Tenchu 2: Birth Of The Assassins

Tenchu 2: Birth Of The Assassins

14.10.2013 14:19:18
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Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins
Item/Weapon List Guide
for the Sony Playstation game console.

By: Matt Hulbert
November 24, 2000 ~ Version: Final

(c) 2000-01 All Rights Reserved to Matt Hulbert

Table of Contents:
1.) Introduction
2.) Item Listing
3.) Weapons List
4.) Contact Info
5.) Credit Info
6.) Legal Section
7.) Authors Notes

Version History:
Version 1.0:
This version got almost the entire FAQ done, and the next update will be very
soon, and most likely the last update this guide will see. This version
includes all of the items with their descriptions, how to find them, and some
brief history on the weapons. As well as a small section with some strategy for
using and conserving your items, plus you should choose what items to take into
a level with you. The next update will probably just edit most of the mistake
and maybe add a couple of newer Q & A, it just depends on how many questions I
get until then in email.
Version 1.1
Well, its about time that I wrapped this one up. I have added one or two
More item strategies, and grammatically checked the entire FAQ, or atleast
I say that, much is probably still wrong. But for the most part this guide
Is finished.
Version Final
This guide is officially 100% complete and finished!


1.) Introduction

This Item/Weapon Guide was compiled for a few reasons, one being, that
none of the complete guides for the game go very in-depth into the Item
or Weapon sections, this is even including my own. The reason is that I
got so many emails regarding questions about Items I decided that email
was not the best way to answer all of these questions, so I decided to
make this FAQ, hoping it would answer any questions anyone might have.
So now that you know the general reasons for this guide, if you still,
Have a question, you can email it to me, but please make sure it is not
Already in the guide, and it will be answered as soon as possible ----.

2.) Item List

How do I find an item?


Yes it is a fact that bodies can be searched by killing them and then crouching
near the enemies head (use R1). Only about 1 out of every 10 guys will actually
have something, unless your just lucky enough to find the one that does first.
You will hear a sound to confirm that you have found the item, so pay close
attention, cause it isn't really that loud. If the soldiers bodies are
overlapping you will have to drag one of them away to search them.

How do I drag bodies to even ground?


This is probably the most asked question I get in my email so I finally just
added it into the FAQ. Use the R1 and circle button, you have to drag bodies
when you try to get an item off a dead body but they are over lapping so you
can't. Bodies can also be moved by pushing them when you walk into them.

Why should I take my time with items?


There is another thing I have noticed, and that is if you select the wrong item
and don't want to use it, it doesn't matter if you already hit the item button,
this is why I urge to be patient and not get caught in this predicament. Its
not very fun when you finally find and item and then lose it because you rushed
into something, so just take your time, and you'll be glad later - really.

Item Name: Ninja Rebirth

Item Use:
Well who knows where some of us would be without this one. If you happen to be
getting totally torn up by a group of more than one attacker or you will surely
die if you don't escape, this is the right item for you. Take this and you will
suddenly appear in a different part of the level away from the danger and you
will have full health.


Item Name: Grenade

Item Use:
Well, this is not as powerful as everyone thinks, but you don't want to just
keep using them to get rid of an enemy. Use them to maybe soften up a boss or a
more powerful combatant so that you can get them down to your level of health.
These are not going to wipe very many enemies out with just one blow, so don't
count on them as a last resort, ever.


Item Name: Poison Cure

Item Use:
In some of the later levels, if you did not have this you would be dead in a
very short time. Once you become infected with poison, usually carried by the
women ninja's, there is not a whole lot that you can do without the cure,
because every few second you will go into pain and not be able to attack, so
you will get killed easily.

Ok, here is Tedsters opinion on the matter, with a brief strategy for using
your poison anecdote to the full extent of its power:

When you get poisoned while fighting an enemy, the problem isn't solved
just by selecting the antidote and drinking it. Often the greater problem
is finding enough _time_ to drink it. This is next to impossible to do when
you're engaged in combat; your poisoned state inhibits fighting, running,
and sometimes the act of drinking the antidote itself. As if that wasn't
bad enough, you've still got the enemy in your face trying to slice you to

The best thing to do is evade the attacker until you have enough space to
take the antidote. You can't run away, and jumping around in the middle of
a fight is pretty risky, too. However, the poison won't affect you while
you're crouching or rolling.

So, roll left or right away from your attacker, then start rolling for
either enough space to drink up, or even better, a nearby area where you
can roll out of the sight of your attacker (you _do_ want to them to pay
with a stealth kill, right?). You may lose health trying to do this, but
it's better than dying right where you were; besides, it's the ninja way!

BTW, my experience concerning this stems from the fact that I started the
game with Rikimaru, so I didn't even _have_ Poison Antidote until I
finished the game with him and started with Ayame. I _had_ to to play
'cowardly ninja', roll to safety, and wait for the poison to wear off on
its own. Yep, having Poison Antidote for Rikimaru's final fight with Kagami
sure would have been nice, as would Ninja Armor, for that matter...


Item Name: Blow Gun

Item Use:
This is one of the best used and fun items in the whole game. This can be shot
from very long distances and has a very deadly effect. Do not think that this
will instantly kill a boss, not even close, but it is great for quietly
disposing of men if you have to cross like a bridge or something where you
would be easily spotted other wise.


Item Name: Grappling Hook

Item Use:
Without the grappling hook the game would be impossible to beat. You have to
getup to places higher up that cannot be reaches other wise in almost every
level of the game, so without this you would be screwed. It can only lock onto
certain things, and does have a height limit, but there I usually an in between
place you can use to get up there.


Item Name: Poison Rice

Item Use:
Well, then is kind of a cruel item to use, especially if you use it on the
maids or old men who are usually in temples or villages. This is a good way to
lure out an enemy and kill them quietly, although some of the times they have
been known to draw attention to themselves if there are others in the immediate
area, so be careful. I would suggest that you plant it and hide somewhere that
you can still watch what is up.


Item Name: Mines

Item Use: Well, mines are a good way to keep enemies from coming into a certain
area, although most times you will end up blowing yourself up instead, that is
why I do not really use these, and don't think it is a good idea to do so
unless you are a very experienced player, and know exactly the locations of
where you put them.


Item Name: Colored Rice

Item Use:
Well, if any of the items are absolutely useless, here it is! The only use
these have might be in the levels where you personally get lost very easily, so
you can just put these down as a marker to see where you have already been.
Unless you are having a real problem with the level, these are just a waste of
item space.


Item Name: Shurikens

Item Use:
This is probably the most widely used, and favorite item of most Ninja players,
but there damage is not really enough to even kill the maids without more than
one. Do not waste these, because with a few you can seriously weaken some of
the earlier bosses from a distance, and that will give you the advantage while
you are fighting them. That is really the only use they have, besides using
them to draw attention.


Item Name: Floor Spikes

Item Use:
These are used when you are trying to escape from multiple attackers and need
them to get slowed down, or if you are planning on luring them into a certain
area, so that they will run into the group of spikes. Now if you happen to step
on them yourself, this can open up a large disadvantage period, because it
exposes you to an enemies open attack.


Item Name: Ninja Health

Item Use:
This is a jar of some substance that will completely restore all of your
health. Although these are not that easy to come by, they are much better than
using the code and them screwing up your score. BTW, if you should happen to be
dying with no other option, you might as well just use the code, because it is
not worth dying and you don't really sacrifice that much by doing it anyways.


Item Name: Leaves of Stealth

Item Use:
These are a harder to find, but very fun to use item. Ever wished you could be
invincible, well this is your ticket! This is a great item if you need to say
get through a passage unseen, but it is heavily guarded by like 5 enemies. This
is also a good thing to use when you are losing to a boss, and you can get some
free hits in on them.


Item Name: Air Bottle

Item Use:
This can come in very handy if you are hiding from an enemy underwater and they
can see you when you use the air trick with the straw, but you have to stay
down just a little longer, well use this item and you will get an extension on
your air supply. Do not become completely dependant on this or you will end up
drowning when you run out of them.


3.) Weapons List

Ninja Name: Rikimaru

Weapon Name: Kitana Sword

This sword is not quite as powerful as Tatsumaru's, but he has a very
Large advantage when compared to Tatsumaru, and that is the fact that
He can keep his sword unsheathed as long as he wants too. The sword is very
agile and he can pull it around to block a spear or second attack very quickly,
although the stab is not very powerful and unconsistant.
Don't count on this sword to overcome more than a couple attackers at
A time, but it is still one of the best weapons on the game, so use it!


Ninja Name: Ayame

Weapon Name: Daggers (2)

Ayame and her daggers can be even more quick and deadly than Rikimaru,
But all this speed comes at a price. She is not exactly over powering
With them, and she doesn't really dig into opponents like a sword does
She slices and cuts at them until they die. That is ok for Stealth and
Silent kills but when she starts fighting 3 or 4 at a time, she will
Be swarmed and over run, because they are not powerful enough to even
Drive back that many attackers to attempt an escape. They can be kept
unsheathed as long as you want them too so that makes them even better.


Ninja Name: Tatsumaru

Weapon Name: Unarmed Combat

Tatsu and his hand to hand combat, which usually ends up being him unarmed vs.
and armed attacker is his primary form of combat. This attack usually consists
of a couple different very powerful punch types and a very powerful sweeping
kick. He can come up behind some opponents and kill them with one punch, much
like Rikimaru can do with one sword slash, which just shows how strong he
really is. Although he is not as fast with his hands as Ayame is with daggers,
he can still get it done.


Ninja Name: Tatsumaru

Weapon Name: Sword of Gohda

This is like the ultimate weapon of the game, except the only problem is that
he cannot keep it unsheathes except for when he is actually in
The process of hitting something with it. The sword of Gohda has got to be
twice as strong as Rikimaru's sword, although the possessor can have a larger
influence on a weapons strength as Rikimaru would later show. Do not think just
because you have this sword you can take on every guy in the level, because you
will be sorely mistaken, maybe if you could keep it out, but not when it is a
single sword weapon.


4.) Contact Information

If you have any questions about this guide, or need help with any a section or
Need more in depth help than is given in this guide, please feel free to email
Me at the address listed above. If you have any comments about this FAQ or you
Believe you have found something that is incorrect or wrong in this guide, you
Should feel free to email me for that too, and it would be greatly appreciated
Because if the information is wrong, this guide is useless. Now, if you happen
To have something that you would like to contribute, a list or tip that I just
Happened to have missed or don't have, please email it to me, and I would love
To put it in and make this guide even more complete, and you will be given the
Proper credit in the credits section - those kinds of emails are fine, but the
Author of this FAQ would greatly appreciate it if you do not email him just so
You can say how much you dislike this game because that type of immature email
Will be disregarded and never responded too, that is what the reviews are for.

5.) Contributor Credits

Matt Hulbert:
Well mainly just because I compiled all of the information and wrote
the guide. I can emailed at rocky1328@aol.com if you have anything I
should know or add to the guide, but that's about all I did.

Dingo Jellybean:
He has been a huge help to me over my 9 month career. He is willing
To answer questions about his guides anytime, and is a pretty good
Friend to talk to on AIM.

Well, Dallas has always been a favorite writer of mine, second only
To Dingo Jellybean. I kind of looked at some of his FAQs and liked
How he does his formatting, so if you notice any similarities, they
Are not accidental, he is a great writer, and a great moderator.

Jeff Veasey:
The webmaster of www.gamefaqs.com and a great writer himself. Although
He is usually super backlogged and buried in email, he always tries to
Respond to you as quickly as possible with a clear answer.

Thanks again for his strategy and opinion on Poison Curing that he allowed me
to use in my FAQ.Walkthrough, which was also an important piece of information
in this guide.

6.) Legal Copyright/Disclaimer

This document is the property of the author, Matthew Hulbert. It may not be
posted at any web site or single web page, by anyone, without the permission of
the author. This document may only be recreated electronically, because is for
your personal and private use only. This document may not be altered or
modified and then distributed in anyway, and it may not be given away as a gift
or bonus for buying something. Pieces of this document may not be copied and
pasted into another document without the permission of the author, and even
then credit must be given, and the copied section must remain unaltered. I have
heard rumors about certain companies, especially Game Cave and Brady Games
stealing FAQs, copying FAQs, and also giving FAQs away as bonuses for buying
their products. That is not allowed, and if it is done, it will be in breach of
this disclaimer. All of the information in this document was compiled by the
author, unless separate credit is given, and in order to use those certain
sections which were not compiled by the author, but contributed by others, you
must contact the actual author of that certain piece of information. That is
all I ask of you.

This Document is Copyright 2000 to Matt Hulbert.

7.) Authors Notes
Well I hope this guide helps with any questions you might have had with any of
the items and or weapons. I will still be answering email on the subjects, but
only if the questions are not already answered in the FAQ because that would
defeat the purpose of even having it. The latest and most recent version of
this guide can always be found at:

* www.gamefaqs.com
* www.gamewinners.com
* www.vgstrategies.com

Please check out the other guides by this author which include:
- Tenchu 2: BOTSA Complete Guide
- Zelda: Majora's Mask Complete Guide

The End

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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