Spacestation: Silicon Valley

Spacestation: Silicon Valley

13.10.2013 13:45:09
Solution for Space Station: Silicon Valley

1) Story
2) Basics
3) Items
4) Animals
5) Walkthrough
6) Bosses
7) Secrets
8) Credits
9) Legal Stuff
10) The End

1) Story
Straight from the Manual [Illegal? Fine, c'mon DMA...SUE ME!!!...
on the otherhand, don't :)]:
Launched in 2001, Silicon Valley was the largest, most expensive
space station ever created. An experiment in artificial life and
robotic evolution, Silicon Valley broke new ground in terms of
size, luxury, and extreme danger...
There was only one slight hiccup. Seven minutes after the station
was launched, it vanished. Completely. Utterly. Absolutely. Gone.
Of course, a massive search was launched. Every terroist group in
the solar system who had 1) a motive and 2) a REALLY big garage
was immediately arrested, searched, and locked up on general
suspicion. But nothing was ever found.
Until now. After 1000 years, Silicon Valley has returned. It was
spotted by a giant orbiting telescope as it passed the orbit of
Uranus. The Earth government immediately sprang into action and
sent aboard a squadron of brave Space Marine, each and every one
of them barrel- chested, sharp shooting, iron pumping heroes.
They vanished. The next squad vanished too. In fact, about five
squads were sent to the giant derelict station before someone
figured out they weren't getting anywhere.
What this job needed was someone expendable and cheap. Enter
DAN DANGER and EVO, the bravest heroes Earth has to offer
(and at knockdown prices too...). Dan is, of course, human,
but EVO is the end result of the Silicon Valley experiment,
a super-intelligent, self-evolving robot. The fate of the Earth
is in their hands. Who knows what terrible changes have occured
over the last millennium? Who, or what, is in charge of the
station? Why has it suddenly reappeared? Why is it heading
straight for Earth? What can be done to stop it? Can Dan stop
it? Evo? You?
I'll continue the story from the opening cinema...
As Evo and Dan speed towards SS in their broken down space ship,
they start to argue over what station to listen to on the radio.
It gets to the point that Dan isn't even driving it anymore,
and before they know what is happening, the break through the
ceiling of SV and plummet below...While this was happening,
down below on the SV floor, Flossy the Sheep and Roger the Dog
were admitting their eternal love for each other. After the
joy and the kissing, Dan's ship lands on Roger, killing the
dog insantly. Evo is blown from the wreckage, hits the ceiling
and shatters...his main chip falls down and lands in Roger's
Body. Dan will watch everything from the ship...and so our
adventure begins.

2) Basics
To complete each mission (All 30+ of them), you'll need to
complete several objectives using different animals. To take
control of any animal, you'll have to kill it first. Then step
up to it and press R. Be careful, though, as Evo can not survive
long without being inside a host. The Green energy bar at the top
is two parts: The long one is your energy, and the ball is the
amount of energy your A attack has. Then the bottom is your
enemie's energy, plus your energy for your B attack. Your
attack's power always returns, but each time you use it will
go down, the amount depending on the animal and the attack.

3) Items
Power Cells: Collect these glowing balls and you'll get more
points towards 100% on a level!
Energy: Grab these blue balls, they will restore your
energy bar considerably.
Teleporter: There are two per start at one, and
you exit in one. The exit will only open up when
you have completed all of your objectives.
Cameras: These blue objects will give you a little tour of
the level. Useful for knowing what is ahead.
Terminals: Walk up to these T.V.s and it will tell you about
the animal you are currently in. It's the same as
when you enter a new creature, though...
Crates: Break these open to reveal energy and other goodies!
Trophies: You receive these for doing a secret objective.

4) Animals
Here's the layout...
(Name of animal)
Description: Mass: Funny...Duhaha!
Engine: It's in the game...
Intelligence: What it is like when the CPU controls it?
Strength: For both attacks and defense
Water: Is it good in H20?

Description: White stuff with four black things sticking out
and a blank stare. Hilarious!
Mass: Medium. It's fluffy!
Engine: Bio
Abilities: Floaty Hop - Use the Sheep's Hovering ability
to scale cliffs and cayons!
Baa - Use this when bored or just for a laugh.
Does no damage.
Intelligence: Very low! It just runs away from danger. Doesn't
help that's it's slow...
Strength: Defense - Weak
Offense - No attack
Water: Floats well in it

2. DOG
Description: A yellow dog with strange legs.
Mass: Medium - Doggy goodness! Sick...
Engine: Electric
Abilities: Jump - Use this when you need to get up on platforms
Bite - Besides making him bark, it makes his head
lunge forward and bite!
Intelligence: Rather low. Runs around aimlessly.
Strength: Defense - Not so good.
Offense - Medium at best
Water: Excellent. Swims like a pro!

Description: A small, blue mouse on wheels.
Mass: Tiny
Engine: 2.0
Abilities: Speed Boost - Use this to cross large gaps or to speed
away from enemies! Beware, as it acts
like a real automobile when going into
sharp corners.
Tail Attack - Use it's sharp tail to impale oppenents.
Intelligence: High, it will try to escape while attacking.
Strength: Defense - Almost none.
Offense - Formidable...
Water: Will die soon if deposited in water.

4. RAM
Description: A Sheep without eyes and a pair of horns.
Mass: Medium. Heavy horns...
Engine: in underwear
Abilities: Jump - Amazing!!!
Head-Butt - Use this to slay enemies...or just to
watch his neck extend three feet
Intelligence: Low - Tries to attack, but misses often.
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - Medium, but good enough for the levels
where he is.
Water: Floats like sheep

Description: A dog on wheels...with missile launchers!
Mass: Medium
Engine: 1.6
Abilities: Speed Boost - Just like the Racing Mouse
Missiles - They are, of course, homing missiles
Intelligence: Low! They retreat and then try to shoot, but it's
too late usually....
Strength: Defense - it me, or is this guy just
average? :)
Offense - High, those missiles are powerful
Water: Swims just fine

Description: A red fox with wheels!
Mass: Light
Engine: 1.6
Abilities: Teleport - Sorta...he'll launch forward at an
incredible speed. Not an attack.
Tail Attack - Easy to pull off, and you can
keep wiggling it for awhile!
Intelligence: High - Follows you to no end
Strength: Defense - Rather light
Offense - Rather high...!
Water: Swims great, it's a Fox ya know...

Description: A bear that looks much like a box...
Mass: Huge
Engine: Coal
Abilities: Grab 'n' Lob - Use this to lift heavy objects
Bear Frenzy - He'll go pyscho and thrash his claws
while foaming at the mouth. You can
also jump now!
Intelligence: Low - Straightforward attacks.
Strength: Defense - Huge
Offense - Very powerful
Water: Poor

8. RAT
Description: A black rat with glowing red eyes...on wheels!
Mass: Tiny
Engine: Diesel
Abilities: Feces - Lay some exploding feces!
Bite - A more straightforward type of attack
Intelligence: High - Runs around trying to avoid attacks.
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - Medium
Water: Excellent

Description: A normal sheep except with a spring instead of feet
Mass: Light
Engine: Spring
Abilities: Hop - Whee! This is the only way you can move...
pretty high!
Baa - Like the Sheep
Intelligence: Very low - It just sits there...
Strength: Defense - Very low
Offense - No attack
Water: Ok

Description: A ram on a spring
Mass: Medium
Engine: Spring
Abilities: Jump - Whee!
Head-Butt - His neck extends three feet and he
hits stuff!
Intelligence: Low - he just sits there
Strength: Defense - Medium
Offense - Medium
Water: Ok

Description: A heavyweight rat with a crown on. Scary!
Mass: Huge
Engine: Diesel
Abilities: Ratty Smell - He farts noxious gas with hilarious
sound effects...oh boy!
Rat Army Attack - Send your allies into battle!
Intelligence: Very High - Runs away, yet still farts
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - Medium
Water: Sorta ok in a small way...

Description: cute! I feel sorry for them when I have
to kill them in cold blood...seriously!
Mass: Tiny
Engine: Electric
Abilities: Jump - When in mid-air, he can also whip out an
umbrella and glide slightly
SnowBalls - Somewhat weak, but an easy attack
to pull off.
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - Weak
Water: Excellent - swims like a pro

Description: A white dog
Mass: Medium
Engine: Electric
Abilities: Jump - A bit higher than most animals
Husky Frenzy - Besides foaming at the mouth, he
bites rapidly.
Intelligence: Medium
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - Medium
Water: Great, but not awesome or gnarly...
like, totally dude!!!

Description: A rabbit with his ears in a propllor shape
Mass: Light
Engine: Kerosene
Abilities: Fly - Hover, fly...same deal, sorta.
Bomb - Get over a target and release a fury of
bombs! Just to get caught up in it...
Intelligence: Medium
Strength: Defense - Poor
Offense - High
Water: Barely

Description: Duhh...did me see a wabbit?!
Mass: Light
Engine: Kerosene
Abilities: Hop - Woohoo!
Pound Ground - His foot will get big and send
out shockwaves
Intelligence: Medium
Strength: Defense - Low
Offense - Medium
Water: Just barely

Description: A blue walrus with shades on a sled with a propellor
Mass: Huge
Engine: Coal
Abilities: Speed Boost - Wheee!
Homing Missiles - Large and in charge! Takes up
too much energy though...
Intelligence: High - Very hard to hit
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - High
Water: Excellent
Note: Do not be fooled by the above...the Walrus is terrible!
Almost impossible to control, and it takes forever for the
missiles to recharge.

Description: A Polar Bear on treads...
Mass: Huge
Engine: Coal
Abilities: Mines - Explosive feces! Large explosions, too...
Shots - Large cannon balls come out of it's nose
Intelligence: Low
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - Medium
Water: Excellent

Description: A husky on skiis...with rocket launchers!
Mass: Medium
Engine: Electric
Abilities: Speed Boost - Just like the about
Newton's Laws...
Missiles - Homing, at that! Large magazine!
Intelligence: Medium, lock and shoot is all they know how to do!
Strength: Defense - Medium
Offense - High
Water: Poor

Description: A gray, ratty looking bird.
Mass: Medium
Engine: Kerosene
Abilities: Fly - Woohoo!
Claw Attack - Use this to attack or lift dead
bodies off the ground
Intelligence: Low - Bumbles around without reason
Strength: Defense - Low
Offense - Medium
Water: Excellent

Description: A large penguin with a crown on it's head
Mass: Huge
Engine: Jet
Abilities: Boost Jump - Rocket flames come out of his ass to
propell him straight up!
Penguin Army Attack - Uselss.
Intelligence: High
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - No attacks
Water: Excellent

Description: Polar Bears...I know you've seen one before!
C'mon...don't lie...
Mass: Huge
Engine: Fusion
Abilities: Smash - Hit the decks!!! It's a butt stomp-like
Hide - Fit into a nice round ball with cute eyes
peeking out. Awww...
Intelligence: Low - Barely knows how to move, let alone attack
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - Medium
Water: Excellent

Description: A blue fish that looks like a shark (I know sharks
are fish...)
Mass: Tiny
Engine: Jet
Abilities: Jump - Out of the water that is. Spending time on
dry land = loss of energy
Swim - No! He just sits there in the water and bobs
up and down...sheesh
Intelligence: Medium
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - None
Water: Excellent...that was a no-brainer if I ever saw one.

Description: ...kidding right? Go visit the zoo for crying
out loud...
Mass: Huge
Engine: Diesal
Abilities: Water Spray - Water...and you spray it!
Grab 'n' Lob - Great for picking heavy stuff up with
your trunk
Intelligence: High
Strength: Defense - High
Offense - High
Water: Great

Description: A turtle with the head of a cannon
Mass: Medium
Engine: Coal
Abilities: Shoot - Cannonballs!
Hide - Underneath your shell!
Intelligence: Low
Strength: Defense - Medium
Offense - High
Water: Ok

Description: A pink dog like creature...mmm...Discovery Channel...
Mass: Medium
Engine: Electric
Abilities: Jump - Cool...or not.
Laughter - It spreads like wildfire then before you
know it, everyone is laughing!
Intelligence: High - Runs away when there is a threat
Strength: Defense - Light
Offense - Medium
Water: Good enough

Description: A green fish with HUGE teeth.
Mass: Tiny
Engine: Fusion
Abilities: Jump - Woooooohhhhooooo!!! How original...
Bite - What else are you going to use those huge
fangs for?
Intelligence: Low
Strength: Defense - Meager
Offense - High
Water: Duh...EXCELLENT!

5) Walkthrough
Note: Will not reveal locations of Power Cells

- - - - - - - European Zone - - - - - - -


Ooh! Ah! Ow! My head! Sheesh, what a landing! Evo, do as I say
and we might just get iut of this mess - alive! Oh,, and if
we're going to repair you, we'll need as many of those purple
cells as possible.

* Get some energy
* Get me some sheep

You're in a dog, so you can attack. SImply chase down Flossy
and kill her, then get inside her body (not sexually...) and
control her (mission 2 complete). Now just get the blue energy
that's near the ship (mission 1 complete). Now the exit will
open up and you can scroll on outta her.


Oi! Hungry sheep are on the loose - round them up! Fast! Use
the electric fence to keep them in their pen. Hey! The Scanner
shows a mouse with wheels in this zone. Use it to reach the exit.

* Get FOUR sheep into the pen
* Find the mouse with wheels

Simple enough...or is it? Round the sheep into the pen by either
a) chasing them in or if they just won't cooperate,
b) kill them and put them in YOURSELF :)
When they're all in, hit the electric switch to keep them
in (mission 1 complete). Note: You will need one of the
sheep to collect some of the Power Cells. The mouse with
wheels is on the other side of the level, in a large shed.
Take control of it and go towards the center of the level.
See the island with a tree? Run full force at the ramp with
a turbo and you'll rocket towards it, and land on the exit
that is no active.

To collect a Trophy in this level, with the Racing Mouse, go
near the second shed and a dog will come out and challenge you
to a race around the lebel. Good thin you have the turbo, but
don't waste it. Use it in controlled bursts, then when the ramps
comes up, hit it at your top speed! Woohoo!


The electric fence is linked to the Big Machine. Play around
with it and see what happens...Oh yeah - and bring me back
something soft and fluffy to hug.

* Deactivate the Big Machine
* Deactivate the electric fence
* Get something soft and fluffy

Go forwards and hit the ramp to get on the raised platform,
albeit not very much. Hit the four levels and the machine will
spout out some Power Cells (mission 1 complete). Then hit the
four buttons on either corner, but be quick about it, they
reset after about 10 seconds (mission 2 complete). Now you can
go to the second part of the level, since the electric fence
is disabled. Go past the foxes (don't even try to kill them,
they will murdur you) and up the hills using yur turbo, at the
end are some sheep! Kill one and get inside (mission 3 complete),
now continue on the path. You're at the start, so you'll have
to go right back to where the sheep were (sorta). Get near the
lake, on the opposite side of where the electric fence was.
See the metal thing going up and down? Get on it and hover to
the exit.

Have you noticed the blue rings around the level? If you fly
through them all, you get the trophy! Three must be activated
by the Racing Mouse (one near the big machine, one near the
foxes, and one above the sheep pen) while the last two must
be activated using the sheep (both by the exit pad).


The farm's gone to the dogs! Damn mutts took over the farmhouse
and set up and electric fence around the exit. And I need chow,
now! Get me some carrots!

* Raise the bridge sections
* Grow some carrots
* Switch off the electric fence
(Question: How did this game get an 'E' rating with cuss words in it?)

Go forward as the mouse and get inside the fence via the ramp.
Kill all of the sheep, and the ram, and then take control of a
sheep. Keep going and hover over the broken bridge, hit the
switch and the pieces will rise! Go back and get inside the
Ram, then proceed over thr bridge to kill the Racing Dog with
Rocket Launchers. Don't worry, if you get low on energy just
return to the barn for energy. When he's dead, great, but don't
do anything with him _yet_. Go over to the machine near the
carrots and hit the lever a few times to raise them (mission 2
complete). Using them as platforms, go to the upper section.
Go around and hit the switch to raise the bridge sections on
the left side of the level (mission 1 complete).
Now we're set! Use the Racing Dog and cross the bridge, then
kill off the Racing Foxes so they won't bother you...shouldn't
be too hard, you have missiles and fast wheels! Go inside the
house and stand on the switch (for some reason, you HAVE to
be the rocket launching dog to do this, otherwise it says
"Un-authroized personnel" or something. Maybe it's because
you could hit the switch without raising the bridges...)
(mission 3 complete). Now go exit!

Trophy: Simply kill all the animals in the level and a trophy will
appear inside the'll need the Sheep to get it, though.

Q: I'm missing four Power Cells...where are they?
A: See that valve near the second bridge? To activate it, go near
the house and stand on the bushes. See the upraised platforms?
Get on them from there, then go forward. Now you can easily
hover over there as the Sheep. When you activate it, four
plants will grow and pop open to reveal four Power Cells.

Q: What's with the barn and the thing that goes up and down
when I hit the switch?
A: Get on that thing to go to the upper part. Two Power Cells
await, as well as a camera. Also, hover out to the roof for
even more!


You need a keycard to pass through here. Sensors detect an object
in the hands of a dead humaoid, possibly one of the station's
professors. Watch out for those crazy bears!

* Find the keycard
* Activate the bridge
* Open the security door

Go forward and turn left and get away from that wacko bear! Kill
the Racing Dog and quicly take out that bear before he rips you
to shreds! Go near the beginning and destroy the computers, then
take control of the bear. Go and lift that white thing (press A
and hold it) then go to where the Racing Dog was when you first
came in. Drop it in the red thingie, and the scientist will come
over and give you a key card (mission 1 complete). Then go to
where the bear originally was, or near the beginning, and go down
the hole in the wall. At the end is a switch (mission 2 complete).
Now simply go to where the camera went...But to get past the duo
of bears, you'll either have to a) Go by as a bear so they don't
kill you or b) use A LOT of rockets :) (mission 3 complete).

To receive the Trophy, simply collect all the Power Cells in the
level (they're in the computers). You'll need to use the rat in
the small pipe to get it, though.


Those cheeky little sheep have taken control of this old
playground and locked the fat bear inside the hillside
cavern down by the empty sheep dip pool.

* Kill the angry animals
* Flood the sheep dip pool

Ok, this is easy enough. Go up the mountain as the Racing Mouse
and go where the Racing Dog is. Ok...hit the ramps and turn on
the switch to open the building. Lure the Bear out and the Dog
and them will fight. When the Dog (or bear) is dead, get inside
it and kill the other off (mission 1 complete). Now, use the Bear
to get to the switch and activate it (mission 2 complete). Get
inside a sheep (there's a ton of them around here) and push the
crates around in the water to form a bridge so you can exit this
stupid level...

Near the switch that opens the building are three levers that
won't stay down, right? Well, get an animal on top of one, exit
it and the lever will stay! Find another host quickly and do the
same. The trophy will appear! But how do you get it? I can touch
it and everything, but the animal goes right through it!! It this
some kind of glitch? I've read about it...but is it that rare?
Does this mean I can't finish the game with 100%?! WAHHH!!!


I'd say this area was hit by a sevre meteor storm - and it looks
like there's another one on the way. I see some floating asteroid
chunks which might make a good bridge - if you can get them up.

* Elevate the asteroid chunks
* Bring me a thing on a spring

Go forward pn the ramp as the Fox and warp to the box below.
Carefully aim yourself and do the same to get inside the pen.
Get a Spring Thingy (mission 2 complete), doesn't matter if
it's a Ram or not, and get out of there. Follow the path around
to find a switch: hit it (mission 1 complete). Now simply spring
to the exit.

This is a bit more difficult than completing the mission...Hit
the switch near the pen to make the brown box start to go up and
down. Get on it as a normal sheep and at the top is a platform.
If you try to hover towards the platform with a fox on it the
wind will blow you away. So instead of doing that, hover on the
outside of the wind and come in at an angle. Hit the switch to
turn off the gravuty, and take control of a Springy Thingy. Now
go to the exit and jump, you'll go way up high to a platform
with a Trophy!


Flupping honk, Evo, what's that stench? Must be coming from down the sewers. Ugh. It smells worse than your backside.

* Find the keycard to access the main tunnels
* Reactivate the Big Taps
* Gain access to the King Rat's hole

Go forward and search around until you find some rats, get
inside one and go past the place where you couldn't get before
because you were too big...underneathe a pipe. Keep on going
until you meet a Fox, kill him using yur exploding feces then
take over his body. Run to the rivers of crap and try to get
out on all the stops, on one of them you will be able to! Open
the wooden door to find a fat dead guy who'll give you a key
card (mission 1 complete). Not far from here is the locked
door, and now you can get through it! Keep on going past the
barricade of cans to activate a nozzle which will cause water
in the next room to rise. Go in there and take control of the
dog, use him to push the crates around so you can get out of
here. Search around the next area to find another nozzle
(mission 2 complete), which will rise the water even more!
Now the Fox can fit through the small hole. Follow it to the
end to find the Rat King [See "Boss Section" for details on
fighting]. Take control of the Rat King and return to the start
where there is this thing going up and down. Follow it to the
door where you can exit...whew! (mission 3 complete).

Guess I'll find out soon enough.


Ah, so this is where the rats that are tearing apart EuroEden
are mass produced - from mice! Oi! Evo! Save this paradise off
Earth...or I'm sticking you in the microwave.

* Kill the fox family
* Destroy the Rat-o-matic

Easy enough...with practice! Drive the Rat King forward and
keep turning until you're outside. Do battle with the Fox Family
until everybody is dead [For details, see "Boss Section"]
(mission 1 complete).
Now take a Fox as your host and drive into the room toliets,
use your warp to get to the lower platform with the switch.
Hitting it will unlock the door that is next door. Inside is
a Racing Mouse, kill him off and get inside of his body. Turn
on the Rat-o-matic to be dumped into a factory like place where
several contraptions will try to stomp you, fry you, demorph
you, light you on fire, and spray you with paint...At the end
is a rat, kill him and use his exploding feces to destroy the
computers. A chain reaction will occur and all the equipment in
the level will be blown to bits in a neat, and long, little
cinema (mission 2 complete). Now you have to exit...Go to where
all the mice came out and they'll open a door for you. Go to
the end and hita switch, then QUICKLY get back before the door
shuts. This may take a lot of practice, but it _is_ possible.
Behind the door is the exit.

It's on the barbecue near the Fox Family. How do ya get it?
Who knows.


I spy with my little eye...a piece of your shellsuit to collect.
Get a move on and get it or I'm leaving without you...

Fly around, shoot's pretty fun! :) When dogfighting,
remember to turn AROUND when they pass you, they won't know what
hit 'em...!
Your prize is your Torso!!

- - - - - - - Ice Zone - - - - - - -


So you made it to the cooler...Wait! Something's missing...
oh yeah - SNOW. Ooh, that big computer thing looks cool.
Switch it on and see what happens.

* Switch on the snow blower
* Switch on the big computer thing
* Get a husky

Immediately get inside the Penguin that was run over by a
snowball, and then proceed to go over to "the big computer
thing" amd switch it on (mission 2 complete). Go down in the
big hole with the grating and flip the switch (mission 1 complete).
Also, kill a Husky and get inside it (mission 3 complete). Now
just jump on the platforms to get to the exit.
Note: Easier if you use a rabbit

Way up if I could only get to it.


I need more data about the station. Scanners detect a high
mental energy build up in this area...It's coming from the
preserved heads of the professors lying around. Go get 'em!

* Get the heads!

Kill a rabbit and then climb the ice platforms, then drop down
to claim a head. Go to the ice pond with all the Walruses and
go near the thingie in the middle, destroy the ice with some
thumps and a Heli- Rabbit comes out! Use him to get the head
behind the start, and the one behind the wall in the water must
be taken using a Walrus. That's all the heads...
(mission 1 complete). Now you can exit!

Kill all of the Walruses.


The sensors have located a stinky seagull who was laughing when
you crash landed, Evo. Go get it! Ha! The penguins have built a
statue of their king on top of the exit...Get out of that!

* Kill that fat ugly bird
* Get rid of that supid statue

Go down the slope and start to swim, you cute little penguin
you. Swim all the way around to find a dead Walrus, use him
to push the Ice Block in the gap and then use Mr. Penguin to
hop over it! Go down and up the platform, then lure down the
Ski Husky by falling down the slopes and he'll follow and the
Tread Polar Bear and him will fight to the death (The Polar
Bear will win). Now get inside the Ski Husky and go to the
Seagull, kill him! Use the dead bodies of the penguins (using
his claw attack) and put them on the buttons so they will
_stay_ put down (mission 2 complete). Done!



Some...thing is jamming my signal to the teleporter. Here's my
plan: jam the jam with our special tune so I can get a signal

* Collect the silver notes
* Play our special tune on the keyboard

Go forward and kill the Penguin King with your missiles and then
use him to collect the notes around the level...shouldn't be
difficult. Then go to the Keyboard and watch the keys, then do
the same thing it did (like in Banjo-Kazooie...!).

Good question!


Sob. Sniff...I just picked up a distress signal from cute
ickle bunnikins terrorised by evil huskies. Kill the husky
scum, Evo. Kill them for the bunnies...and for me.

* Kill all the huskies
* Destroy all the gun sites

Go forward in your Penguin, and climb to the very top so
you're looking down on everything. Glide down with your
umbrella so you're close to the creature on the ledge, and
hop out and climb inside! Take control of the King Penguin
and fly out of there, fly past all the evil Huskies until
you see some Heli-Rabbits. Go inside the control room and
flip the switch, now the gun turrets will be turned on!
They'll start shooting at the Heli-Rabbits, and one or two
will die. Go get inside! Use them to kill one Ski Huski,
then use him to sneak up on the rest of the Huskies and
pummel them with rockets (They won't do anything until you
start to fire). After the Huskies are dead (mission 1
complete) return and become a Heli-rabbit, now carefully
destroy all the gun turrets (mission 2 complete). This
takes practice, as the Heli-Rabbit barely has any defense...
good thing there's a lot of energy hanging around in this

In some magical place where I can't find it.


Hey, Evo, here's a good one...I need some FISH for my CHIPS.
Get it? Ha ha ha. By the way, the teleporters behind a big
sealed door.

* Free the fish!
* Switch the switch to open the big door.

Working on it. Well, this is as good as place as any to stop and
tell you that this is as far I have gotten in this gigantoid game.
This is half of the game, and I have half left to more
Ice level and two more zones. Whew! The next update will prolly
have the Jungle Zone, and the animals for that zone. Then the next
one will be the last zones and the last levels and animals...etc.
I've been playing this game for 15 hours too...

6) Bosses
Make sure you go in with strong energy, or else you're doomed.
Destory his flunkies first, one at a time, or you'll be overwhelmd
and killed within seconds. There are two crates in the room, both
have enegry in them. Once the King is alone he'll be easy to kill.
Especially if you trap him in a corner...
Spray your gas all of the place and make your rat friends go in
and do the dirty work. If one dies, take control of him and finish
off the fox's with their explosive feces. Muahah!
Not very difficult at all...da few dozen missiles and he'll be
dead >:)

7) Secrets
On the first level, go up to the Rocket and you can see Dan
through the glass. He'll make a little comment, but if you're
the dog and bark five times, the rocket will attempt to take
off! It will be, of course, unsuccessful.
In each level, there are several speakers that blast out strange
music and tunes. Well, if you have something
exploding feces or rockets, then you can blast them away and
the music will go away! Haha!
More to come...I hope.

8) Credits
Nintendo: One time in Mario 64, Mario shouted "TICKLE MY {pink}
PICKLE!!" It was sick...very!
DMA Design: Floating sheep? LOL, they're ok in my book.

9) Legal Stuff
This guide can not be copied without permission of the author.
It can not be used as a means of profit. Basically, just don't
put your name where mine should be (i.e. stealing).
Copyright (C) 1998 marshmallow
Yes, you can print it out, silly =) Just don't sell it for money.

10) The End
So many games, so many guides...I'm overwhelmed! As always, if
there are any mistakes, typos, misprints, questions, comments,
etc., then E-mail me at

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