Yoshi's Story

Yoshi's Story

18.10.2013 04:00:39
List with important locations (shy guys, hearts,..)

1-1: Get to the second part with Poochy. Go straight on the first
two splits in the roads. Go up on the third one. Shoot the "?"
ball and Shyguy will pop out.

1-2: Go the second part and find 4 white and blue moving platforms.
The "?" box there hides the shyguy.

1-3: Get to the third part and shoot the flying "?" ball.
Shyguy will pop out.

1-4: Get to the top of the building and get the umbrella. Float
down on the right of the building. Find the cannon that shoots
straight up with 2 blue blocks underneath destroy`em and walk
in to find a third blue block holding the White Shyguy.

2-1: Get to the second area and fall down past the "?" balls. Hit
the blue blocks to the right and get to the other side of them.
Get on top of the three blocks near them but not touching them.
Hit the very bottom one and a Shyguy will pop out.

2-2: After the second ball ride. Go in the blue tunnel. There should
be a red "?" ball floating in the sky. It will hold the White

2-3: Look for Poochy and sniff in his spot, when yoshi waves his
hands, pound the ground to reveal Blue and white platforms climb
up them to find a tunnel. Look for 3 blue blocks on the right
guarding a heart, one of the blocks will hold The white shy-guy.

2-4: Look for a sign that points off the screen, there should be a
blue box. Walk off the screen and Yoshi will come out of a pipe.
Hit the red "?" ball on the right to reveal a "!" ball. Use
your tongue to get on it and jump over the wall. Hit the next
"?" to find the shyguy.

3-1: Ride the big green Dragon until you find a "!" switch, hit it
to reveal clouds, go up the clouds to find a tunnel, go in to
find warp #3, 4 eggs, a switch card, and a "?" ball. The "?"
ball will have the shyguy.

3-2: Look for a banana and a melon, separated with a platform. The
melon should be near a Turbo Tulip and go to the far right with
your back against the wall. Eat the tulip and launch yourself
up to the first section by pressing the "B" button when your
Yoshi will change back and you can hit the "?" ball and the
shyguy will pop out.

3-3: In the section with warp #3. Go straight to the bottom pot.
Go to the first big blue "?" box, and smash it to release the
white shyguy.

3-4: Go to the second part and go to the boomerang birds. Jump over
the pit and look for blue blocks. Shyguys in one of them.

5-3: After your pass the cloud's raining rain you will see a ? mark
not too far away to the right. Pop the bubble and he's yours.



Heart #1 - On the second gameplay screen (page), free Poochy by
Ground Pounding the log attached to his chain. He will
run forward and lead you to the first Heart.

Heart #2 - Again, follow Poochy across the splitting paths to find
the next Heart. To get this one you will need to Flutter
Jump up to it, or use the Sniff-Sniff and Ground Pound
to unlock a platform that leads up to it.

Heart #3 - You know what to do. Follow Poochy through the winding
roads, and use Sniff-Sniff whenever he hints at something
hidden. Doing this in the right spot will unlock another
platform. On this ledge, use an egg to destroy the rock
holding the final Heart.

Letter Y - Right after the Chomp Chomp race, grab the heart in the
bubble, and the "Y" made out of coins will appear to the

LEVEL 2 - SURPRISE!! (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - Shortly after this level starts you will run into a
bubble holding a switch. Jump on the switch and jump
across the clouds that appear. At the end of this path
the Heart awaits.

Heart #2 - After Miss Warp #1 run to the right until you come
across a yellow tube surrounded by spiders. Sniff the
tube and then Ground Pound it; Heart #2 is yours.

Heart #3 - After Miss Warp #2 you will run across several "?"
Blocks and a Balloon with a "?" Ball. Destroy the
balloon and a strange ghostlike creature will appear,
giving you access to the skies. Ride him to the Heart.

Letter O - On the first segment, right after Miss Warp #1,
destroy the two rocks and shoot the balloon with
an egg. Your reward will be a pot. Jump in, complete
the fruit challenge, and a Tiny Heart will float
down. Eat it, and the coin "O" will appear to your

LEVEL 3 - RAIL LIFT (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - Mosey along and keep your eyes glued to the top of
the screen.Here, you will find a balloon with a "?"
Ball inside. Shoot it with an egg and a switch will
fall out. Jump on the switch and a series of "!"
Balls will appear. Follow these to Heart #1.

Heart #2 - This one is easy. Just after Miss Warp #3, a "?"
Ball is trapped in a balloon. Free it and Heart #2
will emerge.

Heart #3 - This one is located right after the second cloud
ride section.

Letter U - On the screen after the cloud rides, complete the
fruit challenge and a Tiny Heart will fall through
the sky. Grab it, and the "U" coins are there for
your taking.

LEVEL 4 - TOWER CLIMB (4 hearts)
Heart #1 - In the second "!" Ball room ascend the leftmost series
of balls. The first Heart is at the top of this climb.

Heart #2 - In the cloud segment where you need to use The Mysterious
Tulip power, launch up to the right. On the top and
rightmost cloud awaits Heart #2.

Heart #3 - In the wind room, launch up to the right. Hitting
Heart #3 is inevitable.

Letter A - Go up from Miss Warp #2 and tongue across the "!" Balls
to the left. Break the "?" Box and a pot will appear.
Inside is a fruit game. Complete this and a Tiny Heart
and the "A" coins will appear.


Heart #1 - Right now, it seems good ol' Poochy can do no wrong.
When you run into your canine friend, use Sniff-Sniff
to unearth the first Heart.

Heart #2 - After warping through the pot, go down, break the rocks,
and head right. Drop down to the bottom at the floating
platform section, and go to your left. Jump up to the Help
Icon and shoot the bubble next to it. Doing this will
present a switch. Jump on it, and you'll see the Heart
appear. Be quick when retrieving the Heart, because the
switch you just hit is on a timer. Go down and use the
"!" Ball to launch you to the Heart.

Heart #3 & Letter R - After picking up Heart #2, go up past the
floating platforms, and drop down the long hole to the
right. While falling, stick to the left and you'll enter
a cavern with Miss Warp #3 and a pot. Use the pot to get
to a special bonus fruit game and the letter "R". Now,
proceed on to the next section. Drop down, go to the left,
and ascend the "!" Balls. Ground Pound the "?" Block.
Before entering, make sure you have six Eggs with you.
Blast the rocks, and use your remaining Eggs on one of
the skeleton beasts. You'll need to use the Ground
Pound on the remaining two enemies. If your health
gets low there is a Flower on the platform above.
Once these guys are defeated, the Heart is yours.

White Shy Guy - After warping through the pot, go down and break
the rocks to the right. The White Shy Guy is located in
the lower and leftmost rock.

Black Yoshi - At Miss Warp #4, use The Mysterious Tulip on the left
to launch up to a hard-to-reach bubble. Shoot it down and
the Black Yoshi egg will bounce out.

LEVEL 6 - BLARGG'S BOILER (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - If you can't get this one, then you might as well give
up. The Heart is right out in the open just a few clicks
from the beginning. Jump on the bone above it, and ride
it down to the Heart.

Heart #2 - After Miss Warp #3, head to the right, and Heart #2 will
be out in the open again. Jump down and get it. Use your
Flutter Jump to get back.

Heart #3 - Just keep going to the right and you'll find this one as
well. Use the same technique for Heart #1 and you'll have
all the Hearts on this stage.

White Shy Guy & Letter E - Shortly after the second wooden lava ball,
jump in the blue tube. After completing the fruit bonus and
unlocking the Letter "E", go back a few steps, and look up
in the sky for a balloon with a "?" Ball. Inside is a White
Shy Guy.

LEVEL 7 - JELLY PIPE (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - This level is confusing so read carefully. On the first
segment go all the way to the right and fall down. Use your
Flutter Jump power to get you into a cubby hole on the left
(as you are falling). From here, fall again, and enter the
green door on the right. Poochy is in this section. If you
find him, he will show you where to use your Sniff-Sniff
power. Use it and three platforms will appear. Make sure
you have a few eggs with you when you get up to the top.
Break the rocks and Heart #1 is nothing but history.

Heart #2 - From the first heart, head back into the green door and
fall to the bottom. Thoroughly exploring this cavern will
reveal another door. Do not take it. Rather, go past it
and also pass by Miss Warp #2. At the end of your jaunt
you will find a pot. Jump inside, and defeat the slug
mini-boss. Your reward is Heart #2.

Heart #3 - Now, go back through the door you've been avoiding. This
will bring you back to the beginning. From here, go down,
pass by the goo and spikes, and at the fork in the road,
go down and push the "?" Box over to the right. Jump up
on it, and use your Flutter Jump to launch up to the
level above holding the last Heart.

Letter Y - Go to the screen holding Miss Warp #3. Now, this is the
tricky part. You'll need to eat enough melons so that a
Tiny Heart will appear. Eat the Heart then run to the
lower right-hand corner. The letter "Y" is waiting.

Heart #1 - From the start, head all of the way to the right, and
ascend the tower by using the heli-pad transports. When
you come across the ghost vapors jump into the small
opening to the right to find Heart #1.

Heart #2 - Enter the door to the right of Miss Warp #3. From here
go down through the waterfall segment. Use the "!" Balls
in the balloons to get you up to the cavern holding
Heart #2. Note: Bring six eggs for this event.

Heart #3 - From Miss Warp #4, jump up the ghost vapors to the
final Heart. Black Yoshi - From Miss Warp #3 go across
the vines and into the small cavern to find this valuable

White Shy Guy - From the beginning go up and to the left until you
can no longer do so. You should start your ascent next
to Miss Warp #1. Now, go to the right, and jump up to
the right (during the waterfall segment). Run straight
to the right and you'll exit the page. Here, you will
find a bubble holding a White Shy Guy.

Letter O - From Miss Warp #4 jump over to the secluded area containing
Poochy. Now, shoot an egg up the desired shaft. This action
will result in the growth of a Mystical Tulip at your feet.
From here, enter the door. Finally, shoot down all of the
balloons and the well hidden "O" will appear within seconds.


Heart #1 - Ascend the winding snakes and you'll come across a
series of clouds. Floating above these clouds is a
bubble. Shoot it down with an egg, and the first Heart
will be revealed.

Heart #2 - Before jumping on the dragon, ascend the cloud stairs
and enter the red tube (next to Miss Warp #2). Jump on
all of the clouds, avoid the bees, and use your Sniff-Sniff
power. The Heart is hidden in the first cloud to the left.
The other clouds hold coins.

Heart #3 & Letter S - At the dragon segment make sure you have six
eggs. Jump on the dragon and keep an eye out for a
floating "?" Box Sign. Shoot it with an egg, and a series
of cloud stairs will appear. Ascend them and jump in the
pot. From here, continue shooting down the "?" Box Signs,
and at the top of the clouds you will find the Letter "S"
and the final Heart.

Boss 1 - Cloud N. Candy
Strategy: Just eat this guy. Use your tongue to suck his
life away.

LEVEL 10 - THE TALL TOWER (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - Halfway up the first spring climb, look to the right for
Heart #1.

Letter H & Heart #2 - In the second segment, go past the first two
leaf gliders and pop the balloon holding a "?" Ball.
Inside you will find a pot and a race that will reward
you with a Tiny Heart and Letter "H". After this, enter
the exiting pot and go to the right. On this leaf glider
aim upward and you'll hit Heart #2.

Heart #3 - Enter the spinning yarn ball section, and go up. When
you see the deformed bat, jump over to the right. Drop
down and you'll land on the Heart.

Boss 2 - Inviso
Strategy: This guy is a chameleon. He disappears, and
you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for any signs of
him. When he reappears, shoot eggs to take him down.
If your egg supply runs low, eat the birds for more.
Staying in one spot works best.

LEVEL 11 - POOCHY & NIPPY (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - On the first set of moving beams jump up onto the "!"
Ball for Heart #1.

Heart #2 - On the second set of moving beams, shoot the rocks to
unveil Heart #2.

Heart #3 - From the second section, follow Poochy's advice as to
which pot to enter. Then, at the third bird segment,
ride on a feathered friend to Heart #3.

Letter I - Right at the beginning you will need to complete a
fruit game to win the Letter "I".

White Yoshi - From the beginning take all of the top pot exits.
Then, in one section you will see Poochy at the bottom
of the screen. Go into the next red tube you see and
you will be rewarded with the White Yoshi.

Boss 3 - Cloudjin
Strategy: Shoot the hot air out of this boss by hitting
him three times with egg blasts. Watch your step though.

LEVEL 12 - FRUSTRATION (4 hearts)
Heart #1 - Simply ride the first wheel to the second bubble. Shoot
it with an egg and Heart #1 will appear.

Heart #2 - Just after Miss Warp #3, shoot the two rocks and the
bubble to unlock Heart #2.

Heart #3 - After the large rock structure shoot the bubble next
to a series of fruit to find the last Heart.

Letter 'S - Complete the second coin game to unlock the "'S".

White Shy Guy - A little ways after Miss Warp #3, shoot the third
rock from the right on the large structure guarded by a
snake to find a White Shy Guy.

Boss 4 - Don Bongo
Strategy: Throw pans at his lips and this bruiser is


LEVEL 13 - JUNGLE HUT (1 heart)
Heart #1 - Go all the way to the top of the level. To the far left
the Heart awaits. Jump off the ledge above the Heart and
use your Flutter Jump ability to veer over to the Heart.

Heart #2 - Now, head down and to the right. Eventually, you will
run into The Mysterious Tulip. Grab its power, then angle
to the right. If you aim in the perfect direction, you
will ricochet off the wall and hit Heart #2.

Heart #3 - After grabbing Heart #2 go down even further. Destroy
the four rocks and take the pipe into a different zone.
Here, you can either go across the roof or pass by the
danger below. In the returning tube you will find
Heart #3.

White Shy Guy - At the very bottom of the stage there are four rocks
blocking your way. Destroy the top left block and you will
find a White Shy Guy.

Letter G - Trek down to the bottom and go to the right (onto the
next page). Here, you should find tons of spiders, Miss
Warp #4, and a "!" Switch up top. Hit the Switch and
fall to the bottom. The "G" is waiting.

LEVEL 14 - JUNGLE PUDDLE (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - Walk to the right and you will run into a "?" Ball
trapped within a bubble. Use an egg to pop it and
Heart #1 is yours.

Heart #2 - Just before Miss Warp #2, jump into the water and you
should have no problem finding Heart #2.

Heart #3 - From Miss Warp #4 go back a few steps and you'll find
the final Heart on one of the topmost platforms.

Letter R - The segment containing the red fish also holds a pipe
in the water. Find it and enter. Complete the fruit
challenge and the letter "R" will appear.

LEVEL 15 - PIRANHA GROVE (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - On the second page kill the first flying plant, then
jump up to the cloud and Heart.

Heart #2 - At the end of page 2 (the long ascent) shoot the bubble
to unlock Heart #2.

Heart #3 - From Heart #2, follow the coin path down to a hidden
pot. Pass by the wooden balls and thorns and Heart #3
awaits. Letter E - On the page with Miss Warp #3, look
in the sky while riding the third wooden ball. You should
see a pot sooner or later. Jump to it, complete the fruit
challenge and you know the rest.

LEVEL 16 - NEURON JUNGLE (4 hearts)
Heart #1 - Stomp the head of the first red slug creature to open a
passage to Heart #1.

Heart #2 - From Heart #1 descend this section further and you will
eventually run right into Heart #2.

Heart #3 - On the second page jump along the platforms, and shoot
the second bubble to access the final Heart.

Letter A & White Shy Guy - From the first section, locate the tube
(near the bottom) and beat the fruit challenge to get
your greedy paws on the letter "A". The White Shy Guy is
hidden in a balloon at the end of the challenge.


LEVEL 17 - LOTS O' JELLY FISH (1 heart)
Heart #1 - Once you've gotten your Yoshi wet, go to the right and
enter the first cavern you run across. Dodge the jelly
fish, and the Heart is in the lower right-hand corner.

Heart #2 - This Heart is easy to find just like the first. In the
same water segment, stay along the bottom. Sooner or later
there will be a gap that will take you down to the Heart.
Avoid the fish and jellies, and you should have no problem
getting it.

Heart #3 - In the next swimming segment use the same technique you
used for Heart #2 and you'll find Heart #3.

Letter T & White Shy Guy - In the second segment stick along the
surface and you will eventually run into a yellow tube.
Enter it, and complete the fruit challenge. The letter "T"
and a bubble with a White Shy Guy are waiting at the end.

LEVEL 18 - LOTS O' FISH (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - Enter the first yellow tube you see on the seabed. Eat
all of the fish and Heart #1 is just a backstroke away.

Heart #2 - At the green tube on the seabed go to the immediate left
to find the Heart.

Heart #3 - At the end of the level look in the sky for a bubble
containing the final Heart.

Letter P - Beat the fruit challenge at the end of the level and
the "P" is yours. White Shy Guy - Enter the first red
tube on the top. Sneak past the bees and destroy the
bubble to unlock a White Shy Guy.

LEVEL 19 - SHY GUY LIMBO (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - Shortly after the second Koopa cloud rider appears,
continue right and after passing by two Yellow Shy Guys
(holding limbo sticks), jump up onto the cliff on the
right and turn around. Behind you a "?" Box Sign will
float down. Hit it with an egg and Heart #1 will magically

Heart #2 - On the second segment the road will get a little choppy.
Jump across the platforms and use your Sniff-Sniff power
to unlock Heart #2.

Heart #3 - On the second segment, four flying Red Shy Guys will
cross your path. Go past them (eat them if you like),
then jump up onto the next cloud. Continue on the cloud
path to the right and you'll find Heart #3.

Letter A - When you come to a pit guarded by two tear jerking goons,
jump on the furthest one and launch up to the cloud. Or
shoot down the Koopa and steal his cloud cart. Now, enter
the tube and complete the fruit challenge to unlock the
letter "A".

White Shy Guy - On the second segment, pass by the Egg Block and
shoot the balloon. A White Shy Guy is inside.

LEVEL 20 - SHY GUY'S SHIP (4 hearts)
Heart #1 - Hit the third rock in the first structure you see to
unlock Heart #1.

Heart #2 - On the bird segment shoot the rocks to get at Heart #2.

Heart #3 - To the right of Miss Warp #4, shoot the second rock under
a cannon to reveal the final Heart.

White Shy Guy - Next to the first yellow pipe in the rock segment you
will find a White Shy Guy buried within the topmost rock
to the left.

Letter R - On the second page, enter the first blue tube(without a
cannon) to access a fruit game and the letter "R".


LEVEL 21 - MECHA CASTLE (1 heart)
Heart #1 - After you pass by the first two swords and arrive at a
platform with a banana above it, jump out to the left
and grab the "!" Ball. Run past the next sword and grab
Heart #1.

Heart #2 - Just past the first gears you will find a "!" Switch
to the left. Run to the left, shoot the "!" Icon and
jump up the "!" Balls that appear. Enter the pot and
run past the Black Shy Guys to Heart #2.

Heart #3 - In segment two, fall down through the third wooden
spinner. Jump over to the right and the Heart is yours.

Letter T - From Heart #3's position, enter the next pot you see.
Now, go up past the spikes and when you see an opening
to the left - take it. Use the Mysterious Tulip power
to launch up to another pot. In here you will be
challenged to a fruit game. Beat it and the "T" will
be added to your stash.

LEVEL 22 - LIFT CASTLE (2 hearts)
Heart #1 - From the start go to the left, and at the top of your
climb go into the tube. Now, use the umbrella to glide
over to the left. You should run right into the heart.

Heart #2 & Key - From Heart #1, head back to the start, over to
the left again, and enter the door next to the yellow
tube you accessed before. Kill the bat, and you will
receive the Key. Now, use the Key on the door. Go
through the next segment. Then at Miss Warp #3, bounce
straight up off the ball to reach the Heart.

Heart #3 - On the last page shoot the bubble next to Miss Warp #4,
and the final Heart is yours.

Letter N - Beat the fruit challenge on the last page and this
valuable letter is all yours!

LEVEL 23 - GHOST CASTLE (3 hearts)
Note: To complete this level you will need to follow all of the
strategies in order.

Key 1 - Go to the right and enter the door. Now, go left and jump
into the yellow tube. The Key is waiting on the ledge.

Heart #1 - From the first key, re-enter the tube you came from and
go up to the first locked door on the left. The Heart
is in the third rock from the left.

Key 2 & Heart #2 - Now, go back to the room where you first used
Key 1. Enter the top door on the left, ascend the flying
ghosts, and go to the left for Key 2, and to the right
for Heart #2.

Heart #3 - Finally, go back to the room where you first used a Key,
and use your new Key on the door to the right. Hunt down
the block that is identical to the one Poochy is standing
on. Use the Ground Pound on the block to unearth the Heart.

Letter E - From the beginning, enter the door to the right. Jump up
one platform and shoot the bubble. Hit the "!" Switch and
tongue grab across the bubbles and up into the tube.
Complete the fruit challenge and the "E" will appear.

LEVEL 24 - MAGMA CASTLE (3 hearts)
Heart #1 - From Miss Warp #2 go to the right and ascend the lava
platforms. You should have no problem finding this Heart.

Heart #2 - At the pipe that takes you to the last segment go right
(don't go up the pipe though). Crawl under the spikes
and avoid the nasty yarn ball to win your prize. You'll
also find Miss Warp #3 trapped in this room.

Key & Heart #3 - A little ways past Miss Warp #2 you will stumble
upon a door. Enter it and annihilate the slugs. Your
reward is the Key. Now, work your way up to Miss Warp #3
or Miss Warp #2 and use her power to travel back to Miss
Warp #1. Open the door and kill the four evil creatures.
The last Heart will appear after this event.

Letter R - From Miss Warp # 3 go down to the ball room. Collect
enough melons and the letter "R" will appear on one of
the many platforms. Hey, you collected all the letters!
Check to see what it spells. Yippee!

Boss 5 - Baby Bowser
Strategy: Grab the Bombs and launch them at the spikes
on the ceiling, then shoot a bomb at Bowser when he's
down. It's a piece of cake!

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List with important locations (shy guys, hearts,..)

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