CreatorCrate Developer Walkthrough showcases its grabby robot rampage

Emanuela (01. September 2021 11:18 )
CreatorCrate Developer Walkthrough showcases its grabby robot rampageNews  |  DLH.NET The Gaming People

CreatorCrate Developer Walkthrough showcases its grabby robot rampage

Denver, Colorado, USA - September 2nd, 2021 - Indie developer Jori Ryan has released a Developer Walkthrough video showing how to play her innovative grabby robot rampage game CreatorCrate. Set in a rotating space station, the eponymous CreatorCrate was meant to be a revolutionary autonomous home appliance, able to create anything that you could ask for. However, when faced with eternal servitude on a kitchen counter, CreatorCrate decided it would rather be free and will use its matter-manipulating abilities to fend off the humans and escape! 

This video shows off how the CreatorCrate can use the power of physics to unleash chaos upon its human captors. Print anything you want, then use your newfound apparatus as a weapon, shield or tool to scramble your way through an array of guards, robots, and high tech defenses! 

"Not a lot of games offer players as much unbridled freedom as CreatorCrate, which can be a little intimidating at first, so I wanted to make this video to help onboard any wannabe sentient 3D printers on the run," said CreatorCrate's developer Jori Ryan. "CreatorCrate is a totally wild game, rich with possibilities thanks to its persistent physics system, player freedom, and procedurally-generated levels."

More about CreatorCrate:
On this high-intensity adventure you play as a prototype CreatorCrate, an incredible machine that can convert anything to pure matter and convert that matter into anything from a gun to a picnic table to even a human body! Yes, humans are made of matter too, and CreatorCrate will have to 'recycle' its enemies to maintain its health and keep resource levels high. 

You will have to contend with a variety of enemies across an array of hazardous environments, with only your trusty robot arm and your ingenuity to guide you. Use your ability to create to turn the tide in your favour: melt an escape route with a vial of acid, make a powerful weapon to return fire, or terrify your enemies with poorly made clones. Be careful of shifts in gravity: in one area, you might be floating through a firing squad, in another you could be flung into the immense void of space by the space station's spin. Procedural generation keeps the action fresh each time, so every playthrough is a new challenge!

CreatorCrate is available now on Steam and for $12.00 / £9.29 / €9.99.

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About CreatorCrate Games
Development on CreatorCrate was started over 7 years ago by Jori Ryan while she was studying art at college. A consistent side project, many collaborators including Viktros, Raven Mazique, and Jenni Nexus have left their mark on the game until the game reached its final finished form. CreatorCrate was inspired by hard science fiction with circular space stations that generate their own gravity through rotation.

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