Contribute to the Downfall of Society in dev_hell, the Narrative Deckbuilding Roguelike Debut from Indie Dev Unhinged Studios
Job Description: Play Cards to Solve Complex Coding Problems, Keep Positive Relationships with Coworkers, and Embrace the Company's Vision
Minneapolis, Minnesota (January 17, 2024) — Today, the software developers turned indie game creators at Unhinged Studios dare to ask the question: what's the true cost of a paycheck in the tech industry? Their answer: dev_hell, a first-person narrative deckbuilding roguelike where players experience the journey into the corporate void. Launching on Windows PC via Steam in 2024, players will attempt to meet unrealistic expectations, complete code for ill-defined features, and navigate working for a company that pushes the good-natured and not at all malicious idea that it's "reshaping the future."
dev_hell puts players in the shoes of a recently hired software developer who has landed a job at a tech startup that's looking to change the world. The question is: is the change for the better? Unsurprisingly, the Silicon Valley fairytale company seems like it might be hiding something sinister beneath the veneer of motivational posters and free coffee mugs. Who is this mysterious client, and why do some of the commissioned applications seem so...insidious? Actually, never mind — as software devs in the fast-paced world of tech, the job is to code, not ask questions. Everything's fine. Probably.

Job Description
CodeNOW is currently hiring a software developer ready to change the world! This is an exclusive opportunity meant only for big thinkers who truly want to make a positive impact and are ready to hit the ground running. The ideal candidate for this position must be motivated, exude positivity, and exhibit attention to detail while maintaining discretion.
- Manage a growing deck of cards to complete features before the end of each sprint
- Battle your way through feature development, debugging, and code reviews to meet expectations
- Install card mods to make your deck of coding solutions more powerful
- Grow and maintain your influence by building positive relationships with your coworkers
- (Recruiter's note: no influence = no job)
- Opportunities to improve your skills and take your career to the next level
- "Kudos" loyalty rewards to spend at the company store
- Freedom to follow your own path
- (Recruiter's note: Freedom may is subject to company review)
Competitive payUnlimited coffee