Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

18.10.2013 00:50:37
Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines

Table of Contents
*Read Me First*
A. Santa Monica
Mission 1: Get The Explosives
Mission 2: Ocean House
Mission 2.5: Gallery Noir
Mission 2.75:The Diner
Mission 2.9: The Spawn of Janus
Mission 3: The Sabbat Warehouse
B. Downtown
Mission 4: Elizabeth Dane
Mission 5: Missing Malk
Mission 6: Grand Theft Sarcophagus
C. Hollywood
Mission 7: Finding Gary
Mission 8: Scary Movie
Mission 9: Scary Move 2
Mission 10: House on Haunted Hill
Mission 11: Welcome to Hollywood
D. Chinatown
Mission 12: Chinatown Rescue
Mission 13: Here's Johnny
Mission 14: Supernatural Tests
Mission 15: Giovanni Reunion
E. Other
Mission 16: Riddle Me This
Mission 17: Purging the Sabbat
Mission 18: A Walk In the Park
The Final Ride
Mission 20 Part 1: Ming Xiao
Mission 20 Part 2: The Prince
4.Side Missions
Ease the Pain
Blackmailing the Doc
A Pet Ghoul
Thin Blood
The Asian Vampire
Werewolf Blood
Lost Merc
The Face of Death
The Devil's Confession
A Plague for the Angels
Gargoyle Tamer
Good Food, Bad Critic
Rescuing Ash
Imalia's Magazine
Imalia's Bane
Mitnick's Tangled Web
Gary's Little Secrets
Hunting The Hunter
Find the Snitch
Supernatural Food-Chain
Silencing The Ghoul
Fat Larry's Briefcase
Fishy Demon
The Hitman Imposse
Eye Gouge Hell
Bad Luck Farmer
Saving Some Ash
5.Glitches and problems
6.Contact Info
7.Copyright Info

************** Read Me First **************
My guide is written in such a way that a person with zero ranks in every skill
could conceivable finish the game. If you have found a way that you can do a
mission using skills of higher ranks that's great, however, I will not be
putting them in my guide so please do not e-mail me with them as I will no
longer respond to them.

*************** Intro *********************
Welcome to the World Of Darkness(R). Well fledgling, not able to keep up with
the Elders? Or simply trying to save your unlife from final death? Well,
whatever your reason, you've come to the right place. Whether Malkavian (my
favorite) or Gangrel, Nosferatu or Toreador (another favorite of mine), I'll
help you on your way to becoming top Vampire in L.A.

In this guide I will give a general walk-through of most of the missions in
Bloodlines. However, note that because of the way this game was built I am
really only going to give one possible solution. Most of my solutions will be
stealth and using disciplines or swords. Unless you like to carry a lot of
blood-packs, plenty of ammo, and have a really high strength, then brute force
is not suggested. Leave that to the Brujah and the Gangrel, though I won't be
excluding those from this walk-through. Now I'm not hear to hold your hand,
this is the World of Darkness(R), I'm just hear to keep you from losing what
little bit of your unlife you've got left. So sharpen your fangs and open you
vampire eyes...

Also note, I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but seeing as how this is
a walkthrough, that's not going to be entirely possible. If you don't want any
spoilers, then why are you using a guide? Figure it out for yourself. Otherwise
please, continue. I also will not be including glitches, cheats, or anything of
the like, as I do not use them. If you are looking for cheats, look elsewhere.
If you find an error, in my guide or would like to add something (i.e. I say
that you can't do something and you did it.) please e-mail me and tell me. I'll
add it, if I see fit to, and give you the proper credit.
Note: I will include glitches that hinder gameplay, such as the major glitch
in Ming Xiao's temple at the end of the game. I will not include glitches
that give you more XP then you're supposed to get, or a glitch that will
give you a lot of money or anything like that.

******************* Feats **********************
I wasn't going to add this section as I didn't think any of these needed
explanation, but after seeing what some people said about them I though I should
go on and add it.
To find out what attributes and skills you need to raise in order to raise
a feat just hover the cursor over the desired feat.

Unarmed - This feat determines how much damage you do with just your bare fists
and also how easily you can feed on the unwilling. If you like to feed during
combat a lot, raise this feat.

Melee - This feat determines how likely you are to hit and how much damage you
are going to do with melee weapons. These include tire irons, baseball bats,
knifes, severed arms, and the Katana. Raise this feat if you like to get up
close during battle.

Ranged - This feat determines how much damage you can do with all types of guns.
If you like keeping your distance, or blasting someone in the face with a
shotgun, raise this feat.

Defense - This feat determines how difficult it is for someone to hit you. It's
generally good for any type of player to raise this a little.

Lockpicking - This feat determines what types of locks you are able to pick. The
higher this feat the less use you have for keys.

Sneaking - This feat determines how easily you can go undetected. From what I've
read of other people this feat seems to go unused. The higher this feat the
closer you can get to someone without them seeing you. Very useful for those
who like avoiding large scale fights and for executing stealth kills.

Hacking - This feat is a lot like the Lockpicking skill except that it pertains
to computers.

Inspection - You know those little dots that sometimes hover above items? Well
the higher this feat is, the more of those that you see. This feat shows you
where items are with you actually having to look for them. Useful if you like
finding every detail or aren't using a guide for every little detail.

Research - This feat is used in order for you to use tomes to raise other skills
Each tome has a certain level that your research feat must match or surpass in
order to use the tome and gain it's benefits.

Haggle - This feat determines how well you can buy and sell. The higher this
feat the less you pay for items and the more you sell them for.

Intimidate - This feat is used to 'unlock' different dialog options.

Persuasion - Same a intimidate.

Seduction - Same a intimidate. Seduction is a very good way to be able to feed
on people without violating that masquerade.

Soak Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated - Every time you get hit, or would otherwise
take damage, your soak skill (depending on what type of damage you're about to
take) will reduce the damage by that much. Higher soak scores equal less damage
that you take.

***************** Story Missions ***************

*************** Santa Monica *******************

********* Mission 1: Get The Explosives *********
1. After you complete the training mission (you don't need a guide for that do
you!? If so, check somewhere else childe!) you'll be brought to you fabulous
apartment in Santa Monica. Run over and check the two pieces of paper on your
desk, get the money out of the first door and read your e-mail, and grab the
three blood packs in your fridge. I'll wait.
After you're all done there, head out of your apartment (don't forget to turn
off your radio and TV, don't want to waste electricity do you?). After you walk
a little ways out of the alley, you get a short cut-scene with a guy crawling
into his apartment. Follow him inside. His name is Mercurio, he was supposed to
get some explosives for you but screwed up. Talk to him and he'll tell you that
you need to go down to the beach. Once you get down to the beach (follow the
signs from the parking garage) a woman will direct you to where you need to go.
Once you get to the top of the stairs, you'll notice a single guard guarding a
small house. Get past him, shoot him, persuade him, drain him, whatever, and
get into the house. Once inside wonder around until you find a guy or starts
talking to you as soon as you enter the room. Start talking to him and he'll
end up trying to kill you. (I haven't found a way around a good old fashioned
slaughter so.. go for it, it's not that tough). Grab the explosives behind him
and make it out with your head still attached. If you want to retrieve
Mercurio's money, it's in the grate beside the bunk-bed and the washing machine.
If you want a side quest, talk to the guy on the beach without a shirt. This
will open up the "Thin-Blood" quest, read below for a walkthrough.
Find your way back to Mercurio (he's still in the same place). He'll ask you
not to tell that he screwed up. If you tell he'll be killed, if you don't he'll
set you up with some weapons and ammo later, your choice.

************* Mission 2: Ocean House *************
2. After you get the Astrolite, you'll need to head over to club Asylum. When
you get in Jeanette will start talking to you. Finish with her and then talk to
the bar-tender. Talk to the guy standing beside the bar if you want another side
quest. This will open the "Asian Vampire" quest, see below.
When you get to the second floor via the elevator, you'll hear a muffled
argument. Enter the room to find Therese. She will offer to end her feud with
Tung (the guy you need to speak with) if you will go to a hunted house a get
something to (a pendent) so someone can remove the spirit. She'll give you a key
that will open a door in the sewer. So... jump on down a sewer grate and find
the door. Take a right when you get outside and take that sewer entrance down.
Once inside the sewer follow it to the left all the way to the end.

Once you submerge in front of a large building, go to your left to find a
smaller building. Inside this building is the key for the Ocean House. Walk to
the front of the house. Zap! Did it get you? Well all you have to worry about
in here is stuff like that. Lamps exploding and vases being thrown at you. No
one to fight. Try not to get too scared fledgling.
First off walk to the coffee table, oh, and avoid the chandelier, and read the
newspaper article. Then walk up the stairs, you'll fall down.
*GLITCH NOTE: If you jump and end up not falling down through the stairs, it is
possible to get stuck in the basement later. Do this and you'll just have to
reload. Sorry, it's what you get for cheating.*
Anyway walk down the central corridor and you'll see a girl running away. Follow
her and go into the room at the end of the hall. Break the weak wall to your
right and crouch to enter the next room. Read the paper and the door will open.
If you can't figure it out from the paper, you now need to go to the laundry
room. Take a right out of the room back down the corridor and take a left at the
intersection. You'll soon find a doorway into the laundry room. Walk to your
left and one of them will open. Look inside. Instead of a head you'll find a key
I know, I was hoping for a head too but oh well. Now you need to go to the
Boiler Room... go figure. You'll see the girl run in front of the door opposite
the one you entered. Follow her (go left) and use the key to open the door.
If you look between the pipes on your right when you first enter you'll see the
killer with a bat coming towards you. Run around them and he'll disappear. Go to
the back of the room and turn on the power. Duck on your way back out to avoid
the steam. After that wonder around until you find the elevator, and take it up
to the next floor. When you get to the top, go to the girl across the room and
look at the paper she's trying to show you. Walk down the hall past the elevator
and the first door on your left will open. Walk in and look at the child's
picture. Notice anything wrong?! Leave this room and go to the next one. When
you walk into the room the lights will go out. Get the key that's in the night-
stand and leave the room. Go back to where the elevator you came up in is. Once
your a little past the elevator you should see the girl again pointing to the
door. Go in the room and break the plywood on the floor and jump down. Read the
newspaper you find and then use the lift to go down into the kitchen. Pick up
the diary and get back into the lift. Wait until all hell breaks loose in the
kitchen, it will break open the door in front of you. Run into the next room.
Get up into the vent and crawl until it empties into an elevator shaft. Climb
into the recess before you're crushed by the (surprise, surprise!) elevator. Use
the ladder to climb to the top and walk on the ledge to enter the top floor. Go
to your left and follow the girl again. Use the last door that you can get to
and go in the room. At the end of the room are some fallen beams, use them to
get to the next floor. Walk across the room and exit from the far door. Run
over the hole in the floor and then duck to avoid more steam. Go to the end of
the hall and enter room 310. Rest here if you need to, before picking up the
pendent. Pick it up and then fall into the room below. Leave the room toward
your left and read the paper in the recess (optional). Jump back into the
elevator shaft climb back up to the opening and then leave the house.

Make it back to club Asylum (the sewers fledgling) and go up to the second story
and speak with Jeanette. If you give her the pendent like she asks, you'll fail
the mission (she throws it in the ocean).If you've got the hots for her, give
it to her, otherwise wait and give it to Therese. The next mission is optional.
If you want some experience do it, otherwise don't (plus there's $250 in it for
you if you don't mind a humanity loss).

*********** Mission 2.5: Gallery Noir ************
Go to the far side of Main St. Opposite your haven and walk up to the fat
security guard. Find a way past him, either seduce him if you're female, or use
Dementation if you're a Malkavian, otherwise go into the parking garage, and use
blood buff to remove the last bar to your left. Then pick the lock to the door.
If you want to take the charity money and then equip your knife. If you don't
slash the paintings in order they'll drain your blood. The order is, "Caine
Slays Able," "Caine Cursed by God," "Caine Meets Lilith," and "Caine Spurns
Lilith." And now the first boss fight. Kill the Blood Guardian and then go back
to the Asylum. Therese will now yell at you for giving Jeanette the pendent (if
you did) or for destroying her art (if you didn't). In any case she'll send you
over to the diner to meet with Jeanette.

************* Mission 2.75: The Diner ************
Well it becomes quickly obvious that Jeanette is not in the diner, but there
are four very shady looking individuals in here. Umm, wait.. you've been set
up. Walk over to the far side of the diner and they'll start shooting at you.
Dispose of them and then answer the phone in the corner. It will be either
Jeanette or Therese depending on some variables. Anyway go back to the Asylum.

********* Mission 2.9: The Spawn of Janus *********
When you get back to the Asylum second floor, Jeanette and Therese will be
arguing. Listen to either side of their story and then decide who you want to
live. After this one of them will tell you where Tung is hiding out. It
happens to be in the oil tank of the SunCo gas company. Head over there and
speak with him. Once you're finished talking with him you can either do the
warehouse mission or do the side missions first. Even if you don't do the side
missions now, you can still do them when you get back so, whatever. And if
you're smart, you won't need ammo for this mission, but if guns are your thing
then by all means...

********* Mission 3: The Sabbat Warehouse ********
To start this mission go to the oil tank at SunCo. gas company and speak with
Tung and tell him you're ready to go. It's best to sneak to start out with.
Sneak through the underground area you're in to the hole in the floor on the
left side of the room. Open the door and you should see a guy across the hall
relieving himself. I know it seems cruel but sneak attack him or drain him dry
while his back is turned and you won't have to worry about him. Go back out into
the hall and take a left into another room. You can go to your left and through
the hole in the wall or if you want you can go straight and kill the guy at the
far doorway if you need blood or just want to kill him. Go to the far upper
right side of the courtyard and find a box with 6 shotgun shells behind a
dumpster. Now make your way up to the platform with the bum and go inbetween
the train and the fence in order to avoid two guys. Take the first left
inbetween two train cars and wait for a sabbat thug to pass and sneak attack
him. Then walk to the left side of the building.
There's one guy over here but if you get into a fight with him no one
hears assuming of course you don't use guns, so whatever you feel like. Now
climb up the ladder. Might as well pick up the ring in the far right corner to
pawn off later. Use the vent at the far left side of the room and you're up in
the rafters. Make your way around by staying on the rafters, and try not to fall
down. Drop down to the catwalk when you get to the chains hanging down. You
should be facing a door, pick it with Blood Buff if you need to. Walk over and
plant the Astrolite Another sabbat thug will enter the room kill him quietly if
you don't want to have to fight your way out. Obfuscate works wonders at this
part if you have it. Getting out without being seen without Obfuscate is
possible but really really hard, so don't worry about it if you get caught,
just get the hell out of there. Make it to the platform where the bum was
before the timer counts to zero or you'll have to try it again. After the
warehouse goes poof, you'll meet with a very interesting individual. Speak with
him and then the game will take you back to Tung. Speak with Tung about the guy
you met and about you successful mission and then hop in the taxi on second
street and go see LaCroix, you have to make a detour and speak with Nines before
you get to LaCroix, it's scripted, no way to avoid speaking with Nines.

Special Note: If you kiss LaCroix ass really good (i.e by not asking for rewards
and by taking his missions as soon as he presents them) you'll get a second, and
nicer apartment quickly, after the Dane mission.

****************** Downtown *********************

Make your way to the Ivory tower and speak with that fat security guard you met
at the Gallery Noir. Then go up and see LaCroix to get your next mission.

At this point you can follow the riddle that was left on your desk about the
mystic sun. Walk around in this section of the city until you find a building
with a purple/red glow at the top (it's on the same road as the red and white
VW bus). Enter the building and wonder around on the
bottom level until you find the Tremere Regent and speak with him. Then head on
over to the Last Round speak with Damsel and Nines at least. If you
ask Nines about fighting it will raise your brawl stat up to one.

************ Mission 4: Elizabeth Dane *************
You'll need to go back to Santa Monica for this one. Go back there and then go
to the beach where the Thin Bloods are. Talk with Mercurio if you didn't tell
LaCroix that he screwed up and he'll sell you some weapons. If you want to do
this mission the way LaCroix asked you, then you won't be needing weapons, plus
this mission is easier if you don't make too much noise. Go over to the water
and jump up on the boat. Once it's finished loading climb up the ladder and
crouch when you get to the top. Sneak your way up to the stairs and go down
them. Stay close to the wall and go through the door on your right. Go through
the door at the end of the hall. Lockpick the first door on your left in this
hall (Blood Buff if you have to). If you've got a rank in security, while your
still buffed, pick the door on your right to get the ships manifest, if you
can't pick a lock of 6 even with blood buff, don't worry about it, you can still
get it though it will be a bit harder. Go up the stairs that you came to and go
through the door on your left at the top. Sneak up to the door infront of you
and then drop down to the ground when you get outside. Sneak along the crates
until you reach a place that you can climb up, then do so. Staying as far away
from the edge as you can, drop down to the ground, if the guard sees you, you
might want to upgrade your stealth and try again. Hide inbetween the boxes
around the corner and wait for the guard to pass you, then sneak up to the
opposite side of the light brown crate you saw when you dropped to the ground.
Wait for the guard to pass. Go around the container box and stay as far to your
right as you can and go around the corner. Go around the next corner and you
should see a table with the police report on it, pick it up and then climb the
ladder behind you. Once you're all the way to the top look down and make sure
there are no guards below you. Watch out for the one to your right and sneak
to the small area between the two crates. Watch out for guards and sneak behind
the blue box in front of you. Once the guard is kind of far away sneak up
towards the sarcophagus, as soon as you get a quest completed notification sneak
back behind the blue box or inbetween the two crates. Watch the guards and when
you get a chance sneak over beside the big crate opposite the sarcophagus.
Follow this crate around the corner. Skip the first opening and go into the
second. You should see another ladder that you can climb. Climb up it, walk
across the crate, drop down and then climb up the next ladder you see.
Stay along the edge of the crates and sneak around. STAY ON THE CRATES!
See that big light infront of you? On the side of the building that the light is
shining on is the key that you need. Sneak over and pick it up.
Don't move the crane or the guards
will get suspicious and you might get a shotgun to the head from the guy who's
up on the crates with you. No worry about him though if you don't mess with the
crane. Sneak around the crates (stay on them) and take the first left inbetween
two crates. Stay to your right to avoid the shotgun guy. If you look at him and
then look a little to the right you should see a narrow gap inbetween two crates
go there. Watch out for the guards and then drop down to the ground. If they
don't move you can go all the way around the boat to get to that door, but I'm
sure you can figure out how to do that, Obfuscate also works extremely well.
See the red light? Go in there, the key you got will open it. Pick up the
ships manifest. Exit through the door you didn't come in through. Go through
the door and your left and then take a right and then take the next door on your
left. Up the stairs, through the door, across the boat, up the stairs and then
back down the ladder to your boat... simple eh? Now go and see the Prince.
If you fed Heather your blood back at the clinic you see her again now and
she'll be your ghoul who will stay at your apartment and give you money (like
$20) if you ask, she can change her appearance (ask her twice for a nice outfit)
and will let you feed on her. Occasionally (for me it only happened once) she'll
ask for some blood. It only takes one point away from you so let her have it.

************* Mission 5: Missing Malk *****************
Seems you'll be heading into the hills to check out Aleister Grout's mansion.
Jump in a cab a head up there. Grout is a Malkavian, so I'm sure you've already
assumed that's this is going to be eh.. different. Of course, this is my
favorite level, it is quite reminiscent of American McGee's Alice, for those
who've played that game.
Enter Grout's mansion and go through the first door (the enemies are easy to see
so I won't go over them, kill them if you wish, sneak past them, whatever. I'm
only going to tell you where to go). Past the foyer take the first right, duck
under the pile of uh, stuff, and go to the door at the end of the hall. Kill
the guy playing with the lights and read Grout's riddle on the table. You'll
need to turn on the lights on. And with the guy playing with them I can't give
you an exact solution. Just keep trying, you'll eventually get it (actually it
shouldn't take that long, I just did it in like 10 seconds). Now go back out
the way you came to the room with the guy walking in circles (sort of). Go
through the double doors opposites the hall you emerged from. At the far end of
this room to your left is another light lever, use it and then go up the stairs.
Follow the hall to the end and walk up the stairs. Go out the door across the
walkway and into the other door. Go down these stairs. Across the room and to
your right, then go down the stairs. Go out the door to your left, and then
go through the door on the opposite side of the room. Go up to the fire-place
and look closely, you should find a button, press it. Once you're on the other
side, kill the two girls in here. Then go into the hall and kill the guy running
around. Follow this hall up the stairs, and go through the door. Go to the other
side of the library and you should see three more candle holders and they should
all be off. If they're all off the order is (with the far left being 1): 2,1,2.
Go through the doorway that just opened up (just jump down). Lot's of
electricity. Flip the switch on your left. Now go into the middle and then go
left. Pick up the Tarulfang and flip that switch. Go straight and a little to
your left and flip that switch. Go to the one to your right (facing the switch).
Go to your right (facing the switch) skip the first one and hit the second
switch. Now flip the last switch to the right of the exit. Go through the exit
and pull the lever. Follow the hall to its end and go through the door.
Go to your left and follow the hall. Go through the door on the opposite side
of the room. Go to the opposite side of the room and through the door.
(optional)Sneak into the room to your right and go to the end. Pick up the key
that you find and then go back out into the entryway. Go into the room across
from where you entered and use the key on the freezer. You'll get some blood.
And two of them will be Elder Vitae.(end optional)
Go down the incline to the left of where you came in at. Follow this all the way
down and use the double doors you find to your left. Go to your right and
through the doors. Go to your left and through those doors. Finally go out the
doors at the end of the hall. There's a guy right when you walk in so watch out.
Follow this hall to its end. Go to the cell at the end and use the rubble to
climb up to the top. Kill the guy in here and go through the double doors
between the clocks. Climb the stairs and use the record player to open the doors
on the other side of the room. Go through those door to find Grout.

Go through the doors opposite the ones you came in. Drop down and kill the guy.
Go through the doors that he opened on your left. Kill the two guys in here and
go through the door on the opposite side of the room. There aren't any wrong
turns you can make from here. Follow this long hall until it spills out into a
room and use the window to escape. Now go and see LaCroix.

************ Mission 6: Grand Theft Sarcophagus *************
Once LaCroix gives you this mission hop in a cab and select museum (you won't
need many items seeing as how you're not supposed to kill anyone). To start off
walk down the stairs and look at the raptor to your left, you'll be coming back
here shortly. Now walk to your right around the curved hallway. Walk all the way
to the end of the hall and go through the door. Follow the next hall around
until you come to a door that is slightly ajar. Open it and get the key inside.
Keep going (shorter) or go back the way you came until you get back to the
raptor. Go inside the door next to him. Watch out for guards in this room and
Sneak around to your right. Once you pass the camel go down the stairs with the
T-Rex head. Take a right at the bottom and follow the wall until you get to
Museum Lost and Found but don't go in. Instead look to your right at the white
door and go in there. Walk to the other side of the room and go through that
door. Look to your right in here and you should see a vent shaft. Go in there.
When you get to the 'T' intersection take a right and drop down into the room.
While sneaking open the door walk over and take the keys. Go through the
opposite door and out the door to your left. Follow the wall to your right.
Go through the door on your right after you pass the main entrance (two really
big doors). Go through the door at the end of this hall and through the door
on the opposite side of the room. Then head down the stairs and watch out for
guards. If you stay on the green line you're safe (from the cameras anyway), but
what you need is on the red line. So watch the camera to your right and wait
until it looks at you (while you're standing behind the door) then when it
starts to move away, sneak up and get underneath it. Watch it and when it takes
its focus off of the door infront of you sneak in there. It's dark in here so
if you've got a decent stealth the guy in here won't see you (use Blood Buff if
you need to pump up your stealth for a few seconds, hope you got that item from
the Regent instead of money). Get on the computer, password pterodactyl for
cameras1 and velociraptor for cameras2, and disable the cameras. If you can't
seem to make it in without him seeing you, don't worry. You can still finish the
mission but you'll have to get past all of the security cameras the same way
you did the first one, it's harder, but still possible. Also not that for the
path that I give you, you only really need to disable cameras1 if that helps
any. Go down the hall
opposite the security camera control room door. At the end take a right and
enter the room to your left. Get the ring and the watch to pawn in the desk
and get the code for the door, 2358 (or, if you don't care about the ring and
watch don't bother, since I just gave you the code). Now head back out to the
hall and take the first right. Following the hall go into the first room on your
left and pick up the key card inside.
Go left when you leave the room and follow it until you see a window. Break the
glass down and go inside to pick up the Fetish Statue. See the side mission
Supernatural Food-chain.
(end optional)
Take a right outside of the room and enter the code above on the keypad. Follow
this hall (watch out for the camera if you didn't turn them off) until you get
to the door at the end. Go through the door and smack the metal box to your
right with a knife to screw up the IR lasers. You still have to time them right
but now it's possible to get through. Go through the door at the end of the hall
to your left. Go to the end of this hall (only one door in here) and go through
it. Now go and see LaCroix... again.

********** Mission 7: Finding Gary ***********
Now you need to go to Hollywood to find Gary, the elder Nosferatu. But first
(and second, and third....) you need to go speak with Isaac Abrams. He's at a
jewelry shop in Hollywood. He has a couple of missions for you to do for him
first, plus there are quite a few side quests in hollywood too.

********** Mission 8: Scary Movie ************
Isaac wants you to pick up a video that he bought. So go to the Ground Zero
internet Cafe. Once inside go to a computer with the logon name josefk and use
the password kafka. (The Cafe is across from the Red Spot 24 hour store) It will
tell you to go to the alley behind the Fast Buck. So what are you waiting for?
Talk to the guy he will mention a name, go back and see Isaac. Ask him about
Ginger Swans then head over to the graveyard, it's just across the street from
the Fast Buck. Beside a few bums is some wood
covering up a hole in the wall, move the wood and go through the hole. If you
want talk to the guy in the little shack in the middle of the grave yard, his
mission is pretty simple (especially if your female) so I won't go over it. Go
to the end of the cemetery and into the big building. Take a left at the
intersection and then a right then a left. One of these will open and the tape
will be inside. Take it back to Isaac.

********** Mission 9: Scary Move 2 ***********
Head on over to the Sin Bin. Talk to the guy in there about the tape. You'll
probably have to dish out $500 for the info (I did and I had an excellent
persuasion and seduction so) unless you're a Malkavian.
*You can also go downstairs and through the first door you come to and access
the computer. Go to the private folder and use the password dirtydog to get the
information for free.*(submitted by Zid)
So after you've extracted that information head on over to the Red Spot and
answer the ringing phone. You only have one response, so use it. Now head over
to the Lucky Star Hotel. Go up the stairs to your right and you should be almost
right infront of room 2. Go inside and pick up the key to the Internet Cafe. Go
there now. Go to the back of the Cafe and use the card, now go up the stairs.
Kill the thing that jumps down the stairs. Enter the room and kill the three
badies. Go to the opposite side of the room and head left. Kill the thing in
this room and go through the door across the room. Go down the stairs and out
the door. Go down the hall and out the door (the other door is locked with a 10)
Go down these stairs. Kill the creature under the stairs and make your way
across the room. Talk to the guy you find cowering in the corner. Go to your
left and use the boxes to make it up into the room. This is the locked door from
before so you can find your way back out from here. Take the tape (it was inside
the room if you missed it) back to Isaac. Show him the tape.

******** Mission 10: House on Haunted Hill *********
After showing Isaac the tape jump in a taxi and head up to kings way. Go to your
right and through the door. As soon as you can go right again and climb the
lattice. Now walk around to the other side of the house and go up the stairs. Go
inside through the door up here. Go out to your right and then down the stairs.
(If you haven't figured it out I'm not telling you where all the enemies are,
most of them jump out at you and you can't hide from them anyway) Head into the
kitchen and take a right. Go down the stairs to your right. Continue down the
stairs and through the door on the right side of the room. Down more stairs
and into the next boss fight. Not too hard. Ignore the creatures he spawns
(he'll just make more) and just focus on him. Once you beat him go through the
double doors. Crouch down and go into the sewers.

******** Mission 11: Welcome to Hollywood **********
Fall down the hole and crawl into the sewer pipe. Go over and read the workers
notes if you want. To your right just as you emerge from the pipe is a lever
use it. Kill the creature and then head left. Go to the end of the hall and
into the pipe to your left. Follow the pipe until it spits you out. Go to your
right and use the lever beside the gate to open it up. Swim to the other side.
Take a left and read the ledger if you want (there's also some ammo behind a
locked door, lock of 5) or go right. Three creatures in here so watch out.
Head left and a little after the hall turns right, look to your right for a
pipe, skip this one and go to the next one down the hall. Follow these until
you get to the main path. Continue down the path. Go over to the emergency
release valve and get ready to take a swim.
See that big circular tunnel? Swim through it. Climb up the ladder on the left
side before you get chopped to bits too. Time to kill some creatures. From the
side you're on, look to the other side. Go through either of those pipes. Once
your on the other side pick up one of those barrels in the corner and lob it
at the machine to stop it up. Then use it to help you reach the pipe up above
it. Go through that pipe. Quite a few of those creatures in this room. Make
your way left and go through the opening and across the platform. Go down the
stairs and to the other side of the room. Drop into the hole in the floor and
crawl through the tunnel. Open the door and crawl out. Head up the stairs to
the door and walk across the platform. It will break so try and time it right
to avoid the electricity and climb the ladder. Once you're on the platform and
have killed the creatures us the pump control lever. Now wait a second and then
hit the lever again and quickly run and jump over the rail to the left side of
the room (opposite side that you fell from) and swim until the T intersection.
Go either way you please. Once you're at the top swim to your right.
Now kill this bad-ass. Then walk up to the gate and use the lever to the right
to open it. Crouch under the gate and walk to the intersection. Head left and go
to the next intersection where you need to go right. Go all the way to the end
of this hall and follow it right. Go up the incline and kill a few more baddies.
Go to your right and you should see a gate with a lever to its left. Use the
lever and go through the gate. Drop down into the water. In the right corner
are some pipes that you can climb, climb up them and then jump over to the
platform. Go through the door on your right labeled Control Station 3. Now you
can either fight this beast or.... you can look on the left side of the room at
the grate in the wall, shoot it out and jump in there if you're not much on
fighting. Your call. Miss the jump and it's your neck. (you can also walk along
the very very narrow ledge around the side, but when she's, it's a she right?,
throwing things at you, be careful not to get knocked off).
Go into the big tube that you see. Jump over to the ladder and climb down.
You're going to have to fall all the way down. Make it easy on yourself and jump
from pipe to pipe so that you actually make it all the way down without dying.
I'll wait here until you're at the bottom. Once your down there's only one way
to go, so take it. Take your first left. (I recommend sneaking) I'm not going
to tell you where every enemy is, because there are a lot of them, and several
are those things that you just killed or ran away from so.. your call again.
Go down this hall until you get to the intersection and take a left. Take a
right at the end of this hall. At the next intersection take another right and
then a left at the next. Go up the first right and take a left at the top. At
the end grab the pass key from the corpse to your right go back and take the
first right and then the next right at the T intersection. Take a left at this
intersection and then take the next left. Take the right and then take the next
right to avoid an enemy. Follow this hall around and go inside the room to your
right. Go over to the control panel at the other side of the room and use the
pass key to open up the portal. Jump down. Congratulations, you've finally
found the Nosferatu. Swim up to the shore and take the passage to your right.
Follow this and take a right. Jump down beside the Luckee star sign. Facing the
sign go left. Cross the bridge over the lake. Follow this hall to the T
intersection and take a left. The room on your right is Mitnick. Remember him
because he'll give you a side quest later if you want it. Talk to him if you
want and then go out of his room and to the left. Imalia is the first door
to your left once you leave Mitnick. Doesn't quite look the same as she did in
the picture at Carson's eh? She has a mission that you can do as well. Get them
both while you're down here to save some time. Anyway take a left out of her
room and then another left across some broken catwalk pieces. Once across Gray
will start talking to you when you enter the room. Take the door to your left
to exit.

************* Chinatown ********************

******** Mission 12: Chinatown Rescue *********
Gary wants you to rescue one of his boys from Chinatown. He's not sure where
he is, just that he's gone missing. So guess who gets to go find him? So head
out of the graveyard and hop a cab to Chinatown. Might want to do some of the
side missions in Hollywood while you're still here but, your choice boss.
Once you get to Chinatown go to the temple at the end of the road a little past
The White Cloud. Go and talk to Ming Xiao. Ask her about the missing Nosferatu.
She will send you over to The Red Dragon. Ask the hostess to see Wong Ho, she
will send you upstairs. Once up there speak with him. He will want you to find
his missing daughter first. So head over to the Lotus Blossom, it's almost just
across the street in a side alley. Once inside sneak all the way to the end of
the hall and go up the stairs to your left. Kill the two guys in the hall way
and walk to the end of the hall. At the end of the hall kill the two guys in the
room to your right. Go into the room at the end of the hall. Once inside you'll
find the little brat. Let her out of the closet and then get out of there. Then
go back and speak with Wong Ho. Ask him about the Nosferatu he'll direct you to
a friend of his in the import warehouse. Outside of the Red Dragon take a right
and then a left at the intersection. Take a left at the gap in the wall and go
to the end of the alley. Then take a right and you should see a Zhao's Imports
sign. Go around behind the building to the door. Go up the stairs and speak with
him in his office, after you speak with him you'll need to make your way to the
door as quickly as you can. Don't try to fight them, you're severely

******** Mission 13: Here's Johnny *********
Go back out to the main road and go left. Go through the gap in the wall and
keep going. Go past the first door on your right and go to the end of the alley
and follow it right. Go to the door on your right and use the code 725. Crouch
before you enter and sneak up the stairs to your left. Make your way around the
room to the double door at the other side. Go through the other doors in here.
After you kill Johnny make your way back outside and go to the Fu Syndicate
building (it's on the same road as the taxi).

******* Mission 14: Supernatural Tests ******
Once you're inside Fu Syndicate take a left into the conference room. Then go
right through the doorway. After a short cut scene go through the doors. Time
your way past the lasers and continue to the next room. In here shoot the three
power boxes behind the grates to your left to stop the three blades. Once in the
next room kill the scientist holding the cross. After you kill him four Mercs
will come in through the door at the top of the ladder. Kill them in whatever
way you can, and then go through the other door. After this you'll be in a room
with water on the floor. Take a shotgun and shoot the things on the ceiling on
each side to disable them. After which the door on the other side of the room
will open. One in here move to your left as far as you can and take the shotgun
and shoot the flamethrower, it will explode causing the glass window to break.
Jump out and kill the Mercs and the scientist. Then find the door that leads to
some stairs. Go down the stairs and kill the Mandarin. Take the key from him and
let the Nosferatu out of the cell. Go through the double doors you saw in the
other room and take a left. Go down the hall a ways to some double doors, and
let him hack the computer to open up the other doors. Make your way back and go
through the newly opened doors. Let him hack the computer and erase all files
on the Kindred. Then leave the building.

******* Mission 15: Giovanni Reunion *********
As soon as you leave Fu Syndicate the phone on the wall will ring. Go and
answer it. Gary will tell you to go to the Giovanni mansion. Get in the taxi
and head up there. You'll need to find a way inside. You can do this either by
killing the man or woman (whichever one matches your gender) infront of the
fountain, or convincing them to give you their invitation.
Once you're inside go through the door infront of you, and then through the
doorway. Turn to your right and you should see the door that you need to go
through. The door infront of you is where you need to go, if you are able to
pick it (level 8) then skip down a ways, otherwise continue. Unfortunately the
only other way to open this door is to fight Bruno in a huge gun fight. So I
strongly Recommend getting three levels of security and using blood buff. Bruno
himself is not that hard, however you're going to have a lot of other people
shooting at you.
*There is another way to get into that room. If you have a high enough
seduction level (9 works, but I think 8 would too), you can talk to the woman
on your right near the door. Seduce her and she'll take you down there, open
the door for you etc. There seems to be another way if you talk to the woman
near the piano - you can do something for her that may allow you to get in too
- not sure yet how to (it's get some info on the other's who are in a good
position), but it should work. *(Submitted by Apocalypse)
If you got into the room by picking the lock the lever to open the door you
need to go through (it's behind a bookcase) is actually a sword on the wall. Use
the sword and the a bookcase will move to the side revealing a hallway. Follow
the hallway to the end and you'll come to a door which you need to go through.
You'll find yourself in a strange medical room. There is a lever almost directly
infront of you when you walk in. The lever will make the table infront of it act
like an elevator. Before you go down go to the side of the room opposite the one
you came in through. Opposite the door on this side of the room is the 'Giovanni
Book'. This is the book that Pisha wanted (see Supernatural Food-chain side
mission). Now go down using the elevator. There are a lot of zombies down here
so watch your back. Note that zombies can be killed in one hit by charging them
and attacking with a knife right as you run into them. It takes some practice
but is very useful. Make your way to the end of this hall and take a right.
As soon as you walk through the door look left and pick up the Saulocept. Leave
the room and go right. Go through the doors infront of you. Take a left and go
down the stairs. Once you get to the T intersection go left. Stay as far right
as you can and you won't fall through the grates. Follow the hall and go through
the door in front of you at the end. Continue through the next door as well.
Somehow the door at the end of this all seems to know how many zombies are in
the room, so you'll have to kill all of them. Proceed through the next two doors
infront of you. Continue following the hall until you get to a sideways T
intersection. Take the doorway to your right and continue going the same
direction you were going in. Go inside the second door that it will allow you to
go into. Follow this a bit and it will empty out into a room with a few zombies.
Kill them if you wish and then go into the only other door in the room (it's
almost opposite the room from where you entered). Follow the stairs down. Now
you're in for an interesting fight. This one's pretty hard so I hope you bought
a Katana. I recommend focusing on them one at a time and just avoiding the
After you're finished with them it will take you back Downtown, go and speak
with LaCroix.

******** Mission 16: Riddle Me This *********
What's inside the big box? Don't know yet, but LaCroix wants you to find out.
So.. you'll need to go to the Society of Leopold in order to speak with the
man who discovered the sarcophagus. So hop in the yellow beetle again. (Also
you should probably stock up on ammo or a Katana). This mission isn't really
that hard and doesn't take that long either. I will be giving, as always, this
guide assuming that you are going to be sneaking and not guns blazing.
After you arrive run forward a little ways and then crouch and sneak forward the
rest of the way. Once you pass the first part of the hill in your way head to
your right. Make your way to the back of the house and try to do it quietly. The
first door you come to should be open. Once you're inside, sneak up to the small
computer on the other side of the room. Go to power and use the password soc.
After you turn off this laser sneak up behind the hunter praying at the alter
and kill him. Wait for the guard patrolling the hall to start walking away from
you. Sneak up behind him and into the room on your left. Wait for him to walk
past you and kill him. Turn off the lasers protecting the armory and take
whatever you want out of there. Go down the hall and into the room on your left
take the journal and read it if you want. Then kill the three hunters in the
foyer. If you can't pick a lock of 9, take the door to your right and go up the
stairs, at the top walk into the room directly infront of you. You may need to
kill the guard who patrols into that room but otherwise you shouldn't need to
kill any of the others. Pick up the key inside this room and head back down the
stairs and go through the door across the room and down into the cellar. You're
most likely better off to kill all three of the hunters down here. After you're
through with them go to the back of this room. Look at the barrel on the bottom
second from the left. Move it out and go into the crawl space it reveals and
down the ladder. Follow this hall and go through the door. Make your way down
these large stone 'steps' and make your way through the hall at the end. (see
Saving Some Ash for a side mission at this point if you would like) Take a
right when you get to it and then make your way across this room as quietly as
possible. Go through the doors you come to at the end. Now you get to fight the
hunter you saw at Grout's mansion. He's not that hard, just annoying. You'll get
a couple of hits on him and then he'll use his powers to blind you for a bit
while he runs away like a coward. If you're not a marksman, try and stay behind
cover while you run up to him and then take a couple of hits with a Katana.
After he falls run up the stairs and talk to the professor. Once you're done
with him you'll need to escape quickly. Run as fast as you can out of this room
and into the next. Run almost all the way across this room and jump into the
little boat. If you took Johansen with you you'll get some humanity.
Go speak with Beckett and LaCriox.

******* Mission 17: Purging the Sabbat *******
Well it seems that the price wants you to remove the sabbat from the city of
lost angels once and for all. This is not a simple task mind you. This is one
of the harder levels in the game, so stock up on your favorite items, do any
side quests you want to do first and then head to the Hollowbrook Hotel. Well
their leader is in the basement of the hotel, however, despite all your
vampiric powers, you won't be able to break down the door. Instead you'll have
to go into the alley beside the hotel and use the scaffolding to go up to the
roof and make your way down.
Once you get inside go down the stairs and open the door. Unfortunately you're
not going to be able to be completely silent, so gun fights are going to happen.
Go down the stairs and go left into the room. There's a guy to your right, take
care of him. Make your way into the hallway across the room from where you
entered. Couple of guys with shotguns in the room to your left. Take care of
them and proceed down the hall. There are a lot of guys down this hall, with
shotguns, machine guns, and a few of them are using disciplines, so watch out.
Follow the hall to the end and take a left, kill the big dude and go into the
room behind him, drop down through the hole in the floor. Directions are pretty
useless on this floor, just follow the people trying to kill you. Eventually
you'll find a hole in the far corner of a room that you need to go down. After
you find the hole leave the room through the door and go into the hall and take
a right. You can stealth kill the three guys in this room, so I recommend doing
so. After you leave the room turn to your left, the door will break open and
you'll need to go through there. Again just follow the people trying to kill
you. Eventually this level will lead to an elevator shaft that you need to drop
down into. Follow the people who don't like you and eventually it will lead you
behind a bar. Stay behind the bar until your health goes back up. This is the
sub-boss. The best thing to do is to equip your shotgun and gun up beneath the
guy on the right side of the room. Jump up and fire at him until he's dead. Do
the same thing for the guy on the other side of the room. After their gone
jump through the fire on the stairs and kill the guy at the door. Now go back
down the stairs and through the newly opened door. Go through the hall and down
the stairs and out the door. Now you're at the main boss. Not much strategy to
this fight, just don't get killed. Just run around the room and when you get
a chance slice him with the Katana, eventually he'll fall. Now go back and speak
with LaCriox.

********* Mission 18: A Walk In the Park *********
Special Note: If you want to do any of the remaining side missions, do them
now, this is your last chance.
LaCriox has told you to go to the Last Round, so go there. Speak with Damsel
when you enter. Tell her LaCriox wants an alliance and that the Blood Hunt is
over for Nines. Ask her where Nines is, she'll tell you that he's in the park.
So hop in a cab and head to the park. Once you get to the park enter the
building and get in the lift. Once you get to the top, walk out of this building
and speak with Nines. This is where it gets rough. That werewolf that just
appeared... you can't kill it. You'll just have to run away from it. Use the
observatory to hide from it. It won't keep him from getting to you, just slow
him down a bit. You have to run out the clock and then make a dash for the lift,
get in it and ride back down. Have fun!

************** Mission 19: Blood Hunt *************
Well it seems that the tides have turned. You're now being hunted. You have to
make it from you apartment to where Tung was hiding out (the gas station) and
get in the cab. There are a lot of people after you, so I strongly recommend
staying out of sight. If your stealth is high enough and/or you have obfuscate
I'd recommend using it to get out of the alley, otherwise kill the few guys
waiting for you at the end, these are the only guys you need to kill. After
you're past them sneak down the street toward the parking garage. There are a
few guys waiting for you at the entrance. Instead of confronting them, sneak
around inbetween the Gallery Noir and the garage. The very last bars have been
removed so you can jump through them and get into the garage from here. Make
your way through the garage; watch out though two of the guys in the garage have
shotguns. After you get out of the garage, you're home free as long as you keep
sneaking. Sneak up to your right and speak with the cab driver and get the hell
out of there.

****************** The Final Ride *****************
This is your last chance to stock up on supplies, and to decide your fate. Tell
the cab driver what you are going to do and then you can start the last mission.
The last mission has one or two parts, depending on which fate you choose. The
choice is yours childe.
If you choose to align yourself with the Kuei-Jin, skip part 1.

********** Mission 20 Part 1: Ming Xiao ***********
Stealth kill the two guards in here, and then go through the doors opposite
where you entered. Head through the door to your left. Sneak around to the right
side of this courtyard and go through the door. Go out the other door in here.
Kill the three guards in here and go through the two big doors. Hide behind
one of the pillars and wait until you get a good view of the guards back and
kill him. When you get to the end of this hall, take a right and kill the guard
in there. Then go down the stairs. In this area watch out for traps. If you stay
to the right as far as you can you won't get hurt by most of them. Head down
this until the four-way intersection and go left. Go up to the alter and take
a left. Sneak around this room, killing any of the guards you need to and then
leave through the hall. Go all the way to the end and head right. Make your way
to the opposite side of this room. And go left (watch out for the guards on
either side of the doorway. Stay as far to the right of this hall as you can,
you'll trigger some guys hiding in the walls. If you're as far to the right as
you can be and have a good stealth feat, then you won't have to fight them. When
you get to the balcony watch out for the guard below you and jump down. Head to
the big door with the board infront of it.
MAJOR GLITCH!!!!! There is a handle sticking out of the wooden plank for you to
walk into it to move it. If, when you walking into it, the board doesn't move,
save your game where you are and then reload it and try again. It should work.
Proceed through this door and take a left. Follow this hall and then take a
right (the right after the right with a guard infront of a door) and walk down
this hall. There are guards in these walls so you need to find the right path to
walk through in order to avoid them. The correct path is illustrated below.
| _ _ |
||_| |_| |
| ----|
-- _ | _
|_| ||_|
* Starting here.
In this room you'll need to push a vase and stand onto each of the two different
color tiles to move the statue and reveal stairs. Go down the stairs and through
the door. This part is kind of hard. There are four jade statues placed at the
four corners of this basement. You can collect them by getting just barely into
the doorway and targeting them, without disturbing the guards. When you pick one
up make note of the style of stand it was on. You need to place all of the
statues on their appropriate stands. They are as follows:
Crane - Diagonal
Cat - Circles
Dragon - Horizontal
Elephant - Vertical
After you have placed all four, a portal will open leading you
to Ming Xiao. She is probably the toughest boss. She will take a long time to
beat but if you do it right it shouldn't be that much trouble. What you need to
do is run at her and attack her with the Katana (preferably); then you need to
run away and dodge her acid breath. Also, and this is very important if you
don't want to fight another one like her, every time one of her tentacles falls
off, wait for it to turn into a small little creature, then you need to hit it
with the Katana (or shoot it) and it will die. If you don't do this you will
have to fight two of them. The good news is that if you screw up and you are
fighting two of them. You only have to focus on Ming Xiao, because when you kill
her, the other will die as well. After you kill her walk back to where you
entered the room and pick up the key. Then walk into the portal again. Now you
can stock up on items again and then go and see LaCriox.

********** Mission 20 Part 2: The Prince **********
Go up and speak with Chunk, then put that pathetic piece of meat out of his
misery. Go up to the elevator. You're going to have to defend yourself from
the other guards, who will put up more of a fight the Chunk did. After you're
finished with them get in the elevator. It won't take you all the way to the top
so you'll have to bail out early. Go left into the room and then go left again.
Follow this room and kill the guard in here. Go through the double doors and
kill the guard in here, and continue out of this room. Go straight through these
doors as well. Once you're inside this room either kill or avoid the guard and
go through the single door on your left. Now head up the stairs. At the top
unless you can pick a lock of 8 head right. Just head all the way down this
hallway, and exit through the door at the end. There's only one guard in this
room at first, but it suddenly become more crowded when a SWAT team shows up.
Either kill everyone or just sneak around them. Make your way down the small
stairway and to the door on the same side of the room of where you entered. Go
through this door and up the stairs. Up on the roof is another SWAT team. Head
across the roof and into the vent shaft on the other side. Go through the door
to your right and make your way to the other side of this room and go through
that door. Couple of guards in here so take care of them. Make your way to the
opening at the left side of the room. Now you get to fight LaCriox, sort of.
He's a total pushover so this shouldn't take you long. After you've beaten him
take the Astrolite he drops and put it in the elevator. Push the button for the
elevator to go up, but don't get in it. It will blow and clear out the top level
for you. Get the elevator back down and then take it up. Pick up the weapons
up here if you want and then go into the other elevator and take it up to level
7. Go up the stairs and go to your left. Once inside go right and then get on
the computer. Type in lights and use the password hitthelights. Turn them off
and make your way. Leave the room to your right and then take another right.
Follow this hall all the way around and eventually you'll come to a conference
room with an elevator in it. Kill the two vamps in here and take the elevator
up. Now you get to fight the sheriff. He's actually not that hard... in this
form. Run away from him until he swings (watch it, sometimes he swings two or
three times) and then hit him once or twice and then back off. Celerity will
definitely give you an advantage here if you have it. Anyway after you beat
him he turns into a Behemoth. Now here he's a lot tougher, unless you can figure
out how to really beat him. Just ignore the war-form vampires and run straight
across from where you start and turn on both of the search lights. He'll fall
from the sky! Blood Buff and beat the crap out of him with a Katana and he
should fall. Also do not kill the SWAT members, as they are helping you. Only
kill the vampires if they are getting in your way, but remember, if you kill
them, more will come. After you beat him, you're done! Well done childe. Now
sit back and enjoy whichever ending you set yourself up for. Enjoy!

****************** Side Missions *****************
***************** Ease the Pain *****************
If you want some humanity you can offer to get some pain killers for Mercurio.
Read the side mission below (Blackmailing the Doc). You'll find some in
Malcolm's office on his desk. *(Submitted by Thibault Thomas)

************* Blackmailing the Doc **************
Get this mission while inside the medical clinic.
To get to the 2nd floor of the medical clinic, lock pick the door to the left
(your left) of the guy who sells blood (blood buff if you need to). Then go into
the laundry room, exit through the big hole in the wall and go up the ramp to
your right. At the top of the ramp go inside the first room on your left and
pick up Malcolm's Office key. Use the key to enter Malcolm's office and read
his emails. (the password is 'panacea')You'll find out he's having an affair.
Go talk to him in the surgery room (Room 3). Tell him you know and he'll give
you $75 dollars not to squeal (he'll put it in your mailbox).

*************** A Pet Ghoul *********************
If you'd like your own pet ghoul a little later in the game, find the girl who
if dying (across the hall from the surgery room) and feed her a little of your
blood. After the Dane mission, you'll have your own ghoul. Doing this will also
give you some humanity.

***************** Thin Blood *********************
Get this mission from the shirtless guy on the beach in Santa Monica.
E first tells you to check the Diner, so go there first. Ask the lady on the
inside about her mention 'thin blood' to her she'll give you some things that
she left there. One of which is a key to her car. Find a red car with a white
top in the parking garage and open the trunk. You'll find a diary inside. If you
read it, it will mention she was going to the medical clinic for blood, so you
might want to check there... I don't know, just a hunch.
Go to the freezers in the clinic. Go inside the first freezer and use the code
1969 on the keypad. Open the door on the inside and you'll find a girl sitting
in a chair. Let her out and she'll kill an nurse who walks in. Speak with her
and tell her to go see E. Go and speak with E after that.

**************** The Asian Vampire ***************
Get this mission from the guy standing beside the bar in the Asylum.
Knox will give you a drivers license the Asian vampire dropped. Go to the morgue
in the clinic. The guy on the drivers license is in the morgue on the table, his
stuff is in the box beside him. Bluff Buff if you need to and pick it. You'll
get the entry card for Foxy Boxes. Go to Foxy Boxes and you'll find the Asian
Vampire, kill him and then go and tell Knox.

**************** Werewolf Blood ******************
Get this mission from LaCroix in your e-mail.
Go to the top floor of the clinic. Pick the lock. Watch out for the security
guard unless you've got a good seduce or are a Malkavian. Go into the CIS room
and get on the computer. Directory cs safe, password paige. Grab the blood and
put it in you mailbox. Check back later and you'll have $150 in your mailbox
and an email from LaCroix congratulating you on a job well done. Doing this will
also give you a Masquerade Redemption.

************** Lost Merc ************************
Get this mission by going to the bail bonds in Santa Monica and speaking with
Arthur. After speaking with him for a little bit you'll find out that his
bounty hunter is missing... and guess who gets to find him? So after Art gives
you the key to his apartment you'll need to head over to the suites (where you
found Mercurio, his is the apartment across the hall from him). Listen to his
recording and check his computer, password imalia. Pick up the key off of the TV
and head on over to the tattoo parlor. Also remember where this place is, once
you get a lockpick good enough to open that chest in there, come back and get it
you'll need what's inside for another side quest. Once you're inside the tattoo
parlor, it's on the same street, make your way downstairs and answer the phone
on the wall. You and the man on the phone will decide to meet up at Gimble's
Prosthetics at the end of Main Street sort of behind the suites, so head there
now. Push the button let him know that you spoke with him on the phone and he'll
let you inside. Finish speaking with him, and then follow him to the back of the
building. When you get downstairs you'll find Carson in a cell, and then Gimble
will come out to kill you with a severed arm. Dispose of him and then let Carson
out. You can take the arm with you if you want (you sicko!). Now head back to
Arthur and tell him the bad news about Carson.
Now he's going to want you to find out if some other guy has skipped town or
what, so you'll need to go to the apartment across the hall from yours.
Once you get there you can either pick the lock to her place or pick up the
key behind the plant at the end of the hall, your choice. Once inside her
room listen to her answering machine.
Also if you'd like a book to pawn or want some stealth skill there's a book in
the corner of her cabinets beside the stove.
Go back and tell Arthur and he'll give you $150 for your trouble. This mission
will continue with The Face of Death.

************* The Face of Death ******************
Get this at the pier in Santa Monica. This mission takes a while to complete.
Go to the pier in Santa Monica and look at the hanging corpse, that's all you
can do for now. Do the Lost Merc mission and you'll get a clue to where the next
killing will take place.
After you finish the Lost Merc mission, you need to head to the Skyline Apt.
building and go to the second floor. Pick the lock (level 5) and go inside.
Listen to the answering machine on the counter. Now head on over to the Last
Round but don't go in. Instead go across the street from it and you find, a
little down an alley, a white door with some stairs up to it. Go into this
building and you'll see another violent scene, talk to the bum. After you're
finished speaking with the bum, turn to your left and climb the boxes up to the
next level. Walk around to where the corpse is handing and pick up the key
laying beside him. And if you didn't figure it out from the key, you need to
head to the Luckee Star hotel in Hollywood. Once inside go out the door and up
the stairs to your left. Go inside room number 6. Right beside the phone to
your left is a key card for Brothers Salvage back in Santa Monica so go there.
Once inside the gate go into the small building. Go out the back door. Things
will start getting flung at you and exploding, do your best to avoid them but
remember that if you get hurt, you can just sit there and let yourself heal.
Once you find the guy you'll start talking to him, you can either let him go
and fail the mission, or kill him. He's not that hard, just blood buff and let
into him with the Katana. You've now finished the serial killer mission.

************** The Devil's Confession ************
To kick this mission off go to club Confession in Downtown and speak with the
bar-tender. Tell her you drink blood. She'll ask you to take care of some guys
in the parking lot next to the Empire Hotel, run on over there and speak with
the guys. Once you kill them head back over and speak with Venus. Now, if you
agreed to do it, you'll need to head over to the Empire Hotel, sixth floor.
When you get to the top go to your left and open the door. If you want a book
to raise your brawl skill go into the second room on your left (there are three
mafia thugs in there). Go into the fourth door you see on your left and go
through the grate to your right. Use the door to your right, there's one guy in
this room. Go through the double doors at the far side of the room. Once in the
hall take a left and then a right. "Convince" (in whatever way you're good at)
to let him let you in. Once inside kill the guy in there*, pick up the goods
and make your way back to Confession the same way you got in, unless you want to
explore some. Note that there are people in here who will shoot you on sight.
Once you get back to Confession talk to Venus, she'll take you back to her
office and will make you a partner in the club. She'll give you $250 and you
can come back every once in a while and get some more.
*Or if you don't want to help her out, when you get to the Russian boss, instead
of killing him, you can make a deal with him. He will ask you to kill Venus and
in return will pay you some money. The choice is yours. *(submitted by Thibault

********* A Plague for the Angels ****************
Get this mission from either The Regent or from Damsel. If you go with The
Regent he will send you to Damsel but go to him first anyway, as when you
complete the mission he will reward you with either an item or money. To start
this mission go to the Skyline Apartments in Downtown. Once inside go to the
fifth floor. (Notice that there's only one apartment per floor? Odd eh?) Check
the answering machine on the island inside the apartment. Then go up the sixth
floor and use the code 1203 on the keypad. You'll need to go up to the bedroom
and speak with the girl there. If she doesn't tell you what you need to know
get her appointment book inside her closet. If you go downstairs to the wall
at the left of the door you came in from, you find a key behind the right vase.
Use it to open up the safe in her room, she won't be needing anything in it
anymore ($200). If you want a couple of items to pawn off go to the third floor
and use the code 9648 on the door. Go upstairs and use the password 'jewels' on
the computer to open up the safe that's inside the bedroom closet.
Next you'll need to go to the Empire Hotel, if you want to save a trip do 'The
Devil's Confession' side mission since you'll need to go to the Empire Hotel for
that one as well.
Speak with the concierge and tell him you're looking for Jezebel. Ask for her
room key. If you're good at persuading, or are a Malkavian, get him to give it
to you, otherwise take the hall to your right and go into the first door on your
left. Use the little machine to your left just as you enter to get the key to
her room. Then go to the fifth floor. This is another boss fight, so you might
want to have full blood points. She's not that hard, I recommend a knife and
Blood Buff, or a shotgun. After you've taken care of her go back and see Damsel.
She'll tell you that you need to go talk to some bums. Go talk to the bum near
club Confession. Convince her, either with persuasion or $20 to talk. She'll
tell you that you need to find Tin Can Bill. He's down the alley just across
from the Last Round so head back over there. Talk to him and he'll tell you that
he was taken down into the sewers. So guess where you need to go next? So hop
down the nearest man-hole you find to your right.
Once you're in the sewers go straight and then take a right. Continue down this
path until you get to a gate back up a little and go in the through the tunnel.
When you splash down go to the doorway on your right. This is yet another boss
fight. This one's a little tougher too. I suggest a shotgun. Hope you still have
a blood back or two also. He'll drop a piece of paper in front of the guy just
sort of hanging out on the wall, which will tell you where you need to go.
Use the lever on the wall to open the gate and use the two wheels to open the
grates in the floor. When you walk out take a right and climb over all the
rubbish. Follow this path and jump over the hole in the floor. Continue down the
hall and take a right at the intersection and then climb into the little tunnel
in front of you to reach the surface again.
If you remember seeing this
symbol on one of the buildings go there. Otherwise go to the Last Round and walk
down the street looking at the sides of buildings until you see it (should be on
your right). From the Last Round (coming out of it) take a right, at the end of
the street take a left, follow the street right and then take a right at the
intersection. Go around behind the building and through the black door. Give
the guy the paper you found and he'll let you in.
This next part is the hardest part of this mission so be prepared.
You'll have to enter the crackhouse and make your way to the top. Best way is to
just run past all the zombies, if you do it right you shouldn't get hit until
you reach the top. Once at the top you'll have another very difficult boss
fight. This guy uses a shotgun and uses Celerity, so unless you have Celerity
level 4 he will be faster than you. I'll walk you through the building up to
him, then you're on your own beating him.
Go up the stairs and once you're at the top take a left and run all the way to
the end of the hall and enter the room on your right. Go through the door on
your left and the take a right. Again door on your right, door on your left,
go right. Make it to the end of the hall, and go in the door on your left.
Jump through the hole in the floor and jump through the other hole in the floor.
Go out one of the doors. If the way is blocked off to your left, wrong door, use
the other one. Now again, make it to the end of the hall. There will be double
doors on your left, enter them and get ready for the big bad boss fight.
Just hang out for a few seconds after you beat him and it will set you back at
the entrance of the crackhouse. Now run over and see Damsel. After you speak
with her go and see the Regent. He'll offer you either money or an item. Take
the item, it will double the amount of time your Blood Buff lasts.

************* Gargoyle Tamer ********************
Get this mission from Isaac.
Go to the theater across the street from Isaac. You need to either kill the
gargoyle or convince it to join with Isaac. Trust me, you don't want to try and
kill it. Basically all you have to do is tell it that Isaac is against the
Camarilla and their rules and he will join with him, assuming of course you have
a good persuasion. Otherwise use bashing weapons (your fists, tire iron, or a
baseball bat) to slay him. Guns and slashing weapons are practically useless.
After you do one or the other go back and tell Isaac.
*If you want, before you kill the Gargoyle you can go and speak with the Regent.
If you persuade him enough he will tell you that he was the one who made the
gargoyle and will give you a special object to raise your defense against it.
After you defeat it go back and speak with him and he will give you $500. Note
also that if you're Tremere that you can get a new haven this way. *(Submitted
by Thibault Thomas)

*********** Good Food, Bad Critic ***************
Get this mission from LaCroix through an email he sends you.
Seems LaCroix needs you to make a critic give a restaurant a bad review.
It's not that hard. Go find the guy (he's near Isaac's jewelry store) tell him
you're a fan, and then tell him that he'll give anything a good review. Check
your email and mailbox after you're done.

************* Rescuing Ash ***********************
Get this mission from Ash, he's on the second floor of the Asp Hole club.
Seems that Ash has some hunters after him. You can help him out one of two ways,
you can either trick the poor smuck downstairs who looks like him to switch
clothes with him or you can try to escape through the sewers. Needless to say
getting him to switch clothes is much easier, but if you don't have the
necessary persuasion go with the sewers. There's not really much to describe.
Just run through the sewers and kill all of the hunters and make sure Ash lives.
Not that easy but simple.

************ Imalia's Magazine ******************
Submitted by Thibault Thomas and Beelzebubbe
If, while you're speaking with Imalia, you make her mad and then appologize for
it and ask to make it up to her, she'll ask you to find a magazine with her on
the cover. You can find the magazine at the Sin Bin. Just ask the guy at the
counter, though it might end up costing you $500.

************** Imalia's Bane ********************
Get this mission from Imalia, she's a Nosferatu now so look there. She wants
some dirt on Tawni so she can ruin her career. Go to Tawni's apartment across
the street from the Luckee Star Hotel. When you go in, go up the stairs on the
right side of the room. Walk past the table and take a right. Put the camera on
the table behind the guy on the couch. Wait for him to leave the room and go
into the bedroom and place a camera on the nightstand. Wait for him to leave the
bathroom and then go into the bathroom and place one under the sink. Go back
into the bedroom and go behind the screen and get on the computer. Use the
password cleopatra. Now get out of there and head back to Imalia. Imalia will
give you $400 for your work. (Notice how in this game news and mail travels
really really fast?)

************** Mitnick's Tangled Web ************
Get these missions from Mitnick, he's the computer geek Nosferatu.
Mitnick doesn't give you any specifics in person. After you get the mission go
back to your haven and check your e-mail. The first one will be Megahurtz
Computing at the end of 2nd st. in Santa Monica. This one's really easy with no
one you have to watch out for but I'll go over it anyway. Make sure you pick
up the key card from your mailbox and head on over to Santa Monica. The store
is behind the Asylum. Once inside go straight ahead into the room with the open
door. Climb the boxes and go into the vent. Follow the vent into the room and
turn on the power. Go back through the vent. Go out that room and head right.
Go through the first door. Get on the computer and use the password 'Gil Bates'
Type in schrecknet. Now go back to your haven to get Mitnicks next email.
The next network you need to link is at The Nocturne Theater. You've got to
plant a camera and then activate it with the computer downstairs. Unfortunately
you'll have to enter the theater through the sewers, so head down there. If
you're using the haven at the skyline apartments, there's a sewer entrance in
the basement. Go around the corner, through the door and up the ladder. Go
across the catwalk to the other ladder. Crawl to the middle and then to your
left. Place the camera and make your way back down the way you came. Time the
guards and make your way across the stage. If you're following the guard when
you get a chance go into the first door on your left and wait for him to pass.
The door with the computer in the last door on your right. Type camera and then
net cam. Then type net security password this time is break a leg. Now make your
way back to your haven and check your email.
Now you get to go into Metalhead Industries (if you're interested in Gary's
Little Secrets mission below, there's an item in here you'll need for it) which
is in Hollywood, so jump in the magic yellow beetle (the taxi) and head there.
Same drill as last time, don't get seen and don't kill. (make sure you pick up
the key in your mailbox). Best to crouch before you open the door, just to be
safe. Watch out for the guards in here. You should be okay if you stay against
the wall to your left. Right before you get to the fork-lift, turn inbetween
the shelves. Go to the door across the room. Go inside and get on the computer.
Type operations and use the password codpiece. Unlock the door to the office
and then head up there. Once inside get on the computer and type safe (if you
want the item for Gary's mission) and use the password Turbo Lover. Get the cd
out of the safe and get back on the computer. Type in net security and use the
password Bang Your Head. Type schrecknet and get out of there. Head back to your
Now you get to go to Chinatown. Mitnick needs you to go to Kamikazi Zen. Get the
key out of your mailbox (notice that not only the name is Japanese but the key
card also sports a Japanese flag on it) and head to Chinatown. The building is
right after The White Cloud. Sneak around to the right and go into the second
room on your right. Get on the computer go to the 'power' directory and type
hooligan. Now you've only got ten minutes to do this in, but that should be
plenty. Head out the door and go right. Go right through the double doors and go
down the hall. Go until you get to another double door with a keypad use the
code 4567. Go up to the intersection and take a right. Get on one of these
computers. Type vault password nippelhcs and open it. The type net security
password nirvana and then type schrecknet. Now get out of there. You should have
plenty of time. If you're not that good at stealth and you don't, don't sweat it
you can still get out. Leave through the double doors and go into the third
office on your right. Type in mitnick! and then rescue and he'll open the vent
behind you. No go back and see Mitnick for your reward.

************** Gary's Little Secrets ***********
Gary will send you an email after you meet him with these.
Gary has some very nice posters just hanging around underground, and well, he's
willing to part with them in exchange for some items. The first one he'll ask
for is a tape called Tap Hotel. You can get it in the Chinese Theater in
Hollywood where the gargoyle was. It's up front right infront of the screen.
Drop it in your mailbox, leave and come back and wham! you've got an awesome
picture of Jeanette (it's already hanging in your apartment).
To get the second one you'll need to do Mitnick's mission (or at least the
first three parts) it's the CD in the safe. Same deal as before, in the mailbox
and boom! poster in your apartment. (Damsel poster)
For the third one you need to go to the first floor of the Skyline Apartment
building. The photo's that you need are up the stairs in the bedroom on the
table. Put it in you mailbox for another poster. (VV poster)
The fourth one is the hardest to get. You'll need a lockpicking skill of 8,
without using Blood Buff*. It's in Carson's apartment (across from Mercurio) but
you can't use Disciplines there, so you'll have to just buff up your Dex and
security the old fashioned way. Tape + mailbox = poster. (Ming Xiao Poster)
*Correction: You can use Blood Buff to pick the lock. After you
start to pick the lock you will then be able to activate Blood Buff.
(Thanks to Curtiss)

************** Hunting The Hunter ***************
Get this mission at Vesuvius exotic dancing.
The first time you go there VV will talk to you. She'll ask you to go upstairs
with her and then she will give you this mission. After VV gives you all of the
details, head on over to Sin Bin (if you would have listened to her you'd
already know where to go now wouldn't you?). Ask the guy upstairs about her.
Now head downstairs and lockpick the first door you see. Go inside and get on
the computer. Open the directory 'peepshow', the password is sinner, then type
lockdown. Now head back out into the hall. To your left is a coin machine. Lock
pick it and take the money. Wait for a minute until the other guy leaves (it can
take a little while). He'll eventually run out of money and since you took all
the money out of the machine, he won't be able to use it so he'll leave. Now
pick the other employees only door. Talk to the girl in there and get her to
leave. Then go into the dancing room and kill the girl in there. An easy way to
do it is to blood buff and then feed on her. Now go back and see VV.

*************** Find the Snitch *******************
As you're about to leave VV will start talking to you again and give you the
chance to take another mission. To start this one off go to the Luckee Star
Hotel. Talk to the guy in there. Convince him to give you his script for his
movie. That part is the easy part. The harder part is convincing him to give
you the name of his source. Once you do that (which may cost you $500!) go to
Santa Monica beach. The source the Hatter was using is the Thin Blood with the
speech problem. You can either let him go and gain humanity, or you can kill
him and get experience, the choice is yours. Go back to VV after you're done.

************ Supernatural Food-Chain **************
Get this mission by going into the abandoned hospital in Downtown. Go through
the gate beside the white and red VW bus.
Go down into the basement of the hospital and Pisha will ask you to find the guy
you met when you first came into the hospital. When you return to where he was,
you should notice that he is gone but has dropped a business card leading you to
the Skyline Apartments first floor. You'll find him cowering in his bedroom
closet. Tell him it was just a joke and he'll go back. Now go back and talk to
Pisha and she will give you another mission to do.
After you've completed the Giovanni mission (see above), bring Pisha back the
book you found in the medical room. In exchange for it she will give you the
Key of Alamut. Also, if you retrieved the Fetish Statue from the museum, you
can give it to her in exchange for the Odious Chalice.
READ FIRST!!!: Give her the Fetish Statue first, otherwise you won't be able to
give it to her at all.

************** Silencing The Ghoul ***************
(Submitted by Thibault Thomas)
If you've spoken to that really annoying ghoul in club Confession (the first
girl to your right when you walk in), you can go to the last round and speak
with the black guy upstairs. He will tell you that she needs to be silenced to
protect the masquerade. Go back and speak with her and tell her you found her
master and that he's outside in the alley. When you leave club Confession take
a left on the road and go into the alley directly infront of you. Kill her and
you'll lose some humanity but gain some experience and get a masquerade
*If you haven't finished the 'Supernatural Food Chain' but have talked to Pisha.
You can tell Patty that her master is waiting for her in the old Hospital.
*Submitted by Beelzebubbe and Adrian)

************* Fat Larry's Briefcase **************
(Submitted by Thibault Thomas)
Get this mission from Fat Larry. He can be found Downtown down the street
from Club Confession. Right next to the parking garage entrance. After you buy
some stuff from him and do some of the missions in the Downtown area, he'll
give you the chance to make some money ($500 to be exact). You need to go into
the parking garage to your left. Make your way through the four level that are
full of people who don't seem to like you much. Get to the bottom grab the
briefcase and get the hell out of there. Take it back up to Fat Larry and he'll
give you the money he promised.

****************** Fishy Demon *******************
Get this mission from Yuki in the Ramen shop across from the White Cloud in
Chinatown. If you speak with her she'll tell you that she's hunting a Hengeyokai
demon. Tell her you'll help her and then go speak with Ming Xiao and ask her
about it. She'll direct you to the Red Dragon. Go in the Red Dragon and go talk
to the guy sitting in the corner in the bar area. Tell him you want to kill
Zygaena and he'll tell you to meet it at the fish market which is beside Zhao's
Auto Import. Go back and speak with Yuki. Stock up with ammo and/or a Katana and
then go meet Yuki at the fish market. Go inside and after a brief dialog you'll
fight it. If you shoot or slash the tanks on the walls it will freeze the demon
if he is close enough giving you a few free hits. After that Yuki will thank you
and then leave. If you want a quick $200 you can find it behind one of the

************* The Hitman Imposse *****************
Get this mission from the Lu Fang, the drunk guy in the Red Dragon after you
complete the Chinatown Rescue mission. He will tell you that he's got some
money stashed away but needs a key that his old partner has. He tells you to
kill him and bring him the key back and he'll give you 20 percent. Go and
speak with Ji Wen Ja, the fortune teller near the Golden Temple. Tell him about
your deal with Lu Fang and he'll tell you he'll give you 30 percent of the money
to kill Lu Fang. You can repeat this process until you get to 80 percent which
turns out to be $1000. If you decide to kill Ji Wen Ja you'll loose some
humanity, but if you kill Lu Fang you won't so it's your choice. You'll also
get 4 xp. But, if you can convince them to be friends again you'll get 6 xp
instead. So it's your choice over money or xp.

*************** Eye Gouge Hell *******************
After you complete the Chinatown Rescue mission go to the White Cloud gift shop
and speak with Mr. Ox. He'll tell you a story and ask you to go get some eyes
for him. The are located behind the ramen shop were you got the Fishy Demon
mission. Go around behind the building and go through the door beside all the
posters. There are two guys inside but they are extreamely easy to sneak around.
Go through the door to your left and select the corpse. Take the eyes from him
and give them back to Mr. Ox. He'll give you $150 and the next mission.

*************** Bad Luck Farmer ******************
After you complete the Eye Gouge Hell mission for Mr. Ox he'll give you this
mission. He wants you to take a bad luck talisman and put it in a locker in the
Lotus Blossom. The lockers are downstairs in the back so go around behind the
Lotus Blossom and down the stairs. Go through the door to your right and you'll
be in the locker room. Find the locker with the black circle on it and put the
talisman in it. The guy who's locker you just put it in will come through the
door behind you, unless you're a Malkavian you're probably going to have to kill
him, but he is human so he's not that difficult. After you're done go back and
tell Mr. Ox that you've done what he asked and he'll give you $250.

************** Saving Some Ash *******************
Well, it seems that Ash has been captured by the same hunters that captured
Johansen. Do this mission while doing the Society of Leopold mission. Instead of
taking a right like I tell you to do above, go straight. Kill the two guards
that are speaking to each other and walk over to the cage and speak with Ash.
If you have it give him some blood (in the form of a blood pack). Unless you can
pick a lock of 10, you're going to need to find the key. Wouldn't it make sense
for the guard standing near the cage to have it? Well, it would, but then that
wouldn't be much of a challenge then since you already killed them right? So now
you're going to have to go back to where I told you to go right and go right.
Go all the way to the other side of the room and kill the last guard (the one
patrolling) to get the key. Try to do it quietly or you're in for quite a fight.
Get the key from him and go back and let Ash out of his cage.

************* Glitches and Problems *****************
Problem: Can't move the board in front of the door in Ming Xiao's temple;
Solution: Save your game where you are and then compleatly exit the game.
Start the game but up and load your save, you should be able to move it.

Problem:The boat at the end of the Society of Leopold mission is not there;
Beckett tells you to wait but then never appears and you can't move;
Solution: Load your most recent save game and go back through the level.
If it still doesn't work you may have to load an even older save game
and try it again. It sucks but it seems to be the only way.

**************** Contact Vayne ********************
Please read the "Read Me First" at the top of the guide before you e-mail me.
I will not respond to questions about cheats, go somewhere else for those.
If you desire to contact me and ask me about something in the game or want to
make a correction to my guide you can e-mail me at
I will respond to questions about parts in the game that I didn't address
but I will not tell you where this or that item is, unless it's for a mission,
or if it is possible to have sex with Jeanette or other things of that nature.
If you put something of this nature in your e-mail I will not respond to the
e-mail, regardless of anything else you may have asked.

The following websites have been granted permission to post this FAQ, unchanged
and without adds or other modifications. (Russian) (Korean) (Scandinavian)

No other websites have received permission to post this document.
If you see this document on any other site whether in part or full, please
contact me at
If you would like to use this document on your website please get in touch with
me at the above address.

Copyright (c) 2004 Thomas "Vayne" Darnell
Vampire The Masquerade copyright (c) White Wolf Inc.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines copyright (c) White Wolf Inc.
Game Code copyright Activision.
Developed by Troika Games, LLC.
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