Quest 64

Quest 64

14.10.2013 05:04:42
Solution for Quest 64 (USA)

The adventure begins in the Monastery and the Grand Abbott explains
about your quest to find your father and recover the Eletale Book. Leave
the Abbott and head down the stairs to the library, where Gelis will
tell you a little about hidden spirits that increase your magic. Head to
the ground floor and search the courtyard and cellar to find three
dewdrops inside treasure chests. Before leaving the monastery visit the
kitchen to grab some bread and honey bread to help you on your dangerous

Once outside take the path to the left and search the stables to find a
hidden spirit, these are very important and will enhance your magical
abilities. Now wander into the nearby village and gather all the
information you can, stopping to collect some White Wings and saving
your game by staying at the inn. Take a journey south along the path and
turn right at the fork in the road to arrive at Dondoran. Locate the inn
and stay the night to regain full strength, then walk around town
gathering information. It appears that there is a robber and from
Dondoran Castle. Enter the Castle and visit the King and he will tell
you that the Earth Orb has been stolen and the robber is hiding in
Connor Forest. Quickly search the King's bedchamber to find two loaves
of bread and a dewdrop, then visit the princess upstairs, you may get

Leave the Castle and travel to Connor Forest, then turn left at the
junction and follow the path to a hut. Enter the hut to grab some Giants
Shoes and locate a hidden spirit, then continue down the path to find a
set of large metal doors. Enter Solvering's hideout and prepare to do
battle with the boss.

Solvaring is a huge tribal man and has considerable firepower. He has
two main attacks a jumping floor smash when you are close and a fire
blast when you are further away. The best tactics to employ are to keep
as far away from Solvering as possible and keep using your Wind Cutter
spell to cause as much damage as possible. Now as Solvering fires his
blast run to the left or right of your personal area and you may be able
to minimise the amount of damage you take. Once you defeat the robber
you will be rewarded with the stolen Earth Orb, and can pilfer the
chests to find some honey bread and mint leaves.

Once the robber is dead, follow the path back to the kings Castle to
inform him of the good news and to return the stolen Orb. The king will
give you the Earth Orb as a gift and then tells you to enter the hidden
door at the rear of the throne room to grab some more valuable items.
Inside the hidden room you will find a healing potion, heroes drink and
a replica, as well as another hidden spirit to boost your magic. Now
leave the Castle and return to Connor Forest only this time follow the
path to the right to arrive at a large set of gates. Pass through the
gates and then walk to the left to find a hidden spirit, then return to
the path and fight your way south to find a ship. Before boarding the
vessel, book yourself in to the hotel by the lake and rest your weary
bones. Once aboard, step into the cabin and then exit to find yourself
on the far shore at West Carmagh.

Climb the stairs beside the dock and then enter the house at the top to
rest for the night. In the morning cross the bridge and follow the track
to another small bridge, then climb the hill to the right to discover a
hidden spirit. Now head back to the path and travel along it until you
come to a fork in the road, again climb the small hill to your right
find another hidden spirit. At the fork, take the track to the left and
cross the bridge to the other side. Wander south until you arrive at a
cliff edge and then turn to the east and find Jeff and Lloyd's Cabin.
They will tell you that the bridge is closed and that the only way for
you to get to Normoon is through the Cull Hazard Cave.

Return to the fork in the road and follow the path to the right until
you see a waterfall on your left. Make your way to the cliff edge and
then follow the river to find a small wooden bridge. Wander along the
cross-country trail on the far side of the river until you arrive at
another bridge, then enter the cottage to rest overnight. Leave Cull
Hazard Cottage and search the area to the left to find a hidden spirit,
then cross the bridge and make your way south to Cull Hazard. Follow the
cliff edge, battling a few fearsome enemies until you reach a sandy
basin. Follow the ledge to the left until you find a hidden spirit and a
treasure chest containing a healing potion. Now take the mountain path
to the left down to the shores of a small lake, and walk around the lake
collecting a few more items.

Continue around the lake to the right and then follow another long
mountain path to another small lake. Wander around the lake to the left
and walk down the creepy tunnel and grab a silent flute from the
treasure chest at the end. Follow the thin ledge another cave and then
battle your way through to fresh air on the far side. Walk into the
village of Normmon and get yourself some rest in the local inn before
searching the village for gossip and essential items.

Once you have searched the cornfields thoroughly and have found the
three hidden spirits make your way northeast to the Windward Forest.
Walk along the right hand side of the track to find another hidden
spirit, and then continue along the path until you discover a huge pit
in the middle of the ground. Enter the nearby hut to find another hidden
spirit, then search the small room at the back of the hut to grab some
honey bread. Before leaving this area check behind the house to find a
healing potion and another hidden spirit. Now continue along the path
and get yourself ready for a meeting with Zelse.

A white-haired man who has control of the powerful Wind Jade, waits in
the middle of Windward Forest. He has about 600 Hp and has two very
powerful attacks, an armful of dangerous boomerangs and a powerful bomb
blast. The easiest way to defeat Zelse is to get in close and pummel him
repeatedly with your staff, but you will need plenty of healing potions
and honey bread. Once you have defeated this monster you will be
rewarded with the Wind Jade.

Continue along the path through the Windward Forest, and cross the
bridge that was previously closed. Head back up to the fork in the road
and turn left to reach Larapool. Search the town to gather more
information and some blue wings, then stop for the night at the local
inn. Pay a visit to Leila upstairs and she will unlock the door
downstairs to allow you to get to the crystal well. Speak with Leila
again at this point and she will lower the water briefly to allow
passage to The Blue Cave. Exit the well and dash down the slope to
collect a hidden spirit at the bottom, then follow the path around to
the Cave entrance.

Inside the Cave approach the altar, then walk down the slope to the
bottom and follow the path to the left. Fight your way up the hill and
bump into a hidden spirit at the end of the passage. Now return to the
Cave entrance and follow the arrows on the frozen pillars to a hill,
then following the path to the left to grab a heroes drink from inside a
treasure chest. Continue to follow the arrows until you reach the exit
to the cave, then cross the rocky ledge to find another cave.

Battle through the twists and turns of this lengthy tunnel and
eventually you'll arrive at a fork in the path. Follow the left path to
find a healing potion and a dew drop, then return to the fork and
continue to follow the arrows to the gorge. Pass through the next long
tunnel to arrive at a three way junction, then take the path on the left
to find a hidden spirit. Return to the crossroads and follow the path to
the right this time then keep to the right hand path to find your way
back into the fresh country air. Visit Epana in the small castle at the
bottom of the hill and she will explain the importance of the stolen
Eletale Book, then speak with Chappy to get your head down for a few
hours. Open the door to the right of the room and stand on the stone
circle in the centre and you will be magically warped onto a Pirate's
ship. Walk down into the ships hold and collect a hidden spirit and a
Dragon's Potion, then exit the cabin to find yourself docked at the Isle
of Skye.

Visit the house by the dockside to learn that the Water Jewel has been
stolen, then search the back of the house and the front gate to find a
brace of hidden spirits. Now climb the steep path to the top of the hill
and step into the column in the very centre. All of a sudden you will be
warped to the bottom of the ocean a short journey from a battle with
Nepty who possesses the power of the Water Jewel.

Nepty is a mean woman and has about 900 Hp making her a very tough
opponent to beat. Her attacks are powerful and will cause quite a bit of
damage, so you will need to heal yourself several times during this
battle. Fire spells are quite effective when fairly close, or if you are
feeling courageous move in close and attack with your staff. When you
beat this slippery eel you will be rewarded with the Water Jewel.

Head back along the underwater path and step into the circle of stones
to return to the top of the hill, then take the Water Jewel to the house
to show Calleen. Enter the room at the back of the house and grab a
hidden spirit before stepping onto the symbol in the centre of the room
to warp back to Epona's Castle. Now leave the castle and head over to
the circle of blue stones to warp back to Larapool. Save your game and
rest at the local inn and then set off back to West Carmagh to catch a
boat across the water to East Limelin.

Jump off the boat and enter the house on the wharf to rest and save your
game before setting off on the next part of your adventure. Follow the
road heading east, keeping look out for more hidden spirits, until you
get to Limelin. Enter the town and check in to the inn to rest and save
you game, then search everywhere to collect supplies and gather the
local gossip. Enter the Castle and look behind the painting to collect
two hidden spirits, then head up the stairs into a large well decorated
hall. Turn left and search the inside the far door to find some honey
bread, a healing potion and some Mint Leaves. Now take the stairs up to
the next floor and enter the second door on the right to find a chat
with Zing and also a well hidden spirit.

Travel up another flight of stairs and enter the central door to enter
the throne and speak with Queen Deanna. Check the wall behind the throne
to reveal a hidden room and grab a Healing Potion, Celine's Bell and a
Silver Amulet. Now leave the Castle and save your progress at the inn
before setting off south to Catch Fargo.

Head past the sign to arrive at the mine and then check the path on the
right to find a hidden spirit. Now continue down the hill and search the
shack at the bottom to dig up two more hidden spirits. Grab another
hidden spirit from behind the rubble opposite the shack and then enter
the mine. To your right you will find two chests containing a heroes
drink and a healing potion that you will need for your coming battle.
Walk along the tunnel and across the bridge, then turn to your left to
cross another small bridge. Follow the tunnel to another bridge, and
then scuttle along the ledge to find another set of bridges. On the far
side follow another tunnel to an open area where you will find a hidden
spirit and a chest containing a Healing Potion.

Take a stroll down the enormous wooden bridge and then take the path
down to the bottom of the hill. Climb the banks on the far side and then
enter the door at the top, where you will find a hidden spirit to the
left. Follow the stone corridor to a doorway, then follow the hall down
to a large room with pillars and raised platforms. Head to the left to
find a Replica inside a chest and then search around to find a hidden
spirit. Now climb the stairs and follow the raised walkway around to the
right to grab another hidden spirit. Once you have grabbed all the items
head down into the thin dark passage and meet Shilf

This fiery redhead stands in the middle of a maze and has about 1100 Hp.
She fires a stream of air missiles when you are at a distance, and fires
short powerful shots from her finger if you get in close. The best way
to beat Shilf is to get in close and bash her repeatedly with your staff
whilst taking plenty of healing potions to cure yourself when you reach
critical levels. Once you have won this battle you can reach the tunnel
exit and some goodies in the next room.

Grab the healing Potion and a Silver Amulet from the chests and then
climb the sloping tunnel to return to Dindon Dries.

Walk to the tent in front of the exit and the lad inside will offer you
a chance to rest and to save your game. Now find a hidden spirit in the
vase in the corner of the tent and make your way south to find some
Giant's Shoes inside Walt's house. Enter the desert to the south and
look for a large arrow in the sky, which points the way to a monument.
Climb the stairs to the top and then step into the centre of the
platform to be warped to Shamwood. Before climbing the stairs to enter
the desert castle, wander around the moat to the back where you will
find a hidden spirit.

Inside the castle climb the stairs to find a roomful of treasure chests
and hidden spirits, which of course you grab quickly. Climb the stairs
to find yourself on a ledge around the Castle then wander around to
collect a hidden spirit before climbing the next set of stairs. At the
top of the stairs, head to the left to find another hidden spirit, then
enter the door into the top of the castle. Speak to Lavaar and then grab
the four hidden spirits and a Gold Amulet from inside the treasure
chest. Now leave Shamwood and return across the desert to the small tent
to rest a while and save your progress.

In the morning head off to the southwest, through the muddy passage
towards Greenoch, then head straight ahead at the junction to find a
hidden spirit. Return to the junction and turn right to arrive at the
burnt out village of Greenoch. Check the ruins on the outskirts of the
village to grab a handy replica, then rest for the night at the local
inn. Speak to Shannon to grab some useful information about King Beigis,
then travel the path to the west until you arrive at a fork. Take the
road leading south to a large grey rock and then turn left and skip
across the rocks to arrive at Boil Hole, grabbing a couple of extra
hidden spirits along the way.

Enter Boil Hole and follow the path to a lava pit, then follow the ledge
around the lava to enter the tunnel on the other side. Continue along
the passage to another large lava pool and then continue around to the
left to find a treasure chest containing a handy Dragon's Potion. Follow
the tunnel on the left to the centre of the earth, and then continue
down the hot rock passage to collect a healing Potion from inside the
chest. Keep going down the path until the road splits, then gather the
items from the chests and follow the path opposite to meet with Fargo.

Fargo is a big man who wears a Santa suit and packs a real hot punch. He
has around 1600 Hp and has two attacks to use against you. Fireballs are
launched from long range and large explosions are used if you're in
close. If you are low on Healing Potions keep as far away as possible
and attack with your best spells, otherwise get in close and whack him
with your staff. Once Fargo is defeated you will be rewarded with the
Fire Ruby and can now at last maybe you can exit these never-ending
tunnels and return to the light.

Search the caves to find a hidden spirit and a Dragon's Potion, then
follow the path leading up to the fresh air of Baragoon Moor.

Stay for the night at Baragoon Moor House, and then search the upstairs
to find a hidden spirit and two rooms full of goodies. Once you leave
the building check around the back for another hidden spirit, then head
down the hill to the town gates. Check the paths to the left and right
to grab some more hidden spirits, then enter the town of Brannach.

Once inside check in to the local inn to save your game and then search
the town gathering information. Head through the gates at the top of the
path head around to the back of the castle to find a hidden spirit and
an open door! Enter the castle and clamber down the stairs and then walk
through the door onto the balcony. Wander around the balcony and then
climb the stairs on the far side to find a treasure chest and a door on
the left. Grab the Dragon's Potion from the chest then enter the room to
find a hidden spirit. Now follow the corridor to the top and skip across
the balcony to find another long corridor. Keep moving up to the top of
the staircase and enter the room at the top to find Guilty waiting for

Guilty is a huge ugly ogrish man with about 1900 Hp. This is a really
tough battle and can only be won by using a lot of running and healing
or a lot of healing Potions and Spirit Lights. Your spells only do
limited damage on this cruel beast so it is advisable to get in close
and give him some stick. However, Guilty's close range attack is
extremely powerful and takes around 50 Hp of damage, so only the strong
will survive. Use level two healing whilst away from this monster, then
cast a level two Power Staff spell on yourself. Now dash in and attack
until the magic wears off or you run low on health.

Once you have defeated Guilty head through the door to the south and
follow the corridor to the top. Enter the door and search the room to
find a Healing Potion and a Heroes Drink, then exit through the door on
the far side. Climb the next set of stairs to the top, and then enter a
small door on the left to save your game. Open all the chests and
collect the treasure the check the posts on the left to find a hidden
spirit. Leave the room and dash up the stairs to be re-united with your
father and find some more treasure. Head through the next door and climb
the stairs to meet with Beigis in the throne room.

Beigis is a monster, has about 2200 Hp and is lethal from any distance.
Your only option is to get in close and whack him with your staff and
then use lots of Healing Potions and Spirit Lights to survive. If Beigis
should miss with his attack, power up your staff and really show him
what you're made of.

Once the battle is over exit through the door and climb the stairs to
the top of the castle, where Shannon is waiting for you. She will give
you the Eletale Book and tell you how to open the gateway to get to
Mammon. Climb to the very top of the castle and step into the middle to
warp to the World of Mammon.

Enter the castle and climb the stairs onto the platform, then turn to
the right and enter the door at the end. Now follow the checked hallway
and enter the waiting room at the end, then leave the room again to find
yourself warped to another weird area. Make your way to the top of the
stairs and pass through the next door to appear in again another world.
Follow the path and enter the door to find another waiting room, travel
to the nest door and then walk down the stairs to find yourself in
another checked hallway. Again follow the hall to the end and enter the
room to find Epana waiting for you.

Save your game and rest for a while to regain your strength, then leave
the room to find yourself in a deserted town. The town is empty so don't
bother looking just head east and enter the large double doors. Follow
the muddy track to the next door then enter the centre of the stone
platform to speak with Shannon again. She will moan and groan a lot,
then warp you to another totally new area. Now climb the rocky path to
the top where you will find the demon Mammon.

Mammon has been imprisoned here for some time and he actually seems
pleased to meet you. Then the horror sets in this huge demon is floating
in mid-air and you are unable to whack him until you climb the slope to
the very top. Mammon has around 2300 Hp and has three main attacks,
which he seems to use in a random order. The best way to beat this
creature is to attack with a powered staff and keep topping up your life
with spirit lights. Alternatively use your avalanche spell as much as
possible and try to dodge Mammon's return volley.

TIP: When Mammon fires three fireballs quickly run to the left or right
to dodge them, you can do this nearly every time.

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Solution for Quest 64 (USA)

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