Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Emanuela (22. December 2023 12:57 )
Happy New Year and Merry ChristmasNews  |  DLH.NET The Gaming People

DLH.NET wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Once again the year is coming to an end and DLH.NET, but especially I, would like to thank you for a successful year 2023.

"Ringing with love through candlelight,
mild, like the scent of the forest, the Christmas season,
and a simple happiness scatters on the threshold
beautiful flowers of the past."
Joachim Ringelnatz

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2024.

I would also like to thank all the partners who have supported me diligently this year, without you, many reviews would not have been possible.

Cheers to another great year 2024 with lots of news and reviews, great games and all sorts of things.

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