Buck Bumble

Buck Bumble

15.10.2013 02:29:17
Solution for Buck Bumble


Mission One: Shock Strike
"A forward Herd scout unit has been sighted. Teleport from base and
eliminate all the enemies you find in the area. Good luck!"

This tactics in this mission are simple: Kill everything!

You start off in your base. Collect the pick-ups on top of the bridge
and on the hedges. There are also pick-ups on the mushroom and inside
the tubes and you should collect the nectar from the flower. Once you're
done here, it's time to fly over the hedge (collecting the pick-ups),
through the hole in the wall and into the teleport.

Through the teleport fly left and into the section with four Crane
Flies. Crane Flies are pretty harmless, so a few shots with your Stinger
should do the trick. The small tube on the ground contains a 100 point
pick-up and on the small stone near the path is a Plasma Pistol. You can
use this on the Crane Flies though it's best to save it for the Wasps.

Once you've destroyed the Crane Flies the Herd gate opens and Wasps pour
in through the gate. Destroy them and collect the Plasma Pistols they
drop. If you lose any health you can find some nectar near the teleport.

Fly through the Herd gate. On the ground to the right is a Transporter.
On the mushroom next to it is the Frag Cannon which is perfect for
destroying the heavily armoured insects. Fly around to the front of the
Transporter and fire the Frag Cannon. It's pointless to shoot the insect
from behind as it has an armour-plated rear. Back off when the
Transporter explodes as it spews out green acid which saps your energy.

Destroy all the other enemies in the area and fly towards the tap, being
careful not to set off the mines and the exploding mushrooms. Destroy
the last two Crane Flies and the Transporter and don't forget to collect
the points pick-ups from on top of the garden urns.

Secret One: After you have flown past the line of mines and exploding
mushrooms, you will see a little red mushroom in the left-hand corner in
front of you. Fly over it and back to the raised pond where three points
pick-ups will have appeared on the Lily pads.

Mission Two: Radar Run
"The Herd seems to have radar that pinpoints our position. 3 satellite
uplinks must be destroyed for our location to remain a secret. We
understand that one of the radar dishes is hidden beyond a secret

This mission involves destroying all three radar dishes. You beam in in
front of a switch. Shooting the switch destroys the conduits and opens
the Herd Gate, so blow it!

Secret One: In the area behind you where you start, look up and you'll
see a mushroom on a ledge of the dirt wall behind you. Land on the
mushroom and Spikers appear on the other mushrooms near the switch.

Pass through the Herd Gate to find the first radar dish. Destroy it and
search the area collecting all the points pick-ups, Plasma Pistols and
Frag Cannons. In this area is another switch attached to a conduit.
Shoot the switch and follow the conduit over and between the stone

Secret Two: Examine the wall behind the switch to find a slight weakness
in it. Shoot the wall at this point to open a secret area behind the
wall. Inside you'll find three flower pots. The first has a 500-points
pick-up the third a Spiker. The middle flower pot has no pick-up as yet.
(See Secret Three).

In the next small section collect the Plasma Pistol from the lily pad
and proceed through the yellow Herd door that you just opened. The
second radar dish is ahead of you. Destroy it but watch for the swarm of
Wasps. It's easier to take them out before destroying the dish. In this
area is a Wheelbarrow. Inside the Wheelbarrow are two points pick-ups
and a Full Health pick-up.

Secret Three: Collect the Full Health nectar pick-up from the
wheelbarrow and return to secret area two. The centre flower pot will
now have a Fusion Cannon sitting above it.

Secret Four: Look for the green hedge. Fly over it and follow the
pick-ups to a teleport. Through the teleport are three Spikers, a Full
Health pick-up and some Wasps. Collecting the health also makes Wasps
appear in the area near the wheelbarrow.

Next to the wheelbarrow are some small Herd Barracks. Blow them up to
reveal a secret passage and don't forget to collect the points pick-up
from the flower pot before you go down it.

As you go down the passage you're told to "Kill The Weevils". The best
weapon for this is the Frag Cannon which is on the flower pots to your
left as you fly in. The trick is to stay well back from the Weevils and
keep moving because their fire is very accurate. Next check around the
sides and behind the raised brick flower beds for valuable points

The Weevils drop Frag Cannons so make sure you collect these before
proceeding through the red Herd Gate which opens when you kill them all.
If you're running low on nectar after your encounter with the Weevils,
then turn 180 degrees as you exit the gate for a Full Health pick up.

First task now is to destroy the Louse Gun Emplacement. There is also a
points pick-up on the tennis ball but you have to destroy the Giz
Beetles guarding it first. To aid you in doing this there are Cluster
Bombs on the Lily pads. Make sure you also destroy the mines before
approaching the teleport.

Through the teleport in the last section is the final radar dish. It's
best to destroy the Wasp and Giz beetle nest first as the beetles are
very good at knocking you out of the sky and then trampling you! The
nest is vulnerable when it opens, so hover at a height and pick off some
of the beetles which will make the nest open to spawn more and take it
out! All that remains then is to clean up the remaining insects and take
out the radar dish.

Mission Three: Return Fire
"Even with the destruction of the radar, the Herd has located our base
and sent an attack squadron to destroy us. Come back to base quickly and
eliminate this squad before our HQ is destroyed. Hurry!"

To start with, look down and examine the pad you're standing on as you
will later need to place a bomb here. You should notice a new blue bar
under your red health bar. This is the health of your home base and
depletes as the base is damaged. If it reaches zero your mission will be
a failure.

From the start fly straight ahead and to your right where there is a
line of small points pick-ups. Follow these round carefully as the first
section is full of Exploding Mushrooms, Gun Turrets and Louse Guns. As
you pass the first corner you can see a yellow Herd Gate. Keep following
the line of pick-ups, collect the Cluster Bombs and continue to the
switch which is guarded by Giz beetles and a Giz Beetle nest. Destroy or
avoid these and blow the switch to open the Herd Gate.

Fly back and through the gate, grab energy if you need it then dive
through the teleport before the turrets pummel you! The teleport takes
you back to base where members of the Herd are quickly reducing it to
rubble. Look left as you emerge from the teleport and you'll find some
Cluster Bombs. Before you continue, blow the three mines ahead of you
up. This will help you later on.

You need to take out every enemy in this section before your base is
destroyed. Focus on the Crane Flies carrying the bombs to begin with.
Use your radar to locate any Herd member you can't see. Once you've
cleared the level, you'll get this message:

"ALERT! One of the Herd ground units has managed to place a nuclear
explosive device in this sector. Pick up the device and take it to the
drop pad at the start, where it will detonate safely"

You now have one minute and thirty seconds to collect the bomb and
return it to the start point (the pad you started on). Carefully pick up
the bomb by flying over it. If you knock the bomb against anything on
your way back it will explode and take you with it so you need to
navigate swiftly but carefully to succeed. This is where blowing the
mines up earlier comes in. If you haven't done it, then you will have a
problem getting past them safely. When you reach the start pad, gently
lower the bomb onto it.

Mission Four: The Sonar Tower
"We know now how the Herd is able to detect our base despite the
neutralisation of their radar. They use a hidden, heavily protected,
tower to co-ordinate their assaults. You must destroy 4 shield
generators before you can annihilate the tower"

You start this mission directly in front of the first shield generator.
Blow it and follow the line of pick-ups and broken conduits, keeping low
to avoid the mines and rising to avoid the exploding mushrooms. Where
the hedge turns into dirt wall, look to your left for a points pick-up
nestled in a gap.

Keep going forwards to an area with a tiny pond above left of which is a
Plasma Pistol on a ledge. Go on to the second shield generator which is
protected by a Wasp generator. Blow both and follow the broken conduits
and points pick-ups up and over the dirt wall to the next shield

Secret One: Land on the mushroom situated high on the dirt wall next to
the spade. This triggers three points pick-ups worth 300 points on the
dirt wall ledge just before the mushroom.

Keep following the small points pick-ups past a proliferation of mines
to the last shield generator and the Sonar Tower. This is protected by
Wasps and a Wasp generator. Destroy the Wasp generator and as many wasps
and Giz beetles as you can then destroy the shield generator. Collect
the Frag Cannon on the flower pot next to the Sonar Tower, and finally,
blow the tower!

Mission Five: Big Blips
"We're detecting some large objects headed towards our base. Beam out to
the location and extinguish any possible threat to the base. Good luck."

You begin this level back at base. Gather any nectar you need now as you
can't return once you go through the teleport. There's a Plasma Pistol
in the tube near the tree and points pick-ups worth 510 points in the
other tubes. As you fly over the gap in the hedge, collect the two
points pick-ups worth 1000 points and go through the teleport.

Upon exiting the teleport you are confronted by two Killa-Pillas. As you
fly into this section look on top of the two small square brick columns
for a Plasma Pistol and a Spiker.

Killa-Pillas are only damaged by a blast to the head and their rate of
fire is rapid, so keep dodging around them and focus your fire on one of
them at a time. At the rear of the arena on the right and left are two
more Plasma Pistols.

When you finish off the Killa-Pillas, the Killa-Kommander will emerge.
He is also only vulnerable to direct head shots and takes more hits to
kill. His firepower is stronger and faster and he sinks back down into
the water to pop up elsewhere so you need to stay alert.

Mission Six: Short Fuse
"A radar control centre has been pin-pointed to sector 42. This command
centre is very well armoured, so we have provided you with explosives to
place under the structure. Collect the explosives from the protective
beam and drop them under the target."

You begin this level facing a bomb guarded by a Phase Column, which is
an energy beam that saps your health if you go near it. Get too close
and strands of energy leap out and drag you in to your death. You need
to blow the switch that turns off the beam in order to access the bomb.

Secret One: From your start point fly up and left and examine the dirt
wall. There is a small blue landing pad. Fly over it to make a Spiker
gun and four points pick-ups worth 400 points appear.

Although you need to take the bomb with you, it's best initially to
leave it and clear a route first. Find the yellow Herd door, then locate
the switch which is guarded by Giz Beetles and Mosquitoes. Avoid or
destroy the guard insects and blow the switch.

Near the switch is a silver birch stump with a Plasma Pistol on top.
Next to this is a small fenced area and on top of the fence is a Frag
Cannon and a points pick-up. Another points pick-up is behind the large
silver birch in the fenced-off area.

Exit the fenced area and turn left to find a Spiker in the corner, then
proceed through the now-open Herd gate and follow the line of points
pick-ups. In the first flower-bed is an Exo-Sect Launcher.

A Killa-Pilla guards the tunnel to the next section. You could avoid it
but as you need to come this way later with the bomb it's best to
destroy it. The Killa-Pilla's demise triggers a wave of Wasps and you
need to wipe these out too.

In the tunnel watch out for the Giz Beetles at the other end. Blow as
many of them away as you can from inside the tunnel before exiting to
finish off any survivors. The tunnel also supplies you with a
full-health pick-up.

Continue through the green hole and into the sewer, then follow the
sewer round until you see the Killa-Pilla. In a large rusty pipe in the
wall on your left is an Exo-Sect Launcher, which you should use to
dispatch the snake-like insect from a safe distance.

In the alcoves on the left and right are points pick-ups, and if you
examine the green pipes in the ceiling there are two more worth 200

Follow the trail of small points pick-ups round the sewer to a junction.
Straight ahead is a closed Herd Gate, to your right a small passageway
and a route also leads left. The right passageway is a dead end
containing a points pick-up and an Exo-Sect Launcher. Collect these and
fly back to the junction, then turn left and use the Exo-Sect Launcher
to destroy the Killa-Pilla waiting there. Fly past its remains and turn
right to find the switch. Blow the switch and head through the now-open
Herd Gate. Keep an eye out as there is another Killa-Pilla just through
the gate.

Secret Two: Destroying the Killa-Pilla behind the Herd Gate triggers the
appearance of two more Killa-Pillas, a host of points pick-ups, a Fusion
Cannon and a Plasma Pistol. If you don't want the points and weapons,
it's easier just to avoid the first Killa-Pilla.

On your left is a small passageway with two Frag Cannons and points
pick-ups worth 640. Your objective is through the hole in the wall
ahead. Go through and clear out all the enemies in the area, starting
with the Wasp generator, and ensure that you remove all the gun turrets.

Once the area is clear make your way back to the start, get the bomb,
bring it back and drop it on the pad under the Command Centre.

Mission Seven: Outpost
"The Herd have constructed an outpost just beyond our perimeter. Now
that you have weakened their surveillance capabilities, sneak in through
the sewers and take out the Herd outpost. This will give the enemy a
shock! Good luck!"

On the hedge behind your start position are two Plasma Pistols, an HGS
2000 and a points pick-up. There are also some Cluster Bombs on the
garden urn which are good for dealing with ant infestations.

Collect the pick-ups, destroy the Grade II Transporter (it now has a gun
turret) and stay well back because when it explodes two Homing Maggot
missiles fly out of it. Fly along the bridge and destroy any hostiles
you encounter.

Secret One: Under the bridge are some points pick-ups worth 700 points.
Don't touch the water!

In this first small area on the hedge to your left are points pick-ups
worth 200 and a Plasma Pistol. Also look on the stepping stones for more
points pick-ups, worth 700.

You need to approach the exploding Mushrooms and Mines with care and
there is also a Blocker Bug to destroy before you proceed. This done,
fly up and over and check the urn on the left for a Plasma Pistol.

Secret Two: Look at the hedge near the urn to see a gap. Fly through the
gap into a very small secret area with a Frag Cannon and a Full Health

Secret Three: As you exit the gap in the hedge, examine the wall ahead
of you near the spade for a weakness. Shoot the wall and inside are
points pick-ups worth 500, an Exo-Sect Launcher and an HGS 2000. There
are also two nectar-giving flowers.

Check the flower pot for a Plasma Pistol and follow the line of small
points pick-ups under the gate where there is also another Blocker Bug
to destroy. Don't hang around near the base of the gate for too long as
there is a Weevil Cannon on the other side blasting at you. There is
also a Louse Gun Emplacement on the wall to the right. In this section
you have to blow two switches to turn off the Phase Columns.

Secret Four: As you enter this section, fly directly to your right and
examine the wall behind the tree for a weakness. Shoot the wall. Inside
is a small area with points pick-ups worth 1300, a Plasma Pistol,
Cluster Bombs and a Pulse Laser.

Blow the two switches and head for the door previously blocked by the
Phase Columns. The door itself is shielded so you need to blast it, but
first take out the Weevil Cannon and Louse Gun Emplacement.

The door leads into the sewers. On a ledge to the left is a Full Health
pick-up, an HGS 2000 and a 100 points pick-up. Make your way through the
sewers destroying the swarms of Fireflies and Wasps until you reach the
Weevil Cannon. Behind it, on the small cobbled wall, is a Spiker gun, on
the ceiling in the pipes is an HGS 2000, on the ledge are pick-ups worth
200 and a Plasma Pistol and in the rusty pipe is a Pulse Laser.

Continue through the pipes and past the Killa-Pilla to a door. Destroy
the Blocker Bug, collect the HGS 2000 from the small wall and pass
through the door into the last section.

On your left as you fly in is a small structure with a red energy mass
above it which is your objective. Before you can destroy it though you
need to take out the five shield generators protecting it. It's also
best to clear the area of enemies first.

Secret Five: Examine the brick wall near the raised flower bed with ivy
trailing down it to find a weakness in the wall on the left as you
enter. Shoot the wall. Behind it is a Fusion Cannon, points pick-ups
worth 600 and a Full Health.

As you take out the shield generators, look low between the hedge and
the raised flowerbed for two points pick-ups worth 200 and a Plasma
Pistol. On the urn are some Cluster Bombs which are excellent for
dispatching Giz Beetles.

Mission Eight: Sewer
"After your last mission the Herd are really on the run... We have
discovered that a large number of air units evacuated the outpost and
are now regrouping in the sewers. Get in there and destroy all the wasp
and wasp generators once and for all."

From the start point rise up and collect the Spiker. Fly forwards and
look down to find another one. To your right is a Weevil Cannon and
there is an HGS 2000 above it. Continue forwards and you will find
another Weevil on the hedge to your left with a Plasma Pistol behind it.
Fly towards the wooden beams and destroy the Weevil under them. This
allows you safe passage through without destroying the mines above.

Secret One: After flying under the wooden beams, fly to your right
towards the hedge and the end of the wall. On top of the hedge is a
Pulse Laser. Fly to your left for points pick-ups worth 2500 points, an
Exo-Sect Launcher and a Plasma Pistol. There are also three
nectar-giving flowers.

Fly back to the pond. Use the Exo-Sect Launcher to destroy the Louse Gun
Emplacements and the Killa-Pilla, then destroy the shield on the door
and fly into the sewers - but be careful, as there are two Weevils
behind the door and they are very accurate shots.

In the rusty pipe directly ahead is a Full Health pick-up. Continue
round the sewer into an open area with Fire Flies and two Weevil
Cannons. Use your HGS 2000 to take them out.

Secret Two: On your right is a small passageway leading to a dead end in
which there is a Fusion Cannon and an HGS 2000.

In this area there is a passageway to your left and one to your right.
Remember this area as you need to come back to it later. Take the
passage on the left (characterised by a set of ledges on either side of
the wall) to a set of pipes blocking a passageway on your right. Slip
between the bars and follow the line of pick-ups into a small area with
two Giz Beetles on the floor. Destroy the Beetles and look up to see
some pipes on the ceiling on top of which is a points pick-up worth 500
and a Full Health pick-up.

Fly down and through the opening and continue down the passageway to a
set of small cobbled walls on either side of the sewer wall. Go round
the corner, destroy the Wasp generator first and then the Wasps, collect
the Full Health pick-up and head back to the main area.

This time, take the passage on the right and navigate your way through
the various pipes and beams, destroying any enemies you find. You will
eventually come across a small cobbled wall going along the sewer ahead
with two Louse Gun Emplacements, Mines and Giz Beetles around it.
Destroy these from a distance with the HGS 2000 or Fusion Cannon. There
is a Full Health pick-up above the cobbled wall.

Go cautiously left watching for Homing Mines as you turn the corner and
destroy the Wasps and Wasp Generator which drops a Full Health pick-up.
Collect the Spiker on the ledge then head back to the cobbled wall and
straight on and round the corner. Destroy the last Wasp Generator and
clean up any remaining Wasps to finish the mission.

Mission Nine: Clean Up
"At last we can attack! During the strategic preparations, your job is
to find any other forms of Herd equipment which may cause us further
problems. Explore the area and seek out any information that may be
useful to our cause."

From your start point fly forwards noting the closed Herd Gate on the
left. This is a key Gate and needs three key pieces before it opens.
Obey the "DANGER KEEP LOW!" message to avoid getting hit by the Flak
Slugs. The best way to do this is to keep to the water, so drop into the
ravine and fly along it, keeping an eye out for pick-ups on ledges
higher up.

Continue flying low and straight ahead until you reach a small Herd
building. Blow it up for the first key piece. Piece two is gained by
destroying the lone Killa-Pilla next to the tree stump, while piece
three is dropped by one of the Wasps in the swarm flying above the tree

On a small island in the middle of the water is a Spiker, a Frag Cannon,
and a Herd barracks with 500 points inside. On the log is a pick-up
worth 500 points.

Having collected all three parts of the key, head back through the Herd
Gate to an empty teleport. Get the Plasma Pistol from on top of the urn
and kill all the enemies in the area to activate it.

Upon exiting the teleport keep low and select the HGS 2000 to destroy
the Mosquitoes before they bombard you. The area is full of gun turrets,
so keep moving to the next teleport. You are transported to an arena
with a Herd Commander so make sure you pick up all the weapons you need
before you go.

"Oops, there's been a mistake. Our beaming units have been scrambled and
you've been teleported deep behind enemy lines. Destroy any hostiles in
your vicinity before we can use the emergency beam to get you out of

Keep behind the Herd Commander to prevent him hitting you and pummel
him. When you hit him enough times, he takes off, but the same tactic
still works. The Pulse Laser is the most suitable weapon to use.

Mission Ten: Scramble Pylon
"We have discovered the reason for that last teleport error. A Herd
pylon is scrambling our teleport information. This pylon must be
destroyed at all costs if we are to continue our campaign."

You start this mission facing the Herd Gate, which requires five
switches to open. Each switch is attached to a conduit. Look inside the
log you start on for a points pick-up worth 500, a Cluster Bomb and an
HGS 2000. In the large log nearby is a Guided Missile Launcher which
takes practice to master but is one of the most valuable weapons.

Follow the two conduits on your left. The first switch is fairly easy to
blow up, just be careful to avoid the Explosive Mushrooms. The second is
in a body of water and is trickier because of a Gun Turret behind the
switch and a Water Boatman that shoots spikes at you. Use the Guided
Missile Launcher to blow the switch then nip in and collect the HGS 2000
and the Plasma Pistol from on top of the log.

Go back to the start point and right, collecting the Cluster Bombs from
on top of the mushrooms. The next switch is nestled in a gully guarded
by an army of Ants. Bomb the Ants and blow the switch then fly back to
the start point and on towards the gate. Near the left of the gate is an
HGS 2000 pick-up.

There are still two more switches to go. Starting with the left one,
follow the conduit to the switch which is guarded by Killa-Pillas. Blow
the switch, collect the Spiker from the mushroom and the HGS 2000 from
behind the tree stump then fly back out to the water and collect the
Plasma Pistol from on top of the mushroom.

Secret One: Take a look at the two trees close together with the leafy
plant beneath next to the pool of water with the first two Killa-Pillas.
If you look carefully, you can see a tunnel. Through this is a secret
area with an HGS 2000, points pick-ups worth 2600 and four nectar

Follow the last unbroken conduit through a narrow area full of Gun
Turrets and Louse Guns. The trick is to weave around the logs and keep
low. Try and pick off the Blocker Bugs from a safe distance or they will
slow you right down, leaving you vulnerable to shots from the Louse Guns
and Gun Turrets. Blow the switch and return to the start point,
collecting the three Plasma Pistols from on top of the logs along the
way, fly through the Herd Gate, take out the three Killa-Pillas, the
Water Boatman and the Pylon.

Mission Eleven: Herdling Research
"To learn more about the enemy, it is vital that we collect some
specimens for study. We will transport you to a quiet forest sector
where there have been sightings of semi-mutated Herdlings. As these
Herdlings are relatively harmless, you are ordered to capture three
different breeds and return them to the drop basin one by one. You will
need to find and use the stun gun to be able to pick-up the Herdlings."

There are three different types of Herdling to collect, yellow, red and
green ones. When you collect a Herdling, be careful not to scrape it
against anything or it will be destroyed.

From the start point next to the drop basin, collect the Cluster Bombs
and the Guided Missile Launcher and follow the yellow path. Just left of
a barrel on a ledge you will find the Stun Gun on a blue pad. Collect it
and go back down the path clearing the area of all enemies first as they
will hinder you.

Stun a Herdling and take it back to the start point. As you pass over
the drop basin, the Herdling will be stored. You now need to find three
key pieces to unlock the Herd Gate by the ruined house.

Key piece one is in the Gun Turret next to where you found the Stun Gun.

Key piece two is in the ruined house with the chequered floor (enter
through the small holes).

Key piece three is in one of the Transporters near the silver birch by
the Herd Gate.

Through the Gate you're faced with two more. One is red and opens when
you kill all the insects in the area, the other Gate is opened by
blowing a switch. Kill all the enemies and proceed into the next
section, then collect the Guided Missile Launcher from the mushroom on
your right.

You'll find the red Herdlings behind the Killa-Pilla. Blow up the Herd
barracks and the Gun Turret for Frag Cannons and points pick-ups worth
500, then blow the switch to open the other Herd Gate.

More wasps will have spawned in the area with the two Herd doors so be
careful if you're carrying the Herdling. Go through the yellow Herd Gate
into the last section. The Green Herdlings are in the picnic area.
Return one of them to finish the mission.

Mission Twelve: The Extractor
"The captured Herdlings have informed us that the main source of Herd
power is a radioactive mucus created by toxic waste. A mucus extractor
has been discovered by our scout squads. Destroy it to cut Herd power

Your first task is to open the Herd Gate, and to do this you must
activate three switches. Follow the two conduits to two switches which
are guarded by Dragunflies, a Louse Gun and Killa-Pillas. There is a
Full Health pick-up on the log next to one of the switches.

Secret One: Examine the tree and near the puddle containing the
Killa-Pilla. Behind it is a Fusion Cannon and two nectar-bearing

Secret Two: Have a look at the tree wall near the tombstone to find a
small alcove with a Pulse Laser and a HGS 2000 inside.

Blow the switches and follow the broken conduits to the last switch
which is guarded by two Dragunflies. Blow this switch and follow the
conduit and the line of small points pick-ups to the log. Collect the
Pulse Laser from under the log and the HGS 2000 from inside the urn.

Secret Three: On the right side of the log is a tree and a leafy plant
concealing a tunnel. Fly down this and enter a hidden area with four
nectar flowers, two HGS 2000s and points pick-ups worth 2100.

Fly through the open Herd Gate, collecting the Spiker on your way
through. Destroy the Blocker Bug guards with the HGS 2000 and blow both
switches, being careful to avoid the Mines. Take the Herd Gate to the
next section.

Collect the HGS 2000 from the urn and the points pick-ups from on top of
the mushroom and the stone, then kill everything to open the Herd Gate
and proceed through into the last section.

Ahead is a large log. Enter it and collect the Guided Missile Launcher.
Just to the left of the log is a Phase Column, so don't leave yet
-instead, fire the Guided Missile Launcher through the knothole on the
right to destroy the switch controlling the Column.

Secret Four: Behind the tombstone in the area containing the switch are
some Herd Barracks. Blow them up to uncover a small tunnel containing an
HGS 2000, a Full Health pick-up, a Fusion Cannon and a Plasma Pistol.

Collect the points pick-up from on top of the mushroom and destroy the
Blocker Bug. Ahead is the oil rig. Pick off all the enemies in the area
then blow all the barrels on the rig to destroy it. Blow up all the
small Herd Buildings for a Full Health pick-up, a Fusion Cannon, a
Plasma Pistol and points pick-ups worth 410.

Mission Thirteen: Nuke Tower
"An alarming report from our intelligence service just revealed the
existence of a large nuclear device ready to be launched at a friendly
area. You must deactivate it immediately."

The first section is full of Wasps and small Hover Flies, so take out
the generator first. Collect the two HGS 2000s which are on your left as
you appear and follow the small line of points pick-ups, avoiding the
Lily Launcher that spews out Maggot Missiles. Blow the switch to open
the Herd Gate that's obscured by the barrel.

Secret One: Fly over the mushroom next to the tree growing on the ledge
on your right. This triggers a Full Health pick-up, 200 points and a
Fusion Cannon.

Through the Herd Gate, collect the points pick-ups on your left and
blast the switch, then follow the small points pick-ups but be careful
as the area is a minefield. Avoid the Fireflies ahead and exit through
the Herd Gate then locate the teleport.

Secret Two: Fly over the small blue pad. This generates an HGS 2000 and
a Fusion Cannon.

Enter the teleport - when you emerge, destroy the Killa-Pilla in front
of you with the HGS 2000. To your right is a Phase Column and behind it
an inactive teleport concealing another HGS 2000. The next switch is
down the passage to your left. Blow it to deactivate the Column and
activate the teleport. Watch for Hover Flies, collect the HGS 2000 and
go through the teleport.

You now have one minute 50 seconds to deactivate the Nuclear Device. Use
the HGS 2000 to destroy the Wasps then use the Plasma Pistol on the
Nuclear Device - you'll need to shoot the three targets at the base of
the nuke, starting with the one that's flashing blue. Do this operation
twice and it's mission complete!

Mission Fourteen: Mucus Storage
"Now that this nightmarish danger is warded off, you must conduct
another special mission: Destroy the radioactive mucus storage silos.
You will be beamed right into the heart of enemy territory so we have
issued you with some very high-powered weapons. Make full use of these."

Collect the four Guided Missile Launchers on your right and proceed
through the tunnel. Use the Launcher to take out the Hover Flies and the
switch. Use the Launcher again to take out the Louse Gun Emplacements in
the next area, then proceed through the hole in the wall and take out
the Spotters. Once you've killed everything in the area the Herd Gate
opens so go through, but note the tree stump as you do so.

Secret One: Through the Herd Gate, fly over the tennis ball on your
right to trigger a Fusion Cannon on the tree stump in the last area.

Destroy the small Herd Building and look in the tubes to collect more
Guided Missile Launchers. Take out as many of the Killa-Pillas and Louse
Guns as you can from the safety of the tubes using the Guided Launchers
then kill everything remaining to open the Herd Gate and go through into
an area with a switch guarded by a Phase Column. Again use the Guided
Missile Launcher to blow the switch then go through the hole in the wall
and use the same weapon to destroy the Louse Gun Emplacement in the area
beyond without yet passing through the hole. Don't go through this next
hole in the wall yet as there are four Phase Columns in total - if you
get too near, you'll be sucked in.

Fire a Guided Missile through the first hole and guide it into the
second hole to blow the switch and deactivate the Phase Columns. Destroy
the Herd Building on your left as you go through the second hole for a
Pulse Laser.

Before you enter the hole to the last area fire Guided Missiles through
it to destroy the Gun Turrets. This releases two Pulse Lasers. Destroy
all the Giz Beetles and other enemies then blow the Mucus Silos.

Mission Fifteen: Depot Attack
"We have spotted a small squadron of Wood Wasps leaving a Herd Depot
carrying some of these mucus spores. These spores can poison the entire
population. Stop them immediately wherever they go."

The best weapon for this mission is the Fusion Cannon, although there
aren't any Fusion Cannon pick-ups on the level so you'll need to rely on
ammo from previous missions. Behind the start point is a Pulse Laser and
a Spiker.

Stay close to the Wood Wasps and use your radar. The first log you see
has a Pulse Laser under it. The first silver birch you see has a Pulse
Laser behind it.

Destroy all the Wood Wasps before they get to the finish line. If one of
them crosses the line the mission is over. Once all three are dead you
transport to a large water arena and the Spore Carrier.

Destroy the Carrier by blowing its engines. Scattered around the level
are Plasma Pistols and Spikers. When the engines are sufficiently
damaged the Spore Carrier's outer shell falls away, leaving the interior
exposed. Concentrate your fire until the Spore Carrier crashes into the

Mission Sixteen: Sterilisation
"We fear that the explosion of the spore carrier released poison into
the atmosphere. Before the spores spread and become lethal we have
decided to sterilise the entire zone. One of our explosive squads has
dropped a DET trigger near the poison cloud. Activate it and leave the
zone quickly!"

Collect the Plasma Pistol from the barrel and the HGS 2000 from the
drink can. As you enter the sewer you receive the message:

"ALERT! ALERT! Buck get out quick! The Herd have been alerted to your
presence and have set off the DET trigger themselves. GET OUT OF THERE

You may need to do this mission a few times before you are successful.
It's mainly a question of remembering where things are. There are
pick-ups along the way, some in the rusty pipes along the wall and
others directly on your flight path. Whether you want to deviate and
collect these is up to you.

The way to complete this mission is to be quick and to think ahead. The
HGS 2000 is the best weapon to use, and you should ignore ground-based
targets and save your ammo for the Blocker Bugs and Spiders which will
otherwise impede your progress.

Mission Seventeen: Scorpion Killer
"Buck, it's finally time to finish off this Herd Threat. Enter their
base and eradicate this danger forever. Blast everything that moves.
Take no prisoners! Good luck!"

The mission here is to destroy all the enemies you encounter. From the
start point fly forwards and collect the HGS 2000. Use this to destroy
the Spider on its web and go on to kill the second Spider, after which
you come to a small junction.

Turn left, watching for enemy Homing Mines and enter an area with
multiple pick-ups in little compartments on the wall. There is one
Exo-Sect Launcher, three Plasma Pistols, one Spiker, one Cluster Bomb,
1600 points and three nectar flowers.

Go back to the junction and turn right watching for the Spider in the
floor which fires homing particles. Collect the two HGS 2000s and two
Guided Missile Launchers from the wall compartments.

Destroy the Spider on the web then use the Guided Missile or the HGS
2000 to destroy the Herd Commander from a safe distance and enter the
area and destroy the Dragunfly. There are also two alcoves in this area
with a Full Health pick-up, a Plasma Pistol and a Pulse Laser in them.

Destroy the next Spider and web, fly through and take out the first two
Killa-Pillas. In the next area seek and destroy two more Killa-Pillas, a
Herd Commander and a Killa-Kommander. Somewhere near the Herd Commander
are two nectar flowers, one Exo-Sect Launcher and an HGS 2000 in the
large Herd structure. In the area with the Killa-Kommander is a Pulse
Laser and a Plasma Pistol. When these enemies are disposed of the
teleport becomes active.

Make sure you have all the health and pick-ups you need because you
can't return to the hive once you enter the teleport. As you approach
the teleport you receive a message.

"Buck, we've picked up an enemy message. They have called out their most
powerful defence unit to stop you! Prepare to fight!"

Upon exiting the teleport you are confronted by the Scorpion Tank. It
fires rapid lasers and Homing Maggot missiles, so keep moving. The
Tank's weak spot is its eye set between the large guns. The Pulse Laser
is the best weapon to use on the Scorpion Tank. There are also various
pick-ups scattered about the level to help you.

Mission Eighteen: Core Nuke
"Buck, the enemy troops are still very efficient inside their nest. Our
intelligence services have located their main reactor. A single bomb
could blow away the entire Herd garrison. Fight your way to the reactor,
drop the bomb on it and escape!"

Destroy the Herd outpost in the start sector, then take out the Wasp
Nest, the Beetle Nest, the two Killa-Pillas and the Herd Commander (in
that order) to activate the teleport entrance to the Herd Base. The Herd
Barracks house weapons and health pick-ups and there is a Full Health
pick-up to the far left of the start area.

Through the teleport, make your way to the room housing the bomb and
watch out for the two Louse Gun emplacements in the room directly
preceding it - it's easiest to take them out from a distance using the
Guided Missile Launcher, a few of which you will find before you
encounter the Louse Guns.

To collect the bomb you'll have to first blow the switch connected to
the Phase Column. Watch out for the Mosquitoes in the area while you do
this. With all the Phase Columns switched off, you can collect the bomb
and enter the Core Nuke entrance teleport.

Upon exiting the teleport go left into a secluded area and blow the
switch to deactivate the phase column. Once in the Core Nuke area
destroy the four blue laser spheres after first taking out the
Killa-Pilla guards and the Wasp reinforcements. Once all the spheres are
gone you lay the bomb and get out quick because you've only got one
minute and forty seconds until the bomb blows.

Mission Nineteen: Gatekeepers
"Buck, we have located the Queen's chamber. We will beam you in as near
to the chamber entrance as possible. We assume you will encounter the
Queen's Gatekeepers so proceed with caution to outwit this heavy
resistance. Locate the keys to the chamber which are being held by the
Gatekeepers. Good luck, Buck!"

You start the mission facing two small stone statues of the Queen's
head. On top of them are a Fusion Cannon and an HGS 2000. There is also
a path leading to the Queen's chamber but the door is closed. If you
follow the path you encounter two large swarms of Wasps which you must
destroy eventually, but not necessarily immediately.

From the start, on your right behind the silver birch is a Full Health
pick-up, also look at the murky coloured water behind you for some
Cluster Bombs and a Plasma Pistol.

Secret One: Fly through the Herd Temple. This generates pick-ups around
the taller building behind it. There is an HGS 2000, a Plasma Pistol, a
Fusion Cannon, a Spiker, and points pick-ups worth 4000.

Keep checking the water for a Pulse Laser, and don't forget to check the
ledges on the walls. There is an HGS 2000 on the wall behind the large
building. This area has many landmarks so that you don't get lost.
Remember that the statues are near the Queen's lair and that the Herd
Temple is near your start point.

From the Herd Temple fly forwards and to the right. You will see a
Blocker Bug. Destroy this and keep flying forward to find a large Herd
structure on your left and small metal railings. This is where you
encounter the first of the Gatekeepers. Destroy him and collect the key
piece he releases.

Look in the area behind the silver birch to find a Chain Moth and an HGS
2000. Also check the wall near the first Gatekeeper for two Pulse Lasers
and some nectar. Near the bridge is a Herd Commander. Destroy him and
fly down the bridge to collect points pick-ups worth 510, an HGS 2000
and a Guided Missile Launcher.

Find and destroy the second Gatekeeper for the next key piece. If you're
low on health, there is a Full Health pick-up on the ledge behind the
Transporter. Face the bridge and look for some railings on the left,
behind which is the last Gatekeeper. Destroy him, collect the last key
piece and head back for the entrance to the Queen's chamber.

Fly through the entrance collecting 100 points, a Full Health pick-up, a
Plasma Pistol, two HGS 2000s and a Spiker, then fly into the teleport.
You will be teleported to the Queen's arena!

Queen's Arena
"Buck, we are registering a high level of energy near you. The Queen
must be close to you now, so watch your step!"

The Queen not only fires homing lasers at you but she also fires homing
Maggot Missiles at an alarming rate. You must keep moving at all times,
ducking out of the way of her fire. Her vulnerable point is her head but
it's very difficult to get at, and if she tramples you you die
instantly. The Pulse Laser is the best weapon for defeating the Queen -
the Fusion Cannon has little or no effect.

Get up nice and high and fire down on the Queen for best effect. Once
you have her health down to zero, she sinks into the floor but this
isn't the last you've heard from her. She returns as a pupae-type
creature that coils round and round. Don't get too close to her or she
knocks a lot of your health off. Again, aim for the head until she
finally calls it a day!

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