Free-to-Play Voxel MMORPG "Trove" Tries its Luck with St Qubeslick Event
Put down that rabbit's foot and step away from those horseshoes! In a new update to free-to-play voxel MMORPG Trove, players only need to log in and enjoy the game's St. Qubeslick event to unlock their luck!
Taking place from now until March 26 at 11AM UTC, Trovians can try their luck and prove their daring and courageous ways in the dungeons of Neon City, Luminopolis, Desert Frontier, and Jurassic Jungle, where Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts are running wild!
Want to up the ante and fend off more block-based beasties? All over the in-game world, mysterious and unexplainable O'Lucky Stones have begun appearing and are waiting for Trove players to bait them. Players who do so will find themselves faced with more enemies to take on, including the sssssavage Lucksnakes which can be captured and traded with Sir O'Lucky for Fragments of Luck, which can, in turn, be traded for hefty rewards.
But that's not all that Lady Luck (okay, technically, the Trove development team) has bestowed upon players. Also available to unlock are two new allies to accompany them on their adventures, two new mounts, and three new Bomber Royale Bomb skins, so players can ride around in style and cause beautiful, colorful mayhem as they do so.

Key Gameplay Features of Trove
- Cubular Classes: Cube-kind can be anything they want! Master classes including Knight, Gunslinger, Ice Sage, Dracolyte, and Pirate-with-a-parrot, with awesome abilities ranging from impressive ninja techniques to deliciously yet deadly ice cream crushes
- Infinite and Fully Destructible: Roam through colorful, voxel-based realms, including untamed wilds and worlds made of candy, before using skills to destroy them, one beautiful block at a time
- Imagine It, Build It: Add to the land with all manner of building and crafting options, including a Cornerstone (mobile base), huge Club Worlds, dungeons, dragons, costumes, and even swords made out of bacon
- Lots of Loot: Loot to the heart's content with a variety of shimmering treasures and mighty rewards to unlock and uncover throughout the land, such as special gear, ships, decorations, and collectibles
Trove is available free to play on Windows PC via Steam and the official website, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
To keep up with Trove, follow the game on X (Twitter), like the official Facebook page, follow the game on Instagram, and join the Discord community.
To keep up with Trove, follow the game on X (Twitter), like the official Facebook page, follow the game on Instagram, and join the Discord community.