the
Cheetah will head toward your garage, but most of the time, it will
make its way onto the ramp that your weapons appear on and attempt to
accelerate against your hideout wall. If that's the case, make certain
you to maneuver the Cheetah off of the ramp before taking the next

Next, run over the Cheetah so that it explodes from under the treads of
your Rhino. Now that the Cheetah is no longer in movement, move the
black remainder of the car into your hideout by any means possible,
using your Rhino. The easiest way is to have the Cheetah on its back
and have it lined up so it is vertical to your garage. When pushing the
Cheetah into your garage, make note of two things: 1) Be sure the
Cheetah is always in your view. If it goes out of your camera view,
even for a few seconds, it will disappear. 2) When pushing the Cheetah
into your garage, do not back away from it until it is fully in your
garage. If the door closes and half of your Cheetah (the black excess)
is pushing out the door, it will disappear and you will have to enter
the 'Turismo' mission once again. If you'd like to play it safe,
continue pushing the Bulletproof Cheetah to the back of your garage
until you receive a message stating, "You cannot store anymore cars in
this garage." An even better way may be to park another car against
your hideout's near wall before entering the mission, so that you can
use a this car to push the Cheetah into your hideout (a medium-sized
vehicle should do fine). Once you have finally pushed the destroyed
Cheetah into your garage, back away from the garage and allow the door
to close. Once it is shut, exit your vehicle and open the garage. Tada!
A brand spankin'-new indestructible Cheetah will be there, fully
repaired and in the flesh.


Here is another effective way to obtain a Bulletproof Cheetah using the
roadblock idea. First, stand outside of your Portland hideout and enter
the Free Tank Cheat (Circle x6, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle)
four times. Now, take one of these Rhinos and park it inside of your
hideout, against the nearest wall so that the nose is facing your
garage. Next, get into another tank, and align it outside of your
hideout so that the nose is touching the right wall. Align the other
two tanks behind this one so that they are stretching diagonally across
the road, creating a roadblock leading into your hideout. It should
look like this (make note, this roadblock is only covering 1 lane):

| |GARAGE ||
| ------- |
| |
| |
\ ______ |
\ / \ |
\ |Tank 1| |
\ | | |
| ------- |
| /---------
| |
____________________________________________| ____|___ ____________
/ /
/ Tank 2/
/ /
/ /
/ Tank 3/
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / /- - - - - - - - - -
/ /
/ Tank 4/
/ /
_____________________________________ --------_________________________

*Not drawn to scale

Once you've created your Rhino roadblock, accept El Burro's 'Turismo'
mission, grab a normal car, and head down to the starting circle. Don't
worry about your tanks, they aren't going anywhere. As soon as you
enter the blue circle and the race begins, turn around and head back to
your hideout. When you get there, go inside of your hideout and enter
the Rhino you have parked against the near wall (Tank 1). Once the race
clock reaches 100, the three Bulletproof Cheetahs should come flying
down the wrong lane. Since your roadblock is covering the whole lane,
all three Cheetahs should smash into your tanks and come sprawling into
your hideout! Run over the three Bulletproof Cheetahs with your Rhino,
then pick any of the three destroyed Cheetahs, and push one into your
garage. Allow the garage door to close safely, then exit your Rhino and
let the door re-open. You should be greeted with a Bulletproof Cheetah,
repaired and ready to go! Since the race is still going on, hop into
your new ride and make your way to the first checkpoint. Since all of
the other racers have been destroyed, take your time and cruise through
the checkpoints safely. Even if the Triads and Mafia are blasting away
at you, don't sweat it. It's a BULLETPROOF Cheetah, remember? As soon
as you pass through the last checkpoint in pink, you should receive a
"Mission Passed" notice, $10,000 for passing the mission, and the
Bulletproof Cheetah you're driving for keeps! Congratulations.

NOTE: To get rid of the Rhino tanks, simply have them in your sights
and enter the Blow Up All Cars Cheat (L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle,
Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1).


After entering the 'Turismo' mission, acquire either a Rhino or any
other large, powerful vehicle (Coach, Firetruck, Barracks OL, etc).
When you arrive near to the other racers, don't enter the blue circle.
Instead, position your facing against them and a safe distance away so
you'll be able to accelerate fast enough. Once you are ready,
accelerate as fast as you can and ram into the front of any one of the
three Bulletproof Cheetahs (if you are using a Rhino, the Cheetah will
explode). Hopefully, the Bulletproof Cheetah you charged into will flip
over after sprawling backwards. Keep an eye on the flipped Cheetah and
wait until the race ends and you receive a "Mission Failed" notice.
Whether or not you're using a Rhino, you must now push the flipped or
destroyed Cheetah back to your hideout, (using the same route back to
your hideout as stated in the Primary Method). Be certain the Cheetah
doesn't leave your sight as you push it along the street, or it will
disappear. The disadvantages to using this method are, first, the long
distance between where the race begins and your hideout. But secondly,
depending on when you accept the 'Turismo' mission, the Triads will
bombard you while in Chinatown and attempt to throw you from your
vehicle and attack you. If they do so, you will likely lose sight of
the Bulletproof Cheetah and it will vanish. Attempt this method only if
you feel comfortable pushing the Cheetah a long distance.

2.3: The Bulletproof Stretch
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DP - DAMAGEPROOF
MISSION: Salvatore's Called A Meeting EP - EXPLOSION PROOF

Getting a hold of the Bulletproof Stretch requires the use of a lot of
cheats and is a bit complicated to pull off. In Toni Cipriani's mission
'Salavatore's Called A Meeting', you're suppose to pick up all of the
key Mafia men you have worked for (Luigi, Joey, Toni) and take them all
over to the Don's place, Salvatore Leone. The Bulletproof Stretch, in
my opinion, is the best of the bulletproof cars, and getting a hold of
it is possible. Here's how:


Head over to Toni's place and accept the 'Salvatore's Called A Meeting'
mission. His instructions say to go over to Joey's Garage and pick both
Joey and the limousine up, then pick up Luigi from his club, come back
to Toni's to get him, and then to take everyone over to Salvatore's.
Right off the bat, head over to Joey's place. You'll notice a blue
circle in front of his garage where you're suppose to get Joey. DO NOT
enter the blue circle. The Bulletproof Stretch is sitting inside the
garage, but if you enter the circle, Joey will enter the vehicle as
well. Instead, park the car you're driving against the garage on the
left. Exit your vehicle, and enter the Speed Up Game Cheat (Triangle,
Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2) twice. Now, in order to enter the
garage, you're going to have to squeeze yourself between the garage
you're parked up against and your car. It takes a bit of practice, but
once you get through, you'll be wandering inside of Joey's garage. Get
to the Stretch parked inside, and then go into reverse. You'll go
through the back wall, flip backwards twice through a strange blue
setting, but then land cleanly on the road behind Joey's garage (hey,
free Insane Stunt Bonus!)

Now that you have the Bulletproof Stretch, you're going to have to take
it over to a garage. Since the Stretch will not fit in your Portland
garage, you'll need to get over to Staunton Island and park it in your
garage located there. Drive to the Callahan Bridge, and when you arrive
there, enter the Great Handling/Jump Cars Cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1, Left,
R1, R1, Triangle). Gain some speed and by pressing the left analog
stick (L3), hop right over the orange barriers blocking the right lane
to get onto the Callahan Bridge (If you don't feel confident in jumping
the barriers, maneuver your way between them and the sides of the
bridge). Next, you're going to have to enter two codes. The Slow Down
Game Cheat (Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R1, R2) twice in order
to set the game back to normal speed, and, the Flying Cars Cheat
(Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1) in order to fly over the
broken Callahan Bridge to get to Staunton Island. Now, back your
Stretch up to the orange barriers, and make sure you're in the center
of the right lane. Next, accelerate your Stretch as fast as it can go.
Right before you come to the gap, press the L3 button to jump the
Stretch. As soon as you lift into the air, hold down the Up and X
buttons. If the timing's right, your Stretch should easily soar onto
the other side of the bridge, into Staunton Island.

Now that you've entered Staunton Island, you'll need to get to your
hideout there. Most newcomers won't know where that is, and since your
hideout's not labeled on the map (you're in the middle of a mission,
remember?), I'll give you some basic directions. Once you get off the
Callahan Bridge, take your second right. You'll pass by a park on your
left, but keep following this road. You will notice on your map a small
alleyway that breaks off the road. That's your hideout on the left.
Once you enter it, park the car into the garage. Since the mission's
still going on, you're going to have to destroy the Bulletproof Stretch
in order to end it. Using the Blow Up All Cars Cheat (L2, R2, L1, R1,
L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1), destroy the
Stretch parked in your garage. You'll receive a "Mission Failed"
indication, but once the door closes on that black carcass of a Stretch
in your garage, open it once again. Waiting will be your brand-new
Bulletproof Stretch. It is bulletproof, flameproof, and explosion
proof, and DAMAGEPROOF. This vehicle can take no physical ramming
damage whatsoever! The only few ways you can destroy the Bulletproof
Stretch is by running it over with a tank, or using the Blow Up All
Cars Cheat. In other words, you are pretty much indestructible on the
streets of Liberty City!

STRETCH. If you enter the blue circle and have Joey enter the Stretch
along with you, it will no longer have special abilities, and will
simply become a normal Stretch. I personally had to correct myself on
having an alternative method. Also, the Stretch you use on Salvatore
Leone's 'Chaperone' mission is normal as well, meaning that it is
vulnerable to bullets, flames, and explosions!

2.4: The Bulletproof Trashmaster
MISSION: Blow Fish

You are given the opportunity to obtain the Bulletproof Trashmaster
from Toni Cipriani's last mission, 'Blow Fish.' Your mission is to pick
up the 'dustcart' from 8-Ball's garage that's rigged with a bomb
(compliments of 8-Ball), take it over to the Triads' fish factory, park
it between the factory's gas canisters, and arm the bomb. Doing so will
destroy the fish factory, but even though Toni insists this will
"finish the Triads in Liberty once and for all," they still highly
populate the Chinatown streets. Either way, the Trashmaster you are
suppose to be taking to the fish factory is both bulletproof and
flameproof, so if you want it for keeps, you're going to have to take
it over to Staunton Island. Thanks to a few loyal readers of this
guide, I have used some submitted tips to come up with an easy and
effective way to acquire the Bulletproof Trashmaster. Here's what to


Once you've made it to Mama's restaurant, Tony Cipriani will assign you
his last mission, 'Blow Fish.' As soon as he gives you your objective,
drive down to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop. You'll notice the Trashmaster is
parked in the yard, so exit your vehicle and make your way towards it.
Before entering the vehicle, though, you'll need to enter the Flying
Cars Cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1) and the Great
Handling/Jump Cars Cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle).
As soon as both cheats have been activated, enter the Trashmaster. Both
a Damage Meter and a timer will appear on your screen, letting you know
that this dustcart is rigged to blow. To avoid the risk of explosion
and get rid of the time limit, you'll first need to deactivate the bomb
and timer. Therefore, once you enter the Bulletproof Trashmaster, turn
it around and drive down the tramp tunnel (where a hidden package and a
few bums with Molotovs reside). Drive at full speed through this tunnel
until you come out the other side, behind the Supa Save. Take a left
and squeeze through the small gap until the Portland Beach comes into
view. Now, in order to deactivate the bomb, you'll need to drive onto
the beach and into the water, deep enough to kill the bomb, but shallow
enough so that you'll be able to back out of the water. Make your way
slowly down the steep sand dunes leading into the water, and drive into
the ocean. Once the Trashmaster is far enough into the water, three
things should occur. A "Mission Failed" notice will pop up, the Damage
Meter will be gone, and the timer will be off your screen as well.
Don't wait too long, though, because you'll notice your health is
dropping while you're in the ocean. Back out of the water until the
Trashmaster is fully on dry sand. The bomb has been deactivated and the
first objective of obtaining this Bulletproof Trashmaster has been

Now, drive back towards the Supa Save and squeeze between the wall and
the side of the building until you are in the parking lot (this is
where you go for the 'Patriot Playground' mission). If your Trashmaster
is pretty banged up, head over to the Pay 'N' Spray in the Red Light
District to repair your vehicle. If not, your next destination remains
the same, because next, you'll need to drive over to the Callahan
Bridge. Once you get there, gain a bit of speed and drive onto the
grassy area in-between the bridge. Tap the L3 button and the
Trashmaster should hop right onto the bridge and into the left lane.
Now that you're on the Callahan Bridge, hold down the X button and
don't let go. As the gap in the bridge comes into view, don't switch
lanes, don't jump the Trashmaster, don't do anything but hold down the
X button! Once you reach the gap, drive right off the edge. Your
Trashmaster should soar between two broken girders on the other side,
and go right underneath the bridge. Now, don't panic. Even though
you're heading straight for the water, continue to hold the X button
until the "Welcome to Staunton Island" screen appears. While this
screen is present, hold the Up button as well. Once it goes back to the
game, your Trashmaster should suddenly soar high in the air and fly
high enough to land in Staunton Island next to a few trailers.
Sometimes the Trashmaster won't make it this high, and sometimes it
won't even soar out of the water, but this method is much more
effective then trying to jump the bridge, so just try again until you
get it.

Now that you've landed safely, make your way to the right, between the
trailers and barriers, until you are out onto the road (this is right
near Asuka's Condo). Since the mission is over, your hideout should be
labeled on the map, so simply cruise on over to your Staunton Island
hideout. Once you arrive there, park the Trashmaster into your garage.
Finally, you've obtained a Bulletproof Trashmaster that withstands both
bullets and fire. Your Trashmaster should be fine in your Staunton
Island garage, so once you complete all of the required missions in
Portland, drive over the repaired Callahan Bridge and the Bulletproof
Trashmaster should be waiting in your Staunton Island garage. Enjoy!


After Toni Cipriani assigns you the 'Blow Fish' mission, drive over to
8-Ball's place and make your way over to the Trashmaster parked in the
yard. Next, enter the Great Handling/Jump Cars Cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1,
Left, R1, R1, Triangle) before getting into the Trashmaster. Once this
cheat has been activated, enter the Trashmaster. You'll notice a timer
will begin counting down the bomb's detonation time from two minutes
and thirty seconds - just one of the many obstacles in pulling this
off. You'll also notice a Damage Meter present on your screen. One too
many bumps with this sucker and you'll be up in flames. Now, follow the
dirt road out of 8-Ball's and take a left once you pull out. You'll be
following this road for a while, so hold down on that X button and
don't let go. Try your best to avoid contact with other cars to keep
your Damage Meter at little or none. If you can, pass by other cars
ahead of you, or you can also use L3 to jump over cars that are stalled
or in an accident. Once you've driven a ways down this road, you'll
notice the train tracks passing over ahead. Take a right here onto the
road in which El Train Tracks are passing over. Then make a quick left
where you'll soon be passing by the police station and hospital. Follow
this road as it curves right, and then at the light, take a left. Your
clock should be at about a minute and a half. Now, you'll notice the
Callahan Bridge ahead of you on your right. Once you get close enough,
make a wide turn, passing over the left lane, so that you are now
facing the blocked entrance of the Callahan Bridge. Now, ease up on the
gas and make your way towards the bridge. Once you're a small distance
from the orange barriers, tap the L3 button to make the Trashmaster
hop. If you're lucky, you should pass over the orange barriers and
right under the green sign. If you end up hitting the sign and falling
back, though, back up and attempt to jump the barriers once again
(hopefully you didn't take much damage). Alternatively, you can drive
onto the grassy area between the bridge and simply hop into the left
lane (which may be easier if you're cramped for time). As soon as you
make it onto the bridge, put the pedal to the metal and accelerate to
the Trashmaster's max (which isn't much). Hopefully you're under
halfway on your Damage Meter, yet most will have little or no damage if
you drive careful enough.

Continue hauling until you notice the middle of the bridge flattens out
and you can drive onto the metal platform. Now, align yourself on the
middle of the bridge and exit the Trashmaster. This next part may be
tricky. Stand right outside of your vehicle, and then press Triangle to
re-enter it once again. Now, as you are opening the door, HOLD DOWN the
X button and begin entering the Flying Cars Cheat (Right, R2, Circle,
R1, L2, Down, L1, R1). Be sure to enter at least the first three
buttons of the combination before you have fully entered the
Trashmaster, because as you may notice, pressing Circle inside a rigged
vehicle will arm the bomb. Now, since you are still holding X, the
vehicle will begin accelerating again. As you're driving on the bridge,
enter the rest of the code, up to L1. Do not enter the last button, R1,
yet! Continue driving until you notice the gap in the bridge. During
this time, the only buttons you should be pressing is the X button
(which you are holding down) and the left analog stick to control your
driving, NOTHING ELSE! Do not brake, do not change the radio station,
nothing! If you do press another button, you won't be able to complete
the code combination and the code will become invalid.

Now, this is the extremely difficult part. Right before you hit the gap
in the bridge, press the last button of the Flying Cars Cheat, R1. Once
the Cheat Activated icon appears on your screen, you're going to have
to hammer on the L3 button and jump the Trashmaster. As soon as you get
into the air, hold back on the Down button using either the left
analog stick or joypad. If you have the rarest of all luck, you will
just be able to land the nose of the Trashmaster onto the road part of
the other side of the bridge, above the broken girders. Now, hold down
your accelerate button until you make your way entirely onto the
bridge. You'll probably be receiving the "Welcome to Staunton Island"
message by now. Next, you're going to have to race against the clock to
make it to your Staunton Island hideout. Take your second right off of
the bridge, and follow this road until you notice the alley braking off
to the left on your radar map (this is your hideout). Drive into your
hideout, park the Trashmaster inside your garage, and get the hell out
of there. Once it explodes, let the garage door open and close on the
black remainder of the Trashmaster. Now, open it once more and the
Bulletproof Trashmaster should be waiting for you. I bow down to anyone
who has made it this far.

Depending on the time it takes you to do this, you will either barely
make it to your garage in time, have time to spare, or maybe not even
reach your hideout before the timer hits 0. If that's the case and
you're still on the road in Staunton Island, get out of the Trashmaster
before it blows. Once it explodes and you fail the mission, you're
going to have to push the black remainder to your hideout using either
another car or 'the guy' himself. As with other bulletproof cars, don't
let the destroyed Trashmaster off your screen or it'll disappear. Once
you reach your hideout, push the exploded Trashmaster into your garage
and allow the door to close. Once it reopens, a repaired Bulletproof
Trashmaster (as well as flameproof) should be waiting for you.

2.5: The Bulletproof Barracks OL
CHARACTER: Ray Machowski
MISSION: Arms Shortage

The Barracks OL, a giant, raggedy truck used for the Army, is the first
of three bulletproof vehicles available in Staunton Island. When you
get to Ray Machowski's 'Arms Shortage' mission, you'll be told to help
one of Ray's war buddies (Phil) fight off a bunch of Colombian's at his
secured weapons shop. The mission is a bit tough, but acquiring the
Bulletproof Barracks OL is simple - it's parked right there! Although
the Bulletproof Barracks OL is a giant truck and may seem
indestructible, it is only protected against bullets. Be aware, this is
the ONLY time the Barracks OL will be bulletproof. So if you return to
Phil's place any time other than during the 'Arms Shortage' mission,
the Barracks OL there will be normal, and will not have any special
capabilities. Get it? Now here's what to do:


Go over to Ray Machoski's bathroom stall "hideout" and accept the 'Arms
Shortage' mission. Once the cutscene is through and you know your
mission, drive over to Phil's place and enter through the gates. Once
you're out of your vehicle and you've talked to Phil, equip yourself
with his weapons (rocket launcher recommended) and eliminate all of the
oncoming Colombians and Cartel Cruisers. Once you've done so, you'll
get a talk from Phil, access to his weapons shop now, and your cash
reward from Ray for passing. Now that the mission is over, look towards
the entrance gate and you'll notice the parked Bulletproof Barracks OL.
That's the one! Now, simply enter the vehicle, take it over to your
Staunton Island garage, and enjoy.

2.6: The Bulletproof Bobcat

Acquiring the Bulletproof Bobcat is arguably the most difficult of all
bulletproof vehicles. It is found in yet another mission from Ray
Machowski, this one being 'Evidence Dash.' This mission has you ramming
a vehicle with evidence (the Bobcat) and collecting each piece of
evidence as it falls from the truck (six in all). Once you've collected
all six pieces of evidence, you are to leave them in your vehicle and
torch it. With a little cleverness, though, the mission's Bulletproof
Bobcat can be yours. Here's how to do it:


Once you've gone to Ray's place and received the 'Evidence Dash'
mission, get yourself a Rhino tank. You can head back to the Emergency
Vehicle Crane in Portland (if you've completed it, that is) to get a
Rhino, but the easiest solution would be to use the Free Tank Cheat
(Circle x6, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle). Now that you have
a Rhino, track down the Bobcat (the moving blip on your radar). Try to
stay in a reasonable distance from your hideout, to avoid the trip back
pushing the Bobcat. Once the Bobcat (the evidence vehicle) comes into
your sights, ram it with your Rhino to destroy the Bulletproof Bobcat.
This is the best part: you will pass the mission, the cops will be off
your tail, and the exploded Bobcat will be waiting there for you. Now,
hopefully you're not far from you hideout, because now, your going to
have to push the black carcass of the Bobcat back to your garage. The
exploded Bulletproof Bobcat can be moved fairly easily using the Rhino,
just make sure to keep it in your sights to avoid the threat of it
disappearing. Once you make it to your hideout, position the Bobcat in
front of your garage, and from there, simply push it in (if you have
other bulletproof vehicles in your Staunton garage, refer to the Bobcat
portion of the "Storing the Bulletproof Vehicles" section). Let the
door close, and reopen it once again to find your new Bulletproof
Bobcat. It is bulletproof, flameproof, explosion proof, and can even
take blasts from the rocket launching without getting a scratch!


Accept the 'Evidence Dash' mission from Ray Machowski. Once it begins,
find yourself a large and bulky truck, such as a Barracks OL, Flatbed,
or Firetruck. Once you've done so, track down the Bobcat through the
blip on your radar. As soon as you get on his tail, go full speed and
ram the Bobcat (if you're far from your hideout, follow the Bobcat a
bit until he's closer to your hideaway). You'll get two Stars and the
cops on your tail, but still try to ignore the evidence that pops out.
If you're lucky, the Bobcat will flip over, and you'll likely get a
message saying this Bobcat is a decoy. Ignore it, because this baby is
still bulletproof. Next, you're going to have to push the flipped
Bobcat back to you hideout. It should move easily enough with the large
truck you're using, but the police cars coming after you might be a
problem. If they're really getting in your way, try using the Lower
Wanted Level Cheat (R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down). Even
though the Bulletproof Bobcat is not destroyed, it can still disappear
if out of your view for too long, so don't make that mistake. Once
you've pushed the Bobcat back to your hideout, simply get it back into
your garage and let the door shut. Reopen it and your Bulletproof
Bobcat will be rightside-up and in perfect condition (if it took some
damage while being pushed). The mission will still be going on, so you
can now track down the "real" Bobcat on the road and collect the
evidence through ramming.

2.7: The Bulletproof Patriot
CHARACTER: Ray Machowski
MISSION: Marked Man

Acquiring the Bulletproof Patriot requires no fancywork at all. It is
actually given to you by Ray Machowski along with a bunch of handy
weapons. In the mission 'Marked Man', Ray reveals he is a wanted man
and needs to get out of Staunton Island and to his flight at Francis
International Airport in Shoreside Vale. Once you get him there, he
gives you the keys to a lockup containing the Bulletproof Patriot.
Here's what to do:


There is a simple and easy method to get through the 'Marked Man'
mission, that is, if you have another bulletproof on you. Before the
mission starts, head to your garage (Staunton Island or Portland,
wherever you have another bulletproof car) and retrieve your
bulletproof ride (Cheetah recommended). Now head over to the bathroom
stalls and accept the 'Marked Man' mission from Ray. Once he's done
talking, enter your bulletproof vehicle (which hopefully you parked
nearby) and let Ray get in as well. Now the next part is simple. Cruise
right over the Staunton/Shoreside Bridge to get to the airport. The
bridge will be loaded with FBI agents firing M16's, but seeing as your
vehicle is bulletproof, you're in no danger, Once you reach Francis
International Airport, Ray gives you the key to a lockup in Staunton
Island. Head over to the lockup (it's near the Callahan Bridge), and
voila! A Bulletproof Patriot (and ONLY bulletproof) will be parked
there, along with a few nifty weapons loaded with ammo. Easy, huh?

In case you don't have any other bulletproof vehicles to use in the
'Marked Man' mission, the easiest way to get Ray to Shoreside Vale is
using the underground tunnel.



Once you get a hold of the bulletproof vehicles, you're going to need
an effective and safe way to store them as you progress in the game.
This section of the guide is dedicated to show you where to stash your
vehicles during certain parts of the game, step-by-step.

WARNING: While the Callahan Bridge is being repaired, only the
underground tunnel entrance to Portland will be blocked off. This means
if you fly over the broken bridge to Staunton Island, you have access
to Shoreside Vale right away through the underground tunnel. But be
aware! Once the repairs to the Callahan Bridge are complete, the
underground tunnel entrance to Shoreside Vale WILL be blocked off. Make
note of these changes throughout the game while you are acquiring and
storing your bulletproof vehicles!

3.1: The Bulletproof Securicar


The Securicar is the first of the seven bulletproof vehicles you'll
find throughout the game. When you've acquired it from Joey Leone's
'Van Heist' mission, your best bet is to take the Securicar right over
to your Shoreside Vale garage. Once you decide to attempt to acquire
the Bulletproof Cheetah, you'll need the Portland garage for space.
Knowing this, take your Bulletproof Securicar over to the closed
Callahan Bridge. When you arrive at the orange barriers, enter both the
Flying Cars Cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1) and the
Great Handling/Jump Cars Cheat (R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1,
Triangle). Hop over the barriers using the L3 button, and speed across
the bridge. As is starts to slope down towards the gap, jump the
Securicar using L3 and hold the Up button. The vehicle should easily
enough soar over to the other side. Now that you've made it to Staunton

------------------'ll want to pass through here and bring your Securicar to your
garage in Shoreside Vale. You may be wondering, "Why not park the
Securicar in the spacious Staunton Island garage?" Well, you'll be
needing all the room you can get in the Staunton Island garage for the
three largest bulletproof vehicles (the Securicar isn't one of them),
and at one point, you'll have to cram four cars in there at once (see
section for storing the Bulletproof Bobcat). Therefore, drive your
Bulletproof Securicar over to the underground tunnel entrance in
Rockford (not far from the stadium). For now, you will have access to
Shoreside Vale via this tunnel, so cruise through here, following the
signs, until...

----------------- reach Shoreside Vale (don't take the Francis International Airport
exit for now). Once you're back above ground, follow the radar to get
to your hideout. You'll notice that your new garage has two opening
doors and can fit three cars comfortably inside (five max, if you're
lucky). Bring your Bulletproof Securicar over to the Shoreside Vale
garage where you can store it there for the remainder of the game. The
Staunton Island garage is best meant for the larger and longer
bulletproof vehicles you'll acquire (by this, I mean the Stretch,
Barracks OL, and Trashmaster).

3.2. The Bulletproof Cheetah


After acquiring the Bulletproof Cheetah from El Burro's 'Turismo'
mission, take the easiest method and use the Portland garage to store
your Cheetah for the rest of the game. It's easier, more efficient, and
since your Portland hideout has a one-car garage, your Bulletproof
Cheetah will remain extremely safe here.


Even though the Callahan Bridge will be repaired now and you'll have
full access to Staunton Island and your new hideout, leave the
Bulletproof Cheetah in your Portland garage. You'll be acquiring three
new bulletproof vehicles in Staunton Island, and you'll need all the
room in that garage you can get. Now, you can have your Bulletproof
Cheetah's storing spot be at the Portland garage for the remainder of
the game (recommended), or...


...once you make it to Shoreside Vale in the game, you can bring the
Bulletproof Cheetah over to your new Shoreside garage that can
"legally" fit three cars. It's up to you. I personally recommend
leaving your Cheetah in the Portland garage, simply because since the
Cheetah is arguably one of the best bulletproof cars, you won't have
any glitching trouble with it being in a one-car garage.

3.3: The Bulletproof Stretch


As stated in the "Acquiring the Bulletproof Cars" section, the Stretch
has to be brought over to your Staunton Island garage right after you
get it from Joey's place. It won't fit in your Portland garage,
therefore it has no use being there.


This is where your Bulletproof Stretch should be stored from now on.
The Staunton Island garage is spacious and has just one large garage
door, and is the best kept place for the Bulletproof Stretch and two
other bulletproof trucks you'll acquire later on (the Bulletproof
Barracks OL and Trashmaster).


Once again, even if after you've made it far enough in the game to
access Shoreside Vale, your Bulletproof Stretch is best kept at the
Staunton Island garage. The Shoreside Vale garage is really meant for
the smaller to medium sized bulletproof vehicles.

3.4: The Bulletproof Trashmaster


No way, no how you're going to fit this monster into your Portland


This is where the Trashmaster should be brought to as soon as you
acquire it from the 'Blow Fish' mission, and this is where it should
stay for the rest of the game. The primary reason being, this is the
only garage that the Bulletproof Trashmaster can fit into. It's going
to be a tight squeeze with the Bulletproof Stretch and Barracks OL, but
if you truly want to collect all of the bulletproof vehicles, you can
take the risk and make it fit.

NOTE: The three vehicles in your Staunton Island garage will be very
vulnerable to disappear at this point, so keep a close eye on them!


Once again, the only place for the Trashmaster is in your Staunton
Island garage.

3.5: The Bulletproof Barracks OL


No use here. You won't acquire the Bulletproof Barracks OL until you've
reached Staunton Island, and it also will not fit in your Portland


As with the Bulletproof Stretch and Trashmaster, your Staunton Island
garage is where you'll keep the Bulletproof Barracks OL as soon as you
get it, and is where you should store it from now on. You'll be parked
along side the Bulletproof Stretch and Trashmaster, and for most of the
game (there is one exception: refer to the Bulletproof Bobcat portion),
those will be three bulletproof cars stored there.


Play it safe and leave the Bulletproof Barracks OL back in Staunton
Island. You'll be needing the Shoreside Vale garage for three of your
smaller bulletproof cars.

3.6: The Bulletproof Bobcat


You'll be acquiring the Bulletproof Bobcat in Staunton Island, so don't
bother with the Portland garage.


This is probably the toughest storing method you'll have to go through
in the game. Now, once you've accepted the 'Evidence Dash' mission and
have gotten a hold of the Bulletproof Bobcat, with whichever truck you
are using to push the Bobcat (Rhino recommended), get the Bobcat to
your Staunton Island hideout. Position it in front of and almost right
up against your garage (the door won't open). Now this next part is
tricky. The "legal" limit for cars in your Staunton Island garage is
two (you're already over your limit), so if you are in a vehicle and
attempting to park it in your garage, the garage door won't open. So
next, park the Rhino away from your garage and exit it, keeping the
Bobcat in your sight, and walk close enough towards your garage until
the door opens. Now, as quickly as you can, enter any one of the three
vehicles in your garage and back it out of your garage. Keeping the
destroyed Bobcat in your sights, align the vehicle you're in so that it
is behind the Bobcat and in position to push it into the garage.
Accelerate your vehicle and push the destroyed Bobcat into a vacant
spot in your garage. Once it's in, go into reverse and allow the door
to close. Next, exit the vehicle and allow your garage door to reopen
The Bulletproof Bobcat should be repaired and squeezed in with the
other two bulletproof vehicles in your hideout.

Now, this will be tough. Until repairs on the Staunton/Shoreside Bridge
are complete, (once you complete Donald Love's 'A Drop In The Ocean')
you're going to have to store four cars in your Staunton Island garage:
the Bulletproof Bobcat, Trashmaster, Barracks OL, and Stretch. It may
seem impossible, but it CAN BE DONE. Below I have provided an overhead
diagram of how to most effectively arrange and store these four
vehicles inside your Staunton Island garage:

||-------------| |
|| | |
|| Bobcat | |
|| | |
| ------------- ---------- |
| -------- ------- | ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| | Trash- || || ||
| | master ||Stretch|| Barracks ||
| | || || OL ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| | || || ||
| --------- --------- ---------- |

*Not drawn to scale

As soon as the Staunton/Shoreside Bridge is open, though, take the
Bulletproof Bobcat out of this overcrowded garage and drive it over to
Shoreside Vale.

If you desperately want to take the Bulletproof Bobcat A.S.A.P., there
is another way. Once you've successfully acquired the Bulletproof
Bobcat, drive it over to the Staunton Island subway in Bedford Point
(there's also a subway entrance near Liberty Campus, opposite the
construction site). Once you get there, drive down the stairs until you
reach the subway tracks. Now, approach the tracks in your Bulletproof
Bobcat, take a right, and drive down the right side of the tracks.
You'll be going for a while, but as you can notice on your radar,
you'll be leaving Staunton Island. Eventually you will enter Shoreside
Vale, and once you get to the Francis International Airport, you'll be
able to exit off of the tracks at the waiting station. Drive up a
series of steps until you arrive above ground. You're finally in
Shoreside Vale! Your hideout will be labeled on the radar, so simply
drive across the Cochrane Dam until you've reached it. Park your
Bulletproof Bobcat in your Shoreside Vale garage and let the doors
close. For those who would be extremely worried about having four
vehicle in your Staunton Island garage at once (even though you
shouldn't be), this may be the easier method for you.


If your Bulletproof Bobcat has been in your Staunton Island garage up
until now (meaning that you didn't use the easy storing method listed
above), drive it over to your Shoreside Vale hideout in Wichita
Gardens. Get to your garage where your Bulletproof Securicar should be
waiting, and park the Bulletproof Bobcat along side it. If you've made
it through all of this, congratulations - this is the toughest portion
of storing your bulletproof vehicles.

3.7: The Bulletproof Patriot


You won't get the Bulletproof Patriot until you're well into Staunton
Island, so don't bother with the Portland garage.


As stated earlier in the guide, you receive the Bulletproof Patriot as
a gift from Ray Machowski after completing his last mission. Do NOT go
through with the 'Marked Man' mission until you've worked long enough
for Donald Love to get access to Shoreside Vale. Now, once you complete
the task of 'Marked Man' and have received the Bulletproof Patriot from
Ray's lockup...

------------------ it on over to your Shoreside Vale garage where your Bulletproof
Bobcat and Securicar should (hopefully) be waiting. By now, you'll have
access to all three islands, and should have all of the bulletproof
vehicles acquired and parked safe and sound.

STATUS CHECKUP: Let us check up on all of your bulletproof vehicles and
where they should be stored (this only applies if you've gone by the
recommended directions).

The Bulletproof Cheetah

The Bulletproof Stretch
The Bulletproof Barracks OL
The Bulletproof Trashmaster

The Bulletproof Securicar
The Bulletproof Bobcat
The Bulletproof Patriot

* Remember to check up on your Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale
garages before saving your game, and be sure all of the cars are
there. This is for your own good, and will likely avoid a
disappearing vehicle glitch.



4.1: The Rumor Mill

The Rumor Mill is intended to confirm, deny, or expose any rumors going
around about the bulletproof vehicles. This includes rumors of other
bulletproof cars existing in the game, other missions where you can
obtain one of the seven bulletproof cars, as well as any other talk of
bulletproof vehicles and their existence.


These are the bulletproof cars that are rumored to be around, but DO
NOT EXIST. Provided as well as the missions that they come from:

The Bulletproof BF Injection
LOCATION: Portland, in Hepburn Heights

Once you make it to Staunton Island, the BF Injection appears during
certain hours of the night in the Hepburn Heights lot where El Burro's
phone is (also where you pick up Misty in Luigi's mission 'Drive Misty
for Me'). Although it looks sharp, this vehicle is NOT bulletproof! It
is one of the cars required in the Shoreside Vale Import/Export garage,
and I'm confident that any vehicle that needs to be delivered there
would not have special abilities.

The Bulletproof Black Rumpo
LOCATION: Staunton Island
CHARACTER: Asuka Kasen
MISSION: Under Surveillance

This is the Asuka mission where you must take out the spying Mafia men
around Staunton Island. As you may notice, one of your targets is a
black Rumpo van full of Mafia members. You may think that because this
is the only black Rumpo in the game that it may be bulletproof, but
it's not! The van takes normal damage, and despite its originality,
bullets, fire, explosions, etc can destroy it. If you still want a one-
of-a-kind black Rumpo, though, feel free to go toe to toe with the
heavily armed Mafia men and then steal the van for yourself after
killing them off.

The Bulletproof Mafia Sentinel
LOCATION: Portland, in Red Light District
CHARACTER: Asuka Kasen
MISSION: Sayonara Salavtore

Though one may think that the Mafia Sentinels used to drive Salvatore
Leone in this mission would be bulletproof (only the best for the Don),
think again. These Mafia Sentinels are NOT bulletproof, and are no
different from the Mafia cars found all around St. Marks.

The Bulletproof Mr. Whoopie
LOCATION: Portland
MISSION: I Scream, You Scream

It is rumored that the Mr. Whoopie ice cream truck that you must
carjack in this mission is actually bulletproof. Although this would be
a nifty addition to the bulletproof vehicle list, the ice cream truck
in this mission is NOT bulletproof. It is like any other Mr. Whoopie
that would cruise around the city streets.

The Bulletproof Panlantic Van
LOCATION: Shoreside Vale
CHARACTER: Donald Love
MISSION: Grand Theft Aero

Once you accept this mission and make your way to Francis International
Airport, you'll know notice two Panlantic vans located in front of a
hanger, one parked and the other driving in circles. It is rumored that
the Panlantic van in motion is bulletproof, and as it pulls out of the
airport you can carjack it and take it for your own. While you can
steal this vehicle for yourself, it is NOT bulletproof. The Panlantic
van may be a rare vehicle, but it doesn't have any special abilities to
protect it from attack.

The Bulletproof Sentinel
LOCATION: Portland
MISSION: Dead Skunk In the Trunk

In this mission, you're instructed to take a car that's "stuffed with a
stiff" over to the crusher in Harwood. Once you reach this bloody
vehicle at the cafe, though, you'll notice that the Forelli brothers in
two Sentinels will come after you. The Sentinels they are driving are
NOT bulletproof, flameproof, or explosion proof, yet they ARE
damageproof. These Sentinels will take no exterior damage through
ramming. If you want one for yourself, destroy the car with the corpse,
and jack the Sentinel as it tries to pull out of the cafe parking lot.

LOCARION: Shoreside Vale
CHARACTER: Asuka Kasen

All three of the Cartel death squads drive Sentinels in this mission.
These cars are NOT bulletproof, flameproof, nor explosion, but they are
damageproof. These vehicles will not take any exterior damage through
ramming, but in every other way they are like all other Sentinels.
Since they are not bulletproof, though, I won't be adding these
damageproof-only Sentinels to the bulk of this FAQ.


These are the missions where it is rumored you can acquire one of the
seven bulletproof vehicles if you missed them before. Of course, they
are not true! Here are the listed ones:

'Bling-Bling Scramble'
LOCATION: Staunton Island
CHARACTER: King Courtney
VEHICLES: The Bobcat, Cheetah, and Patriot

This is the first mission for Yardie leader King Courtney that involves
you racing around the Liberty streets against other racers, collecting
checkpoints along the way. As you may notice though, the other cars you
race against include a Patriot, a Cheetah, and a Bobcat -- three
vehicles that are available with bulletproof abilities. Tough luck,
though, because they are nothing like the 'Turismo' racers. These
vehicles ARE NOT bulletproof! Once the race begins, if you hunt down
one of the other racers and attempt to test their vehicle using an Uzi,
you'll notice they can withstand it. Step out of the car and blast them
with a Shotgun, though, and they will be up in flames. So even though
it would be a nice coincidence if the vehicles racing against you in
this mission were bulletproof, they are NOT.

'Escort Service'
LOCATION: Shoreside Vale
CHARACTER: Donald Love
VEHICLE: The Securicar

In this mission, you must escort a Securicar containing Donald Love's
"package" all the way to a garage in Pike Creek. Along the way, Cartel
Cruisers and Colombians themselves will be trying to take this
Securicar out. It may seem reasonable for the Securicar from this
mission to be bulletproof, but it is NOT. Don't bother trying to
carjack this normal Securicar, either, because the doors will not open.

LOCATION: Shoreside Vale
CHARACTER: Donald Love
VEHICLE: The Securicar

Yet another Donald Love mission, this one has you driving a Securicar
yourself and acting as a decoy for police (hence the mission name).
Once again, this Securicar is not bulletproof! The only way you can get
yourself a Bulletproof Securicar is from Joey Leone's 'Van Heist'
mission, no exceptions.

4.2: Special Thanks

This is the credits section, and is dedicated to those who helped in
either posting or editing this guide. I would like to thank:

- Rockstar Games and DMA Designs for making such an amazing game.
- Travis Boyer from for sending me this game.
-, greatly, for posting my guide at
- CJayC from for making an exception and posting my guide.
- for posting my guide on their site.
- Christian Wirth of for posting my guide.
- James Hoenstine for informing me about the Bulletproof Trashmaster,
as well as how to acquire it.
- Matt Conley for informing me on another method for acquiring the
Bulletproof Cheetah.
- John for sending me a great new method for obtaining the Bulletproof
- "PS2isnumber1" for informing me on how to deactivate the Trashmaster
bomb .
- Tom Lawlor for informing me on a Bulletproof Mr. Whoopie rumor.
- John Boender for sending me the Bulletproof Mafia Sentinel and
Bulletproof Panlantic Van rumors.
- John Susanm for informing me that you can reach Shoreside Vale early
via the subway entrance.
- Karl de Rose for pointing out the Bulletproof Black Rumpo rumor.
- Stephen Moo-Young for submitting information about the 'Dead Skunk in
the Trunk' Sentinels.

4.3: Contact

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? If you have any of the above or me,
let me know. Here are a few ways you can reach me.

Kyle Sutton
AIM: insomniac2587

4.4: Closing

Thank you for reading the Bulletproof Vehicle FAQ. I hope my guide has
helped you acquire and store those tricky vehicles, as well as answer
any questions you had about them. Please feel free to print this guide
or revisit it again whenever necessary. Thank you and happy gaming!

This guide can be found on the following sites: FAQs -
GameFAQs -
Neoseeker -
Playstation -


All content of the Bulletproof Vehicle FAQ by Kyle Sutton.
Copyright (c) 2002
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17.October 2013
Rampages FAQ

17.October 2013
How to fly the DODO and the TANK - FAQ

17.October 2013
Car boosting jobs and other

17.October 2013
NTSC to PAL FIX for the US NTSC Version

15.October 2013

17.October 2013
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