Turok 2: Seed's of Evil

Turok 2: Seed's of Evil

18.10.2013 03:28:30
Solution for Turok 2: Seed's of Evil


Mission Objectives
Activate three distress beacons.
Rescue four caged children.
Activate warp portal.
Locate the energy totem and defend it at all costs.

You begin the level facing the water as the boat goes down. Walk forward
and swim down to the two submerged boat pieces, inside of which are red
and yellow tokens. Plus you can collect red tokens from under each
archway opposite the harbour doors.

Climb back to where you started, face right and make your way along the
quay-side and up the ramp, taking care to avoid the explosions which take
place. To your right in the hole in the wall which the explosions have made
is an alcove with a beacon switch, however you can't activate that yet so
continue past the overturned cart and shoot the barrel standing to the right
of the ramp. Before you enter the resulting hole, collect the arrows from on
top of the box to your left.

Enter the hole, go up the ladder and enter the first small chamber where you
can see a pistol on a high ledge. Turn right, enter the next chamber and pick
up the power cell. You can now activate the first distress beacon so go
back through the previous chamber, down the ladder and touch the beacon
switch to activate it. Return to where you found the power cell and climb
the ladder. Pass through the short passageway and drop down into the next
room where you can see the first teleport.

Make your way around to the ladder leading to the teleport platform and go
up it. If you want to collect the pistol that you saw in the first chamber then
turn and jump diagonally across to the broken ladder on the wall, otherwise
enter Teleport One.

In the next room if you climb the ladder and follow the platform around
there is a line of yellow tokens. Go forwards and turn left and you should
see your first fireborn! Blow him away and go forwards to the intersection,
the sides of which are blocked with fallen rubble which you can't get over,
so don't bother to try.

Collect the first Level Two Key from on top of the small pyramid and
continue along the corridor. At the turning, go carefully as there are two
more fireborn waiting in the shadows. Dispose of them, and if you want to
you can climb the next ladder for some more yellow tokens. When you're
ready, shoot the barrel in the corner of the room and go through the small
tunnel collecting the health as you go. In the next room, turn right and pass
through the archway to collect a pistol.

You now find yourself in a oval room with water in the middle. To your left,
high up on the platform running around the wall of the room is a endtrail
lobbing explosives at you. You can try and shoot him if you want but it's
best just to ignore him for the moment.

Jump into the water and collect an ammo box and some health from
beneath the bridge if you need it, then pass into the tunnel which was on
your right as you came in. At the end of the tunnel, climb the ramp which
has been formed by a pile of collapsed stone to get to a platform with a
ladder leading upwards and a switch.

When you trip the switch, a concealed panel in the wall behind you opens
releasing a fireborn, so it's best to back into the switch with your weapon
ready. In the alcove with the fireborn are two health pick-ups.

Having dealt with the fireborn climb the ladder and pass through the
passageway then drop left onto the upper walkway running around the
room with the water in the centre. Turn right and pass carefully along the
walkway. If you haven't already, blow away the endtrail that's blocking
your path - use the pistol rather than the bow as the endtrail will probably
fall off the platform when it dies, taking your arrows with it. When the
endtrail dies the wall behind it opens revealing a switch. Trip the switch to
open the door downstairs but don't go down yet. Instead, go along the
platform and up the ladder. Follow the passageway into a small chamber,
collecting the flashlight as you do, then go up the next ladder, through the
health-filled corridor and down another ladder.

To your left is a small corridor with a red token at the end of it. In front of
you is a switch. Activate it to open the wall just to the right. Follow the
short corridor to a room where the first of the children is on a small platform
in the middle. You can't get to her yet as the gap is too far to jump. An
endtrail is patrolling this area, and it'll attack you without warning, so the
best thing to do is to lure it back into the tunnel or else risk falling into the
bottomless chasm in the centre of the room.

Once you've disposed of the endtrail make your way to the other side of
the room. If you need them, there are pistol clips on each corner of the
square and health pick-ups in the corridor beyond. Go up the two ramps -
either way, it makes no difference - onto the platform above the room
which the child is caged in where another endtrail is waiting. Kill it, and to
one side is a switch which opens the cage below and drops a drawbridge
across the gap. The same switch also opens a door directly opposite the
switch and releases a fireborn.

Kill the fireborn, grab the ammo from their alcove and go back down into
the room below. Cross the drawbridge and touch the child to free her.

Now make your way all the way back to the room with the water in the
middle, drop down and go through the door you opened previously, taking
care not to fall into the water or you'll have to go back through the tunnel to
get up again. Shoot the endtrail who has been released and watch out for
the two fireborn and other endtrail that are lurking within the teleport room.
Grab any ammo you need - there is a clip behind each door and a box of
ammo in the middle of the room - and enter Teleport Two.

You appear to find a mess of masonry in front of you. Move forward and
you're accosted by a fireborn. Take care of him, then pick off the endtrail
who lobs grenades at you from on top of a fallen column. You can see a
closed door at ground level, an archway above you and an ultra health on a
column to your right which you can't get to yet. Switch to your talon, go
right around the corner where a pack of raptoids is feasting on a dead
body. The moment they spot you, they swarm towards you and are difficult
to hit with a projectile weapon so gouge them with your talon.

Having eradicated the cute but annoying little dinos, go to the switch on the
left and activate it to open a door back around the corner. Go back round
the corner and through the open door then follow the corridor you find
there along to the next door which opens automatically. You can now see a
endtrail who lobs grenades at you and ducks behind a box. He will keep
ducking and running round the box if you try to chase him, so the best way
to get him is to switch to your pistol and jump on the box. He'll be
momentarily confused, giving you a chance to paste him. Once you've done
this climb the ladder on your left and hit the switch on the platform to open
the next door. Drop off and pass through but keep an eye out for the two
raptors who are roaming around this area.

To your right is a closed door. To your left another ladder. Climb the ladder
and activate the switch on the platform above to open the door that was on
your right as you came in. Go through this door, up a ramp, over a
humped-back bridge - defeating a fireborn on the way - and through
another corridor to emerge onto a raised platform below the archway in the
room with all the masonry. From here you can jump across left to get the
ultra health then drop down and pass back through the corridor to the room
where you met the raptors.

Go past the ladder on the left, follow the path round to the right, kill the
fireborn, jump onto the fallen masonry which has a pistol and two clips on
top of it, and use this to jump to the broken ladder. At the top of the ladder
is some health. The door opposite the ladder should have opened
automatically, so blow away the endtrail on the other side.

Follow the long corridor to the next door which opens automatically and kill
the fireborn who attacks you. You can see a guard tower and some grass.
Blow the barrel in the guard tower to drop a quiver, a clip and some health.
Climb the ladder to the right for some arrows and health, then go right and
pass into an open area.

On your right is a raised drawbridge with a shotgun that you can't get to yet.
Instead go left, kill the fireborn who emerges from the water and if you need
more ammo climb the ladder up to the boat and grab the clip from the

Shoot the endtrail in front of the door to the north-west of the boat to open
it but don't go through yet. Instead blow the barrel just to the right of the
door and enter the alcove it opens for the second power cell. Grab the cell,
go right, climb up the pile of boxes and take the ladder up to the second
beacon switch to turn it on. That done, drop down, grab the arrows from
between the boxes and go back to the endtrail door and through to enter
Teleport Three.

In the new room go forward and right into the corridor, killing the endtrail
who accosts you. Follow the corridor to the end and left into another
harbour area with two boats. If you climb the ladders onto the boats you
find lots of health, plus if you look around whilst up there you can see two
nets hanging from hooks. Blast the hooks to drop the nets and reveal one
red token, one clip and one health pick-up per net. At the south-east corner
of this area is a ramp and at the top of the ramp is a endtrail. Kill him to
open the door he's guarding and activate the switch inside which opens two
doors. The first is next to the ramp and contains the power cell. The second
is opposite the switch and contains an endtrail and another switch. Grab the
power cell and kill the fireborn.

Before you trip the next switch, go to the boxes on the west side of the area
and look behind them for the third beacon switch. Once that's done,
activate the next switch to open the final door in this area.

A raptor attacks you, so kill it and follow the corridor on the other side of
this door then blow away the two barrels to obtain four ammo clips and a
fireborn. Carry on, kill the next group of raptoids and go up the ramp,
blowing away the two fireborn and the endtrail who appears from behind a
wall and lobs grenades. If you're lucky, they start to fight amongst
themselves! Grab some health from the hole in the wall and continue down
the corridor to the drawbridge which drops down. Grab the shotgun from
the middle and blast the three barrels on the other side which hopefully kills
the endtrail behind. In the next room is the first save portal, so use it!

Once you've saved the game activate the switch on the wall next to the cogs
to open the doors in the room below the drawbridge. Return to the
drawbridge, jump off to the right onto the boxes for more tokens then kill
the endtrail, fireborn and raptor that have been released and pass through
the newly opened doors. Go into the narrow passageway on the right and
kill the fireborn who's in the water-filled tunnel. Get the clip which was on
the right as you exited the passageway and go left along the tunnel to kill the
second fireborn. Climb the ladder to the platform with the switch, activate it
and turn left to see a hidden opening in the wall. Jump across to the opening
and pass along another narrow tunnel. In the room beyond, jump down
onto the cage in the next room and kill the two endtrails who emerge then
hit the switch to free the second child, grab the health, touch the child to
free her and go back up the ladder.

Get back onto the platform with the switch and follow it along, blowing up
the three barrels for a red token, health and ammo then pass through
Teleport Four.

When you exit the teleport, climb the ladder in front of you and kill the
fireborn in the small room beyond. Grab the three clips which are in the left
corner of the room as you enter and get the first Level Two Key. Carefully
drop down through the opening at the end - collecting the shotgun shells -
onto the walkway in the room with the water at the bottom. Go left, killing
the endtrail and through the open doorway to the unguarded teleport room.
You should find Tek and normal arrows hidden behind pillars in the room.
Enter Teleport Five.

In the next area go forward grabbing any clips you need from behind the
building in front and take the corridor at the south-east of the map, past the
locked door at the top of the ladder into a corridor and up a ramp, killing
two endtrails. You find yourself in the first warp portal room, so activate the
portal with the switch on the top left. Enter the portal to transfer to the
Talisman chamber and meet Adon. Exit the Talisman chamber, and once
out of the portal take the other exit from the room up two ramps and out
into an area with a two-story building in front of you. Kill the fireborn that
jump from the building and go left to the edge of the walkway and follow it
past the waterfall, left, then left again until you find yourself at the end of a
platform with three health pick-ups on it. Ahead of you is an alcove with a
switch. Jump across and activate the switch which triggers a door hidden
behind the waterfall at ground level. Jump down, go into the waterfall, killing
the endtrail who's been hiding there to find the first Level Three Key. There
are also some shotgun shells hidden in the water. Go all the way back up
through the corridors and the warp portal room until you're above the
waterfall and this time go right and past some crates then left to a door
which is closed. The switch in the alcove on the right of you opens the door,
behind which is the tek bow.

Grab the bow and follow the corridor along to an open area in which
endtrails will be sniping at you. Use the tek bow sniper facility to take out
the endtrails, and the door at the end of the room opens. If you go through
the door, a passageway and some ramps lead to the upper level where you
can see the first Primagen key, but you can't get to it yet. So go back to the
platform above the waterfall - going up the ladder into the two-story
building for some health and tokens on the way - and follow the walkway
round to the point where you jumped to the alcove with the waterfall
switch. This time though don't go right down the last stretch of walkway
instead continue straight on and turn right to enter a room with a save
portal, an endtrail and the next teleport. Save and enter Teleport Six.

Out of the portal go forward and take out the two fireborn who race at you
from around the corner. Once round the corner you can see a pile of fallen
masonry. Kill the endtrail standing on it and jump up the lumps of stone to
the top then jump from the highest piece to get to the broken ladder which
leads to a switch.

The switch opens a hidden door almost opposite the switch back in front of
the rubble. Go through the newly-revealed corridor, collecting the on the
way and go down the ladder. In front of you is a shotgun. Proceed
cautiously though because when you grab it a wall closes behind you and
the two wooden walls to left and right drop down to reveal fireborn. Blast
them both and hit the switch on the left to drop the centre drawbridge.
Cross the bridge, activate the switch on the wall ahead of you to open
another hidden door and release two more fireborn. Cross back over the
bridge, enter the new room to find another switch and activate it to open
two more concealed doors on the other side of the room, releasing two
more fireborn. Kill them and hit the newly revealed switch on the left alcove
on the far side to open two more doors, behind which two endtrails are
lurking. Kill them and go cautiously into the next room. On your left or right
as you enter (depending on which door you use) is an alcove with health
and another flashlight. The third child is in a cage on the far side of the room
and the switch to open her cage is in the alcove with the flashlight. Be
careful not to drop into the pit in the middle of the room though.

Now return to the room with all the rubble in it. In the north-east corner is a
fountain with two switches on either side. Hit both to open a hidden door in
the fountain and pass through. Part-way along the passageway you'll warp
into the next part of the corridor.

In the next area, go into the ruined building and hit the switch on the north
wall. Exit via the door on the north-west of the map which has just opened
after first collecting the ammo clips between the beds in the building and the
arrows from behind it. Follow the long corridor - killing a fireborn - into an
area with a two story building. On your right and directly ahead of you near
the top of the map are explosive barrels which reveal alcoves containing
tokens or health when they're blasted. On the top floor of the building which
you reach via the ramp is a box of ammo. On the ground floor, reached via
a doorway just to the north-west corner of the house is some health and a
switch which lowers the drawbridge at the north-east of the area.

Go to the north-east corner of the area, blowing the third explosive barrel
along the way for a box of ammo and go up the ramp, kill the endtrail and
go through the archway. Follow the corridor around and over the
drawbridge then kill the three fireborn who emerge from the door on the
other side and pass down the corridor to Teleport Seven.

Go down the corridor, turn right and stop at the top of the ramp. From
here, jump onto the building to the right and then turn right to see an alcove
with a switch. Jump across and hit it to open a door on the opposite side of
the room which releases a raptor.

Go to the open door and hit the switch on your left as you pass through to
open a door with another raptor. Kill the raptor and go right and then left
and activate the second switch which opens a door on the north-east of the
map which you need to use later.

Head to the north-west of the area - killing any endtrails who get in your
way - where there are various crates on which you need to jump upon to
get up to the next switch. This opens a door hidden between the crates. Go
through the door between the crates into the corridor beyond and down a
ladder, continuing until you come to a raised walkway from which you
should be able to see the last child.

Jump down, kill the endtrail who's roaming the floor and head left to a
corridor near the bottom of this area and follow it around and up a ramp
onto another raised platform at which point a drawbridge to your left will
drop down.

Go across the now-lowered drawbridge and follow the corridor around to
your left. You come to an archway on your right. Before you go through it
though go a little further forward to find another alcove on the right with
some health.

Enter the first alcove and two drawbridges drop down giving you access to
the ladder leading up to the final caged child. Climb the ladder, go past the
cage and then left across the drawbridge and follow the corridor around
past another endtrail until you reach the next switch. Hit this to open the
cage and reveal the exit teleport. Return to the cage and save the child then
drop down, search the floor for ammo and head back to the ground floor
below where you came in to take Teleport Eight which puts you back at the
top of the ladder in the first corridor.

Head back into the large room and go to the door at the north-east of the
area. Follow the corridor to a room with a switch, a door and an endtrail.
When you hit the switch two fireborn attack you as the door opens, so kill
them and go through.

Grab the ammo clips and health in the next room and head up the ramp on
the left, kill another endtrail and hit the switch inside the alcove at the top to
open the door opposite which releases a fireborn. Go through the door and
down a short corridor to Teleport Nine.

Out of the teleport head down the corridor and turn right into the next room
which holds an endtrail. To the right is a switch on the wall which opens a
concealed door just to the side of it through which is a ladder leading to
some shotgun shells, an ammo box and an endtrail. Once you've got these
head to the bottom of the room and hit the switch there to open the door
which is blocking your path, watching out for more fireborn!

In front of you is a two story building upon which you can see a ladder
which is too high up for you to reach. Head to the back corner of the map
and blow the three barrels up for some shotgun shells, health and clips, kill
the endtrail then go into the ground floor of the building from the north-east
corner and hit the switch on your left to open a door on the other side of the
ground floor of the building.

Head round to the other side of the building, go inside and look behind the
bookcase inside to activate another switch which lowers the ladder outside.
Go up the ladder which is now accessible to find a Level Two Key on a
ledge plus an endtrail and a switch which opens the door to the next
teleport. Go to the north end of the map and enter Teleport Ten.

Once out of the teleport you get sniped at by an endtrail on a walkway
above and to your left and also one on a box. Pick them off and go to the
north-west corner of the room and hit the switch on top of the box you find
there to open both doors in the room. The door to the north has another
closed door behind it and you can't pass through there yet, so instead take
the other door on the east of the map and follow the corridor around,
grabbing ammo clips and wasting the two raptors, the endtrail and the
fireborn. When you get to the save portal, save the game then take the
corridor which is on your right as you exit the portal into an area with loads
of platforms.

In the next area you meet a lot of opposition in the form of snipers so keep
your tek bow handy! Blast any endtrails that are close, go left and grab
some health if you need it then head right along the walkway until you come
to what appears to be a dead end. Take a running jump straight forwards to
land on a platform below but be ready to take on an endtrail at close
quarters when you land.

Follow the platform into a corridor with another endtrail and follow that
along, collecting ammo clips as you go, killing two fireborn and grabbing a
quiver of arrows before emerging once more onto another walkway.
Follow the walkway around and up the ladders, taking out any sniping
endtrails as you do so to stop them knocking you off and collect any ammo
you need. At the top of the third ladder is an ultra health in an alcove to
your left and also an endtrail to deal with. Continue round cautiously as
there are more endtrails lurking nearby and grab health and a clip before
you come to the next ladder. Follow the next corridor around - grabbing
the arrows - and go back out onto another walkway. Kill the two endtrails
in the alcoves in front of you to open the door on your left. Grab the health
and go into the next corridor and you find yourself up on the walkway in the
earlier room. Follow it around and enter the passage on the other side. As
you pass into this new passage, the second door that was previously closed
in this room opens.

You come out onto a raised walkway with health on your right and left, a
quiver of arrows in front of you and an endtrail below you. Kill him and
drop down then go up the ladder which part-way along on your left and hit
the switch you find there. Drop down the ladder, head right past the crates
to the door there which is now open, allowing you up the ladder to collect
the second Level Three Key guarded by an endtrail. Drop down again and
go up the ladder opposite. If you want to you can jump from this platform
to the rubble ahead of you for some health, otherwise go up the second
ladder and follow the passageway round, killing the two fireborn, then
down the ramps and into a large room where a pack of raptoids attack, so
grab your talon!

Head up the ladder to your left and hit the switch to lower the bridge then
drop down and head up the ladder opposite, follow the corridor around,
kill the endtrail and cross over the bridge, killing the two fireborn that
emerge from the other side. Once across go down several ramps, killing
another fireborn and two endtrails and drop down into another area with a
tek bow to your right. Go under the first bridge, killing endtrails on the way
and then as you pass under the second bridge take the ladder on the left
upwards to the platform above where there is another tek bow. Use the
bow to remove all the snipers who are firing at you and cross the bridge
into the house.

Enter the house via the ramps at the front and go into both rooms through
the archways to activate both switches after dealing with any remaining
enemies. Take either of the ladders on the outside of the building up to find
the third Level Three Key plus some ammo and health and then drop down
and enter the two doors which the ground level switches have opened to
activate two more switches after first disposing of the endtrails that have
been released. Between the two ramps in the centre of the building is a
shotgun and two healths.

One of the switches opens the door on the south side of the two bridges so
go back over them and through it. Follow the corridor around until you
reach the second warp portal, kill the endtrail and drop down to the
platform just to your left, taking care not to fall off, for health and the warp
portal activation switch.

Enter the warp portal and go up a ramp to enter a strange rectangular
room. Watch the blustering bad guys in the cut scene and then head for the
door on the west side, only to have it close at which time you should
prepare to be attacked! Defeat the four attackers and exit through the
re-opened door, collecting the nuke piece as you go and go to the end of
the corridor to return to exit the warp portal after watching a cut-scene.

Out of the warp portal go left back down the corridor to the room with the
bridges, drop down by them and head left, killing two endtrails. As you
round the corner there are three barrels which contain respectively a red
token, a clip and some health. Go through the doorway you find here along
a short corridor to a square room. On your left is a door which you opened
with one of the switches in the house, so hit the next switch to open the
door opposite and hit the newly-revealed switch to open the third door
which reveals yet more angry attackers. Kill them, stock up on ammo and
health from the sides of the room and enter the exit portal for more combat!

In the totem room, drop into the pit, run up the ramp to the platform with
the totem and pick off the attacking hordes of endtrails until there are none
left before the totem energy bar is totally depleted. When you're done you
are beamed to the level hub. Enter the save portal and save your game.
Once you've saved, go up the path to the centre of the hub and enter the
first door on your right to access the Level Two Portal.


Mission Objectives
Destroy two Soul Gates
Destroy the Three Sisters Of Despair
Locate and Defend Energy Totem.

Walk to the stable on the left and hop on the triceratops. Ride it right or left
and make your way down the corridor to a room with several low
buildings. Toast any fireborn you encounter then head to the north-east
corner of the area and cautiously side-step into the next passage to destroy
a gun emplacement which rises from the floor. Once it's been destroyed the
door behind it will drop down.

Head through the door, turn left and blast the endtrails who start sniping at
you from a wall then carry on into the tunnel and follow it round to the right.
As you emerge, kill the two endtrails and round the corner to face a locked
door. Move forward until you're close to the gate, aim your rocket
launchers upward and shell the tower in the distance until the door opens.
Once the door has opened quickly take out the turret behind which starts
firing and kill the endtrail.

You may have made a hole in the wall on the left when you destroyed the
turret, but this just leads back to the start so take the corridor right at the
junction until you come to two more turrets and blow them up to open the
door on the right releasing two fireborn. Kill them and proceed to another
closed door where you need to again shell the tower in the distance to
make it open.

Go through the door, turn left and blow away the stacked logs in front of
you then shell the two mortars up ahead. In front of you is a tunnel and
there is some health behind a box on the left at the top of the hill. Enter the
tunnel and follow it round until you enter an open area where two more
mortars start firing at you. In front of you is a chasm with a lowered bridge
and you need to destroy the mortars to raise it.

When the bridge comes up, go across it and through the open door then
shell the two gun emplacements in the floor. Head past them and to the right
where you encounter some ground troops. Go up the hill, following the
corridor as it turns right and go over the bridge where you meet yet more
fireborn. Go past the logs in front of you, down the ramp and then fire at the
wall directly in front of you to make a hole.

Enter the hole and take either passageway round to find three small
buildings and an ultra health. Go back through the hole and blast the logs on
the left as you emerge then go past them where you come under fire again.
Blast the two towers in the distance then collect the shotgun shells from the
south-west corner of the area and enter the tunnel on the north wall.

Follow the tunnel round, chasing the fireborn that congregate inside until you
come to an open area where you get shelled from four towers in front of
you and another chasm blocks your progress. Blow away the towers to
raise the bridge and cross over, collecting the ammo in the centre alcove
and the health to the right and left. Also on the right and left of you are two
corridors that both lead to the same area. Go down either of them to get to
a dinosaur stable inside which you need to dismount.

Take the ladder which is on the right of the stable as you face it and go
along a short corridor to where there is a save portal and a teleport. Save
and enter Teleport One.

In the new room, grab the tek bow and pick off the sniper in front of you on
the archway and also the one on the left, then move up to the lowered
drawbridge and shoot the two levers on the right and left of the archway to
raise the bridge. Cross over the bridge, shoot the barrel on the right and
enter the hole in the wall then climb the ladder you find there for some
health. Use the tek bow to shoot the barrel on the opposite platform which
blows a hole in the wall. Drop down the ladder, shoot the barrel at the
bottom of it for a token and cross back over the bridge to enter the new
hole in the wall. Climb the ladder, grabbing health as you go and collect the
ammo, health and a warblade from the top.

Next go back across the bridge and head West, getting your warblade
ready to take on the pack of raptoids that are waiting just beyond the
tunnel. Go right and collect the health from an alcove on the left and shoot
the barrel in the alcove on the right for some shotgun clips then go to the
north-west corner to kill some more raptoids and grab a pistol clip.
Opposite the alcove with the shotgun shells is a ladder and another barrel,
so shoot it for some health then climb the ladder and follow the passage
round and back for some tokens.

In the north-east corner of the room are some tek arrows and in the
north-west corner is a broken door. Go through it into a tunnel containing
two raptors which brings you to an open area with more raptoids. Go left
into a second tunnel at the end of which is a pistol and some clips then
return to where the raptoids were and pass through the ruined wall where
you are confronted by a huge chasm and a raised drawbridge. To right and
left are ladders. Go up the one on the right for some health and up the one
on the left for a shotgun and some tokens. To the left of the drawbridge is a
switch. Shoot it to lower the bridge and release a fireborn then pass across
the lowered bridge into a castle and take either corridor round and up a
ramp - killing two more fireborn - to enter Teleport Two.

When you reappear there is an endtrail on a ledge directly in front of you.
Kill it and blow the barrel behind you for some health. Drop off your ledge
into the corridor below and go left, following the walkway into an open area
with fireborn and some health in an alcove on the right guarded by an
endtrail. Go up the ramp onto a raised walkway and turn right then follow
the path to the next open area with an alcove containing two barrels. Blow
the barrels for some shotgun shells and continue up the ramps, following the
path until you find the first Level Four Key on a small pyramid. Take the
other exit from the platform and in the next open area is an ammo box.
Continue down and when you reach the top of the next open area instead
of going down to it, turn right into another passageway. Follow this
passageway upwards, killing a fireborn en-route and grab the arrows at the
top then shoot the endtrail across the way and grab the health. Go back
down the ramps and follow the walkway around to the other archway and
up the next set of ramps for more health, then drop down to the drawbridge
in front of you. To get the token from the wall by the drawbridge, climb the
ladder to the platform on the left where the endtrail was shooting at you and
drop down.

Turn round and enter the castle across the drawbridge. Go right and follow
the ramps downwards, killing anything that gets in your way until you reach
the bottom. Blow away the barrel you find at the bottom and enter the hole
to trip a switch. Leave the switch hole and go left to the door that has just
opened, go through, then left and up the ramp, killing endtrails on the way.
Follow the passageway to the top and cross the bridge. Shoot the switch
on the far wall to raise a walkway below and reveal a teleport. Go back
down to where the switch was hidden in the wall and cross the bridge that
has now appeared, pick up the box of ammo and shotgun shells and enter
Teleport Three.

Move forwards as you appear and clear the area of endtrails and fireborn
then blow the barrels on east side of the area for shotgun shells and two
clips. Make a note of the deadly water in front of you with the grenade
launcher above it as you need to come back here later on.

Go to the west side of this area and enter the save portal to save the game.
Once this has been done climb either ramp and collect the tokens, health
and shotgun shells which are hidden in a barrel. Climb the ladder and
despatch the endtrails then go through the door which is ajar and kill the
raptor on the other side. Explore the area beyond, collect the tokens and
kill the two raptors which are hiding in archways under the two aqueducts.

Climb the ramp in the centre then go left along the walkway, kill the endtrail
and hit the switch. Go back down the ramp, head left, and kill the new
endtrail and follow the tunnel which has been revealed. Kill the spiders in
the tunnel and at the top is a room containing a warp portal. Go through the
room onto the balcony and kill the endtrail then grab the health and go back
into the warp portal room and hit the switch. Go back down the sloping
passageway and grab the gate key from under the first aqueduct on the left,
then go and grab the second key from under the opposite aqueduct.

Head up the ramp and touch the two square pillars half-way up to insert the
gate keys and open the gate at the top releasing yet more endtrails. Kill
them and pass through the gate into an area with a round fountain. On the
left as you enter is a door with a switch next to it. Hit the switch, enter, kill
the endtrail and collect the ammo clip and the tokens and climb on the
boxes in the south-west corner to activate the warp portal switch.

Return to the warp portal room and enter it.

In the new area, go up the first ramp, turn right and shoot the first
sword-wielding cyclops then climb the ladder and touch the wheel to turn it.
Go back down the ladder, cross to the opposite side and repeat the same
actions then come back into the main area and head up the centre ramp
where you get attacked by four more cyclops. Kill them, head through the
door which then opens into a tunnel and take on two more bigger cyclops
before collecting the second part of the nuke weapon. Continue down the
corridor and enter the teleport to exit the warp portal.

Upon exiting the portal, return to the room just past the gate with the round
fountain in the centre, jump into it and swim to the bottom, then along the
tunnel and upwards into a wider area, hit the switch you find there and swim
down, back, up and out. The other door in the room is now open so go
through, kill the endtrail who is roaming around, grab the shotgun from on
top of a pile of crates and some health and a token from on top of the other
ones and enter Teleport Four.

In the new area go forwards and left and follow the walkway to the bottom
where there are some pillared buildings. Blow all the barrels up for some
ammo clips, some shotgun shells and some health and take out all the
endtrails in the area.

In the north-west corner of the area is a closed door. Open it with the
switch and go through then follow the corridor and blow the barrels you
find there for some clips. In the next area, kill the raptoids and head through
the next doorway, follow the corridor round and then straight ahead and up
onto the bridge. Kill the endtrail and cross over, follow the corridor around
and up to the next bridge and kill the fireborn and endtrail, then cross the
bridge, turn left and cross another bridge, killing another fireborn. Follow
the corridor around to the left, up the ramps, round to the left and across
another bridge into another corridor complete with endtrail. Follow the
corridor along and up again and round a final corner where you come to an
archway facing another archway across a gap bridged by tokens. Jump
across the gap to collect the mag 60 and clips then drop down to the
corridor where you teleported in and make your way back through the
door in the north-west corner which you first opened to the room which
had the raptoids in it. Once again, go through the doorway on the left and
follow the corridor up but this time immediately after the first ramp, turn
right and follow the walkway to another corridor. Make your way up this
corridor, making sure you stop to hit the switch in the alcove on the right
and go through the door it opens. Kill the raptoids who attack you, and
then turn right and head down the ramp, killing anything that gets in the way.
At the bottom, turn left to see a closed door directly ahead, then turn left
again and head past a low, domed building and across a bridge to a switch
which is guarded by one endtrail. Grab the tokens and walk backwards into
the switch to open a door directly opposite in the domed building and
release an endtrail. Go back over the bridge, enter the domed building and
hit the second switch. Kill the fireborn that appear, go out of the building
and turn right, then right again and go down the side of the low building and
left to the door you first saw at the bottom of the ramp. Go past it and up a
ramp, kill an endtrail and grab the tokens from the ramparts then go past
another closed door and down two ramps into a chamber with a shotgun
and the first of the soul gates! Zombies start to rise from the floor, so watch
out! The door closes behind you, so blast the zombies and grab any shells
you need from the sides of the room. Zombies appear continually while the
gate is in operation, so alternate blasting the gate ring with blasting the
zombies as they rise. When the gate has been destroyed, grab the health
and tokens from the alcove at the rear of the room on the left and head
back out of the now-open door and back down to the area with the two
buildings on pillars.

Blow the barrel in the south-west corner to make a hole in the wall if you
haven't already done so and go through, staying close to the wall to avoid
the drop on the right and turn into a doorway on the left. Follow the
corridor up a ramp and along to where there is a raised drawbridge
blocking your progress. Shoot the switch on the opposite wall to lower the
drawbridge and cross over, grabbing the ammo box from the alcove as you
do so. Go left up the ramps and hit the switch in the alcove on the left to
open the door on the right which is the door which was closed earlier, as
well as the door on the ramparts which was also previously closed. Go left
out of the door and up the ramps, then left through the next door. Kill the
fireborn there and go either way at the junction, taking you to a room with a
teleport, some tokens and some barrels in the rear corner which give you
shotgun shells, health and an ammo clip. Enter Teleport Five.

Grab the health from behind you and the tek bow from in front and go right
or left down a ramp and out onto a flat area facing a temple where a raptor
attacks. Kill the raptor and go down the ramp in front of you, walk round
the moat to collect some tokens, go into the centre temple for some health
then go back up the ramp and round the left side to kill an endtrail. Blow
the barrel there for shotgun shells and a clip, then go round the right side to
kill another endtrail and take the entrance there into a corridor, up two
ramps, kill another endtrail, go up another ramp and out onto an open
walkway with a switch at the top on the right which opens a hidden
doorway at the opposite end of the dry moat to the teleport. Drop down
into the moat, kill the fireborn that have been released, and head up the new
ramp that's been revealed, killing three endtrails as you go. Follow the
corridor round, killing more endtrails on the way and two bunches of
raptoids until the way is blocked by bars with health in front and a ramp to
the left. Climb the ramp and kill two more endtrails, grab some shotgun
shells from both fountains and make your way up to the top and to the right,
following the corridor around into a big open area with four fountains, a
square structure in the middle and endtrail snipers everywhere.

Clear the area of endtrails and grab the health in the alcoves on the left and
right of the room then shoot the two switches on the platforms on either side
to raise the central structure to reveal a teleport. Enter Teleport Six.

In front of you is a ladder, so climb it, turn right and follow the corridor. At
the first junction, kill the spiders and go right, then down the slope, pausing
only to kneecap the endtrail at the bottom, and emerge into a room with a
waterfall and some health. Jump into the waterfall and swim downwards
then left at the junction to bring you out into a wide area with ramps on both
sides. Kill the endtrail and follow the ramps up into a chamber where the
door closes behind you and there is health in the centre and arrows at the

Go into the centre of the room, turn around and face the way you came and
look up at the wall to see a block with a circular design on it. Shoot the
design in the centre with a tek arrow to open the doors and let in two
demonclaws. Kill them and go back out the door where a door has opened
on the right, killing an endtrail on the way. At the junction go left and climb
the ladder to a low room with a pit in the centre and a ladder leading down.
There is also a door on the right, so go through it to another low room with
a pit, and right out of that room to another ladder. Go up the ladder to the
top into a wide open area with an endtrail and an inactive leap of faith
platform. Make a note of this area, because you'll be coming back later.
Kill the endtrail, go back the way you came to the tunnel junction, and this
time go right and follow the corridor until you come to some water. Swim
down and along the tunnel and surface in a low room with a teleport. Enter
Teleport Seven.

Grab the flashlight and follow the corridor, killing spiders as you go. Grab
the shotgun and move up to the closed door in the next room, at which
point zombies appear. Kill the zombies until the door opens, then head
through the doorway and turn right, killing a bigger zombie. Go past the
next door, round the corner, up the ladder and into a passage with some
spiders. Follow this onto a platform with a mag 60. Grab the health from
next to the door that is still closed and the ammo box if you need it, then
approach the crypt where more zombies attack. Blast the zombies and the
door in the building opens, revealing the first Sister Of Despair. When
you've killed her, head back to the teleport where you came in and go back
through Teleport Seven.

Out of the teleport, get back into the water and follow the tunnel to dry land
then follow the tunnel back to the room with all the ramps. Jump back into
the water and collect the tokens scattered around, then take the tunnel
underwater at the back of the room that you originally came through back
to the underwater junction and this time take the other junction and swim
along until you find the warblade. Surface and kill the two fireborn at the
end of the room - be careful because if they get into the water they're faster
than you! Climb onto the platform in the middle and push the four blocks in
the centre to lower drawbridges above you and lower ladders on the two
platforms that the fireborn were standing on at the end of the room.

Climb a ladder and cross the first two bridges, grabbing the health in the
centre as you do, then follow the corridor up and to the right and kill the
endtrails at the top who may be cloaked. Grab the shotgun shells and pistol
ammo if you need it and cross over the two centre drawbridges, then go
down the corridor and to the left and kill the endtrail guarding the teleport.
Enter Teleport Eight.

You emerge in a huge room with arches of tokens hanging in the air. If you
look down you should see a raptor. Jump off the platform into the dry moat
and go right and into the second wide area, kill the raptors that attack then
go left up the ramp and right down a tunnel, killing an endtrail as you go.
You emerge from the tunnel into an area filled with raised walkways and
endtrails. Collect some tek arrows from behind a row of crates and follow
the line of the walkways around to another tunnel and climb the ladder
leading up to the walkway on the right. Follow the walkway round killing
any endtrails on the way and collect the mag 60 and some tokens, then
blow up the barrel for some health.

Next follow the tunnel, collecting the tek bow and killing a fireborn en-route
into another area with more raised walkways. There is some ammo behind
the crates to the side as you enter the room and loads more endtrails.
Follow the line of the walkways again to another doorway, just inside of
which is a single barrel. Shoot it to open a hole in the wall on the left and
enter the tunnel.

At the junction, go right and follow the corridor up to a ledge with a tek
bow. Shoot the stone on the wall opposite and go back down to the
junction, this time going left. In the next room with the deadly water, kill the
fireborn and enter the tunnel which has just been opened. At the next
junction go straight on, kill the endtrail and go left along the ledge for some
health. Go back to the junction and take the other route which brings you
immediately to another junction. Go right to a switch which is guarded by a
demonclaw. Hit it and go back and this time go left to the door you have
just opened. Kill another demonclaw and go right at the next junction which
leads to a teleport and some health. Enter Teleport Nine.

When you appear, grab the mag 60 pistol and blow away the zombies who
attack en-masse. There is more ammo to the left if you need it and health
behind the crypt in front of you. Kill the zombies until the door to the crypt
opens, revealing the second Sister Of Despair and the teleport. Kill her and
then enter crypt. Go back into Teleport Nine.

Go back to the junction and turn right to get to a ladder. Climb the ladder
and pass down a short passage then drop off by a closed door. Follow the
corridor up and across a bridge, blow away the fireborn and grab the tranq
gun. Go back up to the middle of the bridge, face north and look down to
see another platform with an endtrail, health and tokens on it. Kill the
endtrail and jump to the platform. Hit the switch to open the door in the
new room and exit then make your way back to where you blew out the
wall with the barrel.

As you exit the hole, go straight on and shoot the barrels in front of you for
health and shotgun shells. Turn left and follow the passage to the next
junction then go right and left at the next junction into a room with spiders
and four pools. Jump into the pool in the back left corner and swim along
the tunnel you find there. You emerge in another tunnel leading to a room
with an endtrail, some health and the second Level Four Key. Get the key,
go back to the spider room and as you exit turn left and up, kill the endtrail,
go past the closed door onto a platform with health and hit the switch on the
wall on the right to open the door you just passed.

Go back and through the door and follow the corridor to another room with
a door which opens automatically but which is guarded by an endtrail.
Shoot the barrels in this room for ammo clips. Kill the endtrail and go
through the door to find raptoids, follow it round past more raptoids into
another room with water in the middle and a deactivated leap of faith
platform on the right. Take the left exit to get to the next teleport and enter
Teleport Ten.

Upon exiting the teleport you can see a closed warp portal. Clear the area
of endtrails and blow all the barrels you find for ammo and health. Enter the
water for some tokens then cross the bridge which is north-east of the warp
portal and follow the corridor into an area with two endtrails. Go to the
bottom right of this area to activate the warp portal switch then take the
next tunnel up - killing the demonclaws - and left and at the top take the left
doorway over a bridge. If you want to save there is a save portal to the
right of the bridge on a platform which you can jump to. If you do, you then
need to drop down into the room below and make your way back up
through the passageway onto the bridge. Once across the bridge drop
down into another room.

In the new room walk to the door in front of you which opens then go left
and kill the endtrail blocking the other door to open it. Go halfway up the
ramp, shoot the endtrail on the ledge on the right side of the ramp to open
the door he's guarding and the brown eagle feather will be revealed.
Continue up the ramp and drop forwards off the edge to get back to the
warp portal, then enter. Touch the altar in the middle to offer the feather,
opening a door behind the altar which gets you the Leap Of Faith Talisman.
Exit the portal. Upon exiting the warp portal make your way back to the
ramp where you found the eagle feather and continue to the top and into
Teleport Eleven.

Walk forwards and grab the shotgun as the door behind you closes. Start
blasting zombies to open the gate directly in front of you which leads to the
graveyard containing the last crypt. Keep killing zombies till and each crypt
opens. Three of the crypts have switches which you need to hit to open the
second graveyard gate then kill more zombies to open the first of the new
crypts then enter each of them in turn and flick the switch to open the next.
When you hit the fourth switch the third graveyard gate opens but you still
need the graveyard keys. To get the keys, go to either side of the deadly
water through the third graveyard gate and hit the two switches to open the
two crypts in the middle of the previous area. Enter these and kill the
zombies to get the two graveyard keys then put them in the alcoves just
past the third gate to raise a walkway and open a door leading to the third
Sister Of Despair and kill her. Once this is done return through Teleport

From the teleport go down the ramp and through the door on the right that
the endtrail was guarding earlier. Follow the corridor and shoot the barrels
for some ammo, and grab some more ammo and some health from behind
the crates. Follow the path to the left, up the ramp to the junction and go
left onto a parapet to find some tranq darts. Go back to the junction but this
time go right then take the next turning on the left and kill the endtrail in front
of the door to open it.

On the other side of the door, two more endtrails snipe at you so kill them
and then cross the bridge to collect the last Level Four Key and hit the
switch behind it. Go back down to where you turned left and turn left again,
then kill the endtrail to open the door and go up the huge ramp, killing the
demonclaws that attack you on the way up and the endtrail at the top,
where the huge door is open. Go down some ramps to the last Soul Gate.
As before, zombies rise from the ground and you need to alternate your
shots between the gate itself and the undead. If you need it, there is ammo
and health in the room.

When you've destroyed the last Soul Gate, go back to the second warp
portal and pass through Teleport Ten (which is opposite the warp portal)
then run at the leap of faith symbol in the next room to launch into the air,
collecting loads of yellow tokens and landing on a platform with health and
some red tokens. Collect them and jump into the moat below then make
your way back to the platform you made a note of earlier which holds
another leap of faith platform. Make the leap across to an area with ultra
health and tokens. Explore the area for more tokens then blow the barrel in
the north-west corner to make a hole in the wall, go through, grab more
tokens and follow the corridor round to the right - collecting yellow tokens
as you go - into a room with a shotgun, a tranq gun, a tek bow, a mag 60
and a barrel. Blow the barrel to open another hole in the wall and get back
to the area where you first landed. Take the other leap platform back to the
side where you started and go back to the room with the second warp
portal. If you jump into the moat to the south-west of the warp portal you
can get a shotgun, some health and some darts. You can also see a
Primagen key, but you can't get it just yet so go back over the bridge
across the water and up to the top where you crossed the bridge (with the
save portal on the right) and dropped down. This time instead of crossing
the bridge though go straight on and down to bring you to a platform
overlooking the water-filled room. Turn right, and jump across to the
platform down below. Blow the barrels away for ammo, health and to
create a hole in one wall. Hit the switch which opens the exit portal in the
waterway below you and remember the hole, because you will need to
come back here later on. Drop into the waterway and enter the exit portal
to beam to the next energy totem. Blow away all the enemies to save the
totem - taking care not to fall into the deadly water - and you return to the
level hub. Save the game.

Interlude: Back To Level One
Take the hub portal back to level one and make your way through the level
back to Teleport Five, then return to the room where loads of endtrails
sniped at you and you saw the first Primagen Key. Make your way through
the door and up the corridor onto the platform opposite the key and take
the leap platform across to collect it.

Once you've collected the first Primagen key, return to the exit portal and
warp back to the hub.


Mission Objectives
Rescue five prisoners
Destroy four ammo storage facilities
Locate and defend the Energy Totem

New Weapons On This Level
SHREDDER - This one is floating above a platform immediately you exit
Teleport Two.
PLASMA RIFLE - On a platform behind a building which you reach via a
narrow ledge just after Teleport Five
GRENADE LAUNCHER - Strictly this weapon was new to level two, but
you couldn't collect it! This one is on the spit of land just past
Teleport Seven where the second prisoner is caged.

FIRST LEVEL FIVE KEY - In an alcove just past two disappearing
bridges not far into the level.
SECOND LEVEL FIVE KEY - Just past the first save portal near to a
wasp nest.
THIRD LEVEL FIVE KEY - In a circular area just past Teleport Eleven.
THIRD PRIMAGEN KEY - The location of this key isn't immediately
apparent, which means you need to come back for it!

You start off in an open area to the right of which you can see a grey stone
building high above you on a plateau. Just ahead of you and to the left
behind a tree is an ammo clip.

Go forward and cross the log bridge in front then go right and drop off the
ladder onto the area below for some health and a quiver of tek arrows.
Climb back up and turn right at the top so that you're facing forward again.
Walk forward towards the shotgun but be ready to fire because when you
get to close to the next bridge a hulk leaps up from below - shattering the
log bridge - and attacks you.

Kill him then walk forwards and drop down through the hole the hulk made
onto the platform below. Turn left and look across the water where you can
see three platforms. Switch the map on to help you judge the distance and
jump from platform to platform until you reach the far bank, collecting
yellow tokens along the way. Be quick when you jump to the third platform
as a gunner will open fire from a cliff behind you. When you reach the other
side a fireborn attacks. He's a bit more intelligent than the ones on the
previous levels and will roll out of the way when you shoot, so be ready to
track your gun after him.

Turn left to find a box of shotgun shells, loads of health and another gunner.
Blow the gunner away - the best way to take him out is to keep just in
cover and then jump out and blast him when his gun jams and he starts to
thump it - and collect the health and shells. Keep an eye out for the gunner
on the opposite bank who might jump down and shoot at you from the
lower ledge on the other side.

Head right, collecting the tokens as you go and move down the log bridges
to the bottom taking care not to fall in the deadly water on the left. At the
bottom is a ladder to the right and a platform which leads forwards.

Go right and up the ladder, collecting the ammo clip from next to the
boulder on the right as you do. You find yourself on the opposite side of the
bridge that the hulk broke through. Go forward, collect the health from
behind the tree and go up the next small ladder, then move along the
platform and collect the mag 60. Turn immediately around and blow away
the hulk who appears at the top of the ladder you just climbed.

Go back down both ladders to the foot of the log bridges and this time
follow the path ahead of you along until you find another gunner. Shoot him
with the shotgun to knock him backwards into the deadly water.

On the left is a broken bridge so cross over, jumping to avoid the gaps
made by the fallen logs. On the other side turn right to where a hulk throws
rocks at you. Dodge the rocks and shoot the hulk then go right along the
path until you come to a drop. Turn right and you can see a wasp nest,
some red tokens and three wasps. Blow the wasp nest apart to make some
health appear and kill the wasps then jump across to collect the health and
tokens. Jump back over and follow the line of yellow tokens to the top of a
ramp. Go down the ramp and at the bottom a hulk attacks. Kill him, grab
the quiver of arrows from behind the rock and the health from behind the
tree where the hulk was waiting then head round to the right where an
inactive breath of life platform is on the right and a bridge rises from the
water ahead. Across the water a gunner is waiting, so shoot him, and jump
onto the bridge but jump off quick as the log bridge drops below the water
if you stand on it for too long.

On the other side, grab the quiver of arrows from behind the leafy plant on
the left and go through the gap on the right where two disappearing bridges
await. Cross the bridges and on the other side there is an opening in the
wall to the left and a camp fire ahead. Go left into the passageway and
collect the first Level Five Key then kill the endtrail who rushes into the area
behind you. Go back out and then left, and as you approach the camp fire a
hulk leaps though a trap door so kill him and grab the ammo clip from
behind the plant. In the pit where the hulk emerged is some ammo and
ahead of you a bridge is half-submerged in the muddy water.

Follow what's left of the bridge until it dips into the mud again and be ready
to jump backwards because a huge worm with a long tongue lunges from
the mud and attacks you. Retreat onto the bridge and blow the mud worm
away (it doesn't move from the spot where it appears) and continue across
up onto the opposite bank where an endtrail attacks from behind a rock.
You can't jump onto the rock like you did the boxes on the earlier levels so
take careful aim, wait till he pops his head up and try to get a head shot in.

Grab the clip from behind the plant on the left. Ahead of you is an inactive
breath of life platform, so go right to where you see another inactive breath
of life symbol and you should see a gunner guarding a hanging net. Kill him
and shoot the hook holding the net for a health, some tek arrows and a red
diamond. Head back a short way and go through the flags and across the
stepping stones, grabbing the yellow tokens on the way. On the other side
directly ahead is another wasp nest hanging from a tree. Blow the nest for
some health and kill the wasps.

Next go left into the muddy water and go around the perimeter right, past a
portal to collect some arrows. Follow the wall until you come to a line of
red tokens leading into a small cave where you can see a satchel charge and
two health. Go in cautiously because a worm is lurking under the water. Kill
the worm, grab the charge, and another worm appears outside the cave.
Kill him, go out, right and return to the bank.

Once out of the water, turn left and then right to enter the first small
building. Blow the three barrels for health and two clips then go to the
second building, kill the endtrail and blow three more barrels for more
health and two more clips.

Proceed past the buildings to a small bridge ahead of you where an endtrail
will come at you. Kill him and go across the bridge to a cage where the first
prisoner is being held. Blow the lock off the door, enter and touch the
unfortunate warrior to free him. Go behind the cage for some ammo and go
back onto the bridge. Don't go all the way across, instead jump across to
the ledge to the left for some yellow tokens and to the low rock for another.
Jump up onto the higher rock and across to the platform with the ladder on
it. Go up the ladder to get to the grey building you saw at the start which is
guarded by a hulk. Kill the hulk and go round to the left side where four
padlocks bar the door. Blow the locks to open the door to the first armoury
and go inside to enter Teleport One.

You appear in a room with a flashlight and several red boxes. Grab the
flashlight and follow the passage up and around to the left. When you come
to a junction which is blocked by a red box go right, along and up into an
area with even bigger red boxes. The next bit needs to be done quickly.
Touch the biggest red box to plant the first satchel charge then turn and run
as fast as possible back to the teleport before the boxes explode. Once
you're safely out, go back in and retrace your steps to where the red box
was blocking the corridor for a red health. Grab the health and exit back
through Teleport One.

Make your way back to where the prisoner was caged and cross back
over the bridge towards the two low buildings. Turn right just before the
buildings to go along the platform and into Teleport Two.

In the next area, grab the clip from behind the teleport and move forward to
where you can see more disappearing bridges. Run across the first bridge
to the platform in the middle. If you look up you can see a weapon
suspended in the air above you, but you can't get it yet so continue along
the next bridge to the other bank where there is a mag 60.

There is an ammo clip to your right and a ledge with arrows on it to the side
which you can't get onto yet plus a hulk ahead of you who lobs rocks. Kill
him and go forwards to a grey building on the right and follow it round to
the other side but keep your shotgun handy because two hulks leap out
from inside and attack. Inside the building are three health pick-ups.

Just in front of the building entrance look upwards and shoot the net which
is suspended from a wooden log for an ammo clip, a tek bow and shotgun
shells. From where the net dropped, turn around and go past the flag onto a
walkway across the mud. Follow the walkway along and you come to
deadly water on the right and a tower ahead. Up in the tower a juggernaut
snipes at you, so take him out with the tek bow.

Take the left fork at the junction and follow the path to the rock ramp and
up along a platform containing health to the arrows you saw earlier.
Continue upwards and you come to the first save portal which is guarded
by a gunner. Kill the gunner and save the game.

Come out of the save portal and go right, collecting the clips from behind
the boulder and follow the path towards the sound of the wasps. Kill the
wasps and blow the nest for some health and follow the line of yellow
tokens around to the right for the second Level Five Key but be ready to
fight as two endtrails attack from the rear when you collect it. Kill them and
go back to the junction where the wasp nest was and take the other route,
collecting more yellow tokens until you meet a gunner on a plateau. You
find yourself above the shredder which was the weapon you spotted as you
emerged from teleport two, so jump across to the platform below,
collecting it as you fall. The shredder replaces the shotgun in your inventory.

Return to the junction of the path across the mud where you previously
went left and this time go on and then right at the second junction just past
the first and go behind the pillar for some tek arrows. If you look across the
water you can see another cage and a new weapon, but you can't reach
them from here, so go back to the junction and turn right, collect the
shotgun shells and get onto the bank. Turn immediately to the right as a
juggernaut comes through the wall of the building at you. Kill him and enter
the building just to the left, kill the endtrail and grab the shells and the yellow
tokens from the corner. If you go out of the other exit of the building you
can grab a clip from behind a plant. To the right of the building that the
juggernaut came from of is a red health and either side of the hole are clips.
Go through the hole he made and blow the barrels on the right for a red
token and two clips, then go down the corridor and into Teleport Three.

In the new area, collect the shotgun shells from behind the teleport, go
forwards and then left and kill the gunner you encounter there. You pass an
inactive breath of life platform on your right and come to a wasp nest and
bridge ahead of you. Kill the wasps and blast the nest then approach the
bridge, kill the endtrail who comes across at you then go across the bridge.
The bridge takes you across a wall running around a muddy section. Jump
onto the left section of the wall for some health and continue down the
bridge and kill the endtrail that's waiting further along.

At the lowest point on the bridge jump off to the left and grab the clips,
killing the mud worm that appears, continue around the outside wall, kill
another worm, grab some yellow tokens, continue along, kill two more
worms and grab the health they are guarding then go back and get on the
bridge and carry on along it up onto a green platform - killing another
endtrail who's waiting there if you haven't already. From this platform go
right along the other section of wall to grab the shotgun shells and then
return to the green platform and go right to enter a new building with a
yellow flag marking the entrance.

Once in the building go around to the left where a hulk attacks. Kill him and
continue on into another open area, preparing to kill the juggernaut who
breaks through the wall on the right.

Once the juggernaut is dead, go through the hole and right to collect the
shells from the courtyard then turn and go back left and out into another
open area. Go to the left of the building directly ahead of you to find some
health and go into the same building for some more health, some yellow
tokens and another juggernaut. Kill him and follow the room to the end to
find four barrels. Blow them for two clips, some shotgun shells and some
health. Go back out of the building to where you can see an inactive breath
of life platform and go left along the narrow ledge with the yellow tokens on
it to find the second save portal, some shotgun shells and a clip behind a
tree. Save the game and go back along the ledge, past the breath of life
platform and up to the base of a big tower where a gunner shoots at you.
To the right of the tower are some yellow tokens and in the tower are some
tranq darts.

Turn right at the top of the ladder and look across to the roof of the
building. Jump across to the roof and collect four red tokens and a red
health and go to the south side of the roof to cross a narrow log bridge with
yellow tokens on it. Before you drop down the other side, shoot the raptor
that you can see then drop down into the area and go along it to the right to
find the first closed warp portal.

Return to the tower and as you approach go left onto the bridge, stopping
in the middle by the wall to kill the endtrail and collect the health from the
wall on both sides if you need it. Carry on along the bridge until two hulks
jump up from front and behind, smashing the bridge and ambushing you.
Explore the mud to either side for an ammo clip and a health then continue
along the bridge to the other side past a teleport and right to the warp portal
switch which is guarded by two gunners. Kill the gunners and hit the switch
then return back across the water, up the tower, onto the roof, across the
log and down then right and into the now-open warp portal.

In the by-now familiar room go up the ramp ahead, cross the extending
platform to the centre disc then back up quickly into your original room as
two doors open and two cyclops attack. Kill them and return to the centre
disc then use your tek bow to blow the heads off the two blue cyclops who
are standing in the two rooms at the side. This opens the door opposite the
one you came in, releasing a red cyclops. Kill him and use the tek bow
again on the two blue cyclops in the room that the red one came out of.
When they die, a door opens behind them revealing another red cyclops
guarding the next nuke part. If you have any tek arrows left, pick him off
from where you are standing then collect the nuke part and go into the
teleport to exit the warp portal.

Once out of the portal make your way back to the tower, left across the
bridge and into the next teleport, stopping at the save portal along the way
to save your progress if you want to play it safe. Enter Teleport Four.

In the next area kill the hulk who's on your right as you emerge to stop him
throwing rocks and take the walkway on the left (the one with the posts)
and follow it along - killing the gunner that you meet part-way - to the end.
Along the way you should spot the next satchel charge. As you reach the
next bank a hulk explodes from a hidden pit, so kill him, search the area for
yellow tokens and climb the tower then jump across to land on the wall
which was blocking your progress to the area with the charge. Grab the
clips from on top of the wall and drop down and walk forward to collect
some health and the second satchel charge. Climb back over the wall using
the ladder and return to the teleport, and this time go along the walkway on
the right, jumping the broken section in the middle to avoid the deadly
water, climb the next tower and go along the narrow log bridge collecting
the yellow tokens to come to the next armoury. Blow the locks off the door
to reveal the teleport inside. Enter Teleport Five.

You appear in an area with a flashlight and more red boxes like the first
armoury. Grab the flashlight and go up the tunnel, taking the left fork at the
junction. At the next junction go straight on and as before plant your satchel
charge on the biggest red box by touching it then run back to and into the
teleport. Return to the armoury through the teleport and grab the health
which is at the end of the tunnel ahead then go back and exit through
Teleport Five.

Return to the tower which you climbed to jump across for the satchel
charge and go south from here along a spit of land to another line of
disappearing bridges. Jump onto these and race along to the next piece of
dry land. Look behind the plant on the right for some ammo clips, collect
the yellow tokens and cross the next bridge to the left, killing the juggernaut
who attacks you halfway across. Follow the bridge up to the gate, turn left
and jump onto the ladder hanging down from the tower. Climb to the top
and kill the gunner who's waiting for you, then jump over the wall into the
area down below.

To the left of the doorway in front are shotgun shells and an ammo clip.
Proceed carefully around the edge of the building from this point and you
come to a round ledge at the back on which is standing a plasma rifle and
some red tokens guarded by a wasp nest. Shoot the nest, grab the rifle and
head back around and into the building where you find yellow tokens and
health in front of you, three barrels to the left, one to the right and a teleport
and juggernaut visible in the darkness ahead. Shoot the barrels for three
clips and two sets of shotgun shells then blow away the juggernaut who has
been alerted by the noise. Go through the door into the room with the
teleport and right to find some more shotgun shells then enter Teleport Six.

In the next area there are two clips and some shotgun shells behind a plant
on your left. Ahead of you a bridge leads downwards and a gunner is in a
tower on the right. Use your plasma rifle to take out the gunner and go
down the bridge, killing a juggernaut. You come to another tower, this time
on the right. Kill the gunner in the new tower and then dispose of the next
juggernaut who runs at you and carry on to the far bank where a wasp nest
is directly ahead. Kill the wasps and blow the nest for some health plus look
behind the tree for even more health.

Go right towards the next tower, to the left of which along a very narrow
ledge is a shredder and some tokens. Go forwards and follow the line of
yellow tokens, jumping across the gap to the other side, using the map to
help you jump if you need it. On the other side walk up to the next building
on the left where a juggernaut busts out. There is an ammo clip down the
side of this building if you need it. Opposite the building on a pillar just
across from the edge is another plasma rifle which you can jump across to
and collect if you need to. Inside the building where the juggernaut was are
five barrels containing two healths, shotgun shells, a plasma rifle clip and a
mag 60 clip.

Come out, turn left and go along until you come to another opening. Enter
the building and kill the gunner, continue through into the open, grab the
shells, go up a ramp, killing the juggernaut that attacks as you climb. At the
top grab the three health, and enter the save portal to save the game before
going into Teleport Seven.

You emerge with a tower in front of you, a tower to the right and a big drop
to the left. There is a gunner in the tower on the right and a hulk hidden in
the ground between the two towers. Edge round and shoot the gunner then
blow the hulk away as he emerges and grab some health from the pit he
came from. There is ammo to the right of the tower which was in front of
you when you emerged from the teleport.

Just past the hulk is a gateway leading onto a bridge. Just behind the tower
which the gunner was stationed in are three clips. Proceed forwards onto
the bridge, and continue forwards until three fireborn attack. Kill them and
carry on forwards and you are confronted by two gunners. Kill them and
continue, only to be attacked by three hulks. Kill them and carry on once
more and as you reach the far side a juggernaut attacks you. Kill him and
proceed onto the bank past towers on the right and left where ahead of you
two more juggernauts in towers flanking a large closed gate snipe at you.

Grab a shredder and four red tokens from behind the tower you just went
past on the right, then turn and walk past the tower that was on the left to
see a ladder leading downwards. Drop off and you find yourself by the
caged prisoner that you spotted on the other side of some deadly water a
while back. Kill the gunner who attacks you and collect the grenade
launcher from the edge of the platform along with some red tokens.

Turn around and blast the lock to open the cage and touch the second
prisoner to free him. Go back up the ladder and approach the large gate,
killing the juggernauts if you haven't already done so to open it. Proceed
through the open gate, grab the mag 60 on the right and go through
Teleport Eight.

In the new area there is a closed gate ahead of you and passages leading
right and left. Go down the short one on the left to collect the yellow tokens
and arrows then go back and take the right passage which is marked by
more yellow tokens along until you find an ammo box then turn left and go
through the hole in the wall into an open area with a cage in front of you. Go
left past the cage into a wider area where you can see another cage and a
hulk attacks you. Kill the hulk and look right and up to where a juggernaut
starts sniping then explore the area to find a gunner who's wandering about
and dispose of him too. Blow the locks off the two cages and enter to free
prisoners three and four.

Turn around and go west out of the area past the left side of the cage that
you saw as you came through the hole, following a line of yellow tokens.
Kill the hulk who attacks you and continue along the path, killing the endtrail
who snipes at you from a ledge on the left until you come to a wasp nest.
Blow the nest and the wasps for some health, grab the ammo box from
behind the plant on the left and jump across the water by the tree to the
short ladder on the other side.

At the top a walkway leads to the right but ends at a dead-end where you
find some health. A hole in the wall lets you into an open area, and the
jagged wall to the right acts as steps. Leave this area for a moment though
and instead head left along the other narrow walkway, following it around
to find some grenades. Next head back and through the gap in the wall, kill
the endtrail who's waiting there and head left. Grab some shotgun shells
from behind the plant in front of you and go through the doorway ahead to
find an area containing the last cage and a hulk. Kill the hulk and proceed
around the right side of the cage where two more hulks lob rocks at you.
Kill them, blow the lock off the cage and free the fifth and final prisoner,
then continue past the cage and head right to where you encounter two
endtrails, one on the ground and one sniping from a perch on the left. Kill
them both and grab the health from behind the bushes on the left then look
right to see Teleport Nine.

Opposite the teleport is a ladder, so climb it and go along the wall to the
left, back the way you came. If you need extra health you can jump to the
right from the wall onto the roof of one of the cages you opened earlier and
collect an ultra health, but you then have to come all the way back round to
get back on the wall. Follow the wall along, up, down and around, killing
any endtrails you meet on the wall and jump onto the fifth cage you just
opened to collect the last satchel charge. Next continue along the wall and
go right where it branches to find the blue eagle feather. Retrace your steps
to where the wall branched and take the other route then follow the ledge
you come to left until you reach an area with three cages hanging up and a
broken wall which forms steps. Climb the wall and go along it to find and
activate the warp portal switch, then shoot the chains holding each of the
cages to drop them to the ground and gain you three red tokens from each!

Go back along the wall to where you found the feather and drop down,
then climb the next wall and go along it and across a narrow bridge to the
second warp portal which you have just opened. Enter it.

Go to the altar and offer the blue eagle feather to gain the Breath Of Life
talisman which lets you swim in otherwise deadly water. Collect the talisman
from the alcove and leave.

Once out of the warp portal, head back to Teleport Nine and go through.

Teleport Nine takes you to the other side of the gate it was standing next to,
where you are attacked by a juggernaut. Kill the juggernaut and if you look
left you can see a new eye-shaped symbol. Go straight on up a ramp then
round to the right into an area where a hulk attacks you and you can see a
teleport up on a ledge in front of you. Go through the door on the right after
you've disposed of the hulk, kill the wasps that attack you and destroy their
nest. Go up the ladder which was opposite the nest and at the top where
you can see the teleport you spotted down below go across the bridge to
your left where you find another eye-shaped symbol and the third armoury.
Blow the locks off the door and kill the gunner who's hiding inside then
enter Teleport Ten.

Once again you're confronted by a flashlight and loads of red boxes. Follow
the tunnel ahead forwards and round down a slope to a junction then go
right to get to the room with the huge red box, plant the charge on it and
race back and out of Teleport Ten.

This time, don't bother going back inside, as there is nothing to collect.
Instead, go back across the narrow bridge and through Teleport Eleven.

In the new area, go forwards and ahead at the junction and behind the tree
in front of you are some scorpion launcher rounds. Grab them and go back
and left into a circular area where you find the third Level Five Key and
three shotgun clips. Grab the clips and then pick up the key but be
prepared for the raptors who leap out of four previously closed doorways
to each side and attack you.

Once you've killed the raptors, check behind the doors they came through
for loads of health, an ammo box, shotgun shells, a plasma clip and tek
arrows. The door in front of you should have opened, so go through and kill
the three juggernauts that attack you to open the door ahead. Go through
the door to find the exit portal. Enter it and get ready to defend the totem!

This time around the totem is in a circular area and juggernauts attack from
a ramp on the left while gunners drop off a ledge to the left. Kill them all,
focusing on the gunners who start firing very rapidly when they get close to
the energy totem. When you have killed enough monsters, you beam back
to the hub where you should save.

Interlude: Back To Level Two!
From the hub go back into level two and make your way through the level
to Teleport Three, through which you should find yourself facing deadly
water and a breath of life symbol. Walk into the water and swim to both
sides for eight red tokens, four on each side then swim to the middle and
grab the grenade launcher then take the ladder back up to the bank.

From here, make your way up to and through Teleport Eight and proceed
to the room in which you shot the stone from a passageway high on one
wall to open a small tunnel down below. Jump into the water to obtain a
plasma rifle and four more red tokens.

Next make your way to Teleport Eleven and make your way through the
third graveyard to the gate where you met the third sister of despair, and
jump into the water on either side of the walkway you raised to get to the
sister to find three red tokens in each section.

Finally, return to the platform with the switch that you used to open the
doorway to the exit portal and go through the hole you made in the wall
with the barrel. Go through the hole and shoot the endtrail who's lurking
ahead and to the left then shoot the two barrels and the two small chests for
health, two shotgun shells and an ammo clip. Take the passage to the right
until you come to another breath of life symbol and drop down in to the
water below and go left and up the ladder to the next platform where a leap
of faith symbol is active. Turn to the right at the top of the ladder and blast
the endtrail on the next platform with your tek bow then walk onto the leap
of faith symbol which launches you over the platform the endtrail was on
into another corridor, collecting health as you go.

Follow the corridor along, kill the fireborn who attacks and go up the ramp
to the right to the next leap of faith symbol. When you land, turn around and
blow away the endtrail you just jumped over then turn left and jump to the
platform just across from you. Follow the new corridor around to the left,
down two ramps, kill an endtrail, turn right and then right again and blow
away a barrel and two flat chests for health, shotgun shells and a clip then
go left. Kill the first fireborn, continue into a small open area, kill the second
fireborn and climb the ladder for the second Primagen Key. Drop off the
ledge and return to the exit portal, return to the level hub and save the


Mission Objectives
Seal Three Thermal Vents
Defend The Energy Totem

New Weapons Found On Level
HARPOON GUN - Found in the deep pool in the first room with the
spider holes.
CHARGE DART RIFLE - On top of a platform reached through a closed
underwater tunnel, not far past Hole Two.
FLAMETHROWER - In a small cave guarded by a spider, reached from a
huge room with a narrow ledge around the side and rocks falling all
about you.
TORPEDO LAUNCHER - Underwater just past hole five.
CEREBRAL BORE - Not far past Hole Seven, when you come to a
plateau, take the narrow ramp hidden behind a boulder on the left
and follow the ledges to find the first one of these.

FIRST LEVEL SIX KEY - Off of the huge room with the narrow ledge
running around the side of it.
SECOND LEVEL SIX KEY - Follow the rock bridge forwards and then
right at the wall from where you find the cerebral bore. Keep going
to find this key.
THIRD LEVEL SIX KEY - Right before the end of level portal, you can't
miss it!
FOURTH PRIMAGEN KEY - On a ledge not far from the start. You need
to have the purple eagle feather from level five before you can collect
it though.

You begin the level in a rock corridor with only one way to go. Move
forward until you come to a pool of water. To the left of the water is a
quiver of arrows, a little way around from them is a clip and on the other
side of the pool a rock allows you to climb on a log at the top of which is a
red health and below which are some shotgun shells. Grab everything and
exit the area via the tunnel which was opposite you when you came in,
collecting the plasma rifle on the way.

The tunnel leads to an open area with a huge drop in front of you and
walkways to right and left. Go along the path to the left where you find an
inactive wind platform and a health. Get the health, go back to the right and
pass along the other narrow platform, collecting some tranq darts on the
right of the path as you do so and shoot the endtrail who snipes at you from
a cave high up on the rock wall to your left.

Grab the clip which is behind a tree on the left and proceed down the ramp
and along the path at the bottom, killing the two demonclaws that attack
you and emerging into a wider area with a huge hole in the centre. Go round
to the right and shoot the first two barrels for shotgun shells and health then
follow the wall around and you can see a Primagen Key on the ledge above
but you can't reach it yet so continue around the clearing and shoot the next
barrel for a plasma rifle clip and the next two for two ammo clips. Return to
where you came in, run forwards and drop into the hole.

You land on a platform in a cave with waterfalls in front of you and a
dinosaur skeleton to your left. Left again of the skeleton is a tunnel, so go
down it. Kill the fireborn who lumbers into sight as you progress and the
tunnel curves uphill. Kill the endtrail who attacks you at the top and make
your way to the left to find a wall with logs sticking out for footholds and
three yellow tokens leading up. Climb the wall to get to the ledge where the
endtrail sniped at you earlier and collect two health from there. Turn around
and make a running jump forwards onto the rock below then jump to the
wall on the other side and climb up to get a plasma rifle from the alcove at
the top.

Return to the cave with the dinosaur skeleton in it and this time make your
way to the right where under a waterfall is a tunnel with a row of yellow
tokens in it. Follow the tokens and turn left for a health then continue along
the line of tokens until you come to a hole in the floor with yellow tokens
leading down. Drop down Hole One to the tunnel below.

You can only go one way at the bottom, so go forwards and at the end of
the tunnel you can see Teleport One. This beams you to what seems to be a
sealed room, but when you walk forwards a tunnel opens and you find
you're back up in the room with the dinosaur skeleton. So rather than going
through the teleport, go left down a small corridor which leads to another
apparent dead-end which turns out to be false when the wall opens into a
small room with shotgun shells on the left and an ammo box on the right
behind a stalactite. Ahead of you a tunnel leads down and an endtrail
attacks from here. At the bottom of the tunnel is a large open area with
water in it.

Drop down, get onto the bank on the left and kill the spiders that jump from
the holes in the rocks until they stop coming. A demonclaw is lurking in the
water to the right, so keep your eyes open. Further along the bank from the
spider holes is a red health. Next jump into the water and swim down to the
bottom to collect the harpoon gun which takes over from your warblade
unless you specifically select the slashing weapon. At both ends of the pool
you also find ammo clips and there is a ramp at the far end and a hole
underwater beneath the ramp.

Swim into the underwater hole and you have a choice of two directions.
Take the right route into a small area at the far end of which is the first warp
portal switch. Hit it and head to the surface for a quick breather in the small
air gap near the roof, then go back to the junction and swim the other way
and upwards, collecting yellow tokens as you go and follow the tunnel you
surface into along and up into a fairly large room.

Take the ramp to the right down along a ledge and kill the endtrail who's
patrolling along it. Follow the ledge which bends round to the left and
comes to a log bridge leading across a gap. Cross the bridge, collecting the
three health on the way and cross the second bridge to a platform facing
another climbing wall. You need to jump from your platform to get onto the
wall and then climb up to the platform above.

At the top are some shotgun shells and another bridge leading to the left. An
endtrail attacks you from the far side as you cross, so kill him and pass into
a root-filled tunnel and follow it down and right until you come to a long
drop below which an endtrail is wandering. Kill the endtrail and drop down.

To your left as you land is a health and a plasma clip and to the right
shotgun shells and an ammo clip. Head into the tunnel that the endtrail was
guarding, down two ramps and into an open area with more spider-holes
on both sides. Make your way down the room, killing spiders as you go
and climb the wall at the end.

At the top of the wall, follow the new tunnel into a bigger area with even
more spider holes and also a fireborn lurking round to the right in the next
tunnel. Climb the next wall which the fireborn was guarding and follow the
tunnel to another cave where the first blind one attacks you. Kill him and
collect the tranq gun that's in front of you as you enter and follow the room
around to the right, climb the next wall and drop down for some health, then
continue to follow the room until you are attacked by a fireborn. Grab the
arrows and some yellow tokens that are on the left and go right into the next
tunnel where another blind one attacks. Kill him and follow the tunnel onto a
ledge which leads through a room filled with waterfalls. On the right as you
enter this area is a health, so grab it and follow the ledge round to the left
where a third blind one attacks you. At the end of the ledge on the right are
some shotgun shells so grab them and go left, following the ledge, grab an
ammo clip and pass into a cave which contains the first warp portal. You've
already activated the portal, but you need the red feather before you can do
anything, so leave it and go back out of the cage, making a note of where it

Return along the ledge until you're standing over the water below and jump
in. Explore the water for some health and a clip then head to the east end of
the area to find a ramp and some yellow tokens. Climb the ramp to come to
an area with two barrels in front of you and a shredder and some more
health to the right. Blow the barrels for a clip and a red token, then move
along the platform for the shredder and on the wall to the left you should
see a new kind of switch. Hit the switch and climb the wall just to the left of

At the top of the tunnel you are confronted by a mud worm, so kill it and
take out the spiders who attack from a passage on the left. Ahead of you
you can see Teleport Two but don't go that way yet as it takes you to the
room which you would have entered had you climbed the ramp in the room
with the first spider holes where you found the harpoon gun (back up
shortly before the warp portal). Instead go left down the passage that the
spiders emerged from and go right where the corridor forks to get to
another hole in the floor. Drop down Hole Two.

Behind you when you drop down is a room with a teleport and shotgun
shells. This is Teleport Three, however it takes you back up to where you
dropped down Hole Two so don't go up it unless you need health, as there
is some in the room where you appear. If you do then when you exit the
room to return to Hole Two, get ready for a surprise because a new
monster - a fat one - is waiting for you in the tunnel.

Ahead of you when you drop down Hole Two is a junction from which
three corridors lead off and also a barrel. Shoot the barrel for some health
and take the right tunnel for some more. Follow it all the way round and it
brings you back into the junction area through the second opening. Take the
third corridor (which is now on the left) and collect the mag 60 then
proceed into the room beyond where the tunnel closes behind you and a
large spider drops from the ceiling, spitting acid at you and slashing with his
front talons if you get too close.

Kill the large spider and two openings appear in the walls. One is an alcove
which houses a grenade launcher and the other a tunnel. Collect the grenade
launcher and also the quiver of arrows which was on your right as you
entered then shoot the four barrels for a plasma clip and some shotgun
shells. Exit the room via the tunnel, collecting the health along the way - at
which point the tunnel you came in through re-opens - and follow it to the
left and into a new area where two endtrails shoot at you and spiders
attack. As you enter the room, the ground begins to shake.

On the right as you enter there are two yellow tokens and a ladder leading
down to some water. At the end of the room another new switch stands
and to the left a cave door is set into the wall, but it requires a key. Hit the
switch to open tunnels to the left and right of the water where the ladder is
and spiders attack you. Take the left tunnel, grab the health and follow it
down and round, killing a demonclaw on the way. At the end of the tunnel
look up and round until you see a switch. Shoot it and go back and into the
other tunnel, kill the next demonclaw and at the end look up and shoot the
second switch to open a gate in the water which you reach via the ladder in
the room with the locked cave door. Return to this room and drop down
the ladder into the water and go along the tunnel, collecting some health on
the way and go up the ladder at the other end of the tunnel.

Grab the yellow tokens from either side of the room and climb either of the
ladders that you find next to the switches that you shot from below. At the
top on one side of the platform is a drawbridge and on the other is a new
weapon, the charge dart rifle. Grab the rifle and cross the bridge to where a
blind one confronts you. Kill him and walk forwards into a high-ceilinged
area where you can see the cave door key hanging in the air above the
room with the cave door in it. Jump forwards to get the key, dropping into
the room below as you do so and touch the keystone in front of the door to
open it, revealing a fat one who attacks you.

Kill the fat one and pass into the room beyond, where there are crystals
jutting from surfaces all over the room and a barrel to the left. Blow the
barrel up to drop the column of rock down, bridging the gap across the
bottomless chasm. Pass cautiously across the new bridge, as on the other
side rocks fall from the ceiling so time your run and enter the tunnel with the
health in front of it.

Follow the tunnel to the next area in which is a ledge across another gap.
More rocks drop from above and you are about to be attacked by three
fireborn. To kill them, run to the centre of the ledge where a mag 60 is
standing, and pick them off from there (a bridge of rock above you keeps
the falling boulders from hitting you while you shoot). Continue to the other
side of the room, grabbing the shotgun shells from the right and enter the
next tunnel. Follow the tunnel up and round until you get to another open
area where more rocks drop and a blind one is walking. Pick him off from
the safety of the tunnel then follow the bridge of rock across to the next

Follow it around and up to another rock bridge with a fat one patrolling it.
Again, kill the monster from the safety of the tunnel and run across the
bridge into another tunnel. Follow it to the end where an endtrail is waiting
with his back to you. Kill him and emerge onto a ledge which runs to the
right around a huge room. Follow the ledge around, killing any spiders and
go past the first tunnel you come to, progressing to another tunnel in which a
huge spider guards the flamethrower.

Kill the spider, grab the flamethrower and go back along the ledge to the
tunnel you just passed. Go in to find the first Level Six Key, but when you
collect it have the flamethrower ready as four clawfeet attack from four
doorways in the wall. The entrance you came through also closes.

Kill the clawfeet and collect the charge darts, the shotgun shells, the pistol
ammo and the plasma clip then go down the tunnel opposite where you
came in, collecting red health on the way and go up to the gate ahead which
opens after a bridge has dropped down on the other side. Cross the bridge
avoiding the falling rocks and the gate at the other side opens, revealing
another fat one. Kill him and continue down the tunnel, killing the spiders
who attack and shoot the fat one who snipes at you from the next area.

In the next area, a huge spider is on a ledge at the other side of the room,
but he can't get to you yet, so shoot him from the edge of your platform
then shoot the barrel by the rock column to knock it down across the gap
and pass across it. On the other side to the left is an ammo box, so grab it
and follow the ramp up to the right where you find the first save portal to
your right at the end of a short tunnel. Save the game!

Blow the barrel which was left of you before you entered the save portal for
some health, kill the fat one who attacks you and snipe the blind ones who
are standing on rock bridges ahead of you and to the right, then go right
along the bridge of rock which the mag 60 is standing in front of.

You come to another closed gate so shoot the switch on the wall to the
right to open it and kill the two demonclaws who attack when it opens.
Enter the tunnel and proceed along it and out onto another rock bridge and
across to another short tunnel, past which is another locked gate which
opens when you shoot the switch to the right. If you need health, jump off
the ledge to the left and collect the red one that's in the tree then return to
the locked gate and blast the switch to open it.

Collect the shredder, kill the two demonclaws who attack and follow the
new tunnel around and to the right at the junction, taking you to Hole Three.
Drop down it.

Directly ahead of you down the corridor is Teleport Four which takes you
back up to the top of Hole Three where you can grab a little health if you
need it, otherwise go right before you reach the teleport, killing the spiders
who pursue you and follow the tunnel around and down, killing an endtrail
on the way and you come to a room with water pouring down a hole in the
middle and platforms hanging in the air on one of which is the red feather.
(Note: If you fall off while doing the next bit, then follow these directions -
drop through the hole in the middle of the room into more water and follow
this water to another waterfall and drop off. Go left under two rock bridges
and drop off the next waterfall then go left underwater to find a submerged
teleport. Pass through the teleport to get back up to the top of Hole Three,
from where you can drop down and go back to the room with the feather).

Jump round the platforms until you come to a waterfall and jump across to
it then follow the tunnel you find there right and up, killing spiders until you
come to an endtrail. Kill him and move into the open area where two
demonclaws attack then drop off the edge to the water below and turn right
and walk to the edge of the waterfall where you can jump to the red eagle
feather. Grab it make your way back via the teleports to Teleport Two then
go forwards through the level to the first warp portal and enter and make
the offering to obtain the Heart Of Fire talisman which lets you walk on
otherwise-deadly lava. Once you've got this, return to the room where you
found the feather and drop down to the water below then drop through the
hole there into more water where you collect two red tokens and a
flamethrower and are attacked by two demonclaws.

Follow the room to another waterfall and drop off to find another
demonclaw. Go left under two rock bridges and drop off the next waterfall
then explore underwater to find yellow tokens, a harpoon gun, health and a
submerged teleport. Don't enter the teleport, instead go to the north end of
the room and shoot the switch on the wall to open an underwater door and
release two demonclaws. Kill them and swim into the doorway then follow
the tunnel along and round to the right, bringing you up into a dry tunnel.
Follow this tunnel, collecting the charge dart rifle on the way and you come
to the walkway that was above the switch on which an endtrail is waiting.
Kill him and collect the shotgun shells then go left, grab some health and go
back into the rock.

Follow the tunnel to another walkway with more shells and another endtrail.
Follow this one right for more health and pass back into the rock and you
come to an open area with three barrels on the right. Blow them for shotgun
shells and a clip then proceed left and right at the junction for two more
barrels in which you find a plasma clip and charge dart rounds. Go back
and take the other route to find another barrel with health in it and a tek
bow in front of a tunnel.

Grab the tek bow and the tunnel slides closed. Three huge spiders attack
you, taking it in turns to drop from the ceiling, spit acid at you and pull
themselves back up. Kill them to reopen the tunnel and go into it.

Follow the tunnel along - killing the spiders and fat one that attack you -
through a room with loads of spider holes, down another tunnel to the right
and up to a closed gate which opens once a bridge has automatically
dropped down. Kill the blind one who attacks and cross over the bridge
into the tunnel on the other side. Follow this round and take the turning on
the right to look down on the second cave key. Jump down to the platform
and collect it then turn and jump onto the wall to climb back up and go
back to the main corridor and right.

In the next area kill the blind one to open the next door and the three
clawfeet that attack you when it opens. Grab the ammo that's to your right
and pass through the door and out onto a rock bridge where a fat one
attacks. Kill him and go across the bridge into another spider-filled room
and follow it to the end and right up a ramp onto another rock bridge where
a fat one and a blind one attack. Kill them and continue along the bridge to
collect the first satchel charge and two red tokens. Kill another fat one
who's sniping from an alcove then jump from the rock bridge to the wall
and climb into the alcove and follow the tunnel up and around, killing the
clawfeet who attack you until you get to a junction with a hole to the right
and a dead-end to the left. Drop down Hole Four.

Directly ahead of you is Teleport Five which leads back to the top of Hole
Four, so don't go through it. Instead go right and kill the blind one in the
next area then touch the keystone on the right to open the door after
collecting the shotgun shells which are also on the right. This door leads to
the first vent chamber. Enter the chamber and you can see a plasma rifle in
front of you, the vent hole in the middle and a ramp in a tunnel to the right of
the door that you came in. Go up the tunnel onto a rickety wooden platform
where to the left and right blind ones lurk in holes. Ahead of you a huge
rock hangs down. Place the charge on the rock and stand back to avoid the
resulting explosions then return to Teleport Five and go through.

As you emerge from the teleport, go back to the alcove you jumped to
from the bridge and drop down to the water below. Next make your way
back, through the underwater door and across all the bridges until you
reach the one you picked up the satchel charge from. Carry on across this
bridge then along the next tunnel, kill the demonclaw and more spiders and
you come to another junction. Go right to get to Hole Five and drop down.

Once again, ahead of you is another teleport, Teleport Six, which leads
back up to above Hole Five. You need to go left before you reach the
teleport, down a ramp and to a hole in the floor which drops you into
water. There are harpoons, a harpoon gun and health underwater. Swim
into the underwater tunnel and follow it, collecting yellow tokens en route as
you swim past a blocked tunnel on the left into a wider room with two more
blocked tunnels and only one exit. Swim to the right down the only tunnel
not blocked and up into a wide area with health and harpoons near the
bottom and air at the top. Surface and climb onto the low platform then
jump to another with health on it and jump across to a rotating wooden
platform from which you need to jump to the pegs on the wall leading to
another tunnel at the end of which is a switch which open all of the doors
back underwater.

Drop back into the water after you've hit the switch and return to the room
with the two underwater doors then go immediately left and head down the
tunnel, straight on through the door you just opened and left at the next
junction which brings you to a small room where you can surface again.
Jump up to the tunnel via the turntable and the climbing wall and follow it to
find the second satchel charge. Drop down the hole, collecting the red
tokens and go straight on and down the next hole back into the water. At
the next junction swim left, then right, then take the left tunnel immediately
as you enter the room with torpedoes in it. At the next junction go left again,
then left again in the next junction room, and left again to grab the health.
Turn round and go left out of the tunnel with the health and you come to
another cave key. Turn right here and go straight on in the next junction
room, then right at the junction followed by left to bring you to a room with
a teleport, three health, a clip and some shotgun shells. Enter Teleport

In front of you when you appear is a keystone and some shotgun shells are
to your right. Touch the keystone to open the door on the left leading to the
second vent chamber. Enter the chamber and collect the shredder in front
of you. Climb the ramp on the right and at the top touch the hanging rock to
place the satchel charge then retreat to the tunnel to avoid the explosions.
Return to the bottom, kill any fat ones who attack you and return through
Teleport Eleven.

When you reappear enter the water and make your way back to the
junction room then go left and follow the tunnel to a junction where you find
cave key three. Go straight on from here then left in the next junction room
to grab the torpedo launcher. Follow the tunnel up and at the top kill the
next fireborn and climb out of the water into a room with several barrels
and a teleport on the left. Blow up the barrels for health, shotgun shells and
a plasma clip and enter Teleport Seven.

Through the teleport, kill the blind one and touch the keystone to open the
door and kill the four clawfeet that attack you. In the next room, blow away
three barrels for shotgun shells, a plasma clip and health and hit the skull
switch to open a door behind you and to the left. Grab the tek bow from
the new tunnel and follow it to a new area where another blind one attacks
and light is coming through one wall. Blow the barrel for charge dart rounds
and kill the fat one who attacks then follow the ramp to the bottom where
you can see some rotating platforms and a fat one snipes at you.

Drop down to the ground below and blow the barrel to the right for a clip
and two barrels behind you for health and shotgun shells then move to the
front of the area for red tokens and grenades and go left for a line of yellow
tokens leading down a steep slope.

Go down the slope and follow the ledge until a blind one attacks you, then
go down another steep slope onto another flat area. Go right past some
lava pools to a cave where a spider guards a switch. Blow two barrels to
the left for an ammo clip and shotgun shells then kill the spider and hit the
switch to open a door to the right where a fire demon attacks you. Go into
the tunnel and along to be attacked by another fire demon, past a plasma
rifle into an area with a heart of fire platform on the left and a barrel - with a
plasma clip in it - on the right and a fire demon sniping from the opposite
bank which you can reach across some rotating, floating platforms. Kill the
fire demon and jump onto the lava which is safe at the moment and walk to
the pillar on the left to collect the first sunfire pods. Cross to the opposite
bank where you killed the fire demon for some health then enter the next
tunnel where there is another heart of fire platform and more rotating ones.
On the other side, grab the ammo box and go up the ramp in the tunnel, kill
the clawfeet, keep going up, kill the next fire demon and go along a narrow
rock bridge to another tunnel, then through that into a room with spiders
and a blind one. Follow the ledge around to the left, blow away the barrels
blocking your path for shotgun shells, a plasma clip and health then hit the
warp portal switch in the small cave, return to where you came in and go up
the ledge and right to a climbing wall. Go up that to the top, grabbing
arrows on the way and follow the tunnel grabbing the health then kill more
clawfeet and some grubs and kill the fat one who was pulling the grubs out
of the ground. To the left is the open warp portal while in front of you
where the fat one was standing is a sunfire pod. To your right is health.
Enter the second warp portal.

Walk ahead and up the ramp then in the room beyond walk forward and
touch the circular panel so two hatches open on the wall to the right and
two cyclops drop down. Kill them and the door marked with the circular
panel opens, so follow the tunnel it reveals.

At the end of the tunnel a blue cyclops snipes at you from the bottom of a
ladder. Kill him and go up the ladder into another area where another blue
cyclops attacks. Kill him and go into the two alcoves on the left and touch
the wheels next to the dials to spin the platform in the room below and open
the door which is in the room where the first two cyclops attacked. Go
back and into the new room and turn left at the centre and enter the small
circular room where another wheel awaits. The door closes behind you and
two normal and two blue cyclops attack. Kill them, hit the wheel and return
to the previous room, going left and across to the next room where a red
cyclops awaits. Kill him to open the final door and reveal the fourth nuke
part. Exit the warp portal.

Once out of the portal, make your way back through the all the rooms to
the room with the first lava pools where there are platforms in the chasm at
one end on poles. Jump onto the first and wait as it takes you upwards,
then jump to the second, then the third, then the fourth and finally jump into
the cave at the top.

Follow the tunnel, killing spiders and a blind one as you go and follow the
rock bridge you emerge onto, collect some health and two red tokens and
continue to the right, kill a fat one and grab some shotgun shells as you enter
the next tunnel and at the junction go right and drop down Hole Six.

Walk forwards and directly ahead is Teleport Eight which takes you back
up above Hole Six. In the room with the teleport are shotgun shells and
charge darts if you need them, otherwise go left and down a slope, killing a
demonclaw and follow the tunnel down and around, killing two more
demonclaws until you reach an opening with a mag 60 in front of it. Follow
the ledge you emerge onto down to the left and you come to a heart of fire
platform, some lava, two tunnels and a barrel. Blow the barrel for a plasma
clip and walk onto the lava to collect seven red tokens then shoot the
switch on the wall by the tokens to trip it. Take the tunnel on the left and
when you get to the red health, go straight on down a hill to a plasma rifle
and round to the right into another room with a heart of fire platform in front
of you. Explore the lava for some more red tokens and various ammo
including some for the cerebral bore. Also in the centre on some grey rock
platforms is an ultra health.

Go back to the heart of fire platform and up the ramp to the right, kill the
fire demon, grab some shotgun shells and follow the ledge to a tunnel.
Follow the tunnel into an open area where loads of small spiders attack then
the tunnel behind you closes and two large spiders drop from the ceiling.
Kill them and blow all the barrels in the area for a clip, a red token, shotgun
shells, a plasma clip and health then take the new tunnel which opened
when you killed the spiders, grab some health and follow it round to another
rock bridge leading upwards with a fire demon on it. Kill him and follow the
bridge to another tunnel where another fire demon attacks and out onto
another bridge. Cross into another tunnel. At the tunnel junction go left
following the line of red tokens and then left again to Hole Seven. Drop
down it.

As usual, if you walk forward you come to a teleport, this time Teleport
Nine which takes you back up to just before Hole Seven where you find
some clips. Don't go through it yet though, instead go right into an open
area, grabbing a flamethrower as you do so. The tunnel closes behind you
and four mud worms appear. Kill them and two clawfeet attack you. Kill
them and a door opens to the left. Follow the new tunnel to an open area
where a blind one attacks you. Collect some health from the right and some
charge darts from behind the rocks in front then look behind the rocks on
the left for a tek bow and a narrow platform leading downwards. Go down
it to the bottom where a fat one sends grubs at you. Kill them and him, grab
the flamethrower fuel and follow the next tunnel up a ramp where two
demonclaws attack you. Kill the spiders in the next room and climb the
wall. Jump back down for the health on the rock if you need it, otherwise
kill the large spider in the new tunnel, go into the next room and collect a
clip and shotgun shells then climb the next wall on the left and follow the
next tunnel to a rock bridge and follow this to where a blind one attacks. At
the junction go straight on to get to a platform with some sunfire pods then
go back to the junction and take the other route upwards, kill another blind
one and grab the health and continue on to collect a shredder and enter a

Kill the spiders and follow the tunnel round to sneak up on a fat one. Kill
him, and come out onto another ledge, turn left, kill another fat one and
follow the ledge, collecting shotgun shells and as you reach the next wall
you can see a cerebral bore in an alcove in the wall above. At the wall go
left and follow the ledge to another wall. Go left again, and you come to the
end of the platform. To the left you can see a platform with red tokens on it,
so jump across to it, side stepping right as you jump to clear it!

On the new platform, collect the red health and red tokens and enter the
new tunnel. Follow it round to the left into an open area with another
grub-infested fat one. Kill them and two clawfeet attack. Grab the shotgun
shells and the plasma clip and go into the tunnel on the left. At the end is an
endtrail. Kill him to open the gate behind him and grab the cerebral bore!

Next, jump down onto the platform below and go forwards and where the
bridge bends left, keep going ahead down a ramp to the wall. Go right into
an area with loads of crystals and a plasma rifle, kill the large spider and
follow the row of blue health to the left. Follow the area round to the right,
collecting two clips and kill the large spider that attacks. Collect the two
shotgun shells from the left corner and continue following the area until you
come to another spider blocking a gate. Kill him to open the gate and pass
through, grabbing a mag 60 on the way.

Continue to the next area where you find the second Level Six Key. Grab it
and the tunnels in front and behind shut and a blind one, a fat one and four
clawfeet attack from the sides. Kill them to open the door in front and
collect flamethrower fuel, a box of shotgun shells, a quiver of tek arrows, a
plasma clip, a pistol ammo box and some charge darts.

Leave the room, grabbing the red health on the way and kill the spiders that
attack then pass upwards killing a demonclaw and shoot the fat one who's
blocking the next gate.

Go round the semi-circular platform and into the next tunnel, killing a blind
one en-route then kill another fat one to open the new gate. Follow the
tunnel along and you come to another rock bridge. Follow the bridge to the
end, killing a blind one for three cerebral bore reloads, and look down off
the edge to find the third satchel charge and some health. Jump down and
grab the charge and two holes in the wall open, spilling out four fireborn.
Kill them and enter either tunnel and look between them for a mag 60 then
go to the left, grabbing health on the way to be attacked by spiders. Take
the next turning on the left and kill the large spider and drop down the hole
behind her, Hole Nine.

Directly in front of you is Teleport Twelve but go right before you get to it,
collecting the arrows to come to a room with wooden ramps in it and blind
ones and fat ones sniping at you. Take care of any opposition and collect
two pistol clips, shotgun shells, two yellow tokens and some blue health.

Go up the ramp on the left and turn left into the next room where four fat
ones snipe at you from round wooden cages. Kill them and enter the cages
for some ammo, then collect the cave key from the middle wooden cage.
Leave this room and cross the bridge to the opposite room and kill four
more fat ones and grab the second key. Grab any more ammo you need
from the cages and go back into the main room. Go right and into the next
small room, kill the blind one there and touch the two keystones to open the
door to the last vent chamber.

Grab the grenade launcher and go into the chamber, get the sunfire pod
then climb the tunnel to the right, killing any fat ones who attack you. Put the
last charge on the stone and duck back into the tunnel to avoid the
explosion. Make your way back to Teleport Twelve and once through,
make your way all the way back to the flat area where you picked up the
tek bow and go up the ramp on the right and along a narrow ledge, killing a
fat one, a blind one and some spiders along the way until you come to a
platform with a flamethrower. Go right to where you find more spiders, a
gate in the wall on the right and the second save portal. Save the game!

When you exit the save portal, kill the two large spiders that attack and go
through the gate which opens, grabbing the tek arrows then at the end of
the tunnel shoot the endtrail on the platform ahead and jump across to the
platform, collecting the four health. Follow this platform round, kill another
endtrail, collect some shotgun rounds and enter a tunnel.

Follow the tunnel along and up, killing two demonclaws along the way and
at the junction go left and down onto a plateau where you find another cave
key. Grab the key and go back along the tunnel, past the junction and up to
another bridge guarded by an endtrail. Kill him and take the centre ramp
then kill the other two endtrails to open the door at the top of the ramp.
Proceed through the door, grabbing the health as you go, kill the spiders
that attack and in the wider area kill the large spider, grab the ammo box on
the right, and go further into the area and kill a blind one then explore the
area for yellow tokens, a tek bow quiver and shotgun shells then touch the
keystone to open the door. Through the door, kill the fat one that's
launching grubs at you, plus two large spiders and a blind one. Grab the
flamethrower fuel and the clip then go through the door on the right which
opened when you killed the last spider, grab the health and drop down
Hole Eight.

When you appear there is cerebral bore ammo behind you and Teleport
Ten ahead which takes you back up to just above Hole Eight. Go forwards
and left down another tunnel, round and up to the top where an endtrail is
waiting. Kill him and move forwards and kill the blind one on the platform
below, then jump onto the first raised moving platform and make your way
around the other four and into the next tunnel. (If you drop down, go into a
new tunnel which has a line of health to find Teleport Twelve which takes
you back to the passage just before the rotating platforms.)

Follow this tunnel, killing the spiders that attack and you emerge in an area
with another rock pillar which drops down when you blow the barrels at the
base of it. Grab the shotgun shells from the left, blow the barrels and kill the
large spider on the other side and cross over into a tunnel with a shredder in
it at the end of which is a room with the third Level Six Key. When you
grab the key the tunnel behind you closes and two doors to the side open
letting in four clawfeet. Kill them and the door in front opens and a blind
one attacks, so kill him and another door opens ahead letting another blind
one have a go at you. Kill him and check the side rooms for a tek bow, a
grenade launcher, a plasma rifle and a cerebral bore!

Next pass through the door ahead to reach the end of level portal and exit
the level.

Walk down the long tunnel to the end and jump across to the circular
platform. Kill the maggots that emerge from the green slime until a cut scene
shows you the boss. Blow away his four tentacles then kill more bugs at
which point four pods form on the ceiling and spew green acid at you. Blow
them up and kill more maggots, then four tentacles attack from the ceiling
and you must shoot them in their centre to destroy them at which point yet
more maggots attack. Kill them and look up to where the eye is open and
shoot it to finish of the boss!


Mission Objectives
Destroy Three Queen Embryos
Destroy the Master Computer
Locate the Energy Totem and defend it at all costs!

New Weapons On This Level
FIRESTORM CANNON - You find this shortly before you enter Teleport Three.
PFM LAYER - High up on a ledge not far from Teleport Four.
SCORPION MISSILE LAUNCHER - Shortly before Teleport Seven.

FOURTH LEVEL SIX KEY - Between Teleports One and Two.
FIFTH LEVEL SIX KEY - Not far past Teleport Four, in the room with
the first Warp Portal switch.
SIXTH LEVEL SIX KEY - Shortly before Teleport Seven.
FIFTH PRIMAGEN KEY - Not immediately obvious first time around -
you need to come back after completing Level Six.

You begin on a platform which leads off to both sides. Immediately you
appear two gun turrets start blasting you so run right to get out of range of
one of them and blast the other one in its gun ports to destroy it. This opens
a room to the right of the gun turret containing a health and a mantid. Blast
the mantid and grab the health then go left and blast the second turret,
releasing another mantid. Kill him and grab the health from the newly
revealed alcove and continue to the left, where you find another turret. Blast
that, kill the next mantid, grab the health and continue to the left to find and
destroy a fourth turret and drop the force-field in the centre. Kill the fourth
mantid from the alcove and grab the health then proceed to the centre onto
one of the walkways and kill the four mantids who have just been released.
Grab the plasma clips that the mantids drop then continue to the first
teleport in the centre and grab the four red tokens. Enter Teleport One.

When you appear there is a tall spinning column in front of you. This is a
force field generator. Before you do anything else, explore the area to find a
charge dart rifle, a shredder, a mag 60 and two bugs. Kill the bugs, go to
the north of the area and shoot the screen on the far wall in the centre to
reveal a hidden 150 round plasma pack. Next, shoot the force field
generator to destroy it and to lower the force field and collect the yellow
tokens around it.

Go west and enter the tunnel at the side of the room for seven health and
enter the next room. Kill any hostile aliens and blast the pods in the room
then destroy the force field generator and go through the door opposite
where you came in for some health.

Return to the centre room and this time go left through the other door where
bugs attack you. Kill them and grab the health in the tunnel then in the next
room blow away all the pods and kill anything that snipes at you. Collect
the health then climb onto the lift pad at the east of the room to rise up to
the platform above.

Enter the tunnel and follow it along, killing more aliens until you come to a
corner. Go left following the tunnel and grab the plasma rifle and carry on
until you reach a circular room with some pods and a mantis. Blow the
central screens on the left and right walls for shotgun shells and mag 60
ammo. Carry on forwards along the next tunnel and turn right down a hill
then follow the corridor, grabbing more yellow tokens and a blue health to
come to a door guarded by a mantis. Kill him to open the door and enter to
see the fourth Level Six Key on a podium in the centre and two organic gun
pods which shoot at you from the rear corners. Blow away the gun pods
and go right out of the room down another tunnel. Kill the mantis and hit the
green switch on the wall to move the floating platforms in the previous room
into the centre. Return to the room with the key and climb the platforms to
get it!

Go to the east side of the room where a new tunnel has opened and go
down it, collecting the red health and killing aliens. Follow the tunnel until
you come to a covered walkway, go right, down a hill to a door which
opens as you approach. Go through to a chamber with a teleport in the
centre and six health. Enter Teleport Two.

In the next room touch the door ahead to open it and go into the corridor
beyond, down a hill to a cross-roads. Go into the room ahead and shoot
the pods, two bugs and a mantid then collect four ammo clips and return to
the junction. This time take the left branch down the corridor with the
yellow tokens to a charge dart rifle where a mantid attacks and follow the
corridor to another door.

Through the door, grab the flamethrower and you find yourself on a
platform with health to the right. Follow the platform around to the left and
shoot the pods barring your way, also kill the mite who comes out of one of
them. At the end of the platform are two yellow tokens and a quiver of tek

Switch on the map at this point and you can see some platforms below.
Jump from the point just right of the tokens to the first circular platform
below and grab the health. Kill the mantid snipers and look over the edge of
your platform to see another one below. Jump down to this one and grab
the red token then jump to the next platform down below you to the front
with two tall moving structures on it. Kill the mites that attack you and
follow the line of yellow tokens to the edge of the platform where you can
see a bobbing platform. Look up and shoot the organic gun above you to
open the next door then jump to the bobbing platform and across to the
opposite bank. Grab the red tokens and the plasma rifle and go through the
door into another tunnel.

You come to a junction room with a spinning thing in the centre. Take the
left exit into a room with loads of pods, some charge darts and a clip. Blow
all the pods to reveal some mites and kill them. Go back into the previous
room and take the next door on the left for a forcefield generator, kill the
mantid and blow the generator.

Go back into the previous room again and take the next left into an area
with a mantid and a huge lift in the centre. Jump onto the lift pad when it
comes down and ride it to the top. Get off to the right and go through a
door for some health and a plasma rifle.

Edge carefully into the room as two organic turrets open up on you. Blow
them away and move farther into the room where two more turrets fire at
you and a soldier attacks. Kill the soldier and blow the turrets to make a
door at the far end of the room open. Explore the room for plasma clips
and health then go through the door that just opened.

Kill some bugs and keep going to a circular room with red tokens in it. If
you shoot the walls to right and ahead of you a mantid emerges but you
don't need to so instead go left where another mantid attacks and enter
another room. Mites and mantids attack you, so kill them and proceed to
the room at the far end where a switch is guarded by a soldier. To the right
of the switch is some flamethrower fuel and two health.

Hit the switch and turn to kill the mites that attack you then go out of the
switch room and left and jump onto a lift platform which takes you up.
Jump onto the platform at the top and hit the green switch to bring a new lift
platform down to you. Jump on to travel up to a new corridor. Follow the
line of yellow tokens down a corridor to a soldier, kill him and jump across
the platforms ahead to the corridor on the other side where you get a

Follow the corridor, ahead, left, up a ramp and keep going, killing a mantid
and grabbing some health and at the end you come out onto a platform on
which there is a firestorm cannon.

Grab the cannon and drop down into the room below. Go out the only
door to bring you to the cross-roads you came to just out of Teleport Two.
A mantid attacks from the corridor to your left which no longer has a force
field on it, so kill him and go left down the corridor, grabbing red tokens
into a room where two mantids attacks from left and right and there is an
ultra health in front of you.

Check the sides of the room for chart darts and an ammo box then go
straight on. As you follow the corridor you are attacked by mites and
eventually come to another door which opens to reveal another teleport and
six health. Enter Teleport Three.

As you appear, a mantid comes through the door and attacks you. Enter
the next room and blow the alcoves to each side for a grenade launcher, an
ammo box and a mantid. Collect or kill each of them and go into the next
room where two soldiers attack. Kill them (you may have to wander
around a bit to find them) and go into the alcove in the centre directly ahead
of you for a shredder and some health and hit the first switch. Turn
immediately and kill the mites who attack then go around clockwise,
entering the next three alcoves, collecting shredders and health, hitting a
switch and killing the resultant mites each time.

The platform on the south side of the room is now moving, so get on it and
ride it up to a tunnel. Follow the tunnel, collecting loads of yellow tokens
and at the top of the ramp you go up is flamethrower fuel on the left and a
hidden alcove on the right which releases a mantid if you shoot it. Carry on
forwards, killing bugs that attack you and you come to a door which a
mantid is guarding. Kill him to open the door and go through the walkway
beyond, collecting three health and reaching another door. Through the
door is a save portal, so save your game!

Out of the save portal, proceed through the next door which is left as you
leave the save portal and proceed along the next corridor collecting three
health and killing mantids. Pass over a covered walkway into the next
tunnel, down two ramps and grab some grenades from an alcove on the
right, then pass down another ramp to Teleport Four.

In the new room go forwards through a door where a mantid attacks you.
You find yourself on a ledge with yellow tokens to the right. Go left and
destroy some pods and a mantid, then collect three health and enter the
door which opened when you killed the mantid.

Follow the line of red tokens to the next door, beyond which you find a
room with two exits. If you look up to the ledge high on the right you can
see a pfm layer, but you can't get it yet. Go back to the ledge where the
tokens were on the right, switch on your map and you can see a circular
platform down below. Jump down to this for another firestorm cannon and
some health. Move forwards to the edge of the new platform and look
down, then use the tek bow to shoot the mantid on the ledge below and
jump down for some yellow tokens. Pass through the door into the room
beyond where four organic guns open up on you so destroy them with the
firestorm and the door opposite opens, releasing a mantid.

Kill him and proceed to the open door through which another mantid
guards a force field generator. Kill him and blow the generator then grab the
health and pass back into the previous room where the side doors have
now opened. To the right is the warp portal, but it's closed, so go through
the door on the left into a room with a lift shaft and hop on. At the top of
the shaft go right and follow the next tunnel along, killing bugs on the way
until you come to a junction. Go right at the junction, collecting yellow
tokens and killing a mantid just after you round a corner. Keep your map
on and shoot the walls to left and right where hidden alcoves reveal two
more mantids and some grenades.

Proceed forwards to the end of the tunnel where you find the pfm layer. In
the room below, the two doors previously shielded are now open so drop
down and kill the mites who have appeared. Go through the door on the
right to collect the fifth Level Six Key then blow the walls to the sides and in
front for some shotgun shells and the warp portal switch. Hit the switch and
make your way out of the room and straight across to the next door then
make your way back to the room with the warp portal, which is now open.
Enter the warp portal.

In the new room, walk forwards into a room with machinery operating on
the far wall, where a blue cyclops attacks. Kill him and move further into
the room to cause doors on the walkway behind and above you to open,
from where red cyclops snipe at you. Kill them and go up the ramp which is
now accessible behind the mesh on the left as you entered. At the top of the
ramp a door opens and two cyclops and one blue cyclops attack you. Kill
them and enter the door opposite where a red cyclops attacks. Kill him and
cross the room and touch the wheel on the wall opposite to turn it.

Go back out of the room and down the ramp where two more cyclops
attack from the mesh on the other side which has now opened. Go up the
other ramp to the next door behind which two blue and one red cyclops
attack. Kill them to open the next door and pass through to take on three
red cyclops. Once you've killed these the next door opens revealing the fifth
nuke part. Collect it and continue down the corridor to the teleport where
you exit the warp portal.

Out of the portal, go across the next room back to the lift, take it up and
follow the corridor at the top back to where you found the pfm layer and
drop down to the room below.

Go straight on through the door ahead, collecting the health and blowing
away the pods that block your path. Kill two mantids and proceed to the
door at the end where you come to the next teleport. Enter Teleport Five.

Go through the door ahead into a room with a rotating field in the middle
and health surrounding it. Blow the alcoves to the right and ahead of you for
a firestorm cannon and kill the mantid who attacks when you collect it. Go
left from the firestorm alcove and follow the new tunnel, killing the bugs that
attack until you come to a small junction with a mantid on the right and a
red health on the left. Kill one, grab the other (you decide which!) and carry
on to a small platform overlooking a huge drop. Edge to the front and look
down and slightly left to a platform on the other side below. When you land,
to your right is a floating platform which takes you back to the top if you
jump on it.

Go through the tunnel ahead and out onto another platform with grenades to
your right, a soldier guarding a switch to the left and a mantid sniping from a
platform opposite. Kill the soldier and the mantid and hit the switch to get
the platform the mantid was standing on moving. Make a note of the tunnel
protected by the force field on the left. Jump onto the platform and ride up
to the next area where there are exits to both sides and in front. Go right,
kill the mantid across the way and jump over using the platform to the far
side. Kill the bugs that attack and enter a large area where a mantid attacks.
Move around the central structure to where three yellow tokens mark a
hidden door and shoot the door to open it. Blow away the soldier inside
and destroy the force field generator. This lowers the force field back by
the switch but don't go back there yet. Instead, go back into the main area
and switch on the map to locate the two hidden alcoves - one either side of
the room - and blow them up for two pfm reloads. At the far end of the
room from where you came in you can also find some cerebral bore ammo.

Exit the room and jump back across to the junction area and go right,
jumping across to the tunnel entrance down below. Grab the pfm ammo
from both sides of the room and plant a mine on each side of the room then
hit the switch. The door you came in by closes and mites drop down from
the alcoves above - some of them are hopefully killed by the mines, so kill
the rest and go back out of the room and hop onto the platform to return to
the junction area.

Return to the room with where you blew the last force field generator and
go straight ahead and through the door at the end of the room for some
health and another switch. Hit the switch and kill the bugs that race into the
room when you do then go back into the central room and right through the
next door, kill two mantids in alcoves to each side and grab three red
tokens. Go across to the opposite door and do the same again.

Next return back to the junction area and this time a mantid is blocking the
route you want to take, straight ahead. Kill him and hop onto the platform
which is now moving and at the bottom take the next tunnel, grabbing more
red tokens and continue to a turning where you find a cerebral bore. Grab it
and turn and shoot the wall on the left to reveal a hidden corridor, go down
it and through a hole at the end into a circular chamber with a lift shaft in the
middle. Take the lift up and at the top go forwards, collect the mag 60 and
follow the tunnel, killing mites and grabbing a firestorm cannon then kill a
mantid to open the next door. Go through into another chamber, grabbing
red health, and pass into the next corridor. Blow away some pods blocking
your path and as you leave the corridor kill a mantid and blow away the
soldier directly ahead of you.

Jump across the floating platform to a fixed one and shoot the mantid who
snipes from directly ahead then turn right and jump across two more floating
platforms into another tunnel where you find a flamethrower and loads of
pods. Flame the pods and mites that emerge to reveal the warp portal
switch and some cerebral bore ammo. Hit the switch and leave the room,
jumping back to the fixed platform. Look down and jump to the next pillar
below, then turn right and kill another mantid sniper. Repeat this action until
you find yourself on the platform with the purple eagle feather. Grab it and
jump down to the tunnel below.

Follow the tunnel into a chamber where bugs and a mantid attack and blow
the alcoves for charge darts and pfm ammo. Exit the room and follow the
corridor to the junction and go left then left again at the next junction and
ride the floating platform back up to the area above. Turn right and ride the
next moving platform back down to the ledge where a soldier was guarding
a switch and take the tunnel to the left of the switch to the room with the
second warp portal. Enter the portal and offer the feather to receive the
Whispers talisman which allows you to ride wind into the air.

Ride the moving platforms back to where you shot the wall to get to the
feather, turn right and go to the next junction then go left and enter Teleport

In the new room go through the door ahead, kill the mantids in the alcoves
to left and right and grab the red health from in front then carry on to the
next room, grabbing a cerebral bore along the way. In the next big room
use the cerebral bore to take out the mantids on the raised platforms all
around. When you kill the last mantid the door you came through shuts and
three doors explode open on both sides of the room, releasing bugs and
two soldiers. Kill everything to open a door opposite where you came in
and check out the water filled areas where the soldiers and bugs came from
for red tokens, red health and ammo for every gun you've collected so far.

Proceed through the new door and follow the tunnel, killing more bugs and
pass into a psychedelic chamber with hidden alcoves left and right which
contain pfm ammo and a door ahead. Go through the door into a huge open
area. As you enter, mites attack from all sides so kill them off and check the
alcoves to the left and right of where you entered for a pfm layer, a
firestorm cannon and loads of health.

Go across to the opposite side of the room where a mantid is sniping at you
and kill him then make your way to the left of the room and hit the switch on
the central structure to open the door opposite it. Go through into a room
with a mantid, some pods and the second save portal. Clear the room and
save the game.

Go through the door that was below right of the platform the mantid sniped
at you from to find a moving platform. Drop down into the water below and
swim around on the surface, killing any soldiers you meet to collect loads of
red tokens. Then make your way to the south-east corner of the central
structure and swim down under water to find a hidden entrance from which
an underwater tunnel leads into a room with health, a soldier and a force
field generator. Blow the generator and go back to where you dropped into
the water (the west side of the area) to find a platform which takes you
back up to the platform you dropped from.

Go back into the central room with the round structure in the middle and go
right along a tunnel with blue health down it. As you round the corner a
mantid attacks you so kill him and continue to the next door where there is
another lift shaft. Get on the lift and go straight on at the top down a
corridor, killing a mantid who's patrolling this section into a room where
three large pods block the next tunnel. Blow the pods and kill the mites that
emerge then follow the tunnel along round several corners, killing bugs and
mantids along the way until you come to a steep drop. Drop off to the
platform below. Blast the two organic gun turrets that fire at you then
destroy the eight force field poles around the central structure, keeping an
eye out for any mantids that attack while you're doing this. When you hit the
last pole, the whole thing blows and a platform starts moving up and down
on the north side. Jump on and ride it up to collect the scorpion missile
launcher. Go back into the main room and back to where you dropped
down to the water. This time, kill the mantid on the opposite side and ride
the platform across to an area with two paths to left and ahead and a
hidden alcove to the right with cerebral bore ammo in it. Kill a mantid who
attacks you then go left to sneak up on another one who is waiting to snipe
at you and shoot him in the back! Go back to the previous area and this
time go ahead to a junction. Go left and you come to a row of floating
platforms. Below you in the water a soldier snipes at you so kill him then
jump across to another room with a tunnel with health in it on the right, a
hidden alcove containing a mantid guarding an ammo box on the left and a
door ahead. Go right into a large open area with pillars in it and go right to
kill a soldier, then go to the east side of the room where another door leads
to the sixth Level Six Key. As you try to enter the door closes and two
mantids attack, so kill them to re-open the door and enter to grab the key.
Turn and kill the bugs that attack at this point then go back to the room that
you got to across the platforms and go right to another door through which
is a spinning tunnel.

Pass along this tunnel, round a corner, kill the bugs and mantid that attack
and go through the door at the end to find Teleport Seven. Enter it.

When you appear, grab the grenades and go through the door ahead and
down the tunnel beyond. Blow the pods blocking your way and kill the
mites that emerge from them until you reach the end of the tunnel where
there is a grenade launcher leading into a wide open area. Mites drop from
a hole on the far wall and keep reproducing when you kill them, so keep
killing them and proceed round the area to the right, collecting some health
from behind a pillar, kill the bugs that also attack you and you come to an
area with some yellow tokens and a mantid sniping from the top of a wall at
you. Kill the mantid and climb the wall and go left at the junction, killing
bugs as you go and blowing pods to get out onto a small platform with a
red health.

Return to the junction and take the other route, bringing you to another
open area where more mites attack. There are grenades and health around
the sides of the room, so get them and kill the mantid who snipes from the
top of the next wall and climb to the top. At the top a door opens and a
mantid attacks. Kill him and proceed onto a translucent bridge. Follow it,
collecting grenades, pfm ammo and health and killing another mantid until
you come to another tunnel.

Follow this tunnel, blasting any pods that block your way and killing mites
to come to Teleport Eight. Go through it.

Go through the door ahead of you when you appear and kill the mites that
attack. Once again they keep coming so make your way round the new
area, killing as you go for a box of grenades, some yellow tokens, a pfm
layer and red tokens guarded by a soldier. Continue to the end of the room
where mantids attack. At the end of the room go round to the left for a
flamethrower and health then go through the door on the east of the map
and blow the new-style pods that are blocking your way, also killing the
mite that is released. In the next area, go all the way around the circular
corridor, blowing pods and killing any mites and mantids that attack and go
through the door at the south end of the corridor to get to the first of the
queen embryos. The embryo produces two mantids and then reproduces
more every time you kill one, so alternate shooting them with hammering the
embryo itself. When you've hit it enough it drops to the floor, but keeps
producing mantids, so pummel it till it blows.

Next, leave room and go right and then left down the tunnel on the west
side of the room. In the next area, grab the pfm ammo from the left and the
firestorm cannon and red tokens from the right that are guarded by a
soldier. Search the rest of the area for shotgun shells, ammo clips and a blue
health which marks the exit from the room.

Exit the room to find the next teleport which is infested with bugs. Kill them
and enter Teleport Nine.

Grab the shotgun shells and ammo box from either side when you appear
and go forwards down a new corridor filled with pods that brings you out
onto a narrow platform with a mantid on the left. Kill the mantid and drop
to the floor below for four yellow tokens and a scorpion missile. Look left
and down to pick off a mantid on the ground below, drop down and grab
some shotgun shells from where he was standing then go right for red
tokens and an ammo box. Grab a pfm layer from between rocks in the
centre of the room and go to the north-east of the area to kill a soldier and
climb a wall. Go left along the platform at the top to come to a clip and a
translucent bridge and kill two mantids. Go up onto the bridge and at the
junction go right to get to a tunnel which leads to a mag 60 and a door
opening onto a square area with two bugs in it. Kill them and approach the
door ahead of you and two mantids attack from either side, so kill them and
go through the door ahead which is now open to get to the third save
portal. Enter and save the game.

Out of the save portal, go back onto the bridge and straight across at the
junction. On the other side, shoot the door to open it, grab the yellow
tokens and ammo then go through the open door and shoot the bugs and
mantid that attack. Grab the pfm ammo from inside and pass through the
next door to a teleport. Pass through Teleport Ten.

Out of the teleport go through the door in front into another large room and
explore it for shotgun shells, grenades and more yellow tokens, killing mites
as you do so and go to the north-west side of the room where yellow
tokens lead to another climbing wall. Climb it and kill the mantid at the top
then go right and you come to two floating platforms. Shoot the soldier on
the next platform and jump across to collect a flamethrower then take the
next two platforms across to the next tunnel, kill the mantid and go to the
end for an ultra health.

Drop down from this new tunnel and turn left and go to the south end of the
room where a soldier guards a tunnel. Kill the soldier and blow the pods
blocking the tunnel and go in. In the next circular tunnel, go all the way
around, blowing pods and killing mites and mantids then enter the tunnel at
the east leading into the centre to confront and kill the next queen embryo.
As before, the embryo produces mantids so you need to divide your
attention between killing mantids and blasting the slimy worm thing until it

Once the embryo is dead, go out and walk to the south side of the circular
tunnel and you come to a platform with grenade ammo and shotgun shells in
it where mites attack you. Go left along the platform for more shotgun
ammo until you come to a leap of faith platform on the right. Turn and use a
long-range weapon to take out the soldiers across the way then take the
leap of faith across to a platform with a pfm layer, a firestorm cannon, a
scorpion missile launcher and a grenade launcher on it. Take the other leap
of faith platform back and go right, blowing away pods and grabbing more
shotgun shells until you come to another door. Go through and enter
Teleport Eleven.

On the other side of the teleport, follow the tunnel, blowing away pods until
you come to a platform with a red health and jump down onto the platform
below. Walk forwards to the junction and go left then follow the tunnel
down a slope to another door which brings you into a room with a breath of
life platform in front of some water and pistol and shotgun ammo to either
side. Directly in front of you is a climbing wall.

Jump into the water and swim around until you find an underwater tunnel
and go through it into a dry tunnel which you should follow to a ledge. Jump
from the ledge onto the two floating platforms then across to a pillar and
onto a bridge. Follow the bridge to an area with loads of pods. Blow them
apart for scorpion missiles and a door. Enter the door to get to another
teleport and pass through to get to an area with an inactivate eye of truth
platform in front of you. Make a note of this area and go all the way back
to the room with the breath of life symbol and climb out of the water and
face the climbing wall.

Jump onto it and climb to the top for a pfm layer and four yellow tokens
then turn left and look down to a platform with mites on it and a leap of faith

Kill the mites and jump down, then kill the mantid who snipes from in front
of you as you land and take the leap of faith up to a tunnel on the far wall.
Go along the tunnel to the end to collect an ultra health. Jump from here
back to the platform you first climbed on then jump to the leap of faith
platform but this time go left and jump across to the tunnel the mouth of
which is just below your level.

Grab the blue health and kill the bugs which attack then go up the tunnel
through another door where mites attack into a new area. Grab the satchel
charge from behind a rock on the right and go down the room, grabbing red
tokens from the lava, past a pool of water to chasm. Go round to the left
and grab the second satchel charge then go across the bridge, past the end
of level portal to grab the third satchel charge and go back and drop into
the pool of water to go through the underwater teleport, Teleport Twelve.

Grab the health from behind you and go through the door ahead onto a
translucent bridge. Pass along the bridge, grabbing the fourth satchel charge
and follow the bridge along, killing a mantid and grabbing health, grenades
and a pfm layer and go through the next door to Teleport Thirteen. Enter it.

Go through the door ahead of you into a large open area and grab the
shotgun shells from the right. Follow the room around, grabbing more
shotgun shells and some ammo clips and killing mites and blow away the
door on the east side of the room to reveal a soldier guarding a
flamethrower, a charge dart rifle, a firestorm cannon and a grenade
launcher. Go through the door at the end of the room to come into a new
room with a heart of fire platform in front of you. Kill the mantid and grab
the pfm ammo from the left and right then jump across to the platform
ahead of you, climb to the top and kill the mites. Turn left slightly and jump
to the next wall ahead and climb to the top of that, kill the mantid at the top
and jump in the direction indicated by the three red tokens to drop onto a
low platform.

From this one, look ahead of you and walk across the lava to a platform
with four red tokens and a firestorm cannon, a flamethrower, a pfm layer, a
shredder and a scorpion missile launcher, then return to the previous
platform and climb the next wall indicated by a line of three more red
tokens. At the top kill the two soldiers and hit the switch on the wall ahead.
Grab the health and go north along the platform to where another platform
is moving. Kill the mantids who are sniping from above then jump onto the
floating platform and ride it to the top. Clear the area at the top and hit the
two switches to open the next door and go through for some health and
some bugs. Continue to the next ledge and look over the edge and snipe at
the soldiers patrolling the water below then drop down, grab the pfm
ammo, flamethrower fuel and charge darts from round about and head to
the other side of the area and climb the wall to find the tunnel leading to the
last queen embryo and three health.

As before, clear out the circular corridor then go through into the embryo
chamber and blow away the slimy baby queen and the mantids she

That done, return to the room where you first found the breath of life
platform and climb the wall in front of it then jump across to platform with
the leap of faith platform on it and jump from the south side onto another
climbing wall and climb to the tunnel at the top. Follow this tunnel to the end
where a soldier is guarding a teleport. Kill him and blow the walls ahead
and behind for secret alcoves containing health then enter Teleport

Through the teleport, go through the door ahead into a wide open area with
two organic guns to the sides. Blast the guns and move round the outside of
the room to take out four more then cross the bridge to the centre where
the computer is standing. Touch each of the four pillars to plant the four
charges then step back and watch the computer blow!

That done, return to the end of level portal and exit the level.

Face The Queen!
Mites attack to begin with, so blow them away and then blast the Queen
when she appears. After a bit she hides in a sac hanging from the roof and
bugs attack, so blast them to make her come out again. This time you need
to blast the sac on her torso which spews out acid and then she runs off and
hides and more bugs attack. Kill the bugs, and when the queen appears
again, blast her arms until she falls over, at which point you just need to
blast her head briefly to finish her off!

Interlude: Back To Level Four!
Enter the level four gate and go straight on through the tunnel until you come
to a drop ahead of you. Go left to come to whispers platform which is now
active. Kill the endtrail on the ledge above then walk forwards to start to
rise then as you near the top walk forwards again onto the next platform.
Repeat this method to get up to the next level and kill the fat one then make
a huge running jump to the platform way down below where you find a
firestorm cannon. Grab it and blow all the barrels in the area for ammo
clips, a plasma reload, charge darts, two red tokens, shotgun shells and
health. Look down into the hole and drop down onto the stone pillar to
collect some scorpion missiles then kill two fat ones, one blind one and
some grubs and collect pfm ammo and a plasma clip and hit the switch in
the small cave on the east side of the area to open an area on the west side.
Kill the spiders that emerge and grab the cave key then touch the keystone
in the previous area to open the door.

Through the door, kill the large spider to open the next door and the smaller
ones that attack, then kill the next two large spiders who come through the
door and grab the ultra health and red tokens and enter the teleport.

You appear in front of the fourth Primagen Key, so grab it, drop down into
the area beyond and return to the portal you used to enter level four and
return to the hub.


Mission Objectives
Destroy Three Automated Assembly Plants
Purify the River of Souls by Recalibrating Four Power Generators

New Weapons On This Level
NUKE - You finally get the last part of the Nuke Weapon from the
fake Warp Portal, but as it's practically the end of the game, where's
the fun in that?

Sixth Primagen Key - You see this key right after you enter the level.
Unfortunately it's protected by not one, but four forcefield generators
which you're going to have to find and deactivate.

From the start grab the health from left and right and walk forwards to
collect a scorpion missile launcher. Follow the tunnel round and grab the
shotgun shells on the way. At the end of the tunnel kill the steamer who's
wandering around and collect the clip that he drops. In the wide area you
can see the sixth Primagen key but can't get to it yet, so go left and kill the
next steamer you encounter and go down the tunnel to the left.

Proceed cautiously because an automated gun turret is mounted on the right
wall not far down the corridor. Take this out and go straight on at the
junction to come to an area with health on ledges to either side. To get the
health, duck down and walk onto the small blocks which take you up onto
the ledge.

That done, turn around and walk back to the junction and go right, where a
wheeler attacks. The wheeler drops charge dart ammo when you kill him,
so off him and collect it. As you progress up the corridor, grab some
grenades on the left and shoot the gun turret on the wall ahead then go right
to come to an inactive teleport. To activate the teleport, touch the red
button on the console on the left. Enter Teleport One.

Through the teleport, go forwards and left at the junction into a room with a
cerebral bore and health on the ledges to the sides. You need to duck
down to grab the health. Return to the junction and go straight on and
through the door where a wheeler attacks. Kill him and follow the corridor
to another door the other side of which is a gun turret, so blow it away and
carry on, collecting red tokens at the corner and prepare to blow away
another turret at the following turning when it drops from the ceiling. At the
next door, go through and kill another wheeler, proceed through the next
door, down another corridor to a junction. Go right at the junction, but get
ready to be attacked because another turret emerges from the roof to blast
at your back. Follow the corridor to another room with ledges on each side
and grab the health and pistol and shotgun ammo. Return to the junction
and blast the turret then go right and you come to a plasma rifle and a wide

Don't walk forwards too far as there is a pit with lasers in it, instead go right
and shoot a steamer who snipes from a raised platform, being careful not to
fall in the second laser pit to the right and go forwards down the steps then
left to come to a fan and jump onto it to rise up to the platform above. At
the top, turn and walk off the edge and keep going to collect the first blue
ion capacitor crystal. Don't walk too far or you end up in the laser pit. Take
the fan back to the top, go left and follow the tunnel there round a corner,
through a door and up to another corner where a gun turret opens up then
keep going into a room with a firestorm cannon and some health.

Return to the room with the pits and the fan and take the tunnel on the
opposite side of the room to come to a junction where a wheeler attacks.
Kill him and go straight on, destroy the gun turret at the first corner and
continue to a room with pfm ammo and health in it. Return to the junction
and go right through a door to another junction. Take either route to bring
you into a wide room and kill the two steamers that attack then explore the
sides of the room for health, arrows, ammo clips, shotgun shells, a grenade
launcher and a shredder then take the staircase on the south side of the
room up to the platform in the middle and head to the north side of it,
collecting yellow tokens to see two more ion crystals on a ledge. Duck
down and jump across the gap to collect them then make your way back to
where you jumped from and face south to find the lift.

Jump on the lift and at the top move forwards and kill the wheeler who
attacks and collect the arrows and red token then go forwards to the door
at the end and hit the switch on the console opposite the door to open it.
It's best to back into the switch as a steamer is waiting on the other side of
the door.

Kill him and go down the corridor to another door which opens. As it does
a turret opens fire from the rear, so watch out. Continue down the corridor,
collecting health from an alcove on the left and at the next door go through
and kill the next turret. You come to a junction, where a wheeler attacks
from the right. Kill him and go forwards to come to the first save portal.
Enter and save the game.

When you exit the save portal, check around the back for flamethrower fuel
then leave the room and go left at the junction, through a door and down a
corridor to another junction. The door ahead won't open yet so go right -
blowing away the turret that pops out behind you - to come to a platform
with health on the right and stairs on the left leading down to a blue crystal
hovering in the air above a laser pit.

Jump across using the wind to reach the upper tunnel opposite, follow the
corridor and kill the wheeler who attacks you then continue round to find a
whispers platform. Walk forwards to cross the gap and on the other side
you are attacked by a metal major. Kill him and continue into a room with a
semi-circular console in it and hit the switch in the middle of the console. Go
out of the door which just opened then go left to get back to the platform
above the laser pit.

Move to the right edge of the platform and look down to see a tunnel in the
wall below. Use the tek arrow sniper function to take out a steamer who's
patrolling the corridor then jump across and down to the tunnel and grab
some more health.

Follow the tunnel round through a door and turn left at the junction to come
to a switch on the right. Hit the switch to extend a bridge allowing you to
get the fourth ion crystal but be ready for a gun turret which drops from the
ceiling behind you.

Once you've collected the crystal, return to the junction and go left through
a door, collecting shotgun shells from an alcove on the left, follow the
corridor, getting attacked by a wheeler and you come to another junction.
Go left into a room containing the first power generator.

Kill the steamer who's patrolling the area and shoot out the four green
crystals at the base of the power generator then touch each hole to put in
the blue ion ones, recalibrating the generator.

Collect the red tokens from around the room and jump into the water to the
left and right of the door to find two short tunnels containing health. Leave
the room and go left to get to another inactive teleport and hit the switch on
the left to activate it. Be ready to take out a gun turret that emerges behind
the teleport. Enter Teleport Two.

Go forwards in the next area and at the junction ahead get ready for some
action as a turret appears on the wall to the right and a wheeler attacks
through a door to the left. Blast them and go straight on then follow a line of
red tokens up a staircase to a console with a red switch on it and a health,
overlooking the centre where the Primagen Key is located. Collect the
health and drop down into the central area.

Go straight ahead from where you land (going clockwise around the
perimeter of the room) to the next door - grabbing the red crystals to the
left on the way - and go through the next door which you just opened. Kill
the wheeler who attacks and take out a turret on the left wall at the junction
then go straight ahead, destroy the next turret which appears on the right
wall at the corner and round the corner for a mag 60, a firestorm cannon
and a shredder and continue around to collect a health. Go left to a junction
and go left again to come to an inactive teleport. Destroy the gun turret that
drops from behind the teleport and hit the switch on the left to activate it.
Turn around and blast the gun turret that drops in the corridor behind you
then go through Teleport Three.

Follow the corridor forwards and left, grabbing a tek bow as you do and
pass through the door. You find yourself on a raised platform. Snipe the
two steamers that you can see and drop down then head up the stairs to the
right for some health and drop back down and jump onto the fan to the left
of where you came in, turning right as you rise to step onto a fairly wide
platform with a floating platform just across the way.

Shoot the steamer on the other side of the room then crouch and jump to
the narrow platform on the left and run along to hit the switch which
activates the floating platform. Immediately you hit the switch, jump down,
run right, leap on the fan and at the top race to the floating platform because
it only stays on your side for a few seconds and if you miss it you'll have to
hit the switch all over again.

Ride the platform to the other side and hit the next switch on the console.
Back into it if possible and keep your sights on the north-west corner where
a gun turret appears. Shoot the gun and another appears in the north-east
corner so blast that one too then drop down off the platform, turn right, kill
the wheeler and pass through the newly opened door, where another gun
turret appears at the junction ahead. Blast it and at the junction go left into a
dead end with health and scorpion missiles. Go back to the junction and
straight on to another junction where you should go straight on again, killing
another gun turret and coming to another dead end with pfm ammo and
health. Go back and at the junction this time go right into a room with a
steamer at one end. Kill him and hit the switch on the console that he was
guarding to open a door on the left as you came in.

Face the door and you can see a room with lasers across the entire floor
and fans set into it. There are columns of different height all round the room.
Jump across to the fan on the right to rise up to the platform ahead with the
blue health on it then jump forwards again to be lifted up to the ledge with
the red tokens on it. Follow the ledge round and turn left to see the next
blue ion crystal and jump across to grab it.

Hit the switch to the right of the crystal to open the door opposite the room
you're standing in and turn left to jump to the next platform north-west of
your current position containing another health. Jump forwards to exit the
room and enter the newly-opened door.

At the end of the end of the corridor a metal major attacks you so kill him
and continue round a bend to the left, collecting an ammo box from an
alcove on the right and kill a wheeler who attacks from further down the
corridor. Continue to a junction, collect some health and go left through a
door, blast the gun turret that appears and continue to a dead end with
shotgun shells and health in it.

Return to the junction and go straight on to come to a circular tube with
yellow tokens up the middle and fans at top and bottom. Jump into the
centre of the tube and as you rise turn left and step off into the tunnel
leading west. Go down the tunnel, grabbing shotgun rounds on the way and
continue along to find the second save portal. Save the game!

Out of the save portal, check round the back for tek arrows and proceed
back down the corridor, blasting the gun turret that's appeared and walk
forwards to drop down the tube and keep pushing forward to enter the
tunnel at the bottom. Go through the door and round a corner and the next
door brings you into a room with a bridge in front of you and a steamer
sniping from across to the left.

Kill the steamer and a gun turret opens up behind you, so blast it and walk
forwards onto the platform ahead. The bridge in front retracts, so turn to
the left and jump down to the walkway below then move along and hit the
switch on the console to lower a floating platform. Jump onto the platform
and ride it to the top. Hit the next switch as you get off the platform then
turn right and jump into the tunnel with the grey health in it. Follow this along
and drop down the hole. Walk against the wind south down the tunnel then
turn left and push backwards to slow your progress towards the next blue
ion crystal. Let the wind push you to grab the crystal then push back into
the tunnel before you fall and return to where you dropped down. Go north
to a junction and go right for some health then go back to the junction and
straight on, collecting clips as you do and go right at the next junction. In the
section with the lasers on the floor jump to the left for red tokens and the
right for a shredder if you want them then continue out the other side till you
reach a junction.

Go right at the junction to another laser room with red tokens on the left
and a cerebral bore and a pfm layer on the right. A turret descends when
you enter the room so blow it up then jump to the ledge with the cerebral
bore and go out the door there where another fan pushes you upwards.
Turn left as you rise and take the tunnel at the top leading south onto a
platform where you collect a flamethrower.

Hit the switch ahead of you to extend the bridge that retracted when you
first entered the room then hit the switch to the left to open the door
opposite it and go through to be confronted by a metal major. At the
junction go right through a door, grabbing pfm ammo as you go and kill the
wheeler that attacks through the door ahead. Go through the door and right
at the junction into a dead end for some grenades and health then go back
to the junction and right to come to a inactive eye of truth platform. Make a
note of this area and go back and straight on at the junction through a door,
blow the gun at the next junction and turn right to get to another inactive
teleport. Hit the switch to activate the teleport and go through Teleport

At the junction ahead go left, blow the turret that appears on the corner,
shoot the steamer and the switch in the alcove by the shotgun shells on the
left to open the next door. Follow the corridor round to the newly-opened
door where a turret blasts at you and dive in before the switch resets and
the door closes. Walk onto the lift and ride it to the top.

At the top go right and blast the wheeler who attacks you then edge round
the corner and shoot the turret on the wall ahead and shoot the next
wheeler that attacks and the steamer behind him. Follow the corridor to a
big room with lasers where the floor should be. To your right is a blue
crystal which you can't get yet so go left and blow away the steamer by the
consoles, grab the grenade ammo and hit the switch to open the door. This
is another timed switch, so run right and back to where the crystal is and
jump through the open door to grab the crystal.

In the new room kill the two steamers then go to the left of the room -
collecting flamethrower fuel from the centre as you do - and hit the switch
on the big semi-circular console to open the door at the north-west side of
the room and jump through it for another crystal. Activate the switch in the
middle of the room to get back into the room you just left and hit the switch
on the south side of the centre two consoles to open the door at the
south-east of the room, releasing a wheeler. Kill him and go through the
door to blast another gun turret and follow the corridor to the next power
generator area.

As before, shoot the four green crystals and replace them with blue ones
but this time keep an eye out for steamers and wheelers who attack as you
do so. Once you've activated the power generator, drop into the water for
some health and collect the yellow and red tokens from around the room
then return to the room with the circular consoles and press the switch on
the north side of the middle one to open the door on the north-east of the
room. Go through the door, kill a wheeler, grab some pfm ammo from the
corridor and go right at the junction for a dead end room with a firestorm
cannon and some health. Return to the junction, go straight on through the
next door to find another inactive teleport and blast the gun turret that
appears behind you as you do so. Turn, blast the turret that appears behind
the teleport and hit the switch to activate it. Go through Teleport Five.

Go forwards and shoot the gun turret ahead of you and blow away the
steamer that attack you from the left at the junction. Go left and up some
stairs and hit the switch on the console to open the next door. Grab the
grenade launcher and drop into the room with the Primagen Key then go
right a few paces and walk forwards past it, grabbing health from the left as
you do and pass through the door at the north-east of the room. In the next
corridor a wheeler attacks, so kill him and grab yellow and red tokens from
the left and shoot the turret that emerges from the wall on the left at the first
corner. Grab the shotgun shells from next to the dead turret and follow the
corridor round - picking up cerebral bore ammo - to a junction with three
red tokens in it. As you enter, all the doors shut and a gun turret emerges
from the wall on the right. Blast it and hit the switch on the left to open the
doors ahead and behind you, go through the one ahead and blast the gun
which emerges in front of you. Activate and pass through Teleport Six.

In the new area go through the door to a junction and kill a wheeler ahead
of you and go left, round a corner, kill a gun on the wall to the left and
collect a mag 60 and health from the dead-end room. Go back to the
junction, blowing another gun up as you reach it and go straight on to
another junction. Go left at this junction, grabbing pfm ammo from the left
as you pass through the door and follow the long tunnel to a row of yellow
tokens and a gun turret to a dead-end room with a shredder and more

Make your way back to the junction and turn left, but be ready for the gun
turret that appears back at the junction as you reach the next door and the
wheeler that follows it.

You come to a wide open room with various monsters sniping at you, so
clear them out with your plasma rifle and go left down the steps and
continue round. Drop to the ledge below and walk to the end to collect
some shotgun shells then cross one of the narrow bridges to get to a small
area with a lift and when it reaches the top of its rise, jump towards the
north-west to get onto a platform with a computer console and a switch on

Hit the switch to start a platform moving side to side in front of you and
jump onto it. Wait until the platform is level with the small tunnel in the wall
and jump across to collect the blue ion crystal, pushing back immediately or
a fan sucks you in. Drop down and get back up to the platform moving
sideways and ride it to the north side of the room (just above where you
picked up the shotgun shells).

Follow the new platform around and out the door on the left and a door
closes in the new area on your right. Go head and a wheeler attacks you,
kill him and carry on round past three switches on the left, killing a gun
turret that appears then make your way back round, hitting all three
switches and collecting health as you go. The door that closed is now open
on your left so go through it into a small area with another closed door on
the left.

As you enter the area the door on the left opens and the other two shut. Kill
the metal major that attacks through the new door and collect a shredder, a
scorpion launcher, a firestorm cannon, a mag 60 and a blue ion crystal. Exit
the room and go left and hit the switch there to open both closed doors
through which gun turrets fire and a steamer attacks. Go through the east
door and turn right then follow the next corridor up to a junction where a
wheeler attacks and a gun turret opens fire. Blow everything away and go
forwards through a door, down the corridor collecting yellow tokens to a
room with the third save portal in it. Save the game again!

Out of the portal, go back to the junction and right, following the three red
tokens into a narrow tunnel where wind pushes you backwards. Go right at
the first junction, continue through a room with three ammo clips, through a
room with lasers on the floor, health and red tokens to each side where a
gun turret attacks and finally you come to a fan which blows you upwards.

Turn left as you rise and go through the west passage at the top, collect the
flamethrower fuel and carry on for three more ammo clips and to enter
another laser-floor room with health and red tokens. Another gun turret
blasts you as you enter, so take it out and go left to come to another fan
which pushes you up, but you want to go down, so aim down and at the
bottom go right into another laser floor room with a turret. Grab the red
tokens and health and go left out of the room into another corridor with
three ammo clips then through into another laser floor room with gun turret,
red tokens and health and continue straight through and then left at the next
junction, where another fan takes you up again.

Turn right as you rise and follow the tunnel to another laser floor room like
the others and go straight through it into a full-sized corridor. Go right down
the corridor to a dead-end room for a tek bow quiver and some health then
turn around and go back and straight on past the round tunnel on your left
where a gun turret appears and kill the wheeler that attacks from in front.

Carry on through another door, activate Teleport Seven and go through.

Go straight ahead through a door and kill the wheeler that attacks you and
go straight on at the junction, collecting yellow tokens to come to a
dead-end room with a mag 60 and health in it. Return to the junction where
a gun turret appears and go left. Follow the corridor, kill the wheeler and
gun turret that attack you then go right at the junction to find a leap of faith
platform. Take the leap to collect yellow tokens and reach a platform at the
far end of the area with a console and a metal major on it.

Kill the major, hit the switch to deactivate a force field generator and take
the other leap of faith platform back, collecting health on the way.

Turn right at the junction and go through the door to find a cerebral bore in
front of the next door. Enter the new room, kill two steamers and a wheeler
and explore the room for red tokens then climb the stairs which were ahead
of you as you came in to open the doors up the stairs in the south-west
corner of the room. Quickly move to the door and up the stairs into a small
room and kill the metal major who's guarding a blue ion crystal and grab the

Next walk to the door you came into the small room by to open it and hit
the switch on the console the major was guarding to open the door in the
south-east corner and run around to that door and in to kill another metal
major and collect another blue crystal. Grab the crystal and the arrows and
hit the switch on the console to open the door in the main room underneath
the first switch you pressed. Leave the small room, go down the stairs and
go through the door to a room with a locked door on the right and a normal
door on the left.

Hit the console switch to open the locked door and go down the new
corridor to find the third power generator. Kill the metal major on the other
side of the room and examine the generator. You should see that the
platforms leading to each green crystal are moving and there are lasers over
the water. First off, pass round the structure and blast the green crystals
from the bank, then jump onto the first two platforms in turn, ride them to
the centre and jump onto the generator to place the crystal and jump
straight back to get onto the bridge and jump again to return to the bank.
To get to the bridges on the other side of the water, jump onto the bridge
on the left as you entered and then from there to the next bridge as they
both extend. Grab two red tokens and two health then place the final two

Exit the room and go back to the room where you hit the console switch
and kill the steamer that attacks you. Go straight on through the next door,
activate the teleport and blow away the gun turret then enter Teleport Eight.

A gun appears to your left as you emerge from the teleport so blow it away
and go right at the junction, up the stairs to kill the major then hit the
console switch to open the next door and walk forwards and grab the
scorpion missile launcher and drop back into the Primagen Key room and
turn left.

Grab the red tokens from the alcove just ahead and go forwards and left at
the first door to kill a metal major and pass into a new corridor. As you
pass through the next door kill the steamer and follow the line of health to
the next door beyond which is a junction. Go left to another inactive
teleport, hit the switch, blow away the gun turret and enter Teleport Nine.

Go through the door ahead, kill two steamers and grab a firestorm cannon
where a gun turret opens up to the right. Blow it up and another appears on
the left so blow that up too. Kill the steamers sniping from alcoves on the
right and left and take the north-east passage forwards, killing the wheeler
who appears and grabbing the shotgun shells from the alcove where he
emerged and go through the door. Kill the metal major who attacks and
climb the stairs on the left for two health. Drop back down, grab the pistol
clip and go through the next door, kill two steamers and blast the gun turret
shooting at you from ahead.

Explore the room and clear it of any wheelers and gun turrets that attack
and grab shotgun shells, health and yellow tokens then go down the stairs in
the centre of the room to collect a blue ion crystal. Hit the switches on both
consoles in this area to open the door on the east side of the room (behind
you as you went down the stairs to the crystal) and hit the switch on the left
to activate Teleport Ten. Enter it.

Go through the new door and you come to a cross-roads. Walk forwards
and up some stairs over a platform above which a crystal is floating and go
left at the end into a room with yellow and red tokens and a switch. Hit the
switch and two wheelers attack from either side of the room, so kill them
and grab shotgun shells from their alcoves.

Leave the room and go straight on past the corridor on the right and enter
the door on the right that just opened. Kill the metal major and grab the
health then proceed forwards and down into a low tunnel with yellow
tokens along it.

At the end of the tunnel take the door on your right and kill the wheeler then
collect three health and hit the switch on the right to open the door directly
ahead and also the one on the other side of it. Quickly run through both
doors as they are on a timer and collect three health and hit another switch
on the right as you entered to lower a lift farther on and release a wheeler
into the room with you. Kill the wheeler, grab the shotgun shells and go out
the door ahead and right, collecting yellow tokens and hop on the lift at the

At the top, jump off and go forwards and right up some steps to get two
cerebral bores, a health and a switch. Hit the switch, then go down to the
edge of the platform and jump to collect the blue ion crystal. Turn and jump
onto the platform the switch just triggered as it rises and ride it to the top
then go left to get onto the new platform.

Kill the steamer who's up some stairs to the left and go forwards to the
stairs then right, then right again to find and activate the first warp portal
switch. Go up the stairs for health and a red token and hit the switch to
open the door at the bottom of the stairs and drop down and pass through

At the junction ahead, go left to find the first warp portal, but don't go in yet
as you need the grey eagle feather, just remember where it is. Go back to
the junction and go left to another inactive teleport. Destroy the gun turret
that appears and activate and go through Teleport Eleven.

Go through the door ahead, kill a wheeler and grab shotgun shells from his
alcove then collect some health and follow the corridor left, picking up
cerebral bore ammo as you go. Follow the corridor for more health and
through the next door kill a metal major then proceed through the next
door, collecting more health and continue to a junction where there is yet
more health and a wheeler attacks.

Go right at the junction and kill a metal major in the new area then check
around the circular structure to the left as you entered for a blue ion crystal,
some health and the grey eagle feather.

Make your way back via Teleport Eleven to the warp portal and enter it
and offer the grey eagle feather to receive the Eye Of Truth talisman that
lets you see things that weren't there before! Once you've got the talisman,
make your way back to the room which had the inactive eye of truth
platform and cross a bridge that's been revealed to a tunnel, follow the
tunnel round and take the next eye of truth bridge up to a switch, killing
anything that gets in the way. Hit the switch to deactivate a forcefield and
return to the room where you picked up the feather. Leave this room and
go straight on to get to Teleport Twelve which is guarded by a wheeler. Kill
him and activate the teleport then go through.

Leave the teleport room and on your right is the second warp portal which
is closed at the moment so go straight on and kill a metal major and a
wheeler who emerges when the major dies then grab the yellow and red
tokens and exit the room, watching out for wheelers attacking from behind
as you do.

Go down a corridor past a construction area where steamers are being
assembled and go down a staircase to a pfm layer and some health and
another blue crystal behind some laser beams ahead. Go left out of the
room, collecting yellow tokens and blast the gun turret that fires when you
open the next door. Continue along the corridor, hitting a switch on the left
and blowing away a wheeler who attacks from behind and you come to the
first assembly plant.

Grab some grenades, shotgun and pistol ammo from the left and right, shoot
the metal major on the left and touch the two blue things in front of you to
pick up the blue power cells and exit the room.

Shoot the gun turret that's appeared and go back to the room with the red
laser beams. Touch the red things to each side to swap the laser cells over
and make the laser beams harmless. Return to the assembly plant and put
the red cells in where you took the blue cells out to destroy the plant.

Return to where the blue beams are blocking your path and pass through
them (they're harmless) to collect the blue ion crystal. Kill the wheeler that
attacks from the door ahead then hit the warp portal switch to the left and
return to the second warp portal which is now open. Enter the warp portal
and prepare for combat!

From the small square room, walk forwards for a cut scene then kill the two
cyclops that attack from the front, the two blue cyclops that attack from the
side and then four more cyclops from the left and right. Go right into the
small side room and kill the blue cyclops then hit the wheel he was guarding
and go left to the other small room, kill another blue cyclops and hit the
second wheel to open the door opposite where you first started. Go
through this door and kill the red cyclops who attacks and follow the
corridor to a tall, square room and kill another red cyclops then hop on the
lift which was on the left as you entered.

At the top go straight on and then left to kill a blue cyclops then follow the
corridor out onto a platform, hit the wheel on the wall and drop down into
the room below where one of the closed doors is now open. Go across to
the opposite lift and at the top kill the next blue one and hit the wheel on the
platform opposite the one you were just on and snipe at two new blue
cyclops who emerge from the newly opened doors down below.

Drop down, go through the west door and kill the red cyclops at the end of
the corridor to open the door behind him. Kill the two normal cyclops that
attack from here and enter to find another red cyclops guarding a wheel.
Kill the red cyclops, hit the wheel then return to the central area and go
through the east door for a repeat performance.

Once you've hit both wheels, return to the central area and go through the
new door, killing another red cyclops and in the room at the end of the
corridor, kill the cyclops, the blue cyclops and the two red cyclops to open
the last door leading to the nuke piece and confront one final red cyclops.

Kill him and grab the nuke part to get the nuke weapon, then move
forwards to get a lecture from Adon and exit the warp portal.

From the warp portal room, go right to return to the room where there are
now blue lasers and go through and enter the door beyond. Follow down
the corridor to find the final power generator room.

This power generator is a little different again. Kill the metal major on the
right then shoot the two green crystals you can see and jump onto the
rotating platform to reach the centre and plant the first two blue ion crystals,
being careful not to touch the red laser beams.

Next, drop into the water and take the step on the right up to the next
platform. As you pass the lasers, touch the red power cell to pick it up then
shoot out the other two green crystals and take the moving platform across
to put the other two blue ones in, completing the mission.

Next, jump from the centre to the other side and grab the other red power
cell. Then check the water on either side of where you came in for some
health then jump into the water on the opposite side of the room to the
entrance to find more health and an underwater tunnel which leads to a
console room.

Kill the metal major and hit the switch on the console ahead to deactivate a
force field. Return through the tunnel and exit the power generator room, go
straight on then right and through a teleport to get to the room where you
found the feather.

Fire a grenade at the computer console to blow the second assembly plant
then turn and take on the wheeler who attacks from the left as you leave.
Leave the room, kill a wheeler and look for the door on the right leading
down some steps and go down and round to come to the next assembly
area. Touch the blue crystals there to remove them and insert the red ones.

Next, go back out of the room, up the steps and right and follow the
corridor to another teleport. Through the teleport, turn left to find a square
box with a small switch on the front of it. Shoot the switch then lob
grenades and destroy the third assembly area.

Next go forwards past the dead tubes and left at the lift and go through the
teleport at the end.

From the teleport, go forwards and then right then head to the west of the
map and go back through Teleport Nine.

Through the teleport, kill a steamer and go straight on at the junction, killing
two wheelers and blowing a gun turret then follow the corridor round to the
right, collect some red tokens and climb the stairs to kill a metal major and
hit another switch. Grab a red health from the right and drop into the
Primagen Key room, killing a metal major who's wandering round.

Go to the centre, grab the Primagen Key which is now accessible and go
straight ahead to the northern most part of the room, kill another metal
major and go left down one set of stairs then right down some more to a
door which you've just opened. Go through to pick up a warblade, a tek
bow and a mag 60 and through the next door kill a steamer and grab a
shredder, a plasma rifle and a grenade launcher, then proceed through the
next door for a cerebral bore, a flamethrower and a firestorm cannon and
through the next one for a pfm layer, a scorpion missile launcher and
through the next door to find the end of level portal.

Mother Boss
This boss is a huge fat blob with long arms that swipe at you. Jump over her
arms and shoot at them to blow them off as the rest of her is impervious.
Once you've blown them both off she grows new ones and Turok races for
cover as rocks fall from the ceiling. Blast her again on her new arms and run
back into cover when she sucks you out into the main area with the falling

When her arms have been blown off again her butt goes mental and she
grows new legs. Avoid her when she runs at you and blast her in the head
until she has enough and retreats from the fight and you warp back to the

Interlude: Back To Level Three
Make your way through the level, using the water marked by the breath of
life symbols for shortcuts and to pick up a bit of extra ammo and health and
return to Teleport Three. From Teleport Three, go left and you come to a
breath of life symbol near a bridge. Jump into the water from here and swim
down to find a tunnel. Follow the tunnel around and in the area where you
surface swim round to some land and two ladders leading up. Kill any
monsters that assail you and climb both ladders to get the third Primagen

Check the water for an ultra health and return to the tunnel and go through
to get back - you may need to use the torpedo launcher to beat the tunnel
and let the current take you back to dry land and a ladder. From here,
make your way to where you saw the inactive eye of truth platform (just
past Teleport Nine).

When you reach the eye of truth platform you can now see an extremely
thin bridge with health on it leading to an area you haven't been to yet.
Climb the short ladder ahead and kill the gunner to open the cage on the
right. Enter to collect a firestorm cannon, a flamethrower and a charge dart

Leave the cage and jump into the first hanging one, then leap from cage to
cage to collect the red health. Shoot the lock of the next cage for a pfm
layer and a grenade launcher. Kill the gunner north of the second cage and
walk along the wall to collect a red token. Jump from the wall to the ground
below where a line of yellow tokens leads to a gunner and shoot him then
blow the lock off the cage behind him to get a scorpion missile launcher and
then take the sinking log across to climb the tree and get back up to the wall
via the ladder. Return to the end of level portal and exit.

Interlude Two: Back To Level Five!
Enter the level five portal and make your way through to Teleport Eleven
then go back to the room where you saw the inactive eye of truth platform
(through an underwater tunnel and another teleport) and follow the new
platform, collecting health and red tokens into a tunnel at the top. Turn and
shoot the monster who snipes from above and follow the tunnel to another
walkway, collecting more yellow tokens and shooting a sniper on a platform
ahead. Shoot one more sniper on the platform you're heading for and
collect the fifth Primagen Key, then make your way to the end of level
portal and exit back to the hub.

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Solution for Turok 2: Seed's of Evil

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