Army Men: Sarge's Heroes

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes

15.10.2013 21:45:23
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Real Name: Aaron Baker
Playstation E-Mail:
By: Wayalla Version 1.0





-Blue Spy
-Fort Plastro
-Living Room A
-Living Room B


-Against Infantry
-Against Tanks
-Against Helicopters
-Against Spiders
-Other tips

-Button cheats
-X-Ploder 900 codes
-AMAA demo codes

-South map
-West map
-North map
-East map

-Game modes


-Basic Tips

-Level count
-Other FAQs
-The End

GAME: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes BY: wayalla
SYSTEM: Playstation REAL NAME: Aaron Baker
GUIDE: FAQ/Walkthrough CREATED ON: Wordpad


I don't have a problem with anyone e-mailing me to correct any errors, or
pointing anything that is wrong with the information that has been put in. I
don't mind either if you contribute any information, I will gladly accept it
and put it in this FAQ and you will get full credit for all the information
you contributed.


Ok, if you would like this FAQ on your site, please e-mail me, just so I know
who uses it so I can keep a record of who has my FAQ so I can write a list,
and I will put every website that has it on a list on this FAQ so if anyone
sees this on an unarthorised website, they can tell me and it will be delt
with harshly. Of course gamefaqs will always have my update. So basically
take my FAQ and then just email me saying you have got it on your site. With
my last few FAQs, internet FAQ sites have asked for my FAQs, but have e-
mailed me for permission, and I have said yes, but I found they never posted
my FAQ.


Updates to this FAQ will be about 1 each month:
This is version 1.0

Version 1.0
First release to gamefaqs


This document is (C) 2002 Aaron Baker, and can be used on your own site. But
this can not be reproduced to make it look like your own, sold, or printed in
a magazine. This can be used for personal and private use only.


To at least start playing Amry Men, Sarge's Heroes, your playstation must be
set up and woirking.
-Set your playstation up
-Insert disc
-Watch or skip movie by pressing X
-Wait for menu to load

Simple isn't it.
Before you even go to play, slect opttions on the main menu by pressing X
when 'options' is highlighted. First of all, select the sound levels you want
by going into 'audio'. Press Left and Right to make the sound lower/higher
for sound effects and music.

Next, set the difficulty of the game, for beginners, select easy, for people
that have finsihed this game at least once, select Normal, For veterans and
Pros at this game, select hard.

Next go to controller 1 and select what configuration you want and vibration
on or off.

Now if you are new to the Army Men series, choose Bootcamp to perfect your
skills. I have made a big section of Bootcamp later on in this FAQ, go there
if you need help.


X: Shoot bullet

S: Crawl, Duck

O: Change weapon

T: Jump

L1: Quick turn around

R1: First person aim

L2: Strafe left

R2: Strafe right


Sarge: You play this guy. He loves being in warzones and is very brave.
Always honours Jack Grim and proud to be on the green team.

Jack Grim: Leader of the green team, fights against the tan. Leader and
the commander of the green. orders Sarge and everyone else.

Hoover: Minesweeper. This guy is a little scardycat and well suited to
the minesweeping job, the only thing he can do.

Riff: Big musly man. Because he is so touth, he carries a Bazooka and
anything that gets in the way of that bullet, well you know.

Thick: The name says it all. he is a machine-gunner with no brain. Fires
rapid rounds a muntion.

Shrap: Mortar man. Likes everything to do with surfing and acts real
cool. Is deadly with the mortor.

Scorch: This guy is facinated with fire. He likes to turn the tan into
a big puddle of glue. He's crazy.

General Plastro: Leader of the Tan. He likes killing little green men
with his new super weapon.

Vikki: Daughter of Jack Grimm, Viki is a brave girl who is kind of a spy
who records fottage with her camera.


M16: Standard gun, but it isn't really a machine gun. Start off with this
weapon as well as 25 bullets. tap of X fires 1 bullet.

M-60: Machine gun, not very useful as bullets can go off target. Hold down X
for rapid fire.

Bazooka: Fires a bazooka shell, used to destroy big moving objects such as
helecopters and tanks.

Sniper Rifle: Used to kill enemies from far away. USe R1 to manual aim and
target an enemy and shoot for a 1 shot kill.

Mines: Place them in the path of a tank, and when the tank runs over it, it
can have a nasty affect.

Flamethrower: Used to melt the opposition. press X to fire and it melts
anything in the range of the flame.

Grenades: blows up things within a certain radius of the explosion. Press X
and hold it down to set position.

Mortor: Same as grenades, but more powerful. Hold down X to set position, let
go when in the right position.

1 player mode against the Tan army. You play as Sarge in around 18 levels.
This is called story mode.

Practise all your weapons and skills here in the green army bootcamp.
Essential before playing a campaign.

Verse a friend or anyone else that thinks they are better than you at this
game. Team 1 is green and team 2 is Tan.

Change all the settings for the game, such as Difficuly, sound, and even play
an Army Men Air Attack level.

Here you can watch any FMV sequence in the game, even if you haven't gotten
up to that level yet, you can still watch it.

Basically, see who created this Army Men game.

View all the info from characters from the game. They all have their own
stats and the weapon that they specialise in.

Press Up or Down to highlight a feature,
Press X to select a feature,
If at any time you need help, press O.


This section is just a really small walkthrough just helping you with
specific hard parts of the level and/or making it to the finish.


Level 1: Attack

Being the first level in the game, this is quite easy if you have worked out
all the enemy AI.
General Plastro and his men have raged war on the green base, wanting to kill
every green soldier. Don't you hate that guy.
Let the airstrike kill the 2 guys in front of you, now follow the road all
the way around killing all tan soldiers on the way and get to the bridge and
kill the 2 guys on there. After that, Jack Grimm will come out of the bushes.
Go up to him. Once again, kill everyone and lead Jack to the minefield, but
first get the minesweeper near you off the track. Hold down X to use the
minsweeper and clear the whole path of mines. Let Jack catch up to you once
you are past the mine field, kill everyone in this section and follow the
road round and kill the 2 guys near the helecopter. Go up to the helecopter
and it is mission accomplished. First level complete.

Level 2: Blue Spy

Hard for beginners, there is a new thing you have to face here, it is a tank.
They fire bazooka shells that will kill you in 2 shots. Learn to master
dodging bullets.
While in the helecopter, Jack Grimm and Sarge spot a blue 'spy' tank in the
village below. They need to capture the guy in the tank for information.
Straight up the road, kill the 2 guys and eliminate the tank and get the
bazooka from the path leading out. Continue on past the village and kill all
tan you encounter. Once you are through the 2nd village, you will come to a
tank and about 3 guys, 1 hiding behind sandbags with a machine gun, one
straight ahead of you, and the other I can't remember where, anyway,
eliminate the tank, then the 3 guys. Do kind of a U turn to your left
(looking out) and go behind the village houses. Make sure you have 3 bazooka
bullets left, if you don't, go back and find some. Now you will se a red
tank, master the skill of dodging tank and enemy fire and eliminate the tank.
Walk up and you will see the portal, and then the blue spy will come out the
building. Don't bother, you can't kill him. Walk up into the portal where he

Level 3: Bathroom

Your first major protection level. This one may take you afew times to do,
espicially with the helecopter sniping at you.
Sarge spots the blue spy, and follows him through the portal. The portal
leads to a bathroom, where Sarge has to capture him.
Alright, the first major bit of trouble is the 2 guys in front of you, so
kill them. All the way along this side of the bathroom path, use the blocks
and boxes to hide from the bullets of the helecopter. Once you kill everyone
on this part, turn left at the corner, and next to a box on your right will
be a bazooka. Now aim and eliminate the helecopter buzzing around up there, 2
bullets will force it to crash. Go around the bathtub and eliminate all the
tan and capture the blue spy. Now you have to get him back to the portal.
First of all kill the guy in front of the blue spy, and then the guy sniping
all the way back at the portal. If you run, the spy will follow you, unless
he is actually being shot at. Kill everyone and get back to the portal with
the spy.

Level 4: Riff
Another recue mission, actually quite har, there is a few hard parts in the
level, espicially with your mate.
The blue spy gave information about the tan's new super weapon and where the
Bravo team is being held. First of all, Sarge has to find Riff, who is being
held at a tan base.
As you start off, you will see a tank in front of you, just stay where you
are for a minute until it goes, don't follow it at all, you only have a MI6.
Actually this would help in the later part of the mission if you could
eliminate the tanks now. Turn back, and go through the little part which will
lead to the tank(s). Obtain the mines there and play around with them and
make the tank move so you can eliminate them.
-Follow the road all the way down, obtaining health, ammo and killing enemies
on the way. After awhile, you will come to the base, but you can't get in.
Look on your right to see a ramp leading up. Go up to where the health is on
here and jump up. Go all the way foward on the path and jump over the wall
into the tan base. Shoot the barrels by the gate to open it, explore the base
for new weapons, and you will come to another part of the base, and a timer
will start, you have to quickly find Riff before the explosive devise blows
up, aong with Riff.
Follow the road along until you find another part of the base. On the way
here, try and ignore all the enemies. Once you find the little room, you will
see Riff. Rescue him, and kill all the enemies in your way. Make your way
back to the blue tanks and hop in 1 of them and Riff will get in the other
one. Eliminate anything that poses a threat to you and Riff, this means all

Level 5: Hoover
A hard level, due to hoover. This level took me awhile before I actually got
Hoover to safety. He kept dying.
Sarge has to find the portal leading into the garden to rescue Thick, his
best machine gunner.
At the start, just dodge bullets and fire and kill everyone, watch out for
the bazooka men to the south, and the mortor man to the north-west.
Make sure you pick up all the ammo, such as mortors and bazookas as you will
need them coming up. Somewhere, I forget where, there is a tank for you to
use. Hop in it. Wanna see something abit rude, press down to make the tank
turret go up. You will see what I'm talking about once you do it. Anyway, get
in the tank and destroy the other tank hanging around, or alternatively, use
mortor to destroy them, but you must be really skilled to use mortar against
a tank without being shot at least once. After awhile, you will come to the X
looking thiongs, Go through them and kill the guy running. Follow the path
around and kill everyoe. Once around, kill everyone and go to the ducking
green dude between the 3 logs. It's Hoover, your wussy minesweeper. Talk to
him. Run up to the minefield and protect him while he sweeps the mines. As
soon as you see the lock on target, fire 3 or 4 M16 bullets. This is the
hardest part of the level. Once past the minefield (sp?). Once Hoover is
safe, run up and shoot everyone to secure the portal, once your close enough,
guys will come out of the portal, once again, eliminate them and then go
through the portal to end the level.

Level 6: Garden
About medium difficulty, the mission is very easy in the first half, but when
you come to protecting Thick, it does start to get difficult, and if he or
you dies, it's mission failed.
After talking to Hoover, Sarge finds that Thick has been wrestled through a
portal into a garden. Sarge goes through the portal, and when he gets up,
there is all hung green army men.
No much to really say about this level, just do what you always do. Follow
all the paths around the garden, finding ammo and killing all enemies. You
will now notice that you come across a new type of enemy, yep, thats right,
it's the spider. Never let it touch Sarge. To defeat it, try to make sure
that it hasn't seen you yet, then manual aim at it and fire around 15 machine
gun bullets. A hard bit in the level is the tank part, use a mortar or a
bazooka if you can find one to destroy it, you may even have to run past it
to find the mortar, then hide and pop out and shoot the mortar before the
tank bullet can hit you. Note that mortar kills the tank in usually one shot.
After this part, climc up on the big box and onto the barrier and obtain the
SR from the part here with the 2 guysand use the flower leaf to get back up.
From here, go around the barrier into the part you haven't been to.



Level 7: Snow
Way too easy, it makes it too easy because this isn't a protecting mission,
the only one for about what, 4 missions. This is the 2nd non protecting
mission, so this makes it very easy. The previous 2 levels have been harder
than this one.
Sarge learns that his Mortar man Shrap has be captured and taken to a secret
Tan base hidden somewhere around here.
As soon as you start, you can go right and obtain some ammo, but still equip
your trusty M16. Walk down this path and kill all the Tan here, use the logs
for cover if you need to. note that you don't even have to cross the
minefield. Instead, what you can do is just go up the ramp on the left of it,
follow it up to you are past the minefiel (you can see the sign saying it
ends). When you see this, slide dwon off the ramp back onto there. From here
cross the bridge and eliminate the Tan dude and the tank. So make sure you
get a bazooka from somewhere. Cross the bridge and go left and eliminate the
tank and get the 2 bazookas, and then go right from the bridge and continue
round this path and eliminate everyone on the way. Jump onto the bug zapper
and stand on the switch to deactivate it. Then climb onto the steel crates
and climb over and it's mission complete.

Level 8: Shrap
Pretty easy, even though it's another protection level. It also has a time
limit as well, at the 2nd part.
Sarge finds the secret Tan base and realises that they are turning green
soldiers into bugs, and Sarge hates bugs. With closer inspection, Sarge
realises that his Mortar man Shrap, is afew soldiers away from being turned
into one.
Before you go anywhere, collect the ammo. Now follow the path right and keep
on following it. This isn't the real way to Shrap, but at the end, you have
to quickly get to the helipad, so explore around the base first to try to
find the helipad, eliminating guards on the way. Once you have worked out
where the helipad is, go back and memorise the way to the helipad, probably
by a path is better. Anyway, find Shrap surrounded by all the evil Tan, so
eliminate them. Once they are all dead, head up to Shrap. After you two have
had a little chat, follow your path that you memorised that would get you
back to the helipad and follow that. You will now see a time limit of 1
minute come up. Follow the path to the helipad, when you first reach the
first part of where the helipad is, eliminate the spider and the Tan guy, and
continue on. Now you will come to about 3 spiders, don't worry about any of
them, run through them and sprint it to the helecopter which you should see
from now. Once that is done, it's mission accomplished. Riff, Hoover, Thick
and Shrap have now been rescued, that only leaves Scorch and Vikki Grim which
you know has been kidnapped by General Plastro.

Level 9: Fort Plastro
Basically a very easy level, most people wont have trouble completing this
level in 1,2 or 3 goes.
With Sarge still missing Scorch, Sarge is sent to rescue Vikki from the hands
of Plastro.
The basics of all levels, the first part, you are on a beach. Just run round
shooting all the Tan up ahead. Then run up and follow the path. Kill everyone
here as well, now under the lookout tower you will find a minesweeper, you
will need it just up here. Equip it and run to the sign that says minefield.
Hold X down to use the minesweeper and disable the mines. Once you reach the
end of the minesweeper, equip your M16 again and continue on destroying the
enemy. Run up here and kill everyone who poses a threat, and until you
finally come to a helecopter and the camera veiw changes. Now you should of
got a bazooka, use it on the helecopter, 2 shots will eliminate it from ever
flying again. Run up to where it is and jump on the powerboard and press the
switch on it to turn off the bug zapper. Go back a bit and use the steel
crate to jump the fence. Now eliminate all Tan in the base and make your way
to the portal in the middle of the base.

Level 10: Scorch
An extreme;y hard level, protecting scorch is hard if you run out of ammo,
this was always my problem.
Sarge was betrayed by Vikki, Sarge was captured and thrown in the pit. While
in the pit, a big bunch of sand falls down on him and the bottom gives way
and he falls down into a secret path and jumps out at the ned before the
spider gets him.
As soon as you start, turn right and go up and kill the guy and take the
machine gun, then return to the start and go the opposite way you just went.
Equip your M-60 and kill the spider with about 25 bullets. Next turn the
corner to see another damn spider, do the same thing, it makes it easy to
kill the spider with less shots if you don't get to close to it. Cause then
it comes to you. Once the spider is dead, take the ammo next to him and kill
the 5 guys that come. After all that is done, the thing blocking the next
section will explode. Don't go in there yet, turn right and follow the path
around and obtain the minesweeper along with 2 bazookas. zGo back and into
the section with the tank, eliminate it and then run foward and obtain some
ammo from the next part. In here there is some health and a 25 pack bullets
of M16. Go back to the minefield and use your mine detecter that you picked
up and use it to deactivate the mines. Go around the corner and collect the M-
60s, but save them for rescuing and getting Scorch to the poratl. Climb on
the block and onto the barrier and then onto the concrete to hear the music
change. Kill everyone in this section who poses a threat to you, especially
the bazooka men. Run up and jump onto the block into the grass area you
haven't been to (left side of concrete way up). You will now be in a
different grass area than before. Eliminate both tanks by using your bazooka
and find one ontop of the blocks. Find scorch near the dog bowl once the
barrier has blown up. Go to Scorch and now equip your M-60 and battle your
way out of there and follow Scorch to the portal to end the level. Protect
Scorch at all costs, espicially when fighting that tank straight away, use
mortar on it, get it from near the concrete part with the 2 spiders on it, or
use your bazooka afew times if you have any shells.

Level 11: Showdown
I haven't played this level for awhile, but I can still remember alot of it,
for example the objectives.
The green plans to attack General Plastro before he gets the super weapons
through the portal and destroys the green nation. So Sarge is sent to get
back Vikki.
FOA, listen to the conversation between you and Grimm. Walk up with your M16
and kill any Tan dudes on the beach. Walk up, and then I think it is to the
right and follow the path around near the bug zapper. Now you will be able to
see the switch to turn the bug zapper off. Go up to it, and jump on the power
switch, and then the bugzapper will be disabled. Now look for the big carte
around hwere you are. You need to get on this to get into the Fort. Go up to
the crate and press triangle and then up to pull Sarge up. Now you will see a
helecopter, eliminate it from ever flying again. Jump over the fence and you
will be in Fort Plastro, again. Now you have to make it into the Portal. All
I can say here is follow the maze around and try to find the portal hidden
amoungst it. Most, infact nearly all enemy's are dumb in here and they don't
know of your presence, use this to your advantage, and even better if you can
find a sniper rifle. Once you find the portal, go to the front gate. (I
wouldn't have a clue where it is) and then you have to escort Colonel Jack
Grmm to the Portal. Once all objectives are done, is mission completed and
the end of act II


Level 12: Sandbox
The first mission in the third act, and it is really hard to complete. I
can't get past here without cheats.
Sarge goes through the Portal and lands in the snadbox and he sees Vikki
being taken away.
Same as usual at the start, blat everyone who poses a threat. Then run up the
ramp abit later on and obtain the bazooka on top of it as well as other ammo
around here. Watch out for TAn that have bazookas in this level. Follow the
map around and destroy all Tan around. Only 2 tanks are in this level, they
are near the end of the level though. Also in this level you will need to
find a minesweeper around somewhere as there is a minefield. Save all bazooka
bullets, and don't even use them on the tanks, unless you really need to. In
most cases where you can't work out where to go, you probably have to go
through the little mounatin valley's or turn behind you. At the end of the
level, you will come to a skyrocket, looks like an easy exit hey, think
again. The rocket is protected by 2 moving bazooka and machine gun shooting
lego things. First of all, don't shoot them, eliminate all guards around the
outside just to make it easier to batle the Lego things. After the guards are
all dead, pull out your bazooka and fire at the monsterous lego things. After
awhile they will be destroyed, and if all guards around the outside are as
well, go up to the Skyrocket and you will have completed the level.

Level 13: Kitchen
This starts off to be a trciky level, but once you know where to go and all,
it is kind of easy.
Sarge rides the rocket and lands on the window ledge of the kitchen and can
see Vikki. He must rescue her
All right, as you start, you will see 2 bugs in the sink, you say, damn, not
2 more bugs, I don't want to waste my ammo, so don't. Turn around the
opposite way to the Bugs in the sink and go that way. Run and kill all Tan
and collect ammo and health in the corner if you need to. Then go over to the
spee-dee wrap and from here, jump onto the box and do a massive leap over ot
the cereal box. From here turn right and make sure you don't fall off the box
onto the floor of the kitchen. Jump down onto the bench and eliminate all and
any Tan until you come to the toaster. Here, make sure you have some bazooka
ammo, but don't use it on the normal Tan guards. Just use your M-60 or M16
here and kill all the Tan that come on top of the toaster. After all they are
dead, the toaster will explode and 2 more of those lego things will appear.
Hide behind the boxes and strafe and shoot your bazooka and destroy them
along with the few Tan members behind them, and you will now see Vikki. Just
go up to her to end the level.

Level 14: Living Room A
Being the second to last level and all, this is a very hard level, requiring
last of skill to complete the mission.
Sarge goes under the dorr after being chased by the dog and finds himself in
the living roon at christmas.
ASAYS, collect the ammo and walk foward and turn left, then look left and
kill the beetle and look right. You will see a Tan guy in the corner under a
little table, eliminate him and go over there, collect the ammo and the
health if you need it. Press L1 while facing the wall to do a quick turn
around Run foward into the part you haven't been to and eliminate the Tan
soldier on the high preasent and walk foward to the X things and eliminate
the soldiers to the right of them. In the North west corner from here is the
tank that you have to rescue. Do what you normally do and blast your way
through the enemies. Get in the tank and from it's original starting
position, drive it up and eliminate the tank along with the little Tan
soldier. You will get to Kringle camp if you go up and turn right and follow
the rug along. Under the little tree is afew bazookas, you will need these to
eliminate the Tan super weapons, find them both by climbing on the presents
and then onto the table.

Level 15: Living Room B
What do you know, this is the last level of Army Men: Sarge's Heroes.
Complete this without cheats, and you are the very best at the Army Men
Sarge must find the portal before plastro gets there.
ASAYS, collect the ammo and don't worry about the first guy running as it's
just a waste of ammo. Run foward and work your magic by killing all Tan.
Watch out though, they all have bazzokas. Once all here is dead, contine
foward and run to the right and get some ammo and health. Don't worry about
the dog at all, you can't defeat it. Find some heavy weapon ammo somewhere as
you will need it. Dodge the airstrikes and kill the flood of Tan that comes.
Follow the rug along and once again dodge the airstrikes. Now you will come
to the super weapons. Run over to the corner next to the portal and obtain
the bazooka and eliminate all 3 super weapons. Once all are dead, go up to
the portal and you have just finished Army Men Sarge's Heroes. Well done.


Q: How do I complete the first mission?

A: Read my walkthrough about how to cplete it.
Q: But I keep getting shot and killed?

A:Well look at my tips section to dodge different types of enemy fire.
Q: Is there a way to be the enemy?

A: NO there isn't, but that would be really cool playing as the Tan as well,
even though they are bad.
Q: Do you get anything special for finishing the game?

A: Well, you kind of do, once you finishe it on easy, you get afew bloopers,
on medium, even more, and on hard, more again. Bloopers are things that have
gone wrong in the movies from the game, like word stutters and things like
Q: How do I get into the enemy base on the Riff mission?

A: Jump onto the part with the health on it from your right when facing the
Q: What are the cheats for this game?

A: Cheats for this game include unlimited ammo and all weapons, I will list
them later.
Q: How do I turn off the bug zapper?

A: Step on the switch on the powerpoint.
Q: How do I complete the last level?

A: With pure luck, especially on Hard mode. Iv'e only done it about 4 times
using the unlimited ammo cheat, thats all.
Q: How do I defeat a tank without a bazooka?

A: There is many ways to defeat a tank without a bazooka, 1)Find a mortar and
hide behind something 2)Find some grenades 3)Find a tank of your own, but if
none of those 3 work, you will have to get past it without battling it by
strifing to dodge the bullets while running away to wherever you have to go.
Q: How do I save the game?

A: It automatically saves after the mission when the 'checking memory card'
writing comes up.
Q: Why does Vikki take Plastro's side in the war?

A: Because she is imprisioned and she will proabably be tortured, SPOILERS:
She secretly gives the plans to Sarge when he is captured.
Q: With your North map of bootcamp, the left side of the obsticle course is
smaller than the right side where in game it clearly shows that both of the
space between the fences are the same, please update your map?

A: I don't care, the bootcamp map wasn't drawn to scale, so who cares weather
one side of the map is bigger thatn the other so why the heck would I update
my map to make it bigger because you said so you idiot.
Q: What is the difference between 'Family' mode and 'Deathmatch' mode in

A: Good question, this one had be stunned for awhile:
Deathmatch: Start off with just the M16
Family: Start off with a little family of weapons (M16,Bazooka,M-60)
Thats the only difference I found.
Q: On the level 'Scorch', I keep being shot by the tank when I'm in the
minefield, how can I get rid of the tank so it doesn't shoot me in the

A: Find the 2 bazookas next to the minesweeper.
Q: But I want to save them for later on?

A: There is more bazooka bullets later on in the level, and plus here you get
10 bazooka bullets.
Q: How do I defeat the 2 tanks in the 'Riff' level with only mines?

A: Lure them out and place mines, or go past them and get the blue tank after
you have rescued Riff.

-Against Infantry-

-=Dodging Bullets=-
1)To dodge their bullets that they fire, use the strife buttons (L2 and R2).
THe Tan bullets don't lock on to you, so they fire at you, but by the time
the bullet actually comes to you, you have strifed out the way and the bullet
wont even go near you.

-=Firing and dodging=-
2)Use the same method as top to dodge the bullets, but get a lock-on on the
enemy, and shoot 3 M16 bullets and the enemy will die. Very simple, and you
will need to use this to even complete the first level.

-=Don't waste ammo=-
3)As soon as someone gets a bazooka they think, oh yeah, cool, it's time to
blow those little men into smitherines, but don't fire them at the little
infantry men, it's just a waste of bullets and you will probably need them
for a tank or helecopter. So conserve your heavy weapon ammo for the bigger

-=Taking them out=-
4)At some occasions, you will come across 2 or 3 or 4 guys trying to kill you
at once, try and get a lock on the one that will do the most damage to you if
you are hit.Ffor example if there was a Tan guy carrying a M16, another
carrying a M-60, and another carrying a bazooka, try to take out the bazooka
guy, then the M-60 guy, and then the M16. So basically take out the guy that
poses the biggest threat to you first.

-Against Tanks-

5)Basically once again, use the 1st tip about the strfifing out the way of
the bullet that is fired.

6)To defeat a tank, you must have a heavy weapon, example: Bazooka. When
using a bazooka, use the strife method and fire once you get the lock on
symbol. But sometimes you are in a small place where you can't strafe alot,
what you can do is strafe to the right until you reach the edge, and then
jump over the flame from the bullet to your left. Sounds complicted doesn't

7)To use mortar, what you have to do is try and hide behind a crate, box,
wall, or anything and press and hold down X to set where it will go. Aim on
the tank even if the crate is in the way, once you let go and the aim is on
the tank, the mortar will fire in the air, over everything and destroy the
tank. You must be very skilled when using mortar to destroy a tank and not
even be hit once.

-Against helecopters-

-=Dodging and Firing=-
8)Same as usual, but like the bathroom level, the bullets can be pelted at
you really fast that they hit you before you get a chance to strafe, what you
do is just use R1 to manual aim or just VERY QUICKLY strife and shoot with a

-Against Spiders-

-=Back away=-
9)One out of the two best things to do, id just back away and don't let the
spider see you, then fire about 20 bullets of you M-60 and it will kill the

10)In some missions, there might be afew spiders guarding the portal, what
you can do is just run past the spuders through the portal without having the
hassle of taking the time and shooting them when you don't have to kill every
enemy before completing the mission.

11)if the spider sees you, do either number 2, or just manual aim and shoot
with your M-60 to force it backwards.

-Helping Buddies-

12)Once you rescue a team member, you have to protect them bak to wherever
you have to go (Usually just the portal or helipad). The main basic tip for
protecting your team is to always be next to them helping out and mainly
doing the firing to protect them, in this situation, it's OK if you lose
health, you can always replenish it by finding a health kit, but your buddy
can't, and they always seem to have less health than you if they get hit. So
you be the main shooter, espicially with Shrap and Riff.

=Some crates can be destroyed and under them sometimes in ammunition and some
health, but not always.
=Throw mortar onto a minefield and it will destroy all mines close enough to
=Mortar destroys a tank in one shot, so hide behind something and aim at the
tank for there.
=Kill unaware enemies with your trusty sniper rifle.


Button Cheats

All weapons with unlimited ammo
press START to pause game play and then press SQUARE, CIRCLE, R1, L1. The
phrase 'Power Up' and a voice will confirm correct code entry.

All levels Available
At the main menu, hold SQUARE + L1 + R1 and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. A
voice will confirm correct code entry.

Nuke Enemies
Pause gameplay, then press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, CIRCLE, SQUARE. The
phrase 'Nuke Em' and a voice will confirm correct code entry. Note this can
only be used once.

Bloody Chunks
Pause gameplay, then press L1, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. The phrase 'Bloody
Chunks' and a voice will confirm correct code entry.

XPloder 900 codes

Infinite Health

Infinte Health Partner

Hyper Mode (Bootcamp)

Army Men Air Attack Demo X-Ploder Codes

Infinite missiles



it doesn't matter weather your new, or old to playing the Army Men series,
it's always good to practise firing weapons and learninig new skills at the
bootcamp. Here you can use every weapon in the game and practise against
cardboard targets.


S: Sandbags
G: Grass
N: Nothing
O.C: Obsticle Course
T: Tank


| |_____________ ________
| | |
| RANGE _____ | N |
| | | | |
|______________________|_____| |________|
| |
|____________________________| ________
| | | |
| NOTHING | | |
|______________________ | | |
| | | | |
| | | | N |
| MI6 | | | |
| RANGE | | | |
| |_____| | |
| S | |
| S | |


| S |
| S |
| S_____________|
| | |
| | |
| | |


| = = |
| = = |
| = = |
|====== _=_________=____ |
| | |====== |
| | | |
|======| G |__ __|
| | | | | |
| | |__| |__|
|===== |__________ |__ __|
| = | | | | |
| = | |__| |__|
|_________=_ |_____|O.C |
| O.C |END |
| _____
| | | |
| | | |
| | |______|


_________________ ________________________
| | |
| M-60 | |
| | RANGE |
| | |
| | |
|S S _____________| _________________|
| |
| |
____ ________________| ______________ S S S S S S _________|
| | | | | |
| | GRENADE | | | |
| | RANGE | | | |
| | | | | MORTAR |
| T |____S S S S ____| | | RANGE |
| | | |
| ___________ | | |
| | | | |_____________|
| | VEHICLE | |
| | RANGE | |
| | | |
| | T | |
_| |___ _____| |


Alright, from the start, run up until you come to the good old Bazooka range.
Pick up the bazooka and turn into manual aim. To blow up 2 close targets,
fire it at the ground between them both. You only get 5 bullets, but there is
about 20 targets. Fire and destroy as many targets as you can. It doesn't
matter if you don't destroy them all.
From here, once you are done, press L1 to do a 180 degree turn around and
follow the lillte path into the next section. In this section, lets start off
by doing the flamethrower range. Grab the flamethrower and start hooting at
the barrles with it. Once that is done, go down and try the sniper rifle
range. Get it and equip it. Now press R1 from where you are, and press L2 to
zoom in and L1 to zoom out, simple. Aim at the targets and shoot at them.
Note that some bullets don't hit the targets. Go down again and now sample
the M16 range. Get all the ammo and once again manual aim and shoot to
destroy the targets. Thats all here folks, take the path back so you can see
the bazooka range. From here, turn left and run up into the obstacle course.
From here, turn left into it and do all the jumps by pressing up + Triangle.
Follow the path around and do all the jumps. Once th last jump is done, exit
the obstacle course and your done, well, actually only if you done it in 90
seconds, but who couldn't do that hey. From here, turn left and then left
again to see the tank. Don't destroy the other tank roaming around or you
can't finish boot camp. When I first played bootcamp, I destroyed the tank
and I couldn't finish boot camp. Practise firing and all in the tank. Once
out, head upwards to the grenade range and start throwing grenades killing or
destroying as many targets as you can. Once that is done, follow the path up
into the next section. Straight ahead is the M-60 machine gun section. Get
the weapon and use manual aim to destroy all the targets. From here, strife
all the way right and obtain the minesweeper. From here, go in the
minesweeper section and press and hold X to use your minesweeper. Locate all
the mines. Once this is done, head to the mortar range across from this. Get
the mortar and eliminate as many targets as possible. Now, equip your M16 or
M-60, and what you have to do now is go back and destroy every single target
in bootcamp (excpet for real tanks and barrels). Once all this is done, you
will get the objectives up on screen and now just go back to the start of
bootcamp to complete the mission.


Overall, I think bootcamp is pretty sweet, but here is afew things that I
think could of been better.

More weapons, it's really silly that you get 5 bazooka bullets when there is
about 20 targets, they should put more near the sandbags.

Defenetly a combat range to perfect your shooting skills, like all the other
army men series.

Sections together, all the different sections seem to be too spread out, and
why couldn't they of just put the first 3 zones to the way left as you start
right next to the start instead of all the way out there.

Not too many, as I do think the bootcamp is good.


Use manual aim to pick off the targets. Don't waste too much ammo as you will
need it for later.

Sniper Rifle
Use L1 and L2 to zoom in and out to get a good veiw of the targets and then
shoot when the aimer is on them.

Go up near the barrels and fire the famethrower, the toxic waste barrels will
catch on fire and burn anything around it. Use it as a chain reaction.

Hod down X to set the positioning. Note once you let go of X, it takes 1/2 a
second before Sarge fires the grenade.

Aim at one target out far using auto aim, and then press X and nearly hold it
down and do a run through.

Press and hold down X to set positioning, best time to throw it is when the
aimer goes on top of something.

Basically hold down X for the first part, then run foward and tap X to get
rid of all near mines just around you.

You all know that you can play against a friend or your brother/sister,
anyone you want in a Sarge's Heroes battle to see who is better.

Level 9 in the game, inside of Fort Plastro

Level 2 in the game, around and inside the town

Level 7, camp thats snowy

Level 12, box with sand

Level 11, the fort at night

Just an Island

Now, I suppose everyone is wondering what the 2 different game modes mean, I
have kiond of worked out what the difference is:

Deathmatch: Verse someone in a macth where you only start off with the basic

Family: Start off with a family of weapons, actually 25 M16 bullets, 75 M-60
bullets, 5 bazooka bullets. But each level has it different, this is just the
most common one.
Before you even start, you are given how many points you want to play to, or
how many kills, which is the same thing:

3 kills: Short game
5 kills: Normal game
10 kills: Long game
-If whoever you are playing against doesn't know how to use the strafing
method, take advantage of it by just geting close enough and firing. If the
bullet is close enough, it will lock on if you are far enough away.

-If whoever you are playing aginst does know the strafing technique, use a
machine-gun on him as most of the time it can hit.

-Use manual aim to get a good shot.

-Try to work out where whoever is going to strafe next and shoot there.

-Fire next to it on the ground to cause a big explosion and if he/she walks
into it the will catch on fire.

-More ammo is always back at your base if you need it.


This section is just describing all the movies in the game and what they are
about, just in-case you missed some, you can go to 'Movies' on the main menu
and watch as many as you want.



Attack: All is peaceful in the Green village until the Tan wage war on
it. Sarge calls Colnel and askes whats going on. He must get out of
there fast.
Blue Spy: Helicopter is up in the air and they spot a blue spy in the
town below. Colnel orders the pilot to take the plane down while
Sarge reminds him that he needs a medic.
Bathroom: Sarge falls through a portal and lands in the bathroom and
says that he doesn't think he is in Kansas anymore.
Riff: This movie shows Fort Plastro and the Tan leader happy until he is
told the bad news to him that Sarge and Colnel Grimm have survived last
nights attack.
Hoover: Vikki is recording the words of her dad's fight to never give
up on defeating the Tan.
Garden: Sarge falls through the portal and lands in the garden where he
find alot of hung green soldiers.
Snow: Thich and Sarge make it out of the portal in into the helcopter,
then vikki jumps up from hiding and repots the portal to the green nation
and then is captured by the Tan and taken to the secret Tan base.
Shrap: Sarge makes it to where his Mortar man Shrap is being held and
he finds that the Tan are turning green soldiers into spiders.
Fort: Plastro makes a threat to Grimm about everything he owns will die, na
dJack is going to surrender but being a brave Sargent, Sarge says he
will go in there and find the last Tan portal.
Scorch: Sarge falls through the portal and lands at the feet of Plastro
and his men. He drops his weapon to protect Vikki and they throw Sarge in
the pit where there is spiders underneath. The sand collapses and Sarge
falls through and jumps out at the end of the secret tunnel just before a
spider gets him.
Showdown: Sarge gets the information about plastro's plans back to
grimm, then they learn that there is going to be an attack on the
green base, so they have to attack Plastro before it happens.
Sandbox: Sarge rounds up the area of Tan. While this is happening,
Vikki tries to escape, but unsuccessfully, then she is taken by tank
to be stuck on a cereal box (da). The Tan throw a dynamite stick
through the last portal (So the green think that it is the last portal)
So Sarge jumps through it before the dynamite blows up and sees Vikki
being taken away by truck, and then he sees tanks approaching Sarge.
Kitchen: Sarge finds a rocket in the middle of the sand box which he
rides and lands on the window where he can see Vikki.
Liv A: Sarge finds and rescues Vikki, then Sarge kisses her and they
jump into the dogs bowl, then they see the dog chacing after them, so
Sarge runs under the door while Vikki hides.
Liv B: Sarge says what he thinks will happen. Then Plastro appears along
with 4 other Tan men. While Plastro is speaking to Sarge, Sarge knocks the
Tan men off the edge with a kids block, and Plastro sasy to Sarge that he
couldn't outamrt a bullet. Then the dog comes and chews up Plastro.
Win: Sarge finds the last portal with Vikki there, Sarge lights the
dynamite and then Vikki jumps through the portal, then as Sarge is about to
jump through, plastro comes out and wacks Sarge over the head with a lamp.
They fight and Plastro finds as he is on top. Then the dog comes and
chews up Plastro and Sarge makes his secape back into Amry Men world Where
Jack Grimm and his team are waiting while Plastro is being chewed up and
still survives because there is another portal that he finds instead of
him being stuck in this world.


Finish the game to get bloopers of the things being done wrong in the making
of movies. I will not give away any of them, find them yourself.

Another thing about Army Men: Sarge's Heroes is that it is funny in alot of
parts, here is some. I don't know all the quotes word by word, but I will do
my best.

CJG: Colnel Jack Grimm
S: Sarge
P: Plastro
TM: Tan Members
OTM: Other Tan member

CJG: "Hundreds of our courageous soldiers, dead due to Plastro's new super
S: "That thing is abrberic, it's monstorous.......... captain, can we build
CJG: "Negative"

CJG: "Our engineers don't have the technology"
S: "Then where is Plastro getting these magnificent, I mean murderous


P: "Last nights attack on the green army was a complete sucess"
TM: "Yeah, woo"
OTM: "General Plastro"
P: "Yes, what is it little man"
OTM: "Sarge and Colnel Grimm have escaped our forces, and to make matters
worse, they have captured a blue spy intelligence officer"
P: "!WHAT!"
OTM "Sarge and colnel Grimm have escaped our.."
P: "I heard what you said, it was a retorical word"
Then Plastro punches the guy out the window.


S: "OK, i will make it to the portal, destroy it and save the Green Army, not
bad for a days work"
P: "Except you are forgetting something"
S: "Plastro"
P: "I will secure the portal and destroy the Green Army"
S: "Why don't you put that gun down and face me like a MAN"
P: "Because I'm the bad guy, thats why"

P: "If you wern't about to die hmmm, you could watch me wed Mrs Ms Vikki
S: "Your brain gone soft, she wouldn't marry you on your best day"
P: "How about my worst"


P: "Ha, good move, I didn't see that one coming, but do you think you can
outsmart a bullet, hmm?"
S: "Maybe not, but I bet that thing could"
P: "Ah, that thing, oh no, Mummy"




X: Fire machine gun S: Fire special weapon

O: Use winch T: Change special weapon

R1: Strafe right L1: Strafe left

L2: Map R2: Unknown

ST: Pause SE: Quit


I', mot going to go into alot of detail here, just general dot points:

-Go up and kill the first 2 tanks

-Find the train

-Eliminate the forces around the train

-Grab the Battery from the tan plane

-Put the battery on the battery pad

-Destroy any forces shooting the train

-Follow the train all the way along the tracks

-Shoot out things in the way of the train on the tracks

-Pick up health and ammo on the way

-Find the portal to end the level

This is the only level you get to play, so enjoy it, but you can play this
level as much as you can by going back into AMAA demo again.


- When facing an enemy such as a tank, strife around it by using R1 and L1.
Doing this will dodge the bullets from enemies and you can get a lock on with
your machine gun and fire away and it will be destroyed in afew shots.

- You can use the winch to pick up things such as rocks, then land over the
top of an enemy and press the winch button (O) again to drop the
rock over the top of an enemy and it will destroy it.

- Also all weapons and health have to picked up by using your winch, position
yourself over the weapon/item/health and press O to use your winch and you
will obtain whatever it was you picked up.


Top left
Your Radar, shows you, enemy and what direction you have to go.

Bottom left
Weapon slected, press S to see more

Bottom right


Features of AMAA (Real game, of course)
+Fly different plastic planes

+Play one-player mode or co-operative

+Hours of bloodless, toy violence

+Over 16 one-player missions that will keep you enetertained



How many levels are:

-Protection: 8

-Inside a protal: 7

-protection inside a portal 3

-Total levels in game: 15

Just to give you a little idea of whats in the game if you haven't brought it


Army men- Sarge's heroes:

Once again, the army men series is about a war between little figurine army
men that can move. The good side that you fight for is the Green team, leaded
by cornel Happy Jack Grim. The Tan is the veil team, they always start the
wars and all the attacks and all the green do is retaliate, and never make
the first move. Anyway, the tan is the bad, and is leaded by the Tan Baron, a
really evil guy, who wont rest until you are dead. You play Sarge, who has
help from his team throughout the game. All you must to in most missions is
kill the tan, and get to a ceertain place and rescue your team that get
captured and you must rescue them and help them fight there way out. The game
starts by your base being attacked and you have to get out of there to the
helipad for evacuation, and you have to do it fast.

Well, the controls are actually quite hard to master, basically you can do
lots of commands but when Sarge does them, they don't look real enough, not
even the bullets look real enough. Ducking is bad, because there is usually
no need for it as you can just fight stand and do it better, instead of
crawling, that waste's time and doesn't aim properly. Also the movement of
the character is very very bad as once again, it doesn't do it properly and
doesn't look real enough.. Now, for the funess of the game. The game is fun
to play, but can get boring in the harder levels where they are so long and
hard levels that take ages to complete. Also the game is hard in the last 7
missions, but very easy in the first 4, as each game should really be, easy
at the beginning and hard towards the end. That is all for gameplay.

Yuh, another bad feature, the graphics are good in some places, but very bad
in other places. The first mission has actually has good graphics, but all
the levels in all the missions are cartoon like graphics, which is I guess
good for a game that isn't real and played with little army men. the second
mission is basically the same as the first, but worse. 1 level is the same as
a level in the first mission. Next, we come to the 3rd missions, nothing is
good here, they screwed it up with all the battles with the enemies, plus it
gets bad when your just always in the battle field with all the enmies
shooting at you, firing bazookas and flemthrowers. So it gets really messy
and its a little costrophobic where your location is. The movies has nice
graphics, as all FMVs do, but once again, it looks so cartoonish. Now we move
on to the looks of the weapons and the enemies. The weapons look kind of real
and you can control alot of them. They look real enough, exept for you always
start off with a gun with 25 bullets, maybe they should of reduced it for the
last level in the second act, you will see when you get there. The enemy
appearence looks very bad as well, once you kill them fully, you can always
see the plastic fly off the body so they have no body features or any face.
You look the same as the enemies, but your green.

Once again, very poor. When you shoot the enemy, he makes this really
annoying and bad noise that puts you off. Also when firing a weapon,
espicially the machine gun, the bullets sound wierd and go in all sorts of
directions. But the sound of airstrikes sound very real as the blast comes
in, you will see when you tart the first mission. They have really done a
great job with the voices I must admit, they have made Sarges team have all
different voices and different accents and persinalities. Some are dumb,
others sound tough. I like the way the Tan Baron speaks, he sounds so real.

Once you finished it, you probably wont want to play it again as it can get
very tough in the last missions that youm just want to tear your hair out.
Some missions are boring because of the longness and you can't save it to the
end. yes, this game is worth renting, but you probably wont finish it in the
days your allowed to have it. But you shouldn't pay much to borrow it as it's
not that good of a game to fork out alot of money on just to rent it.

=Overall= 7/10
Story: 8/10- because of how far the in depthness of the war between the two
sides goes.

Gameplay: 6/10- The controls are very bad and all the actions look fake.

Graphics: 7/10- Cartoonish, but still alright.

Sounds: 8/10- Voices are good, but sound effects could be alot better.

Replay/rent: 7/10 wont want to play it again and don't pay to much to rent.


Of course, apart from this FAQ, I have created many more, here are my others:

1st)Tenchu 2---First Posted:June---Last Updated:9/902---V 1.4

2nd)This is Football---First Posted:July---Last Updated:8/1/02---V 1.1

3rd)Syphon Filter 3---First Posted:Aug---Last Updated:10/7/02---V 1.9

4th)Ducati World---First Posted:Sept---Last updated:9/21/02---V 1.0

5th)SF MiniGames---First posted:Oct---Last updated:10/7/02---V 1.0


Some great internet sites to go to see Army Men series:

The maker of the game:

Look for more Army Men FAQs:

Contrib recognition
See what other FAQs/Walkthroughs/Revies I have made:


The owner of gamefaqs, for posting my FAQ on his site and of course creating

Me, for creating this FAQ, I got to have some credit as well you know!

For creating the ever popular to many army men series.

Some commn abreviations in my FAQs and others:

BTW: By the way
IMO: In my opinion
SYAS: Soon as you start
DAQ: Don't ask questions


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15.October 2013
Cheats for Army Men: Sarge's Heroes

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PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US NTSC Version.

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