Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

17.10.2013 20:59:56
Weapons List
Bloodlines Weapons List
Version: 1.60
By Jake Zahn

This will be a Complete list of all the various weapons in game, and all their
relevent statistics.

Weapons are broken down into 3 categories (Melee, Ranged, or Unarmed),
depending upon which combat Feat the weapon uses. They are then arranged into
alphabetical order.


These are what the various statistics mean:

Internal Name: The name the game uses for the weapon.

Speed: The lower the number, the faster it is.
Requirement: The lowest value you have to have in the approperiate Combat Skill
to do normal damage with the weapon.

Requirement: A number used in the damage formula to determine damage. If your
relavent combat Feat rating is lower, you'll do less, and if it's higher
you'll do more.

Damage Type: What type of damage the weapon does. Bashing can be soaked by
anyone and vampires reduce all bashing damage by 50% after soak, Bullets are
treated as Bashing against vamires and as Lethal against everyone else, Lethal
can only be soaked by vampires and cetain other supernaturals, and Aggravated
can only be soaked with fortitude. Armor can soak all 4 types.

Damage Potenial at Level 10: How much damage the weapon will do if you have a
10 in the approperiate Combat Skill. If your skill is higher then 10, it has
the potential to do more damage.

Lethality: How hard it is to defend against attacks from this weapon.

Base Damage: The absolute mimimum of damage this weapon will do (unless it's

RoF: Stands for "Rate of Fire", or "How fast you can pull the trigger". The
lower the number the better.

Range: The maximum range that a target can be at before losing accuracy.

Spread Angle: How far the bullet can stray from the barrel.

Criminal Level: This is how severe the police will respond to you using a
given weapon. The higher the number, the larger/faster the police response.

Knockback chance: The chance for an enemy to get knocked back/down from this
weapon. For instance, a ".9" would mean a 90% chance of knocking someone down
with each hit.

Ammo: How much ammunition you can fire before having to reload.

Reload: The time it takes to reload the weapon, lower numbers are better.

PC Weapons

Ranged Weapons:

1) Bach's 700p
Internal Name: item_w_rem_m_700_bach
First Available: Unknown (I would assume after SoL)
From: Mercurio
Requirement: 6
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 29
Lethality: 25
Base Damage: 1
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.5
Range: 200
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Zoomed Single Shot
RoF: 0.5
Range: 200
Spread Angle: 0
Criminal Level: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Ammo: 6
Reload: 3.5

2) Braddock 9mm
Internal Name: item_w_mac_10
First Available: Downtown
From: Fat Larry
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 14
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 1
Primary Fire: Full Auto
RoF: 0.1
Range: 25
Spread Angle: 5.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 30
Reload: 2.5

3) Brokk 17c
Internal Name: item_w_glock_17c
First Available: Downtown
From: Fat Larry
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 28
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.4
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 4.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 18
Reload: 3.5

4) Colt Anaconda
Internal Name: item_w_colt_anaconda
First Available: Hollywood
From: Slater (Red Spot)
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 57
Lethality: 14
Base Damage: 3
Primary Fire: High-Powered Single Shot
RoF: 0.7
Range: 35
Spread Angle: 6.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 5
Secondary Fire: Fan
RoF: 0.35
Range: 35
Spread Angle: 7.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 2
Ammo: 6
Reload: 3.5

5) Crossbow
Internal Name: item_w_crossbow
First Available: Kuei-Jin Temple
From: Container
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 36
Lethality: 16
Base Damage: 3
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.25
Range: 45
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 4
Reload: 2.5

6) Flamethrower
Internal Name: item_w_flamethrower
First Available: After Giovanni Mansion
From: Mercurio or Fat Larry
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Fire Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 119
Base Damage: 1
Lethality: 110
Primary Fire: Spray
RoF: 0.1
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 5
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 150
Reload: 3.5

7) Jaegerspas XV
Internal Name: item_w_supershotgun
First Available: Hollywood
From: Mercurio
Requirement: 7
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 63
Lethality: 18
Base Damage: 3
Primary Fire: Scattershot (8)
RoF: 1.0
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 7.0
Criminal Level: 4
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Full Automatic Scatter(8)
RoF: 0.2
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 7.0
Criminal Level: 4
Accuracy: 6
Ammo: 6
Reload: 4.0

8) Jaime Sue
Internal Name: item_w_remington_m_700
First Available: Hollywood
From: Romero
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 48
Lethality: 10
Base Damage: 3
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.8
Range: 200
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Zoomed Single Shot
RoF: 0.5
Range: 200
Spread Angle: 0
Criminal Level: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Ammo: 4
Reload: 3.5

9) Lassiter Killmatic
Internal Name: item_w_uzi
First Available: Chinatown
From: Tseng
Requirement: 6
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 28
Lethality: 10
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Full Automatic
RoF: 0.3
Range: 50
Spread Angle: 5.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Semi Automatic
RoF: 0.1
Range: 50
Spread Angle: 5.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Ammo: 33
Reload: 2.5

10) McLusky .50 Caliber
Internal Name: item_w_deserteagle
First Available: After Fu Syndicate
From: Trip/Larry/Mercurio
Requirement: 7
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 45
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 3
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.3
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 4.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 12
Reload: 3.5

11) Steyr Aug
Internal Name: item_w_steyr_aug
First Available: After Fu Syndicate
From: Mercurio
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 16
Lethality: 14
Base Damage: 1
Primary Fire: Full Automatic
RoF: 0.1
Range: 150
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 4
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Zoom Full Automatic
RoF: 0.1
Range: 150
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 4
Accuracy: 6
Ammo: 30
Reload: 3.0

12) Thirtyeight
Internal Name: item_w_thirtyeight
First Available: Tutorial
From: Jack
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 26
Lethality: 7
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.8
Range: 35
Spread Angle: 7.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 4
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 6
Reload: 3.5

13) Utica M37
Internal Name: item_w_ithaca_m_37
First Available: Santa Monica Diner
From: Thugs
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 50
Lethality: 20
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Scattershot (8)
RoF: 1.0
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 10.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 1
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 6
Reload: 4.0

Melee Weapons:

1) Baseball Bat
Internal Name: item_w_baseball_bat
First Available: Tutorial
From: Thugs
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 28
Lethality: 8
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.4
Criminal Level: 2

2) Baton
Internal Name: item_w_baton
First Available: Santa Monica
From: Cops
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 2
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 7
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 2

3) Bush Hook
Internal Name: item_w_bush_hook
First Available: After Glaze Shootup
From: Trip
Speed: Special (Slow)
Requirement: 10
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 52
Lethality: 13
Base Damage: 4
Knockback Chance: 0.6
Criminal Level: 4

4) Fireaxe
Internal Name: item_w_fireaxe
First Available: Downtown
From: Fat Larry
Speed: 2.0
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 34
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.05
Criminal Level: 4

5) Katana
Internal Name: item_w_katana
First Available: Chinatown
From: Tseng
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 42
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 3
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

6) Knife
Internal Name: item_w_knife
First Available: Santa Monica
From: Trip
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

7) Severed Arm
Internal Name: item_w_severed_arm
First Available: Santa Monica
From: Stan Gimble
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.4
Criminal Level: 4

8) Sledgehammer
Internal Name: item_w_sledgehammer
First Available: Hollywood
From: Slater (Red Spot)
Speed: 2.0
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 45
Lethality: 10
Base Damage: 3
Knockback Chance: 0.9
Criminal Level: 4

9) Tal'Mahe'Ra Blade
Internal Name: item_w_occultblade
First Available: Hallowbrook
From: Hallowbrook
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 42
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 3
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

10) Tire Iron
Internal Name: item_w_tire_iron
First Available: Tutorial
From: Thugs
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 3
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 28
Lethality: 7
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 2

11) Torch
Internal Name: item_w_torch
First Available: Hollywood (possibly earlier)
From: Vampire Hunters
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 2
Damage Type: Fire Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 34
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.4
Criminal Level: 2


1) Claws (Level 2 & 3 Protean)
Internal Name: item_w_claws
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 34
Lethality: 8
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 0

2) Claws (Level 4 Protean)
Internal Name: item_w_claws_protean4
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 42
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 0

3) Claws (Level 5 Protean)
Internal Name: item_w_claws_protean5
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 50
Lethality: 16
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 0

4) Fists
Internal Name: item_w_fists
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 34
Lethality: 8
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.3
Criminal Level: 1

NPC Specific Weapons

Ranged Weapons:

1) Flaming Crossbow
Internal Name: item_w_crossbow_flaming
Wielder: Jade Statue Guardians
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 36
Lethality: 16
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 1.0
Range: 45
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 4
Reload: 2.5

2) Ming Xiao Spit
Internal Name: item_w_mingxiao_spit
Wielder: Ming Xiao
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 28
Base Damage: 1
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.25
Range: 45
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 1
Reload: 2.5

3) Throwing Star
Internal Name: item_w_throwing_star
Wielder: Unknown
Requirement: 3
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 36
Lethality: 11
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 3.5
Range: 20
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 10
Reload: 3.5

4) Tzimisce2 Head
Internal Name: item_w_tzimisce2_head
Wielder: Tzimisce Spitting Creation
Requirement: 7
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 2
Primary Fire: Single Shot
RoF: 0.25
Range: 45
Spread Angle: 3.0
Criminal Level: 3
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: None
Ammo: 1
Reload: 2.5

Melee Weapons:

1) Asian Vampire Katana
Internal Name: item_w_avamp_blade
Wielder: Asian Vampire
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 5
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 32
Lethality: 11
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

2) Chang Brother Blade
Internal Name: item_w_chang_blade
Wielder: Sword Chang Brother
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 10
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 16
Lethality: 16
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

3) Ming Xiao Melee
Internal Name: item_w_mingxiao_melee
Wielder: Ming Xiao
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 28
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

4) Ming Xiao Tentacle
Internal Name: item_w_mingxiao_tentacle
Wielder: Ming Xiao
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 30
Lethality: 28
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

Unarmed Weapons:

1) Chang Brother Claw
Internal Name: item_w_chang_claw
Wielder: Claw Chang Brother
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 10
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 26
Lethality: 13
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 0

2) Gargoyle Fist
Internal Name: item_w_gargoyle_fist
Wielder: Gargoyle
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 9
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 23
Lethality: 22
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

3) Ghoul Claws
Internal Name: item_w_claws_ghoul
Wielder: Unknown
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 26
Lethality: 4
Base Damage: 2
Knockback Chance: 0.1
Criminal Level: 0

4) Hengeyokai Fist
Internal Name: item_w_hengeyokai_fist
Wielder: Hengeyokai
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 9
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 20
Lethality: 19
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

5) Giant Bat Claws
Internal Name: item_w_manbat_claw
Wielder: Giant Bat
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 10
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 26
Lethality: 26
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

6) Sabbat Leader Attack
Internal Name: item_w_sabbatleader_attack
Wielder: Unknown (Possibly Andrei)
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 10
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 26
Lethality: 26
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0.3
Criminal Level: 1

7) Sheriff's Sword
Internal Name: item_w_sheriff_sword
Wielder: The Sheriff
Speed: 1.0
Requirement: 6
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 20
Lethality: 16
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 3

7) Tzimisce2 Claw
Internal Name: item_w_tzimisce2_claw
Wielder: Unknown (one of the 3 creations in the sewers)
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Lethal
Damage Potential at Level 10: 18
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

8) Tzimisce3 Claw
Internal Name: item_w_tzimisce3_claw
Wielder: Unknown (one of the 3 creations in the sewers)
Speed: 0.9
Requirement: 4
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 18
Lethality: 12
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

9) Tzimisce Melee
Internal Name: item_w_tzimisce_melee
Wielder: Unknown (one of the 3 creations in the sewers)
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 8
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 17
Lethality: 15
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

10) Werewolf Claws
Internal Name: item_w_werewolf_attacks
Wielder: Werewolf
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 2
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: 36
Lethality: 28
Base Damage: 1
Knockback Chance: 0
Criminal Level: 5

11) Zombie Fists
Internal Name: item_w_zombie_fists
Wielder: Zombies
Speed: 0.5
Requirement: 1
Damage Type: Bashing
Damage Potential at Level 10: 54
Lethality: 9
Base Damage: 3
Knockback Chance: 0.4
Criminal Level: 1

Other Weapons:

1) Chang Energy Ball (Throwing Weapon)
Internal Name: item_w_chang_energy_ball
Wielder: Chang Brothers
Damage Type: Aggravated
Damage Potential at Level 10: Unknown
Lethality: N/A
Base Damage: 10
Primary Fire: Throw
RoF: 3.5
Range: 20
Criminal Level: 5
Accuracy: 6
Secondary Fire: Roll
RoF: 3.5
Range: 20
Criminal Level: 5
Accuracy: 6
Ammo: 1
Reload: 3.5

Version History

1.00 - First incarnation.

1.50 - Added in NPC weapon section, did a little rearranging to the various
stats, added some new stats.

1.60 - Added in missing Level 10 Damage Potentials for the NPC weapons.

Special Thanks

Turfster - Without his VPK Tool, most of this wouldn't be possible.

BradyGames - Without their typo'd Stategy Guide, I never would have been moved
enough to search through the item files.

DanVanCrone - His unfinished PlanetVampire knowledge base thread is what made
me make the list in the first place.



I am also a member of PlanetVampire, Gamespot/GameFAQs, Vampire Heaven, and
Paine's Site. And can usally be found on their forums.

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