Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Remake Is Rushing Our Way & Being Developed By...

Dean (28. March 2019 20:46 )
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Remake Is Rushing Our Way & Being Developed By...Video Game News Online, Gaming News

After the awesomeness that is the Resident Evil 2 remake, it's kind of a no-brainer that a RE3 remake would be headed down the pipe as well, but according to this take-it-with-a-grain-of-salt report, we may be getting it a lot sooner than we expected. 

According to Aestheticgamer, the same individual who leaked info on Resident Evil VII: Biohazard before Capcom announced it, Resident Evil 8 might be set for nex-gen consoles and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis might be headed our way a lot sooner than we thought. 

He tweets:

"The series will be kinda “unofficially” almost annual for the next few years, though of course as game development goes anything could be delayed. For example, RE8 got a bit delayed and I can say to you now that you shouldn’t expect it until next-gen is on the table. What is on the table is REmake 3, but REmake 3 is…Not what a lot of people are probably going to expect. It’s not being made by the same team that made REmake 2, in fact it’s not even being internally developed by Capcom Division 1 at all. Who is developing it is very interesting, but for another day, it’ll be coming about a lot sooner than people probably are expecting."

You have to take alllllll this with a big grain of salt, although he has been right before, so there may just be some truth to it. What do you think, most faithful of readers? Are you pumped for RE3? Think they should give the remakes a rest and focus on RE8? Let us know in the comments. 

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