I'm Excited For The Meg, A Movie About A Giant Shark, Alright? Deal With It.

Dean (27. April 2018 21:24 )
Link: The Meg
I'm Excited For The Meg, A Movie About A Giant Shark, Alright? Deal With It.News  |  DLH.NET The Gaming People

Little backstory on me: I didn't see Sharknado 1,2,3 or however many movies that series has produced. I didn't see Piranha 3D or any real or imagined sequels of that either. I didn't see Deep Blue Sea, I've never been pumped for, nor watched anything related to Shark Week, and if I'm being completely honest, I'm not sure I've even seen all of Jaws. Typing that brings me shame, but I'm admitting it freely, just to prove my point.

My point is, I'm not a "shark guy". I think sharks are big scary fish that I don't want to meet, but otherwise, it's kinda whatever. I did know a guy who was bitten by a shark. He died, which was unsurprising. The death, not the shark attack. I'm sure the shark attack was extremely surprising. Bottom line: I don't eff with the ocean.

Yet, I find myself pumped by the Meg trailer below. I can't even really explain why, since it looks remarkably similar to almost every shark movie trailer I've ever seen, but with a less obvious, yet equally stupid name. It's not Jason Statham drawing me to the movie either. In my opinion, he hasn't really made a good film since Snatch. Statham did have this to say about the film in a recent interview with EW:

“I think it’s like anything in this day and age — if it makes money, there’s obviously an appetite to make more money. And if it doesn’t do well, they’ll soon sweep it under the carpet. But that’s the way Hollywood works. Everyone tries to make a good film, and it lies in the hands of the audience. People are the ultimate decider; the audience is the decider of whether anything gets to be a sequel or not.” 

But that's enough about me and Jason. Watch this trailer. Am I an idiot? Does this look like crap? Does it look oddly rad to you as well? Lemme know in the comments.

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