Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

03.10.2013 11:24:25
Solution for Zelda - Ocarina of Time


It's the greatest adventure game of all time and it starts right here.
Not with a bang, but a tree...

The spirit of the mighty Deku Tree watches over the deep forest of the
realm of Hyrule where the Kokiri elves live. Every member of the Kokiri
has their own fairy to watch over them, every one that is except for one
small boy called Link. Then one day the wise old Deku Tree sends Navi
the fairy to seek out the boy without a fairy with the ominous message
that the fate of the very world might depend upon him. The Legend of
Zelda: The Ocarina of Time begins.

Navi the fairy finds Link in restless slumber inside his house. After a
bit (he's obviously a heavy sleeper) he finally awakens to the news that
Navi is his fairy and that he's been summoned by the Deku Tree.

When you get control of Link, exit his house and climb down the ladder
to meet Saria, Link's friend, who tells you to go to the Deku Tree. Go
right to find Saria's house inside of which you find four recovery
hearts. You don't actually need these yet, so exit the house and climb
up the sloping ramp around Saria's house, then pass across two wooden
bridges to come to a new fairy who explains how to get a first person

A New Angle On Things
Press C-UP and then use the analogue stick to move Link's view around
for a good view of proceedings. To return to normal mode, press C-UP

From the fairy by the bridges, go right to the twins' house for some
information on currency values. Green gems are worth one Rupee, blue are
worth five and red are worth 20 rupees. You are also told that the
Kikori Store has a red roof. Pick up the pots in the house and smash
them open to find a six rupees (one green gem, one blue).

Leave the twins' house and go left past Link's house to chat to some
more fairies. They advise you to go to the Forest Training Centre at the
top of the hill. Climb the hill and enter the house of the Know-It-All
brothers to learn about the icons on-screen.

In the area on the other side of the tunnel, on the right you find some
currency. Grab this and head left, timing your run to avoid a large
boulder that is rolling around in a pattern. Head to the right for some
more gems then turn right again and you come to a chest and a sign. The
sign only tells you about the Know-It-All brothers and you already met
them so just ignore it and open the chest.

Inside is the Kokiri Sword. This is an important treasure of the Kokiri,
but strangely they've decided to let Link borrow it - as they would -
him being a responsible small boy who's just got his first fairy and
all. To equip the sword, go to the equipment screen and highlight it in
blue, then press A. You can now use the sword by pressing B.

Next, wait until the boulder goes past you and follow it back to the
tunnel which you used to get into this area. Turn right as you exit the
tunnel and talk to the elf you find there to learn some new moves!

To get the hang of your sword without losing energy to hostile entities,
get a little targeting practice on the stones in this area before you
move on. They're slow-moving and they don't hit back!

Leave the practice area and go to the house of the Great Mido at the
bottom of the hill. Enter to find some chests which has some more money
inside. You should find two blue rupees, a green rupee and a recovery

Help the elf to shift the rocks in front of Mido's house and you find
some more rupees. There are also gems hidden in the bushes closeby so
make sure you take a run through there. Head left from the rockery you
just destroyed and jump across the three square stepping stones. By now
you should have at least 40 rupees. If you haven't, try going back to
the huts where the pots you destroyed have regenerated and also look in
any bushes and under any stones you haven't checked out yet. Once across
the stepping stones you come to the Kokiri Store which has a red roof.
As you approach a friend sat on the porch calls to you and explains
about long distance chatting using your fairy.

When you're done chatting, enter the Kokiri store. Ignore the midget
behind the counter and move the stick to highlight the item you wish to
buy. At this point you want the shield which is 40 rupees, although you
can also buy:

Leave the shop, go left and leap across the pool to come to Mido the elf
who is blocking your way. He won't let you past unless you've equipped
your shield and sword so check first then approach and talk to him.
After he's insulted you, pass down the passage he was blocking.

As you go down the passage, strike the deku baba flowers that make
strange clicking noises to obtain Deku sticks. You can carry up to ten
sticks at any one time and you need to press A to put them away when
you're done with them.

When attacking the Deku Babas (flowers), don't get too close or they
will sting you. If you need to, go back to Seriah's house for some
recovery hearts. When you've got enough sticks, carry on down the
passage and you find yourself in front of the Deku Tree.

The tree tells you about Link's nightmares and explains that they have
come about because the servants of evil have been getting powerful and
affecting people's dreams with their foul stench! The tree has
apparently been cursed and only Link, the least prepared of all the
Kikori, can break the curse through his wisdom and his courage... oh,
and his sword too.

Answer yes to take up the tree's challenge and its mouth opens.

Enter the mouth of the Deku Tree...


Upon entering the tree, you find yourself in a circular area. Pass round
the outside of this area chopping at the plants you find there with your
sword to get some more Deku Nuts. If you assign these to one of your
C-Buttons then throw them to stun attackers.

In a hole in the floor in the centre of this area is a web which you
can't break through just yet. Climb the ladder which was to your left as
you entered the area and at the top, jump to the next ledge and collect
a recovery heart from the end if you need it. Otherwise leap across to
the other side and follow the wooden platform along until you find a
chest. Open the chest to find the dungeon map.

Navi the fairy tells you at this point about the vines on the walls and
suggests that you might be able to climb them, but the ones next to the
chest have Skullwalltulas - that's skeletal spiders to you and me - on
them, so you can't climb them yet. Instead, carry on around the wooden
platform, leap across the next gap and open the door in the wall. Pass
through into a room where a Deku Scrub fires deku seeds at you. The door
behind you closes so you can't get out, instead use your shield to
deflect a deku seed back at the scrub then chase it when it leaves its
burrow and touch it to prevent it returning to the hole. The scrub tells
you about jumping from heights then runs off.

Once the deku scrub has run off, the door at the end of the room opens
so pass through and leap across the platform ahead then jump off as it
collapses. At the bottom, swipe at the plants with your sword for more
rupees and climb the vine on the wall to find a new treasure chest.
Inside this chest you find the Fairy Slingshot. Assign it to one of the

Using your newly-acquired slingshot, fire a seed at the ladder which is
hanging on the wall opposite the chest. It falls to the ground allowing
you access to the platform. Don't go back just yet though, instead turn
right from shooting at the ladder and climb the vine you find there to a
platform on which another chest rests. Inside the chest is a recovery
heart if you need it. Now you can return to the bottom of the area where
the ladder fell and smash more plants with your sword for deku seeds and
rupees. Don't forget to roll on landing though!

Climb the ladder and go back through the room where you met the Deku
Scrub and you come to a wooden bridge. Go right, jump the gap and use
the slingshot to take out the Skullwalltulas, then climb the thin
section of vine on the right and traverse right along the vines until
you find yourself above a wooden platform. Drop onto the platform and go
round it anticlockwise; killing the Big Skulltulas by shooting them in
their soft underbelly when they rather conveniently turn their backs on
you. Don't get too close to them though or they swipe at you causing
severe damage.

Eventually you come to a door set into the wall. Open it and go through.
On the other side, walk right and stand on a small raised switch which
brings up three platforms in the centre of the room. They only stay up
for a short time, so run and jump across the two directly ahead of you
to the platform on the other side and kill the Deku Baba plant before
opening the chest to find the Compass. This reveals hidden areas and
objects on the map.

Turn around and drop down to the floor below then take the vine up to
the platform where you came in. Hit the switch again to raise the
platforms once more and this time jump to the left and kill the gold
Skulltula on the wall there to receive a token which proves you
destroyed it. Check inside the chest on this platform for a recovery
heart then return to the door.

To open the door, get out one of the deku sticks using the appropriate
C-Button and walk over to the burning torch in the corner to light the
end of it. Quickly pass across to the other torch which is unlit and
touch it with your burning stick to re-light it. The door unlocks once
the torch is alight so put away your stick before it burns down.

Go out the door and kill any Big Skulltulas that get in your way, then
run and jump from one of the three platforms leading to the centre to
grab the recovery heart and drop down towards the floor below. As you
plummet, you should hit the web at the bottom to find that your momentum
- as a result of your increased mass - lets you break it and pass
through; falling down to water below.

Climb left out of the water and kill the deku baba and search the plants
with your sword for ammo. Climb out of the water and onto the raised
platform to the right of where you dropped into the water. Stand on the
switch which is next to a chest with a recovery heart in it to light a
torch. Shoot the Gold Skulltula on the wall next to you and grab the
token it releases, then select a deku stick. Light it from the torch and
run across through the water to where the deku baba plant was and set
fire to the web in the corner to reveal a door.

Pass through the door to find another deku scrub. As before, deflect his
deku seeds back at him with your shield and then touch him to subdue
him. He explains about his brothers. You must (he says) beat them in the
order 2, 3, 1. Slash at the shrubs in this room for seeds and rupees
then shoot the eye above the next door with your slingshot to open it.
In the next room Navi tells you how to dive.

Diving Underwater
When in deep enough water press A to dive under. Be careful though as
Link can only hold his breath for three seconds to start with.

Jump into the water and dive down to the switch on the left. When you
touch the switch the water level drops; allowing you to climb back onto
the bank then jump onto the moving platform and ride it across to the
other side, keeping below the level of the spiky log. Be quick though
because the water level rises after a short time and the log knocks you
into the water if you're not fast enough.

On the other bank, slash more plants for ammo and money, kill the Big
Skulltula directly ahead of you and listen to Navi explain about pushing
and pulling blocks.

Moving Blocks
Stand next to a block and grab it using the A button. While holding the
A button you are able to push or pull it using the analogue stick. If
you push the analogue stick in the direction of the block and then press
A you climb onto it. Make sure you keep an eye on what the blue icon

Push the block to the right and climb up on top of it to let Link reach
the platform above. Go through the next door which closes behind you and
in the new room, kill all the Deku Baba plants, then use a deku stick to
light the two torches from the one that's already burning. The next door
now opens, so go through.

Immediately on the other side a Big Skulltula attacks you so kill it
with the slingshot. You are now in a circular room. As you step into the
centre, three Gohma Larvae attack you! To defeat them keep your shield
up and stab at them as they attack. They take a few strikes before they
are finished off. Once the larvae have been dealt with, slash the plants
in the room for ammo or health and use a lit deku stick to burn the web
from the tunnel which slopes slightly downwards to get to a smaller
tunnel made of square blocks.

Crawl along the tunnel to emerge in the room which you first dropped
into from above. Slash the Deku Baba flowers and push the block along
the trench so that it drops into the water. You need to burn the web in
the centre of the platform that you're standing on, but all the torches
on this side of the bank are too high up, so drop into the water and
climb up onto the platform where the torch that you used last time is
situated. Spark up a deku stick and run back and jump across to the
block and from there climb to the platform with the web in the centre.
Walk onto the web and press the B button to swing the stick down;
setting fire to the web. When the web has burned you drop down to the
next area, landing in more water.

In the water where you land are three recovery hearts which you can dive
down to get if you need them. On the bank by a closed door are three
Deku Scrubs. Use your shield to bounce deku seeds back at first the
centre one, then the one on the right, then finally the one on the left.
The one on the left runs off once you hit him, so chase after and touch
him to find out the secret of Queen Gohma.

The secret is (apparently) to administer the coup de grace (or to
'finish her off' for all you uncultured individuals) by striking her
with your sword when she's stunned. The door to the next room should now
be open so pass through it to confront the first boss of the game!

Queen Gohma
In the next room the door slams shut behind you and it goes all dark.
Look around the room until you see a glowing eye. This is the eye of the
Parasitic Armoured Arachnid Queen Gohma. Once you spot her she comes at
you. You need to shoot her in her single open eye with your catapult and
then hit her with your sword when she falls over. Keep doing this until
she dies. Occasionally she climbs up the walls and drops Gohma Larvae on
you, so finish them off as and when you need to - if you hit them before
they hatch they die with one sword stroke and don't have time to even
think about attacking you.

When you finish the queen off you get an extra heart container which
grants you another heart on your power bar! Hurrah! Enter the spinning
blue field to exit this subterranean area and return to the Deku Tree.


When you return to the Deku Tree it tells you more about your quest.
Apparently a 'wicked man of the desert' cast the curse on the tree. This
evil man is using his vile magical powers in his search for the Sacred
Realm that is connected to Hyrule. He's searching for the sacred relic
known as the Triforce which is rumoured to contain the essence of the

The tree explains that Din the Goddess of Power created the earth and
cultivated the land, Nayru the Goddess of Wisdom gave the spirit of law
to the world and Farore the Goddess of Courage produced the life-forms
who would uphold the law. When the Goddesses left, three golden sacred
triangles remained to mark their passage, triangles which became the
basis of the worlds providence - the Triforce.

The tree commands Link to never let the man in black lay his hands on
the Sacred Triforce. It then reveals that it is dying, and was doomed
even before Link began his quest. With its final words, the tree sends
Link to Hyrule castle to meet the Princess of Destiny, giving him the
Kokiri's Emerald - the spiritual stone of the great forest - to take
with him. With that, the tree dies and an eager Navi urges Link to set
out for Hyrule castle.

As you leave the tree Mido accuses you of killing it - the misguided
individual! Ignore him however, and make your way to the tunnel on the
left of the map and go through it to leave the village. As you cross the
bridge, Sariah stops Link and gives him a present - the Fairy Ocarina.

Fairy Ocarina
The Ocarina needs to be assigned to a C-Button, and then you simply
press C to start playing it! Pressing A and the four C-Buttons will
grant you different notes and you can stop playing by pressing B.

You emerge to some Bonanza-esque music onto Hyrule Field and before
you've gone far you run into the Owl who gives you a pep-talk. He tells
you to go straight on to get to Hyrule castle where you need to find a
princess and he also tells you about the map again, this time adding
some extra information. If you're lost, access the map screen and a
flashing dot indicates which direction you should go next.

When the owl flies off, carry on ahead and follow the path which is just
to your right and keep going. As you approach the castle it gets dark
and some Stalchild attack you. These zombie-like creatures aren't too
much trouble, simply keep slashing them until they die. Oh, and they
only come out at night! Once past them it starts to get light and as you
reach the castle the drawbridge lowers. Cross the drawbridge to enter
the castle.

Smash For Cash!
As you pass across the drawbridge, enter the first door on the right to
find a guard who offers to let you smash some jars - strange system of
law these people have! Take his advice and use the A button to pick up
the jars and then A again to throw them at the walls and smash to reveal
various gems. The jars in this room regenerate automatically when you
leave the room so if you ever need money simply return here and smash
more jars to stock up on cash!

Continue into the castle to reach the market. Chat to the various
villagers you meet, some of whom might give you useful information,
others who just prattle a load of nonsense - bit like real life really!

One man tells you to take the street on the right to get to Hyrule
Castle and the street on the left to visit to the city back-alleys. Go
right and directly behind is a girl called Malon who has red hair and
you meet the owl again. He tells you to be careful and to not get caught
by the guards.

A little further along the road a guard blocks the gate and won't let
you through, so climb the vine on the right which leads up to a grassy
area from where you can see the castle. Run straight ahead and turn left
and cross the grey bridge to get caught by the guards and thrown out.
Once outside, return to where you climbed the vine to find Malon the
red-haired girl from the market who gives you a weird egg.

This time climb to the top of the vine and drop off the grey bridge by
the square hole. Run a short way up the road then angle left up the
slope and run across the grass past the steps leading to the castle and
climb a wall to get up to an area over-looking a moat. The trick is to
stay out of the guards' line of sight. If you get caught and thrown out,
simply try again!

Once you're safely past the guards, jump into the moat and at the end
climb out and go left. Follow it round until you find Talon, Malon's
father, owner of Lon Lon Ranch who is fast asleep. Use the chicken to
wake him up and chat to him. When he runs off, push and pull the two
boxes until they're stacked on top of one another by the water; allowing
you to jump across to the small hatchway set into the wall on the other
side of the moat.

Wait until morning as the guards are impossible to get past at night,
then enter the castle via the small hole that water is coming out of.
You find yourself in the castle courtyard. You need to make your way
round the courtyard avoiding any guards. To stop them from seeing you,
either walk behind them or keep the hedges between you. The first guard
is fairly easy to get past. The second two require careful timing - wait
until both of them are on the castle side of the fountains. The third
guard you can simply climb over the top of using the steps up to the
wooden structure with ivy running across it, although if you want the
rupees you need to walk round behind him; ensuring that the post in the
centre stays between you and him.

The next two are circling a monument, so follow along behind one of them
keeping the monument between you and the other one. The final two are
moving very close together so wait until they both leave the
bottom-right corner and race up the right side and go left at the top to
get to the courtyard.

Wander across the courtyard to find Princess Zelda and tell her that you
have the Spiritual Stone. She in turn tells you of her dream and reveals
more about the Triforce. Apparently if someone good finds it and makes a
wish it will mean nothing but good for Hyrule. If however someone evil
gets hold of it... well, you can guess the rest!

The Temple of Time, says Zelda, is the entrance to the Sacred Realm but
has been sealed with a stone wall called the Door of Time. To open the
door you need to find three Spiritual Stones and the Royal Family
treasure: the Ocarina of Time!

Zelda then offers to show you the evil man in black. Agree to look and
feast your eyes upon Ganendorf, the leader of the Gerudos, who comes
from the desert in the west. The Princess sends you off to find the
other two Spiritual Stones, also asking you to get the Triforce before
Ganendorf and subsequently defeat him. Just a small favour then!

Zelda also gives Link a letter with her signature on it which can be
shown to people by assigning it to a C-Button. Leave her to meet Impa of
the Sheikahs. She plays you Zelda's Lullaby which you then need to
repeat to learn it.

Zelda's Lullaby
Impa plays Zelda's Lullaby to you twice and the notes appear on-screen
as C-Buttons as she plays. You don't even need to memorise them however,
as when you come to play it you just need to follow the notes that are
on the screen. Once you've done this, you can review the tune any time
you like from the quest status menu and then select the ocarina and use
the C-Buttons to play it.

After you've played the lullaby, Impa takes you out of the castle and
points out Death Mountain, home to the Gorons who protect the Spiritual
Stone of Fire. At the foot of the mountain is the village of Kakariko
where Impa hails from and she advises you to talk to the villagers
before starting up the mountain. Impa explains that the lullaby has a
mysterious power and can help Link prove his connection with the Royal
Family. With that, Impa disappears! You find yourself in Hyrule Field.

Make your way back along the path you originally came along to Kokiri
Forest and take the exit at the top of the lower section of the map -
reached via the vines behind Mido's house - to get to the Lost Woods.

In the lost woods, check each tunnel and follow the one with the music
coming from it to find Saria. On your way you encounter Owl again. He
tells you that after the Lost Woods you'll reach the Sacred Forest
Meadow and tells you to listen for the tune.

Keep following the music and you come to Sacred Forest Meadow. Here you
get attacked by Wolfos. Keep your shield up and hit him when his guard
is down after he slashes at you. When you kill Wolfos the gate in front
of you opens and you pass into a maze.

Turn right as you pass through the gate and follow the passage. Kill the
mad scrubs by firing their seeds back at them and then slashing them
with your sword. At the next junction go left through the grass and turn
right. Follow this new passage to a pool and jump in and swim across to
the other side. Just past this is a ladder on the left and some stairs
on the right. Go up the stairs past two more mad scrubs and up a long
staircase to the top where Saria is playing her ocarina.

She tells you that playing your ocarina in this area lets you
communicate with the spirits. Follow along with her melody like you did
with Zelda's Lullaby to learn it and have it added to your quest status
screen. Saria explains that by playing her song you'll be able to talk
with her at any time. As you leave the Sacred Forest Meadow the Owl
explains that ocarina tunes have great power.

Next make your way back to Hyrule castle and go through the market and
up to the gates of the castle. Wait until night falls and go back into
market. There are dogs everywhere. Take the alley to the left of the
screen (so on Link's right as he returns to the market) and go in the
first door that you come to to chat to a woman about her lost dog.
Return to the square and walk up to the white dog to get him to follow
you then return to the house in the back alley. The woman gives you a
piece of the heart container - three more and you get an extra heart on
your life bar.

The Treasure Box Shop
Enter this shop at night and pay ten rupees to play. The shopkeeper
gives you a key with which you can unlock the door. In the next room
there are two treasure chests. Open one of them for a key or a cash
reward. If you get a key you can proceed to the next room. If you get
cash you have lost the game and you need to go back and either leave or
pay ten rupees to play again. The more doors you open, the better the
prize you eventually collect.

Shooting Gallery Game
Enter this shop during the day and pay 20 rupees for a go on the firing
range. Using your slingshot, press B to get it out and B to fire at the
gems which appear on the range. You get 15 shots and need to hit all ten
targets. Once you've done this you you win a bullet bag which holds
forty slingshot pellets. If you score eight or nine crystals you win a
free go!


With the dog safely returned to her owner, leave Hyrule castle and go
left. Walk just past the castle and go over a small bridge and up a ramp
to Kakariko Village. Head up the hill and chat with the clock soldier at
the gate to find out where the trail is that leads up the mountain -
it's up some stairs at the north end of the village.

Go into the village and right up a hill then turn left to find a women
who's lost all her chickens. You need to catch seven chickens, bring
them back to the women and throw them in the pen. The first chicken is
next to the pen. The next is back by the entrance of the village.
Another is up on steps to the left as you come into the village. When
you grab this one, jump from the roof of one of the houses whilst
holding it to float down to the fourth chicken which is on a ledge to
the right of where you came in behind a fence. Throw the chicken you
used to float across off the platform to the ground and grab the other
one then drop down and throw both of them in the pen.

For the fifth chicken, smash the box which is on the left by a as you
enter the village. Take this chicken up the ramp to the well then turn
right and go to another ramp which leads to a platform with another box
on it. Run to the end of the platform and jump off and the chicken
allows you to float across to the next fence. On the other side of this
fence, lob the chicken you used to float across back over the fence and
grab the sixth chicken from down below.

Go back up the ramp to the fence you just floated over and lob the new
chicken across to the other side then go back down to where you just
picked up the sixth chicken and climb the ladder to get up to a new area
where the seventh chicken is waiting. Grab this one and drop back down
into the village. Deposit the chicken you're holding then go and round
up the other two. Once you've put the last chicken in the pen, talk to
the woman to get the empty glass bottle. Note: If you come back and
rescue the woman's chickens again she will give you a purple gem worth
50 rupees!

Next, go back to the entrance of the village and ask the clock soldier
the time. Keep leaving the village so that time passes then returning to
talk to the guard until he tells you the time is somewhere between 18:00
and 21:00. You'll know when it gets to 18:00, because Stalchild begin to
appear on the steps leading to the village. At the appropriate time,
make your way to the rear of the village and enter the graveyard.

Find Dampe the Gravekeeper and talk to him about the Gravedigging Tour.
If you want him to, he will dig holes for you some of which reveal gems
and one reveals a piece of a heart container! It costs you ten rupees a
go though. Find the tombstone with the three plants in front of it and
pull it to reveal a hole. Drop down the hole and open the chest in the
room below to discover the Hylian shield.

Pull any of the other tombstones to reveal a Poe Ghost. If you kill it
with your sword, you can then trap its spirit in your empty bottle, but
at the moment you need to keep the bottle empty, so don't do that yet.

Next, go to the large tombstone at the end of the graveyard which marks
the Royal Family tomb and stand on the Triforce symbol which is on the
floor directly in front of it. Play Zelda's Lullaby by pressing the
appropriate C-Button to activate the ocarina then pressing C-LEFT, C-UP,
C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-UP, C-RIGHT. The tombstone explodes revealing another
hole. Drop down the hole.

At the bottom of the hole go down some steps and you find yourself in
large chamber where small black bats (Keese) attack you. Use the Z
button to lock onto the Keese and then knock them all down with your
slingshot. When you kill the last one the door ahead of you at the top
of the stone steps unlocks and you can go through it.

In the next room, green mist rises from the floor and two tall skeletal
figures stand within. Run past the figures, making sure not to get
within their line of sight or else Link is frozen by their scream and
they advance upon him. In the next room keep to the path in the centre
to avoid the toxic pools and climb the steps, then read the poem at the
top to discover the secret melody of the two composers! As before, watch
and listen to the melody then follow the tune on your ocarina to record
it on your quest status screen.

Once you've got the song, return to the graveyard and go back to the
village square. If it's not still night, exit the village and wait until
night falls then search the village for Gold Skulltulas and kill them
all. There is one on the tower, one behind the House of Skulltula, one
on the half-built house, and one behind the house on the left as you
head towards the guard at the north of the map. When you've killed all
four, go talk to the guard on the north gate and show him Zelda's

After humiliating you, he lets you pass, but not before you've equipped
the Hylian shield. He also asks you to get him a mask from the Happy
Mask shop. Equip the Hylian shield (if you haven't already) and head up
the Death Mountain trail!

As you progress up the trail you encounter Red Tektites which you need
to lock onto with the Z button and then swipe at with your sword when
they jump at you. At the top of the trail you come to the entrance to
Dodongo's Cavern where you run into a Goron. He explains that Dodongo's
Cavern is blocked and advises you to carry on up to Goron City so
continue up the trail collecting health and money from the rocks lying
nearby if you need it. Turn left at the top and talk to the Goron who is
guarding the bomb flower. Goron explains that you need a Goron bracelet
before you can pick up a bomb flower. Carry on up the trail and you come
to Goron City.


Enter Goron City and chat with the first Goron you meet there about
Sirloin rocks, then go across to the centre via the rope and talk to the
Goron on the centre platform to learn that 'Big Brother' has hidden the
Spiritual Stone and shut himself away to wait for the Royal Messenger.

Return to the ledge running round the circumference of the city and go
into the passage which was on your left as you entered, then follow the
tunnel down a set of stairs and at the junction go left and continue
down onto another ledge. Turn right and head down the next flight of
stairs to a flat circular area with a giant urn in the centre. Stand on
the doormat in front of the red door and use the ocarina to play Zelda's
lullaby - C-LEFT, C-UP, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-UP, C-RIGHT. This opens the
door; allowing you into the chamber beyond.

Climb the stairs after passing through the door to find yourself face to
face with the Goron Big Brother, Darunia. Talk to him and he tells you
about the creatures infesting Dodongo's Cavern and other assorted
problems, then dismisses you.

Stand on the same mat as Darunia and play Sariah's song on the ocarina
using C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT to cheer him up
and watch him dance like a loon!

In better spirits after your impromptu performance, Durunia tells you
that you have to destroy the monsters in Dodongo's cavern before he'll
give you the Spiritual Stone of Fire, otherwise known as Goron's Ruby.
He then gives you Goron's Bracelet.

Goron's Bracelet
When you've got this you can stand next to a bomb flower and press A to
pick the bomb! You then need to either press A to drop it or tap A
whilst moving forwards to throw it.

When you are handed the bracelet leave Darunia's chamber and go back up
to the ledge just above the area with the urn in it. On the way light
all the torches surrounding the urn to make it spin, and lob a bomb on
top of it to get a piece of a heart container. Now go down the tunnel
which is blocked by three boulders and use a bomb from one of the bomb
flowers to blow the three rocks up, revealing a warp to the Lost Woods.

Leave Goron City and go up a slight slope then head right to get back to
the Goron guarding the bomb flower. Collect a bomb from the bomb flower
and go to the left of the Goron then throw the bomb over the cliff to
blow up the rock blocking the tunnel leading to Dodongo's Cavern.

Go down the trail and enter hole you just made with the rock then go
along the tunnel and grab another bomb to blow away the rock door, thus
granting Link entrance to the cavern itself. Go in and receive a message
from Navi warning you about lava pits.

Ahead of you on the centre platform is a Beamos which zaps you if you
let its open eye get in line with you. Jump across to the centre via the
rising and falling platform ahead and scoot past the Beamos then jump
across to the ledge on the left where you find a sealed door, a barred
door and a ladder. Use a bomb to blast the next Beamos which is just
along to the left and continue left along the platform to find a
Business Scrub. You don't need to take out the scrub just yet, but if
you manage to lose your Deku shield then come back to this point and hit
him with a seed from your slingshot then touch him to offer you a
replacement shield.

Next blow the sealed door on this ledge up to reveal a chest which has a
map to the dungeon inside. After this, carry a bomb across to the centre
to destroy the Beamos there and leap across on the next rising and
falling platform to the ledge on the right. Use a bomb to kill the
Beamos on this ledge then lob a bomb at the door on the left to discover
a one-eyed stone with a piercing gaze.

If you lob a bomb at this statue it flashes a few times then takes off
and explodes against the roof of the cavern. You don't get anything this
time, but there are several other stones scattered throughout Hyrule,
some of which might reveal something when blasted!

Blow up the door on the right and pass through to find another large
cavern and you are confronted by a Baby Dodongo. Slash it and then get
out of the way because it explodes when it dies. On the right as you
make your way down this room is a rock door. Strike a Baby Dodongo so
that it explodes near this rock door and destroys it, then go inside and
kill the Keese. On the wall in here you find a Gold Skulltula so kill it
with your slingshot and collect the token it releases.

Return to the previous area and go right; fighting past all the baby
dodongos to come to a small ledge on top of which is a switch and two
statues. The switch removes the bars from the door just up the steps but
it resets when you get off of it, so drag one of the statues at the side
across on to the switch to keep the door open.

Through the door you find more Keese. Kill them and go through the next
door to encounter some Lizalfos who are armed with swords. Use your deku
shield to block their strikes and slash at them with your sword. Be
ready to turn around quickly because they jump over you and also hop
away when they're taking damage so you'll need to chase them, being
careful not to fall into the lava. Kill both of the Lizalfos to open a
new door leading from the chamber and exit through it.

In the new chamber follow the stoney path past the blocked doorway on
the right and grab a bomb from the small clearing. Use the bomb to blast
the doorway you just passed and go in to find another business scrub in
the new room. Deal with Business Scrub and he offers you a deku stick.
Leave the room and carry on through the clearing where you picked up the
bomb past a flaming torch to find a Dedongo. These breathe fire, so wait
until they start flaming at you then race around behind them to chop at
their tail. Watch out when they die though, because like their offspring
they explode!

Continue along the cavern killing three Dodongos in total until you come
to a barred door then return to the flaming torch and light a deku
stick. Run back down the cavern towards the barred door lighting the
three torches along the way to open it.

In the next room, walk forward and stand on the switch ahead to open the
barred door which was on your left when you first entered Dodongo
Cavern. Use the rising and falling platforms to get across to the newly
unbarred door and go through it.

Follow the small corridor into a room where there is a very long line of
bomb flowers. Grab a bomb and blow up the door near the bomb flowers to
reveal another door. Go through it to have the door seal closed behind
you and a statue on the far side of the room called Armos attack you.
Keep clear of Armos until he returns to his start point then lob a bomb
at him. He then chases you so avoid him again until he returns to his
start position. Repeat this until he explodes then open the chest Armos
was guarding to get a compass.

Once you have the compass, exit the room and grab a bomb from one of the
flowers then plant it amongst the line of the plants to set off a chain
reaction which brings down some stairs. Climb the stairs to come to a
wooden platform. Follow this round and up toarrive at a vine-covered
wall with a Skullwalltula and a Gold Skulltula on it. Dispose of them
with your slingshot and climb the vines to get the gold token the Gold
Skulltula releases then proceed through the door opposite into a
circular chamber where three Armoses attack along with Keese. Bomb the
Armoses using the bomb plants along the sides of the room and kill the
Keese with your slingshot then pull the fourth, inanimate statue away
from the ladder in the centre and climb up to hit the switch on the top
of the central podium.

This opens a new door so go through it and down a corridor which brings
you out above the central cavern that you started in. Cross over the
suspension bridge after first taking out the Keese that are flying
around the room. Leap the gap in the centre of the bridge and go through
the passage on the far side.

In the new area, spiked balls move up and down narrow passages. Make
your way cautiously across to where a grey block juts out from the wall.
If you pull it away from the wall there is a recovery heart hidden
behind it, so after grabbing the heart push the block back under the
ladder and climb onto it to reach the ladder. Climb to the top then turn
around and look about you to see a platform down below with a chest on
it and a bomb flower. Jump across to this platform and open the chest
for a red rupee.

Grab a bomb from the flower then turn and throw it up at the ledge you
just jumped from to blow away the wall then jump back up and pass down
the corridor the bomb has revealed.

In the cavern ahead your route is blocked by flames so use the slingshot
to hit the eye on the wall ahead and put out the fire. Leap across the
gap and kill some baby dodongos in the corridor ahead then open the door
at the end of the corridor to come to a room with some more lizalfos

Make sure that you equip your deku shield so that you can hold it in
front of you when the lizalfos attack. Kill the two Lizalfos and follow
the long platform to the end for some recovery hearts then head back and
go through the new door which you just opened.

In the new room there are two flaming platforms. Shoot the eye on the
wall ahead to extinguish the first platform of flames then jump onto the
clear platform and turn left to shoot a second eye positioned in an
alcove on the wall. Make sure you do this fairly quickly because the
first platform re-lights after a short time. Once you've made it all the
way across follow the new corridor on the other side to come to a wooden
platform leading into the room with spiky balls. Jump across the gap and
climb onto the ledge to the right to find another chest inside which is
a bomb bag with 20 bombs in it.

Bomb Bag
Assign this to a C-Button to give you a handy supply of explosives!

Walk on through the door which was ahead of you into the original
central area and step on the switch to raise a platform in the centre;
allowing you to return to this level easily if you drop down.

Turn right and go along the ledge until you come to a wooden bridge.
Cross the bridge and blast the wall at the end to find a chest with a
blue rupee. Return across the bridge where planks are missing leaving
the bridge with two large gaps, and drop bombs down through the gaps
into the eyes of the huge skull below to make them glow red. When you
light the second eye, the mouth of the skull opens revealing a door.
Return to where you came into this area and leap across to the platform
in the centre when it rises to your level. When the moving platform
drops to a safe height jump to the central platform and turn right to
get into the giant skull and go through the door which is positioned
where the throat should be.

Kill the flaming Keese and take the tunnel to the right around to an
area with more Keese in it. Drop to the floor in the new room and make
your way to the top of the map to a blocked door. Drop a bomb in front
of the door and enter a small room with a Gold Skulltula on the wall
behind a statue. Kill the Skulltula, collect the token it releases and
leave the room then exit via the tunnel at the top left of the map. At
the end of this tunnel is a block. Push the block into the room below
then pull and push it to the hole in the centre of the floor to activate
a switch and open the barred door.

Go through the door into a brightly lit chamber with a chest at the back
of it. Open the chest for some bombs. Place a bomb on the dark square in
the centre of the room to reveal an opening then drop down to enter the
chamber of the Infernal Dinosaur King Dodongo!

King Dodongo
To kill King Dodongo first lock onto him with the Z button. When he
rolls at you keep close to the lava in the centre, then follow him after
he's passed you. When he stops and turns towards you wait until he opens
his mouth and chuck a bomb in, then while he's stunned hit him with your
sword. Repeat these actions until he rolls into the lava and dies.

When King Dodongo dies the lava in the centre hardens, so run across it
to collect another heart container bringing your energy up to five.
Enter the blue circle to exit the chamber and travel to see Darunia who
declares you a friend of the Gorons and gives you the Spiritual Stone of


Before you leave Darunia he advises you to go and see the Great Fairy on
top of Death Mountain. Head up hill from the Gorons to the sign which
indicates the summit of the mountain and blow the boulders away that are
blocking your progress then jump across the gap and climb the hill until
you come to a lone boulder. Blow this one up to reveal a hole and drop
down it.

At the bottom of the hole you find yourself in a cave. There are loads
of rupees scattered around plus some recovery hearts and a cow! Collect
what you need and exit the small cave via the glowing platform. Once out
of the hole continue on along the cliff until you come to a slope
leading down. As you pass through here rocks drop on top of you, so
avoid them where possible and press R to cover yourself with the hylian
shield if you can't get out of the way in time.

You should come to a climbing wall. Shoot two Skullwalltulas from the
ground then climb up to a small ledge with an eyestone on it and blast
the third Skullwalltula from there. Continue to the top and have a chat
with the owl. He explains that the clouds around the summit reflect the
state of Death Mountain (at the moment they're normal so everything's
okay) and tells you to find the fairy.

Blow up the rock to the left of the owl and enter the Great Fairy's
Fountain, then step onto the Triforce symbol in front of the water and
play Zelda's Lullaby to summon the Great Fairy Of Power. She offers to
teach you a new sword technique: the Spin Attack.

Spin Attack
Hold down B to charge the sword then release B to unleash a wave of
energy as you spin around. Alternatively, rotate the analogue stick and
then tap B to get a quick spin attack. Charging the sword takes power
from your magic meter which is a green bar on the top left of the
screen, so keep an eye on it. You can recharge your magic meter with the
magic bottles.

The fairy advises you to visit a friend of hers near Hyrule castle for
another new power and also tells you to come back and visit her if you
feel weary before she vanishes. Leave the fountain and chat to the owl
again. He offers you a lift back down the mountain, so accept his offer
for a roller-coaster ride back to Kakariko Village. The owl drops you on
top of a house in the village. Walk to the edge of the room and drop
down to the ledge below then turn and go through the hole in the wall to
find a piece of the heart container.

At the village talk to Navi and she advises you to ask Saria about the
last Spiritual Stone. Use the ocarina to contact Saria and she tells you
about the Spiritual Stone of Water. Apparently King Zora the ruler of
Zora's Domain has possession of it, so you need to go there next.

Leave the village and at the bottom of the steps go left following the
river and keeping to the bank where possible. Along the way you meet the
owl again who lets you know how to get into Zora's Domain. Blow the
rocks ahead of you up with a bomb then continue following the river
until you get to a man eating from small bag. Talk to him to buy four
magic beans from him then plant one in the soft soil to his left.

Magic Beans
Assign the beans to a C-Button then find a square of soft soil and press
the appropriate C-Button to plant it.

Grab the chicken that's wandering around nearby and use it to float
across the river to the other bank then go left and jump the river
further up and carry on left up some slopes then go right and right
again and drop down by the river once more. Walk to the end of the
platform and climb to a slightly higher one then walk across the shallow
part of the river and go left and follow the path up more slopes, across
a wooden bridge and onto an area with twisting walkways. Next stand on
the square in front of the sleepless waterfall and play Zelda's lullaby
to reveal the door to Zora's Domain. Jump across to the new tunnel and
go in.

In the new area you can see a lot of water. Follow the path leading to
King Zora's chamber. Talk to him to discover that Princess Ruto has gone
missing. Take the tunnel on the left of the room to get to the waterfall
and talk to the Zora who's standing by the edge. Pay your 20 rupees and
play the diving game.

Diving Game
Run and jump from the waterfall down to the water below. Press and hold
A to dive under the water then use the analogue stick to swim around and
collect the blue rupees. Don't stay under too long though, make sure you
come back to the surface for air when you need it.

Once you've successfully completed the diving game you get the Silver
Scale which allows you more time under the water. You can now play
another diving game for 20 rupees. This time the rupees land in deeper
areas of the water. Apart from that though, the game is the same as

When you tire of diving and feel that you've practiced enough, return to
King Zora's chamber and light a deku stick.

Run down the stairs and light the first torch in the corridor there then
put the stick away. Get another stick out and light it from the new
torch then run down the slope, turn left and go past the shop to light a
torch on the left. Run into the water to light the second torch and
squeeze behind the waterfall ahead to light the final two and make a
chest appear.

Open the chest to find a piece of heart which counts towards another
heart container. Next enter the water and use the empty glass bottle
that you collected in Kakariko Village to catch a fish. Simply assign it
to a C-Button and press that button to scoop a fish from the water. Now
you need to go and find Princess Ruto so swim down to the underwater
entrance in the deepest water of the cavern and warp to Lake Hylia.

A Zora you meet at Lake Hylia tells you to keep an eye out for anything
strange and if you look around close to where you appeared you should
spot a bottle with a message inside it! Dive down to the bottom of the
lake to collect the bottle then assign it to a C-Button and press that
button to read the note.

The note is a message from Princess Ruto to say that she's waiting for
you inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly. She also adds not to tell her father.
A request which you are of course going to ignore!

Swim back down to the underwater entrance to warp back to Zora's domain
(if you have trouble locating the cavern entrance then remember that
it's marked with a red arrow on the map). Make your way back to King
Zora's chamber and stand in front of him. Press the C-Button
corresponding to the letter in a bottle to give King Zora the letter.

After reading the letter the king moves aside to let you pass by him, so
take the tunnel on the right of the room to get up to the ledge where
Zora is sitting. Follow the ledge along then go through the entrance
that the King just laboriously revealed and follow the tunnel to get to
Zora's Fountain.

This is where you discover that the mighty Lord Jabu-Jabu is actually a
huge fish! Walk up to his mouth and assign the bottle with the fish in
it to a C-Button then press that button to offer Jabu-Jabu the fish.
When he opens his mouth both the fish and you are sucked inside!

You find yourself in Jabu-Jabu's mouth. Use the deku shield to repel the
rocks that are fired at you by the two Octoroks to kill them then use
your slingshot to aim at Jabu-Jabu's tonsil which is hanging from the
roof of his mouth. When you hit it the fibrous material blocking the
door at the back of his throat vanishes. All you need to do then is
simply walk up to the door and press A to open it.

Pass through the door and on the other side avoid the blue and white
coloured Biri (the jellyfish-like entity) because it electrocutes you if
you touch it. Go straight through the next door into a chamber where
Princess Ruto is waiting. Talk to her then follow her through the
pulsing hole that she drops through in the floor of the room.

In the new room, talk to Ruto again until she gives you permission to
carry her and sits down on the floor. Pick her up by pressing A and exit
the room with her through the door on the ledge you're standing on. In
the next room jump down into the water and throw Ruto up onto the ledge
on the opposite side then stand on the switch in the middle of the water
to raise the water level, allowing you to pull yourself up onto the
ledge and join her. Pick Ruto up once more and carry her down the
corridor. At the end of the corridor shoot another tonsil hanging from
the ceiling to open the next door and take the Princess through then put
her down and use your shield to defend against the Octorok that attacks.

When the lift comes down, grab the Princess, jump on and ride it to the
top before jumping off and heading through the door on the right to get
to the room where you first met her. Avoid the holes in the floor this
time and carry on through the door at the other end. In the next room
turn right avoiding the Tailsparan that rise from the floor and make
your way to a switch set into the floor in front of a door.

Stand on the switch whilst holding Ruto to activate it and pass into the
next room. In the new room put Ruto down and kill the stingers one by
one. The best way to do this is to not use the Z targeting, instead have
your finger poised on the R button and walk toward one where it is
swimming round below the surface. Slash it to make it fly up into the
air then walk slowly towards it and when it flips over to dive at you
hold R, pull back on the stick to raise the shield and slash at it with
your sword. Occasionally you may miss with the sword but your shield
will protect you. Each stinger takes about two hits, so this does take a
while, but don't attack more than one at once or you lose track of where
they are and they sting you.

When you kill the final stinger a chest appears and in the chest you
find a new weapon, the boomerang. Equip the boomerang to one of the

Pick up Ruto again, leave the room and head back to the junction and
this time go left to another switch. Put Ruto on the switch and continue
into the room ahead alone. In the new room a parasitic tentacle hangs
from the ceiling. It has a weak point in the middle, so lock onto it
with Z and move cautiously into the room until it strikes at you. When
the tentacle moves down from the ceiling to strike you, tap C to throw
the boomerang and jump back out of range. Once you've destroyed the
tentacle a chest appears and you get the dungeon map.

Exit the door and collect Ruto then go left through a passage which was
previously blocked by a red slimy thing. Enter a room in which there are
loads of bubbles. Use the boomerang and the target lock to burst all the
bubbles in the room within the time limit then open the chest to find
the compass.

Leave the room and head back across the junction to where you found the
boomerang; picking up Ruto on the way, but this time turn left before
you get to the boomerang room and enter an area with a blue tentacle
hanging from the ceiling. Use the boomerang to destroy the tentacle as
before and then grab Ruto and head back to junction again but this time
don't go across it, go right to another room with another tentacle in
it, this time a green one.

Kill the tentacle as you did the two previous ones but watch out for the
Biri that will electrocute you if you get too close. Once the tentacle
has gone, kill all the Biri with your boomerang to unlock the door. Pick
up Ruto and go back to the junction and this time head back to the room
with the holes in the floor and clear out all the biri and the bari from
the room using the boomerang.

Drop down the hole on the right of the room which previously had a
pulsating green thingy blocking it and kill the two Gold Skulltulas on
the wall in the area below. Collect the gold tokens with your boomerang
then go down the tunnel from the platform you're on to the room with the
Spiritual Stone inside. After a short cut scene in which Ruto orders you
to go home, Bigocto appears!

Bigocoto Boss
The central platform in the room starts to rotate and it's got spikes
sticking out of it, so steer clear! When Bigocto comes at you, don't
lock on using Z, instead run in the opposite direction. Gradually you
should pull away and eventually you come up behind him. Lock on but keep
running and throw the boomerang until it hits him up the a... er, hind
quarters! This stuns him temporarily so run in and slash him with your
sword. When he gets up he comes after you, so run the other way and
repeat the process to get behind him once more. Occasionally he changes
direction, so watch out! Continue with your attacks until Bigocto calls
it a day.

When Bigocto fades away, jump onto the platform in the centre and ride
the elevator to the top. Follow the passage straight ahead, killing two
Beri on the way. Go through the door at the end and run down the ramp to
the right then use your shield to bounce a nut back at the scrub you
find there.

Climb back up the ramp and throw your boomerang at the moving red
platforms to turn them blue and temporarily stop them moving. Use the
platforms to get across to a tunnel on the left and open the door at the

In the new room jump across to the ledge nearby and it lowers you to the
level below. Walk round and pick up a crate then carry it back and put
it on the switch in front of the next door.

Go through the door and clear the room of all the Beri with the
boomerang, then kill the Gold Skulltula that's hanging on the vines on
the left and climb up to the top. On the platform at the top of the
vines lock onto the white switch hanging from the ceiling ahead, walk
forward part-way to the translucent barrier in front of you and throw
the boomerang to hit the switch. You might need to shuffle backwards and
forwards a bit to get the distance correct before you successfully hit

Drop down and exit through the door that you just opened (on a ramp
across from where you came into the room) and take on the Bio-Electric
Anemone, Barinade.

Barinade Boss
First off use the boomerang to sever Barinade's tentacles from the roof.
When you've done this keep moving to avoid its energy blasts and target
the round base of the anemone. If the blue energy globes surrounding
Barinade start to spin, hit its body to stop them moving, then target
the globes themselves and use the boomerang to shatter them.

When you've taken out all of the globes, lock onto the base of Barinade
again and hit it with the boomerang before running in and slashing it
with your sword while it's flashing blue. Make sure you get clear when
Barinade fires its energy beams and then lock on again when its base
rises from the ground and repeat the process. If your energy gets low,
break some of the pots around the edge of the room for recovery hearts.

When you've defeated Barinade you get another heart container and a blue
warp inside which you can see Princess Ruto. Enter the warp to have a
chat with Ruto and then ask her for the Spiritual Stone of Water,
otherwise known as Zora's Saphire. The bad news for Link is that Ruto
was told by her mother to give it to the man who would become her
husband. Poor old Link, hitched already! You now have the three
Spiritual Stones!


Make your way back to Hyrule Castle and approach the drawbridge. After
seeing Princess Zelda gallop away, chat to Ganondorf. When he leaves,
jump into the moat to the right of the drawbridge and dive down to
retrieve the ocarina of time that Zelda threw into the moat as she left.
When you get the ocarina you receive a message from Zelda and she
teaches you the song to open the Door Of Time!

Song Of Time
As before, watch the song being played, then copy it to record the notes
on your quest status screen. You need to play this melody in front of
the altar at the Temple of Time. The button sequence for the song of
time is: C-RIGHT, A, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, A, C-DOWN.

Now set off for the Lon Lon Ranch. Enter the first door on the left to
find Talon asleep. Chat to him and he wakes up and asks you if you'd
like to play a game. He throws three 'super chickens' in amongst the
others and you need to hunt for them and find all three before the time
runs out. It costs ten rupees to have your first go, and then five
rupees thereafter.

Hunt The Chicken!
The best way to win this game is to simply pick up every chicken as fast
as possible! When you successfully find a super chicken, Talon commends
you and you just need to go on and find the others. Unfortunately the
super ones don't look any different to the normal ones!

When you've successfully completed the chicken game you receive a bottle
of Lon Lon Milk. You can drink from this to recover five hearts of
energy and you can drink twice from the bottle. After this you can come
back to the ranch to buy a refill. Set the milk bottle to a C-Button
when you want to use it.

Leave the room through the door you came in by and head left towards the
paddock where horses are wandering around. In the central enclosure
you'll find Malon with a cute baby horse. Talk to her and she introduces
you to Epona the horse who is scared of you. To soothe the horse's
fears, Malon teaches you Epona's song.

Epona's Song
To play this song, activate your ocarina and play C-UP, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT,
C-UP, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT. When you play this you make friends with Epona
the horse!

Once you've finished with Malon and Epona, go to the cow shed which is a
stone building on the far side of the field and move the crates around
to reveal a small hole in the back-left corner which leads to a small
room in which you find a piece of heart container.

Leave the ranch and go back to Kakariko Village. Find the small square
of soil which is in the corner on the left as you enter and plant a
magic bean. Then go up the trail to the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern and
plant another bean there.

Next, return to Hyrule Castle and find the Temple Of Time (it's off the
street in the back-right corner of the market). From here, head up the
trail until you come to a blocked alcove on the left. Blow it up with a
bomb to reveal a chest inside which is a purple rupee worth 50. Go into
Goron city and left along the platform. Blow up one of the rocks
blocking your way and go past the remaining rocks and left down a
tunnel. At the bottom, blast your way through a small maze of rocks by
destroying the brown ones to get to a small area with two chests
containing two purple rupees, a rock with recovery hearts in it and a
crate inside which is a Gold Skulltula. If you need any more bombs, go
to the bottom area of the city where the urn sits and blow away the rock
door to access the shop.

Return down the trail, stopping by the blocked rock door on the right to
blow it up with a bomb and reveal another Skulltula. Make your way back
to Hyrule Castle. From the market, take the steps at the back on the
right to get to the Temple Of Time. Enter the temple, stand on the red
carpet in front of the altar and play the Song Of Time on your ocarina.

Once the Door of Time in front of you has opened, enter the Tomb of Time
to find the Master Sword. Walk up to the sword and press A to pull it
from the stone in the style of King Arthur. Ganondorf appears and thanks
you for leading him to the entrance of the Sacred Realm. The first major
part of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is now completed!


Rauru one of the ancient Sages appears and explains that you are in the
Chamber of Sages within the Temple of Light. You then find that Link has
done a Tom Hanks and gone all Big, skilfully avoiding pubity! It turns
out that Link has been sealed in the Chamber of Sages for seven years
until he is old enough to hold the Master Sword properly.

In the time that has passed, Ganondorf has managed to get hold of the
Triforce and become the King Of Evil; transforming Hyrule into a world
of Monsters! Link must find the power of the other Sages to defeat the
evil of Ganondorf.

Link then receives the Light Medallion which adds Rauru the Sage's power
to his own and is transported back to the Temple of Time where Navi
tells him that he won't be able to use all his weapons anymore because
he's too big.

A mysterious figure emerges from the shadows and tells him legend of the
'Voice from the Sacred Temple' who will call those that dwell in the
five temples to become sages:
One in a deep forest One on a high mountain One under a vast lake
One within the house of the dead One inside the Goddess of the Sand
These, the figure continues, will join with the Hero Of Time (that's
Link by the way) and return the light of peace to the world. This is the
'legend of the temples' which has been passed down by the Sheikah. The
figure identifies herself as Sheik, last of the Sheikah. She tells Link
to find the five temples and awaken the five Sages.

The first is waiting in the Forest Temple... and it's someone you
already know. Because of the evil power in the temple though she can't
hear the call from the Sacred Realm. However, Link can't enter the
forest temple yet, he has to head first to Kakariko Village.

Leave the Temple of Time. You are no longer able to use the deku sticks,
the slingshot, the boomerang, the magic beans, Zelda's letter, the deku
shield, the Kokiri Sword, the bullet bag or Goron's bracelet.

Make your way through the ruined market avoiding the Redead by not
crossing their line of sight and then slashing them from behind. Exit
the castle and cross the drawbridge, then go in the door on the left
where you went as a child to get loads of money. This door now leads to
the ghost shop. The shopkeeper tells you that if capture a Poe and bring
it back to him he'll pay you a lot of money. Leave the shop and the
castle, go left and head back over the bridge and up the steps to
Kakariko Village.

Enter the village and go into the first house on the left where you find
Talon asleep in the corner. Try and wake him, but he's too deeply
asleep, so leave the house and go to the pen where you dropped all the
chickens first time around and talk to the woman who gives you a pocket

Next go to the building in the centre of the village which was being
built the last time you were here and pay 20 rupees to play the adult
shooting gallery. Press and hold B to draw the string back and release B
to fire. Shoot all ten crystals with the bow to win a purple rupee.

Go to the graveyard, enter the gravekeeper's hut and read his diary.
Exit the hut and go to the left corner of the graveyard and stand on the
plant that has grown there to get up to the platform above. Smash the
crate you find on the platform to get a piece of the heart container.
Next, wander round the graveyard and hit the Poe ghost with your sword
to defeat it then capture its spirit in one of your empty bottles.

Near to the plant that you used to get the piece of the heart is a
gravestone with three small flowers in front of it. Pull the stone back
and drop into the hole beneath to find the spirit of the late Dampe the
gravedigger. Approach him, talk to him and he challenges you to a race.
Accept the challenge and follow him through the tunnels, avoiding the
fireballs that he throws in front of you.

If you successfully keep up with Dampe he rewards you with a chest
inside of which is the hookshot.

Use this to drag distant items towards you or fire it at something and
pull yourself towards it. Assign it to a C-Button then hold C and aim
with the analogue stick and release C to fire it. It can also be used as
quite an effective weapon.

Exit the room by walking down the steps and you are confronted by two
huge blocks. Play the song of time to make them disappear then go out
the entrance they reveal up a small ledge and up some stairs to come out
in the Kakariko Village windmill. Jump onto the rotating platform in the
middle and leap off it onto a platform on one side to get a piece of the
heart container.

Next talk to the man with the music box down below and after he's
spoken, press C to get your ocarina out. He teaches you the Song of
Storms and it starts to rain inside the windmill.

Song Of Storms
As usual, watch the song get played then play along with it. The button
combination for this song is A, C-DOWN, C-UP, A, C-DOWN, C-UP.

To stop the rain, play the Sun Song and you are transported back to
Dampe's grave where your pocket egg hatches. Dampe challenges you to
another race, so accept and race him again to win some rupees.

Next thing return to the village and enter the house to find Talon and
wake him up with the pocket chicken. He tells you that Ingo took over
his ranch and it's now called Ingo Ranch. Malon still works there
though. Leave the house and go back to the chicken woman and give her
the pocket chicken. She gives you Cojiro the blue chicken who used to
belong to her brother. Cojiro rarely crows (apparently).

Leave the village and make your way back to Kokiri Forest where evil
creatures now lurk. Chat to the elves to find out that Mido and Saria
have both disappeared then go through the entrance at the top of the
lower section of the map to get to the Lost Woods.

Go right in the lost woods, then left, then right and you are confronted
by Mido who won't let you pass. Walk right up to him and play Saria's
song to make him let you pass. Pass through the door he was guarding
then go straight on, left, and right to come to the Sacred Meadow.

Go forward and enter the maze ahead cautiously because some huge
spear-carrying monsters guard the passages. To take care of them, wait
until they turn their back on you then hit them in the centre of the
back with the hookshot. Don't let them charge you down! Use the
on-screen map to navigate through the maze.

When you get to the steps to the Forest Temple, climb the ladder
opposite and drop into the hole beyond to find the Fairy's Temple and
replenish your health.

Go up the steps to find an even bigger monster confronting you. He hits
the ground with a club to send rocks flying at you, so dodge the rocks,
run past him and hit him from behind with the hookshot to kill him.

Once past this monster, go up some more stairs to meet Sheik again, who
teaches you the Minuet of Forest and tells you to play it if you want to
return to this area.

Minuet of Forest
To play the Minuet, press A, C-UP, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT.

Look around the area and you should see a broken set of stairs leading
up to a doorway. Aim the hookshot at the tree-branch above the platform
and fire to pull yourself up to it. Go through the doorway to enter the
Forest Temple.

Inside, head towards the next door and kill the two Wolfos that appear,
then climb the vines on the right almost to the top and drop off onto a
tree stump. Shoot the Gold Skulltula that you find to the right then
walk along the branch and leap across to the tree opposite to find a
small key inside a chest. Drop down to the ground, open the door and go

Kill the Big Skulltula in the new room with the hookshot then go through
the next door into a room where four ghosts appear and extinguish four
torches in the centre making a box in the middle of the room sink into
the floor. Go down the steps and take the passage on the left, then play
the Song of Time on the ocarina to move the block aside and reveal a

In the next room, kill the plant that snaps at you and use your shield
to bounce rocks back at the Octorok in the water. Go to the right side
of the room where vines are climbing the wall and use the hookshot to
kill two Skullwalltulas, then climb the vines and avoid a third and get
to a ledge. Pass through the next door and use your shield to deflect
the blue bubble that flies at you and put its flames out then slash it
with your sword to destroy it. A chest appears, inside of which you find
a dungeon map!

Go out through the opposite door to the one you came in and you'll find
yourself on a balcony. Slash the flower ahead of you and climb onto the
balustrade. Use your hookshot to shoot the Skullwalltula on the vines,
then shoot it at the target above the balcony to your left to pull
yourself across to it. Stand on the switch on the new balcony to lower
the water level in a well down below.

Leap onto the vines to the left of the balcony and climb down to the
ground. Kill any monsters that confront you and go forwards to the path,
then use your hookshot on the chest on the other bank to pull yourself
across. Inside the chest is a recovery heart, and a Gold Skulltula is on
the wall. Kill the Skulltula, grab the token and make your way using the
ladder down the well you recently drained.

Follow the path along; grabbing two recovery hearts on the way to find a
chest and some vines at the end. Inside the chest is another small key.
Grab the key and climb the vines on the wall to come out of another well
which is in the room just past where the ghosts extinguished the lights.

Make your way right to the first door and go through it back into the
room with the four extinguished torches. Walk forward to the centre of
the room and go left. Climb onto a ledge and go up some stairs to an
unlocked door. Open the door and go through to find another blue bubble.
As before, use your shield to extinguish its flames, then slash it with
the sword and head through the next door to encounter two Stalfos. These
skeletal beings have swords and shields, so keep your shield up, let
them get in close, then slash at them when they drop their guard. Kill
both of them to make a chest appear and open the chest to find another
small key.

There is only one door in this room so go out the door you came in and
return to the room with the four torches. Go down the steps and head
right, then jump up onto the next ledge. Climb the stairs and use the
small key to unlock the door ahead. Kill the Big Skulltula in the next
room and go through the door at the end to find another blue bubble.
Kill it off then go straight ahead and climb the ladder you find there.
Turn right at the top and climb another ladder, turn left and go through
an archway with gold triangles marked on the floor.

Pull the grey block on the left out of its alcove and push it in the
direction indicated by the arrows. When it stops at a wall, run round
through the archways to get behind it and push it down a small drop.
Climb the ladder which was behind the grey block and walk round until
you find the red block. Push the red block forwards until it stops then
go back down the ladder, climb on top of the grey block and up onto the
next platform, go find the red block and push it forwards into the next
drop. Climb on to it to reach the next ledge, go right and right again
to come to another ladder then climb it to the top where two blue
bubbles attack. Kill the blue bubbles and open the next locked door with
a key to get into a twisted passage - a quite remarkable optical effect.

Follow the passage to the end into a room with platforms in it and a
chest stuck to one wall. Navi warns you to watch for the shadows of
monsters on the ceiling. Pass through the next locked door and you come
to a staircase leading down. Go down two sets of stairs to the bottom
and pass through the door where a Stalfos attacks you. Kill him and the
central platform drops down and two more Stalfos attack.

Kill the two new Stalfos; breaking pots for hearts if you need them, and
when you're done, a chest appears and the door unbars. Open the chest to
get the bow!

Assign the bow to a C-Button then press that button to take it out. Hold
C and move the analogue stick to aim it and release C to fire an arrow.

Go out through the door you came in by and make your way back up the
stairs and through the twisted passage into the room where the two blue
bubbles were. Activate the bow and fire an arrow at the silver eye above
the door to the twisted passage. Enter the door and the twisted passage
has now straightened out, so walk down it to the room at the end which
has now changed around; allowing you to get at the chest which was
previously stuck to a wall. Climb down the ladder, avoid the hole in the
floor and open the chest to find the Boss Key.

Drop down the hole in the centre of the room and kill two blue bubbles
to open the door. Go up the stairs and out of the door to come to a
small ledge above one of the garden areas. Kill the plant to the right
and leap onto the narrow ledge ahead for some recovery hearts and to
shoot a gold Skulltula on the wall. Grab the Skulltula token with the
hookshot, then go back onto the main ledge and head left to come to two
doors. Open the door on the right to be confronted by a huge claw which
attacks you! When you've hit it enough times it splits into three
smaller claws which you need to finish off quickly or else they grow
big. Once you've vanquished the claws, a chest appears and you get
another small key from it. Exit the way you came in and take the door on
the right.

In the next room, drop down, turn left and go through the next door.
Kill the Big Skulltula and go through the following door into the room
with the four torches. Head straight across the room and use the bow to
shoot an arrow into the gold eye above the barred door, un-barring it.

Next make your way back to the room where you fired at the eye above the
door to transform the twisted passage. Shoot another arrow at the eye to
warp the passage once more and go through it then through the room with
the chest on the wall and in the room beyond, advance cautiously until
you see the ghost in the first picture. Shoot this picture while the
ghost is in it to burn it, then go down the stairs and shoot the next
one. Finally, shoot the third one which is just above you as you go down
the second flight and Joelle the Poe sister appears. Chase her to the
bottom of the stairs and hack her with your sword until she dies;
lighting the torch by the door and making a chest appear which has
another small key in it.

Pass through the room where you found the bow and repeat what you just
did with the three pictures on the other side.

When you've got the compass from vanquishing Beth the Poe's sister, go
up the two flights of stairs to the next locked door. Open the locked
door with a key and go through into another area with ladders at all
angles and monsters on the ceiling! Watch your own shadow and you'll see
a large round shadow grow on top of it, showing the monster about to
drop. Keep moving and when the monster does drop, turn round and slash
at it.

Drop down to the floor, climb the ladder on the right and follow the
passage along to find two green bubbles. Deal with these the same way
you handled the blue ones to find another locked door at the end. Unlock
the door and pass through to find a room with four rotating platforms
which have spikes between them and a torch in the middle.

Leap onto one of the moving platforms and face inwards. Activate your
bow and draw an arrow back, then fire it through the torch in the centre
to set it on fire and melt the ice which is encasing the next eye. Go
out the door you came through and kill the two green bubbles in the
now-twisted passage, then pass through into the room beyond.

Drop down to the floor below and drop down the hole in the floor to a
room where part of the ceiling drops down at regular intervals. Note
where the holes in the dropping bit are positioned and walk up the room,
stopping on the squares which have holes above them so that when the
roof comes down Link doesn't get squashed. Take out the Skulltulas with
your bow or your hookshot and hit the switch which is on the right as
you go up the room to un-bar the door at the end. Open the chest a bit
farther on for some spare arrows.

Through the door at the end, shoot the picture on the wall to make the
blocks on the ceiling drop down, then push them around to recreate the
picture within the time limit. Four of the blocks have parts of the
picture on them and one is just in the way. When you get the picture
right, Amy the fourth Poe sister appears and you need to beat her to
light the next torch and open the next door.

In the next corridor, slash the Big Skulltula and proceed to the next
room which is actually a balcony above the room with the four torches,
three of which are now lit. Drop down to the room below and approach the
centre where Meg the fourth Poe sister appears. She projects three
images of herself; making it difficult to work out which one is the real
her! Switch to your hookshot and fire at each of the images in turn. The
one which is her flashes red when hit.

When Meg is finished the last torch lights and a box rises from the
centre of the room. Go into it to travel down to the lower basement
level. You find yourself in an octagonal room with two doors and two
blocks on each side. Walk to the side of one of the blocks and push it
so that the room turns around anticlockwise; revealing a door with a
switch inside. Stand on the switch to remove one set of bars and push
the room round again to reveal a second switch. Stand on this one to
remove another set of bars then push the room round again. Attack the
Big Skulltula and then look around the room to find and beat a Gold

Open the chest to find a bundle of arrows, then go back and push the
room around again to reveal yet another switch. Step on the last switch
to remove the last set of bars and go through the now-accessible doorway
to find the boss door. Unlock the boss door and enter. Turn right, go up
some stairs and you'll come to a room with six paintings - all the same
- and a triforce symbol in the centre of the floor. Step onto the symbol
in the middle of the floor and then walk back towards the stairs to meet
the Evil Spirit From Beyond, Phantom Gannon.

Phantom Gannon
This boss leaps into the paintings around the walls then comes towards
you through two different paintings. In one of the paintings he turns
and rides away whilst at the same time he leaps from the other. You need
to take aim with your bow and hit the phantom that leaps from the
painting before it can fire electricity bolts at you. This sends it back
into the painting. If the phantom manages to fire then keep to the edge
of the room to try and avoid the charge.

When you've hit the phantom enough times he comes out of the paintings
and flies around the room shooting fireballs at you. Use your sword to
hit the fireballs back at him like a deadly tennis game of tennis, then
rush forward and slash at him with your sword when he drops to the
floor. The most effective method of killing the phantom is to hold down
the Z button and rapidly press the B button. This repels almost all of
his shots.

Once you've vanquished the phantom, you get an extra heart container and
a blue light. Enter the blue light to return to the Chamber of the Sages
and meet Saria, who is the Forest Sage. She gives you the Forest
Medallion which adds her power to yours. She says she will always be
your friend... (aaah!)


After leaving Saria you appear by the Deku Tree and meet the Deku
Sprout who can grow now that you've broken the curse on the Forest
Temple. Sprout explains that the Kokiri never grow up and that Link is
actually a Hylian. Apparently some time ago a Hylian mother and her baby
entered the forest to escape a war. The mother died, but the Deku Tree
recognised the baby's destiny and set him to be raised as a Kokiri. His
name was... Link.

When you've finished talking to the baby tree (altogether: aaaaaah) leave
him and go through Kokiri Forest and out onto Hyrule Field. Make your
way to what used to be the Lon Lon Ranch and is now called Ingo Ranch.
On the way Navi mentions something strange about Death Mountain which
is where you need to go next, but first go to the ranch.

If it's dark, play the Sun Song to make it daytime then enter the stable and
talk to Malon. She tells you that Ingo is trying to gain Ganondorf's favour.
Leave the stable and go to the enclosure in the centre of the ranch to find
Ingo. Talk to him and pay ten rupees to learn to ride a horse.

Riding A Horse
Approach the horse quietly and stand by the side of it. Press A to mount it
then use the analogue stick to make it run. Once it starts running press A to
tap it with the whip and make it run even faster. To jump a fence, simply go
as fast as possible and run at it. You need to be running at it hea d on - not
at an angle - or the horse won't jump. When the horse stops, press A to
dismount. When you get on a horse a line of six carrots shows how many
times you can use the whip. When the carrots run out you need to wait for
them to regenerate before you can use the whip again.

Enter the paddock and climb on the nearest horse. Practice riding and
jumping over the fences. You won't be able to jump the larger fence though.
When you've finished, pay another ten rupees and this time play Epona's
Song to make him come to you, then ride him and you should find that you
can now jump the bigger fence.

When you've finished practising, ride over and press A to talk to Ingo. He
challenges you to a race around the paddock. Accept his challenge and
race him; taking the inside line to get past, then blocking him when he tries
to overtake. He gets annoyed when you beat him and challenges you to a
second race for ownership of Epona. When you win this time he gets mad
and refuses to let you out of the ranch, so simply ride Epona at the gates of
the ranch and leap over them. Freedom!

Ride Epona to the bottom of the steps leading to Kakariko Village and
dismount. Enter the village and go to House of Skulltula. Talk to the spider
in the centre and he tells you to talk to the children around the room to get
rewards. He also tells you to hunt for the Gold Skulltulas at night and to
keep in mind that they love soft soil. Go to the right of the room where one
of the children has been turned back to normal. He gives you an adult wallet
which lets you carry up to 200 rupees as a reward for helping him.

Go to the graveyard next and pull the stone. Underneath is the Hylian
shield. Walk to the back of the room and use a bomb on the wall at the end
to open another corridor. Follow the corridor down and to the right to find
a Fairy Fountain which recharges your health whenever you return to it.

Walk back up to the graveyard and go to the rear of it, then pull the second
tombstone to the right of the path leading to the royal family's tomb. Drop
down the hole, defeat the Redead by attacking him from behind and then
stand in front of the wall ahead and play the Sun Song to reveal a chest
containing another piece of a heart container.

Next, make your way up the trail towards Death Mountain; avoiding the
huge boulders on the way. Collect the piece of heart container from outside
of Dodongo's Cavern by riding the plant that has grown and jumping off to
the ledge where the piece is. Carry on up the mountain to Goron City and
go inside to find the place deserted aside from one small goron who's rolling
around one level down from where you come in. Drop a bomb so that the
explosion hits the goron and stops him rolling. It turns out that his name is
Link. Chat to Link the Goron to find out that he's Darunia's son and has
been named after Link himself.

The goron tells Link that Darunia went to the Fire Temple where a dragon
called Volvagia lives and he is quite justifiably worried that his dad might get
eaten. Talk to him about the dragon to find out that it was apparently killed
a long time ago by a goron with a huge hammer.

Talk to him about the Gorons to find out that Ganondorf revived the
dragon, then the goron gives Link a heat-resistant tunic. The door to the
shop at the bottom also opens.

Talk to the goron again to find out where the secret passage to the Fire
Temple is, then blow away the rock door marked by the two bomb plants
on this level. Explode three more doors to come to a huge goron who offers
to sell you a special weapon which he calls a small knife. If you don't have
enough cash then go up Death Mountain a short way and drop into the hole
which used to have a boulder on top of it to find the small cave with loads
of rupees in it. You can also refill your Lon Lon Milk bottle here by playing
Epona's Song to the cow, and any other bottles you are carrying! When
you've got 200 rupees buy the giant's knife which is actually a huge sword!

Giant's Knife
You need to use two hands to hold and swing this weapon so you can't use
a shield at the same time. It is big though! One word of warning - don't use
it on rocks!

Leave the giant goron and go back into the middle of the city. Kill the Gold
Skulltula which is on the central platform near the top and then go to the
bottom of the city and enter Darunia's chamber. Pull the statue on the wall
aside and then pass through the concealed passage it reveals to get into
Death Mountain. When you get inside, immediately equip your
heat-resistant tunic to stop Link from bursting into flames.

Go to the broken bridge which is on the left as you enter and fire your
hookshot at the log ahead to travel across to the other side. Meet Sheik of
the Sheika to learn the Bolero of Fire.

Bolero Of Fire
Play this tune to warp to the Death Mountain crater. The button
combination is C-DOWN, A, C-DOWN, A, C-RIGHT, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-DOWN.

When Sheik disappears, go down onto the rock platform ahead and turn
left, then go through the door ahead to come to a hole. Take the ladder
down the hole and walk through the tunnel ahead to enter the Fire Temple.

Kill the two Flaming Keese before they burn you. Take the stairs ahead of
you up to the top and enter the door on the left to find Darunia. He tells you
that Ganondorf is going to feed his people to the dragon and says he is
going to go on ahead and attempt to seal the dragon away. However he
adds that he doesn't have the legendary hammer. He then asks you to save
his people and tells you that the cells are in the opposite direction.

When Durania leaves, turn left and jump across the platforms to the left
corner. Step on the switch to open the first cage and free the goron. He tells
you that you need to find a path that leads to the room above the ceiling in
order to do something about the pillar in the centre of the room. Open the
chest which was in the cage with the goron to get a small key.

Jump back to the platform you came in on. If you need more health or
bombs, jump to the right and pull yourself across to the other side of the
room using the hookshot, then break the jars to get some bombs and health

Leave the chamber the same way you came in and go across to the locked
door. Unlock the door and go through into another area with lava
everywhere. Go straight ahead across the bridge after killing the flaming
keese. Part-way along the bridge, jump off to the left onto a narrow ridge,
then run to the end and use the two square platforms to get to another
platform leading to a door.

Head through the door and follow the corridor to a switch and another
cage. Use the switch to free the goron and he tells you that if you hit walls
with your sword then any that can be destroyed with a bomb will sound
different. Open the chest for another small key. Go back out of the tunnel
into the room with the lava then stand below the ledge with the grey block
on it and play the Song of Time. The block appears in front of you,
blocking the passage you just came from and allowing you to climb up to
the ledge above and enter the door.

In the new room, avoid the flying tiles and face an amorphous Like Like
which eats shields and clothes. If it sucks your shield and tunic off you then
beat it to death quickly with your sword to get them both back. Your big
sword is the best weapon to use on this monster. Kill the Gold Skulltula at
the end of the room and collect the token, then exit the room.

Back in the lava room make your way back across the platforms and
ledges to the central bridge. Continue across the room to the door on the
other side which is blocked by a brick wall. Blow up the wall with a bomb
and go through the door to find another switch allowing you to free another
goron. He tells you that there are switches within the temple which you must
cut with your sword to activate, although a bomb will also do the job.

Open the chest to get another small key then return to the previous room.
This time make your way to the locked door which is at the other end of the
bridge to where you originally came in.

Pass through the door into a room with a cage in front of you, behind which
a column of lava shoots out of a hole in the floor at regular intervals. Slide
down the plank ahead taking you into the cage. Turn left and climb up the
mesh to the platform at the top for some health, then climb the mesh on the
other side and jump across to a platform with a block on the end. Push the
block off the edge onto the hole with the lava down below then drop onto it
and ride it up to a room high above and get off to face a locked door. Open
the door and go through into a new room with a caged goron in front of you
and several torch slugs on the floor. To vanquish the slugs, slash them once
to put out their flames, then slash them again.

Climb up onto the ledge on the left, then turn right and climb onto the next
ledge. Walk to the wall and turn and jump across to a platform with a block
and a strange diamond on it. Push the block off the ledge and jump over
and pull it forwards over the design on the floor. Climb onto the block and
jump to the platform on the right (the one without the diamond on it). Climb
onto the mesh and traverse left, then pull yourself up onto the platform
above the diamond. Look down and use the hookshot to shoot the
diamond and extinguish the flames.

Turn and climb up onto the platform behind you and climb the mesh before
the flames return. At the top, go through the door ahead into a room which
is a mess of corridors with boulders rolling along them. From the door, go
right; avoiding the boulder, and follow the left wall then go left to get to a
switch and a cage. Step on the switch to release a goron who tells you that
some doors may fall on you and you can use bombs to break them. Grab
the key from the chest and go left, then right and follow the left wall - still
avoiding boulders - past a locked door until you come to an unlocked door.
If you carry on following the wall round to the left and strike the wall as you
go you can hear a Skulltula which is behind a piece of wall that you can
blow up to get through.

Go through the unlocked door and step on the next switch to free another
goron who tells you that if you're on fire you can put yourself out by
swinging your sword or by rolling forwards. Take the small key from the
chest and return to main room, then go back to the locked door that you
just passed. Go through it into a room with a locked door and a barred
door in it. Jump to the ledge to your left for some recovery hearts then walk
along the narrow ledge to the centre of the room and shoot the eye above
the barred door to open it. Pass through this door to find a large chest
containing the dungeon map. Take the map and leave the room and go
through the locked door on the right.

In the new room, follow the narrow ledge to the end and jump across onto
the mesh. Make your way quickly across the mesh avoiding the red bubbles
and climbing the posts in the middle to get a recovery heart and avoiding the
wave of flame which sweeps across the room behind you. Make your way
to the steps on the far side of the room and climb them to get to a door at
the top.

Go through the door to find yourself on a platform above the room with all
the boulders rolling around in it. Jump across to the platform ahead and kill
the torch slug then place a bomb on the gap in the top of the platform ahead
to blow a hole in it. Walk to the hole and climb down the mesh wall to the
bottom then follow the corridor at the bottom to a switch which releases
another goron. He tells you that when you meet the dancing creatures, don't
use arrows as they don't work, use bombs instead.

Grab the small key and go back up the mesh to the top where you used the
bomb then turn left and jump onto the narrow wall. Turn left again to jump
onto the large block with a torch slug on it. Turn left again and jump across
to a platform with a switch on it and stand on the switch to open a cage in
the far corner. Get back onto the narrow wall, make your way to the end of
the room and jump into the open cage.

The goron tells you that if you see a place on the map but can't reach it then
try playing your ocarina. Pick up the small key from the chest and make
your way back to the door you used to enter this room. Go back through
the door, down the stairs and jump across the mesh platforms to reach the
locked door up on the platform in the middle of the room on the right wall.

Creep through the door into a torch-lit corridor and pass down this corridor
to another door leading into a large room with flame-throwing blocks in it
and a square structure in the middle. Navi tells Link that he is above the
room where they met Darunia. To the right there are boulders rolling
backwards and forwards and blocks rotating around with flames coming
out of them. There are posts set into the ground at regular intervals and as
you approach some of them flames rise from the floor turning the posts into
a kind of invisible yet deadly maze. Follow the wall on the right until you
almost reach a door, then turn left and go round a post to avoid the firewall
which springs up in front of you.

Go through the door to find a chest containing a compass. Head back out
the door that you came through. Make your way straight ahead down the
row of posts and aim for the door on the left. Be warned! This is a falling
door, so plant a bomb by it to destroy it. Make your way round to the left
and blow up the next door which is also a falling one. Head for the bottom
corner of the map, moving through the maze cautiously to avoid the fire.

Break the pots by the walls for some health and keep close to the walls to
avoid the flames. Make your way to the locked door which is on the
bottom of the inner circle of the map. Walk past the caged goron to the
door at the other end and once through, head to the wall ahead and round
to the left to find a switch. Hit the switch to drop the wall of flames then
quickly make your way past before the flames reappear.

Chop the pots up for some health and bombs then blow away the fake
door to reveal a real door behind it. Through the door you come face to
face with a flame dancer.

Flame Dancer
Avoid the flames of this creature and throw a bomb at it remove its fiery
clothing, then run the opposite way to it around the room and hit it with your
sword. Occasionally the Flame Dancer jumps back into the flames in the
centre of the room and you then need to bomb it again. Repeat this until it
dies, but jump back when it does as it explodes and this will rob you of
some health.

Once you've beaten the flame dancer the fire in the centre of the room is
extinguished. Climb onto the pedestal in the centre to rise to the room
above. Leap off and go through the next door. Turn right and go past
another diamond switch. Climb the mesh at the end and look down from
this platform to hit the switch with your hookshot. Climb the next area of
mesh when the flames disappear and edge across to the right at the top then
go through the next door.

You find yourself in a large circular room with ledges all round it and some
narrow steps in the centre around a large hole. Kill the flaming keese and
cross to the switch. Hit the switch to turn off the flames on the platform at
the top of the steps revealing another switch. Climb the stairs rapidly before
the flames reappear and open the chest to get the Megaton Hammer.

Walk back down to the ledges running round the room and go left to the
square platform with tiles around it. Hit the square with the hammer to
reveal a hole and drop down it into a large room.

In the new room go to the opposite corner and hit the statue there twice to
reveal a door. Go through the door into an L-shaped room and kill four
flaming keese. Walk forwards to the long rectangular pit and smack the
post there with a hammer to make steps appear in the pit. Pick up a crate
from next to the wall and go down the steps to find a barred door and a
switch. Put the crate on the switch and go through the door.

In the next room, hit the square platform with your hammer and it falls
through the floor. Drop down on top of it. Climb onto the ledge closest to
you to find a rusted switch. Hit it with your hammer and pass through the
door it opens. In the new room, play the Song Of Time to move the grey
block on the opposite platform down into the corridor below. Drop onto
the block and leap to the opposite platform to find another rusted switch.
Hit the switch with the hammer to open the cage in the corridor below.

Drop down and speak to the goron who tells you of a hidden door in a
statue at the entrance to the temple. You'll need to use the hammer on it.
Check in the chest for a small key and climb back up onto the grey block
and exit through the door. Jump across to the top of the square structure in
the centre of the room and hit the square block with your hammer. Fall
through the hole in the floor to the room where you first met Darunia (you
lose a little energy doing this, so if you're very low you might want to go
back the long way). Go out through the door you first came in by, turn right,
go down the stairs, then turn left and left again to find a huge statue blocking
the doorway ahead.

Break the statue with your hammer to reveal a locked door and open the
door with your key. Go through the door, kill the flaming keese and the
torch slugs to open the next barred door.

Walk through this door into a room where tiles fly at you again. Avoid or
block the tiles with your shield, then switch to your big sword to take out
the Like Like with one blow. Kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall and grab
the token, then take the door on the left which closes behind you and
triggers an attack by a Fire Dancer. If you don't have any bombs left, smash
the dancer with the hammer to remove its flames, then smack it repeatedly
until it succombs. Both doors then un-bar and a chest appears which
contains some bombs. Exit via the door which was on the left as you came
in then hit the switch with your hammer to open the next cage and free
another goron. He tells you to go help Darunia. Open the big ornamental
chest to get the Boss Key.

Take the door on the other side of the cage and run up the stairs in the next
room then left at the top to come to the room where you first met Darunia
again. Sprint forward and jump across to the next platform and from there
jump to the boss door. Unlock the door and pass through. The next room is
full of lava and has a circular platform in the middle. Jump across to the
middle platform. The ground starts shaking and the Subterranean Lava
Dragon Volvagia appears!

This evil dragon pops out of different holes in the circular platform and rears
its head. Stand near the centre so that you're close to wherever it pops up
and run in and hit the dragon with the hammer once, then when its head
drops down, hit it again and run back to avoid the flames which follow.
After a bit the dragon comes out of the holes and chases you round, so to
avoid it you should hang off the edge of the platform. It eventually goes
back into the holes at which point return to waiting for it to pop out again
and hit it with the hammer once more. When it flies up to the ceiling you
need to watch out for shadows and avoid them, as Volvagia drops boulders
from above. Again, you can hang off the edge of the platform to avoid all

Once you've beaten Volvagia you get another heart container. Enter the
blue warp to return to the Chamber Of Sages where Darunia thanks you
and identifies himself as the great Sage Of Fire. He gives you the power of
the Fire Medallion, adding his power to your own.


You reappear in the Death Mountain Crater. Make your way back across
the broken bridge back towards where you came in and use the hookshot
on one of the wooden posts on the opposite bank to pull yourself across.
Walk to the boulder just to the right of where you land and hit it a couple of
times with the hammer to destroy it and reveal a hole. Drop down the hole
and use your shield to defeat the Business Scrubs. When you beat them
they offer to sell you bombs, arrows and deku nuts if you need them.

Go back out of the hole and turn right then cross the bridge to a platform
with two rocks to the right and one rock ahead of you. Break the two
rocks on the right with the hammer and go through to find a Great Fairy
Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby to summon the Great Fairy Of Wisdom.

The fairy enhances your magic power; giving the meter twice as much
energy, and tells you to come back when battle has made you weary (ie:
when you're low on health) then she vanishes. Navi tells you of an Arctic
Wind which is blowing from Zora's River, indicating that that is the place
you need to go next. However, before you do that, head out of the crater
and down the trail into Kakariko Village. Enter the House Of Skulltula and
talk to the child on the left who has now been transformed to receive the
Stone of Agony.

Stone Of Agony
Once you've collected this, if you have a rumble pak plugged in it will
rumble in response to secret things nearby! What a great ploy to get you to
buy a Nintendo Rumble Pak!

Leave the House of Skulltula and the village and ride Epona to the river
leading to Zora's Domain. On your way up the river do a roll attack on the
tree near to where the boulders originally blocked your path to make a
Gold Skulltula drop down. Defeat it and carry on to where the man sold
you magic beans. Stand on the plant which has grown where you planted
the seed and it whisks you away up the river to the point where you need to
play Zelda's Lullaby to slow the waterfall. Once the waterfall has slowed,
jump across and re-enter to find the whole place has frozen over!

Trek to the top of the frozen waterfall to find a Gold Skulltula on the wall to
the right. Use the hookshot to take it out. Next, make your way to Zora's
Fountain and jump across on the icebergs to find another piece of a heart
container before jumping across to the tunnel at the very top of the map and
entering the Ice Cavern.

Follow the tunnel, avoiding the falling icicles, until you come to a cave with
four Freezzards in it, one of which is nearly invisible. Don't let any of them
hit you with their breath or it will freeze you. Instead, batter them with the
hammer until they shatter; being careful not to get hit by the spinning blade
trap. When you destroy the last Freezzard the door ahead opens.

Walk through the door into a room with a spinning ice propeller and beat
the Gold Skulltula on the wall to the left as you enter, then make your way
round to the large steps opposite collecting all the ice rupees as you go to
unbar the door at the top.

Go through the door into a room with another Freezzard, two blade traps
and loads of falling icicles. Destroy the Freezzard, dodge the blade traps
and drop down the icy stairs at the end of the room to come to a chamber
with a long raised platform ahead of you. Attack the invisible Freezzard that
comes towards you on the ground level, then climb onto the platform. Wait
till the Freezzard breathes out, then rush in and hammer him.

Jump up to the platform with the blue fire on it and use an empty bottle to
catch some of it. Go across the narrow ledge, attacking the Freezzard on
the way and reach the chest which is frozen in red ice. Pour the blue fire on
it to defrost the chest. Inside is the dungeon map.

Catch some more blue fire and jump across to the pot frozen in the red ice
and defrost it, then smash the pot for a purple rupee. Fill the bottle with
more blue fire, go back up the stairs and make your way back to the area
with the spinning propeller in it. Go left and pour blue fire on the red ice to
reveal a tunnel.

Follow the tunnel to a room where icicles drop down from the ceiling and
stalagmites protrude from the floor. Kill the ice keese and smash the
stalagmites to reveal red ice on both sides and a blue flame ahead. Use blue
fire on the red ice on the left to get a piece of a heart container and uncover
a Gold Skulltula above you. Use blue fire on the red ice on the right to
reveal a chest containing a compass. Grab some more blue fire before you
leave and go back to the room with the propeller in it then cross to the
other side and pour blue fire on the red ice there to reveal a tunnel.

Head down the tunnel to reach a room with more ice keese in it and some
narrow pillars. Kill the keese and also a Gold Skulltula that's on the wall to
the left. Collect the ice rupees by jumping across from the different pillars;
taking care not to fall into the gaps at the sides. You can also push the
square block around to reach the rupees on the higher pillars. The last ice
rupee is on a ledge to the right as you enter. It is encased in red ice so you'll
need to use blue fire on it. If you get the square platform into an awkward
position, push it down one of the holes and it reappears back where it
started. When you've collected all the ice rupees, push the block over
underneath the door you just opened, climb up and go through.

In the next room kill two Freezzards and use the blue fire on the two lumps
of red ice. Smash the two pots for recovery hearts, then continue through
the door at the end into a room with a white Wolfos in it. Beat the Wolfos
to make the door open and a chest appear.

Open the chest for some Iron Boots and Sheik appears. She tells you that
all the Zoras are sealed under a thick ice sheet. The Zora Princess has left
for the Water Temple where a monster lurks - the source of the curse that
created all the ice - and only defeating the monster will cause the ice to
melt. She then teaches you the Serenade of Water which will get you to the

Serenade of Water
The button combinations for this melody are A, C-DOWN, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT,
C-LEFT. The song is of course entered on your quest menu subscreen.

With this, Sheik vanishes.

Put the Iron Boots on, drop through the hole behind the chest, press A to
open the underwater door and head up the tunnel to come out on a ledge
above a room near the start. Drop into the room, take off the boots and
make your way all the way back to Zora's Chamber. Use some blue fire on
the red ice encasing King Zora and talk to him to receive the Zora Tunic
which stops you from drowning when you're under the water.

Return to Zora's Fountain and head to the island which is at the bottom right
of the map. Blow up or smash the boulders then enter to find a Great
Fairy's Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby to summon the Great Fairy of Magic
who gives you a magic spell called Farore's Wind.

Farore's Wind
Assign this to a C-Button and press the C-Button to create a warp point
wherever you are at that moment. When you press the C-Button again you
can either warp to the point where you set the spell or erase the spell and
set another warp point at your new location. You can only use Farore's
Wind within a dungeon that has a dungeon map though.

The fairy tells you to come back if you need health, then it vanishes. Exit
back to Zora's Fountain then play the Serenade of Water to warp to Lake
Hylia. When you appear put on your iron boots and equip your Zora tunic
then walk forwards and right of the bridge and drop into the water at the
bottom of the slope to find a closed portcullis. Turn around and shoot at the
crystal above the portcullis with your hookshot to open it. Walk through
into a small underwater area.

Change your boots as you enter so that you can float to the surface then
walk into the room ahead of you. Put your boots back on, drop down into
the water and sink to the very bottom. Walk round to the right, defeat the
two Spikes with your hookshot and walk through the door marked by the
two unlit torches (well... you are underwater!) and continue down the
passage to find Princess Ruto of the Zora.

She tells you that Sheik rescued her from under the ice and asks you to help
her save Zora's Domain. To do this you need to destroy an evil monster.
She goes on to say that there are three places in the temple where you can
change the water level and tells you to follow her.

Walk into the room, take your boots off and float up after Ruto. Climb out
of the water at the top and pass through a door to kill four spikes and make
a chest appear. Open the chest to find the dungeon map. Exit via the door
you came in by, stand in front of the Triforce symbol, and play Zelda's
Lullaby on the ocarina to lower the water level in the temple.

Drop down the hole that you floated up through and at the bottom use the
bow to fire arrows through the flame of the torch in the centre so that they
light the torches either side of the door. You need to be quick when lighting
the second one or the first one goes out. When the torches are lit, the door
unbars. Go through the door to encounter three Shellblades which are like
large clams with spiky edges. Shoot them in their exposed innards with the
hookshot when they open up.

Kill all three Shellblades to make a chest appear which contains a small
key. Make your way back to the central area where spikes and Blue
Tektoids attack. Beat them and go to the opposite side of the room. Climb
onto the brown platform and push the block in the wall forwards and down
a long tunnel until it drops into water. Put your iron boots on and follow the
block into the water. At the bottom, follow the corridor to the end and take
your boots off to rise to the surface. Walk forwards to enter the new room
and shoot the Blue Tektite across the way.

There is a chasm in front of you which is too wide to jump at the moment so
hit the diamond-shaped switch on the right to make a water spout rise in the
centre of the chasm. Jump onto the water spout and across to the other
side. If you miss the jump, use your hookshot on the circular symbol to pull
yourself back up. Go through the door into a room with a square pool in the
middle of which there is a strong current. Look down and you can see a
stone dragon's head and a piece of its body under the water. Drop in and
equip the boots when you're over the body to sink onto it. Look at the
dragon's head to see a switch in its mouth. Use the hookshot on the switch
to raise the portcullis underwater then turn to the right and use the hookshot
on the white circle to pull yourself over to the exit.

Kill the two Shellblades with the hookshot and switch to your normal boots
to rise to the surface. Climb from the water and open the chest for a small
key, then hit the diamond switch. Put your iron boots back on, drop into the
water, and pass back into the room with the stone dragon in it. Float to the
surface, climb out and leave the room, then fire your hookshot at the circle
across the way to travel to the other side and exit through the door. Drop
down into the water and sink to the bottom then follow the corridor to the
end. Look up at the circle on the wall and use the hookshot to pull yourself
out of the water. Return to the central area, go right and enter the next

Walk to the end of the tunnel and use a bomb to blow a hole in the floor
where you can see a slight gap. Drop into the hole and use the iron boots to
sink down. Kill a Shellblade, walk to the end of the corridor, and rise to the
surface. Climb onto the platform with the switch and stand on it to raise the
water level.

Kill the Blue Tektites and aim your hookshot at the white circle on the neck
of the statue ahead to pull yourself up. Walk past the statue to the bars.
Behind them is a Gold Skulltula and a diamond switch. Charge up your
sword and release it to activate the diamond switch and raise the bars. Kill
the gold skulltula and drop back into the water then drop back down the
hole and return along the tunnel and float back up. Return to the central
room and go to the locked door directly ahead in the central structure.

You find yourself on a narrow platform with spikes on the floor on both
sides. Go to the end of the platform and turn around then look up and right
and use your hookshot to pull you up onto the ledge where you find another
Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby when standing right in front of the
symbol to raise the water level; pushing a block up with it. At this point you
should be floating in the water. Put your boots on and sink down to where
the block which has risen has now revealed a hole.

Drop down the hole into a big square room with a diamond switch. Hit the
diamond switch to open one of the grates in the ceiling and drop spikes and
Shellblades down to attack you. Kill them all to open another grate in the
opposite corner to the switch. Float up into the new area and open the
chest for a small key.

Return to the central room where you just raised the water level and climb
onto the floating block. Jump across to the door, open it and return to the
central area. On the new ledge turn right and walk round till you see a ledge
on the outer wall with two clay jars on it. Pull yourself across to the ledge
with the hookshot then follow the passage until you come to some spikes
blocking your way. Use your hookshot on the white circle to pull yourself
on to the ledge above the spikes. Turn around, look up and aim your
hookshot at the farthest of the three circles on the roof to pull yourself into a
square room with a diamond switch, some jars and a chest inside a water
spout. Grab some health from the jars, stand near the chest and use your
hookshot to hit the diamond switch and stop the water temporarily. Open
the chest to get the compass.

Go back down the hole, past the spikes and return to the central area. Put
your boots on and sink down to the tunnel directly below you. Walk along
the tunnel and take your boots off to rise to the surface in the room where
you encountered Princess Ruto. Climb out of the water and look for the
small fissure in the wall. Plant a bomb next to it to open a hole and pass
through to find a chest with another small key in it.

Return to the central area and float up to the ledge running around the
central structure. Walk around to the opposite side of the room and use the
hookshot to reach the platform on the wall with the locked door. Open the
door and go through into a room with a diamond switch and a water spout.
Stand on the water spout and hit the diamond switch with the hookshot to
make the water rise and take you up to the room above. Kill the Blue
Tektite and go through the new door.

You find yourself by another Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise
the water level once again. Drop from the ledge and climb onto the central
platform. Run around the central platform anticlockwise until you see
another passage open on the wall. Swim across to the passage and drop
into the water and sink down. Follow the corridor along to the block ahead
and pull the block towards you until it stops. Return to the central area and
head to the opposite side of the room to find a locked door in the wall.
Unlock the door and go through it.

Kill the two Keese on the wall ahead then walk forwards and drop onto the
platform just below you. The platform below the one you're now standing
on is moving up and down the sloping wall. Drop onto it and ride it to the
bottom then turn right and jump onto the lowest platform. Use your
hookshot to drag yourself up the descending platforms ahead and shoot the
circle on the wall at the top to pull yourself into a short tunnel at the end of
which is a locked door.

Go through the door into a room with statues around it, Blue Tektites in the
middle and a red diamond switch. Shoot the switch with your hookshot to
raise the water level and reveal circular targets on the necks of the statues.
Pull yourself across to the first statue, turn and shoot the switch again to
lower the water and the statue necks. Then pull yourself across via the
circle on the wall to the right, climb over the statue, shoot the diamond
switch again, pull yourself to the next statue via the circle on its neck. Shoot
the switch again to lower the water and the statues once more, climb onto
the statue and shoot the switch once last time to raise yourself up and jump
across to the ledge nearby.

Kill the Blue Tektites and shoot the Like Like on the other side of the
spikes. Shoot the white circle on the ceiling to pull yourself across the
spikes and go through the door.

You appear in what seems to be a massive open area with a leafless tree
ahead of you behind which is a barred exit. Walk past the tree and turn
around to encounter Dark Link who is actually a reflection of you!

Dark Link
This enemy is a bit of a nightmare to defeat because he responds almost
instantaneously to your every move (shades of Luke facing himself in Star
Wars!). The only way to hit Dark Link effectively is to lock onto him and
parry his attacks, then counter before he gets his guard back up. He drops
down through the floor and reappears behind you whenever you hit him so
be ready to turn. Whatever you do, don't do a thrust with your sword or
Dark Link jumps on top of it, instead keep doing slashes with your sword.

Once you've beaten Dark Link the door ahead of you unbars and the wide
open area transforms into an ordinary room. Go through the door to find a
chest inside which you get the Longshot.

This weapon is an enhanced version of the hookshot but it has twice the
range. As with the previous weapon, equip it to a C-Button and fire it at
objects to bring them to you or hook it onto certain areas to pull yourself
across gaps.

Once you've got the longshot, play the Song Of Time to remove the block
behind the chest and reveal a hole in the floor. Drop down the hole to find
yourself in a cavern with a waterfall to the left emptying into a river. Navi
warns you about vortexes in the water and the water is moving very fast so
put your boots on before you get into it.

Step into the water and go right, then follow the river along avoiding the
vortexes and collecting recovery hearts on the way. Just after the second
vortex you'll find a Gold Skulltula on the wall, so kill it and collect the token
with the longshot.

When you reach a platform with two jars on top climb up onto it, turn
round and look up at the roof of the tunnel to find a white circle. Use the
longshot on the circle to get to the next platform then shoot an arrow at the
gold eye on the wall opposite your platform to open the portcullis.
Immediately turn to the left and use the longshot on the chest in the tunnel to
drag yourself across. Open the chest for a small key.

Follow the tunnel to the end which brings you back into the room above the
water with the dragon statue in it. Drop into the water and make your way
back from here to the central area. Put your iron boots on again and drop
to the bottom of the room. Go through the tunnel on the right of the area to
get to where you met Princess Ruto then float up to the top and play
Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce to lower the water again.

Fall down the hole to the bottom and make your way back to the central
area. Go left round to the door leading into the central structure and inside
use the longshot to pull yourself up to the top platform in the room and
shoot the gold skulltula on the roof. Drop back down and make your way
to the second floor and walk out onto the balcony. Walk left round to the
other side of the building, taking care not to fall down the gap and shoot the
eye on the wall with the bow to open the portcullis then use the longshot on
the white circle just past the portcullis to pull yourself into the tunnel.

Follow the corridor to the very end and push the red block you moved
some time earlier to let you get to a room with a chest containing a small
key. Grab some recovery hearts from the pots at the rear of the room. Go
out of the room and down the corridor ahead then use the longshot on the
circle up above to pull yourself up to the next ledge which is above the
central area.

Hang off the edge and drop down to the first floor then go through the
tunnel at the top of the map. Pass through the underwater tunnel and in the
next room use the longshot to reach the locked door. Open the door, go
through and kill the Blue Tektites that otherwise impede your progress.
Next put on your iron boots and cross to the other side avoiding the
boulders underwater then float up to the surface and climb out.

Enter the new door and drop down onto the platforms on the left to kill the
stingers in the water with your longshot. Get onto the platform at the bottom
right of the room and use a bomb to blast a hole in the wall. Pull the block
on the other side of the wall towards you until it stops then go to the bottom
left corner of the room and plant another bomb to make another hole. Enter
the passage that's revealed and go into the passage and push the block
ahead to the far wall. Then come back into the main room and pull the
block out as far as possible and finally return back into the passage and
push the block the rest of the way to drop it into the water onto a switch,
raising the water level.

Swim across to the large steps on the other side of the room and go out the
door. In the next room walk to the edge and shoot the blue Tektites then
step on the switch to the right to remove the bars on the door at the other
end of the room and raise three water flumes in the centre. Jump across on
the flumes and exit through the door.

Walk to the edge of the corridor that you find yourself in and you see huge
boulders rolling past from right to left. Look to the right and kill a gold
skulltula with the longshot then put your iron boots on, wait for the boulder
to go past and go right down the corridor to the end where the weight of
your boots pulls you down a hole. Follow the tunnel, kill the shell blade then
remove your boots, float to the surface and follow the corridor to another
locked door.

Go through the door and open the large chest in the centre to get the boss
key! If you want to store up some energy, break the pots at the back of the
room and trap the fairies in bottles for later consumption!

Bottled Fairies
These fairies give you all your health back if you activate them using a
C-Button. However, the best thing about them is that if you die and you're
carrying one, they automatically bring you straight back to life with full
energy! This makes fairies a must-have item when you're facing a difficult
task such as a boss.

Make your way back to the central area and enter the central structure.
Use the longshot to get up to the ledge with the Triforce on it and play
Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level. Climb onto the floating block, jump
across to the door and head out onto the ledge and then left round the first
corner. Pull yourself across to the door in the outer wall and go through into
the room with a diamond switch and a water spout. Stand on the water
spout and hit the diamond switch with the hookshot to make the water rise
and take you up to the room above. Go through the door to find yourself by
the highest Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level
back to the top. Jump back onto the central ledge and walk round it until
you're facing the ledge at the top of the map which has a statue on it. Use
the longshot on the neck of the statue to get across to the ledge and go
through the door after smashing the pots for fairies if you need them. Avoid
the blade traps in the next room by timing your run and not stopping until
the top and open the boss door!

Navi warns you as you enter the room that the water isn't normal. There are
spikes around all the walls and four platforms in the centre. Jump onto one
of these to trigger the appearance of the Giant Aquatic Amoeba Morpha.

The 'water' in the centre of the room is actually the boss creature! It attacks
you by sending out tendrils of its body which if they make contact pull you
into the air to crush you then throw you against the walls of the room. Avoid
the tendrils when they emerge and take note of the nucleus which comes up
with them. The nucleus actually makes the tendrils by spinning around and
this is the best time to attack! You need to lock on with Z and grab it with
the longshot to pull it towards you then stab at it with your sword. When
moving around the edge of the room, stay clear of the spiked walls!

When Morpha is defeated you get another heart container and a blue warp
appears down in the bottom of the area. Enter the warp to travel to the
Chamber of Sages where Princess Ruto reveals that - surprise, surprise -
she is the Sage of the Water and she gives you the Water Medallion and
grants Link her eternal love! She also adds that Princess Zelda is definitely
still alive.

Link is then transported back to Lake Hylia where Sheik is waiting for him
and the lake returns to normal. Sheik tells Link that he has cured the lake
and vanishes once more!


Wait until it becomes night and use your longshot to climb the tree next to
you to find a Gold Skulltula, watching out for Guay that fly at you when
you're not looking. Cross the two wooden bridges and shoot the Gold
Skulltula off the house then go past it and straight ahead to get to Hyrule
Field. Call Epona and use him to jump the two gates ahead of you and head
for Kakariko Village where Navi tells you that a monster has emerged from
the well.

When you get back to the village you find the whole place engulfed in
flames. Sheik is standing near the well but when you approach her she tells
you to get back. Something flies out of the well and she is hurled into the air
by an invisible force and smashed against the ground. As you move to help
Sheik, a strange shape emerges from the well and begins to move through
the village. You prepare to attack the weird creature but everything goes

When Link awakens Sheik tells him that seal on the well which Impa set to
imprison the creatures of the shadow realm has been broken by the
Shadow Spirit and is now loose. Sheik says that Impa has gone to the
Shadow Temple to seal it up again but she can't succeed without your help.
She adds that Impa is one of the six sages and you must save her. She then
explains that there is an entrance to the Shadow Temple underneath the
graveyard behind the village and then teaches you the Nocturne Of Shadow
which will lead you to the Temple.

Nocturne Of Shadow
To play this haunting melody, press C-LEFT, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT, A, C-LEFT,

Sheik tells you that she will take care of the village and urges you to go help
Impa. Although you can now get to the Shadow Temple, you can't go very
far into it without Din's Fire and the Lens Of Truth. It's now time for Link to
make like Doctor Who and travel back in time to when he was just a small
boy. Before you go however, return to the House Of Skulltula and talk to
the newly-transformed child at the back of the room to get the Giant's
Wallet which holds up to 500 rupees!

Leave the house and the village, return to the Temple Of Time in Hyrule
Castle and enter to find Sheik (she does get about, doesn't she?) She tells
you that to travel back in time you simply need to replace the Master
Sword back in the Pedestal of Time. She then teaches you the song which
warps you back to the Temple Of Time which is called the Prelude Of

Prelude Of Light
This tune is played using the combination: C-UP, C-RIGHT, C-UP, C-RIGHT,
C-LEFT, C-UP. Playing it at any time gives you the opportunity to warp back to
the temple.

Sheik tells you that as long as you hold the Master Sword and the Ocarina
Of Time you hold Time in your hands. She then vanishes. Move to the
Pedestal of Time and put the sword back in it to transport back seven years
in time. As a child you can't use any of your adult weapons or equipment,
and you can't use your hookshot either now that's it's been replaced with
the longshot, but you still have the magic you gained as an adult.

Once back in the past you need to go out of the temple, head back to the
market and take the route at the back of the market square to get back to
the gates leading to the inner part of the castle. Climb the vines and walk to
the wall ahead then jump off and walk to a dead end where there is
boulder. Blow up the boulder to reveal a hole and enter the hole to come to
another Great Fairy's Fountain. Stand on the Triforce Symbol in front of the
fountain and play Zelda's Lullaby to summon the Great Fairy of Magic. She
grants you the magic spell of Din's Fire. This allows you to produce a huge
dome of fire around yourself.

Din's Fire
Assign this to a C-Button and use it to create a fireball which engulfs
everything around you and then expands like a ripple on the surface of a
lake until it strikes a wall. It can be used as an attack and also to burn things
- like torches for example.

Once the fairy has vanished, leave the fountain and make your way back to
the market square. Enter the door on the left of the village by the ramp to
play the bombchu game.

Bombchu Game
For 30 rupees a go you need to send bombchus down a course and into
three holes. Each time you do it you win something. You can win the
bombchus themselves, a piece of heart container, a bigger bomb bag,
bombs and a purple rupee.

This is a moving bomb. Set it to a C-Button and press the button once to
get it out and again to release it. When you drop it it moves in a straight line
until it explodes. It can even travel up walls.

When you've finished playing the bombchu game return once more to
Kakariko Village. Enter the windmill and stand before the man with the
music box and - in a Terminator-style time paradox - play the Song Of
Storms which you learnt from him in the future. The windmill spins faster
and faster as the storm drives it and the well in the middle of the village
drains. Leave the windmill and go down the well. Walk forwards to get to
the Bottom of the Well.

Walk to the wall ahead and crouch down to enter the tunnel. Out of the
tunnel you come to a ladder. Climb down the ladder to meet a Big
Skulltula. Kill it and walk to the end of the corridor. Target the skeleton by
the wall and Navi informs you that the spirits are telling you to look for the
Eye Of Truth. Walk straight ahead through the wall which is really just an
illusion into a room which is flooded with water.

Switch to the Hylian shield which is fireproof and kill the green bubble in the
new room then walk straight ahead to the lump of rock in the corner which
has a gap in it. Use a bomb to open a hole in the floor and drop down to
find a chest with more bombchus in it. Climb back up to the room with the
water in it and go right from where you came in, following the corridor
round a corner until you come to a wall with a picture on it. Turn left and
walk onto a Triforce Symbol in front of a statue from which water is
flowing. Play Zelda's Lullaby to stop the flow of water and have all the
remaining water drain from the room.

Make your way back to where you entered this area and drop into the pit
in front of the fake wall. Open the chest for some bombs and crawl into the
tunnel. In the next room kill the Big Skulltula and climb the wall ahead of
you to get to a door. Go through the door which locks behind you into a
room where four tall grey stalks are sticking from the ground. Walk
towards one of them and it turns out to be an arm which grabs you! This
brings the Dead Hand out of the ground.

Dead Hand
This creature has a long neck and is only vulnerable to sword strikes to the
head. You need to let one of its hands grab you to bring it to the surface
then let it get close and slash it with your sword when it bends down to bite
you. Every so often it dives back under the ground and you need to let one
of the stalks/arms grab you again to bring it back up.

When the dead hand dies a chest appears and you get the Lens Of Truth!

Lens Of Truth
Assign this to a C-Button and press the button to 'see the truth'. This uses
magic power though, so press C to stop using it when you don't need it.

Go back out the door that you came in by, kill the Big Skulltula again then
go back down the tunnel. Climb up into the first room and turn right. Use
the Lens of Truth to see a false wall ahead of you and go through into a new

In this room monsters drop from the ceiling, so keep an eye on your
shadow. Go right and enter the cage with the chest and the Big Skulltula in
it and open the chest to get some deku nuts. Leave the cage and go past the
other cage on the left which has a huge hole in the floor into the corridor
then head for the bars in front of you. Drop down to the floor below and
open the chest to find a recovery heart. Climb the next wall and go through
the next door to find some coffins.

Kill the Gibdo by striking him from behind with your sword (if you play the
Sun Song he freezes, making him a sitting target!) then light the torches
using deku sticks or Din's Fire to open the coffins and release keese and
more gibdos. Kill all the monsters in the room then check out the coffins for
a small key and some recovery hearts and leave the room the way you
came in. In the next room make your way across to the corridor you came
in by. Turn left down the corridor, kill the Big Skulltula and turn left again -
using the Lens of Truth to avoid the hole in the floor - and put a bomb on
the rock with the gap in it to reveal a chest with more deku nuts in it.

Drop down the hole you just avoided into a room with bomb flowers and
some grassy plants. Follow the tunnel and blow up some rocks to get into a
wider area where a redead is lurking. Kill the redead and go left to find a
tunnel with loads of pots containing deku nuts, deku sticks, recovery hearts
and magic power. Come back into the larger cave and go left again past the
next tunnel on the left to the second tunnel where you find another redead
and a chest. Kill the redead and open the chest to find the dungeon map.

Go back to the main room and collect the ice rupees, then climb the ladder
between the blue torches and climb a second big ladder to a barred door
which opens when you collect the last rupee. Go through the door, turn left
and switch on the Lens Of Truth then go left at the junction and then right to
enter a cage with a hole in it and a large chest.

Open the chest to get a compass. Go out of the cage the same way you
came in and go left then turn the corner and follow the corridor ahead to
find a hidden room on the left hand side with a chest in it. Open the chest
for a small key, come out of the room, turn left again, follow the corridor to
the next corner and turn it to find another hidden room on the left with a
chest in it. Open the chest to get another small key. Leave the room and go
left again, follow the corridor then go left opposite the like like in a cage on
the right. Turn immediately right and open the locked door. In the new
room kill the keese then use the lens of truth to find a narrow ledge. Follow
the ledge around the side of the pit to find a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Get
the token with the boomerang and leave the room the way you came in.

Go right avoiding the hole in the centre of the room and open the next
locked door on the right to enter a room with a deku baba in it and pots
which fly at you! Kill the deku baba and the Gold Skulltula on the wall then
exit the room and make your way to the top right of the map and go
through the small tunnel to find another locked door. Open the door and go
through to find a room with keese and a beamos in it. Kill the keese and
bomb the beamos but watch out for the three holes in the floor of the room!

Open the chest in the corner to get a blue rupee then exit through the next
door to find a like like and a Gold Skulltula. Kill the like like and check out
the chest for a blue rupee.

Next, play the Prelude of Light to warp back the Temple of Time and pick
up the sword to travel to the future and get all big again. Once you're safely
back to the future play the Nocturne of Shadow to warp to the rear of the
graveyard behind Kakariko Village. Turn around and take the tunnel down
to a chamber with loads of torches in it. Stand on the block in the centre
and use Din's Fire to light all the torches at once, moving the stone door
ahead of you and allowing you to enter the Shadow Temple.

Follow the corridor to the end, turn to the right and use the longshot to pull
yourself across the gap. Use the Lens of Truth to see that the wall in front of
you is false and walk through it into a large chamber with skulls on sticks, a
bird statue in the centre which can rotate and a huge chasm in front of you
with a door on the other side of it set into another statue.

Use the Lens of Truth find the real skull on a stick (the others all vanish) and
push the statue round until it faces the genuine skull. This opens the door in
the mouth of the statue on the other side of the chasm. On the wall to the
left of where you came in the Lens of Truth reveals another tunnel. Go
down it and open the door at the end to get into another dark passage
which appears to be blocked but isn't. Walk through the fake wall ahead
into a dark chamber and turn right. Go round the corner and use the lens of
truth to find a hidden passage on the right hand wall which leads to a grey
door. Go through the door which locks behind you to find a redead, two
keese and two pots. Kill the redead and the keese to make a chest appear
and the door unlock. Open the chest to find the dungeon map and collect
some recovery hearts from the clay pots.

Go back out the way you came in, go back to the dark chamber and turn
right, go round another corner and use the lens of truth to find another
hidden corridor between two clay pots. You come into another dark
chamber just like the previous one. Turn left and walk round smashing pots
for rupees then use the lens of truth to find the hidden passage in the far
corner. Go down the passage and through the door which locks behind you
to find another dead hand, this time one with six arms! Kill it as before to
make the door unlock and a chest appear. Open the chest to get the hover

Hover Boots
These allow you to hover above the ground, although you have no traction
when you're wearing them, much like walking on ice. You can also use
them to walk for short distances over chasms and gaps where there is no

Head back the way you came to the room with the statue of a bird and the
skulls on sticks in it and put the hover boots on. Run straight at the door
across the chasm and the boots let you pass across. Go through the door in
the statue and down a long flight of stairs to a room with a beamos in the
centre. Take out the beamos from a safe distance using a bombchu and
enter a circular room. Using the lens of truth, you can see that there are two
hidden passages to left and right. Go left to a door and through into a room
with two grim reaper statues in the centre, spinning around with their
scythes out!

Make your way around the room; ducking the scythes when necessary
using the R button and collect all the ice rupees. One of them is high up on a
box and you'll need to use the longshot to get to it. The door on the right
opens when you collect the last rupee and inside the room is a chest with a
small key in it. Take the key and exit the room. Return to the room with the
scythes in and go back to the room which had the beamos in the centre.
Take the other hidden passage to a door through which two gibdos are
lurking. Freeze them with the Sun Song and kill them to make a chest
appear between the two torches. Open the chest to find the compass.

Return to the room with the beamos in it and go to the wall on the right.
Plant a bomb against this wall to reveal a locked door. Unlock the door and
go through to reveal a slope leading downwards. Follow the corridor down,
killing the Big Skulltulas that bar your way, until you come to a ledge just
past which is a guillotine. Drop off the edge of the platform and pass the
guillotine when it rises, kill the Big Skulltula that drops down from above
and pass the second guillotine then follow the corridor to a wide open area
with more guillotines and shadowy monsters that drop from the ceiling.

Jump across the gaps, timing your run so that you jump just as the guillotine
blade rises each time. Watch out for the red bubble which attacks you
when you land on one of the platforms. When you leap to the final platform
a stalfos appears so raise your shield to deflect its first attack then target it
with Z and chop it up!

Once you've taken care of the Stalfos, use the lens of truth to look around
and reveal an invisible block to the left. Jump onto this block and from there
across to the block in the corner then make your way to the door on the
right of the room, just left of the door that you used to enter this area.

Go through the door and follow the corridor to what appears to be an
empty room with a like like on the far side. Use the lens of truth however
and you find that there are two invisible grim reaper statues spinning around
in the centre. Make your way round the edge of the room killing the keese
that drop from the ceiling as you go and kill the like like from a distance
with your bow. When you've killed all the keese in the room the door ahead

Go through the new door into a room with a Gold Skulltula and a small
chest in it. Kill the Skulltula and open the chest to get a blue rupee then use
the lens of truth to reveal a hidden chest containing some arrows. Make
your way back to the room with the guillotines and jump across via the
invisible platforms to meet another stalfos. Put your hover boots on if you
don't already have them and walk across onto the moving platform
suspended by chains when it's at its lowest point. Wait till it gets to its
highest point and leap to the platform on the other side which has blade
traps spinning round a beamos in the centre. Kill the beamos and collect the
five ice rupees to raise the bars on the doorway ahead then go through.

Follow the new corridor to a room where two spiked blocks repeatedly
crash to the floor. Use the lens of truth to locate a moveable block in the
wall on the right. Pull it out from the wall then push it under the spiked
blocks so that it is under both of them and stops them both from hitting the
ground. Go right into a small alcove and break the pots for some recovery
hearts and bombs then squeeze past the moveable block and enter the cage
on the left to find and kill a Gold Skulltula. Leave that cage and enter the
one on the right to get some arrows from a chest then pull the block the rest
of the way to the end of the room. Climb onto the block and from there
jump onto the roof to the left then use the top of the spiked block to reach
the platform on the right and open the chest for a blue rupee. Stand on the
switch to make a small chest appear on the platform on the top right of the
map. Use the longshot to pull yourself to the chest and open it to get a small

Drop off the ledge and go back up the corridor then make your way back
to the platform in the guillotine room with the beamos and the blade traps
on it. Take the narrow platform ahead onto another platform with a
guillotine to the left. Jump past the guillotine when it rises to get onto an
invisible block then use the eye to spot the invisible moving platform on the
chain ahead and jump onto it. Put the hover boots on and walk across to
the locked door in the wall that the moving platform brings you level with.

Open the door and go through to a room with ice rupees hanging in the air,
invisible spikes in three spots on the floor, and two redead at either side of
the room. Play the Sun Song, kill the two redead to make a chest appear
and open the chest to get a blue rupee then collect all the ice rupees. Some
of the ice rupees hang in the air and to get them you need to stand so that
they're between you and a white circle on the wall or ceiling and fire the
longshot at the circle to pull yourself through them. Some of the white
circles can only be seen with the lens of truth.

Once you've got all the rupees, go through the unbarred door on the left.
The door locks behind you and you find yourself in a large room with stairs
on either side and a large skull with flames coming out of it directly in front
of you. Climb the stairs, killing all the keese to unlock the door then throw a
bomb from the bomb flower into the top of the skull to destroy it and reveal
a small key. Collect the key and kill the gold skulltula that was behind the

Go back into the room with the invisible spikes and use the lens of truth to
spot the white circle above the platform with the locked door on it. Pull
yourself up with the longshot, unlock the door and go through into a
corridor. At the bend in the corridor you see two blade traps and a fan on
the wall at the far end. Run down the corridor when the fans slows and turn
the corner to be confronted by a Big Skulltula. Defeat him to face another
fan. Go past this one round another corner to find a third fan. Use the
longshot on the wooden log above the fan when it slows to pull yourself
across the gap and drop into the passage below.

In the next room time your run across the platform so that you go past each
fan as it slows to a halt. Use your shield to deflect the fireballs which drop
from the eye on the wall ahead and pass through the door to find a room
with two redead where the spirits are saying let the sacred feet guide you.

Play the Sun Song to freeze the redead and make a fairy appear that
recharges your health and energy. Beat the redead to open the door you
came in by and put your hover boots on. Go out and use the lens of truth to
spot a hidden tunnel in the wall to the right opposite the fan. Let the fan
blow you across to the tunnel to find another door.

Enter the door at the end to find two gibdos, two blade traps on the floor
and a locked door on the far side of the room. Kill the gibdos to unbar the
door you came in by and make a chest appear. Open the chest to find a
blue rupee then use a bomb on the rock with the gap in it in the bottom right
corner of the room and the lens of truth to reveal a hidden chest beneath the
rock containing a small key.

Unlock the locked door with the key and go through it. In the new room
pull the block on the left out onto the track in the floor then pull and push it
down the track onto the picture on the floor below the ladder. Climb onto
the block and up the ladder. Leap across to the left to land on the boat and
look up to the top left corner of the room to find and kill a Gold Skulltula
with the longshot.

Stand on the Triforce symbol on the boat and play Zelda's Lullaby to make
the boat bob about and float towards the left of the map. As the boat sets
out two Stalfos attack you. Battle them but be quick because when the boat
reaches the other end Navi tells you that it's about to sink and you need to
get off immediately. If you haven't yet killed the Stalfos just break off the
fight and jump off the left side of the boat. Do it fast, because after a brief
pause the boat drops incredibly quickly, by which time it's too late.

Smash some pots for arrows and turn right to get to a door. Go through the
door into a room which appears to have just stone pillars in it but which the
lens of truth reveals as being filled with invisible walls. Two huge claws - the
Floormasters - are roaming around the room. Go right following the wall
and then turn left and go down the corridor on the left where the
floormasters should attack. Kill them and make your way right to the door
at the bottom of the map.

Enter the door which locks behind you to find - or rather not find - an
invisible floormaster. Use the lens of truth to see the floormaster and kill it to
unlock the door and make a chest appear. Open the chest for a small key
and leave the room.

Go left, right and left to get to the door on the left side of the room and
enter. There are three large skulls with flames coming from the top of them
spinning in front of you. As you did with the last skull of this type, climb the
stairs and throw bombs from the bomb flower into the top of the skulls to
destroy them for loads of rupees. Drop down to where the skulls were and
kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall then leave the room.

Back in the room with the invisible walls go left, left and right to get to the
door at the top of the map. As you enter the room two spiked walls begin
to close in on either side. Fortunately they're made of wood so cast Din's
Fire to burn them up! Play the Sun Song to freeze the redead on both sides
of the room, kill them then open the small chest on the left for a blue rupee
and the huge ornamental chest for the boss key!

Leave the room and make your way back through the room with the
invisible walls to get to the door you originally came in by (straight ahead,
left, left and right) and return to the dock where you jumped off the boat.
Walk forwards to the end of the dock and face right. On the other bank
you can see a cluster of bomb flowers growing at the base of a grey
column. Shoot one of the flowers to make the column topple, forming a

Cross the column - which turns out to have a bird statue on top of it - go
right and then left into a short passage with a locked door at the end.
Unlock the door and go through into a room with the boss door ahead of
you across a huge chasm. Use the lens of truth to reveal a lot of small
platforms in the chasm. Jump forwards to the central platform directly
ahead then put the hover boots on and run at the narrow platform on the
right. Walk to the end of the platform and use the boots to cross the last
gap to the boss door. Unlock the door and go through. You come to a hole
in the centre of a circular room. Drop down to land on a circular platform
and confront the Phantom Shadow Beast Bongo Bongo!

Bongo Bongo Boss
Without the lens of truth activated, Bongo Bongo manifests himself as a pair
of huge hands. These hands thump on the platform you're standing on which
is actually a huge bongo drum! Bongo Bongo's hands fly at you and either
smack you or grab you and crush you before throwing you off the edge of
the drum. If you end up in the water which surrounds the drum then quickly
climb up back on. To beat Bongo Bongo (beat him - get it? Oh never
mind!) you need to shoot both his hands with arrows or the longshot to turn
them blue then use the eye of truth to spot Bongo Bongo's big red eye in the
centre of his body. Shoot the eye and then rush in and hammer him with
your sword. Repeat these actions until Bongo Bongo gives up the music
business forever!

Once you've vanquished Bongo Bongo, collect the heart container that he
generously leaves behind and walk into the blue warp to travel to the
Chamber of Sages. It comes as no surprise - because Sheik has already
told you - that Impa is the Sage of the Shadow Temple. Impa tells you how
she rescued Zelda seven years ago says that you will meet the Princess
again soon. Impa gives you the Shadow Medallion which adds her power
to yours and asks you to look out for the Princess.


You find yourself at the back of the graveyard behind Kakariko Village.
Jump down into the graveyard, walk back to the village and enter the house
of skulltula then go to the back left corner to find another transformed child
who gives you more bombchus. Leave the house and climb up the tower in
the middle of the village then turn left and look down on the roof where a
man is sitting, and fire your longshot at the roof to pull yourself down onto
it. Talk to him to get a piece of heart container.

Leave the village, call Epona and ride over the bridge and right past Hyrule
Castle then follow the cliff until you get to the river on the top left of the
map. Dismount, swim across the river and use your hammer on the boulder
you find there to reveal a hole. Drop down the hole to find a Fairy Fountain
which replenishes your health and collect some fairies in empty bottles for

Cross back, remount Epona and continue to the right up a steep hill and
down the other side to a path leading to the right. Go right up a brown hill,
dismount by a tree and look for the boulder in the circle of small rocks.
Destroy the boulder and rocks with your hammer for rupees and to reveal a
small hole. Drop down the hole and use Din's Fire to burn the webs
blocking three alcoves. Check in the alcoves and you should find a cow
who will supply you with milk if you need it and a Gold Skulltula.

Leave the hole and remount Epona then follow the brown path right from
the tree to get to Gerudo Valley. Walk Epona across a narrow plank to
come to a broken bridge. Charge Epona straight at the bridge to leap
across to the other side where a Master Craftsman tells you Gerudo thieves
broke the bridge and he wants to fix it but all of his workers have left for
Gerudo's Fortress to become thieves. He asks you to find out what his
workers are doing if you're going to the fortress.

Smash some rocks on the left to find a chest with a purple rupee in it and
look under the arch of rock to find and kill a Gold Skulltula. Remount
Epona and continue up the path to get to Gerudo's Fortress. Right up
towards the fortress where a guard spots you and you are thrown in a cell!

Look around your cell to find a window and aim your longshot at the
wooden shutter to pull yourself up to the ledge. Shoot the first guard down
below and drop down from the window. Go left through the first door into
the Thieves Hideout. Follow the corridor and you find a carpenter in a cell
on the left. Talk to him and he tells you that all the carpenters are
imprisoned in the fortress and says that if you can get them out they'll repay
you the favour. He warns you about the Gerudo guards and as if by magic a
Gerudo Thief appears and attacks you!

Gerudo Thief
These girls are tough! You need to take out the thief without getting hit by
her spinning attack. If she does hit you with this you are knocked out and
returned to your cell where have to start out all over again. Don't let your
guard down!

When you've vanquished the thief she leaves behind a small key. Use this to
open the cell and free Ichiro the carpenter who explains that the Gerudo are
all females and so imprisoned the carpenters because they were men!
Whatever happened to sexual equality? He also says that there are three
other carpenters in the fortress.

Leave the cage and take the door on the left to find yourself outside again.
Take the next door on the left to enter another part of the thieves hideout
and do it quickly as there are thieves patrolling round outside.

As you turn the corner there is a guard at the end of the corridor. Keep
behind the crates until she moves off down the passage (you can just see
her hair and her spear sticking up from behind the crates ahead) then
quickly move down the passage, duck through the doorway on the right
and go up a small ramp to get back outside one level up. Turn left and look
cautiously round the corner where a guard is moving backwards and
forwards. Wait till she turns her back on you then race towards her and turn
left into the doorway.

Follow the corridor up a ramp into a room with two cells. The first is open
and has jars in it with rupees in them and the second holds the next
carpenter. He calls to you as you approach so talk to him and when he
mentions guards another Garudo thief appears and attacks. Kill her to get
the cell key and enter to release Jiro the carpenter, then leave the cage, turn
right and go up another ramp to get out onto the next level up.

Take the door on the right and to get past the guards in the room below use
your longshot on the farthest roof beam to pull yourself across to the other
door. Go up the ramp on the far side to come out on to the roof again. Turn
right, drop off the ledge and go through the door in front of you into a
corridor with a crate to the right. Duck behind the crate and wait till a guard
comes past from the right and stops. Run into the corridor behind her and
go right then left down the next corridor.

If you want to make things a little easier and you have arrows then shoot the
guard with an arrow to take her out of commission and go down the
corridor at your leisure. At the end of the new corridor you find the next
caged carpenter. Again, when he mentions a guard a Garudo thief appears
- why do they keep doing that?

Defeat the thief to get a small key and open the cell to release Sabooro the
third carpenter. He asks you to free the last man and leaves. Exit the cell
then go back the way you came to get out onto the roof. Turn right and
drop down then go right through the next door. Follow the corridor down
two slopes to find the final caged carpenter on the left at the bottom. Talk
to him and he says the same thing all the others said - cue the Garudo thief!
Triumph over the thief for the key to the last cell and release Shiro the final

The Carpenter tells you that he heard the guards say that in order to cross
the Haunted Wasteland you need to have the "Eye of Truth." He adds that
the Colossus is on the far side of the wasteland and says to drop by the tent
near the bridge in Garudo Valley where you might find something helpful.

When the carpenter leaves, a Garudo Thief appears and says she was
impressed with your thieving skills and she no longer thinks that all men
besides Ganondorf are useless! She tells you that Nabooru the leader of the
Gerudo and second in command to Ganondorf put her in charge of the
fortress and that the headquarters are in the Spirit Temple at the end of the
desert. She tells you that you're one of them from now on and gives you a
Gerudo's Membership Card which grants you access to all areas of the
fortress including the Gerudo's training ground in the hideout.

Leave the cage and go left up the slope to come out in front of the fortress.
If you want to find another piece of heart container then climb to the top of
the fortress and open the chest on the roof to find it. Otherwise turn right
and walk past the fortress down a hill to a gate. Climb the tower and talk to
the thief in white and she opens the gate and tells you about the two trials
you must pass in order to cross the desert. The first is the River of Sand, a
shifting river which you can't walk across without sinking. The second trial is
the Phantom Guide. The thief says that those without 'eyes that can see the
truth' end up returning to the gate.

Go down the ladder and through the gate. Walk to the two flags which
mark the beginning of the haunted wasteland. There is a crate just ahead of
you past which is the River of Sand. To get across to the other side without
sinking equip your hover boots and walk across to the next two flags then
follow the line of single flags beyond to get to the two flags marks which
mark the start of the Phantom Guide trial. Walk to the stone structure ahead
and take the ramp to the top where an inscription tells you about your spirit
guide. Use the lens of truth to reveal a helpful poe ghost and follow it on a
winding journey across the sands, avoiding the leevers that come at you
until you arrive at the next pair of flags which mark the end of this trial.

Head towards the Desert Colossus which is the mountain of rock ahead of
you and go through the door into the Spirit Temple. You can't go anywhere
inside just yet as all the ways are blocked or too small to accommodate
you, so go back out and meet Sheik.

She tells you in a roundabout way to return to the Temple of Time and
travel back to the past again. She then teaches you the Requiem of Spirit
which she says 'will lead a child back to the desert'.

Requiem Of Spirit
To play this tune, use the button combination A, C-DOWN, A, C-RIGHT,

When Sheik vanishes, head to the right and make your way to the bottom
of the map where a dried up oasis (the waterhole, not the band) lies. Stand
on the rock where leevers can't get at you and play the Song of Storms to
refill the oasis and bring a load of fairies to the new pool. You can catch
these fairies in your empty bottles if you need them. Head towards the top
of the map from here and look for the two palm trees either side of a crack
in the rock. Blow the crack open with a bomb and go in to find another
Great Fairy's Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to
make the Great Fairy of Magic appear. She gives you a new spell called
Naryu's Love.

Naryu's Love
Equip this spell to a C-Button then press that button to create a protective
magical barrier. It only lasts for a limited time though and the fairy tells you
to use it carefully.

When the fairy has gone play the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of
Time. Enter the inner chamber and put the sword back in the pedestal to
become young again!

Equip your Hylian shield then play the Requiem of Spirit to warp to the
Desert Colossus and enter the doorway to the Spirit Temple. As you enter
the temple use your shield to deflect the flying jars, then go up the steps in
front of you, dodge past the armos and go left to find a Gerudo Thief
blocking your progress. Talk to her and answer "Nothing Really" when she
asks you what you are doing and she then asks you to do her a favour.

Answer "no" when she asks if you're one of Ganondorf's followers and she
introduces herself as Nabooru of the Gerudo. She says that she's
completely different from Ganondorf who is totally evil. Apparently only
one Garudo man is born every hundred years and the Garudo laws say that
he must be the King of the Garudo. She asks you to go into the temple and
get the Silver Gauntlets. She warns you that they won't fit a child though so
they won't be any good to you - little does she know!

She adds that Ganondorf is using the Spirit Temple as a hideout and only
with the gauntlets can she sneak deep into the temple. Agree to do her this
favour and she lets you enter the temple. Enter the tunnel, avoid the blade
traps and kill the keese that attack you, then blow up the armos to open
two doors. Go through the left door and defeat the Stalfos that attacks you
then kill the green bubble. To lower the bridge which is on the other side of
the room use the boomerang to hit the diamond switch in the same way you
hit the switch in Jabu Jabu's belly. Cross over, keeping an eye out for flying
pots and open the chest ahead for a blue rupee.

Go through the next door which locks behind you into a room with an
Anubis which hurls fireballs at you but which is vulnerable to fire itself. Use
Din's Fire to kill the Anubis, then go through the next door and defeat the
keese, watching out for the monsters on the ceiling.

Collect all the ice rupees to bring down the fence which blocks your
progress to next part of the room, vanquish yet more keese and cross over
to the other side of the room. Ayyack a Gold Skulltula on the wall and
collect the token with the boomerang, then light both torches with Din's Fire
to make a chest appear on the first side of the room. Open the chest for a
small key then exit through the door by the two torches, go right and crawl
through the tunnel to find a locked door. Unlock the door and go through to
find a wall with two skulltulas on it. Kill the Skulltulas then climb the wall
and at the top turn and kill the Gold Skulltula on the opposite wall, grabbing
the token with the boomerang.

When you walk past the sun symbol set into the floor two lizalfos attack
you. Kill them then shoot the diamond switch to make a chest appear
containing a blue rupee. Next send a bombchu along the floor and up the
wall where there is a slight gap to make a hole allowing sunlight into the
room and onto the sun symbol, thus opening the door.

Go through the door into a room with a drop to the left and stairs in front of
you. There is also large statue in the centre of the room. Drop off to the left
and walk to the platform in front of the statue. Use Din's Fire to light the
torches and make a chest appear inside of which is the dungeon map. Walk
back to where you dropped down and climb the wall to where you came
in. Push the statue off the drop to land on a switch, opening a door at the
top of the stairs.

Climb the stairs and go through the door on the left at the top onto some
steps leading to another door. Pass through this door and it locks behind
you. Blow up the two beamos on the platforms with bombchus, then collect
all the ice rupees to light the torch by the door you came in. Next use a
deku stick to light the three other torches in the room to make a chest drop
onto one of the ledges in the room containing a small key. Finally pull and
push the four blocks until the one with the sun symbol on it is underneath the
ray of sun through the round window and the next door opens.

Go through the door and up some stairs to find a locked door. At the top of
the stairs turn around to find and kill a Gold Skulltula above the door you
just came through then turn and enter the locked door. Go forwards and left
to find a peculiar statue in front of a stone pillar called an Iron Knuckle.
Attack it to awaken it.

Iron Knuckle
This nasty creature has a powerful axe which you can't block. Keep clear
of it and try to use your superior speed to get behind it then strike it from
the rear to deafeat it. If it strikes one of the brick columns in the room with
its axe the column shatters spewing out recovery hearts so grab them before
they vanish.

When the iron knuckle finally succumbs to your assault the door behind the
pillar it started from opens. Go through the door to meet the owl. The owl
tells you that the future of all of Hyrule is on your shoulders and tells you
that when you meet the two witches in the temple you need to turn their
own magic power against them. Open the chest to get the Silver Gauntlets.

Silver Gauntlets
Wearing these gives you the power to lift and pull big things by pressing A,
but they won't fit you as a child.

Returning to Nabooru you spot her being sucked into the sand by the two
witches! She tells you to leave and then vanishes. Drop down from the
temple and plant a magic bean in the soft soil by the door then play the
Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time and draw the Master
Sword to go back to the future!

With Link big again, play the Requiem of Spirit to warp to the Desert
Colossus. You are now wearing the Silver Gauntlets! Stand on the plant
that has grown to the right of the doorway leading to the temple and jump
off when it passes over the stone arch to get a piece of heart container.
Drop down and enter the temple.

Climb the stairs and walk to the right then push the giant block until it drops
down, allowing you to pass. Defeat the beamos in the next room then shoot
the diamond switch on the ceiling to unlock two doors. Take the right door
and collect the ice rupees whilst avoiding the boulders which are rolling
from side to side. You need to use the hover boots to collect the rupee
which is hanging in the air. When you've got all the rupees the far door
opens but before you leave stand in front of the grey block with the time
symbol on it and play the Song of Time to move the block and uncover a
Gold Skulltula.

In the next room a like like attacks so chop it up before it can steal anything
to make a chest appear containing a small key. Go back the way you came
to the room with the beamos in it. Kill the beamos again and take the door
ahead of you.

In the next room kill the wolfos then stand on the Triforce symbol and play
Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear on a small platform opposite the
symbol. Use the longshot on the chest to reach it and open it up for a

Go back to the beamos room and through the locked door. Defeat the like
like which appears from the roof and watch for the flying pots as you carry
on to the end of the corridor. Climb the wall on the right at the end to get to
a room with a mirror in it which is reflecting the sun. Use the lens of truth to
spot an invisible floormaster and deal with it then walk to the mirror and
push it round clockwise so the sunlight strikes the first three sun symbols.
As the sun hits each symbol something happens. The first symbol drops a
chest with a recovery heart from the ceiling, the second drops another chest
which is really a freezing trap - so don't open it. The third opens the door
and the fourth drops a floormaster down on you from the ceiling, so don't
move the light past the third symbol!

Go through the newly-opened door to come to the other side of the room
you found as a child - the one with the huge statue in it. Climb to the top of
the stairs and equip your hover boots. Use these to float across to the left
hand of the statue and play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear on the
right hand. Use the longshot to pull yourself over to the chest and open it to
get a small key.

Turn to face away from the statue and run with your boots still on to drop
onto the staircase on the right of the statue. Climb to the top and use the
longshot to take out the Gold Skulltula in the top left corner of the map and
retrieve the token. Walk back down the first flight of stairs and use the
longshot to catch the torch on the staircase opposite and pull yourself over.
Turn left and use the longshot to pull yourself to a ledge on the top right of
the room where there is a chest and a switch.

Open the chest for a blue rupee and smack the rusted switch with the
hammer to open the door in front of the base of the statue which provides a
quick way back to the temple entrance if you needed to go get more energy
or anything.

Use the longshot to grab the torch you were next to a second ago and pull
yourself back to the ledge. Use the small key to open the locked door. In
the new room kill the beamos with a bombchu and go up the spiral stairs
and through the door ahead. In the new room you find a beamos and three
anubis. Blow up the beamos and use Din's Fire to take care of the anubis
and make the door on the bottom right of the room opposite the locked
door unbar.

Go through the door to find a blade trap, four armos, two locked doors, a
switch in the centre of the floor and a sun symbol on the wall. The switch
needs to be weighed down to open the door on the right of the room so
you need to get an armos to stand on it. The best thing to do is to stand by
the door and use the longshot to annoy the armos at the far corner of the
formation so that he bounces towards you and lands on the switch, at which
point you need to race through the door.

When you manage to get through the door - which is no easy matter - you
are confronted by some stairs. Climb the stairs and use the lens of truth to
find two chests containing recovery hearts then go through the door at the
top to meet another iron knuckle.

Wake the knuckle, fight him and kill him as before then take the door he
was standing in front of to get to a chest containing the Mirror Shield.

Mirror Shield
Equip this instead of your normal shield and you can then use it to reflect
light from the sun or repel energy from hostile monsters by pressing the R

Return to the room which had the four armos in it. Walk over to where light
is coming in through a circular window and use the mirror shield to reflect
the light onto the sun symbol on the wall and open the barred door.

Go through the door to find a chest containing another small key. Go back
into the armos room and then right into the room which had the beamos and
anubis in it and open the locked door.

In the next room, kill the two beamos before they spot you using bombchus
or bombs and then face the wall between them and kill the skulltula on one
of the sections. Three sections of the wall are stationary and four are
moving from side to side disappearing behind the spikes. You can only
move to a new section of wall during the pause between movement because
you get hurled off the wall if a section moves whilst you're half on and half
off it.

Make your way to the top and kill the beamos flanking the door, then go
into the next room where you'll find a Triforce symbol in front of a door.
Stand on it and play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door and go through it. Kill
the four torch slugs in the room then check out the doors. They are all false
falling doors, so blow them up to reveal an eye set into the wall.

Shoot the eye to make another block appear in the room above you and
use the longshot on the white circle in the ceiling to get onto it. Jump across
to the block nearest the wall, stand on the switch there to stop the flames
temporarily then drop down and open the big chest for a boss key.

Leave the room, turn right and go up the stairs and through the next door
into a room with a big angled mirror on the left wall, keeping an eye out for
flying pots. Turn left to find a diamond switch behind some bars. Swipe at it
with your sword to open the door ahead of you and go through it before it
closes. In the new room a lizalfos attacks you. Kill the lizalfos then use your
shield to reflect light onto the sun symbol which was on the wall to the left
as you entered. This reveals a chest with some bombs in it.

Beat the white bubbles in the next room then blow up the wall on the left of
the mirror that sounds different if you strike it with your sword. Go through
the hole to meet another lizalfos then move the mirror in the first room
around until it shines through the hole onto the mirror you just uncovered.
Go through the hole and position the other mirror so that it shines through
the grate into the room with the bigger mirror on the wall. Return to that
room and drop to the floor watching for more flying pots then stand in the
sunlight and use your shield to hit the sun symbol on the wall and lower the
platform that you're standing on to the level of the giant statue you saw

Use your shield to direct sunlight at the face of the statue which then
crumbles to dust revealing a hole. Pull yourself to the hole with the longshot
and the grill blocking it opens revealing the boss door.

Unlock and enter the boss door to meet the two witches - Koume and
Kotaki - who assailed Nabooru seven years ago. Before you can attack
them another iron knuckle appears and comes at you. Defeat this one the
same way you did the other two and when you win the iron knuckle's
armour disappears to reveal Nabooru trapped inside!

The witches reappear and spirit Nabooru off with their magic before she
can flee then they disappear. The door behind where the iron knuckle
started is now open so pass through it to a hallway and follow that into a
large chamber with five platforms in it. Climb on the central platform to
confront the Sorceress Sisters Twinrova.

They might sound like two identical puppies but these girls are nasty! They
divide up and attack you from above - one using fire and one using ice. To
begin with lock onto whichever sister is firing using Z and use the shield to
block her attack then tap Z to take the lock off and move the shield to
deflect the energy from one sister back at the other. If you dodge an attack
and it hits the platform you're on then make sure you don't go near the
affected area until the fire or ice has vanished.

When you've hit them four times with their own energy, the sisters combine
and come at you with their Double Dynamite Attack. The tactics this time
are a little different. You need to absorb three attacks of the same type (ie:
three fire or three ice) at which point the energy is discharged in a deadly
stream from the shield and you can direct it using the analogue stick. The
only problem is that you can't absorb a fire energy blast once you've
absorbed an ice energy blast until the energy has been discharged so you
need to avoid the attacks that your shield can't handle.

Once you've hit the combined witches they drop onto one of the platforms
so join them on whichever platform they land on and hack at them with your
sword until they take off again.

After the witches have been defeated and have finished bickering with each
other fairly comically you get a heart container and a blue warp. Take the
warp to the Chamber of Sages where Nabooru thanks you and reveals that
she is the Sage of Spirit. She grants you the Spirit Medallion and adds her
power to yours.

The first Sage appears and tells you that now that the six Sages have been
awakened it's time for the final showdown with the King of Evil. Before that
though you need to meet someone at the Temple Of Time..


You appear outside the Spirit Temple. Play the Prelude of Light to warp to
the Temple of Time then enter the temple to meet Sheik who has a few
things to explain to you. She says that when Ganondorf grabbed the
Triforce it split into three parts just as an ancient Sheika legend said it would
if someone who's heart was evil tried to hold it. Ganondorf ended up with
the Triforce of Power which enabled him to become the evil King of
darkened Hyrule, however he still needed the other two parts of the
Triforce to make his power absolute.

This was the reason why Ganondorf began imprisoning those chosen by
destiny to become Sages - he was trying to locate the remaining two pieces
of the Triforce. Sheik goes on to explain that the Triforce of Courage is in
the possession of none other than Link himself while the Triforce of
Wisdom has been guarded the past seven years by someone who is
destined to become the Seventh Sage and lead all the others. That person is
Sheik herself, or, as she suddenly reveals... Princess Zelda (as if we didn't
see that coming!)

Zelda apologises for her subterfuge but explains that she couldn't let
Ganondorf know where she was. She explains how she ended up in
disguise after the Sacred Realm fell to Ganondorf then goes on to tell you
the plan for defeating him. The six Sages are going to lure Ganondorf
through the previously sealed door to the Sacred Realm. Zelda herself will
then seal the door to the realm, trapping Ganondorf inside forever, although
she needs Link to protect her while she does it. Zelda then gives Link the
Sacred Arrow of Light.

Light Arrow
Set it to C and your arrows will be powered up allowing you to smite evil
with the light of justice!

Just as you and Zelda are about to set off for Ganondorf's Castle her fears
about Ganondorf discovering her are justified as his voice booms around
the temple and she is imprisoned in a block of purple crystal! Ganondorf
challenges you to come to his castle if you want to free Zelda.

From the Temple of Time warp to Lake Hylia by playing the Serenade of
Water where there is one more item you need to get before you can take
on Ganondorf. On the island where you appear, shoot an arrow into the
rising sun to make the Fire arrows materialise on a small island between two
posts ahead of you.

Fire Arrows
Set this to a C-Button in the same way as the Light Arrow and any arrow
that you fire will be powered up making any target that you hit catch fire.

Although you have all the items you need now there is one more special
arrow that you might find useful for your final challenge. Make your way
back to Garudo Valley and head to Garudo Fortress. Dismount and make
your way to the thief in white at the far end of the fortress and pay ten
rupees to enter the Garudo Training Ground.

Enter the first chamber and take the door on the left then defeat two Stalfos
in under a minute to make a chest appear containing a small key. Exit
through the door by the chest and in the next area collect all the ice rupees
within a minute and a half then find the exit which is hidden behind the
flames and pull yourself over the flames with the longshot.

In the next room kill two normal wolfos and two white wolfos to get a chest
with some arrows in it then push the large block down the corridor to reveal
another door. Enter the door and take on three like likes to make a chest
appear containing a huge rupee worth 200!

Use the lens of truth to find a hidden chest and open it to get a small key
then return to the room where you fought the wolfos. Use the lens of truth
again to reveal a hidden tunnel on one wall. Pull yourself up with the
longshot and enter a small room with a switch on the floor. Stand on the
switch to unbar the door and enter a room with a statue rotating in the
centre of a pool of lava. Drop down and shoot the four eyes on the statue
and a chest appears on the centre platform. Jump across to get a small key
then use the longshot to get back to the bank.

Leap the gap in front of the door to get to it and in the next room defeat
flaming keese and torch slugs to make a chest full of arrows appear. Next
use your hammer to destroy the statues at the sides of the room and stand
on the switch that you find there to turn off the flames in the centre allowing
you to collect a small key from the chest. Shoot the eye to unbar the door
and go through into a room with lava on the floor and ice rupees scattered
around the room. Use the hover boots to get around the platforms
collecting ice rupees. Hit the switch to temporarily stop the fire on the last
ice rupee and exit via the door right next to the torch. In the next room use
the Song of Time to move the time blocks then put your iron boots and
your zora tunic on and drop down into water with the shell blades and
blade traps in it.

Collect the ice rupees by taking your boots on and off to float up and sink
down or use the white circles and your longshot to pull you through them.
When you've got all the rupees, return to the room above for a small rupee,
equip your hover boots and go back out of the room and left to the stairs
with the torch next to them. Climb the stairs and go through the door to
meet a new enemy - the Dinalfos. Beat two of these and the beamos in the
centre of the room within a minute and a half to open the next door and get
a chest containing a small key then leave to get to the central area at the
start of the training area with the lion heads above the doors.

Go through the door ahead and make your way back to the room with the
rotating statues that you shot in the eye and this time instead of dropping
down go right and enter the unlocked door to find a small chest with
another small key in it. Return to the area with the lion heads, turn right and
take the central door to come into a room with loads of locked doors. Take
the door on the left then take the next locked door to find a chest containing
a purple rupee. Go to the next locked door and through it then through the
locked door after that to find a chest with a red rupee. Continue through the
next locked door to find a chest with some arrows in it and go through the
final locked door to find a chest containing the Ice Arrow.

Ice Arrow
Only those who complete Garudo training get this! Set this to a C-Button
and anything you shoot an arrow at will be frozen!

Leave the Training Ground and remount Epona then ride him to the big
oblong area to the right of the fortress. Talk to the thief under the awning to
try the Horseback Archery Challenge.

Horseback Archery
In this challenge you get 20 arrows and need to hit targets from horseback.
The closer you get to the centre of the target the more points you get, up to
a maximum of 100. Hitting the pots also gives you 100 points. You get two
runs at the targets so take your time and hit the pots first and then the
targets. Get 1000 points for a piece of heart container and 1500 points for
a bigger quiver, allowing you to carry ten more arrows.

Warp back to the Temple of Time then head into the remains of the market
and take the path at the back of the square towards where the inner part of
Hyrule Castle used to be. You find that Hyrule Castle has become Ganon's
Castle and the grounds are dark with evil.

Approach the lava moat and Rauru the first Sage speaks to you and tells
you that he and the other Sages are going to create a bridge across the
moat for you. He explains that the keep of the castle, Gannon's Tower is
protected by six evil barriers which you must destroy before you can enter.

Cross the bridge of light and enter the Gannon's Castle! Make your way
down the steps and kill the two beamos on pedestals at the bottom.
Vanquish them and go through the door they were flanking. In front of you
is the door leading to Gannon's Tower. It's currently blocked by a moving
barrier of energy which is being supplied by energy sources from six
different rooms. To begin with enter the door on the left marked by the
Spirit Medallion.

You come into a room full of ice rupees guarded by armos, beamos and
blade traps. Collect all the ice rupees in the room to open the next door (kill
the beamos and use the longshot on the white circle in the ceiling to get the
last one). Go through the door, kill the two torch slugs then turn left and use
the spin attack to activate the first diamond switch behind the bars to get a
chest with bombchus in it then send a bombchu through the bars to the
second diamond switch to open the door.

Go through the door and past the diamond switches into the room ahead to
find a room with four sun symbols on the walls. Use a fire arrow on the
ceiling to let in some light then use the mirror shield to aim the new light at
the sun symbols until the door opens. If a sun symbol burns up when you hit
it then watch out for monsters dropping from above!

Go through the door to find the source of power for the first evil barrier.
Equip the light arrows and fire one at the centre of the energy field to
destroy it and dispel the Spirit Barrier then warp back to the central room
where the first energy beam has ceased feeding the barrier.

Make your way to the right and enter the room on the right marked by the
Forest Medallion. In the first room kill the wolfos to get a chest with a blue
rupee in it then cast Din's Fire to light the torches on the floor and use a fire
arrow on the torch above the next door to unlock it.

Go through the door into a room with platforms in it, a beamos in the centre
and four fans around the corners of the room. Equip your hover boots and
step off the first platform to the left when the fans starts up to collect the first
ice rupee and travel to the first platform. Beat the beamos and run to the
centre then collect the ice rupee on the right. Go back to the centre and
collect the one in front of the next door. Climb up to the door and dash to
the right when the fan stops moving to get to the rupee on the right. Make
your way down to the switch on the lowest platform on the left (take off
your boots to do this) and a white circle target appears near the last rupee.
Pull yourself across to it with the longshot then get to the door using your
hover boots and exit the room.

Equip a light arrow and fire it at the next energy source to destroy the
second evil barrier and transport back to the central area. Go right down
the stairs and enter the door marked by the Water Medallion.

The new room is full of ice. Kill the ghostly freezzards to open the next door
which is sealed behind a wall of red ice. Smash the icicles in the middle of
the room and use a bottle to capture some blue fire. Use the blue fire on the
red ice blocking the door then catch some more blue fire and go through it.

In the next room walk to the block farthest from the door and push it to the
right then push it back towards the door you came in so that it drops down
the square hole in the centre of the room. Push the other block over the
block in the hole so that it rests against the first boulder, push it to the next
boulder and finally push it into the alcove at the side of the room. Climb up
on top of the block and up to the next ledge and use the blue fire on the red
ice there to reveal a rusty switch. Hit the switch with the hammer to open
the door and go through to find the next energy source. Fire a light arrow at
the source to dispel the water barrier and return to the central area.

Turn right, go up the stairs and enter the door on the right marked by the
Shadow Symbol. Use a fire arrow to light the torch on the right which
reveals a bridge. Cross the bridge, avoiding the green bubble and kill the
like like on the next platform then destroy the two pots for more arrows and
some magic power. Use another fire arrow to re-light the torch and jump
across to the next platform. Use the lens of truth to lead you to the rusted
switch on the platform to the left and strike it with the hammer to open the
door then use a fire arrow to light the torch by the door and reveal stairs to
the right leading to another rusted switch. Hit this switch to make a chest
appear on the platform you just left and use the longshot to get back to the
chest and find the Golden Gauntlets.

Golden Gauntlets
These replace the silver gauntlets and make your even stronger allowing you
to push or pull even heavier objects.

Use the lens of truth again to follow another invisible platform leading to the
door. Go through the door to find the next energy source and use a light
arrow on it to dispel the Shadow Barrier and return to the central area.

If you need more energy leave the castle and go left to where you met the
Great Fairy of Magic as a child. A huge block bars your way this time but
with the golden gauntlets on you can move it. Go in and the Great Fairy of
Courage enhances your defensive power and rebuilds your energy and
magic levels. With the enhanced defences you take half the damage you
originally would have from an enemy. Return to the castle and remember
that you can visit the fairy again for energy and magic if you need it - which
you probably will!

Back in the central area of the castle go right and into the door marked by
the Fire Medallion. In the next room put on your heat-resistant tunic. There
are flame-throwers, torch slugs, red bubbles and a bridge in front of you
which sinks when you stand on it and rises again when you get off. Make
your way around the room via the bridge collecting all the ice rupees from
the various platforms to open the door. Get the one from the platform on
the right first, then the one on the flame-throwing platform.

Make your way to the platform next on the left with the huge block on it
and pick it up to find another rupee. Make your way to the platform with
the torch slug on it for another rupee and use the hover boots to get across
to the bit of the large block which landed in the lava when you found the
third rupee to reach the last rupee and open the door. Use the longshot
from the sinking bridge to get to the door and go into the next room.

Fire a light arrow at the energy source - after smashing the pots either side
of the door for a recovery heart and some magic power - to dispel the Fire
Barrier. Make your way down the stairs to the right and pick up the huge
rock blocking the door marked by the Light Medallion to shatter it and go

Use the lens of truth to reveal invisible keese and an invisible Big Skulltula.
Kill them to reveal a chest containing a small key. The other chests in the
room (working clockwise from the left) contain a blue rupee, an ice trap, a
recovery heart, another ice trap, a bundle of arrows and another ice trap -
so make sure you only open the useful ones. Go through the locked door,
stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest
appear containing another small key.

Head through the next locked door into a circular room with boulders
rolling round it and an ice rupee visible on a platform in the centre with a
white circle target above it. Use your longshot on the hook to get the first
rupee then follow the boulders round the perimeter of the room to collect
two more rupees from an alcove on each side and shatter two pots in the
middle to find the last two rupees and open the door.

Exit the door to come into the final room where the energy source is
nowhere to be seen! A monster drops on you from the ceiling so kill it and
walk towards the wall ahead which turns out to be an illusion. In the real
final room shoot a light arrow into the Light Barrier energy source to
destroy it and dispel the barrier blocking you from the keep.

Climb the stairs to the right and cross the bridge at the top to enter the
keep. Each level of the tower contains monsters. As you enter the bottom
level you are confronted by fire keese. Kill them and go up the stairs on the
left to an ornate door. Go through the door which bolts behind you and
take on two dinalfos to open another ornate door up a short flight of steps.

Climb the steps and go through the door and up a spiral staircase to yet
another ornate door. Go through and the door bolts behind you and two
stalfos attack. In the centre of the room a chest is surrounded by a ring of
fire so stay clear of it. Defeat the Stalfos to make the fire disappear allowing
you to get to the boss chest. Open the chest for the boss key.

Go up a short flight of stairs and through the next door then follow another
spiral staircase to another door. Enter, it bolts behind you and you face two
stationary iron knuckles. Activate one at a time by attacking them and kill
them both. Although your defensive power has been increased their axes
are still very dangerous! Wait till the iron knuckles swing then jump in and
stab at them.

When you've defeated both iron knuckles exit through the next door and
take another spiral staircase up to the boss door. Open the boss door to
find a circular room with a huge tower in the centre. Find the door on the
right and go through it into a dark corridor with a red carpet. Follow the
carpet to a very long spiral staircase and up to a room with red mist in it
and a door on the left.

Go through the door to find Ganondorf playing an organ above which
Princess Zelda is trapped in the purple crystal. She magically refills your
health and Ganondorf turns and batters you with Triforce magic. Navi says
that because of the magic she can't get close to him.

Immediately rush to a corner of the room where there is a stable block - all
the corners have fixed blocks whilst the other blocks in the room can drop
if Ganondorf smacks the central platform with his fist. Defend yourself
against Ganondorf's fireballs by repelling them with your sword. This is a bit
more difficult than when you met Phantom Ganon because you can't lock
on due to Navi being unable to get near him.

Equip your light arrows and keep sending Ganondorf's fireballs back at him
until he gets stunned at which point fire a light arrow at him to knock him
onto the central platform. When he drops down to the platform use the
longshot to pull yourself across to him and hit him with your sword but be
prepared to get back to a corner fast when he rises up again - switch to the
hover boots to cross the gap safely. If you don't fancy jumping across to
him then try hitting him with the light arrow then switching to normal arrows,
firing one of those at him and switching back to light arrows again.

When you've struck Ganondorf enough times he attacks in a different way
by casting a spell which sends out six energy bolts that home in on you. You
can avoid the energy bolts if you time it carefully and run from corner to
corner however this only works if there are enough blocks remaining. The
best method of dealing with this attack is to hit Ganondorf with a light arrow
as he casts the spell thus preventing him from releasing it and dropping him
to the central platform again where you can hammer him. Ganondorf then
alternates between attacks so keep at him until he dies.

If you have problems and keep running out of magic then it's a good idea to
save, quit and return to Kakariko Village where you can buy a potion which
increases your magic level. This can be used to top your meter up during
the battle.

When you finally defeat Ganondorf the tower wall vaporises around you
and when the light returns to normal Ganondorf lies dead and Zelda is free.
Suddenly the whole castle starts to shake as Ganondorf, with the last of his
power, tries to crush you. You now have three minutes to get out of the
castle before it collapses.

You need to follow Zelda out of the castle - keeping behind her or she
slows down - and follow her as she opens each of the doors barring your
way. When you reach the room where you met the Stalfos earlier, Zelda is
trapped by a ring of fire and two more Stalfos attack. You must beat them
to banish the flames before you can continue and the clock keeps ticking!

Once the flames have gone follow Zelda again and when you cross the
stone bridge leading out of the keep hug the right edge to avoid the redead
on the left. Assuming that you make it out of the castle in time (if you don't
you end up back at the top and the race starts over) you get to watch the
whole castle fall down.

It's quiet for a few seconds... it seems that everything is over... but it's not!
Cross back over to the ruins of the castle and Ganondorf rises from the
ground once more. He transforms himself into a huge monster called
Ganon, surrounds the area with flames blocking your from reaching Zelda
and knocks the Master Sword from your hands!

Equip the megaton hammer and face the awful monster Ganon. First off
avoid his attacks and nip round behind him to strike him on the tail with the
hammer repeatedly until he collapses temporarily and the flames vanish.
When this happens run over to Zelda and get your sword back.

With sword in hand return to engage Ganon once more. This time he moves
a lot faster making it more difficult to reach his tail so lock onto him with Z
and use light arrows to temporarily stun him then race round behind him and
chop at his tail with your sword.

When you've hit Ganon enough times Zelda uses her magic to fix him in
place. Now it's time to finish him off! Zelda's magic charges up the master
sword. Press B to strike at Ganon who still tries to get up and attack you.
Zelda then summons the power of the Sages and they banish Ganon

Zelda says the last seven years have been her fault and Link must put the
Master Sword back in the Pedestal of Time to close the time doorway. She
then asks for the ocarina back so that she can return Link to his original

Link returns to when he was just a boy. Everyone in Hyrule is happy and
the young Link returns to Hyrule castle to meet a very young Zelda...


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very good FAQ for Zelda - Ocarina of Time written by Coffee (Version 2.52)

03.October 2013
thanks to Kai (www.kai666.com)
Action Replay Codes (V1.2)

10.October 2008
thanks to Kai (www.kai666.com)
Action Replay Codes (V1.1)

10.October 2008
thanks to Kai (www.kai666.com)
Action Replay Codes (V1.0)

10.October 2008

02.October 2013
Solution for Zelda - Ocarina of Time

03.October 2013
Solution for Zelda - Ocarina of Time

04.October 2013
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