Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

17.10.2013 17:29:33
Complete list of all Challenge-Points

MISSION 1 : BATTLE OF HOTH (3 Challenge Points)
To receive the three challenge points on this level you must destroy
the AT-AT's using the tow cable.

MISSION 2 : ESCAPE FROM ECHO BASE (10 Challenge Points)

Challenge Point 1:
From the room where you see the Millennium Falcon take off, follow
the corridor to the right. You'll come to the door that leads to
the bunker. Inside the bunker there is a room with a redcylinder.
Just opposite from the cylinder is a secret wall. Inside you'll
find a challenge point and a full health pack.

Challenge Point 2:
Continue down the hallway, and you will eventually come to 4 stacked
boxes on your right. Behind them is a small room with a challenge
point and some health.

Challenge Point 3:
Head back to the hallway and take a right at the first junction.
When you come to a bridge you'll see the challenge point off to
your right. Jump over to claim your prize.

Challenge Point 4:
Cross the bridge and you'll go through a dark hallway. As you emerge
from the darkness, follow the small ledge to the right and it will
lead you to the next challenge point.

Challenge Point 5:
At the end of the hall is a large room with two large structures on
either side of aramp. The one on the right holds a challenge point.

Challenge Point 6:
Climb the ramp and go straight. Jump into the small room at the first
split in the road and you will find the challenge point.

Challenge Point 7:
Follow the catwalk around to the elevator that leads to the generator
room, and you'll see two large structures that look very similar to
the ones where you found challenge point number 5. Jump to the
structure on the left and you will find another challenge point.
But don't leave yet.

Challenge Point 8:
From the structure on the left you can jump to the structure on the
right. Here you will find the eighth challenge point. To get back
to the top, use the ledges on the left structure.

Challenge Point 9:
This challenge point can be found in the room where the ground
splits open. The challenge point is located on the left side;
however, you will have to wait a couple of seconds for the
challenge point to appear.

Challenge Point 10:
After you defeat the AT-ST, head down the corridor and you will
come to another set of 4 stacked boxes. Blast your way through,
kill the Wampa, and then jump to the challenge point.

MISSION 3: THE ASTEROID FIELD (6 Challenge Points)
To receive the six challenge points on this level you must destroy
the red-colored asteroids that appear duringbattle.

MISSION 4 : ORD MANTELL JUNKYARD (12 Challenge Points)

Challenge Point 1:
At the beginning of this level thefirst challenge point will
come at you from the center of the screen. Jump up to get it.

Challenge Point 2:
The second challenge point is on the left side of the first
obstacle that you must jump over.

Challenge Point 3:
Jump over the next three obstacles and then head to the right
side of the train so that you can grab the third challenge point
over the right side of the fourth obstacle.

Challenge Point 4:
After riding the train for a while a boxcar will pull up on your
left. Jump inside and you'll find the fourth challenge point.

Challenge Point 5:
Shortly after the hover train on the left crashes into the mud,
you will start to go up hill. Watch closely. The challenge point
is above you in the center of the train as you go through a hole
in the wall. Jump up to get it.

Challenge Point 6:
In a few moments you will need to jump to the next hover train.
There are three challenge points on this train. The first
challenge point on this train is in the front of the first
car you enter.

Challenge Point 7:
The next is in the air between the two boxcars. Go to up to the
boxcar with the ramp inside it, climb up onto the roof, and go
back to get the challenge point.

Challenge Point 8:
The eighth challenge point is in the air above a small ledge in
the lead boxcar of the hover train. Use the ledge to reach the
challenge point.

Challenge Point 9:
This challenge point can be found on the right side of the hover
train that Leebo tells you must jump from. Stage 2

Challenge Point 10:
You'll find this point at the top ofthe garbage heap to the left
of the train.

Challenge Point 11:
This challenge point is located inside the large melting pot to
the right of the train.

Challenge Point 12:
The final challenge point is inside the other large melting pot
to the left of the train.

MISSION 5 : GALL SPACEPORT (15 Challenge Points)

Challenge Point 1:
Is found on top of the ship. Use the rock formation to get on
top of the ship.

Challenge Point 2:
As you work your way around the ledges you will come to a path
that leads out into the canyon. The challenge point is located
on top of one the structures, and can be reached by jumping to
the stair-like ledges on the side of the structure.

Challenge Point 3:
After you head indoors you will come to a section with bridges.
You'll see a challenge point floating in the air. You have two
choices: either climb up to the highest bridge and jump off to
grab the challenge point, or play it safe and wait until you get
the jet pack and come back and get it.

Challenge Point 4:
You'll find this challenge point on the top of the observation
tower where you get the jet pack.

Challenge Point 5:
Fly out to the first rock column and look up and to the right.
Yep, that's the challenge point. Fly up and grab your prize and
then try to land on the platform just to the left of the point.
Hint: Turn the jetpack off and then back on to conserve energy
while descending back down.

Challenge Point 6:
When you come to the cave with the automatic transport, jetpack
down into the chasm where you'll find an alcove with a challenge
point inside it.

Challenge Point 7:
Hop on the transport and head out across the canyon. About halfway
there you'll see a platform up and to your left. Jetpack up and
you'll find your prize. Use the jetpack to get back to the transport
room. Recall the transport and head out.

Challenge Point 8:
Now take the transport to the hangar, but don't enter. Use the
jetpack to fly across the canyon to the ledge on the far side.
Score...another challenge point.

Challenge Point 9:
Destroy the AT-ST, and a panel will openrevealing this challenge

Challenge Point 10:
The tenth challenge point is located in the first room with
vertically spinning blades. Drop down, and then jetpack up.

Challenge Point 11:
After you make it past the area with the spinning blades you
will enter a large valley. The challenge point is located up
and to left of where you entered.

Challenge Point 12:
As you ride on the second automatic transport ship you'll ride
underneath the challenge point. Jump, don't jet up to get it.

Challenge Point 13:
This challenge point is on top of the imperial shuttle found
in the second hanger bay.

Challenge Point 14:
When you get to fight Boba Fett, jetpack down out of the arena
onto the canyon floor. Run around and you'll eventually find
what you're looking for.

Challenge Point 15:
Before you head back up to battle Boba Fett, jump down from
where you found the 14th challenge point, and you'll land in
front of a hangar door. Grab the challenge point and then go
rock Boba Fett's world.


The easiest way to find the challenge points on this level
is to destroy the swoop gang and then head back to look for
the challenge points. They're not that hard to find, if you
make sure that you look around every corner.


Challenge Point 1:
The first challenge point is located to the left to of the
first door.

Challenge Point 2:
Take a right just past the Stormtrooper barracks and you'll
see the 2nd challenge point.

Challenge Point 3:
This challenge point is located in the left corner of the second
set of revolving gears.

Challenge Point 4:
After the 4th set of revolving cogs, you'll see the challenge
point up and to the right. Jump from the inside of the blast
door to claim your prize.

Challenge Point 5:
The fifth challenge point is to the right of the two spinning
walkways. Jump onto the structure to grab the point.

Challenge Point 6:
As you can probably already tell, the sixth point is on the
structure to the left. Either jump from where you got challenge
point number 5 or use the moving walkways.

Challenge Point 7:
Inside the three-story storage bay you will find the seventh
challenge point in the first storage bay on the second floor
to the right side as you enter the level.

Challenge Point 8:
Inside the three-story storage bay you will find the eighth
challenge point in the third storage bay on the second floor
on the left as you enter the level.

Challenge Point 9:
You'll find this challenge point in a box inside the middle door
on the third floor.

Challenge Point 10:
After you defeat the Loader Droid, the challenge point is located
on the floor behind the super computer.


Challenge Point 1:
As you go down the corridor with the platforms surrounded by water,
there is a niche to the left of the second spinning wheel. There
is a secret door there. Open it, kill the guard, and grab the point.

Challenge Point 2:
As soon as you can dive underwater, this challenge point is
located just underwater below the small island on your left
as you enter the room.

Challenge Point 3:
After you enter the open pipe that leads to a circular room you
will see two switches underwater. Activate both of them and a
door will open between them. The challenge point is just waiting
for you to grab it.

Challenge Point 4:
In the same room that you got challenge point number 3 there is
a room with a pipe about halfway up. Go down the corridor then
fly up and to the left. Head down this corridor and you'll find
another challenge point.

Challenge Point 5:
After you get challenge point 4, head back to the air shaft and
then take the corridor straight across from you. Go to the end
of the corridor and go down. At the end of the pipe is the prize
you seek.

Challenge Point 6:
After you get the security key, head back to the room where you
got the second challenge point, and use the key to open the
door. Kill the Dianoga, and then head for the left hand corner
(underwater, of course) and you'll find the challenge point.

Challenge Point 7:
Head down the underwater corridor until you get to the room
with the water mixer. The challenge point is floating above.

Challenge Point 8:
Next, you should come to another circular room with a column
of power-ups in the middle. Head underwater and you'll see an
opening in the column that holds the challenge point.

Challenge Point 9:
This challenge point is located in the room right after the
spinning gears, and just before you face the boss. Take the
corridor on the right and look up at the center island and
you'll see the challenge point.

MISSION 9 : XIZOR'S PALACE (10 Challenge Points)

Challenge Point 1:
After you climb the stairs you will be in a two-story room with
a single switch that opens a security door at the other end of
the room. Press the button and quickly press back and you will
run into a hidden room that holds the challenge point.

Challenge Point 2:
Soon you will reach an elevator. Enter it, but don't activate
the switch. Instead, jetpack up to the upper switch and activate
it. This will move the elevator down to a secret room that holds
the challenge point.

Challenge Point 3:
At the second draw bridge, hop off and head around the corner
to the right. Fly up to the last window and you will find the
treasure you seek.

Challenge Point 4:
Activate the first switch, but don't take the elevator down.
Fly up the elevator shaft and you will find the challenge point.

Challenge Point 5:
Next, you will enter a hallway with three moving gears. Drop
down into the pit housing the second, slow moving gear, and you
will find a challenge point. But don't go anywhere.

Challenge Point 6:
To reach this challenge point you must open the secret door
located just behind challenge point number 5. Head down the hall
and fly up to claim your prize.

Challenge Point 7:
This challenge point is located in the second hallway of gears.
In this room you must jetpack down to the bottom (there's a floor,
really) and then walk around until you find the challenge point.

Challenge Point 8:
In the large air shaft where you need to activate all the green
switches, there is a small window in the center structure just
below and on the opposite side of the lowest switch. Fly down
and grab your prize.

Challenge Point 9:
Fly up from challenge point number 8 and land on the platform
behind the lowest switch. There is a secret door here that
holds the challenge point.

Challenge Point 10:
When you reach the third bridge, right before you fight the last
boss, there is a secret door at the closed end of the bridge.
Open the secret door and grab the final challenge point.

MISSION 10 : SKYHOOK BATTLE (No Challenge Points)
To see the complete ending you must successfully fly out of the
Skyhook after you blow up the reactor.

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Complete list of all Challenge-Points

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