Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment

18.10.2013 01:40:20
Items list
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V E R S I O N 1 . 0 3
AUTHOR : BahamutZero
DATE : August 28, 2000
VERSION : 1.03
[04] CLUBS
[06] AXES
[07] ARMOR

Invokes: "Adder's Kiss"
Weight: 0

This glistening green tear is as hard and smooth as a pearl. When placed on the tongue,
it dissolves instantly and gives the user the ability to spit forth spiraling bolts of
acidic green energy at an opponent.
Special: Heals 3 Hit Points
Weight: 0

This is a roll of bandages, useful for stanching minor wounds.
Special: Heals 18 Hit Points
Weight: 0

This glistening drop of blood is as hard and smooth as a pearl. When placed on the
tongue, it dissolves instantly and spreads through the character's veins and heart.

Like its younger cousin, the clot charm, the blood charm stimulates the user's blood
into clotting scabbing over existing wounds, healing damage the user may have suffered
before consuming the charm. However, while the blood charm's initial healing effect is
more powerful than the clot charm, it has no other lasting effects.
Heals 3 Hit Points
Increases Regeneration
Weight: 0

Blood flies are pests believed to have originated from one of the Lower Planes. In many
ways, they resemble mosquitoes with an insatiable appetite -- a cloud of blood flies can
suck all the blood from a human body within minutes. Their stingers are capable of
penetrating even the skin of fiends.

Despite their vicious appetite and temperament, blood flies are used by healers to draw
forth diseased blood from an individual or even drain blood from a dead body. On
occasion, blood flies are used to siphon off rare types of blood and are then paralyzed
with powders or spells and kept in storage for future use.

This particular blood fly charm seems to hold the blood of a lesser fiend, an abishai,
in its food sac. When this paralyzed fly is consumed, the user heals a small amount of
damage immediately and also gains the ability to regenerate for a certain period of
time. If the character is already able to regenerate, then the regeneration rate is
+2 to Armor Class
+2 to Armor Class vs. Crushing Attacks
+15% Resistance to Crushing Attacks
Weight: 0

This old finger bone charm has been hollowed out and tiny symbols have been scratched on
its surface. A user must snap it in two to activate it.

When snapped, the bone charm temporarily strengthens the user's skeleton and acts as a
ward against breaks and fractures. The charms gives the user an overall bonus to their
armor class and additional resistance against crushing attacks.
+50% Resistance to Fire
+25% Resistance to Magical Fire
Weight: 0

This piece of charcoal is a charred bone fragment of some creature, perhaps a finger
bone or a talon. Various symbols have been scratched onto its surface... the scratchings
are so faint you almost missed them.

This charcoal charm temporarily protects the user against flames and extreme heat. To
use the charm, the charred bone is snapped and both halves are ground to powder, then
the charcoal dust is rubbed over the heart of the user.
Special: Lore Skill set to 100
Weight: 0

While practicing, some Mage students discovered a means to condense and store knowledge
into a charm form. This particular charm contains the entire resource library of the
famed Charon School of Mages. Unfortunately, the effects of this charm are fleeting and
the user is rendered unintelligible for a short period of time.
Minor Copper Blessing
+1 to Luck (temporary)
Weight: 0

This copper piece has been "clipped"... most of the copper has been shaved off, no doubt
to still keep the appearance it is a coin and allowing the 'clipper' to use the shaved
copper to make another coin. Although many Hive dwellers practice this method "making
money," when the Fated faction practices it, they do so with a frightening sense of
purpose, creating charms that reflect their own miserly natures.

In order to create these charms, the Fated faction seek out failed business owners and
other individuals who once possessed great wealth, then has a reversal of fortune and
were left desitute. These individuals are then given enchanted carving blades and asked
to "clip a copper" for the Fated in a tedious day-long ritual, which infuses the copper
coin with the last traces of their former luck. The ritual and the nature of the
individual clipping the copper allows a minor enchantment to seep into the coin and
affect the fortune of the whoever uses it.

When the clipped copper charm is flipped into the air, it will spill into a rain of
copper pieces, and bestow some luck upon the user.
Heals 9 Hit Points
+5% Resistance to Slashing Attacks
+10% Resistance to Piercing Attacks
Weight: 0

This glistening blood drop is as hard and smooth as a pearl. When placed on the tongue,
it dissolves instantly and spreads through the character's bloodstream.

The charm stimulates the user's blood into clotting and scabbing over existing wounds,
healing any minor damage the user may have suffered before consuming the charm.
Furthermore, as long as the charm is in effect, the player's blood becomes more "aware"
of new wounds that occur, especially any attacks that draw blood. The charmed individual
becomes more resistant to slashing and piercing attacks, as their blood clots and scabs
over the wound as soon as the flesh is torn.
+4 to Armor Class
+2 to Armor Class vs. Crushing Attacks
+10% Resistance vs. Crushing Attacks
Weight: 0

Cockroaches are as common on the Planes as other scavengers. The shell of this
particular dead cockroach has been dotted with paints and faint arcane symbols. The
magic contained within the charm is activated when the roach is consumed.

When swallowed, the recipient temporarily gains the protection of the cockroach. Their
skin hardens, taking on the strength of a suit of chain mail armor, and the charmed
individual becomes difficult to squash, giving them added protection vs. crushing
Invokes: "Swarm Curse"
Weight: 0

This corpse fly looks like it was frozen; it appears to be dead, but you can't be sure.
The magic contained within the charm is activated when the insect is consumed. When
swallowed, the recipient suddenly becomes extremely nauseous... a few seconds later, the
charmed individual expels a stream of insects from their nose and mouth. Provided the
charmed individual can keep their wits about them after the casting, the caster can send
this cloud to attack a target.
+5% Detect Traps Skill Bonus
+5 to Lore Skill
+1 to Intelligence
Weight: 0

The body of this cranium rat has been specially prepared: its insides have been hollowed
out and stuffed with various herbs and shreds of papyrus containing arcane symbols.

When the charm is consumed, the user gains a temporary increase to their reasoning and
perception abilities; it feels as if the player is looking through several pairs of eyes
and sifting through several minds at once... the sensation is somewhat dizzying for a
minute or two, but there are no harmful side effects.
+10% Stealth Skill Bonus
+5% Pickpocket Skill Bonus
-1 to Charisma
Weight: 0
Usable only by Thieves

This cranium rat tail charm is particularly filthy and smells faintly of vomit. The tail
is stiff, like a wire, and it can be bent into different shapes... it would almost make
a great lockpick, except it is too thick.

When this rank charm is consumed, the user temporarily becomes much stealthier and
shiftier, giving them a greater chance of success with hiding in shadows and picking
pockets. People viewing the charmed individual will detect something unsavory about him,
however, reducing first impressions accordingly. This unsavoriness will last only as
long as the charm is in effect, however.
Invokes: "Raise Dead"
Weight: 3

When lit, this censer has the power to entice the soul back of the recently departed.
Unfortunately, there is only a limited amount of incense left in it.
Invokes: "Embalming, Minor"
3 Charges
Weight: 0
Usable only on Nameless One and Morte

This strange metal bracelet has directions inscribed on the side of it. Judging from the
crude text, it appears that the bracelet works by being held by a living creature, then
while pronouncing a mantra to the 'True Death,' it is touched to the forehead of a
zombie or skeleton. When this is done, the minor enchantment held within the item
spreads through the corpse, strengthening their bones, killing traces of corpse rot
and/or grave mold, and helping to seal minor tears in the skin.
+2-8 to Hit Points
+1 to Armor Class
Weight: 1
Usable only by the Nameless One and Morte

This is a sealed jar of embalming fluid. It is used as a preservative for dead bodies.
As an added benefit, the smell of the fluid is more than sufficient to mask the smell of
any rotting bodies it is used on. Effects are temporary.
Heals 27 Hit Points
Reduces Fatigue
+10% Resistance to Slashing Attacks
+20% Resistance to Piercing Attacks
Weight: 0

This glistening drop of blood is as hard and smooth as a pearl. When placed on the
tongue, it dissolves instantly and spreads through the character's veins and heart.

The heart charm is more powerful than the blood and clot charms, and it heals a number
of wounds instantly, even serious or critical injuries. Furthermore, the user will also
gain a rush of energy, removing any fatigue they may be otherwise feeling.
Invokes: "Strength"
Weight: 0

This charm is made from a small piece of hemp knotted into a loop. No matter how much
you study it, however, you cannot seem to figure out how the knot was tied... it looks
like it has been wrapped around, inside and even *through* itself several times.

Ironically, despite the knot's complexity, it comes undone easily when pulled. The
person undoing the knot charm temporarily gains a rush of strength, allowing them to do
more damage with melee attacks and carry more weight.
Special: Heals 6 Hit Points
Weight: 0

This is a spool of thread and a small bone needle. They look like they're used for
stitching up wounds... in living or dead bodies. When used on a creature, it heals 6 hit
points of damage.
Invokes: "Blindness"
Weight: 0

These three cranium rat tails have been woven into a small charm. Despite the separation
from their owners, however, they still twitch occasionally, as if irritated.

To use this charm, the caster must select a target within his line of sight, then, while
remaining focused on the target, untie the charm. The target's vision will turn black
for several minutes, rendering them helpless and reducing their combat ability
Invokes: "Aid"
Special: +2 to Strength
Usable only by Githzerai

This container holds a peculiar powder called "Whispering Motes" (loose translation of
the Gith expression), a form of healing powder commonly used by the githzerai on the
Plane of Limbo. When the stopper is pulled and the spice touched on the skin of a
wounded person, the spice travels through the injured person's body, generating raw
matter to fill up the "holes" in his physical form, no matter how small or large. In
order for the spice to work, the user must concentrate on its healing effects... with
the proper discipline, a practiced githzerai can even heal the greatest of wounds. In
addition to its curative properties, it is also the element in several of their rites of
passage... it is believed that the spice also fills in the "holes" in a person's psyche,
removing doubts and giving them focus and purpose.

Damage: 1-6 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
Special: +1 Piercing Damage
THAC0: +1
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

The blade of this dagger seems to be made from the bone of some creature. The edge of
this blade is extremely sharp.
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Special: +1 to Armor Class
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Edged
Usable only by Dak'kon

On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo
itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai
shape these elements into stable matter.

A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's
blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains
the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting
its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to
manipulate the blade in new ways.

It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that
depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who have
learned to discipline themselves.

This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound
a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras
dedicated to Zerthimon.
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Enchanted: +1
+1 to Armor Class
Memorize 1 Additional 1st Level Mage Spell
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Edged
Usable only by Dak'kon

On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo
itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai
shape these elements into stable matter.

A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's
blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains
the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting
its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to
manipulate the blade in new ways.

It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that
depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who have
learned to discipline themselves.

This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound
a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras
dedicated to Zerthimon.
Damage: 2-5 Piercing
Speed: 1
Weight: 0
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This slim dagger has been forged out of the famed Baatorian Green Steel. Found only in
the wastelands of Avernus, this peculiar green ore can be tempered into metal much
lighter than normal steel. In addition, Green Steel weapons tend to retain their
remarkably fine edges and are capable of dealing out more damage than their standard
Damage: 1-4 Piercing
Speed: 1
Weight: 0
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This razor sharp knife has been forged out of the famed Baatorian Green Steel. Found
only in the wastelands of Avernus, this peculiar green ore can be tempered into metal
much lighter than normal steel. In addition, Green Steel weapons tend to retain their
remarkably fine edges and are capable of dealing out more damage than their standard
Damage: 1-4 Piercing
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This slim dagger is a beauty among its kind. It is a one-handed thrusting weapon.
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This is a crude iron spike, covered with rust. If necessary, you could use it as a
Damage: 1-3 Slashing
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This hooked knife has a thick double-edged blade and a curved wooden handle. Judging
from the shape of the blade, it looks like this knife is used primarily as a surgical
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This knife has a four-inch blade, with a plain handle of bone.
Damage: 1-2 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This squat dagger, whil ideally a thrusting weapon, looks like it would be better used
as a paperweight. It is not sharp or well-balanced, and might actually hinder you in
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Special: Fragile, Breakable
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This is a small rusty dagger. Its blade is chipped and the hilt is loose; it doesn't
look like it will stand up to repeated use without breaking.
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Speed: 1
Weight: 0
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This simple surgical cutting tool looks like it's seen a lot of use.
Damage: 1-2 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This fork is definitely no prize piece of cutlery. Its steel finish is scratched and
slightly bent and its tines are crusted with dirt.
Damage: 1-3 Slashing
Special: Fragile, Breakable
Speed: 2
Weight: 0
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This is a common steak knife. You're sure if this dagger could talk, it would have many
long-winded stories about cooking and carving large haunches of meat.
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Edged
Not usable by Priests

This is a short dagger with a slender blade.

Damage: 1-4 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
Special: +1 Piercing Damage
THAC0: +1
Speed: 2
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Fighters and Thieves

This weapon is a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades have
jagged edges to allow them to dish out additional piercing damage when the wearer
strikes an opponent. In addition, the blades have been magically enhanced to increase
the damage incurred.
(Default Weapon)
Damage: 1-3 Crushing
Speed: 1
Weight: 0
Proficiency: Fists

Your punches are lethal; you CAN kill with repeated blows. As long as you have not
filled up all your quick weapon slots, you can always select 'fist' as your current
Damage: 2-4 Crushing
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Not usable by Mages

This crude iron bar is designed to slip over the fist, with the thick portion resting in
the palm and the iron ring facing outwards, over the knuckles. While wearing these fist
irons, a single punch can shatter someone's jaw.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Speed: 4
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Morte

This is a handful of Ingress' living teeth. Apparently, they didn't want to go with her
back through the portal to her home plane. They rattle amongst themselves whenever they
are held close together; they remind you of a bunch of creepy ivory hopping bugs.
Damage: 1-6 Piercing
Speed: 4
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Morte

This is a handful of Ingress' living teeth. Apparently, they didn't want to go with her
back through the portal to her home plane. They rattle amongst themselves whenever they
are held close together; they remind you of a bunch of creepy ivory hopping bugs.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Enchanted: +1
Special: +1 Crushing Damage
THAC0: +1
Speed: 4
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Morte

This is a handful of Ingress' living teeth. Apparently, they didn't want to go with her
back through the portal to her home plane. They rattle amongst themselves whenever they
are held close together; they remind you of a bunch of creepy ivory hopping bugs.
Damage: 1-6 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
Special: +1 Piercing Damage
THAC0: +1
Speed: 4
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Morte

This is a handful of Ingress' living teeth. Apparently, they didn't want to go with her
back through the portal to her home plane. They rattle amongst themselves whenever they
are held close together; they remind you of a bunch of creepy ivory hopping bugs.
Damage: 1-3 Crushing
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Not usable by Mages

Iron knuckles that slip over the fingers, giving your fists the extra "oomph" they need
to deliver bone-crushing punches.
(Default Weapon)
Damage: 1-3 Piercing
Speed: 1
Weight: 0
Proficiency: "Fists" (Don't ask)

Morte's bite is lethal, and he CAN masticate someone to death. As long as his quick
weapon slots are not all filled, Morte can always select bite as his current weapon.
Damage: 1-4 Piercing
Speed: 2
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Fighters and Thieves

This weapon is a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades have
jagged edges to allow them to dish out additional piercing damage when the wearer
strikes an opponent.
Damage: 2-8 Piercing
Enchanted: +2
+1 Piercing Damage
+2 to Armor Class
+1 to Luck
THAC0: +1
Speed: 2
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Fighters and Thieves

These daggers were once wielded by Moorin, the jinxed. Mooring was a hapless young woman
who became a thief through a series of disasters. Each of these "accidents" resulted in
the death of the trainer for whatever profession she chose. Out of desperation Moorin
trained herself an the art of Thievery with laughable results.

Moorin's thieving career was filled with numerous mishaps that involved her in combat
situations. Each such combat often ended with Moorin being seriously wounded and thrown
into prison. When it became obvious that Moorin was not long for this world her father,
Arch-mage Xoorcon, created these magical blades for her use.

With the luck provided by her new blades, Moorin was actually able to successfully
strike an opponent in combat (which came as a shock to her). While her opponent was busy
bleeding, Moorin would make good her escape. Unfortunately, during one such escape,
Moorin tripped, fell on her dagger and died before she could staunch the bleeding from
her wounds.
Damage: 1-6 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
THAC0: +1
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Not usable by Mages

These iron knuckles have been improved upon by the addition of tiny spikes. In addition,
a minor enchantment has been placed on them making them lighter and stronger than
ordinary iron.
Damage: 2-7 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
Poisons Target
Immunity to Poison
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Proficiency: Fists
Usable only by Morte

These teeth appear to be a set of hollow fangs, much like those of a viper. Although
long removed from their original host, the teeth still drip poison from their sharp

[04] CLUBS
Damage: 3-9 Crushing
THAC0: +1
Speed: 6
Weight: 10
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters

Made from ore found only in the wastelands of Avernus. Baatezu have created a metal
called Baatorian Green Steel. Weapons produced from this metal are lighter and stronger
than those forged of ordinary steel and tend to inflict greater damage. Although
produced in great quantities for the Blood Wars, weapons such as these are rarely found
outside of Baator.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Special: Causes Confusion
THAC0: +2
Speed: 3
Weight: 4
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Thieves

This club seems to be made from some sort of prickly plant. Small thorns adorn the head
of the club and can easily be broken off.

This particular club is one of the most favored weapons of thieves. Upon making a
successful hit on an opponent, tiny barbed thorns lodge into the skin and cause the
victim to become disoriented for a brief period of time. This allows the thief time to
safely rob and escape the victim.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Speed: 4
Weight: 3
Proficiency: Clubs
Not usable by Mages

This arm snapped clean off corpse #985 when it, uh, accidentally toppled. As much as the
corpse's knee was rotted clean through, it looks like the combination of thick
applications of embalming fluid and rigor mortis has made this arm almost as hard as
wood. If you needed to, you could either use it to shake someone's hand from a distance
or use it to bash their skull in.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Speed: 4
Weight: 3
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters and Thieves

This iron prybar can be used to pry open doors, chests, and even the occasional
reluctant ribcage. It also makes a good bludgeoning weapon when there's no time for
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Special: Fragile, Breakable
Speed: 4
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Clubs
Not usable by Mages

This leg bone is heavy enough to be used as a club. It's not the height of fashion, but
it sure makes a satisfying sound when you strike someone.

Although an effective weapon, this leg bone is fragile and has a chance of breaking if
used repeatedly.
Damage: 2-8 Crushing
Speed: 7
Weight: 12
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters

This seems to be a standard variety mace. Used properly, this weapon can deliver a
crushing blow to an opponent.
Damage: 1-7 Crushing
THAC0: -1
Speed: 8
Weight: 13
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters

This mace seems to be of very poor construction. The balance and weight lend itself to
an awkward and almost erratic swing. Most likely this was constructed by an apprentice
Damage: 2-7 Crushing
Speed: 8
Weight: 10
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters

This hammer is little more than a heavy lump of metal on the end of a stout stick. It's
powerful, yes, but the balance is poor and it's entirely ungraceful.
Damage: 1-8 Crushing
Enchanted: +1
+2 Crushing Damage
New Tattoos
Speed: 4
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Clubs
Usable only by Fighters and Thieves

This severed arm is as hard as a wooden club. It looks like it was severed cleanly at
the shoulder (most likely by a scythe blade), and eve though it looks many decades old,
it is more petrified than rotted. It has an unhealthy gray pallor and is covered with
scars. Intricate tattoos decorate its surface, spiraling up from the wrist all the way
to the remains of the shoulder.

Upon closer inspection, you know for a fact that this arm is yours. How long it has been
lying around waiting for you is anyone's guess. You can't explain why, but you feel like
you should take this arm to a tattoo artist and have it examined... the tattoos might
tell something of what happened to your previous incarnation when this arm was still
attached to him.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Speed: 4
Weight: 3
Proficiency: Clubs
Not usable by Mages

This crude wooden club has seen better days, but it still looks sturdy enough to be used
as a weapon.

Damage: 2-9 Crushing
Enchanted: +1
+4 Fire Damage
+25% Resistance to Fire
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Hammers
Usable only by Fighters

This type of weapon, thought to be forged by the flames of the elemental plane of fire,
is extremely rare, even in Sigil. The elemental properties of the hammer grants its
wielder an increased resistance to fire and fire-based attacks. In addition, when used
in combat, the hammer deals out additional damage when it successfully connects, searing
its target with crackling flames.
Damage: 2-9 Crushing
Enchanted: +1
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Hammers
Usable only by Fighters

This hammer bears a wounding enchantment and is much lighter than a normal hammer,
allowing it to be swung faster and do more damage in combat. Any history or legends
concerning this hammer have been eclipsed by other, more famous weapons in the
Encyclopedia Magica. Nonetheless, this sledgehammer carries itself with a quiet dignity.
Damage: 2-5 Crushing
THAC0: +1
Speed: 6
Weight: 6
Proficiency: Hammers
Usable only by Fighters

This is a finely crafted war hammer. Godsman etchings and symbology decorate the head of
the weapon and work their way down the shaft. Despite its heavy appearance, it feels
much lighter than it looks.
Damage: 1-10 Crushing
Speed: 8
Weight: 9
Proficiency: Hammers
Usable only by Fighters

This is a well-crafted hammer, well-balanced and pleasing to the eye. Don't be fooled by
its appearance - this weapon is dangerous. It requires two hands and the desire to
inflict crushing damage on your enemies.
Damage: 1-6 Crushing
Speed: 6
Weight: 6
Proficiency: Hammers
Usable only by Fighters

This is a heavy work hammer. It has a long handle and a metal head that looks like it
could shape steel and crush skulls with ease.

[06] AXES
Damage: 2-7 Slashing
Speed: 8
Weight: 8
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters

Primitive cultures often times used parts of animals as weapons. This appears to be the
horns of some creature that have been made into a crude battle axe of sorts.
Damage: 1-8 Slashing
Speed: 7
Weight: 7
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters

This huge axe is a double-bladed weapon topped with a spike. The edges are razor-sharp,
and the long handle allows the wielder to put considerable force into the swing.
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 8
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters

Intricate runes are etched on the shaft and the blades of this axe. The edges of the axe
are razor-sharp; it looks like it would be possible to shave with it, though that's not
something that you would try until you had consumed several tankards of ale. The handle
itself is made of ironwood, and leather is wrapped tightly around the handle to help
secure the user's grip.
Damage: 2-7 Slashing
THAC0: -1
Speed: 10
Weight: 10
Proficiency: Axes
Usable by Fighters only

This huge hatchet has a crescent-shaped head. Although an intimidating weapon, it looks
more decorative than functional: not only is it extremely heavy, but the balance is poor
and the edge is dull and pitted. Despite the difficulty in using the hatchet in combat,
the long handle allows the wielder to put considerable force into the swing.
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Enchanted: +1
THAC0: +1
Speed: 6
Weight: 4
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters

Closer examination of the weapon reveals a strange symbol, very faint, on the surface of
the axe head. Tracing it with your finger, there is a sudden charge, and the axe head
changes before your eyes into a silvery-looking metal.

The edge is incredibly sharp, so mush so it looks like it could hack through stone if
necessary. The symbol you traced on the weapon is now glowing brilliantly, and if
anything, the axe has become even lighter than before, so much so that you can almost
wield it one-handed.
Damage: 1-8 Slashing
Speed: 3
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters

This huge axe is a double-bladed weapon topped with a spike. The edges are razor-sharp,
and the long handle allows the wielder to put considerable force into the swing.

This axe is of a different alloy than normal steel - it's *light* and easy to swing. It
causes the same amount of damage as an ordinary axe, but it strikes much more quickly.

[07] ARMOR
Armor Class: 5
Weight: 25
Usable only by Dak'kon

Dak'kon's ceremonial zerth armor. It is fashioned of interlocking metal rings, formed of
the same substance that Dak'kon's blade is made of. (Unlike the blade, however, it does
not appear that the armor changes based on the mental state of the wielder.) The armor
is worn over a padded red tunic, and spiked bracers and shoulder pads have been added to
give greater protection to the arms and upper body.

While Dak'kon's armor is similar to chain mail, it is lighter and more flexible,
allowing him to wield his sword more effectively. It seems that when the sword and armor
are used in tandem, the armor actually becomes lighter in weight and more flexible, more
like cloth than chain mail. Whether this is a unique property of karach, or whether this
is some magical effect of the two items, is unknown.
Special: Disguises user as a Dustman
Weight: 5
Usable only in the Mortuary

These frayed robes are commonly worn by members of the Dustmen faction. They have an
old, musty smell about them, and they don't fit you very well. You doubt the Dustman
disguise will hold up under scrutiny -- and certainly not if the Dustmen are looking for
an intruder.

Allows user to copy "Power of One" into Spell Book
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 mins per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 1
Usable only by Mages and Nameless One

Inscribed upon this circular stone plate is the Fifth Circle of Zerthimon:

"Zerhimon was the first to *know* the way of freedom. Yet it was not he that first came
to *know* the way of rebellion."

"The *knowing* of rebellion came to the warrior-queen Gith, one of the People. She had
served the *illithids* upon many of the False Worlds as a soldier, and she had come to
*know* war and carried it in her heart. She had come to *know* how others might be
organized to subjugate others. She *knew* the paths of power, and she *knew* the art of
taking from the conquerors the weapons by which they could be defeated. Her mind was
focused, and both her will and her blade were as one."

"The turning in which Zerthimon came to *know* Gith, Zerthimon ceased to *know* himself.
Her words were as fires lit in the hearts of all who heard her. In hearing her words, he
wished to *know* war. He *knew* not what afflicted him, but he *knew* he wished to join
his blade to Gith. He wished to give his hate expression and share his pain with the

"Gith was one of the People, but her *knowing* of herself was greater than any Zerthimon
had ever encountered. She *knew* the ways of flesh, she *knew* the *illithids* and in
*knowing* herself, she was to *know* how to defeat them in battle. The strength of her
*knowing* was so great, that all those that walked her path came to *know* themselves."

"Gith was but one. Her strength was such that it caused others to *know* their strength.
And Zerthimon laid his steel at her feet."
Allows user to copy "Vilquar's Eye" into Spell Book
Range: 45 ft. + 15 ft. / level
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 1
Usable only by Mages and Nameless One

Inscribed upon this circular stone plate is the Fourth Circle of Zerthimon:

"*Know* that the Rising of the People against the *illithid* was a thing built upon many
ten-turnings of labor. Many of the People were gathered and taught in secret the ways of
defeating their *illithid* masters. They were taught to shield their minds, and use them
as weapons. They were taught the scripture of steel, and most importantly, they were
given the *knowing* of freedom."

"Some of the People learned the nature of freedom and took it into their hearts. The
*knowing* gave them strength. Others feared freedom and kept silent. But there were
those that *knew* freedom and *knew* slavery, and it was their choice that the People
remained chained. One of these was Vilquar."

"Vilquar saw no *freedom* in the Rising, but opportunity. He saw that the *illithid* had
spawned across many of the False Worlds. Their Worlds numbered so many that their vision
was turned only outwards, to all they did not already touch. Vilquar's eye saw that much
took place that the *illithid* did not see. To the Rising, the *illithid* were blinded."

"Vilquar came before his master, the *illithid* Zhijitaris, with the *knowing* of the
Rising. Vilquar added to his chains and offered to be their eyes against the Rising. In
exchange, Vilquar asked that he be rewarded for his service. The *illithid* agreed to
his contract."

"At the bonding of the contract, a dark time occurred. Many were betrayals Vilquar
committed and many were the People that the *illithids* fed upon to stem the Rising. It
seemed that the Rising would die before it could occur, and the *illithid* were pleased
with Vilquar's eye."

"It was near the end of this dark time when Zerthimon came to *know* Vilquar's
treacheries. In *knowing* Vilquar's eye, Zerthimon forced the Rising to silence itself,
so that Vilquar might think at last his treacheries had succeeded, and the Rising had
fallen. He *knew* that Vilquar eye was filled only with the reward he had been promised.
He would see what he wished to see."

"With greed beating in his heart, Vilquar came upon the *illithid* Zhijitaris and spoke
to his master of his success. He said that the Rising had fallen, and the *illithids*
were safe to turn their eyes outwards once more. He praised their wisdom in using
Vilquar's eye, and he asked them for his reward."

"In his greed-blindness, Vilquar had forgotten the *knowing* of why the People had
sought freedom. He had lost the *knowing* of what slavery meant. He had forgotten what
his *illithid* masters saw when they looked upon him. And so Vilquar's betrayal of the
People was ended with another betrayal. Vilquar came to *know* that when Vilquar's eye
has nothing left to see, Vilquar's eye is useless."

"The *illithid* gave to Vilquar his reward, opening the cavity of his skull and
devouring his brain. Vilquar's corpse was cast upon the Fields of Husks so its blood
might water the poison-stemmed grasses."
Allows user to copy "Blood Bridge" into Spell Book
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for
the necromantic spell, "Blood Bridge." This spell allows the caster to share a portion
of his life with others, weakening himself but strengthening others.
Allows user to copy "Chromatic Orb" into Spell Book
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for
the minor evocation, "Chromatic Orb."
Allows user to copy "IDENTIFY" into Spell Book
Range: 1 item
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Inventory usage only
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for
the minor divination spell, "Identify." The spell reveals the mysteries of an enchanted
object, allowing you to know its exact abilities.
Invokes: "Armor"
Teaches user "Armor"
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: Until destroyed by damage
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 5
Usable only by Mages

Upon closer examination of this breastplate, you realize you didn't mar the warding rune
beyond recognition. In fact, unlike the other breastplates, the spell that maintained
the integrity of the giant skeleton is mostly intact, so much so you could either cast
the runes as a spell or copy them into a spell book and keep it as a part of your
arsenal. Either casting or copying the spell will destroy the breastplate, however.
Invokes: "Shield"
Teaches user "Shield"
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 25 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 5
Usable only by Mages

Upon closer examination of the runes covering the surface of this breastplate, you think
you might be able to unlock the rune's power and use it to invoke a primitive warding
enchantment, similar to the one that protected the giant skeleton. Activating the rune
will destroy the breastplate, however.
Invokes: "Armor"
Teaches user "Armor"
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: Until destroyed by damage
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 5
Usable only by Mages

Upon closer examination of the runes covering the surface of this breastplate, you think
you might be able to unlock the rune's power and use it to invoke a primitive warding
enchantment, similar to the one that protected the giant skeleton. Activating the rune
will destroy the breastplate, however.
Invokes: "Shield"
Teaches user "Shield"
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 25 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 5
Usable only by Mages

Upon closer examination of this breastplate, you realize you didn't mar the warding rune
beyond recognition. In fact, unlike the other breastplates, the spell that maintained
the integrity of the giant skeleton is mostly intact, so much so you could either cast
the runes as a spell or copy them into a spell book and keep it as a part of your
arsenal. Either casting or copying the spell will destroy the breastplate, however.
Allows user to cast "Armor"
Allows user to copy "Armor" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: Until destroyed by damage
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Physical attacks shall be better thwarted as protection is granted to those who have

This spell grants an Armor Class of 6 to the target. It is culmulative with Dexterity
bonuses, but nothing else. The spell lasts until the wearer sustains culmulative damage
totaling more than 8 pts. + 1 / level of the caster. Note that the armor does not absorb
this damage; it only disintegrates after that much damage has been inflicted on it.
Allows user to cast "Blindness"
Allows user to copy "Blindness" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 90 ft. + 30 ft. / level
Duration: 60 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

How frail is the body when it depends upon its eyes! When sight is removed, things
become harder to hit, and the sufferer becomes an easier target.

If the targeted creature fails its saving throw, the creature will be struck with
blindness and suffer a -4 penalty to its attack rolls and a +4 bonus to all opponents'
attack rolls.
Allows user to cast "Blood Bridge"
Allows user to copy "Blood Bridge" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

A bizarre compact of the healer's heart and the merchant's mind, this necromantic spell
transforms your very body into a marketplace that barters life and death. Your life
essence can be given to others... at a cost to yourself.

When cast, the mage can select any living (non-undead) target within touch range and
drain life from himself (2 hit points + 1 hit point per level of the caster) and give it
to the target.
Allows user to cast "Blur"
Allows user to copy "Blur" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: 15 seconds + 5 seconds per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

The blurring of form and spirit causes one to be hard to see or touch, granting a great
advantage in battle.

Blur causes the wizard's form to shift and blur, making it much more difficult to attack
the caster: It causes all incoming attacks to be made at -3 penalty and grants the
wizard +1 on all saving throws.
Allows user to cast "Chromatic Orb"
Allows user to copy "Chromatic Orb" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Long are the debates about the spectrum of color in the multiverse. "This blue is better
than yellow!" "Pike it, berk! Of course White is the true color!" And while in the end,
many generally agree that a color's greatness is in the eye of the beholder, this spell
establishes the fact that some colors are deadlier than others.

This summons a large, magical Orb of Color, which can then be hurled at a target using
the caster's normal Attack roll +3. The color of the Orb changes depending on the
caster's level.

Level: 1 White
Damage: 1-4 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC

Level: 2 Red
Damage: 1-6 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -1 Strength, -1 Dexterity

Level: 3 Orange
Damage: 1-8 pts.
Special Power: Additional 1-4 pts. of fire damage

Level: 4 Yellow
Damage: 1-10 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC

Level: 5 Green
Damage: 1-12 pts.
Special Power: Stun for 10-25 sec.

Level: 6 Turquoise
Damage: 2-8 pts.
Special Power: Unconscious for 10-25 sec.

Level: 7 Blue
Damage: 2-16 pts.
Special Power: Paralyzed for 30-100 sec.

Level: 10 Violet
Damage: Paralysis
Special Power: Petrification

Level: 12 Black
Damage: 4-40 pts.
Special Power: Paralysis for 10-40 sec.
Allows user to cast "Fist of Iron"
Allows user to copy "Fist of Iron" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: Caster
Duration: (5 seconds / level) + 5 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Nameless One only
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This spell gives the caster's fist the strength and durability of iron, turning it into
a living weapon. Any punches the caster does will do more damage than normal.

This spell works only on the Nameless One. When cast, all his normal punch attacks are
+3 to hit and +6 to damage. The Nameless One cannot cast spells while the Fist of Iron
is in place.
Allows user to cast "Friends"
Allows user to copy "Friends" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: 5-20 seconds + 5 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

One's charm, one's beauty and one's charisma is oftentimes the key to gaining the trust
of strangers and creating new friends.

When cast, the caster temporarily gains 2-8 points of Charisma, which could be helpful
in making new friends, or opening new paths.
Allows user to cast "Horror"
Allows user to copy "Horror" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 75 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Pure horror is perhaps the greatest equalizer in existence, causing both the weakest and
the strongest to lose their courage and flee in cowardice.

This spell causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the target point
to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw.
Allows user to cast "Ice Knife"
Allows user to copy "Ice Knife" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Daggers of ice can be conjured that not only strike the intended target but can spread
cold as ice in water.

This spell fires a magical ice dagger at a target. The caster must successfully hit with
his normal missile attack roll. A successful hit causes 2-8 pts. of damage per dagger.
When the ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a
wave of numbing cold. All creatures w/in a 5' radius must make a successful saving throw
vs. paralyzation or suffer 1-4 pts. of cold damage and have a -2 penalty to their attack
rolls. If the attack roll misses, the Ice Dagger will 'fall to the ground' 2 feet past
(using the same trajectory that it originally took) the intended target. The Ice dagger
will then remain on the ground for 2 seconds. If any creature touches this ice dagger
during that time it will immediately shatter, and emit a cold wave (as above). If not,
then after the elapsed time it will melt away. Finally, the caster gains 1 additional
Ice Dagger for every 2 levels after 3rd level, for a maximum of 5 Daggers. The
subsequent Daggers can be fired off by a subsequent 'click' on the same (or another)
Allows user to cast "Identify"
Allows user to copy "Identify" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 1 Item
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Inventory usage only
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This spell reveals the mysteries of an enchanted object, allowing you to know its exact
Allows user to cast "Knock"
Allows user to copy "Knock" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 180 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 10 sq. feet per level
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

The inaccessible, the locked can be freed and within one's grasp with this incantation.

With Knock, all locked doors, chests, boxes, or shackles shall be unlocked, but it
doesn't affect barred gates and the like. In addition, it can only affect up to 2
impediments per spell.
Allows user to cast "Luck"
Allows user to copy "Luck" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Fortune. Chance. Kismet. Whatever its name, this spell grants a boost in one's Luck for
a short duration.

This spell grants a 2-8 point bonus to the target's Luck for 5 seconds per level of the
caster. This bonus increases the chance for success in various efforts such as
Attacking, Thieving Skills, or Saving Throws and the like.
Allows user to cast "Magic Missile"
Allows user to copy "Magic Missile" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 80 ft. + (30 ft. / level)
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

This spell shapes arcane energies into unerring missiles. The greater your skill, the
more missiles you can hurl from your body.

The spell summons a magical missile that strikes its target unerringly for 2-5 pts. of
damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster gains 1 extra missile
every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.
Allows user to cast "Pacify"
Allows user to copy "Pacify" into Spell Book
Level: 1 / Wizard
Range: 180 feet
Duration: 40 seconds + (5 seconds / level)
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 2-8 creatures (non-undead)
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Violence is not always the best solution. This spell seeks to quell the boiling blood,
the anger and malice through peaceful means.

As per the name, this spell will magically pacify 2-8 creatures of 6 HD or less in the
area of effect; this affects all type of creatures except for undead. When cast,
creatures must immediately make a saving throw vs. spell. If they fail, they stop all
activities that require any exertion, including arguments, combat, etc. From here, the
affected creatures will fall into a deep slumber. The affected creatures will remain in
this state for the duration of the spell if left unharmed. If attacked, they
automatically gain a new saving throw to try and break the spell.
Allows user to cast "Remove Curse"
Allows user to copy "Remove Curse" into Spell Book
Level: 4 / Wizard
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Cursed items shall no longer afflict you when this spell is cast.

When cast, this spell removes a curse upon the person targeted. It does not remove the
curse from the actual item itself, but it allows the person to successfully unequip and
rid themselves of the cursed item.
Allows user to cast "Strength"
Allows user to copy "Strength" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: Touch
Duration: 60 mins per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

Grants immense strength to the weak - or greater strength to the strong.

This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or
tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class restrictions. The
spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus is as follows:
Priest 1d6 Points
Rogue 1d6 Points
Warrior 1d8 Points
Wizard 1d4 Points
Allows user to cast "Swarm Curse"
Allows user to copy "Swarm Curse" into Spell Book
Level: 2 / Wizard
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 15 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 3 feet / level of the caster
Saving Throw: Neg.
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages

All that scuttles, creeps, and swarms shall be invited to dine... on a victim of your
choosing. Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of effect.

Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of effect. They inflict 1-4 +
(caster level/3) points of damage every 5 seconds. No one can cast a spell while within
the swarm.
Allows user to copy "Scripture of Steel" into Spell Book
Range: 180 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 50 feet cube
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 1
Usable only by Mages and Nameless One

Inscribed upon this circular stone plate is the Second Circle of Zerthimon:

"*Know* that flesh cannot mark steel. *Know* that steel may mark flesh. In *knowing*
this, Zerthimon became free."

"*Know* that the tentacled ones were of flesh. They relied on the flesh and used it as
tools for their will. One of the places where flesh served their will were the Fields of
Husks on the False Worlds of the *illithids.*"

"The Fields were where the bodies of the People were cast after the *illithids* had
consumed their brains. When the brain had been devoured, the husks came to be fertilizer
to grow the poison-stemmed grasses of the *illithids.* Zerthimon worked the Fields with
no *knowing* of himself or what he had become. He was a tool of flesh, and the flesh was

"It was upon these Fields that Zerthimon came to *know* the scripture of steel. During
one of the turnings, as Zerthimon tilled the Fields with his hands, he came across a
husk whose brain remained within it. It has not been used as food. Yet it was dead."

"The thought that one of the husks had died a death without serving as food for the
*illithids* was a thought Zerthimon had difficulty understanding. From that thought,
came a desire to *know* what had happened to the husk."

"Embedded in the skull of the husk was a steel blade. It had pierced the bone. Zerthimon
realized that was what had killed the husk. The steel had marked the flesh, but the
flesh had not marked the steel."

"Zerthimon took the blade and studied its surface. In it, he saw his reflection. It was
in the reflection of the steel that Zerthimon first *knew* himself. Its edge was sharp,
its will the wearer's. It was the blade that would come to be raised against Gith when
Zerthimon made the Pronouncement of Two Skies."

"Zerthimon kept the blade for many turnings, and many were the thoughts he had about it.
He used it in the fields to aid his work. In using it, he thought about how it was not

"The *illithids* were powerful. Zerthimon had believed that there was nothing that they
did not *know.* Yet the *illithids* never carried tools of steel. They only used flesh
as tools. Everything was done through flesh, for the tentacled ones were made of flesh
and they *knew* flesh. Yet steel was superior to flesh. When the blade had killed the
husk, it was the flesh that had been weaker than the steel."

"It was then that Zerthimon came to *know* that flesh yielded to steel. In *knowing*
that, he came to *know* that steel was stronger than the *illithids.*"

"Steel became the scripture of the People. *Know* that steel is the scripture by which
the people came to *know* freedom."
Allows user to copy "Submit the Will" into Spell Book
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 12 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 1
Usable only by Mages and Nameless One

Inscribed upon this circular stone plate in the Third Circle of Zerthimon:

"Zerthimon labored many turnings for the *illithid* Arlathii Twice-Deceased and his
partnership in the cavernous heavens of the False Worlds. His duties would have broken
the back of many others, but Zerthimon labored on, suffering torment and exhaustion."

"It came to pass that the *illithid* Arlathii Twice-Deceased ordered Zerthimon before
him in his many-veined galleria. He claimed that Zerthimon had committed slights of
obstinance and cowardice against his partnership. The claim had no weight of truth, for
Arlathii only wished to *know* if flames raged within Zerthimon's heart. He wished to
*know* if Zerthimon's heart was one of a slave or of a rebel."

"Zerthimon surrendered to the *illithid* punishment rather than reveal his new-found
strength. He *knew* that were he to show the hatred in his heart, it would serve
nothing, and it would harm others that felt as he. He chose to endure the punishment and
was placed within the Pillars of Silence so he might suffer for a turning."

"Lashed upon the Pillars, Zerthimon moved his mind to a place where pain could not
reach, leaving his body behind. He lasted a turning, and when he was brought before
Arlathii Twice-Deceased, he gave gratitude for his punishment to the *illithid* as was
custom. In so doing, he proved himself a slave in the *illithid* eyes while his heart
remained free."

"By enduring and quenching the fires of his hatred, he allowed Arlathii Twice-Deceased
to think him weak. When the time of the Rising came, Arlathii was the first of the
*illithid* to *know* death by Zerthimon's hand and die a third death."

Special: Protection from Chaotic creatures
Weight: 0
Not usable by Chaotic characters

This is a tattoo of a number, an intricate weaving of ink and flesh. It squirms when
held, as if it sought out a host. It is the number of Ku'u Yin, a personal identifier
that radiates Law. When applied, the tattoo works itself into the skin of its owner,
protecting it against the depredations of strongly chaotic creatures. It cannot be used
by someone of chaotic alignment.

+2 to Armor Class
Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Mage Spells
Weight: 0
Usable only by Mages
Usable only by Nameless One

These earrings are made from hardened sap of the razor vine. When properly prepared,
items made from this substance can be enchanted with powerful spells of protection.
Weight: 0
Unusable (Closed)

This copper earring looks ancient. Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be a hook or any
means of actually attaching it to your ear. A series of strange grooves have been carved
on the inside of the earring, however, which might merit a closer examination.
Weight: 0

This ancient copper earring has a series of grooves cut along the inside. Although there
doesn't appear to be an obvious way to wear it, it can be unlocked by hooking your
fingernail into the third groove from the top and pressing inwards.

Not only does this allow the earring to be worn, but it also opens up a hollow
compartment inside the earring where messages or other small items can be stored. The
earring might be worth more to a merchant as a result.
+1 to Armor Class vs. Missile Attacks
-1 to Armor Class vs. Crushing Attacks
+10% Detect Traps Skill Bonus
THAC0: +1
Weight: 0

At first glance, this glass eye seems a poor replacement for a real one. However, when
inserted into an empty eye socket facing inwards, its power awakens.

Although the eye dulls the wearer to colors and sights, it increases his awareness of
angles and shapes, giving the wearer greater accuracy with weapons and giving him a
greater chance of dodging incoming missile attacks. Furthermore, mechanical traps stand
out to the wearer's vision, making it easier to spot and disarm them.

The user becomes more vulnerable to crushing attacks, however - some of the fragility of
the glass eye seems to be transferred to its wearer.
Weight: 0

This thick bronze bracelet is heavy, simple, and uninteresting. You could probably sell
it to a local merchant for a bit of coin.
Weight: 0

This crude bronze ring looks like it might have doubled as someone's nose ring in the
past. Despite the dents and scratches, it might be worth a few coins to a local
Weight: 0

This crude copper circlet looks like it was the victim of an eager lover... or something
that enjoys eating metal... for it is bent on one side and bears teeth marks.
Special: -1 to Damage with All attacks
THAC0: -1
Weight: 0

This glass eye is a poor replacement for a real one. The wearer's depth perception is
impaired while this eye is worn.
Weight: 0

This simple gold pendant may have once hung from a nobleman's ear.
Weight: 0

The exterior of this gold ring has a series of engravings on its surface, but you can't
make out their significance. Whatever its past purpose, it might be worth quite a few
coins to a local merchant.
Armor Class: 6
Weight: 2
Usable only by Mages

Considered standard equipment for any adventuring mage, bracelets such as these can be
found across the planes. Judging by the markings on this particular bracelet it appears
to have been made in a style quite common to Sigil. Various glyphs of warding are
meticulously carved along the surface producing an almost hypnotic effect when looked
at. When worn this bracelet protects the wearer from normal attacks as if they were
wearing scale armor.
Special: +2 to Armor Class
Weight: 0

Mempa was a mage obsessed with the possibility of having her magic items lost or burgled
while she was asleep or otherwise incapacitated. While the vast majority of her carried
possessions were inseparable from her corpse and thus buried with her, some of her
weaker items - early experiments, perhaps - were left behind and remain in the world of
the living.

Mempa's Biting Ring, whose powerful aura protects its bearer from bodily harm, is one
such item. However, once placed upon one's finger, the ring bites down and holds on so
tenaciously that it is nigh impossible to remove it from the 'bitten' digit.
Special: Ward against Shadows
Special: Holds Shadow Creatures Temporarily
Weight: 0

This is a "negative token": a flat, black disk that appears to have no substance to it
at all. Turning it over reveals that it has no third dimension - there is no thickness
to this item at all. It gives you some command over creatures of shadow - you can
command them to stand still for a few precious seconds. The more powerful the shadow,
the less likely it will obey your command.

As an added benefit, as long as this token is carried by *any* of your party members, it
acts as a ward against shadows. It will not prevent shadows from attacking your group,
but the shadows will find it more difficult to harm you while the Token is carried.
Special: +10% Stealth Skill Bonus
Weight: 0
Usable only by Thieves

This small earring is made from polished obsidian. Despite the smoothness of its
surface, it reflects no light whatsoever.

Commonly referred to as "a rogue's best friend," the black gem this earring is made from
possesses magical properties that absorb light, making it easier for its wearer to move
undetected in the shadows.
Special: +1 to Armor Class
Weight: 0

These rings are quite common across the planes. Simple to make and in great demand,
Mages usually create these items as a way to raise quick money. This particular ring has
a minor enchantment on it that protects the wearer from harm.
Minor Copper Blessing
Weight: 0

You received this small earring from folding a note in the mouth of one of the walking
corpses in the Mortuary. It's a beautiful earring, but despite its beauty, all it seems
to do is remind you how strange this world you've woken up in is.

This earring carries a minor blessing from one of the gods of wealth on some backwater
prime world; when held in the hand and the word "copper" is whispered, it gives the
wearer 33 copper commons. This blessing can be used three times before the enchantment
is exhausted.
Weight: 0

This simple silver circlet earring has faint engravings on its surface, but you can't
make out the designs.
Weight: 0

This simple band of silver has no ornamentation; it may have once been a wedding ring.
Whatever its past purpose, it may be worth a few coins to a local merchant.
Weight: 1

This tarnished silver bracelet has a number of dents and scratches on it. It doesn't
look old, but it looks as if it has seen a lot of use. Despite its appearance, it might
be worth a few coins to a local merchant.
Special: +1 to Armor Class
Weight: 0

This ring looks like three rings that have been wrapped around each other. Just looking
at it makes you dizzy.

Weight: 1

This damp mass of rags look like it's been used to mop up blood and other less savory
bodily fluids.
Weight: 3

This is a polished cobblestone that was lodged in the zombie's skull. It still has
traces of brain matter dripping from it.
Weight: 0

This is a tail from a cranium rat.
Weight: 0

This is your eye. It looks like it's seen better days.
Weight: 0

This is a well-decayed and nearly meatless finger bone from a humanoid of roughly your
size. There is still some sort of odd ring on the finger. It is an intricate thing,
sculpted with dozens of tiny, ornate flanges and decorative protrusions. Oddly enough,
it seems firmly rooted to the finger, and no amount of pulling or prying will budge the
thing... almost as if the ring's jagged edges have dug into the lifeless finger itself
and refuse to release it.
Weight: 2

This ropy mass of bloody intestines appears to be yours. You have to admit it makes you
uncomfortable to see them outside of your body.
Weight: 1

This is a collection of junk... small springs, broken bolts, and a cracked gear or two.
It looks like someone felt these pieces might be useful one day, but they seem pretty
useless to you.
Weight: 1

This is a leather strap used to bind the skeleton worker's bones together. Although the
strap is frayed along the edges, it still looks pretty strong.
Weight: 5

This is your pet Lim-Lim.
Weight: 1

This thick mass of rags look as if they were torn from a tapestry or someone's robes.
Invokes: "Pain Mirror"
Weight: 1

When used, this item causes an attacker to feel the same pain and hurt that he has
inflicted upon the user.
Invokes: "Magic Missile"
Damage: 2-5 Points of Damage per Missile
Range: 180 ft. + (30 ft. / level)
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 1
Usable only by Mages

This is the severed foot of some large bird. For whatever reason, someone has enchanted
it, making it capable of casting the spell "Magic Missile" for a limited number of
Weight: 2

This is a generic human skull. It is not as talkative as Morte, but perhaps that's just
as well.
Invokes: "Elysium's Tears"
Weight: 1

Contained in this bottle are the tears of sorrow that were shed by this persons
relatives. All the rage and anguish of this person's senseless death in battle are
contained in this smiling bottle. By throwing this bottle at an enemy, their wrath can
be unleashed.
Weight: 2
Usable only by Dak'kon

This small round stone is the "Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon." The Unbroken Circle is a
*zerth* religious text, containing teachings of Zerthimon, the founder of the githzerai
people. The Circle is made up of a series of interlocking circles that fold out from one
another, depending on which branch the reader wishes to follow in the path of
teachings... it is said that some zerths spend years poring over the combinations of the
plates, looking for new significance in the teachings.

Dak'kon seems to use the text as a means of focusing his spell casting abilities, for he
pores over the tablet occasionally, memorizing the words.
Weight: 2

This is a wererat skull. Man, are they ugly critters.

Weight: 0

This crisp parchment has a musty smell about it, like it has been stored in an attic for
too long. From what you can make out from the tiny, cramped writing, this document seems
to be a contract between two parties: The Dustman faction and a man named "Angyar." In
exchange for thirty copper pieces, Angyar has signed away the rights to his corpse to
the Dustmen, presumably so that they can use him as a worker in the Mortuary.
Weight: 3

This battered tankard is covered with dents, and its handle looks ready to fall off.
Judging from the size of some of the dents, it looks like it was used to bash in
someone's skull.
Weight: 0

This tiny black seed has a series of small barbs sprouting from its surface.
Weight: 2

This appears to be some sort of journal. Sheets of dried human skin have beed stretched
across a framework of bone, and strangely enough, it appears the sheets of skin have
healed together at the seams, forming the spine of a makeshift book. It looks like the
outer sheets of skin form a cover for a series of other skin sheets locked inside the
bone frame.

A series of symbols have been written in blood across the exterior of the sheets of
skin, but you can't make them out; they appear to be some form of writing, but they seem
to be written upside down, right to left, and at odd angles that make your eyes hurt.

Despite the crudity of the writing, you have to admit the design of the bone frame is
actually quite intricate; the bones have been carved so that they snap neatly together.
It looks like the bones can be unhooked from each other, allowing the book to be opened
and read.
Weight: 0

This heavy iron key came from Hargrimm the Bleak, Skeleton Priest of the Dead Nations.
Weight: 0

A note written on a scrap of dry parchment:

"Contact the necromancer responsible for Raising contractual worker 42. I know he's
examined the skeleton before, but I am certain the initial Raising of the body was
warped. The worker still responds to commands, but when it has completed a task, it
resumes pacing in the same circular pattern as it did before.

"Dhall recently informed me that worker 42 exhibited that same walking pattern when it
was a zombie decades ago. There may be a soul echo in the marrow or the skeleton's age
may have caused the magic animating him to decay. One of the Initiates suggested it may
be following an order issued by a higher-ranking Dustman in the past, but I have found
no records of such an order.

"Whatever the reason for its behavior, the matter is to be resolved or the worker
Weight: 0

This long, thin key has a spiral head and smells faintly of embalming fluid. It looks
extremely old, and numerous scratches cover its surface.
Weight: 4

This battered tankard is covered with dents, and its handle looks ready to fall off.
Judging from the size of some of the dents, it looks like it was used to bash in
someone's skull.

This tankard is currently holding a mass of ink from a *brogota-fin* fish. Hopefully,
this is the last damn thing Mebbeth needs from the marketplace.
Weight: 15

This is a flattened mass of green rags, thin as paper, yet so stiff they look like they
could double as wooden boards. The rags are so caked with a greenish-lime starch that
they look like it would take years of soaking to relax them. Perhaps Mebbeth can find a
way to salvage them, but you think that would be beyond anyone's abilities.
Weight: 0

This is a fairly large ruby recovered from Moridor's Box. Gems of this quality are
valued by practitioners of the 'art' as a component for various spells.
Weight: 0

This is a large, unimaginative iron key. For some reason, its somber appearance reminds
you of the Mortuary.
Weight: 0

This rolled up piece of parchment appears to be some sort of message the skeleton in the
Mortuary was supposed to deliver:

"This is the third and *last* request for the prybar; if it has been misplaced, *tell*
me and I shall go to the Hive market and purchase another. I have no objection to
mantaining the Contracted workers, but I've been trying to repair the skeletons, and the
bolts are wedged in so tight I can't get them out.

"Also, some of the locks on the storage cabinets on the third floor have become stuck
again due to the heat, and I need the prybar to snap them open as well. If the prybar is
indeed lost, I will see about procuring the services of a locksmith and having the
cabinet locks replaced.

"Your aid in the matter would be appreciated,

An unreadable signature has been scrawled beneath the message.
Weight: 1

This heavy key is a strange fusion of bone and an unidentifiable lood-red metal. Its
jagged C-shaped head looks like its ready to clamp down on whoever holds it. This key is
used to open the inner gates in the Mortuary.
Weight: 0

Someone has penned a series of tasks in red ink on this scrap of parchment:

- I would like the Contracted Workers to be inspected thrice-daily, at the end of each
work shift when the new Initiates come on duty. We have experienced too many Contracted
collapses while engaged in heavy labor as of late, and I fear the embalming enchantments
initially used on the corpses may be decaying or may have been warped somehow.

- If the Contracted workers could be inspected every eight hours and Raised if they have
collapsed, then this would prevent the backlog of shells in the Preparation Rooms and
free up more Contracted workers for other duties.

- I do not wish collapsed bodies to be disposed of; when possible, the original
Contracted shells are to be Raised and be made to resume their duties.

- I have included spare embalming charms within the shelves for the Initiates on duty.
They are to be used only when the shells cannot be repaired with stitching, bandaging,
or applications of embalming fluid.
Weight: 0

This is a foul-smelling note retrieved from the mouth of one of the Mortuary zombies; it
looks like it was sewn into the corpse's mouth by accident. Dspite its condition, the
writing is legible:

"Please, to whatever Dustman reads this; I beg of you. I know of my legal obligation
under the terms of the Dead Contract, but I am prepared to offer *more* than my signing
fee if you will cremate my body rather than Raising it. I have arranged for this note to
be left with my body upon my death. If you are reading this, then please use this note
as instructed and accept the result in exchange for my Contracted duty. Let my Contract
number serve as the key."

It looks like the corpse was too late to prevent the Raising... but you notice that
beneath the writing is a diagram. It looks like directions for folding the parchment
into a strange pattern.
Weight: 2

This appears to be a small wooden box. Intricate designs etched in gold adorn the box.
At one time this box would have been worthy enough to be displayed at any aristocrat's
estate. However, years of neglect have taken their toll and it appears to be falling
apart. If not for the large ruby mounted to the front of the box, it would be worthless.

Feelings of dread seem to emanate from the box.
Weight: 0

This note has been written with remarkable penmanship upon the finest parchment:


If you are reading this, then you have undoubtedly failed in your task and have been
forced to use the escape route I arranged. I told you that your little disguise idea was
ridiculous. In any case, you'll need to lay low for a while. The Dustmen may be deluded,
but they are not fools, and they will certainly seek retribution for our intrusion. I've
left you some coins. Use them to secure a hiding place in the Hive, preferably in
Ragpicker's Square. The Dustmen will be unwilling to look for you there.

Once you have secured a new hiding place, I have a new mission for you: find out where
Pharod is getting those bodies he's delivering to the Mortuary. It's apparently causing
the Dustmen a great deal of upset, and I wouldn't mind knowing myself. Reports are that
that stone-faced Dustman at the Gathering Dust Bar -- Initiate Emoric, I think the
fool's name is -- has been sending out finders to try and mark Pharod's movements. See
if you can find out how far along he is and hinder his efforts until we know more about
Pharod's activities. I don't want Emoric finding out something before we do.

- Penn
Weight: 1

This is a necklace of red and black prayer beads. A web of black lines swirls around the
edges of the prayer beads as you hold them, moving in some strange pattern you cannot
Weight: 0

The head of this bronze key has been twisted around itself several times, so that it
resembles a screw. If Morte is to be believed, it unlocks one of the doors in the
Preparation Room.
Weight: 0

This ragged page looks like it was cut neatly out of a book. It is written in a tight,
crabbed script:

16537, 5th Night: Drunk -- Chest Wound -- Cause of Death: Mauling/Abishai? -- Collector:
Pox -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions.

16538, 5th Night: Desiccated Corpse -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell
prevents identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions
(Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection.)

16539, 5th Night: Scarred Shell -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable (scars do not appear
to be cause of death - shock trauma?) -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid --
Possessions Logged: - Fist Irons - Thirteen Commons - Middle Table, Receiving Room.

16540, 5th Night: Desiccated Corpse #2 -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell
prevents identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- Possessions Logged:
Knife marks evident from dissection, but the dissection was not thorough enough - Copper
earring found lodged in abdomen; earring has been locked in Southeast Preparation Room.
Have an Initiate from the Third Circle examine it; it has strange markings, like those
on Contracted Worker #79.

16541, 5th Night: Skeleton -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell prevents
identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions (Stripped?
Knife marks evident from dissection.)

* As with the previous entries, these shells Pharod has brought also shows signs of
having been prepared. I have asked that Initiate Emoric launch an investigation into the
matter. Furthermore, Entry 16542 is one of Pharod's gang. I have seen the individual
before - I would ask Emoric to pay heed to how the man died.

16542, 5th Night: Tiefling, Male -- Cause of Death: Slash marks/discoloration of wounds
are consistent with grave rot (ghoul claws?) -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid --
No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection.)
Weight: 2

This huge log book lists Mortuary procedures in a tight, crabbed script:

- All shells entering the Mortuary are to be delivered to the Receiving Room and logged
with the scribe on duty before being embalmed or cremated.

- The records are to be checked to determine if the shell is one of the Contracted, and
if so, do not prepare the shell. Move the shell to one of the Preparation Rooms,
contact the scribe on duty, and notify him that a Contracted shell is to be Raised.

- Be certain that a shell is thoroughly stripped of its possessions before being sent
to the Preparation Rooms. The Contracted workers are intended for simple manual labor
and do not have the capacity to search and strip a shell.

- The faction is not responsible for any possessions lost or items stolen by Collectors
who have brought the shells to the Mortuary.

- The shell's possessions are to be stored in the Receiving Room until an Initiate can
be sent to claim them. Please catalogue all possessions in the log book.

Following this list is thousands of entries of bodies that have been sent to the
Receiving Room. As you flip through the rest of the book, however, you notice the last
page has been cut out.
Weight: 2

This skull used to be attached to Soego's body before his unfortunate... "accident."
Weight: 1

This leather-bound tome is cracked and worn with age. Some sort of crest has been burned
into the cover. You can make out a series of interlocking triangles centered around the
initials SR. The writing upon its pages has faded considerably, but the last few entries
seem to have been penned recently.

Day 2 of the 127th Year of Factor Hashkar's reign:

At last, I have found it! The missing page of the Ap'Tarj Grimoire is now in my
possession. As I had guessed, the page detailed the necessary components for the casting
of the final transformation spell. I have all but one of the components. A drop of an
immortal's blood is all that stands between me and the eternal power of lichdom. But
where can I find such a rarity? Perhaps I should seek the answer through divination.

Day 14 of the 127th Year of Factor Hashkar's reign:

After days of taxing divination spells, I finally have my answers. The divination
revealed the location of an immortal to be somewhere within an ancient Mausoleum located
in the Hive section of Sigil. I must make haste. I must find this creature and draw its
blood before it moves on.

Day 15 of the 127th Year of Factor Hashkar's reign:

I have arrived at the Mausoleum. Immediately, I was set upon by a shade that guards the
remains of those interred within this place. I managed to elude the spirit and found my
way into what appears to have been some sort of inner sanctum. Protected by some minor
wards to prevent any further interruptions by that supernatural twit, I have set about
raising some of the locals to conduct a search for the immortal. If the divination was
accurate and the immortal is here, then likely it is interred within one of the many
crypts that line these halls. It is only a matter of time now.

Day 17 of the 127th Year of Factor Hashkar's reign:

I am not alone. Someone has entered the Mausoleum and is interfering with my servants.
Could this be the one I seek? The divination revealed only that I would find the
immortal here. Could it be that MY presence in this place has prompted that which I seek
to seek ME out? What a delightful twist, I shall have to

The ink of this last entry is still wet.
Weight: 5

This worn, leather-bound tome lists diagrams and charts detailing several minor wards
and enchantments. There are numerous drawings of skeletons, bones, and the manner by
which they may be preserved over time.

Of particular interest is the section regarding "guardians." Apparently, the Dustmen
animate corpses of fallen giants to serve as guardians for the Mortuary. To make them
even deadlier, armoring enchantments are woven into their breastplates to help shield
them from attacks.

The book is much too complex for you to absorb all at once, but it looks as if you could
refer to certain sections when the need arises.


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