Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

10.10.2008 18:36:25
Parasite Eve II for Playstation
Version 0.5
Updated 7-1-2000

**This guide will always be updated at GameFAQs
first. Be sure to check it out often! This document is best viewed
using Microsoft Wordpad using the Courier New font, size 10.**


This document is the result of someone's hard work. If you wish to post
it on your site, please contact me. Most of the time I will allow you
to do so so long as NO alterations are done. This document is also NOT
allowed for any profit making purposes, and I'm NOT going to allow any
more of this copyright violations to carry on any longer. Parasite Eve,
Parasite Eve II, Aya Brea, Eve, and all other characters that appear in
any of the games, and related products are under the Copyright of
Squaresoft Co. Japan. The game 'Parasite Eve II' is based on the novel
'Parasite Eve' written by Hieaki Seda. Coca-Cola and all its products
that appear in the game is trademark of Coca-Cola International. All
rights reserved. This document is under the sole copyright of Lee Jin
Lai. All international Copyright Violation rules apply.

g) PARASITE ENERGIES (under construction)
7. WALKTHROUGH (incomplete)
12. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION (again I know, but I have to repeat)


I have only two words to say......




Version 0.5 (71-2000)
- First part of the Walkthrough up. Covers the opening events of the
story up till arrival in Dryfield.
- New section: ANMC Strategies up
- Completed Parasite Energies subsection.


Check out the Revision History at the end of the document for every
single past update.


For now....

Squaresoft Japan
for turning Parasite Eve II into an AAVG worthy to rank alongside Bio
Hazard, Silent Hill, Dino's not supposed to be scary

Through the NIGHT
for some of the data which makes this FAQ/Walkthrough complete. And
for those who wish to go there, please switch to Japanese language
before visiting the site.

for the biggest collection of written work anywhere. Without it people
will be groping around looking for answers, and I will have a lot of
free time to write fanfics for my S2RPG.

All the friendly members of the GameFAQs message board who have been
unwittingly helping me write this one out. You know who you are. Thanks
for all the tips!!

YOU for reading this walkthrough......ok ok stop beaming now. Do you
still want to read on?

Field Mode (default)

Up - Makes Aya move forward in whatever direction she's facing
Left - Makes Aya turn to her left
Right - Makes Aya turn to her right
Down - Makes Aya move backwards slowly

Analog Sticks:
Left - Moves Aya. Refer to D-Pad for movement instructions
Right - N/A

Shoulder Buttons:
L1 - N/A
L2 - N/A
R1 - N/A
R2 - N/A

Face Buttons:
Circle - Walk up/down stairs, search for things, action button
X - Press to run/walk (refer to Options under Menu Mode)
Triangle - Shows avaliable Parasite Energys. You can cast Healing here
Square - Aim. If enemy is within sight battle will commence.

Useless Trivia......

If you hold Aim when there's no enemy around, and press left or right
on the D-Pad/Analog Stick, Aya's head actually moves in the direction
you just pressed. Cool!!


Start - Opens up/Closes Menu Screen, skip conversations/events
Select - Shows Map of the current area

Battle Mode (default)

Refer Field Mode

Analog Sticks:
Refer Field Mode

Shoulder Buttons:
L1 - N/A
L2 - N/A
R1 - Fires primary weapon
R2 - Fires secondary weapon if there is one. Otherwise fires primary
weapon (refer Weapons section)

Face Buttons:
Circle - Accept Parasite Energy commands
X - Closes menus, cancels Targeting
Triangle - Opens Parasite Energy menu
Square - Changes Targets (where applicable)

Start - Opens Battle Menu
Select - Opens Vibration option Menu

USE - Looks at Item list
KEY - Looks at Key Items
P.ENERGY - Looks at Parasite Energies
MAP - Shows mp of current area
OPTION - Options Menu
EXIT - Exits Menu screen

You can change your equipment here. Use L1 and R1 to scroll up and down
the Item list respectively. At the end of the Item list there is a Sort
option where the game will automatically sort the items in the Item
list. However you have to sort out the items in the Attachments list


Whenever you are faced with a ? Item, ALWAYS use the Triangle button.
That's the HELP button in the Menu screen. Normally for items it will
tell you what exactly is the item. For Key Items, you will be able to
read through books, letters, and find out the correct discription of
the Key Item. In the P.Energy Menu it shows the current level of the
Parasite Energy and the casting cost plus the ATB required to cast it.
In Map it shows the current location you are in and some help if you
are unsure of the next step.


Shows the Key Item list. Aya starts off with the MIST Badge.

Pressing Circle on any Parasite Energy will present you with two
options - Revive/Strengthen and Stop.

Revive means you revive the particular Parasite Energy.
Strengthen means you increase the Parasite Energy's level.
Stop means you don't do anything.

The Legend says it all. Other things include

Key sign - door that is locked the last time you tried to open it.
Box with an X - impassable area
Red area - 'HOT' areas that are infested with NMCs and/or ANMCs
Grey area - areas not visited
Red dot - your next proper destination

Sound Stereo Monoreal
BGM level Loud Medium Soft None
Counter Position Memory Starting
Vibration On Off
Basic Movement Walk Run
Key Config

And inside the Key Config screen:

Type A -
| | Menu | Movement Battle |
|Square | Choose | Aim Change Target |
|Circle | Choose | Check |
|X | Cancel | Walk/Run Cancel |
|Triangle | Help | PE Menu |
|R1 | Page Down | Fire Main Weapon |
|R2 | | Fire Sub Weapon |
|L1 | Page Up | |

Type B -
| | Menu | Movement Battle |
|Square | Choose | Check |
|Circle | Choose | Aim Change Target |
|X | Cancel | Walk/Run Cancel |
|Triangle | Help | PE Menu |
|R1 | Page Down | Fire Main Weapon |
|R2 | | Fire Sub Weapon |
|L1 | Page Up | |

Type C -
| | Menu | Movement Battle |
|Square | Choose | Aim Fire Main Weapon |
|Circle | Choose | Check |
|X | Cancel | Walk/Run Cancel |
|Triangle | Help | Aim Fire Sub Weapon |
|R1 | Page Down | Aim Change Target |
|R2 | | PE Menu |
|L1 | Page Up | |


Q. Say JL, there's an FAQ out for PE2 already. I thought you said that
you wouldn't do FAQs for games that already have one. What gives?

A. Well, I did say that, and condidering that this is a Squaresoft game
means that there will probably be 70 more done for this, but it's a
good feeling to be a pioneer in terms of complete and GOOD guides
for gamers to have a good look. I'm definately not doing this to add
in to my pathatic KB amount. Hey, I'm not even signed in for the
Contributers List at GameFAQs yet.


Q. So......?

A. I want to show everybody what it takes to be good enough to conquer
any game without fearing that he/she missed out anything, because
this piece of work will have EVERYTHING that you need to know about
Parasite Eve II (well, maybe except the Items list. There's more
than enough extra items to give people headaches, yours sincerely


Q. But in your walkthrough you said "so and so must follow you". I
don't get it...~_~

A. Normally that means that you are not there yet. Or that you missed
out the scene by pressing Start one too many times.


Q. Hey, I did something that was different from what you wrote! Are you
trying to smoke me?

A. No, I don't smoke, sorry. This game, like Chrono Cross before it,
HAS two major branching points, which will determine what happens in
the end. Don't worry, things will sort themselves out. Not that
there is much difference. But if you saw the Good and Bad Chrono
Cross endngs, you know that Squaresoft isn't as good as Capcom in
making DIFFERENT endings for the same point.


Q. But the entire game is all in Japanese! How would YOU know if it's a
good or bad ending? On the other hand, how would YOU know what the
characters are talking about in the first place?

A. If I didn't know what the characters were doing or talking about
would I still be writing this piece of work? What I'm writing is
translated by yours truly, so don't blame me if what they are going
to say is a tad different from what I write.


Q. You know something JL? PE2 sucks. It's just a Resident Evil rip-off,
so why are you speaking as if it's the greatest game ever?

A. If that's the way you're speaking, than you might as well say that
Final Fantasy is a Dragon Quest rip-off, Virtura Fighter 3tb is a
KOF rip-off, Gameday is a Maddan rip-off, so on and so forth. If you
like RE, you'll like PEII, and UNLIKE RE, where all you have to do
is to find a way out of hell, in PEII you're actually going deeper
in to exterminate the menance.


Q. Are you daft? WTF are you giving cryptic answers to puzzles instead
of giving the answers? C'mon, I looked at your FAQ because I'm stuck
there, and all I see is just the puzzle in my face. I NEED HELP, NOT

A. In that case you've not been utilizing your brain cslls all that
much. What I have written are clues normal people might have missed
out or don't understand what the clues/questions are talking about.
I try my best to help, but if you can't understand what it means, go
back and beat Resident Evil (any one) WITHOUT looking at any FAQs
that are there. If you can do that then when you come back to this
you will say "Hey, it's so simple! How did I miss such a big clue
right in front of my face!?" Then again, in order NOT to recieve
tons of mail crying for help, I'll just include the answers as
cryptically as I can......*whistles*


Q. Well, actually I bought PEII thinking that it would be the same as
the first, so... ^^;

A. That's a popular misconception among many that a sequel will always
be the same as the original. Unfortunately you're talking about
Squaresoft here, where every new game is a new experiment. This is
likely to be bashed as a RE rip-off, but the Osaka team is a rookie
one, so give them credit for improving on what made RE so good. Just
LOOK at the spectacular lighting effects they gave the game. You
will probably be dazzled at the way they made the flames from the
burning barrels or from the Pike look on Aya, or the lights foom
the electricity crackling from the Hammer reflceting off her skin.
FYI I was.


Q. So just WHO is this Aya Brea person that so many people are drooling

A. Aya Brea is a member of the M.I.S.T., a secret subsection of the
FBI. She was recruited by them shortly after she left the NYPD in
the aftermath of the Manhattan Incident because she was afraid that
the same thing that happened to Melissa Pierce would happen to her.
She still is unsure about her role in life now, and just lives by
the day, hopeful to end the NMC violence that she and Eve stirred up
What more can guys ask for?


Q. M.I.S.T.? What's that??

A. Mitochondria Investigation and Supression Team. A unit started up to
combat increasing number of cases of Neo-Mitochondria sightings that
have been covered up by the Government of the United States of
America and other governments as sightings.


Q. So how is this game played?

A. This time round the game is labelled as The Cinematic Adventure,
turning the RPG in the first game into an A-AVG game that is similar
to the famous BioHazard/Resident Evil series. Movement controls are
basicially like BioHazard, except that battles are different.


Q. Battles are different?

A. When you enter battle, the screen will have the classic black-and-
white heartbeat, and you'll be fighting NMCs and ANMCs in real time.
No longer is ATB included (with the exception of casting Parasite
Energies which require ATP), you can fire as and when you like. This
time round DIFFERENT bullets are required for different weapons,
unlike the first game where most of the weapons (save the Rocket
Launcher) use the 'Universal Bullet'.


Q. NMCs? ANMCs? What are all these terms?????

A. NMC stands for Neo-Mitochondria Creatures. It refers to anything
whose internal Mitochondira has mutated and taken over the body, a
la Melissa Pierce, better known as Eve. ANMCs stand for ARTIFICIAL
Neo-Mitochondria Creatures. It refers to anything whose Mitochondria
has been awakened due to outside influence. These are easily
distinguishable with a very visable metallic Infusion Part on their


Q. Eh? No levels!?

A. Nope, no levels. Parasite Eve II follows the BioHazard system where
the main character just romps through the game without having the
benifit of levelling up.


Q. But I earned experience!! What are they used for then?

A. The Experience Points (EXP) are required to revive the Parasite
Energies that Aya sealed off for fear of them affecting the mutation
rate of her Mitochondria.


Q. Revive Parasite Energies?

A. Yup, you spend the EXP you earn to revive all 12 of them. There are
3 levels of power for each Parasite Energy, with lower casting cost
and lower casting time as it levels up. Of course the higher the
level, the more costly it is in EXP usage.


Q. 12 of them? But there are only 8 in the Parasite Energy Menu!

A. Once you max out the two Parasite Energies in each element, a third
one will be avaliable. They're dreadfully expensive, but they are
the most powerful in each respective element, so it's a give and
take situation.


Q. what is this BP thingy?

A. Bounty Points (BP) are the currency in the game. Like what it says,
you earn BP when you kill off all the enemies within the battle. You
will be able to buy weapons, ammunition, armour and items with the
BP you earn. Note that you can only BUY, not sell items in exchange
for BP. For the costs of the weapons/armour/items refer to the Lists
right after this section.


Q. Waiting......waiting....hey, how come Aya's MP dosen't increase?

A. Unlike Parasite Eve, Aya's MP guage will NOT regenerate in the midst
of a battle. You can use a MP Recovery Medicine to regain MP while
in the battle, and you will regain MP only AFTER a battle. And the
MP recovery rate is fixed according to the level of the enemies.


Q. So can we increase Aya's HP and MP since she dosen't have levels?

A. Her max HP and MP are decided by the Armour she wears. They do not
give extra protection from damage, but instead increase her max HP
and MP. Do note that once you remove the armour (for whatever crazy
reason) her HP and MP will revert to its original max. You can also
use items like Proteins and Lipsticks to increase the max HP and MP


Q. Ughhh!! I'm getting creamed!! Can I run away?

A. Yes you can, simply by exiting the room. But it's not advisable
because you'll lose BP this way. Of course dying is stupid, but try
to fight till your last breath! Or at least until you are really
running out of ammo. And of course you can't run away from Boss


Q. OK. Next question. Why can't I increase her item storage?

A. Aya can only carry up to a maximum of 20 items, equipments included.
This way makes it similar to BioHazard, which makes it fun as you
have to reorganize your inventory to what you really need. Luckily
for you, the item list is only for Weapons/Armour/Items, as other
things are listed under Key Items.


Q. Then what's up with the Attachments section?

A. The Attachments are the amount of slots the Armour Aya's equipped
with has. You can place bullets, weapons, items which can be
exchanged (for weapons only) or used during battle. Note that you
won't be able to access the normal menu if you're in battle, and the
only way to heal in battle is by either using Parasite Energies or
through Medicine you attached to the Armour. Another thing to note
is that Weapon attachments (Pike, Hammer, MClips etc.) are NOT
allowed as armour Attachments.


Q. Ack! I can't WIN no matter what I do!! Can I have some Gameshark
codes like Max HP or Invincibility please?

A. Sorry lad/gal, I don't believe in cheating, neither do I trust
Gameshark codes that much as more often than not they screw up your
files. The game itself is pertty easy, even the developers think so.
Wait till you try any of the harder modes. (evil cackle in the
background) However owning a Gameshark to break mod-chip protection
codes is another matter altogether......


Q. -deleted-


NOTE: The costs of the Weapons/Armour/Items are put after the names of
that particular Weapon/Armour/Item. Those which the words [Replay]
after them means that it will be found in the regular game, but will
only be SOLD in Replay games.


Tonfa Baton ( - BP)
Weight: 68
Range: 1
Rate: 5

Operation: R1 - Strike
R2 - NIL

Good for close-up attacks, but you don't really want to go up close and
personal with NMCs do you? Use only when out of ammo, and you don't
have a reloading point nearby. But most of the time it will remain in
the trunk of Aya's sedan.

M93R( - BP)
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 117
Range: 50
Rate: 110

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan 3-bullet Continuous Shot
R2 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot

Aya's personal favourite, you start off with this. This weapon is a
semi-automatic handgun fitted with a 3-shot burst ability. It holds 20
rounds, and can either fire in bursts or single shots, increasing the
flexibility of shooting. Chances are this will be the most-used weapon
in the game, until you get the P229.

MP5A5 (6980 BP)
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 30/50 rounds
Weight: 288
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This is a wonderful baby, allowing you to spray a magazine of 30 9mm
bullets non-stop for some major ass-kicking stopping power.
Unfortunately this weapon also has the weakest attacking power in the
game, and uses more bullets that you would have normally wanted to. Its
usefulness lasts as long as you are in Akropolis Tower, and since you
won't see it again till the last part of the game, it dosen't matter

MP5A5 (+1) (MP5.MClip Attachment - 3980 BP)
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 60/50 rounds
Weight: 306
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This attachment for the MP5A5 allows the weapon to hold an additional
magazine. Now you can spray 60 bullets in a flash. Hooray!

MP5A5 (+2) (MP5.MClip Attachments - 7960 BP)
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 90/50 rounds
Weight: 324
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This attachment for the MP5A5 allows the weapon to hold YET another
magazine. Now you can spray 90 bullets in a flash. Whoopie!!!

P08 (680 BP)
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 87
Range: 70
Rate: 80

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot
R2 - NIL

Typicially the second weakest weapon in the game, nobody in his right
mind will buy it, since it's attack is only marginally stronger than
the M93R, and buying it only wastes BP. One thing to remember is that
Handguns have a high critical rate, which will turn out useful on
occasions. I've used it in favour of the M93R, and am beginning to
appreciate how useful it is, handguns having quick reloading speed, and
wonderful recovery time.

P229 (1880 BP)
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 12 rounds
Weight: 92
Range: 120/4
Rate: 90/3

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

The weapon of choice once you enter the Shelter, this weapon criticals
so easily it's scary. Holds 12 9mm bullets, it has a flashlight
attachment whose usefulness is in killing Moths and knocking down
Horses. Fast in all areas, this one actually lasted me all the way to
the final stages of the normal game.

Magnum (2850 BP [Replay])
Caliber: .44 Magnum
Capacity: 6 rounds
Weight: 168
Range: 60
Rate: 70

Operation: R1 - 44 Magnum/44 MaedaSP Single Shot
R2 - NIL

The ultimate weapon of Action-Adventure games, this is one SWEET baby.
You will only get this in the final parts of the story, but you can
still toast a few remaining Golems stalking the lower levels of the
Shelter with this. It holds .44 Magnum bullets, 6 at one go, and hits
for HEAVY damage at times. Be warned that it kicks almost as hard as a
Shotgun, and reloading is slow, but really, who cares? Do note that if
you are gunning for the Good Ending you will NOT get the Magnum from

PA3 (1000 BP)
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 3 rounds
Weight: 270
Range: 30
Rate: 2

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Single Shot
R2 - NIL

The first shotgun that you can buy. It's power is terribly limited,
kicks very hard, and can hold only 3 12-Gauge Shells. Don't even bother
buying it unless you have problems dealing with a whole horde of
converging enemies early on.

SP12 ( - BP)
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 420
Range: 40
Rate: 24

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Single Shot
R2 - NIL

You get this free of charge, and it's very useful in mid-game. Holds up
to 7 shells, it kicks just as hard as the PA3, but has more range, thus
it can hit a big group of enemies. Best used in Shamala.

AS12 (12500 BP)
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 550
Range: 50
Rate: 36

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Continuous Shot
R2 - NIL

Now this is what I would call a super shotgun. It holds up to 20
shells, and fires in semi-auto fashion and has almost no kick (for a
shotgun). This comes at a hefty price though. Unfortunately you can
only get this weapon only in the final parts of the game, which makes
it kinda obselete.

M4A1 Rifle (2450 BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 254
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

The most versitile weapon of all, it allows up to one attachment
custumization, and fires 5.56mm bullets. Standard all-round attacking
fare, it basicially fires in semi-automatic 3-bullet bursts, holding up
to 30 bullets per magazine. A weapon of choice to deal with the
irritating Golems in the final parts of the game.

M4A1 Hammer (Hammer Attachment - 3720 BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm/Stun
Capacity: 30/40 rounds
Weight: 339
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/4

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Stun Gun Discharge

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire a single burst
of electricity to not only deal damage, but stun enemies as well, but
has a very short range. Since it's battery operated it can only last 40
such bursts before going dead. Recharging is free, and it's very good
against later enemies. Unfortunately this has no effect on Red Golems.
Buy it as soon as you have enough BP in order to breeze through the
latter parts of the game.

M4A1 (+1) (M4A1.MClip Attachment - 1800 BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 60 rounds
Weight: 274
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to hold an additional
magazine. This will be great for beginners as they will need to spend
more bullets on enemies, but for advanced players it will only be an
unecessary waste.

M4A1 (+2) (M4A1.MClip Attachments - 3600 BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 90 rounds
Weight: 294
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to hold one more
additional magazine. This will be great for beginners as they will need
to spend more bullets on enemies, but for advanced players it will only
be an unecessary waste. Who needs to put 90 Rifle bullets in order to
kill them (bosses not included)?

M4A1 Bayonette (M9 Attachment - 980 BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 284
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/3

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Bayonette Slash

This attachment for the M4A1 acts exactly like what it should be - a
bayonette. Go "YA!! YA!!" with the enemies if you really feel up to

M4A1 Pike (Pike Attachment - ? BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm/Flame
Capacity: 30/30 rounds
Weight: 437
Range: 500/6
Rate: 85/2

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Flame Discharge

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to flame enemies in a
wide arc. Great against groups of converging enemies as this weapon
fires non-stop. But do note that this runs on fuel, so it only allows
for 30 seconds of fire. Handy weapon for those who think the Hammer's
range is too short.

M4A1 Grenade (M203 Attachment - ? BP)
Caliber: 5.56mm/40mm
Capacity: 30/1 rounds
Range: 500/350
Rate: 85/1

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Grenade/Light Round/Air Burst Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire 40mm grenades
one at a time. Very handy for advanced players who can alternate
between grenades and bullets. Side effect is of course that Aya has to
open up the catch and recatch once you insert the grenade, making
reloading half a second slower than the normal Grenade Pistol. And the
fact that it kicks harder than the Grenade Pistol.

Grenade Pistol (1680 BP)
Caliber: 40mm
Capacity: 1 round
Weight: 260
Range: 350
Rate: 1

Operation: R1 - Grenade/Light Round/Air Burst Single Shot
R2 - NIL

This weapon fires 40mm grenades one at a time, and works wonderfully
against bosses. Beware that it has a horrible reloading speed (as
compared to Claire's Grenade Launcher) so much so that you can actually
hear the grenade go 'thunk' down the chamber, and Aya will actually
stay still from the recoil for a second after firing.

These weapons will not be sold for people who are playing the first
time. After clearing a game, you will have a random set of 3 things
(be it Weapons/Armour/Items) that will be avaliable for sale throughout
the game shops in Replay Mode ONLY. Bounty/Supportless/Deadly Modes
will not have these extra weapons UNLESS they are sold as regular
weapons in each respective mode. The following weapons will be
avaliable starting from Round 2 and above once they are unlocked:

MM1 (23500 BP)
Caliber: 40mm
Capacity: 12 rounds
Weight: 900
Range: 350
Rate: 12

Operation: R1 - Grenade/Light Round/Air Burst Continuous Shot
R2 - NIL

If the Magnum is the mother of all handguns, the AS12 is the mother of
all shotguns, then the MM1 is the mother of all Grenade Launchers. It
actually fires semi-automatically, and can hold up to 12 Grenades in
its chambers. Unfortunately it's so heavy that it takes a long time for
Aya to lift it up, but when she does, it's game over for everyone!

M4A1 Javelin (Javelin Attachment - 7500 BP)

Caliber: 5.56mm/Laser
Capacity: 30/60 rounds
Weight: 488
Range: 500/420
Rate: 85/2

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Laser Shot

This cool-looking attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire
bolts of laser (yes, I'm not typoing) at enemies. It has batteries for
up to 60 shots, and is just too cool to pass up. Not that it's more
effective than the conventional weapons......and the fact that it
makes the Rifle top-heavy, giving Aya a hard time when lifting it up.


Laser Jumper ( - BP)
Add HP: +10
Add MP: -
Attachments: 3

Special Features: Resist PARALYSIS

Assult Jumper ( - BP)
Add HP: -
Add MP: +10
Attachments: 5

Special Features: Resist POISON

Tactical Vest ( - BP)
Add HP: +50
Add MP: +10
Attachments: 7

Special Features: Quick Fire
HP Recovery

Total Vest (1690 BP)
Add HP: +5
Add MP: +20
Attachments: 3

Special Features: MP Recovery

Combat Armour (3250 BP)
Add HP: +40
Add MP: +10
Attachments: 5

Special Features: Motion Detector

Shoulder Holster (2580 BP)
Add HP: -
Add MP: +20
Attachments: 4

Special Features: Quick Fire

PASGT Vest (2980 BP)
Add HP: +20
Add MP: -
Attachments: 6

Special Features: Resist POISON
HP Recovery

Radiation Suit (3980 BP)
Add HP: +20
Add MP: +20
Attachments: 6

Special Features: Resist POISON

Psycho Protector (4580 BP)
Add HP: -
Add MP: +50
Attachments: 4

Special Features: Medical Inspection

Tactical Armour (12800 BP)
Add HP: +60
Add MP: +30
Attachments: 8

Special Features: Motion Detector
Medical Inspection

Second Pouch (10000 BP [Replay])
Use: +1 Max Attachments
Attachment: -

These armour will not be sold for people who are playing the first
time. After clearing a game, you will have a random set of 3 things
(be it Weapons/Armour/Items) that will be avaliable for sale throughout
the game shops in Replay Mode ONLY. Bounty/Supportless/Deadly Modes
will not have these extra armour UNLESS they are sold as regular armour
in each respective mode. The following armour will be avaliable
starting from Round 2 and above once they are unlocked:

Aya Special (8000 BP)
Add HP: +30
Add MP: +50
Attachments: 7

Special Features: Quick Fire
MP Recovery


GPS ( - BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Motion Detector

Lv 1 Medicine (100 BP)
Use: Recover 50HP
Attachment: Recover 45HP

Lv 2 Medicine (180 BP)
Use: Recover 100 HP
Attachment: Recover 90 HP

Lv 3 Medicine (350 BP [Replay])
Use: Recover FULL HP
Attachment: Recover 150 HP

Lv1 MP Recovery Medicine (320 BP)
Use: Recover 30MP
Attachment: Recover 25MP

Lv2 MP Recovery Medicine (580 BP [Replay])
Use: Recover FULL MP
Attachment: Recover 100MP

Cola ( ? BP)
Use: Recover 20HP, 80MP
Attachment: Recover 20HP, 80MP

Medipak ( - BP)
Use: Recover FULL HP, MP
Attachment: Recover FULL HP, MP

Antidote (80 BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Cure DARKNESS

Stabilizer (80 BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Cure SILENCE

Combat Light (60 BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Inflict DARKNESS

Flare (150 BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Inflict DARKNESS

Mace (100 BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Inflict PARALYSIS

Autodrawley ( ? BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Inflict BERSERKER (self)

Lipstick (10000 BP [Replay])
Use: +1 Max MP
Attachment: Resist SILENCE

Protein (10000 BP [Replay])
Use: +5 Max HP, FULL HP recovery
Attachment: +5 Max HP, FULL HP recovery

MD ( - BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Resist CONFUSION

Hunter Goggles (? BP)
Use: -
Attachment: Resist DARKNESS

Skull Crystal (5000 BP [Replay])
Use: ??? (Raises 1 random Parasite Energy level)
Attachment: ??? (Increases attack damage by 25%)

Holy Water ( ? BP [Replay])
Use: ??? (Raises 1 random Parasite Energy level)
Attachment: ??? (Reduces damage to Aya by 25%)

These items will not be sold for people who are playing the first time.
After clearing a game, you will have a random set of 3 things (be it
Weapons/Armour/Items) that will be avaliable for sale throughout the
game shops in Replay Mode ONLY. Bounty/Supportless/Deadly Modes will
not have these extra items UNLESS they are sold as regular items in
each respective mode. The following items will be avaliable starting
from Round 2 and above once they are unlocked:




Pyrokinesis: Fires a fireball in a stright line in accordance to the
direction Aya is facing at that moment in time. The higher
the level, the longer the range.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 8 | 22 | - | - |
| Lv.2 | 7 | 22 | 500 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 6 | 22 | 1200 | 2 |

Combustion: Semi-circular ring of fire that expands out from the
direction Aya is facing at that moment in time. The higher
the level, the bigger the ring.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 14 | 38 | 300 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 14 | 30 | 700 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 14 | 22 | 1600 | 2 |

Inferno: Burns EVERYTHING in the room, which is a wonderful reminder of
what Eve did in the opera theatre in the opening scenes of
Parasite Eve. The higher the level, the more damage inflicted.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 30 | 50 | 1200 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 30 | 40 | 1600 | 2 |
| Lv.3 | 30 | 28 | 2000 | 4 |


Necrosis: Shoots a crackle of electricity in a forward direction
according to the direction Aya is facing. The higher the
level, the greater the range.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 7 | 38 | 200 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 7 | 30 | 500 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 7 | 22 | 1200 | 2 |

Plasma: Air explosion that knocks down anything within a radial range
of Aya. The higher the level, the wider the radius.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 6 | 18 | 300 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 5 | 18 | 700 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 4 | 22 | 1600 | 2 |

Apobiosis: Paralyzes enemies that are nearby within a radial range of
Aya. The higher the level, the wider the radius, the longer
the enemies are paralyzed.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 18 | 38 | 1200 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 18 | 38 | 1600 | 2 |
| Lv.3 | 18 | 38 | 2000 | 4 |


Metabolism: Cures abnormal status effects, as well as protects from
status attacks. The higher the level, the longer the
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 7 | 36 | 200 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 5 | 28 | 500 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 3 | 18 | 1200 | 1 |

Healing: Recovers HP. Can be used outside battle, but effects will be
weaker than when used in battle. The higher the level, the
higher the recovery rate.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 12 | 42 | 300 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 12 | 30 | 700 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 12 | 18 | 1600 | 1 |

Life Drain: Damages the enemy that are within a radial range of Aya and
recovers HP by the same amount. The higher the level, the
wider the radius.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 20 | 44 | 1200 | 1 |
| Lv.2 | 18 | 36 | 1600 | 1 |
| Lv.3 | 16 | 28 | 2000 | 2 |


Antibody: Reduces damage taken by around half. The higher the level,
the longer the protection.
| | Casting Cost | ATP Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 6 | 36 | 200 | 2 |
| Lv.2 | 5 | 28 | 500 | 2 |
| Lv.3 | 4 | 18 | 1200 | 4 |

Energy Shot: Increases the amount of damage inflicted. The higher the
level, the higher the increase in damage percentage.
| | Casting Cost | ATB Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 10 | 36 | 300 | 2 |
| Lv.2 | 9 | 28 | 700 | 2 |
| Lv.3 | 8 | 18 | 1600 | 4 |

Energy Ball: A glowing ball of light swirls around Aya, damaging
anything that touches it. The higher the level, the number
of glowing balls increase and the glowing balls last
| | Casting Cost | ATB Loss | Loss EXP | Bonus MP |
| Lv.1 | 15 | 36 | 1200 | 2 |
| Lv.2 | 15 | 28 | 1600 | 4 |
| Lv.3 | 15 | 18 | 2000 | 9 |

BEFORE YOU START READING please note that I will NOT put down when you
should or should not save, when to increase your Parasite Energy
levels, or when to refill your ammunition. Do it at your own
discretion, and try to cut down on item usage, because at the end ALL
items, usable and Key Items alike (less ammo) will be included into
your final BP tally for the next game.

September 4, 2000, 8.18pm
M.I.S.T. Center, Los Angeles

You start off in the shooting gallery. Pierce will ask Aya if she(you)
are done yet.


If you choose Continue you will have to choose the BGM. Select your
desired music and press X, whereby you will be asked to pick the weapon
(M93R) and the level of difficulty.


This will be a good training for all the fighting ahead for you. I will
break them down into their respective levels, basics of shooting, and
the expected score to earn free 200BPs. Perfects give you 300BPs, and
50% scores earn you 100BPs.

Level 1: Expected score - 9,000
Basic rules of battle. Press Square to aim, R1 to shoot. Pressing the
Square button with any direction button will make Aya change targets to
whatever direction she is facing. You can also change targets by simply
pressing the Square button, but the next target will automaticially be
the next-nearest opponant. Press Start to access the Battle Menu, and
learn how to reload by choosing the ammunition that is compliant to
the current weapon.

Level 2: Expected score - 16,800
Moving targets and stronger targets. Now you have to time the targets
correctly. Orange targets take 4 bullets to break, Red two bursts.
Simply keep shooting correctly, especially when dealing with Orange
targets, and reload only during the lulls.

Level 3: Expected score - 46,000
Basic movement and GPS usage. Move to the 'A' mark in the middle of the
Gallery and Attach the GPS. Simply look for the targets using the
GPS. The dots in the radar on top of the screen are the enemies that
are within a 7-foot radius from Aya's location. BE CAREFUL about the
Blue female targets! They take only one hit to die, and you will have
4000 points deducted for killing each of them.

Level 4: Expected score - 60,000
PE usage. Learn to effectively use Parasite Energies against enemy
groups. Same thing as in Level 3, moving enemies with female targets.

Level 5: Expected score - 55,000
Simulated Battle. The 'enemies' will attack, meaning that Aya will get
shocked by electricity from the ceiling, simulating attack. Learn how
to move, shoot and reload in real-time battles.


Wonder why I put in the expected score? BECAUSE!! When you enter the
Weapon Room after this, Jodie will give you items if you hit the
expected target score:

Level 1 - 50 x Hydra Bullets
Level 2 - Medipak
Level 3 - Hunter Goggles
Level 4 - Lipstick
Level 5 - Shoulder Holster

So there!!

Exit the Shooting Gallery once you feel done, and exit the next room.
There will be a scene where Pierce tells Aya that HAL has ordered MIST
to checl out strange happenings in the downtown Akropolis Tower. Aya of
course volunteers.

Go into the Weapon Storage and speak with Jodie, who is manning the
counter. She will ask whether you wish to claim the items you got for
the shooting practice.

Can you keep them for now?

Choose the second for now. You really need the space for the first part
of the game. After that she will ask you whether you wish to buy

See the goods
What is BP? (refer to FAQs)
No thanks

Once you are done, head for the Carpark where Pierce is standing. There
is a Lv3 Medicine in the First-Aid box. Leave it there first. You won't
be needing it for now as you don't have access to Aya's sedan trunk.
Speak with him, and he will ask whether you are ready yet.

Not yet
Return to the Shooting Gallery

Once you choose yes, you will be brought to Akropolis Tower.

September 4, 2000, 8.56pm
Akropolis Tower, Los Angeles

After all the FMVs and the scenes with Aya talking with the Police
officers, you will officially enter the tower.

There are a couple of things to do first. Under the window with the
Magnum sign there is a body of a SWAT member which holds a Lv1
Medicine. The body in front of the statue holds a Lv2 Medicine. There
is an Ammo Box right in front of the statue which gives an unlimited
refill of Parablem bullets. Use that whenever you feel like it.

Now move near the Telephone, and it will ring. After listening to the
orders, go to the door just beyond the phone, and meet one of the
surviving members of the SWAT team. He will tell you that there is one
more person inside the Cafe, and gives you a Cafeteria Key.

Now head to the West Patiom where you will meet the Humanoid ANMC for
the first time. Kill it, and comfort the poor SWAT member, who dies
anyway. Go to the door of the Cafeteria, and you will automatically use
the Cafeteria Key.

Once inside, move towards the woman sitting on the chair, and watch the
gross FMV that follows.


Super ANMC
This is a really, and I do mean REALLY easy boss fight. Place yourself
behind a table across her, and watch in amusement as she......, no IT,
tries stupidly to walk into the table to get to you. Once you have your
fun laughing at its immense stupidity, blow it to pieces.

300 EXP
200 BP
Lv2 Medicine

Pick up the Magazine on the table, and search the fallen body to find
an Infusion Part. Rupert will enter and blast the still-alive ANMC to
slime, and both will split up. Return to the Main Square, and call
back. Now head to the East Patio, and pick up an Antidote from the dead
SWAT lying next to the locked Escalator.

Go past the gate and into the Fountain area. Unlock the gate to the
West Patio, and go into the back of the Cafeteria. In the screen where
you enter there is a yellow Key Box. Check it to get the Blue Key.

Go into the room right across, and check the glowing yellow dot. Insert
the Blue Key into the 'A' keyhole, and you will open up the Escalator
doors. Now look at the security moniters. Press on '+' until it is
bright enough, and click on the middle two buttons to see Rupert and
another SWAT member.

Before you leave take a good look at the notice board. It has a set of
three musical notes with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 below them, and another
set with three question marks below them and the word 'bridge' in red
next to them, and a pinned picture next to it. For those who skip Music
lessons every week here are the notes:

Do Re Mi
1 2 3

So La Do
? ? ?

Simply jot down the answer you have, and move on to clear out the rest
of the Cafeteria. Inside the kitchen there is a Stabilizer ampule in
the refridgerator and a Lv1 Medicine on the body of the SWAT member.

Return to the East Patio, and go up the Escalator. Search the SWAT body
in the Observatory to 'borrow' a Tactical Vest, and go down the other

Finish off the two Fat ANMCs in the Promenade, and you will hear
something happen in the Sanctuary. Before you enter, go to the
southern-most part of the Promenade, and 'borrow' the MP5A5 from the
dead SWAT.

Enter the Sanctuary to see Rupert struggling with an Unknown Man. After
the Unknown Man runs off and Rupert is bandaged up, pick up the Red Key
from the floor, and hug the northern wall of the Sanctuary. You will
hear a conversation after which Aya will automatically enter the Roof
Garden. Look behind the statue to see a bomb, and you will realize that
the door is locked. Pick up the Black Card that is lying from the floor
(these people sure love to drop things) and head back to the Cafeteria
first, clearing out the rest of the 'hot' areas if you wish to.

Go to the Security Room inside the Cafeteria, and insert the Red Key in
the 'B' keyhole. Now head outside to the Fountain, and look inside the
fountain to see another dead SWAT plus a Grenade Pistol, which Aya

Now return to the Promenade, and past the wrecked fence. There is a
panel to Aya's right that is glowing red. Now does this place look
familiar? If you read the notice board back in the Cafeteria you will
realize that this is the bridge that the note mentioned. Enter the
correct code which are the three ??? (561) to raise the bridge. Crush
the flipping Pirhanas to death with Aya's boots and enter the recently
wrecked door.


What happens if you are out of MP, and you don't have MP Recovery
Medicines on hand? Well, there is another way, provided that you have
enough EXP. This is what I call the Instant MP Recovery Trick.

When you either revive or level up a Parasite Energy, you will get an
MP Bonus. ANY MP Bonus (like using Lipsticks) will instantly refill ALL
your MP to its new max.

How's that for free MP?


There is a half-dead Humanoid ANMC in the corner. Defeat it and carry
on to the Heliport. Now as you are moving along the sides of the
Helipad take a good look at your surroundings i.e. High Voltage Cables
and Steaming Pipe. Check the lift that moved up twice, and return. Near
the entrance you will be accosted by the Unknown Man who attacked
Rupert earlier, and now is after Aya's life.


Unknown Man
Another easy fight if you do things correctly. He has several attacks,
the most irritating being the Paralysing Grenade attack (esaily
avoided), and the very painful Flaming Sword attack (not so easy to
avoid if out of running space).

Remember the cords and the pipe? Actually all you have to do is to draw
him near the cords and fire at them so that he will get eletricuted.
Note that Aya will also be injured if she touches the cords. At the
pipe, simply wait until he is really close before firing so that he
takes 500+ damage. If he STILL dosen't fall, change to the Grenade
Pistol and plug away with the 4 Grenades you earned. He will definately
lose then.

BUT if you have run out of running space, and CAN'T hit the last cord
or the pipe, be sure to cast Antibody to reduce the damage inflicted,
and Healing if your HP is below 80 (out of 150). You could cast
Metabolism to remove the Paralysis effect if you were unlucky to get
hit by the Paralysis Grenade if you decided to revive this first.

500 EXP
800 BP


Now that the lift is down, go on it, and activate it.

Go up to the Helipad
Stay here

Go up, and you will see the scene where the Unknown Man runs off to the
next building a la Matrix, and then Rupert in his idiocy, blows up the

September 5, 2000 1.44am
M.I.S.T. Office, Los Angeles

Baldwin (their immediate superior) will show Aya a recent newspaper
report on cattle mutiliation, and suspects that NMCs are there. He
will give Aya 4 confidential files (you have to read them all) and
tells her to go investigate immediately.

After that Aya will stash everything in her trunk (now a Box) and
Pierce will come to tell her that he will look into the Infusion Part
she picked up. Go to the Weapon storage to pick up anything else you
need and tell Jodie to place all items you earned in the Shooting
Gallery into the trunk of Aya's sedan. This will be the last chance to
return to the Shooting Gallery to earn the BPs and Items. Also pick up
the Lv3 Medicine that is still in the First-aid box.


Remember the three items you 'borrowed' from the dead SWAT members?
Well, you don't have them anymore. Jodie has taken them away for
safekeeping and that's the last of these free goodies that you will see
for a long time. BUT if you got all three, you will notice that there
are some extra things that appear in the trunk of the sedan. They are:

Medipak (for the Tactical Vest)
Protein (for the MP5A5)
Second Pouch (for the Grenade Pistol)

So it's not a bad deal after all, but I would have preferred to keep
the Tactical Vest.......


Once you are done speak with Pierce twice and an option will come up.

Not yet
Still need more practice

Choose yes if you are ready, and then Aya will drive to her new
destination: Dryfield.

September 5, 2000, 12.13pm
Mojave Desert, Nevada

Area 272. Dryfield.

Have a good look at the empty town. Once you can move, max out your
Parablems from the Ammo Box right beside Aya's sedan. Save if you wish
to. You'll be here for a long, long time.

Anyway, go past the gates to fight ANMC Horses for the first time. Read
the Strategies section for more information to fight them.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This is as far as I have written to. Anything questions that pertain to
the gameplay have been answered up till this point. PLEASE DO NOT mail
me for help on the future parts of the story as I'm not that free to do
this in a day. Be patient, and hope that within a fortnight this will
be complete. Till then, play Suikoden II!!

This is a free-for-all on how to defeat some of the more problematic
ANMCs in the game. Some are ridiciously simple, but most need at least
a simple method to kill them off. BEWARE, this part will not cover
every single monster that appears in the game. If anyone needs help
killing Rats, Moths or Scorpians, he/she is definately not suited to
play this kind of game, harsh as it might sound.

ANMC Humanoid
Simple. When they are about to bits, run around them to attack from the
back, which is their weak point. You will see purple blasts which means
you have hit them correctly. Of course the normal way - fire until they
fall, works just fine, as long as they are quite far away that is.

They have a long reach, but aside from that, they will not attack
unless provoked. Same goes for the stronger version - the Mutated Fat
ANMCs, so just snipe from afar, and they probably will be knocked down
before they can even start attacking.

ANMC Horses
These are troublesome creatures. Basic attacking method is to rush at
Aya and knock her down, setting up for another attack. Simply put, they
are annoying. HOWEVER!! A good plan is to fire one burst if you're
using the Rifle or the M93R, and unlock, turn to one side, and run off
to avoid the charge. If it knocks itself into the wall it will become
vulnerable, which you can exploit to the biggest (until they get up
that is). In the later stages it's easier as the Flashlight attachment
in the P229 and/or MP5A5 will knock them down, as will the M4A1 Hammer.

They have a cloaking device that renders them invisible at times.
Luckily hitting them when uncloaked will mean that they are open to
attacks. Normally a magazine of the M93R or the P229 will be more than
enought to finish them off.

ANMC Rabites
They DO look like Rabites. Honest. And they attack like Rabites, and
love to mob you. Hit them while they are jumping at you (need practice
with the timing) to inflict the most damage to them. BUT remember, be
careful if you get mobbed.

Water ANMCs
They rise out of the water near to Aya, and spit out electricity. A
very easy way to disrupt this is by breaking their shooting momentum by
firing with a shotgun. Chances are you'll be fighting more than 1 every
time, so be careful of the other shooters while you pellet one of them
to pieces first.

Shooting ANMCs
You know these irritating ones. They flop slowly about, then charge up
so slowly while locked on YOU and fire when you run out of space to
run. The balls hit for quite an amount of damage, and also cause status
effects. The only easy way out is to shock them using the Hammer and
putting in lots of Rifle bullets until they charge up again, which
means SHOCK!!

Humanoid Raptor-like ANMCs
They seriously look like raptors, and attack like raptors. They not
only bite, but can also do a charge similar to the Horses, and can even
butt-drop on Aya for tons of damage. Their weak point is just like the
Humanoids, except that they take more damage, and react faster to back
attacks. Luckily you'll only meet them in Shambala.

They get special mention as another of the irritating enemies in the
game. If you have a shotgun, a blast will turn them upside down,
revealing their weak point - their bottoms. Similarly, the Hammer can
do this, but the limited range means you have to time it properly. Another method is to use Plasma, but they will recover quicker. But
it's your choice ^_^

Slime (both Green and Red)
These enemies cannot be affected by normal bullets, and must be hit
using either Parasite Energies or using the Hammer/Pike/Grenades. If
you use Parasite Energies it will alert ALL the slime in the room to
come to you, and suck your MP dry. Green Slime will also add in the
Silence status, while Red ones Berserk you.


Here are the Must-Do steps in order to see the good ending:

1) Meet Kyle in the Pub at night in Dry Fields.

2) Defeat Cannon Mouth in under 3 minutes. If it walks away retry.
Ditto if Gary's dog dies.

3) Return to Dry Fields while Kyle is with Aya (directly after
defeating Big Mouth, and before taking the South Elevator)

4) Pick up Pierce's Message at the Telephone in the Pod Service Gantry
while running out from the Shelter. Read it and call back.

5) If you did all the above correctly, Gary's dog will greet you
outside the tent, and Jodie will be beside the containers. You will
be able to get free reloads of 5.56s and Grenades.

6) Save Pierce one more time in the Golem Room.

7) Defeat Final Eve.


Version 0.1 (1-1-2000)
- The day I started it. Not much, but completed Weapon/Armour/Item
list to as much as I ammessed.
- Started the idiotic FAQ section. This is the first time I'm doing
this kind of thing, so don't screw me if it sounds silly at times.

Version 0.2 (2-1-2000)
- Contents and Parastie Energys sections up.
- Good Ending Pointers section pasted from my Bounty Mode Guide.
- I'll get started on the Walkthrough as soon as possible. For now the
FAQs will suffice.

Version 0.3 (4-1-2000)
- Started on walkthrough. Got as far as the Shooting Practice.
- Finished the Controls and Item Lists. Parasite Energies lists still
under construction.

Version 0.4 (6-1-2000)
- More FAQs included, mostly on the gameplay and things that might be
confusing to people who have played PE before.


The author is a 21-year old gaming freak who has been playing games
from the tender age of 8. He has spent more money on games and Japanese
manga than anything else. He owns a NES, SFC, Game Boy, Super Game Boy,
Sony Playstation and recently purchased a Dreamcast to add to the
clutter in his room. He also used to own an Atari 2600 which gave up on
him 8 years ago, and a Saturn which he sold to a late friend.

Now as a full working adult, he realises that writing is merely a
pastime to do at a leisurely pace provided that he dosen't concuss at
the end of a long working day hollering at and imparting all kinds of
social behaviour to little children from ages 7~12.

Currently his works include:

a) The very FIRST English Genso Suikoden II Walkthrough on the web.
b) The very FIRST English Lunar 2: Eternal Blue [J] (PS) Walkthrough on
the web. Still incomplete though X__X.
c) Genso Suikoden II Character List.
d) Genso Suikoden II Character Synopsis.
e) Parasite Eve II Bounty Mode Guide.
f) Parasite Eve II FAQ/Walkthrough.

And his collaborations include:

g) SD Gundam G Generation Zero FAQ with Duo Maxwell.
h) Arc The Lad III FAQ/Walkthrough (incomplete) with rob.

Ok, enough of third-person acknowledgements. I know it's not much, as
compared to all the other great young writers on the web now, but I
believe that all my works deserve mention, so you can see the different
styles that I have adopted for different pieces of work. Hope that you
would take the time to read through the other pieces of work I have
done once you get the games.


This document is the result of someone's hard work. If you wish to post
it on your site, please contact me. Most of the time I will allow you
to do so so long as NO alterations are done. This document is also NOT
allowed for any profit making purposes, and I'm NOT going to allow any
more of this copyright violations to carry on any longer. Parasite Eve,
Parasite Eve II, Aya Brea, Eve, and all other characters that appear in
any of the games, and related products are under the Copyright of
Squaresoft Co. Japan. The game 'Parasite Eve II' is based on the novel
'Parasite Eve' written by Hieaki Seda. Coca-Cola and all its products
that appear in the game is trademark of Coca-Cola International. All
rights reserved. This document is under the sole copyright of Lee Jin
Lai. All international Copyright Violation rules apply.


I DO know that this is not complete yet. Please give me time to finish
writing this BEFORE sending me any mail. In fact, you shouldn't be
having any more problems once this is finished. Do note that any mails
sent to be now will only be answered if the question relates to the
parts that I have written up to and to information which is not listed
in this document as of now.

PE2 is an Action-Adventure game, NOT RPG!
Although short, it's longer than ANY Resident Evil/Dino Crisis, and it
definately gives more depth.
And I love it!!!


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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15.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Important Stuff

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels und alle Filme freigeschaltet

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

17.Oktober 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Modi und Extras sind freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

14.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.Oktober 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (HLG).

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008
2 Hours Speed Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Speed FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Bouny Mode FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (BAD).

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische spanische PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (PDX).

16.Oktober 2013
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