Caesar 3

Caesar 3

18.10.2013 01:51:42
Military Walkthrough
Caesar III Military Walkthrough
Author: Robert S. (
Latest Revision: 12 November 2003
Version Number: 0.70

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Description of the Game
3. Important Notes
4. Assignment Walkthroughs
5. Warfare Buildings
6. Tips and Cheats
7. Army Guide
8. Ratings
9. Revision Dates
10. FAQ's
11. Legal Information
12. Special Thanks
1. Introduction

Greetings Caesar 3 players! This walkthrough will help you through the warfare
scenarios and I will describe the various enemies you will face. I would like
to note that in these scenarios, your ratings are a bit lower than the peaceful
missions. This is because Caesar knows you will be frequently fighting off
invaders trying to destroy your city. Although later on when you get to the
last 4 levels, Caesar is going to ask you to achieve higher ratings than in the
beginning scenarios. This game requires patience and not getting mad since a
lot of things happen at once. Finally, just in my opinion, these levels are
more fun to play.
2. Description of the Game

The sway of this game is that you are a Roman governor helping the Emperor
Julius Caesar expand the Roman Empire through the whole world. Every level you
will have to build a city of a certain population and reach certain goals that
Caesar has set for you. You will have to fulfill Caesar's requests or face his
wrath. (Note: Caesar will be asking for many different items such as goods and
armies. He will also ask for the item in a certain amount of months. If you
get the items to him before the time runs out, you get a boost to your favor
rating.) In this walkthrough, you will find you have to defend your city many
times with your armies. I will describe each mission in detail, but not too
much, seeing as it would spoil the game. Hopefully this walkthrough will help.
3. Important Notes

I have just a couple of thing I need to say. First off, if anyone wants to send
me a question, my address is at the beginning of this walkthrough (put in a
subject like "Caesar 3 question". Secondly, only send me questions regarding
the game, because it will take time to find who sent it, thus delaying time of
responding to questions. Third nobody is allowed to post this on a site that
sells walkthroughs or someplace without my permission. Finally do not copy this
for sale, plagiarism or anything not relevant to using this to help with your
problems with the game because,,, and will not accept plagiarism and I will be furious if it gets sold
for profit.
4. Assignment Walkthroughs

This section is why I wrote this walkthrough. Here you will find all the war
missions. I have also included the first 2 missions. They actually don't have
any battle, but they teach you a lot in a little time. So here are the levels.

4a. Aventine

Your First City!

This level explains itself in some ways, but I will go and explain what to do in
depth. Every level has Caesar or Caesar's proconsul explain what you will face
in each level and what you need to do. These give you what you will face or how
to build different buildings in the levels. So you click on the arrow and see
your plot of land for building. (If this is your first time playing or aren't
too skilled at playing, you should click on the options button at the top and
drag it down to game options. You will see 2 options, Difficulty and God
Effects. Click on difficulty till it is at very easy. This will make it easier
to play since it gives you more money, fewer armies invading, etc.) You should
build near the beginning of the map near the red arrow since your immigrants
enter there. Construct some housing for people to live in and the price(the
number you saw while dragging) deducted from your funds. Keep an eye on that.
Denarii are your funds in Rome and you only get so much of it. Soon you should
see people with wagons coming. These are your future residents and workers.
When they get into the lot, a tent appears and your population increases. Wait a
few minutes and a fire breaks out. A message will be sent and will tell you how
to prevent and put out fires. Build 2 Prefectures near the housing lot. (If
you haven't already done so, remove to pieces of path to the NE so your Prefects
aren't wandering the empty roads. You will see a person come out of the
Prefecture, right click on him to see what he thinks of your city and what type
of person he is. When he passes the housing a Prefect appears and he will rush
to put the fire out. Then you wait another couple of minutes and a Prefecture
collapses. You should get another message telling you that buildings collapse a
lot and you can build an Engineer's Post to prevent that. You also build a
Senate, which is important for taxes. Now build 2 Engineer's Posts by the
housing and a Senate house to lower your unemployment. Unemployment lowers your
citizen's mood and prevents immigration. The higher it is, the worse it gets.
Soon another message appears telling you that your people are religious, so you
need to build temples. Soon you'll see people coming in and in no time you will
be promoted to Clerk.
4b. Brundisium

Farming to feed your citizens.

This is your second training level, but quite a lot happens in this level
throughout the level. This will explain how to go through each goal in the
level. Caesar is going to ask you to start to make your own food. When you are
at the map, you should look first for the farmland, because this is where you
will be building farms. So build a road to the farmland, so you can feed your
people. At this time, you should go back the game options and turn the God
Effects off. This is very helpful at the beginning of the scenario so that you
don't have Mars sending natives to destroy your city, because you don't have any
temples or fewer temples to him than another god. Delete a few pieces of path
to Rome and from Rome from the path to the fertile land so your engineers aren't
wandering empty streets while your buildings are collapsing. Now go build 3
farms on the land near the top end of the farmland. Then build a granary and
some housing and then 2-3 Prefectures and Engineer's Posts. (Don't build a
market because it will take all the food stored in your granary making it harder
to reach your goal. The first goal is to get 500 sacks of wheat or 5
cartloads.) You can build wells to give water to you citizens, so build a well
every 2-4 spaces. Then you will see the citizens looking for laborers. Since
not all of your citizens work there will be job vacancies open. (You can see how
many employees a building has by Right-clicking on it.) Your farms will soon
show grain moving up, meaning it's growing. When it's at 100%, a cart pusher
will bring it to the granary and the farm is reset to 0%. When you get 5
cartloads in the granary, a message pops up telling you can build reservoirs,
aqueducts and fountains. Fountains are a much better source of water than
wells, but the need access to a full reservoir. (I would read the whole message
to give you the idea). Now click on the water structures button and choose the
reservoir. Put it near the water and construct it. Then left-click and hold
the button to drag it near your housing. Now you can replace wells with
fountains. Fountains require workers and if they run out, the fountain shuts
off. This is bad since without water, your houses go back to the tent level.
Now put up a market near the housing so that they can get food and evolve. This
will attract more immigrants. I would put up a temple to each god now to make
him or her happy. This will reduce unemployment and allow you to reach your
next goal. Now you will hear a fanfare and get a message saying you can build
more variety of venues. You can build gardens, Bathhouses, Schools, Theaters
and Actor's Colonies. Build a bath, 2 Theaters and 1 Actor Colony, and a school
or 2 for education. This will attract a lot of people to your city. Soon you
will get another message saying you need to make money during the scenarios.
The 2 major ways you will make money are from taxes and exports. Now you can
build Forums to collect taxes from neighborhoods that your Senate doesn't extend
to. You can also build a Clay pit to harvest clay, a Pottery workshop to make
pottery from clay, and a Warehouse to store your goods and food. So put up 1
clay pit near the water, 2 Pottery Workshops near your Clay Pit, and 1 Warehouse
near the Workshops and Clay Pit. When you get 1 unit of pottery in your
warehouse, you get yet another message telling you that now you can set up a
trade route with another city. Like I said before, exports are going to be a
main way of getting Denarii to build your city. Now more immigrants will come
and soon you will be promoted to Engineer.
4c. Tarentum

Population: 2500 Prosperity: 10 Culture: 30
Favor: 40 Peace: 10


347 BC - 2-5 Etruscans from the NW
344 BC - 3-9 Etruscans from the NW
341 BC - 5-15 Etruscans from the NW

Proceed with caution. This is where the warfare begins! The scroll gives you a
really good idea about how to build the different structures to help you with
battles against enemies. This information will be used all through these
scenarios. The 5 words with numbers next to them at the top of this are your
ratings. These are goals are of a predetermined amount you must reach to
advance to the next level. Now that we're at the map, look for the farmland in
the area. There are 2 locations, on near the Road from Rome and one over the
water. I would build near the road to save time. First build 3-5 farms near
the road, some housing lots, (spend around 400 denarii), Prefectures and
Engineer's Posts. When your farms start producing wheat set up a granary and a
Market to distribute food to your citizens. Then more citizens will move in.
Now build a temple to each god to keep him or her happy. Soon you get a message
telling an army is coming to destroy your city. So build a barracks, and 1
auxiliary fort. Build them away from your residential districts. Usually it
takes 3 years for the enemy army to get to your city, so you have plenty of time
to train your troops. The enemies are really weak here, so they don't take much
to kill them and you don't need any real use of formations. You should build 3
vine farms and a warehouse before you star on the fort. This is because Caesar
will ask for 10 vines in 24 months. You should stockpile them (go to the
advisor screen and choose the button with the grapes. Then click on the vines
and click on the using and trading to stockpile them. Do the same thing to stop
stockpiling them.) The faster you dispatch the goods, the higher your favor
rating goes. You should then build a Senate to get taxes for money. Also build
3 vine farms to make wine for exporting. Then build an iron mine or 2, then
double the weapons workshops to make weapons. When you get weapons in your
warehouse, go to the map and open a trade route with Capua. Then go to the
Trade Advisor and click on not trading and make it say, "Export over 0". This
will export all your weapons, and you will collect denarii for each unit of
weapons sold. Also build Wine workshops to get denarii. When you get wine in
your warehouse, build a dock so you can trade overseas. Then an army attacks.
Find the army, then go to your fort and click on your troops and place them near
the troops. Then your troops rush over to the scene and fight the enemy. When
the enemies die, you've won the battle. Click on them and click "Return to
Fort". This way their morale doesn't fall. Battles won't always be this easy,
especially when you get to the level "Mediolanum". Check how your ratings are
doing by going to the fourth advisor screen or press "#4". This tells you your
goals. Keep on putting up new housing lots to attract immigrants and venues to
satisfy their needs. When you get enough, you'll be promoted to Architect.
4d. Syracusae

Population: 4000 Prosperity: 20 Culture: 40
Favor: 20 Peace: 25


267 BC - 4-9 Greeks from WSW
264 BC - 8-16 Greeks from SE
261 BC - 8-16 Greeks from SW
258 BC - 4-9 Greeks from WSW

Remember Tarentum? This is its older brother. You need 1500 more people, 10
more Prosperity, Peace and Culture, but 20 less favor. Also, the enemies are
stronger than the last ones but your armies will run over them like a
steamroller. This level will be tougher than Tarentum because of the terrain.
A glance at the map shows you why. You see a province with little farmland and
a lot of rugged mountain terrain. The farming may give you so trouble. I
checked how may farms you could put up with roads connecting to all of them. I
fit 24 farms snuggly. So that means you have to use it wisely. One of the
major problems with trading here is that both cites you can trade with come from
overseas, which means you need a dock to service the trade ships. But also, it
costs 12 workers to fully service a dock, sapping up employees. So lets get to
business. You should start out obviously near the farmland but not in it.
Select a farm and don't build it. Move it around till you get to the edge of
the farmland where you can build and not build. Set up two wheat farms, a
Prefecture, an Engineer's Post, some housing and a few wells every 3-4 spaces.
Let the farms complete 2 loads each (a cart pusher and fully developed wheat).
Then put up a Granary but no market until you get 800 sacks of wheat in the
granary. The put up a market, 1 temple to each god, an Iron Mine, a couple of
weapons workshops and a warehouse. This is because you need to train troops
early on and it's a good export. So build a Barracks, some forts, and a
Military Academy. The forts should be 2 Legionaries and a Javelin and put the
forts in the rocky area since that's where the attack will be coming. Later,
you should station a couple of forts in the SE by the river since an invasion
comes there to. When expanding, move towards the river so you can trade your
weapons. You should build 1-2 Olive Farms with double the Oil Workshops so you
have a second export and so you can get higher-level housing. The highest level
of housing you can get is the Grand Insulae (I think this is the best housing).
This is because the hold 84 people, and it is the largest housing type in which
people work. One you hit villas; the workers are replaced with Patricians who
don't work, which can really screw your workshops and industry. When you get
near the river, build a dock so ships can come to trade. Also, build a
warehouse to store your exports. You shouldn't export vegetables because of the
limited farmland. Try to put 1 Vegetable Farm for every 2 wheat farms to raise
their health and the Prosperity. You should consider importing meat to keep a
constant food supply. Continue to build housing (I would suggest trying to get
it up to at least a Large Casa since the 2x2 can hold up to 76 people). Make
sure they are kept satisfied and you should reach Mediolanum.
4e. Mediolanum

Population: 7000 Prosperity: 25 Culture: 40
Favor: 30 Peace: 40


217 BC - 3-6 Carthaginians from NE
216 BC - 3-9 Carthaginians from NW
215 BC - 10-30 Carthaginians and 1-3 Elephants from NE
214 BC - 20-45 Carthaginians and 2-5 Elephants from NW
211 BC - 30-60 Carthaginians and 2-6 Elephants from NW
205 BC - c.45 Carthaginians and 5 Elephants from SW
204 BC - 108 Carthaginians and 12 Elephants from NE
202 BC - c.60 Carthaginians and 7 Elephants from NE
199 BC - 20-45 Carthaginians and 2-5 Elephants from NE

Good job. You've just defeated the Greeks who were tougher than your first
foes. But don't think this level is any easier. In fact this maybe what you
think is the toughest level. That's how I felt at first, but after beating it a
couple of times, I find it the most fun level in the whole campaign besides
Lindum. The enemies are at peak form in this level, so you better get your
troops in tip-top shape for this level. The good thing is that there is a ton
of farmland here, so there is no need to import food. There is also room for
iron mines and marble quarries (the marble quarries are used to make Large
Temples and Oracles). Also you can export it in some levels, but in this one
you can't. Once started you find a huge map with a ton of farmland and rugged
terrain, good for weapons, marble, and lots of farms. First pause the game and
find the wolves ("P" is how to pause). Then wall them in so they don't eat your
immigrants and citizens. As usual find the edge of the farmland and construct a
few wheat farms, an Engineer's Post, a Prefecture, some housing lot and a few
wells. This way, you can get up to 28 people per 2x2 house and 7 people in 1x1
housing. This will allow the food to start growing and will give you some
workers to prevent disasters. When the food is almost done, put up a granary to
store it. Also put up a market to distribute it and a temple for each god.
Once those are up and running, pipe in water from the lake and build a few
fountains. After, build more housing to get more people (Trust me if you don't
think you need them. You will very soon.) Then add an Iron Mine, a couple of
Weapons workshops, a warehouse, a Barracks, and a fort or two. Give Mars a
festival and build a couple of temples to him. This way he will send a spirit
over your city to watch it. This will allow you to build up your military
armies. This is because the spirit will awake and kill some attacking troops.
You will want to get 4 Legionary and 2 Javelin forts, but build a Horse and
Javelin fort first. This way, you can sell your weapons to get more funds.
Open a trade route with Capua and start selling everything but 5 weapons to get
some profit. After this starts working, build a Military Academy, 2 Legionary
forts, a triple wall with a gatehouse incorporated into it, and put towers every
area you can. Place them closest to the city since you can get guards to walk
on the single thick wall. This helps a lot since the Ballista kills one
Carthaginian soldier with one shot and weakens the elephant quite a bit (3 shots
kills them). The strategy is to have the enemy come to your troops, not an
undefended point where they can harm your city. Since the Javelin auxiliaries
are fast, you can lure them to your Ballistae, tower guards, Legionaries and the
other Javelin auxiliary. Once these are up and making troops start to import
clay, so you can make pottery. This way your housing can evolve into a Small
Insulae, which holds 72 people. Also build two timber yards and another
warehouse to store it. You need to also keep making housing and venues to help
your housing evolve. If you haven't put one up, build a Senate near a huge
district of housing so the denarii comes in since you can get up to 200 denarii
per year for each Insulae you have. This gets a lot of money if basically all
of your housing are Small Insulaes and up. At some point you should import Oil
and make Furniture to get your housing levels up since Large and Grand Insulaes
really line your wallet up from their taxes. When the Carthaginians arrive,
send your troops just outside the wall. They should be set up like this:

L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L = Legionaries
J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J = Javelin Aux.

W W W W W G G W W W W W W W W W W = Wall
T T T T T G G T T T T T T T T T T = Tower
T T T T T T T T T T T T T T G = Gatehouse

This formation will allow all of your military defenders (Troops and towers) to
engage the enemy. The Legionaries will be attacking the Carthaginians head on,
your Javelin throwers chucking tons of spears at the same Carthaginians, and the
Tower Guards and Ballistae will be seeking and destroying said Carthaginian
infantry. I always use this formation since it provides my best defenders and
attackers in front, while my ranged units can help destroy them quicker, making
the battles shorter. For the first 2 battles though, I would only send 1
Legionary out to battle since the towers are more than enough to help. By now
you should have a thriving industry and your armies are getting built nicely.
You shouldn't have trouble beating the scenario now. The main things you need
to do are keep on expanding your housing, supplying them with the necessary
commodities and venue access, and keep your troops and towers at peak form.
Also you need to watch the ratings to make sure you don't fail the mission.
Soon you'll have beaten Mediolanum.
5. Warfare Buildings

Caesar 3 includes many different building types, but I'm going to review the
warfare buildings by price, name, how many workers it employs, and what it does.

Cost: 150 Denarii
Employees: 10

Barracks are used to train Soldiers for your forts and for Sentries for towers.
Only 1 Barracks can be in a city at a time. By itself, a Barracks can train
Javelin and Horse auxiliaries and Tower Guards. If it has weapons, it can
produce Legionaries, which will be the basis of your armies because they are
very strong. You need to make sure that a warehouse is put near the Barracks
that accepts weapons so the cart pusher can get the goods to the Barracks
quickly. Be careful how you set this up. Barracks will first make sentries for
towers, then Legionaries, then Javelin and finally Horse auxiliaries. So don't
build towers if your armies need troops badly.

Cost: 1000 Denarii
Employees: 0

Forts are the bases for each army. You can have only 6 forts in your province
and each 1 must be built for Legionaries, Javelin auxiliaries or Horse
auxiliaries. Each fort houses 16 troops. When a fort has 16 troops standing
there, the fort is at full strength. At the beginning of each level, if you're
exporting weapons, make sure to build auxiliaries instead of Legionaries because
it will take 16 weapons to make the legion and 4 more to restock the Barracks,
which would equal 3600 Denarii, much needed funds for construction.

Cost: 100 Denarii
Employees: 0

Gatehouses are needed between walls so immigrants and caravans can pass through
your city. Also if your armies can't get to an area where enemy troops are, you
probably don't have any way to get there, so put up a gatehouse.

Military Academy
Cost: 1000 Denarii
Employees: 20

Military Academies give soldiers extra training, which help give an army a
better morale and thus will fight longer than non-academy trained troops. If
you don't have 20 employees, your troops can't get trained and so just go to
their fort. This training gives a huge benefit to the Legionaries, allowing
them to use the Column Formation, giving a major advantage against oncoming
troops. You only need 1 Military Academy in your city since all the troops will
go there. Also only 1 troop needs to go to the Academy for the whole legion to
get well trained.

Cost: 150
Employees: 6

Towers help out troops by supplying a Sentry who throw javelin and a Roman
Ballista, which fires huge arrows at enemies automatically killing infantry. In
order for a tower to get sentries, a road must connect from the Barracks to the
Tower and it must have 6 employees. Towers are placed on walls. Ballista can
only shoot over 1 intervening wall piece. So build triple thick walls, so the
enemy works on the wall in front while your Towers are raining death to your

Cost: 12 per piece
Employees: 0

Walls are used as defensive measures to slow an enemy's advance. Walls must to
include a gatehouse so immigrants and caravans can pass through. Towers must be
placed on walls 2 tiles long and 2 tiles thick.
6. Tips and Cheats

In this section, I will include tips, tricks and cheats I have learned from
playing Caesar 3. These might make it easier or harder for you depending on how
you perform and use them.

Barracks Cheat

You can build more than 1 Barracks. Simply choose the area you want and slow
down the game speed to 10%. Then choose the Barracks building. Then place
about 8-10 Barracks. This takes up to 80-100 employees but allows you to build
legions quickly. (Note: This only trains auxiliaries faster. Legionaries will
only be produced from one barracks.)

Automatic Victory

If you are stuck on a particular level you can use this cheat. Simply build a
well anywhere in your city. Right-Click on it and you will see another screen.
Press Alt-V together and let go, then the Alt-K together and let go. Right-click
again and you will see the promotion message.

Easy way to get food

This really isn't a cheat but it gets food quickly. Simply build 5 farms but
don't put up a Granary or Warehouse. Wait for a cart pusher to stand in front
of the farm and the farm to show fully-grown food. Then build a Granary and
your cart pushers will bring the food to the granary and you will get 1000 food.

Walling for protection

When playing the Lutetia mission, all the invasions except the first one come
from the same area. So leave a row of space and then build a quadruple (4)
thick wall and they be hacking for quite a bit of time. The same goes for

Saving money and labor from fountains

Fountains take up 4 workers, so you only want to put up as many as you need.
An effective way of doing this to build 10 lots; 5 lots per row from the road.
Then build 8 lots, 4 per row. Build like this until you have a square of
housing. Then put a fountain in the center. You houses will all get water from
1 fountain thus reducing all the employees for 3-4 fountains to 1. (Note: All
the houses must be within 2 spaces from a road or they will disappear).
7. Army Types

In Caesar 3, you will face various enemies during particular levels. This is
where I will describe them. I will also tell you about the armies you have.

Enemy Armies

Strength: Very Strong

This army is the toughest to beat. You face them twice in this walkthrough
although fighting them at Mediolanum is a lot harder. The first two battles
aren't hard, but later they will be huge! What stinks is they attack you with
elephants and they usually take three ballista hits or 2 legionary troops with a
ton of javelin to kill them. These troops use very organized formations; they
are disciplined, and come in many numbers.
How to Defeat: Try to put your legions near a wall with towers, so the sentries
and ballista are shooting the Carthaginians and your troops are fighting them as
well. Also put Javelin auxiliaries behind your Legionaries so they can rain a
death of spears.

Strength: Strong

The Celts are strong but they are not organized. They just march and attack in
a clump, or rabble but that means all their troops will be fighting. They also
have horse and chariots, which deal a lot of damage to your troops.
How to Defeat: Same as Carthaginians

Strength: Medium

These guys are pretty organized, but they aren't trained as well as your troops.
Some of them ride on camels, which are hard to defeat.
How to Defeat: One legionary, javelin and horse fort will cover you

Enemy Romans
Strength: Very Strong
These troops consist of the Emperor's own legions coming to arrest you. These
guys are as strong as you and they are really hard to beat. These guys only
come if you really ignore Caesar's requests, increase your salary too high and
you fail to pay tribute, since Rome wants a return on the funds it gives you.
They will go for your Senate or palace and if it gets destroyed, you lose. Try
to get your favor rating to 35 or above and they will withdraw.
How to Defeat: Same as Carthaginians

Strength: Weak

These guys are so weak. They come with something like 2 soldiers for each
How to Defeat: 1 Legion will do it.

Strength: Strong
These guys prefer to use a rabble formation, but they are good fighters. They
kill horses easily unless there are javelins behind them.
How to Defeat: Have a couple of well-trained Legionary armies with a javelin
and some towers and you'll be secure.

Strength: Strong
The Goths are the same as the Gauls, but they come in sheer numbers, hoping to
overpower your troops. These guys also ride horses, and only Horse auxiliaries
can match their speed.
How to Defeat: Same as Gauls, but also add a horse fort.

Strength: Weak

In my opinion these guys' skills really blow, because one legionary fort and
some javelin kill them quickly.
How to Defeat: 1-2 legions will take care of them.

Strength: Weak-Medium

The natives appear when you: 1. Incur Mar's wrath, 2. Build on the natives land,
or 3. They just appear from an uprising. These guys are pretty darn fast and
sometimes come in many numbers.
How to Defeat: Same as Numidians

Strength: Weak-Medium

These guys use a rabble formation. They're pretty weak but they have their own
javelin so 2 legions should cut it.
How to Defeat: Use horse as a fodder for your javelin so the horses can have
some backup. Also the horses can hold their own against the Numidians.

Strength: Medium

Okay, so they aren't troops, but they appear on maps near the mountains,
(Lutetia, Mediolanum, Sarmigetuza and Lindum. They problem with them is that
they eat your immigrants and citizens, stalling the rate of immigration. They
should be dealt with A.S.A.P. The thing is that if you don't kill them all at
the same time, they respawn in different areas, making it harder to build.
How to Defeat: Try finding the wolves and wall them off. Then when you have a
couple of armies, send them to the wolves. When your troops are set, tear one
piece of wall, (so they don't scatter). They will try to get out, but they meet
your troops instead. Be sure to kill them all or they will respawn.

Your Armies

This is where I explain the people of your city and armies that fight.

Strength: Weak-Medium

These are usually used for entertainment, but when they find enemy troops, they
start fighting. Usually it takes 2 gladiators to beat one of the Emperor's
legionaries, so it shows they aren't too strong.

Horse Auxiliaries
Strength: Medium

The horse can be helpful to lure enemy troops towards towers and your armies.
Also against some of the weaker armies, horses can save money since they don't
need weapons. But they can't hold too long against strong troops.

Javelin Auxiliaries
Strength: Weak (hand-to-hand) Strong (from distance)

As stated, Javelin auxiliaries aren't too strong in hand-to-hand combat. But if
placed strategically behind Legionaries or horses, they give an advantage
because the enemies are attacking your troops, thus giving a bit of an
advantage. This means they can rain a death of spears to enemies.

Strength: Strong. (Very Strong if Academy trained.)

These are the strongest troops you can get but it comes at a hefty cost if
you're trading. It takes 16 weapons to train a full Legionary army and 4
weapons to restock the barracks. The weapons are a nice export early on. If
they get academy trained, they have the best formation, the "Column Formation".
This makes your troops form a square, which helps against oncoming troops. They
are also slow, so it can hurt you if they are placed in bad areas. Also the
Legionaries will use a tortoise formation if enemies are throwing javelins at
them. They take their shields and put them over their heads, and they take no
damage from them.

Lion Tamers
Strength: Medium-Strong

Once again a usual part of entertainment, these guys kick butt. The lions can
eliminate several enemy troops before meeting their own demise. Lion tamers
help identify friends or foes. Although they don't search out enemies, when
they walk across them, they'll fight real hard.

Strength: Very Weak

These guys I think are real stupid against enemy troops. One they search for
them, which means houses, can catch on fire. Two they can't hold against troops
for beans since they don't have too much armor or good weapons. This makes it
so they die quickly against really strong troops. So forget them if go into
8. Ratings

The ratings clearly show that you need a certain number amount before you can
be promoted. The 4 major ratings are: Peace, Culture, Prosperity and Favor. I
find the most difficult rating to be Prosperity. This is because your houses
are constantly evolving and devolving raising and lowering you Prosperity unless
you have something like 4 Palaces being constantly maintained. I will explain
each rating a bit.


Peace is measured by each year that there are no riots or damage done by people
by people hostile to Rome. If these don't happen, it steadily increases each
year passing. The Peace Rating falls if there are any disturbances in the city
such as crime and riots by your citizens. Make sure your people have enough
jobs, low unemployment and enough food and riots and crime is basically
prevented thus raising the Peace Rating each year.


Culture is the rating based on how well your culture-based structures are
serving your citizens. The 5 buildings that affect Culture are Temples,
Libraries, Schools, Academies, and Theaters. Schools, Libraries and Academies
can service only so many people. So you need to build more buildings to service
all the children, young adults and adults in your city. If you are able to
obtain the proper amount of educational facilities to hold all of your children
and adults, you get the full potential percent of culture for those categories.
Also, each small temples can service 750 people. So obviously you will need
more to spread access and keep the gods happy.


This I think is the hardest rating to achieve. This is because your housing is
constantly evolving and devolving, you're using funds to build work areas and
housing, and in some levels you are importing goods constantly like wine and
clay. Every year, your Prosperity will rise if 30% or less of your people are
living in tents, 10% or more of your citizens are living in villas, you have an
active Hippodrome, if you pay 2dn more than Rome, or has unemployment of less
than 5% at the end of the year. This is why I play the war scenarios. The
Prosperity is considerably less than the other levels (although the last 2
levels have a moderate Prosperity level.) Your housing level also affects the
Prosperity level too. Having high-class housings raises Prosperity (Large
Insulaes and above), where low-class housing lowers it (Large Shacks and lower).
This is usually the last rating I get because it takes so long to achieve.


This rating measures you Imperial Favor with Caesar. If you forget about
sending goods, armies, don't send presents or meet certain goals within certain
time limits, this rating will constantly fall each year. It can so low, that
Caesar will eventually send his Legions to arrest you. To prevent this, make
sure you send him one generous gift with your funds per year, fill out his
requests as soon as possible, and strive to get your ratings as high as possible
within 10-15 years. If his legion comes refer to the Enemy Roman section.
Don't let them destroy your Senate or Governor's housing since then you will
lose the scenario.
9. Revisions

0.10 - 25 May 2003 - the First revision. Added Table of Contents, Introduction
and Aventine.

0.15 - 26 May 2003 - Completed Brundisium walkthrough, Warfare buildings, Tips
and cheats, and Resources and Legal Information. Started on Army Types and
Tarentum level.

0.20 - 4 June 2003 - Continued on Tarentum level, updated the Enemy army and
friendly army section.

0.25 - 5 June 2003 - Completed Army Types and Tarentum level.

0.30 - 16 June 2003 - Tweaked around with cheats, Tarentum level, Introduction
and Army Types. Started on Syracusae level.

0.35 - 22 June 2003 - Added to Syracusae level and started on the ratings.

0.40 - 28 June 2003 - Continued with Syracusae level, spiffed up some info in
army types. Added Important notes.

0.45 - 29 June 2003 - Kept on working on Syracusae and finished it, added
Special Thanks Section. Started on Mediolanum.

0.50 - 12 July 2003 - Continued with Mediolanum. Also edited some grammar and
spelling errors.

0.55 - 15 July 2003 - added Culture and Prosperity ratings, continued with

0.60 - 16 July 2003 - Added Invasions for Mediolanum, updated Special Thanks

0.62 - 29 July 2003 - Updated Invasions at Mediolanum, continued with Mediolanum

0.65 - 4 August 2003 - updated important notes, special thanks and ratings.

0.67 - 21 August 2003 - added to Favor and Culture ratings, fixed up some wrong
dates and updates, continued with Mediolanum

0.70 - 12 November 2003 - Got pulled away because of school. Spruced up all
sections and finished Mediolanum mission.
10. FAQ's

11. Legal Information

I made this walkthrough to help others understand the game better. I did this
as a free service, not receiving any payment for doing this walkthrough. This
is a copyright work of Griphook 90. Do not use this walkthrough and send it
saying you made it because that's plagiarism. You are free to use this for
personal references, but you may not sell this for cash, alter, make changes or
destroy without my consent.

12. Special Thanks

I give my total gratitude to:,,, and for posting this on their

Shane Mooney for building names, cost, and workers employed.

Sierra Studios and Impressions Games for such a great and challenging game.

Prima's Strategy Guide for Enemy types and Strength.

Caesar 3 Heaven for Dates of Invasions and how many Troops came.

Copyright 2003 Robert S.

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Military Walkthrough

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