Bloodborne Is Getting Some Attention... Is A Sequel In The Works?

Dean (04. December 2018 22:06 )
Link: Deraciné
Bloodborne Is Getting Some Attention... Is A Sequel In The Works?Video Game News Online, Gaming News

Bloodborne is usually considered a sidestep in the Souls-style games, with good reason; despite not being exactly the same, it is made by From Software, and it has most everything that the Dark Souls series has: a dark, gloomy, unsettling atmosphere, a strange, evil story you have to dig to uncover, horrific monsters, unforgiving combat, a complex world and more. Bloodborne has set itself apart by speeding up the combat, changing the setting, adding firearms and implementing a new system of health which emphasizes risk vs reward. In short, it's a badass game, and since it's release in 2015, gamers have been waiting for news on a sequel. Now, at least developers are talking about it.

From Software's latest game, Deraciné, includes some Bloodborne Easter eggs, and the company president, Miyazaki, was asked about a possible sequel while doing an interview with the Spanish website Xataka

"Last question, coming from a fan, and you can answer with a yes or no. It goes with spoilers. In ‘Deraciné’, Yuliya, the sick girl, has some toys that are clearly related to ‘Bloodborne’. The names of his friends, Laurent, German, also have a lot to do with ‘Bloodborne’. The books they read, as well. Is ‘Bloodborne’ the fevered delirium of a dying girl? Is the dream of the hunter his dream?"

"Okay, yes. Actually, this is exactly the conversation that my team and I had. It’s the kind of conversation we keep during development, because there are Easter eggs … However … The easter egg in itself is not indicative that we are going to launch ‘Bloodborne II’. I’m not in a position to talk about a possible release of ‘Bloodborne II’. However, we love ‘Bloodborne’; that’s why this easter egg has aroused so much curiosity. But, I repeat, it’s not a ‘Bloodborne II’ notice. It’s just something that we explored among ourselves, because we love ‘Bloodborne’."

With rumblings about a PS5 coming our way in the next couple years, is it possible that it will launch with Bloodborne II? Of course it's possible. It's also possible the world ends tomorrow. But I doubt it. 

We'll keep you informed as new information arrives, Deraciné is out now.

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