Choo Choo Rocket!

Choo Choo Rocket!

05.10.2013 19:06:04
FAQ for Chu Chu Rocket!
sonic team
presents ___________________________________________
/ ______ ______ /
/ /_ __/______ /_ __/______ /
/ __/ /_ /___ / ____ __/ /_ /___ / ____ /
/ /_ __/____/ /_/___//_ __/____/ /_/___/ /
/ /_/ /_______/ _/_/ /_______/ /____
/___________ ______ / /____ __ __ /
/ / ___ / / __ _/_ _ __ / / / / /
/ / / / / /_/ / / ///// // \ / / /
/ / /__/ / / / __/ // /\/ /_/ /
/ /______/ /_/ /___//_/ /_/ /
/_________________ _____________/
\ \
chu-chu \ \
rocket \ \
\ \
\ faq &
\ walkthrough

chu-chu rocket!
faq & walkthrough
by jt.kauffman

00.table of contents
02.getting started
03.battle modes
**facts about:
**? Chu-Chu effects:
04.stage challenge mode
05.puzzle mode
06.puzzle edit mode
**how to:
**file command translations:
**getting set up:
**screen translations:
**hidden modes/characters:
**vmu saves:
**clear controller set:
**release info:
**chu-chu! online:


chu-chu rocket! is a fast-paced, four-player puzzle game by Sonic Team,
the makers of the Sonic the Hedgehog series and NiGHTs. Announced during
the 'Four from Sonic Team' series of press releases, chu-chu rocket! was
released in Japan on 11.11.11 (11.11.99 on the Roman calender) amidst a
fairly heavy marketing campaign. Clocking in at a mere 2800 yen (about
US$26), or 4800 yen (US$45) with a limited edition clear orange
controller, the game is a blast, whether you're playing the 4 Player
Battle Mode with four friends, or attempting the Puzzle Mode by

this document will help get people who have imported the game started,
as well as giving working solutions for the Puzzle Mode and Stage
Challenge Mode stages. It is a work in process, and should be considered
as such.

02.getting started


the gameplay is simple. The object is to get the Chu-Chus (aka.
mice)into their rocket, sensibly named the Chu-Chu Rocket. When the
stage starts, the mice will begin to run from pre-set points on the
screen. Much like lemmings, the mice follow each other. Upon hitting a
wall, they will turn right (unless there is a wall directly to their
right, in which case they will turn left). Kapu-Kapu (aka. cats) stalk
the screen, moving exactly like the mice, but twice as slow. The cats
will eat the mice if they hit each other, and will damage the Chu-Chu
Rocket if they hit it.

in the battle modes of the game, you will find three variations of Chu-
Chus. The first is the normal blue and white Chu-Chu, which is by far
the most common variety. Next is the pink and red ? Chu-Chu, which, upon
reaching a rocket, will randomly select a different game-play option.
Finally, the rare gold 50 Chu-Chus are worth, as their name implies, 50
regular Chu-Chus.

the board set-up is pretty simple as well. First off, in the top left
corner, is a timer. Beneath that is another timer, but one that is
measured in rockets instead of seconds. At the bottom of the screen is
either a row of counters (battle modes), a list of available arrows
(puzzle mode), or nothing (stage challenge mode). The rest of the screen
is filled with a 12x9 checkered grid that serves as the main playfield.

Chu-Chu Rocket or green octogon, depending on which player you are>
Hatch the Chu-Chus & Kapu-Kapu come out of>
Chao these hidden characters will replace the Chu-Chus if
Nightopians these hidden characters will replace the Chu-Chus if


the control scheme in chu-chu! is rather simple, and is fairly
intuitive. there are four major control schemes used; normal
(battle/puzzle), options select, edit, and online. I have listed the
controls in this order below.

--normal (used for all of the gameplay sections of the game, including
battle and puzzle):

Analog Stick: move cursor around the screen (faster than D-pad)
D-pad: move cursor around the screen
Start: pause
X button: place an up arrow in the selected space
Y button: place a left arrow in the selected space
B button: place a right arrow in the selected space
A button: place a down arrow in the selected space
L trigger: reset stage (puzzle only)
R trigger: once: start stage (puzzle only)
twice: speed up stage [dash] (puzzle only)

--options select (used for most out-of-game screens):

Analog Stick: move cursor around the screen
D-pad: move cursor around the screen
Start: accept currently selected item
A button: accept currently selected item
L trigger: switch between modes
R trigger: switch between modes

--edit (used in Puzzle Edit mode):

Analog Stick: move cursor around the screen
D-pad: move cursor around the screen
Start: pauses game
X button: place item facing up in the selected space
Y button: place item facing left in the selected space
B button: place item facing right in the selected space
A button: place item facing down in the selected space
L trigger: move down in the commands list
R trigger: move up in the commands list

[note: some of the uses of the A, B, X, & Y buttons vary with
different commands. See the Puzzle Edit section of this FAQ for more

--online (used in Homepage mode):

not included in this FAQ. (as the Homepage mode is simply a variation of
the DreamPassport browser, and other documents already go into this
program, I will not include the controls here. Please visit and search for general Dreamcasts FAQs (there are
DreamPassport FAQs contained within) if you wish to have more
information on the subject)


while the game isn't really that hard to figure out, the menus are all
in katakana, so those who lack even minor Japanese language skills may
be a bit confused at first. The following is a rough translation of what
each screen actually says in English. In all of the screens, the Analog
Stick/D-pad is used to move between the options, while the A
button/Start button is used to confirm selections, the Start button is
used to move to the next screen, and the B button is used to go back one

--main game select screen:
4 player battle (1~4P)
team battle (1~4P)
stage challenge (1~2P)
puzzle (1P)
puzzle edit (1P)
network (1~4P)

--options screen:
all mode options
4 player battle, team battle options
reset all to default options

--all mode options screen:
BGM test <00>
SE test <000>
reset to default options

note: when starting the game, only the normal (Chu-Chu) characters
are available. The two ? characters, Chao (first ?) and
Nightopian (second ?) are only accessable after beating Stage
Challenge and/or Puzzle modes.

--4 player battle, team battle options screen:
play time <1.2.3> minutes
# of games <> (needed to win)
reset to default options

--records screen:
stage challenge
-total time 00:00 0 number of clears

--pause screen:

--battle mode screens (4 player & team):
[first screen]:
player 1 player 2 player 3 player 4
human human human human
computer computer computer computer
weak (default)
dislikes cats
likes mice

*note: the pulldown menu (weak, etc.) is the same for all players.

[second screen]:
the ? mark stage is Random

;press the L and R triggers to scroll through the different modes;

*note: the points are the number of matches that you must win to win
the overall game.

*note: in the first screen, there must be at least one human player,
and you can only select human if there is a controller of some sort
in that port on the DC. also note that you don't have to actually be
able to _play_ the game with the controller in the latter part (eg.
having the Dreamcast Gun plugged in will allow you to select
'human' for the port it is plugged into...

--puzzle mode screen:

;press the L and R triggers to scroll through the different modes;

*hidden modes: to unlock each, beat all 25 stages on the mode
directly to the left of it.

--puzzle edit mode screen:

please see the Puzzle Edit mode section (06) for info and

note: as the 'help' menu is all in Japanese, and this document is
basically going to be the English equivilent of it, I won't be providing
translations for it.
note: any other section not listed is under development.

03.battle modes

one of the main two modes in chu-chu!, battle mode (and it's variations)
is a four-player (either human or computer) Chu-Chu fest that is a blast
to play. the gameplay is simple: get the most Chu-Chus in your rocket
(differentiated by color), while avoiding the Kapu-Kapus, to win.

this mode is played in a first to X games won manner. the default number
is three, but this can be changed by pressing the L and R triggers in
the level select screen, or in the options screen (see section
02.screens for more info). the default game length is 3 minutes,
although this can also be changed.

both 4 Player Battle and Team Battle modes use this Battle mode layout;
in 4 Player, it's every player for himself, but in Team there are
red/blue & yellow/green teams. also, there are no 50 Chus in Team mode
(to my knowledge).

**facts about battle mode:

-each player can place three arrows at a time. After the third is
placed, the next arrow placed will cancel out the first one that was
placed, and so on.
-arrows will disappear after a while (15-20 seconds or so). They will
flash before doing so.
-cats (Kapu-Kapu) will eat 1/3 of the mice (Chu-Chus) in a rocket if
they enter it.

**? Chu-Chu effects:

these effects are dished out by the Chus with question marks over their
heads. all of the effects are temporary, and are listed in the order
that they appear on the spinning selector.

[name] [effect] [color]
chu2 fever!!: lots of really fast regular & 50 chus. (pink)
neko fever!!: only Kapu-Kapu from the hatches. (blue)
^o okinaose!: stops time for a few seconds. (orange)
minna-hikkoshi: switch rocket placements. (yellow)
speed up: really, really fast mice. (red)
speed down: slow mice. (purple)
chu2 hitorijime!: chus automatically fly to your rocket (light pink)
neko present!: a cat to each of your enemies. (green)

*note: when using Chao as your characters, the ? Chao are black, not
pink and red, as the Chu-Chus are.

04.stage challenge mode

stage challenge mode is a sort of cross between the puzzle and battle
modes. playable by one or two people, each stage challenge board has a
set prerequisite that you must complete within 30 seconds. records are
also kept for this mode, so the faster that you complete the stages, the
better. below is a listing of the objects of each stage, and hints for
each (hints are given using the 1a - 9l grid fashion used in 04.puzzle
mode). also, unlike puzzle mode that has a limited number of solutions
for each stage, there are many ways to complete the stages in this mode;
hints for only one solution will be given.

time is kept for stage challenge mode - if you better your time on a
single stage, the overall total will decrease... Right now, I am not
aware of anything special that is opened up by getting a certain total

basically, the object is determined by the letter of the stage;
stages Ax & Bx require you to get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket,
stages Cx require you to have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus,
stages Dx require you to get 100 Chu-Chus into the rocket, and
stages Ex require you to get more Kapu-Kapu into the yellow/green team's
rockets than they get into yours.
The Final stage (Fin) has it's own requirement: get 100 Chus into your
rocket before your opponent does (plays like Battle mode).

stage A1

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: a fairly simple stage, the only real thing that you have to
worry about is the hole in the bottom right of the screen.
hints: try <=7c, ^=7b, >=3b, and v=2d.

stage B1

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: the '1999' stage, this is also really simple, although a cat is
hints: v=3b to keep the Kapu-Kapu contained should buy you all the time
you need.

stage C1

object: have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus.
notes: yes, the roles in this stage are flipped; your object is to kill
the Chu-Chus instead of eating them.
hints: let the Kapu-Kapu take out the top and bottom rows of Chu-Chus
on his own, then direct him to the middle row using a few

stage D1

object: get 100 Chu-Chus into the rocket
hints: two well placed arrows, at v=3b and v=6a, should do the trick.
just make sure that you replace them when they disappear, and
don't worry about the Kapu-Kapus in this stage...

stage E1

object: get more Kapu-Kapu into the yellow/green team's rockets than
they get into yours
notes: an odd stage, you need to destroy your opponents rockets using
Kapu-Kapu. Each team starts with 20 on their meter, and each
Kapu-Kapu will subtract one.
hints: placing > arrows to the immediate left of the hatches (4e & 6e,
as well as 5e for safety) should be about all you really need

stage A2

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: this is a fun stage (sarcasm intended). Even when you know what
you're doing it's not easy (for one person - two would probably
be better).
hints: there are 12 blocks with trapped Chu-Chus, and two of them are
kind of off the same route as the others. take are of those
first. place v=6h and <=8g to get all of the Chu-Chus on the
same route, then do v=3b, v=6b, ^=8e, >=8c, ^=7e, ^=4e, >=2f,
>=2i, v=3k, v=6v, and finally v=7k.

stage B2

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: this stage isn't as hard as it looks...
hints: first, a general hint: trap the Kapu-Kapus. now for a solution..
you'll notice that there are four areas with trapped Chu-Chus in
them. First, direct the Chu-Chus from the upper left to the
lower left using a v=3b and the Chu-Chus from the lower right to
the upper right using ^=7k. Now, trap the Kapu-Kapu using <=2e
and <=3e (you might want to get rid of the 3b arrow first).
Next, do >=8c & ^=8g, then <=2k & v=2f to save the Chu-Chus.

stage C2

object: have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus
hints: simply direct the Kapu-Kapu into the Chu-Chu flow using and up
arrow, and have him munch away. For a good time, reverse his
direction so that he's running into the Chu-Chus instead of the
other way around.

stage D2

object: get 100 Chu-Chus into the rockets
notes: this is the first stage that features a wrap-around screen.
hints: a fairly simple level once you figure it out, three well-placed
and maintained arrows should do the trick here. one at >=5a, one
at ^=6g, and one at ^=6j.

stage E2

object: get more Kapu-Kapu into the yellow/green team's rockets than
they get into yours
hints: this is probably one where you'll simply need to win by having a
better score; don't go for all-out 20 Kapu-Kapu destruction...

stage A3

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: although this looks tough due to the almost random placement of
the walls, it's not...
hints: three arrows will do the trick here: v=6i, >=8i, and v=8j.

stage B3

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
hints: first, get rid of the Kapu-Kapu using three ^ arrows, one placed
anywhere that's not blocked in the Kapu-Kapu's paths. Next,
place v=1i, and then do ^=6e.

stage C3

object: have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus
notes: this is the 'chu chu' stage.
hints: first, round up all the Chu-Chus for easy eating. place <=5i, <=
3h, <=8h, <=5e, v=5c, and v=4c. This should direct all of them
to the lower 'c'. This should also put the Kapu-Kapu down there,
which will result in many Chu-Chu ghosts.

stage D3

object: get 100 Chu-Chus into the rockets
notes: this is the first D stage that you really have to worry about
the Kapu-Kapus, albeit not that much...
hints: there are four places that you can put arrows here: <=2f/3f, >=
2g/3g, <=7f/8f, and >=7g/8g. Basically, if you're going for a
good time, try to avoid putting them near the hatches that have
just produced a Kapu-Kapu. Other than that, the Kapu-Kapus are
annoying, but you should still be fine.

stage E3

object: get more Kapu-Kapu into the yellow/green team's rockets than
they get into yours
hints: no real hints here other than make sure that the arrows that you
place direct the Kapu-Kapu away from your rockets and to the
yellow/green rockets...

stage A4

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: this is a stage that you need to be fast on, but it's not that
hints: First of all, place ^=9i and ^=9c. Next, place >=3a, then
finally quickly place v=3f.

stage B4

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: this is more of a keep away the Kapu-Kapu stage...
hints: first, do <=2b, <=5b, and <=8b. Next, place v=1a to stall the
Kapu-Kapu. After that, to <=2e, <=5e, and <=8e. Replace the
Kapu-Kapu arrow at <=1d. Now, do <=8k, then <=2h, <=5h, and <=
8h. Redo the Kapu-Kapu arrow at <=1i. Finally, do <=2k and <=5k.

stage C4

object: have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus
notes: this is basically an avoid-the-holes stage.
hints: place the arrows in this order, quickly: <=3b, v=1d, >=2d and
v=2f. Reverse the direction of the Kapu-Kapu if you want after
he's started his meal. You should be set!

stage D4

object: get 100 Chu-Chus into the rockets
notes: this looks like a tough stage, but is really, really easy.
hints: first, note that there isn't a barrier at the left edge of 5a,
which means that if a Chu-Chu goes through there, he ends up on
the other side of the screen, rather close to the Rockets. Take
care of the Kapu by getting it stuck in one of the infinate
circle loops in the stage. Next, simply direct the Chu-Chus down
and off the side of the screen, and down into the rocket on the
other side. Cake.

stage E4

object: get more Kapu-Kapu into the yellow/green team's rockets than
they get into yours
hints: nothing real hard here, just direct the Kapu-Kapu into the
yellow/green rockets, and watch out for where the computer is
placing arrows, and counter them.

stage A5

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: another tough stage, you occasionally have to be blazing fast
hints: as you might be able to see, there are a few places in this
stage where you can get the Chu-Chus running in circles. Use
these to your advantage - place the first two arrows that you
need in each leg of the stage, then place the third one, letting
the Chu-Chus out. There are a few legs of the journey that
you'll need 4 or more arrows, but by placing the first two
beforehand, you'll be saving yourself some time. Just be sure
that you don't mistakenly erase arrows that you still need...

stage B5

object: get all of the Chu-Chus into the rocket
notes: another stage that can be tough if you let it....
hints: this one isn't that hard if you know how. First, place <=2h to
redirect all of the Kapu-Kapus, then >=3c & >=3d to re-direct
the Chu-Chus. After the Kapus have all hit the arrow, place <=8b
to get them to loop. Next, hit ^=8d & ^=9d to get the Chu-Chus
away from the Kapu-Kapus. Finally, route the Chus into the
rocket however is easiest - you should have a good bit of time
left, and the Kapus shouldn't be a problem... It does take some
precision arrowing, and is a fairly quick stage, all things

stage C5

object: have the Kapu-Kapu eat all of the Chu-Chus
notes: not tough, but a fast, precise stage...
hints: OK. here, be fast, but not too fast, or you'll wipe out arrows
that you still need... precision is very important as well...
too... the arrows, in order, are: ^=8b, <=6b, ^=4b, <=2b, v=1d,
v=5e, >=7e, v=7f, >=8f. Now, wait until he's finished eating all
of the Chu-Chus, and do: ^=8h, ^=6i, ^=4h, ^=2i, then let him
eat. Now, do v=2k, <=3k, >=7j, and v=7k. Let him eat, and you
should be done!

stage D5

object: get 100 Chu-Chus into the rockets
notes: this one you _have_ to avoid the Kapu-Kapus, or you're toast.
hints: OK. this one isn't too tough if you stay on your toes. first,
place >=4b and ^=4c, d, or e. Next, place >=6h. Now, place your
cursor on 5h and wait for the Kapu-Kapu. When you see it come
out of the hatch that you've placed the arrows by, place >=5h so
that it moves into the second repeating row. Now re-place the
other arrows, and make sure that you don't let them disappear.
You should be set (in a few tries, or so - it's not as easy as
it sounds...)

stage Fin

object: get 100 more Chu-Chus into your rocket than your opponent
within 1:00.
notes: only available after you beat the first 24 Stage Challenge
stages. aka. Final.
hints: this was stupidly easy. I just sat there for the first 20
seconds, as the computer was directing more Chus into my Rockets
than it's own Rockets. Eventually, a Chu-Chu Fever hit, and I
simply directed the two bottom hatches into my Rocket. All in
all, it's do-able in only a few seconds if you just watch for a
Chu2 Fever...

05.puzzle mode

one of the two ways that chu-chu rocket! really shines is it's puzzle
mode. With puzzles ranging from simple to nearly devilish, it's quite a
good play for a single player. While I only had trouble with a couple of
stages, I am providing working solutions for all stages for those who
may be stuck. Please note that whaat follows in this section are out-
and-out spoilers of the game, and it is recommended that you only use
this section as a last resort. Before I get into the solutions, though,
I will provide a few quick hints for how to tackle puzzle mode:

-don't be afraid to run the stage a couple of times. If you can't
picture how the Chu-Chus will run, just start the stage without any
arrows down - you can always reset by pressing the L trigger, and you
aren't penalised at all for doing so (nor are you penalised for
failing a stage).
-arrows will reverse an unlimited number of Chu-Chus, but will only
reverse Kapu-Kapu twice; after the first time, the arrow will
shrink, but still function, and after the second time, the arrow will

note: there may be more than one working solution to a puzzle - when
known, multiple solutions are listed


key: ^=up arrow
v=down arrow
>=right arrow
<=left arrow

solutions are provided using the following grid manner:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

stage 1
^=9b, 9d, 9f, 9h, or 9j

stage 2
v=1e or 1h

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5

stage 6

stage 7

stage 8

stage 9
<=2e, 4e, 6e, or 8e
<=2i, 4i, 6i, or 8i

stage 10
^=8c, 8e, 8f, 8g, 8i, or 8j

stage 11

stage 12

stage 13

stage 14

stage 15

stage 16

stage 17

stage 18

stage 19

stage 20

stage 21

stage 22

stage 23

stage 24

stage 25


key: ^=up arrow
v=down arrow
>=right arrow
<=left arrow

solutions are provided using the following grid manner:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

stage 1

stage 2
>=5c or 5e

stage 3

stage 4
>=9a or 9b

stage 5

stage 6

stage 7

stage 8

stage 9

stage 10

stage 11

stage 12

stage 13

stage 14

stage 15

stage 16
<=2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, or 6b

stage 17

stage 18

stage 19

stage 20

stage 21

stage 22

stage 23

stage 24

stage 25


key: ^=up arrow
v=down arrow
>=right arrow
<=left arrow

solutions are provided using the following grid manner:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

stage 1

stage 2

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5

stage 6
v=1a, 3a, 5a, or 7a

stage 7

stage 8

stage 9

stage 10

stage 11

stage 12

stage 13

stage 14

stage 15

stage 16

stage 17

stage 18

stage 19

stage 20

stage 21

stage 22

stage 23

stage 24

stage 25


key: ^=up arrow
v=down arrow
>=right arrow
<=left arrow

solutions are provided using the following grid manner:

a b c d e f g h i j k l

stage 1

stage 2

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5

stage 6

stage 7

stage 8

stage 9

stage 10

stage 11

stage 12

stage 13

stage 14

stage 15

stage 16

stage 17

stage 18

stage 19

stage 20

stage 21

stage 22

stage 23

stage 24

stage 25


this section is impossible to list solutions for, as you will create the
puzzles on your own. it is included merely for completeness' sake.


first off, please note that the only puzzles that I will list solutions
for are official Sega/Sonic Team puzzles.

in order to get the downloadable files, log online as if you're going to
play the game (don't go to the homepage) and look for a server named
ChuChu. Log onto that server, and you should see a red VMU icon. Click
on the icon and you should see a list of 25 VMU files - each one is a
level, and is three VMU blocks. As far as anyone has figured out, you
have to download them one... at... a... time...

currently, however, I have yet to figure out how to get the downloaded
to load correctly- I have the files (well, a couple of the files), but
they're showing up as blanks... more on this as I fiddle around with
them more... anyway, for more info on getting signed onto the chu2!
servers, see

06.puzzle edit mode

in addition to it's excellent (and increasingly difficult) Puzzle mode,
chu-chu rocket! includes a Puzzle Edit mode so that you can create your
own devilish puzzles. This mode, while being rather cool, is also by far
the most difficult to navigate without knowing Japanese. This section of
my FAQ, however, should help you get started on your own puzzles...

**how to:

Upon selecting Puzzle Edit mode from the Mode Select screen, you'll have
to wait while the game checks the saved levels. If there is a data saved
in a level's slot, it will be show as an empty blue circle - no data
will be a solid red one. After that is done, you'll be presented with a
blank board to create your level on.

The screen is fairly easy to navigate. Start still pauses the game, the
d-pad/analogue stick still moves your cursor around the playfield. The L
& R triggers are now used to rotate through a list of eight commands,
and the A, B, X & Y buttons are used for slightly different things
depending on which command is selected. Below is a list of the commands
(shown on-screen on the left hand side from mid-screen to the bottom of
the screen), as well as what each button does for that command (shown at
the bottom of the screen).

file -> A:clear current level, B:erase saved level, X:load saved
level, Y:save current level (see 'file command
translation' section below for more details).
test -> A:start, B:stop, X:start/speed up
wall -> A:v wall, B:> wall, X:< wall, Y:^ wall
mouse -> A:v mouse, B:> mouse, X:< mouse, Y:^ mouse
cat -> A:v cat, B:> cat, X:< cat, Y:^ cat
arrow -> A:v arrow, B:> arrow, X:< arrow, Y:^ arrow
goal -> A:place/remove, B:remove
hole -> A:place/remove, B:remove

[note: for mice and cats, the animals will be facing the
direction that the arrow is pointing. For walls, the wall will be
along the edge that the arrow is pointing to. For arrows, the arrow
will be pointing in the direction that the arrow is pointing (duh).

Once you've placed everything to your hearts content, select the test
command to test it. If it succeeds, a small dark-blue box will appear in
the very bottom left saying "Save OK" - this doesn't mean that the level
has been saved, but that it can now be saved by pressing the Y button
while having the File command selected.

Note that the arrows obviously won't appear where you put them on the
board, but down at the bottom of the screen, as is the same with all of
the Puzzle stages. You don't have to put the arrow where you've
specified, but keep in mind that every arrow that you place will become
availble to the player when the stage is actually played, so don't put
arrows at every possible solution...

Saved games can be played in Puzzle mode by selecting 'original', the
second-to-last stage set (press L/R to scroll through the sets).

**file command translations:

The File command is very easy to get mixed up on if you can't read
Japanese, partly due to it's odd button layout. This section, while not
being a direct word-for-word translation, should help you get through
saving and loading files correctly.

--A button:clear current level:

Are you sure that you want to clear the current level?


--B button:erase saved level

[if data exists]

Please select the file you would like to erase.

CHU-CHU__E01 [level comment]
CHU-CHU__E02 [level picture]
stick/d-pad:move cursor

[upon selecting a level to erase, you'll be prompted "Are you sure
you want to erase this level?" A:yes/erase, B:cancel]

[if no data exists]

No data available.


--X button:load saved level

[if data exists]

Please select the file you would like to load.

CHU-CHU__E01 [level comment]
CHU-CHU__E02 [level picture]
stick/d-pad:move cursor

[upon selecting a level to erase, you'll be prompted "Loading this
level will erase the current one. Do you want to continue?"
A:yes/load, B:cancel]

[if no data exists]

No data available.


--Y button:save current level:

[screen one]:

Please select the slot that you would like to save this level in.

CHU-CHU__E02 No data. (if level is blank)
...etc. [picture of level] (if level contains data)
stick/d-pad:move cursor

[note: if there is already data saved in the slot that you've
chosen, a "Would you like to overwrite this data?" box will come
up: A:yes/overwrite, B:cancel.]

[screen two]:

Please write a comment to be shown above your level.

[comment blank]

[note: space bar is beside the small 'n']


[note: use the L/R triggers to scroll between letter types:
hiragana / katakana / romaji (English)]


One of the things that Sega has always pushed regarding chu-chu! is it's
online play modes. Of course, as it is a Japanese game, all of the setup
info is in Japanese. This section, hopefully, will rectify that
situation (well, not rectify, but allow you to understand what is going

**getting set up:

All of the info in this part of the section is thanks to Krys, and was
posted to the Dreamcast Technical Bulliten Board
ther). This was copied and pasted directly from the board, with minor
changes put in [brackets] (except for spelling/formatting changes, which
are unmarked).

--playing the network game in America:

i have a Jap[anese] machine with a Jap[anese] modem - though I have it
setup with my ISP.

chu-chu! works because it uses your ISP connection rather than dialing
the Jap[anese] servers direct like [Sega] Rally 2 did. It took me a
little while to figure out how to use the commands on the server that
let start a game and also let you create your own rooms.

you can add passwords to your games and/or rooms so that only people you
give the password to can enter.

the top command on the server let[s] you create a room and add a
password if you want.

the second command lets you select to offer a game out and give it a
name and also a password if you want.

you [then can] move into the game area and hope that people want to join
your game.

as soon as you have more than one person you can select to "Go for it"
and the server fills in any gaps to make up 4 players.

you can have some really mad games with four players and its the first
person to win two games that wins the match.

before and after the game you can also chat - very much like an IRC
client - which would be cool if they weren't all talking japanese!!!
You can highlight a player and press the x button [to have it tell] you
how many matches they have won. [Y]ou can also use the x button to
highlight a game and see if there is room for you to join.

NOTE - the first time you connect it asks you for a username and a
password to assign to you - I messed this up not realising what it was
about and couldn't specify a new username and password until I had
changed my email address in the configuration of the internal memory. If
you only have the J[apanese] browser software you won't be able to
change these things [note: see below]- you need the US browser disk to
be able to modify your ISP settings - so if are still sending
out replacements [now is] the time for all you J[apanese] owners to send
for one.

[note: regarding changing your configuration, later in the discussion it
was revealed that you can and info on how to do so was given. This info
should still be available on the Board, and as it was not written by
Krys (who gave me permission to use his info), I do not feel comfortable
adding this info to my FAQ without the original writer's permission]

**screen translations:

with Krys' above info conbined with these screen translations by your's
truly, you should have no trouble getting set up for online chu2
madness... once again, the translations are not exact translations, and
at some point are totally made up. That's right, I made them up (see the
fifth screen). But they all make sense... ;)

[first screen]

How many people are playing (on your console)?

1 person
2 people
3 people

[second screen]

(something about how you want to connect to the network?)

yes (dial 1 time) [i selected this and it worked fine...]
yes (dial 3 times)
no (don't connect?)

[third screen]



[fourth screen]

Please choose a nickname to be used in network mode.

[nickname blank]

(after entering a nickname, the following appears below it)

Please choose a password for network mode.

[password blank]

[note: space bar is beside the small 'n']


[note: use the L/R triggers to scroll between letter types:
hiragana / katakana / romaji (English)]

[fifth screen]

Your nickname and password are as follows. Please make a note of them.


a:confirm nick/pass

[main online screen - sixth screen]

Lobby Server

Server Sonic
Server Tails
Server Knuckles
Server Amy
Server Big
Server Chao
Server NiGHTS
Server Pian
Server ChuChu
Server KapuKapu
Puzzle Land


[separate server screens]

Explaination Room
Immediate Competition
Beginner Room 1
Beginner Room 2
Beginner Room 3
Beginner Room 4
Beginner Room 5
Expert Room 1
Expert Room 2
Expert Room 3
Expert Room 4
Expert Room 5
Change Servers
=== = (VMU downloads - Server ChuChu only)

x:check contents
y:enter chat

[puzzle land screen]

this isn't a translation, but an explaination of what's going on. First,
this is where you can download fan-made puzzles. When you log on, you'll
see two text files and data rooms from A-Z - each one has various
people's names in it - pressing x will show you how many files that
person has uploaded. Many people have no files - you just have to check.
I'm guessing that you automatically recieve a space here when you log
on... I didn't do much looking around, though... Also, all of the data
rooms may not (and probably are not) full - the latter part of the
alphabet is probably very empty... Also, as I mentioned before, I'm not
going to do solutions for any of the fan made puzzles - only Sonic
Team/Sega puzzles...

[ranking screen]

Victory Margin
Time (Stage Challenge Mode Time)
Your Own Stats

[vmu downloads screen]

(first it will check to see which downloaded files you have on your VMU)


a: download

[menu (pause) screen]

sign off


**hidden modes/characters:

as with many games these days, chu-chu! has it's share of hidden modes
and characters. The modes and the methods of uncovering them are listed

--Puzzle mode:
Hard mode: clear all 25 Normal mode puzzles (opens 25 additional
Special mode: clear all 25 Hard mode puzzles (opens 25 additional
Mania mode: clear all 25 Special mode puzzles (opens 25 additional
Download mode (semi-hidden): clear all of the Normal, Hard, Special,
and Mania mode stages, then follow the directions in the section
to download the puzzles (25 additional available). [unconfirmed by
myself, but seems logical enough.]

--Hidden Characters:
Chao: to replace the Chu-Chus with Chao from Sonic Adventure, clear
all Stage Challenge mode stages. Then, go to Options, select the
first batch of options, and move the first option in that screen
to the first question mark.
Pian: to replace the Chu-Chus with (Nighto)Pians from NiGHTS,
clear all the Puzzle mode stages (including Normal, Hard, Special,
and Mania). Then, go to Options, select the first batch of
options, and move the first option in that screen to the second
question mark.

[note: with the hidden characters, it may be that Chao is
automatically the first hidden character opened regardless of which
mode (Stage Challenge or Puzzle) is beaten. I, however, beat Stage
Challenge before I beat Puzzle, so I'm not sure...]

Upon clearing the final stage, you'll be treated to a lovely credits
roll, followed by a Chu-Chu telling you 'thank you!', and the
announcement of the additional mode/character.


as with Sonic Team's other Dreamcast game (Sonic Adventure
[International]), chu-chu rocket! contains a folder accessable by
Windows computers. Inserting the game disk into your PC CD-ROM drive,
and accessing the contents of the drive will reveal a folder titled
'extras' (as well as three text documents that have very minor info in
them). This folder contains two more folders: '1240x1024' and '800x600'.
Each of these folders contains 8 chu-chu rocket! wallpaper images. Note
that 1240x1024 has a different aspect ratio to 800x600, so the former
images contain a bit more of the picture.

also, the game includes a set of controller stickers that can be used to
keep track of which controller is which; the stickers include groups of
blue, red, yellow, and green stickers, and thus one group of stickers
for each team. The stickers are for placement on the controller port
plug (the odd-shaped stickers) and the controller itself (the longer
stickers). Any other stickers are just for fun.

this is more fun than anything else... If you leave chu-chu! sitting
idle for a while while in Homepage (Internet) mode, instead of the
screen darkening, then the random colors starting (as the Dreamcast
normally does when it has been idle), one of the very cool Chu-Chu
screensavers will start. The first screensaver features rows upon rows
of the little mice appearing on your screen, then disappearing, over,
and over... The second screensaver features the game's namesake, the
Chu-Chu Rocket, moving toward you on the screen and disappearing, only
to be replaced by another rocket. More screensavers may exist, but I
haven't seen them yet...

**vmu saves:

chu-chu!'s VMU saves work in sets of 3 blocks. First is the main chu-
chu! data. The file's name is CHU_CHU__SYS, it's description is "chu-
chu!/main", and it's size is 3 blocks. The icon for the main file is a
rocket on a black space background, and is not animated. Also, it is
read-only (signified by a red-border), and cannot be copied to another
VMU. Next is the series of Puzzle Edit mode (Original) data files. Each
file is named CHU_CHU__Exx, where xx is the number of the stage, from
01-25. It's description is "chu-chu!/puzzle edit", and it too is 3
blocks. The icon for the puzzle edit files are a single chu on a white
background, and is not animated. It is copyable, signified by it's black
border. Last is the series of Puzzle mode Download stages. Downloadable
from the chu-chu! online game server, each stage is 3 blocks. The file
is named CHU_CHU__Dxx, and it's description is "chu-chu!/download". The
icon is a KapuKapu on a blue background, and is not animated. They are
black-bordered, and thus can be copied from VMU to VMU.

As a final note, there is no mini-game (green border) for chu-chu


these records are taken from the chu-chu! network servers - for current
standing and other record information, log online using the network
mode, and check the rankings section... If you have a record that is
better than this (for Time only - for many reasons, I can't really
accept Victory Margin entries), but aren't able to access the Network
mode, just send a screen capture or a scanned photograph of the
'records' screen (in the option menu) to the below address with the
subject "New Chu-Chu Record" and I'll include you in a future release.

--victory margin:

This is the amount that the winner had over the second place player (eg.
if player 1 had 500 chus at the end of the match and player 2 had 300
chus, the victory margin would be 200)

first place: 758 (unknown player)
[more coming]


This is the amount of time total that it took the players to complete
all 25 levels in Stage Challenge mode. Yes, these are real times, and
no, I have no clue how they got it that low...

first place: 3'04" (unknown player)
[more coming]

**clear controller set:

upon it's Japanese release, chu-chu rocket! was released in two
versions: a traditional game only version for JY2800 and a limited
edition set that included a clear orange/white Dreamcast controller for
JY4800 (this is a savings of JY500 [normal controllers are JY2500],
aside from the fact that this version of the controller is only
available in this package). As far as I know, the contents, sans the
controller and it's instruction book, are exactly the same, and the game
itself should be unaltered as well (the only real differences with the
game's packaging are a lack of a spine card and a different product
number). Regarding availability of the set, it was fairly hard to come
by here in Japan, although the large stores (such as Laox) had plenty of
copies; mainly the smaller independant game stores had trouble stocking
the set. Being a limited release, even the bigger stores that did have
it were well sold out a mere week after it's release...

**release info:

title: chu-chu rocket
system: Sega Dreamcast
company: Sega Enterprises Sonic Team
release date: 11.11.11 (11.nov.99)
format: 1 GD-ROM
prod.#: HDR-0039 (regular version)
HDR-0048 (Clear Controller Set)
region: NTSC-J (Japan), NTSC-A (Asia)
price: JY2800 (JY4800 for the Clear Controller Set)
players: 1~4 players
genre: action puzzle
supports: memory backup [Visual Memory] (3 blocks), Modem, PuruPuru
Pack, Arcade Stick, Dreamcast Keyboard, VGA Box. 32 pages
dreambank: 120 points
includes: 1 GD-ROM, 1 instruction book, 1 warantee card, 1 point
sheet, 1 sticker sheet, 1 DreamLineup [vol.5] booklet,
1 spine card, 1 tray liner in a totally clear
traditional jewel-case
limited ed.: titled 'chu-chu rocket Clear Controller Set'
includes all items in normal release (sans spine card),
plus: clear orange/white ltd.ed. Dreamcast controller,
Dreamcast Controller instruction book, ltd.ed. box
other: NetFront JV-Lite, macromedia FLASH3 supported

**chu-chu! online:

please note that this is not going to be a comprehensive look at chu-chu
rocket! pages online, but merely an overview of where to find the major
media for the game...

Official chu-chu rocket! homepage:
- includes info, screenshots for the game (all in Japanese)
- includes the 15 sec. Japanese chu-chu! commercial in MPG format
- the page you are taken to when you select the homepage function in
the game

The Gaming Intelligence Agency (The GIA):
- English coverage of chu-chu!, including info, media, and screens
- includes the 15 sec. Japanese chu-chu! commercial in MPG format,
as well as the song (9 seconds long) from the commerical in MP3
format, the words to the song in Japanese and English, and the
guitar tabs for said song.


chu-chu rocket! was promoted fairly heavily in Japan. this will be a
brief look at the various forms of advertising used...

--magazine ad (1 page)

a fairly straightforward ad featuring a few screenshots as well as
illustrations of the Chu-Chus and a Kapu-Kapu. the Clear Controller Set
is heavily featured as well. There also is a slightly altered back-page

--magazine ad (2 pages)

merely a larger version of the 1 page ad, featuring many of the same
screen shots and images, but re-formatted for a two-page spread.

--CM [television commercial] (15 seconds)

the infamous chu-chu! CM, with it's short, but insanely catchy song, and
it's high-quality (read line drawing) visuals. widely available online,
the GIA ( has the most on this commercial, featuring the
file in .MPG, the song in .MP3, as well as guitar tabs and lyrics
(English and Japanese).

--Sonic Team flyer (6 pages)

first seen at the Tokyo Game Show Autumn '99, this flyer is an ad for
the four games from the 'Four From Sonic Team' series of press releases.
chu-chu! is featured in the cover, as well as on the inside and the
sheet of memory card stickers within.


chu-chu rocket! has the honor of being the first Sega Dreamcast game to
reach the top spot in the Famitsu sales chart (for most copies sold in
one week). It's first week sales were fairly brisk, clocking in at over
33,108 copies sold (this includes all versions).



0.95 29nov99
finished the Puzzle walkthrough thanks to Jonathan Demers (solutions
for Manias 15, 16, & 17) and the official Chu-Chu Rocket BBS (solutions
for Manias 22 & 25)... adding info on how to get the downloadable files,
again thanks to Jonathan... updated Stage Challenge D4, A5, B5 & D5, and
added Fin(al), as well as adding a bit about the time-keeping part of
the mode... added screen translations to the section... added
a list of ? Chu effects to the Battle modes section, as well as doing a
lot of minor updating to that section... added/rewrote some of the
Getting Started section... switched the order of Puzzle (from 04 to 05)
and Stage Challenge (from 05 to 04) modes to reflect the order on the
Mode Select screen... added 06.puzzle edit mode, and thus renumbered the
old sections 06, 07, and 08 to 07, 08, and 09, respectively... added
info on the second Homepage mode screensaver (the Rocket one)... updated
the 'future' section... added a section on VMU saves... added a section
for records... put more name variations in the **notes section of
09.outro... minor corrections and updates throughout...

0.88b 25nov99
thanks to Jorg again, added the solution for Mania 19.

0.88a 24nov99
thanks to Jorg, added solution for Mania 21 and fixed two incorrect
solutions (Manias 6 & 21)... that's what I get for trying to count
rows at 2am ;)

0.88 22nov99
added the final solution to Special 25 thanks to Jorg, and thus
started on the new mode, Mania - currently, solutions Mania stages 1-
14, 21, 23, and 24 are included; keep in mind that I was very busy
this weekend (when I recieved the final solution from Jorg), so many
of the Mania stages I've barely looked at... corrected a minor typo
in the sources section that had Jorg saying an untruth - there really
are stickers in the normal version, and he really did tell me that -
whoops... fixed references to Original stages in Puzzle, which I had
mistakenly referred to as Edit... added the chu-chu-saver info to the
bonuses section... added a Sales: section... added the Puzzle Mode
select screen to the Screens: translation section...

0.87a 19nov99
added solutions to Specials 21 and 22 thanks to Jorg from ODCM...
added an Online section... added a section ( with info on
how to play online in the US thanks to Krys... added an advertising
section... corrected minor mistakes (including one on the solution
for Puzzle Mode Normal Stage 25 thanks to Jorg again) and renumbered
a few sections...

0.87 12nov99
added Stage Challenge coverage (05.stage challenge mode) for all
stages, although 3 are incomplete... added solutions for all but
three of the Special Puzzle Mode... added controls for the Puzzle
Edit mode... added the prod.number for the regular (ie. non-limited
set) version... also, minor changes: renumbering two sections, fixing
the date of release of the faq, and accessing the DreamPassport FAQ

0.77 12nov99
first version; everything added.


Future revisions will (hopefully) include:

-the missing solutions for Mania Puzzle mode stages 22 and 25.
-confirmed info on what completing the Mania set of puzzles opens up.
-the solutions for the Download Puzzle mode stages.

Past that, I feel that the document is nearing completion after a mere
few weeks. I'm rather pleased... :D

Also, when (or if) the game is released in the North America (or
Europe/etc.) more info on those regions' versions of the game will be
added upon the info's acquisition. However, since the game probably
won't officially see the light of day outside of Japan until late 2000,
this is a decent way into the future. And as I doubt that the game will
be altered that much, the additions probably won't be that large...


"Jorg S. Tittel" for quite a few of the harder Puzzle Mode solutions,
including Puzzle Mode Mania 19 & 21, Special 21 (thank you so much -
this saved [what is left of] my sanity...) and 22, as well as the fix on
the Puzzle Mode Normal 25, Mania 6 & 21, as well as the words of
support. Also, for mentioning that the regular edition does come with
the stickers, and mentioning that the main VMU save is read-only...

"Jonathan Demers" for the Mania 15, 16, & 17 solutions, as well as how
to get the Downloadable puzzles...

"Krys" for the fact that the regular edition does come with the
stickers, as well as the info about getting Network support outside of

The Official Chu-Chu Rocket! BBS at ( for
the Mania 22 and 25 solutions.

National Console Support ( for the regular (non-
controller set) product number.

Famitsu Weekly, 12/10/1999 issue for the first week's final sales stats.

The original Japanese Chu-Chu! BBS posters for the Mania 22 and 25
solutions, whose names I didn't write down (Mania 25 is on page 6, Mania
22 is on page 1).


a quick note about the formatting of this document... Since the title of
the game is lower-case, I've chosen to keep this somewhat similar in
this document; hence, the first letter of every paragraph is not
capitalised _on purpose_. All other sentences should be capitalised...

about the name of the game, I feel that this is minor, but I feel that I
should add it. The title of the game differs slightly depending on which
you look at: the English or the Japanese title. The English title listed
on the packaging is 'chu-chu rocket', while the Japanese translates to
'ChuChu Rocket!' and the Japanese in romaji is 'chuuchuu rokketo!'.
Also, the VMU saves are listed as 'chuuchuu!' (romaji version) or
'chuchu!' (translated version). To make things even more complicated, I
have chosen to use the title 'chu-chu rocket!', or simply 'chu-chu!', in
this document. This is merely to make the all-lower-case title stand out
more. I don't think that it's that big of a deal, but I though that I
should put it in anyway.


chu-chu rocket!, chu-chu rocket! Clear Controller Set, Dreamcast, Sonic
Team, Sonic Adventure, NiGHTS, Saturn, Chu-Chu(s), Kapu-Kapu, Chao,
Nightopians, and all other related terms/trademarks are
copyright/trademarked by Sega Enterprises 1999. All other copyrights are
properties of their respective owners.

This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman 1999 and cannot be reproduced
for profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet
as long as it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-
subscription) sites. If you do choose to post this document on your
site, please email me to let me know.


since 11nov99
shibata, miyagi, japan

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