Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis

14.10.2013 15:20:01
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# ######## ##### #### #### ###### DINO CRISIS #
~ ### ### ### #### ### ### ### Version 2 ~
# ### ### ### ######## ### ### ENGLISH VERSION #
~ ### ### ### ### #### ### ### by Alvin C WebCraft ~
# ######## ##### #### #### ###### big_shamu@hotmail.com #
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# ###### ######## ##### ###### ##### ###### #
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# ### ####### ### ### ### ### #
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# ###### ##### #### ##### ###### ##### ###### #
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by Alvin C WebCraft (big_shamu@hotmail.com)

Latest Updates : 22th November 1999


In this latest update I have totally rewritten the FAQ.

Do not print it if it is not complete.

I stress to please read the FAQ before anyone write to me about the game.
So that not to stress me out. I answer all mail except for those of you
AOL users who has the mail-block thingy. I will blacklist you, if
my reply is "Returned To Sender" and put your name for all to see in any
of my upcoming FAQ.


Unpublished work 1999 Alvin C WebCraft

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically.(Please give credit where it's due) This FAQ is NOT
to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes. This includes being
incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides,
etc., in ANY way. Please let me know if you want to do anything with
this walkthrough. Another thing, translating this walkthrough to another
language does not automatically make this walkthrough yours. In fact it
only proves that you're a big A-hole and I just hope you rot in hell.

This is my first time writing a walkthrough. I'm now officially insane
from the endless nights of hard work I have put into what I've written.
People keep on asking me... Why do I do it? Hell Son, why not? So what
if I get pirated by Indonesian magazines or Taiwan PSX market. It's the
joy of writing something you would read and help you on those "What
the @$$#!!" moments and gives me all the satisfaction I need.

The webpage will get a total rework before the newyear. For now this
will have to do.




Tips and Strategies



[ You've got mail ]

Three years ago a Research Scientist died in an explosion during one of
his experiments. He was one of the country's top leading man in the field
of energy research. His last project was code named "Third Energy".
The funny part about this story is that the explosion happen just right
after the government stopped the funding to his research. The Research
Scientist name was Dr Kirk.

Earlier this year, Agent Tom was sent to Ibis Island ( an island on The
Republic of Bolginia ) on a secret mission. The mission had a more
different outcome. Tom had found Dr Kirk a scientific genius who has earlier
thought to be dead. Dr Kirk has betrayed his country and has continued his
research on the island.

Your mission Regina, is to infiltrate the island, locate Dr Kirk and return
him unharmed to his home country.

You will be accompanied by an Elite Task Force specially trained in all
known situations.

Before you know it, you're in the air with jumpsuits ready to get some.
You land on the east gate with Gail and Rick. Gail orders the team to
go ahead without Cooper.( Cooper gets eaten by T-Rex )

Let the Operation Kirk begin...


Tips and Strategies

a) Controls

Default Configuration.

L2 R2 -> Turning / 180 degrees
L1 -> Selecting Target R1 -> Aim

UP Tri -> Menu

LEFT <-> RIGHT Sqr ----------> Cir -> Accept/Action/Shoot

DOWN X -> Run / Cancel

SELECT -> Options START -> Pause

This will be the first of a new type of Capcom's new Horror Survival Series.
The controls of the game are very similar to the other games from Capcom's
Resident Evil games. What is note worthy would be the Special 180 degrees
turn and the new auto-target function that is widely used in the game.

b) Random Items Format

Almost all the items such as med packs, cylinders, ammos and darts are
widely placed randomly throughout the game. The next round you play will
be different as the placement of the items and the amount will change.
I will do my best to help you find these items. As I do not know how
you wish to play the game.

c) Live Selection and Live Action Format

Live Action Format is a new way of putting you into a trance of suspense
and terror. You would think that it is a movie or a FMV. It is not.
When you come across DANGER, the whole screen turns into a wide angle scope.
At this point you are suppose to BASH THE ACTION BUTTON to release you from
the hold.

Live Selection is a new format that allows you to make your own adventure.
It is Capcom's way of increasing the replay value of the game, hence making
your future unknown until the last crucial moments. Most of the decision you
make will have a drastic effect on things to come. So choose well.

d) Saving, Mixing, Darts, Item Boxes and Maps

On your item menu you'll get an item bar that has Item, Mix and Map. When
you highlight an item, 3 options will come up. The options are to USE,

You may only save at the "Save Rooms" They are marked "S" on the map.
Don't worry about getting lost 'coz you can't. There's always a way out.
When you view a map Blue/Purple means that's where you are and Red means
that's where your going. Grey areas are the ones you haven't been to yet.

Files / notes have a very different filing system than the other Capcom
games. In fact they aren't any. You have to put down the every important
help that you find. You have no way of searching back into your inventory.
Read and understand every thing you come across. The game will be very-very
difficult if you don't.

Remember Resident Evil, the herbs and the mixing? Well the same goes with
Dino Crisis. You get Medical Packs (Blue, Green, Yellow and Red) and Cylinder
(Blue, Green, Yellow and Red). Why do write out the colour? Well it is
to illustrate the level of concentration for all the items. Remember
the colours well as it will save your live. The next item on the agenda
would be the most important things to remember.

i) Cylinders ( Aid, Intensifier and Multiplier )

What the hell is a Aid, Recovery Aid, Intensifier and Multiplier? A clinical
term for items that will increase the potency of items with recovering
properties or anesthetics properties. Okay in plain english it means
that these items will increase the level of power to a Med Pack or a
Dart when mixed. Where on earth do they come up with these names?

ii) Medical Packs and Resuscitation

Medical Packs does the same job as herbs in Resident Evil. The potency
of a Med Pack are defined by the colour. BLUE ( Hemostat ) stops the
bleeding but does not heal you. The YELLOW ( Med Pack ) heals you and
stops the bleeding. The RED ( Med Pack ) heals you completely. You can
use Aid, Intensifier, Multiplier or Hemostat to increase the potency
of the Med Packs.

What are Resuscitation? ( First Aid Kit ) When equipped you can return
to life with your health fully restored. Its your extra life.

You would want to keep only the Yellow and the Red as anything lower
would be better used to increase potency.

There are no health bars in this game. Your health is determined by
the way Regina walks. You can even see blood dripping. It is very
easy to get used to. You will understand after your first attack.

iii) Tranquilizer Darts

You can only make darts once you have gotten the Shotgun or while you
are playing for the second time and the shotgun is included in your
list. Darts makes the enemy sleep. It can tranquilize with a single shot
but the effect of the darts depends on the potency.

It is quite hard to use darts as they require a direct hit for it to
work. The whole concept of darts if to manage your ammos. You can
save on ammos and reserve them for bigger monsters. Darts do not
work on T-Rex and Pterodactyl.

You either find darts or you can combine to aid to make a dart.
Then you increase the potency with whatever you find. The level of
potency still stands with the rest of the items. The only colour that
should be noticed is the Red Dart as it kills the dino instead of
putting it to sleep.

You would want to keep only the Yellow and the Red as anything lower
would be better used to increase potency.

Items in the game usually come in single or a number of two. When you
sort an item, you can max an item to threes in one group. The potency
of the item is marked by the " + " sign.

For those of you who needs to see charts to understand the concept of
mixing, I have tried to create a table that will some what explain the
whole process.

| | |
| Med Pack ( RED ) | Med Pack ( Yellow ) + Med Pack ( Yellow ) |
| | |
| Med Pack ( Yellow ) | Hemostat + Aid / Intensifier / Multiplier |
| | |
| An. Dart ( Red ) | An. Dart ( Yellow ) + Resuscitation |
| | |
| An. Dart ( Yellow ) | An. Dart ( Green ) + Aid / Intensifier / Multiplier |
| | |
| An. Dart ( Blue ) | Aid + Aid |

This list does not cover all the ways of mixing, it is only a guide.
You can use Green/Blue darts and cylinders to mix some the items as well.
The objective is to get the results that you want.

| | |
| Med Pack ( RED ) | Stops Bleeding completely + Heals 100% |
| | |
| Med Pack ( Yellow ) | Stops Bleeding + Heals 70% |
| | |
| Resuscitation | Returns you to life + 100% health |
| | |
| An. Dart ( Red ) | Kills enemy |
| | |
| An. Dart ( Yellow ) | Puts enemy to sleep |

Item Box

Unlike your normal everyday Item box, storing or getting items are a little
more complicated in this game. You have 3 different types of Item Box,
well there are called Emergency Item Box. Green, Yellow and Red.

These boxes gives you different groups of items ranging from Health, Ammos
to Misc. The complicated part are the "Plugs" you need to open these boxes.
You will find plugs all around the place.

The first box will need one plug to open, the next box of the same colour
require two and the next three. Yes, the numbers of plug needed increases
every time you open a box. The good side about it would be that you can
access all the boxes that you have opened.

e) Characters

The Cast Of Dino Crisis:

| |
| Regina |
| Age: 25 Gender: Female |
| Occupation: Special Elite Task Force Member |
| Main Playable Character |
| |
| Info : A Weapons Expert who specializes at handling and |
| modifying weapons. Agile and deadly in every move she makes. |

| |
| Rick |
| Age: 23 Gender: Male |
| Occupation: Special Elite Task Force Member |
| Character |
| |
| Info : Computer/Medical/Mechanical Expert who knows more than |
| what is good for him. He never leaves man behind, even if it |
| means sacrificing the mission itself. |

| |
| Gail |
| Age: 32 Gender: Male |
| Occupation: Special Elite Task Force Member |
| Character |
| |
| Info : A veteran in the field. His main goal is the mission. |
| Nothing else matters. Profanity is one of his trademark. |

| |
| Cooper and Tom |
| Age: ?? Gender: Male |
| Occupation: Special Elite Task Force Member |
| Character |
| |
| Info : The former is in charge of Communications. The latter's |
| an undercover agent. |

| |
| Dr Kirk |
| Age: 29 Gender: Male |
| Occupation: Scientist |
| Character |
| |
| Info : An Einstein of his time. Betrayed his country for the |
| sake of his research. A treacherous man. His achievements will |
| one day be his undoing. A god without remorse or feelings. |

f) Weapons

You will start the game with a handgun and a couple of 9mm Parabellum
Bullets. Each game will have a different set of weapons depending on
how well you do in the game. You do not get a variety of weapons to
choose in this game. You only have 3. You are however able to upgrade
the weapons. Each upgrade will probably be hidden in a safe or in a room.
Here's the Spec's.

Glock 34 ( Handgun )

Easier handling but it has a modest stopping power. Made by Glock of Austria.
Uses the 9mm Parabellum bullets.

Glock 35 ( Custom Handgun )

The Glock Special model made exclusively for Special Task Force Unit.
Uses the 40 S&W bullets and the 9mm Parabellum bullets.

Shotgun Model PA3 ( Shotgun )

A pump action shotgun. Made by L. Franchi.
Uses the darts and the buckshot Shotgun Shells.

40mm HK Grenade Pistol ( Grenade Launcher )

A smaller hand held version of the Grenade Launcher.
Made by Hecklerand Koch of Germany.
Uses the grenade bullets and heat bullets.

Weapons Transition
| |
| Handgun |
| Handgun + sight |
| Handgun Custom |
| Handgun Custom + sight |

| |
| Shotgun |
| Shotgun Custom |
| Shotgun + Stock |
| Shotgun Custom + Stock |

| |
| Grenade Gun |
| Grenade Gun Custom |

Steam Outlets and Laser Shutters

Steam/Gas outlets and Laser Shutters are mostly found in passageways and
corridors. These are your friends or your enemy. Use it to trap or hold
back your enemies. Study the situation well before using any of these items
in a fight or the tables might be turned.

g) Enemies

I do not work for the museum but I did do a little research into this
area. Ever since my first Godzzila action figure, dinosaurs has always
been a part of me.

As you would only meet some of the enemies only once throughout the
game, it is important to know which to kill and which to let go.
Running is the best asset, as well as the art of making darts.

Don't waste your shots, and make every one count. You cannot shoot them
when they are getting up. Shoot only when they are upright and in
your face.

Raptors ( Velociraptor )

Velociraptor would be the most common dinosaur you will encounter. They
are very dangerous and very-very persistent. The only way to make sure
that it is dead is when you see blood. They will follow you everywhere.
Running into a safe room only delay the unavoidable. Normal rooms does
not stop them from coming at you.

Later in the game these Raptor seem to mutate into a Super Raptor. Due
to the pattern on its back it resembles the Deinonychus another predator
from the prehistoric era. These are though to kill. Fortunately they only
come in at the near end of the game.


Death from the skies. These winged creatures will swoop you from the skies.
Killing them would just be a total waste of ammos. The best strategy is
just to run. Zig-zag if you must. They are quite easy to avoid once you
get used to it. If you do decide to kill them, SG would be the best
weapon to use.

Scavengers of the dead. These are the smallest dinos ever. They are not much
of a threat but if you decide not to kill them they will wear you down. They
are normally found among the dead bodies. They will come out of vents on the
wall. Just use the Handgun.


I think Capcom decided to be John Hammond and create one of the most deadly
of all dinos in this game. They don't wait or sneak up to you like the Raptors.
They just charge at you and you have like... seconds to empty your Shotgun or
Grenade Launcher at them.

Your first encounter with these dinos would be the Arsenal Storage area.
They leave a dire thought in the mind of those who decide to go Gail's way.

T-Rex ( Tyrannosaurus Rex )

The most ferocious of all dinosaurs. Running would be the first thought that
comes to mind when it comes to him. Tyrannosaurus Rex will come as one of the
bosses you have to defeat. Most of the encounters requires you to run a lot.
If you have to shoot use your Shotgun or your Grenade Launcher. Do not use your
Handgun or your darts. ( He uses darts to pick his teeth after he eats you )

I know this is gonna sound real stupid. When the T-rex attacks, hold your shot
until he opens his mouth. It is the most affective time to shoot.

h) Puzzles

There are no easy way out of solving any puzzles in Dino Crisis. Either
you get it or you don't. The puzzles get harder and harder as you progress
in the game. It's like Double Jeopardy with your life as the main

There is no easy way of explaining the puzzles that are in this game.
I will guide you and provide you with the secrets and the solutions.
I have decided to put the solutions in the Spoilers section so you
would AT LEAST try and solve it by yourself.


I will ask you to remember a few places and items in this game. If you
do print this out, please highlight the items so it might help you
along the way.

Most of the items will be mentioned. Most of the surprises will not be
mentioned. Going astray from the FAQ may result with you meeting with
an enemy or getting killed. Check every dead body. Push every box, shelf
and pick up every item you see. Nuff Said. Enjoy the game.

This walkthrough is written in the Normal mode. Go Easy if your afraid!!


---[ First Floor ]------------------------------------------------------

The First Checkpoint. Regina will start at the gate of the Backyard of
the facility with Gail and Rick. Playtime is over kids. Something fishy
is going on.

The light in the guard-house is out. Where are the guards?

Gail gets first rank and takes flank. Rick will now go infiltrate the
facility and occupy the Control Room to gain access the security system.
Once Rick goes off to the Control Room, you will gain control of Regina.

Turn left ( east ) and go see what Gail is up to. The game will take over.
A strange hole in the gate has the both of you baffled. What on earth
could have done such damage? What were they shooting at?

Once you regain control of Regina, go inside the green door in front of
you. You are now in the Material Storage room. Head to the shelf on your
left and pick up the Back-up Generator Area Key. Push the shelf next to
you to gain access to the item at the back. Now exit the room.

Turn to your right and look for a box you can push to get an item. Look
at your surroundings and you will find a locked gate. The gate leads to
a Back-up Generator for the Underground Area. Remember it well. Now go
to where you first started. The game will take over.

Rick will call you. The place is deserted. All the power in the facility
has been cut. You need to gain access to the Back-up Generator. Gail over-
heard the last part of the conversation and takes charge of the situation.

Once you regain control of Regina, follow Gail and head out to the
Backyard. Go to the gate on your right and you should be at the passage-way
to the Back-up Generator. The game will take over when you reach Gail.

Awww... Your first dead body and it is even thorn in half. Check the body
for an item and proceed on to your right ( north ). Talk to Gail and he
will tell you that he will stand guard while you go in and take a look
around. Enter the door in front of you and you will be in the Back-up
Generator room for the First Floor.

Make your way to the end of the passage and you will see a switch on your
right and a battery box in front of you. The switches on your right has are
colour coordinated. That means you need to get the battery formation to
be exactly the same as the colour on the switches. ( Remember these colours
well as there are a lot of generators in this game )
_____ ________ _______ _______
| | | | | | | |
| Red | | Purple | | Green | | White |
|_____| |________| |_______| |_______|

Back-up Generator Battery Puzzle

[ Right ] - [ Center ] - [ Right ]

Then activate the switch to turn on the Generator. Turn around and exit the
room. The game will take over.

You hear gunshots and a scream. Gail!! Gail's in trouble. Exit and try to look
for Gail. The game will take over. You will be introduced to your first

Run! Run back to your first checkpoint. It is slow and you can out-run him.
( You could kill him and be faced with a shortage of ammo later ) Once
you are through the first gate...

Just to through the second gate and go in the facility. He cant jump on
you twice. Once you have escaped your first encounter, the game will
take over.

Rick will call you. Rick finds out you have lost Gail. ( He ain't
sad about the news ) Then you tell him you saw some kinda Dinosaur
( He ain't sad about that either ) He tells you to go to the Control
Room so you both can talk to Oprah. ( It's on the map )

Head to the small passage in front of you and enter the door. Go down
the hallway and turn left until you reach a Ventilation Outlet. ( This
is a shortcut you can take if you want to avoid any encounters with dinos )
Go up the Ventilation Outlet and proceed forward in the shaft. Go down the
first exit you see. Proceed forward and turn left. Pick up the item and
you will notice an Item Emergency Box on the wall. You need a plug to
access the box. Now enter the Control Room in front of you. The game will
take over.

Regina will have a brief conversation with Rick. You now need to gain access
to the Underground Area. To do that you need to first restore the power to
the area. For now you need to explore the current area for any useful items
and information.

Once you regain control of Regina, exit the Control Room and turn right.
Proceed forward and enter the Management office ( Save Room ). First of
all you need to turn on the power switch. It is a small switch next to the
door on the opposite wall that has a small red light on it.

Once you have turned on the power, head to the computer and read the e-mail
( Spoilers ) Now you will understand the key system of the facility. Now pick
up the weapon on the floor, DDH input disk "H" on the shelf and a plug just
next to the disk. You can now access the Item Emergency Box next to the
Control Room if you need anything. Don't worry about the other portion of the
room. Exit the Management Office and exit through the other door on the
north wall. The game will take over.

The laser shutters for that portion are now accessible. Evade and kill the
raptors. Enter the Locker Room on your left. Read the Journal of the Guardsmen.
( Spoilers ) Pick up the DDK code disk "H" from the top of the locker. With
the information from the journal you can now access the other portion of
the Management Office.

Enter the Management Office and enter the other portion of the room. You will
see a dead body on the floor. Pick up the Panel Key 2 next to the dead body.
It has "LEO" written on it. Examine the safe in front of the dead body. It
requires a numeric code to unlock the safe.

Enter: [ 0426 ]

Once it is open, pick up the Main Entrance Key and an item below it. Exit
the room the same way you came in. Go to the door on your right ( east )
and you will be at the Main Hall of the facility. Scout around for items
on the floor. You will notice a huge logo on the floor with a big black
double door next to it. Use the main entrance key to unlock the door and
go outside to the courtyard. Make your way around the divider until you
reach a dead body. Read the note of Personnel Changes. ( Spoilers )
The dead guy is John Doyle. ( remember his name and I will explain later )
Pick up the DDK code disc "N" next to the dead guy. Check the body for
an item and pick up any other item you see. Head back to the Main Hall.
Go up the stairs to the Second Floor.

---[ Second Floor ]-----------------------------------------------------

Look around for a box and push it for an item. Enter the door in front
of you. Dispose of the raptor. There should be two items on the floor.
Enter the Lounge door on the south wall. Dispose of the raptor and take
the item on the floor. Go to the next portion of the room. Read the
Chemical Manual on the bar. ( Spoilers ) Notice the panel on the east wall.
It is a safe but you do not have the code yet. Exit the room and go to
the door on your left.

You will be outside on the passageway of the communications area. Enter
the door closest to you. You are now in the Communication Antenna Room.
Look for a memo and read it ( Spoilers ). With the information you will
now be introduced to your first type of DDK puzzles and you will have
the code needed to access the safe in the lounge. Head back to the Lounge
Room. Enter the numeric code into the safe.

Enter: [ 8159 ]

You will receive a Handgun Upgrade ( Handgun Slides) that you can use
to increase the power of your handgun. Exit the room and approach the
door on your right with a panel next to it. ( northwest ) Examine the
panel and a message will prompt you to use the DDK disks "H" that is
in your inventory. Accept and you will see your first DDK puzzle.

| |
| Puzzle Information |
| ------------------ |
| |
| Each DDK puzzles require two disks. An Input Disk and a Code Disk. The |
| Code disk will give you the code and the Input disk will provide you with |
| the key. In this first puzzle the level of security is low. The solve the |
| puzzle you need to subtract the letters of the KEY from the CODE. It will |
| then provide you with the PASSWORD needed to unlock the door. |

| |
| ------------ |
| |
| CODE : H B C E F A G D I |
| KEY : B C F G I |
| [ See Spoilers for PASSWORD ] |

Enter the Chief's Room once you have unlocked the door. The game will take over.

Regina will meet a survivor. Out of sympathy Regina lies to him about
being there as a rescue team. Before he dies, he passes you the Panel Key 1
with the words "SOL" written on it.

Once you regain control of Regina, I want you to do as I say and be very careful
with the next thing you do as a slight mistake will force a confrontation sooner
than needed. Look for an item on the floor. Pick up the DDK input disc "N" from
the shelf. Do not go to the direction of the door. Look for a framed picture on
the wall with two medals on it. Insert Panel Key 1 and 2 into the slots. It will
now prompt for a numeric code. Even if you read the clues to this puzzle, you
will not get it as the clues are very-very vague. It is not even a puzzle.
The names on the panel key ( SOL & LEO ) are not letters but numbers turned

Enter: [ 705037 ]

Once you have opened the safe, take out Key Card L. Now stock up your shotgun
with SG shells and head for the door. The game will take over.

You will be introduced to the upper half of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It should
take four shots to drive him away. Exit the room if you survive. Go down
to the Main Hall on the First Floor.

---[ First Floor ]-------------------------------------------------------

Once you are at the Main Hall, go to the double door underneath the stairs on
the south wall. The game will take over. Rick will call you and tell you to
look up a room on the first floor.

Examine the panel next to the door and you will be prompt to use the DDK disks
"N". Accept and solve the puzzle.

| |
| ------------ |
| |
| CODE : A B N D E F G H |
| A B W C D F G H |
| A B D F G H O M |
| A B D E F G H R |
| KEY : A B D F G H |
| [ See Spoilers for PASSWORD ] |

Go into the Elevator Hall. Pick up any item on the floor and push a box
on the left to get an item. Have a look on the glass board and record
the map data. There is an Item Emergency Box in this room. There is also
a dead guy in this room. I will introduce him to you later.

Unlock the door on the east wall and go in the corridor. Go in the first
door on your left and you will be in the Office Room. Dispose of the Raptor.
Read the notes by the staff and the memo on the white. ( Spoilers ) You
will find out about ID and a man called Paul Baker. Use the phone on the
desk and it will prompt you to page Paul Baker. Accept the hold option
and head to the computer on the far side of the room. It is a device
that can rewrite the data of an ID Card. Unlock the double door but don't
use it. Exit the room the same way you came in.

Go along the corridor and you will meet a raptor, find a Ventilation
Opening ( don't go up ) and a dead body ( check for item ). Enter the
door next to the dead body and you will be in the Lecture Room. Head
to your left and look for an orange key, B1 Back-up Generator Key.
Pick it up and the game will take over.

Gail saves your ass. He needs to hook up with Rick, coz' he is the only
person who can fix his radio. Your search for Dr Kirk is still in vain.
Gail heads to the Control Room. You now have to get to the Control Room

Once you regain control of Regina, exit the room and climb up the
Ventilation Opening. Go on until you reach the other opening and
then go down to the Toilet. Pick up the item on the floor if any.
Exit the toilet and have a look at the door on your right. It is the
Strategy Room. It is locked for now. Unlock the laser shutter and head
to the Control Room. The game will take over.

The three of you have concluded that Dr Kirk has to be in the Underground
Area. Regina is now in charge of restoring the power back to the area.

Once you have control of Regina, go to the Back-up Generator for the
Underground Area gate in the backyard of the facility. Use the B1 Back-up
Generator Key to unlock the gate and enter. Pick up the item and then
go down the ladder.

---[ Basement Level 1 ]------------------------------------------------

Go forward until you see a small panel on the wall. Remove the Battery R
from the charger outlet. Go to the very end and insert the Battery R into
the battery box. Get the colours to match the switch.

_____ ________ _______ _______
| | | | | | | |
| Red | | Purple | | Green | | White |
|_____| |________| |_______| |_______|

Basement Level 1 Back-up Generator Battery Puzzle

[ Left ] - [ Centre ] - [ Right ] - [ Centre ] - [ Left ] - [ Centre ]

Once the colours are matched, activate the switch on your right. The
game will take over. Rick will call you. He wants to talk to you so
you have to make your way back to the Control Room on the first floor.
( why can't he come and see you )

Anyway once you regain control of Regina, push the shelf for an item and
then make your way back to the Control Room on the First Floor.

---[ First Floor ]-------------------------------------------------------

Once you enter the Control Room, the game will take over. Gail saw someone
on the underground monitor. He is convinced it is Dr Kirk. Suddenly Regina
gets a Distress Call from another member of the team.

Gail and Rick gets into a fight on what is more important. Rick gives you
access to the underground area and then goes off to save the team member.
Gail heads to investigate the underground area. This will be your first
Live Selection. You will have two option to choose from. So choose well.

---[ First Live Selection ]---------------------------------------------

What will you do? Choose the idea you believe in.

GAIL'S IDEA : Search for clues to find Dr Kirk

RICK'S IDEA : Rescue your comrade immediately

---[ GAIL'S IDEA ]------------------------------------------------------

Once you regain control of Regina, exit the Control Room, turn left and
go down the stairs.

---[ Basement Level 1 ]------------------------------------------------

At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and try to make it to the door on
your right. The game will take over.

You will be introduced to Procompsognathurs. The little monsters are a pest.
Kill them or let them be. Enter the Medical Room ( Save Room ). Pick up
the ID Card from the desk, read the memo on the desk, pick up med packs
from the cabinet next to the desk, plugs from the shelf on the right
and any other item of use. Go into the next portion of the room and have
a look around. Notice the two small cases on the shelf next to the bed.
These are Emergency Cases that hold extra items to help you later.
( Later means you don't have the key yet )

After you are finished, exit the Medical Room and proceed forward. Enter
the door at the end of the passageway. The game will take over.

You will be separated from Gail. There is no other way in except for the
Lift. You need to gain access to the lift. Unfortunately you do not have
the right ID card to access the Lift.

Enter the door to your right. This is a passage leading to the Carrying
Out Room. ( whatever that means ) It is a long passage to the east. If
you get jumped midway, bash your action button and D-pad to save yourself.
At the end unlock the shutters and all the doors for future use. Enter
either of the double door to the Cargo Carrying Out Area. Check the dead
body and read the memo telling you the location of the DDK disc "L".
Now head back up to the Strategy Room next to the toilet on the first floor.

---[ First Floor ]-------------------------------------------------------

You should now be in front of the Strategy Room. Use the ID Card you got
from the Medical Room to unlock the door. Enter the Strategy Room.

A lot of things to pick up in this room. Pick up the Finger Print Collection
Device on the table, pick up the DDK code disk "E" and read the data file
in this room. There is also an Item Emergency Box in this room. Pick up
any item of use.

You now have everything you need to fake an ID Card. There are two places
you can get this fingerprints. Choose your dead guy and remember you
only need to choose one.

[ John Doyle ]

Remember when I introduced you to John Doyle outside at the courtyard.
Use the Finger Print Collection Device on him and proceed to the office
with the computer that can rewrite ID card. ( skip the Paul Baker part )

[ Paul Baker ]

Go to the elevator hall and you will here a constant beeping. The dead
guy next to the map is the Paul Baker. ( remember you paged Paul Baker )
Use the Finger Print Collection Device on him and proceed to the office
with the computer that can rewrite ID card.

You should now be in the Office Room. If you read all the info I asked
you to read, you will now know the code to enter.

John Doyle - [ 57036 ]

Paul Baker - [ 58104 ]

Insert the ID Card you got from the Medical Room into the computer and you
will be prompt to enter the code. Enter the proper code for the finger print
you got. Your ID Card has been upgraded and you now have access to the lift
in the elevator hall.

Remember the scene where Gail jumps in and gets cut off from you by the
shutters. Well there is a DDK Door there and you don't have the disc yet.
I will save you some time. Instead of the elevator hall, go to your first
check point. The Backyard of the Facility. The place where you started the

Once you reach the backyard, the game will take over. Rick will call you
and tell you about Tom's untimely death. Rick will now go sulk in the
Control Room. Enter the gate on the left ( east ).

---[ First Floor ( B ) ]------------------------------------------------

You are now on the passageway to the Large Size Elevator. You will meet
two raptors and two items. At the end of the path enter the door to your
left. The game will take over. You will be introduced to Pteranadon.

After the scene, pick yourself up and get back your weapon. You don't have
to kill Pteranadon. They are very easy to avoid as they will scoop down
when they attack. Just run zig-zag and you will be fine. If you try to get
out the same way you came in you will have a tough time. If you do decide
to kill them, a single clear shot from the shotgun with SG bullets will do it.

The only way out is the Large Size Elevator but there is no power. Enter
the door on the north east to the Elevator Control Room. You will find
Tom here. He is holding the DDK code disk "L". Pick that up and the
DDK input disk "L" on the table. Exit via the sliding door and record the
map data on the wall. Go through the door on your right and you will be on
the passage to the back-up generator for the elevator. Run around to the
other side while avoiding the attack from above. Enter the door and climb
down the ladder.

Pick up the Basement Level 1 Crane Card and push the shelf for an item.
Go to the centre of the room and you will see Six Panel Switches with
Three colours on each of them.

The switches control the pipes that connects the back-up generator. Each
switch will bring down Six Twisting pipes. Yes, Twisting. This is not even
a puzzle. The whist in the pipes makes it hard to figure out which one
comes first. The Left represent the pipes at the bottom. The Right
represents the pipes on top.

| ___ ___ LD|
| | | | | | Activate the colour on the switches
| 3 | B | 4 | R | | accordingly with the numbers ( turns )
| |___| |___| | that are next to the switches.
| ___ ___ |
| | | | | | R - Red ( Orange )
| 2 | G | 5 | G | | B - Blue ( Purple )
| |___| |___| | G - Green
| ___ ___ |
| | | | | | LD - Ladder
| 1 | R | 6 | B | |
| |___| |___| |

Once the power is restored, head back up the ladder and exit the room.
The game will take over. Bash your action button and your d-pad to stay

Return to the Large Size Elevator. Activate the Control Panel on the lift
and take it down to Basement Level 1.

---[ Basement Level 1 ]------------------------------------------------

Once you reach Level 1, your path is blocked by huge crates. A scene will
show you a crane you can use to clear a path. Head up the ladder and use
the Basement Level 1 Crane Card to activate the crane.

Look at the position of the crates and use the moves on the control panel
to clear a path. There are a lot of ways to do this. here is the fastest.

__ __ __
| | | | | |
|__|__|__| __ |__| __ __ __
| | | | | | | | |
__|__|__| |__| ------> __ |__|__|__|
| | | | | | | | | | | |
|__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__|


[ UP 2 ] - [ LEFT 1 ] - [ DOWN 1 ] - [ HOOK ] - [ RIGHT 2 ] - [ RELEASE ]


[ UP 2 ] - [ HOOK ]

Go down the ladder and make your way to the Elevator Hall on the First Floor
( where Paul Baker lies dead ). Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

---[ RICK'S IDEA ]------------------------------------------------------

Once you regain control of Regina, exit the Control Room, turn right and
Make your way to the First Check Point, the Backyard of the Facility.

Once you reach the area, the game will take over showing Rick just ahead
of you. You are now on the passageway to the Large Size Elevator. You will
meet two raptors and two items. At the end of the path enter the door to your
left. The game will take over. You will be introduced to Pteranadon.

After the scene, pick yourself up and get back your weapon. You don't have
to kill Pteranadon. They are very easy to avoid as they will scoop down
when they attack. Just run zig-zag and you will be fine. If you try to get
out the same way you came in you will have a tough time. If you do decide
to kill them, a single clear shot from the shotgun with SG bullets will do it.

Enter the door on the north east to the Elevator Control Room. The game
will take over. Tom is in a bad way, but he manages to pass you the
DDK code disk "L". You need to find a way out immediately. You need to get
the lift working. You need to get the power back up. Pick up the DDK input
disk "L" from the desk. Go through the sliding door, record the map data
from the wall on your right and exit the room via the next door.

You will be on the passage to the back-up generator for the elevator.
Run around to the other side while avoiding the attack from above.
Enter the door and climb down the ladder.

Pick up the Basement Level 1 Crane Card and push the shelf for an item.
Go to the centre of the room and you will see Six Panel Switches with
Three colours on each of them.

The switches control the pipes that connects the back-up generator. Each
switch will bring down Six Twisting pipes. Yes, Twisting. This is not even
a puzzle. The whist in the pipes makes it hard to figure out which one
comes first. The Left represent the pipes at the bottom. The Right
represents the pipes on top.

| ___ ___ LD|
| | | | | | Activate the colour on the switches
| 3 | B | 4 | R | | accordingly with the numbers ( turns )
| |___| |___| | that are next to the switches.
| ___ ___ |
| | | | | | R - Red ( Orange )
| 2 | G | 5 | G | | B - Blue ( Purple )
| |___| |___| | G - Green
| ___ ___ |
| | | | | | LD - Ladder
| 1 | R | 6 | B | |
| |___| |___| |

Once the power is restored, head back up the ladder and exit the room.
The game will take over. Bash your action button and your d-pad to stay

Return to the Large Size Elevator and activate the control panel on the
lift. When the lift is ready, go back into the Elevator Control Room and
the game will take over.

The three of you will take the lift down to Basement Level 1.

---[ Basement Level 1 ]------------------------------------------------

Once you reach Level 1, your path is blocked by huge crates. Tom is not
gonna last much longer. A scene will show you a crane you can use to clear
a path. Head up the ladder and use the Basement Level 1 Crane Card to activate
the crane.

Look at the position of the crates and use the moves on the control panel
to clear a path. There are a lot of ways to do this. here is the fastest.

__ __ __
| | | | | |
|__|__|__| __ |__| __ __ __
| | | | | | | | |
__|__|__| |__| ------> __ |__|__|__|
| | | | | | | | | | | |
|__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__|


[ UP 2 ] - [ LEFT 1 ] - [ DOWN 1 ] - [ HOOK ] - [ RIGHT 2 ] - [ RELEASE ]


[ UP 2 ] - [ HOOK ]

Go down the ladder and the game will take over. Your objective now is to
concentrate on the mission and leave Tom to Rick. Once you regain control of
Regina, make your way past the crates to the other end. You will see a
dead man and two double doors ( one on each side ). Read the memo and
exit the room via the door on your left. The game will take over.
Tom dies.

Unlock the door and the laser shutter for future use. Go down the long passage.
If you get jumped midway, bash your action button and D-pad to save
yourself. Enter the door at the end.

At this point you will see a shutter blocking you from the other room.
Enter the next door around the corner. Go down the corridor and the game
will take over. You will be introduced to Procompsognathurs. The little
monsters are a pest. Kill them or let them be. Enter the Medical Room
( Save Room ).

The game will take over. Rick will now go sulk in the Control Room on the
First Floor. Pick up the ID Card from the desk, read the memo on the desk,
pick up med packs from the cabinet next to the desk, plugs from the shelf
on the right and any other item of use. Go into the next portion of the
room and have a look around. Notice the two small cases on the shelf next
to the bed. These are Emergency Cases that hold extra items to help you
later. ( Later means you don't have the key yet )

Exit the room and make your way back to the shutter blocking your way
earlier. Once you reach the passage to the lift hall, the game will take
over. Gail will call you and ask you what has happened. Gail is in the
Laboratory Area. Regina sees the lift but shutter is blocking your path.
After you have briefed him on the situation you will have a new objective.
That is to use the Lift ( that you can see ) to rejoin your team leader.
Unfortunately you do not have the right ID Card to use the lift.
Now head back up to the Strategy Room next to the toilet on the first floor.

---[ First Floor ]-------------------------------------------------------

You should now be in front of the Strategy Room. Use the ID Card you got
from the Medical Room to unlock the door. Enter the Strategy Room.

A lot of things to pick up in this room. Pick up the Finger Print Collection
Device on the table, pick up the DDK code disk "E" and read the data file
in this room. There is also an Item Emergency Box in this room. Pick up
any item of use.

You now have everything you need to fake an ID Card. There are two places
you can get this fingerprints. Choose your dead guy and remember you
only need to choose one.

[ John Doyle ]

Remember when I introduced you to John Doyle outside at the courtyard.
Use the Finger Print Collection Device on him and proceed to the office
with the computer that can rewrite ID card. ( skip the Paul Baker part )

[ Paul Baker ]

Go to the elevator hall and you will here a constant beeping. The dead
guy next to the map is the Paul Baker. ( remember you paged Paul Baker )
Use the Finger Print Collection Device on him and proceed to the office
with the computer that can rewrite ID card.

You should now be in the Office Room. If you read all the info I asked
you to read, you will now know the code to enter.

John Doyle - [ 57036 ]

Paul Baker - [ 58104 ]

Insert the ID Card you got from the Medical Room into the computer and you
will be prompt to enter the code. Enter the proper code for the finger print
you got. Your ID Card has been upgraded and you now have access to the lift
in the elevator hall. Proceed to [ Resume Game ].

---[ Resume Game ]------------------------------------------------------

You are now at the Elevator Hall on the first floor. Use the ID Card
to access the lift on the left side. The game will take over.

---[ Basement Level 1 ]------------------------------------------------

Kill the raptor. Record the map data from the wall, read the Security
Manual on the table and pick up any item of use.

| |
| Puzzle Information |
| ------------------ |
| |
| From this point onwards the security level has been upgraded. You should |
| know this by now if you read every thing I asked you to read. A more |
| intricate code system has been introduced. In a case where numbers are |
| written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers represent the |
| codes for the corresponding letter. A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 |

Examine the panel next to the double door and it will prompt you to use the
DDK disk "L". Accept.

| |
| ------------ |
| |
| CODE : L F A C E D O E G H |
| R F A C T D O E R Y |
| KEY : 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
| [ See Spoilers for PASSWORD ] |

Go forward ( north ), unlock the laser shutters, kill the raptors and enter
the Library Room door in front of you. There is a raptor lurking around in this
room. Notice the Panel on the wall on your left. Please remember the Panel.
Pick up the weapon upgrade and any other item of use. Go through the door
on your left wall. ( west wall )

You will meet two raptors here and an Item Emergency Box. Also pick up any item
of use. Enter the Research Meeting Room on your second right turn. Read the
Researchers manual, the message about mixing gas on the white board, pick up
the DDK input disk "E", the message on the computer panel and pick up any item
of use. There is a locked door here that leads to the Gas Experiment Room.

Exit the same way you came in and turn right until you reach the Computer Room.
Look for a toolbox on a seat. Pick up the Screwdriver from the toolbox. Use the
Screwdriver to unscrew the panel on your right wall for future use. Pick up any
item of use and then read the Security Manual on the computer. Notice the huge
TV monitor with two panel, one on each side.

| |
| Puzzle Information |
| ------------------ |
| |
| From this point onwards the security level has been upgraded. You should |
| know this by now if you read every thing I asked you to read. A more |
| intricate code system has been introduced. In a case where numbers are |
| written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers represent the |
| rows to be deleted. If "2" is displayed, you should delete the letters |
| on the second row. |

Examine the control panel next to the manual and you will be prompt to enter
a numeric code. Enter the code you got from the computer panel in the Research
Meeting Room.

Enter: [ 7248 ]

The door to the Gas Experiment Room is now unlocked. Return to the Research
Meeting Room and enter the Gas Experiment Room. You will find someone
in the Gas Chamber. You can't enter the chamber yet as it is filled with
poisonous gas. You need to neutralize the poisonous gas by mixing it with
three other types of gas. ( If you read the message, you would understand )
Examine the control panel for the gas chamber. ( if you screw up and the guy
dies because the level is too high, you will NOT receive the small key )

Mix the gas in this sequence:

[ RED ] - [ RED ] - [ GREEN ] - [ BLUE ]

Once the level reads zero, enter the Gas Chamber and the game will take over.
After a short scene the guy will give you the B1 key chip with 3695 written
on it. After he dies, check the body for a Emergency Case Small Size Key.
( you can now open one of the two small Emergency Case next to the bed
in the Medical Room ) Exit the Chamber and the game will take over. Kill
the raptor by using the gas.

After that return to the Library Room and use the BI key chip on the panel
on the wall. You are prompt to rewrite the magnetic strip on the key.
You will be required to enter a numeric code. Accept and play the puzzle.

Enter: [ 3695 ]

___________ ___________ ___________
\___________/ \___________/ \XXXXXXXXXXX/
/ \ / \ / \
\___________/ _ \___________/ \___________/
/ \ | / \ /XXXXXXXXXXX\
\___________/ | STEP 1 \___________/ \XXXXXXXXXXX/ _
/XXXXXXXXXXX\ | / \ / \ |
\XXXXXXXXXXX/ _| \___________/ _ \___________/ | STEP 3
\XXXXXXXXXXX/ \XXXXXXXXXXX/ | STEP 2 \___________/ _|
\XXXXXXXXXXX/ \XXXXXXXXXXX/ _| \___________/

___________ ___________
/ \ / \
\___________/ \___________/
\___________/ \XXXXXXXXXXX/
\XXXXXXXXXXX/ \___________/
\XXXXXXXXXXX/ _ \___________/
\___________/ | STEP 4 \XXXXXXXXXXX/
/ \ / \
\___________/ \___________/

Once you obtain the strip, a scene will show you a panel on one of the
servers. You will now get back the B1 key chip. Insert the B1 key chip
into the panel you saw in the scene. The server panel will open and
you will receive the Key Card R. Read the memo and return to Computer

You must have the Key Card L ( the key card you got from the second
floor ) and the Key Card R. Insert either key into one of the panel
on the side of the big huge TV monitor. ( L key - left panel or R key
- right panel ) The game will take over coz' these two keys needs to
be swiped at the same time. Regina will call Gail to help her.

Gail will come and the two of you will reveal the secret door behind
the TV monitor. Examine the panel next to the secret door and you will
be prompt to use your DDK disk "E". Accept and solve the puzzle.

| |
| ------------ |
| |
| CODE : T H E |
| T H I R D E F N F E |
| B A L L O N |
| H I R O R R S G S Y |
| KEY : 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 |
| [ See Spoilers for PASSWORD ] |

Enter the Vortex Room. Try the alpha, beta control panel to learn how
Vortex works. Read the doctors journal, push the shelf for a weapon
upgrade and any other item of use. Notice the computer at the end with
an Emergency Exit just net to it. Exit the room the same way you came in
and the game will take over.

A Security Lock Down has been activated. Someone has tripped over one of
the sensors, it must have been Dr Kirk. You now need to find a way out of
there. You need to release the lock.

Approach the small panel you open with the Screwdriver and you will be
prompt to play a puzzle.

X = black blocks with green pattern

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| |XX| | | |XX| | |XX| | |
| |XX| | |__|XX| | |XX| |__|
| |XX| | |XX| | | |XX|XX|
|__|XX|__| |XX| | |__|XX|XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| | |XX|XX| |
|XX|__|XX| |XX|__ __| |XX|XX|__|

| | |

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| |XX| | |XX|XX| | |XX| |XX|
| |XX| | |XX|XX|__| |XX| |XX|
| |XX| | | |XX| |XX|XX| |
|__|XX|__| | |XX| |XX|XX| |
|XX| |XX| | | | |XX| |
|XX|__|XX| |__ __ __| |__|XX|__|

[ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 1 ] - PUT IN ORDER

\ | /
\ | /
|_ ____ |
| | | | |
| |__| __| |
| | |
| |__ |

Once this is done the alarm will go off. You will now have a new problem.
The two of them just don't give up. You need to get out of there but which
way do you want to take.

---[ Second Live Selection ]---------------------------------------------

What will you do? Choose the option you believe in.

GAIL'S STRATEGY : Break through the area relying on your skills

RICK'S STRATEGY : Cooperate with Rick and escape through the hatch

---[ GAIL'S STRATEGY ]-------------------------------------------------

Gail's way is simple. Make your way to the Cargo Carrying out room. The
path will be filled with a lot of raptors. Make sure you are fully loaded.
Make your way to the area with the ladder and the game will take over.
You will meet up with Gail again and guess who he stumbled upon.
Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

---[ RICK'S STRATEGY ]-------------------------------------------------

At this point I want you to pause the game and get pen and paper. I will
not give you the solution for this puzzle. It is random. It is so simple.
Just put down every letter and enter the letters accordingly.

Enter the Vortex Room and examine the computer at the end. You will be
prompt to play a puzzle. Each puzzle you solve will unlock one of the
safety lock on the Emergency Escape Hatch. You have to chances to screw

Once you opened the hatch. Go down the ladder and you will be in a small
underground tunnel. When you come up at the other end, the game will
take over. You will meet up with Gail again and guess who he stumbled upon.
Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

---[ Resume Game ]------------------------------------------------------

After the short scene, you will regain control of Regina. You will receive
Communicator ID Card from Doctor Kirk. It is time to go home. Your new
objective is to get to the Communication Room on the second floor. The
only way to access that room is to go to the Control Room on the first
floor. Make your way there.

---[ First Floor ]-------------------------------------------------------

You are now in the Communication Room. There is a lift in this room. Use the
Communicator ID Card to access the lift. Take it up to the second floor.
You will be in the Communications Room. To call for your chopper you first
need to bring up the antenna on the other side. To do that you need the
Antenna Key. It is located in a small panel next to the door. There is an
Item Emergency Box and this room is also a save room. I suggest you save.

Exit the room and head to the Communication Antenna Room on the other side.
Insert the Antenna key into a small panel on the far left of the control
panel. When the antenna is ready, load up your weapons and exit the room.
The game will take over.

The T-Rex wants to wants to say goodbye to you. This is by far one of the
hardest confrontation. All the exits has been locked down. You need to make
a run for the Communication Room. At the end, make your stand. You need to
shoot the T-Rex at least ten times with the SG shells.

Once you have beaten the T-Rex, the lock for the door will be lifted.
The game will take over. Regina will call for the chopper and it will land
at the Heliport on the first floor. Rick will then tell you how to get
to the Heliport. Rick will meet you there with Dr Kirk in his hands.

Once you have regained control, take the lift down and make your way to the
Courtyard. If you don't know where the Courtyard, it is the place where
John Doyle's body lies. The exit is next to the body.

Once you enter the gate, you have to fight your way through a few raptors
but there are a few items that can help you. At the end of the passage,
enter the door to your right. Go forward and climb up the ladder. Go to
the end of the passage and pick up any item of use. Go back down the ladder.

Your passage to the Heliport is blocked by a few crates. Push the crates
in this order to gain access.

__ __ __ __ __
| |1U| | |2R| | | U - Up
|__|__| | |__| __|__| R - Right
| | |3D| |5U| D - Down
|__|__|__|_ |__|
| | | | |4R|
_________| |__| |_|__|______

Your passage is secured. Pick up any other item that you find and exit
the room The game will take over.

[ FMV ]

Your plans are ruined. Br Kirk has escaped and there is a big huge lizard
on your scent. First you must look for Rick. He is at the lift at the
top right corner ( north east ). Check the lift and Rick will ask you to
buy him some time. ( this scene must happen in order for you to survive )

You now must run with the T-Rex on your trail. You do not have to shoot
him for it would be in vain. Just run around the fallen chopper. At least
six times before Rick will call for you. Run to the lift and the game will
take over.

We are screwed!! The chopper is history!! We have to find another way out
of here. Once you regain control of Regina, go forward until the game takes
over. Kill or ignore them. There is a small door on your right. ( east )

Enter the Material's Room, look for a dead body. Pick up the C. O. pass card,
pick up any other item of use and above all you must read the memo from the
dead guy. After that exit the room and move to the other end of the passage.
Enter the lift and the game will take over. You have found a way out through
the port. After the scene you will be at the Basement level 3.

---[ Basement Level 3 ]------------------------------------------------

You are in the Carrying Out Area for Basement Level 3.

The power has been cut. Your first priority is to get the power back.
One of the battery on the main generator is damaged. You need to find
a replacement. Go to the Basement 3 Back-up Generator room on your left.
Push the shelf to get an item. Go to the main battery case. You will
need a Level C key card to operate this device. No matter, take out the
white battery and bring it back to Rick. He will put it in for you.
Once the power is back on. Rick will go off to work on the security
system while you will have to handle the escape route.

Once you regain control of Regina, follow Rick into the B3 Control Room.
Read the staff memo, pick up the B3 crane card 1 and 2 and whatever item
of use. There are two Item Emergency Box in this room. This is also a save
room. Prepare yourself and exit the room via the next door.

You will be in the General Weapon Storage area. Move forward and you will
be introduced to Theizinos. Push your action button to stay alive. They are
two here. Avoid them and enter the shutter door in front of you. ( notice
the ladder next to the shutter )

You will be in the Transport Passageway. Kill the dino. There are two
Level A door ( a shutter and a small door ) and a laser shutter, all
of which is unaccessible for now. Pick up the B3 crane card 3 and the
C. O. area key. Exit the shutter and quickly climb the ladder next to it.

Your objective is to find a passage to the dead body with the DDK key.
Your passage is blocked by crates. You need to access the crane to clear
a path. Now head up the small ladder. You must have all three crane card
to access the crane. Move the crates in this order.

Move 1

[ 3 UP ] - [ HOOK ] - [ 2 LEFT ] - [ 1 DOWN ] - [ RELEASE ]

Move 2

[ 3 UP ] - [ 1 DOWN ] - [ 2 RIGHT ] - [ HOOK ] - [ 2 LEFT ] - [ RELEASE ]

Move 3

[ 3 UP ] - [ 2 RIGHT ] - [ HOOK ]

Move 4


Move 1

[ 2 LEFT ] - [ HOOK ]

Now go down and retrieve the DDK input disk "W". Make your way back to the
Carrying Out Area for Basement Level 3.

Back tommorrow... Sorry Kenny too tired



F I R S T F L O O R ( A )

| |_
| C \
| _________________ _/
| =================|
| |
| |
___________________| |______________________
| | G V\ MH \ G V |
| LR / _/_____| | | |_______________/__ |
| | | |______/_______|__|___| | |
|_______| G | MO |I | | | |
| / | | EL \ | OR | |
|V | | S |__________/______| G | | |
|_______|_/_|_____/_| |___|___|L | \ | |
| | V|_________________| |__________________|_/_|
|I | | | | | |
|_______| | V _______________| | MS | |
|I | | |__/_____ |_/__| |
| ___/___|_ | | | |
| | | | | LR1 | BGUA | |
| | CR | | \ | |_________ |
| | | | | | LD| | |
| |____/__|_|___|_______________|________|_________|_/_|
| |_ |L| | | | | |
| |_| | BGFF | | / FCP |
|_____ | | | | |
| | | | /
|____/_| | ________|_________|
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | / /
N _| |____________/ /
| | /
W-|-E | ____________/
| | |
S | |


FCP - First Check Point
MS - Material Storage Room
BGFF - Back-up Generator for the First Floor
BGUA - Back-up Generator for the Underground Area
CR - Control Room
MO - Management Office
MH - Main Hall
LR - Locker Room
EL - Elevator Lobby
OR - Office Room
LR1 - Lecture Room
S - Save Room
V - Ventilation Opening
G - Laser Shutter
I - Item Emergency Box
L - Lift
C - Courtyard


| | | |
| | | |
| CAR | CR / |
| | | | ______ | |
| | | | / \ | |
|______/__|_________| |_______________| |___| |
| / / |
| |_____________/______________|_______________________|
| | |
|______ | LG |
| | _________|
| | =========|
| | |
N | | |
| | |_______________|
W-|-E | | CR1 |
| | / S |
S |__________|I___/___|
| |


LG - Lounge
CR - Chief's Room
CAR - Communication Antenna Room
CR1 - Communication Room
S - Save Room
I - Item Emergency Box
L - Lift

B A S E M E N T L E V E L 1

| |
| VR |
_____________________|__/______ |
|I / | E |
| __/______________| |___|
| | | | |
| G | R | GE | CR |
| |_________/_______| |
| / | |
|________| |_/_______|
| LR | |
| | |I
| | G |
_|_/__________| |
| |
| ______|
\ /
N \ /
| \ _/
W-|-E | G |
| | |
S | |
_______| |
| / EH |
|_/_ / |
| | /_______/____|
| | | |___|___|L _________
| | |_________________________|_________|____
| | / \ LD| |
__________| |___|__________________ / | |
| | | LD| G | E | |
| ___/______| | | | | LS |
| | | | | | | |
| | MR | | BG | \ CO | |
| | S | | / / | |
| |__________| |______|______|_________|____|
| |__


MR - Medical Room
EH - Elevator Hall
LR - Library Room
R - Research Meeting Room
GE - Gas Experiment Room
CR - Computer Room
VR - Vortex Room
BG - Back-up Generator Room
CO - Carrying Out Room
LS - large Size Elevator
S - Safe Room
E - Emergency Escape Hatch
L - Lift
G - Laser Shutter
I - Item Emergency Box

F I R S T F L O O R ( B )

| |
| _________ |
| | |LD | |
| | | / |
| | | |___|____________________
| | | | / |
| | | | |_|L
_____________| | | | |
\ | | CO | |
/_________________| | | HP |
| | | |
| | / |
| | | | |
L|_/ / |______/__ |
| | CR | |
| ____ _____|_____________| _|
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | LG | |
N | | LS | | | |
| | | | | | |
W-|-E | | | |___ __ ___| |
| | |____| | LD | / |
S |__________/_|________|__|_______|
| |
| ________|
_________________| |
\ |


CO - Carrying Out Area
HP - Heliport
LS - Large Size Elevator
CR - LSE Control Room
LG - LSG Back-up Generator
LD - Ladder
L - Lift

B A S E M E N T L E V E L 1 ( B )

________________________________ _
| / |
| ____________________________|_|L
| |
| |____
| __/_|
| | MR |
| |____|
_| |
| / |


MR - Material Room
L - Lift








- All the FAQ writers at gamefaq....
- All the guys at PSX vamps... Vamp228 You D' Man
- All those Residents of Racoon City keeping me up with the updates
- Game Shark Code Creators Club for those codes
- Hey Rudy my first WALKTHROUGH!!!!
- The Director Shinji Mikami
- Stef I love you!!!


© 1999 WebCraft Sdn Bhd
All Rights Reserved
Mail : alvincho@tm.net.my


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