I Want This Movie About A Boy & His Military Robo-Dog To Be Good...

Dean (22. May 2018 20:36 )
Link: AXL
I Want This Movie About A Boy & His Military Robo-Dog To Be Good...News  |  DLH.NET The Gaming People

...but it won't be. Dammit.

No offense to any of my female readers, but I could tell it was going to suck as soon as they introduced the girlfriend. Actually, I take that back (apologies, ladies); it was headed downhill almost immediately when I saw the male actor, who looks like Corey from Boy Meets World, but when they jammed the "too hot, girl-next-door-girlfriend" in there, and immediately, I knew. This is going to be terrible. She will end up as the voice of reason ("you have to give him back!") who eventually comes around, loving the dog like her own, then the renegade military dude(s) is going to kidnap her and say something like "Our dog... or your little girlfriend gets it!" or something stupid like that. Then the dog will save her while being grievously wounded in the process, only to initiate some kind of super healing tech-thing, or maybe at the end of the movie, we see the kid learning to weld. Awwwwww.

This is going to suck, but I very much hope it will be dumb fun, because I gotta tell you, jumping a motorcycle off of a military robot dog is totally and completely, badass. 

Here is the official description, check out the trailer below. 

In the vein of classic ‘80s family movies SHORT CIRCUIT and FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, A.X.L. is a new adventure about a down-on-his luck teenage bike rider, Miles (Alex Neustaedter), who stumbles upon an advanced, robotic, military dog named A.X.L. Endowed with next-generation artificial intelligence but with the heart of a dog, A.X.L. forms an emotional bond with Miles, much to the chagrin of the rogue military scientists who created A.X.L. and would do anything to retrieve him. Knowing what is at stake if A.X.L. gets captured, Miles teams up with his smart, resourceful crush, Sara (Becky G), to protect his new best friend on a timeless, epic adventure for the whole family.


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