Command and Conquer Generals - Stunde Null

Command and Conquer Generals - Stunde Null

04.10.2013 03:58:07
Multiplayer/Single Player Guide to Winning FAQ
Command And Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
Multiplayer/Single Player Guide to Winning FAQ
Version 1.2
Author: pi314159 (Generals and Zero Hour Accounts: Missile + pissed)

Note: All the Special Abilities of All 9 Generals are Listed in the
Generals Srength Ratings Section


-How to Stop the Tunnel Rush <---- NEW

-Version History
-General Strength Ratings <---- NEW
-The Units
-The Generals' Units
-The Structures
-The Generals' Structures
-The Generals Abilities
-The Upgrades <---- NEW
-The Generals' Tactics
-Challenge Tips-------> Not yet done
-Beating Townes
-Beating Alexis
-Beating Granger
-Beating Thrax
-Beating Kassad
-Beating Kwai
-Beating Tao
-Beating Leang (Boss General)
-Newbie Tips
-How to Fight When You're Outnumbered and OutGunned
-Weird Little Bits of Info

-How to Stop the Tunnel Rush
Because of this horrible and hidious imbalance in the game, many many
people are losing to the tunnel rush. As such, I have created this
section to let you people know how to stop it.
-As China: Dragon tanks are your best freind. However, you must use
firewall (fast key is F) in order to beat the tunnels cost-effectively.
-As USA: AMBULANCES. Use ambulances to run over the workers and the RPG
troops and use S&D tanks to destroy the tunnels from afar.
-As GLA: Build your own tunnels.

IMPORTANT: If they are tunnel rushing you, it is essential that you find
some way to rush them back. Their base is most likely undefended and
there's no better way to teach him what for by launching your own attack!

-How to Stop Tunnel-Based Attacks in Mid Game
-As China: Bunkers should be scattered all around your base. Don't put
anything in them until you actually see an attack coming. You just want
them there to be available *IF* you need them.
-As USA: Firebases. These things out range tunnels and have 100% accuracy
against vehicles. Don't put infantry in them, though, ot Jarmen Kell
will be able to kill them in 4 shots (the FIRE BASES, not just the infantry).
-As GLA: Stinger Sites are more than enough. A good group of Quads is
better, though. Quads have extremly high firepower (in large groups) against
infantry and structures. Use that to your advantage.

-Version History

-Version 1.4 Added some last elusive info about Alexis and and more
to the Challenge Tips Section. Also, I have added a new section:
How to Stop the Tunnel Rush.

-Version 1.3 Added Upgrades Section, Added Generals Rating system,
and I also added more to the Challenge tips section.

-Version 1.2 I've corrected a few last spelling errors and added some
last missing info. I has also added Townes under Challenge Tips.
More will be added soon. Newbie Tips has also been added.
Little TidBits of info also added.

-Version 1.1. I've corrected all of the passad/kassad misspellings and
added a few missing pieces of information.

-Welcome to Version 1.05. I have now completely spell checked all 35 pages
of this document and I am confident that 95% of the spelling and grammatical
errors have been removed. I have also begun adding walkthroughs for the USA
Missions on HARD Mode. Lastly, a new section has been added: "How to fight
when You're Out-numbered and Out-gunned"

-This is Version 1.0. It's missing walkthroughs for GLA HARD campaign and
China HARD Campaign. Challenge Tips is also empty. Newbie Tips is also

-General Strength Ratings

This is whre I compare and contrast the abilities of the Generals in their
combat strengths. These rating are out of 100. Standard factions will also
be rated.

-#12: Alexis Alexandra, The USA Super Weapon General: 45/100

All Vehicles and comanches are more expensive
Col Burton Costs $300 less
Alpha Aurora Replaces Aurora
Particle Cannon costs $2500 less
Control rods provide +15 power instead of only +5
Cold Fusion Reactors cost $900
Patriots cost $900
Patriots do less damage, but stun any vehicles, structures or aircraft they hit
Stunned aircraft (B52s, B2s, and Supply planes excluded) die immediately once
stunned by an EMP missile

She is the weakest General of them all. She can only access weak vehicles and
weak aircraft yet both cost much more. EMP patriots, although a useful defence,
often hits her own structures, paralyzing them. They are useful for repelling
rushes but not for much else. They really aren't much better than standard
patriots. Aside from that, all she has is cheaper power and cheaper super
weapons, but niether of them make for effective attacks because it takes four
minutes to fire a single shot.

Alexis has a patchy defence and a pathetically weak offence. That's why she's
the worst general.

-#11: Dr. Thrax, The GLA Toxin General: 59/100

Standard Units (Rocket buggy, Scorpion, Quad cannon, Battle Bus, Technical)
all cost more
Scorpion and Marauder start with toxin shells
Begins with anthrax Beta
Scud launcher can only fire anthrax warheads
Most rocket attacks contain a small amount of anthrax
Excluding Jarmell, all stealth capabilities are not available
Toxin Rebel Replaces Rebel
Demo Traps release toxins when detonated

The Thrax man had a lot of potential, but all of those toxins don't really
do him any good because they don't pack enough punch to beat enemy vehicles
and only one general relies on infantry: and his own Dr. Thrax's units. It
also doesn't help that Thrax doesn't get any really strong explosives to work
with; his scud launcher, scud storm, and demo traps all lost explosive power
in favore of toxins and in turn make Thrax horribly weak. The only thing
thrax has going for him is his toxin network, but any artillery or heavy tank
can kill those no problem. They make for great tunnel rushes, though.

Thrax has a fair offence because he still gets his tanks, but he's
otherwise very weak.

-#10: Vanilla China, The Standard China Faction: 64/100

With all the new generals and abilites in Zero Hour, those standard Overlords
just don't cut it on the battlfield, especially since 2 china generals have
their own superior versions. However, Vanilla China is still pretty good
because of it's relatively strong airforce and solid infantry.

Vanilla China is still good and strong, but a bit too slow to compete in ZH.

-#9: Demo, The GLA Demolitions General: 67/100

Standard Units (Rocket buggy, Scorpion, Quad cannon, technical, battlebus) cost
Terrorists do more damage
Bomb trucks are cheaper
All toxin upgrades are unavailable.
Scuds and scud storms only use explosives.
This general cannot utilize Stealth (except Jarmell Kell)
If a certain upgrade is purchased, all units gain the ability to self-destruct
Jarmell Kell can place explosives like the saboteur and retains all his other
Attack cycles come with terrorists instead of rebels
Rebels have booby trap upgrade at start

Like GLA, but with a lot more kick. Demo has a lot of firepower at his
disposal but suffers from GLA's weak chasses. Furthermore, the lack of
stealth capabailites really hurts Demo. He's a pretty reliable general,
however, just not top-notch.

Demo is a good, all-round general. High firepower for GLA.

-#8: Kwai, The China Tank General: 69/100

Cannot build nuke cannons or inferno cannons
All tanks cost $100 less (Troop Crawlers cost $200 less)
Overlord is replaced with Emporer
All tanks built as veterans
All Aircraft cost a lot more
All Infantry cost a lot more
Can paradrop 1, 2, or 4 tanks with generals ability (level 3)
Gains Battlemaster autoloader upgrade at propaganda center
Does not have Cash Hack Generals Ability
Carpet Bombing Is Avaialable only at Level 5
BattleMaster Training is avaialable at Level 1
Emergency Repair (level 1) is available at Level 1

Tanks are strong and fast, but tanks are also easily killind in ZH, hence
why Kwai is a fairly weak general. He gets a higher score than Demo only
because Kwai's early game is remarkably strong. If the game lasts longer
than a few minutes, and it often does, Kwai becomes almost helpless. His tanks
are cheap, but his infantry and aircraft are so much more expencive that it's
completely ridiclous.

Kwai: Great early game, Weak Late game. Enough Said.

-#7: Townes, The USA Laser General: 71/100

Laser tank replaces Crusader and paladin
Laser Tower replaces Patriot
Tomahawk is not available
Avengers Cost $500 less
Cold Fusion Reactors cost $100 less and provide +8 power
Control rods provide an additional +8 power
Laser Tank Requires 1 unit of power
Laser Tower Requires 5 units of power

This guy is almost exactly like Kwai, but more virsitle. He doesn't get
artillery, but his airforce and infantry are strong and can actually help
off-set his weakness. Aside from the lack of artillery, Townes' only weakness
is his reliance on a constant power supply. However, this weakness
probably won't mean the difference between victory or defeat. Lastly, his
tanks are so strong that it is worth it.

Townes has great attack strength, but he needs to be creative and smart to
overcome his two weaknesses.

-#6: Vanilla USA, The Standard USA Faction: 75/100

USA has improved a lot since the original Generals and it shows. Firebases,
microwave tanks, and the mother of all bombs makes Vanilla USA a force to be
reckoned with. Only Weakness is that stuff is rather expencive, but they do
get of a lot of intel to help make up for it.

Strong Airforce, Strong Artillery, Strong Tanks, Strong Infantry, and
Great Virsitility makes Vanilla USA a powerful faction in ZH.

-#5: Prince Kassad, The GLA Stealth General: 76/100

All structures can upgrade with camo netting
Rebels are camouflaged at start
All base defenses are camouflaged
Hijacker is available at start
Hijacker costs more
Hijacker is stealthed while moving
GPS scrambler is available at level three
GPS scrambler recharges faster
Scud launchers, Scorpion tanks, and Marauder tanks are not available

The stealth general has stealth coming out the ears. All his structures and
his units (with GPS scrambler) can become stealthed. And, although he
doesn't have and tanks or heavy artillery to work with, he doesn't need it.
Kassad's only weakness is early game where the enemy has some heavy
firepower (tanks) and he doesn't. Hijackers only help a small amount, so
Kassad is in a bad spot until he can tech up. Then, Kassad OWNS.

Kassad has a weak early game but a great late game.

-#4: Vanilla GLA, The Standard GLA Faction: 80/100

Like GLA in the original Generals, but much better. They get strength, speed,
and stealth all in one neat little package. Scorpians, scuds, technicals,
buggys, rebel camo, and camo netting: Vanilla GLA has everything and
sacrifices nothing.

GLA has strength, speed, stealth, a great early and excellent late game!

-#3: Granger, The USA Airforce General: 82/100

Combat Chinook is available (Does not replace standard chinook)
Cannot build crusaders or paladins
Stealth Comanche Upgrade is available from airstrip
Carpet-bombing becomes available once strategy center is built
All Aircraft have point laser defense, all are cheaper
Stealth fighter does not require use of a general's point
Humvees, tomahwaks, and ambulances cost a little more

Granger is like standard USA but has a huge firepower boost in the form of the
King Raptor. Forget tanks, Granger has all firepower he needs in the skies.
His aircraft are cheaper and stronger than everyone elses. So much, even,
that it's almost unfair that Granger's only weakness is a lack of tanks.
Other than that, Granger's only problem is micromaagement.

Heavy Micromanagement, but also heavy firepower. Granger is extremely

-#2: 'Anvil' Fai, The China Infantry General: 88/100

Frenzy (level 1) is available at level 1
Minigunner replaces Red Guard
Assault Troop Crawler Replaces Troop Crawler
Attack Outpost Replaces Listening Outpost
Assault Helix Replaces Helix
Cannot build Overlords, Battlemasters, or Gattling tanks
Inferno cannons, ECM tanks, and dragon tanks all cost more
All infantry start out as veterans
Can paradrop 5, 10, or 15 mingunners as a general ability (level 3)
Super Hackers Replace Hackers
Super Black Lotus Replaces Black Lotus
Fortified Bunker Replaces Bunker
Has nationalism upgrade at start
Patriotism Upgrade is Available at the Propaganda Center

Anvil has a great early game because of his extremely powerful infantry
and a great late game because of his strong airforce and strong hackers. With
Anvil, it's down right difficult to lose. The only weakness anvil has
is that it's hard to take down a combination of King Raptors and Pathfinders,
but very few Grangers can even last that long.

Anvil: Can only be defeat by Granger or #1, nobody else stands a chance.

-#1: Shin Tao, The China Nuke General: 92/100

Nuke Cannon is available to him without the cost of a generals point
Advanced Nuke Plant replaces Nuke Plant
All Aircraft Cost More
All Infantry Cost More
Overlord and Battlemaster start out with nuclear tank and uranium shells
Battlemaster looks kind of funny
Battlemaster and Overlord leave radiation with their shots
Nuke launcher costs $500 less
Carpet Nuke bombing replaces Carpet Bombing
Gains Isotope stability upgrade at Nuke Silo
Migs can be upgraded with tactical nukes Available at nuke silo
Repair (level 1) is avalable at level 1

Everything you could want in a general and more, Tao is one great General.
Top-Notch tanks, powerful (nuclear) aifrcraft, great artillery, and more
radiation than you can shake a stick at. There is nothing that Tao cannot do.

Tao is the strongest General in all of ZH, at least in version 1.0.

-Zero Hour Target Unit Evaluation

The threat evaluation sets priorities for targets you encounter on the
battlefield. The ratings are out of 10 and higher means you should expend
more effort in their destruction. Always eliminate more threatening targets
first, if at all possible. (Note: Higher rating does not always mean that
the target is more threatening. It just means that it's something you want
to destroy, be it dangerous or not.)

-Standard USA

Ranger: 3
Strong against other infantry, but otherwise weak. It's also very
inexpensive and USA plays can get them for free when a building is destroyed
or from a paradrop. These get a level 3 rating because flashbangs can kill
large groups of infantry quickly and they can clear out buildings.
Price: $225
Special Abilities: Flash Bang and Capture (Both require Upgrades)
Upgrades: Advanced Training, Capture and Flash Bang, Chemical Suits

Missile Defender: 6
Extremely strong against vehicles because of laser lock. When using laser
lock. They can outrange all non-artillery units. These are often used in
groups to be more effective.
Price: $300
Special Abilities: Laser Lock
Upgrades: Advanced Training, Chemical Suits

Pathfinder: 5
These PWN all infantry, but only infantry. They are stealthed and have long
ranges, so they can be hard to find. But you should have too many infantry
standing around anyways.
Price: $600 + General's Promotion (level 3)
Special Abilities: Is stealthed while firing and while still. Is not
stealthed while moving. Detects stealth
Upgrades: Advanced Training, chemical suits

Col. Burton: 10
Col. Burton is extremely dangerous. He levels up quickly and can destroy
buildings, units, and infantry very quickly. He is also stealthed. If you
find one in your base, kill him at all costs. Nothing short of a troop
crawler, sniper, or pack of scorpions can kill Burton.
Cost: $1500
Special Abilities: Timed C4 (20 second timer) and Remote C4
Upgrades: Advanced Training, chemical suits

Ambulance: 2
These are rarely encountered. They do not carry weapons and are very weak
support vehicles. They are also easily replaced by your opponent. The only
reason they get above a 1 is because they can be used to quickly and
effectively kill enemy infantry when a pathfinder is unavailable. They are
speedy enough and armored enough to run over infantry.
Price: $600
Special Abilities: Can Clear area of toxins, heals infantry that are within
it or near it, Carries up to 3 infantry,
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones

Humvee: 7
These are commonly filled with infantry that can shoot out of it. This unit
is also very fast. It gets a high threat level only because it's expensive
and can easily be destroyed. It is not actually very dangerous. 3
scorpions, 2 gatts, or 3 mds (with laser lock) can easily destroy rockvee.
Price: $700
Special Abilities: Can garrison 5 infantry that can fire out of it
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, TOW missile (enables humvees to
attack aircraft)

Crusader: 6
These are high quality, high performance tanks. They are good targets, but
fairly tough to beat. Rocket infantry (garrisoned or not) and Overlords (or
scorpions with rockets) are your best bets at destroying these effectively.
Artillery also works pretty well.
Cost: $900
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, Composite Armor

Sentry Drone: 4
Extremely weak and extremely expensive. Kill these when they show up, but
chances are your enemy won't use too many of them.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Is stealthed when still and not firing. Can Detect
Upgrades: Gun

Tomahawk: 9
These are almost always used in groups of 3 or more. These, paired with
search and destroy battle plan, can be virtually impossible to destroy with
land units. Use aircraft to kill these if at all possible.
Price: $1200
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training

Microwave Tank: 2
I have yet to see these used by any player. They are cheap, but also very
useless. They only disable buildings for as long as they fire at the target
buildings and they can only damage infantry within a small proximity when it
is not firing. (You'll see a faint yellow circle around the microwave
tank.) If you see one on the battlefield, you may as well just ignore it.
Price: $800
Special Abilities: Can disable any enemy structure from afar. Kills infantry
within a certain radius of the unit.
Upgrades: Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, composite armor

Paladin: 7
This is exactly like a crusader except for 2 differences. First, it has a
laser that can shoot down rockets at about the rate a tank hunter can shoot
them. (Order 2 tanks hunters to shoot it and the paladin will take damage.)
Second, Paladins cost more, making them better targets.
Price: $1100
Special Abilities: Can shoot down missiles/rockets with point laser defense
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, Composite Armor

Avenger: 8
These rape aircraft. If you aren't using aircraft, then you can ignore
these. But you should probably kill them if you get the chance because they
are hard to replace at $2000 apiece. They also have weak armor.
Price: $2000
Special Abilities: Laser 1 rapes aircraft, laser 2 is a laser point defense,
laser 3 designates ground target increasing the firing rate of nearby units
firing at that target
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, Composite Armor

Raptor: 7
These can kill most tanks and infantry with one group of missiles. They have
weak armor and are expensive so they can be killed rather easily. Chances
are your enemy won't ever use normal raptors, because if they liked aircraft,
they'd probably use Granger instead.
Price: $1400
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: CounterMeasures, Laser Missiles, Advanced Training

Comanche: 4
Very Expensive and VERY easy to kill. These are so easy to kill it's
ridiculous. But they do have heavy firepower; so if you don't have any AA
around, watch out.
Special Abilities: Rocket Pods (if upgrade is purchased)
Upgrades: Rocket Pods, Advanced Training

Aurora Bomber: 9
Any amount of AA will kill these, but only on the return trip. They make
extremely good targets, costing $2500 each. But they do have some heavy
bombs, too, and 2 can kill even an overlord.
Special Abilities: Impervious to all attacks only when ordered to attack
Upgrades: CounterMeasures, Advanced Training

Stealth Fighter: 6
These aren't used much, even by Granger fans. This is due to their low
versatility. They can destroy enemy base defenses, but only enemy base
defenses. They do make good targets, however, because they cost $1600 each.
You should be wary if they have bunker busters, though. See the bunker
buster upgrade for details.
Cost: $1600 + General Promotion (level 1)
Special Abilities: Stealthed while not firing (even stealthed on airstrip)
Upgrades: Bunker Buster, Laser Missiles, CounterMeasures, Advanced

Chinook: 10
The best target out there, the Chinook is the godfather of helpless targets.
Completely unarmed, the Chinook is expensive and is a necessary part of any
functional USA economy. As a bonus, these things occasionally carry units in
them, too. Anything in a Chinook dies along with the Chinook when it's shot
Price: $1200
Special Abilities: Can Transport 8 slots of units: Dozers take 5, vehicles
take 3, infantry take 1
Upgrades: None

*There is a known exception to this. If you fill 2 technicals with
terrorists and put those technicals in the Chinook, than put two more
terrorists in the Chinook, 4 terrorists will survive if the Chinook is
destroyed. They will have about 50% health.

Scout Drone: 1
These are extremely cheap upgrades that are applicable to all USA vehicles.
They greater increase sight range and allow that unit to detect stealth.
They get a low target priority because they are readily replaceable.
Cost: $100
Special Abilities: Detects stealth, has high vision range
Upgrades: Drone Armor

Battle Drone: 2
These drones repair the host unit and use a weak machine gun to assist the
host unit in attacks. Although useful in certain situations with small
numbers of units, you don't want to apply these to any large number of
tanks. At $300 apiece, you're better off buying MDs if you need
supplementary firepower.
Cost: $300
Special Abilities: Repairs Host when host is damaged and not moving, assists
host unit in attacks
Upgrades: Drone Armor

Hellfire Drone: 4
For a drone, these are expensive. They have high firepower, but they don't
seem to shoot very often, making me question their usefulness. However, they
do appear to be strikingly effective against infantry. They get a high
rating because they are easy to shoot down and very expensive.
Cost: $500
Special Abilities: Fires a hellfire missile at enemies near to the host
Upgrades: Drone Armor

Dozer: 7
Excellent Target. This is how USA builds all structures. It has weak armor
and is easily killed. USA needs these more than the other factions because
defense structures play an important role in USA defense.
Cost: $1000
Special Abilities: Builds all structures, clears mines, repairs structures
for free
Upgrades: None

Pilot: 3
These appear when promoted USA planes, helicopters, or vehicles are
destroyed. They carry the veterancy of whatever unit was lost. They can be
ordered into another vehicle or plane. Upon entering, the plane or vehicle
receives the pilot's veterancy and it is added to the total. Veterancy adds
a lot of firepower to units, so pilots can really make a difference in
battle. However, they get a low priority rating because a lot of
micromanagement is required to use them properly. Most players don't
manage them well enough to be a real threat. Note: 3 chevrons is the highest
attainable veterency, under any circumstances.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Veterancy Transfer
Upgrades: None

B52 Bomber (StratoFortress): 6
These deliver Fuel Air Bombs to targets. They have some pretty tough armor
and their presence on the battlefield is usually pretty brief, but they
are worth downing is at all possible. These always travel to their targets
in a straight line starting from the part of the edge of the map that is
closest to the HQ that deployed the generals ability.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Drops Fuel Air Bombs, cannot be directly controlled
Upgrades: CounterMeasures

USA Supply Plane: 4
About as fast an armored as the B52 but smaller and less cool looking.
These deliver paratroopers, leaflets, and supply crates. They also
deliver reinforcements to reinforcement pads. It deploys in the
same fasion as the B52.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Delivers all USA supplies, soildiers, and reinforcements.
It is invincible when dropping supplies onto the drop zone.
Upgrades: CounterMeasures

B2: 10
Although this is very fast and well armored, you must destroy this if it
is within your power. For granger, it carries carpet bombs. For other
USA factions (and granger, too) it carries the deadly MOAB ordinance which
is about as powerful as a chinese nuke. If this plane survives, it will
pack on the hurt.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilites: Drops carpet bombs in a straight line of MOAB ordinance
Upgrades: CounterMeasures

Spectre Gunship: 2
Personally, I don't see these as much of a threat. They can only fire
at a limited area for a short period of time and require a lot of
micromanagement to do any significant damage. Just move your forces out
of the circle is orbits and wait 30 seconds and the spectre gunship leaves.
Also, it has a ton of armor, so you probably wouldn't be able to shoot it
down even if you tried.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Flies to target area, shoots for awhile, then leaves.
Upgrades: CounterMeasures

-Granger (Air Force General):
Combat Chinook is available (Does not replace standard chinook)
Cannot build crusaders or paladins
Stealth Comanche Upgrade is available from airstrip
Carpet-bombing becomes available once strategy center is built
All Aircraft have point laser defense, all are cheaper
Stealth fighter does not require use of a general's point

Combat Chinook: 9
The are like regular chinooks (costs a little more), but infantry can fire
out of them. They are well armored and very fast and manuverable. Often
loaded with lots of MDs, these should be a high priority target, although you
might have trouble catching them. Requires the War factory before it can be
Price: $1200
Special Abilities: Laser point defence, can transport 8 slots of units,
infantry can fire from within it
Upgrades: None

King Raptor: 8
These are highly dangerous and impervious rocket attacks. They also detect
stealth. Defense against these is a must. Note: They also detect stealth
when flying.
Price: $1100
Special Abilities: Laser Point Defense, can detect stealth while flying
Upgrades: Laser Missiles, CounterMeasures, Advanced Training

Comanche: 10
Extremely dangerous in the hands of Granger. These are cheap and can be
these at all costs so that Granger does not even consider building more.
(Granger's Comanches also appear to have more armor than standard versions.)
Price: $1200
Special Abilities: Stealthed while not firing (Requires Upgrade), rocket pods
(requires upgrade), laser point defense
Upgrades: Rocket Pods, Comanche Stealth Upgrade, Advanced Training

-Townes (Laser General):
Laser tank replaces Crusader and paladin
Laser Tower replaces Patriot
Tomahawk is not available
Avengers Cost $500 less

Laser Tank: 6
These are exactly like normal crusader tanks, but they do slightly more
damage to vehicles and much less damage to infantry.
Price: $900
Special Abilities: Becomes inactive if Base Power is low
Upgrades: S/B/H Drones, Advanced Training, Composite Armor

-Alexis (Super Weapon General):
All Vehicles are more expensive
Particle Cannon costs $2500 less
Control rods provide +15 power instead of only +5
Cold Fusion Reactors cost $900
Patriots cost $900
Patriots do less damage, but stun any vehicles,. structures or aircraft they hit
Stunned aircraft (B52s, B2s, and Supply planes excluded) die immediately once
stunned by an EMP missile

Alpha Aurora: 7
These are weaker and less expensive than normal auroras. Although you should
try and destroy them, you won't suffer much even if you don't. Their mini
Fuel Air Bombs are pretty strong, but cannot hit fast moving targets.
Cost: $2000
Special Abilities: Is impervious when ordered to attack
Upgrades: CounterMeasures, Advanced Training

Standard GLA:

Rebel: 1
Easy to kill, easy to replace. If they are capturing one of your structures
(or a neutral one), then run them over. If not, don't bother.
Cost: $150
Special Abilities: Capture and Stealth (Both require upgrades), can place
booby trap (with purchase of upgrade)
Upgrades: AP Bullets, Stealth Rebel, Capture, Booby Trap

RPG Trooper: 3
Good against tanks, better when garrisoned. Any standard infantry units or
light vehicle will PWN these little guys. Flash bangs, toxin tractors, flame
tanks, or simple artillery will remove them from structures.
Cost: $300 (two come free with tunnel)
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: AP Rockets

Hijacker: 4
You won't encounter normal hijackers much because they are weak, slow,
expensive, and so ineffective it's funny. They can steal vehicles, in
theory, but aren't very good at it.
Cost: $400 + Generals point (level 3)
Special Abilities: Stealthed while not moving, Can capture Enemy Vehicles (in
Upgrades: None

Terrorist: 7
These are very cheap but have VERY high firepower; 1 can easily kill 3
tanks. It's easy to kill these, but painful if you don't.
Cost: $200
Special Abilities: 'One time use' units. In order to attack, they have to
right next to the target... and they die along with it.
Upgrades: None

Angry Mob: 10
If you ever see one, kill it quickly. I gave it a 10 for a reason. Nothing
can do more damage to more things faster than an Angry Mob. The mob puts
even the nuke cannon to shame. These units rape all non-aircraft units. Use
flash bangs, Quad guns, gatt tanks, or other mobs to dispose of them.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Unlike other infantry, these cannot garrison structures or
occupy tunnels or vehicles. Members of the mob regenerate over time.
Upgrades: AK-47

Jarmell Kell: 9
You won't see him until he's sniped one of you vehicles. If you don't kill
him fast, he'll snipe the rest of your tanks and use them against you. The
good news is that unless he's being micromanaged by the enemy commander, he
will continue to fire at enemy units after he's sniped one of your tanks.
This makes him easy to spot and eliminate. Just be sure that he is, in fact,
killed before you direct your attentions elsewhere.
Cost: $1500
Special Abilities: Can snipe out Drivers making enemy units capturable to any
infantry unit, is stealthed while not firing.
Upgrades: AP Bullets

Saboteur: 8
Saboteurs are unlike other units: They can infiltrate enemy structures to
power them down. Infiltrating the HQ will reset all the timers for the
opponant's HQ. It is unarmed, but stealthed.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Can power down structures by infiltrating them and is
Upgrades: None

Scorpion: 4
Strong and cheap. These are most often used en masse, and for good reason.
Nothing short of a Nuke cannon of a horde of paladins can beat a swarm of
Scorpions. Also, this is the most upgradeable unit in the game. (Note:
When using these, always have the scorpion rocket. It effectively increases
their firepower by 200%.)
Cost: $600
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: Scorpion Rocket, Toxin Shells, Anthrax Beta (if toxin shells are
purchased), AP Rockets (if rocket is purchased), Junk Repair

Technical: non-upgraded: 2
upgraded: 8
These are rarely used alone. RPG troops or Terrorists are almost always
concealed inside. If a technical manages to scavenge 2 wrecks, watch out.
Its weapon becomes extremely powerful, effective against infantry and tanks.
Aircraft or gattling tanks are required to eliminate upgraded technicals.
Cost: $500
Special Abilities: Can transport 5 infantry units quickly, units inside
will survive if technical is destroyed
Upgrades: Junk Repair

Radar Vans: 7
Not at all dangerous, but they make a great target. Why? Because most
players only build one... which is a bad idea because they are extremely
cheap. They provide the GLA player with radar and detect stealth. They can
also reveal terrain when the appropriate upgrade is purchased.
Cost: $500
Special Abilities: Is unarmed, but can detect stealth
Upgrades: Radar Scan (allows scanning of any area on the map), Junk Repair

Quad Cannon: 6
These are great targets because of their weak armor. They are also the only
effective AA that GLA has. Granger players should definitely keep that in
Cost: $700
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: Junk Repair

Combat Cycle: 5
Overpriced and weak. They can host terrorists if the GLA player wants them
too, so just be careful.
Cost: $500
Special Abilities: Any infantry unit can ride it. It takes on all standard
abilities of that unit.
Upgrades: Junk Repair

Toxin Tractor: 6
Personally, these are my favorite targets because they are fun to shoot at.
They aren't dangerous and they aren't expensive, but they die easily. If you
can get them into the enemy base, use their toxin spray. The effect lasts a
long time. Also, these are fairly resistant to rocket attacks, but
especially weak to tank rounds.
Cost: $600
Special Abilities: Toxin Spray
Upgrades: Junk Repair, Anthrax Beta

Rocket Buggy: 8
These have high firepower and long range. They are also fast. You'll want
to kill them because of this. They have virtually no armor, so it's not very
hard to do so. Try using aircraft.
Cost: $900
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: Junk Repair, AP Rockets, Buggy Ammo

Bomb Truck: 10
If you ever see one of these, it's 2 seconds away from killing half your
army. Take these out at all costs. Note: Unlike the terrorist, bomb trucks
explode even if they are destroyed. Act accordingly.
Cost: $1200
Special Abilities: Can disguise as ANY vehicle. Be as creative with this as
you can.
Upgrades: Bio Bomb (Affects only truck it's bought on), High Explosive bomb
(only affects truck it's bought on), Junk Repair, Anthrax Beta

Scud Launcher: 8
These artillery units boast very powerful missiles. The anthrax warhead is
pathetically weak, but the high explosive warhead does almost as much damage
as the nuke cannon. The scud launcher is, for the most part, like the nuke
canon: it just trades some firepower for speed. It works really well in
conjunction with tunnel networks.
Cost: $1200 + generals point (level 1)
Special Abilities: Anthrax Warhead
Upgrades: Junk Repair, Anthrax Beta

Battle Bus: 7
These are fairly well armored and rather speedy for a heavy vehicle. Load
them with 5 RPG troops and you can expect this to destroy most tanks. Just
be sure to watch out for artillery, though, seeing as you probably don't want
to lose your $2500 investment.
Cost: $900
Special Abilities: Can hold 8 infantry that can fire from within it, forms an
immobile bunker when destroyed

Marauder Tanks: 6
This is GLA's version of the crusader. It is there to give GLA a way to
destroy paladins. These are cheaper and weaker than the crusader, but still
comparable in most aspects. One thing it can't do is fire while moving
because its turret is fixed. Cost: $800 + Generals Point (level 1)
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: Toxin Shells, Anthrax Beta (if toxin shells are purchased), Junk

Worker: 3
These are extremely cheap and extremely replaceable because they cost only
$200 and can be trained by two different structures. However, they are also
extremely necessary: They build all GLA structures and gather supplies.
Hence, a 3 is warranted. Note: You can prevent construction of a structure
simply by running these over. Many USA and china players retreat their
dozers when they see a worker building a tunnel. Don't, just run the little
guy over instead.
Cost: $200
Special Abilities: Builds all GLA structures, clears mines, collects
supplies, repairs buildings free of charge
Upgrades: Shoes

GLA Plane: 5
An old, rusty supply plane is the only one GLA has. Drops anthrax bombs
and reinforcements at the reinforcement pad.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Drops reinforcements and anthrax bombs
Upgrades: Anthrax Beta

-Demo: Demolitions General:
Standard Units (Rocket buggy, Scorpion, Quad cannon) cost more
Terrorists do more damage
Bomb trucks are cheaper
All toxin upgrades are unavailable.
Scuds and scud storms only use explosives.
This general cannot utilize Stealth (except Jarmell Kell)
If a certain upgrade is purchased, all units gain the ability to self-destruct
Jarmell Kell can place explosives like Col Burton and retains all his other
Attack cycles come with terrorists instead of rebels
Rebels have booby trap upgrade at start

Attack cycle: 7
Same as other generals' attack cycles, except his are more likely to have
terrorist riders. Just be sure to take them out before they get too close.
Cost: $550
Special Abilities: Same as terrorist, but fast
Upgrades: Can utilize and infantry and use it's primary weapon abilities

-Thrax: Toxin General:
Standard Units (Rocket buggy, Scorpion, Quad cannon) cost more
Scorpion and Marauder start with toxin shells
Begins with anthrax Beta
Scud launcher can only fire anthrax warheads
Most rocket attacks contain a small amount of anthrax
Excluding Jarmell, all stealth capabilities are not available

Scud launcher: 4
Dr. Thrax's scud launcher is extremely weak. Try as it might, it can't do
much damage to structures or heavy vehicles. It will, however, completely
own infantry. Act accordingly.
Cost: $1200 + Generals point (level 1)

-Kassad: Stealth General:
All structures can upgrade with camo netting
Rebels are camouflaged at start
All base defenses are camouflaged
Hijacker is available at start
Hijacker costs more
Hijacker is stealthed while moving
GPS scrambler is available at level three
GPS scrambler recharges faster
Scud launchers, Scorpion tanks, and Marauder tanks are not available

Workers: 5
Kassad's workers get a level 5 rating because you need to pay more attention
to them. They are stealthed when collecting supplies (if netting is bought at
stash) and can build defenses that are stealthed while being built. Also, if
you see a worker (or two RPG troops) standing around, assume there is a
defense structure nearby.
Cost: $200
Special Abilities: Build's Kassad's stealthy structures
Upgrades: Shoes

-Standard China:

Red Guard: 2
These are weak infantry. However, they are cheap, get a horde bonus, and can
take on rebels and win. One thing to remember is that they always come in
pairs. If you find one alone, it's probably a scout. Search for and kill
the other because you want to deprive china of all information.
Cost: $300 (for a pair)
Special Abilities: Horde bonus in groups of 5 or more, capture (with upgrade)
Upgrades: Nationalism, capture

Tank Hunter: 3
Like an RPG trooper, but it gets a horde bonus. It also has a neat little
bomb attack, but one shot from it's gun does more damage. Don't even bother
with the TNT.
Cost: $300
Special Abilities: Horde bonus, TNT attack
Upgrades: Nationalism

Hacker: 7
These provide money for china, are easy to kill, and are expensive. Kill
these wherever and whenever you find them. It shouldn't be too hard because
they are completely defenseless and rather slow to undeploy.
Cost: $625
Special Abilities: Can disable enemy buildings (like the microwave tank, but
it doesn't work on defenses), can also hack money at $5 every 2 seconds.
Upgrades: I'm told it hacks faster when in the internet center. It doesn't
appear to, though.

Black Lotus: 9
She can capture an entire base pretty quickly. However, ZH has a ton of
stealth detecting units, so lotus' is now a lot less useful. But if she's in
your base, get her out quickly. She's the only unit that can remove your HQ
quickly and easily and within 10 seconds.
Cost: $1500
Special abilities: Can detect stealth, Stealthed when not using following
abilities, can hack $1000 (or up to) from enemy supply center, can capture
enemy buildings, can disable enemy vehicles
Upgrades: None

Battlemaster Tank: 5
Nothing too special about this thing. As far as tanks go, this is sub-
standard. It can hold its own in a fight, but it's certainly not
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Horde Bonus
Upgrades: Nuclear Tanks, Uranium Shells, Nationalism

Troop Crawler: 8
These things are weak, expensive, and they die quickly. That's why they make
great targets. They also detect stealth and hold up to 8 infantry. They are
also rather fast. Lastly, they are extremely good at killing hero units.
Not even elite Burton can take out a troop crawler and all 8 infantry inside.
Cost: $1400
Special Abilities: Detects stealth, comes with 8 Red Guard
Upgrades: None

Gattling Tank: 7
My favorite unit of all time. This is extremely virsitile and extremely
useful, so if you're fighting a china player, you are going to see a lot of
these through out the game. They own aircraft and infantry, but are pretty
weak against tanks.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Fires slowly for first 6 shots
Upgrades: Chain gun

Dragon Tank: 6
These are pretty weak, but they do rape structures and light vehicles if they
can get close enough. They, like the toxin tractor, have a resistance to
rocket attacks, but take extra damage from tank rounds.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Clears out Infantry from buildings in one shot, can create
a wall of fire, immune to fire (migs and infernos still damage it, just less)
Upgrades: Black Napalm

Inferno Cannon: 5
These can kill infantry, but are weak against everything else. They are also
very slow and very easily destroyed. They are also expensive, warranting the
rating of 5. It does make an okay artillery unit, but only if the nuke
cannon is unavailable.
Cost: $900
Special Abilities: Creates firestorm in large groups
Upgrades: Black Napalm

Listening Outpost: 7
These are pretty expensive and pretty weak. Watch out, though, because they
come with 2 tank hunters which can tear apart tanks. The outposts themselves
are fairly fragile, but have a high resistance to anti-infantry fire.
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Comes with 2 tank hunters that can fire from within it,
detects stealth, is stealthed when still and not firing
Upgrades: None

Overlords: 9
It takes a lot to stop these bad boys. They have incredibly tough armor and
high firepower against everything (even infantry). If you see these
attacking your base, you'll want them dead, fast. Overlords can be destroyed
by other tanks, but it is grossly inefficient to try that. Overlords have a
high resistance to all rocket and tank round attacks. They are weak,
however, to all forms of artillery and to aerial attacks.
Cost: $2000
Special Abilities: Can transport up to 5 infantry that can fire out of it
(when equipped with bunker), can detect stealth (when equipped with gattling
Upgrades: Bunker (affects only target tank), Gattling gun (affects only
target tank), Propaganda Tower (affects only target tank), Nuclear Tanks,
Uranium Shells, Subliminal Messaging, Chain gun Upgrade (if gattling gun is

ECM Tank: 4
These are only really a threat if you are china facing china. Every vehicle
costs the same as this tank or less (except the paladin and the overlord) so
using one tank to paralyze another really won't alter the course of the
battle in any way (unless it's overlords vs. overlords).
Cost: $800
Special Abilities: Can disable an enemy vehicle, Rocket attacks made within
it's range are often thrown off course
Upgrades: None

Nuke Cannon: 10
The mother of all artillery, these things have incredibly high offensive
firepower at long range. However, they are slow and need to deploy before
firing and have to redeploy between every shot when on guard mode. They also
have very weak armor. You should consider these prime targets at all times
and regardless of all other circumstances.
Cost: $1600 + Generals Point (level 1)
Special Abilities: Can fire neutron shells that clear garrisoned buildings
and clears vehicles of their drivers
Upgrades: Neutron Shells.

Mig: 7
Not all it's cracked up to be, the mig is fairly weak as far as aircraft go.
It can make a firestorm, which is impressive, but only in groups of four or
more. They make great targets because they are easy to shoot down with
bullet weapons. (Rocket attacks aren't very effective, aside from the EMP
and standard Patriot.)
Cost: $1200
Special Abilities: Creates firestorm in groups of 4 or more
Upgrades: Black Napalm, Mig Armor

Helix 2: 8
Like the Comanche, but a little less fragile, and a little more expensive.
It can transport 5 slots of units. It can also upgrade with napalm bombs and
one of the following: bunkers, gattling guns, Propaganda towers. The bunker,
gatt gun, and prop tower have the same effect on the helix as they do on the
overlord, only the helix gatt can't fire on air units.
Cost: $1500
Special Abilities: Can transport up to 5 slots of units that can fire out of
it (when equipped with bunker), can detect stealth (when equipped with
gattling gun), can drop napalm bombs to create a firestorm (when upgrade is
purchased for that particular helix)
Upgrades: Bunker (affects only target helix), Gattling gun (affects only
target helix), Propaganda Tower (affects only target helix), Subliminal
Messaging, Chain gun Upgrade (if gattling gun is bought), Black Napalm (if
bomb drop is bought), Bomb Drop (affects only target Helix)
Note: Two extra wings appear on the helix when the bomb upgrade is built.

Supply Truck: 6
These are cool because they are the only supply gatherers that can defend
themselves. (They can run over infantry!) They have fairly weak armor, but
are pretty cheap to replace.
Cost: $600
Special Abilities: None
Upgrades: None

Dozer: 7
Excellent target. It has weak armor and can be easily killed. It also
requires $1000 to replace. (This is the same as the USA dozer, but it has
tracks instead of tires, which affects only its ability to turn.)
Cost: $1000
Special Abilities: Builds all Chinese Structures, can repair all structures
for free
Upgrades: None

China Supply Plane: 5
These delivers cluster mines, reinforcements, and EMP bombs. None
of those are really all too dangerous so these planes aren't all too
threatening. These also delivers Anvil's paratroopers.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilities: Drops mines, tanks, paratroopers, and EMP bombs
Upgrades: None

China B52: 8
This is china's stratofortress. It is exactly like the USA version,
only it is slightly modified in appearance. It always
carries carpet bombs (for Tao, it carries carpet nukes).
The B52 Always deploys from the HQ.
Cost: N/A
Special Abilites: Drops carpet Bombs for China
Upgrades: None

-Anvil: Infantry General
Frenzy (level 1) is available at level 1
Minigunner replaces Red Guard
Assault Troop Crawler Replaces Troop Crawler
Attack Outpost Replaces Listening Outpost
Assault Helix Replaces Helix
Cannot build Overlords, Battlemasters, or Gattling tanks
Inferno cannons, ECM tanks, and dragon tanks all cost more
All infantry start out as veterans
Can paradrop 5, 10, or 15 mingunners as a general ability (level 3)
Super Hackers Replace Hackers
Super Black Lotus Replaces Black Lotus
Fortified Bunker Replaces Bunker
Has nationalism upgrade at start
Patriotism Upgrade is Available at the Propaganda Center

Minigunner: 6
Easy to kill and expensive. It's good against aircraft and other vehicles,
but not so good against light vehicles or tanks.
Cost: $350
Special Abilities: Fires really slowly at first, horde bonus
Upgrades: Patriotism, chain gun

Super Hacker: 7
If you can find them, kill them. They are normal hackers except they have
lotus' vehicle hack and are stealthed while not hacking structures or
Cost: $625
Special Abilities: Can hack cash, vehicles, and structures. Just not at the
same time. Is stealthed while not hacking structures or vehicles
Upgrades: None

Super Lotus: 10
Like normal lotus, but she hacks faster. Be aware of that.
Cost: $1500
Special Abilities: Vehicle hack, structure capture hack, supply center money
hack, is stealthed while not using an ability
Upgrades: None

Assault Troop Crawler: 7
This is a strange vehicle. It costs a ton, comes with 8 minigunners, has a
propaganda tower built in (it does not affect itself), infantry can fire out
of it, and it detects stealth. It also seems to have a little more armor
than your normal crawler. You'll see these when fighting anvil, be sure to
knock them out because they are very costly to replace.
Cost: $2400
Special Abilities: Can hold 8 infantry that can fire out of it, infantry
survive (at 50% health) when it dies, it can detect stealth, has a built in
propaganda tower (does not affect itself)
Upgrades: None

Attack Outpost: 8
Remarkably Dangerous, these thing can cause a lot of hurt pretty quickly.
They are resistant to anti-infantry attacks, but weak against anti tank
attacks. Paladins, mobs, overlords, or any kind of artillery are probably
the best way to destroy these. Gattling weapons and quad guns will have
almost no effect.
Cost: $1000
Special Abilities: Comes with 4 tank hunters, can hold up to 10 infantry that
can fire out of it, stealthed while not moving or firing, can detect stealth
Upgrades: None

Assault Helix: 11
The only unit to get 11 on a scale of 10. These things are down right
dangerous when equipped with 8 tank hunters. They can destroy anything very
quickly: Infantry, tanks, other aircraft, all structures. Nothing can
withstand the immense firepower of a fully loaded assault helix. Should you
ever encounter one, kill it fast. Kill it NOW. If that thing gets anywhere
near you, you will get pulverized. Nothing short of a large group of MDs
(LASER LOCK), Gattling tanks, or a quads will stop these. Rocket troops,
rocket tanks, patriot missile, sentry guns, etc all die to the massive
assault helix with its incredible armor and extensive firepower. BEWARE OF
THE ASSHUALT HELIX. Note: The assault helix cannot transport vehicles nor
can it host any upgrade other than the bunker. It comes equipped with a
bunker from the start.
Cost: $1500
Special Abilities: Can carry 8 infantry that can fire out of it
Upgrades: Bomb Drop (only affects target helix), black napalm (if bomb drop
is purchased)

*Note: There is no visible different between standard and assault helixes.
However, helixes always have the bunker upgrade and are the only version
available to Anvil.

-Tao: Nuke General
Nuke Cannon is available to him without the cost of a generals point
Advanced Nuke Plant replaces Nuke Plant
All Aircraft Cost More
All Infantry Cost More
Overlord and Battlemaster start out with nuclear tank and uranium shells
Battlemaster looks kind of funny
Battlemaster and Overlord leave radiation with their shots
Nuke launcher costs $500 less
Carpet Nuke bombing replaces Carpet Bombing
Gains Isotope stability upgrade at Nuke Silo
Migs can be upgraded with tactical nukes Available at nuke silo
Repair (level 1) is avalable at level 1

-Kwai: Tank General
Cannot build nuke cannons or inferno cannons
All tanks cost $100 less (Troop Crawlers cost $200 less)
Overlord is replaced with Emporer
All tanks built as veterans
All Aircraft cost a lot more
All Infantry cost a lot more
Can paradrop 1, 2, or 4 tanks with generals ability (level 3)
Gains Battlemaster autoloader upgrade at propaganda center
Does not have Cash Hack Generals Ability
Carpet Bombing Is Avaialable only at Level 5
BattleMaster Training is avaialable at Level 1
Emergency Repair (level 1) is available at Level 1

Emperor Tank: 9
Not really any better than your average Overlord Tank. Sure, it's a bit
stronger, a bit cheaper, and starts out with prop tower and veterancy, but
subliminal messaging doesn't affect it and it is just as susceptible to
artillery as standard overlords. It's still an overlord and is very
Cost: $1900
Special Abilities: Comes with built in prop tower, can detect stealth (with
gatt gun upgrade), is not affected by subliminal messaging upgrade
Upgrades: Chain gun (if it has gattling gun upgrade), gattling gun (affects
only target tank), uranium shells, nuclear tanks

-The Structures

Note: All structures can be sold for half their value at any time. Only if
the selling sequence is complete will the money be paid.

-Standard USA
Note: All USA structures (firebase excluded) leave behind rangers when

Cold Fusion Reactor:
This provides power for the USA base. It's costly, weak, and important to
USA base defense. Keep these things protected.
Cost: $500
What it does: Provides 5 power. Control Rod upgrades cost $500 and add
another 5 power

Trains soldiers. It's cheap, has fair armor, and if trains the extremely
effective MD. It's good to have around.
Cost: $500
What it does: Trains Soldiers and hosts Flash Bang and Capture Upgrades, also
heals soldiers

Command Center:
Heavily armored, this is tough to destroy. When it does die, it leaves
behind nearly 20 rangers; nearly a small army.
Cost: $2000
What it does: Provide Radar, satellite, builds dozers, allows use of generals
abilities. Radar goes out if there's low power

Fire Base:
Heavy firepower, but weak armor. This is a pretty good defense, though.
Just don't use it alone. It may look and act like artillery, but it still
requires line of sight to fire.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Base defense that can garrison 4 infantry, runs without power

Patriot Missile:
Heavy firepower. This will stop just about any early units, including
Cost: $1000 + 3 power
What it does: Detects stealth and makes a good anti-tank, anti-infantry, and
anti-aircraft defense.

Supply Center:
Expensive and defenseless. Comes with one Chinook.
Cost: $2000 + 1 power
What it does: Works with Chinooks to gather supplies. It also builds

Air Field:
Large and fairly well armored. People love to attack these, though, because
they are often full of helpless planes.
Cost: $1000 + 1 power
What it does: Builds/rearms/repairs planes, builds/repairs Comanches, repairs
Chinooks and hosts the following upgrades: Rocket Pods, ECM, Laser Missiles,
Bunker Buster

War Factory:
Builds all USA vehicles. (except dozers) Protect this because vehicles are
very important.
Cost: $2000 + 1 power
What it does: Builds /repairs all USA vehicles, hosts Sentry Drone Gun and
TOW missile Upgrade

Strategy Center:
USA tech building. Protect this really cool building.
Cost: $2500 + 2 power
What it does: Allows construction of Aurora, Tomahawk and Col Burton, Enables
+20% shot power or +20% shot range or +10 armor to all your units and
structures, hosts a bunch of upgrades: Basic Training, Composite Armor,
Chemical Suits, Supply Lines, Drone Armor. Also can be used to spy on the

Supply Drop Zone:
The USA alternate way of making money.
Cost: $2500 + 4 power
What it does: Every 2 minutes, a supply plane comes and drops $1500 onto the
supply drop zone and adds it to your total funds.

Particle Cannon:
The USA super weapon. This is really very good. It can kill anything
(except super weapons and Command Centers) but it can be hard to kill
aircraft with. Note: The beam can be controlled to move after initial firing.
Cost: $5000 + 10 power
What it does: Kills things with an unstoppable beam of light. 4 minute


All his Structures are the same.


Laser Turret: (Replaces Patriot)
Townes has his own defense structure. He must feel proud. This thing is
pretty good, actually, being able to effectively kill all forms of enemy
Cost: $1000 + 3 power
What it does: All-round Base Defense


EMP Patriot: (Replaces Patriot)
Like the normal patriot, but it does less damage and stuns vehicles and air
units. Any stunned air unit dies instantly (supply planes and bombers are
Cost: $900 + 3 power

-Standard GLA

Note: ALL GLA structures leave Holes when destroyed. The holes will rebuild
the structures if they holes are not destroyed.

Note: The worker can build fake GLA structures. Fake structures do not
function as normal structures; they just look like normal ones. They can be
ordered to self destruct or (for a price) upgrade to the real version of the

Supply Center:
Nothing special here. Comes with 1 worker.
Cost: $1500
What it does: Collects supplies with workers, trains workers

Again, nothing special.
Cost: $500
What it does: Trains GLA soldiers. Hosts Capture Upgrade. Hosts Booby Trap

Command Center:
The biggest GLA Structure. It has a ton of armor, but is unnecessary to GLA
early on. You might consider selling it for the extra $1000.
Cost: $2000
What it does: Trains workers, hosts generals abilities

Arms Dealer:
Weak and expensive yet 100% crucial. Protect this because it is even more
important than your HQ.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Builds all GLA vehicles. Hosts Scorpion Rocket upgrade.

Tunnel Entrance:
Cute little base defense. It doesn't put up much of a fight, but it's useful
none the less. It comes with 2 free RPG troops when built. Detects stealth.
Cost: $800
What it does: Base defense. You can put up to 8 units into your tunnel
network at once. They can use tunnel entrances to exit or enter the
network. While inside the tunnel network, all units heal. Can equip itself
with camo netting.

Stinger Site:
Crappy AA. However, it can stop most early rushes. It's like 3 RPG troops
that can detect stealth and regenerate. Not too shabby, really.
Cost: $900
What it does: Stops vehicles, infantry, and aircraft with varying
efficiency. Detects stealth. Can equip itself with camo netting.

Demo Trap:
These things are really cool and much more useful than people think. Kind of
expensive, though.
Cost: $400
What it does: You build it. It stealths itself. If enemies come near, it
detonates and the enemies die.

The GLA tech structure. It doubles as a powerful defense.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Allows construction of buggy, scud storm, jarmell kell, angry
mob, battle bus, scud launcher. Can hold 5 troops that can shoot from it.
Hosts Fortification, camouflage, toxin shells, arm the mob, and anthrax beta

Black Market:
The GLA alternative money source.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Give the player $20 every 2 seconds and hosts the following
upgrades: worker shoes, AP rockets, AP bullets, Junk repair, Buggy Ammo

Scud Storm:
GLA's super weapon. This is also the strongest super weapon in the game,
although it has a long firing delay (missiles hit targeted area 10 seconds
after you target the area).
Cost: $5000
What it does: Indiscriminately kills all units and most structures within the
targeted area. Leaves behind a nasty toxin cloud. 5 minute count down


Demo's demo traps are stronger and cheap than standard versions.


Toxin Tunnel:
Exactly like a normal tunnel entrance except it has better firepower.
What it does: Base defense. You can put up to 8 units into your tunnel
network at once. They can use tunnel entrances to exit or enter the
network. While inside the tunnel network, all units heal.


All of Kassad's Structures can upgrade with Camo netting. Tunnel entrance
and Stinger site get it for free when they are built.

-Standard China

Note: All china structure can upgrade with mines for $600. These mines are
stealthed and appear all around the structure. They regenerate a short time
after being destroyed, detonated, or disarmed. They remain if the structure
is destroyed but are lost if the structure is sold. When a structure is
capture, the mines are captured along with it.
Note: Any structure upgraded with mines can upgrade with neutron mines.
These are exactly like normal mines in very way except they are blue and they
kill the drivers of vehicles on contact leaving the vehicles open for
capturing by infantry.

Nuclear Reactor:
Provides power to chinese bases. It's also pretty cheap and well armored.
One of these will power one chinese base. A second will power a nuke
launcher. If ever you're short on power, put it into overload until you can
get another reactor built.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Provides +10 power, explodes when destroyed, can be overloaded
to produce an extra +5 power. This quickly damages the reactor.

Gattling Gun:
China's Primary Base defenses. Detects stealth units and rapes aircraft and
infantry. However, it would be unwise to build too many of these because the
tank version is cheaper and just as strong.
Cost: $1200 + 3 power
What it does: Detects stealth, rapes infantry and aircraft, can shoot down
artillery missiles (in theory)

Trains all chinese infantry. Has weak armor, but it's absolutely necessary
because it lets you respond quickly to problems at your base.
Cost: $500
What it does: Trains infantry, hosts capture upgrade

Command Center:
This tough structure is absolutely necessary to china. It builds dozers,
hosts radar upgrade, and it allows use of Generals abilities. Radar goes
offline if there is low power.
Cost: $2000 + $500 for radar
What it does: Builds Dozers, hosts radar upgrade, allows for use of generals

These are excellent base defenses, even if you don't put things in them.
They make great cannon fodder and enemies love to shoot them. Of course, you
can also garrison up to 5 infantry inside of them, should you want them to
return fire.
Cost: $400
What it does: Base Defense, can hold up to 5 infantry that can shoot from it

Supply Center:
Build these if you want cash or a war factory. They're weakly armored and
enemies love to shoot them, so what out. It comes with 1 supply trucks when
Cost: $1500 + 1 power
What it does: Uses supply trucks to collect supplies, builds supply trucks

Air Field:
A large airfield. Has comparatively weak armor.
Cost: $1000 + 1 power
What it does: Build/repairs/rearms migs, builds/repairs helixes, hosts mig
Armor upgrade

War Factory:
The heart and soul of the chinese base and the only structure more important
than the HQ. It also has weak armor so you'd better protect it while you
pump out your vehicles.
Cost: $2000 + 1 power
What it does: Builds chinese vehicles, repairs all chinese vehicles, hosts
chain gun upgrade and black napalm

Propaganda Center:
The chinese Tech structure. Build it to access the overlord, the hacker,
black lotus, and the artillery units. It has very little armor and is almot
completely defenseless. China needs it's technology, so if you're under
heavy attack constantly, try building two of these.
Cost: $2000 + 3 power
What it does: China's tech structure, hosts nationalism and subliminal
Messaging upgrades

Internet Center:
Honestly, I don't build these. However, they do allow china some valuable
intel (at a price) and they can garrison hackers to make them hack faster
Cost: $2500
What it does: Garrisions up to 10 hackers to make them hack faster, hosts
satellite hacks 1 and 2

Propaganda Tower:
Build these wherever you think you'll have a lot of units. For a tower made
almost entirely of wood, they have some pretty fair armor.
Cost: $500 + 1 power
What it does: Increases ROF and regenerates health of all allied units in
close proximity

Nuclear Missile:
China's super weapon. The weakest of the three, but still remarkably strong.
It will kill all units within it's range (except overlords) and most
structures. It also leaves a lot of radiation behind, too. However, it hits
the target area almost immediately, making it an excellent choice for killing
entire enemy divisions quickly.
Cost: $5000 + 10 power
What it does: Destroys all units and most structures in a large area and
leaves behind radiation. Countdown: 6 minutes


Advanced Nuclear Reactor:
This looks and acts much like the standard nuclear reactor. The difference
is that it provides +18 power and +27 when overloaded. It also looks
a little different and costs a little more.
Cost: $1200
What it does: Provides a ton of power. Can be overloaded to provide
even more.


Fortified Bunker:
This is a lot like the standard bunker but a little more well armored.
It can host 10 infantry instead of only 5 and it has the mine upgrade
as soon as it is built.
Cost: $700
What it does: Adcanvced Basic base defence. Holds up to 10
infantry and always has mines around it.


All of Kwai's structures are the same as standard China.

-The Generals Abilities (on a scale of 1 to 5 in worthiness)

-Standard USA

-Level 1:

Paladin: Level 1
Allows you to purchase and use the paladin tank. This is worth it if you're
fighting GLA. But otherwise, you should use the crusader instead.
Rating: 2

Stealth Fighter: Level 1
Let's you purchase and use the stealth fighter. This is pretty lame
considering that it's only good at killing base defenses.
Rating: 1

Spy Drone: Level 1
Allows you to place a camoflagued scout drone anywhere on the map every 90
seconds. This is excellent. Charge time: 90 seconds
Rating: 5

-Level 2:

Pathfinder: Level 1
Allows you to train the pathfinder unit. This guy owns infantry, but only
infantry. Use your better judgment for this one.
Rating: 3

Paradrop: Level 1
Allows you to drop 5 rangers anywhere on the map provided that the plane
carrying them makes it. Always get at least level one. You'll never know
when you'll need some emergency reinforcements. Beside, it's also really
cool. 4 minutes charge time.
Rating: 5

Paradrop: Level 2
Drops 10 rangers anywhere on the map. If you want more rangers, go for it.
But in real game scenarios, 10 won't help you out much more than 5 will. 4
minute charge time.
Rating: 2

Paradrop: Level 3
Drops 20 rangers anywhere on the map. Uses 2 planes to do it. If you want
to be able to deliver a small army by air, go for it. But you only have
limited generals points, so you might want and A10 airstrike instead. 4
minute charge time.
Rating: 2

A10 Airstrike: Level 1
Orders an A10 surface strike aircraft to attack the target area. The A10 is
pretty resistant to AA fire, too. Always have at least level 1 because even
level 1 is really strong. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 5

A10 Airstrike: Level 2
Like level 1, but 2 A10's attack instead of 1. The area of effect is just
the same, but it does more damage. Useful against structures. 4 minute
Charge time.
Rating: 3

A10 Airstrike: Level 3
Like level 2, but 3 A10's come instead of 2. Area of effect is the same but
damage is increased. Useful when you are trying to destroy super weapons. 4
minute charge time.
Rating: 3

Emergency Repair: Level 1
Repairs all allied vehicles in a small area by a small amount. 4 minute
charge time.
Rating: 2

Emergency Repair: Level 2
Like level 1, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

Emergency Repair: Level 3
Like level 2, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

-Level 5:

Fuel Air Bomb: Level 1
B-52 drops a huge bomb onto a target. Pulverizes group of units and
structures. Use it in conjunction with level 3 A10 airstrike to destroy
super weapons. Can be upgraded to a MOAB which does nearly as much damage as
the china super weapon.
Rating: 5

Leaflet Drop: Level 1
A B-52 drops paper onto your enemies. All units/structures in affected area
became inoperable. for a level 5 abilities, this sucks.
Rating: 2

Spectre Gunship: level 1
Calls in a spectre gunship to fly around is a circle for awhile shooting
things. Damage is high, but concentrated so manual targeting with the
aircraft in necessary for it to be truly powerful. Charge Time: 5 minutes.
Rating: 4

Note on Alexis/Granger:
Spectre gunship is available at level 3 (levels 1 and 2) and level 5 (levels
3). It can hang around for 10, 20, or 30 seconds, depending on how many
General's points you spend.
Rating: 3

-GLA General Abilities

-Level 1

Scud Launcher: Level 1
Allows you to buy the scud launcher. Way better than the rocket buggy, this
is a unit you want to have around. It isn't truly necessary, but it does
Rating: 3

Marauder Tank: Level 1
Lets you build the marauder. Only really useful against USA, this is an
otherwise standard tank. There's nothing special about it that warrants
spending a general's point.
Rating: 2

Technical Veterancy: Level 1
All technicals you build are built as veterans. Technicals are weak and so
are veteran technicals. If you want to technical rush, than sure, use this.
Otherwise, don't bother.
Rating: 1

-Level 3

Hijacker: Level 1
Let's you train the Hijacker. Only Kassad's Hijackers are really useful, and
he gets them from the start. Don't bother with this.
Rating: 1

Rebel Ambush: Level 1
A group of 4 rebels magically appears anywhere on the map. For lack of a
better or stronger Generals ability, this is worth getting.
Rating: 5

Rebel Ambush: Level 2
A group of 8 rebels magically appears on the map. 8 is much better than 4,
so go for it.
Rating: 4

Rebel Ambush: Level 3
A group of 16 rebels magically appears on the map. 16 is much better than 8,
so go for it.
Rating: 4

Cash Bounty: Level 1
Every time you kill an enemy, you get 5% of its value added to your money
supply. This is great in large battles.
Rating: 3

Cash Bounty: Level 2
Same as level 1, but you get 10% instead. This makes it even more useful.
Rating: 4

Cash Bounty: Level 3
Same as level 2, but you get an entire 20%. If you're doing any damage at
all to the enemy, this will really increase your income! Definitely worth it!
Rating: 5

Emergency Repair: Level 1
Repairs all allied vehicles in a small area by a small amount. 4 minute
charge time.
Rating: 2

Emergency Repair: Level 2
Like level 1, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

Emergency Repair: Level 3
Like level 2, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

-Level 5

Anthrax Bomb:
A GLA supply plane drops a large bomb anywhere on the map. IT does some fair
damage initially, but the toxins hang around and do heavy damage to all
ground vehicles, and kill all infantry in the proximity. It still lacks any
major destructive power, however.
Rating: 4

Sneak Attack:
An unarmed tunnel entrance appears anywhere on the map and takes about 2
seconds to build. It then releases all the unit you have in your tunnel
network at that time. Depending on the situation, this can be either
extremely useful or extremely weak and a waste of your generals point.
You'll have to be creative to make the best use of this, I can guarantee you
Rating: 4

GPS Scrambler:
Allows you to permanently camouflages a small group of your units. Extremely
useful when used on artillery units, bomb trucks, or other things that do a
lot of damage in a short period of time.
Rating: 5

Note: No GLA Generals get any special generals abilities, but a few can't
use normal abilities.

-Standard China:

-Level 1:

Red Guard Training: Level 1
Allows all red guard to be built as veterans. Veterancy only appears to
improve offensive and defensive strength by about 10%, so on a unit as weak
as the red guard, it might be wasted. Red guard are used a lot, however, so
if you like it, go for it.
Rating: 3

Artillery Training: Level 1
Allows all nuke and inferno cannons to be built as veterans. Infernos suck,
and you only use nuke cannon in small numbers, so this is an extremely
useless ability.
Rating: 1

Nuke Cannon: Level 1
Allows you to build nuke cannons. This is china's only competent artillery,
so I suggest getting this immediately. The only reason I gave this a 4 and
not a 5 is because there are some games in which I simply do not use nuke
cannons because I do not need to. But if the need comes up, you don't want
to be left without it.
Rating: 4

-Level 3:

Artillery Barrage: Level 1
Allows you to fire 12 rounds anywhere on the map. Always good to have an
unstoppable attack. Good against units, but weak against structures. And
all players can hear it when it's launched and all players can see it on
their radar (if the terrain is revealed) and it always fires from the corner
farthest from it's target area.
Rating: 4

Artillery Barrage: Level 2
Like level 1, but a little stronger.
Rating: 3

Artillery Barrage: Level 3
Like level 2, but a whole lot stronger. This can actually take out large
structures and hordes of units. If you buy level 1, you may as well buy
level 3.
Rating: 5

Cash Hack: Levels 1-3
You shouldn't even bother with this. You need intel to use it and you won't
even get the money if your enemy doesn't have it. China has too many other
good Abilities for you to waste limited points on this.
Rating: 1

Emergency Repair: Level 1
Repairs all allied vehicles in a small area by a small amount. 4 minute
charge time.
Rating: 2

Emergency Repair: Level 2
Like level 1, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

Emergency Repair: Level 3
Like level 2, but it repairs a little more. 4 minute charge time.
Rating: 1

Frenzy: Level 1
Gives all units in a small area a +10% boost for 10 seconds. Kind of weak,
but it's okay.
Rating: 2

Frenzy: Level 2
20% boost for 20 seconds. Getting better.
Rating: 3

Frenzy: Level 3
30% boost for 30 seconds. That's better. It's expensive for 3 generals
points, but I think you'll find it quite useful in times of need.
Rating: 4

Carpet Bombing: Level 1
A powerful bomber drops a line of bombs onto the target area every 150
seconds. This is an excellent ability.
Rating: 5

Cluster Mines: Level 1
Drops a bunch of normal mines (by plane) to cover a small area. With more
options available to china in ZH than in the original, this is significantly
less useful. Still good as a last resort if your base in under attack.
Rating: 3

-Level 5:

EMP Pulse Bomb: Level 1
A plane drops an EMP bomb onto the target area freezing all aircraft,
vehicles and structures in a large area. All air units die, by the way.
This is extremely useful for attacking enemy bases or if you're being
attacked. (Just be sure it doesn't hit your forces.)
Rating: 4

Tao Note: He gets carpet nuke bombing instead of nuke bombing. It appears
to be effectively the same in every way, however, doing only slightly more

Anvil Note: He can paradrop 5, 10, or 15 minigunners (by plane) anywhere on
the map. Extremely useful.
Rating: 4

Anvil Note: Because all his infantry start out as veteran, red guard
training turns his minigunners elite.

Kwai Note: Because all his tanks start out as veterans, he gets battlemaster
training instead of red guard training which lets him build elite
Rating: 4

-The Upgrades

This section gives ratings for the upgrades. These ratings tell you when
you should want to buy them. ASAP means buy it the moment it is available,
SOON means you should buy it soon. ON CALL means you should buy it if a
specific situation appears and OPTIONAL means you should buy it whenever
you have a lot of money and time to spare. The Type indicates whether it
affects all unitsof a particular type or only one unit.

-Universal Upgrades

Capture Upgrade: Optional
If there are a lot of tech structures on the map, buy this soon after you
deploy a few infantry. This is a worthy upgrade because if you capture
even one derrick, it's paid for itself. If you capture 2, you can tech up.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Enables red guard, rebels, and rangers to capture buildings.
Affects: All units

-USA Upgrades

Flash Bangs: Soon
Although it is rareley needed immediately, this is the only thing that
makes USA infatry better than ordinary infantry. It's also needed to
clear out buildings unless you have bunker busters.
Cost: $800
What it does: Enables Rangers to use flash bang grenades
Affects: All units

TOW Missile: On call
Only really good if you're using a lot of humvees or need the AA firepower.
If not one or the other, than this isn't needed. It's cheap, though, so
when in doubt, go for it.
Cost: $800
What it does: Gives humvees a small missile launcher that can hit aircraft
Affects: All units

Sentry Drone Gun: Optional
The sentry drone isn't really useful, so niether is this upgrade.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Enables the Sentry drone to shoot at enemies
Affects: All units

Rocket Pods: On call
Increases the firepower of you comanches by a ton! Requires micro, but
it's worth it.
Cost: $800
What it does: Enables comanches to fire a quick barrage of missiles
Affects: All units

Laser Missiles: Soon
This upgrade makes raptors useful. IT enables them to kill most vehicles
in one round of missiles. It is rather expencive, though.
Cost: #1500
What it does: +25% to all raptor and stealth fighter attacks
Affects: All units

Countermeasures: ASAP
You may as well not even use aircraft without this upgrade. It makes
them 50% less suceptable to the most powerful AA weapon: The rocket.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Deploys flares behind airplanes in flight causing 50%
of enemy rockets to miss.
Affects: All units

Bunker Busters: Optional
If you don't like flash bangs, here is your alternative. Buy this and
you stealth fighters can clear out structures from the air.
Cost: $1500
What it does: Makes a HUGE explosion that doesn't damage tanks, but kills
infantry that are in the targetted structure.
Affects: All units

Contol Rods: ASAP
Provides 100% more power for only $500. Definitly worth it.
Cost: $500
What it does: Provides 100% more power for the reactor
Affects: Targetted Structure Only

Advanced Training: Soon
Effectively makes all your units a little stronger. Definitly worth it.
Cost: $1500
What it does: Makes units get veterancy twice as fast.
Affects: All units

Composite Armor: Soon
Really helps out all you armored units. If you have a lot of tanks or
avengers, this will increase their tolerance for punishment. More than
worth it.
Cost: $2000
What it does: +25% armor to avengers and all tanks
Affects: All units

Drone Armor: ASAP
So cheap that you shouldn't even think twice about it.
Cost: $500
What it does: +25% armor to all drones (not sentry drone)
Affects: All units

Chemical Suits: On call
Chances are, you won't be using infantry against toxin or radiation units
anyways, so this is of questionable use. It is cheap and really does
help out, so it's completely your call.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Makes all infantry more resistant to radiation and toxins
Affects: All units

Supply Lines: ASAP
More money faster. What more do you want?
Cost: $800
What it does: Derricks and supply depots give you 10% more (free) supplies.
Note: It does not deplete the supply source any faster. That 10% is
completely free!
Affects: All units

Hold the Line: ASAP
With the advent of carpet bombing, this is remarkably more popular in ZH
than it ever was in Vanilla Generals. Normally the strategy center is
weak and easily destroyed. IT takes a long time to rebuild and only 1
can exist at a time AND USA needs it's technology, so losing your strat
center is a real kick in the face. Hold the line makes the strat center
twice as durable and gives 10% extra armor to all land units.
Cost: Deactivates units for about 3 seconds during battleplan change
What it does: 10% armor bonus to all land units and 100% armor bonus
to strategy center
Affects: All units

Bombardment: ASAP
Makes all your units a little stronger. Good for massive battles with
tanks. Strategy center also deploys a useful artillery cannon that can
kill infantry in 1 shot.
Cost: Deactivates units for about 3 seconds during battleplan change
What it does: 20% attack bonus for all units, Deploys a nifty cannon
from the strategy center. Works as supplimentary defencive firepower.
Affects: All units

Search And Destroy: ASAP
Makes all your units fire a little farther. Also deploys scanners
at the strategy center. These scanners detect stealth within a huge radius
and reveal FoW in a gigantic radius!
Cost: Deactivates units for about 3 seconds during battleplan change
What it does: 20% range bonus for all unit weapons. Deploys scanners from
the strategy center.
Affects: All units

Stealth Comaches (Granger Only): On Call
Only really useful if your strategy incorporates comanches. If it does, than
this is an extremely good upgrade.
Cost: $1500
What it does: Makes comanches stealthed
Affects: All units

-GLA Upgrades

Booby Trap: On Call
I've used this only once and I don't know anybody else who has used it at
all. It enables rebels to place small bombs on nuetral buildings. If the
enemy enters or tries to capture these buildings, they explode. Use this if
you think it will help you, if not than don't bother.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Enables rebels to place traps on nuetral structures.
Affects: All units

Scorpian Rocket: ASAP
You might want to build up to three scorpian before you get this, but it is
still a necessity as far as upgrades go. It effectively increases scorpian
firepower by 200%. It also makes scorpians good against infantry.
What it does: Gives scorpians a powerful rocket attack
Affects: All units

Fortified Structures: ASAP
Cheap and infinitly useful. This toughens up all your structures and
makes them far less vunlerable to generals abilities and super weapon
strikes. With this, your HQ and palace will be nearly indestructable.
Cost: $1500
What it does: Increases all GLA structure hit points
Affects: All structures

Camouflage: Soon
Enables rebels to be camoflaged while not shooting. This is really good
because the rebel is the only combat unit that is stealthed while moving
and it can make a great scout. Also, try sneaking a few into the enemy base
and capture all his structures at once (with different rebels).
Cost: $2500
What it does: Makes the rebel stealthed while not firing
Affects: All units

Toxin Shells: Soon
Effectiley increases damage of all tank rounds by a small amount. It also
makes them strong against infantry. However, if you plan to use mobs with
your attack force, don't buy these because they can do callateral damage.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Tank rounds leave a small amount of toxin behind
Affects: All units

Anthrax Beta: Optional
Gives a 25% boost to all toxin weapons. Toxins are already pretty deadly,
and it is expencive, but if you expect to use anthrax bomb or scud storm
any tine soon, it's probably worth it.
Cost: $2500
What it does: 25% damage boost to toxins
Affects: All units

Arm The mob: On Call
Makes a deadly unit even dealier. However, there are lots of GLA players
who don't like mobs. As such, if you like them, buy this. If not, don't
Cost: $1000
What it does: Gives AKs to mobs units. Seems to double the damage they do
Affects: All units

AP Rockets: ASAP
Rockets are the heart and soul of GLA's standard weaponry. This affects
even the scorpian rockets and buggy units. This is a must have upgrade.
Cost: $2500
What it does: 25% damage boost to all rocket attacks
Affects: All units

Radar Scan: ASAP
GLA's only real intel source, this is good to have around. It's also
amazingly cheap at only $500.
Cost: $500
What it does: Enables Radar Vans to perform Radar Scans every 30 seconds.
More Radar vans means your have more scans.
Affects: All units

Buggy Ammo: Soon
The buggy is a great long range unit and this doubles its firepower. Paired
up with AP rockets, it makes buggies extremely dangerous.
Cost: $1200
What it does: Doubles the shots a buggy can fire before reloading
Affects: all units

Junk Repair: Optional
This slowly repairs all your vehicles over time. However, it does not repair
them fast enough to have a significant impact during engagements. It's
good to have around when you have damaged forces, however, just not a dire
Cost: $2000
What it does: Repairs GLA vehicles over time
Affects: All units

AP Bullets: Soon
If you have a lot of quads or are fighting someone with a lot of planes,
you'll want this to beef up your AA power. It also affects rebels and
jarmen kell.
Cost: $2000
What it does: 25% damage boost to all bullet weapons
Affects: All units

Shoes: Soon
Possibly the funniest upgrade in all of Zero Hour, this upgrades gives
shoes to all your little workers on the field. It makes them fasters on
their feet and ables to carry $83 per load of supplies instead of the
standard $75.
Cost: $1000
What it does: Increases worker speed and supply load
Affects: All units

Upgrade to Real: On call
If you have a bunch of fake structures around and you lost the real one, you
might want to upgrade one of your fakes ones to real version. Especially
useful with your arms dealer or command center.
Cost: Varies (Difference between Cost of real structure and cost of fake
What it does: Turns a fake structure into a real one
Affects: Targetted fake structure

-China Upgrades

Land mines: On Call
Useful for protectng hackers and for slowing down the enemies tearing through
your base. They surround the structure, are stealthed, and detonated on
contact with enemy forces. Mines regenerate over time.
Cost: $600
What it does: Detonates upon contact iwth enemy units. These remain even
after your structure is destroyed but not if you sell your structure.
Affects: Targetted structure only

Neutron mines: On Call
Like stadard mines, but these kill all units in one hit and allow you to capture
enemy vehicles, should they get caught in the blast. These can only be bought
a structure after Land mines have been purchased. Otherwise, these are exactly
the same as the standard versions.
Cost: $500 (+ land mines)
What it does: Disables or destroys all enemy units that they come into contact
Affects: Targetted Structure only

Chain Gun Upgrade: Optional
This makes all you gatt weapons a little stronger. I love gattling weapons but
even I find this very useful. It's just that normal gatts PWN aircraft and
but do nothing to tanks, so a slight attack boost won't have any truly impactful
Cost: $1500
What it does: 25% attack boost to all gattling weapons
Affects: All units

Black Napalm: Optional
This makes all your flame weapons a little stronger and dark purple in color.
this upgrade, dragon tanks can be a real threat. However, like the Chain Gun,
this is completely unecessary for the weapons to be effective. It's only a
Cost: $2000
What it does: 25% attack boost to all flame weapons
Affects: All units

Mig Armor: Soon
If this saves even one mig, it already proved its worth. Migs aren't very
so they need all the help they can get.
Cost: $1000
What it does: 25% armor boost to all migs
Affects: All units

Napalm Bomb: On Call
Expensive and comparatively weak, the napalm bomb isn't really worth it. If the
could deploy the napalm bomb, than this would be useful, but it's limited only
the helix. At least the helix doesn't need to return to base to reload. (Note:
Helix gains a pair of wings when the upgrade is purchased.)
Cost: $800
What it does: Enables helix to drop napalm bombs. Each bomb dropped creates
it's own
Affects: Only targetted Helix

Helix Bunker: Soon
Add 5 tank hunters and you have a small flying army. Bunkered helixes are very
Cost: $400
What it does: Allows infantry withing it to fire out of the helix
Affects: Only targetted Helix

Helix Prop Tower: On Call
Builds a prop tower on the helix. If ou have a group of helixs, at least one
should have
a prop tower on it.
Cost: $500
What it does: Give helix a propaganda tower
Affects: Only targetted Helix

Helix Gattling Gun: Optional
Builds a gatt gun on the helix. This isn't very useful and it does cost a lot.
reality, it's not much stronger than the helix's main gun. Note: It cannot hit
air units but it occasionally is able to attack chinooks... for some reason.
Cost: $1200
What it does: mounts a gatt gun on the helix
Affects: Only targetted helix

Overlord Bunker: Never
Don't bother. The bunker on the overlords is defective and doesn't work at all
in combat.
Nobody buys these nor should they.
Cost: $400
What it does: Builds a bunker on the OVerlords
Affects: Only targetted overlords

Overlord Prop Tower: ASAP
A few overlords should have gatt gaun upgrades, the rest should have prop towers
infinitly useful, these make your overlords about 100% more capable on the
Prop towers are an overlord's best friend.
Cost: $500
What it does: Builds a prop tower on the overlord
Affects: Only targetted overlord

Overlord Gattling gun: Soon
These make overlords good against infantry and compitant (kind of) againsr
You don't need many of them, but you'll always want at least one or two,
Cost: $1200
What it does: Build a gattling gun on the overlords
Affects: Only targetted overlord

Subliminal Messaging: ASAP
Cheap, effective, and one of the most powerful upgrades out there. This upgrade
doubles the effects of the prop towers on all your units.
Cost: $500
What it does: +25% to all prop towers
Affects: All units

Nationalism: Optional
Not really a good upgrade, you might find this useful if you use infantry
But even then, they're pretty good on their own. Get it if you want, but that's
pretty much it. It'd be more useful if it affected more than three units.
Cost: $2000
What it does: +25% to horde bonus
Affects: All units

Neutron Shells: On call
Little more than a novelty, neutron shells are hardly more than toys. Useful
general Kwai, but not really against anyong else. You're better off using
explosive shells. Sure, you can't capture the nuetral vehicles that way, but
can your enemy.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Enables Nuke cannons to fire neutron shells. These kill all
in the blast radius and vacates all vehicles in the blast radius
Affects: All units

Uranium Shells: Soon
Not truly needed seeing as the overlord is already pretty strong, but it will
help if you're facing a lot of enemy tanks.
Cost: $2500
What it does: 25% shot power boost to overlords and battlemasters
Affects: All units

Nuclear tanks: ASAP
This eliminates one of the weakness of the overlord, taking a big step towards
it a perfect unit. As such, you should buy this the moment it becomes
available. It
vastly increases the speed of the overlord. The only side effect is that the
will damage nearby units when they die.
Cost: $2000
What it does: Large Speed boost to battlemasters and overlords
Affects: All units

Satilite Hack 1: ASAP
Provides some really nice intel for a reasonable price. You'll want to get
There is a glitch, however, that does not allow you to see newly built enemy
Cost: $1000
What it does: Reveals area around all enemy HQs that CURRENTLY exist
Affects: All units

Satilite Hack 2: On call
Personally, I see this as completely unecessary. It's also pretty expensive.
does give very thorough intel, so buy it if you want it. Note: This sufferes
the same glitch as satilite hack 1.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Every now and then, you get to see everything the enemy sees.
Affects: All units

Patriotism (Fai Only): ASAP
You'll be using Infantry a lot with Fai, so patriotism will help you out a ton.
Cost: $2000
What it does: +25% to all horde bonuses
Affects: All units

Battlemaster Autoloader (Kwai only): On Call
If you plan on using battlemasters after you get access to emporers, buy this
for a hefty increase in offencive firepower.
Cost: $2500
What it does: Makes battlemasters fire burts of 3 shots
Affects: All units

Isotope Stability (Tao Only): Optional
This makes your radiation do less damage, not just to ou, but to your enemies.
I don't really like this upgrade at all.
Cost: $2000
What is does: lessens damage of your radiation
Affects: All units

Nuclear Migs (Tao Only): On Call
If you like migs, get this! It turns migs into powerful, destructive, and down
dangerous aircraft. Extremly powerful, you'll want nuclear migs on your side.
Cost: $2000
What it does: gives migs small nukes in their missiles
Affects: All units


-Standard USA:

Rockvee Rush: Strong
Requirement: Speed
Affect on Economy: Weakens Economy Early On
Generals Who can do it: All
Generals Abilities that Help: Scout Drone
Upgrades that Help: TOW missile
Execution: Early on, as soon as the game starts, tech up to a war factory
and buy 3 humvees. Fill them with about 7 MDs and send them off to the enemy
base. Once there, deploy the troops. Laser lock all enemy vehicles and
aircraft and use the humvees to fend off enemy infantry.
Objective: Take out the resource carriers, the supply depot, the war
factory, and anything else you can get.
How to Stop it: Build a base defense or two. MDs, Gatt tanks, and scorpian
tanks (with rocket upgrade) alll work well, too.

Standard Attack: Medium-Strong
Requirement: Force
Affect On Economy: Small
Generals Who Can Do it: Standard USA only
General's Abilities that help: A10 Airstrike and FAB. Paratroopers can help
Upgrades that help: Search and Destroy, Advanced Training, Composite Armor
Execution: Make a large group of tanks, a large group of tomahawks, and a
small group of avengers. Use avengers of air cover and use tomahawks as you
main firepower. Take out tanks and base defenses and infantry along the
way. If enemy armor is incoming, retreat your tomahawks and use your
crusaders to stop the enemy armor while tomahawks continue firing at the
enemy units.
Objective: Destruction of all enemy units, then all enemy base defense
structures, and finally all enemy structures in a given area.
How to Stop it: Aircraft can kill the tomahawk and armor can kill the
tanks. Or, if you have one, use a super weapon to stop it.

Chinook Rush: Medium
Requirement: Speed
Affect on Economy: Crippling
Generals Who can do it: All
Upgrades that help: Flash Bangs
Generals abilities that help: Scout Drone
Execution: Train a ton of rangers and MDs ASAP. As soon as you have your
supply center up, put all those infantry into it and deploy the troops at the
enemy base.
Objective: Taking out resource structures
How to stop it: Have a lot of infantry around, or use a vehicle to run them
Variant: Put a dozer in with 3 infantry (instead of 8 infantry) and build a
patriot missile at their base


Stealth Comanche PWNAGE: Strong
Requirement: Steady Income
Affect on Economy: Small
Upgrades that help: Rocket Pods, Stealth Comanche Upgrades
General's abilities that help: Scout Drone and anything that can kill enemy
Execution: Build as many stealthed commanches as you can and consistanly hit
and run the enemy base, enemy expansions, and enemy tank units. When you get
rocket pods, also start going after enemy AA. REMEMBER: HIT AND RUN. Use up
all your Comanche missile on the target, destroy it, and LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.
When your Comanches have reloaded, attack a different enemy position from a
different angle.
How to stop it: Tons of stealth detection units and even more AA.
Special Note: If the enemy harasses you with aircraft, use your king raptors
to take them out!
Objective: Slowly chip away at enemy base, enemy economy, and enemy moral
eventually causing them to surrender or be defeated.

Combat Rush: Strong
Requirement: Speed
Affect on Economy: Fair
Upgrades that help: Rocket Pods, flash bangs, capture
Generals abilities that help: scout drones
Execution: Build a barracks and airfield ASAP. Build 1 ranger and 2MDs and
place them into a standard chinook along with a dozer. Build 2 comanches
as escorts. Then, quickly fly all three to the enemy supply dock and
set your troops down. Build a Patriot site and a barracks at that position.
How to stop it: Anti Air units.
Objective: Crippling of early enemy economy.


No effective Strategies have been found for her. Presumably, you're supposed
to turtle. But there's no way for her to defend 2 supply docks. And if she
only defends one, it turns into a battle of attrition and nothing more.

Note: Lots of Alexis Players Rockvee rush. It costs more for her to do so,
but it does grant an element of surprise.


He fights just like normal USA, only he has better and cheaper AA.

-Standard GLA:

Scorpion Swarm: Very Strong
Requirement: Mass production abilities and steady income
Affect on Economy: Small
Generals who can do it: All but Kassad
Upgrades that help: All upgrades that affect the scorpion
General's abilities that help: Emergency Repair
Execution: Build as many Scorpions with rockets as you possibly can.
Overwhelm the enemy with shear numbers.
How to Stop it: Hordes of Paladins or strong Artillery. Garrison buildings
seem to help.
Objective: Complete destruction of the enemy.

Technical Rush: Medium
Requirement: Speed
Affect on Economy: Negligible
Generals who can do it: All
Upgrades that Help: Technical Veterancy
Execution: Build a technical early on and fill it with 5 RPG troops. Send
it at the enemy base.
Objective: Do as much damage to early enemy economy as you can.
How to stop it: Any light vehicle, flash bangs, toxin tractors, and dragon
Variant: Use 2 technicals and 10 RPG troops
Variant 2: Use 2 technicals, 3 RPGs troops, 2 rebels, and 2 workers. Build
tunnels networks at the enemy base to secure a position there.

Scud Hit and Run: Strong
Requirements: Heavy Micromanagement + Scud launcher + tunnel
Affect on economy: Negligible
Generals who can do it: Standard and Demo
Upgrades that help: None
Generals Abilities that help: None
Execution: Build a palace and put 5 RPG troops in it. Next to that, put a
tunnel entrance. Put 2 scuds into the entrance. When enemies come, release
the scuds onto the enemy and quickly retreat back into the hole.
Objective: Defense Against late game attacks
How to stop it: Nuke cannons, Aircraft, Search and Destroy, Generals
abilities/Super Weapons
Variant: Use bomb trucks to chase the enemy as they retreat from the scuds.
Hit them while their backs are turned.


No effective strategies have been found for Dr. Thrax.


Stealthy Expansion: Strong
Affect on Economy: Small
Requirements: None
Upgrades that can help: Camo Netting
Generals abilities that can help: GPS Scrambler
Execution: Keep your main base completely unstealthed, but completely
stealth all of your expansions and additional supply docks. Then, build a
stealthed production facility (that is, 2 arms dealers in the middle of
nowhere), and pump out Quad guns until you eventually have enough to attack
and cripple the enemy.
How to stop it: Keep a lot of tanks and a lot of stealth detection units on
hand. Don't have tanks? Try base defenses then.
Objective: Crippling surprise attack against the enemy while ensuring your
own economical safety
Variant: Sneak attack tunnel can be used instead of simply rolling the Quads
into the enemy base. However, all players hear an announcement when
the 'sneak' attack tunnel is used.


Cycle Rush: Medium
Affect on Economy: Small
Requirements: Speed
Upgrades that can Help: None
Generals abilities that can help: None
Execution: Build an Arms dealer fast and use Terrorist cycles to attack enemy
UNITS. They are ineffective against structures but strong against units.
How to stop it: Any Rapid fire weapon or base defense
Objective: Destroying enemy units and weakening enemy early game economy
Variant: Tech up and use bomb trucks instead

-Standard China:

Gatt Rush: Strong
Affect on economy: Negligible
Requirements: Speed and micromanagement
Upgrades that help: Chain gun (it's too expensive so don't bother)
General's abilities that help: None
Generals who can do it: All but Anvil
Execution: Use your gatts to maneuver around all enemy opposition and kill
infantry and supply units. Send 2 gatts to the enemy base and 1 to each
Objective: Crippling enemy Economy
How to stop it: Scorpions, MDs with laser lock, or more gatts

Ultimate Rush: Very Strong
Affect on Economy: Detrimental
Requirements: Speed and a strong will
Upgrades that help: None
General's abilities that help: Red Guard training
Generals who can do it: All but Anvil
Execution: Sell your HQ immediately. Use your dozer to build a reactor,
supply center, war factory and barracks in that order. Build 2
battlemasters, 2 dragon tanks, and 3 gatts. Train at least 6 tank hunters
and 4 red guard. When you're ready, send them all at the enemy's main base
and crush it. Then move to crush all expansions
Objective: Killing the enemy quickly
How to stop it: Only Granger, Anvil, Kwai, and Kassad can stop this attack:
Granger: Stealthed Comanches and MDs
Anvil: Helixes
Twia: Loads of gatts and battlemasters
Kassad: Hijackers and RPG Troops
Variants: If the attack somehow doesn't completely destroy the enemy, tech
up and build overlords and an HQ.

Standard China Attack: Very Strong
Affect on economy: Small
Requirements: Technology + Nuke Cannon
Upgrades that help: Subliminal Messaging and others
Generals abilities that help: Artillery and Carpet bombs
Generals who Can do it: Tao and normal China
Execution: 2-3 Overlords with propaganda towers, backed up by lotus, tank
hunters, gattling tanks and 1-2 nuke cannons. Send them at the enemy's
base. Use Nuke cannons to destroy enemy units and base defenses. Use other
units to kill everything else.
Objective: Getting rid of an enemy base
How to Stop it: Search and destroy tomahawks, nuke cannons, or hit and run
Scud attacks
Variants: Include a mig airstrike if you expect enemy artillery to be a


Note: All standard China tactics can be done by Tao. Tao simply does them
better because of his enhanced units.


Note: He has no strategies specific to him. However, he rushes and gatt
rushes very well.


Helix PWNAGE assault: Extremely Strong
Affect on Economy: Large
Requirements: Speed
Upgrades that can help: None
Generals abilities that can help: Frenzy or Minigunner training
Execution: Build an Airfield and barracks ASAP. Build a helix and train 8
rocket troops. Put the troop into the helix and send it at the enemy.
How to stop it: Use King Raptors, Large groups of MD and laser lock, or tons
and tons of quad cannons
Objective: Complete and total destruction of the enemy in record time.
Variant: If the enemy is prepared for the attack, which is rare, hit and run
from the enemy and slowly build up and army of attack dragon tanks. Then,
send them to attack and overwhelm the enemy AA. After all, enemy AA can't
stop a horde of dragon tanks.

-Campaign Walkthroughs

Note: These are for HARD mode only. Presumably, what works on hard mode
also works on normal and easy modes.


-Mission 1:

-Challenge Tips

Note: All of these generals were beaten on Hard Mode

-Beating Townes

Pinpoint Townes is quite possibly one of the toughest Generals to defeat in
challenge mode. This is because his base is insanely well defended and he
attacks frequently. However, he is as beatable as all the other generals. At
first glance at the map, you'll see that you have 1 supply dock and 1 tech
repair depot near your sarting position. In the far-off north-east corner,
there is a tech refinery and 3 derricks. There is a bunch of other stuff
on the map that you might find interesting, but these things are all you
really need to beat Townes. You will have a tough time reaching anything
else because his base covers about 60% of the map and because he has
garrisioned a lot of buildings in the other areas of the map.
Alright, now that you know about the map, you need to get started.
You have one dozer, build a second to get going. Get your supply center and war
up ASAP. You'll want to tech up fast before he activates all three of his
particle cannons. Chances are, he'll be able to fire all three 2 times each
before you can do anything about it, but you still need to be quick with your
tech. When you get the chance, send an airtransport (or technical) with some
rocket soldiers and some capture able soldiers to the derricks in the north-
east. Once Townes gets ready to fire his cannons, get ready to repair your
super weapons and HQ because he's most likely to target those. Of course, he
also loves to target your base defences, so building a few bunkers or a few
tunnel entrances can save you from taking some really heavy damage. He might
take out a war factory or something also, but he usually only destroys one
structure per attack. Also be sure to be on the look out for Burton. Townes
loves to use burton, rangers, and commanches to attack your base. If burton
plants a bomb, it can't be disarmed. Trust me, I've tried it many times. Just
kill him and prevent him from planting more. (He always comes from the far left
or the far right. Keep stealthed detecting units there at all times.)
Okay, once you have a lot of money and can rebuild after every particle cannon
shot, it's time to start thinging about attacking. Before you do any of that,
you need to kill those particle cannons of his. It takes 2 super weapons shot
to do that. Lucky for you, they are all grouped together which means 2 shots
will kill all three cannons. Also, he won't rebuild them. So once they are
gone, they're gone for good.
Once those cannons are down, it's time to move in with ground troops. Don't
even bother with aircraft: they can't even scratch him. All you need is 3
artillery units and 5 tanks (or other short range attack units like humvees or
battle buses). Use your artillery to chip away at his defences from afar and
the close combat units to keep those pesky laser tanks and comanches away
(encounters with these will be relativley infrequent). Just keep destroying his
defences until there is a huge gap which you can move through. Then proceed
into the heart of his base. Watch out for the towers he has garrisoned with MDs
and Pathfinders and proceed to kill his HQ, reactors, and all the other 'soft'
Feel free to bring in tanks and soldiers once those lasers are out of
He will rebuild the soft structures, but you can kill his dozers to prevent
If you can destroy every last fusion reactor, airfield, barracks,
strategy center, HQ, and War factory; you've won. You don't have to destroy all
the laser turrets or firebases: only the soft structures.

-Beating Alexis

You have to turtle: Beat her at her own game. The game will likely go in 4
cycles. This is because she fires 1, 2, or 3 particle cannons every 4 minutes.
Also, on Hard mode, she also delivers an A10 airstrike then, too. In each 4
cycle, you want to tech up asap while fending off commanches, chinook drops, and
alpha auroras. By the time you tech up, there will not likely be more than 30
seconds left... if even that much time. Build as many black markets, supply
or hackers as you an before the A10 hits your tech building and kills it. Also,
at about this time, the particle cannons will fire. Alexis loves to shoot your
barracks' more than anything else. Build at least 5 because they are cheaper
than other potential targets. She occasionally hits your war factory, HQ,
or power plants. But that's usually it... Also, her auroras usualyl go for the
barracks' too, but the commanches attack from near your oil derricks (to the
Once you have enough additional incoming cash, build your own super weapons.
You'll need at least two, but more is better. When they are ready, fire them
at one of her particle cannons. Repeat for all three of her cannons. They will
not be rebuilt. Then, once her guns are down, it's up to you to beat her.
I recommend massive super weapons followed by an airstrike to finish her off,
you can try wahtever you like... aircraft and sneak attack tunnels won't work
until he power is down (because EP patriots rape both).

-Beating Granger

Beating granger is very easy unless you are USA. For USA... it's virtualy
impossible. You have to tech up ASAP and use avengers as your AA because
nothing else will work. For all the other factions, basic AA (quads and gatts)
will do. Once ou have your base secure (along with a few hackers/black markets)
you'll want to take the derricks that are up north. It's easier to use helixes
or chinooks to just drop a dozer off at the other side of the river. A sneak
attack tunnel can be used, too. Builda supply stash, barracks, and war factory
at the supply dock to the north. Build a small force (6 crusaders, 10
or 3 overlords) and attack his base through the western path. 2 patriots will
try to stop you. Then another 2, but that's it. The rest of the base is your
the killing. Granger is really very easy to beat... even on hard mode.

-Beating Thrax

To be added later

-Newbie Tips!

Welcome to the Newbie Tips section. This is to explain a few trends and other
things that work for all the factions. It also explains a few Battlfield Terms.

-LoS: Line of Sight. This one is easy. If the center of one unit can find a
line directly to the center of another unit, it has line of sight with that
-Direct Combat units: These are units that require LoS to fire at their
-Artillery: Nuke cannon, tomahawk, inferno cannon, scud. These are all the
artillery units in the game, everything else is direct combat. (Rocket buggies
are direct combat with an extended range.)
-Defencive position: This is just manuvering your troops to control where and
when LoS will occur with your enemy. Always take the defencive position.
-Offence as a defence: Defence is weak and will make you lose games. So, you
ned to make your offence act as a defence. Do that by killing enemy units.
Prioritize enemy units higher than enemy structures, always. War factories
are exempt from this rule. War factories pruduce powerful units, so kill them
whenever you can.
-Hitting and Running: If you're using units with weak armor, you'll want
to hit and run. This means quickly mocing within range, killing something,
then running away before your units are destroyed. This works best with
fast units. These also tend to have weak armor. Rocket buggies, technicals,
humvees, gatt
tanks: these are all great at hit and run attacks.
-Garrisioning buildings: Do this strategically. By default, you shouldn't
garrision a
building unless there is a threat to your infantry. Garrisioned strcutres are
always high
priority targets because they can be cleared out quickly and efficiently, but
we'll discuss that later. Garrisioning (which is done by selecting infantry and
clicking on a nuetral structure)
is great for beating large groups of enemy infantry or for taking down vehicles
HOWEVER, garrisioned structures are top priority for your enemy because they can
cleared so quickly and so easily. There are several methods of clearing
buildings that
you (and your enemy) has at their disposal. If you garrision a building in an
area, you can be sure that your enemy will try to clear it out. Here all all
the methods
of clearing out structures in their order of effectiveness (most effective
-Ranger Flashbang Grenade: Any ranger can perform it. This is the sole
reason why USA is great at urban warfare. All it requires is the flashbang
upgrade: $800 at the barrracks.
-Toxins: A toxin tractor moves in and shoots the building. Remarkably cheap
and remarkably easy.
-Flame: Same deal as above but with a dragon tank. get it close and order it
to fire at the building.
-Microwave tank: Order a microwave tank to fire at the garrisioned building.
It's easy.
-Neutron Shells: This requires the neutron shell upgrade from the nuke silo.
Just switch
to the special shells and order your nuke cannon to fire at the structure.
-Bunker Busters: Requires the stealth fighter and the bunker buster upgrade,
so it's
kind of tedious to make all the preparatons to use this. However, it is
extremely effective.
The stealth figther flies in and unloads it ammunition, clearing out the
-Combat Ranger Drop*: The coolest form of clearing out buildings is also the
least useful.
Put some rangers in a chinook and order the chinook to perform the combat drop
onto the garrisioned structure. If there are a lot of infantry in the
structure, you will lose a few
of your rangers. However, all of your rangers that survived will then be in the
*This is a cool ability, so I'm going to explain it in more depth. The combat
drop is so
virsitle that it's great. You can combat drop rangers to perform all of the
following tasks:
1. Clear out structures
2. Land rangers without landing the chinook
3. Garrision a structures
4. Reinforce a garrisioned structure
5. Take control of an empty vehicle (you can drop them directly into the
Be sure to keep all of these in consideration when using the chinook. If you
have even one
ranger in the chinook (even if there are other units in it at the same time) you
do any of these things quickly and from the air!

-How to Fight when You're Out-numbered and Out-gunned:
-When fighting 1vs2, your objective is always to even the odds. They
control twice as much territory, they have twice as much money, twice as much
micromanagement, and twice as much of everything. Before you can win you
need to even the odds. You don't necessarily have to eliminate one of your
enemies to even the odds, but if you can take out one of your enemies, DO
IT! Here are some rules that can help you even the odds.
-Rule #1: Always be on the offensive
When you're outnumbered, you have to be attacking constantly. Do not let
them breath! Rush after Rush after Rush, on both of your enemies is the only
way to prevent them from taking control over all of the map and the only way
to prevent the battle into turninginto one of attrition. Furthermore, if
you're atacking and they aren't, their bases are being damaged and yours
-Rule #2: Take as much territory as you can.
Build a supply depot and a barracks at every supply stash that isn't under
enemy control. If it is under enemy control, waste the enemies there before
building your stash. Don't bother with defences because you need those funds
for tanks and attack units. About that, if you're constantly attacking their
main bases, they'll be too busy at home to worry about a far off supply dock.
-Rule #3: Don't build defences
When you're fighting 1 vs 2, don't build defences. They are a waste of time
and a waste of money. If you're ever under attack, either ignore it or bring
a few forces from your nearest attack force. As long as you're doing more
damage than you are taking, you're doing well. If you can kill one of your
enemies and move into his base, forget your old base, you don't need it.
-Rule #4: Capture derricks, supply docks, reinforcement pads; anything
that might give you an advantage.
You need all the money, units, and supplies you can get. If the enemy isn't
defending it, take it! There should be no unused supply docks or uncaptured
tech buildings anywhere on the map: you should have taken them all!
-Rule #5: Tech up ASAP!
Advanced units are better and more powerful than standard versions. Tech up
as soon as you possibly can! This also allows you to make your own income
with hackers, black markets, or drop zones.
-Rule #6: Super Weapons are your friend!
Although you're probably strapped for cash with all your teching up and all
your attacking, but if you can somehow manage to build a super weapon, you'll
be glad you did. Why? First of all, if the match is going to last any great
length of time, you'll need the suplimentary firepower. Secondly, it offers
a pyscological advantage: It makes your enemies fear you even though you
might not be stronger than them. But if they think you are, that's an
advantage for you. And when you're fighting 1vs2, you need every advantage
you can get.
-Rule #7: Slowly build up a huge attack force
You need to be attacking constantly, but you'll likely need a big push to
actually defeat your enemies. Occasionally put aside a unit for a big push.
A paladin there, a tank hunter here, a rocket buggy there, and eventually
you'll have a sizable force with which to crush the enemies.
-Rule #8: Artillery!
Artillery are great for 1vs2. Why? Because they can do lots of damage
without endangering themselves. You'll need a lot of artillery if your
enemies have teched up.
-Rule #9: Re-use your troops!!
Don't waste your men! You're already outnumbered and the last thing you need
is to take heavy casualties. Do anything you can to reduce your casualties.
Then, re-use your forces. Send attacks at the enemy, retreat, re-group, and
attack again! (Example: I had a Black Lotus and an Overlord wandering
around behind enemy lines. I used lotus to capture the enemy derricks and
then used her to paralyze the enemy overlords allowing my overlord to kill
them. Then, I had that overlord and lotus converge with my other two
overlords and used them to kill 5 enemy overlords and the enemy base.)
-Rule #10: Versitility is everything!
This is the last rule and a very important one: Versitility is everything!
Keep your options open! If the enemy attacks you, you need to repel that
attack, if the enemy shows a weakness, you need to exploit it! The
battlefield is a constantly changing situation and you need to take full
advantage of any and all opportunities you get. Don't be a stickler to some
'cut-and-dry'strategy: Be vigilant and virsitle!

1vs2 is hard, but you can win! And whatever you do, don't lose heart! You
can win!

-Weird Little TidBits of Info

This is the last Section of my FAQ. Since I didn't know where else to put
these tidbits of information, I decided to put them here!
-Rocket soldiers move a little bit while firing. This will trigger mines.
-There is a bug which removes the effect of satilite hack 1 if your power
goes offline after the enemy HQ is destroyed (then rebuilt during your
period of low power).
-MD laser lock is a bullet weapon. Therefore, laser point defence does
not stop it and it fires with 100% accuracy.
-Mines won't go off unless units move over them. A tank can sit on mines
safely... so long as it doesn't move.
-Aircraft can be selected by clicking them. For an aircraft to be affected
by an area affect (propaganda towers, emergancy repair, and frenzy) you have
to aim at the ground below the air unit and not the air unit itself. Or else
the effect of the ability will miss the air unit.
-If any ground vehicle is ordered to move to a destination, it will formulate
the path that it wants to take. As soon as this path is formed, any infantry
(or other units) on its path will move out of the way. if one of those
infatry that is in the way is capturing something, it will get up, move, and
proceed with the capture sequence. The sequence will not restart, but pause
and continue.
-Planes fire all their missiles at once in one run unless they are shooting
other aircraft or are shooting structures at a high elevation.
-Structrues and mines can't be placed on bridges, but units can deploy on them.
-Rocket infantry inside a Bunkered helix can't fire directly below the helix.
-Here are the estimated bonus value for certain affects in the game:
1 Chiveron Veteran: +10% damage done, rate of fire and defence
2 Chiverons Elite: +30% damage done, rate of fire and defence + autoheal*
3 Chiverons Heroic: +55% damage done, rate of fire and defence + autoheal*
Proaganda Tower: +25% rate of fire + autoheal
Subliminal Messaging Propaganda Tower: +50% rate of fire + Faster Autoheal
Horde Bonus: +25% Rate of Fire
Nationalism Horde Bonus: +50% Rate of fire
Patriotism Horde Bonus: +75% Rate of Fire

* (while not under attack)
**For gattling tanks, veterancy also increases the rate of acceleration
for the barrels, making even a 1 chiveron gatt tank much stronger
than a standard gatt tank.
-Chiverons (veterancy) are gained in a non-uniform fahion. Dragon tanks
get more for killing defences and structures and gatts get more for killing
aircraft, etc etc. Point is: Veterancy is not longer determined by
the target unit's value. Also, killing veteran units give your units
more veterancy.
-A barracks can only repair up to 8 infantry at a time.
-Tank hunters get horde bonus with red gaurd and visa versa.

Copy Right info: This is all my work and mine alone. You may host it on
your site, but only in it's complete version as you see it on Only and will
receive updated versions of this FAQ. And as a last note, you cannot sell
this FAQ or any parts of it in any way.
It is here for all to use.

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Trainer for money, ranks and energy

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