NeverWinter Nights

NeverWinter Nights

16.10.2013 06:23:36
Reference Guide
============= Neverwinter Nights Reference Guide including =============
============= Shadows of Undrentide plus Hordes of the Underdark =============
============= Revision =============

by Duncan Clay

Table of Contents


(0) PRELUDE - Neverwinter Academy
(1) CHAPTER 1 - The Wailing and the Waterdhavians
(1.1) City Core
(1.2) Beggar's Nest
(1.3) Peninsula
(1.4) No-Man's-Land
(1.5) Barricades
(1.6) Blacklake
(1.7) Docks
(1.8) Castle Never
(1.9) Road to Helm's Hold
(2) CHAPTER 2 - The Search for the Cult
(2.1) Port Llast
(2.2) North Road
(2.3) Green Griffon Inn
(2.4) East Road
(2.5) Druid Encampment
(2.6) Deep Woods
(2.7) Heart of the Forest
(2.8) South Road
(2.9) Farmland
(2.10) Haunted Forest
(2.11) Charwood
(2.12) Luskan
(2.13) Docks
(2.14) Host Tower
(3) CHAPTER 3 - The Words of Power
(3.1) Beorunna's Well
(3.2) Coldwood
(3.3) Coldwood, Layenne's Tomb
(3.4) Coldwood, Wizard's Circle
(3.5) Countryside
(3.6) Fort Ilkard
(3.7) Homesteads
(3.8) Ruins
(3.9) Moonwood
(3.10) Moonwood, Caves
(3.11) Spine of the World
(4) CHAPTER 4 - The Final Battle
(4.1) City Core
(4.2) War Zone
(4.3) Source Stone
(5) XP1 CHAPTER 1 - The Missing Artifacts
(5.1) Hilltop West
(5.2) Hilltop East
(5.3) Hilltop Foothills
(5.4) Blumberg
(5.5) Nether Mountains
(5.6) High Forest
(6) XP1 INTERLUDE - Identifying the Crystal
(6.1) Anauroch Night Camp
(6.2) Oasis of the Green Palm
(6.3) Ao Encampment
(6.4) Valley of Winds
(7) XP1 CHAPTER 2 - The Lost City of Undrentide
(8) XP2 CHAPTER 1 - Descent into Undermountain
(8.1) Waterdeep
(8.2) Undermountain Level 1
(8.3) Undermountain Level 2
(8.4) Undermountain Level 3
(8.5) Realm of the Reaper
(9) XP2 CHAPTER 2 - Defeating the Valsharess
(9.1) Lith My'athar, City Core & Port
(9.2) Shaori's Fell
(9.3) Isle of the Maker
(9.4) Lith My'athar, Environs
(9.5) Underdark, West of Lith My'athar
(9.6) Underdark, Chasm of the Eye Tyrants
(9.7) Drearing's Deep
(9.8) Zorvak'Mur, Entrance Cavern
(9.9) Zorvak'Mur
(9.10) Battle
(10) XP2 CHAPTER 3 - Escape from the Hells
(10.1) City of Lost Souls
(10.2) Wastes of Cania
(10.3) Finale

(A) Character Creation
(A.1) Gender
(A.2) Race
(A.3) Portrait
(A.4) Class
(A.5) Alignment
(A.6) Abilities
(A.7) Skills
(A.8) Feats
(A.9) Racial Groups
(A.10) Deity
(A.11) Shapeshift
(A.12) Multiplayer
(B) Henchmen
(B.1) Tomi Undergallows
(B.2) Boddyknock Glinckle
(B.3) Daelan Red Tiger
(B.4) Grimgnaw
(B.5) Linu La'neral
(B.6) Sharwyn
(B.7) Dorna Trapspringer
(B.8) Xanos Messarmos
(B.9) Deekin Scalesinger
(B.10) Deekin Scalesinger (HotU)
(B.11) Sharwyn (HotU)
(B.12) Daelan Red Tiger (HotU)
(B.13) Tomi Undergallows (HotU)
(B.14) Linu La'neral (HotU)
(B.15) Nathyrra
(B.16) Valen Shadowbreath
(C) Custom Items
(C.1) Marrok's Forge
(C.2) Imaskarran Tomes
(C.3) Alchemist's Apparatus
(C.4) Fantabulous Contrapulator
(C.5) Hasuraman's Tomes
(C.6) Barun Silverblade
(C.7) The Grinder
(C.8) Strange Machine
(C.9) Prayer Bag
(C.10) Enserric
(C.11) Rizolvir
(C.12) Bridge Control
(C.13) Golem Construction Machine
(C.14) Lord Nasher's Items
(D) Stores
(D.1) General Store
(D.2) General Store +1
(D.3) General Store +2
(D.4) General Store +3
(D.5) Weapon Store
(D.6) Weapon Store +1
(D.7) Weapon Store +2
(D.8) Weapon Store +3
(D.9) Temple Store
(D.10) Temple Store +1
(D.11) Temple Store +2
(D.12) Temple Store +3
(D.13) Druid Store
(D.14) Druid Store +1
(D.15) Druid Store +2
(D.16) Druid Store +3
(D.17) Rogue Store
(D.18) Rogue Store +1
(D.19) Rogue Store +2
(D.20) Magic Store
(D.21) Magic Store +1
(D.22) Magic Store +2
(D.23) Magic Store +3
(D.24) Merchant Store
(D.25) Merchant Store +1
(D.26) Other Stores
(D.27) SoU Stores
(D.28) HotU Stores
(E) Items
(E.1) Tiny Weapons
(E.2) Small Weapons
(E.3) Medium Weapons
(E.4) Large Weapons
(E.5) Thrown Weapons
(E.6) Ammunition
(E.7) Robes
(E.8) Light Armor
(E.9) Medium Armor
(E.10) Heavy Armor
(E.11) Shields
(E.12) Helmets
(E.13) Gauntlets, Gloves and Bracers
(E.14) Belts and Girdles
(E.15) Boots
(E.16) Cloaks
(E.17) Amulets, Necklaces, Pendants, Periapts, Scarabs and Talismans
(E.18) Rings
(E.19) Wands and Rods
(E.20) Scrolls Innate Level 0
(E.21) Scrolls Innate Level 1
(E.22) Scrolls Innate Level 2
(E.23) Scrolls Innate Level 3
(E.24) Scrolls Innate Level 4
(E.25) Scrolls Innate Level 5
(E.26) Scrolls Innate Level 6
(E.27) Scrolls Innate Level 7
(E.28) Scrolls Innate Level 8
(E.29) Scrolls Innate Level 9
(E.30) Trap Kits
(E.31) Potions
(E.32) Gems
(E.33) Magical Items
(E.34) Quest Items
(E.35) Miscellaneous Items
(E.36) Undiscovered Weapons
(E.37) Undiscovered Items
(F) Addendum
(G) Unanswered Questions and Cheats
(H) Credits and Revision History
(I) Contact Information

= Introduction ===============================================================

This FAQ is not a walkthrough but more of a quick reference. For example,
section (E) will give you an idea which items are valuable and should be kept
when you are running out of room in your inventory. If you want to know where
every piece of Adamantine can be found, just do a text search.

This FAQ now covers Expansion Pack 1 - Shadows of Undrentide and Expansion
Pack 2 - Hordes of the Underdark.

Note: The FAQ assumes you are using patch 1.61.8042 + XP1 + XP2

= Area Guide =================================================================


XP - Experience Point STR - Strength
HP - Hit Point DEX - Dexterity
SP - Skill Point CON - Constitution
AC - Armor Class INT - Intelligence
GP - Gold Piece WIS - Wisdom
DC - Difficulty Check CHA - Charisma
SR - Spell Resistance BAB - Base Attack Bonus

$ - Added in $hadows of Undrentide (SoU)
# - Added in #ordes of the Underdark (HotU)

Most treasure is random. If you save the game before opening a container or
killing an enemy you can reload it to get a different item. Only items that
are the same every time are listed below. Most random treasure is determined
by your level and some by your class or weapon proficiencies.


- After speaking to someone, speak to them again or return to them later as
they may have something else to say.
- The more companions you have and the higher their level, the less XP you
get. One trick is to unsummon any creatures just before killing an enemy.
A better trick is have companions that are a lower level than you as this
will increase the XP you get. Quest rewards are not affected by this.
- Since quest XP is the same regardless of your level, but other XP decreases
as you go up in levels, you will get a higher total XP if you complete as
much of each quest as you can before then claiming the rewards.
- Recover and sell traps rather than disarm them. # Recovered traps are
considered as stolen items.
- If you have a familiar or animal companion you can heal it by talking to
it and feeding it.
- In the original campaign keep the 3xAdamantine, 3xDiamond, 2xIronwood and
2xSpecial Holy Water for use by Barun Silverblade in Chapter 3.
- In SoU keep the 2xRuby, the Dragon's Blood (if you kill Tymofarrar) and all
the Belladonna, Bear Hide, Wolf Hide, Skeleton's Knuckle and Meat that you
find for use with the Strange Machine and the Prayer Bag.


Opening movie of Nasher Alagondar killing the minotaur Koth Uth-Kalin

(0) PRELUDE - Neverwinter Academy (Beggar's Nest)
Senior Barracks
Paval (Bim's brother)
Bim - camera and menus tutorial (PgUp and PgDn change camera elevation)
Training Halls
Olgerd GENERAL STORE - inventory and store tutorial
Gives You (Bard, Druid, Rogue): Studded Leather Armor
Gives You (Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger): Chain Shirt
Gives You (Monk): Robes of the Shining Hand +1
Gives You (Sorcerer, Wizard): Robe of Fire Resistance
Berna - map and journal tutorial
Task (Barbarian, Monk, Ranger): Complete melee and ranged tests
Reward: Boots of Reflexes +1
Task (Fighter, Paladin): Complete melee and ranged tests
Reward: Chainmail
Corporal Dendy - melee weapon training
Corporal Hewwet - ranged weapon training
Erdan, Gilbert
Weapon Rack - Sling, Short Bow, Longbow Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow
Ferdinand (Keeper of Exotic Creatures)
Task (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard): Destroy the statue using a spell
Reward: Rod of Frost
Zedir, Chandra
Chest - Magic Missile Scroll, Melf's Acid Arrow Scroll
Task (Cleric): Cure Injured Man and use Turn Undead on Skeleton
Reward: Chainmail
Task (Druid): Cure Injured Man
Reward: Ring of Fortitude +1
Ansel, Tabitha
Task (Rogue): Get Rogue Key
Reward: Minor Spike Trap Kit x2
Bruno - pick pocket or use persude to get key
Shade, Silk
Graduation Chamber
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande - Aribeth's Key
Graduates Zarn, Naiad, Fonlim, Deelin, Kiki, Rezron, Meiron
Chest - Ring of Fortitude +1 (Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard),
Breastplate (Barbarian, Ranger), Amulet of Will +1 (Bard, Cleric),
Chain Shirt (Druid), Boots of Reflexes +1 (Rogue)
Geldar - raises your XP to 1000 (level 2)
Chest - Brawler's Belt (Barbarian), Cloak of Protection vs Evil (Ranger),
Average Spike Trap, Minor Frost Traps x2 (Rogue), Breastplate (Druid),
Splint Mail (Cleric, Fighter, Paladin), Amulet of Will +1 (Monk), Sleep,
Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Creature I (Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard)
Mysterious Mage - Shield of the Watch (Barbarian), Shield of Dawn (Druid),
Half Plate (Cleric, Fighter, Paladin), Wand of Sleep (Sorcerer, Wizard),
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 (Monk), Gloves of the Minstrel (Bard),
Gloves of Swordplay (Rogue), Archer's Belt (Ranger)
Watchknight Desther Indelayne
Abbot Fenthick Moss - raises your XP to 3000 (level 3)
Yuan-Ti, Dryad


(1) CHAPTER 1 - The Wailing and the Waterdhavians

(1.7) (1.4)
| |

(1.1) City Core
Task: Make the Peninsula safe
Reward: Good+3
Task: Free a brown bear, panther, wolf and lion from Blacklake Zoo
Gives You: Scented Fetish, Transport via Plants Scroll, Zoo Key Copy
Reward: 200XP, 400GP
Persuade: Ironwood
Priest of Helm
Ibarum (City Gate)
Mulland the Administrator
Mano (Begger's Nest Gate)
Halion, Eravian
Errol, Jerome, Duke, Saulter, Maureen, Borlan, Phoebe, Lydia, Harris
Task: Give her 100GP
Reward: Good+7
Abbot Fenthick Moss
Task: Bring Anonymous Letters to him
Reward: 50XP, 300GP each
Persuade: 50GP
Watchknight Desther Indelayne
Hall of Justice (Temple of Tyr)
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande TEMPLE STORE
Task: Khelben 'Blackstaff' Arunsun, Archmage of Waterdeep has discovered
a cure for the plague and you must get the components from four
Waterdhavian creatures (Lock of Dryad Hair, Devourer's Brain, Yuan-Ti
Heart, Cockatrice Feather)
Gives You: 100GP, Stone of Recall
Reward: 150XP and 500GP each
Sergol (Keeper of the Portal)
Tomi Grin Undergallows HENCHMAN
Divining Pool
Reverend Judge Oleff Uskar
Task: Get 3 artifacts, Ancient Symbol of Tyr, Halueth's Rusted Armor,
Ancient Chronicles of Halueth Never
Gives You: Letter from Oleff to take to Briley
Reward: 200GP and Good+3 each, 200XP, Good+3, Amulet of Will +3
Persuade: Adamantine
Task: Get Jacob's Quill from Gilles
Reward: 500GP, Good+3
Task: Give Oleff the Letter from Ophala
Reward: Writ from Oleff and bribe him for 500GP
Eltoora Sarptyl MAGIC STORE
Task (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard): Get Earth Clay, Flask of Water,
Puff of Fog, Kindling Wood
Gives You: Eltoora's Key
Reward: 300XP
Task: Use the wands in the given order to defeat the minogon
Reward: 300XP, Many-Starred Cloak, access to GENERAL STORE +1
Cloaktower Portal
Stones - Elemental Wand of Earth
Divining Pool - Elemental Wand of Water
Alchemist's Apparatus - Elemental Wand of Air
Woodpile - Elemental Wand of Fire
Trade of Blades
Graxx - sells you Gauntlet Pass for 50GP
Boddyknock Glinckle HENCHMAN
Daelan Red Tiger HENCHMAN
Linu La'Neral HENCHMAN
Shining Knight Arms and Armor
Durga WEAPON STORE - gives you Shining Knight Ward to get into back room
Marrok's Forge
Marrok - enhances items (see Appendix C.1)
Gives You: Recipes of the Forge
Moonstone Mask (Level 1)
Ophala Cheldarstorm
Task: Get Writ from Oleff to get into back room
Gives You: Letter from Ophala to take to Oleff
Reward: Moonstone Mask Back Room Key
Task: Get Gaudy Statuette, Portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III,
Gilded Urn
Reward: 125XP and 400GP each, 250XP, 400GP, Boots of Reflexes +3
Persuade: Diamond
Gilles - talks to you once you have Letter from Oleff
Gives You: Jacob's Quill
Task: Give him Oleff's 3 artifacts instead
Reward: 600GP and Evil+7 each, 600GP and Evil+10 on completion
Torgo ROGUE STORE - sells you Pass Coin for 200GP
Moonstone Mask (Level 2)
Moonstone Mask (Level 3)
Task (Male): Talk for a while then ask to retire to the bedchamber
Reward: 50XP
Task (Male): Threaten or kill Hoff in the Docks
Gives You: Tamora's Brooch
Reward: 50XP, Good+3
Evil: Sell Hoff the brooch for 200GP, Evil+5
Task (Male): Talk for a while then ask to retire to the bedchamber
Reward: 50XP
Task (Female): Talk for a while then ask to retire to the bedchamber
Reward: 50XP
Refugee Shelter
Winthorp, William, Cabbage, Issabon

(1.2) Beggar's Nest
Gate Captain Ergus - talks about Walters but gives no reward
Plague Victim Pyre - light with a torch for 25XP
Body of Marcus - Penhold Staff, Journal of Marcus Penhold, 50GP
Task: Find Hector
Reward: 100XP
Thomas Wheelright (Wagon Repair)
Hector - take him to Aldo
Bookshelf - Official Document
Shining Serpant Inn
Harben Ashensmith
Task: Find the source of the zombie infestation
Reward: 500GP, Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Persuade: 100GP
Drake - talks about undead but gives no reward
Temple of Helm (Helmite Sanctuary)
Task: Find Journal of Marcus Penhold, Penhold Staff
Reward: Give him journal - 50XP
and give him staff - 400GP, 100XP, Good+3
Or: Sell him journal - 50XP, 400GP, Evil+3
and sell the staff - 1243GP
Priest of Helm TEMPLE STORE
House (Barricaded Home)
Task: Find Torin
Gives You: Estate Ward Stone
Reward: 100XP
Persuade: 50GP
House (Barricaded Home)
Krestal - talks about Drawl but gives no reward
Chest: Club +1 (Monk)
Siril's Bakery (Barricaded Home)
Body of Siril the Baker - Leaven Bread Recipe
Cabinet - Fairy Dust
Arcane Laboratory (Wizard Lab)
Fire Mephit
Woodpile - Kindling Wood
Snake Cult Estate (Strange Building)
Desk - Gargoyle Skull
Snake Cult Leader
Bookshelf - In Service of Gulnan book
Sword Coast Boy
Drawl - Dire Mace +1
Weapon Rack - Club +1
Task: Clear out the undead so Walters can escape safely
Reward: 50XP
Great Graveyard
Chest - Note "A wall at arms length", put Ceremonial Shield in the chest
to open the door
Sarcophagus - Ancient Chronicles of Halueth Never
Warrens of the Damned
Sarcophagus - Armor of Comfort
Corpse of Torin - Ancient Key, Torin's Ring
Armoire - Ancient Key, Crumpled Note, Magic Bag
Cabinet - Gulnan's Journal
Jared - you might as well kill him
Chest - In Service of Cyric book
Pedestal - destroy it for 200XP
Gulnan - 200XP, Yuan-Ti Heart, Scimitar +1, Special Holy Water

(1.3) Peninsula
Gate Captain Kipp
Ms Dulcimae (Maid for Lady Tanglebrook)
Task: Escort her to the district gate
Reward: Good+3
Master Johns (Butler for Lady Tanglebrook)
Task: Escort him to the district gate
Reward: Good+3
Welcome Mat - Tanglebrook Key
Priest of Helm TEMPLE STORE
Gang Leader
Forlorn Woman
Militia HQ
Sedos Sebile
Task: Get inside prison and kill the Intellect Devourer
Reward: 300GP
Persuade: 75GP
Mizzenmast Mercantile
Jones - Jones's Key
Tomb (of Miaslaznia Fairblade)
Chest - Halueth Dig Logbook, Ceremonial Arrow, Shield and Sword
Arcane Laboratory (Wizard Lab)
Earth Mephit
Stones - Rare Earth Clay
Gang Leader - Prison Key
Prison Barracks
Tanglebrook Estate
Bookshelf - Lady Tanglebrook's Journal
Weapon Rack - Dagger +1
Alchemist's Apparatus - Celestial Elixir
Tanglebrook Tunnels
Pawn - destroy it to disarm the traps
Body of Lady Tanglebrook - Two-Bladed Sword +1
Prison Main Floor
Dhanis the Thug
Former Guard - gives no reward
Gang Leader
Bookshelf - Prison Logbook, Prison Storeroom Key
Containment Level
Emernik - gives no reward
Escaped Sorcerer
The Pits
Escaped Sorcerer
Gang Leader
Kurdan Fenkt - fight him until he surrenders, talk and tell him to stay
here then quickly kill him as he leaves for no loss of reputation
Book Piles - Head Gaoler's Journal
Lair of the Devourer
Former Guard x4
Task: Persuade them to leave
Reward: Good+1
Head Gaoler Alaefin - kill him
Intellect Devourer - 200XP, Devourer's Brain

(1.4) No-Man's-Land
Task: Kill Loxar
Reward: 100XP, Good+3
Loxar - Head of Loxar, Adamantine
Desk - Alaganda's Silver Ring

(1.5) Barricades
Gate Captain Harn

(1.6) Blacklake
Punkin - persuade her to tell you the secret word
Formosa Laitannen
Task: Get Meldanen's Master Key
Reward: Periapt of Wisdom +1
Task: Get Meldanen's Silver Tooth
Reward: 500GP
Persuade: 150GP
Kill her: Gloves of the Rogue, 500GP
Milly - Milly's Key
Tells you about the secret passage in her house
Orrean - Key to Meldanen Estate, Glittering Necklace
Rumbottom Estate Guard - Key to the Rumbottom Estate
Hodge Estate Guard - Key to Hodge's Estate
Board Laid Bare
Task: Find Samuel
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 300GP, 125XP
Persuade: 75GP
Bartender MERCHANT STORE - exchanges Gauntlet Pass for Gauntlet Key
Task: Beat Claudus
Reward: 50GP every week
Kellisai - talk to her when you are ready to fight
Keener, Hrusk, Fashi, Agar, Claudus
Round 1: Hrusk - 50XP, Gauntlet Award First Round
Round 2: Fashi - Gauntlet Award Second Round
Round 3: Agar - 50XP, Gauntlet Award Third Round
Round 4: Claudus - 200XP, Gauntlet Championship Award
Telma - persuade her to tell you the secret word
Bookshelf - secret passage
Chest - Note "A splinter delivered in flight"
Put Ceremonial Arrow in the chest to open the door
Never's Tomb
Sword of Never x4
Sarcophagus - Halueth's Rusted Armor, Greataxe +1
Rumbottom Estate
Lord Thoms Rumbottom
Chest - Portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III, Spear +1
Hodge Estate
Chest - Gilded Urn, Note from Hodge, Club +1
Nobleman Residence
Nobleman Residence
Milly's House
Meldanen's Estate
Desk - Meldanen's West Wing Key
Desk - Journal of Meldanen
Grommin - persuade him to open the door, kill him if you want
Chest - Meldanen Prison Key
Samuel - set him free for 100XP, Good+3
Meldanen Apprentice
Chest - Magic Bag 40%
Meldanen's Sanctum
Weapon Rack - Greatsword +1
Meldanen Apprentice
Cabinet - Silver Chalice of Moonbow
Alchemist's Apparatus - Dragon Blood
Blacklake Dryad - set her free for 200XP, Lock of Dryad Hair
Meldanen - fight him until he surrenders
Reward: 120XP, 500GP, Meldanen's Master Key, Meldanen's Silver Tooth
Task: Kill Formosa
Reward: 500GP
Kill him: Staff of Meldanen
Meldanen's Warehouse
House Guard
Lord Eldan, Lady Zemeria, Billiam, Sally, Hubert
Master of the Pens
Montgomery "Sureshot" Weatherspoon - Longbow +1, Adamantine
Brown Bear, Panther, Wolf and Lion
Task: Get them to the tree outside
Reward: 19XP each
Bug: you get 19XP every time you speak to them)
Tree - use the Transport Via Plants Scroll on it
Arcane Laboratory (Wizard Lab)
Air Mephit
Alchemist's Apparatus - Puff of Fog

(1.7) Docks
Gate Captain Soren
Hemmel Masterson, Agnes Masterson, Morden
Task: Get Masterson Family Amulet from Callik
Reward: 150XP, 500GP, Longsword +1
Persuade: Masterson Family Amulet (AC Natural+1)
Androd Estate Guard
Bloodsailor - Bloodsailor Uniform
Chest - Uthgardt Iron Brooch
Golden Apple (Level 1)
Gilda - gives you a Smugglers Coin
Golden Apple (Level 2)
Twenty in a Quiver
Jerol GENERAL STORE +1 - sells up to 3 Smugglers Coins for 150GP each
or you can kill him for the 3 Smugglers Coins and Ring of Protecion +1
Androd Estate
Lord Androd Golden
Cabinet - Gaudy Statuette, Androd's Key, Sickle +1
Locked House (Level 1)
Locked House (Level 2)
Bloodsailor Lieutenant
Chest - Tavern Key, Orders from Callik
Seedy Tavern (Level 1)
Avista (Doorman)
Auctioneer ROGUE STORE - sells items for Smugglers Coins (SC)
The items are listed in order of value for money
Morning Star +1 5SC, Sash of Shimmering 6SC, Longsword +1 10SC,
Leather Armor +1 5SC, Double Axe +1 15SC, Nymph Cloak +1 14SC,
Large Shield +1 9SC, Brestplate +1 15SC
Jalek - beat him in a drinking contest to be able to speak to Christov
Round 1: Neverwintan Sailor Spirit CON 11
Round 2: Dockside Dunn's CON 12
Round 3: Orc Blood Brew CON 13
Round 4: Dwarven Red Eye CON 14 - You pass the test
Round 5: Thayvian Fire Juice CON 15
Round 6: Catoblepas Death Cheese Wine CON 16
Round 7: Dark Elven T'Keela CON 17
Round 8: Screaming Harpy CON 18
Round 9: Scurrd CON 19 - Jalek passes out
Christov - gives you Tavern Key
Chef - asks you for the password for the Bloodsailor Hideout
Seedy Tavern (Level 2)
Ulfnog - tells you the password
Bloodsailor Hideout (Level 1)
Bloodsailor Lieutenant
Chest - Diamond
Bloodsailor Hideout (Level 2)
Bloodsailor Lieutenant
Dara'nei - gives you Dara'nei's Locket
Weapon Rack - Dire Mace +1
Chest - Large Box
Silver Sails Trading Company (Level 1)
Spiderweb Cocoon - Chain Shirt +1
Strange Door - opened with Dara'nei's Locket
Silver Sails Trading Company (Level 2)
Chest - Dragon Blood
Aqueducts (entered from Silver Sails)
Charon - provides transport to the Sewers
Chest - Note "Tooth of the forge"
Put Ceremonial Sword in the chest to open the door
Sarcophagus - Ancient Symbol of Tyr
Ghoul Lord x3
Aqueducts (entered from the Docks)
Bloodsailor Lieutenant
Charon - provides transport to the Sewers
Callik - Masterson Family Amulet, Fairy Dust
Vengaul Bloodsail "The Scarlet Blade"
Crate - Cockatrice Feather, 200XP
Arcane Laboratory (Wizard Lab)
Water Mephit
Divining Pool - Flask of Water


(1.8) Castle Never (City Core)
Ritual Chamber
Judge Oleff Uskar
Sergol (Keeper of the Portal)
Watchknight Desther Indelayne
Abbot Fenthick Moss
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande
Lord Nasher Alagondar
False Helmite x6

(1.9) Road to Helm's Hold
Strange Visage
Corpse - Etched Gem
Helm's Hold
Pedestal - put Etched Gem in here for 50XP
Guardian Armor x4 - will only attack if you don't do the above
Chaohinon of the Void
Task (Evil): Get Black Grimoire and Complete the Ritual
Reward: 225XP and either Cloak of Movement, Ascorian Double Axe or
increased abilities for a short while
Bonus: If you are Chaotic Evil you will also get Dragon Slippers
Task (Good): Get Black Grimoire and Banish the Demon
Reward: 375XP
Task (Good): Get Book of Helm and Summon the Guardian Spirit of Helm
Reward: 375XP and either Ring of Elemental Resistance, Elven Court Bow,
or an insight into events
Bonus: If you are Lawful Good you will also get Periapt of Wisdom +1
Bookshelf - Black Grimoire
False Helmite Elite
Bookshelf - Book of Helm
Helm's Hold (Cells)
Yari the Knife
Helm's Hold (Level 1)
Fenthick Moss
Helm's Hold (Level 2)
Bodak - Bodak's Tooth
Ritual Creature x5 - destroy them to weaken Desther
Desther - fight him until he surrenders
Alchemist's Apparatus - Dragon Blood
Alchemist's Apparatus - Special Holy Water


(2) CHAPTER 2 - The Search for the Cult

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(2.13) (2.3)
| |
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(2.1) Port Llast
Farmer's Son - speak to Gerrol
Shady Character ROGUE STORE +1
Eltoora Sarptyl MAGIC STORE +1
Task: Get Imaskarran Tome of Ice, Resonance, Life, Death, Fire
Reward: 500GP, 125XP each
Persuade: 100GP each
Ballard DRUID STORE +1
Shaldrissa Dothwintyl (Kendrack's daughter)
Solomon (first appearance)
Gives You: Solomon's Ring
Persuade: 112GP
Jaheel/Tarran (after killing Solomon)
Task: Rescue Neva
Persuade: 100GP up front
Lerner (after speaking to Benleran)
Kendrack's Barracks (Mayor Kendrack's Mercenary Barracks)
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande - has a tale to tell
Gives You: Aribeth's Ring once you reach Level 10
Task: Find two bits of information with the location of the Cult Base
Give Her: Letter to Solomon, Letter to Neva, Letter to Vardoc,
Ganon's Journal, Relmar's Journal, Charwood Cultist's Journal
Reward: 750XP
Aarin Gend (Master of Spies) - has a tale to tell
Kendrack (Mayor of Port Llast)
Task: Get the ear's of escaped prisoners Wyvern (Elf), Stirge (Gnome),
Delilah (Halfling) and Zor (Minotaur)
Reward: 125XP, 300GP each
Persuade: 50GP each
Task: Rescue Shaldrissa from Yesgar (Half-Orc) and bring back his ear
Gives You: Port Llast Mine Key
Reward: 125XP, 300GP and 500XP
Linu La'Neral HENCHMAN
Daelan Red Tiger HENCHMAN
Boddyknock Glinckle HENCHMAN
Tomi Grin Undergallows HENCHMAN
Inn Level 1 (Alliance Arms Inn)
Elaith "The Serpent" Craulnober STORE
Task: Get Zamithra's Gem, Wanev's Gem and Setara's Gem
Gives You: Wanev's Cottage Key
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 200GP each, Encircling Scale, 400GP
Persuade: 200GP
Alhelor STORE
Darktongue Breakbone - interested in your search for the Cult
Solomon (second appearance)
Benleran (after killing Solomon)
Ander (after killing Black Wolf) - give him 100GP to open a shop
Reward: Good+7
Inn Level 2
Armoire - Fairy Dust x2
Temple of Tyr
Neurik (aka Nuirek) TEMPLE STORE +1
Task: Get Bran's, Geth's and Urth's Ring
Gives You: Silver Charm x4
Reward: 150GP and 74XP for each ring
Task: Get The Journal of Sir Karathis Ironheart then kill Alhelor
the Black Wolf
Reward: 750XP, 750GP
Persuade: 100GP
Caliandros (Keeper of the Portal)
Eltoora's Lab
Saer Bodkin STORE (after getting Tomes for Eltoora)
Kermit (plant)
Bookshelf (after getting Tomes for Eltoora) - Tome Research Notes
Chest - put components in here to create magical items (see Appendix C.2)
The Cracked Anvil
Haljal Throndor MERCHANT STORE +1
Blacksmith WEAPON STORE +1
Captain Mung
Prichev (Dock Master)
Task: Persuade Captain Mung to take the Neverwintan shipment
Reward: 200GP, 100XP
Persuade: 50GP
Eisenfeldt Home Level 1 (Outlying Farm)
Mister Eisenfeldt
Task: Cure Urth
Reward: Sickle +1
Persuade: 100GP
Missus Eisenfeldt
Eisenfeldt Home Level 2
Urth - fight him until he surrenders
Task: Ask him to use the Silver Charm
Reward: 74XP, Urth's Ring
Wanev's Cottage Foyer
Wanev's Cottage Basement
Skeleton - Skeleton's Knuckle
Pile of Skulls - Fire Beetle's Belly
Bookshelf - Slaad's Tougue
Gargoyle - Gargoyle Skull
Flesh Golem
Cabinet - Wanev's Bedroom Journal
Wanev's Cottage Kitchen
Chest - Wanev's Cookbook
Brazler - put Slaad's Tongue, Fire Beetle's Belly, Skeleton's Knuckle x2
in it to open the portal to Wanev's secret chamber
Chest - Wanev's Wardstone, Wanev's Lab Journal
House (Alhelor's House)
Alhelor the Black Wolf (after speaking to Sir Karathis) - Alhelor's Tooth
Farmer, Farmer's Wife, Son, Daughter, Boy, Girl
House Level 1
You will have to bash the locked door or cast Knock
House Level 2

(2.2) North Road
Task: Find his wife Leah and kill Dergiab
Reward: 150GP, 250XP for each
Persuade: 50GP each
Solomon (third appearance) - Letter to Solomon
Thurwin (after speaking to Lerner) - warns you about Vardoc
Vardoc (after speaking to Thurwin) - Letter to Vardoc
Gerrol's House Level 1
Gerrol's House Level 2
Goblin and Orc Caves
Goblin Chief
Orc Chief - Chainmail+1, Two-Bladed Sword
Bugbear Prisoner
Bugbear Caves
Leah - set her free for 125XP
Bugbear Chief
Ogre Caves
Dergiab - Thayvian Circlet, Double Axe +1, Dergiab's Head
Chest - Ganon's Journal
Port Llast Mines
Locked Door - get the key from Kendrack
Yesgar - fight him until he surrenders then kill him
Reward: Yesgar's Ear, Yesgar's Key
Chest - Yesgar's Key
Shaldrissa Dothwintyl - set her free for 125XP

(2.3) Green Griffon Inn
Darktongue Breakbone (after meeting him in the Alliance Arms Inn)
Luskan Sergeant (after locating the cult base)
Cave (Wolf Cave)
Garbage - Journal Fragment
Sir Karathis Ironheart (after finding all three boys) - fight him until he
Task: Ask him to use the Silver Charm
Reward: 74XP, The Journal of Sir Karathis Ironheart
Green Griffon Inn Level 1
Task: Mutamin's Challenge
Gives You: Green Griffon Basement Key
Reward: 900GP, 500XP, Broewende Family Armor
Persuade: 300GP
Kasma (Bard from Baldur's Gate) - tells you of Mutamin's Challenge
Gorkan - persuade him or pay him to talk about Mutamin's Challenge
Dydd - tells you of Mutamin's Challenge
Gam - tells you of Mutamin's Challenge
Zamithra - you need to get in her room so either accept her offer to go
upstairs or follow her when she takes the Witless Fighter upstairs or
pick pocket Zamithra's Room Key or kill her and her guards to get it
Zamithra's Guard x3
Witless Fighter
Green Griffon Inn Level 2
Zamithra - take the gem and then kill her or tell her you are taking it
Chest - Zamithra's Gem
Zor - fight him until he surrenders then kill him
Reward: Zor's Ear
Green Griffon Inn Basement
Jaroo - give him 500GP to enter Mutamin's Challenge
Kasma, Gorkan, Dydd, Gam
Mutamin's Challenge Level 1
Queen Spider (to level 2)
Yuan-Ti - answer her riddles then kill her (to level 3)
Riddle 1: 15 clinks
Reward: 125XP
Riddle 2: 12 trinkets
Reward: 125XP, Crystal Frog
Chest - Crystal Skull
Mutamin's Challenge Level 2
Minotaur Chieftain
Minotaur - Crystal Insect
Mutamin's Challenge Level 3
Gam - once healed he tells you about the Pillar of Light
Dydd's Journal (19 great great great grand daughters)
Chest - Belt of Hill Giant Strength, Green Griffon Puzzle Door Key
Chest - Crystal Egg
Gorkan - Great Axe with Notched Blade
Riddle: Crystal Egg
Reward: 125XP
Note: Crystal Skull - Skeleton Warrior x3
Crystal Frog - Blue Slaad x3
Crystal Insect - Umber Hulk x3
Caretaker's House (Gravekeeper's Shack)
Caretaker - Mausolem Key
Arcane Brother's Tomb
Chest - Corpse Hand
Chest - Tomb Key
Brother Toras - Imaskarran Tome of Life

(2.4) East Road
Geth - fight him until he surrenders
Task: Ask him to use the Silver Charm
Reward: 74XP, Geth's Ring
Professor Jax
Task: Find Complete History of the Creator Ruins
Gives You: Barracks Key
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 500XP, 500GP
Persuade: 500GP
Jax's Barracks Level 1
Task: Get Head of the Troll Chieftain
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 200XP, 300GP
Task: Find Janis, his Momma
Gives You: Revat's Ring
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 250XP, 300GP
Persuade: 75GP
Jax's Barracks Level 2
Delilah - fight her until she surrenders then kill her
Reward: Delilah's Ear
Troll Caves Storage Area
Troll Caves Level 1
Corpse - Troll Note
Corpse - Journal of Synth La'neral
Troll Chieftain - Head of the Troll Chieftain
Troll Caves Level 2
Troll Caves Level 3
Creator Ruins Level 1
Crate - Prism Blossom Seed
Seal Guardian Golem
Task: Get Golem Signet Ring
Reward: Seal Key
Battle Horror - Full Plate, Greatsword +1
Gargoyle - Gargoyle Skull
Large Chest - Golem Signet Ring
Creator Ruins Level 2
Seal Guardian Golem
Task: Get Creator Scroll
Reward: Seal Key
Small Chest - Creator Scroll, Fire Opal, Potion of Heal
Creator Ruins Level 3
Seal Guardian Golem
Dead Thief - Thief's Journal, Stolen Seal Key
Scroll Chest - History Scroll
Creator Sorceror x3
Creator Sorcerer Synsilliusarian - fight until it surrenders
Scroll Chest - Dread Queen Morag
Scroll Chest - Initiate's Primer
Scroll Chest - Complete History of the Creator Ruins

(2.5) Druid Encampment
Wyvern - fight him until he surrenders then kill him
Reward: Wyvern's Ear
Archdruid Aawill
Task: Save the Spirit of the Wood
Persuade: 100GP up front
Give reward to the poor: 375XP, 350XP, Good+7, Cloak of the High Forest
Task: Rescue the druids Orlane (Halfling), Bree (Human), Terari (Elf)
Reward: 99XP, 300GP each
Jaer - if you are a druid talk to her to take each circle challenge
Welcar, Henna, Janken, Elgar
Druid Challenge Circle
Forth Circle: Welcar - Quarterstaff +2
Reward: Ring of the Forth Circle (Cast Summon Creature I 1/day)
Third Circle: Henna - Sickle +2
Reward: Ring of the Third Circle (Cast Resist Elements 1/day)
Second Circle: Janken
Reward: Ring of the Second Circle (Cast Poison 1/day)
First Circle: Elgar - Scimitar +2
Reward: Ring of the First Circle (Cast Stoneskin 1/day)

(2.6) Deep Woods
Dryad - fight her until she surrenders
Headstone of Kend
Nymph's Home
Terari - set him free for 62XP
Armoire - Lock of Nymph's Hair
Human Slave - fight him until he surrenders
Pixie - Fairy Dust
Grig - Fairy Dust
Chest - Treatise on the Spirit of the Wood, Ceremonial Dagger,
Mirror of Vanity
Queen Spider
Spiderweb Cocoon (Feeding Chamber) - Orlane, set him free for 62XP

(2.7) Heart of the Forest
Crate - Spirit Poison
Ancient Dire Bear
Setara's Home
Bookshelf - Imaskarran Tome of Resonance
Bree - set her free for 62XP
Task: Get Mirror of Vanity
Reward: 200XP, Setara's Key, Setara's Gem
Bookshelf - Treatise on the Spirit of the Wood
Realm of the Spirit
Relmar - Relmar's Journal
Rubble - Spirit Poison Antidote
Spirit of the Wood - fight it until it surrenders
Task: Get Spirit Poison Antidote
Reward: 125XP

(2.8) South Road
Lerk the Troll
Cave (Bear Cave)
Loot Bag - Treatise on Forgotten Heros
Well - need CON 16 to swim through
Descending Chain
Maegel - to answer his question you need Treatise on Forgotten Heros
Remains of Maegel - Watchman's Helm
Cave (Wolf Cave)
Bran - fight him until he surrenders
Task: Ask him to use the Silver Charm
Reward: 74XP, Bran's Ring
Wanev's Tower Cellar
Wanev's Tower Main Floor
Wanev's Golem - does not attack if you have Wanev's Wardstone
Wanev's Bugbear - does not attack if you have Wanev's Wardstone
Gong - distract the guards by sounding the alarm
Chest - The Star of Calimshan
Bookshelf - Imaskarran Tome of Ice
Wanev's Tower Second Floor
Wanev - fight him until he surrenders
Task: Kill Gulgash and close the portal
Gives You: Wanev's Wardstone and Wanev's Summoning Room Key
Reward: 150XP, Krotan's Skullcrusher
Persuade: 100GP
Wanev's Tower Summoning Chambers
Brazier - put Gulgash's Heart in here to close the portal
Chest - Wanev's Gem

(2.9) Farmland
Pete O'Deel
Task: Get Silverback's Head
Reward: 300GP, 200XP
Persuade: 75GP
Ingo - tells you to speak to Erik
Stirge - play his game if you are evil otherwise just kill him
Reward: Stirge's Ear
Jaheel, Tarran - instead of rescuing Neva they attack you
Neva - Letter to Neva
Farmer O'Deel's House (O'Deel Ranch)
Mary O'Deel
Constance O'Deel - sells you Peasant's Brooch for 250GP
Farmer Ingo's House (Erik & Ingo's Home)
Task: Buy Peasant's Brooch from Constance O'Deel
Reward: 650GP, 200XP
Persuade: 100GP
Cave (Wolf Cave)
Silverback - fight until it surrenders then persuade it to stop hunting
the cattle for 200XP or kill it and get Silverback's Head

(2.10) Haunted Forest
Chest - Old Scroll
Pile of Skulls
Corpse - Explorer's Journal
Pillar - press the runes Nether-Shall-Rule to create a portal
Haunted Crypt
Mummy Lord

(2.11) Charwood
Quint Jhareg
Mayor's Office (Mayor Mobley's Office)
Mayor Mobley
Strange Man - Charwood Cultist's Journal
Castle Jhareg Main Floor
Riddle Chest - Castle Jhareg Riddle Key, Letter by a Strange Hand
Note: The middle door is the most profitable route but you gain more
experience going left or right
Chest - Another Letter in a Strange Hand
The Guardian
Task: Pass judgment over Quint and Karlat Jhareg
Gives You: Castle Jhareg Key of Judgment
Option 1: Find Karlat guilty and destroy Phylactery - 500XP
Option 2: Find Quint guilty and give Phylactery to Karlat - 375XP
Option 3: Find neither guilty and take Phylactery - 375XP and
The Phylactery of Karlat Jhareg
Option 4: Find neither guilty and leave Phylactery - 375XP
Castle Jhareg Quint's Chambers
Alchemist's Apparatus - Letter to Quint Jhareg, Empty Bottle x3,
Healer's Kit x2 - (to create potions see Appendix C.3)
Chest - Castle Jhareg Quint's Key
Chest - Imaskarran Tome of Death
Candalabra - lets you examine Bloodstained Book
Statue of Lathander the Morninglord
Book Piles - The Journal of Quint Jhareg
Quint Jhareg - Oath of Quint Jhareg
Castle Jhareg Karlat's Chambers
Chest of Drawers - Dragon Blood
Chest - Castle Jhareg Karlat's Key, Karlat's Burning Wand
Cabinet - Karlat's Protection Wand
Armoire - Rakshasa's Eye
Bookshelf - Burning Hands Scroll (different description to normal scrolls)
Cabinet - Journal of Karlat Jhareg
Candalabra - lets you read Summoning Tome
Ritual Brazier - put Fire Beetle's Belly in here then cast Protection
from Alignment (Evil) and Burning Hands
Belial Lord of Fire
If you ask to be made more powerful he casts protection from elements,
if you ask for a magic item you get Staff of Power
if you ask for a powerful item you get Robe of Fire Resistance
or if you ask for answers you get Oath of Belial, Lord of Fire
Bookshelf - Ironwood, Fairy Dust, Ettercap's Silk Gland
Bookshelf - Imaskarran Tome of Fire
Karlat Jhareg - Oath of Karlat Jhareg

(2.11a) Charwood Ruins (if you destroyed or took the Phylactery)
Mayor Mobley
Reward: 299XP and Chest - 500GP


(2.12) Luskan (City of Sails)
High Captains Taerl, Suljack and Rethnor are dead, on the city streets
there is fighting between Kurth's Bloody Hands and Baram's Black Knives.
The Arcane Brotherhood lead by Archmage Arcane Arklem Greeth together with
Overwizards Ornar of the Claw, Deltagar Zhelhund and Jaluth Alaerth rule.
Gregor Armiste - helps you out
Shady Character ROGUE STORE +1
Countess Londa Whitesnow (after giving her the Child's Bear)
Host Tower Bridge Guard
Task: Get Diplomatic Pass
Reward: 250XP
Wink and Tickle Level 1
Miss Bela - tells you to speak with Rhaine/Oreth
Common Chest - Lever of Stone
Wink and Tickle Level 2
Erb Jansen
Task: Get ring from Lady Jadale
Reward: 150XP, 650GP
Persuade: 100GP
Task: Get Yvette's Baby from Galrone
Reward: 150XP, 500GP
Persuade: 150GP
Task: Kill Kurth and Baram
Gives You: Kurth's Base Key, Baram's Base Key
Reward: 50XP each
The Cutlass (Inn)
Aruph Thunderfist
Elynwyd Direlean
Task: Get his sister Evaine back from Kurth
Gives You: Elynwyd's Signet Ring
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 250XP, 300GP
Persuade: 75GP
Countess Londa Whitesnow
Task: Get Child's Bear
Reward: 112XP, Vault Key
Jadale's Estate
Lady Jadale - Erb's Ring
Slum Building (Galrone's Home)
Galrone - Yvette's Baby
Temple of Tyr
Aarin Gend
Task: Get High Captains' Seal
Reward: 1000XP, Diplomatic Pass
Task: Investigate the Host Tower of the Arcane
Reward: Chapter 3 starts as soon as you speak to him
Alaya (Keeper of the Portal)
Priest of Tyr TEMPLE STORE +1
Colmarr's Shop (Colmarr's Fantabulous Contraptions and Magical Errata)
Clomarr the Uncanny GENERAL STORE +2
Task: Find Lever of Stone, Lever of Wind and Lever of Water and put
them in their pedestals to repair the Fantabulous Contrapulator
Reward: 250XP, 33% Store Discount
Locked Door - cannot be unlocked, it must be bashed
Smithy (Battlehammer/Runehammer Smithy)
Mercantile Shop (Luskan Mercantile and Fine Goods)
Arto Webber MAGIC STORE +1
Ghoul Outcast
Task: Get Amulet of Power from his Ghoul Lord brother
Reward: 150XP, 100GP, Sewer Control Key, Lever of Water
Ghoul Lord - Amulet of Power
Chest - Lever of Wind
Fantabulous Contrapulator - makes potions (see Appendix C.4)
Baram's Sewers
Illusion of High Captain Baram (if you did not come through the sewers)
Task: Kurth's Head
Reward: 1000GP
Persuade: 1000GP if you have already spoken with Kurth
Wereat Captain
Yuan-Ti Necromancer - Parchment
Baram's Lair
Bone Transmitter Tablet x2 - destroy them to destroy Altar of Bone
Skeleton Acolyte x10 - destroy them and them destroy Greator Mummy
Yuan-Ti Necromancer & Yuan-Ti Conjurer - Necromancer's Journal, Crypt Key
Cocoon - Nanny - gives you Child's Bear
Gargoyle of Mask's Shield - destroy it
Gargoyle of Mask's Might - destroy it
High Captain Baram - Baram's Head, Bone Phoenix, Studded Leather Armor +2,
Dagger +2
Chest - High Captains' Seal
Harbor Sewers
Slum Building
Slum Building

(2.13) Docks
Illusion of High Captain Kurth (if you did not come through the sewers)
Task: Baram's Head
Reward: 562XP, 1000GP, Amulet of Will +4
Persuade: 1000GP if you have already spoken with Baram
Ogre Deathward
Kurth's Lair
Bookshelf - Burke's Manual
Ogre Warden - Prison Key, Halberd +1
Tolan Losen - set him free for Good+3
Burke's Corpse - Burke's Manual, Smooth Token (Abyssal Metal)
Fountain - Glowing Sphere (Water from Celestia)
Planar Portal - put Smooth Token and Glowing Sphere in it for 50XP
High Captain Kurth - Kurth's Head, Prison Key
Evaine - set her free
Chest - Prison Key
Chest - High Captains' Seal
Ruined House (Abandoned House)
Skull Warrior - Skull Warrior's Head
Arrow-filled Corpse - Written Orders
Altar - put Skull Warrior's Head in it to break the first seal for 49XP
Ruins of Illusk Level 1
Fallen Hero - Hero's Heart
Altar - put Hero's Heart in it to break the second seal for 49XP
Ruins of Illusk Level 2
Water Elemental Guardian - Blessed Water
Altar - put Blessed Water in it to break the third seal for 49XP
Ruins of Illusk Level 3
Voleron the Damned - 250XP
Portal - returns you to the Ruined House

(2.14) Host Tower (of the Arcane)
Captain Islund - Ring of Regeneration, Amulet of Natural Armor +2,
Boots of Striding +2
Ambassadors' Quarters (Level 1)
Gurak Entrailspiller
Shield Guardian (Tip: I recommend using the Club of Smiting)
Armoire - Tower Entry Key, Small Diary
Desk - Letter to Aribeth (from Apprentice Pim)
Level 2
Overwizard Blaskar Lauthlon - Staff of Defense, Ring of Clear Thought +2,
Ring of Protection +2, Wand of Missiles
Chest - 3rd Floor Portal Stone, 5th Floor Portal Stone
Chest - 6th Floor Portal Stone
Chest - 4th Floor Portal Stone
Level 3
Corpse - Dispatch
Desk - Blood War Research Journal
Chest - 4th Floor Portal Stone
Book Piles - Host Tower Lab Notes
Alchemist's Apparatus - put Gargoyle's Skull and Slaad's Tongue inside and
cast Dispel Magic on it to create Rod of Reversal
Imp - Imp's Eye
Quasit - Quasit's Eye
Imp Ravager
Hellish Portal - put Quasit's Eye in it
Greater Quasit
Abyssal Portal - put Imp's Eye in it
Level 4
Corpse of Arteno Geth - Journal of Arteno Geth
Desk - Note
Chest - Golem Control Rod
Chest - Golem Replication Rod
Golem Replication Pod - use rods to create Helmed Horror for 50XP
Iron Golem
Rimardo Domine - fight him until he surrenders then talk to him to get
Letter to Rimardo, Ring of Clear Thought+2, Ring of Protection+2, Good+3
Chest - 7th Floor Portal Stone
Level 5
Nyphithys - talk to her first
Task: Destroy Brazier
Reward: Scarab of Protection +3
Armoire - 6th Floor Portal Stone
Chest - 7th Floor Portal Stone
Battle Devourer (Tip: Magic Missiles work a treat)
Chest - 8th Floor Portal Stone
Level 6
Battle Devourer
Valindra Shadowmantle - Quarterstaff +2
Chest - 8th Floor Portal Stone, Pinnacle Portal Stone
Level 7
Warden Erjack - Banded Mail+1, Katana+2, Pinnacle Portal Stone, Prison Key
Lich (Tip: Immunity to Death Magic is a must)
Deltagar Zhelhund - talk to him then let him go
Level 8
Level 9 (reached by using Pinnacle Portal Stone)
Archmage Arcane Arklem Greeth
Task: Destroy the four Braziers
Reward: Opens the locked door
Portal to Pinnacle
Pinnacle (Level 10)
Corpse (Aarin Gend's Spy) - Stone of Recall, Note
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande
Archmage Arcane Maugrim Korothir
Mistress Morag
Maugrim's Lair
Stone Golem (Tip: use the Club of Smiting again)
Desk - Journal


(3) CHAPTER 3 - Words of Power

(3.10) ----(3.3)
/ |
(3.9) ----(3.2)--(3.4)
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(3.1) Beorunna's Well
The Black Lions Uthgardt tribe have joined the alliance and are camped by
the well of their legendary hero Beorunna.
Task: Discover why the Elk Uthgardt tribe have joined Luskan
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 750XP, Ring of Yusam
Crate - Tome of Boots
Dalcia (Juror)
Endar Heartfoot
Vanda (Wife of the Accused)
Palla (Juror)
Aarin's Lodge (Aarin Gend's Lodge)
Aarin Gend
Task: Find the 3 Words of Power
Reward 1: 1500XP, 3000GP
Reward 2: 1500XP, 3500GP
Reward 2: 1500XP, 5000GP
Persuade 1: 750GP
Persuade 2: Ring of Protection +4
Persuade 3: Heal Potion x3
Linu La'Neral HENCHMAN
Daelan Red Tiger HENCHMAN
Boddyknock Glinckle HENCHMAN
Tomi Grin Undergallows HENCHMAN
Many-Starred Cloak (Enclave)
Eltoora Sarptyl MAGIC STORE +2
Wizard's Table - Quartz Crystal x2, Gargoyle Skull, Fire Beetle's Belly,
Bodak's Tooth, Fenberry, Slaad's Tongue, Rakshasa's Eye
Wizard's Chest - put components in here to create items (see Appendix C.5)
Temple of Tyr
Neurik (Judge) TEMPLE STORE +2
Task: Defend Rolgan at his trial for the murder of Griff
Gives You: Defense Council Journal
Reward for a guilty verdict: 390XP, 100GP and Rolgan's Head is outside
Reward for a 3 to 2 verdict: 781XP, 1000GP
Reward for a 4 to 1 verdict: 1171XP, 1500GP
Reward for a unanimous verdict: 1562XP, 2000GP
Persuade: 100GP
Edegar (Juror)
Rolgan (Accused)
Sergol (Keeper of the Portal)
Divining Pool
Igland of the Swift Sword (Prosecutor at the trial)
Zed, Lodar (Witnesses at the trial)
Edegar, Jevon, Averik, Dalcia, Palla (Jurors at the trial)
Vanda (Wife of the Accused at the trial)
Trading Post
Husher Clay (not one of my relatives) GENERAL STORE +3
Task: Get Star Sapphire of Layenne Cheroux
Persuade: 100GP up front
Reward: 400XP, 3000GP
Persuade: 200GP
Barun Silverblade - enhances items (see Appendix C.6)
Gives You: Book (Barun's Catalog of Weapon and Armor Modifications)
Mercenary Enclave
Task: Get Vaath's Head and Guzud's Head
Gives You: Bounty Hunter's Writ
Reward: 312XP, 500GP each
Persuade: 100GP
Task: Get Obould's Head
Reward: 625XP, 1000GP
Persuade: Peasant Dynasty
Jevon (Juror)
Zed (Witness)
Drinking House
Lillian Cambridge
Task: Get Snow Globe from the enchanter Nax in Coldwood
Reward: 937XP
Persuade: 300GP
Lodar (Witness) - buy him a couple of drinks to get him talking
Averik (Juror)
Shady Character ROGUE STORE +2
Commoner Alekos
Commoner Dylan
Drinking House Upstairs
Pedestal (after getting the snow globe)
Snow Globe (snowing)
Hodd (Leader of the Dwarves)
Task: Give him Broken Amulet of the Ages
Reward: Drained Amulet of the Ages
Snow Globe (clear skies)
Arwyl (Leader of the Dryads)
Task: Give her Drained Amulet of the Ages
Reward: Amulet of the Ages (30/- Cold, Save vs Cold +5, Chapter 3 only)
Snow Globe Cave
Chest - Broken Amulet of the Ages
Book Piles - Arwyl's Journal, Hodd's Journal
Guardian White Dragon (Ma'fel'no'sei'kedeh'naar or Winter Fang)
Chest (can only be opened once Winter Fang is dead) - Word of Power,
1500GP, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Greenstone, Fire Agate
Haedraline (Leader of the Word Slaves - after getting the Word of Power)
Portal (after getting the Word of Power) to Drinking House Upstairs

(3.2) Coldwood
Delvar Vanathar
Vaath - fight until he surrenders for 150XP
Task: Let him go (you could always kill him as he leaves)
Reward: 312XP, 300GP, Vaath's Head
Chest - Blessed Dagger

(3.3) Coldwood (Layenne's Tomb)
Vampire Champion
Vampire Victim
Layenne's Tomb
Chest - Succubus Stone
Sarcophagus - Tome of Power
Sarcophagus - Gem of Pain
Sarcophagus - Gem of Misery
Task: Get Succubus Stone, Succubus Necklace, Succubus Ring
Reward: Opens all the locks, Courtesan Blade
Sarcophagus - Gem of Duty, Succubus Necklace
Bone Golem Champion
Chest - Succubus Ring
Sarcophagus - Gem of Honor
Pedestal - Tablet of the Green Light, put Gem of Duty in it
Pedestal - Tablet of the Purple Light, put Gem of Misery in it
Pedestal - Tablet of the White Light, put Gem of Honor in it
Pedestal - Tablet of the Green Light, put Gem of Pain in it
Pedestal (in the centre) - Star Sapphire

(3.4) Coldwood (Wizard's Circle)
Cult Leader - Cultist Journal
Wizard's Dungeon (Wizard Cyril Lyricus' Dungeon)
Bookshelf - The Nature of Water Summoning
Bookshelf - The Nature of Water Summoning, Diary Page
Task: Summon a water elemental to free him
Reward: 100XP
Corpse - Rakshasa's Eye
Adventurer's Corpse - Slaad's Tongue
Altar (Wizard's Lab) - put Rakshasa's Eye and Quartz Crystal in here and
cast Dominate Person to create Staff of Command
Chest - Quartz Crystal, Ring of Melf (Cast Melf's Acid Arrow 1/day)
Alchemist's Apparatus - Laboratory Notes
Summoning Pool - put Slaad's Tongue in here and cast Melf's Acid Arrow
to summon Greater Water Elemental
Greater Water Elemental - gives you Ring of Invisibility (you could free
Nax instead but it is not worth it)
Gong x4 - Use them in the order Puma, Dog, Bear, Dragon to open the door
Pedestal - Snow Globe

(3.5) Countryside
Arrow-filled Corpse - Bag of Holding

(3.6) Fort Ilkard
Ruzon Vond
Knight x2 - Key (but will open the gates if asked)
Subchief Arness - Arness's Head
Messenger Corpse - Letter
Damas' Lodge (Commander's Lodge)
Commander Damas
Task: Destroy the 6 catapults
Reward: 312XP, 500GP
Task: Get Arness's Head
Reward: 312XP, 1000GP
Persuade: Hearth Shield
Either: Get Zokan Thunderer's Head
Reward: 625XP, 1500GP
Persuade: Axe of Dead Illusk
Or: Get the Plague Cure from Damas
Settlers' Barracks
Eckel - Take Eckel's Note to his wife Galia
Barracks (Main Barracks)
Orc Lair (Cave)
Guzad - fight until he surrenders for 210XP
Task: Let him go (you could always kill him as he leaves)
Reward: 312XP, 500GP, Guzad's Head
Uncas - Feather of Peace

(3.7) Homesteads
Elk Tribe Warrior - Gate Key (but will open the gates if asked)
Massacred Homestead (Destroyed Homestead)
Chest - Homestead Journal
Corpse - Tome of Robes
Eckel's Homestead
Elk Tribe Brute
Task: Give her Eckel's Note
Reward: 375XP, 300GP
Persuade: Greater Stoneskin scroll
Eckel's Homestead Upstairs
Elk Tribe Keep (Uthgardt Fort)
Urn - The Ashes of Running Wolf
Elk Tribe Shaman
Armoire - Islegood's Complete History of Flight
Prisoner Arden - set him free for 100XP
Prisoner Mileene - set her free for 100XP
Chest of Drawers - Islegood's Complete History of Horses
Cabinet - Islegood's Complete History of Seafaring
Bookshelf - put Islegood's Complete History of Flight in it
Bookshelf - put Islegood's Complete History of Seafaring in it
Bookshelf - put Islegood's Complete History of Horses in it
Zokan Thunderer - Zokan's Head, Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear
Task: Get Plague Cure from Damas
Gives You: Plague-Ridden Blankets (how kind)
Reward: 625XP, Dreamcatcher, Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear

(3.8) Ruins
Cult Leader - Cultist Journal
Stones - Volcanis Oak Seed
Altar x3 - destroy one to close the portal
Creator Race Ruins (Cave)
Corpse - Adventurer's Note, Translation Amulet
Temporal Lizard
Temporal Golem Slave - use Translation Amulet to talk
Book Piles - Principles of Time Travel
Book Piles - Tome of Amulet
Sarcophagus - Tamorlyn's Song
Old One Guardian Golem x3 (invulnerable until weakened) - Golem Key
Bug: Once you have one key you can get it from the Divining Pool for 1GP
Corpse - Old One Defenses, Translation Amulet
Pool of Swirling Color - Green Gem x2, Orange Gem x2, Purple Gem x2
Pool of Primary Colors x2 - press two colors
Pool of Secondary Colors x2 - put a gem of the created color in each
Old One Bodak Champion - Fairy Bottle, Bodak's Tooth
Gong x4 - smash the Fairy Bottle on one and then play them in order
Alchemist's Apparatus - Blue Powder x2, Red Powder x2, Yellow Powder x2
Smoky Brazier - put powders in order Yellow, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow
Easel - Malachite, Amethysts, Emeralds
Door of Three - complete the three riddles of light, sound and smoke
Balor Lord - Key
Altar - Word of Power
Haedraline (after getting the Word of Power)
Portal (after getting the Word of Power) to Ruin entrance
Creator Race Ruins Garden
Task: Plant Ultarg Seeds 10,000 years in the past
Gives You: Time Crystal, Ultarg Seeds, Principles of Time Travel
Reward: 350XP, Ruby x3
Persuade: Phantasmal Killer scroll
Creator Race Ruins Past
Lokar (Slave Leader) - Gives you Lokar's Ring
Chest - Time Crystal
Bookshelf - Temple Defenses
Old One Commander - Translation Amulet
Old One Evoker - Temple Defenses
Old One Champion
Slave Worker - will weaken Old One Guardian Golem
Chest - Top (child's toy)
Creator Race Ruins Garden (Past)
Dirt and Weeds - plant Ultarg Seeds here

(3.9) Moonwood
Ixaristu (Uthgardt Golden Eagle tribe)
Orc Lair (Cave)
Drow Commander - Note (from King Obould)
King Obould Many-Arrows - fight until he surrenders for 130XP
Task: Let him go (you could always kill him as he leaves)
Reward: 1200GP, Obould's Head

(3.10) Moonwood (Caves)
Akulatraxas (Green Dragon)
Task: Get Hill Giant Head
Reward: 750XP, 1000GP, Scarab of Protection +4
Egg Incubation Pool - Green Dragon Egg
Chest - 1000GP, Dragon Blood
Hill Giant Lair (Level 1)
Hill Giant Champion
Hill Giant Lair (Level 2)
Hill Giant Prisoner - set her free for 150XP
Hill Giant Prisoner - set him free for 150XP
Fire Giant - Note (from Klauth the Terrible)
Hill Giant Chieftain - Hill Giant Head, Notes

(3.11) Spine of the World
Cult Leader - Cultist Journal
Caves (Cave)
Dead body of Scylandara (Brass Dragon)
Corpse - Tome of Ring
Rubble - Dragon Scale
Caves (Mysterious Cave)
Gorgotha (Gold Dragon) - Evil+5 if you slay it
Task: Get Head of Klauth
Reward: 750XP, Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt
Persuade: Ring of Protection +4
Chest - Dragon Blood
Egg Incubation Pool - Gold Dragon Egg
Fire Giant Lair (Cave)
Fire Giant Champion
Wogar - set him free for some information
Armoire - Brunhilda's Diary
Fire Giant Lair (North)
Coffin - Rags, Belladonna
Prisoner x2 - take them with you for 100XP then they attack you
Fire Giant Lair (East)
King Skrogg - Ritual Book, Pass Amulet
Fire Giant Champion
Slaad Cavern (Deep Cave)
Death Slaad Lord - Ritual Book
Dragon Dungeon (Deep Cave)
Blue Dragon - Dragon Blood
Fountain - Dragon Sphere, Ritual Book
Dragon Orb Pedestal - put Dragon Sphere in it after you have killed the
Blue Dragon to get Dead Dragon Sphere
Klauth's Lair
Klauth the Terrible (Red Dragon) - Dragon Blood, Klauth's Head, Key
Task: Get a dragon egg
Reward: Key
Task: Give him a Dragon Sphere
Reward: 5000GP (if it is a Dead Dragon Sphere he will be badly wounded)
Chest (after killing Klauth) - Red Dragon Armor, Horrid Wilting Scroll,
Time Stop Scroll, Heal Potion x3
Chest (after killing Klauth) - 4500GP
Chest - Word of Power
Haedraline (after getting the Word of Power)
Portal (after getting the Word of Power) to Fire Giant Lair Cave Entrance


(4) CHAPTER 4 - The Final Battle

(4.2) (4.3)

(4.1) City Core
Castle Never (Castle NeverWinter)
Nasher Alagondar
Aarin Gend
Castle Never Dungeon
Task: Get Word of Power
Reward: 2000XP
Task: Enter the Source Stone and kill Morag
Aribeth (if you let her surrender in Maugrim's Sanctuary)
Castle Caverns
Master Ford
Esmerelda, Cletus
Word of Power Pedestal - put the final Word of Power in it
Source Stone Entrance
Hall of Justice
Reverend Judge Oleff Uskar TEMPLE STORE +3
Sergol (Keeper of the Portal)
Divining Pool
Korynth Joriin, Ilse Starr, Enoch Tonn
Sinjin Di'ren, Disil Guin, Perigor Schwa
Nurse Rae, Nurse Thessaly
Nurse Tansey, Nurse Emily
Cloaktower (Cloak Tower)
Eltoora Sarptyl MAGIC STORE +3
Shining Knight Arms & Armor
Trade of Blades
Captain Trancar (Militia Battalion Commander)
Task: Destroy 3 catapults
Reward: 500XP
Task: Kill 2 Arcane Brotherhood wizards
Reward: 500XP
Moonstone Mask
Ophala Cheldarstorm - ROGUE STORE +2
Task: Rescue her sister Leesa
Reward: 500XP, Cloak of Protection +4 (Good+10 if you let her keep it)
Theren Mirniman, Vale Reyer, Goran Jalana, Chani Waynolt

(4.2) War Zone
Gate Guard
Luskan Captain - Note
Siege Golem
Catapult x3 - destroy it for 320XP
Half-Dragon Baalor
Portal to Maugrim's Sanctuary (after killing Half-Dragon Baalor)
Old Man's Home
Bookshelf - Secret Exit
Abandoned House
Luskan Animal Handler
Trained Umber Hulks
Wizard's Chantry
Balor Lord
Luskan Wizard - kill him for 520XP
Wizard's Chantry
Balor Lord
Luskan Wizard - kill him for 520XP
Luskan Guardhouse
Door to Strange Courtyard
Maugrim's Sanctuary
Aribeth - fight her until she yields then send her to Nasher for 500XP
Maugrim Korothir
Chest - Word of Power, Maugrim's Journal

(4.3) Source Stone
Source Stone Sanctuary
Asheera of the Shining Order (from Sahaladar on Azallah) - gives you
Asheera's Amulet (AC Natural+3 vs Reptilian, Immunity 25% Electrical,
Immunity 25% Fire, SR 14)
Lizardman Chieftain - Double Axe +1
Source Stone Guardian Lair
Corrupted Copper Dragon - Dragon Blood, Guardian Key
Corrupted Silver Dragon - Dragon Blood, Guardian Key
Source Stone Inner Sanctum
Old One Cleric - Key
Morag's Hand - Sonic Short Sword +2, Electrical Short Sword +2
Morag's Hand - Fire Greataxe +2
Protector Against Flame
Protector Against the Storm
Protector Against the Spear
Protector Against Frost
Protector Against the Lessers
Protector Against the Sword
Protector Against the Mace
Protector Against Venom
Morag, Queen of the Old Ones, High Priestess of the Creator Race -
kill her for 2000XP
Astral Pocket
-- THE END --

Total Experience: 155553XP

You can do better depending on your class and alignment.


(5) XP1 CHAPTER 1 - The Missing Artifacts

(5.1)-(5.2) (5.5)
| |

(5.1) Hilltop West (Silver Marches)
Task: Find out where Bethsheva buried the Ring of the Wolf
Reward: 50XP (or you can take the ring for yourself)
Frozen Chicken (Petrified)
Water Trough - Amethyst (after speaking to a chicken)
Hilltop Guard
Task: Get Piper's Sword (Longsword -1, -2 dmg) from Fiona
Reward: He stops his preaching
Pile of Stones - Ring of the Wolf (after speaking to Bethsheva)
Drogan's Home - Apprentices' Quarters
Your Footlocker - Journal, Mystra's Hand, Focus Crystal, 50GP
Mischa's Footlocker - Practice Sword (Greatsword -2 dmg),
Xanos's Footlocker - Wand of Acid, Mage Armor Scroll, Scare scroll
(no Chaotic+1 if Xanos is with you)
Dorna's Footlocker - Minor Sonic Trap Kit, Thieves' Tools +1
(no Chaotic+1 if Dorna is with you)
Mysterious Footlocker - Empty Bottle, Fish, Rags, Top, Daze, Light scroll
Drogan's Crystal Table - put a Quartz Crystal and any two of Phenalope,
Aventurine, Amethyst, Fluorspar on the table to create a Focus Crystal
The Grinder - creates items (see Appendix C.7)
Weapon Rack - Eyes of the Eagle
Miscellaneous Supply Chest - Gargoyle Skull, Slaad's Tongue, Empty Bottle
Quartz Crystal, Adventurine
Medical Supplies Chest
Drogan's Home - Main Floor
Master Drogan Droganson
Task: Return The Tower Statue
Gives You: 300XP
Reward: 750XP, 2000XP, The Tower Crystal (Mythallar)
Task: Find The Mummified Hand, The Dragon's Tooth, The Mask
Reward: 750XP, Lawful+3 each (Chaotic+3 for items you don't return)
Ayala Windspear
Task: Get Tressym Tongue, Charcoal, Helmthorn Berries
Reward: 300XP
Mischa Waymeet
Dorna Trapspringer HENCHMAN
Xanos Messarmos HENCHMAN
Drogan's Walking Stick
Crate - Belladonna, Empty Bottle, Meat
Crate - Garlic, Fish
Divining Pool
Drogan's Home - Laboratory
Riisi (Drogan's Faerie Dragon familiar)
Task: Answer three riddles
Reward: 50XP each, Room Key, 3x Focus Crystal, Scare Scroll, 50XP
Drogan's Barn
Toman Bross - gets kicked out
Szaren (once enclave is set up) STORE - tells you that a kobold craftsman
could make something with The Dragon's Tooth, also buys items
The Dragon's Tooth - 500GP (Persuade 700GP)
Dragon Egg - 700GP or Szaren's Cloak
The Mummified Hand - 1000GP
The Mask - 1000GP (Persuade 1200GP)
Kill him: Ventrue's Rod of Majesty
Thayvian Slave
Community Hall
Haniah Dales
Task: Get Piper to stop preaching
Reward: 200XP, 60GP
Mayor Veraunt Shuttlescomb
Badly Wounded Commoner
Task: Heal them
Reward: 25XP, Good+1
Gilford (Priest of Ilmater) SoU STORE
Task: Donate 10GP and 100GP
Reward: Good+3 and Good+10
Alter to Ilmater
The Smith
Fiona SoU STORE - buys items
Horns of the Shadow (Magical Antlers) - 100GP (Persuade 150GP)
or pay 1000GP (Persuade 500GP) for her to make Shadow Helm
Kill her: Evil+3, Chaotic+3, Fist of the North
Farghan SoU STORE
Gives You: Tressym Tongue, Pieces of Charcoal
Persuade: 100GP, Chaotic+3
Bethsheva (Winter Wolf)
The Bubbling Cauldron
Old Man
Lodar the Tavernmaster
Task: Save Mara the Cook
Reward: Good+3 or 50GP or Evil+1, 100GP or persuade for 100GP
Hurc (Kobold)
Option 1: Trade yourself for Mara the Cook and let the kobolds be killed
Reward: Good+3, 150XP
Option 2: Trade yourself for Mara the Cook and let the kobolds go
Reward: Good+3, Lawful+7, 100XP
Note: You can still kill the kobolds as they leave
Option 3: Help the Kobolds Escape
Reward: Evil+7, Hurc's Dagger (Vampiric+1)
Mara the Cook
Cookpot - Helmthorn Berries

(5.2) Hilltop East
Birgen & Furten
Torias SoU STORE
Katriana Dorovnia
Task: Find Fortune Cards
Reward: Fortune Teller's Key
Injured Halfling
Task: Heal them
Reward: Good+1
Szaren (Thayvian Red Wizard for Lady Dmitra Flass, Tharchion of Eltabbar)
Task: Ask the Mayor to let him set up an enclave
Reward: 200XP, 100GP
Persuade: 10GP
Nora Blake
Task: Save her baby
Reward: 200XP, Good+2 (Nora's Wedding Ring, Evil+3, Chaotic+3)
Task: Give her 10GP or 50GP
Reward: Good+3 or Good+7
Blake House - Main Floor
Adam Blake's Corpse
Blake House - Top Floor
Kobold Footpad
Task: Hand over a gem
Reward: Baby (Tynan Blake)
Tip: Keep the Baby for HotU
The Old Farm
Mold Covered Crate - Green Spores, Quartz Crystal
The Old Farm - Cellar
Kobold - Fortune Cards
Fortune Teller's Caravan
Task: Give her Fortune Cards
Reward: 200XP, Good+3 and a reading or 200XP, Evil+1, 150GP
Gate Captain
Kill him: Evil+3, Chaotic+3, Crusader's Blade, Hilltop Guard Helmet

(5.3) Hilltop Foothills
Ferran Valiantheart (Elf Arcane Archer)
Task: Get Horns of the Shadow (or take them to Fiona)
Reward: 300XP, Good+7 or Valiantheart Longbow
Kill him: Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ice Arrow
Deekin Scalesinger (Kobold) - meet him in Blumberg
Nathan Hurst
Task: Rescue Becka
Reward: 150XP, Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Kill him: Evil+3, Chaotic+3, Gloves of Discipline
Brown Bear (Near Death)
Task: Remove the Mild Poison Arrow
Reward: 100XP, Good+2, Bears are friendly
Note: You only get 25XP if you heal the bear
Shadow Hart (Stag) - Horns of the Shadow, Heart of the Shadow
Task: Warn it of the hunter
Reward: 200XP, Good+2
Hurst Farm
Toli Hurst
Farm Hand
Task: Get him fired
Reward: Lawful+1
Rumgut's Cave
Rumgut (Hill Giant) - Rumgut's Key, Gloves of Concentration, Large Box
Task: Either kill him, poison him, get him drunk or escape from the cage
Debris - Rumgut's Key (if you poison him or get him drunk)
Becka Hurst
Task: Give her Choking Powder to put in Rumgut's food
Reward: Evil+5
Pile of Stones - crawl through to escape from the cage
Cookpot - Fenberry
Cookpot - Fenberry
Elven Crypt - Upper Level
Bats - will give you info
Scribed Pillar
Elven Statue
Task: Pray faithfully with a sword in your hand
Reward: Healed
Pedestal - Cloak of Ascalhorn, 50XP for passing the test
Chest (Paladin): Valiant Plate, Valiant Defender, Valiant Helm
Elven Crypt - Lower Level
Spirit of Nilmaldor (Knight-Gallant of Ascalhorn)
Task: Kill all the spiders
Reward: 100XP, Elven Hall of Trials Key, tells you about a secret door
Kill him: Evil+3, Chaotic+3, Longsword +1
Sarcophagus - Longbow +1, Gold Ring, Elven Hall of Trials Key
Cocoon - Cloak of Elvenkind
Cocoon - Gloves of Animal Handling
Spider Egg Sacs
Spirit (Isande)
Task: Find Ancient Sword
Reward: 50XP, Sapphire or Potion of Speed or Amulet of Cold Resistance
Bones (near Isande) - Kilrav's Ring
Sarcophagus - Wondrous Gloves
Corpse (Skeletal Remains) - Ancient Sword
Weapon Rack - Longbow +1
Chest - Elven Trap Protective Helmet
Floor Lever - arm gas for 100XP
Urko (Kobold) - The Mummified Hand of lich Belpheron, Ice Grinder
Kipper & Yazka (Kobolds)
Pressure Plate - active gas trap

(5.4) Blumberg
Dying Man
Task: Get him to drink a healing potion
Reward: Good+1
Deekin's Shop
Deekin Scalesinger - talk to him for lots of info
Task: Get Stuffed Doll from Tymofarrar
Reward: The Tower Statue
Note: if you kill Tymofarrar, Deekin will meet you outside the cave

(5.5) Nether Mountains
Farmhand (once fired from Hurst Farm) - Frost Bringer
Cave (Orcs)
Orc Chieftain - Eliak's Vengeance
Kobold Caves
Crate - Leather Armor +1
Ranged Weapon Rack - Shortbow +1
Floor Levers - pull them in the order Red Circle, Black & White Square,
Blue & White Arrows, Yellow Square
Kobold Commoners
Crate - Small Shield +1
Kobold Warden - Rusty Key, Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1
Master Jumper Klumph (Kobold)
Task: Get Rod of Ruler
Reward: 200XP, unblocks passage
Kobold Shaman - Ring of Fortitude +1
Chest - Gloves of Appraisal
Chief Arzig (Kobold) - Rod of Ruler, Ring of Protection +1, Diamond
Dragon Caves
Klonk "The Freezer" (Ice Hound Kobald) - Klonk's Ice Blade
Option 1: Use them to stampede the ice hound kobolds
Reward: 200XP
Option 2: Attack them while they are in the pen
Reward: 200XP (and a tough fight)
Tymofarrar (White Dragon)
Task: Kill J'Nah
Gives You: Flask of Powder, Stone Key
Reward: 750XP, Stuffed Doll and either 500GP, Boots of Striding +1 or
200XP, Good+5 or The Mask
Note: if you don't choose The Mask it will cost 500GP (Persuade 300GP)
Kill him: 500GP, The Mask, Dragon Blood, Tymofarrar's Head
Chest - 600GP, Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Wand of Negative Energy,
Fochluchan Bandore
Chest - 600GP, Nymph Cloak +1, Ring of Resistance +1
Chest - Horn of Blasting, Bigby's Interposing Hand Scroll,
Square Shaped Rock - use Stone Key to exit

(5.6) High Forest
Crate - Boots of Reflexes
Cave (Cave Bear Den)
Bones - Large Shield +1
Coffin - Belt of Shimmering
Cave (Bandit Lair)
Bandit Chief - Chainmail +1, Katana of the North
Chest - 300GP, Ring of Animal Friendship
Chest - 200GP, Silver Key, Ring of Scholars, Garg's Book
Cave (Dragon Hatchery)
Debris - Gloves of the Minstrel
Treasure - Dragon Egg
The Hermit's Home (Small Manor Home)
Hermit SoU STORE - also buys items
Dragon Egg - 700GP
The Mummified Hand - 500GP
The Mask - 700GP (Persuade 1000GP)
The Dragon's Tooth - 500GP (Persuade 700GP)
Recharger - recharges magic items for 100GP per charge
Book Piles - The Alchemist's Cookbook
Gnoll Caves
Gong - when rung 4 extra gnolls appear in each side passage
Glendir (Fiona's Brother)
Task: Help him escape
Reward: 100XP
Persuade: 100GP from Fiona
Crate - Cage Key
Beastmaster (Gnoll) - Beastmaster's Horn
Black Bear
Task: Kill it or put it down
Reward: Evil+1 or Good+3
Goblin Wizard - Bracers of Armor +1, Dagger +1, Wand of Lesser Summoning
Chest - Wand of Missiles
Book Piles - Ancient Tome
Gnoll Warrior - Slave Den Key
Task: Set them free
Reward: 200XP (Good+3 if you give them 100GP)
Warden (Gnoll) - Gnoll Jail Key
Nafeeli (Kobold)
Option 1: Persuade them to fight the gnolls
Reward: 200XP
Option 2: Justice for Hilltop
Reward: Lawful+3
Chief Gishnak (Gnoll) - can be asked to fight J'Nah
Gives You: Gnoll Chieftain's Key
Kill him: Flesh Ripper, Amulet of Cold Resistance,
Boots of the Sun Soul +1
Chest: Arrow +1
Chest: Shortbow +1
Chest: Gloves of the Rogue
Underground Ruins (Netherese Ruins)
Goblin Bones - Goblin Note
Floor Lever - Opens each door in turn and makes that passage safe
Magical Pool - Put Magical Token into the pool and press a symbol
Flame - Brazier of Fire (Summon Fire Elemental)
Raindrop - Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals (Summon Water Elemental)
Stone - Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals (Summon Earth Elemental)
Whirlwind - Censer of Air (Summon Air Elemental)
All (Both Tokens) - Robe of Elemental Resistance
Chest - Potion of Protection from Elements
The Waters of Wisdom - Cast Flare to create Magical Token
The Fires of Knowledge - Cast Ray of Frost to create Magical Token
Column of Air - Cast Acid Splash to create Magical Token
Shower of Earth - Cast Electric Jolt to create Magical Token
Water Elemental
Fire Elemental
Air Elemental
Earth Elemental
Task: Kill all 4 elementals
Reward: 300XP, Magical Token
Ancient Hall
J'Nah (Daemonfey)
Task: Kill Tymofarrar
Gives You: Phylactery of Ice
Persuade: 100GP up front
Kill her: Boots of Hardiness +1, Amulet of Will +1, The Dragon's Tooth,
Staff of Power
Desk - J'Nah's Journal
Azith - cast a spell on it to be teleported to the cave entrance
Book Piles - The Tale of Rusty McFinger

Tip: Before starting the next chapter sell any quest items eg Focus Crystals
as they are removed from your inventory.
Tip: Only the henchman in your service will be imported into the next
chapter. The other one will loose any items and your custom training.


(6) XP1 INTERLUDE - Identifying the Crystal

(6.1) (6.2) (6.3)

Tip: Recruit Deekin as he adds something to most conversations.

(6.1) Anauroch Night Camp
Katriana Dorovnia SoU STORE
Task: Find Zidan
Reward: 1000XP, Good+3
Persuade: 800GP
Torias SoU STORE
Furten & Birgen
Zidan (Bedine Tribesman)
Dorna Trapspringer HENCHMAN
Xanos Messarmos HENCHMAN
Deekin Scalesinger HENCHMAN
Fortune Teller's Caravan
Daschnaya SoU STORE
Divining Pool
Underground Tunnel
Stinger - Stinger Poison Gland
Stinger Caves
Stinger Archer - Stinger Poison Gland, Poison Arrow
Manticore - Diamond
Half Plate +1
Stinger Archer - Stinger Poison Gland, Longbow +1, Acid Arrow
Chest - Aurumvorax Armor, Wand of Lightning
Chest - Amulet of Health, Boots of Elvenkind
Stinger Officer - Stinger Poison Gland, Talona's Strike
Stinger Caves - Temple
Stinger High Priest - Dire Mace +1, Ring of Resistance +1
Task: Destroy the Altar to free him
Reward: Good+3 or 250GP, Evil+1 or 250GP, Ring of Cyan, Evil+3
Treasure - 211GP
Urn - 333GP
Corpse - 98GP
Corpse - Gold Necklace, Gold Ring x2
Portal - to Underground Tunnel

(6.2) Oasis of the Green Palm
Katriana Dorovnia SoU STORE
Task: Get water
Reward: 1000XP
Torias SoU STORE
Furten & Birgen
Dorna Trapspringer HENCHMAN
Xanos Messarmos HENCHMAN
Deekin Scalesinger HENCHMAN
Ali Ibn-Musud
Fortune Teller's Caravan
Daschnaya SoU STORE
Divining Pool
Catacomb of Al-Rashid
Statue x4 - kill them
Rune Stone x7 - make an X for 200XP
Sarcophagus - Desert's Fury
Morningstar - Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue
Scimitar - Druid
Kama - Monk
Magic Staff - Sorcerer, Wizard
Tomb of Kel-Garas
Zombie Lord - Chainmail +2, Longsword +1, Lens of Detection
Sarcophagus (Zephid) - Gloves of the Long Death +3
Sarcophagus (Amadus) - Helmet of Discharge
Sarcophagus (Isiraal) - Monk's Belt
Sarcophagus (Que-mish) - Small Shield +2
Kel-Garas (Priest of Jergal)
Door blocked by rocks - if you are a Paladin the rocks will disappear
Headstone - Elders of the order of the Divine Fist
Sarcophagus (Kassal)
Sarcophagus (Ra-Matul)
Sarcophagus (Ishkil)
Sarcophagus (Jeb)
Master Zaar - Boots of Hardiness +1
Corpse - Holy Avenger
Floor Lever - pulling these five times will delay the fireballs
Skeleton Blackguard - Blackguard Armor, Blackguard Helmet, Greatsword +1
Chest - Fire Arrow, Fire Bolt, Fire Bullet
Treasure - 97GP
Treasure - 68GP
Chest - Boots of Tumbling
Chest - Chainmail +1
Chest - Morningstar +1
Chest - 798GP, Lantern of Revealing, Gold Necklace, Gold Ring x2, Emerald,
3x Sapphire, Heal, Cat's Grace, Speed, Invisibility Potions
Tomb of Kel-Garas - Inner Catacombs
Statue of Jergal - Ruby x2
Task: Pray faithfully
Reward: Healed but Evil+5 if you are Good
Chest - Animate Dead, Control Undead, Enveration, Negative Energy Burst,
Negative Energy Ray, Circle of Doom Scrolls
Chest - Clarity, Bull's Strength, Endurance, Lore, Owl's Wisdom Potions
Kel-Garas - Rod of Blight
Chest - 2919GP, Silver Necklace, Glittering Necklace, 3x Topaz
Chest - 2778GP, Healers Kit +6, Diamond x2
Tomb - Periapt of Wisdom+2, Cloak of Protection+1, Scythe+2, Gold Ring x2
House of the Morninglord
Urn - 3x Holy Water
Urn - Amulet of Will +4
Kel-Garas - you can make a deal with him (unless you are a Paladin)
Task: Give Kel-Garas Rod of Blight and kill Ali Ibn-Musud
Gives You: Sacrificial Blade
Reward: Evil+13, Chaotic+13
Task: Place Rod of Blight on Altar to Lathander
Reward: 1000XP, Rod of Dawn, destroys Kel-Garas
Task: Place Sacrificial Blade on Altar to Lathander
Reward: Jergal's Claw, detroys Altar

(6.3) Ao Encampment
Katriana Dorovnia SoU STORE
Torias SoU STORE
Task: Get Wine of Ao or get him to give up drink
Reward: 500XP and Amulet of Natural Armor +2 or Good+7
Furten & Birgen
Dorna Trapspringer HENCHMAN
Xanos Messarmos HENCHMAN
Deekin Scalesinger HENCHMAN
Musharak (Hobgoblin) SoU STORE
Task: Ask him to aquire an item for 100GP
Reward: Calian Belt for 40000GP
Task: Get wine supply offer from Minister of Ao
Reward: 2000GP (and trick them for Musharak's Idol, Chaotic+3)
sells Wine of Ao for 200GP (Persuade 150GP)
Marketplace Guard Ludo (Hobgoblin)
Jasmeena (Druid)
Leopard (Jasmeena's Animal Companion)
Fortune Teller's Caravan
Daschnaya SoU STORE
Divining Pool
Temple of Ao
Garrick Halassar
Task: Heal him
Reward: 50GP, Good+1
Task: Offer advice
Reward: 1000XP (and ask her to make penance for 480GP, Evil+3)
Minister of Ao
Task: Take test of wisdom (any answer will do)
Reward: A gift from one of the Worshippers of Ao
Task: Complete wine supply deal with Musharak
Reward: 1000XP
Telnix (Worshipper of Ao)
Task: Tell him that he understands your apathy
Reward: Cloak of Ao
Note: If you turn him down you can get both the other two gifts
Rifkin (Worshipper of Ao)
Task: Tell him you are not Ao and that he should not wound himself
Reward: Lawful+1, Good+1, Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Talissica (Worshipper of Ao)
Task: Tell her you are not Ao
Reward: Lawful+1, Ring of Protection +3
Sturdy Temple - Wine of Ao, Chaotic +3

(6.4) Valley of Winds
Worker (near death)
Task: Heal him
Reward: Good+1
Excavated Ruins
Pull Chain - pull it 3 times then Rubble containing 1GP falls on you
Sarcophagus - Dragon Blood
Green Slaad - Cloak of Arachnida, Healer's Kit +10
Spell Orb
Task: Cast 3 chosen defensive spells on it
Reward: 300XP, Spellstaff (Casts all 3 chosen spells 1/day)
Armor Stand - Netherese Axe
Sarcophagus - Fairy Dust
Pull Chain - Belt of Hill Giant Strength
Shield Guardian - Silver Ring, Amethyst
Skeleton - Ointment of Stone to Flesh, Necklace of Fireballs,
Ring of Magic Defences
Sphinx Statue (Myrixamophit)
Task: Use Ointment of Stone to Flesh and answer three riddles
Reward: 500XP
Strange Machine - 300XP, Power Stone (see Appendix C.8)
Formian Myrmarch - Deadly Sonic Trap
Rubble - Rat runs off with Diamond
Bug: If you have a Diamond in your inventory you loose it as well
Sarcophagus - Large Shield +2
Sarcophagus - Ruby
Sarcophagus - Composite Longbow +2
Gray Slaad - Boots of Striding +2
Drogan Droganson
Task: Activate Portal
Reward: 500XP
Crystal Ball - shows you which Pillar is next
Formian Hive (A Crevice)
Formian Queen
Task: Agree to let them help you fight the Slaad
Reward: Formian Crystal (Summon Formian Myrmarch)
Netherese Ruin
Hooded Figure (Heurodis, Sorceress of Lich Belpheron, Daughter of Medusae)


(7) XP1 CHAPTER 2 - The Lost City of Undrentide, Flying City of Netheril
Asabi Camp
Ashtara, Asabi Merchant Prince SoU STORE
Task: Destroy 10 Guardian Golems
Gives You: Scarab Key
Reward: 1500XP and 150XP each (249XP if you use Golem-Maker's Ring)
Crumbling Bookcase - 200XP, Kabberbacky's Guide to Mythals
Shrub - Branch of the Giving
East Fragment
The Great Library sign (500XP)
North Fragment
Crypt Tower sign (500XP)
Stone Butler (Golem Emporium) - Stone Key
Sarcophagus - 1000XP, Golem-Maker's Ring
West Fragment
Arcanists' Tower sign (500XP)
Wishing Well - Gem of Brightness
Wishing Well - Gem of Seeing
The Great Library
Crumbling Bookcase - 300XP, Temple of the Winds: Rites and Rituals
Bones - Golden Chalice of Lathander
Crumbling Bookcase - Rod of Resurrection
"The Beggar's Love" - 200XP
Task: Rewrite the ending
Reward: 249XP
An Empty Tome "To Catch the Wind"
Task: Get Pen and Inkwell and write one of four stories
Reward: 700XP
Library - The smell of wildflowers reminded him of her...
William Rey
Bones - Greenleaf
Library - The temple smelled of blood and sulfur...
Jendra Gallendt's Corpse
Grand Matron - 350XP, Pen, Shining Light of Lathander
"On the Nature of Hell" - 200XP
Library - And in the depths of hell, he was endlessly tormented...
Succubus - Nymph Cloak +5
Karsus the Archwizard of Netheril - talk to him for 350XP, Inkwell
Kill him: Staff of Defense
Impaled Corpse - Greater Amulet of Health
"The Confessions of Karsus" - 200XP
Library - Sunlight streamed into the long-dark temple...
Sir William Rey
Task: Ask him to help you fight The Wise Wind
Reward: 249XP
Jendra Gallendt
"On the Nature of Hell"
Task: Rewrite the ending
Reward: 249XP
Library - And from the depths of hell, he rose forgiven...
Task: Ask for Karsus the Archwizard to help you fight The Wise Wind
Reward: 249XP
Library - Along a storm-lashed coast, I spung my trap upon the Wise Wind...
Sir William Rey, Karsus the Archwizard (if you asked for their help)
Chest - Ruby, Emerald x2, Diamond x3, Fire Opal x2, Sapphire x4
The Wise Wind - 1500XP, The Wise Wind
Library - Amidst a raging blizzard, I spung my trap upon the Wise Wind...
Sir William Rey, Karsus the Archwizard (if you asked for their help)
The Wise Wind - 1500XP, The Wise Wind
Library - Beside a calm oasis, I spung my trap upon the Wise Wind...
Sir William Rey, Karsus the Archwizard (if you asked for their help)
The Wise Wind - 1500XP, The Wise Wind
Library - In a darkend wood, I spung my trap upon the Wise Wind...
Sir William Rey, Karsus the Archwizard (if you asked for their help)
Dire Bear
The Wise Wind - 1500XP, The Wise Wind
Crypt Tower - 1st Floor
Dread Sarcophagus - destroy for 100XP and stop more Disturbed appearing
Dread Sarcophagus - Armor of Command, Arrow of the Vampire
Dread Sarcophagus - Crypt Key, Boots of the Sun Soul +4
Crypt Tower - 2nd Floor
Floor Lever - unlocks the gate
Shadow Robe
Aslyferund Elven Chain
Pixie Lance
Mithral Shield
Gate - 500XP when opened
Crypt Tower - 3rd Floor
Skeletal Archer - Longarm
Door - 100XP for each side room entered
Skeleton Chiefton - Greatsword +1
Throne - if the throne is of your alignment it will cast Heal and raise
your STR and INT by 3, the other thrones will cast Harm.
Gate - 500XP when opened
Crypt Tower - Hall of the Dead Wind
The Dead Wind - 1500XP, The Dead Wind
Arcanists' Tower - 1st Floor
Dagget Filth
Arcanists' Tower - 2nd Floor
Shadow Portal - takes you to the Plane of Shadow
Plane of Shadow
Weapon Rack - Shadow Sword
Armor Rack - Shadovar Armor
Arcanists' Tower - High Arcanist's Chamber
Chest - 500XP, Portable Door
Plane of Shadow - Lair of the Shadow Lich
Shadow Lich - 1500XP, The Dark Wind, Robe of Vecna
Shadow Servant SoU STORE (500XP)
Temple of the Winds - Outer Sanctum (500XP)
Ark of the Three Winds
Task: Place The Wise Wind, The Dead Wind and The Dark Wind inside
Reward: 500XP, opens Temple of Winds seal
Temple of the Winds - 1st Floor
Chest - Chainmail of Speed
Chest - Kumakawa
Chest - Squire's Defense
Chest - Red Dragon Armor
Temple Door - kill all four horrors for 100XP each to activate
Temple of the Winds - 2nd Floor
Bloodied Altar - Harp of Charming, Shank of Meat
Bloodied Altar - Scarab of Protection +5, Shank of Meat
Bloodied Altar (empty)
Task: Place Shank of Meat on Altar
Reward: 249XP, distract the two headed beast
Stone Door - pull North Lever, East Lever, South Lever and West Lever for
100XP each to open the door
Temple of the Winds - Chamber of the Mythallar
Heurodis - talk to her for 300XP
Mythallar - destroy the one that is glowing for 600XP

-- THE END (for now) --

Total Experience: 94729XP


(8) XP2 CHAPTER 1 - Descent into Undermountain

Note: Characters less than level 12 are leveled up to 15.

(8.1) Waterdeep "City of Splendours"
Dog - Leather Hide
Yawning Portal (Inn) - Main Room
Durnan (Innkeeper)
Mhaere (Paladin of Tyr, Durnan's Wife)
Glim Folkor (Gnome), LaFontaine, Parley
Grayban (Half-Orc)
White Thesta (Cleric of Sune)
Cook, Frinli Hinkille (Halfling), Merin Falle (Halfling)
Deekin Scalesinger HENCHMAN
Crate - Leather Hide
Drow Priestess (7229XP for a L12 Character)
Drow Elite Soldier x2 (4409XP each for a L12 Character)
Yawning Portal - Makeshift Shelter
Daelan Red Tiger
Linu La'neral
Tomi Undergallows
Parley (Elf Druid from Vaasa)
Task: Ask her about Faragati and why she came to the city
Reward: Casts Bull's Strength on you
Drezzy (Dwarf)
Yawning Portal - Second Floor
Starting Items - Yawning Portal Dagger, Relic of the Reaper, Rogue Stone,
Worn Book "Shadows of Undrentide by D. Scalesinger"
Drow Thief - Drow Dagger, Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue, Average Sonic Trap Kit
Tamsil (Durnan's Daughter)
Small Dirty Bag - Rogue Stone x4, 3000GP, History of the Creator Races
Ranged Weapons Rack - Dart +2, Shuriken +2, Throwing Axe +2, Bullet +1,
Arrow +1, Bolt +1, Sling +2, Light Crossbow +2, Shortbow +2, Longbow +2
Miscellaneous Equipment - Boots of Reflexes +2, Gloves of the Hin Fist +2,
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Average Gas Trap Kit, Ring of Resistance +1,
Potion of Fox's Cunning, Thieves' Tools +10, Minor Acid Splash Trap Kit,
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x3, Potion of Endurance, Potion of Speed,
Belt of Agility +2, Ring of Protection +2, Potion of Clarity x3, Ale,
Healer's Kit +3 x3, Potion of Barkskin, Inventory Note
Weapon Rack - Short Sword +2, Alchemist's Fire, Acid Flask
Armor Stand - Chainmail +2
Tanarell (Paladin)
Task: Ask him to tell you about Undermountain
Reward: 650XP
Cyphus Ordinae (Half-Elf Monk of the Guarded Mind Order)
Yawning Portal - Well Room
Persuade: 500GP
Task: Give him information from Grovel
Persuade: 3000GP + Levelx1000GP
Task: Give him information from Berger
Persuade: 3000GP + Levelx1000GP
Task: Give him information from Nathyrra
Reward: 3000GP + Levelx1000GP or Good+3
White Thesta HotU STORE
Gives You: Rod of Resurrection
The Well
Argali's Arms
Argali Silth (Halfling) HotU STORE
Blacksmith (Dwarf) HotU STORE
Weapon Rack - Pickpocket weapon +3
Magic Shoppe (Little Musings)
Sobrey (Mage) HotU STORE
Alchemist's Apparatus - Pickpocket weapon +3 and a potion
Telescope - look into it to see the fight in the University District
Pedestal - give it a gold piece to hear about the Cursed Dirt
Weapon Rack - Longarm

(8.2) Undermountain Level 1
Entry Chamber
Pull Rope
Cowardly Goblin (Grovel)
Task: send him up the well then get him a job
Reward: Good+3
Skeleton Chieftan - Large Bone
Bones - Lesser Spell Breach
Sharwyn (Dead) HENCHMAN
Task: Resurrect her
Reward: 1000XP
Mace +3
Floor Levers x4 - insert a colored rod that matches one in the row
Reward: 2000XP
Chest - 950GP
Drow Skirmisher - Goggles of Minute Seeing
Chest - Longsword +3, Leather Armor +3, Potion of Clarity x2,
Potion of Invisibility
Rat - leads you to his treasure
Chest - 3000GP
Chest - Small Shield +4, Rogue Stone, Phenalope x2, Malachite
Old Blue Dragon - Dragon Blood
Bones - Battleaxe +3, Small Shield +3
Chest - Hearth Shield
Chest - Blue Rod, Halaster's Magnifying Glass, Rogue Stone, Storm Armor,
Breastplate +3, Nameless Light, Ruby, Fire Opal
Remains - Fairy Dust x2
Chief Urdon - Skull Key
Black Longsword (see Appendix C.10)
The Sorceress - Staff of Defense
King Bolon - Full Plate +4
Lady Fensor - Double Axe +2
King Krolon - Katana +2, Bracers of Dexterity +3
Revisionist Balorthon
The Vivisectionist
Large Shield +4
Bones - Blue Rod
Bones - Padded Armor +4
Bones - Greatsword +3
Bones - Ring of Force Shield
Chest - Spell Mantle, Lesser Spell Mantle, Greater Spell Breach, Greater
Dispelling, Endure Elements
Daelan Red Tiger (Dead) HENCHMAN
Task: Resurrect him
Reward: 1000XP
Mirror - Doss Lute
Mirror - fight yourself
Chest - Lesser Spell Mantle, Lesser Restoration, Mass Haste
Chest - White Rod
Pillar x5 - destroy them to remove the traps
Floor Level - remove all traps from the maze
Chest - Adamantine Breastplate, Gem of Brightness, Find Traps
Chest - Composite Longbow +3, Lesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet and Blue,
Rogue Stone
Chest - Composite Shortbow +3, Lesser Ioun Stone: Dusty Rose, Fire Opal
Corpse - Green Rod
Chest - Two-Bladed Sword +3
Cocoon - Nymph Cloak +3, Empty Bottle, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 17GP,
Garnet, Fluorspar
Cocoon - Ichthia's Neck Knife, Large Box, Thieves' Tools +1, 45GP
Chests x7 - Spellcraft DC20 detect illusion
Task: Cast Dispel Magic
Reward: 1500XP, Treasure - 2600GP, Lesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet and Blue,
Lesser Ioun Stone: Pink and Green, Lesser Ioun Stone: Dusty Rose,
Lesser Ioun Stone: Pale Blue, Lesser Ioun Stone: Deep Red,
Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue, Lesser Ioun Stone: Pink
Drow Marksman - Red Rod, Greenleaf
Drow Skirmisher - Boots of Striding +4, Drow Longsword +2, Fluorspar,
Cowl of Warding, Garnet, Rapier of the High Road
Remains - Fairy Dust x2
Chest - Gloves of the Hin Fist +5
Sarcophagus - Greater Amulet of Health, Emerald, Fire Agate
Chest - White Rod
Olgin Hasterean (Ogre Mage)
Task: Fight until he surrenders
Reward: 2000XP
Kill: Dragon Slippers
Chest - Red Rod, Harp of Haunting, Rogue Stone
Chest - Torch
Sealed Passage
Task: Place Alchemist's Fire Keg and ignite the wick
Reward: 2000XP
Chest - Belt of Agility +4, Rogue Stone, Potion of Lore, Healer's Kit +6
Chest - Green Rod, Potion of Bull's Strength
Fairy Bomb Maker - Yellow Rod, Pixie Lance, Rogue Stone
Statue - turn them to face the door then pull floor lever
Chest - 5000GP, Copper Helmet, Canaith Mandolin
Corpse - White Rod
Coffin - Gem of Seeing
Corpse - Blue Rod
Chest - White Rod
Chest - Yellow Rod
Fairy Minion - Fairy Dust
Fairy Sorceress (Fairy Queen)
Task: Fight until she surrenders then let her go
Reward: 2000XP + 500XP
Kill: Nymph Cloak +4, Periapt of Wisdom +3, Club of Smiting, Fairy Dust
Tree Golem
Chicken - Feathers
Dog - Leather Hide
Vines - Branch of Giving
Alchemist's Fire Keg
Chest - Yellow Rod
Chest - Hide Armor +4

(8.3) Undermountain Level 2
Chests x7 - Spellcraft DC20 detect illusion
Task: Cast Lesser Dispel
Reward: 1500XP, Treasure - 2600GP, Emerald x2, Ruby x3, Diamond x2,
Fire Opal x2, Saphire x3, Topaz x2
Fleeing Goblin - Yellow Chain, Small Key, Mild Poison Bolt
Pedestal x4 - attach chains
Pool of Colors
Task: Pull chains in order of colors shown
Reward: 500XP, Opens door
Berger (Flesh Golem) - tells you Drow have captured Halaster
Crate - Ice Talon, Amethyst
Drow Veteran Scout - Small Red Key
Drow Sub-commander - Green Chain, Drow Commander's Key, Commander's Ring,
Mirrored Armor, Headband of Intellect +6, Scarab of Protection +4,
Dagger +3, Aventurine
Tomi Undergallows (Dead) HENCHMAN
Task: Resurrect him
Reward: 500XP
Drow Chest - Djinni Bottle
Volkarion Arsetis (appears when you use the Djinni Bottle) HotU STORE
Gives You: Activation Stone
Chest - Golden Chalice of Lathander, Elven Court Bow, Potion of Antidote,
Rogue Stone, Torch
Chest - Dove's Harp, Aventurine, Amethyst, Spirits x2, Wine
Rakshasa First-Born - Rakshasa's Eye, Kumakawa, Mirror Shield, Sickle +3
Rakshasa Adept - Brass Key, Nymph Cloak +5
Shareesh (Rakshasa) - Red Chain, Rogue Stone, Boots of the Sun Soul +4,
Honor and Death
Linu La'neral (Rakshasa)
Sarcophagus - Linu La'neral (Dead) HENCHMAN
Task: Resurrect her
Reward: 500XP
Portal Stone - Insert Activation Stone to create a Portal to Waterdeep
Stoney (Mountain Giant) - Stone Cold Club, Boots of Speed
Double Axe +2
Goblin Siege Engineer - Gloves of the Long Death +5
Argo Blacktooth - Purple Chain, Belt of Hill Giant Strength, Planar Mace,
Rogue Stone, 75GP
Floor Lever x3

(8.4) Undermountain Level 3
Drow Lookout - Armor of Freedom
Nathyrra (former Red Sister) - tells you about The Valsharess (Empress),
Matron Mother of House Kilath and her assassins the Red Sisters
Drow Commando - Armor of Command, The Sandstorm, Ruby, Fluorspar
Drow Tactitian - Red Dragon Armor, Gargoyle Boots, Laughing Blade
Drow Magus - Bracers of Dexterity +4, Staff of Command, Dagger +1, Garnet
Formian Queen
Task: Pull Floor Lever to release her
Reward: Will dig a tunnel for you and help you fight the Drow
Rat - tells you about the hidden tunnel
Chest - Harp of Charming
Nathyrra - tells you about the hidden tunnel
Odd Pile of Rocks
Drow Veteran Scout - Chainmail of Speed, Tanglefoot Bag
Drow Chest - Longsword +3, Ring of Protection +3
Note: Imported characters will find some off their items here
Drow Commando - Mithral Shield
Drow Mage - Robe of Vecna, Boots of Striding +3, Cure Critical Wounds x2
Drow Handmaiden
Portal - can channel the energy towards living beings
Energy Stone x3
Task: Destroy all 3 Energy Stones
Reward: 7500XP, releases Halaster Blackcloak
Halaster Blackcloak - 7500XP, don't talk to him until you are ready to go

Tip: You can only take Deekin as a henchman into the next chapter
Tip: Any bindings that have been placed are deleted

(8.5) Realm of the Reaper (Nexus Realm, Gatehouse to the Land of the Dead)
The Reaper (Gatekeeper, Gatherer of Dust)
Planar Gate - to the start of the level
Planar Gate x5 - to one of five binding points
Pool of Lost Souls - find lost items in here


(9) XP2 CHAPTER 2 - Defeating the Valsharess

(9.8)-(9.9) (9.2)
| |
| |
(9.7) (9.3)

Note: Evil characters do not get an experiance reward for some quests.
Tip: If you want to complete all five areas do the islands first.

(9.1) Lith My'athar, City Core & Port (Seer's Camp)
Drow Noble x3
Task: Prevent a fight (automatic if you have Nathyrra with you)
Reward: 500XP
Rizolvir (Drow) HotU STORE - enhances weapons (see Appendix C.11)
Svirfneblin Servant
Task: End the drinking contest
Reward: 500XP, Good+2
Gulhrys (High Wizard of House Maeviir) HotU STORE
Cavallas (Mysterious Boatman) - will take you along the Dark River
Drow Maeviir Guard
Task: Show them House Maeviir Signet Ring
Reward: Gives you access to House Maeviir
Commander Imloth (Drow)
Sergeant Osyyr (Drow) - takes you to the Seer after completing 4/5 areas
Temple of Lolth (Spider Queen)
The Seer (Drow, follower of Lady Eilistraee)
Task: Give her Mirror of All-Seeing (you can ask for it back)
Reward: 1000XP
Valen Shadowbreath HENCHMAN
Lavoera (if you free her from Drearing's Deep)
Freed Thrall (if you free her from Zorvak'Mur) - 500XP, Good+3
Public House
Matron Mother Brizafae Deani
Maeviir Public House
Zesyyr Maeviir (Drow)
Task: Kill Matron Mother Myrune
Gives You: House Maeviir Signet Ring
Reward: 5000XP, 20,000GP
Persuade: Tebimar's Scythe
House Maeviir
Matron Mother Myrune Maeviir
Task: Show her the House Maeviir Signet Ring
Reward: Evil+3, Amulet of Will +8
Persuade: Tebimar's Scythe
Captain Tebimar
Throne Room
The Valsharess (Illusion)
Task: Destroy the gates for her
Gives You: The Robe of the Drow and removes the Geas
Reward: Evil+10

(9.2) Shaori's Fell (Strange Island Town)
Red Sister Warrior - Acid Arrow x30
Sabal (Red Sisters Assassin) - teleports away when injured
Zephid - Leather Hide
Drow Chest - Potion of Antidote, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x3,
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x3, Potion of Lesser Restoration,
Healers Kit +3 x3
Weapon Rack - Light Crossbow +3, Poison Bolt x99 (worth 92664GP)
Skaa, Nairow (Avariel)
Winged Elf Merchant (Gilton)
Task: Give him Burned Book (or Bluff or Intimidate him)
Reward: Merchant's Compass
Garbage (behind the Library) - 1000XP, Mirror Shard
Petyr Trenkhold (Avariel Archmage) - Quarterstaff +3
Cavallas - will take you along the Dark River
Shaori (Avariel Queen)
Ulithar (Avariel)
Armoire - Potion of Sight Warding
Quathala (Ulithar's wife)
Task: Answer her riddles
Reward: 1000XP, Mirror Shard
Book Piles - Burned Book
Lomylithrar (Avariel)
Task: Complete the challange
Reward: 1500XP, Talona's Antidote, 1000XP, Mirror Shard
Kill Him: Staff of Ascension +4, Vestments of Faith, Dragon Slippers,
Brawler's Belt
Pull Chain (Left) - Ghoul Ravager
Pull Chain (Middle) - Dire Spider
Pull Chain (Right) - Diseased Troll
Bones - Halberd +4, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds
Wizard Tower Level 1
Wizard Tower Level 2
Bookcase - Mass Haste, Identify
Bookcase - Bigby's Forceful Hand, Cone of Cold, Summon Creature IX,
Ice Dagger
Balor Lord - Talisman of Pure Evil
Wizard Tower Level 3
Alchemist's Apparatus - Potion of Barkskin, Cure Critical Wounds x2
Chest - Potion of Endurance, Potion of Fox's Cunning x2, Potion of Speed,
Potion of Lesser Restoration, Potion of Ironguts, Potion of Antidote
Chest - Gloves of the Hin Fist +7
Chest - Boots of Reflexes +6
Chest - 1662GP
Jansil (Avariel Apprentice) - fight until he surrenders
Task: Let him live
Reward: 1500XP, 1000XP, Mirror Shard
Kill Him: Evil+5, Courtesan Blade, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Greater Spell
Mantle, Summon Creature IX
The Castle
Drider Chief - Assanti
Drider Assassin - Risktaker, Dagger +4, Poison Arrow x99 (worth 496386GP)
The Castle - Throne Room
The Fool (Elicid)
Task: Get 5 Mirror Shards
Reward: 5000XP, Mirror of All-Seeing (aka Shattered Mirror)
Sabal (once you have 4 Mirror Shards) - Mirror Shard, Sabal's Flail,
Ring of Major Electrical Resistance, Belt of Fire Giant Strength,
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x3
Pillar of Mirroring - create 3 weaker copies of yourself
Pillar of the Guardian - polymorph into Mithral Golem
(STR 40, +300 HP, Attack+10, 4d10 dmg, SR 18, Damage Reduction,
Immunity Critical Hit, Death Magic, Disease, Negative Level, Paralysis,
Mind Spells, Ability Decrease, Poison, Sneak Attack)
Pillar of Dispelling
Pillar of Revival - heal
Pillar of Entrapment - create cage full of blades
Pillar of Time - slow

(9.3) Isle of the Maker
Note: You will only find GOLEM PARTS if you are a level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard
Dahanna (Duergar)
Task (after you kill Aghaaz or Ferron): Avoid a fight
Reward: 500XP
Task: Give her 1000GP to help out
Reward: Good+7
Kill Her: Ring of Resistance +3, Tower Shield +4, Duergar Full Plate +5,
Greater Gloves of Discipline, Greater Brawler's Belt, Potion of Speed,
Potion of Bull's Strength, Bloodletter
Duergar Merchant (Dwelver) HotU STORE
Kill Him: Kossuth's Belt of Priestly Might, Amulet of Natural Armor +3,
Ring of Protection +3, Morningstar +3, Potion Cure Serious Wounds x2
Duergar Warrior - Dwarven Waraxe +2, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 7GP
Upper Ruins
Scavenger Golem "Sinth Thesti" (54)
Corpse - Unmaking
Chest - Blue Powder
Chest - Magical Crystal
Chest - Red Powder, Yellow Powder
Alchemist's Apparatus
Weapon Spirit (weapons you were holding when you entered ruins) - 1000XP
Merkil Thunderfist (Dead Svirfneblin) - Blue Powder, Merkil's Plate
Merkil's Hammer, Merkil's Helmet
Remains of Skeleton - Gold Necklace
Greatsword +1, Longsword +2, Warhammer +3, Dwarven Waraxe +3
Guardian Golem (Adamantine Golem) "Laz Zand" (79) - Bar of Adamantine
Golden Armor Suit - Searing Armor, Searing Helmet
Rat - tells you about the hidden lever
Floor Lever (hidden) - disarm trap (DC46)
Garbage - Ring of Spell Battle, Fluorspar, Phenalope
Alchemist's Apparatus
Task: Put Magical Crystal, Blue Powder, Red Powder inside apparatus
Reward: Golem Attractor
Task: Put Mithral Statue, Blue Powder x2 inside apparatus
Reward: Golem Crasher
Task: Put Golden Rod, Blue Powder, Yellow Powder inside apparatus
Reward: Golem Binder
Bookcase - Scriptures of the Created
Bookcase - Lexicon Arcana
Chest - Mithral Statue
Chest - Blue Powder x2
Bookcase - Scriptures of the Created, Lexicon Arcana
Chest - Golden Rod, GOLEM HEAD
Control Panel
Task: Set to left panel to 5 and right panel to 4 and use center panel
Reward: 1500XP, destroys Scavenger Golem
Task: Set to left panel to 7 and right panel to 9 and use center panel
Reward: 500XP, destroys Guardian Golem and Control Panel
Lower Ruins
Rat - pulls floor lever to open trapped (DC42) locked (DC42) door
Gloignar (Duergar Assistant)
Task: Get Soul Gem
Reward: 250XP, Tells you the password to give The Keeper
Pedestal - Soul Gem
Ferron (Gold Golem) Leader of the Rebels
Task: Get Power Source
Reward: 2500XP, will send 2 Battle Golems when you fight the Valsharess
Kill Him: Ferron's Head
Chest - Lab Notes, Helm of Brilliance
Chest - Banded Mail +6
Chest - GOLEM TORSO, Lab Notes, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Spell Mantle,
Greater Spell Breach, Protection from Spells, Greater Spell Mantle,
Greater Dispelling
Aghaaz (Demon-Flesh Golem) High Priest of the Maker
Task: Get Ferron's Head
Reward: 2500XP, will send 2 Battle Golems when you fight the Valsharess
Kill Him: Greater Sanctuary
Chest - Lab Notes, Small Shield +6
Chest - Longbow +6
Flesh Golem Guard - will attack you if you unlock the door
Power Source - Golems' Power Source
The Maker's Sanctum
Magical Surface x4
Task: quickly shoot all four to break the trap
Reward: 1000XP
Bones - Sling, Bullet
The Keeper (Will-O'-Wisp)
Task: Use the password
Reward: 500XP, unlocks the door
Mithral Golem x2 - Golem Seal, Bar of Mithral
Pedestal x2 - Put Golem Seal on each pedestal to unlock the door
Alsigard the Maker (Demilich) - Golem Machine Activator
Chest - Withering
Chest - Lichskull
Chest - Epic Gloves of Concentration
Alchemist's Apparatus - Potion of Fox's Cunning, Potion of Death Armor x2,
Potion of Speed, Potion of Lore, Potion of Ironguts
Greater Sanctuary, Shadow Shield
Bookcase - Acid Fog, Black Blade of Disaster, Horrid Wilting, Death Armor,
Negative Energy Protection, Greater Shadow Conjunction, Power Word Kill,
Negative Energy Burst, Circle of Death, Energy Drain
Portal - to Upper Ruins
Golem Construction Machine - Controlling Amulet
Task: Create a Shield Guardian (see Appendix C.13)
Reward: 500XP

(9.4) Lith My'athar, Environs (surrounding area)
Sergeant Osyyr (Drow) - takes you to the Seer after completing 4/5 areas
Alchemist's Fire Keg

(9.5) Underdark, West of Lith My'athar
Pile of Skulls - Prismatic Dragon Boots, Paladin Helmet
Bridge Control
Task: Examine the panel more closely
Reward: 500XP, can read the controls
Task: Insert Pearl of Tongues
Reward: 500XP, can read the controls
Task: Insert Pearl of Bashing
Reward: (it's UNIX)
Task: Insert Tynan
Reward: Tynan's Top (see Appendix C.12)
Task: Line up the 4 rows in the middle then press the glowing button
Reward: 1500XP
Corpse - Nasher's Cloak of Protection, Meat x2, Rags
Huge Gelatinous Cube - Ring of Major Acid Resistance, Fire Opal, Phenalope
Remains of Drow Scout - Lesser Amulet of the Master
Huge Gelatinous Cube - Scarab of Protection +4, Sapphire x2
Bones - Platinum Helm
Natural Drain - Exit

(9.6) Underdark, Chasm of the Eye Tyrants (West Tunnels)
Eldath Ra'sin (Drow) - Anduvir, Dragon Armor, Cloak of Resistance +3,
Greater Gloves of Discipline, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x3,
Potion of Antidote
Drow Warrior x3 - Poison Bolt
Drow Wizard x2 - Potion of Cure Critcal Wounds x2
Beholder Caves
Grease Pump - Beholders use it to create grease
Attiz (Kobold)
Drow Bookcase - Bane, Polymorph Self, Remove Paralysis
Drow Bookcase - Bigby's Forceful Hand, Chain Lightning, Drown
Black Crate - Kama +4, Whip +4, Dire Mace +4
Black Crate - Greataxe +4, Katana +4, Spear +4
Drow Emissary - A Letter from the Valsharess, Ironskin Ring, Time Stop,
Wail of the Banshee, Potion of Heal
Drow Chest - 2392GP
Chest - Stone Slab
Beholder Tyrant Arutha - Fire Opal, Fire Agate
Drow Chest - Spellsmasher
Drow Chest - Mantle of Great Stealth
Drow Chest - Amulet of Divine Radiance
Beholder Caves, Lower Tunnels (dead-magic zone)
Black Barrel - Torch x5
Ancient Mechanism
Task: Use Lore (DC44) or Spellcraft (DC34) to activate
Reward: Cast Healing Circle, Knock, Stone Skin
Rune Plate
Task: Set each line to match the symbol on the inner plate
Reward: 1500XP, restore magic use
Obelisk - Obelisk's Core
Bebilith - Bebilith Poison, Emerald

(9.7) Drearing's Deep (South Tunnels)
Cordigan (Rock Gnome) - tells you about Drearing's Deep
Human Slave (male sitting down) - tells you more about Drearing's Deep
Human Slave (female sitting down) - tells you more about Drearing's Deep
Duergar Merchant (Ragpicker) HotU STORE
Cult Knight (Priest of Vix'thra) HotU STORE
Task: Ring the Gong
Reward: 500XP, summon High Priest Sodalis
Task: Volunteer to serve or remain silent
Reward: 1000XP or Evil+10
Chest - Chaotic+3
Chest - Chaotic+3
Chest - Chaotic+3
Cult Temple Level 1
Cult Knight Helmet
Cult Temple Level 2
Task: Place a Black Pearl upon the Altar while holding a weapon
Reward: 500XP, your weapon is enhanced with DC24 Ability Drain STR
Bookcase - Vix'thrite Tome
Chest - Katana +4, Kama +4
Chest - Gold Ring x2, Protection from Spells, Spell Mantle x2
Chest - Black Pearl x2
Chest - Studded Leather Armor +6, Alexandrite x6
Cult Temple Level 3
Cult Elite Knight - Blade of Shadows, Greater Gloves of Discipline,
Half Plate +5
Sodalis - 1000XP, Lower Crypt Key, Staff of Sodalis, Boots of Reflexes +5,
Cloak of Protection +4, Amulet of Power, Ring of Major Fire Resistance,
Bracers of Armor +5
Bookcase - Summon Creature VIII, Vampiric Touch, Negative Energy Burst,
Identify, Greater Shadow Conjunction
Alchemist's Apparatus - Potion of Ironguts
Alchemist's Apparatus - Potion of Death Armor
Chest - Time Stop, Meteor Swarm, Horrid Wilting, Greater Dispelling,
Epic Gloves of Spellcraft
Chest - Rod of Thunder and Lightning
Chest - Cloak of the Bat, Amulet of Will +6
Cult Temple Crypt
Chest - Rope
Pit's Edge - use rope to climb down
Cult Temple The Inner Sanctum
Cult Monk (Zeremund) - Energy Orb
Crate - bash it for Splintered Wood x3
Task: Use Splintered Wood
Reward: 500XP, Monk's Key
Chest - 224GP
Pedestal - place Energy Orb on pedestal to destroy the gate
Sarcophagus x8
Task: Use Splintered Wood x5
Reward: 500XP x4, 1000XP
Bookcase - Tome of the Vix'thrite Elders
Bookcase - Stone to Flesh
Bookcase - Summon Creature VIII, Negative Energy Burst
Bookcase - Bull's Strength, Control Undead
Bookcase - Enervation, Contagion
Cult Elder Monk - Energy Orb
Armoire - Potions of Lore, Bull's Strength, Speed, Invisibility
Chest - Warlord's Breastplate
Chest - Quarterstaff +4
Chest - Gloves of the Hin Fist +6
Tomb (of Cult Elder Monk)
Task: Use Splintered Wood
Reward: 1000XP
Pedestal x2 - place Energy Orbs on 2 pedestals to destroy the gate
Magical Apparatus
Task: Use Nullifier Rod
Reward: 1500XP, releases Lavoera, Crystal of Undeath
Task: Pull lever 3 times
Reward: 1500XP, Deva's Blood x3, kills Lavoera
Lavoera (Astral Deva) HENCHMAN
Task: Set her free
Reward: Will help you fight Vix'thra or will protect the rebel camp
Golem Parts
Task: Use Deva's Blood on them
Reward: Create a Bone Golem
Garbage - Bone Ring
Drow Warrior - Sound Burst
Drow Elite Warrior - Drow Full Plate +3, Belt of Fire Giant Strength,
Katana +4, 42GP
Drow Handmaiden - Letter from the Valsharess, Amulet of Natural Armor +4,
Ring of Major Acid Resistance, Ring of Protection +3, Large Shield +4,
Flail of Destruction, Potion of Bull's Strength, Potion of Cure Critical
Wounds x3, Potion of Lesser Restoration,
Drow Chest - 5000GP, Topaz x10
Chest - Flame Strike, Word of Faith, Divine Power, Potion of Owl's Wisdom,
Wand of the Heavens, Potion of Antidote, Potion of Lesser Restoration,
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x3
Shadow Master - Hatred, Strife, Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind,
Crossbow of Murder, Bolt of Negative Energy, Scarab of Protection +3
Weapon Rack - Bolt +3, Paralytic Bolt
Weapon Rack - Bolt +3, Bolt of Lightning
Crate - Bar of Steel x3
Chest - Dire Mace +4
Chest - Lavoera's Wrath, Mystran Belt of Priestly Might and Warding,
Nullifier Rod, Energy Orb
Tomb (of Shadow Master)
Task: Use Splintered Wood
Reward: 500XP
Pedestal x3
Task: place Energy Orbs on 3 pedestals to destroy the door
Reward: 1000XP
Sarcophagus (of Sodalis)
Task: Use Splintered Wood
Reward: 500XP
Hall of the Sacred One
Task: Destroy it first
Reward: 1000XP
Vix'thra'na'arxterys (Dracolich) - 2500XP
Chest - Bracers of Armor +6, Rod of Fire
Chest - Death's Handmaiden, Greatsword +4
Chest - Great Wyrm Gauntlets, Dwarven Waraxe +5
Chest - Red Dragon Armor, Morningstar +4
Chest - Copper Ring x3, Silver Ring x3, Gold Ring x2, Copper Necklace x4,
Silver Necklace x2, Gold Necklace x2, Glittering Necklace x3, Garnet x3,
Amethyst x6, Malachite x3, Fire Agate x7, Greenstone x7, Alexandrite x4,
Phenalope x8, Topaz x2, Sapphire, Fire Opal, Diamond x2, Ruby, Emerald
Treasure - over 10,000GP

(9.8) Zorvak'Mur, Entrance Cavern (North Tunnels)
Duergar Raider (Yorag) - Helm of Shielding, Padded Armor +6, Dwarven
Waraxe +4
Black Barrel - Fish x2
Illithid Abysmal - wear your Helm of Shielding to get past him

(9.9) Zorvak'Mur (Inner Ring)
Artuur (Illithid) HotU STORE
Mind Flayer Merchant - will not sell to you
Mind Flayer Slave Merchant
Task: Bid in the thrall auction
Reward: A thrall can yours for 1300GP
Task: Send the Thrall to the Seer or kill her
Reward: 1000XP, Good+10 or Evil+7
Mind Flayer Pit Boss - 10788GP, Ring of Clear Thought +6, Emerald
Task: Equip your thrall (if you sent them to the pits) for 100GP
Reward: Your thrall gets a sword and armor
Task: Bet on the thrall fight for 500GP
Reward: 1000GP if you win
Mind Flayer Venerator - Ruby, Phenalope, Garnet
Task: Give him Helm of Shielding
Reward: Gives you access to the Elder Concord
Minotaur Thrall - Spear +6
Impaled Head of Argosus (if you reported the revolt to the Elder Brain)
Grand Hall (Inner Sanctum)
The Elder Brain (Overmind of Zorvak'Mur)
Task: Give him Mirror of All-Seeing
Reward: 7500XP, convinces the Elder Concorde to abandon the Valsharess
Gives You: Helm of Shielding
Black Chest - 7750GP
Black Chest - Emerald, Sapphire x2, Diamond x2, Garnet x2, Malachite,
Door x2
Task: Use open lock skill
Reward: 250XP
Illithid Mechanism x2
Illithid Mental Amplifier
Task: Activate both Illithid Mechanisms to be able to detroy it
Reward: "Freedom, Gaarrrrghh, My Mind! So empty, Must find brains!"
Peaceful Clearing (if you attack Elder Brain)
Charming Young Man
Thrall Pens (Slave Pens)
The Warden - Prison Master Key, Dwarven Waraxe +4
Argosus (Drow Thrall)
Task: Help them escape
Reward: 5000XP, 250XP x 9 (if they all live)
Weapon Rack - Bastard Sword +4, Mace +4, Mace +1
Weapon Rack - Whip +4, Sickle +4, Dagger +1 x2
Weapon Rack - Light Crossbow +1, Sling +1, Bolt +2, Bullet +2
Cocoon - Pearl of Bashing
Sleeping Chamber (Illithid Chamber)
Mind Flayer Darkener - Ring of Protection +6, 47GP
Black Chest - 4200GP, Emerald x2, Fire Opal, Garnet, Malachite, Fluorspar,
The Poison Chalice Palace (Tavern)
Lizardfolk Slaver
Duergar Slaver
Adamantine Bartender - Bar of Adamantine

(9.10) Battle
Lith My'athar, Environs
Battle Herald (Wisp) - communication with Commander Imloth
City Core & Port
The Seer
Commander Imloth
Ashar (if you are working for The Valsharess)
Outside the Valsharess' Fortress
The Valsharess' Throne Room
Dread Archdevil Mephistopheles (Duke of the Nine Hells)
The Valsharess (Dread Mistress)


(10) XP2 CHAPTER 3 - Escape from the Hells

You have been taken to The Nine Hells of Baator in the Outer Planes
Phlegethos is the Forth Hell, Maladomini is the Seventh Hell
Mephistopheles (aka Baron Molikroth) is Lord of Cania, the Eighth Hell
The King of Devils is Asmodeus and he is Lord of Nessus, the Ninth Hell

(10.1) City of Lost Souls, Cania
Worried Spirit
Task: Talk to him
Reward: 200XP
Task: Ask about the spirits being devoured
Reward: 300XP
Task: Ask about the Scrivener
Reward: 100XP
Task: Ask about the Lost Leader
Reward: 100XP
Cave Entrance
Task: Try to enter
Reward: 100XP
Scrivener HENCHMAN
Task: Talk to it
Reward: 200XP
Task: Pet it
Reward: Good +1
Task: Ask it (or a devil) about the Second-Fold Mystery (Eel-Hum)
Reward: 500XP, Second-Fold Mystery answer
Task: Ask about the stones
Reward: 300XP
Task: Lead it to Carved Post: Treason (Tree-Son)
Reward: 400XP
Task: Lead it to Carved Post: Dimension (Die-Men-Shin)
Reward: 500XP
Task: Lead it to Carved Post: Infinity (Inn-Fin-Eye-Tea)
Reward: 500XP, 300XP
Weary Quarry Worker (Erinyes, Imp) / Weary Quarry Slave (Slaad) - Devils
Task: Ask one of them if there are any stores nearby
Reward: 100XP
Task: Ask one of them (or the Scrivener) about the Second-Fold Mystery
Reward: 500XP, Second-Fold Mystery answer
Sullen Pilgrim (Githzerai)
Task: Ask about Sensei Dharvana
Reward: 100XP
Task: Ask about the Five-Fold Mysteries
Reward: 500XP, Third-Fold Mystery answer
Task: Peer into the crystal
Reward: 500XP, shows you The Rebel Camp: An Army is Born
Velox Nettle - Velox Berry
Campsite (or Debris)
Task: Light a fire with 3 Velox Berries
Reward: Protection from the cold for a long time
Task: Light a fire with 20 Velox Berries
Reward: Kills you
Carved Posts - Treason, Alternate, Dimension, Infinity, Coordinate
Astral Door (Hidden)
The Reaper - can summon your henchmen
Task: Ask about his true name
Reward: 300XP
Task: Ask him (or Aribeth) about the Five-Fold Mysteries
Reward: 500XP, Fifth-Fold Mystery answer
Frozen Cave
Task: Light a fire with 3 Velox Berries
Reward: 500XP, awaken Aribeth de Tylmarande (Lost Leader of the Spirits)
Aribeth de Tylmarande - fight until she surrenders HENCHMAN
Task: Ask her (or The Reaper) about the Five-Fold Mysteries
Reward: 500XP, Fifth-Fold Mystery answer
Task: Get her to follow the path of good or evil
Reward (Good): 500XP, Good+10, Aribeth restored as a Paladin
Reward (Evil): 500XP, Evil+10, Aribeth restored as a Blackguard
Hellbreath Tavern
Arden Swift (Tiefling Bard)
Task: Talk to him
Reward: 200XP
Task: Ask him about the Knower of Places (or read about it in the Tome)
Reward: 500XP, Forth-Fold Mystery answer
Task: Ask about trumpet
Reward: 300XP
Task: Put 5000GP on the Card Table and guess the card (WIS)
Reward: 600XP, Trumpet of Pandemonium
Sullen Pilgrim (Githzerai)
Task: Ask about Arden Swift
Reward: 100XP
Tavernkeeper (Dragon)
Task: Give him 5 Velox Berries
Reward: Velox Potion
Rizolvir's Ghost HotU STORE - enhances weapons (see Appendix C.11)
Quarry Office
Gru'ul the Quarry Boss (Pit Fiend) HotU STORE
Task: Ask about store
Reward: 200XP
Task: Ask for a holiday (INT)
Reward: 500XP, 700XP, can view store
Crate (Hidden) - The Iron Skeleton
Ice Quarry
Lazy the Quarry Imp
Task: Ask if he knows the Reaper's true name
Reward: 200XP
Quarry Grinder 5
Task: Free the Lazy the Quarry Imp (DEX) or feed him through the grinder
Reward: 200XP, Good+3 or 300XP, Evil+5
Task: Repair Quarry Grinder 5 (INT)
Reward: 300XP
Temple of the Sleeping Man
Sensei Dharvana (Githzerai Monk)
Task: Ask about the Sleeping Man
Reward: 500XP, First-Fold Mystery answer
Task: Ask about the Five-Fold Mysteries
Reward: 300XP
Task: Learn the Five-Fold Mysteries
Reward: 500XP, Sensei's Amulet, Access to Inner Sanctum
Kill Her (if you wake the Sleeping Man): 300XP
Task: Read (or ask Arden Swift) about the Knower of Places
Reward: 500XP, Forth-Fold Mystery answer
The Sleeping Man (Planetar from Elysium, of the Seven Heavens of Celestia)
Task: Use Sensei's Amulet
Reward: 300XP
Task: Focus on the ring in the dream
Reward: 500XP, 500XP
Task: Wake the Sleeping Man with the Trumpet of Pandemonium
Reward: 800XP, 200XP
Task: Ask about the puzzle ring
Reward: 500XP, creates Astral Door
Altar (Hidden) - Helm of Righteousness
Subterranean Vault
Prayer Card - Hope then Faith then Love (H F L)
Essence Orb x3
Task: Destroy Skeletal Minion x4 then the Walking Bone Mass
Reward: Piece of Sleeping Man's ring x3
Task: Join the ring pieces together, H F L in that order
Reward: 300XP, Puzzle Ring
Chest (Hidden) x6

(10.2) Wastes of Cania
Guardian of the Path (Demonflesh Golem) - 500XP, Astral Blade +8,
Tattered Note
Fallen Ice - Shift into Earth Elemental
Deeper Wastes of Cania
Ice Troll Shaman - 4272GP
Ice Troll Berserker - 4672GP
Task: Peer into the crystal
Reward: 650XP, shows you The Underdark: A Battle Rages
Alpha Hell Frost Worg - Ragged Cloak of the Worg
Bones - Velox Berry x2 (Shift into Wolf to get there)
Tributary of the River Styx (to Nessus)
Ice Troll Berserker - Amulet of Will +5
Ice Troll Berserker - 5724GP
Ice Troll Shaman - Dwarven Waraxe +5
The Mimic's Nest
Mimic - Uses Demonic Grappling Hand to take your armor, 500XP
Azer Gem Minor - 46GP, Gem Pile
Azer Gem Minor - 4185GP
Azer Gem Minor - 3530GP
Azer Gem Minor - Amulet of Will +5
Azer Gem Minor - Greataxe +6
Azer Gem Minor - Greater Restoration
Azer Gem Minor - Fire Arrow x10
Azer Gem Minor - Cure Critical Wounds
Chest - Casiel's Soul
Floor Lever x4 - Opens Doorway
Note: There are two chests that are only reachable if you restart
Chapter 3 with a character that already has the Demonic Grappling Hand.
Hall of Gems
Conductor Lever
Task: Drop Gem Pile by Fire Conductor, wait for Mimic then pull lever
Reward: 1000XP, Demonic Grappling Hand
Gargamesh - Radiant Death
Mimic Corpse - Your armor, Gem Pile, Potion of Speed, Scavenger Rat Skull,
Boots of Striding +10, Potion of Heal
Abandoned Entryway
Grimgnaw (Dwarf Monk) - Boots of the Sun Soul +5, Cloak of Resistance +5,
Gloves of the Long Death +6, Master Robes of the Old Order,
Scarab of Protection +6, Ring of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +5,
Potion of Heal, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x2, Small Silver Key
Koth Uth-Kalin (Minotaur) - Slasher of Koth, Belt of Fire Giant Strength,
Epic Gloves of Discipline, Cape of the Fire Bath, Boots of Hardiness +3,
Half Plate +7, Ring of Elemental Cold Immunity, Ring of Protection +6,
Amulet of Natural Armor +6, Potion of Antidote, Cure Critical Wounds x2
Balpheron (Lich) - Staff of Balpheron, Cloak of Epic Spell Resistance,
Scarab of Protection +6, Ring of Protection +6, Ring of Fortitude +5,
Robe of Balpheron, Bracers of Armor +7, Boots of Reflexes +6, Firebrand,
Ball Lightning, Cone of Cold, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Summon Creature IX,
Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Negative Energy Burst, Vampiric Touch,
Maugrim Korothir (Human Cleric) - Nemesis, Blood Plate, Ring of Holiness,
Epic Gloves of Concentration, Ring of Power, Amulet of Natural Armor +6,
Cloak of Protection +5, Girdle of Holy Might, Potion of Bull's Strength,
Tower Shield +6, Potion of Heal, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x2,
Potion of Owl's Wisdom, Blade Barrier, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis,
Hammer of the Gods, Glyph of Warding, Cure Critical Wounds x20
Crimson - Devil's Sting, Bloodsucker, Heavy Crossbow +6, Invisible Death,
Epic Gloves of Discipline, Boots of Elvenkind, Greater Swordsman's Belt,
Mantle of Great Stealth, Epic Amulet of Health, Ring of Protection +6,
Ring of Fortitude +6, Potion of Heal, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x2
Scavanger Rat - loots the bodies
Barrel (Hidden) - Robe of Leathers
Small Hole - Shift into Pixie
Rat's Nest - Souldrinker
Floor Lever - Unblocks Entrance to the Fallen
Puzzlers' Sepulcher (tomb)
Puzzler - Fire Arrow
Fallen One - Crossbow of Lightning Strike
Puzzler - Arrow +5
Floor Lever x3 - Pull them five times
Statue x3 - Turn them to face Lightning Barrier
Floor Level - 300XP, destroy Lightning Barrier
Chest - Belt of Cloud Giant Strength
Chest - Hide Armor +7
Puzzler - 3093GP
Puzzler - Arrow +5
Treasure - Potion of Heal x2
Chest - Caniam Cathix
Puzzler - 3485GP
Puzzler - 698GP
Puzzler - Light Crossbow +4
Treasure - Potion of Heal x2
Guardian of the Path (Black Slaad) - 500XP, Demonflesh Shield,
Bloodied Note, Potion of Death Armor
Knower of Places
Knower of Places (Baatorian)
Task: Ask her where to find the Knower of Names
Reward: 500XP, Upgraded Puzzle Ring, creates Astral Door
Deepest Wastes of Cania
Bones - Velox Berry
Frost Giant - 54GP
Ice Troll Berserker - Dagger +3
Frost Giant - 6975GP
Fire Elemental Scout - Emerald
Task: Peer into the crystal
Reward: 850XP, The Yawning Portal: Mephistopheles Gains the Surface
Ice-Bound Lair
Ice Troll Berserker - Short Sword +5
Ice Troll Shaman - Katana +6
Ice Troll Berserker - Lonbow +5, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds
Ice Troll Shaman - Banded Mail +6
Treasure Chest - Dwarven Waraxe +6
Chest (Hidden) - Sash of Searing
Beneath the Ice
Treasure - Potion of Heal x3
Hall of Fire - Shift into Pixie
Task: Discover the Prisoner
Reward: 200XP
Prison Anchor x4
Task: Destroy them with the Demonic Grappling Hand
Reward: 300XP
Blood Soaked Bag - Band of Fire and Frost
Fortress Courtyard
Windswept Battlefield
Pit Fiend, Erinyes, Fire Imp - Devil (Baatezu)
Balor Lord, Succubus, Vrock - Demon (Tanar'ri)
Devil Warrior x 80
Guardian of the Path (Pit Fiend) - Brimstone, Scrawled Note
Impaled Corpse - marks 7 o'clock
Catapult - Shift into Earth Elemental and throw across the lava
Task: Turn it to 3 o'clock and fire (16 spokes sooner)
Reward: release the Knower of Names
Failure: release one of ten remaining rebel generals out of eleven
(Pit Fiend Prisoner or Devil Prisoner)
Knower of Names (Baatorian)
Gives You: Your True Name based on your alignment
Lawful Good - Donita'ar the Blessed, Light of Cania
Neutral Good - Ebela'ar the Kind, Light of Cania
Chaotic Good - Kagita'ar the Heartseeker, Light of Cania
Lawful Neutral - Lysisius the Firm, Judge of Cania
True Neutral - Neuthroxus the Fair, Judge of Cania
Chaotic Neutral - Murdus the Wild, Judge of Cania
Lawful Evil - Dretchen the Dark, Scourge of Cania
Neutral Evil - Nel'zeben the Selfish, Scourge of Cania
Chaotic Evil - Ba'elzaden the Cruel, Scourge of Cania
Task: Pay 200,000GP for her True Name
Reward: 500XP, Phyreshi the Knower, can ask for Mephistopheles True Name
Task: Pay 500,000GP for Mephistopheles True Name
Reward: 1000XP, 1000XP, Thra'axfyl the Ambitious
Task: Pay 300,000GP for the True Name of your true love
Reward: 1000XP, either you don't have one or it's Cwylgarion the Strong
or 1000XP, 1000XP, Celesfa'ar the Patient (the Sleeping Man)
or 500XP, one of your henchman
Task: Pay 300,000GP for the True Name of the Sleeping Man's true love
Reward: 1000XP, either 500XP, Phyreshi the Knower (Knower of Names)
or 500XP, Fa'arethia the Misguided (Sensei Dharvana)
or 500XP, Qeyifalia the Skyseeker (Nathyrra)
or 1000XP, 1000XP, You
Task: Pay 100,000GP for the True Name of the Sleeping Man
Reward: 1000XP, Celesfa'ar the Patient
Task: Pay for the True Name of Sensei Dharvana (if you didn't kill her)
Reward: Fa'arethia the Misguided
Task: Pay 100,000GP for the True Name of Arden Swift
Reward: 500XP, Caddisthwaite the Doomed
Task: Pay 100,000GP for the True Name of Gru'ul the Quarry Boss
Reward: 500XP, Gargelflaw the Vile
Task: Pay 200,000GP for the True Name of Aribeth
Reward: 500XP, Va'ardalia the Twinsouled
Task: Pay 200,000GP for the True Name of Valen
Reward: 500XP, Oeskathine the Demonwrestler
Task: Pay 200,000GP for the True Name of Nathyrra
Reward: 500XP, Qeyifalia the Skyseeker
Task: Pay 200,000GP for the True Name of Deekin
Reward: 500XP, Ixthyria the Scalesinger
Task: Give her Sensei's Amulet and Puzzle Ring for the True Name of
the Reaper
Reward: 500XP, 500XP, Hecugoth the Abandoned

(10.3) Finale
Temple of the Sleeping Man
Sensei Dharvana (if you didn't kill her)
Task: Ask her to wake the Sleeping Man
Reward: 500XP, you then have to kill the sleeping man
Task: Tell her to abandon her faith
Reward: 500XP
The Sleeping Man
Task: Tell him the name of his one true love
Reward: 1000XP and another 1000XP if it is you
Task: Wake him by using his True Name (if you didn't wake him already)
Reward: ?
Note: If Sensei Dharvana is still around she will attack you or you can
use her True Name to tell her to go or stay or fight the Sleeping Man
Task: Kiss him
Reward: 1000XP, will help you in the coming battle
Subterranean Vault
Chest - Shroud of Kings, Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds x5, Lore, Speed
Hellbreath Tavern
Arden Swift
Task: Ask him by his True Name to give you all his winnings
Reward: 500XP, 210058GP
Task: Ask him by his True Name to write an epic song about you
Reward: 500XP
Quarry Office
Gru'ul the Quarry Boss (Pit Fiend) HotU STORE
Task: Ask him by his True Name to be good for the rest of his life
Reward: 500XP
Task: Ask him by his True Name to give his workers a holiday
Reward: 500XP
Task (Evil): Ask him by his True Name to give you an artifact
Reward: 500XP, Gru'ul's Bracer
Task (Evil): Give him the True Name of one of your henchman
Reward: 500XP, Evil+10, Gru'ul's Bracer
Kill Him: Izu's Hammer of Fabrication, Handaxe+6
The Reaper
Task: Ask him by his True Name to give you passage home
Reward: 700XP, 500XP, creates Planar Gate
Task: Ask to allow the dead to haunt the living
Reward: 500XP
Task: Ask to allow the Githzerai Pilgrims to return home
Reward: 500XP
Task: Use his True Name
Reward: Confidence boost or surrender soul to you
Task: Use his True Name
Reward: Free him from his past or surrender soul to you
Task: Use his True Name
Reward: Free her from her past or surrender soul to you
Task: Use her True Name
Reward: Make her forget about Neverwinter or convert her from Blackguard
to Paladin or vice-versa for Lawful+20, Good+20, 500XP
The Sleeping Man (if you kissed him)
Task: Ask him by his True Name to die
Task: Fight him until he surrenders
Task (Evil): Ask him by his True Name to be your slave in the Nine Hells
Reward: The End
Hordes of the Underdark
-- THE END --

Total Experience Gained: 331645XP

= Appendix ===================================================================

(A) Character Creation

Note - If you have ever played Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, forget
everything you know as almost all the rules have changed.

A good place to start is the official Character Creation Guide at

I also highly recommend the official Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook and
the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. The rules were changed a little for
NWN but they are top quality books.

- The XP cap of 190,000 means you can only reach a total of 20 levels, but
you will be lucky to reach level 18 during the game. In HotU this has been
raised to 780,000 so you can reach level 40.
- You can be any combination of classes that alignment allows, for example a
Paladin/Monk/Sorcerer or a Barbarian/Bard/Druid.
- You gain one feat every three levels (more with some classes).
- You gain one ability point every four levels (eg raise DEX from 16 to 17)
- There are eight types of AC Modifiers, Dexterity, Dodge, Armor, Deflection,
Natural, Shield, Size and Base. For Armor, Deflection, Natural and Shield
the highest bonus of each type is added to your total, bonuses of the same
type are not combined.

Tip: If you don't allocate your skill points they are available the next time
you level up. This is a big advantage for multiclass characters, rather than
use 2 points on cross-class skills, just save them for when you level up in a
class that has them as class skills.

(A.1) Gender

Your gender will change the way a few characters interact with you.
# Gender determines which romances are open to you.

(A.2) Race


Human (Any)
+1 SP/level
Quick to Master (An extra feat at character generation)

Half-Elf (Any)
Hardiness vs Enchantments (+2 vs Mind Spells), Low-light Vision
Partial Skill Affinity Search+1, Listen+1, Spot+1, Immunity Sleep

Moon Elf (Wizard)
Longsword, Rapier, Longbow, Shortbow
Keen Sense (always in detect mode with no movement speed penalty)
Hardiness vs Enchantments (+2 vs Mind Spells), Low-light Vision
Skill Affinity Search+2, Listen+2, Spot+2, Immunity to Sleep

Shield Dwarf (Fighter)
CON+2, CHA-2
Offensive Training vs Goblins & Orcs (Attack +1 vs Goblins & Orcs)
Defensive Training vs Giants (AC Dodge+4 vs Giants)
Hardiness vs Spells & Poisons (+2 vs Spells & Poisons), Darkvision
Skill Affinity Lore+2, Stonecunning (Search+2 in interior areas)

Rock Gnome (Wizard)
CON+2, STR-2
Small Stature (AC Size+1, Attack+1, Hide+4), Spell Focus Illusion
Offensive Training vs Goblins & Reptiles (Attack +1 vs Goblins & Reptiles)
Defensive Training vs Giants (AC Dodge+4 vs Giants)
Hardiness vs Illusions (+2 vs Mind Spells), Low-light Vision
Skill Affinity Listen+2, Concentration+2

Lightfoot Halfling (Rogue)
DEX+2, STR-2
Small Stature (AC Size+1, Attack+1, Hide+4), Lucky (Universal+1)
Good Aim (Attack+1 with throwing weapons), Fearless (+2 vs Fear)
Skill Affinity Listen+2, Move Silently+2

Half-Orc (Barbarian)
STR+2, INT-2, CHA-2

(A.3) Portrait


Aristiana Lerionis (
has written a good guide on this, the following is adapted from that guide.

Create the following five .TGA (Truevision Targa) images and save them in the
override directory. I recommend using IrfanView (
to save the final files.

po_rr_g_xx_h.tga = 256x400 on 256x512 canvas
(Huge - shown when you select the portrait)

po_rr_g_xx_l.tga = 128x200 on 128x256 canvas
(Large - used on the character sheet)

po_rr_g_xx_m.tga = 64x100 on 64x128 canvas
(Medium - always visibile on the main screen)

po_rr_g_xx_s.tga = 32x50 on 32x64 canvas
(Small - used by your henchman and when you are a party member)

po_rr_g_xx_t.tga = 16x25 on 16x32 canvas
(Tiny - used in the dialogue)

| | Make sure the portrait is at the top of the canvas
| |
|Portrait| rr_g_xx_
| |
| | rr race - dw (0), el (1), gn (2), ha (3), hu (6), or (5)
|--------| g gender - m (0), f (1)
| Blank | xx number (00 to 99, start with 99 and work backwards)

Next copy portraits.2da from the source directory into the override directory
and open it in a text editor. Add your portrait details to the end of the
file, starting from number 2000, eg

2000 hu_m_99_ 0 6 **** 0 ****

By doing this your portrait will not show up under both the male and female
portrait lists and will be grouped with other portraits of that race.


When playing online, other players will not be able to see your custom
portrait unless they have saved a copy in their override directory. To
improve this situation you can choose a standard portrait that you want other
players to see and then override it with your custom portrait. For example,
if you chose the first human male portrait, simply copy your five custom
portrait files into the override directory and name them to po_hu_m_01_X.tga


You can gain access to more portraits by editing the portraits.2da file that
you copied into the override directory, look for lines where Plot is 1. For
example to be able to select Aribeth's female elf portrait (el_f_12_) simply
change Plot from 1 to 0 on line number 28. This will not cause any problems
when playing the game.

(A.4) Class

If you want to complete all the quests in Neverwinter Nights you will need to
be a Druid/Bard, Druid/Sorcerer or Druid/Wizard. You can get all the other
class specific quests if you have good persuade skills. In Shadows of
Undrentide you need to be a Ranger/Paladin (or a Druid/Paladin that has
changed alignment). This is because you need to communicate with the animals
for several quests. In Hordes of the Underdark you need to be either a Wizard
or Sorcerer if you want to make the Golem.

You can play any class you want because the game is so well balanced, however
it is a good idea to start the game as a Rogue. This is because only when you
create your character do you get four times your normal SP and in the case of
a Rogue this is 4 x 8 which can be allocated to almost every skill without
penalty. Even if you never level up the Rogue class again, you will always
have the chance of causing extra damage with a sneak attack, still be able to
use equipment worth less than 4800GP restricted to a particular class and get
a great head start in Open Locks, Disable Traps, Set Traps, Search, Listen and
Spot skills. The only exceptions are
- If you want to get a specific Level 20 ability in your chosen class.
- You are a Dwarf but not a Fighter
- You are a Elf or a Gnome but not a Wizard
- You are a Half-Orc but not a Barbarian
- You want a triple class character and do not want to keep the third class
within one level of the Rogue class (unless it is a prestige class).
- With the 11 extra prestige classes added in SoU and HotH it is far less
likely that you will want to use one of your 3 valuable class slots on a
class you are only going to take one level in.

I would also recommend taking one level of Monk as you get a +2 bonus on all
your saving throws and the excellent feats of Evasion and Cleave.

$# Prestige Classes do not suffer from the 20% XP penalty.
# Prestige Classes can advance beyond level 10 once the character level
reaches 21 (Epic).


Note: Skill point requirements (REQ) do not include ability or feat bonuses.

Barbarian 1d12 4SP
REQ: Non-Lawful
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Fast Movement (+10% movement speed)
Barbarian Rage (STR+4, CON+4, Will+2, AC-2, 1/day)
L2: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
L4: Barbarian Rage (2/day, +1/day every 4 levels)
L5: Uncanny Dodge (+1 save vs traps)
L10: Uncanny Dodge (+2 save vs traps, +1 save vs traps every 3 levels)
L11: Damage Reduction (1/- every 3 levels)
L15: Greater Rage (STR+6, CON+6, Will+3, AC-2)
L24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

Bard 1d6 4SP
REQ: Non-Lawful
Simple Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Bardic Knowlegde (level bonus to Lore)
Bard Song (bonuses to Attack, dmg, HP, AC Dodge, saving throws, skill rolls,
L17: Bard Song (Perform 25 with bonuses : +2HP every Perform+5 and level)
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

Cleric 1d8 2SP
REQ: None
Simple Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields
Turn Undead (3+CHA bonus/day)
Bonus Spell for each casting level (from choosing a Domain)
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

Druid 1d8 4SP
REQ: Neutral
Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Dart, Sling, Sickle, Spear, Scimitar
Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Animal Companion
Nature Sense (+2 bonus to attack when in wilderness areas)
L2: Woodland Stride (Immune to Grease, Web, Entangle)
L3: Trackless Step (Hide+4, Move Silently+4 when in wilderness areas)
L4: Resist Nature's Lure (+2 save vs fear)
L5: Wild Shape (Brown Bear, Panther, Wolf, Boar, Badger, 1 hour/level 1/day,
2/day at L6, 3/day at L7, 4/day at L10, 5/day at L14, 6/day at L18)
L9: Venom Immunity (Immune to Poison)
L12: Wild Shape (Dire)
L16: Elemental Shape (Fire, Water, Earth, Air Elemental, 1 hour/level 1/day,
2/day at L17, 3/day at L19)
L20: Improved Elemental Shape (Elder)
L22: Wild Shape (unlimited/day)
L24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels
L26: Improved Elemental Shape (unlimited/day)

Fighter 1d10 2SP
REQ: None
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields
L1: Fighter Bonus Feat
L2: Fighter Bonus Feat every 2 levels (Epic Bonus Feat if above L21)

Monk 1d8 4SP
REQ: Lawful
Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Sling, Light & Heavy Crossbow, Handaxe, Kama,
Shuriken, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk AC Bonus (WIS Bonus added to AC, AC+1 every 5 levels)
Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
Stunning Fist (1/day for every level)
L2: Deflect Arrows (save vs reflex to avoid 1 missile)
L3: Monk Speed (+10% movement speed every 3 levels)
L3: Still Mind (+2 save vs mind spells)
L5: Purity of Body (Immune to Disease)
L6: Knockdown, Improved Knockdown
L7: Wholeness of Body (Heal 2 x level, 1/day)
L9: Improved Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage, half damage on fail)
L10: Ki Strike (Unarmed considered +1 at L10, +2 at L13, +3 at L16)
L11: Diamond Body (Immune to Poison)
L12: Diamond Soul (Spell Resistance 10+level)
L15: Quivering Palm (Unarmed death blow 1/day)
L18: Empty Body (50% Concealment 2/day)
L20: Perfect Self (20/+1, Immune to Mind Spells)
L20: Monk eyes glow blue
L25: Epic Bonus Feat every 5 levels

Paladin 1d10 2SP
REQ: Lawful Good
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields
Lay on Hands (Heal CHA bonus x class level 1/day, damages Undead)
Divine Grace (CHA Bonus added to all Saves)
Divine Health (Immune to Disease)
L2: Smite Evil (Add CHA bonus to attack and class level to damage 1/day)
L2: Aura of Courage (Immune to Fear)
L3: Turn Undead (3+CHA bonus/day)
L3: Remove Disease (1/day)
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

Ranger 1d10 4SP
REQ: None
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Dual-Wield (Main Attack +2, Off Hand Attack +6 only when in light armor)
Trackless Step (Hide+4, Move Silently+4 when in wilderness areas)
Ranger Bonus Feat L1, L5, L10, L15, L20 (Epic Bonus Feat if a L21 character)
L6: Animal Companion
L9: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels and at L25, L30, L35, L40

Rogue 1d6 8SP
REQ: None
Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Light & Heavy Crossbow, Dart, Mace, Morningstar,
Sling, Rapier, Short Sword, Handaxe, Shortbow, Light Armor
L1: Sneak Attack (+1d6 dmg every 2 levels if you are hidden or the opponent
is flat footed or has their back to you and is attacking another target)
L2: Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
L3: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
L6: Uncanny Dodge (+1 save vs traps every 3 levels)
Rogue Bonus Feat L10, L13, L16, L19
L24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

Sorcerer 1d4 2SP
REQ: None
Simple Weapons
Summon Familiar
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

Wizard 1d4 2SP
REQ: None
Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Light & Heavy Crossbow
Summon Familiar
Bonus Spell for each casting level for Specialist Wizards
Scribe Scroll #
Wizard Bonus Feat L5, L10, L15, L20 (Epic Bonus Feat if a L21 character)
L23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels


Arcane Archer 1d8 4SP $
REQ: Elf or Half-Elf, Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard, BAB 6, Point Blank Shot,
Weapon Focus Longbow or Shortbow
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
L1: Enchant Arrow (+1 bonus to Attack and Damage every 2 levels)
L2: Imbue Arrow (Fireball 3/day)
L4: Seeker Arrow (cannot miss 1/day, 2/day at L6)
L8: Hail of Arrows (arrow at each enemy 1/day)
L10: Arrow of Death (save or die 1/day)
L14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

Assassin 1d6 4SP $
REQ: Evil, Hide 8, Move Silently 8
Simple Weapons, Light Armor
L1: Death Attack (+1d6 dmg every 2 levels if you are hidden or the opponent
is flat footed or has their back to you and is attacking another target
and chance of paralysing opponent)
L2: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
L2: Resist Poison (+1 save vs poison every 2 levels)
L2: Cast Ghostly Visage (1/day)
L5: Uncanny Dodge (+1 save vs traps, +2 at L10)
L5: Cast Darkness (1/day)
L7: Cast Invisibility (1/day)
L9: Cast Improved Invisibility (1/day)
L14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

Blackguard 1d10 2SP $
REQ: Evil, BAB 6, Cleave, Hide 5
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields
L2: Dark Blessing (Add CHR bonus to saves)
L2: Smite Good (Add CHA bonus to attack and class level to damage 1/day)
L2: Cast Bull's Strength (1/day)
L3: Turn Undead (3+CHA bonus/day)
L3: Cast Create Undead (Ghast, 1/day)
L4: Sneak Attack (+1d6 dmg every 3 levels if you are hidden or the opponent
is flat footed or has their back to you and is attacking another target)
L5: Cast Summon Fiend (Succubus, 1/day)
L6: Cast Inflict Serious Wounds (1/day)
L7: Cast Create Undead (Doom Knight, 1/day)
L7: Cast Contagion (1/day)
L8: Cast Inflict Critical Wounds (1/day)
L9: Cast Summon Fiend (Vrock, 1/day)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
L15: Cast Summon Fiend (Vrock, HD+2 AC+2 STR+1 INT+1 every 5 levels)

Harper Scout 1d6 4SP $
REQ: Non-evil, Alertness, Iron Will, Discipline 4, Persuade 8, Search 4,
Lore 6
Simple Weapons, Light Armor
Bardic Knowlegde (Add level to Lore)
Harper Scout Bonus Feat L1, L4 (Epic Bonus Feat if a L21 character)
L2: Deneir's Eye (+2 save vs traps)
L2: Cast Sleep (1/day)
L3: Tymora's Smile (Saves+2 for 5 turns 1/day)
L3: Cast Cat's Grace (1/day)
L4: Lliira's Heart (+2 save vs mind spells)
L4: Cast Eagles Splendor (1/day)
L5: Cast Invisibility (1/day)
Cannot advance beyond level 5

Shadowdancer 1d8 6SP $
REQ: Mobility, Hide 10, Move Silently 8, Tumble 5
Simple Weapons, Light Armor
Hide in Plain Sight
L2: Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
L2: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
L2: Darkvision
L3: Shadow Daze (Daze for 5 rounds 1/day)
L3: Cast Summon Shadow (Shadow, 1/day)
L4: Shadow Evade (Concealment 5%, 5/+1, AC Base+1 for 5 rounds 3/day)
L5: Defensive Roll (save vs lethal blow for half damage 1/day)
L5: Uncanny Dodge (+1 save vs traps, +2 at L10)
L6: Shadow Evade (Concealment 10%, 5/+2, AC Base+2)
L7: Cast Summon Shadow (Shadow Fiend, 1/day)
L7: Slippery Mind (reroll save vs mind spells)
L8: Shadow Evade (Concealment 15%, 10/+2, AC Base+3)
L9: Cast Summon Shadow (Shadowlord, 1/day)
L10: Improved Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage, half damage on fail)
L10: Shadow Evade (Concealment 20%, 10/+3, AC Base+4)
L12: Cast Summon Shadow (+2 hit dice every 3 levels)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
L15: Shadow Evade (12/+4, extra 2/+1 every 5 levels)

Champion of Torm 1d10 2SP #
REQ: Non-Evil, BAB 7, Weapon Focus in a melee weapon
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Lay on Hands (Heal CHA bonus x class level 1/day, damages Undead)
Champion of Torm Bonus Feat L2, L4, L6, L8, L10 (Epic Bonus Feat if L21)
L2: Sacred Defense (Saves+1 every 2 levels)
L3: Smite Evil (Add CHA bonus to attack and class level to damage 1/day)
L5: Divine Wrath (+3 bonus to Attack, Damage and Saves, +1/5 damage
reduction for CHA bonus rounds 1/day)
L10: Divine Wrath (+5 bonus to Attack, Damage and Saves, +2 every 5 levels)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

Dwarven Defender 1d12 2SP #
REQ: Dwarf, Lawful, BAB 7, Dodge, Toughness
Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields
L1: Defensive Stance (STR+4 CON+4 Saves+2 AC Dodge+4, 1/day every 2 levels)
L1: Defensive Awareness (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
L6: Defensive Awareness (cannot be flanked)
L6: Damage Reduction (3/- every 4 levels)
L10: Defensive Awareness (+1 save vs traps)
L14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

Pale Master 1d6 2SP #
REQ: Non-good, Level 3 Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard
Boneskin (AC Base+2)
L1: Gain spells per day every 2 levels at the highest caster class rate
L2: Cast Animate Dead (Tyrantfog Zombie, 1/day)
L3: Darkvision
L4: Cast Summon Undead (Ghoul, 2/day)
L4: Boneskin (AC Base+2 every 4 levels)
L5: Deathless Vigor (+3 HP per class level up to character level 20)
L6: Undead Graft (Paralyze 2/day, 3/day at level 8, arm replaced by bone)
L6: Cast Animate Dead (Skeleton Warrior, 1/day)
L6: Cast Summon Undead (Shadow, 2/day)
L7: Tough as Bone (Immune to Hold, Paralyze and Stun)
L7: Cast Summon Undead (Ghast, 2/day)
L8: Cast Summon Undead (Wight, 2/day)
L9: Cast Summon Undead (Wraith, 2/day)
L9: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Mummy, 1/day)
L10: Deathless Mastery (Immune to Critical Hits)
L10: Deathless Master Touch (DC17 Kill 3/day, DC+1 every 2 levels)
L10: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Spectre, 1/day)
L12: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Vampire Rogue, 1/day)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
L13: Undead Graft (Paralyze 4/day, +1/day every 3 levels)
L14: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Greater Bodak, 1/day)
L15: Deathless Vigor (+5 HP every 5 levels)
L16: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Ghoul King, 1/day)
L18: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Vampire Mage, 1/day)
L20: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Skeleton Blackguard, 1/day)
L22: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Lich, 1/day)
L24: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Lich Lord, 1/day)
L26: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Alhoon, 1/day)
L28: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Elder Alhoon, 1/day)
L30: Cast Summon Greater Undead (Demi Lich, 1/day)

Red Dragon Disciple 1d6 2SP #
REQ: Bard or Sorcerer, Lore 8
L1: Draconic Armor (AC Base+1, +2 at L5, +3 at L8, +4 at L10)
L2: Draconic Ability Scores (STR+2)
L3: Breath Weapon (DC19 2d10 damage)
L4: Draconic Ability Scores (STR+4)
L4: Hit Dice 1d8 (from next level)
L6: Hit Dice 1d10 (from next level)
L7: Breath Weapon (4d10 damage)
L7: Draconic Ability Scores (STR+4, CON+2)
L9: Draconic Ability Scores (STR+4, CON+2, INT+2)
L9: Dragon Wings (gains wings)
L10: Breath Weapon (6d10 damage, +1d10 every 3 levels)
L10: Draconic Ability Scores (STR+8, CON+2, INT+2, CHA+2)
L10: Half-Dragon (Darkvision, Immune to Fire, Paralysis and Sleep)
L14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels
L14: Breath Weapon (DC20, DC+1 every 4 levels)
L15: Draconic Armor (AC Base+5, +1 every 5 levels)

Shifter 1d8 4SP #
REQ: Level 5 Druid, WIS 13, Alertness
Greater Wild Shape I (Red, Green, Black, White, Blue Wyrmling, 6/day,
unlimited/day at L4)
L3: Greater Wild Shape II (Harpy, Gargoyle, Minotaur, 3/day,
unlimited/day at L7)
L5: Greater Wild Shape III (Basilisk, Manticore, Drider, 3/day,
unlimited/day at L10)
L7: Humanoid Shape (Drow Warrior, Lizardfolk Whipmaster, Kobold Commando,
L10: Greater Wild Shape IV (Large Dire Tiger, Medusa, Mind Flayer, 3/day)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
L13: Humanoid Shape (unlimited/day)
L16: Greater Wild Shape IV (unlimited/day)

Weapon Master 1d10 2SP #
REQ: BAB 5, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus in a melee weapon, Intimidate 4
Weapon of Choice (select one weapon type for bonuses)
Ki Damage (Weapon of Choice does maximum damage, level/day)
L5: Increased Multiplier (Weapon of Choice critical damage multiplier +1)
L5: Superior Weapon Focus (Weapon of Choice Attack +1)
L7: Ki Critical (Weapon of Choice critical hit range +2)
L13: Epic Superior Weapon Focus (Weapon of Choice Attack +1 every 3 levels)
L13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels


Level | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
High | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Medium | - 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15
Low | - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10

Level | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Epic | 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10

BAB Level | Class
High | Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Arcane Archer $,
| Blackguard $, Champion of Torm #, Dwarven Defender #,
| Weapon Master #
Medium | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Assassin $, Harper Scout $,
| Shadowdancer $, Red Dragon Disciple #, Shifter #
Low | Sorcerer, Wizard, Pale Master #

If subtracting 5 from the base attack bonus gives a number greater than 0 then
a second attack can be made at that attack bonus. Further attacks may also be
possible. For example a level 17 bard has a base attack bonus of 12, a second
attack would be made at a bonus of 7 and a third at a bonus of 2.

# The number of attacks reached at level 20 never increase beyond 2, 3 or 4.


- Fortitude saves against disease, poison, paralysis or death spells
- Reflex saves against damage from traps or magical attacks
- Will saves against mental influence and magical effects

For each class, saving throw bonuses in each of the above progress at either a
primary or secondary rate.

Level | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Primary | 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12
Secondary | - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6

Level | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Epic | - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10

Class Primary Saving Throws

Barbarian Fortitude
Bard Reflex Will
Cleric Fortitude Will
Druid Fortitude Will
Fighter Fortitude
Monk Fortitude Reflex Will
Paladin Fortitude
Ranger Fortitude
Rogue Reflex
Sorcerer Will
Wizard Will
Arcane Archer $ Fortitude Reflex
Assassin $ Reflex
Blackguard $ Fortitude
Harper Scout $ Reflex Will
Shadowdancer $ Reflex
Champion of Torm # Fortitude Reflex
Dwarven Defender # Fortitude Will
Pale Master # Fortitude Will
Red Dragon Disciple # Fortitude Will
Shifter # Fortitude Reflex
Weapon Master # Reflex

Note: Universal Saving Throw bonuses apply to Fortitude, Reflex and Will.

(A.5) Alignment

Your alignment choice should reflect how you will play. If your alignment
goes outside its range it could stop your character from advancing.

Alignment | Range | Starts At
Chaotic and Evil | 0-30 | 15
Neutral | 30-70 | 50
Lawful and Good | 70-100 | 85

During the game some of your actions can have a good or evil outcome.
$ Your actions can now have a lawful or chaotic effect on your alignment.

Each of the nine alignments has an associated title:

Lawful Good Crusader
Neutral Good Benefactor
Chaotic Good Rebel
Lawful Neutral Judge
True Neutral Reconciler
Chaotic Neutral Free Spirit
Lawful Evil Dominator
Neutral Evil Malefactor
Chaotic Evil Destroyer

(A.6) Abilities


STR - Melee Attack, Damage, Weight Allowance
Skills: Discipline
DEX - Ranged Attack, AC, Reflex Saving Throws
Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Parry, Pick Pocket, Set Trap,
Tumble $
CON - HP per level, Fortitude Saving Throws
Skills: Concentration
INT - Skill Points at level up, Wizard Spells
Skills: Disable Trap, Lore, Search, Spellcraft, Appraise $, Craft Trap $
Craft Armor #, Craft Weapon #
WIS - Will Saving Throws, Cleric, Druid, Paladin and Ranger Spells,
Stunning Fist, Monk AC Bonus and Quivering Palm
Skills: Heal, Listen, Spot
CHA - Sorcerer and Bard Spells, Turn Undead, Divine Might $, Divine Shield $
Paladin Divine Grace, Smite Evil and Lay On Hands
Blackguard $ Dark Blessing and Smite Good
Skills: Perform, Persuade, Taunt, Animal Empathy, Use Magic Device,
Bluff #, Intimidate #

Ability scores can only be raised by up to a maximum of 12 points above their
current base value when using potions, spells or enchanted items.

Weight Allowance
STR 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
lbs 60 66 73 80 86 92 100 110 116 133 153 173 200 233 266 306 346 400

STR 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
lbs 466 533 613 693 800 933 1213 1493 1773 2053 2333 2613 2893 3173 3453

(A.7) Skills

By level 20 you can have up to 317 skill points for an intelligent human rogue
right down to 23 for a dumb half-orc fighter.

\ Class |B B C D F M P R R S W A A B H S C D P R S W
\ |b r l r t n a g o o i A s g S d T D M D h M Key Unt
Skill \ |n d r d r k l r g r z $ $ $ $ $ # # # # # #
Animal Empathy |x x x * x x x * x x x x x x x x x x x x * x CHA No
Appraise $ |- * - - - - - - * - - - * - * - - - - - - - INT No
Bluff # |- * - - - - - - * - - - * - * * - - - - - - CHA Yes
Concentration |- * * * * * * * - * * - - * - - - * * * * - CON Yes
Craft Armor # |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * - INT Yes
Craft Trap $ |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * - INT Yes
Craft Weapon # |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * - INT Yes
Disable Trap |- - - - - - - - * - - - * - - - - - - - - - INT No
Discipline |* * - - * * * * - - - - - * - - * * - * - * STR Yes
Heal |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WIS Yes
Hide |- * - - - * - * * - - * * - * * - - * - * - DEX Yes
Intimidate # |* - - - - - - - * - - - * * - - - - - - - * CHA Yes
Listen |* * - - - * - * * - - * * - * * - * * * * * WIS Yes
Lore |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INT Yes
Move Silently |- * - - - * - * * - - * * - * * - - * - - - DEX Yes
Open Lock |- - - - - - - - * - - - * - - - - - - - - - DEX No
Parry |* * * * * * * * * - - - * - - - * * - - - - DEX Yes
Perform |x * x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CHA Yes
Persuade |- * * * - * * - * - - - - * * * - - * * * - CHA Yes
Pick Pocket |- * - - - - - - * - - - * - * * - - - - - - DEX No
Search |- - - - - - - * * - - - * - - * - - - * - - INT Yes
Set Trap |- - - - - - - * * - - - * - - - - - - - - - DEX No
Spellcraft |- * * * - - - - - * * - - - - - - - * * - - INT No
Spot |- - - - - - - * * - - * * - - * * * - * * * WIS Yes
Taunt |* * - - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - CHA Yes
Tumble $ |- * - - - * - - * - - - * - * * - - - - - - DEX No
Use Magic Device|x * x x x x x x * x x x * x x x x x x x x x CHA No

* Class Skill
- Cross Class Skill
x Exclusive Skill
Key Key Ability
Unt Untrained

Craft Trap $

| | Creation DC (Difficulty Check)
Trap Kit | Required Material | Minor | Average | Strong | Deadly
Spike | Caltrops | 5 | 20 | 25 | 35
Sonic | Thunderstone | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
Frost | Coldstone | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
Negative | Skeleton's Knuckles | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
Holy | Holy Water | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
Tangle | Tanglefoot Bag | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
Acid Splash | Acid Flask | 15 | 25 | 30 | 35
Fire | Alchemist's Fire | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35
Electrical | Quartz Crystal | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35
Gas | Choaking Powder | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45

How lethal the trap is determines how many components are required.
Minor = 1, Average = 3, Strong = 5, Deadly = 7

Note: You cannot create a Blob of Acid Trap Kit

Craft Armor and Craft Weapon #

Turn materials into components

Material | Components | DC | GP
Bolt of Cloth | Woollen Cloth Pads | 12 | 1
| Woollen Cloth | 11 | 1
Leather Hide | Leather Patches | 11 | 1
| Leather Armor Torso | 11 | 5
| Leather Strings | 11 | 1
Plank of Elm Wood | Elmwood Bow Shaft | 14 | 5
| Projectile Shaft | 11 | 1
Plank of Oak Wood | Oaken Shield Body | 12 | 3
| Oaken Pole | 12 | 2
| Oaken Crossbow Shelf | 14 | 10
| Oaken Weapon Grip | 12 | 2
Bar of Iron | Helmet Pot | 12 | 1
| Iron Bands | 10 | 1
| Iron Spikes | 11 | 1
| Iron Chain | 12 | 2
| Iron Orb | 12 | 2
| Iron Hammer Head | 13 | 10
Bar of Steel | Helmet Pot | 12 | 1
| Steel Shield Body | 15 | 15
| Steel Chain Armor Tunic | 14 | 5
| Steel Plated Armor Chest | 17 | 25
| Small Steel Blade | 12 | 5
| Large Steel Blade | 13 | 10
| Steel Weapon Hilt | 10 | 3
| Steel Axe Head | 12 | 2
Large Bone | Bone Wand | 13 | 10

Turn components into items at a cost of 50% of the item value

Item | Components | DC | GP
Halberd | Large Steel Blade, Oaken Pole | 17 | 10
Scythe | Large Steel Blade, Oaken Pole | 17 | 17
Two-Bladed Sword | Large Steel Blade, Oaken Pole | 19 | 100
Longsword | Large Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 15 | 15
Scimitar | Large Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 15 | 15
Bastard Sword | Large Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 17 | 35
Katana | Large Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 17 | 40
Greatsword | Large Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 17 | 50
Double Axe | Steel Axe Head, Oaken Pole | 19 | 30
Throwing Axe (x10) | Steel Axe Head, Oaken Weapon Grip | 13 | 1
Handaxe | Steel Axe Head, Oaken Weapon Grip | 13 | 6
Battleaxe | Steel Axe Head, Steel Weapon Hilt | 15 | 20
Dwarven Waraxe | Steel Axe Head, Steel Weapon Hilt | 17 | 30
Greataxe | Steel Axe Head, Steel Weapon Hilt | 17 | 40
Spear | Small Steel Blade, Oaken Pole | 13 | 1
Kama | Small Steel Blade, Oaken Weapon Grip | 15 | 2
Kukri | Small Steel Blade, Oaken Weapon Grip | 17 | 8
Rapier | Small Steel Blade, Oaken Weapon Grip | 17 | 20
Dagger | Small Steel Blade, Oaken Weapon Grip | 12 | 1
Dagger | Small Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 12 | 1
Short Sword | Small Steel Blade, Steel Weapon Hilt | 13 | 10
Light Hammer | Iron Hammer Head, Oaken Weapon Grip | 12 | 1
Warhammer | Iron Hammer Head, Oaken Weapon Grip | 13 | 12
Light Hammer | Iron Hammer Head, Steel Weapon Grip | 12 | 1
Warhammer | Iron Hammer Head, Steel Weapon Grip | 13 | 12
Light Flail | Iron Chain, Oaken Weapon Grip | 13 | 8
Heavy Flail | Iron Chain, Oaken Weapon Grip | 15 | 15
Light Flail | Iron Chain, Steel Weapon Hilt | 13 | 8
Heavy Flail | Iron Chain, Steel Weapon Hilt | 15 | 15
Mace | Iron Orb, Oaken Weapon Grip | 13 | 5
Morningstar | Iron Orb, Oaken Weapon Grip | 15 | 8
Dire Mace | Iron Orb, Oaken Pole | 19 | 40
Club | Plank of Elm Wood | 11 | 1
Club | Plank of Oak Wood | 10 | 2
Club | Iron Bands, Oaken Pole | 10 | 1
Quarterstaff | Iron Bands, Oaken Pole | 10 | 1
Sling | Leather Hide | 12 | 1
Whip | Oaken Weapon Grip, Leather Strings | 17 | 20
Light Crossbow | Oaken Crossbow Shelf, Leather Strings | 15 | 35
Heavy Crossbow | Oaken Crossbow Shelf, Leather Strings | 17 | 50
Shortbow | Elmwood Bow Shaft, Leather Strings | 13 | 30
Longbow | Elmwood Bow Shaft, Leather Strings | 15 | 75
Arrow (x20) | Projectile Shaft, Feathers | 13 | 1
Bolt (x20) | Projectile Shaft, Feathers | 13 | 1
Fighter Helmet | Helmet Pot, Feathers | 11 | 2
Paladin Helmet | Helmet Pot, Feathers | 12 | 2
Small Shield | Oaken Shield Body, Iron Bands | 11 | 4
Large Shield | Oaken Shield Body, Iron Bands | 13 | 25
Tower Shield | Steel Shield Body, Iron Bands | 15 | 50
Monk's Outfit | Woolen Cloth, Leather Patches | 11 | 1
Rogue's Tunic | Woolen Cloth, Leather Patches | 11 | 1
Bard's Tunic | Woolen Cloth, Leather Patches | 11 | 1
Sorcerer's Robe | Woolen Cloth, Leather Patches | 11 | 1
Padded Armor | Woolen Cloth, Leather Patches | 11 | 2
Leather Armor | Leather Armor Torso, Woolen Cloth Pads | 12 | 5
Hide Armor | Leather Armor Torso, Woolen Cloth Pads | 13 | 7
Studded Leather Armor | Leather Armor Torso, Iron Spikes | 13 | 7
Banded Mail | Leather Armor Torso, Iron Bands | 16 | 100
Chain Shirt | Steel Chain Tunic, Woolen Cloth Pads | 14 | 50
Splint Mail | Steel Chain Tunic, Woolen Cloth Pads | 16 | 100
Splint Mail | Steel Chain Tunic, Leather Patches | 16 | 100
Chainmail | Steel Chain Tunic, Leather Patches | 15 | 75
Scale Mail | Steel Plated Chest, Woolen Cloth Pads | 14 | 50
Breastplate | Steel Plated Chest, Woolen Cloth Pads | 15 | 75
Half Plate | Steel Plated Chest, Woolen Cloth Pads | 17 | 300
Full Plate | Steel Plated Chest, Woolen Cloth Pads | 18 | 750
Scale Mail | Steel Plated Chest, Leather Patches | 14 | 50
Breastplate | Steel Plated Chest, Leather Patches | 15 | 75
Half Plate | Steel Plated Chest, Leather Patches | 17 | 300
Full Plate | Steel Plated Chest, Leather Patches | 18 | 750
Adamantine Helm | Bar of Adamantine | 25 | 2500
Adamantine Chainmail | Bar of Adamantine | 38 | 1700
Adamantine Full Plate | Bar of Adamantine | 30 | 2800
Mithral Shirt | Bar of Mithral | 30 | 12000
Mithral Chainmail | Bar of Mithral | 30 | 12200
Mithral Shield | Bar of Mithral | 28 | 22000
Ironwood Club | Ironwood Planks ? | 15 | 650
Ironwood Quarterstaff | Ironwood Planks ? | 15 | 650
Ironwood Small Shield | Ironwood Planks ? | 21 | 5200
Ironwood Large Shield | Ironwood Planks ? | 22 | 5100
Ironwood Tower Shield | Ironwood Planks ? | 21 | 5000

Poison Weapon #

Poison | Weak | Mild | Avaerage | Strong | Very Strong | Deadly
------ |------|------|----------|--------|-------------|--------
DEX DC | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26

Assassin and Blackguard always succeed

You can add permanent Light 20m to any item with Continual Flame (you can use
this to make money when selling the item)
You can use Alchemist's Fire to add temporary fire damage to a melee weapon

(A.8) Feats

I shall not repeat the feat descriptions given in the manual but I will sort
them into groups, although there is some overlap.

Skills and Abilities

Artist (L1, Bard : Perform+2, Spot+2) $
Courteous Magocracy (L1 : Lore+2, Spellcraft+2) $
Silver Palm (L1 : Appraise+2, Persuade+2) $
Blooded (L1 : Initiative+2, Spot+2) $
Skill Focus (Chosen Skill+3)
Epic Skill Focus (L21, Skill 20 : Chosen Skill+10) #
Improved Parry (INT 13 : Parry+4)
Alertness (Listen+2, Spot+2)
Stealthy (Hide+2, Move Silently+2) $
Thug (Initiative+2, Persuade+2) $
Improved Initiative (Initiative+4) $
Superior Initiative (L21 : Initiative+8) #
Epic Reputation (L21 : Bluff+4, Intimidate+4, Persuade+4, Taunt+4) #
Blinding Speed (L21, DEX 25 : Haste for a short time) #
Great Strength (L21 : STR+1) # x10
Great Dexterity (L21 : DEX+1) # x10
Great Constitution (L21 : CON+1) # x10
Great Intelligence (L21 : INT+1) # x10
Great Wisdom (L21 : WIS+1) # x10
Great Charisma (L21 : CHA+1) # x10

Saving Throws

Luck of Heros (L1 : Fortitude+1, Reflex+1, Will+1) $
Bullheaded (L1 : Will+1, Resist Taunt+2) $
Strong Soul (L1 : Will+1, Fortitude+1, +1 vs Death) $
Snake Blood (L1 : Reflex+1, +2 vs Poison) $
Great Fortitude (Fortitude+2)
Perfect Health (CON 25 : Immunity Poison, Disease) #
Epic Fortitude (L21 : Fortitude+4) #
Lightning Reflexes (Reflex+2)
Epic Reflexes (L21 : Reflex+4)
Iron Will (Will+2)
Epic Will (L21 : Will+4) #
Resist Poison (+4 vs Poison) $
Resist Disease (+4 vs Disease) $

Armor and Weapons

Armor Proficiency Light
Armor Proficiency Medium
Armor Proficiency Heavy
Weapon Proficiency Simple
Weapon Proficiency Martial (not Pale Master)
Weapon Proficiency Exotic (not Pale Master)
Weapon Focus (Attack+1)
Epic Weapon Focus (L21 : Attack+2) #
Improved Critical (BAB 8 - Critial Hit range doubled)
Overwhelming Critical (L21 STR 23 Great Cleave, Weapon Focus : +1d6 dmg) #
Devastating Critical (STR 25 : fortitude save or die) #
Epic Prowess (L21 : Attack+1) #

Passive Combat (Automatic)

Two-Weapon Fighting (not Ranger)
Ambidexterity (DEX 15, not Ranger)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot (DEX 13)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows (DEX 13)
Circle Kick (DEX 15) $
Cleave (Power Attack)
Great Cleave $
Blind Fight $
Dirty Fighting (Make one attack with +1d4 damage) $
Rapid Reload (Crossbows) $
Weapon Finesse (DEX used for Melee Attack)
Zen Archery (WIS 13 : WIS used for ranged attack) $

Active Combat (Selected)

Called Shot
Disarm (INT 13)
Improved Disarm
Improved Knockdown (INT 13)
Power Attack (STR 13 : Attack-5, +5 dmg)
Improved Power Attack (Attack-10, +10 dmg)
Stunning Fist (DEX 13, WIS 13, BAB 8, Improved Unarmed Strike)
Extra Stunning Attacks (Extra Stunning Fist 3/day) $
Improved Stunning Fist (L21, DEX 19 WIS 19, Improved Unarmed Strike) # x10
Whirlwind Attack (Expertise, Sping Attack : Attack all close enemies) #
Improved Whirlwind Attack (L21, DEX 23 : Attack all nearby enemies) #


Dodge (DEX 13)
Spring Attack (BAB 4 : no attack of opportunity when moving) $
Expertise (INT 13 : Attack-5, AC+5) $
Improved Expertise (Attack-10, AC+10) $
Toughness (+1 HP/level)
Epic Toughness (L21 : +20 HP) # x10
Resist Energy (Fortitude 8 : 5/- Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire or Sonic) $
Epic Energy Resistance (L21 : 10/- Acid Cold Electricity Fire Sonic) # x10
Armor Skin (L21 : AC Base+2) #
Epic Damage Reduction (L21, CON 21 : 3/-) # x3

Spellcasting and Metamagic (Cast L1)

Combat Casting (no -4 Concentration penalty for casting near ememy)
Improved Combat Casting (L22, Concentration 25 : no attack of opp.) #
Spell Focus (+2 spell save DC)
Greater Spell Focus (+4 spell save DC) $
Epic Spell Focus (L21, Cast L9 : +6 spell save DC) #
Arcane Defence (Save vs School +2) $
Spell Penetration (+2 against spell resistance)
Greater Spell Penetration (+4 against spell resistance) $
Epic Spell Penetration (L21: +6 against spell resistance) #
Extend Spell (occupy slot one level higher)
Silent Spell (occupy slot one level higher)
Automatic Silent Spell (L21, Cast L9, Spellcraft 24 : Silent L3) # x3
Still Spell (occupy slot one level higher)
Automatic Still Spell (L21, Cast L9, Spellcraft 27 : Still L3) # x3
Empower Spell (Cast L2 : occupy slot two levels higher)
Maximize Spell (Cast L3 : occupy slot three levels higher)
Quicken Spell (Cast L4 : occupy slot four levels higher)
Automatic Quicken Spell (L21, Cast L9, Spellcraft 30 : Quicken L3) # x3
Scribe Scroll (Use on Blank Scroll) #
Brew Potion (L3 : Use on Magical Potion Bottle) #
Craft Wand (L5 : Use on Bone Wand) #

Epic Spells (Cleric L21, Druid L21, Sorcerer L21, Wizard L21, Pale Master L15)

Epic Spell Mummy Dust (Spellcraft 15)
Epic Spell Dragon Knight (Spellcraft 22)
Epic Spell Greater Ruin (Spellcraft 25)
Epic Spell Mage Armor (Spellcraft 26, not Cleric, not Druid)
Epic Spell Hellball (Spellcraft 32)
Epic Spell Epic Warding (Spellcraft 34, not Cleric, not Druid)
Epic Spells can be cast in armor without penalty and cannot be interupted.
Bards cannot select Epic Spells

Class Specific

Mighty Rage (L21, Barbarian L15, STR 21 CON 21 : STR+8 CON+8 Will+4 3/day) #
Terrifying Rage (Barbarian L21, Intimidate 25 : intimidate vs will) #
Thundering Rage (Barbarian L21, STR 25 : current weapons +2d6 critical dmg,
DC20 Deafness 25%/3 rounds) #
Curse Song (Bard, Harper Scout) #
Extra Music (Bard : Extra Bard Song 4/day) $
Lingering Song (Bard : Band Song lasts an extra 5 rounds) $
Lasting Inspiration (L21, Bard, Perform 25 : Bard Song 10 times longer) #
Weapon Specialization (Fighter L4, Weapon Focus : +2 dmg)
Epic Weapon Specialization (L21 : +4 dmg) #
Bane of Enemies (Ranger L21 : Attack+2, +2d6 damage vs favored enemy) #
Epic Dodge (L21, DEX 25, Rogue L13, Shadowdancer L10 : Avoid first attack) #
Extra Turning (Cleric, Paladin)
Divine Might (Cleric, Paladin, CHA 13, Power Attack) $
Divine Shield (Cleric, Paladin, CHA 13, Power Attack) $
Planar Turning (L21, WIS 25, CHA 25, Cleric, Paladin L38, Blackguard L38) #
Extra Smiting (Paladin L2, Blackguard L2, Champion of Torm L3 : +2/day)
Great Smiting (L21 CHA 25 : Paladin L2, Blackguard L2 : +level to dmg) # x10
Improved Spell Resistance (L21, Monk L12 : Spell Resistance+2) # x10
Improved Ki Strike (L21, Monk : Unarmed considered +4) # x2
Improved Sneak Attack (Rogue L15, Assassin L15, Blackguard L25 : +1d6) # x10
Self-Concealment (L21, DEX 30, Monk L9, Rogue L10, Shadowdancer L10,
Hide 30, Tumble 30 : +10% Concealment) # x5
Epic Fiend (L21, Blackguard L15 : Summon Vrock)
Epic Shadowlord (Shadowdancer L11 : Summon Shadowlord)
Undead Shape (Shifter L11 : 3/day) #
Outsider Shape (Shifter L11, WIS 25 : 3/day) #
Construct Shape (Shifter L11, WIS 27 : 3/day) #
Dragon Shape (L21, Druid L18, Shifter L10, WIS 30 : 3/day) #
Crippling Strike (Rogue L10 : STR-2 on sneak attack)
Defensive Roll (Rogue L10 : save vs lethal blow for half damage 1/day)
Improved Evasion (Rogue L10 : save for no damage, half damage on fail)
Opportunist (Rogue L10 : +4 attack bonus for attack of opportunity)
Skill Mastery (Rogue L10 : Disable Trap, Open Lock, Set Trap roll always 20)
Slippery Mind (Rogue L10 : reroll save vs mind spells)

Fighter Bonus Feats (also available as Epic Bonus Feats)

Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight $, Called Shot, Cleave, Deflect Arrows, Disarm,
Dodge, Expertise $, Great Cleave $, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm,
Improved Expertise $, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power
Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knockdown,
Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Spring Attack $,
Stunning Fist, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon
Proficiency Exotic, Weapon Specialization, Whirlwind Attack #

Ranger and Harper Scout Bonus Feats (also available as Epic Bonus Feats)

Favored Enemy (+1 Listen, Spot, Taunt, dmg vs chosen racial group)
Greater Spell Focus

Rogue Bonus Feats (also available as Epic Bonus Feats)

Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion, Opportunist
Skill Mastery, Slippery Mind

Wizard Bonus Feats (also available as Epic Bonus Feats)

Arcane Defense $, Brew Potion #, Combat Casting, Craft Wand #, Empower
Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus $, Greater Spell Penetration $,
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration,
Still Spell

Champion of Torm Bonus Feats (also available as Epic Bonus Feats)

Blind-Fight $, Called Shot, Cleave, Disarm, Dodge, Expertise $, Great
Cleave $, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Expertise $, Improved
Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knockdown, Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Spring Attack $, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency Exotic, Whirlwind Attack #

Epic Bonus Feats

\ Class|B B C D F M P R R S W A A B H S C D P R S W
\ |b r l r t n a g o o i A s g S d T D M D h M
Epic Bonus Feats \ |n d r d r k l r g r z $ $ $ $ $ # # # # # #
Armor Skin |* - * - * * * - - - - - - * - - * * - * - *
Blinding Speed |- - - - - - - * * - - - - - ? * - - - - - -
Devestating Critical |* - - - * - * - - - - B - * ? - * * - - - *
Epic Damage Reduction |* - - - * * - - - - - - - - ? - * * - * - *
Epic Energy Resistance |- - - * - * - - - * - - - - - - - * * - * -
Epic Prowess |* - - - * - * * - - - * - * - - * * - * - *
Epic Reflexes |- - - - - - - - - - - * * - - * - - - - - -
Epic Reputation |- - - - - - * - * - - - - * - - - - - * - -
Epic Skill Focus |- * - - - - - - * - - - S - ? * - - - - - -
Epic Toughness |* - - - * * * * - - - * - * - - * * - * - *
Epic Weapon Focus |* - - - * - * * - - - B - * ? - * * - - - *
Epic Will |- * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - -
Great Charisma |- * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - -
Great Dexterity |- * - - - - - - - - - * * - * - - - - - - -
Great Intelligence |- - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - -
Great Wisdom |- - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - * -
Improved Stunning Fist |- - - - * * - - - - - - - - ? - * - - - - -
Improved Whirlwind Attack |- - - - * - - - - - - - - - ? * * - - - - *
Overwhelming Critical |* - - - * - * - - - - B - * ? * * * - - - *
Perfect Health |- - - - - - * - - - - - - * ? - - * - - - -
Superior Initiative |* - - - * - - - * - - - * - - * * - - - - *

* Class Bonus Feat
- Class Feat
x Class Restricted Feat
B Bonus Feat Shortbow and Longbow only
S Bonus Feat Hide and Move Silently only

\ Class|B B C D F M P R R S W A A B H S C D P R S W
Spellcasting and \ |b r l r t n a g o o i A s g S d T D M D h M
Class Bonus Feats \ |n d r d r k l r g r z $ $ $ $ $ # # # # # #
Arcane Defense |x * - - x x - - x - * x x x x x x x x x x x
Automatic Quicken |x x * * x x x x x * * x x x ? x M x M M M x
Automatic Silent Spell |x x * * x x x x x * * x x x ? x M x M M M x
Automatic Still Spell |x x * * x x x x x * * x x x ? x M x M M M x
Epic Spell |x x - - x x x x x * * x x x x x x x * x x x
Epic Spell Focus |x M * * x x x M x * * x x x ? x M x M M M x
Epic Spell Penetration |x - * * x x x x x * * x x x ? x M x M M M x
Greater Spell Focus |x * * * x x * * x - * x x x x x x x x x x x
Improved Combat Casting |x * * * x x * * x * * M x ? ? x x x M M M x
Mighty Rage |* x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Terrifying Rage |* x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Thundering Rage |* x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Curse Song |x * x x x x x x x x x x x x * x x x x x x x
Extra Music |x * x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Lasting Inspiration |x * x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Planar Turning |x x * x x x * x x x x x x * ? x ? x x x x x
Epic Weapon Specialization|x x x x * x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Improved Ki Strike |x x x x x * x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Improved Spell Resistance |x x x x x * x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Self-Concealment |x x x x x * x x * x x x * x ? * x x x x x x
Great Smiting |x x x x x x * x x x x x x * ? x x x x x x x
Bane of Enemies |x x x x x x x * x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x
Favoured Enemy |x x x x x x x * x x x x x x * x x x x x x x
Epic Dodge |x x x x x x x x * x x x x x ? * x x x x x x
Improved Sneak Attack |x x x x x x x x * x x x * * ? x x x x x x x
Epic Fiend |x x x x x x x x x x x x x * ? x x x x x x x
Epic Shadowlord |x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? * x x x x x x
Construct Shape |x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x * x
Dragon Shape |x x x * x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x * x
Outsider Shape |x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x * x
Undead Shape |x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x * x

M - Bonus Feat only for multiclass characters that meet the requirement

(A.9) Racial Groups

This section is mainly for Rangers and Harpers to help them decide which
Favoured Ememy (Listen+1, Spot+1, Taunt+1, +1 dmg) to choose.

Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans, Orcs

Beholder #, Drider #, Ettercap, Eyeball #, Hook Horror, Intellect Devourer,
Illithid (aka Mind Flayer) #, Umber Hulk, Will-O'-Wisp
Animals (wild and Domesticated)
Badgers, Bat, Bears, Birds, Boars, Dog, Felines, Wolves and others
Gray Render, Stirge
Golems, Horrors, Minogon, Shield Guardian
Evil Chromatic (coloured) Dragons and Good Metalic Dragons
Dracolich #, Faerie Dragon $, Prismatic Dragon #, Pseudodragon $, Wyrmling $
Air, Earth, Fire, Water Elementals and Invisible Stalker
Dryad, Grig, Nixie, Nymph, Pixie
Ettin, Giants, Ogres, Trolls
Bugbears, Gnoll $, Goblins, Hobgoblin $
Magical Beasts
Androsphinx $, Basilisk $, Blink Dog, Cockatrice $, Deep Rothe #, Gargoyle,
Gorgon $, Krenshar, Manticore $, Phase Spider, Winter Wolf, Worg
Monstrous Humanoids
Harpy #, Medusa $, Minotaurs, Stinger $
Gelatinous Cube #
Outsiders (Planar)
Archons, Azer #, Balors, Celestials, Fiends, Formian $, Githzerai #, Hounds,
Imp, Quasit, Mephits, Rakshasa, Slaads, Spider Demon #, Succubus, Tiefling,
Reptilian Humanoids
Asabi $, Kobold $, Lizardfolk, Yuan-Ti
Aranea, Werecat, Wererat, Werewolf
Allip, Baelnorn, Bodak, Cursts, Demilich #, Doom Knight, Ghast, Ghouls,
Liches, Mohrg, Mummies, Revenant, Shadows, Skeletal Devourer, Skeletons,
Spectre, Spirit $, Vampires, Wight, Wraith, Wraith Spider, Zombies
Vermin (Insects)
Beetles, Spiders

(A.10) Deity

This is a list of common Forgotten Realms deities, should you wish to enter a
Patron deity (it has no effect on the game).

Deity Alignment Clerical Domains

Ilmater Lawful Good Good, Healing, Strength
Torm Lawful Good Good, Healing, Protection, Strength
Tyr Lawful Good Good, Knowledge, War
Chauntea Neutral Good Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection
Lathander Neutral Good Good, Protection, Strength, Sun
Mielikki Neutral Good Animal, Good, Plant, Travel
Mystra Neutral Good Good, Knowledge, Magic
Selune Chaotic Good Good, Protection, Travel
Sune Chaotic Good Good, Protection
Tymora Chaotic Good Good, Protection, Travel

Azuth Lawful Neutral Magic, Knowledge
Helm Lawful Neutral Protection, Strength
Kelemvor Lawful Neutral Death, Protection, Travel
Gond Neutral Earth, Fire, Knowledge
Kossuth Neutral Destruction, Fire
Oghma Neutral Knowledge, Travel, Trickery
Silvanus Neutral Animal, Plant, Protection, Water
Waukeen Neutral Knowledge, Travel
Shaundakul Chaotic Neutral Air, Protection, Travel
Tempus Chaotic Neutral Protection, Strength, War
Uthgar Chaotic Neutral Animal, Strength, War

Bane Lawful Evil Evil, Destruction
Mask Neutral Evil Evil, Trickery
Shar Neutral Evil Evil, Knowledge
Cyric Chaotic Evil Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Malar Chaotic Evil Animal, Evil, Strength
Talos Chaotic Evil Destruction, Evil, Fire
Umberlee Chaotic Evil Destruction, Evil, Water

Non-human races can instead pick one of the following

Moradin Lawful Good Good, Earth, Protection
Clangeddin Silverbeard Lawful Good Good, Strength, War

Elf, Half-Elf
Corellon Larethian Chaotic Good Good, Magic, Protection, War
Labelas Enoreth Chaotic Good Good, Knowledge
Sehanine Moonbow Chaotic Good Good, Knowledge, Travel
Solonor Thelandira Chaotic Good Good, Plant, War

Garl Glittergold Lawful Good Good, Protection, Trickery

Arvoreen Lawful Good Good, Protection, War
Yondalla Lawful Good Good, Proteciton

Gruumsh Chaotic Evil Evil, Strength, War

(A.11) Shapeshift

Wild Shape (Druid Level 5)

Brown Bear STR27 DEX13 CON19 AC+2 10 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Panther STR16 DEX15 CON19 AC+4 10 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Wolf STR13 DEX15 CON15 AC+4 10 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Boar STR15 DEX10 CON17 AC+5 10 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Badger STR8 DEX17 CON15 AC+5 10 Temp HP 1d4 dmg

Improved Wild Shape - Dire (Druid Level 12)

Brown Bear STR31 DEX13 CON19 AC+5 40 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Panther STR25 DEX15 CON17 AC+8 30 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Wolf STR25 DEX15 CON17 AC+8 30 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Boar STR27 DEX10 CON17 AC+10 20 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Badger STR14 DEX17 CON19 AC+10 20 Temp HP 1d8 dmg

Elemental Shape - Huge (Druid Level 16)

Damage Reduction, Immunity Sneak Attack, Critical Hit,
Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Disease
Fire STR19 DEX19 CON26 AC+5 0 Temp HP 2d8 dmg
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Water STR25 DEX22 CON19 AC+10 0 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Damage Immunity Fire+
Earth STR30 DEX10 CON22 AC+7 0 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Air STR19 DEX30 CON19 AC+10 0 Temp HP 2d8 dmg

Improved Elemental Shape - Elder (Druid Level 20)

Damage Reduction Immunity Sneak Attack, Critical Hit,
Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Disease
Fire STR19 DEX19 CON26 AC+5 0 Temp HP 2d8 dmg
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Water STR25 DEX22 CON19 AC+10 0 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Damage Immunity Fire+
Earth STR30 DEX10 CON22 AC+7 0 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Air STR19 DEX30 CON19 AC+10 0 Temp HP 2d8 dmg

Greater Wildshape I - Wyrmling (Shifter Level 1) #

True Seeing, Immunity Paralysis
Red STR16 DEX8 CON15 AC+6 15 Temp HP 1d6 dmg
Cast Wyrmling Breath Fire unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Blue STR15 DEX8 CON15 AC+6 15 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Cast Wyrmling Breath Lightning unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Electrical+
Black STR15 DEX17 CON12 AC+5 15 Temp HP 1d3 dmg
Cast Wyrmling Breath Acid unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Acid+
White STR15 DEX17 CON12 AC+5 15 Temp HP 1d3 dmg
Cast Wyrmling Breath Cold unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Cold+, Damage Immunity Fire-
Green STR15 DEX8 CON16 AC+6 15 Temp HP 1d4 dmg
Cast Wyrmling Breath Gas unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Acid+

Greater Wildshape II (Shifter Level 3) #

Harpy STR18 DEX18 CON12 AC+8 20 Temp HP 1d3 dmg
Cast Captivating Song unlimited/day
Gargoyle STR10 DEX18 CON18 AC+8 20 Temp HP 1d4 dmg Damage Reduction
Minotaur STR19 DEX8 CON17 AC+7 25 Temp HP 1d8 dmg Battleaxe +1

Greater Wildshape III (Shifter Level 5) #

Basilisk STR16 DEX8 CON12 AC+11 30 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Cast Gaze Petrification unlimited/day
Drider STR16 DEX16 CON15 AC+8 20 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Cast Darkness unlimited/day, Drider Spear +2 (Poison),
Spell Resistance 14, Immunity Paralysis, Slow, Entangle
Manticore STR20 DEX19 CON15 AC+7 30 Temp HP 2d4 dmg
Cast Manticore Spikes unlimited/day

Greater Wildshape IV (Shifter Level 10) #

Dire Tiger STR27 DEX17 CON15 AC+8 60 Temp HP 2d4 dmg
Medusa STR19 DEX19 CON12 AC+10 35 Temp HP 1d6 dmg
Cast Gaze Petrification unlimited/day
Mindflayer STR10 DEX19 CON12 AC+7 30 Temp HP 1d4 dmg INT+8 WIS+2
Cast Illithid Mind Blast, Psionic Inertial Barrier,
Spell Resistance 24, Immunity Mind Spells

Humanoid Shape (Shifter Level 7) #

Drow Warrior STR18 DEX21 CON10 AC+8 30 Temp HP 1d8 dmg Cast Darkness
unlimited/day, Drow Venomblade +3, Spell Resistance 26
Lizardfolk STR16 DEX20 CON12 AC+9 35 Temp HP 1d2 dmg
Whipmaster Shocking Whip +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg), Damage Reduction,
Damage Resistance, Immunity Paralysis, Slow, Entangle, Poison
Kobold STR10 DEX22 CON12 AC+10 10 Temp HP 1d6 dmg
Commando Kobold Commando Sword +3, Immunity Paralysis, Slow, Entangle

Undead Shape (Shifter Level 11) #

Damage Reduction, Immunity Sneak Attack, Mind Spells, Disease,
Poison, Critical Hit, Paralysis, Negative Level, Death Magic,
Ability Decrease
Risen Lord STR21 DEX8 CON19 AC+14 60 Temp HP 2d4 dmg
Risen Lord Scythe +5, Spell Resistance 20, Damage Immunity+
Vampire STR18 DEX20 CON12 AC+13 30 Temp HP 2d4 dmg Regenerating,
Cast Gaze Dominate unlimited/day, Damage Resistance
Spectre STR16 DEX22 CON12 AC+15 40 Temp HP 1d8 dmg
Damage Resistance, Damage Immunity Divine-, Immunity Knockdown

Outsider Shape (Shifter Level 11) #

Azer STR20 DEX8 CON21 AC+14 50 Temp HP 1d10 dmg
Chieftain Azer Flaming Waraxe +5 (+2d4 Fire dmg), Spell Resistance 12,
Cast Burning Hands, Fire Stream unlimited/day,
Damage Immuunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Rakshasa STR17 DEX20 CON12 AC+12 30 Temp HP 1d6 dmg True Seeing,
Rakshasa Staff +5 (+1d10 Fire dmg), Cast Mestil's Acid Breath,
Dispel Magic, Ice Storm unlimited/day, Spell Immunity,
Damage Reduction
Death Slaad STR22 DEX19 CON18 AC+16 70 Temp HP 3d6 dmg Regenerating,
Lord Cast Chaos Spittle unlimited/day, Damage Resistance,
Damage Reduction, Immunity Fear

Construct Shape (Shifter Level 11) #

Immunity Poison, Critical Hit, Death Magic, Ability Decrease,
Paralysis, Mind Spells, Sneak Attack, Disease, Negative Level,
Damage Reduction
Stone Golem STR31 DEX8 CON12 AC+14 90 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Cast Hurl Rocks unlimited/day, Spell Resistance 22,
Damage Immunity+, Damage Immunity Acid-
Demonflesh STR29 DEX8 CON12 AC+14 90 Temp HP 2d6 dmg
Golem Spell Resistance 22, Damage Immunity Electrical+,
Damage Resistance
Iron Golem STR33 DEX8 CON12 AC+16 90 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Cast Poison Gas unlimited/day, Spell Resistance 26,
Damage Immunity Electrical+, Damage Immunity Fire-,

Dragon Shape (Druid Level 18, Shifter Level 11) #

Damage Reduction, Spell Resistance 20, True Seeing,
Immunity Sneak Attack, Mind Spells, Paralysis
Ancient Red STR48 DEX36 CON32 AC+20 100 Temp HP 2d6 dmg
Dragon Cast Dragon Breath Fire unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Ancient Blue STR48 DEX36 CON32 AC+20 100 Temp HP 2d6 dmg
Dragon Cast Dragon Breath Lightning unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Cold+, Damage Immunity Fire-
Ancient Green STR48 DEX36 CON32 AC+20 100 Temp HP 2d6 dmg
Dragon Cast Dragon Breath Gas unlimited/day,
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-

Polymorph Self (Spell Level 4 - Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, 1 Turn/Level)

Immunity Movement Speed Decrease
Fey STR10 DEX24 CON10 AC+5 0 Temp HP
Zombie STR14 DEX14 CON14 AC+0 20 Temp HP
Troll STR23 DEX14 CON23 AC+5 10 Temp HP Regenerating
Umber Hulk STR23 DEX15 CON19 AC+7 30 Temp HP True Seeing
Giant Spider STR19 DEX17 CON12 AC+5 20 Temp HP
Immunity Paralysis, Slow, Entangle

Tenser's Transformation (Spell Level 6 - Sorcerer, Wizard, 1 Round/Level)

Immunity Movement Speed Decrease
STR20 DEX22 CON18 AC+4 1d6/Level Temp HP, Attack +3
Tenser's Sword (Longsword +3, +1d6 Fire dmg, Cleave Feat)
Immunity Mind Spells

Shapechange (Spell Level 9 - Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, 1 Turn/Level)

Red Dragon STR36 DEX30 CON21 AC+10 150 Temp HP, 2d6 dmg True Seeing,
Spell Resistance 20, Immunity Sneak Attack, Mind Spells,
Paralysis, Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Fire Giant STR30 DEX30 CON21 AC+10 200 Temp HP 2d10 dmg
Damage Immunity Fire+, Damage Immunity Cold-
Balor STR24 DEX30 CON24 AC+10 250 Temp HP 1d6 dmg
Spell Resistance 28, Immunity Poison, Damage Reduction,
Damage Resistance, Damage Immunity Electrical+
Death Slaad STR24 DEX36 CON24 AC+10 225 Temp HP 3d6 dmg
Regenerating, Damage Reduction, Damage Resistance
Iron Golem STR30 DEX20 CON20 AC+10 300 TEMP HP 2d10 dmg
Damage Reduction, Damage Immunity Electrical-
Immunity Poison, Critical Hit, Death Magic, Ability Decrease,
Paralysis, Mind Spells, Sneak Attack, Disease, Negative Level

(A.12) Multiplayer

When playing cooperative multiplayer games a character created for the single
player campaign will work well. However if you are in a multiplayer game
where you can be attacked by other players you will only stand a chance if you
are a fighter based character with several hundred HP. Spell casters don't
have a chance, as most players use custom created items which make them immune
to almost every spell you can cast and weapons that will kill you in less than
a round.


(B) Henchmen

There is a one time fee of 200GP to hire a henchman. This is reduced to 150GP
if you have a good CHA or are the same race. This fee can be reduced 25GP or
50GP depending how high your persuade skill is. In SoU and HotU there is no

- Abilities in brackets are those that have been magically increased
- Task 1 cannot be finished until your reach level 6
- Task 2 cannot be finished until your reach level 10
- Henchmen do not advance beyond level 14
- All reward items have a value of 0GP

Tip: You can keep the previous items by removing them from your inventory
after starting the conversation having completed the quest. This is only of
any real use for the rings as you can wear both.

Pavel - Male Human Reconciler Fighter
L1 15/13/12/10/12/8 AC14 Morningstar

(B.1) Tomi Grin Undergallows - Male Halfling Free Spirit Rogue
L4 10/(22)/16/12/10/10 AC17 Kukri+1, Tomi's Shortbow +1
L5 10/(22)/16/12/10/10 AC18 Kukri+1, Tomi's Shortbow +1
L6 10/(22)/16/12/10/10 AC20 Kukri+1, Tomi's Shortbow +1
L7 10/(23)/16/12/10/10 AC20 Kukri+1, Tomi's Shortbow +1
L8 10/(24)/16/12/10/10 AC21 Kukri+1, Tomi's Shortbow +1
L9 10/(24)/16/12/10/10 AC23 Kukri+2, Tomi's Shortbow +2
L10 10/(25)/16/12/10/10 AC23 Kukri+2, Tomi's Shortbow +2
L11 10/(25)/16/12/10/10 AC24 Kukri+2, Tomi's Shortbow +2
L12 10/(26)/16/12/10/10 AC26 Kukri+3, Tomi's Shortbow +3
L13 10/(26)/16/12/10/10 AC26 Kukri+3, Tomi's Shortbow +3
L14 10/(26)/21/12/10/10 AC28 Kukri+3, Tomi's Shortbow +3
Task 1: Find Official Document
Gives You: Tomi's Contract
Reward: 100XP, Ring of the Rogue +1 (DEX+1, Disable Trap, Open Lock +1)
Task 2: Find The Star of Calimshan ruby
Reward: 200XP, Ring of the Rogue +3 (DEX+3, Disable Trap, Open Lock +2)
Task 3: Find The Ashes of Running Wolf
Reward: 300XP, Ring of the Rogue +4 (DEX+4, Disable Trap, Open Lock, Hide,
Pick Pocket, Move Silently +2)

(B.2) Boddyknock Glinckle - Male Gnome Judge Sorcerer
L4 10/12/(19)/12/8/16 AC11 Boddyknock's Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
L5 10/12/(19)/12/8/(17) AC11 Boddyknock's Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
L6 10/12/(19)/12/8/(17) AC12 Boddyknock's Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
L7 10/12/(20)/12/8/(17) AC12 Boddyknock's Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
L8 10/12/(20)/12/8/(19) AC12 Boddyknock's Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
L9 10/12/(20)/12/8/(19) AC13 Boddyknock's Crossbow +2, Dagger +2
L10 10/12/(21)/12/8/(19) AC13 Boddyknock's Crossbow +2, Dagger +2
L11 10/12/(21)/12/8/(20) AC13 Boddyknock's Crossbow +2, Dagger +2
L12 10/12/(21)/12/8/(21) AC19 Boddyknock's Crossbow +3, Dagger +3
L13 10/12/(21)/12/8/(21) AC19 Boddyknock's Crossbow +3, Dagger +3
L14 10/12/(23)/12/8/(21) AC24 Boddyknock's Crossbow +3, Dagger +3
Task 1: Find Leaven Bread Recipe
Gives You: Boddyknock's Gem
Reward: 100XP, Lantanese Ring +1 (CHA+1, Regeneration+1)
Task 2: Find Prism Blossom Seed
Reward: 200XP, Lantanese Ring +3 (CHA+3, Regeneration+1)
Task 3: Find a dragon's scale
Reward: 300XP, Prophyro's Ring +4 (CHA+4, Regeneration+1)

(B.3) Daelan Red Tiger - Male Half-Orc Rebel Barbarian
L4 19/14/14/10/10/7 AC16 Double Axe+1, Daelan's Longbow+1
L5 19/14/14/10/10/7 AC17 Double Axe+1, Daelan's Longbow+1
L6 19/14/14/10/10/7 AC18 Double Axe+1, Daelan's Longbow+1
L7 (22)/14/14/10/10/7 AC18 Double Axe+1, Daelan's Longbow+1
L8 (23)/14/14/10/10/7 AC19 Double Axe+1, Daelan's Longbow+1
L9 (23)/14/14/10/10/7 AC21 Double Axe+2, Daelan's Longbow+2
L10 (24)/14/14/10/10/7 AC21 Double Axe+2, Daelan's Longbow+2
L11 (24)/14/14/10/10/7 AC22 Double Axe+2, Daelan's Longbow+2
L12 (25)/14/14/10/10/7 AC24 Double Axe+3, Daelan's Longbow+3
L13 (26)/14/14/10/10/7 AC24 Double Axe+3, Daelan's Longbow+3
L14 (26)/14/(19)/10/10/7 AC26 Double Axe+3, Daelan's Longbow+3
Task 1: Find Uthgardt Iron Brooch
Gives You: Daelan's Feather
Reward: 100XP, Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1 (STR+1, Immunity Fear)
Task 2: Find Great Axe with Notched Blade
Reward: 200XP, Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +3 (STR+3, Immunity Fear)
Task 3: Find Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear
Reward: 300XP, Amulet of the Uthgardt +4 (STR+4, Immunity Fear, SR 12)

(B.4) Grimgnaw - Male Dwarf Dominator Monk
L4 16/16/20/10/(17)/4 AC20 Unarmed +8 1D8+3 +2 Cold dmg (20/x2)
L5 16/16/20/10/(17)/4 AC21 Unarmed +8 1D8+3 +2 Cold dmg
L6 16/16/20/10/(17)/4 AC23 Unarmed +8 1D8+3 +2 Cold dmg
L7 (19)/16/20/10/(18)/4 AC25 Unarmed +12/+9 1D8+4 +2 Cold dmg
L8 (20)/16/20/10/(18)/4 AC25 Unarmed +15/+12 1D10+5 +1D6 Cold dmg
L9 (20)/16/20/10/(18)/4 AC27 Unarmed +15/+12 1D10+5 +1D4 Cold dmg
L10 (21)/16/20/10/(19)/4 AC28 Unarmed +16/+13/+10 1D10+5 +1D4 Cold dmg
L11 (21)/16/20/10/(19)/4 AC28 Unarmed +17/+14/+11 1D10+5 +1D4 Cold dmg
L12 (22)/16/20/10/(19)/4 AC29 Unarmed +20/+17/+14 1D12+6 +1D6 Cold dmg
L13 (22)/16/20/10/(19)/4 AC29 Unarmed +20/+17/+14 1D12+6 +1D6 Cold dmg
L14 (22)/16/(25)/10/(19)/4 AC28 Unarmed +21/+18/+15/+12 1D12+6 +1D6 Cold dmg
Task 1: Find Alaganda's Silver Ring
Gives You: Gringnaw's Gem
Reward: 100XP, Amulet of the Long Death +1 (CON+1, SR 10)
Task 2: Find Corpse Hand
Reward: 200XP, Amulet of the Long Death +3 (CON+3, SR 10)
Task 3: Find Blessed Dagger
Reward: 300XP, Amulet of the Silent Lord +4 (CON+4, SR 10,
Immunity Level Drain)

(B.5) Linu La'neral - Female Elf Benefactor Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow
L4 16/12/(13)/10/16/12 AC19 Mace+1, Linu's Crossbow +1
L5 16/12/(13)/10/(17)/12 AC19 Mace+1, Linu's Crossbow +1
L6 16/12/(13)/10/(17)/12 AC20 Mace+1, Linu's Crossbow +1
L7 16/12/(14)/10/(17)/12 AC20 Mace+1, Linu's Crossbow +1
L8 16/12/(14)/10/(19)/12 AC22 Mace+1, Linu's Crossbow +1
L9 16/12/(14)/10/(19)/12 AC23 Mace+2, Linu's Crossbow +2
L10 16/12/(15)/10/(19)/12 AC23 Mace+2, Linu's Crossbow +2
L11 16/12/(15)/10/(20)/12 AC23 Mace+2, Linu's Crossbow +2
L12 16/12/(15)/10/(21)/12 AC26 Mace+3, Linu's Crossbow +3
L13 16/12/(15)/10/(21)/12 AC26 Mace+3, Linu's Crossbow +3
L14 16/12/(17)/10/(21)/12 AC28 Mace+3, Linu's Crossbow +3
Task 1: Find Silver Chalice of Moonbow
Gives You: Linu's Token (Flower)
Reward: 100XP, Pendant of the Elf +1 (DEX+1, Darkvision)
Task 2: Find Journal of Synth La'neral
Reward: 200XP, Pendant of the Elf +3 (DEX+3, Darkvision)
Task 3: Find Volcanis Oak Seed
Reward: 300XP, Pendant of the Elf +4 (DEX+4, Immunity Mind Spells)

(B.6) Sharwyn - Female Human Reconciler Bard
L4 (18)/15/12/10/10/16 AC14 Sharwyn's Shortbow +1, Two-Bladed Sword +1
L5 (18)/15/(14)/10/10/16 AC14 Sharwyn's Shortbow +1, Two-Bladed Sword +1
L6 (18)/15/(14)/10/10/(17) AC15 Sharwyn's Shortbow +1, Two-Bladed Sword +1
L7 (18)/15/(14)/10/10/(17) AC15 Sharwyn's Shortbow +1, Two-Bladed Sword +1
L8 (18)/15/(15)/10/10/(18) AC15 Sharwyn's Shortbow +1, Two-Bladed Sword +1
L9 (18)/15/(15)/10/10/(19) AC16 Sharwyn's Shortbow +2, Two-Bladed Sword +2
L10 (18)/15/(15)/10/10/(19) AC16 Sharwyn's Shortbow +2, Two-Bladed Sword +2
L11 (18)/15/(15)/10/10/(20) AC16 Sharwyn's Shortbow +2, Two-Bladed Sword +2
L12 (18)/15/(16)/10/10/(21) AC17 Sharwyn's Shortbow +3, Two-Bladed Sword +3
L13 (20)/15/(16)/10/10/(21) AC17 Sharwyn's Shortbow +3, Two-Bladed Sword +3
L14 (20)/15/(17)/10/10/(21) AC22 Sharwyn's Shortbow +3, Two-Bladed Sword +3
Task 1: Find Celestial Elixir
Gives You: Sharwyn's Contract
Reward: 100XP, Belt of the Performer +1 (CHA+1, Persuade+1, Perform+1)
Task 2: Find Lock of Nymph's Hair
Reward: 200XP, Belt of the Performer +3 (CHA+3, Persuade+2, Perform+2)
Task 3: Find Tamorlyn's Song
Reward: 300XP, Belt of the Performer +5 (CHA+5, Persuade+4, Perform+4)

(B.7) Dorna Trapspringer - Female Dwarf Reconciler Rogue/Cleric $
L1 13/18/18/10/14/8
L4 13/19/18/10/14/8 L2/2 13/18/18/10/15/8 L1/3 13/18/18/10/15/8
L8 13/20/18/10/14/8 L4/4 13/18/18/10/16/8 L1/7 13/18/18/10/16/8
L12 13/21/18/10/14/8 L6/6 13/18/18/10/17/8 L1/11 13/18/18/10/17/8
L16 13/22/18/10/14/8 L8/8 13/18/18/10/18/8 L1/15 13/18/18/10/18/8
L20 13/23/18/10/14/8 L10/10 13/18/18/10/19/8 L1/19 13/18/18/10/19/8
Chapter 1: Dorna's Footlocker Key, Dorna's Shortsword (+1 critical dmg),
Dorna's Armor (AC2), Dorna's Battleaxe (Attack+1, Keen)
Interlude: Dorna's Armor, Dorna's Battleaxe +1, Studded Leather Armor +1,
Handaxe +1, Shortbow +1, Arrow +1

(B.8) Xanos Messarmos - Male Half-Orc Free Spirit Sorcerer/Barbarian $
L1 12/14/17/10/10/15
L4 12/14/17/10/10/16 L2/2 13/14/17/10/10/15 L1/3 13/14/17/10/10/15
L8 12/14/17/10/10/17 L6/2 13/14/17/10/10/16 L1/7 14/14/17/10/10/15
L12 12/14/17/10/10/18 L10/2 13/14/17/10/10/17 L1/11 15/14/17/10/10/15
L16 12/14/17/10/10/19 L14/2 13/14/17/10/10/18 L1/15 16/14/17/10/10/15
L20 12/14/17/10/10/20 L18/2 13/14/17/10/10/19 L1/19 17/14/17/10/10/15
Chapter 1: Xanos's Footlocker Key, Xanos' Garb (AC2), Xanos's Dagger,
Xanos' Bracers (CON+1, AC+1, only by Half-Orc Sorcerer)
Interlude: Xanos' Garb, Longsword +1, Heavy Crossbow +1, Bolt +1

(B.9) Deekin Scalesinger - Male Kobold (Reptilian) Rebel Bard/Rogue $
Deekin can identify your equipment
L7 6/12/15/10/10/16
L8 6/12/15/10/10/17 L7/1 6/13/15/10/10/16
L12 6/12/15/10/10/18 L7/5 6/14/15/10/10/16
L16 6/12/15/10/10/19 L7/9 6/15/15/10/10/16
L20 6/12/15/10/10/20 L7/13 6/16/15/10/10/16
Chapter 1: Deekin's Rapier (DC18 Daze 10%/4 rounds, Cast Haste 1/day)
Interlude: Deekin's Crossbow (Attack+1, Point Blank Shot, Weight-60%),
Dagger +1, Cloak of Protection +2
Task: Enter Underground Tunnel with The Dragon's Tooth
Reward: Dragon Tooth Amulet (STR+4, only by Reptilian)
or Dragon Tooth Dagger -1 (+1D8 Elec dmg vs Undead, +2 vs Negative Energy)

(B.10) Deekin Scalesinger - Male Kobold Reconciler Bard/Dragon Disciple #
Weapon Focus, Improved Critical Light Crossbow, Rapid Reload
L14 6/12/15/10/10/18
L14/2 8/12/15/10/10/19
L14/6 10/12/15/10/10/20
L14/10 18/12/17/12/10/23 (1) Epic Weapon Focus Light Crossbow
L14/11 26/12/19/14/10/27 (2)
L14/14 26/12/19/14/10/28 Epic Toughness
Dragon Tooth Amulet (STR+2, Fire 10/-, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing 5/-,
Regeneration+1, only by Reptilian), Bracers of Armor +2,Belt of Agility +2,
Boots of Reflexes +2, Small Shield +2, Studded Leather Armor +3, Dagger +3,
Diamond, Bolt +2, Ring of Protection +3, Short Sword +3, Light Crossbow +3
Note (1): At the start of chapter 2, Deekin gains STR+4
Note (2): At the start of Chapter 3, Deekin gains STR+8 CON+2 INT+2 CHA+4

(B.11) Sharwyn - Female Human Reconciler Bard/Fighter #
Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical Longbow
Weapon Focus Two-Bladed Sword
L7/6 14/14/12/13/10/20
L8/7 14/14/12/13/10/20 Improved Critical Two-Bladed Sword
L8/8 14/14/12/13/10/21
Sharwyn's Ring (DEX+4, AC Deflection+2, only by Bard), Longbow +3, Arrow +3,
Two-Bladed Sword

(B.12) Daelan Red Tiger - Male Half-Orc Rebel Barbarian #
Weapon Focus Double Axe, Improved Critical Double Axe
L12 23/14/14/10/10/7
L15 23/14/14/10/10/7 Cleave
L16 24/14/14/10/10/7
Half-Blood Gloves (AC Deflect+3, +3/10), Double Axe +1

(B.13) Tomi Undergallows - Male Halfling Free Spirit Rogue/Shadowdancer #
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility
L11/4 10/23/16/12/10/10
L11/5 10/24/16/12/10/10
Tomi's Armor (AC3, AC Armor+3, Freedom, Hide+4, Move Silently+4, only by
Rogue), Boots of Elvenkind, Kukri +3

(B.14) Linu La'neral - Female Elf Benefactor Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow #
Domain Air, Animal
Great Cleave
L15 16/12/12/10/21/12
L16 16/12/12/10/22/12
Robe of the Night Skies (AC7, AC Armor+3, WIS+2, +2 vs Death, Light 15m,
only by Elf, Cleric), Mace +3

(B.15) Nathyrra - Female Drow Dominator Wizard/Rogue/Assassin #
Spell Resistance 30, Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting
L7/3/4 10/17/12/17/12/10
L9/3/7 12/20/14/14/10/10
L9/3/8 12/21/14/14/10/10
11/3/10 12/22/15/14/10/10 Epic Toughness, Great Dexterity
Nathyrra's Cloak (AC Deflect+5, CON+2, +6/10, Hide+10, Move Silently+10,
cast Heal 1/day), Short Sword of Quickness, Deathslayer, Light Crossbow +5,
Shadow Legion Armor, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Greater Boots of Tumbling,
Ring of Fortitude +5, Bolt +4

(B.16) Valen Shadowbreath - Male Tiefling Rebel Fighter/Weapon Master #
Damage Resistance (1/- Cold)
Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical Heavy Flail
Great Cleave, Whirlwind Attack
L14/5 19/15/15/15/12/10
L14/6 20/15/15/15/12/10
L14/10 21/15/15/15/12/10 Epic Weapon Focus Heavy Flail
L14/14 23/15/15/15/12/10 Great Strength
Valen's Breastplate (AC5, AC Armor+5, cast Haste 1/day, Weight-40%)
Devil's Bane (Heavy Flail +3, +5 vs Outsiders, Keen, +1d10 critical dmg,
only by Outsider), Scarab of Protection +5, Ring of Protection +4,
Boots of Striding +4, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x2

(B.17) Lavoera - Female Astral Deva Crusader Outsider #
Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical Mace, Cleave
Spell Resistance 30
L18 22/18/18/18/18/20

(B.18) Scrivener - Magical Beast Reconciler #
Damage Immunity Cold
L19 14/20/17/9/5/10

(B.19) Aribeth de Tylmarande - Female Half-Elf Paladin/Blackguard #
Weapon Focus, Improved Critical Longsword, Great Cleave
Divine Might, Divine Shield
Crusader L20/6 18/9/14/10/13/23 Destroyer L16/10 19/9/14/10/13/22
Crusader L22/6 18/9/14/10/13/24
Aribeth's Armor (AC2, AC Armor+6, on hit Freeze), Longsword +4,
Large Shield +5


(C) Custom Items

This sections covers the items you can create throughout the game.

(C.1) Marrok's Forge (City Core, Shining Knight Arms and Armor)

Marrok will enhance +1 enchanted items for 500GP and the following components.

Axe of the Tall Kin +1 (Double Axe, Light 10m) 1029GP
Sword Saint Legacy +1 (Katana, +1D6 Sonic dmg vs Evil) 1603GP
Rune Hammer +1 (War Hammer, SR 10) 1799GP
Sentinel +1 (Battleaxe, Listen+2, Spot+2, Light 10m) 1982GP
Stonefire Axe +1 (Greataxe, +2 Fire dmg) 2219GP
Harbinger Kin +1 (Greatsword, +2 Fire dmg) 2240GP
Sea Reaver +1 (Scythe, Cast Resist Elements) 2626GP
Desert Wind +1 (Scimitar, +1D6 Fire dmg) 3712GP
Storm +1 (Light Hammer, +1D4 Electrical dmg) 2205GP
Astral Blade +1 (Longsword, +1D4 Sonic dmg) 2215GP
Chromatic Breastplate +1 (AC Armor+1, 10/- Cold, Fire, Electrical) 2865GP
Dragon Blood
Namarra +1 "Neversleep" (Rapier, DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1919GP
Ice Reaver +1 (Hand Axe, +1 Cold dmg, 15/- Cold) 3164GP
Ravager +1 (Halberd, +1D6 Sonic dmg) 3709GP
Reaver +1 (Heavy Flail, +1D6 Cold dmg) 3712GP
Fairy Dust
Fey Spear +1 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1906GP
Feyduster +1 (Short Sword, DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1912GP
Drone +1 (Morning Star, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) 2531GP
Gargoyle Skull
Whitebone Armor (Half Plate, AC Armor+2) 1233GP
Ironwood Mace +1 (Dire Mace, Weight-40%) 875GP
Gladiator's Club +1 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1906GP
Foundation +1 (Light Flail, DC14 Knock) 2531GP
Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +1 (Two-Bladed Sword, Keen) 2596GP
Special Holy Water
Golden Sickle +1 (Animal Empathy +2, +1 L0 Druid Spell) 1124GP
Scales of Truth +1 (AC Armor+1, Fortitude+1, See Invisibility 1/day) 1696GP
Mace of Disruption +1 (+2 vs Undead) 1717GP

(C.2) Imaskarran Tomes (Port Llast, Eltoora's Lab)

After collecting the Imaskarran Tomes you can create items by putting the
following components in the chest and casting a spell on it.

Staff of Power (Fire)
Quartz Crystal, Fire Beetle's Belly and cast Fireball
Ring of Elemental Resistance (Life)
Quartz Crystal, Fen Berry and cast Endure Elements
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (Ice)
Quartz Crystal, Skeleton's Knuckle and cast Mage Armor
Ring of Protection +3 (Death)
Ettercap Silk Gland, Skeleton's Knuckle, cast Improved Invisibility
Wand of Lightning (Resonance)
Ettercap Silk Gland, Fen Berry and cast Lightning Bolt

(C.3) Alchemist's Apparatus (Castle Jhareg, Quint's Chambers)

Put Healer's Kit and Empty Bottle in the Alchemist's Apparatus and cast a
divine spell on it to create five potions of that spell. You can only do this
once for each spell.

Spells that work
Aid, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Heal
Spells that don't work
Bless, Cure Moderate Wounds

(C.4) Fantabulous Contrapulator (Luskan, Sewers)

Set the levers and use the Contrapulator Activation Switch to create up to 30

Water Wind Stone Fire
N N N N Nothing
N N N Y Potion of Lore
N N Y N Potion of Barkskin
N N Y Y Potion of Bull's Strength
N Y N N Potion of Aid
N Y N Y Potion of Cat's Grace
N Y Y N Potion of Invisibility
N Y Y Y Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Y N N N Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Y N N Y Potion of Fox's Cunning
Y N Y N Potion of Endurance
Y N Y Y Nothing
Y Y N N Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Y Y N Y Potion of Speed
Y Y Y N Potion of Clarity
Y Y Y Y Bottle of Sewage

(C.5) Hasuraman's Tomes (Beorunna's Well, Many-Starred Cloak)

When you find one of Hasuraman the Muddled's tomes, you can create the item by
putting the components in the Wizard's Chest and casting a spell on it.

Gargoyle Boots (Tome of Boots)
Bodak's Tooth, Gargoyle Skull and cast Stoneskin
Staff of Power (Tome of Power)
Bodak's Tooth x2 and cast Feeblemind
Crystal Robes (Tome of Robes)
Fire Beetle Belly, Quartz Crystal and cast Enervation
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (Tome of the Amulet)
Fenberry, Slaad's Tongue and cast Mage Armor
Ring of Regeneration +4 (Tome of the Ring)
Fenberry, Rakshasa's Eye and cast Melf's Acid Arrow

(C.6) Barun Silverblade (Beorunner's Well, Trading Post)

Barun Silverblade will enhance +1 enchanted items for 10000-30000GP (you can
use +2 or higher items but there is no benefit).

Axe of the Tall Kin +3 (Double Axe, Light 10m) 7189GP
Sword Saint Legacy +4 (Katana, +1D6 Sonic dmg vs Evil) 14203GP
Rune Hammer +3 (War Hammer, SR 14) 16815GP
Sentinel +3 (Battleaxe, Listen+4, Spot+4, Cast True Seeing 1/day, 26295GP
Light 10m)
Stonefire Axe +2 (Greataxe, +1D6 Fire dmg) 7636GP
Harbinger Kin +3 (Greatsword, +1D6 Fire dmg) 12978GP
Sea Reaver +2 (Scythe, +1D6 Sonic dmg vs Elemental, Cast Resist 6550GP
Desert Wind +2 (Scimitar, +1D10 Fire dmg) 14343GP
Storm +2 (Light Hammer, +1D6 Electrical dmg, 10/- Electrical) 11060GP
Astral Blade +2 (Longsword, +1D10 Sonic dmg) 14343GP
Chromatic Breastplate +3 (AC Armor+3, Armor+2 vs Dragon & Elemental) 7171GP
Dragon Blood
Namarra +2 "Neversleep" (Rapier, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 10661GP
Ice Reaver +3 (Hand Axe, +1 Cold dmg, 15/- Cold) 11914GP
Ravager +4 (Halberd, +1D6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Daze 50%/2 rounds) 25628GP
Reaver +2 (Heavy Flail, +1D10 Cold dmg) 14343GP
Fairy Dust
Fey Spear +3 (+1D6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 27783GP
Feyduster +2 (Short Sword, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 10654GP
Drone +4 (Morning Star, +1D6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) 27788GP
Gargoyle Skull
Whitebone Armor +2 (Half Plate, AC Armor+2, 15/+1) 9710GP
Ironwood Mace +3 (Dire Mace, Weight-40%) 6755GP
Gladiator's Club +4 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 15136GP
Foundation +4 (Light Flail, DC14 Knock) 0GP
Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +2 (Two-Bladed Sword, +1D6 Cold dmg, 14497GP
Keen, Discipline+2)
Special Holy Water
Golden Sickle +2 (Animal Empathy +3, +1 L0-L1 Druid Spell) 5433GP
Scales of Truth +3 (Splint Mail, AC Armor+3, Fortitude+2, 6661GP
Cast See Invisibility 2/day)
Mace of Disruption +1 (+5 vs Undead, +1D8 Fire dmg vs Undead) 6741GP

(C.7) The Grinder $ (Hilltop West, Drogan's Home Apprentices' Quarters)

You can create items by putting these components in the Grinder.

Potion of Barkskin (listed in The Alchemist's Cookbook)
Empty Bottle, Fenberry x2
The Tinoman (Greatsword, Attack+1, +1 Slashing dmg, +1 critcal dmg)
Quartz Crystal, Practice Sword
Ring of Disease Resistance
Quartz Crystal, Green Spore
Lesser Amulet of Health
Quartz Crystal, Heart of the Shadow

(C.8) Strange Machine $ (Valley of Winds, Excavated Ruins)

You can create a Power Stone by putting components into the urns then using
the strange machine.

Component | Left Urn (Defensive) | Right Urn (Offensive)
Belladonna | 6 Haste | 4 Slow
Slaad Tongue | 6 Energy Buffer | 10 Kill, Save vs Death DC14
Dragon's Blood | 1 Greater Stoneskin | 1 Gust of Wind
Fairy Dust | 1 Improved Invisibility | 1 Stun
Ruby | 1 Spell Mantle | 1 Flame Arrow
| 3 Greater Spell Mantle | 3 Multiple Flame Arrows

(C.9) Prayer Bag $ #

Paladins and Clerics can summon creatures by putting various components in the
Prayer Bag and using the Transmogrifying Wand on it.

Creature | Components
Lantern Archon | Meat, Holy Water
Steam Mephit | Meat, Dragon's Blood
Tyrantfog Zombie | Meat, Skeleton's Knuckle
Celestial Avenger | Bear Hide, Holy Water
Dire Bear | Bear Hide, Dragon's Blood
Skeleton Chief | Bear Hide, Skeleton's Knuckle
Hound Archon | Wolf Hide, Holy Water
Dire Wolf | Wolf Hide, Dragon's Blood
Shadow | Wolf Hide, Skeleton's Knuckle

(C.10) Enserric # (Undermountain Level 1 - Black Longsword)

If you tell Enserric that you have no need of a longsword you can change him
into either Enserric the Greatsword, Enserric the Dagger or Enserric the Short

If you ask Enserric why you are losing health then you can temporarily enhance
him by draining constitution (unless you are immune to ability drain).
CON-2 Enchantment+1
CON-4 Enchantment+2
CON-6 Enchantment+3

(C.11) Rizolvir # (Lith My'athar, City Core & Port - Forge)

Rizolvir will enhance weapons, as does Rizolvir's Ghost.

Melee Weapon Upgrade | Cost
Enhancement +1 to +5 | 50,000GP
Enhancement +6 | 70,000GP
Enhancement +7 | 90,000GP
Enhancement +8 | 110,000GP
Enhancement +9 | 130,000GP
Enhancement +10 | 150,000GP
Acid Damage +2d6 | 75,000GP
Cold Damage +2d6 | 75,000GP
Fire Damage +2d6 | 75,000GP
Electrical Damage +2d6 | 75,000GP
Haste | 150,000GP
Keen | 50,000GP
True Seeing | 30,000GP
Spell Resistance 20 | 75,000GP
Regeneration +2 | 75,000GP

Ranged Weapon Upgrade | Cost
Attack Bonus +1 to +10 | 30,000GP
Mighty +5 | 50,000GP
Mighty +10 | 100,000GP
Unlimited Ammunition +5 | 100,000GP

You can apply up to 8 upgrades to a single weapon.
Can only apply mighty & elemental damage to a weapon that doesn't have any.

(C.12) Bridge Control # (Underdark, West of Lith My'athar)

If you kept the baby from the Blake House in Hilltop East you can insert him
into the bridge control and can then choose to press either a spider button or
a shrunken humanoid button. You are rewarded with Tynan's Top which can
either summon Tynan the Drider or Tynan the Goblin once per day.

Tynan the Drider - Destroyer Aberration/Cleric
L6/12 15/15/16/15/16/19
AC:18 HP:159 Attack Bonus 19/14/9/19 Saves 13/8/16 Spell Resistance:14
Darkvision, Immunity Paralysis, Slow, Entangle, Movement Speed Decrease
Mace+6 x2

Tynan the Goblin - Free Spirit Humanoid/Barbarian
L1/18 22/13/20/10/11/8
AC:47 HP:216 Attack Bonus 30/25/20/15 Saves 18/7/6 Discipline:26

(C.13) Golem Construction Machine # (Isle of the Maker, The Maker's Sanctum)

Sorcerers or Wizards can use the Golem Machine Activator on the Golem
Construction Machine to unlock it. Then put Golem Right Leg, Golem Left Leg,
Golem Right Hand, Golem Left Hand, Golem Head, Golem Torso inside the machine
along with the Controlling Amulet to activate the 4 Spell Conduits. You can
cast one of nine spells on each Spell Conduit with the following effects.

Spell | Effect
Greater Spell Mantle (L9) | Spell Resistance +6
Bigby's Crushing Hand (L9) | Strength +4 (Disipline +2)
Greater Sanctuary (L7) | AC Natural+4
Time Stop (L9) | Regenerating +8 HP/round (13 in total)
Premonition (L8) | Damage Reduction +?/?
Mass Haste (L6) | Hasted (AC Dodge+4)
True Seeing (L5) | True Seeing
Chain Lightning (L6) | Lightning Bolt when hit
Mordenkainen's Disjunction (L9) | Dispel Magic on hit

Shield Guardian - Reconciler Construct
L20 26/10/10/10/10/3
AC:29 HP:160 BAB:15 Damage:2d8 20/x2 Discipline:48 Spell Resistance:26
Darkvision, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack
Immunity Critical Hit, Disease, Paralysis, Negative Level, Ability Decrease,
Mind Spells, Poison, Death Magic, Sneak Attack
Damage Reduction +?/?, Regenerating 5 HP/round
Store 3 x L4 or lower spells.

(C.14) Lord Nasher's Items #

Rizolvir - Nasher's Ring of Strength (STR+3)
Volkarion Arsetis - Nasher's Nimble Boots (DEX+3)
West of Lith My'athar, Cave - Nasher's Cloak of Protection (AC Deflect+3)
Artuur - Nasher's Gloves of Discipline (Discipline+5)

If worn together (STR+7, DEX+7, AC Deflect+7, Discipline+10)


(D) Stores

$ You can sell Henchman items in stores

(D.1) General Store

Academy, Training Halls - Olgerd

Scrolls: Identify, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Resistance, Light, Scare,
Protection From Alignment, Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray, Mage Armor,
Sleep, Negative Energy Ray, Charm Person, Endure Elements, Ray of Frost,
Summon Creature I, Daze

(D.2) General Store +1

City Core, Cloaktower - Eltoora Sarptyl (members only)
Docks, Twenty in a Quiver - Jerol
Helm's Hold - Johnny

Ring of the Wood Elves
ALL ARMOR +1 except Full Plate +1
Small Shield +1 Large Shield +1
Tower Shield +1 Moonstone Mask
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Arrow and Bolt, Poison Arrow and Bolt
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Clear Thought +1
Ring of Insight Periapt of Wisdom +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Wand of Missiles
Wand of Negative Energy Wand of Stinking Cloud
Bag of Holding
Potions: Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Greator Restoration, Resurrection, Animate Dead, Raise Dead, Web,
Phantasmal Killer, Invisibility, Flame Arrow, Haste, Summon Creature IV,
Endurance, Restoration, Wall of Fire

(D.3) General Store +2

Green Griffon Inn - Mutamin
Luskan, Colmarr's Shop - Clomarr the Uncanny

Storm Armor Silvermane's Axe
Blade of the Gladiator The Dagger of Chaos
ALL ARMOR +2 except Full Plate +2
Small Shield +1 Small Shield +2
Large Shield +1 Large Shield +2
Tower Shield +1 Tower Shield +2
ALL WEAPONS +1 except Composite Shortbow +1 and Composite Longbow +1
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Arrow and Bolt, Poison Arrow and Bolt
Ring of Insight Ring of Scholars
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Clear Thought +2
Scarab of Protection +1 Scarab of Protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Periapt of Wisdom +2
Wand of Negative Energy Wand of Lightning
Wand of Fire Wand of Stinking Cloud
Wand of Fear Harp of Pandemonium
Harp of Haunting Bag of Holding
Potions: Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Dominate Person, Greater Shadow Conjunction, Greater Restoration,
Restoration, Summon Creature VI, Dominate Monster, Mordenkainen's Sword,
Greater Stoneskin, Finger of Death, True Seeing, Delayed Blast Fireball,
Greater Dispelling, Resurrection, Planar Binding, Power Word Stun,
Raise Dead
Trap Kits: Minor Spike, Minor Sonic, Minor Electrical, Minor Blob of Acid,
Minor Negative, Minor Gas, Minor Tangle, Minor Acid Splash, Minor Frost,
Minor Holy

(D.4) General Store +3

Beorunna's Well, Trading Post - Husher Clay

ALL ARMOR +3 except Full Plate +3
Full Plate +1
Small Shield +2 Small Shield +3
Large Shield +2 Large Shield +3
Tower Shield +2 Tower Shield +3
ALL WEAPONS +2 except Dagger+2, Composite Shortbow+2, Composite Longbow+2
ALL WEAPONS +3 except Dagger+3
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Arrow and Bolt, Poison Arrow and Bolt
Ring of Insight Ring of Scholars
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Clear Thought +2 Ring of Clear Thought +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Scarab of Protection +2 Scarab of Protection +3
Periapt of Wisdom +2 Periapt of Wisdom +3
Wand of Fire Wand of Lightning
Wand of Arcane Disjunction Wand of the Heavens
Wand of Summoning Wand of Paralyzation
Staff of Valmaxian Harp of Pandemonium
Harp of Charming Harp of Haunting
Instrument of the Winds Bag of Holding
Potions: Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Improved Invisibility, Horrid Wilting, Restoration, Spell Mantle,
Greater Stoneskin, Greater Planar Binding, Incendiary Cloud, Mass Haste,
Prismatic Spray, Resurrection, Summon Creature IX, Greater Spell Mantle,
Premonition, Summon Creature VIII, Greater Restoration, Power Word Kill,
Raise Dead, Time Stop, Weird

(D.5) Weapon Store

City Core, Shining Knight Arms and Armor - Durga

Large Shield +1 Small Shield +1
Padded Armor +1 Breastplate +1
Full Plate Boots of Striding +1
Greater Archer's Belt Greater Swordsman's Belt
Greater Brawler's Belt Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Bracers of Dexterity +1
Bullet of Screaming Fire Bullet
Ice Arrow Bolt of Piercing

(D.6) Weapon Store +1

Port Llast, The Cracked Anvil - Blacksmith
Luskan, Smithy - Smith

Mirror Shield Darksteel Tower Shield
Mithral Splint Mail Armor of the Stars
Armor of Horus-Re
Small Shield +1 Large Shield +1
Tower Shield +1 Greater Archer's Belt
Greater Brawler's Belt Greater Swordsman's Belt
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Boots of Striding +2
ALL WEAPONS +1 except Short Sword +1
Giant's Bane Bullet of Smiting
Bullet of Screaming Acid Arrow
Fire Arrow Ice Arrow
Bolt of Piercing Bolt of Fire
Ring of Protection +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Potions: Antidote

(D.7) Weapon Store +2

Beorunna's Well, Mercenary Enclave - Rolkid

Mithral Shield Shield of the Dragonslayer
Elven Ceremonial Armor Adamantine Breastplate
Mirrored Armor Chainmail of Speed
Squire's Defense Armor of Freedom
ALL ARMOR +1 except Full Plate +1
ALL ARMOR +2 except Full Plate +2
Small Shield +1 Small Shield +2
Large Shield +1 Large Shield +2
Tower Shield +1 Tower Shield +2
Cloak of Protection +3 Boots of Striding +3
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Bracers of Armor +3
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Bolt and Arrow, Poison Bolt and Arrow
Ring of Scholars Ring of Protection +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Potions: Antidote, Cure Critical Wounds

(D.8) Weapon Store +3

City Core, Shining Knight Arms and Armor - Durga

Small Shield +3 Large Shield +3
Tower Shield +3 Cloak of Protection +5
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Bracers of Armor +5
Boots of Striding +5
Composite Shortbow +2 Composite Longbow +3
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Bolt and Arrow, Poison Bolt and Arrow
Ring of Scholars Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Potions: Antidote, Cure Critical Wounds

(D.9) Temple Store

City Core, Hall of Justice - Aribeth
Beggar's Nest, Temple of Helm - Priest of Helm
Peninsula - Priest of Helm

Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Dexterity +1
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Inertial Barrier
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 Boots of the Sun Soul +2
Boots of Striding +1 Robes of the Old Order
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 Robes of the Shining Hand +2
Banded Mail +1 Cloak of Fortification +1
Cloak of Movement
Kama +1 Light Flail +1
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Resistance +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Lesser Amulet of Health Lesser Amulet of the Master
Scrolls: Remove Blindness/Deafness, Lesser Restoration, Neutralize Poison,
Raise Dead, Remove Disease, Sound Burst, Silence, Restoration

(D.10) Temple Store +1

Port Llast, Temple of Tyr - Neurik
Luskan, Temple of Tyr - Priest of Tyr

Armor of Comfort Protector
Robes of the Old Order Improved Robes of the Old Order
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 Robes of the Shining Hand +2
Robes of the Shining Hand +3 Robes of the Dark Moon
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 Boots of the Sun Soul +2
Boots of Elvenkind Boots of Striding +2
Watchman's Helm Belt of Inertial Barrier
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Guiding Light
Bracers of Dexterity +2 Bracers of Armor +2
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3
Cloak of Fortification +1 Cloak of Fortification +2
Cloak of Movement
Composite Shortbow +1 Composite Longbow +1
Kama +1 Kama +2
Lightning Bullet Ice Bullet
Fire Bullet Bullet of Smiting
Bolt of Lightning Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Bolt of Fire
Piercing Arrow Lightning Arrow
Ice Arrow Fire Arrow
Acid Arrow
Ring of Resistance +1 Ring of Resistance +2
Ring of Protection +2 Lesser Ring of Power
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Periapt of Wisdom +2
Lesser Amulet of Health Amulet of Health
Scarab of Protection +1 Scarab of Protection +2
Lesser Amulet of the Master Wand of the Heavens
Rod of Resurrection
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Neutralize Poison, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Sound Burst, Resurrection,
Remove Disease, Silence

(D.11) Temple Store +2

Beorunna's Well, Temple of Tyr - Neurik

Balduran's Armor Shield of the Holy
Cloak of Fortification +2 Cloak of Fortification +3
Robes of the Shining Hand +3 Improved Robes of the Old Order
Robes of the Dark Moon Boots of Striding +2
Boots of Speed Gargoyle Boots
Boots of the Sun Soul +3 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3
Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Belt of Guiding Light Greater Belt of Guiding Light
Composite Shortbow +1 Composite Shortbow +2
Composite Longbow +1 Composite Longbow +2
Kama +1 Kama +2
Kama +3
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Arrow and Bolt, Poison Arrow and Bolt
Ring of Scholars Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Resistance +2 Ring of Resistance +3
Ring of Power Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Scarab of Protection +2 Periapt of Wisdom +2
Amulet of Health Greater Amulet of Health
Amulet of the Master Wand of the Heavens
Rod of Resurrection
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Resurrection

(D.12) Temple Store +3

City Core, Hall of Justice - Oleff

Robes of the Shining Hand +5 Improved Robes of the Old Order
Robes of the Dark Moon Cloak of Fortification +3
Boots of the Sun Soul +5 Boots of Striding +5
Bracers of Dexterity +5 Bracers of Armor +5
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +5 Greater Belt of Guiding Light
Composite Shortbow +2 Composite Shortbow +3
Composite Longbow +2 Composite Longbow +3
Kama +1 Kama +2
Kama +3
ALL AMMUNITION except Mild Poison Arrow and Bolt, Poison Arrow and Bolt
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Resurrection
Ring of Scholars Ring of Protection +5
Ring of Resistance +3 Ring of Power
Ring of Regeneration +4 Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Scarab of Protection +5 Periapt of Wisdom +5
Greater Amulet of Health Amulet of the Master
Wand of the Heavens Rod of Resurrection

(D.13) Druid Store

City Core by The Great Tree - Nyatar

Cloak of the High Forest
Studded Leather Armor +1 Small Shield +1
Greater Gloves of Animal Handling Boots of Hardiness +1
Bullet of Smiting
Ring of Protection +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison

(D.14) Druid Store +1

Port Llast by Ballard's Grove - Ballard

The Great Oak
Padded Armor +1 Leather Armor +1
Studded Leather Armor +1 Hide Armor +1
Small Shield +1 Small Shield +2
Large Shield +1 Large Shield +2
Boots of Hardiness +1 Boots of Hardiness +2
Spear +1 Scythe +1
Quarterstaff +1 Sickle +1
Club +1 Scimitar +1
Dagger +1 Sling +1
Giant's Bane Farel's Gold
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Lightning Bullet Ice Bullet
Fire Bullet
Scarab of Protection +1 Scarab of Protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Periapt of Wisdom +2
Ring of Protection +2
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Resurrection

(D.15) Druid Store +2

Beorunna's Well by Druid Grove - Yusam

Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt
Padded Armor +1 Padded Armor +2
Leather Armor +1 Leather Armor +2
Studded Leather Armor +1 Studded Leather Armor +2
Hide Armor +1 Hide Armor +2
Boots of Hardiness +2 Boots of Hardiness +3
Small Shield +2 Small Shield +3
Large Shield +2 Large Shield +3
Sling +1 Sling +2
Dagger +1 Dagger +2
Sickle +1 Sickle +2
Club +1 Club +2
Scimitar +1 Scimitar +2
Spear +1 Spear +2
Quarterstaff +1 Quarterstaff +2
Scythe +1 Scythe +2
Giant's Bane Farel's Gold
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Lightning Bullet Ice Bullet
Fire Bullet
Ring of Protection +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Scarab of Protection +2 Periapt of Wisdom +2
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Resurrection

(D.16) Druid Store +3

City Core by The Great Tree - Nyatar

Padded Armor +3 Leather Armor +3
Studded Leather Armor +3 Hide Armor +3
Small Shield +3 Large Shield +3
Boots of Hardiness +3
Spear +3 Scythe +3
Quarterstaff +3 Sickle +3
Club +3 Scimitar +3
Dagger +3 Sling +3
Giant's Bane Farel's Gold
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Lightning Bullet Ice Bullet
Fire Bullet
Ring of Protection +5 Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Periapt of Wisdom +5 Scarab of Protection +5
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Lesser Restoration, Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Sound Burst, Charm Person or Animal, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Silence,
Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Resurrection

(D.17) Rogue Store

City Core, Moonstone Mask - Torgo
Docks, Seedy Tavern - Auctioneer

Bracer's of Armor +1 Bracer's of Dexterity +1
Belt of Agility +1 Mask of Persuasion
Thieves Hood
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Poison Bolt
Mild Poison Arrow Poison Arrow
Ring of Protection +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Potions: Cat's Grace
Trap Kits: Minor Blob of Acid, Minor Spike, Average Spike, Minor Negative,
Average Negative, Minor Acid Splash, Average Acid Splash, Minor Tangle,
Average Tangle, Minor Sonic, Average Sonic, Minor Frost, Average Frost

(D.18) Rogue Store +1

Port Llast - Shady Character
Luskan - Shady Character

Shadow Legion Armor
Padded Armor +1 Leather Armor +1
Studded Leather Armor +1 Thieves' Hood
Mask of Persuasion Greater Mask of Persuasion
Small Shield +1 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Belt of Agility +1 Belt of Agility +2
Bracers of Armor +2
Light Crossbow +1 Heavy Crossbow +1
Shortbow +1 Mace +1
Quarterstaff +1 Morningstar +1
Club +1 Rapier +1
Short Sword +1 Dagger +1
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Mild Poison Arrow
Poison Bolt Poison Arrow
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Ring of Protection +2
Potions: Cat's Grace, Speed
Trap Kits: Minor Negative, Average Negative, Strong Negative, Minor Spike,
Average Spike, Strong Spike, Minor Sonic, Average Sonic, Strong Sonic,
Minor Acid Splash, Average Acid Splash, Strong Acid Splash, Minor Frost,
Average Frost, Strong Frost, Minor Blob of Acid, Average Blob of Acid,
Minor Holy, Average Holy, Strong Holy, Minor Electrical, Minor Tangle,
Average Tangle, Minor Fire

(D.19) Rogue Store +2

Beorunna's Well, Drinking House - Shady Character
City Core, Moonstone Mask - Ophala Cheldarstorm

Rogue Links
Padded Armor +1 Padded Armor +2
Leather Armor +1 Leather Armor +2
Studded Leather Armor +1 Studded Leather Armor +2
Chain Shirt +1 Chain Shirt +2
Small Shield +1 Small Shield +2
Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Armor +3
Bracers of Dexterity +2 Bracers of Dexterity +3
Belt of Agility +2 Greater Mask of Persuasion
Shortbow +1 Shortbow +2
Light Crossbow +1 Light Crossbow +2
Heavy Crossbow +1 Heavy Crossbow +2
Quarterstaff +1 Quarterstaff +2
Mace +1 Mace +2
Rapier +1 Rapier +2
Club +1 Club +2
Morningstar +1 Morningstar +2
Short Sword +1 Short Sword +2
Dagger +1 Dagger +2
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Mild Poison Arrow
Poison Bolt Poison Arrow
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Scarab of Protection +2 Scarab of Protection +3
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Potions: Speed

(D.20) Magic Store

City Core, Cloaktower - Eltoora Sarptyl

Mage's Battle Robe Adventure's Robe
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Nymph Cloak +1 Cloak of Fortification +1
Bracers of Armor +1 Boots of Striding +1
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Clear Thought +1
Ring of Resistance +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Scarab of Protection +1 Wand of Negative Energy
Wand of Missiles
Potions: Speed, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom,
Eagle's Splendor, Endurance
Scrolls: Charm Person, Summon Creature I, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement,
Cat's Grace, Grease, Color Spray, Resistance, Protection from Alignment,
Endure Elements, Sleep, Magic Missile, Knock, Invisibility, Ghoul Touch,
Darkness, See Invisibility, Blindness/Deafness, Lesser Dispel, Identify,
Bull's Strength, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Protection from Elements, Slow,
Haste, Fireball, Magic Circle against Alignment, Dispel Magic

(D.21) Magic Store +1

Port Llast - Eltoora Sarptyl
Luskan, Mercantile Shop - Arto Webber

Mage's Battle Robe Greater Battle Robe
Adventure's Robe Robe of Light
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Robe of Cold Resistance Robe of Fire Resistance
Bracers of Armor +2 Boots of Striding +2
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Guiding Light
Golden Circlet Cloak of Protection +2
Cloak of Fortification +1 Cloak of Fortification +2
Nymph Cloak +2
Light Crossbow +1 Heavy Crossbow +1
Mace +1 Quarterstaff +1
Sickle +1 Sling +1
Club +1 Morningstar +1
Spear +1 Dagger +1
Dart +1 Giant's Bane
Farel's Gold Lightning Bullet
Ice Bullet Fire Bullet
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Bolt of Lightning Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Bolt of Fire
Paralytic Bolt
Ring of Clear Thought +1 Ring of Clear Thought +2
Ring of Resistance +1 Ring of Resistance +2
Ring of Protection +2 Scarab of Protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Wand of Negative Energy
Wand of Missiles Wand of Lightning
Wand of Fire Wand of Stinking Cloud
Wand of Fear Wand of Summoning
Wand of Paralyzation Rod of Terror
Rod of Beguiling
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Hold Person, Protection from Elements, Invisibility Sphere, Fear,
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Vampiric Touch, Slow, Haste, Lightning Bolt,
Fireball, Contagion, Charm Monster, Summon Creature III, Stinking Cloud,
Flame Arrow, Magic Circle against Alignment, Dispel Magic, Hold Monster,
Dismissal, Lesser Spell Breach, Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Spell Mantle,
Elemental Shield, Planar Binding, Summon Creature IV, Greater Stoneskin,
Circle of Death, Phantasmal Killer, Lesser Planar Binding, Wall of Fire,
Polymorph Self, Stoneskin, Cone of Cold, Minor Globe of Invulnerability,
Chain Lightning

(D.22) Magic Store +2

Beorunna's Well, Many-Starred Cloak - Eltoora Sarptyl

Master Adventurer's Robe Greater Battle Robe
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Robe of Cold Resistance Robe of Fire Resistance
Robe of Light Cloak of Protection +3
Cloak of Fortification +2 Cloak of Fortification +3
Nymph Cloak +3 Bracers of Armor +3
Belt of Guiding Light Greater Belt of Guiding Light
Boots of Striding +3
Light Crossbow +2 Heavy Crossbow +2
Mace +2 Quarterstaff +2
Sickle +2 Sling +2
Club +2 Morningstar +2
Spear +2 Dagger +2
Dart +2 Giant's Bane
Farel's Gold Lightning Bullet
Ice Bullet Fire Bullet
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Bolt of Lightning Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Bolt of Fire
Paralytic Bolt
Ring of Clear Thought +2 Ring of Clear Thought +3
Ring of Resistance +2 Ring of Resistance +3
Ring of Protection +3 Scarab of Protection +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 Wand of Negative Energy
Wand of Missiles Wand of Lightning
Wand of Fire Wand of Stinking Cloud
Wand of Fear Wand of Arcane Disjunction
Wand of Summoning Wand of Paralyzation
Rod of Terror Rod of Reversal
Rod of Beguiling Staff of Power
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Greater Dispelling, Ethereal Visage, True Seeing, Horrid Wilting,
Greater Stoneskin, Greater Spell Breach, Mass Haste, Summon Creature VI,
Globe of Invulnerability, Chain Lightning, Mordenkainen's Sword, Shades,
Prismatic Spray, Power Word Stun, Incendiary Cloud, Energy Drain, Weird,
Mind Blank, Time Stop, Planar Binding, Circle of Death, Power Word Kill,
Greater Planar Binding, Delayed Blast Fireball, Acid Fog

(D.23) Magic Store +3

City Core, Cloaktower - Eltoora Sarptyl

Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Robe of Cold Resistance Robe of Fire Resistance
Robe of Light Nymph Cloak +5
Cloak of Fortification +3 Cloak of Protection +5
Bracers of Armor +5 Boots of Striding +5
Greater Belt of Guiding Light
Light Crossbow +3 Heavy Crossbow +3
Mace +3 Quarterstaff +3
Sickle +3 Sling +3
Club +3 Morningstar +3
Spear +3 Dagger +3
Dart +3 Giant's Bane
Farel's Gold Lightning Bullet
Ice Bullet Fire Bullet
Bullet of Smiting Bullet of Screaming
Bolt of Lightning Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Bolt of Fire
Paralytic Bolt
Ring of Clear Thought +5 Ring of Resistance +3
Ring of Protection +5 Scarab of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 Wand of Negative Energy
Wand of Missiles Wand of Lightning
Wand of Fire Wand of Stinking Cloud
Wand of Fear Wand of Arcane Disjunction
Wand of Summoning Wand of Paralyzation
Rod of Terror Rod of Reversal
Rod of Beguiling
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Greater Dispelling, Ethereal Visage, True Seeing, Horrid Wilting,
Greater Stoneskin, Greater Spell Breach, Mass Haste, Summon Creature VI,
Globe of Invulnerability, Chain Lightning, Mordenkainen's Sword, Shades,
Prismatic Spray, Power Word Stun, Incendiary Cloud, Energy Drain, Weird,
Mind Blank, Time Stop, Planar Binding, Circle of Death, Power Word Kill,
Greater Planar Binding, Delayed Blast Fireball, Acid Fog

(D.24) Merchant Store

City Core - Merchant
City Core, Trade of Blades - Merchant
Peninsula, Mizzenmast Mercantile - Merchant
Blacklake, Board Laid Bare - Bartender

Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Dexterity +1
Boots of Striding +1 Cloak of Protection +1
Nymph Cloak +1
Ring of Insight Ring of Protection +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Scarab of Protection +1
Magic Bags
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal

(D.25) Merchant Store +1

Port Llast, The Cracked Anvil - Haljal Throndor
Luskan, Mercantile Shop - Merchant

Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Boots of Striding +2 Cloak of Protection +2
Nymph Cloak +2
Ring of Insight Ring of Scholars
Ring of Protection +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Scarab of Protection +2 Magic Bags
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal

(D.26) Other Stores

Port Llast, Eltoora's Lab - Saer Bodkin

Robe of Light Robe of Acid Resistance
Robe of Cold Resistace Robe of Fire Resistance
Wand of Missiles Wand of Sleep
Wand of Fear Wand of Stinking Cloud
Rod of Frost
Other: Quartz Crystal, Bodak's Tooth, Fire Beetle's Belly, Rakshasa's Eye,
Gargoyle Skull, Skeleton's Knuckle, Fairy Dust, Slaad's Tongue
Scrolls: Lightning Bolt, Mage Armor, Burning Hands, Improved Invisibility,
Endure Elements, Fireball, Animate Dead, True Seeing, Summon Creature V,
Greater Dispelling, Planar Binding, Cloudkill, Globe of Invulnerability,
Cone of Cold, Chain Lightning

Port Llast, Alliance Arms Inn - Elaith Craulnober

Dwarven Mirth Tagget's Talon
Padded Armor +1 Leather Armor +1
Studded Leather Armor +1 Chain Shirt +1
Small Shield +1 Mask of Persuasion
Thayvian Circlet Thieves' Hood
Bracers of Dexterity +2 Belt of Hill Giant Strength
Belt of Agility +1 Belt of Agility +2
Bracers of Armor +2
Light Crossbow +1 Heavy Crossbow +1
Shortbow +1 Mace +1
Quarterstaff +1 Morningstar +1
Club +1 Rapier +1
Sickle +1 Short Sword +1
Dagger +1 Piercing Arrow
Bolt of Frostbite Bolt of Piercing
Acid Arrow Fire Arrow
Ice Arrow Mild Poison Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Poison Arrow
Poison Bolt
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Ring of Protection +2
Periapt of Wisdom +1 Wand of Sleep
Trap Kits: Minor Negative, Average Negative, Strong Negative, Minor Spike,
Average Spike, Strong Spike, Minor Sonic, Average Sonic, Strong Sonic,
Minor Acid Splash, Average Acid Splash, Strong Acid Splash, Minor Frost,
Average Frost, Strong Frost, Minor Blob of Acid, Average Blob of Acid,
Minor Holy, Average Holy, Strong Holy, Minor Electrical, Minor Tangle,
Average Tangle, Minor Fire

Port Llast, Alliance Arms Inn - Alhelor

Armor of the Wolf Woodcutter's Axe
Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Armor +2
Bracers of Dexterity +1 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Lightning Bullet Ice Bullet
Fire Bullet Bullet of Smiting
Bolt of Lightning Bolt of Frostbite
Paralytic Bolt Bolt of Fire
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Lightning Arrow Ice Arrow
Fire Arrow Acid Arrow
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Protection +2
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Resurrection

(D.27) SoU Stores

Hilltop West, Community Hall - Gilford

Baton of the Holy Lesser Mace of Disruption
Heart of Neely
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 Robes of the Shining Hand +2
Robes of the Old Order Bracers of Dexterity +1
Boots of Striding +1 Boots of the Sun Soul +2
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Intertial Barrier
Cloak of Fortification +1 Cloak of Movement
Light Flail +1 Kama +1
Ring of Resistance +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Lesser Amulet of Health Lesser Amulet of the Master
Holy Water
Potions: Antidote
Scrolls: Inflict Minor Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Sound Burst, Silence,
Remove Blindness/Deafness, Lesser Restoration, Divine Favor, Raise Dead,
Inflict Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Continual Flame,
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Remove Disease, Bane, Entropic Shield

Hilltop West, The Smith - Fiona

Flaming Gloves +2 Blade of Chult
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power Bracers of Dexterity +1
Boots of Striding +1 Padded Armor +1
Breastplate +1 Full Plate
Small Shield +1 Large Shield +1
Short Sword +1
Bolt of Piercing Ice Arrow
Fire Bullet Bullet of Screaming
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Potions: Antidote

Hilltop West, Herbalist - Farghan

Skin of the Forest Cloak of the High Forest
Greater Gloves of Animal Handling Boots of Hardiness +1
Sickle +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Tanglefoot Bag
Other: Quartz Crystal
Potions: Antidote
Scrolls: Magic Fang, Quillfire, Charm Person or Animal, One With The Land,
Blood Frenzy, Spike Growth, Silence, Lessor Restoration, Remove Disease,
Sound Burst, Restoration, Greater Magic Fang, Remove Blindness/Deafness,
Camouflage, Neutralize Poison, Greater Restoration

Hilltop West, Thaymart - Szaren

Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Adventurer's Robe Lesser Belt of Guiding Light
Nymph Cloak +1 Cloak of Forification +1
Bolt of Piercing Bullets of Smiting
Ring of Clear Thought +1 Ring of Resistance +1
Amulet of Acid Resistance Scabbard of Blessing
Other: Quartz Crystal, Coldstone, Skeleton's Knuckle
Potions: Antidote
Scrolls: Ray of Frost, Amplify, Daze, Flare, Electric Jolt, Magic Missile,
Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray, Sleep, Summon Creature I, Acid Splash,
Protection from Alignment, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Dispel Magic,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Continual Flame, Balagarn's Iron Horn, Shield,
Charm Person, True Strike, Mage Armor, Slow, Light, Knock, Gust of Wind,
Lesser Dispel, Grease, Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength, Blindness/Deafness,
See Invisibility, Identify, Protection from Elements, Wounding Whispers,
Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Darkness, Melf's Acid Arrow, Web, Resistance,
Endure Elements

Hilltop East - Torias

Chain of Stealth Tagget's Talon
Fochluchan Bandore Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern
Gloves of the Long Death +1 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2
Belt of Agility +1
Dagger +1 Short Sword +1
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Mild Poison Arrow
Poison Bolt Poison Arrow
Dust of Appearance Dust of Disappearance
Caltrops Choking Powder
Other: Quartz Crystal
Potions: Speed

High Forest, The Hermit's Home - Hermit

Robe of Energy Ventrue's Lucky Charms
Brooch of Shielding Chime of Opening
Adventurer's Robe Mage's Battle Robe
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Nymph Cloak +1 Cloak of Fortification +1
Boots of Striding +1 Lesser Belt of Guiding Light
Bullets of Smiting Bolt of Piercing
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Clear Thought +1
Ring of Resistance +1 Scarab of Protection +1
Magic Pouch Magic Bag
Thunderstone Empty Bottle
Other: Coldstone, Skeleton's Knuckle
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Ray of Frost, Amplify, Daze, Flare, Electric Jolt, Magic Missile,
Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray, Sleep, Summon Creature I, Acid Splash,
Protection from Alignment, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Dispel Magic,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Continual Flame, Balagarn's Iron Horn, Shield,
Light, Charm Person, True Strike, Mage Armor, Fireball, Endure Elements,
Lesser Dispel, Grease, Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength, Blindness/Deafness,
See Invisibility, Identify, Protection from Elements, Wounding Whispers,
Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Darkness, Melf's Acid Arrow, Web, Resistance,
Haste, Slow, Knock, Gust of Wind

Anauroch Night Camp - Katriana Dorovnia
Oasis of the Green Palm - Katriana Dorovnia
Ao Encampment - Katriana Dorovnia

The Sandstorm Prayer to the Overgod
Leather Armor +1 Chainmail +1
Studded Leather Armor +2 Half Plate +2
Cloak of Protection +1 Nymph Cloak +1
Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Dexterity +1
Boots of Striding +1
Short Sword +1 Short Sword +2
Light Flail +1 Club +2
Bastard Sword +1 Dire Mace +1
Bolt +1 Arrow +1
Bolt +2 Arrow +2
Ring of Insight Ring of Protection +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Scarab of Protection +1
Magic Pouch Lesser Magic Bag
Magic Bag Greater Magic Bag
Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Resurrection

Anauroch Night Camp - Torias
Oasis of the Green Palm - Torias
Ao Encampment - Torias

The Nightthief's Claw
Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Dexterity +1
Belt of Agility +1 Dagger +1
Bolt of Piercing Piercing Arrow
Mild Poison Bolt Mild Poison Arrow
Poison Bolt Poison Arrow
Ring of Protection +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Dust of Appearance Dust of Disappearance
Caltrops Choking Powder
Potions: Speed
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Resurrection

Anauroch Night Camp, Fortune Teller's Caravan - Daschnaya
Oasis of the Green Palm, Fortune Teller's Caravan - Daschnaya
Ao Encampment, Fortune Teller's Caravan - Daschnaya

Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Electrical Resistance
Mage's Battle Robe Adventurer's Robe
Nymph Cloak +1 Cloak of Fortification +1
Bracers of Armor +1 Boots of Striding +1
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light
Bullet of Smiting Bolt of Piercing
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Clear Thought +1
Ring of Resistance +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Scarab of Protection +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Wand of Negative Energy Wand of Missiles
Other: Quartz Crystal, Coldstone, Skeleton's Knuckle
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Ray of Frost, Light, Daze, Inflict Minor Wounds, Shield of Faith,
Flare, Electric Jolt, Acid Splash, Charm Person or Animal, Charm Person,
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Magic Missile, Camouflage, Magic Fang, Amplify,
Remove Disease, Inflict Light Wounds, Entropic Shield, See Invisibility,
Divine Favor, Bane, True Strike, Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Quillfire,
Color Spray, Sleep, Summon Creature I, Mage Armor, Grease, Blood Frenzy,
Protection from Alignment, Endure Elements, Resistance, Continual Flame,
Sound Burst, Silence, Lesser Restoration, Flame Lash, One with the Land,
Aura of Glory, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Magic Circle Against Alignment,
Balagarn's Iron Horn, Blindness/Deafness, Melf's Acid Arrow, Raise Dead,
Darkness, Knock, Resurrection, Spike Growth, Dispel Magic, Gust of Wind,
Greater Magic Fang, Protection from Elements, Cat's Grace, Invisibility,
Web, Slow, Identify, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Lesser Dispel, Fireball,
Bull's Strength, Wounding Whispers, Ghoul Touch, Inflict Serious Wounds,

Ao Encampment - Musharak (Musharak's Fine Desert Emporium)

Skin of the Manticore Boots of the Shifting Sands
Gargoyle Boots Lesser Oathbow
The Nightthief's Nimbleknife Death Shroud Axe
The Nomad's Ring
Robes of the Old Order Greater Adventurer's Robe
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 Robes of the Shining Hand +2
Hide Armor +1 Scale Mail +1
Leather Armor +2 Chainmail +2
Breastplate +2 Cloak of Movement
Cloak of Fortification +1 Cloak of Protection +2
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Intertial Barrier
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2
Bracers of Armor +1 Bracers of Armor +2
Bracers of Dexterity +1 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 Boots of the Sun Soul +1
Boots of Striding +1
Light Flail +1 Mace +2
Longsword +2
Ring of Protection +1 Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Resistance +1 Periapt of Wisdom +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Lesser Amulet of Health Scarab of Protection +2
Lesser Amulet of the Master
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Stoneskin, Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Evard's Black Tentacles,
Bigby's Interposing Hand, Summon Creature V, Chain Lightning, Firebrand,
Bigby's Forceful Hand, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Cone of Cold, Raise Dead,
Resurrection, Haste

Undrentide, Asabi Camp - Ashtara

Twin Fists of Fire Vestments of Faith
Club of Smiting The Sandstorm
Magic Electrifier Dove's Harp
Prayer Bag (see Appendix C.9)
Cloak of Protection +2 Cloak of Protection +3
Nymph Cloak +2 Leather Armor +3
Scale Mail +3 Banded Mail +3
Padded Armor +4 Hide Armor +4
Boots of Striding +2 Bracers of Dexterity +2
Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Armor +3
Small Shield +4 Large Shield +3
Dart +1 Dart +2
Shuriken +1 Shuriken +2
Throwing Axe +1 Throwing Axe +2
Longbow +3 Composite Longbow +3
Shortbow +3 Composite Shortbow +3
Light Crossbow +3 Heavy Crossbow +3
Sling +3 Bullet +1
Bullet +2 Bullet +3
Arrow +1 Arrow +2
Arrow +3 Bolt +1
Bolt +2 Bolt +3
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Insight Scarab of Protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Rod of Resurrection
Magic Bag Greater Magic Bag
Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Caltrops Holy Water
Choaking Powder Thunderstone
Tanglefoot Bag
Other: Coldstone
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Fear,
Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Stoneskin,
Remove Blindness/Deafness, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Eagle's Splendor,
Protection from Elements, Protection from Alignment, Blindness/Deafness,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Bigby's Interposing Hand, Ray of Enfeeblement,
Inflict Critical Wounds, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Improved Invisibility,
Inflict Serious Wounds, Charm Person or Animal, Evard's Black Tentacles,
Invisibility Sphere, Summon Creature III, Negative Energy Burst, Shield,
Negative Energy Ray, Expeditious Retreat, Balagarn's Iron Horn, Clarity,
Inflict Minor Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Lesser Planar Binding, Slow,
Summon Creature II, Greater Magic Fang, Summon Creature IV, Cat's Grace,
Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Spell Breach, Lesser Spell Mantle, Firebrand,
Phantasmal Killer, Wounding Whispers, Lesser Restoration, Burning Hands,
Bull's Strength, See Invisibility, Lesser Mind Blank, Summon Creature I,
Melf's Acid Arrow, Neutralize Poison, Summon Creature V, Polymorph Self,
Owl's Insight, Ghostly Visage, Ethereal Visage, Feeblemind, Hold Person,
Charm Monster, Vampiric Touch, Continual Flame, Mage Armor, Ghoul Touch,
Magic Missile, Remove Disease, Shield of Faith, Magic Fang, Ultravision,
Lesser Dispel, Stinking Cloud, Endure Elements, Raise Dead, Sound Burst,
Fox's Cunning, Lightning Bolt, Dominate Person, Camouflage, Restoration,
Aura of Glory, Stone to Flesh, Resist Elements, Flame Lash, Flame Arrow,
Hold Monster, Flame Strike, Gust of Wind, Cone of Cold, Grease, Silence,
Resurrection, Owl's Wisdom, Ray of Frost, Charm Person, Identify, Scare,
Divine Favor, Spike Growth, Invisibility, Remove Curse, Darkness, Knock,
Wall of Fire, Bestow Curse, Animate Dead, Displacement, Fireball, Haste,
True Strike, Dispel Magic, Elemental Shield, One With The Land, Amplify,
Color Spray, Endurance, Quillfire, Contagion, Confusion, Sleep, Inferno,
Mind Fog, Dismissal, Blood Frenzy, Web, Bane, Light

Plane of Shadows, Lair of the Shadow Lich - Shadow Servant

Armor of Freedom Cloak of Greater Sanctuary
Ichthia's Neck-Knife Staff of Command
Lich Lyrics Harp of Haunting
Transmogrifying Wand (Appendix C.9)
Dart +2 Dart +3
Shuriken +2 Shuriken +3
Throwing Axe +2 Throwing Axe +3
Bullet +2 Bullet +3
Arrow +2 Arrow +3
Bolt +2 Bolt +3
Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Caltrops Holy Water
Choaking Powder Thunderstone
Tanglefoot Bag
Other: Coldstone
Scrolls: Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Resurrection,
Remove Curse, Raise Dead, Restoration

(D.28) HotU Stores

(x GP) - The maximum price paid for any item.
[x GP] - The best price paid for a Rogue Stone

Waterdeep, Yawning Portal, Well Room - White Thesta (7,500GP)

Robes of the Dark Moon One of Many
Kiss of Sune
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3 Bracers of Armor +1
Bracers of Dexterity +1 Lesser Belt of Guiding Light
Boots of Striding +1 Boots of the Sun Soul +1
Boots of the Sun Soul +2 Boots of the Sun Soul +3
Small Shield +2 Small Shield +3
Large Shield +1 Large Shield +2
Tower Shield +2 Tower Shield +3
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 Robes of the Shining Hand +2
Robes of the Shining Hand +3 Robes of the Old Order
Improved Robes of the Old Order Scale Mail +1
Scale Mail +2 Scale Mail +3
Chainmail +2 Chainmail +3
Breastplate +2 Breastplate +3
Splint Mail +2 Splint Mail +3
Banded Mail +2 Banded Mail +3
Half Plate +2 Half Plate +3
Cloak of Fortification
Sling +1 Sling +2
Kama +1 Kama +2
Club +1 Club +2
Light Hammer +1 Light Hammer +2
Light Flail +1 Light Flail +2
Morningstar +1 Morningstar +2
Mace +1 Mace +2
Warhammer +1 Warhammer +2
Heavy Flail +1 Heavy Flail +2
Quarterstaff +1 Quarterstaff +2
Dire Mace +1 Dire Mace +2
Whip +3 Bullet +1
Bullet +2 Bullet +3
Arrow +1 Arrow +2
Arrow +3 Bolt +1
Bolt +2 Bolt +3
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Periapt of Wisdom +2, Periapt of Wisdom +3
Lesser Amulet of Health, Lesser Amulet of the Master
Acid Flask Holy Water
Other: Rogue Stone
Cloth Dye: Bleach, Pink, Light Red, Dark Red
Potions: Antidote, Cure Critical Wounds
Scrolls: Inflict Minor Wounds, Inflight Light Wounds, Raise Dead, Silence,
Entropic Shield, Divine Favor, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Continual Flame,
Lesser Restoration, Sound Burst, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Restoration,
Bane, Remove Disease, Neutralize Poison, Inflict Serious Wounds

Waterdeep, Argali's Arms - Argali Silth (7,500GP) [3,250GP]

Eyes of Petrification Woodcutter's Axe
Breath of the Maiden Cold Iron Blade
Elven Court Bow Gruumsh Hand
Krotan's Skullcrusher
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Bracers of Dexterity +1
Bracers of Dexterity +2 Bracers of Dexterity +3
Greater Swordsman's Belt Greater Brawler's Belt
Greater Archer's Belt Boots of Striding +1
Boots of Striding +2 Boots of Striding +3
Watchman's Helm Small Shield +2
Large Shield +2 Large Shield +3
Tower Shield +2 Tower Shield +3
Breastplate +1 Splint Mail +1
Banded Mail +1 Half Plate +1
Full Plate +1
ALL WEAPONS +2 ALL WEAPONS +3 except Light Flail +3
Dart +1 Throwing Axe +1
Light Hammer +1 Club +1
Light Flail +1 Bastard Sword +1
Arrow +1 Arrow +2
Arrow +3 Acid Arrow
Ice Arrow Poison Arrow
Bolt +1 Bolt +2
Bolt +3 Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Poison Bolt
Bullet +1 Bullet +2
Bullet +3 Bullet of Screaming
Fire Bullet
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Acid Bomb Fire Bomb
Metal Dye: Light Gold, Bright Copper, Black

Waterdeep, Argali's Arms - Blacksmith (500GP)

Other: Feathers, Leather Hide, Bar of Steel, Bolt of Cloth x2
Cloth Dye: Dark Red, Dark Blue
Leather Dye: Light Blue, Light Red
Metal Dye: Dark Iron, Dark Gold, Bright Green

Waterdeep, Magic Shoppe - Sobrey (7,500GP) [3,250GP]

Sequencer Robe Robe of Blending
Bracers of Armor +2 Bracers of Armor +3
Boots of Striding +2 Boots of Striding +3
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light Belt of Guiding Light
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Cold Resistance
Robe of Electrical Resistance Robe of Fire Resistance
Adventurer's Robe Robe of Energy
Nymph Cloak +2 Nymph Cloak +3
Cloak of Fortification +2 Cloak of Fortification +3
Arrow of the Vampire Piercing Arrow
Fire Arrow Lightning Arrow
Bolt +1 Bolt +2
Bolt +3 Bolt of Lightning
Bolt of Fire Bolt of Frostbite
Bolt of Piercing Paralytic Bolt
Bullet +1 Bullet +2
Bullet +3 Lightning Bullet
Ice Bullet Bullet of Smiting
Dagger +1 Dagger +2
Dagger +3 Dart +1
Dart +2 Dart +3
Club +1 Club +2
Club +3 Mace +1
Mace +2 Mace +3
Sickle +1 Sickle +2
Sickle +3 Sling +1
Sling +2 Sling +3
Light Crossbow +1 Light Crossbow +2
Light Crossbow +3 Heavy Crossbow +1
Heavy Crossbow +2 Heavy Crossbow +3
Quarterstaff +1 Quarterstaff +2
Quarterstaff +3
Ring of Resistance +1 Ring of Resistance +2
Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Clear Thought +2 Ring of Clear Thought +3
Amulet of Will +2 Amulet of Will +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Scarab of Protection +2 Scarab of Protection +3
Wand of Sleep Wand of Lightning
Wand of Summoning Wand of Paralyzation
Staff of Defense Staff of Power
Staff of Command
Other: Blank Scroll, Quartz Crystal, Spider Venon Weak, Spider Venon Mild,
Spider Venon Deadly, Magical Potion Bottle, Coldstone, Bone Wand,
Skeleton's Knuckle
Cloth Dye: Dark Turquoise, Purple, Light Orange, Black
Potions: Antidote, Speed
Scrolls: Lesser Spell Breach, Polymorph Self, Bull's Strength, Ice Dagger,
Dispel Magic, Burning Hands, Electric Jolt, Lesser Dispel, Remove Curse,
Hold Monster, Ghostly Visage, Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Charm Monster,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Evard's Black Tentacles, Contagion, Confusion,
Gedlee's Electric Loop, Dominate Person, Dismissal, Lesser Spell Breach,
Improved Invisibiliy, Enervation, Shadow Conjuration, Phantasmal Killer,
Lesser Planar Binding, True Seeing, Elemental Shield, Lesser Mind Blank,
Magic Missile, Owl's Insight, Summon Creature IV, Inferno, Cone of Cold,
Wall of Fire, Summon Creature V, Feeblemind, Greater Shadow Conjunction,
Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser Spell Mantle, Greater Dispelling,
Mind Fog, Ethereal Visage, Lesser Spell Mantle, Tenser's Transformation,
Stoneskin, Greater Stoneskill, Greater Spell Breach, Summon Creature VI,
Circle of Death, Chain Lightning, Finger of Death, Mordenkainen's Sword,
Control Undead, Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Mantle, Power Word Stun,
Delayed Blast Fireball, Summon Creature VII, Planar Binding, Mass Haste,
Prismatic Spray, Fear, Shades, Acid Fog, Cloudkill

Lith My'athar, City Core & Port - Rizolvir (10,000GP) [3,250GP]

Woodcutter's Axe Breath of the Maiden
Cold Iron Blade Elven Court Bow
Gruumsh Hand Krotan's Skullcrusher
Gloves of the Balanced Hands Nasher's Ring of Strength
Gloves of the Hin Fist +6 Gloves of the Hin Fist +7
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Bracers of Dexterity +3
Greater Archer's Belt Greater Swordsman's Belt
Greater Brawler's Belt Small Shield +1
Small Shield +2 Small Shield +3
Large Shield +1 Large Shield +2
Large Shield +3 Tower Shield +1
Tower Shield +2 Tower Shield +3
ALL ARMOR +1 except Hide +1 ALL ARMOR +2 except Hide +2
ALL ARMOR +3 except Hide +3
ALL WEAPONS +3 Whip +4
Whip +5 Whip +6
ALL AMMUNITION (up to +3) Arrows of Petrification
Arrow +4 Arrow +5
Bullet +4 Bullet +5
Bolt +4 Bolt +5

Lith My'athar, City Core & Port - Gulhrys (10,000GP) [3,250GP]

All of the items from HotU Magic Store (see below) plus

Forever Rod of Resurrection
Cloth Dye: Yellow, Purple, Pink, Light Turquoise, Light Red, Light Orange,
Light Grey, Light Green, Light Blue, Black, Dark Turquoise, Dark Orange,
Dark Red, Dark Grey, Dark Green, Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Gold, Bleach
Scrolls: Raise Dead, Mass Haste, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Greater Sanctuary,
Greater Spell Mantle, Resurrection, Time Stop, Bigby's Crushing Hand

Zorvak'Mur (Inner Ring) - Artuur (10,000GP) [3,250GP]

All of the items from HotU Magic Store (see below) plus

Nasher's Gloves of Discipline
Other: Purple Light Gem, Red Light Gem, Green Light Gem

HotU Magic Store (see above)

Bracers of Armor +4 Bracers of Armor +5
Bracers of Armor +6 Boots of Striding +4
Boots of Striding +5 Boots of Striding +6
Belt of Guiding Light Robe of Light
Robe of Acid Resistance Robe of Cold Resistance
Robe of Electrical Resistance Robe of Fire Resistance
Mage's Battle Robe Greater Battle Robe
Adventurer's Robe Master Adventurer's Robe
Cloak of Fortification +4 Cloak of Fortification +5
Nymph Cloak +4 Nymph Cloak +5
Nymph Cloak +6
Dagger +1 Dagger +2
Dagger +3 Dagger +4
Dagger +5 Dart +3
Dart +4 Dart +5
Sickle +3 Sickle +4
Sickle +5 Club +3
Club +4 Club +5
Mace +3 Quarterstaff +3
Quarterstaff +4 Quarterstaff +5
Light Crossbow +3 Heavy Crossbow +3
Bullet +1 Bullet +2
Bullet +3 Lightning Bullet
Ice Bullet Bullets of Smiting
Bolt +1 Bolt +2
Bolt +3 Bolt of Lightning
Bolt of Frostbite Paralytic Bolt
Bolt of Fire Bolt of Piercing
Ring of Protection +4 Ring of Protection +5
Ring of Protection +6 Ring of Resistance +3
Ring of Clear Thought +4 Ring of Clear Thought +5
Ring of Clear Thought +6 Ironskin Ring
Amulet of Will +4 Amulet of Will +5
Amulet of Will +6 Amulet of Natural Armor +4
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 Amulet of Natural Armor +6
Scarab of Protection +4 Scarab of Protection +5
Scarab of Protection +6
Rod of Resurrection Thunderstone
Other: Skeleton's Knuckle, Quartz Crystal, Coldstone
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Greater Dispelling, Planar Binding, Hold Monster, Control Undead,
Summon Creature V, Dominate Person, Ethereal Visage, Summon Creature VI,
Spell Mantle, Circle of Death, Animate Dead, Greater Shadow Conjunction,
Lesser Mind Blank, Greater Spell Breach, Greater Stoneskin, Premonition,
Mass Blindness/Deafness, Mordenkainen's Sword, Globe of Invulnerability,
Delayed Blast Fireball, Greater Planar Binding, Mass Charm, True Seeing,
Lesser Planar Binding, Power Word Stun, Horrid Wilting, Finger of Death,
Protection from Spells, Mind Blank, Tenser's Transformation, Feeblemind,
Prismatic Spray, Summon Creature VII, Lesser Spell Mantle, Cone of Cold,
Summon Creature VIII, Mind Fog, Dismissal, Cloudkill, Incendiary Cloud,
Chain Lightning, Shades, Acid Fog

Drearing's Deep - Ragpicker (10,000GP) [4,750GP]

Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Caltrops Choaking Powder
Tanglefoot Bag
Other: Bar of Mithral, Bar of Steel, Thieves' Tools +12
Potions: Lore, Clarity, Lesser Restoration, Antidote

Drearing's Deep - Cult Knight (10,000GP) [4,750GP]

Potions: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration,

Isle of the Maker - Dwelver (10,000GP) [4,750GP]

Bag of Holding Thunderstone
Acid Bomb Fire Bomb
Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Other: Blank Scroll, Magical Potion Bottle, Bone Wand, Skeleton's Knuckle,
Bar of Mithral, Bar of Steel, Blue Light Gem, Coldstone
Scrolls: Minor Globe of Invulnerability, True Seeing, Summon Creature VII,
Greater Spell Breach, Prismatic Spray, Greater Sanctuary

City of Lost Souls, Quarry Office - Gru'ul (50,000GP) [2,500GP]

Battle Legion Bow North Wind Bow +8
Bane of the Undead Axe of the Dwarf Lord
Harvest Axe Aramil's Blade
Fiery Power Quarterstaff
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +7 Gloves of the Yellow Rose +10
Gloves of the Hin Fist +7 Gloves of the Hin Fist +10
Gloves of the Long Death +10 Bracers of Armor +10
Bracers of Dexterity +6 Bracers of Dexterity +7
Gargoyle Boots Dragon Slippers
Boots of Striding +6 Boots of Striding +7
Boots of the Shifting Sands Boots of Reflexes +10
Belt of Storm Giant Strength Belt of Agility +10
Eyes of Petrification Crown of Thorns
Small Shield +6 Large Shield +6
Tower Shield +5 Shield of Prator
Robes of the Shining Hand +5 Robes of the Shining Hand +7
Half-Plate +5 Full Plate +5
Padded Armor +6 Leather Armor +6
Hide Armor +6 Studded Leather Armor +6
Chain Shirt +6 Chainmail +6
Leech +8 Ice Reaver +8
Cutting Star +8 Imaskari Kama +8
Feyduster +8 Drone +8
Mace of Disruption +8 Storm +8
Gladiator's Club +8 Namarra +8
Desert Wind +8 Sentinel +8
Foundation +8 Sword Saint Legacy +8
Stonefire Axe +8 Reaver +8
Fey Spear +8 Sea Reaver +8
Ravager +8 Ironwood Mace +8
Aiedo Wither-Stick +8 Axe of the Tall Kin +8
Harbinger Kin +8 Two Bladed Sword +5
Bolt +1 Bolt +2
Bolt +3 Bolt of Piercing
Arrow +1 Arrow +2
Arrow +3 Ice Arrow
Bullet +1 Bullet +2
Bullet +3 Fire Bullet
Bullet of Screaming
Ring of Major Sonic Resistance Ring of Fortitude +10
Ring of Protection +6 Ring of Protection +7
Ring of Protection +8 Ring of Protection +9
Amulet of the Master Scarab of Protection +8
Scarab of Protection +9 Scarab of Protection +10
Amulet of Natural Armor +7 Rod of Resurrection
Acid Bomb Fire Bomb
Alchemists Fire Torch of the Velox Berry
Other: Velox Berry
Potions: Lore, Lesser Restoration, Cure Critical Wounds, Antidote, Heal
Scrolls: Mestil's Acid Sheath, Meteor Swarm, Blackstaff, Undeath to Death,
Black Blade of Disaster, Resurrection, Time Stop

City of Lost Souls, Hellbreath Tavern - Tavernkeeper (50,000GP) [2,500GP]

Other: Velox Berry, Ale, Wine, Spirits
Potions: Ironguts, Death Armor, Cure Serious Wounds

City of Lost Souls, Hellbreath Tavern - Rizolvir's Ghost (50,000GP) [4,000GP]

Bracers of Dexterity +5 Bracers of Dexterity +6
Bracers of Dexterity +7 Boots of Striding +5
Boots of Striding +6 Boots of Striding +7
Small Shield +5 Small Shield +6
Large Shield +5 Large Shield +6
Tower Shield +5 Tower Shield +6
ALL ARMOR +5 except Hide +5 ALL ARMOR +6 except Hide +6
Arrow +1 Arrow +2
Arrow +3 Arrow +4
Arrow +5 Arrow of the Vampire
Piercing Arrow Lightning Arrow
Ice Arrow Arrows of Petrification
Mild Poison Arrow Poison Arrow
Bolt +1 Bolt +2
Bolt +3 Bolt +4
Bolt +5 Paralytic Bolt
Bolt of Fire Bolt of Piercing
Bullet +1 Bullet +2
Bullet +3 Bullet +4
Bullet +5 Fire Bullet
Giant's Bane Bullet of Screaming
Dwarven Waraxe +4 Rod of Resurrection
Scrolls: Resurrection

Djinni Bottle (Chapter 1) - Volkarion Arsetis (7,500GP)

Twin Fists of Fire Major Circlet of Blasting
Renewal Spear of Withering
Ice Talon Teleportation Bolt
Scale Mail +3 Robes of the Shining Hand +4
Chain Shirt +4 Breastplate +4
Light Flail +3 Throwing Axe +3
Dart +3 Shuriken +3
Arrow +3 Lightning Arrow
Poison Arrow Bolt +3
Paralytic Bolt Bullet +3
Fire Bullet Giant's Bane
Ring of Scholars Bone Ring
Purple Dragon Ring Ring of Protection +4
Stoneeater's Ring Amulet of Undead Turning
Wand of Missiles Rod of Resurrection
Brooch of Shielding Horn of Blasting
Lantern of Revealing Magic Electrifier
Lich Lyrics Large Box
Greater Magic Bag Bag of Holding
Dust of Appearance Dust of Disappearance
Acid Flask Alchemist's Fire
Caltrops Holy Water
Choking Powder Thunderstone
Tanglefoot Bag
Other: White Light Gem, Yellow Light Gem, Red Light Gem, Purple Light Gem,
Green Light Gem, Blue Light Gem, Magical Potion Bottle, Bar of Mithral,
Centipede Venom Mild, Spider Venon Average, Rogue Stone, Blank Scroll,
Coldstone, Feathers
Cloth Dye: Light Red, Gold, Dark Red
Leather Dye: Light Green, Light Orange, Black
Metal Dye: Black, Dark Blue, Dark Copper
Potions: Cure Critical Wounds, Speed, Heal
Scrolls: Knock, Restoration, Cloud of Bewilderment, Improved Invisibility,
Greater Magic Weapon, Mestil's Acid Sheath, Greater Spell Mantle, Haste,
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Bigby's Interposing Hand, Ball Lightning,
Greater Stoneskin, Glyph of Warding, Spell Resistance, Undeath to Death,
Find Traps, Flame Weapon, Stone to Flesh, Power Word Stun, Spell Mantle,
Black Blade of Disaster, Raise Dead, Mass Haste, Mass Heal

Djinni Bottle (Chapter 2) - Volkarion Arsetis (10,000GP) [2,750GP] buys traps

All of the items from the Chapter 1 store (except Throwing Axe +3, Arrow +3,
Bullet +3, Shuriken +3, Dart +3, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds) plus

Nasher's Nimble Boots Lathar's Last Belt
Robes of the Dark Maiden Fletcher's Friend
Spellchain Armor of Faith
Isaac's Sequencer Robe Last Words
Lesser Golem Armor The Guilded Defender
Dancer's Silhouette Pixie Lance
Tansheron's Bow Deepstone Progeny
Fiendfoe Deathcoil
Ring of Nine Lives Ring of Power
Transmogrifying Wand Prayer Bag
Pearl of Tongues Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
Chime of Opening Elixir of Horus-Re
Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue Lesser Ioun Stone: Deep Red
Belt of Guiding Light Robes of the Shining Hand +6
Scale Mail +5 Full Plate +5
Dagger +5 Scimitar +5
Dwarven Waraxe +5 Whip +5
Bastard Sword +5 Katana +5
Spear +5 Halberd +4
Throwing Axe +4 Shuriken +4
Dart +4 Bullet +4
Arrow +5 Piercing Arrow
Ice Arrow Fire Arrow
Acid Bomb Fire Bomb

Djinni Bottle (Chapter 3) - Volkarion Arsetis (15,000GP) [2,750GP] buys traps

All of the items from the Chapter 2 store (except Centipede Venom Mild) plus

Battle Legion Bow Crossbow of Lightning Strike
Axe of the Dwarf Lord Harvest Axe
Fiery Power Quarterstaff Aramil's Blade
Shiver-ring Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance
Gloves of the Long Death +8 Robes of the Shining Hand +7
Chaos Shield Full Plate +6
Bloodletter +8 Aiedo Wither-Stick +8
Sword Saint Legacy +8 Rune Hammer +8
Sentinel +8 Stonefire Axe +8
Harbinger Kin +8 Desert Wind +8
Storm +8 Astral Blade +8
Namarra +8 Ice Reaver +8
Ravager +8 Golden Sickle +8
Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +8 Gladiator's Club +8
Ironwood Mace +8 Drone +8
Feyduster +8 Fey Spear +8
Reaver +8 Cutting Star +8
Throwing Axe +6 Shuriken +6
Dart +6


(E) Items


- xxxGP is the items selling price ($# for a neutral reaction)
- Damage Reduction eg 5/+1 ignore first 5 points of damage unless the weapon
has an enchantment bonus of +1 or above, eg 10/+5,100 ignore 10 points of
damage until 100 points of damage have been done by weapons less than +5.
- Damage Resistance eg 15/- Acid ignore first 15 points of acid damage.
- AC Penalty applies to Hide, Move Silently, Set Trap, Pick Pocket and Parry
- Any weapon that does +1d6 or +4 or more elemental damage will glow!
- Universal+1 means a +1 bonus to all saving throws (Reflex, Fortitude, Will)
- Mighty+3 means that your STR bonus (maximum of 3) is added to your damage
- Keen doubles your critical hit range eg 19-20 becomes 17-20
- Freedom gives immunity to Paralysis, Entangle and Slow
- Haste gives an AC Dodge+4 bonus

(E.1) Tiny Weapons
Dagger (Simple, 1d4 19-20/x2) 1GP
Dagger +1 567GP
Dagger +2 2527GP
Dagger +3 5888GP
$ Dagger +4
$ Dagger +5
# Dagger +6
$ The Nightthief's Nimbleknife (Ambidexterity Feat, Tumble+2, -1 dmg)
Tagget's Talon +1 (Keen) 2527GP
# Yawning Portal Dagger +2 (-1 dmg)
# Drow Dagger (+1d6 Acid dmg)
Ice Talon +2 (+1d6 Cold dmg) 7623GP
Pixie Lance +2 (DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 10648GP
Courtesan Blade +2 (Keen, DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds) 10648GP
# Enserric the Dagger +4 (Vampiric+5, Talk to unlimited/day,
Leech +5 (Vampiric+3) 28226GP
# Leech +8 (Vampiric+5)
# Bloodsucker +6 (Vampiric+6, Keen)
# Risktaker +8 (Haste, INT-4, WIS-4, Hide+10, Move Silently+10,
only by Assassin)
Kukri (Exotic, 1d4 18-20/x2) 5GP
Kukri +1 571GP
Kukri +2 2531GP
Kukri +3 5892GP
$ Kukri +5
# Kukri +6
Sharpshadow Blade +1 (Hide+2, Move Silently+2) 1338GP
Neverwinter Kukri +2 (Fortitude+1) 4328GP
Messenger Blade +2 (Keen) 5892GP
Cutting Star +2 (+1d6 Fire dmg, DC14 Blindness 25%/3 rounds) 16133GP
# Cutting Star +8 (+1d6 Fire dmg, DC14 Blindness 25%/3 rounds)
# Hatred +4 (Keen, DC22 STR-1d2)
# Strife +4 (Keen, DC22 Doom 50%/2 rounds)

(E.2) Small Weapons
Handaxe (Martial, 1d6 20/x3) 4GP
Handaxe +1 570GP
Handaxe +2 2530GP
Handaxe +3 5891GP
$ Handaxe +5
# Handaxe +6
Ice Reaver +1 (+1 Cold dmg, 15/- Cold) 3164GP
Ice Reaver +3 (+1 Cold dmg, 15/- Cold) 11914GP
# Ice Reaver +8 (+1d6 Cold dmg, 15/- Cold)
Woodcutter's Axe +2 (+3 vs Shapechanger) 5952GP
Ember's Axe +2 (+4 vs Outsider)
Kama (Exotic, 1d6 20/x2) 1GP
Kama +1 567GP
Kama +2 2527GP
Kama +3 5888GP
$ Kama +5
# Kama +6
$ Desert's Fury +1 (+2 vs Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead)
Imaskari Kama +1 (+1d4 Acid dmg, Discipline+1)
# Imaskari Kama +8 (+1d6 Acid dmg, Discipline+5)
Hideo's Kama +2 (Parry+2) 3206GP
Peasant Dynasty +1 (5/- Acid, Cold, Fire, Electrical) 3312GP
Empty Fields +1 (DC14 Doom 50%/2 rounds) 5888GP
Thread of Life +1 (Regeneration+1, Cast Cure Minor Wounds, 9650GP
Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds)
Light Crossbow (Simple, 1d8 19-20/x2) 24GP
Light Crossbow +1 (Attack+1) 165GP
Light Crossbow +2 (Attack+2) 655GP
Light Crossbow +3 (Attack+3) 1495GP
$ Light Crossbow +5 (Attack+5)
# Light Crossbow +6 (Attack+6)
Ruby Crossbow (Attack+3, Cast Scare 1/day) 2125GP
Crossbow of Affliction (Attack+4, Mighty+3, +1d4 critical dmg) 5759GP
Crossbow of Murder (Attack+5, +2d6 critical dmg) 6696GP
Crossbow of the High Forest (Attack+4, Regeneration+1) 9867GP
Crossbow of the Unicorn (Attack+5, Haste) 24805GP
# Crossbow of Lightning Strike (Attack+8, Haste, +1d6 Lightning dmg,
unlimited ammo)
Light Hammer (Martial, 1d4 20/x2) 1GP
Light Hammer +1 567GP
Light Hammer +2 2527GP
Light Hammer +3 5887GP
$ Light Hammer +5
# Light Hammer +6
Daraz Hammer +1 (+1 Sonic dmg, +1d8 Sonic dmg vs Goblinoid)
Storm +1 (+1d4 Electrical dmg) 2205GP
Storm +2 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, 10/- Electrical) 11060GP
# Storm +8 (+1d8 Electrical dmg, 10/- Electrical)
Forge Fire +2 (+1d6 Fire dmg)
# Izu's Hammer of Fabrication +6 (Craft Armor+15, Craft Weapon+15,
Lore+15, only by Harper Scout)
Mace (Simple, 1d6 20/x2) 3GP
Mace +1 569GP
Mace +2 2529GP
Mace +3 5890GP
$ Mace +4
$ Mace +5
# Mace +6
Kiss of Sune +1 (DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds) 5890GP
Petty's Tempest +2 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) 12946GP
Planar Mace +2 (+4 vs Outsider)
$ Lesser Mace of Disruption (DC14 Slay Undead, Light 20m, only by
Cleric, Paladin)
Mace of Disruption +1 (+2 vs Undead) 1717GP
Mace of Disruption +1 (+5 vs Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead) 6741GP
Mace of Disruption +3 (+8 vs Undead, +1d10 Fire dmg vs Undead,
DC20 Slay Undead)
# Lavoera's Wrath +3 (+6 vs Undead, AC Deflect+10 vs Undead,
DC20 Slay Undead, only by Good, Outsider)
Short Sword (Martial, 1d6 19-20/x2) 7GP
Short Sword +1 573GP
Short Sword +2 2533GP
Short Sword +3 5894GP
$ Short Sword +5
# Short Sword +6
$ Klonk's Ice Blade (+1d6 Cold dmg) 1378GP
Breath of the Maiden +1 (DC14 Poison 1d2 CON)
Feyduster +1 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1912GP
Feyduster +2 (DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 10654GP
# Feyduster +8 (DC16 Sleep 50%/2 rounds)
Ichthia's Neck-Knife +2 (Vampiric+3) 7862GP
$ Jergal's Claw +2 (DC16 Blindness 50%/2 rounds, only by Evil)
$ The Nightthief's Claw +2 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, Light 10m,
Two-Weapon Fighting Feat)
Short Sword of Quickness +1 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, Haste)
# Enserric the Short Sword +4 (Vampiric+5, Talk to unlimited/day,
# Unmaking +5 (+8 vs Construct, +1d8 Acid dmg vs Construct, DEX+3)
Sickle (Simple, 1d6 20/x2) 4GP
Sickle +1 570GP
Sickle +2 2530GP
Sickle +3 5891GP
$ Sickle +4
$ Sickle +5
# Sickle +6
Blightbringer Lineage (+1 vs Good, DC14 Disease Demon Fever)
Golden Sickle +1 (Animal Empathy+2, +1 L0 Druid Spell) 1124GP
Golden Sickle +2 (Animal Empathy+3, +1 L0-L1 Druid Spell) 5433GP
# Golden Sickle +8 (Animal Empathy+5, +1 L0-L3 Druid Spell)
Blacksoul Sickle +1 (Vampiric+2) 2399GP
Teneraard's Sickle +1 (+2 vs Evil, STR+1, AC Dodge-1, AC Natural-1) 7352GP
# Renewal +3 (+2d6 Fire dmg, 10/- Fire)
Sling (Simple, 1d4 20/x2) 1GP
Sling +1 (Attack+1) 142GP
Sling +2 (Attack+2) 632GP
Sling +3 (Attack+3) 1472GP
$ Sling +5 (Attack+5)
# Sling +6 (Attack+6)
# Bane of the Undead +3 (+8 vs Undead, Cast Hammer of the Gods 1/day,
Immunity Fear, Paralysis, Level/Ability Drain)

(E.3) Medium Weapons
Bastard Sword (Exotic, 1d10 19-20/x2) 24GP
Bastard Sword +1 590GP
Bastard Sword +2 2550GP
Bastard Sword +3 5911GP
$ Bastard Sword +4
$ Bastard Sword +5
# Bastard Sword +6
Lawgiver +1 (+3 vs Chaotic) 4902GP
Dragonslayer +1 (+5 vs Dragon, +1d10 Sonic dmg vs Dragon)
Nameless Light +2 (+5 vs Evil, +1d6 Electrical dmg vs Evil)
Bloodletter +4 (DC14 Wounding, Vampiric+2)
# Bloodletter +4 (DC24 Wounding, Vampiric+2)
# Bloodletter +8 (DC14 Wounding, Vampiric+2)
# Souldrinker +5 (DC16 Level Drain, Vampiric+1)
# Brimstone +7 (+2d6 Fire dmg, DC26 Daze 75%/1 round)
Battleaxe (Martial, 1d8 20/x3) 7GP
Battleaxe +1 573GP
Battleaxe +2 2533GP
Battleaxe +3 5894GP
$ Battleaxe +5
# Battleaxe +6
Sentinel +1 (Listen, Spot+2, Light 10m) 1982GP
Sentinel +2 (Listen, Spot+4, Cast True Seeing 1/day, Light 10m) 26295GP
# Sentinel +8 (Listen, Spot+6, Cast True Seeing 2/day, Light 10m)
Silvermane's Axe +1 (Keen, Regeneration+1, Cast Raise Dead) 12740GP
Axe of Dead Illusk +2 (DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds, Vampiric+3) 13252GP
Deepstone Progeny +2 (Immunity Death Magic)
Mordan's Withering Blade +3 (DC14 Wounding) 16814GP
Club (Simple, 1d6 20/x2) 1GP
Club +1 567GP
Club +2 2527GP
Club +3 5887GP
$ Club +4
$ Club +5
# Club +6
$ Baton of the Holy (Attack+1, +1 L1 Cleric Spell, Light 5m) 772GP
Gladiator's Club +1 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1906GP
Gladiator's Club +4 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 15136GP
# Gladiator's Club +8 (DC22 Daze 50%/2 rounds)
Will of the Lost +1 (Vampiric+3) 3866GP
Watchman's Club +1 (Alertness Feat, Listen+2, Spot+2, Light 10m) 4133GP
Tethir-Wood Cudgel +2 (+1d6 Acid dmg) 7623GP
Club of Smiting +1 (DC14 Slay Construct) 10647GP
The Angry Soul +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds) 19663GP
# Stone Cold Club +3 (+1d6 Cold dmg, DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds,
only by Giant)
# Dwarven Waraxe (Exotic, 1d10 20/x3)
# Dwarven Waraxe +2
# Dwarven Waraxe +3
# Dwarven Waraxe +4
# Dwarven Waraxe +5
# Dwarven Waraxe +6
# Spellsmasher +6 (INT-4, DC26 Silence 5%/5 rounds, only by Dwarven
# Axe of the Dwarf Lord +7 (+1d10 Sonic dmg, CHA+2, +5 vs Fear)
# Harvest Axe +8 (DC18 Vorpal)
Heavy Crossbow (Simple, 1d10 19-20/x2) 35GP
Heavy Crossbow +1 (Attack+1) 176GP
Heavy Crossbow +2 (Attack+2) 666GP
Heavy Crossbow +3 (Attack+3) 1506GP
$ Heavy Crossbow +5 (Attack+5)
# Heavy Crossbow +6 (Attack+6)
Feywarden Crossbow (Attack+2, +5 vs Orcs) 2022GP
Crossbow of Accuracy (Attack+5) 4236GP
Crossbow of Enchantment (Attack+3, Cast Dominate Person) 8121GP
Glorious Revolution (Attack+2, +5 vs Evil, SR 10) 9157GP
Graceblood Bow (Attack+5, Haste) 24816GP
Katana (Exotic, 1d10 19-20/x2) 28GP
Katana +1 594GP
Katana +2 2554GP
Katana +3 5915GP
$ Katana +4
$ Katana +5
# Katana +6
$ Katana of the North (Attack+1, 1d4 critical dmg, Animal Empathy+1, 1374GP
Cast Endure Elements 2/day)
Sword Saint Legacy +1 (+1d6 Sonic dmg vs Evil) 1603GP
Sword Saint Legacy +4 (+1d6 Sonic dmg vs Evil) 14203GP
# Sword Saint Legacy +8 (+2d6 Sonic dmg vs Evil)
Kaga-To +1 (DC14 Daze 50%/2 rounds) 1933GP
Master Li's Way +2 (+1d4 Acid, Keen)
Divine Fury +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds)
# Radiant Death +12 (Keen, +5 critical dmg, AC Natural-5, only by
Weapon Master)
Light Flail (Martial, 1d8 20/x2) 5GP
Light Flail +1 571GP
Light Flail +2 2531GP
Light Flail +3 5892GP
$ Light Flail +5
# Light Flail +6
Foundation +1 (DC14 Knock) 2531GP
Foundation +4 (DC14 Knock) 0GP
# Foundation +8 (DC22 Knock)
Writ of the Vizier +1 (DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds) 2531GP
Heirs of Osiris +1 (+4 vs Undead) 3596GP
Flail of Destruction +2 (+1d6 Fire dmg) 7627GP
# Flail of Destruction +3 (+1d8 Fire dmg)
Eberond's Flail +2 (SR 14) 10652GP
# Sabal's Flail +5 (+2d6 Fire dmg, Cast Flame Lash 3/day)
Longsword (Martial, 1d8 19-20/x2) 10GP
Longsword +1 576GP
Longsword +2 2536GP
Longsword +3 5897GP
$ Longsword +5
# Longsword +6
$ Crusader's Blade (Attack+1, +1 Fire dmg, only by Good)
Astral Blade +1 (+1d4 Sonic dmg) 2215GP
Astral Blade +2 (+1d10 Sonic dmg) 14343GP
# Astral Blade +8 (+2d6 Sonic dmg)
Cold Iron Blade +1 (+1d6 Cold dmg, Fortitude+1)
# Drow Longsword +2
Blade of the Gladiator +2 (+1d6 Acid dmg) 7632GP
Soulrazor Minion +3 (+1d6 Acid dmg vs Good, Vampiric+2)
# Enserric the Longsword +4 (Vampiric+5, Talk to unlimited/day,
$ Holy Avenger +5 (+1d6 Divine dmg vs Evil, Cast Dispel Magic 1/day, 12260GP
SR 16, Light 20m, only a Longsword +2 if not a Paladin)
# Aramil's Blade +6 (STR+8, DEX-4, Keen, Cast Call Lightning 1/day,
DC14 Vorpal)
Magic Staff (Simple, 1d6 20/x2)
Penhold Staff (Cast Hold Person, Remove Paralysis, Free Movement) 1243GP
Staff of the Holy (Cast Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, 1909GP
Aid, only by Cleric)
Staff of Meldanen (Cast Melf's Acid Arrow, Spell Penetration Feat, 1964GP
Light 20m)
Staff of Defense (AC Deflect+2, Cast Ghostly Visage, Mage Armor, 3107GP
Protection from Alignment, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
Staff of Power (Cast Fireball, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, 3182GP
only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
$ Spellstaff (Cast Flame Lash, Gust of Wind, Spellstaff 1/day, 6300GP
only by Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)
$ Desert's Fury +1 (+2 vs Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead,
Cast Flame Arrow 3/day, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
Staff of Command (Immunity Mind Spells, Cast Dominate Person, 7442GP
Charm Person, Charm Monster)
Staff of Valmaxian +3 (AC Deflect+2, Cast Chain Lightning, 20500GP
Fireball, Ethereal Visage, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
Staff of the Magi +1 (DC14 Dispel Magic, Cast Ice Storm, Fireball, 26758GP
Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Light, Lightning Bolt, Mage Armor)
# Staff of Sodalis +5 (Cast Energy Drain, Energy Burst, Energy Ray,
only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Staff of Balpheron +6 (Haste, Cast Ball Lightning, Energy Buffer,
Premonition, Scintillating Sphere, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Withering +6 (Cast Animate Dead 3/day, only by Pale Master)
Morningstar (Simple, 1d8 20/x2) 5GP
Morningstar +1 571GP
Morningstar +2 2531GP
Morningstar +3 5892GP
$ Morningstar +4
$ Morningstar +5
# Morningstar +6
Drone +1 (DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) 2531GP
Drone +4 (+1d6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) 27788GP
# Drone +8 (+1d6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds)
One of Many +1 (+1 Electrical dmg, Discipline+3) 2235GP
$ Desert's Fury +1 (+2 vs Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead) 2954GP
Bone Phoenix +1 (+1d6 Fire dmg) 3707GP
# Nemesis +6 (+1d8 Divine dmg, DC26 Slow 50%/2 rounds)
Rapier (Martial, 1d6 18-20/x2) 14GP
Rapier +1 580GP
Rapier +2 2540GP
Rapier +3 5901GP
$ Rapier +5
# Rapier +6
Namarra +1 "Neversleep" (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1919GP
Namarra +2 "Neversleep" (DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 10661GP
# Namarra +8 "Neversleep" (DC16 Sleep 50%/2 rounds)
Black Rider Quill +1 (Lore+4, Perform+4) 2435GP
Mercykiller Blade +2 (+1d6 Fire dmg vs Evil) 4389GP
Rapier of the High Road +1 (+1d6 Acid dmg, Keen)
Rapier of the High Road +3 (+1d6 Acid dmg, Keen)
# Deathslayer +5 (+8 vs Undead, +1d8 Positive Energy dmg vs Undead,
DEX+3, only by Rogue)
# Devil's Sting +6 (+1d6 Acid dmg, DC26 Poison STR-1d2, CON-1d2)
Scimitar (Martial, 1d6 18-20/x2) 10GP
Scimitar +1 576GP
Scimitar +2 2536GP
Scimitar +3 5897GP
$ Scimitar +5
# Scimitar +6
$ Desert's Fury +1 (+2 vs Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead)
Desert Wind +1 (+1d6 Fire dmg) 3712GP
Desert Wind +2 (+1d10 Fire dmg) 14343GP
# Desert Wind +8 (+2d6 Fire dmg)
Scimitar of Speed +1 (+1d6 Sonic dmg, Haste)
Laughing Blade +2 (+1 Cold dmg, DC14 Confusion 50%/2 rounds)
Ula's Heart +2 (DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds, Keen)
Shortbow (Martial, 1d6 20/x3) 21GP
Shortbow +1 (Attack+1) 162GP
Shortbow +2 (Attack+2) 652GP
Shortbow +3 (Attack+3) 1492GP
$ Shortbow +5 (Attack+5)
# Shortbow +6 (Attack+6)
Composite Shortbow +1 (Attack+1, Mighty+3) 987GP
Composite Shortbow +2 (Attack+2, Mighty+4) 2614GP
Composite Shortbow +3 (Attack+3, Mighty+5) 5029GP
$ Composite Shortbow +5 (Attack+5, Mighty+5)
# Composite Shortbow +6 (Attack+6, Mighty+8)
Eaglebow (Attack+3, Search+2, Spot+2) 2627GP
Lesser Oathbow (Attack+3, Mighty+3, +1d4 critical dmg) 3927GP
Lilting Note (Attack+3, Mighty+3, Perform+8) 6900GP
Tansheron's Bow (Attack+1, +1d6 Lightning dmg, unlimited ammo)
# Assanti (Attack+5, Mighty+5, +1d6 Lightning dmg, unlimited ammo,
Cast Lightning Bolt 3/day)
# Battle Legion Bow (Attack +8, Freedom, 10/+2, Point Blank Shot Feat)
Warhammer (Martial, 1d8 20/x3) 8GP
Warhammer +1 574GP
Warhammer +2 2534GP
Warhammer +3 5895GP
$ Warhammer +5
# Warhammer +6
$ Ice Grinder (Attack+1, +1 Sonic dmg)
Rune Hammer +1 (SR 10) 1799GP
Rune Hammer +3 (SR 14) 16815GP
# Rune Hammer +8 (SR 16)
Hammer of Justice +1 (+2 vs Chaotic) 2921GP
# Merkil's Hammer +3 (+6 vs Construct, +2d6 Sonic dmg vs Construct,
+1d8 critical dmg)
# Fiendfoe +5 (+10 vs Outsider, AC Deflect+5 vs Outsider, only by
Champion of Torm)
# Whip (Exotic, 1d2 20/x2, Disarm) 1GP
# Whip +1
# Whip +2
# Whip +3
# Whip +4
# Whip +5
# Whip +6
# Deathcoil +5 (+1d10 Negative Energy dmg, Cast Negative Energy Burst
1/day, only by Evil, Blackguard)

Note - Rapiers are the only medium weapon that use the DEX bonus of the
Weapon Finesse feat.
Note - Light Flail, Magic Staff, Morningstar and Whip cannot be used in the
offhand and so you can only have one equipped at the same time.

(E.4) Large Weapons
Dire Mace (Exotic, 1d8/1d8 20/x2) 28GP
Dire Mace +1 594GP
Dire Mace +2 2554GP
Dire Mace +3 5915GP
$ Dire Mace +4
$ Dire Mace +5
# Dire Mace +6
Ironwood Mace +1 (Weigth-40%) 875GP
Ironwood Mace +3 (Weight-40%) 6755GP
# Ironwood Mace +8 (DC14 Wounding, Weight-40%)
Krotan's Skullcrusher +1 (+1d6 Cold dmg vs Goblinoid, Half-Orc, Orc)
Stoutcorps Key +1 (STR+2) 7651GP
Ardulia's Fall +2 (DC14 Slow 25%/3 rounds) 5915GP
Double Axe (Exotic, 1d8/1d8 20/x3) 21GP
Double Axe +1 587GP
Double Axe +2 2547GP
Double Axe +3 5908GP
$ Double Axe +5
# Double Axe +6
Axe of the Tall Kin +1 (Light 10m) 1029GP
Axe of the Tall Kin +3 (Light 10m) 7189GP
# Axe of the Tall Kin +8 (+1d6 Fire dmg, Keen, Light 15m)
Ascorian Double Axe (+1 vs Evil, Vampiric+3) 2793GP
Death Shroud Axe +1 (DC14 Fear 25%/3 rounds, +1d8 critical dmg) 4011GP
Bloodstone Double Axe +2 (Regeneration+1) 9603GP
Greataxe (Martial, 1d12 20/x3) 14GP
Greataxe +1 580GP
Greataxe +2 2540GP
Greataxe +3 5901GP
$ Greataxe +4
$ Greataxe +5
# Greataxe +6
$ Frost Bringer (+1 Cold dmg, +1 critical dmg)
Stonefire Axe +1 (+2 Fire dmg) 2219GP
Stonefire Axe +2 (+1d6 Fire dmg) 7636GP
# Stonefire Axe +8 (+2d6 Fire dmg)
$ Netherese Axe +1 (Listen+3, Lore+3, SR 10) 3781GP
Gruumsh Hand +2 (+1d6 Acid dmg vs Human, Parry+3) 4601GP
$ The Sandstorm +2 (AC Dodge-1, DC16 Blindness 10%/4 rounds) 12069GP
# Slasher of Koth +5 (+1d10 Electrical, Keen)
Greatsword (Martial, 2d6 19-20/x2) 35GP
Greatsword +1 601GP
Greatsword +2 2561GP
Greatsword +3 5922GP
$ Greatsword +4
$ Greatsword +5
# Greatsword +6
$ The Tinoman (Attack+1, +1 Slashing dmg, +1 critcal dmg) 862GP
Harbinger Kin +1 (+2 Fire dmg) 2240GP
Harbinger Kin +3 (+1d6 Fire dmg) 12978GP
# Harbinger Kin +8 (+2d6 Fire dmg)
$ Blade of Chult +1 (DC14 Poison CON-1d2)
Shining Light of Lathander +2 (Cast Searing Light 1/day, Light 15m) 8462GP
Blade of the Rashemi +2 (SR 10) 4766GP
The Dagger of Chaos +2 (DC14 Confusion 50%/2 rounds, Vampiric+3) 13280GP
Gemsword +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg)
# Enserric the Greatsword +4 (Vampiric+5, Talk to unlimited/day,
Halberd (Martial, 1d10 20/x3) 7GP
Halberd +1 573GP
Halberd +2 2533GP
Halberd +3 5894GP
$ Halberd +4
$ Halberd +5
# Halberd +6
Ravager +1 (+1d6 Sonic dmg) 3709GP
Ravager +4 (+1d6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Daze 50%/2 rounds) 25628GP
# Ravager +8 (+1d6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Daze 50%/2 rounds)
$ Flesh Ripper (Attack+1, +1 Slashing dmg, +1 critical dmg)
$ Talona's Strike +1 (+1d6 Acid dmg) 3709GP
Heavy Flail (Martial, 1d10 19-20/x2) 10GP
Heavy Flail +1 576GP
Heavy Flail +2 2536GP
Heavy Flail +3 5897GP
$ Heavy Flail +5
# Heavy Flail +6
Reaver +1 (+1d6 Cold dmg) 3712GP
Reaver +2 (+1d10 Cold dmg) 14343GP
# Reaver +8 (+2d6 Cold dmg)
Kintharsta +2 (DC14 Blindness 50%/2 rounds) 8102GP
Flail of Jergal +3 (+1d6 Cold dmg vs Good)
Longbow (Martial, 1d8 20/x3) 52GP
Longbow +1 (Attack+1) 193GP
Longbow +2 (Attack+2) 683GP
Longbow +3 (Attack+3) 1523GP
$ Longbow +5 (Attack+5)
# Longbow +6 (Attack+6)
Composite Longbow +1 (Attack+1, Mighty+3) 1018GP
Composite Longbow +2 (Attack+2, Mighty+4) 2646GP
Composite Longbow +3 (Attack+3, Mighty+5) 5061GP
$ Composite Longbow +5 (Attack+5, Mighty+5)
# Composite Longbow +6 (Attack+6, Mighty+8)
$ Valiantheart Longbow (Attack+1, Search+2) 385GP
$ Eliak's Vengeance (Attack+1, +3 critical dmg, only by Ranger) 528GP
Elven Court Bow (Attack+3, Mighty+3) 3363GP
North Wind Bow (Attack+3, Mighty+3, 20/- Cold)
# North Wind Bow +8 (Attack+8, Mighty+8, 20/- Cold, +1d6 Cold dmg,
unlimited ammo)
Longarm (Attack+2, STR+2, Bludgeoning) 10427GP
Taralash (Attack+4, Mighty+4, Spot+4, Haste) 33427GP
# Forever (Attack+6, Mighty+5, +1d6 Fire dmg, unlimited ammo,
only by Arcane Archer)
Quarterstaff (Simple, 1d6 20/x2) 1GP
Quarterstaff +1 567GP
Quarterstaff +2 2527GP
Quarterstaff +3 5887GP
$ Quarterstaff +4
$ Quarterstaff +5
# Quarterstaff +6
Staff of Curing (Heal+5, Cast Cure Serious Wounds) 1564GP
Blackforest Staff (+1 vs Good, Vampiric+1, Cast Protection from 1894GP
Alignment 3/day)
Negastaff +1 (DC14 Blindness 25%/3 rounds) 4032GP
Aiedo Wither-Stick +1 (DC14 Ability Drain STR) 8092GP
# Aiedo Wither-Stick +8 (DC14 Ability Drain STR)
Staff of Ascension +2 (Cast Entangle 3/day, +1 L2 Druid Spell, 19665GP
Regeneration+1, AC Deflect+1, only by Druid)
# Staff of Ascension +4 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, Cast Entangle 3/day,
Cast Call Lightning 1/day, +1 L1-L3 Druid Spell, Regeneration+1,
AC Deflect+1, only by Druid)
# Fiery Power Quarterstaff +5 (Cast Meteor Swarm, Wall of Fire,
Summon Creature IX, Delayed Blast Fireball 1/day)
Scythe (Exotic, 2d4 20/x4) 12GP
Scythe +1 578GP
Scythe +2 2538GP
Scythe +3 5899GP
$ Scythe +5
# Scythe +6
Sea Reaver +1 (Cast Resist Elements) 2626GP
Sea Reaver +2 (+1d6 Sonic dmg vs Elemental, Cast Resist Elements) 6550GP
# Sea Reaver +8 (+2d6 Sonic dmg vs Elemental, Keen, Cast Resist
Elements 5/day)
Nature's Scythe +1 (+4 vs Human) 3603GP
Wicked Union +1 (DC14 Stun 75%/1 round, Vampiric+3) 7868GP
Death's Handmaiden +4 (Keen, Vampiric+3)
# Tebimar's Scythe +5 (Keen, +1d8 critical dmg)
Spear (Simple, 1d8 20/x3) 1GP
Spear +1 567GP
Spear +2 2527GP
Spear +3 5887GP
$ Spear +4
$ Spear +5
# Spear +6
Fey Spear +1 (DC14 Daze 75%/1 round) 1906GP
Fey Spear +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) 27783GP
# Fey Spear +8 (+1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds)
Black Kumade +2 (SR 10) 4732GP
Briarspike +2 (+1d6 Acid dmg) 7623GP
Spear of Withering +1 (DC14 Ability Drain CON) 8092GP
Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear +3 (+4 vs Giant, +2 critical dmg) 13877GP
Two-Bladed Sword (Exotic, 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2) 70GP
Two-Bladed Sword +1 636GP
Two-Bladed Sword +2 2596GP
Two-Bladed Sword +3 5957GP
$ Two-Bladed Sword +5
# Two-Bladed Sword +6
Sword of Bao (+1d6 Fire dmg) 1441GP
Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +1 (Keen) 2596GP
Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +2 (+1d6 Cold dmg, Keen, Discipline+2) 14497GP
# Uthgardt Ceremonial Blade +8 (+1d6 Cold dmg, Keen, Discipline+5)
$ Shadow Sword +2 (+1d4 Acid dmg, Keen)
Blade of the Red Masque +1 (DC14 Poison CON-1d2) 5957GP
Blade of Corellon +3 (Heal+2, Spot+2) 8066GP
# Honor and Death +3 (+5 vs Chaotic, +1d10 Electrical dmg vs Chaotic,
only by Lawful)
# Blade of Shadows +4 (DC22 Ability Drain STR)
# Anduvir +5 (+1d8 Electrical dmg, 10/- Electrical, Cast Chain
Lightning 1/day)

Note - Dire Mace, Double Axe and Two-Bladed Swords have the same penalties as
using two weapons where the off-hand hand weapon is light.

(E.5) Thrown Weapons
Dart (Simple, 1d4 20/x2) x50 1GP
Dart +1 x50 35GP
Dart +2 x50 630GP
Dart +3 x50 1470GP
$ Dart +4
$ Dart +5
# Dart +6
Ice Dart +1 (+1d4 Cold dmg) x28 314GP
Dart of Stunning +1 (DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds) x30 378GP
Shuriken (Exotic, 1d3 20/x2) x50 1GP
Shuriken +1 x50 140GP
Shuriken +2 x50 630GP
Shuriken +3 x50 1470GP
$ Shuriken +4
$ Shuriken +5 approx 80GP
# Shuriken +6
Many Talons +1 (+1d4 Acid dmg vs Good, Vampiric+1) x23 233GP
Stars of Ojy-do +1 (+1d4 Cold dmg) x26 282GP
Grains of Sand (DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds) x30 420GP
Shining Light +2 (DC14 Daze 50%/2 rounds) x11 220GP
Dragon's Tail +2 (+1d4 Fire dmg) x25 673GP
Throwing Axe (Martial, 1d6 20/x2) x50 1GP
Throwing Axe +1 x50 140GP
Throwing Axe +2 x50 630GP
Throwing Axe +3 x50 1470GP
$ Throwing Axe +4
$ Throwing Axe +5
# Throwing Axe +6 approx 250GP
Black Raven Axe +1 (DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds) x30 378GP
Fire Axe +1 (+1d4 Fire dmg, Mighty+2) x50 875GP
Rifthome Axe +3 (Mighty+3) x18 825GP
Axe of the Coming Storm +3 (+1d4 Electrical dmg) x10 497GP
Thunderbeast Axe +3 (+1d4 Sonic dmg) x30 1491GP
$ Acid Flask (1d6 Acid dmg) x8 56GP
$ Alchemist's Fire (1d6 Fire dmg) x7 49GP
$ Caltrops (1 dmg/round) x8 56GP
$ Holy Water (2d4 dmg vs Undead) x7 73GP
$ Choaking Powder (Daze) x7 98GP
$ Thunderstone (Deafness/5 rounds) x8 112GP
$ Tanglefoot Bag (Hold/2 rounds) x7 147GP
# Acid Bomb approx 450GP
# Fire Bomb approx 450GP

(E.6) Ammunition
Arrow x99 1GP
Arrow +1 (+1 Piercing dmg) x99 69GP
Arrow +2 (+2 Piercing dmg) x99 242GP
$ Arrow +3 (+3 Piercing dmg)
# Arrow +4 (+4 Piercing dmg)
# Arrow +5 (+5 Piercing dmg)
Piercing Arrow (+1d6 Piercing dmg) x99 658GP
Arrow of the Vampire (Vampiric+2) x99 311GP
Acid Arrow (+1d6 Acid dmg) x99 658GP
Ice Arrow (+1d6 Cold dmg) x99 658GP
Lightning Arrow (+1d6 Electrical dmg) x99 658GP
Fire Arrow (+1d6 Fire dmg) x99 658GP
Mild Poison Arrow (DC14 Poison CON-1d2) x99 1386GP
Poison Arrow (DC14 Poison STR-1d2, CON-1d2) x99 5544GP
# Poison Arrow (+2d6 Acid dmg, DC26 Poison STR-1d2, CON-1d2) x99 apx160000GP
# Arrow of Petrification (Flesh to Stone)
Bolt x99 1GP
Bolt +1 (+1 Piercing dmg) x99 69GP
Bolt +2 (+2 Piercing dmg) x99 242GP
$ Bolt +3 (+3 Piercing dmg)
# Bolt +4 (+4 Piercing dmg)
# Bolt +5 (+5 Piercing dmg)
Bolt of Piercing (+1d6 Piercing dmg) x99 658GP
Bolt of Frostbite (+1d4 Cold dmg) x99 242GP
Bolt of Lightning (+1d4 Electrical dmg) x99 242GP
Paralytic Bolt (DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds) x99 346GP
Bolt of Fire (+1d6 Fire dmg) x99 658GP
Mild Poison Bolt (DC14 Poison CON-1d2) x99 1386GP
Poison Bolt (DC14 Poison CON-1d2, STR-1d2) x99 5544GP
# Poison Bolt (DC22 Poison STR-1d2, CON-1d2) x99 approx 45000GP
# Teleportation Bolt
# Bolt of Negative Energy (+3 Piercing dmg, Negative Energy Burst)
# Bolt of Dispelling (DC14 Greater Dispelling, +5 Piercing dmg,
+1d6 Acid dmg)
Bullet x99 1GP
Bullet +1 (+1 Bludgeoning dmg) x99 69GP
Bullet +2 (+2 Bludgeoning dmg)
$ Bullet +3 (+3 Bludgeoning dmg)
# Bullet +4 (+4 Bludgeoning dmg)
# Bullet +5 (+5 Bludgeoning dmg)
Bullet of Smiting (+1d6 Bludgeoning dmg) x99 658GP
Ice Bullet (+1d6 Cold dmg) x99 658GP
Lightning Bullet (+1d6 Electrical dmg) x99 658GP
Fire Bullet (+1d6 Fire dmg) x99 658GP
Giant's Bane (+1d6 Piercing dmg, +1d6 vs Giant) x99 970GP
Farel's Gold (+1d4 Acid dmg, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds) x99 1212GP
Bullet of Screaming (+1d4 Sonic dmg, DC14 Silence 50%/2 rounds) x99 1212GP

(E.7) Robes
Robe (AC 0, No Maximum AC Dex Bonus, Penalty 0, Spell Failure 0%) 1GP
Robe of Light (Light 15m) 56GP
Robe of Acid Resistance (15/- Acid) 131GP
Robe of Cold Resistance (15/- Cold) 171GP
Robe of Electrical Resistance (15/- Electrical) 217GP
Robe of Fire Resistance (15/- Fire) 268GP
$ Robe of Elemental Resistance (5/- Acid, 5/- Cold, 5/- Electrical, 1974GP
5/- Fire, SR 10, Light 15m)
$ Shadow Robe (Cast Camouflage 1/day, Cast Displacement 1/day) 2520GP
# Robe of Blending (Hide+15)
Armor of the Stars (AC Armor+3, 20/- Electrical, Light 10m) 5385GP
# Sequencer Robe (AC Armor+3, Store 1 spell, 1/day)
# Isaac's Sequencer Robe (AC Armor+7, Store 3 spells, 1/day)
# Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance (AC Armor+3, SR 32)
# Robes of the Dark Maiden (AC Armor+5, Immunity Fear, Darkvision,
only by Elf)
# Last Words (AC Armor+5, Hide+20, Move Silently+20, Cast Fear 1/day)
# The Robe of the Drow (AC Armor+7, DEX+5, CON+5, Store 3 spells)
Sorcerer and Wizard Robes
Mage's Battle Robe (Concentration+2, Spellcraft+2, SR 10, Light 10m) 766GP
Greater Battle Robe (AC Armor+2 vs Evil, SR 14, Concentration+3, 5516GP
Spellcraft+3, Light 10m)
Adventure's Robe (5/+1) 2187GP
$ Greater Adventurer's Robe (10/+2)
Master Adventurer's Robe (10/+3) 10206GP
$ Robe of Energy (Concentration+7, Immunity Magic Missile, Cast
Magic Missile 1/day, Light 15m)
Crystal Robes (AC Armor+3, CON-1, Spell Focus Divination Feat, 10055GP
SR 14, also by Bard)
Robe of Vecna (AC Armor+1, Spell Focus Abjuration, Conjuration, 12642GP
Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy Feats, SR 10)
White Robe of the Archmagi (AC Armor+5, Spell Penetration Feat, 17076GP
Universal+1, SR 10, only by Good)
Grey Robe of the Archmagi (AC Armor+5, Spell Penetration Feat, 17076GP
Universal+1, SR 10, only by Neutral)
Black Robe of the Archmagi (AC Armor+5, Spell Penetration Feat, 17076GP
Universal+1, SR 10, only by Evil)
# Robe of Balpheron (Regeneration+5, 20/- Cold, 20/- Electrical,
20/- Fire, on hit STR-1, 1d8+6 Negative Energy dmg)
Monk Robes
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 (AC Armor+1, Listen-1) 229GP
Robes of the Shining Hand +2 (AC Armor+2, Listen-1) 1023GP
Robes of the Shining Hand +3 (AC Armor+3, Listen-1) 2384GP
Robes of the Shining Hand +4 (AC Armor+4, Listen-1)
Robes of the Shining Hand +5 (AC Armor+5, Listen-1) 6807GP
# Robes of the Shining Hand +6 (AC Armor+6, Listen-1)
# Robes of the Shining Hand +7 (AC Armor+7, Listen-1)
Robes of the Old Order (5/+1) 2187GP
Improved Robes of the Old Order (AC Armor+2, 5/+1) 6203GP
# Master Robes of the Old Order (AC Armor+7, 10/+5)
Robes of the Dark Moon (Haste, Concentration-1) 4287GP

(E.8) Light Armor
Padded Armor (AC 1, Max AC Dex Bonus 8, Penalty 0, Spell Failure 5%) 1GP
Padded Armor +1 (AC Armor+1) 231GP
Padded Armor +2 (AC Armor+2) 1025GP
Padded Armor +3 (AC Armor+3) 2385GP
$ Padded Armor +4 (AC Armor+4)
$ Padded Armor +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Padded Armor +6 (AC Armor+6)
Benzo's Luck (AC Armor+1, +3 vs Evil, +3 vs Chaotic) 4819GP
$ Skin of the Forest (AC Armor+1, Cast Camouflage 1/day, Light 15m,
Animal Empathy+6, only by Druid, Ranger)
Mirrored Armor (AC Armor+3, SR res 14) 7439GP
Armor of the Wolf (AC Armor+3, +5 vs Shapechanger, Move Silently+2) 9833GP
Aslyferund Elven Chain (AC Armor+3, 5/+1, only by Elf, Half-Elf)
Leather Armor (AC 2, Max AC Dex Bonus 6, Penalty 0, Spell Failure 10%) 3GP
Leather Armor +1 (AC Armor+1) red 233GP
Leather Armor +2 (AC Armor+2) black & white 1026GP
Leather Armor +3 (AC Armor+3) 2387GP
$ Leather Armor +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Leather Armor +6 (AC Armor+6)
$ Tattered Leather (AC Armor-1)
Aurumvorax Armor (AC Armor+2, 5/- Piercing, 5/- Slashing) 4501GP
The Great Oak (AC Armor+2, +4 vs Giants) 4691GP
Shadow Legion Armor (AC Armor+4, Hide+5) 5915GP
Greenleaf (AC Armor+5, Hide+5) 8788GP
Squire's Defense (AC Armor+2, STR+3) 9872GP
# Fletcher's Friend (AC Armor+5, Spell Failure 0%, only by Arcane
# Invisible Death (AC Armor+7, Cast Improved Invisibility 1/day,
Hide+10, Move Silently+10)
# Robe of Leathers (AC Armor+7, AC Armor+3 vs Bludgeoning, DEX+3,
Cast Greater Cat's Grace 1/day, Use Poison Weapon unlimited/day,
Use Caltrops 3/day, on hit Infestation of Maggots, only by Bard,
Rogue, Assassin, Shadowdancer)
Studded Leather Armor (AC 3, Max AC Dex Bonus 4, Penalty 1, Spell 20%) 5GP
Studded Leather Armor +1 (AC Armor+1) 234GP
Studded Leather Armor +2 (AC Armor+2) blue 1028GP
Studded Leather Armor +3 (AC Armor+3) 2389GP
$ Studded Leather Armor +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Studded Leather Armor +6 (AC Armor+6)
Armor of Loyalty (AC Armor+1, Immunity Charm and Dominate Person)
Armor of Thorns (AC Armor+2, Cast Vampiric Touch 1/day) 2603GP
Callurdan Smoothand's Armor (AC Armor+1, +2 vs Evil, SR 14) 4953GP
Rogue Links (AC Armor+3, Hide+6, Move Silently+6) 5745GP
Storm Armor (AC Armor+3, 10/- Fire, 10/- Sonic, SR 10) 8102GP
# Dancer's Silhouette (AC Armor+6, Move Silently+30, Cast Silence
1/day, only by Shadowdancer)
Hide Armor (AC 3, Max AC Dex Bonus 4, Penalty 1, Spell Failure 20%) 5GP
Hide Armor +1 (AC Armor+1) 234GP
Hide Armor +2 (AC Armor+2) black 1028GP
Hide Armor +3 (AC Armor+3) 2389GP
$ Hide Armor +4 (AC Armor+4)
# Hide Armor +6 (AC Armor+6)
# Hide Armor +7 (AC Armor+7)
Kumakawa (AC Armor+3, Improved Evasion Feat) 11020GP

(E.9) Medium Armor
Chain Shirt (AC 4, Max AC Dex Bonus 4, Penalty 2, Spell Failure 20%) 35GP
# Mithral Shirt (Weight-60%)
Chain Shirt +1 (AC Armor+1) 264GP
Chain Shirt +2 (AC Armor+2) 1058GP
Chain Shirt +3 (AC Armor+3) 2419GP
$ Chain Shirt +4 (AC Armor+4)
$ Chain Shirt +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Chain Shirt +6 (AC Armor+6)
Scale Mail (AC 4, Max AC Dex Bonus 4, Penalty 2, Spell Failure 20%) 35GP
Scale Mail +1 (AC Armor+1) 264GP
Scale Mail +2 (AC Armor+2) 1058GP
Scale Mail +3 (AC Armor+3) 2419GP
$ Scale Mail +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Scale Mail +6 (AC Armor+6)
$ Shadovar Armor (AC Armor+1, +2 vs Good)
Armor of Horus-Re (AC Armor+3, 10/- Electrical, 10/- Sonic) 5733GP
Broewende Family Armor (AC Armor+1, 5/- Acid, 5/- Fire, 6958GP
Immunity Mind Spells)
Armor of Command (AC Armor+3, CHA+2, Persuade+5) 11050GP
Dragon Armor (AC Armor+5, Universal+3) 22631GP
Brestplate (AC 5, Max AC Dex Bonus 2, Penalty 5, Spell Failure 30%) 52GP
Brestplate +1 (AC Armor+1) 282GP
Brestplate +2 (AC Armor+2) 1075GP
Brestplate +3 (AC Armor+3) 2436GP
$ Brestplate +4 (AC Armor+4)
$ Brestplate +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Brestplate +6 (AC Armor+6)
Chromatic Breastplate +1 (AC Armor+1, 10/- Cold, Fire, Electrical) 2865GP
Chromatic Breastplate +3 (AC Armor+3, +5 vs Dragon, Elemental) 7171GP
Adamantine Breastplate (AC Armor+2, 5/+1) 6255GP
# Warlord's Breastplate (AC Armor+6, CHA+6)
Chainmail (AC 5, Max AC Dex Bonus 2, Penalty 5, Spell Failure 30%) 52GP
# Mithral Chainmail (Weight-60%)
Chainmail +1 (AC Armor+1) 282GP
Chainmail +2 (AC Armor+2) 1075GP
Chainmail +3 (AC Armor+3) 2436GP
$ Chainmail +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Chainmail +6 (AC Armor+6)
$ Rusted Mail (AC Armor-1)
$ Chain of Stealth (Hide+6, Move Silently+6)
Chainmail of Speed (AC Armor+2, Haste) 9552GP
Doron's Mistake (AC Armor+2, Fortitude+3, Weight-20%)
# Adamantine Chainmail (AC Armor+2)
# Spellchain (AC Armor+4, Weight-60%, Spell Failure 10%)
# Lesser Golem Armor (AC Armor+5, STR+5, Immunity Level/Ability Drain)
# Dragon Armor (AC Armor+5, Universal+3, Cast Battletide 1/day)

(E.10) Heavy Armor
Banded Mail (AC 6, Max AC Dex Bonus 1, Penalty 7, Spell Failure 40%) 70GP
Banded Mail +1 (AC Armor+1) 299GP
Banded Mail +2 (AC Armor+2) 1093GP
Banded Mail +3 (AC Armor+3) blue 2454GP
$ Banded Mail +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Banded Mail +6 (AC Armor+6)
Splint Mail (AC 6, Max AC Dex Bonus 1, Penalty 7, Spell Failure 40%) 70GP
Splint Mail +1 (AC Armor+1) 299GP
Splint Mail +2 (AC Armor+2) 1093GP
Splint Mail +3 (AC Armor+3) 2454GP
$ Splint Mail +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Splint Mail +6 (AC Armor+6)
Armor of Comfort (AC Armor+2, Heal+2, Weight-80%) 2170GP
Rainbow Armor (AC Armor+1, 10/- Cold, 10/- Electrical, 10/- Fire) 2882GP
White Dragon Armor (AC Armor+3, Weight-20%, 20/- Cold) 4631GP
Mithral Splint Mail (AC Armor+4, Weight-60%) 5150GP
Scales of Truth +1 (AC Armor+1, Cast See Invisibility 1/day, 1696GP
Scales of Truth +3 (AC Armor+3, Cast See Invisibility 2/day, 6661GP
# Armor of Faith (AC Armor+5, +8 vs Evil, only by Paladin, Champion
of Torm)
Half Plate (AC 7, Max AC Dex Bonus 1, Penalty 7, Spell Failure 40%) 210GP
Half Plate +1 (AC Armor+1) 439GP
Half Plate +2 (AC Armor+2) 1233GP
Half Plate +3 (AC Armor+3) 2594GP
$ Half Plate +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Half Plate +6 (AC Armor+6)
# Half Plate +7 (AC Armor+7)
Whitebone Armor (AC Armor+2) 1233GP
Silverbone Armor (AC Armor+2, 15/+1) 9710GP
Gnomish Magnetic Armor (AC Armor+1, SR 12) 1768GP
Elven Ceremonial Armor (AC Armor+1, Spell Focus Conjuration, 5290GP
Divination, Enchantment, Evocation Feats)
Delver's Armor (AC Armor+2, Universal+2) 6050GP
Balduran's Armor (AC Armor+2, CHA+3, Regeneration+1) 17903GP
# Merkil's Plate (AC Armor+5, 10/- Bludgeoning, on hit 2d4 Sonic dmg
and Save vs Will or be deafened, only by Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf)
# The Guilded Defender (AC Armor+8, DEX-2, only by Dwarf)
Full Plate (AC 8, Max AC Dex Bonus 1, Penalty 8, Spell Failure 45%) 525GP
Full Plate +1 (AC Armor+1) 754GP
Full Plate +2 (AC Armor+2) 1548GP
Full Plate +3 (AC Armor+3) 2909GP
$ Full Plate +4 (AC Armor+4)
$ Full Plate +5 (AC Armor+5)
# Full Plate +6 (AC Armor+6)
$ Rusted Plate (AC Armor-1)
$ Valiant Plate (CHA+1, Persuade+1, +1 L1 Paladin Spell, only by
$ Blackguard Armor (AC Armor+1, Cast Divine Favor 3/day, not by Good) 1358GP
Enkidu's Armor (AC Armor+1, 5/- Piercing, 5/- Slashing) 3048GP
# Adamantine Full Plate (AC Armor+2)
Armor of Freedom (AC Armor+3, Freedom) 15817GP
# Duergar Full Plate +5 (AC Armor+5)
Red Dragon Armor (AC Armor+5, 20/- Fire, Weight-20%) 14240GP
# Searing Armor (AC Armor+5, on hit 2d8 Divine dmg, 5d6 Divine dmg
vs Constructs, 5d8 Divine dmg vs Undead, Light 20m, only by
Human, Half-Orc, Elf, Half-Elf)
# The Iron Skeleton (AC Armor+6, DEX+3, Immunity Illusion, Darkvision)
# Casiel's Soul (AC Armor+6, Immunity Bludgeoning, Regeneration+1,
only by Evil)
# Blood Plate (AC Armor+6, Regeneration+3, CON-2, Weight-40%)

(E.11) Shields
Small Shield (AC Shield 1, Penalty 1, Spell Failure 5%) 3GP
Small Shield +1 (AC Shield+1) 232GP
Small Shield +2 (AC Shield+2) 1026GP
Small Shield +3 (AC Shield+3) 2387GP
$ Small Shield +4 (AC Shield+4)
$ Small Shield +5 (AC Shield+5)
# Small Shield +6 (AC Shield+6)
Shield of the Watch (AC Shield+2 vs Human) 318GP
Shield of Dawn (AC Shield+2 vs Undead, Light 10m) 549GP
Dwarven Mirth (AC Shield+1, CHA+2) 3609GP
Shield of the Wisp Hunter (AC Shield+2, 10/- Electrical)
Hearth Shield (AC Shield+3, 15/- Fire) 4253GP
Protector (AC Shield+2, 5/+1) 6206GP
Mithral Shield (AC Shield+2, Freedom) 11414GP
Large Shield (AC Shield 2, Penalty 2, Spell Failure 15%) 17GP
Large Shield +1 (AC Shield+1) 247GP
Large Shield +2 (AC Shield+2) 1040GP
Large Shield +3 (AC Shield+3) 2401GP
$ Large Shield +4 (AC Shield+4)
$ Large Shield +5 (AC Shield+5)
# Large Shield +6 (AC Shield+6)
Dragon Shield (AC Shield+2, 10/- Acid, Cold, Electrical, Fire)
# Shield of Prator (AC Shield+5, WIS+3, SR 14, 10/- Acid, Cold, Fire,
Electrical, Sonic)
# Demonflesh Shield (AC Shield+6, SR 14, 10/- Acid, Cold, Electrical,
Fire, Sonic, only by Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin)
Mirror Shield (AC Shield+3, SR 12) 5368GP
Shield of the Sun (AC Shield+3, Cast Searing Light, Light 20m) 5961GP
Uthgardt Holy Shield (AC Shield+2, STR+2, CHA-2, Taunt+2) 6640GP
Shield of the Holy (AC Shield+4, Extra Turning Feat) 7947GP
# Chaos Shield (on hit 2% strike attacker)
Tower Shield (AC Shield 3, Penalty 10, Spell Failure 50%, not by Small) 35GP
Tower Shield +1 (AC Shield+1) 264GP
Tower Shield +2 (AC Shield+2) 1058GP
Tower Shield +3 (AC Shield+3) 2419GP
$ Tower Shield +4 (AC Shield+4)
$ Tower Shield +5 (AC Shield+5)
# Tower Shield +6 (AC Shield+6)
$ Valiant Defender (AC Shield+1)
Goblin Shield of Nulbish (AC Shield+1, +3 vs Goblinoid, Darkvision) 3754GP
Imaskari Shield (AC Shield+2, SR 10)
Darksteel Tower Shield (AC Shield+2, +4 vs Good) 4723GP
Shield of the Dragonslayer (AC Shield+3, +5 vs Dragon) 8996GP

(E.12) Helmets
Helmet (Concentration+1) 5GP
$ The Mask (Immunity Fear, Cast Invisibility 1/day, Ultravision 1/day) 0GP
$ Hilltop Guard Helmet (Light 15m)
$ Eyes of the Eagle (Spot+5) 126GP
Mask of Persuasion (CHA+1, Persude+3, Concentration+1, Light 10m) 1373GP
Greater Mask of Persuasion (CHA+2, Persude+5, Concentration+1, 4094GP
Light 10m)
Shukenja Helm (+1 L0-L2 Sorcerer Spell, Concentration+1, 1611GP
only by Sorcerer)
$ Valiant Helm (AC Deflect+1, Cast Ultravision 1/day, only by Paladin)
$ Shadow Helm (AC Deflect+1, Cast Ghostly Visage 1/day)
$ Helmet of Discharge (25/- Electrical) 1772GP
$ Cowl of Warding (Freedom, Immunity Mind Spells)
Thieves Hood (Immunity Poison & Knockdown, Open Lock+2, Search+2, 1933GP
Concentration+1, only by Rogue)
Moonstone Mask (Listen, Search, Spot+5, Concentration+1, Darkvision) 2985GP
Watchman's Helm (Listen, Search, Spot+8, Light 10m) 3540GP
$ Blackguard Helmet (+3 vs Mind Spells, +3 vs Sonic) 3893GP
Thayvian Circlet (INT+2, Universal+1, Concentration+1) 4651GP
Golden Circlet (Immunity Mind Spells, Will+1, Concentration+1, SR 10) 6792GP
$ Eyes of Petrification (Cast Flesh to Stone 1/day)
$ Goggles of Minute Seeing (Lore+5, Search+5)
$ Major Circlet of Blasting (Cast Searing Light 3/day)
# Copper Helmet (DEX+1, Fire 10/-, Cast Haste 2/day)
# Merkil's Helmet (Immunity Critical Hits, Cast Mind Blank 1/day)
# Searing Helmet (Concentration+6, Cast Firebrand 1/day)
# Adamantine Helm (AC Deflect+2, Concentration+1)
$ Headband of Intellect +6 (INT+6)
$ Helm of Brilliance (20/- Fire, Cast Flame Lash 3/day, Cast Fireball,
Wall of Fire, Prismatic Spray, Light 10m)
# Lichskull (Concentration+12, Spellcraft+12, SR 18, only by Sorcerer,
Wizard, Pale Master, Red Dragon Disciple)
# Platinum Helm (Haste, 35/- Electrical, Cast Scintillating Sphere 1/day)
# Crown of Thorns (10/+5, 10/- Positive Energy, 10/- Negative Energy,
10/- Divine, 10/- Sonic, Regeneration+5, Cast Wounding Whispers 1/day,
Move Silently-6)
# Helm of Righteousness (AC Deflect+5 vs Lawful Evil, +7 vs Neutral Evil,
+9 vs Chaotic Evil, Regeneration+3, Craft Armor+5, Craft Weapon+5,
Immunity Fear, Whirlwind Attack Feat, only by Good, Champion of Torm,
Cleric, Paladin, Harper Scout)

(E.13) Gauntlets, Gloves and Bracers
Gloves of Animal Handling (Animal Empathy+3, only by Druid, Ranger) 45GP
$ Gloves of Appraisal (Appraise+3) 45GP
Gloves of Concentration (Concentration+3) 45GP
Gloves of Discipline (Disipline+3) 45GP
Gloves of Spellcraft (Spellcraft+3, only by Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, 45GP
Gloves of Swordplay (Parry+3) 45GP
Gloves of the Minstrel (Perform+3, only by Bard) 45GP
Greater Gloves of Animal Handling (Animal Empathy+6, only by Druid, 181GP
$ Greater Gloves of Appraisal (Appraise+6) 181GP
Greater Gloves of Concentration (Concentration+6) 181GP
Greater Gloves of Discipline (Discipline+6) 181GP
Greater Gloves of Spellcraft (Spellcraft+6, only by Cleric, Druid, 181GP
Sorcerer, Wizard)
Greater Gloves of Swordplay (Parry+6) 181GP
$ Greater Gloves of the Artificer (Craft Trap+6) 181GP
Greater Gloves of the Minstrel (Perform+6, only by Bard) 181GP
# Epic Gloves of Concentration (Concentration+30)
# Epic Glove of Discipline (Discipline+30)
# Epic Gloves of Spellcraft (Spellcraft+30, only by Cleric, Druid,
Sorcerer, Wizard)
Gloves of the Rogue (Disable Trap Set Trap Open Lock Pick Pocket +2) 322GP
Wonderous Gloves (WIS-1, +1 L0-L3 Bard Spell, only by Bard) 1435GP
Bracers of Locking Grip (Discipline+8, Ambidexterity Feat) 2118GP
$ Gloves of the Balanced Hands (Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting Feat)
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR+1) 504GP
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR+2) 2016GP
Bracers of Dexterity +1 (DEX+1) 504GP
Bracers of Dexterity +2 (DEX+2) 2016GP
Bracers of Dexterity +3 (DEX+3) 4536GP
Bracers of Dexterity +4 (DEX+4) 8064GP
Bracers of Dexterity +5 (DEX+5) 12600GP
# Bracers of Dexterity +6 (DEX+6)
# Bracers of Dexterity +7 (DEX+7)
Bracers of Armor +1 (AC Armor+1) 229GP
Bracers of Armor +2 (AC Armor+2) 1023GP
Bracers of Armor +3 (AC Armor+3) 2384GP
Bracers of Armor +4 (AC Armor+4)
Bracers of Armor +5 (AC Armor+5) 6807GP
# Bracers of Armor +6 (AC Armor+6)
# Bracers of Armor +7 (AC Armor+7)
# Bracers of Armor +10 (AC Armor+10)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 (Attack+1, +1 Elec dmg, only by Monk) 332GP
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2 (Attack+2, +1 Elec dmg, only by Monk) 761GP
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3 (Attack+3, +1 Elec dmg, only by Monk) 1365GP
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +5 (Attack+5, +1 Elec dmg, only by Monk) 3097GP
# Gloves of the Yellow Rose +7 (Attack+7, +2 Elec dmg, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Yellow Rose +10 (Attack+10, +5 Elec dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Long Death +1 (Attack+1, +1 Cold dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Long Death +3 (Attack+3, +2 Cold dmg, only by Monk) 1892GP
Gloves of the Long Death +5 (Attack+5, +1d6 Cold dmg, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Long Death +6 (Attack+6, +1d6 Cold, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Long Death +8 (Attack+8, +1d8 Cold, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Long Death +10 (Attack+10, +2d6 Cold, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +3 (Attack+3, +2 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +5 (Attack+5, +1d6 Sonic dmg, only by Monk) 5188GP
# Gloves of the Hin Fist +6 (Attack+6, +1d6 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Hin Fist +7 (Attack+7, +1d8 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
# Gloves of the Hin Fist +10 (Attack+10, +2d6 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
$ Fist of the North (+1 Cold dmg, 5/- Cold)
$ Flaming Gloves (Attack+2, +2 Fire dmg, Flame Lash 1/day, only by Monk)
$ Twin Fists of Fire (Attack+4, +4 Fire dmg, Flame Twin 1/day, only by Monk)
# Great Wyrm Gauntlets (Attack+6, +2d6 Fire dmg, DEX-4, only by Red
Dragon Disciple)
# Gru'ul's Bracer (AC Armor+7 vs Evil, STR+4, DEX+4, Immunity Fire 50%,
only by Evil)

(E.14) Belts and Girdles
Archer's Belt (5/- Piercing) 307GP
Brawler's Belt (5/- Bludgeoning) 307GP
Swordsman's Belt (5/- Slashing) 307GP
Greater Archer's Belt (20/- Piercing) 2768GP
Greater Brawler's Belt (20/- Bludgeoning) 2768GP
Greater Swordsman's Belt (20/- Slashing) 2768GP
Sash of Shimmering (SR 12) 591GP
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity Fear, Lore+2, Light 15m) 941GP
Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity Death Magic, Light 10m) 5054GP
Greater Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity Fear, Immunity Death Magic, 16279GP
Search+4, Listen+4, Spot+4, Lore+4, Light 15m)
Belt of Inertial Barrier (AC Deflect+1, Vulnerability Piercing 25%, 2523GP
5/- Bludgeoning, 5/- Slashing)
Encircling Scale (Darkvision, Cast Poison, Immunity Poison) 3959GP
Belt of Hill Giant Strength (STR+3) 4536GP
Belt of Frost Giant Strength (STR+4) 8064GP
Belt of Fire Giant Strength (STR+5) 12600GP
# Belt of Cloud Giant Strength (STR+8)
# Belt of Storm Giant Strength (STR+10)
Belt of Agility +1 (DEX+1, Freedom) 9464GP
Belt of Agility +2 (DEX+2, Freedom) 14336GP
Belt of Agility +4 (DEX+4, Freedom)
# Belt of Agility +10 (DEX+10, Freedom)
$ Monk's Belt (Cast Haste 1/day, Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, 6125GP
Improved Critical: Unarmed, only by Monk)
$ Calian Belt (5/+1, Cast Haste 1/day)
Girdle of Holy Might (+1 L5-L7 Cleric Spell, only by Cleric) 9647GP
Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt (Fortitude+5, Immunity Death Magic Disease) 20671GP
# Lathar's Last Belt (Immunity Finger of Death, Power Word Kill)
$ Mystran Belt of Priestly Might and Warding (STR+4, AC Deflect+2,
Cast Magic Circle against Alignment 1/day, only by Good)
$ Kossuth's Belt of Priestly Might (STR+3, AC Deflect+2, only by Neutral)
# Sash of Searing (Immunity Fire 90%, Vulnerability Cold 90%, +7 vs Fire,
Cast Incendiary Cloud, Inferno, Sunburst 5/day, Flame Strike, Fire
Storm 4/day, Dragon Breath Fire 3/day, Delayed Blast Fireball 2/day,
Hellball 1/day, only by Chaotic)

(E.15) Boots
Boots of Reflexes +1 (Reflex+1) 120GP
Boots of Reflexes +2 (Reflex+2) 534GP
Boots of Reflexes +3 (Reflex+3) 1243GP
Boots of Reflexes +4 (Reflex+4) 2249GP
Boots of Reflexes +5 (Reflex+5) 3550GP
# Boots of Reflexes +6 (Reflex+6)
# Boots of Reflexes +10 (Reflex+10)
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 (AC Dodge+1, only by Monk) 229GP
Boots of the Sun Soul +2 (AC Dodge+2, only by Monk) 1023GP
Boots of the Sun Soul +3 (AC Dodge+3, only by Monk) 2384GP
Boots of the Sun Soul +4 (DEX+2, AC Dodge+4, only by Monk)
Boots of the Sun Soul +5 (DEX+3, AC Dodge+5, only by Monk) 22456GP
Boots of Striding +1 (CON+1) 504GP
Boots of Striding +2 (CON+2) 2016GP
Boots of Striding +3 (CON+3) 4536GP
Boots of Striding +4 (CON+4) 8064GP
Boots of Striding +5 (CON+5) 12600GP
# Boots of Striding +6 (CON+6)
# Boots of Striding +7 (CON+7)
# Boots of Striding +10 (CON+10)
Boots of Hardiness +1 (CON+1, AC Dodge+1) 1414GP
Boots of Hardiness +2 (CON+2, AC Dodge+2) 5912GP
Boots of Hardiness +3 (CON+3, AC Dodge+3) 13497GP
$ Boots of Tumbling (Tumble+10) 504GP
$ Greater Boots of Tumbling (Tumble+12)
Boots of Elvenkind (DEX+2, Move Silently+10) 4536GP
Boots of Speed (Haste) 7000GP
Gargoyle Boots (AC Dodge+2, Fortitude+3, Cast Stoneskin) 7831GP
Dragon Slippers (DEX+2, SR 10, Immunity Fear & Knockdown) 8233GP
# Prismatic Dragon Boots (DEX+4, CHA-2, Persuade-10, Immunity Fear,
Knockdown, SR 24)
$ Boots of the Shifting Sands (DEX-1, Haste, Cast Earthquake 1/day) 23187GP

(E.16) Cloaks
Cloak of Protection vs Good (AC Deflect+2 vs Good) 316GP
Cloak of Protection vs Evil (AC Deflect+2 vs Evil) 316GP
Cloak of Protection vs Law (AC Deflect+2 vs Lawful) 316GP
Greater Cloak of Protection vs Good (AC Deflect+5 vs Good) 2101GP
Greater Cloak of Protection vs Evil (AC Deflect+5 vs Evil) 2101GP
Greater Cloak of Protection vs Law (AC Deflect+5 vs Lawful) 2101GP
Greater Cloak of Protection vs Chaos (AC Deflect+5 vs Chaotic) 2101GP
Cloak of Protection +1 (AC Deflect+1) 229GP
Cloak of Protection +2 (AC Deflect+2) 1023GP
Cloak of Protection +3 (AC Deflect+3) 2384GP
Cloak of Protection +4 (AC Deflect+4) 4312GP
Cloak of Protection +5 (AC Deflect+5) 6807GP
Cloak of Resistance +1 (Universal+1)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (Universal+2)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (Universal+3)
Cloak of Resistance +4 (Universal+4)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (Universal+5)
Cloak of Fortification +1 (AC Deflect+1, Universal+1) 1310GP
Cloak of Fortification +2 (AC Deflect+2, Universal+2) 5840GP
Cloak of Fortification +3 (AC Deflect+3, Universal+3) 13606GP
# Cloak of Fortification +4 (AC Deflect+4, Universal+4)
# Cloak of Fortification +5 (AC Deflect+5, Universal+5)
Nymph Cloak +1 (CHA+1) 504GP
Nymph Cloak +2 (CHA+2) 2016GP
Nymph Cloak +3 (CHA+3) 4536GP
Nymph Cloak +4 (CHA+4)
Nymph Cloak +5 (CHA+5) 12600GP
# Nymph Cloak +6 (CHA+6)
# Ragged Cloak of the Worg (AC Deflect+6 vs Slashing, CHA+7, Freedom)
Cloak of Elvenkind (Hide+10) 504GP
$ Cloak of the Bat (AC Deflect+5, Hide+15)
# Mantle of Great Stealth (Hide+30, Move Silently+30)
Many-Starred Cloak (10/- Fire, 10/- Electrical, Concentration+2, 1351GP
Light 10m, only by Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)
$ Cloak of Ascalhorn (5/- Bludgeoning) 307GP
$ Szaren's Cloak (AC Deflect+1, 5/- Fire, Light 15m) 879GP
$ Cloak of Ao (CON+1, AC Deflect+2, +1 vs Mind Spells)
$ Skin of the Manticore (AC Deflect+1, Manticore Spikes 4/day,
Fortitude+1, only by Druid or Ranger)
Cloak of the High Forest (AC Deflect+2, Fortitude+1, only by Druid) 1843GP
$ Cloak of Arachnida (+2 vs Poison, Immunity Web, Cast Web 1/day) 2017GP
Cloak of Movement (Freedom) 5400GP
$ Vestments of Faith (5/+5, only by Good) 10587GP
$ Cloak of Greater Sanctuary (Cast Greater Sanctuary 1/day)
$ Cape of Winter (Universal+2, 10/- Cold)
$ Cape of the Fire Bath (Universal+2, 10/- Fire)
# Cloak of Epic Spell Resistance (SR 32)
# Shroud of Kings (STR+2, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+2, WIS+2, CHA-4,
AC Deflect+5, Immunity Cold 100%)

(E.17) Amulets, Necklaces, Pendants, Periapts, Scarabs and Talismans
Copper Necklace 35GP
Silver Necklace 175GP
Gold Necklace 980GP
Glittering Necklace (Light 15m) 56GP
Amulet of Acid Resistance (20/- Acid) 525GP
Amulet of Cold Resistance (20/- Cold) 686GP
Amulet of Electrical Resistance (20/- Electrical) 359GP
Amulet of Will +1 (Will+1) 120GP
Amulet of Will +2 (Will+2) 534GP
Amulet of Will +3 (Will+3) 1243GP
Amulet of Will +4 (Will+4) 2249GP
Amulet of Will +5 (Will+5) 3550GP
# Amulet of Will +6 (Will+6)
# Amulet of Will +8 (Will+8)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (AC Natural+1) 229GP
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (AC Natural+2) 1023GP
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (AC Natural+3) 2384GP
Amulet of Natural Armor +4 (AC Natural+4) 4312GP
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (AC Natural+5) 6807GP
# Amulet of Natural Armor +6 (AC Natural+6)
# Amulet of Natural Armor +7 (AC Natural+7)
Scarab of Protection +1 (Universal+1) 443GP
Scarab of Protection +2 (Universal+2) 1974GP
Scarab of Protection +3 (Universal+3) 4599GP
Scarab of Protection +4 (Universal+4) 8318GP
Scarab of Protection +5 (Universal+5) 13130GP
# Scarab of Protection +6 (Universal+6)
# Scarab of Protection +8 (Universal+8)
# Scarab of Protection +9 (Universal+9)
# Scarab of Protection +10 (Universal+10)
Periapt of Wisdom +1 (WIS+1) 504GP
Periapt of Wisdom +2 (WIS+2) 2016GP
Periapt of Wisdom +3 (WIS+3) 4536GP
Periapt of Wisdom +4 (WIS+4) 8064GP
Periapt of Wisdom +5 (WIS+5) 12600GP
$ Ventrue's Lucky Charms (Universal+1, Lore+3)
$ Necklace of Fireballs (Cast Fireball) 2284GP
Necklace of Prayer Beads (Cast Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease, 4911GP
Remove Blindness/Deafness, Bless, only by Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger)
Amulet of Power (Spell Penetration Feat, +1 L3-L5 Wizard Spell, only 6699GP
by Wizard)
Lesser Amulet of Health (Immunity Disease, Poison) 1400GP
Amulet of Health (Immunity Disease, Poison, Level/Ability Drain) 4287GP
Greater Amulet of Health (Immunity Disease, Level/Ability Drain, 9831GP
Poison, Regeneration+1)
# Epic Amulet of Health (Immunity Disease, Poison, Level/Ability Drain,
Death Magic, Regeneration+3)
Lesser Amulet of the Master (Disable Trap, Open Lock, Search, Lore, 2187GP
Persuade+2, SR 12)
Amulet of the Master (Disable Trap, Open Lock, Search, Persuade, 15246GP
Lore+6, SR 16)
Talisman of Pure Good (WIS+3, CHA+3, SR 12, only by Good) 25287GP
Talisman of Pure Evil (WIS+3, CHA+3, SR 12, only by Evil) 25287GP
$ Amulet of Undead Turning (Extra Turning Feat, Light 20m,
only by Cleric, Paladin, not by Evil)
# Amulet of Divine Radiance (CHA+6, Extra Turning Feat, Light 20m,
only by Cleric, Paladin)
# Controlling Amulet (AC Natural+4, Reflex+4, Summon Shield Guardian)
# Crystal of Undeath (STR-4, DEX-4, CON-4, 20/- Negative Energy,
Control Undead, Create Greater Undead, Energy Drain 1/day, Shadow
Shield 2/day, Negative Energy Burst 3/day, Negative Energy Ray 5/day)
# Sensei's Amulet (Shift into Pixie, Earth Elemental, Wolf, unlimited/day)

(E.18) Rings
Copper Ring 8GP
Silver Ring 43GP
Gold Ring 174GP
Ring of Jade (Light 15m) 70GP
Ring of Cyan (Light 15m) 70GP
Ring of Crimson (Light 15m) 70GP
Ring of Crimson (Light 20m) 109GP
Ring of Insight (Lore+5) 157GP
Ring of Scholars (Lore+5, Light 15m) 437GP
Ring of Fortitude +1 (Fortitude+1)
Ring of Fortitude +2 (Fortitude+2) 667GP
Ring of Fortitude +4 (Fortitude+4) 2811GP
Ring of Fortitude +5 (Fortitude+5) 4438GP
# Ring of Fortitude +6 (Fortitude+6)
# Ring of Fortitude +10 (Fortitude+10)
Ring of Protection +1 (AC Deflect+1) 287GP
Ring of Protection +2 (AC Deflect+2) 1279GP
Ring of Protection +3 (AC Deflect+3) 2980GP
Ring of Protection +4 (AC Deflect+4) 5390GP
Ring of Protection +5 (AC Deflect+5) 8508GP
# Ring of Protection +6 (AC Deflect+6)
# Ring of Protection +7 (AC Deflect+7)
# Ring of Protection +8 (AC Deflect+8)
# Ring of Protection +9 (AC Deflect+9)
Ring of Resistance +1 (Universal+1, Light 15m) 1017GP
Ring of Resistance +2 (Universal+2, Light 15m) 3369GP
Ring of Resistance +3 (Universal+3, Light 15m) 7087GP
$ Commander's Ring (AC Deflect+2, Universal+2, Cast Knock 1/day)
Ring of Clear Thought +1 (INT+1) 630GP
Ring of Clear Thought +2 (INT+2) 2520GP
Ring of Clear Thought +3 (INT+3) 5670GP
Ring of Clear Thought +4 (INT+4)
Ring of Clear Thought +5 (INT+5) 15750GP
# Ring of Clear Thought +6 (INT+6)
Ring of Invisibility (Cast Invisibility 3/day) 2264GP
$ Ring of the Wolf (Summon Dire Wolf x5, Animal Empathy+2, only by 0GP
Druid, Ranger)
$ Ring of Animal Friendship (Animal Empathy +12) 1234GP
$ Kilrav's Ring (Appraise+1, Craft Trap+1, Disable Trap+1, Set Trap+1, 762GP
Hide+1, Move Silently+1, Open Lock+1, Use Magic Device+1, Lore+1,
Pick Pocket+1, Search+1)
$ The Nomad's Ring (+1 L1-L4 Sorcerer Spell, Light 20m)
$ Ring of Force Shield (AC Deflect+2)
Lesser Ring of Power (5/- Cold, Electrical, Fire, Regeneration+1) 3460GP
Ring of Power (15/- Cold, Electrical, Fire, Regeneration+1, Freedom) 29149GP
Ring of Elemental Resistance (15/- Acid, Cold, Electrical, Fire) 3872GP
# Ring of Major Acid Resistance (30/- Acid)
# Shiver-ring (40/- Cold, DEX-1, CON-1)
# Ring of Elemental Cold Immunity (Immunity Cold 100%)
# Ring of Major Electrical Resistance (30/- Electrical)
# Ring of Major Fire Resistance (30/- Fire)
# Ring of Major Sonic Resistance (30/- Sonic)
# Band of Fire and Frost (Immunity Cold 50%, Fire 50%, AC Deflect+4,
Freedom, 5/+2)
Ring of the Wood Elves (SR 16) 3937GP
Aribeth's Ring (SR 18)
Ring of Holiness (+1 L0-L4 Cleric Spell, only by Cleric) 4692GP
Ring of Magic Defences (Spellcraft+2, Cast Dispel Magic 1/day, SR 14) 5148GP
Ring of Yusam (10/- Bludgeoning, Improved Evasion Feat, Light 15m) 12173GP
Ring of Regeneration +2 (Regeneration+2) 6317GP
Ring of Regeneration +4 (Regeneration+4) 30117GP
$ Bone Ring (Immunity Level/Ability Drain)
$ Purple Dragon Ring (Immunity Poison, Cast Light unlimited/day)
$ Ring of Nine Lives (Cast Heal, 9 uses)
$ Ring of Spell Battle (Spellcraft+10, Cast Dispel Magic 1/day)
# Stoneeater's Ring (Cast Stone to Flesh 1/day)
# Ironskin Ring (10/+5)

(E.19) Wands and Rods
Wand of Lesser Summoning (Cast Summon Creature II) 210GP
Wand of the Heavens (Cast Flame Strike, only by Cleric, Paladin) 3307GP
Note: All following wands are only usable by Bard, Sorcerer and Wizard
Wand of Negative Energy (Cast Negative Energy Ray) 197GP
Wand of Missiles (Cast Magic Missile) 350GP
Wand of Sleep (Cast Sleep) 525GP
Wand of Fire (Cast Fireball) 1772GP
Wand of Lightning (Cast Lightning Bolt) 1772GP
Wand of Fear (Cast Fear) 2559GP
Wand of Stinking Cloud (Cast Stinking Cloud) 2559GP
Wand of Arcane Disjunction (Cast Dispel Magic) 2953GP
Wand of Paralyzation (Cast Hold Monster) 3307GP
Wand of Summoning (Cast Summon Creature IV) 3307GP
Rod of Frost (Cast Ray of Frost unlimited/day) 105GP
Rod of the Ghost (Cast Ghostly Visage 1/day) 945GP
Rod of Terror (Cast Fear, Scare) 2953GP
Rod of Reversal (Cast Dispel Magic, Greater Dispelling) 5414GP
Rod of Beguiling (Cast Charm Person, Dominate Person) 5600GP
Rod of Resurrection (Cast Resurrection) 10749GP
$ Rod of Dawn (Cast Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Flame Strike,
only by Good or Neutral, only by Cleric)
$ Ventrue's Rod of Majesty (Cast Eagles Splendor)
# Rod of Thunder and Lightning (Cast Chain Lightning 1/day, Cast Sound
Burst unlimited/day, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Rod of Fire (Cast Deleyed Blast Fireball, Incendiary Cloud, Fireball,
Firebrand, Elemental Shield, Flame Arrow, only by Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

(E.20) Scrolls Innate Level 0
B Bard, C Cleric, D Druid, P Paladin, R Ranger, S Sorcerer, W Wizard
1 to 9 is the level that class casts the spell as
$ Acid Splash (Conjuration) - - - - - 0 0 11GP
Cure Minor Wounds (Conjuration) 0 0 0 - - - -
Daze (Enchantment) 0 - - - - 0 0 3GP
$ Electric Jolt (Evocation) - - - - - 0 0 11GP
$ Flare (Evocation) 0 - 0 - - 0 0 11GP
$ Inflict Minor Wounds (Necromancy) - 0 - - - - - 11GP
Light (Evocation) 0 0 0 - - 0 0 3GP
Ray of Frost (Conjuration) - - - - - 0 0 1GP
Resistance (Abjuration) 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 14GP
Virtue (Transmutaion) - 0 0 1 - - -

(E.21) Scrolls Innate Level 1
$ Amplify (Transmutation) 1 - - - - - - 33GP
$ Bane (Enchantment) - 1 - - - - - 33GP
Bless (Enchantment) - 1 - 1 - - -
# Bless Weapon (Transmutation) - - - 1 - - -
Burning Hands (Transmutation) - - - - - 1 1 14GP
$ Camouflage (Transmutaion) - - 1 - 1 - - 33GP
Charm Person (Enchantment) 1 - - - - 1 1 4GP
Color Spray (Illusion) - - - - - 1 1 14GP
Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration) 1 1 1 1 1 - -
# Deafening Clang (Transmutation) - - - 1 - - -
$ Divine Favor (Evocation) - 1 - 1 - - - 33GP
Doom (Enchantment) - 1 - - - - -
Entangle (Transmutation) - - 1 - 1 - -
$ Entropic Shield (Abjuration) - 1 - - - - - 33GP
$ Expeditious Retreat (Transmutation) 1 - - - - 1 1
Grease (Conjuration) 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 14GP
# Horizikaul's Boom (Evocation) - - - - - 1 1
# Ice Dagger (Evocation) - - - - - 1 1
Identify (Divination) 1 - - - - 1 1 42GP
$ Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy) - 1 - - - - - 33GP
# Iron Guts (Abjuration) - - - - - 1 1
Mage Armor (Conjuration) 1 - - - - 1 1 14GP
$ Magic Fang (Transmutaion) - - 1 - 1 - - 33GP
Magic Missile (Evocation) - - - - - 1 1 9GP
# Magic Weapon (Transmutation) 1 1 - 1 - 1 1
Negative Energy Ray (Necromancy) - 2 - - - 1 1 7GP
Protection from Alignment (Abjuration) 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 14GP
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy) - - - - - 1 1 14GP
Remove Fear (Abjuration) - 1 - - - - -
Sanctuary (Abjuration) - 1 - - - - -
Scare (Necromancy) 1 1 - - - 1 1 14GP
# Shelgarn's Persistant Blade (Evocation) - - - - - 1 1
$ Shield (Abjuration) - - - - - 1 1 33GP
$ Shield of Faith (Abjuration) - 1 - - - - - 33GP
Sleep (Enchantment) 1 - 1 - 2 1 1 14GP
Summon Creature I (Conjuration) 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 14GP
$ True Strike (Divination) - - - - - 1 1 33GP

(E.22) Scrolls Innate Level 2
Aid (Enchantment) - 2 - 2 3 - -
$ Aura of Glory (Transmutation) - - - 2 - - - 101GP
$ Balagarn's Iron Horn (Transmutation) 1 - - - - 2 2 101GP
Barkskin (Transmutaion) - - 2 - - - -
Blindness/Deafness (Enchantment) 2 3 - - - 2 2 42GP
$ Blood Frenzy (Transmutaion) - - 2 - - - - 101GP
Bull's Strength (Transmutation) 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 42GP
Cat's Grace (Transmutation) 2 - - - 2 2 2 42GP
Charm Person or Animal (Enchantment) - - 2 - - - - 14GP
Clarity (Necromancy) 2 3 - - - 3 3 42GP
# Cloud of Bewilderment (Evocation) 2 - - - - 2 2
# Combust (Evocation) - - - - - 2 2
Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration) 2 2 3 3 3 - -
Darkness (Evocation) 2 2 - - - 2 2 42GP
# Death Armor (Necromancy) - - - - - 2 2
Eagle's Splendor (Transmutation) 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 42GP
Endurance (Transmutation) - 2 - - - 2 2 42GP
Endure Elements (Abjuration) - 1 1 1 - 1 1 14GP
@ Find Traps (Divination) 3 2 - - - 3 3
Flame Lash (Evocation) - - 2 - - - - 101GP
# Flame Weapon (Evocation) - - - - - 2 2
Fox's Cunning (Transmutation) 2 2 - - - 2 2 42GP
# Gedlee's Electrical Loop (Evocation) - - - - - 2 2
Ghostly Visage (Illusion) 2 - - - - 2 2 42GP
Ghoul Touch (Necromancy) - - - - - 2 2 42GP
Hold Animal (Enchantment) - - 2 - 2 - -
Hold Person (Enchantment) 2 2 - - - 3 3 42GP
$ Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy) - 2 - - - - - 101GP
Invisibility (Illusion) 2 - - - - 2 2 42GP
Knock (Transmutation) - - - - - 2 2 42GP
Lesser Dispel (Abjuration) 1 2 2 - - 2 2 42GP
Lesser Restoration (Conjuration) - 2 2 - - - - 42GP
Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration) - - - - - 2 2 42GP
$ One With The Land (Transmutaion) - - 2 - 2 - - 101GP
$ Owl's Insight (Transmutation) - - 5 - - - -
Owl's Wisdom (Transmutation) 2 2 - - - 2 2 42GP
Remove Paralysis (Conjuration) - 2 - 2 - - -
Resist Elements (Abjuration) - 2 2 2 1 2 2 42GP
See Invisibility (Divination) 2 - - - - 2 2 42GP
Silence (Illusion) 2 2 - - - - - 42GP
Sound Burst (Evocation) 2 2 - - - - - 42GP
# Stone Bones (Transmutation) - 2 - - - 2 2
Summon Creature II (Conjuration) 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 42GP
$ Tasha's Hideous Laughter (Enchantment) 2 - - - - 2 2 101GP
Ultravision (Transmutation) 2 2 1 - 1 2 2 42GP
Web (Conjuration) - - - - - 2 2 42GP

(E.23) Scrolls Innate Level 3
Animate Dead (Necromancy) - 3 - - - 5 5 105GP
Bestow Curse (Transmutation) 3 3 - - - 4 4 105GP
# Blade Thirst (Transmutation) - - - - 3 - -
Call Lightning (Evocation) - - 3 - - - -
Charm Monster (Enchantment) 3 - - - - 4 4 105GP
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Divination) 3 - - - - 3 3 105GP
Confusion (Enchantment) 3 - - - - 4 4 105GP
Contagion (Necromancy) - 3 3 - - 4 4 105GP
$ Continual Flame (Illusion) - 3 - - - 2 2 101GP
Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration) 3 3 4 4 4 - -
# Darkfire (Evocation) - 3 - - - - -
Dispel Magic (Abjuration) 3 3 4 3 - 3 3 105GP
$ Displacement (50% Concealment) (Illusion) 3 - - - - 3 3
Dominate Animal (Enchantment) - - 3 - - - -
Fear (Necromancy) 3 - - - - 4 4 105GP
Fireball (Evocation) - - - - - 3 3 105GP
Flame Arrow (Conjuration) - - - - - 3 3 105GP
# Glyph of Warding (Abjuration) - 3 - - - - -
$ Greater Magic Fang (Transmutaion) - - 3 - 3 - - 253GP
# Greater Magic Weapon (Transmutation) 3 4 - 3 - 3 3
$ Gust of Wind (Evocation) 3 - - - - 3 3 507GP
Haste (Transmutation) 3 - - - - 3 3 105GP
# Healing Sting (Necromancy) - - 3 - - - -
# Infestation of Maggots (Necromancy) - - 3 - - - -
$ Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy) - 3 - - - - - 253GP
Invisibility Purge (Evocation) - 3 - - 3 - -
Invisibility Sphere (Illusion) 3 - - - - 3 3 105GP
# Keen Edge (Transmutation) 3 - - - - 3 3
Lightning Bolt (Evocation) - - - - - 3 3 105GP
Magic Circle Against Alignment (Abjuration) 3 3 - 3 - 3 3 105GP
# Magic Vestment (Transmutation) - 3 - - - - -
# Mestil's Acid Breath (Conjuration) - - - - - 3 3
Negative Energy Burst (Necromancy) - - - - - 3 3 175GP
Negative Energy Protection (Abjuration) - 3 - - - - -
Neutralize Poison (Conjuration) 4 4 3 4 3 - - 105GP
Poison (Necromancy) - 4 3 - - - -
Prayer (Conjuration) - 3 - 3 - - -
Protection from Elements (Abjuration) - 3 3 - 2 3 3 63GP
$ Quillfire (Transmutaion) - - 3 - - - - 253GP
Remove Blindness/Deafness (Divination) - 3 - 3 - 4 4 105GP
Remove Curse (Abjuration) 3 3 - - - 4 4 105GP
Remove Disease (Conjuration) 3 3 3 - 3 - - 70GP
# Scintillating Sphere (Evocation) - - - - - 3 3
Searing Light (Evocation) - 3 - - - - -
Slow (Transmutation) 3 - - - - 3 3 105GP
$ Spike Growth (Transmutaion) - - 3 - - - - 253GP
Stinking Cloud (Conjuration) - - - - - 3 3 105GP
Summon Creature III (Conjuration) 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 105GP
$ Wounding Whispers (Abjuration) 3 - - - - - - 253GP
Vampiric Touch (Necromancy) - - - - - 3 3 70GP

(E.24) Scrolls Innate Level 4
Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration) 4 4 5 - - - -
Death Ward (Necromancy) - 4 5 4 - - -
Dismissal (Abjuration) 4 4 - - - 5 5 196GP
Divine Power (Evocation) - 4 - - - - -
Dominate Person (Enchantment) 4 - - - - 5 5 196GP
Elemental Shield (Evocation) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
* Enervation (Necromancy) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
Evard's Black Tentacles (Conjuration) - - - - - 4 4
Flame Strike (Evocation) - 5 4 - - - -
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) - 4 4 4 4 - -
Hammer of the Gods (Evocation) - 4 - - - - -
Hold Monster (Enchantment) 4 - 4 - - 5 5 196GP
# Holy Sword (Evocation) - - - 4 - - -
@ Ice Storm (Evocation) 6 - 5 - - 4 4
Improved Invisibility (Illusion) 4 - - - - 4 4 196GP
$ Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy) - 4 - - - - -
$ Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm (Evocation) - - - - - 4 4
Lesser Spell Breach (Abjuration) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
$ Mass Camouflage (Transmutation) - - 4 - 4 - -
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
Phantasmal Killer (Illusion) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
Polymorph Self (Transmutation) - - - - 4 4 4 196GP
Restoration (Conjuration) - 4 - - - - - 196GP
Shadow Conjuration (Illusion) - - - - - 4 4 196GP
Stoneskin (Abjuration) - - 4 - - 4 4 196GP
Summon Creature IV (Conjuration) 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 196GP
Wall of Fire (Evocation) - - 5 - - 4 4 252GP
War Cry (Enchantment) 4 - - - - - -

(E.25) Scrolls Innate Level 5
Awaken (Transmutation) - - 5 - - - -
# Ball Lightning (Evocation) - - - - - 5 5
# Battletide (Transmutation) - 5 - - - - -
$ Bigby's Interposing Hand (Evocation) - - - - - 5 5
$ Circle of Doom (Necromancy) - 5 - - - - -
Cloudkill (Conjuration) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
Cone of Cold (Evocation) - - - - - 5 5 233GP
@ Energy Buffer (Abjuration) 6 - 6 - - 5 5
Ethereal Visage (Illusion) 5 - - - - 6 6 315GP
Feeblemind (Divination) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
$ Firebrand (Evocation) - - - - - 5 5
Greater Shadow Conjunction (Illusion) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
Healing Circle (Conjuration) 5 5 6 - - - -
$ Inferno (Transmutation) - - 5 - - - -
Lesser Mind Blank (Abjuration) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
Lesser Planar Binding (Conjuration) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
Lesser Spell Mantle (Abjuration) - - - - - 5 5 315GP
# Mestil's Acid Sheath (Conjuration) - - - - - 5 5
Mind Fog (Enchantment) 5 - - - - 5 5 315GP
# Monstrous Regeneration (Conjuration) - 5 5 - - - -
Raise Dead (Conjuration) - 5 - - - - - 315GP
Slay Living (Necromancy) - 5 5 - - - -
Spell Resistance (Abjuration) - 5 5 - - - -
Summon Creature V (Conjuration) 5 5 5 - - 5 5 315GP
True Seeing (Divination) - 5 7 - - 6 6 315GP
# Vine Mine (Conjuration) - - 5 - - - -

(E.26) Scrolls Innate Level 6
Acid Fog (Conjuration) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
$*Banishment (Abjuration) - 6 - - - 7 7
$ Bigby's Forceful Hand (Evocation) - - - - - 6 6
Blade Barrier (Evocation) - 6 - - - - -
Chain Lightning (Evocation) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
Circle of Death (Necromancy) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
@ Create Undead (Necromancy) - 6 - - - 8 8
# Crumble (Transmutation) - - 6 - - - -
$ Dirge (Evocation) 6 - - - - - -
$ Drown (Transmutation) - - 6 - - - -
$*Flesh to Stone (Transmutation) - - - - - 6 6
Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
Greater Dispelling (Abjuration) 5 6 6 - - 6 6 245GP
Greater Spell Breach (Abjuration) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
Greater Stoneskin (Transmutation) - - 6 - - 6 6 462GP
Harm (Necromancy) - 6 7 - - - -
Heal (Conjuration) - 6 7 - - - -
$*Isaac's Greater Missile Storm (Evocation) - - - - - 6 6
@ Legend Lore (Divination) 4 - - - - 6 6
Mass Haste (Enchantment) 6 - - - - 6 6 462GP
Planar Binding (Conjuration) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
$ Planar Ally (Conjuration) - 6 - - - - -
Shades (Illusion) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
$ Stone to Flesh (Transmutation) - - - - - 6 6
# Stonehold (Conjuration) - - 6 - - - -
Summon Creature VI (Conjuration) 6 6 6 - - 6 6 462GP
* Tenser's Transformation (Transmutation) - - - - - 6 6 462GP
# Undeath to Death (Necromancy) - 6 - - - 6 6

(E.27) Scrolls Innate Level 7
Aura of Vitality (Transmutation) - - 7 - - - -
$ Bigby's Grasping Hand (Evocation) - - - - - 7 7
* Control Undead (Necromancy) - 6 - - - 7 7 637GP
Creeping Doom (Conjuration) - - 7 - - - -
Delayed Blast Fireball (Evocation) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
Destruction (Necromancy) - 7 - - - - -
Finger of Death (Necromancy) - - 8 - - 7 7 637GP
Fire Storm (Evocation) - 8 7 - - - -
Greater Restoration (Necromancy) - 7 - - - - - 637GP
$*Greater Sanctuary (Transmutation) - 6 - - - 8 8
# Great Thunderclap (Evocation) - - - - - 7 7
Mordenkainen's Sword (Transmutation) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
Power Word Stun (Divination) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
Prismatic Spray (Evocation) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
* Protection from Spells (Enchantment) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
Regenerate (Conjuration) - 7 6 - - - -
Resurrection (Conjuration) - 7 - - - - - 637GP
@ Shadow Shield (Illusion) - - - - - 7 7
Spell Mantle (Abjuration) - - - - - 7 7 637GP
* Summon Creature VII (Conjuration) - 7 7 - - 7 7 637GP
Word of Faith (Evocation) - 7 - - - - -

(E.28) Scrolls Innate Level 8
Aura Versus Alignment (Abjuration) - 8 - - - - -
$*Bigby's Clenched Fist (Evocation) - - - - - 8 8
# Blackstaff (Transmutation) - - - - - 8 8
$ Bombardment (Conjuration) - - 8 - - - -
Create Greater Undead (Necromancy) - 8 - - - - -
$ Earthquake (Evocation) - 8 9 - - - -
Greater Planar Binding (Conjuration) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
Horrid Wilting (Necromancy) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
Incendiary Cloud (Evocation) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
* Mass Blindness/Deafness (Illusion) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
* Mass Charm (Enchantment) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
Mass Heal (Conjuration) - 8 9 - - - -
Mind Blank (Abjuration) - - - - - 8 8 840GP
Nature's Balance (Transmutation) - - 8 - - - -
Premonition (Divination) - - 8 - - 8 8 840GP
Summon Creature VIII (Conjuration) - 8 8 - - 8 8 840GP
Sunbeam (Evocation) - 8 8 - - - -
$*Sunburst (Evocation) - - 8 - - 8 8

(E.29) Scrolls Innate Level 9
$*Bigby's Crushing Hand (Evocation) - - - - - 9 9
# Black Blade of Disaster (Conjuration) - - - - - 9 9
Dominate Monster (Enchantment) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
Elemental Swarm (Conjuration) - - 9 - - - -
Energy Drain (Necromancy) - 9 - - - 9 9 1071GP
* Gate (Conjuration) - 9 - - - 9 9 1071GP
Greater Spell Mantle (Abjuration) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
Implosion (Evocation) - 9 - - - - -
* Meteor Swarm (Evocation) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
* Mordenkainen's Disjunction (Abjuration) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
Power Word Kill (Divination) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
* Shapechange (Transmutation) - - 9 - - 9 9 1071GP
Storm of Vengeance (Conjuration) - 9 9 - - - -
Summon Creature IX (Conjuration) - 9 9 - - 9 9 1071GP
Time Stop (Transmutation) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
$ Undeath's Eternal Foe (Abjuration) - 9 - - - - -
* Wail of the Banshee (Necromancy) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP
Weird (Illusion) - - - - - 9 9 1071GP

@ Wizard spells that do not exist in scroll form
* Wizard scrolls that cannot be be bought from a store (but you can find some)
Note: The only way to get them in your spellbook is when leveling up

(E.30) Trap Kits
Minor DC Average DC Strong DC Deadly DC
Spike 2GP 5 7GP 20 11GP 25 1427GP 35
Sonic 9GP 15 27GP 20 45GP 25 109GP 30
Frost 9GP 15 27GP 20 45GP 25 109GP 30
Acid Splash 9GP 15 27GP 20 45GP 25 109GP 30
Negative 14GP 15 43GP 20 71GP 25 171GP 30
Holy 14GP 15 43GP 20 71GP 25 171GP 30
Tangle 27GP 15 84GP 20 138GP 25 336GP 30
Blob of Acid 56GP 15 171GP 25 283GP 30 686GP 35
Fire 109GP 20 336GP 25 555GP 30 1344GP 35
Electrical 181GP 20 555GP 25 918GP 30 2222GP 35
Gas 350GP 30 1072GP 35 1772GP 45 4287GP 45

(E.31) Potions
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x10 70GP
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x10 115GP
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x10 231GP
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds x10 980GP
Potion of Bless (Attack+1, Damage+1) 14GP
# Potion of Ironguts (+4 vs Poison) 14GP
Potion of Barkskin (AC Natural+3) 28GP
Potion of Aid (Attack+1, HP+1d8) 42GP
Potion of Lore (Identify) 42GP
Potion of Clarity (Immunity Mind Spells) 42GP
Potion of Bull's Strength (STR+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Cat's Grace (DEX+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Endurance (CON+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Fox's Cunning (INT+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Owl's Wisdom (WIS+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Eagle's Splendor (CHA+1d4+1) 42GP
Potion of Invisibility 42GP
Potion of Lessor Restoration 42GP
# Potion of Death Armor (damage attacker 1d4+5) 42GP
Potion of Antidote 105GP
Potion of Speed 105GP
Potion of Heal 462GP

(E.32) Gems
Greenstone x10 24GP
Malachite x8 22GP
Fire Agate x10 35GP
Phenalope x10 70GP
Aventurine x10 70GP
Amethyst x10 140GP
Fluorspar x10 175GP
Garnet x10 420GP
Alexandrite x10 507GP
Topaz x6 525GP
Sapphire 350GP
Fire Opal 525GP
Diamond 700GP
Ruby 1050GP
Emerald 1400GP
# Rogue Stone (Used to power Relic of the Reaper) 1750GP
# Black Pearl 3500GP

(E.33) Magical Items
Scabbard of Blessing (Cast Aid 3/day, Bless 3/day) 2263GP
Harp of Pandemonium (Cast Confusion, Daze) 3248GP
Harp of Haunting (Cast Animate Dead, Fear, Scare) 4626GP
Harp of Charming (Charm Monster, Charm Person or Animal, Mass Charm) 15848GP
Instrument of the Winds (Cast Elemental Swarm) 18072GP
$ Chime of Opening (Cast Knock)
$ Fochluchan Bandore (Cast Light 1/day, only by Bard) 394GP
$ Horn of Blasting (Cast Sound Burst 1/day) 945GP
$ Dove's Harp (Cast Cure Light Wounds, Greater Restoration 1/day,
Cast Light unlimited/day, only by Bard)
$ Cli Lyre (Cast Haste, Remove Curse, Sound Burst 1/day, only by Bard) 6969GP
$ Canaith Mandolin (Cast Cure Serious Wounds, Summon Creature III,
Dispel Magic 1/day, only by Bard)
$ Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern (Cast Cure Light Wounds 1/day, Mage Armor 1/day,
Sleep 1/day, only by Bard)
$ Doss Lute (Cast Neutralize Poison, Hold Person, Ghostly Visage 1/day,
only by Bard)
$ Lich Lyrics (Cast Horrid Wilting unlimited/day, only by Bard)
$ Brooch of Shielding (Cast Shield 3/day) 1828GP
$ Lens of Detection (Cast Find Traps 3/day) 1811GP
$ Prayer to the Overgod (Cast Light unlimited/day, Prayer 3/day) 4725GP
$ Lantern of Revealing (Cast Invisibility Purge unlimited/day) 11812GP
$ Golden Chalice of Lathander (Cast Light unlimited/day Healing Circle) 2323GP
$ Magic Electrifier (Charge and Destroy magical items unlimited/day,
only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
$ Branch of Giving (Cast Flameberry, Iceberry 1/day on animal
companion, only by Druid, Ranger)
$ Heart of the Neely (Cure Moderate Wounds)
$ Gem of Seeing (Cast True Seeing 1/day)
$ Gem of Brightness (Cast Sunbeam, Light, Blindness/Deafness)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Pale Blue (STR+2 1/day)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Deep Red (DEX+2 1/day))
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Pink (CON+2 1/day)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet and Blue (INT+2 1/day)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue (WIS+2 1/day)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Pink and Green (CHA+2 1/day)
# Lesser Ioun Stone: Dusty Rose (AC Deflect+1 1/day)
# Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals (Cast Summon Earth Elemental)

(E.34) Quest Items
The Phylactery of Karlat Jhareg (Cast Sanctuary 1/day) 315GP
$ Focus Crystal (Used to power Mystra's Hand)
$ Censer of Readiness (Tumble+1 1/day, only by Monk)
$ Crystal of Concentration (Concentration+1 1/day, only by Wizard)
$ Gift of the Dryad (Spot+1 1/day, only by Ranger)
$ Holy Symbol (Heal+1 1/day, only by Cleric)
$ Horn of Listening (Listen+1 1/day, only by Rogue)
$ Idol of the Bear (Taunt+1 1/day, only by Barbarian)
$ Instrument of the Inquisition (Persuade+1 1/day, only by Paladin)
$ Quality Lute (Perform+1 1/day, only by Bard)
$ Rod of the Magi (Spellcraft+1 1/day, only by Sorcerer)
$ Scale of Discipline (Discipline+1 1/day, only by Fighter)
$ Scented Fetish (Animal Empathy+1 1/day, only by Druid)
$ Shadow Gem
$ Ointment of Stone to Flesh 4157GP
$ Elixir of Horus-Re (Cast Sunbeam)
$ Potion of Protection from Elements 210GP
$ The Wise Wind (Cast Legend Lore 1/day, Owl's Wisdom 1/day) 0GP
$ The Dead Wind (Cast Animate Dead 1/day) 0GP
$ The Dark Wind (Cast Darkness 1/day, Shadow Conjuration 1/day) 0GP
# Halaster's Magnifying Glass (Slay Formian unlimited/day)
# Obelisk's Core (Create dead-magic zone)
# Helm of Shielding (Protection from Illithid psionic powers)
# Vix'thrite Tome (Bestow Curse)
# Tome of the Vix'thrite Elders (Energy Drain)
# Merchant's Compass (Find Traps 3/day)
# Mirror of All-Seeing (Cast Ethereal Visage 1/day, Cast True Seeing,
Feeblemind 2/day, Cast Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, See Invisibility 5/day)
# Golems' Power Source
# Golem Binder (Use to slow Golem for 1d6+2 rounds)
# Golem Crasher (Use to damage Golem 3d10+30 and knock it down for 1d4 rounds)

(E.35) Miscellaneous Items
Healer's Kit +1 x10 178GP
Healer's Kit +3 21GP
Healer's Kit +6 32GP
Healer's Kit +10 60GP
Thieves' Tools +1 5GP
Thieves' Tools +3 49GP
Thieves' Tools +6 196GP
Thieves' Tools +10 546GP
# Thieves' Tools +12 approx 1070GP
Large Box 5GP
Magic Bag 20% (Weight-20%) 92GP
$ Magic Pouch (Weight-20%) 92GP
Magic Bag 40% (Weight-40%) 201GP
$ Lesser Magic Bag (Weight-40%) 201GP
Magic Bag (Weight-60%) 355GP
$ Greater Magic Bag (Weight-80%) 551GP
Magic Bag 80% (Weight-80%) 551GP
Bag of Holding (Weight-100%) 792GP
Ale 1GP
Wine 1GP
Spirits 2GP
Books 2GP
Torch Low (Light 10m) 1GP
Torch Normal (Light 15m) 1GP
Torch Bright (Light 20m) 2GP
# Velox Berry x10 1750GP
# Velox Potion
# Torch of the Velox Berry
Belladonna (AC+5 vs Shapechanger) 7GP
$ Garlic (+2 vs Undead, CHA-1) 1GP
$ Dust of Appearance (Invisibility Purge) 525GP
$ Dust of Disappearance (Improved Invisibility) 980GP
# Spider Venon Weak (STR-1d2)
# Spider Venon Mild
# Spider Venon Average
# Spider Venon Deadly
# Bebilith Poison
# Centipede Venom Mild (INT-1d2)
# Giant Bee Poison (CON-1d2)
# Blank Scroll
# Bone Wand
# Magical Potion Bottle

(E.36) Undiscovered Weapons

# Drow Dagger (+1d6 Acid dmg, DC14 Disease)
# Tear Jerker +5 (Dagger, +5 Cold dmg)
# Dagger +7
Ladymist Talon +1 (Kukri, Cast Stinking Cloud, Immunity Cone of Cold)
# Stormwalker (Kukri, +2d6 Electrical dmg, Freedom)
$ Kukri +4
# Kukri +7
Blood Rust Axe +2 (Handaxe, +1d6 Fire dmg vs Good, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds)
Offhand Axe +3 (Handaxe, +1d6 Sonic dmg, Two-Weapon Fighting Feat)
$ Handaxe +4
# Handaxe +7
# Zombie Kama +1 (Attack+3 vs Good, Haste, DC20 Disease)
$ Light Crossbow +4 (Attack+4)
# Light Crossbow +7 (Attack+7)
Hammer of the Beast +2 (Light Hammer, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds)
Hammer of Blasting +3 (Light Hammer, +1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Knock)
$ Light Hammer +4
# Light Hammer +7
# Kama +7
Fist of the Legion +1 (Mace, DC14 Stun 50%/2 rounds)
Soldier's Might +2 (Mace, +1d4 Cold dmg, Immunity Mind Spells)
# Mace +7
The Lucky One +1 (Short Sword, Improved Evasion Feat)
# Drow Short Sword +1
# Drow Short Sword +2
# Fight +3 (Short Sword, +1d6 Cold dmg, DC14 Stun 5%/5 rounds)
# Fright +3 (Short Sword, +1d6 Fire dmg, Keen)
# Icy Blade +3 (Short Sword, +1d6 Cold dmg)
# Shadowsilk +6 (Short Sword, +1d4 Slashing dmg, Keen, Hide+10, only by
$ Short Sword +4
# Short Sword +7
Sickle of Holy Mourning +2 (+5 vs Undead, Extra Turning Feat)
# Blacksoul Sickle +6 (Vampiric+2)
# Sickle +7
Sling of Force (Attack+3, Mighty+3, STR+2)
Sling of Arvoreen (Attack+4, Mighty+4, Freedom)
Sling of Seeking (Attack+5)
Tempertuppin's Ever-Thrower (Sling, Attack+1, +1d6 Fire dmg unlimited ammo)
Sunlight Sling (Attack+2, +3 vs Undead, Light 10m)
Charming Sling (Attack+3, CHR+2)
$ Sling +4 (Attack+4)
# Sling +7

Discord +2 (Bastard Sword, +1d6 Sonic dmg, DC14 Confusion 50%/2 rounds)
# Souldrinker's Sire +7 (Bastard Sword, DC16 Level Drain, Vampiric+1)
# Bastard Sword +7
Clangeddin's Wayward Axe +3 (Battleaxe, +4 Electrical dmg)
# Delphus Axe +5 (Battleaxe, +1d10 Fire dmg, Keen)
# Tickle (Battleaxe, +1d10 Acid dmg, AC Deflect+4, Cast Bull's Strength 1/day)
$ Battleaxe +4
# Battleaxe +7
# Ironwood Club +1 (Weight-60%)
# Club +7
# Dwarven Waraxe +1
# Dwarven Waraxe +7
# Crossbow of the Seer +8 (Heavy Crossbow, True Seeing Cast Premonition 2/day)
$ Heavy Crossbow +4 (Attack+4)
# Heavy Crossbow +7 (Attack+7)
Blade of the Elements +3 (Katana, DC14 Slay Elemental)
# Drow Katana +3 (+1d6 Cold dmg)
# Katana of the Mummylord +5 (DC22 Poison DEX-1d2, only by Undead)
# Radiant Death +6 (Katana, Keen, +5 critical dmg, AC Natural-5, only by
Weapon Master)
# Katana +7
$ Light Flail +4
# Light Flail +7
# Drow Longsword +1
# Drow Longsword +3 (+1d6 Electrical dmg)
Angurvadal +2 "Flame Tongue" (Longsword, +1d6 Fire dmg)
Blessing of the Daystar +3 (Longsword, +5 vs Undead, +1d6 Fire dmg vs Evil)
# The Singing Sword +5 (Longsword, +1 Sonic dmg, Light 15m, No Combat Damage)
$ Longsword +4
# Longsword +7
# Duergar Battlestaff (Magic Staff, Cast Lesser Dispel 2/day, Cast Slow,
Negative Energy, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Cheating Stick +5 (Magic Staff, +2d6 Cold dmg, +2d6 Fire dmg, +2d6 critical
dmg, 50/+20, Haste, DC26 Vorpal, Regeneration+10, Light 20m)
Circling Star +2 (Morningstar, +1d6 Electrical dmg, Animal Empathy+4)
Sleepwalker Kin +2 (Morningstar, DC14 Sleep 50%/2 rounds)
# Star Frost +3 (Morningstar, +2d6 Cold dmg)
# Morningstar +7
Bleederkin +2 (Rapier, DC14 Wounding)
$ Rapier +4
# Rapier +7
Shimmering Blade +2 (Scimitar, Parry+5)
$ Scimitar +4
# Scimitar +7
Phantom Bow (Shortbow, Attack+3, Mighty+3, Haste, Cast Phantasmal Killer)
$ Shortbow +4 (Attack+4)
# Shortbow +7 (Attack+7)
$ Composite Shortbow +4 (Attack+4, Mighty+5)
# Composite Shortbow +7 (Attack+7, Mighty+9)
Hammer of the Wisp +2 (Warhammer, DC14 Fear 50%/2 rounds, Light 15m)
Hammer of Thunderbolts +5 (Warhammer, +1d6 Electrical dmg,
DC14 Stun 75%/1 round)
Rift Hammer +1 (Warhammer, +1d6 Sonic dmg)
# Rift Hammer +6 (Warhammer, +1d8 Sonic dmg)
$ Warhammer +4
# Warhammer +7
# Hellish Whip +2 (on hit Flaming Weapon)
# Shocking Whip +3 (+1d6 Electrical, DC22 Stun 10%/4 rounds)
# Epic Shocking Whip +5 (+2d8 Electrical, DC26 Stun 10%/4 rounds)
# Matron Whip +7
# Whip +7

Ebon Dire Mace +1 (DC14 Ability Drain STR)
# Dire Mace +7
Red Tiger Double Axe +2 (Dodge Feat)
$ Double Axe +4
# Double Axe +7
Re's Redemption +2 (Greataxe, +4 vs Orcs, +1d6 Electrical dmg vs Evil)
Axe of the Culling +3 (Greataxe, +1d6 Fire dmg, DC14 Dispel Magic)
# Epic Minotaur Axe +3 (Greataxe, +1d6 Fire dmg, Weapon Proficiency Martial,
Knockdown feat, only by Goblinoid)
# Greataxe +7
Vermin's Bane +1 (Greatsword, +4 vs Vermin)
# Black Blade of Disaster +5 (Greatsword, Attack+15, +1d12 Piercing dmg,
+1d12 Critical dmg, on hit Planar Rift, Light 20m)
# Greatsword +7
Arc Asunder +1 (Halberd, +1d6 Electrical dmg, Parry+4, Light 10m)
Will of Atar +1 (Halberd, +1d6 Fire dmg)
Water's Edge +1 (Halberd, DC14 Slay Elemental)
Dragon's Breath +4 (Halberd, +1d6 Fire dmg, DC14 Stun 75%/1 round)
# Venom Halberd +2 (DC16 Poison CON-1d2)
# Halberd +7
Asp Flail +1 (Heavy Flail, +1d6 Acid dmg)
Flail of Stars +2 (Heavy Flail, +1d6 Electrical dmg, DC14 Slow 75%/1 round)
$ Heavy Flail +4
# Heavy Flail +7
Ripper (Longbow, Attack+3, Mighty+4, Immunity Mind Spells)
$ Longbow +4 (Attack+4)
# Longbow +7 (Attack+7)
$ Composite Longbow +4 (Attack+4, Mighty+5)
# Composite Longbow +7 (Attack+7, Mighty+9)
# Ironwood Quarterstaff (Weight-60%)
# Thornshield +4 (Quarterstaff, AC Deflect+4, 5/+5, only by Shifter)
# Quarterstaff +7
King's Scythe +2 (Keen, DC14 Slow 50%/2 rounds)
$ Scythe +4
# Scythe +7
Heartwood Spear +4 (+1d6 Acid dmg, DC14 Daze 75%/1 round)
# Spear +7
Sword of Lyons +2 (Two-Bladed Sword, STR+2, CHA+2, Persuade+2)
$ Two-Bladed Sword +4
# Two-Bladed Sword +7
Acid Dart +1 (+1d4 Acid dmg)
Asp's Nest +1 (Dart, DC14 Poison 1d2 CON)
Dart of Accuracy +5
# Dart +7
# Shuriken +7
# Throwing Axe +7

(E.37) Undiscovered Items

$ Robe of Scintillating Colors (AC0, Light 10m, Cast Displacement 1/day,
Cast Daze unlimited/day)
$ Vest of Escape (AC0, Freedom, Open Lock+4)
$ Lesser Robe of Eyes (AC0, Cast True Seeing 1/day, Search+10, Spot+10,
$ Greater Robe of Eyes (AC0, True Seeing, Search+10, Spot+10)
$ Hair Shirt of Ilmater (AC0, AC Armor+3, Cast Cure Serious Wounds 1/day,
$ Kel-Garas' Robe (AC0, AC Armor+1, SR 10, Spell Focus Abjuration,
Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy Feats,
only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Duergar Mage Robe (AC0, AC Armor+1, Cold 15/-)
# Greater Sequencer Robe (AC0, AC Armor+5, Store 2 spells, 1/day)
# Darklord's Robes (AC0, Universal+1, SR 10, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Halaster's Robe (AC0, AC Armor+5, Universal+1, Spell Penetration feat,
SR 10, only by Evil, Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Halaster's Black Cloak (AC0, AC Armor+5, Freedom, Universal+1, SR 10,
Regeneration+3, Spell Penetration feat, Immunity Electrical 5%,
Magic Missile, Sneak Attack, Death Magic, only by Evil, Sorcerer, Wizard)
# Shifter Tunic (AC0, Regeneration +2, Universal+6)
# Cultist's Outfit (AC0, AC Armor+3, Discipline+8)
# Shadow Cultist's Outfit (AC0, AC Armor+3, Discipline+8, Haste)
# Bindings of Blood (AC0, AC Armor+3, Haste, Freedom, Universal+3)
# Seer's Robe (AC0, AC Armor+5, SR 10, Universal+1, Spell Penetration Feat)
Armor of Fleetness (AC1, AC Armor+3, Haste)
# Padded Armor +7 (AC1, AC Armor+7)
$ Leather Armor +4 (AC2, AC Armor+4)
# Leather Armor +7 (AC2, AC Armor+7)
# Drow Leather Armor +7 (AC2, AC Armor+7)
$ Studded Leather Armor +4 (AC3, AC Armor+4)
# Studded Leather Armor +7 (AC3, AC Armor+7)
# Drow Studded Leather Armor +7 (Ac3, AC Armor+7)
# Duergar Studded Leather Armor +5 (AC3, AC Armor+5)
$ Hide Armor +5 (AC3, AC Armor+5)
Black Flame Armor (AC3, AC Armor+5, 30/- Fire)
# Chain Shirt +7 (AC4, AC Armor+7)
# Duergar Chain (AC4, AC Armor+5, Weight-40%)
$ Scale Mail +4 (AC4, AC Armor+4)
# Scale Mail +7 (AC4, AC Armor+7)
# Duergar Scale Mail +5 (AC4, AC Armor+5)
# Drow Scale Mail +7 (AC4, AC Armor+7)
# Brestplate +7 (AC5, AC Armor+7)
Elven Chainmail (AC5, AC Armor+2, Hide+6, Move Silently+6, Weight-60%)
# Red Assassin Chainmail (AC5, AC Armor+3)
$ Chainmail +4 (AC5, AC Armor+4)
# Chainmail +7 (AC5, AC Armor+7)
# Drow Chainmail +7 (AC5, AC Armor+7)
# Delphus Plate (AC6, AC Armor+6, Immunity Fire 50%)
# Cult Knight Armor (AC6, 5/- Acid)
# Matron Armor (AC6, AC Armor+6, Reflex+5, Discipline+10, Weight-60%,
Cast Death Armor 3/day)
$ Banded Mail +4 (AC6, AC Armor+4)
# Banded Mail +7 (AC6, AC Armor+7)
# Splint Mail +7 (AC6, AC Armor+7)
# Planetar Armor (AC7, AC Armor+5, Concentration+10)
# Sodalis' Outfit (AC7, Spell Failure 0%)
$ Half Plate +4 (AC7, AC Armor+4)
# Drow Half Plate +7 (AC7, AC Armor+7)
Copper Dragon Armor (AC8, AC Armor+3, 20/- Acid, Weight-40%)
Blue Dragon Armor (AC8, AC Armor+4, 20/- Electrical, Weight-20%)
# Blue Dragon Armor (AC8, AC Armor+6, 30/- Electrical, Weight-20%)
$ Laeral's Storm Armor (AC8, AC Armor+2, 10/- Fire, 10/- Electrical)
$ Storm Armor of the Earth's Children (AC8, AC Armor+1, 10/- Cold, 10/- Fire,
10/- Electrical, only by Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling)
# Storm Armor of the Earth's Children (AC8, AC Armor+7, 15/- Electrical,
15/- Fire, only by Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling)
# Bloody Plate (AC8, AC Armor+5, CON+5, CHA-5, Vulnerability Cold 25%)
# Fiendforged Plate (AC8, Armor+6, Regeneration+1, Spell Failure 20%)
# Sabal's Armor (AC8, AC Armor+7, Weight-60%, Immunity Critical Hits)
# Full Plate +7 (AC8, AC Armor+7)
# Drow Full Plate +7 (AC8, AC Armor+7)

# Small Chaos Shield (on hit 2% strike attacker)
# Ironwood Small Shield (Weight-60%, Spell Failure 0%)
# Small Shield +7 (AC Shield+7)
# Drow Large Shield +5 (AC Shield+5)
$ Laeral's Spell Shield (Large Shield, AC Shield+1, SR 16)
# Shield of Lies (Large Shield, AC Shield+5, Cast Confusion 1/day)
# Ironwood Large Shield (Weight-60%, Spell Failure 10%)
# Large Shield +7 (AC Shield+7)
# Bulwark of the Great Dragon (Tower Shield, AC Shield+6, Cast Dragon
Breath Fire 3/day)
Greater Shield of Dawn (Tower Shield, AC Shield+1, +5 vs Undead, Light 15m)
Greater Shield of the Watch (Tower Shield, AC Shield+2, +5 vs Human)
# Hastsezini's Shield (Tower Shield, AC Shield+5, only by Lawful)
# Ironwood Tower Shield (Weight-60%, Spell Failure 45%)
# Tower Shield +7 (AC Shield+7)
$ Beholder Crown (Cast Flesh to Stone, Finger of Death 1/day, Light 5m)
$ Eyes of Charming (Cast Charm Person unlimited/day)
$ Eyes of Doom (Cast Doom 1/day)
$ Goggles of Night (Darkvision)
$ Headband of Intellect +2 (INT+2)
$ Headband of Intellect +4 (INT+4)
$ Headband of the Binder (Lore+4, Spellcraft+4)
$ Helm of Darkness (20/- Cold, Darkvision, Immunity Darkness, Death Magic,
Fear, Cast Darkness)
$ Minor Circlet of Blasting (Cast Searing Light 1/day)
$ Mask of the Skull (Cast Finger of Death 1/day)
# Mask of Death (Cast Finger of Death, Vampiric Touch, Death Armor 1/day)
# Helm of the Stranger (30/- Fire, Vulnerability Cold 50%, Cast Cone of Cold,
Ice Dagger, Ice Storm, Light 15m)
# The Regal (5/+6, 10/- Acid, 10/- Fire, Search-5, Spot-5)
# Scale Cap (Bludgeoning 5/-, Piercing 5/-, Slashing 5/-, Fire 10/-,
Regeneration+1, Immunity Critical Hits, only by Reptilian)
# Infernal Ceremonial Helm (AC Deflect+2)

Gloves of the Hin Fist +1 (Attack+1, +1 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +2 (Attack+2, +2 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +4 (Attack+4, +1d4 Sonic dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Long Death +2 (Attack+2, +2 Cold dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Long Death +4 (Attack+4, +1d4 Cold dmg, only by Monk)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +4 (Attack+4, +1 Electrical dmg, only by Monk)
$ Bracers of Archery (DEX+1, Point Blank Shot Feat)
$ Bracers of the Blinding Strike (AC Armor+4, Haste)
$ Gauntlet of Fury (AC Armor+2, Cast Isaac's Greater Missile Storm,
Magic Missile 1/day)
$ Gloves of the Artificer (Craft Trap+3)
$ Gloves of Lightning (Cast Electric Jolt unlimited/day)
Belt of Agility +3 (DEX+3, Freedom)
$ Mystran Belt of Priestly Might (STR+4, AC Deflect+2, only by Good)
$ Kossuth's Belt of Priestly Might and Warding (STR+4, AC Deflect+2,
Cast Magic Circle against Alignment 1/day, only by Neutral)
$ Shar's Belt of Priestly Might (STR+3, AC Deflect+2, only by Evil)
$ Shar's Belt of Priestly Might and Warding (STR+4, AC Deflect+2,
Cast Magic Circle against Alignment 1/day, only by Evil)
$ Belt of Lions (Darkvision, Tumble, Move Silently +10, Animal Empathy+4)
$ Lesser Boots of Tumbling (Tumble+4)
$ Boots of the Winterlands (5/- Cold)
Cloak of Protection vs Chaos (AC Deflect+2 vs Chaotic)
$ Cloak of Blackflame (Immunity Level/Ability Drain)
$ Cloak of Displacement (Cast Displacement unlimited/day)
# Cloak of the Sentry (AC Deflect+3, Will+3, Light 10m)
# Cloak of Bedazzlement (AC Deflect+5, CHA-1, Cast Prismatic Spray 1/day)
$ Greater Mantle of Spell Resistance (SR 20, only by Sorcerer, Wizard)
Amulet of Fire Resistance (20/- Fire)
$ Amulet of Ascalhorn (5/- Piercing)
$ Amulet of the Harpers (5/- Electrical, Immunity Magic Missile,
+5 vs Mind Spells, only Good, Neutral, Harper Scout)
$ Arvoreen's Amulet of Aid (Cast Aid, only by Good, Neutral)
$ Lesser Ice Necklace of the Ulutiun (Cast Ice Storm)
# Craven Necklace (AC Natural+4, Hide+15, Improved Evasion feat)
# Faerun's Tears (Universal+3)
$ Luckstone (Universal+1, Animal Empathy+1, Appraise+1, Concentration+1,
Craft Trap+1, Disable Trap+1, Discipline+1, Heal+1, Hide+1, Listen+1,
Lore+1, Move Silently+1, Open Lock+1, Parry+1, Perform+1, Persuade+1,
Pick Pocket+1, Set Trap+1, Spellcraft+1, Spot+1, Taunt+1, Tumble+1,
Use Magic Device+1)
Ring of Fortitude +3 (Fortitude+3)
$ Ring of Disease Immunity (Immunity Disease)
$ Ring of Freedom of Movement (Freedom)
$ Ring of Hiding (Hide+6)
$ Ring of Improved Evasion (Improved Evasion Feat)
$ Ring of Might (Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Impoved Critical: Unarmed)
$ The Wanderer's Ring (+1 L1-L4 Wizard Spell, Light 20m)
# Rod of Wonder (2/day)
Saintsblood Pearl (Cast Restoration, Cure Light, Moderate, Serious and
Critical Wounds)
$ Horn of Goodness and Evil (Cast Magic Circle against Alignment 1/day)
$ Austruth Harp (Cast Greater Dispelling, Healing Circle, Mind Fog,
only by Bard, Harper Scout, Shadowdancer)
$ Instrument of the Winds (Cast Summon Air Elemental 1/day, only by Bard)
$ Janthra's Harp (Cast Invisibility Sphere 1/day, only by Bard)
$ Ollamh Harp (Cast Mass Charm, Mass Haste, Summon Creature VI 1/day,
only by Bard)
$ Deck of Hazards (Cast random spells)
$ The Avatar (Transform into Negative Plane Avatar unlimited/day)
# Confusion Toy (Cast Confusion 3/day)


(F) Addendum (and other things)

Neverwinter Nights Manual Errors

- Barbarians first get Uncanny Dodge at level 2, not level 1
- UK Manual is missing the Endure Elements and Ultravsion spells
- Manual is missing Circle of Doom level 5 Cleric spell
- Animate Dead is cast as level 5 for Sorcerer/Wizard, not level 3
- Cure Moderate Wounds can be cast by Paladins as level 3
- Elemental Shield is cast as level 4 for Sorcerer/Wizard, not level 5
- Flame Strike is cast as level 5 for Cleric, not level 4
- Hammer of the Gods is a level 4 spell for Cleric and not Druid
- Greator Restoration is a level 7 spell for Cleric and not Druid
- Control Undead can be cast by Clerics as level 6
- Resist Elements is cast as level 1 for Rangers, not level 2
- Bastard Sword is an Exotic weapon, not Martial
- Improved Disarm Feat used when unarmed does not take the opponents weapon
- Improved Knockdown Feat requires INT 13
- Discipline is a Paladin class skill

Shadows of Undrentide Manual Errors

Shadowdancer Abilities (complete list)
- Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the Hide skill even
while being observed.
- Evasion: The shadowdancer is able to escape potential deadly situations. At
2nd level, in situations where a successful Reflex saving throw would allow
others to take only half damage, you escape unscathed. At 10th level, the
shadowdancer gains Improved Evasion where you take only half damage even if
the saving throw fails.
- Darkvision: At 2nd level, the shadowdancer is able to see in the dark.
- Uncanny Dodge: The shadowdancer is able to avoid and deflect incoming
attacks. At 2nd level, the shadowdancer retains his or her dexterity bonus
to armor class, even if flat-footed. At 5th level, the shadowdancer gains
a +1 to Reflex saving throws. At 10th level, the shadowdancer gains a +2
to Reflex saving throws.
- Shadow Daze: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze
upon a target once per day. This daze lasts for five rounds.
- Summon Shadow: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per
day. This shadow is extremely difficult to turn and becomes more powerful
as the shadowdancer gains levels.
- Shadow Evade: At 4th level, the shadowdancer can call upon the shadows in
the area to help conceal her three times a day. The shadowdancer gains a
concealment bonus, damage reduction and an AC bonus that improves with
- Defensive Roll: At 5th level, the shadowdancer can make a Reflex save
against a lethal blow once per day. If successful you take only half
damage from the blow instead of being killed. If you are caught flat-
footed, you may not make a defensive roll.
- Slippery Mind: At 7th level, if the shadowdancer fails her Will save
against a mind-affecting spell, she makes an automatic reroll.

- Shadow Evade adds a Base AC bonus, not a Natural AC bonus.

Hordes of the Underdark Manual Errors

Extra Smiting
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Smite Evil or Smite Good.
Specifics: This feat increases the smiting ability to 3 times per day.
Use: Selected

Great Smiting
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: 21st level, Charisma 25+, Smite Evil or Smite Good.
Specifics: Whenever the character makes a successful smite attack, it adds
two times the character level to damage. This feat may be taken multiple
times, up to a maximum of 10 times - each time adding additional damage
equal to the character's level to the smite attack.
Use: Combat Mode

- Monstrous Regeneration can be cast by Druids as level 5
- Epic Red Dragon Disciple Hit Dice is 1d10 not 1d12
- Epic Spells are feats and are not available to Bards
- Evil Blight (Cleric 5, Sorcerer 6, Wizard 6) is not included in the game
- Tide of Battle (Sorcerer 9, Wizard 9) is not included in the game
- Epic Dodge does not require Tumble 30 or Dodge feat.
- Armor Skin, Bone Skin, Draconic Armor feat add a Base AC bonus not a
Natural AC bonus.

Neverwinter Nights Game Errors

After the three encounters with Solomon in "The Search for the Cult: Solomon"
you meet up with Tarran or Jaheel which starts the "South Road: Poor Neva"
quest. The bug is that the plot continues whether you go south and complete
this quest or not. Meetings with Benlaran, Lerner and Thurwin take place until
finally you kill Vardoc in "The Search for the Cult: Vardoc's Hunt". When you
kill Vardoc you get a "Letter to Vardoc" which details the failed attempt and
death of Neva that has not happened yet and can still be completed when you
finally travel south.

In the Creator Race Ruins you have to destroy three Old One Guardian Golems
to get three Golem Keys. However, once you get and use one key you can
retrive it from the Divining Pool for 1GP

- Spelling mistake in Circle of Death description "Caster Level(s): Wizard /
Sorcery 6" should read "Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6"
- Omission in Control Undead description "Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer
7" should read "Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 7"
- Omission in Create Undead description "Innate Level:" should read "Innate
Level: ?" - you tell me ;)
- The Great Oak armor incorrectly lists "Charges: 50"
- Bone Phoenix morningstar incorrectly lists "Charges: 50"
- Mirror Shield incorrectly lists "Charges: 50"
- Foundation +4 Light Flail has a value of 0GP
- Rolgan says "the Red Tiger tribe speaks your name with reverence" when it
should be the Black Lion tribe (the text version is correct).
- Aribeth says "through the door to the south" when it should be the east
(the text version is correct).
- Robe of Vecna should Robe of Shar (Vecna is not a Forgotten Realms Deity)

Shadows of Undrentide Game Errors

- Shadow Evade adds a Base AC bonus, not a Natural AC bonus.

Hordes of the Underdark Game Errors

- Pale Master does not get +3HP from Deathless Vigor once the character level
goes over 21.
- Epic Red Dragon Disciple does not get Hit Dice 1d12
- Omission in Monstrous Regeneration description "Caster Level(s): Cleric 5"
should read "Caster Level(s): Cleric 5, Druid 5"
- The Cloud of Bewilderment scroll description is that of Cleric Level 4
Restoration. It should read
Caster Level(s): Bard 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Enemies in the area of effect are stunned and blinded 1d6 rounds.
- Epic Dodge does not require Tumble 30 or Dodge feat.
- Armor Skin, Bone Skin, Draconic Armor feat add a Base AC bonus not a
Natural AC bonus.

Neverwinter Nights Bugs

- You can get some rewards many times by pausing and talking
- You do not need to have the henchman item for it to be upgraded

Shadows of Undrentide Bugs

- You can get some rewards many times by pausing and talking
- You can sell The Mummified Hand for 1000GP and The Dragon's Tooth for 700GP
and then buy them back at the Divining Pool for 3GP and 1GP

Hordes of the Underdark Bugs

- Argali's Arms Blacksmith, the Duergar Merchants and Rizolvir's Ghost all
sell items for less than they buy them for.


(G) Unanswered Questions and Cheats

Mystery Items - does anyone know what to do with the following?
Top - This is a child's toy top. (spinning top)
Rags - These rags are nothing more than dirty, moldly pieces of cloth
You find them again in SoU and the Rags in HotU, is this just a coincidence?

What does destroying the Illithid Mental Amplifier do?

I wonder if Winthorp (City Core) is related to Winthrop (BG1, Candlekeep) or
if Neibor (Docks) is related to Noober (BG1 Nashkel) or Neeber (BG2 Trademeet)
Is Wanev's familiar Pooky the one you meet in the Den of the Seven Vales (BG2)
What about Erb Jansen (Luskan) and Jan Jansen (BG2)

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CODEWORD XP1=ffrodriguez
CODEWORD XP2=barkeater


(H) Credits and Revision History

I would like to thank for hosting my FAQs.

Special Thanks to Aristiana Lerionis for info from his Custom Portrait Guide

Thanks to Greg Day, Keith Steiger, Urban Fleischman, Wazootyman, Chris Pearce,
Reed Brooks, Jon Pfeffer, Michael Kirkley, Marc-Andr? Benoit, Trebor, John Jr,
Ross Glenn, David Latapie, arQon, Ashnara, A1GR, Blakwolf, SmkJaguar, Omlifak,
Cakeslice, Bjorn
First Release
Added Scrolls list and notes on Damage Reduction and Resistance
Completed Beggar's Nest, started to add item values, added Henchman Quests
Completed Peninsula
Completed Blacklake
Completed Docks and City Core, many more items and values added
Completed Chapter 1
Expanded Henchman section and began work on Chapter 2 and store details
More work on Chapter 2, in particular Port Llast and North Road
Chapter 2 the South Road, moved a couple of things around
Sorted the spell list including several corrections, rewrote a couple of
sections, added maps
Completed Port Llast and the surrounding areas including the East Raod
Completed Luskan as far as Host Tower, added several new items to Appendix E
Completed Chapter 2 :)
Started Chapter 3, added some great items in Appendix C.6.
Chapter 3 Coldwood and Fort Ilkard, reorganised store inventories.
Completed Chapter 3 and Appendix B
Completed Chapter 4, the game and most of this FAQ
Added many outstanding items into Appendix F, expanded Appendix A. This is
the final release with the exception of any corrections.
Corrections (Unreleased)
Lots of minor updates and corrections.
Added Feats section and several tables to Appendix A
Started including expansion pack 1 - Shadows of Undrentide (SoU)
SoU Drogan's Home completed, minor corrections.
SoU Chapter 1 completed.
SoU Interlude completed.
SoU completed :D
Added class quests to Prelude. Additions and corrections.
Massive SoU item update, two new quests and as always corrections.
Additions and corrections to SoU Chapter 1
Added much Hordes of the Underdark (HotU) info to the Appendix
HotU Chapter 1 completed
Sarted HotU Chapter 2, additions to HotU Chapter 1
Most of HotU Chapter 2 completed.
HotU completed and so is this FAQ with the exception of any corrections.
Appendix A updated including (A.3) Portrait and (A.10) Deity


(I) Contact Information

If you see any mistakes or know of something I have missed or can help me with
my unanswered questions you can email me at

Please mention the revision number in your message.

I have also done Area Guides for Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast
available from the same place you got this file or

Please don't copy my work,

Duncan aka Naranek Angmar

Quote from a commoner in Beorunna's Well
"You can't run around the camp with nothing on, even if you are a big hero!"

Quote from a chicken in Hilltop West
"The chicken clucks in outrage, explaining to you it's belief that humans
have been systematically stealing her unborn children"


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Assassin Build Guide

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Paladin Guide

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Hints in UHS format
UHS file

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Reference Guide

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Fighter's FAQ

18.October 2013
Arcane Archer FAQ

18.October 2013
Chapter Two Sidequest Guide

18.October 2013
Mega trainer (for v1.10)

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Spell Guide

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Character Creation Guide

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