Dead or Alive

Dead Or Alive

14.10.2013 10:26:18
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Dead or Alive FAQ version 1.0
Sepetember 12, 1997
crafted by Lei-Fang 1-6-7
. leifang167 .
1. Systems
a. FAQ Conventions
b. Common Commands
c. Canned Combo Explanation
2. Tricks & Misc
3. Characters
a. Kasumi d. Bayman g. Zack
b. Jann-Lee e. Tina h. Gen-Fu
c. Lei-Fang f. Ryu Hayabusa i. Raido
4. Thanks & Copyright.

| .......... | Printing Note:
| 1234567890 | Print this FAQ in a monospace font or it will look bad.


Conventions used in this FAQ:
d,df,f,K mD 25 JinsouKyaku

u up bj uj fj
d down ub u uf H Hold | logical "or" operator
b back b N f P Punch + press together
f forward db d df K Kick * starter, see below
j jump bl dl fl
l landing

strike levels: h high
m middle
l low
down downed opponent only
move special movement
taunt you suck ;)
D downs opponent
S downs opponent to side

other: oppcr do when opponent is crouched
behind do when opponent's back is turned
(H+P) escape command for throws
(H+P+K) escape command for holds
(not all throws and holds may be escaped)

common commands:
f,f Dash
f,F Run
b,b Backstep
H+P+K Danger-Zone cancel. Pressing within 15 "frames" of hitting
Danger-Zone ground will cancel the explosion and launch.
Pressing more than once will nullify your input.
do nothing Rise in place
H,H,... Roll to side and rise
U,H,H,.. Roll to background and rise
D,H,H,.. Roll to foreground and rise
add D to the end of any of the above to rise to a crouch.
B Backroll and rise
D Backroll and rise to crouch
add K to the end of any of the above to kick upon rising.

Strike>Throw>Hold System:
All non-movement or pounce commands may be divided into three
groups, Strikes, Throws, and Holds. If both players input their
command at the same time, a paper-rock-scissors style system is
employed to determine who wins. Strikes will overcome throws. Throws
overcome holds. Holds overcome strikes. If both players enter
commands of the same type, (i.e. both enter hold commands) they will
push each other back with no damage.

Note about canned combos:
Like Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive has a number of canned combos,
for example PPK. But for some characters these combos can be started
with several different moves like P, u,P, f,P, etc. so to list these,
some commands you will see have a star next to them, these are the
possible "starting" moves. The combos which can flow out of these
will start with a star as its first command, this means to use a
starter in place of the star. For example, Hayabusa has these combos:
*P h 10 High Straight Fist
*P h 11 Reverse Backfist (back turned)
*ub,P h 10 RyuueiTou
.*,P hh 12 .RenDan
. *,P,f,P hhm 18 . RenTougeki
. *,P,K hhmD 30 . ShuuRendan
.*,K hhS 30 .Straight, High Kick

To illustrate this, the commands may be drawn as this tree:
P ------\ /--- f,P
| /--- P ----+
P(turned) ---+---+ \--- K
| \--- K
ub,P -----/
|__ starter ___|____ remainder ______|

Any of the three moves in the starter section (marked with a * in
the command list) may be used to start the combo. From there the
remaining commands may be entered as the tree permits. The possible
combos in this tree are:
P,P P(turned),P ub,P,P
P,P,f,P P(turned),f,P ub,P,f,P
P,P,K P(turned),P,K ub,P,P,K
P,K P(turned),K ub,P,K


Since many Dead or Alive machines are converted Virtua Fighter 2
machines (Sega licensed their Model2 board to Tecmo for this game)
some may still retain the VF2 decals. If this is the case keep in
mind that the "Guard" button is now "Hold".

Outfit selection:
When selecting your character, pressing up for the top-row and
down for the bottom-row characters will let you select their outfit.

Win pose selection:
Pressing H+P, P+K, or H+P+K during the replay will let you select
the win pose. A perfect win will give a fourth pose.

Challenge Message:
When fighting the CPU, pressing the start button will change the
"Fight With Me" message color to green. No useful purpose for this.

Burst Mode:
Holding H+P+K while starting the game will turn the entire ring
into a Danger Zone. This is an operator setting and may not work
on all machines.

VTR Replay:
Pressing H+K before the replay (after winning a round) will make
an icon appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. Pressing P
will "rewind" the replay animation. This replay may be used only
once per game.

Raido is time released about 2-3 weeks after the game's
installation. His picture will appear next to Gen-Fu's.



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| | |_| _| |_| | | | | ======================================= KASUMI
===== Country Japan
Birth: February 23 (17 years old)
Bloodtype: A
Size: 164cm 48kg B88 W52 H89
Style: Mugen TenshinRyuu Ninjutsu
Occupation: Ninja
Likes: Strawberry Millefeuille
Hobbies: Fortunetelling
Voice: Tange Sakura

Scene: Underground platform
Outfits: White outfit, red trim, red pants
Blue outfit, white trim, white stockings
White top crimson trim, crimson pants

Standard Strikes
P h 10 Tenjin
df,P m 18 KiriKatana
db|d|DF,P l 5 Chijin
K hD 27 SentenKyaku
df|DF,K m 24 SenjinKyaku
db|d|D,K l 10 SenchiKyaku

Characteristic Strikes
f,P m 17 SenkouDan
f,f,P m 20 MueiTou
d,df,f,K mD 25 JinsouKyaku
f,f,P+K mD 40 HienShouKyaku
df,H+K mD 30 ReppuuKyaku
uf,P m 25 JouzanPu
uf,K mD 30 TenshuuKyaku
u,K hD 30 HiryuuKyaku
ub,K mD 45 GetsurinKyaku
*u,P h 12 FuTenjin
*b,P h 11 HiTenjin
*P h 10 Tenjin
*P h 10 UraTenjin (back turned)
.*,K hhS 30 .SenRenShuu
.*,P hh 10 .NirenZuki
. *,P,P hhh 10 . SanrenZuki
. *,P,P,f,P hhhhS 18 . ren Tsumuji
. *,P,P,f,K hhhmD 30 . RentenShuu
. *,P,P,d,K hhhlD 25 . RenchiShuu
. *,P,ub,K hhm 28 . RengetsuSai
. *,P,K hhh 45 . ren Hayate
. *,P,K,K hhhmD 30 . ren ShippuuKyaku
K h 27 SenTenKyaku
.K,K hhD 22 .RentenKyaku
.K,df,K hmD 20 .RenjinKyaku
.K,d,K hlD 22 .RenchiKyaku
f,f,K lD 28 Rouga
P+K hD 30 Tsumuji
H+K hD 35 Hayate
.H+K,H+K hmD 30 .ShippuuKyaku
d,H+K l 25 KageHayate
H+P+K m 28 sen Kasumigiri
f,b,K l 20 RieiShusenKyaku
df,P m 18 KiriKatana
.df,P,P mm 23 .Shiragiri

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 10 UraTenjin
d,P m 14 YamiKatana
D|db,P l 12 UraChijin
K hD 30 UraTenKyaku
d,K m 25 UraJinKyaku
D|db,K lS 25 UraChiKayku
u,K mD 35 GetsuEiKyaku

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Zenten KoKuuZan
uj,P mS 20 KoKuuZan
fj,K mD 30 Zenten SenKuuKyaku
uj,K mD 30 SenKuuKyaku
fl,P hD 30 Zenten JiTsumuji
ul,P hD 30 JiTsumuji
bl,P hD 30 Kouten JiTsumuhi
fl,K lD 25 Zenten SenchiKyaku
ul,K lD 25 SenchiKyaku
bl,K lD 25 Kouten SenchiKyaku

H+P h 50 Nijikake (H+P)
b,P h 45 MeidoMikoshi
d,db,b,H+K h 65 RougaKushuu
df,df,P+K h 53 Oboro
d,df,f,P h 55 KegonEnbu
f,H+P+K l 0 UraTsubame (oppcr)
H+P h 55 TsubasaGari (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 KasumiGaeshi
f,f,H+K h 45 Hien
.b,H 55 .Hien SakaOtoshi
f,f,H h 0 Kagerou
.d,K 50 .IbaraOtoshi
f|[f,f],H h 50 YumeSasoi (behind)
f,f,H+K h 60 UraHien (behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 25+15 Kodama-1
H h|mK 35 Kodama-2
d,H lP 0 TsumaBarai
d,H lK 0 RyuuJin

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|_| |_| | | | | |__ |__ |__ ------------------------------- JANN LEE
===== Country China
Birth: November 27 (20 years old)
Bloodtype: AB
Size: 173cm 75kg B99 W80 H92
Style: Jeet Kune Do
Occupation: Bodyguard
Likes: Hamburgers, Grapefruits
Hobbies: Action Films
Voice: Furukawa Toshio

Scene: Mid-construction freeway emergency stop
Outfits: Red jumpsuit, red arm guards, black slippers
Blue pants, blue arm guards, barefoot
Black Shirt, Kahki pants, red gloves, sneakers

Standard Strikes
P h 10 Lead Jab
df,P m 20 Lead Upper
db|d|DF,P l 5 Low Knuckle
K hD 30 High Kick
df|DF,K m 23 Side Kick
db|d|D,K l 10 Low Kick

Characteristic Strikes
d,df,f,P h,D 40 Dragon Blow
b,P m 20 Chastisement Chop
f,f,P h 18 Flash Hook
.f,f,P,K hmD 30 .Flash Spin Kick
.f,f,P,d,K hmD 25 .Flash Low Spin Kick
uf,P h 23 Knuckle Upper
u,P h 20 Vertical Upper
u,K hD 40 Rear High Kick
ub,K hD 25 High Shin Knee Kick
*ub,P h 10 Sway Jab
*P h 10 Lead Jab
*P h 12 Turn Jab (back turned)
.*,K hhS 30 .Jab High Kick
.*,f,P hh 18 .Sonic Hook
. *,f,P,K hhmD 30 . Sonic Spin Kick
. *,f,P,d,K hhlD 25 . Sonic Low Spin Kick
.*,P hh 11 .Lead Hook
. *,P,P hhh 13 . Back Knuckle
. *,P,P,K hhhhD 40 . Dragon Rush
. *,P,P,d,K hhhmD 45 . Dragon Cannon
. *,P,K hhhS 26 . Combo High Kick
f,P m 18 Body Blow
.f,P,P mm 20 .Body Upper
H+K mD 35 Shin Knee Kick
b,K m 20 Middle Hook Kick
.b,K,K mhD 25 .Double Hook Kick
db,K l 13 Thrust Kick
.db,K,f,K lmD 35 .Thrust Middle Kick
.db,K,d,K llD 25 .Thrust Spin Kick
df,K m 23 Side Kick
.df,K,f,K m 28 .Middle Spin Kick
d,df,f,K h 55 Dragon Kick (very high strike)
uf,K mD 25 Kick Upper
.uf,K,K mhD 25 .Double Kick
f,K m 20 Snap Kick
.f,K,f,K mmD 32 .Snap Spin Kick
d,H+K lD 25 Low Spin Kick
P+K mD 35 Dragon Elbow
D,b,f,P mD 50 Dragon Knuckle
b,b,P h 18 Flash Turn

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 12 Turn Jab
d,P m 15 Turn Body Blow
D,P l 10 Turn Low Knuckle
K hD 30 Turn High Kick
d,K m 27 Turn Side Kick
D|db,K lS 25 Turn Spin Kick
db,P hD 45 Blind Knuckle
P+K mD 40 Blind Elbow

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Front Jump Knuckle
uj,P mS 20 Jump Knuckle
fj,K mD 30 Front Jump Side Kick
uj,K mD 30 Jump Side Kick
fl,P hD 30 Front Jump Spin Knuckle
ul,P hD 30 Jump Spin Knuckle
bl,P hD 30 Back Jump Spin Knuckle
fl,K lD 25 Front Jump Spin Kick
ul,K lD 25 Jump Spin Kick
bl,K lD 25 Back Jump Spin Kick

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,K down 20 Homing Stomp
u,H+P+K down 25 Enter The Dragon
df,P down 10 Snap Kick
f,b,f,H+P+K taunt -- Shout
b,f,b,H+P+K taunt -- Shout

H+P h 50 Hell Drive (H+P)
b,H+P+K h 48 Side Buster
d,db,b,P h 60 Shoulder Carry
H+P h 60 Hell crush (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 Front Facelock
d,df,f,H h 35 Headlock
.b,b,H 40 .Bull Docking Headlock (H+P+K)
[d,df,f]|f,H h 50 Chastisement Punch (behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 25 Counter Rear Punch
H h|mK 35 Counter Stomp
d,H lP 0 Rapsao
d,H lK 0 Kaosao

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|__ |__ | | |_| | | _| ================================= LEI-FANG
===== Country: China
Birth: April 23 (19 years old)
Bloodtype: B
Size: 167cm 50kg B87 W55 H84
Style: TaikyokuKen
Occupation: Student
Likes: Apricot Tofu
Hobbies: Karaoke
Voice: Toma Yumi

Scene: Palace Courtyard
Outfits: Green top, white pants, slippers
White top, yellow pants, slippers
Black outfit, sneakers
Standard Strikes
P h 11 Tanben
df,P m 20 RanzatsuTsui
db|d|DF,P l 5 KaseiTanben
K hD 30 ShuuKyaku
df|DF,K m 25 TouKyaku
db|d|D,K l 10 KatouKyaku

Characteristic Strikes
f,f,P mD 22 Souan
f,b,P hS 28 SoufuuKanji
b,f,P mD 40 ShichiSunKou
P+K mD 32 KinkeiDokuritsu
D,f,P m 20 ToutouHou
d,d,K l 25 Tessa
u|uf,P h 25 ShaHichuuGeki
ub,P m 25 HonshinTanpen
ub,K hD 30 Tenshin HairenKyaku
u|uf,K mD 25 TanKyaku
.u|uf,K,K mhD 25 Double Kick
H+P+K hD 20 HoukoKizan
f,P m 17 ChuuGeki
b,P m 20 HoutouSuizan
.b,P,P mmD 30 .Zenshou
db,P m 18 ShuuChiRyuu
.db,P,P mmD 28 .JouHoShichiSei
b,K hD 30 KamenKyaku
.b,K,K hmD 20 .SenKyuuTai
. b,K,K,d,K hmlD 15 . SenKyuuRentai
P h 11 Tanben
.P,P hh 12 .KouTanma
. P,P,f,P hhmD 25 . GyokujouSensa
.P,df,P hm 20 .SeiRyuuShussui

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 12 Tenshin Tanben
d,P m 16 SentsuuHai
D|db,P l 12 Tenshin KaseiTanben
K hD 30 Tenshin ShuuKyaku
d,K m 25 Tenshin TouKyaku
D|db,K lS 23 Tenshin KatouKyaku

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Hishou Suigeki
uj,P mS 20 Hijou Suigeki
fj,K mD 30 Hishou Toukyaku
uj,K mD 30 Hijou TouKyaku
fl,P hD 30 Hishou Souan
ul,P hD 30 Hijou Souan
bl,P hD 30 Taishin Souan
fl,K lD 25 Hishou Tessa
ul,K lD 25 Hijou Tessa
bl,K mD 20 Taishin SenkyuuTai

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,P down 18 RakusouSuigeki
df,K down 15 ShinKyaku

H+P h 50 Toudenkou (H+P)
b,H+P+K h 47 Yababunsou
d,db,b,P h 15+50 Rineihisui
f,b,P h 50 Seishinsui
H+P h 60 Takuchuuhaisui (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 SanneiHisui
d,df,f,H h 30 Choushuudakyou
.df,d,db,b,H+P 30 .Taikouchougyo (H+P+K)
. f,f,H+P+K 40 . Ren-Taikouchougyo
f,f,H h 25+35 Roushitsuyouho
df,H l 50 Kinkeidokuritsu (oppcr)
ul|fl,d,H l 50 Kinkeidokuritsu
f|[d,df,f]|[f,f],H h 60 JouhoKou (behind)
df,H l 60 Teishujousei (oppcr;behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 0 Sairetsu
H h|mK 0 Housei
d,H lP 0 Risei
d,H lK 0 Kasui
d,db,b,H mK 0 Kaisei

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|_/ |_| _| | | | |_| | | ===================================== BAYMAN
====== Country: Russia
Birth: October 10 (31 years old)
Bloodtype: B
Size: 182cm 105kg B120 W92 H95
Style: Commando Sambo
Occupation: Assassin
Likes: Beef Stew
Hobbies: Knife Collecting, Chess
Voice: Egawa Oki

Scene: Aircraft carrier
Outfits: Blue beret & vest, green pants
Green beret, no vest, khaki pants
Red Beret & vest, grey pants

Standard Strikes
P h 10 Jab
df,P m 20 Palm Stamp
db|d|DF,P l 5 Low Knuckle
K hD 32 High Kick
df|DF,K m 26 Middle Side Kick
db|d|D,K l 13 Low Kick

Characteristic Strikes
f,K mD 35 Front Kick
b,f,P mD 40 Shoulder Tackle
b,P m 25 Spinning Back Knuckle
DF,P mD 22 Smash
d,H+K l 25 Sliding
H+K hD 35 Rolling Sobat
db,K l 25 Leg Spike
b,K mD 30 Heel Hammer
u|uf,P hD 25 Palm Upper
uf,K hD 35 Drop Kick
u,K hD 30 Javelin Kick
ub,P mD 30 Palm Arrow
f,P m 18 Body Blow
.f,P,P mm 18 .Stomach Crush
P h 10 Jab
.P,f,P hm 18 .Jab, Body Blow
. P,f,P,P hmm 18 . Storm Body Blow
.P,K hmS 30 .Jab, High Kick
.P,P hh 12 .Jab, Straight
. P,P,df,P hhmD 20 . Storm Palm Stamp
. P,P,b,P hhm 25 . StormBack Knuckle
. P,P,K hhhD 35 . Storm Rolling Sobat
P+K mD 35 Headbutt
f,b,P m 25 Sting Double Hammer
.f,b,P,P mmD 30 .Reverse Double Hammer

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 12 Turn Back Knuckle
d,P m 15 Turn Body Blow
D|db,P l 13 Turn Low Spin Knuckle
K hD 30 Turn Spin Kick
d,K m 28 Turn Side Kick
D|db,K lS 25 Turn Low Spin Kick

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Assault Down Palm
uj,P mS 20 Air Down Palm
fj,K mD 30 Assault Front Kick
uj,K mD 30 Air Front Kick
fl,P hD 25 Assault Palm Upper
ul,P hD 25 Step Palm Upper
bl,P hD 25 Drop Palm Upper
fl,K lD 25 Assault Leg Spike
ul,K lD 25 Step Leg Spike
bl,K lD 25 Drop Leg Spike

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,K down 22 Knee Drop
df,K down 12 Stomping

H+P h 50 Front Suplex (H+P)
b,H+P h 45 Neck Hanging Tsuri
b,db,d,df,f,P h 65 Windmill Backbreaker
d,df,f,H+K h 60 HizaJujigatame
H+P h 60 UdehishigiGyakuJujigatame (behind)

Offensive Holds
f,df,d,H h 55 UdeGatame
f,f,H h 30 Standing Armlock
.f,df,d,db,b,H 35 .KubiKiwameUdeManji (H+P+K)
. d,db,b,H 40 . DDT (H+P+K)
d,df,f,H h 30 Jiku Ashibarai
.f,df,d,db,b,H 30 .Standing Achilles (H+P+K)
. b,db,d,K 45 . GyakugataEbiGatame (H+P+K)
df,H l 50 Wakigatame (oppcr)
ul|fl,d,H l 50 Wakigatame
*f|[f,df,d],H h 50 Sleeper Hold (behind)
*[d,df,f]|[f,f],H h 50 Sleeper Hold (behind)
.f,df,d,db,b,H 55 .Swing Sleeper Chokehold (H+P+K)
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 Choke Slam
df,H l 60 UshiroWakiGatame (oppcr;behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 30 Counter Standing Armlock
H h|mK 35 Counter Upper
d,H lP 35 Counter Arm Lock
d,H lK 40 Counter Low Upper
d,db,b,H mK 65 TobitsukiHizajujiGatame

| _ _
| | | | _|
| | | | |_| =================================================== TINA
===== Country: America
Birth: December 6 (22 years old)
Bloodtype: O
Size: 169cm 59kg B89 W56 H89
Style: Pro Wrestling
Occupation: Pro Wrestler
Likes: Seafood
Hobbies: Fighting Games, Cycling
Voice: Koyama Mami

Scene: Mid-construction freeway emergency stop
(same as Jann-Lee's?)
Outfits: Black tights, red top
Blue shorts, blue top
Light blue jumpsuit

Standard Strikes
P h 10 Jab
df,P m 20 Upper
db|d|DF,P l 5 Low Knuckle
K hD 30 High Kick
df|DF,K m 25 Middle Kick
db|d|D,K l 12 Low Kick

Characteristic Strikes
f,f,P m 25 Dash Upper
.f,f,P,P mm 20 .Double Upper
db,P l 20 Low Spin Knuckle
H+P+K hD 35 Tina Special
DF,P m 20 Vertical Back Chop
.DF,P,b,P mmD 25 .Vertical Hammer
b,P mD 25 Double Hammer
u,K hD 35 Back Brain Kick
u,P mD 20 Elbow Smash
ub,P hD 25 Knuckle Arrow
uf,P m 18 Back Chop
.uf,P,b,P mmD 25 .Back Chop Hammer
f,f,K mD 40 Fighting Kick
d,H+K lD 25 Low Spin Kick
b,f,P mD 40 Shoulder Tackle
f,H+P hD 28 Short Range Lariat
H+K hD 35 Rolling Sobat
f,K mD 30 Jumping Kee Pad
.f,K,b,P mmD 25 .Knee Hammer
P h 10 Jab
.P,K hhS 30 .Jab, High Kick
.P,P hh 13 .Jab, Straight
. P,P,P hhmD 18 . Machine Gun Rush
f,P m 18 Elbow
.f,P,P mm 20 .Elbow, back Knuckle
. f,P,P,K mmmD 25 . Ultimate Combo

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 13 Turn Spin Knuckle
d,P m 15 Turn Middle Knuckle
D|db,P l 10 Turn Low Knuckle
K hD 30 Turn Spin Kick
d,K m 28 Turn Side Kick
D|db,K lS 25 Turn Low Kick
H+K mD 30 Turn Sobat

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Front Fist Drop
uj,P mS 20 Flying Fist Drop
fj,K mD 30 Drop kick
uj,K mD 30 Blinding Kick
fl,P mD 20 Front Step Chop
ul,P mD 20 Step Chop
bl,P mD 25 Backstep Hammer
fl,K mD 30 Kangaroo Knee Kick
ul,K mD 30 Kangaroo Stomp
bl,K lD 25 Backstep Low Spin

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,P down 22 Hip Drop
u,H+P+K down 18 Moonsault Press
df,P down 30 Elbow Drop

H+P h 55 Death volley bomb (H+P)
d,df,f,H+K h 60 Frankensteiner
b,db,d,df,f,P h 75 Fishermans Suplex
d,f,P+K h 85 J.O.Cyclone
d,db,b,P+K h 30 Flying Meiya
.b,f,H+P 30 .Surfboard Lock (H+P+K)
. d,u,H+P 60 . J.O.S. (H+P+K)
H+P+K h 40 Bodyslam
d,H+P l 70 Bass Bomb (oppcr)
df,H+P+K l 85 Japanese Ocean Bomb (oppcr)
H+P h 65 German Suplex (behind)
H+P+K h 75 Nageppanashi German Suplex (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 0 Hammer Throw
.d,u,H+P 60 .J.O.S.
d,df,f,H h 35 GyakushoGatame
.spin-stick,H 40 .Rodeo Hold (H+P+K)
f,df,d,H h 30 Tackle
.b,db,d,df,f,H 60 .Giant Swing (H+P+K)
*f|[d,df,f],H h 40 Full Nelson (behind)
*[f,df,d],H h 40 Full Nelson (behind)
.f,uf,u,ub,b,H+P 60 .Dragon Suplex (H+P+K)
(Either Full Nelson may go into the Dragon Suplex,
they are listed seperately only for space reasons.)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 25 Strike Elbow Smash
H h|mK 30 Strike Elbow Pad
d,H lP 15+15 Double Slap
d,H lK 30 Bear Slap
d,db,b,H mK 60 Nageppanashi German Suplex

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| | _| |_| | | |_| _| |_| |_| |_| _| |_| =========== RYU HAYABUSA
===== Country: Japan
Birth: June 15 (23 years old)
Bloodtype: A
Size: 177cm 70kg B105 W83 H92
Style: HayabusaRyuu Ninjutsu
Occupation: Antique Shop Owner
Likes: Sushi
Hobbies: Mountain Climbing, Fishing
Voice: Hori Hideyuki

Scene: Mountain valley
Outfits: Black clothing
Crimson clothing
White clothing

Standard Strikes
P h 10 High Straight Fist
df,P m 20 ShouSenTou
db|d|DF,P l 5 Low Straight Fist
K hD 30 High Kick
df|DF,K m 22 SokuTouGeri
db|d|D,K l 10 Low Kick

Characteristic Strikes
f,P m 18 Hatotsu
f,f,P mD 25 RaijinGeki
uf,P h 23 Amatsuki
uf,K mD 35 NichirinKyaku
u,K hD 30 HagenShuu
ub,K mD 45 GetsurinKyaku
u,P h 20 Kamitsuki
P+K h 30 SouKuuZanTou
*P h 10 High Straight Fist
*P h 11 Reverse Backfist (back turned)
*ub,P h 10 RyuueiTou
.*,P hh 12 .RenDan
. *,P,f,P hhm 18 . RenTougeki
. *,P,K hhmD 30 . ShuuRendan
.*,K hhS 30 .Straight, High Kick
df,K m 22 SokutouGeki
.df,K,df,K ml 25 .HamayariKeri
b,P m 20 KuuSentou
.b,P,K mmD 30 .HayouNagiGeri
db,P l 20 ChisenTou
f,K mD 30 HajaHizaGeri
f,f,K lD 25 Shizuberi
f,df,d,K mD 35 ChiShouKyaku
db,db,K lD 25 ChiSouKyaku
f,b,K l 20 RieiShuusenKyaku

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 11 Reverse Backfist
d,P m 14 Reverse Mid Knife Hand
D,P l 13 Reverse Low Knife Hand
K hD 30 Reverse High Kick
d,K m 26 Reverse Mid Kick
D,K lS 25 Reverse Low Kick

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 ShinkuuShou
uj,P mS 20 RyuukuuShou
fj,K mD 30 ShinkuuShuu
uj,K mD 30 RyuukuuShuu
fl,P mD 25 ShinGekiShou
ul,P mD 25 RyuuGekiShou
bl,P mD 25 TaiGekiShou
fl,K mD 30 ShinShiShuu
ul,K mD 30 RyuuShiShuu
bl,K mD 30 TaiShiShuu

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,P down 20 NarakuTsuki
df,P down 30 KogaSoudan

H+P h 50 JuujiGarami (E+P)
f,f,b,P+K h 55 ShihoNage
b,H+P+K h 45 KyoukouhouDanra
d,db,b,P+K h 65 Rakuraishou
d,df,f,P h 55 KubikiriNage
b,db,d,df,f,H+P+K h 10+40 ShouraiShou
.d,df,f,uf,u,H+P 10+50 .KamuiTachi
. b,ub,u,uf,f,df,f,H+K 10+65 . IjinaOsothi
d,H+P l 65 ZanShusen (oppcr)
H+P h 65 UraNage (behind)
H+P+K h 75 RakuRyuushou (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 30 SoueiShu
f,f,H h 0 Genei
f|[f,f],H h 55 UraIkazuchiNagi (behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 25 RyuuSenShou
H h|mK 35 RyuuSenTou
d,H lP 0 Chiryuu KobushiMai
d,H lK 0 Chiryuu Ashi-no Mai
d,db,b,H mK 60 ShuugekiKakutou

__| _ _ |
| _| | |_/
|__ |_| |_ | | -------------------------------------------------- ZACK
===== Country: America
Birth: April 3 (25 years old)
Bloodtype: O
Size: 180cm 78kg B106 W84 H95
Style: Muetai
Occupation: DJ
Likes: Ice Cream
Hobbies: Billiards
Voice: Shimada Bin

Scene: Beachside
Outfits: White shirt, black pants, black beret
Green shirt, white pants
Red shirt, black pants

Standard Strikes
P h 10 Jab
df,P m 20 Upper
db|d|DF,P l 5 Low Knuckle
K hD 30 High Kick
df|DF,K m 26 Middle Kick
db|d|D,K l 10 Low Kick

Characteristic Strikes
d,df f,P hD 28 Sok Club
*f,P m 20 TiSokTron
.*,b,P mmD 20 .Double Sok
.*,K mhD 30 .Elbow, Heel Kick
f,f,P mD 30 Ti Sok Ran
b,P mD 25 Ti Sok Bon
f,K m 25 Ti Kau Tron
.f,K,K mmD 35 .Knee Spin Kick
db,K l 15 Te Ran
d,df,f,K mD 30 Spinning Hel Kick
H+K mD 35 Spinning Middle Kick
d,df,f,H+P+K mD 40 Twister Upper
f,f,K mD 30 Kau Roi
u|uf,P m 25 Hell Needle
*ub,P h 10 Sway Blow
*P h 10 Jab
*P h 13 Turn Knuckle (back turned)
.*,K hhS 30 .Jab, High Kick
.*,P hh 10 .Jab, Straight
. *,P,K hhhD 40 . Vulcan Rising Knee
. *,P,f,K hhm 15 . Vulcan Knee Kick
. *,P,f,K,K hhmmD 35 . Dancing Crush
. *,P,P hhhS 20 . Vulcan Elbow
. *,P,f,P hhm 15 . Vulcan Edge
. *,P,f,P,K hhmhD 30 . Genocide Rush
. *,P,f,P,b,P hhmmD 20 . Devil's Rush
. *,P,P,f,P,P hhmhS 20 . Bloody Rush
u,K hD 30 Rising Heel Kick
df,P m 20 Upper
.df,P,f,P mm 20 .Hell Smash
. df,P,f,P,P mmmD 30 . Heaven Smash
f,f,P+K hD 45 Flying Knee Kick

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 13 Turn Knuckle
d,P m 20 Turn Elbow
D|db,P l 10 Turn Low Knuckle
K hD 30 Turn Heel Kick
d,K m 28 Turn Upper Kick
D|db,K lS 30 Turn Low Spin Kick

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Leap Turn Blow
uj,P mS 20 Air Side Kick
fj,K mD 30 Leap Turn Blow
uj,K mD 30 Air Side Kick
fl,P mD 30 Forward Step Elbow
ul,P mD 30 Step Elbow
bl,P hD 28 Feint Elbow
fl,K mD 30 Forward Knee
ul,K mD 30 Step Knee Kick
bl,K mD 35 Feint Middle Spin

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,K down 20 Foot Stomp
df,K down 30 Wild Heel
d,df,f,H move -- Fake Roll

H+P h 50 Wild Throw (H+P)
f,b,P+K h 20+20+20 Go ko ti kau
df,DF,P+K h 65 Beast Fang
H+P h 60 Neck Hanging (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 Ti kau kon
f,b,H h 0 Forward Trap
f,df,d,H h 0 Reverse Trap
[f,df,d]|[f,f]|f,H h 50 Head Crush (behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 25 Elbow Counter
H h|mK 30 Knee Counter
d,H lP 0 Punch through
d,H lK 0 Kick through

__ __
| _ _ _ |_
| | |_| | | - | | |
|__| |__ | | | |_| ======================================== GEN-FU
===== Country: China
Birth: January 5 (65 years old)
Bloodtype: A
Size: 170cm 78kg B96 W102 H99
Style: Shin'i RikugoKen
Occupation: Used Book Dealer
Likes: Mabo Tofu
Hobbies: Ink Painting
Voice: Aono Takeshi

Scene: Courtyard
Outfits: Green shirt, white pants
Blue shirt, blue pants
White shirt, black pants

Standard Strikes
P h 10 JuuHosui
df,P m 20 TanhouChouyou
db|d|DF,P l 5 Housui
K hD 30 KouDantai
df|DF,K m 25 Dantai
db|d|D,K l 12 FujinKyaku

Characteristic Strikes
P h 10 JuuHosui
.P,P hh 12 .Rensui
df,P m 20 TanhouChouyou
.df,P,df,P mm 22 .KoSonzan
uf,P hD 20 KoHoutou
u,P h 20 Soushou
f,P m 18 Banchou
b,P m 20 KaihouGanseki
DF,P mD 25 ChouRyou
f,f,P m 20 Tanpa
df,df,P m 22 KoSonZan
f,f,H,P mD 30 SenShippo
P+K mD 30 KoBokuha
f,b,P mD 25 Yousokuha
db,f,P mD 50 UgyuuHaitou
f,f,P+K mD 42 Souha
d,P+K mD 32 Zansui
.d,P+K,b,f,P mmD 30 .YoushiZanKen
H+P+K hD 30 Touha
df,K m 25 Dantai
.df,K,P mmD 30 .JashutsuDou
uf,K hD 30 HanSenpuu
u,K hD 40 SenpuuKayku
ub,K mD 30 TenshinKouShuutai
f,f,K hD 30 SokudanKyaku
H+K hD 30 SouhiHyaku
d,H+K lD 25 Zensoutai

Back-Turned Attacks
P h 13 Tenshin Housui
d,P m 17 Tenshin Chouryou
D|db,P l 11 Tenshin KaHosui
K hD 30 Tenshin Shuutai
d,K m 27 KouShuutai
D|db,K lS 25 Tenshin KaToukyaku

Jumping Attacks
fj,P mS 20 Chuukuu JoHosui
uj,P mS 20 Chuukuu JunHosui
fj,K mD 30 Chuukuu TouKyaku
uj,K mD 30 Chuukuu RakuTouKyaku
fl,P hD 30 Hiyaku Touha
ul,P hD 30 Chouyaku Touha
bl,P hD 30 Taishin Touha
fl,K lD 25 Hiyaku Soutai
ul,K lD 25 Chouyaku Soutai
bl,K lD 25 Taishin Soutai

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,P down 18 RakuChiToushou
d,P down 10 ChiToushou
ub,P move -- Backflip
f,f,H move -- Quickstep

H+P h 55 JuujiKaou (H+P)
d,f,H+P+K h 40+10 UnpeiNichiGetsuha
b,d,db,P h 20+20+20 KoukaiSanousa
b,H+P h 50 ShinIha
H+P h 65 Kohaibi (behind)

Offensive Holds
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 0 Asshuu
f,b,H h 50 Shuutai
[f,f]|f,H h 0 Asshuu (behind)

Defensive Holds
H h|mP 0 Saishu
H h|mK 0 Toushu
d,H lP 0 Kashu
d,H lK 0 Kouka
d,db,b,H mK 60 RyuuChouBou

_ _ _ _
|_> |_| | | \ | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |_/ |_| ============================================== RAIDO
===== Country: Japan
Birth: August 13 (48 years old)
Bloodtype: AB
Size: 181cm 78kg B96 W102 H99
Style: modified MugenTenshin-ryu Karate
Occupation: none
Likes: Boar Nabe
Hobbies: Secret arts
Voice: Yata Koji

Raido's moves are like that of Dural in Virtua Fighter, a mix of moves
from the game's characters. Strike levels and damages are taken from
the originating character.

Characteristic Strikes
f,P m 18 Body Blow bayman
.f,P,P mm 18 .Stomach Crush bayman
b,P mD 25 Double Hammer tina
db,P l 20 ChisenTou hayabusa
DF,P mD 22 Smash bayman
uf,P h 23 Amatsuki hayabusa
uf,K mD 25 Kick Upper jann-lee
.uf,K,K mhD 25 .Double Kick jann-lee
u,P h 20 Kamitsuki hayabusa
u,K hD 30 HagenShuu hayabusa
ub,P h 10 RyuueiTou hayabusa
ub,K mD 45 GetsurinKyaku hayabusa
f,f,P mD 25 RaishinGeki hayabusa
db,f,P mD 50 UgyuuHaitou gen-fu
f,b,P m 25 Swing Double Hammer bayman
.f,b,P,P mmD 30 .Reverse Double Hammer bayman
d,P+K mD 32 Zansui gen-fu
.d,P+K,b,f,P mmD 30 .YoushiZanKen gen-fu
f,f,K mD 40 Fighting Kick tina
f,K m 25 Ti Kau Tron zack
.f,K,K mmD 35 .Knee Spin Kick zack
df,K m 22 SokutouGeki hayabusa
.df,K,df,K ml 25 .HamayariGeri hayabusa
db,K l 25 Leg Spike bayman
b,K mD 30 Heel Hammer bayman
P h 10 High Fist Thrust kasumi?
.P,K hhS 30 .Fist Thrust, High Kick kasumi?
.P,P hh 10 .Strike Series kasumi?
. P,P,K hhh 45 . Rising Strike Series kasumi?
. P,P,ub,K hhm 28 . ZanTsukiSai kasumi?
. P,P,P hhh 10 . Triple Strike kasumi?

Pounces, Pursuits, Misc. Moves
u,P down 20 NarakuTsuki hayabusa
df,K down 12 Stomping bayman

d,df,f,b,f,P+K TensouGoraiSho
H+P h 50 JujiKarami hayabusa
d,df,f,P h 55 Neck throw hayabusa
d,db,b,P h 60 Shoulder carry jann-lee
f,f,b,P+K h 55 ShihoNage hayabusa
b,H+P h 45 Neck Hanging bayman
b,d,db,P h 20+20+20 KoukaiSanouSa gen-fu
b,db,d,df,f,P h 65 Windmill Backbreaker bayman
d,H+P l 65 Zanshusen (oppcr) hayabusa
df,df,H+P+K l 85 Japanese Ocean Bomb (oppcr) tina
H+P h 65 Reverse Throw (behind) hayabusa
H+P+K h 75 RakuRyuushou (behind) hayabusa

Offensive Holds
d,df,f,H h 35 Headlock jann-lee
.b,b,H 40 .Bull Docking Headlock jann-lee
f,df,f,H h 30 Tackle tina
.b,db,d,df,f,H 60 .Giant Swing tina
bl|ul|fl|f,H h 40 Choke Slam bayman
f,f,H h 0 Genei hayabusa
f,df,d,db,b,H RekkuuJinraiSatsu
f,H h 55 UraIkazuchiNagi (behind) hayabusa

Defensive Holds
H h|mP
H h|mK
d,H lP
d,H lK
d,db,b,H mH 60 ShuugekiKakutou hayabusa



Thanks goes out to:
Tecmo for creating a fun alternative to Virtua Fighter and Tekken.
Visit their website at
Tecmo's Dead or Alive pages (URLs current as of 9/12/97)
Gamest for publishing the mook I based this FAQ on.
Gamest Mook Volume 57 Dead or Alive Published by Shinseisha.
Galen Komatsu for letting me borrow his Tekken project format style
and for his help.

This FAQ is COPYRIGHT 1997 by the author. You may distribute this file
as you wish so as long as you do not change its contents. Meaning you
may not add, remove, or edit any part of it without my permission.
Simple. Understand? Good. :)
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15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Lei Fang

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US Version: Alle Spieler freigespielt.

15.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Spieler freigespielt.

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Kasumi FAQ

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