

30.09.2013 05:47:52
A Complete Multiplayer Strategy for....

, tSR AR
AcRRsR,srRR A stR A RR
A RR,R, Rc,A A, tR R , R RA R A ssRA s AAs
sSR, Rtr r,R,,R ttsRsR s RArRA c,R,R rtR R RsrR S
sAR, AR s,RsR RtR ARrR A,RARcsR scs A RA RSs
R SR, cRA R ,RsR sARs,,R,R ,,At RsA cR A tR ,RRAR
Rs AR ,RR R cttts RARR,tcRrR s sR s AsrRA A SRA
scS,R RA, R rAR r,R,SRR
by Blizzard for the PC and Macintosh
Diablo Multiplayer Guide V1.01
Last Updated: (4/19/00)


Unpublished work Copyright 2000 CNICK

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. Feel free to distribute between
others, but this FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes;
this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or
being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. Newest versions of this
FAQ can be found at:


I am no longer going to give permission to sites to put this FAQ up on their
sites. The above sites, are the only ones allowed now. Why you ask? Too many
sites wont have the most updated version of this guide, and I will get emails
about things Ive already added. IF YOU FIND ANY WEBSITE NOT POSTED OF ABOVE

When this guide is finished, I may decide to allow people to put it up on
their webpage, but for now, this is exclusive to only GameFAQs and my own

Diablo (c) 1997-1998 Blizzard Entertainment


- C O N T E N T S -

I. Introduction and Revision History
II. Warrior
III. Rogue
IV. Sorceror
V. Multiplayer Tactics
VI. Dueling
VII. Guilds
VIII. Credits
IX. Author¦s Note


Diablo is a RPG/Adventure game created by Blizzard release in 1996 for the PC
and in 1997 for the macintosh. While the one player mode is great and fun,
it can only last you maybe a week or two. The greatness of this game, is the
fact you can connect to Blizzard¦s Battle.net. Here, you can join with 3
other people to play. Instead of playing by yourself, you can build your
character to win dueling tournaments, or co-op through hell. This is where
the REAL fun is.

Revision History
v0.10 (3/??/00) : First version. Minor things about each character class,
and extra things they get in playing over battle.net.
Obviously, more to come... I might decide to do another
revision in a couple of hours.

v0.20 (3/26/00) : V0.10 was never released, as it sort of got mixed with
11:20pm PST this version, so V0.10 was never really a revision...
Basic things for warrior, rogue, and sorceror are done.
Mostly equipment advice.

v0.20A(3/27/00) : Huge problem with the text fixed. This won¦t be posted
12:39am PST since I just sent in v0.20 about a hour ago, so I will
wait till today after school. To imagine I¦m talking
about school... anyway, this is just something minor,
back to work.

v0.30 (3/27/00) : Second update of the day...Added advantages and insights
4:05pm PST to each class, as well as added the guild section. Big
update..more to come late today, I¦m writing this at 1 am.
Anyway, I don¦t believe v0.20 was posted on gamefaqs,
because of the text problem, so I¦ll send it now, and hope
it works. Anyway, later.

v0.40 (3/28/00) : 50% done on the strategy section for each class. Also
12:00am PST added a multiplayer tactics section. Its around 33.3%
done, so more and more stuff will be added.

V0.45 (3/28/00) : More of that text problem. Hmmm, the whole FAQ was messed
up and it took me a good 30 minutes, so heres V0.45. Also
decided to check the whole FAQ for errors.

V0.50 (3/28/00) : Finished the Rogue section of the strategies. At least I
think I¦m done. Maybe some minor updates on it, but
nothing major will occur on it. Thats it for today, I¦m
going to work on it tonight and tomorrow to get a rather
large update in.

V0.50a (3/29/00): V0.50 never got posted. hmmm

V0.55 (3/30/00) : Sorceror strategies done. 20% left, still have that
multiplayer section to get to, but I got a little done on
it. Still a whooping 60% left in that section. Connection
is messed up, so I cant send this in, so this will be an
unreleased revision. =)

V0.70 (3/30/00) : My own strategies for each class are done. Theres probably
some minor things I might add, but basically I¦m done with
that section. Some reader strategies would be nice, but
I can live without them. Anyway, connection is down, again,
so this will be a huge update. Also added dueling section.

V0.80 (4/01/00) : Worked on the multiplayer tactics section, as well as edited
until my eyes hurt, so theres bound to be a couple of mistakes
I missesd. Point them out to me, if you want.

V0.90 (4/04/00) : Added more to the dueling section. Starting to get to the
last version of the guide. I might take a long break so that
people can send in strategies of their own, and that will be
the final version, because I rather not go past 1.00, because
1.00 should be the final version, with only minor things and
contributions to add. Added more in the Multiplayer Tactics

V1.00 (4/13/00) : Everything is done. Maybe a minor updated version, but I
highly doubt it.
V1.01 (4/19/00) : Fixed huge disclaimer problem. Updated lay-out.

In Future Revisions:
*Reader strategies - like what Ken Lawler sent it

* - This isnt a priorty with me and if no one sends anything in, then none
will be added, so its up for you, my readers to continue on this guide. Email
me your strategies at cnick_1@hotmail.com.


The warrior is the foot-soldier of diablo. Instead of attacking from long
range, or using a magic spell, warriors grab a nice sword, or an axe, or a
mace, and walk straight up to the enemies of hell. Great armor, and lots
of health is required.


STR: 250
DEX: 60
MAG: 45
VIT: 100

Look above and you get the general idea of what a warrior does. High
strength allows warriors to grab any kind of armor and any kind of weapon.
Full Plate Mail is the necessary armor for a warrior. Find one of these
are cherish it. Below are some armor and weapons you should look for.
Remember, unique weapons and armor basically suck, unless you get them
early on.

|Gryphon¦s Claw | Falchion | +100% to damage, -2 MAG, -5 DEX |
|The Executioners| Falchion | +150% damage, -10 HP, -10% light |
|Blade | | radius, +200% durability |
|Doom Bringer | Bastard | +25% to hit, +250% damage, -5 to |
| | | all stats, -20% light radius, -25 HP|
|The Grandfather |Great | 1 handed, +5 to all stats, +20 to |
| | Sword | hitm +70% dam., +20 HP |
|Messerschmidts |Great Axe | +200% dam., +15 to dam., +5 to stats|
|Reaver | | -50 Hp, fire hit (2-12) |
|Royal Circlet |Crown | +10 to stats, +40 mana, +40 armor |
| | | +10% light radius |
|Demonspike Coat |Full Plate| AC=100, absorbs 6 HP per hit, +10str|
| |Mail | indestructable, +50% resist fire |
|Stormshield |Tower | AC=40, absorbs 4 per hit, +10 to str|
| | Shield | indestructable, fast block |

=Prefixes and Suffixes to look for=

While some of the unique items are good, magical items can give you the
best armor and weapons in the game. Below are some Prefixes and Suffixes
you should cherish when you find.


Kings : +151% to +175% Damage and +76 to +100 to hit
Champions : +126% to +150% Damage and +51 to +75 to hit
Masters : +111% to +125% Damage and +41 to +50 to hit
Knights : +96% to +110% Damage and +31 to +40 to hit
Holy : +151% to +170% AC
Awesome : +131% to +150% AC
Saintly : +111% to +130% AC
Obsidian : +31% to +40% resist to all <---for ring or amulet
Emerald : +41% to +50% resist to all <---for ring or amulet
Jade : +21% to +30% resist to all <---for ring or amulet


Haste : skip frames 1,2,4 and 5 of attack animations
Life : +21 to +30 VIT <---for ring or amulet
Lion : +51 to +60 HP
Tiger : +41 to +50 HP
Zodiac : +16 to +20 to all stats <---for ring or amulet
Heavens : +11 to +15 to all stats <---for ring or amulet
Whale : +81 to 100 HP <--- Extremely rare
Mammoth : +61 to 80 HP

=Warrior Advantages=

* The warrior enjoys the fastest attacks with all weapons except the bow
* He gains 2 hit points per level of experience, and also per point of
* Can repair his own weapons
* He gets double bonuses for all items of life and of Vitality though
he also gets double negatives
* The warrior has a critical strike component giving him a calculated
chancge for double damage (half his current level is his chance -- e.g. A
level 10 warrior has a 5% chance for Critical Strike)
* High Vitality means less damage per hit


* Stone Curse can stop enemies from running away (takes a lot of mana)
* Teleport can close in the gap between your enemies
* Have something in your INV. to boost your magical abilites
* Use potions or scroll for healing, not spells


Although the warrior basically hacks-and-slashes, you can perform some
strategy against the demons. The first is LURING one monster type towards you.
This becomes extremely helpful in hell, where you lure the knights to come
towards you, and the advocates/magical demon will stay back. Take out the
knights, then go after the magical users. This seems to work at most areas,
but witches tend to come follow you too, and it becomes a whole mess.

Another strategy (this only works if you have around 100-150 mana) but you can
stone curse and use teleport to kill those distance magic users that run away
whenever you get near them. This eats up mana, but you end up saving a lot of
health in the process.

Another strategy, while obvious, is just get equipment that raises your health,
so you have around 600 to 700 or even more. With that much, you can just do
anything, and take a lot of abuse, before you need to heal.

Fast hit recovery is a must. If you dont have it, you are going to get
killed. You may survive through caves, but once you reach hell, you are
dead. You will get surrounded like heck, and 8 monsters attacking at one
time without a fast hit recovery is just a deadly combination for death.

In multiplayer, when you co-op, watch out for sorcerors. They are loose
cannons, and a fireball or two can kill you. Make sure you are all on the
same page, because believe me, you don¦t want to be killed every few minutes.


Here is a set up for equipment. There isn¦t as much room to experiment unlike
for a rogue or a sorceror, since the warrior is only good at one thing and
thats it.

Helm- - Holy Great Helm of Mammoth (or something like that, with lots of AC)
Armor - Awesome Full Plate of Tiger, Lion, Giants.
Sword - Kings Sword of Haste
Shield- Stormshield
Ring 1 - Obsidian/Perfection or Life
Ring 2 - Obsidian/life
Ammy - Obsidian/Life

This set up gives you a major attack, with lots of life and AC. If you have
exactly what I just posted, as well as maxed out on all stats, you should
be close to 300 AC with an attack that does 100+-130+. This is one of the
best set ups for a warrior, but its extremely hard to find this. Also, he
should have around 500-600 Health, so overall, hes one hella tough warrior.


Heres another warrior set up:

Helm- - Holy Great Helm of Mammoth (or something like that, with lots of AC)
Armor - Awesome Full Plate of Sorcery
Sword - Kings Sword of Haste
Shield- Emerald Shield of Lion/Tiger
Ring 1 - Obsidian/Wiz
Ring 2 - Dragons, Drakes/Wiz
Ammy - Dragons, Drakes/Wizz

This set up gives you a lot of mana to work with. Around 300. Which is
extremely high for a warrior, and it will help out in the long run. You
will lose some AC, but you should be around 230, and your attack might be
10 points lower, but you can now use stone curse to kill those damn witches
in hell/hell, and you can save so much more time. The advantages outweigh
the disadvantages, since you would only need this set up for lvl 14-16,
and theres only one level with a knight, so you won¦t need a super high



The rogues primary purpose is to grab a bow, and kill everything before it
reaches her. And it seems to work. You shouldnt get hurt often, unless
you are in an area with more powerful enemies, or you have enemies that have
magical attacks. The rogues weapon choice is also, extremely easy. A bow
is the only weapon a rogue have. No matter what. A melee weapon is
pointless as the rogue cant get enough HP to stand a chance in tough battles,
and a staff wont work because a rogue can not get enough mana to be able to
cast a lot of spells. While a bow is quite useful, a rogue can grab a melee
weapon and we as successful as a warrior. Read in the strategy section to
see a detailed look on why.


STR: 55
DEX: 250
MAG: 70
VIT: 80

Again, the characteristics tells everything. DEX is the best stat in the
game. It ups your total damage, your AC, and your to hit %. This helps
since the rogue loses the AC received from a shield, as well as the
sacrafice of losing a nice helm, or ring so that you can get your resistances
up higher and you dont get much AC for using it. Below are unique items you
should look for:

|Flamedart | Bow | Fire arrow, +1-6 fire dam, +20% to |
| | | hit, resist fire 40% |
|Fleshstinger | Long Bow | +15 to DEX, +40% to hit, +80% damage|
| | | 6 durability |
|Windforce | Long War | +5 to STR, +200% damage, knockback |
| | Bow | |
|Eaglehorn |Long | +20 to DEX, +50% to hit, +100% dam, |
| |Battle Bow| indestructable |
|Messerschmidts |Great Axe | +200% dam., +15 to dam., +5 to stats|
|Reaver | | -50 Hp, fire hit (2-12) |
|Royal Circlet |Crown | +10 to stats, +40 mana, +40 armor |
| | | +10% light radius |
|Demonspike Coat |Full Plate| AC=100, absorbs 6 HP per hit, +10str|
| |Mail | indestructable, +50% resist fire |

=Prefixes and Suffixes to look for=

Eaglehorn is your best bow there, but its almost nothing compared with the
bows you can get with the right prefix and suffix. Below are the best:


Merciless : +151% to 175% damage
Ruthless : +126% to 150% damage
Savage : +111% to 125% damage
Massive : +96% to 110% damage
Holy : +151% to +170% AC
Awesome : +131% to +150% AC
Saintly : +111% to +130% AC
Obsidian : +31% to +40% resist to all <---for ring or amulet
Emerald : +41% to +50% resist to all <---for ring or amulet
Jade : +21% to +30% resist to all <---for ring or amulet
Dragons : +51-60 mana
Drakes : +41-50 mana
Serpents : +30-40 mana


Swiftness : Skip frames 1 and 3 of attack animation
Readiness : Skip frame 1 of attack animation
Wizardry : +21 to 30 MAG
Perfection: +21 to 30 DEX
Percision : +16 to 20 DEX
Zodiac : +16 to +20 to all stats <---for ring or amulet
Heavens : +11 to +15 to all stats <---for ring or amulet

=Rogue Advantages=

* The rogue casts spells much faster than a warrior
* She adds both one health and one mana point per level gained
* She can inflict physical damage from a distance (duh!)
* She fires the bow quickly and accurately


* Should always fight with a bow
* The mana shield spell is very necessary
* Keep heal and mana shield hot-keyed
* Stone Curse your enemies. You should have the mana to do it!


The rogue probably has the most strategy in the game. The most common one,
is shooting the bow a couple of times, run back into an already cleared area,
and squeeze off another shot, run back a little, and squeeze some more shots.
If you aren¦t fighting considerably stronger enemies, you should be able to
kill most enemies without getting hurt, unless theres just WAY to many to
perform this.

Forget about getting life for a rogue. Mana is almost as necessary for a
rogue as it for a sorceror. Try your best to get it up around 300 mana,
so you can have mana shield, and have ample mana left to perform level 5
or 6 spells against the minions of hell.

A rogue in multiplayer should always have a nice bow. Thats your speciality
so use it. Low AC won¦t hurt you much, since a warrior would be taking
most of the damage. Just make sure you are accurate and you don¦t kill

Use the SHIFT key. You won¦t move while shooting, and you can squeeze
shot after shot without the possibility of walking up to a huge pack of wild
demons. Standing still also allows other characters to move around freely,
so they wont get nailed by an arrow.

(From Ken Lawler )

To start with, Rougues have a very high Dex. That gives a great to-hit rate
(Warriors need +to hit boosters to do well in hell difficulty. What good is
strength if you can't hit anything?) and a high natural AC of 50. While their
Strength is low, the to-hit means their blows land more often. HP is a
problem, but the use of Mana Shield and the equipment below even things out.

35 strength points from equipment can allow a Rogue to wear Full Plate,
boosting the AC beyond what any Warrior can get, and all the better if it has
a +HP suffix. Stormshield is a Rogue's best shield, with it's 40 AC, +10
Strength, and Fast Block, allowing them to block as fast as Warriors (The +dmg
is hardly a setback).

As for weaponry, Rogues can take advantage of the ultimate demon killer
in the game: Civerb's Cudgel. While the Cudgel only does 1-8 damage, the
reason it's so powerful is because the +200% vs. demons affects your total
damage (on char screen), not the weapon damage. While Warriors can use this
item, they have to base all their equipment towards +to hit in order to use it
effectively, which is a huge problem. As for the non-demons, a King's or
Merciless bastard sword of Haste does well.

As an example of an archer/melee rouge's equipment, I submit the equipment my
multiplayer char uses:

Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate of the Tiger
Bow: Windforce
Spare Bow: Eaglehorn
Shield: Stormshield
Melee Weapon: Civerb's Cudgel
Spare Melee Weapon: Doombringer
Ring 1: Obs/Heavens
Ring 2: Obs/Titans
Amulet: Crystal/Zodiac

I would list stats for them, but I don't have the game here at college *sigh*.

Warriors are still great melee fighters (though I won't say the best, I am
slightly biased), with a high base damage (125 vs. 76) and fast swing speed, and
the almighty critical hit. But the Rogue has a natural high AC and to-hit, and
with the right equipment can fight head to head with the demons in hell
as well as a Warrior. Also, early on melee fighting is not a good option for a
Rogue, but later on it becomes a great addition. All in all, Rogues can make
great melee fighters.


To add another equipment set up, I¦ll add my own, which includes a huge
difference then the one set up sent by Ken Lawler. Here it is:

Helm: Royal Circlet/Thinking Cap (TC is for hell, where I need the resistance)
Armor: Awesome Full Plate (Can get better, but a suffix won¦t help too much)
Bow: Massive (+100%) Long War Bow of the Heavens (+14 to all)
Ring 1: Ruby Ring of Life
Ring 2: Jade Ring of Titans
Amulet: Obsidian/Stars

This at, lvl 30, gives me a 54-75 attack, and 256 AC, and I have around 80
or so DEX points to put in.


A sorceror is the only one of the 3 classes to really be able to do some
damage with magic. Its worthless to bother trying to help the warrior with
magic, and the rogue can barely learn things over level 5 of 6. This
ability makes the sorceror the most powerful class in the game. With a blow
or 2 with a fireball, anything thats not immune to it is dead. Sorcerors
are simply gods in multiplayer in diablo, and they shouldn¦t be messed with.


STR: 45
DEX: 85
MAG: 250
VIT: 80
Magic is where its at. Each point gives you +2 mana, so without any special
items, sorcerors alone have more then rogues have with all equipment.
Because they basically have no health, you must find a book of mana shield.
Doing this will cause damage to drain your mana, not your health. This
means that by the time you are at lvl 30, you should have about 800 or so
mana, which is alot more then a warrior can have in health. Below is the
unique items you should look for:

|Dreamflange | Mace | +30 MAG, +50 to mana, +50 to resist |
| | | magic, +20% light radius, spells up |
| | | 1 level |
|Thinking Cap | Skull Cap| +30 mana, all spells up 2 levels, |
| | | +20 resist all, durability 1 |
|Mindcry |Quarter | +15 MAG, +15 resist all, all spells |
| |Staff(hvy)| up 1 leve, 69 guardian charges |
|Holy Defender |Large | AC=15, absorbs 2 HP per hit, +20% to|
| | Shield | fire, +200% dura, faster block |
|Royal Circlet |Crown | +10 to stats, +40 mana, +40 armor |
| | | +10% light radius |
|Najs Light |Plate | AC=100, absorbs 6 HP per hit, +10str|
| Plate | Mail | indestructable, +50% resist fire |

Note: A thinking cap needs to be affected by a hidden shrine before you
should use it. When you find a hidden shrine, take everything off, except
for the TC and a worthless item, and just hope the TC gets the extra 10
durability. You cant lose the TC so theres no loss no matter what happens.
Also, you probably shouldnt use a TC unless you have a high obsidian shield
or higher, or you won¦t have max resistances and you would be forced to use
jewelry to max it out.

=Prefixes and Suffixes to look for=

These below are best for a shield (for resistance) and rings (for mana) or for
a great staff.


Arch-Angel: all spells up 2 levels
Bountiful : charges tripled (best for apoc staff)
Obsidian : +31% to +40% resist to all <---for shield
Emerald : +41% to +50% resist to all <---for shield
Dragons : +51-60 mana
Drakes : +41-50 mana
Serpents : +30-40 mana


Wizardry : +21 to 30 MAG
Zodiac : +16 to +20 to all stats <---for ring or amulet
Heavens : +11 to +15 to all stats <---for ring or amulet
Apocolpyse: Allows a certain amount of charges for apocolpyse
Fireball : Alloes a certain amount of charges for fireball. (good for
dueling, when you don¦t lose mana by using fireball)

=Sorceror Advantages=

* The sorceror gains two points of mana for every level gained, as well as
for every magic point
* He gets double the bonus for magical enhancementsw (gets double neg. too)
* At higher levels, hes indestructable (no kidding)
* He attacks fastest with a shield
* For every level of mana shield, the damage he takes is reduced.


* Use teleport (should be in your top 5 spells)
* Always have mana shield on (duh!)
* Pour points into the magic characteristic, since Mana serves as both
magic power and Hit Points with mana shield on.
* The combo of Stone curse and golem is the only way to kill Advocates, and
soul burners on level 14-16 on hell difficulty. This is extremely
difficult to do, and the only downside of a sorceror


Well a sorceror basically has no strategy. Teleport, chain lightning,
fireball, teleport, and so on. But, you must get books as quick as possible.
Mana shield is the most important to get, then fireball and chain lightning.
Keep looking for the books at the witch, as well as books falling off from
dead monsters.

The LAZ RUN is the best way to get unique items, as well as a lot of cash
quick. Once you have teleport, with at least 400-500 mana, lvl 5 fireball,
and a lvl 5 chain lightning, you are capable to do a LAZ RUN. You just teleport
through 13, down to 14, down to 15, and right into Lazs cell.

Kill him, and his witches, grab the items, and hunt for bloodlust who is
hanging around in lvl 15. This easily gets you 10k gold, and within a hour,
you can have 200k. This is only done by a sorceror, since neither a rogue
or a warrior are able to get enough mana to teleport around.

Pour points in magic. Forget about any reasonable armor (although you want
to max out STR so that you can get a reasonably good armor quickly). Once
you have that, beef up your MAG stat, and watch your mana grow. Within a
couple of levels you will be one mean, lean fighting machine. Be careful
when you use magic spells. A couple of fireball shots can kill anyone
thats not a sorceror.

Although a sorceror can go pound-to-pound with anything in all magic equipment,
you can still customize him. In hell/hell, the soul burners and advocates
can only be killed by golem, and this takes an extreme amount of time. To
fix this, you can put warrior items on your sorceror, and he will become a
mean, lean, fighting machine. Below is what I use, especially down in

Helm - Thinking Cap
Armor - Awesome Full Plate of Sorcery
Weapon - Kings Sword of Haste
Shield - Emerald Shield
Ring 1 - anything/titans or zodiac
Ring 2 - anything/titans or zodiac
Ammy - anything/titans or zodiac

Note: You will only need 2 jewelry to give you the above 90 STR needed to be
able to kick some ass. So on that 3rd jewelry, keep your best ¦magical¦ item
there so you have a nice damage with a sword and a high mana.

The above strategy should only be used for soul burners and advocates. Use
your sword while they are stone cursed, and have golem pound away. This will
go much faster, and you will save a lot of time. This way, getting levels
won¦t be such a pain now that lvl 15 and 16 won¦t take very long to do. Take
notice that you will have around 600-700 (if you had a lot to begin with) mana,
so it may go down quicker then you think.


Heres a different kind of equipment set-up. Its much different from the
above one, but its more standard, and this is how to get a stronger mage for
dueling, and gameplay.

Helm - Thinking Cap
Armor - Naj¦s Light Plate
Weapon - Dreamflange
Shield - Emerald Shield
Ring 1 - something/wiz or sorcery
Ring 2 - something/wiz or sorcery
Ammy - something/wiz or sorcery

You have a lot of room to experiment in here. For most mana, you will need
the dragons or drakes prefix, which is extremely rare to get, but you can
easily have 1100 mana with the jewelry. Other then that, theres not much
you can use for a prefix. The emerald shield, thinking cap, and naj¦s light
plate should give you max resistances.



There are a certain amount of different possibilites for multiplayer tactics.
Below are some different scenarios with a way to be successful in clearing
a room.

=Small Room=

Of course, Im assuming you have at least 1 of each class. But if you don¦t
you may have to slightly alter this tactic. In a small room, a sorceror is
basically useless, as he will hurt his partners. Try to get the monsters
lured out to a bigger room where he can do some damage. In the small room,
the warrior should hack-and-slash, and the rogue should be using her bow,
like usual. If the sorceror has stone curse, he can be doing that.

=Large Room=

Everything is game here. Make sure the rogue helps pick off guys around
the warrior, and the sorceror needs to make sure his magic isnt killing
his partners. Other then that, everything is game, which is very cool.
Try your best to lure one kind of monster away, so you dont waste so
much health or mana.

=Wide Hallway=

Keep 2 characters in the hallway, and one player to go through the door,
(warrior most likely) and lure some monsters in. Have him hack at some of
the demons that come in, but when he gets overwhelmed, move away and let
rogue and sorceror use their long range attacks. CAREFUL! The warrior
should run behind the rogue and sorceror so he doesnt get killed.
This strategy also amplies to a NARROW HALLWAY. The one thing thats
different is that the warrior needs to be careful, since theres is little
room for error. A loose fireball or arrow can easily hit him. He is
in the line of fire. WATCH OUT!

=Lots of Enemies=

This may sound like a joke from the title, but believe me, if you get
surrounded, you are going to get killed. But there is some things you can do
about it. First, have chain lightning, or an apoc scroll, or even a nova or
2 hot keyed, and saved them when you get in this kind of situation. If you
are a sorceror, you don¦t need to worry about this, but a Rogue and Warrior
can be screwed unless they have a powerful magic attack to weaken or kill
everything around them. Also, keep track on what you are going to do if
you get surprised by a huge amount of enemies. You don¦t want to run away
into another uncleared area, so make sure you have a planned route if you
are forced to retreat.

Also, try to single out one kind of enemy that would seem most likely to
kill you. If its witches and knights, go after the knights first. The witches
hurt, but not as much as a couple of knights surrounding you.


Only for sorcerors basically. Only a few rogues and warriors can use it and
they can only do it a couple of times before they need to use a new mana
potion. When teleporting through hoards of monsters, you must always be
moving. Don¦t wait for a second, then teleport. It has to be quick, and
fast or you will be dead. Of course, if you are extremely powerful this
won¦t happen, unless you get locked up by 8 blood knights, then you are
dead. Make sure you have ample mana, at least 500+ to really be able to take
advantage of this.

=Stone Cursing=

While you may not think this spell is important, it is. You don¦t need to
actually see your enemy to use this, so take that for an advantage. Get behind
a wall, cast it a couple of times, and teleport on the other side, and kill
the stoned enemies. Easy enough, eh? Stone cursing is great for warriors,
especially for those pesky witches in hell, where one runs away while the other
50 hit you. This is also a good spell for sorcerors, since you need this,
as well as golem to kill soul burner and advocates deep in hell.


If you dont take your time in the labyrinth, you are going to die. Make small
movements into new areas, so only a couple of monsters see you, and you can
take them out first, instead of taking a whole rooms full of monsters. This
will save you lots of time, health, and your life on certain occasions. This
is a necesity if you are traveling into hell on hell difficulty, where you can
be dead within a second.

Also, having patience will get you into the higher levels, where you get
slightly more powerful as you get past 40, since only a few get further then
that. If you are a sorceror, reaching level 50 is awesome. Not only is it
a great accomplishment, but your spells damage raise each time you get a new
level. So a lvl 19 fireball on you takes off 1100-1300 while a lvl 19 fireball
on a lvl 35 sorceror only takes off 950-1150. 200 damage might not seen a lot,
but multiple that by how many times you shoot it in a duel, and you got yourself
a huge advantage.


Dueling is the funnest thinf in Diablo. That is, if you are lucky to get some
great items to be able to win. While reaching lvl 50 is a huge achievement,
beating anyone is much better. Before you begin your destiny to become the
greatest dueler on battle.net, you must decide one thing:

Are you going to cheat or not?

If you are, fine, its your choice. But duel with other cheats, and don¦t go
after people who are earning their items to win. I have nothing against
cheaters, unless you PK legits. Once you have the answer to that question,
you are now ready to begin your journey. The second question you should
ask yourself is:

What class do you want to be?

Sorcerors are my far the most powerful, rogues come in 2nd, and warriors come
in at a far third. Each class has different requirements to become a good
duelist. Sorcerors need a lvl 19 or 20 fireball, with 1000 or 900 mana
respectively, whether or not you are using an Arch-Angel staff to get the
lvl 20 fireball. A rogue needs a powerful bow, so you don¦t stand there
for 10 minutes taking off 5 HP per hit. Once you get a powerful bow, you
want to beef up with perfection suffixes and gold prefixes to improve
your to hit % and your AC. Warriors are left dead here. They can get a
high AC, and a reasonable to hit %, but nothing can save them from a
powerful long distance attack. Just do yourself a favor and don¦t make a
warrior for dueling. =)

What are some tips?

My best advice is know what kind of items your opponent has, and try to
predict this strategy by that. If he has a lot of mana, he will probably
go all out on magic, so try to get as much resistance and life (or mana
if you use mana shield) to prevent you getting killed by a fireball.

If he has a lot of AC, you are going to need an extremely high to hit %
or you will be toast. Theres also the chance that you don¦t know what he
has, and you are left out in the blue. In that case, you just have to
experiment around, and set up a best out of 3 duel, so that you can lose
one without losing the match.

If you are facing a sorceror, walk parallel from him so dodge as much as
you can. He will hit you a couple of times, but if you perfect this move,
you can move all you want and he will waste mana pot after mana pot. Heres
a map descriptions:



---> Path you should take
X - Sorceror

Move like that. If you are moving at a angle, he will have a better shot,
depending on how big the angle is. The bigger it is, the best chance he will
be pounding you with fireballs.

Where do I find duels?

Good question. Unless you cheat, doing a public game duel is like commiting
suicide. I¦ll guarantee you that some jackass will join and PK each and every
one of you. To prevent this, you can use a scanner, like Diablo Sight, to
scan his items and see if they are hacked. But to prevent being PKed like that,
joining a guild, which holds dueling tournaments, is the best to go. Read
below if you want to join a guild, I listed a number of LEGIT guilds that have
dueling tournaments every month or so.


One of the special things about playing over battle.net is this people.
When Diablo first started, people would group up creating guilds. Instead of
entering a public game, you would play amongst the people in your guild,
people you could trust, and have fun playing with.

Enter the hacks. Cheating went rampant a couple of months after Diablo
was first released. The importance of guilds were know obvious. Legit
guilds were created, so that you would never have to fear being Pk-ed in
a public game, or even MK-ed, which is being killed by monsters by a bogus
clear Town Portal. I put this section here for anyone who actually doesn¦t
know about this, or people who are looking for some guilds. Below are some
guilds I am in or that Ive been in. All of them are proved by me, and the
reasons why I left were not because they were crappy. Here they are:

Knights of Camelot -

Knights of Excalibur -

White Knights of Valor -
Iron Knights -
Eternal Knights of Trinity -


CJAYC - For creating the coolest site on the
net and hosting this FAQ.

Me - For finding all of this info. Ouch!

Prima - Got some of this from their strategy guide. You didnt actually think
I remember all these stats, now did you?

Ken Lawler - For sending in a detailed strategy for
a rogue that I had not thought of.


Well thats it so far. More to come as I get more time to write. If you do
have some sort of strategy with one of the character classes, by all means
send it in! All compliments, suggestions, tips and money donations (just
kidding) can be sent to cnick_1@hotmail.com.

For some self-appreciation [and boasting =)] heres a list of my FAQs:
about 340k; 11 FAQs

PC and Macintosh:
Diablo Multiplayer Guide
Brood War Multiplayer Guide

Sony Playstation:
Gran Turismo 2 License Guide
Mark Henry Move List
Acolytes Move List
Chyna Move List
Steve Blackman Move List

Nintendo 64:
Hydro Thunder FAQ

Super Nintendo:
Soul Blazer walkthrough
Top Gear FAQ
Top Gear 2 FAQ

I¦ve gotten some weird emails...so I decided to add this:

Emails I will read:
- Anything to do with Diablo
- Contributions (please state what your contributing in the subject)
- Compliments

Emails that I will throw away:
- Threats
- Idiotic Messages
- Mail asking for this Guide to be put on their site

Diablo Multiplayer Strategy Guide (c) 2000 CNICK
-End of FAQ-

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Dt. Megatrainer

18.Oktober 2013
Combat Item List
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013
Spellstrainer (für v1.09)

16.Oktober 2013
Anti-Autokill (für v1.09)

17.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken (für v1.09)

17.Oktober 2013
Unlimited Belt (für v1.09)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Warrior auf Level 50 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

18.Oktober 2013
Rogue auf Level 50 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

17.Oktober 2013
Sorcerer auf Level 48 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

11.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer (für v1.00)

17.Oktober 2013
Hell Forge Trainer (was immer das auch sein mag)

16.Oktober 2013
US Version: Killer Spieler bei Diablo.

14.Oktober 2013
European Version: Hochwertiger Spieler im Low Level.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Fast alle Super-Items, die man in die Finger bekommt sind mit dabei - nicht gecheatet. Auch ein paar Uniquis und jede Menge Gold!!! (Version 1.08 erkennt das Gold aber als Duplikat!) Achtung: 3MB

18.Oktober 2013
Update der Questliste

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Du bist ganz am Anfang, aber hast eine gute Ausrüstung

18.Oktober 2013
GameHack Table

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
13.Mei 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Alles, was man so braucht (für v1.07)

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
Bitte readme.txt lesen (dt. für engl. Version)

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

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