Torneko: The Last Hope

Torneko: The Last Hope

13.10.2013 07:39:48
##### @@ **** && & @@@@@ # # @@ | THE LAST HOPE Ver Final |
# @ @ * * & & & @ # # @ @|============================
# @ @ **** & & & @@@ ### @ @|Made by:RPGManiac |
# @ @ *** & && @ # # @ @|E-mail |
# @@ * ** & & @@@@@ # ## @@ | |
Note: I will update the walktrough as soon as possible.
Note: My name now RPGManiac. Why I change ? Look at Author`s note section.

| Table of Contents |
|1.0 Introduction |
|1.1 Copyright |
|1.2 Item List |
|1.3 Battle system |
|1.4 Equipment & Weapon List |
|1.5 Game strategy |
|1.6 Town Map & Info |
|1.7 Credits |
|1.8 Revision history |
|1.9 Tips & Notes |
|2.0 Author`s note |

1.0 Introduction

Phewwwww!!!!This is my first FAQ. I will made this a strategy guide
because Torneko the last hope game always change like the dungeon. So
I will only make the game strategy.

This game is beginning with journey of merchant named Torneko. He is a
of Dragon Warrior IV. This game styled RPG Dungeon like Chocobo Forest.

1.1 Copyright

First, I would to say if this Faqs only could be use for PERSONAL USE
ONLY!!!!!!.I would not let this faqs for profitable use like sell it or
anything. If you do this I will take Legal way and it will risk you if
you use it for profitable use. If you want to use this faqs, e-mail me
first and wait for my permission. If not I will take Legal way. But
feel free to e-mail me to ask my permission and I hope you can give me
credit for my faqs. Thank you for your attention.
This faqs only appear on:
-Gamefaqs (
-RPG Maniac (
-Neoseeker (
-PSXCodez (


1.2 Item List

|Item Name | Effects |
|Agility |Increase speed for a few moment. |
|Antidote |Fully restores strength that has been reduced by poison|
|Bang |An explosive attacks afecting all the monsters in a |
| room. |
|Big |Fully relieves hunger. |
|Big room |Changes the dungeon into one big floor. |
|Big Tum |Increase Max Belly 10 points. |
|Blank |Able to change into any scroll. |
|Blinding |Throw it at monster to render it blind. |
|Blowback |Sends a monster flying. |
|Bread |Restores belly. |
|Clone |Any items placed are duplicated. |
|Confuse-X |Prevents Confuse |
|CurseOff |Remove curses status from any equipped items. |
|Dance |Throw at a monster to make it temporarily spin around. |
|Defense |Lower the enemy defense in front of you. |
|Disaster |Lower target level 1 points. |
|Discount |Get a discount from the gargoyles shop |
|Doll-X |Protects from dolls effect. |
|Explode |Randomly explodes. |
|Eyedrop |Cures blind. |
|Flame |Chew to breath fire on the monster in front of you. |
|Hear all |Identifies the locations of monsters on a floor. |
|Heal |Heal you fully |
|Herb |Minor HP restored. |
|Huge |Restores belly full and increases belly points. |
|Hunger-X |Prevents hunger. |
|Golden |Cause a pot appear at the beginning of each floor. |
|Ironize |Throw it at a monster to turn it into a chunk of iron |
| temporarily. |
|Item drop |Drops items every few steps without notice. |
|Item pull |Gathers all the items on the floor to your location. |
|Joy |To make your level up by 1. |
|Life |Raises max HP by five. |
|Magic |Little belly restoration, but cause great status effect|
|Melding |Meld your equipment without spent money in the shop. |
|Misleader |Make you saw not properly. |
|Moldy |Restore belly and causes negative status effect. |
|Monsterwake |Wakes up monsters as soon as you step in some room. |
|Outside |For escaping from a dungeon. |
|Panic |Throw it at a monster to confuse it temporarily. |
|Paralyze |Throw it at a monster to paralyze it until it is |
| attacked. |
|Passage |Lets you walk on water. |
|Pause |Temporarily paralyzes all the monster in a room |
|Poison |Lower the strength of your target |
|Poison-X |Prevents poison. |
|Preserve |Item can be inserted & removed. |
|Quicksave |Lets you interrupt your adventure. |
|Radiant |Displays the full map including the locations of mons- |
| ters and item. |
|Retry |Lets you redo a dungeon |
|Rustproof |Prevents rusting. |
|Sap |Reduces the defense of the targeted monster. |
|See all |Indicates the location of items on the floor you are on|
|Shadow |Allows you to see traps and invisible monsters |
|Sleep |Temporarily puts the target to sleep. |
|Sleep-X |Prevents sleeping. |
|StepGuard |Fully protects you from spikes. |
|Storage |Automatically send the items to your storage. |
|Strength |Chew it to raise Str. |
|Super Herb |Restored HP in big point. |
|Tie down |Stops all the monsters in a room from moving. |
|Thief |Won`t wake up monsters. |
|Trade Spot |Wave to switch places with the target monster. |
|Twin Hits |Increase 1 power to your sword. |
|Typhoon |Summons Wind. |
|Upper |Increase 1 power to your shield. |
|Vacuum |Out all items from a pot. |
|Wake up |Wakes up the target. |
|Warp |Warps you away somewhere. |
|Weed |Junk thing. |
|World Leaf |Restore your life when your HP reach 0. |
|X-Ray |Identifies an item |

1.3 Battle system
The battle system in here is not like RPG usually but the battle system
like Chocobo Dungeon. Your hand must fast so press X many times for much
attack. You can use item too. You will not meet random enemy again and
you can fight with it or avoid it because the enemy is appeared not
random. If you have item (like Thunder, etc) use square button, then aim
it on your enemy and use Thunder.
Use R1 button to to choose the diagonal direction. Therefore, you can
enemy in your diagonal.

1.Avoid your enemy when they collect all their power to attack you. It
is very easy to avoid them with go one-step, but sometime this trick not

2.Make your enemy dance, sleep, etc. Do this, if your enemy strong.


1.4 Equipment & Weapon list
| Equipment / Weapon Name | Effects |
|Abacus |Sword + 15 |
|Babyfork |Sword + 5 |
|Blade |Shield + 3 |
|Bronze |Shield + 7 |
|Club |Sword + 2 |
|Copper |Sword + 5 |
|Demon-X |Sword + 4 |
|Doll-X |Sword + 5 |
|Dragon |Shield + 7 |
|Dragon-X |Sword + 8 |
|Gold |Sword + 3 |
|Ice |Sword + 25 |
|Iron |Arrow for attack enemy and you must equip it|
|Iron Axe |Sword + 7 |
|Leather |Shield + 2 |
|LifeDrain |Sword + 1 |
|Magic |Shield + 6 |
|Magic |Same like iron but always fall to the floor |
|Metabble |Shield + 9 |
|Metabble sword |Sword + 12 |
|Metal king |Sword + 40 |
|Metal king |Shield + 40 |
|Ogre |Shield + 13 |
|Pick |Sword + 1 |
|Poison |Same like iron but reduces enemies strength.|
|Seal |Sword + 2 |
|Silver |Same like Iron. |
|Scale |Shield + 3 |
|Seal |Shield + 3 |
|Silver |Shield + 5 |
|Skill-X |Shield + 2 |
|Steel |Sword + 9 |
|Steel |Shield + 7 |
|ThiefStop |Shield + 4 |
|Tractor |Same like Iron |
|Whirlwind |Sword + 3 |
|Wind |Sword + 6 |
|Windshear |Sword + 3 |
|Wooden |Same like Iron |
|Zombie-X |Sword + 4 |

1.5 Strategy game

I cannot give you the way but I only give you the strategy.
After Ernest appears you will be start the game.
Odd Field (Dungeon 1) Floors: 3 Item you can bring : 2
Tips!!! : When explore Odd Field if your Hp is low avoid the enemy and
walk around so soon your hp will full and explore it to get useful
What to do: Search the stair, descend it in the every floor. Soon you
will reach the castle. Talk to all people. Then go home

Then Go to the bank follow the path: Torneko home >> Square
Then look the building in the southeast which big, talk with the owners,
then enter it

Tips!!!:Save your game before enter the next dungeon.

Mansion Dungeon (Dungeon 2) Floors : 6 Item you can bring : 0
Tips!!! : Avoid mummy enemy because they`re pretty hard to defeat. So,
if you want take down mummy easy, gain more level before you enter
Mansion Dungeon 2F. Now you must fight with slime or etc in 1F and if
your HP low walk around and avoid enemy so soon your HP will much
What to do : Search the stair every floor, descend it in the every
floor. Walk until 6F then defeat the demonite which invisible, get the
chest and you will finish this dungeon.

After that the banker will be build a bank beside Torneko`s house. In
there, you can save your money. So when you want to go to dungeon I
suggest you to store your money on him, because in some dungeon have
monster that like to steal our money.

Now, when you sleep you will hear a blacksmith shout in front of your
house for his dream. After wake up, go to the castle. Then talk to the
blacksmith that makes Torneko sleep not comfortable. So he`ll need your
help to get his equipment. So, enter the ladder in the right side, which
before it is blocked by soldier.

Castle Dungeon (Dungeon 3) Floors : 7 Item you can bring : 0
Tips!!! : Take all items that can you found. In addition, avoid enemy
when your HP is low or avoid strong enemy if your level is low, because
it pretty hard to kill that crazy monster.
What to do: Go to the bottom Floor to win this dungeon and help the
blacksmith get his sacred flame.

After that the blacksmith will help you repair Torneko`s shop. Because
your carpenter need blacksmith to repair some rather part that only
blacksmith can do it. So that you must help him.
Now you will get more few options on blue book and the most important
things is now you can store your items which you get from the dungeon
and you can sell items in inventory too. After than go to the graveyard
to help the baker get his recipe.

Cemetry Dungeon (Dungeon 4) Floors : 7 Item you can bring : 0
Tips!!!: Avoid the army ants because they always call their friends to
help them, so if you want to smash it, your level must be high.
What to do: Help the baker found the recipe. You must be tired with
this: Go down until reach the 7F to get the recipe.

After that, the baker will be build bakery shop in the square. Now, Duke
from the kingdom calls you to search the king because the king was gone.
So now head to Oldman`s House the talk to all people in there and head
to Mt.Fiery. Before that talk to all people in the square to gain more

Mt.Fiery (Dungeon 5) Floors : 11 Item you can bring : 2
Tips : Avoid the trap in there because in there contain many traps that
can cut your HP very much. So, if your HP is low, walk around in the
save place to recover your HP. In here you will meet hundred of strong
What to do: Descend every stairs in your way so you will reach a place
which the king gone. This dungeon now finishes.

After the king saved you will have a mission to arrest the old man,
because the king predict that the old man are the trouble maker.
Now you can enter the Lost Forest.

Lost Forest (Dungeon 6) Floors : 12 Item you can bring : 2
Tips!!! : You can trade you item in here. The seller very rasp, he
bought your stuff with good price but he will sell with very high price,
So if you don`t need any item like bread,etc. Don`t enter because when
you enter, he charge you.
What to do : Arrest the old man with go through to the bottom floors of
Lost Forest. In here the enemy is invisible, So when you walk be careful
because there is so many mist that make the enemy invisible, So when you
walk, the enemy will appear in front of you and it will visible.

After you arrest him, he are the magician that come to restore the
condition to normal. So the king predict are wrong. He tell, that he
need a people with the power of :
Fiery Murmur, The Tree`s Lament , The Stone`s Mutter.
Head to Toro Ruins to get the third power.

Toro Ruins (Dungeon 7) Floors : 15 Item you can bring : 5
Tips!!! : Avoid the trap and gain more item that you don`t have.
What to do : Get The Stone`s Mutter power to completed the old man
command and to unlock magi dungeon(Final dungeon).

Prepare yourself and when you feel ready enter the magic dungeon.

Magic Dungeon (Dungeon 8) Floors : 27 Item you can bring : 10
Tips!!! & What to do : Prepare the yourself. Meld your weapon in 2
different melded weapon. Weapon one : meld it with weak weapon and
Weapon two : meld it with the strongest weapon you have. First use the
weapon one but when you came to the village of monster or meet the boss
use the weapon number 2. When you reach floor 27 you will be meet the
boss named DarkEvil. Just beat it. Go fordward to place the chest.
Congratulation!!! you have beat the game.


1.6 Town Map & Info
| ___________ |
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| | F | ___ |
| |___________||_G_| |
|-------------------------| |
| ______ ______________________ |
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| | A | | | |
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| | B | | E | | | I ||
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Information :

A. Graveyard
B. Magic shop
C. Melding shop
D. Blacksmith
E. Decrepit Mansion
F. Torneko`s home
G. Bank
H. Square
I. Mansion filled with mosters.
J. Explorer`s Inn
K. Old Man`s house

Tips & Hints

Magic shop : You can buy iron safe, up your level,etc.
Melding shop : Meld your weapon and make it strong.
Bank : When your deposit reach some points you will get a gift.
Blacksmith : Make your weapon stronger.

1.7 Credits
-CJayC (Gamefaqs) : for posting my walktrough.
-Enix ( : for make a game that inspires me to make this
-Me :) : For my hard work, He...he...he...!!!!


1.8 Revision history
Version 0.1 - My first walktrough.
Version 0.2 - Minor updates on my items list.
Version 0.3 - Strategy guides updated, Town info & map added and item
list updated.
Version 0.4 – Many updated.
Version 0.5 – Major update.
Version Final – Minor update

1.9 Tips & Notes

Now you can print it without waste your ink because it is the final ver-

Printing tips!!! :
1.Prepare 5 fotocopy/hvs paper size : 21.5 x 33.0 cm (80 gsm)
2.Cut it to 2 different part(top and bottom)
3.Then use your ruler to know the size.
4.Now, set size on your word processors (I use Microsoft Word)
5.Print it, but before printing, set the size on your print properties.
6.After that made it like a book.

Note : Use this if you found something interest.

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2.0 Author`s note

Now my walktrough completed so I will stop added any section, but I
still update it.
For question,suggest and comment contact me at my e-mail address :
I`m don`t like if you ask me about the game walktrough/faqs which
already written here.
Because I plan to release the final version, so I very happy if you give
me very much suggestion.
Now my name will be RPGManiac because my new nick is contain 9 words and I
believe 9 as my lucky number. Just For Fun.
Now I release the final version but my item list is not yet completed
so sorry for the inconvinience, but I`m still busy with my school.


Thank You to read my faqs

Best regards,

$$$ $$$ $$$$ MANIAC
$ $ $ $ $ =======
$$$ $$$ $ $$$ Good luck
$$$ $ $ $ $on your journey
$ $ $ $$$$$ guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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