Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

14.10.2013 17:52:11
(This guide is best viewed at screen area 800x600)

They were parted by an unescapable destiny. This is just the beginning of thier worst


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(Biological Armament Developer)

DISCLAIMER: The Resident Evil logo is made by Dan Birlew (President Evil) and permission
granted to use in this FAQ. Copyright(c) President Evil 1998-2000. All rights reserved.

1.Author's notes
2.How to use this strategy guide
3.Game controls
7.Twelve rules for survival
a. Claire
b. Leon
Walkthrough parts=
i. A city gone bad
ii. The police station, RPD
iii. Backside of RPD
iv. RPD B1
v. Sewage disposal
vi. Back to the RPD
vii. The sewers
viii. The factory
ix. The labs & The escape
10. What is the G-virus?


No portion of this walkthrough may be reprinted without my written or e-mail
permission. You may contact me at SHEHARYAR_PK@YAHOO.CO.UK (all characters
minimized). All questions, comments, or corrections regarding this game and
FAQ are welcome.
This walkthrough is public domain and may be used by websites only in it's complete and
original form, unaltered in any way. But I would sincerely appreciate e-mail
notification if you intend to post it at a site. This FAQ cannot be used for
profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from sellingit)
or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction.
It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase
as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited.
Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors,
employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or
association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It
cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form
of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically
mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,
myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Sheharyar Ahmad. All
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ. This FAQ and everything included herein
is protected by the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention
the International Copyright Law.
Remember, Plagiarism is against the law and if you Plagiarise my strategy guide,

This strategy is for 1ST SCENARIO ONLY. I will be posting a complete one with the same format
on 2ND SCENARIO soon.
Some people may think I've played Resident Evil 2 recently, but I've had it for a long time
(from February '99. Still late, but not too much). I was too lazy to write a strategy guide for
it. But when I saw how poorly and improperly other people are writing guides, I thought of
writing a correct and better guide, so this is it!
I have taken some descriptions from the sites listed in the Acknowledgments section, as I
couldn't think of words to describe things, but this strategy is still in my words and my
For survival, first it was 8 rules, then 10, and now 12 rules for survival. SHEESH, survival
is tough!!!!(am I repeating myself?)
Choose what you want from the table of contents.
ARE READING THIS STRATEGY ON. JUST FOR SECURITY REASONS!! You can also ask questions about some
things I've written in the FAQ, but PLEASE mail me the name and address of this site.

There are many secret files in the game. They are hidden in the background and it is hard to
find them. If you find any files which I have not listed, please mail me the name of the file,
along with the name and address of the site you are reading this strategy guide on.
As for the puzzles, you can see the clue and try them yourself or use my solution.

1. PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTES!! I don't want you into trouble. And if you're a ripper,
you're not allowed to see this strategy!
2. The controls in the Game Controls section are set for default mode (Mode A).
3. In the Characters section, first an introduction is made to the characters, after which you
are briefed about the characters' roles in the game.
4. The enemies in the Enemies section are first briefed, and then their weaknesses and powers
revealed. The bosses section is, however, different. Only the descriptions of the bosses are
5. In the Weapons section, the description of the weapon is given, and then the importance of
the weapons.
6. On the Walkthrough, every Danger will be surrounded with !!!! and every puzzle with ????.
The boss fights will be surrounded with #+#+#+.
7. All the codes in Gameshark section have been made and tested on Gameshark version 3.2

Note: These are the default settings.

UP= Go forward
<--= Turn to the characters left
-->= Turn to the characters right
Down= Go backwards

X= Action Button/ Fire
O= Go to inventory
Square= Back/ Cancel
Triangle= n/a

L1= n/a
L2= n/a
R1= Aim
R2= Aim

START= Pause game
SELECT= Go to options

|Leon Scott Kennedy|
Leon is an idealistic Rookie Cop. He burns with the need to protect and to serve, and life as
a cadet was an eye-opening experience. While reckless and brash, Leon is certainly not as
naive as his demeanor would suggest. He is highly qualified for his new job with the
Raccoon-Police. His first day on the job was not as he expected at all, as now he is trapped
in a city where survival is the name of the game..
SPECIAL ITEM: Lighter: An oil lighter.
ROLE: Leon is my man! This guy is so cool and he even looks like LEONardo di Caprio. (I'm sure
the girls will like that!) He gets better weapons, takes less time to finish puzzles, his
walkthrough is smaller and it takes a lot more bites to drop his health. Although he is not
the main character, he's still Simply My Kind Of A Guy!!

|Claire Redfield|
Claire is a light-hearted, articulate modern woman. While she can be a bit of a tomboy at
times, she is somewhat wild. Self-confident and extroverted, Claire is typically the first
person to try something many others would not. She was in Raccoon to find her brother, Chris
(from Resident Evil), but finds something much more sinister...
SPECIAL ITEM: Lockpick: I can pick simple locks with this.
ROLE: Claire is the main character of the game (although her CD is named CD2!) and boy, is she
a drag! Her handgun sucks, I mean, you can put it in the ass of a zombie, shoot 13 times and
he'd still be biting at Claire's boobs (am I over doing it??? am I being RUDE!!????) Seriously,
Claire is not the person I would rely on in this game. The thing is, why is always hard to play
with the main character in Resident Evil (it happened with Chris!) OK!!!! Some of you may like
her and I'm sorry!! But I don't like her, so excuse me!! It's not that I'm jealous, I'm not a
girl and I'm not gay, actually, I would like to have her as my girlfriend (yeah!! I'd like to
be biting at HER myself, if you know what I'm talking!), BUT NOT IN THIS GAME!!!!!

|Ada Wong|
Leon stumbles upon this mysterious woman who is quite secretive, yet at the same time, a
professional and skilled investigator. She can also come across as condescending, and has a
tendency to talk down to those she deems inferior to herself. She says she is in town to
search for her boyfriend, but there is something else about her..
SPECIAL ITEM: Photo: A photograph taken fairly recently.
ROLE: Miss Sexe-a-la-mysterooi. Ada is mysterious. She doesn't let anyone know what she's
doing in RPD. Very mysterious. She's a great help for Leon. She also has a Browning HP, so
those monsters better be careful! She helped me kill 3 zombies in the sewers and even defeat
The Claw! Very mysterious (am I repeating myself?) and sexy. Actually, she's a lot like Albert
Wesker (from Resident Evil). They also have something common in their names...(thanx 2 The
Right Game for dat scoop!)

|Sherry Birkin|
A lonely and insecure 12 year old, Sherry is quite mature for her age.
She is very shy and when she speaks, she lacks self-confidence and always has the feeling she
is lost. Sherry's parents are too wrapped up in their work to heed the emotional needs of their
child. Her mother told her to go to the RPD because it is safe, but it was not quite so..
SPECIAL ITEM: Photo: A photograph taken fairly recently.
ROLE : WHY WHY WHY!!!!! Why did it have to be Sherry!!?? It could've been Snagglepuss, it
could've been Batman, it could've been that damned Chris!!! Sherry is for Claire what Ada is
for Leon, but with Ada, she could even protect us (with her gun and shooting) and with Sherry,
we need to protect HER! When we play along side Sherry, if you run to distance of 10 feet from
her, she simply sits down and waits for you to come back and pick her up! Image that if there
are Zombies or Spiders after you!! She doesn't have a weapon and those Cerberi can make mince
meat outta her. Disgusting!!!!

Ben is one of those reporter types, always looking for a scoop. Ben has arrested himself in
the R.P.D. prison to be safe of all the zombies. But not only that, he knows that those zombies
are not the only things crawling around out there...
ROLE: What can I say? Nothing else.

|Brian Irons|
Police Chief Brian Irons has been told to watch for the mayor's daughter, but he failed
miserably. Irons seems very stressed. He doesn't know what he'll do next. Also he has his
hands at Umbrella...
ROLE: bad man

|Annette Birkin|
She is the wife of the Umbrella scientist William Birkin and Sherry's mother. Annette was the
one who told Sherry to go to the RPD, because it was safe there. All in one Annette is pretty
worried about her little daughter, but her mission has first priority...

ROLE: You play as Leon, this woman tries to kill you. You play as Claire, this woman tries to
kill you. You play as Leon, a pipe falls on her and she's dead. You play as Claire, she gets
herself killed by her husband. WHATS WITH THIS WOMAN?????

|William Birkin|
A high ranked researcher for Umbrella. William was the one responsible for the creation of the
G-virus. He was trying to escape from his labs, with his life's work, when Umbrella's
mercenaries ambushed him and shot him. They took away the G-virus, his life's work but forgot
one sample which he had, the very sample he trusted into his body, and became something very,
very bad..... And now he is a monster created by himself, his own virus, his own creation......

ROLE: ...............................

(note: These enemies are from both scenarios and in order as they come)

ZOMBIES: Former residents of Raccoon city, these people were attacked and infested by the
G-virus. They have lost all conscience and emotions and are now after alive humans.
In-game: Your main enemies, these guys are persistent, and hungry. They are usually in groups
of 3-4 and usually attack one by one. There are different kinds: Normal zombies, Police
zombies, Teen zombies (you can tell by their T-shirts and jeans), Female Zombies and Naked
zombies. Don't worry, they are male and you encounter them only once in the Umbrella labs.
$$$Special Move$$$: Puke Duke; Bite Dive.
Where: Everywhere

LICKERS: A strange creature that appeared out of nowhere. It has lost skin patches all over its
body, yet it's most distinctive feature is its whip like tongue, which can tear a human torso
in an instance.
In-game: This, is a strange creature. Not because it's so ugly looking, but because it can't
get over with the damn staring and licking!!! When you die, they crawl over you, and start
licking you. Bet they're saying "Oh, honey! You're so cute! Let me give you a kiss. SLURP!"
Basically they lickers were zombies before. Just like William, when he's injured and sheds off
his skin, the lickers are zombies you injured, but didn't KILL (probably with handgun or knife).
If you KILL the zombies, they won't reappear as lickers. The rest of the lickers stay where
they are supposed to be. I really like them, coz when you blow their friggin' brains out, they
$$$Special Move$$$: Slick Lick; Slash Crash.
Where: RPD

CROWS: Normal crows which lived in the Raccoon City limits. They were exposed to the G-virus
and are now also bloodthirsty.
In-game: The crows are not that much of a problem, but they are deadly. If you just ignore
them and think they can't do anything to you, you're certainly wrong. They are always in
flocks and they use this strategy: "I'll go first, peck 'em, you guys follow, peck 'em one by
one, they die, we feast!"
$$$Special Move$$$: Pack Attack.
Where: RPD

ZOMBIE DOGS aka CERBERUS: Formerly Doberman, these dogs were attackers for the Police. Again,
they were exposed to the virus and turned deadly and vicious.
In-game: The dogs are usually in pairs. When there is no keeper (of course there isn't. He's
probably outside eating his mamma's legs), they take control of an area and patrol it. They
even eat their victims, which is not normal (of course it isn't, nothing is!!!). They will be
alerted if you shoot, run or have physical contact with them. Better if you find some safe
place and pick them off one by one, just like Ada can.
$$$Special Move$$$: Height Bite.
Where: RPD B1

SPIDERS: Spiders which lived in the Raccoon city area. They have also been exposed to the
virus and have grown tremendously in size. Due to the virus mutation, they now carry a dozen
'baby' spiders in their body.
in-game: The spiders are very large. It made me jump outta my seat when I first saw their size.
As big as they maybe, they are still gentle giants. You can just run past them. The ones in
the Sewers only use poison, which you can avoid just by running. The ones in the Sewerage
disposal don't pay you any special attention. And even if they do, they just block you, which
unlike Resident Evil doesn't hurt you. They only spit at you once in a blue moon.
$$$Special Move$$$: Acid Spit.
Where: Sewerage disposal & Sewers

PLANT MONSTERS: Plants which were exposed to the virus. They can now move and think. They are
very smart.
In-game= These guys look like idiots, like the way they walk. They actually look like people
who were going to a Fancy Dumb Costume Party on Friday the 13th and had a sudden change of
attitude. But they are smart as sometimes they are not dead, just lie there and when you walk
past their wines shoot up and hit you. After sometime, when you come back, they are resurrected.
They just walk towards you slowly and limply (of course, they just learned to walk. they're
plants!) and keep spitting acid at you. This is where Claire's M79 comes in hand. The flame
rounds turn them into cabbage shit. One word of advice: never get too close.
$$$Special Move$$$: Grudge Hug.
Where: Labs

Green LICKERS: They look just like Lickers, but are green in color. They also appear to be
In-game: They are just like Lickers, but they are more powerful, smarter and, green. They are
smarter because they most of the time surprise you. Or wait for you come in the opening so
they can QSC you, which hurts ALOT! If you'll pay attention to their claws, they're twice the
size of Licker claws!!
$$$Special Move$$$: Slick lick; Quick Slash Crash
Where: Labs
THE "OFFSPRING": A strange creature with a disgusting looking body. When you meet it, you see
in the scene that it was just a piece of meat with an eye on one side. Then it mutates and
grows a head, three legs, and a huge claw. It spits small hermit crab like things from its
mouth, that's why it's called The "Offspring." These things just hook them selves with, like
leeches. If you don't kill them, they just keep sticking to you. If you get too close to The
"Offspring," he will raise his claw and hit you, which throws you and your health back a long
WHERE: Sewerage disposal; secret room in RPD

THE GATOR: It is a giant gator which is in the sewers. Very powerful, and as large as a T-rex.
Moves quite fast through the narrow passage. I believe Umbrella didn't want to make this tank
of a BOW, but it could've been a great experiment. Too bad they just waste their time in
making failures like Tyrant-002. This gator is really, really hungryyy....
WHERE: Sewerage disposal

WILLIAM I: The first form and first fight with William (gave me goose bumps the first time I
fought him!). When you come out, he throws a pipe at you (and does some disgusting things). He
still has one of his "human" arms but the on the right side is huge and has claws which go in
and out. He has 2 small teeny-weeny claws protruding outta his abdomen, which don't hurt you.
He still has his trousers on (glad he has a sense of censorship) and his face is recognizable,
outta which grows a hideous and long face.
WHERE: Factory

THE MOTH: I'm calling it a boss, because it's unique, one-of-a-kind, special, and, uh, ass-
kicking. It has a room completely dedicated to it. He is actually hibernating when we go and
bash his head. He's a real meany if you burn/blow off it's wings. Then it crawls on the floor
and bites you on your legs. The best weapon, what else, is Flame/Acid with M79.
WHERE: Umbrella labs

WILLIAM II: This time he is very tall. Has 4 (maybe 5) claws, and still has that ugly long
face. When you play as Jill, you get a sneak peek at him. He walks slowly towards you, and
attacks. Sometimes he holds you with 2 claws and bashes you with the rest. You must know you
have a time of 4:30 minutes when you start fighting him. He has a round mark on his chest,
which looks hollow, and as if something special is inside...
WHERE: The escape

WILLIAM III: The final form of William. When you have hurt William II enough, he turns into
this the very instance. Remember I said about the hollow round mark? Well that thing turns into
William's whole mouth, which is about half the size of his body!!! He gets down on four legs,
like a huge dog and is as fast as lightening. He just jumps on the large containers, which makes
it difficult for us to shoot at him. Then he jumps down behind you, grabs your whole body,
sucks blood, bites you, then throws you away, which is very very lethal.
WHERE: The escape

(note: the placing of these weapons are according to the 1st scenario)

KNIFE: Standard issue survivor combat knife.
+Importance-= Absolutely bullshit. If you want to commit suicide, use. Slightly effective
against Crows, single Cerberus (fat chance).
Where: Start with it.

H&K VP70 (Leon): Manufactured by H&K, Germany. Uses 9mm parabellum rounds.
+Importance-= This is the standard weapon for Leon. Can hold 18 Bullets in its holster.
Effective against Zombies, Crows, Cerberi. Find the upgrading parts (see Walkthrough) and will
also be useful against Lickers and Plant Monsters as it will be able to shoot 3 bullets at the
same time.
Where: Start with it.

BROWNING HP (Claire): Manufactured by FN, Belgium. Uses 9mm parabellum rounds.
+Importance-= Claire's baby, this baby holds 13 Bullets in its holster and takes another minus
because it needs more bullets to kill. No upgrade, so use only against Zombies, Crows, Cerberi.
Where: Start with it.

SHOTGUN (Leon): Remington M 1100-P. It uses 12 gauge rounds. Smaller than the standard M 1100,
as the barrel is cut.
+Importance-= Now that's a weapon!! Can take out anything from Crows to William III! As you
shoot, it spreads lead in a wide angle, which is great for multiple targets. It can hold 5
Shells at one time. You can find upgrades (see Walkthrough) and make it the M 1100, then it
can hold 7 Shells and it can cut up to three zombies in half in one shot! Undoubtedly the most
powerful weapon for Leon.
Where: Dead body of gun shop owner; S.T.A.R.S office.

BOWGUN (Claire): A powerful bowgun primarily used to hunt large game.
+Importance-= All is said in the intro. This thing shoots 3 Bows at the same time and carries
maximum of 18 bows at one time. You only get its ammo once or twice, so it's not that much of
a weapon.
Where: Dead body of gun shop owner; backside of RPD.

GRENADE LAUNCHER (Claire): M79 grenade launcher. Can use several kinds of rounds. The cut stock
causes greater recoil. Made in the USA.
+Importance-= Similar to Jill's Bazooka in Resident Evil, this is Claire's answer to Leon's
Shotgun, and as good as it is. It can use three rounds, which are Explosive, Acid and Flame.
The bad part is its slow reload. If you're in a close battle with a licker or something, you
can knock it over, but it will be on you as soon as you reload. The better part is all the
enemies have exposed meat and skin, such as Lickers and Nakedzombies, so you can use Acid
rounds which are very effective against these enemies. It is also very affective against bosses.
Like Barry Burton in Resident Evil said: "I'm giving you (Jill) a very powerful weapon. It
will be very useful against those monsters. Here." And then he passes over Acid rounds. The
Explosive rounds are very powerful, as they spread four fireballs all over the place. BUT IT'S
Where: S.T.A.R.S office.

MAGNUM (Leon): Desert Eagle 50.AE. A high calibre magnum pistol. Uses powerful DOT50 A.E rounds.
By IMI, Israel.
+Importance-= WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! The big-momma of all pistols and handguns, this baby is super!
I wish we could start the game with this. This is just like the Colt Python from Re1 and Re3
(but looks like a handgun), as it can kill zombies in 1 shot (guaranteed). But it takes up to 4
bullets or more to kill a Plantmonster and Greenlicker. But you also get its upgrade (see
Walkthrough), which makes its barrels 14 inch long!! You can then kill a Greenlicker or
Plantmonster in 2 or max 3 shots. Believe it or not, I've killed 3 zombies with just one
bullet, as they were in a semi-diagonal line (/)!!!!! I read a couple of strategies where the
author says you can't find it until the second scenario. WELL, THOSE GUYS USE OTHER STRATEGIES
Where: Guard room in RPD

SUB-MACHINE GUN: MAC 11. Manufactured by Military Armament Corps. Uses DOT 380 rounds.
+Importance-= Nice weapon. Although it takes up 2 slots in your inventory, it's still a nice
weapon with powerful bullets. You don't find ammo for it, so keep track of your bullets. It's
plus though is that it's 100% goes down very slow. It's found both by Leon and Claire. I
started shooting with it when I met the "Offspring." Put it down in the chest 3 times, and
Where: RPD Weapon Storage.

FLAME THROWER (Leon): Chemical fuel flame-thrower made by Umbrella Inc. The fuel is fed from a
small cartridge.
+Importance-= AAAHHHHHHHHH!! Get it away from me!!! No, I'm not burning alive. This weapon
sucks so much, I want to get away from it!! It burns for like 12/13 seconds, just like the one
in Resident Evil (Chris). Only useful against crows, but you don't get crows don't in the labs.
Fairly effective against zombies. For you guys, I tried to kill a Greenlicker with it, and
didn't get a chance to heal myself! It also takes up 2 inventory slots, which is a waste of
Where: Umbrella Labs guard house

SPARK GUN (Claire): High voltage gun to repel experimental animals. It uses Spark Shot rounds
and has a range of 10 feet.
+Importance-= Best weapon for Claire, this thing also takes 2 inventory slots. One shot takes
away 1%, so there ARE 100 shots. As said this is for repelling experimental animals (zombies I
think) and has high voltage, so repeated shooting can kill things. Best if stocked away for
William II and III. I still use it with zombies, as sometimes it blows their heads up! YES THIS
Where: Dead body in The factory.

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
1. Always keep track of your ammo and reload manually.
2. Know your keys.
3. Know your enemies and when they are dead.
4. Use herbs only and avoid fights until your health is FINE.
5. Avoid unnecessary battles.
6. Save your game in a new area, but save less than 9 times.
7. Dump things not needed at time in chest and have at least 3 THREE free slots.
8. Search an area as thoroughly as you can until you're sure there are no keys, ammo or health
9. Keep mixing the herbs, as they get better and more healing (for more info, mail me).
10. Don't waste your time from inspecting everything over and over again and master the
technique of running, your gonna need it.
11. Use my signature technique called ZeeZAG. It is running like
this= --/\/\/-- (for more info, mail me.)
12. USE MY STRATEGY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!

(note: this walkthrough is for the 1st scenario of both players. I will be writing one for the
2nd scenario very soon.)

PLEASE READ THE author's notes, how to use this strategy AND 12 rules for survival FIRST!!!!
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|1. A City Gone Bad |
From the starting point, clear a path through the zombies or use ZeeZAG and make your way to
the corner of the road. Go forward until you reach the jeep and enter the door on your right.
Just move and you'll have a scene. After that, just come towards the screen and you'll see a
door. Forget it for now. There, you will find two boxes of Bullets, one behind the right side
counter, one by the left (I suggest you take the one in the right counter first).

!!!!!!!! As soon as you pick up the Bullets on the left hand counter and move, five zombies
!DANGER! will break through the glass and kill the shop owner. You can kill zombies and get
!!!!!!!! the owners Bowgun, or flee in terror. Now exit the shop and go around the corner and
you'll see zombies trying to break through the gate. Just go forward and the zombies will break
the gate (at least they have spirit). Keep going and you'll reach the back of a van.
There are Bullets in the back of the van. The zombies will break through the gate; yes, you
have to kill them. Go through the door, which leads to a street ball court. You can ignore the
guy in here. Go through the door on the other side of the court. Go up the stairs, around the
corners and down the stairs. You can either quickly climb the dumpster, ascend and ZeeZAG your
way outta here, or, climb the dumpster, shoot 2 zombies, descend ZeeZAG/shoot your way outta
here. It's up to you.
(you'll hear the sounds of flesh being ripped up, the bones being broken, the blood flowing,
the, OK I'm over doing it) From here, go forward and stay by the side of the cars and run like
hell coz when you reach the zombies they'll get up and go for new dinner, YOU. Just go to the
bus and go inside. Once there, take the Bullets behind you, go forward, take care of the
crawling bag of poopoo and Mister NoShirtAtAll, and head for the front door of the bus.
Once you're out, you'll find yourself surrounded by zombies. You can either kill all if you
have enough Bullets, or use ZeeZAG. Believe me this place is great to find out if you're great
at ZeeZAG or not. These zombies give me no problem. Once you're on the other side of the herd
of zombies (or herd of dead bodies), go through the small side gate (it's hidden coz of the
camera angle).
Tell you what, you can either go through the garden by killing 2 zombies, or (am I repeating
myself?) go forward, go down the stairs on your right, go forward, go up the stairs, take a
green herb, take a U turn around the railing, go forward and through the big door. It's up to
|2. Police Station, RPD|
In the main hall, go forward and go up the right hand-side path to pick up Bullets and Ink
Ribbon. You can save here at the typewriter. Go into the unlocked door (I'm not telling!) and
you'll have a scene. Now, go to the computer in the main hall where you found the Bullets and
Ink Ribbon. Use the computer and say yes when it asks for the key card (unless you've fallen in
love with the key card).
Now go to the big double door on the left side of the hall which was previously locked. There
is a chest on your left. Open it and put away the Knife forever and other unnecessary stuff.
There is a Police Memorandum on the sofa. No need to open the desk, as there are is a First Aid
Spray (from now on Spray) inside. Now turn around and go to the door (what the hell was that
you ask? You'll find out soon...). Down the hall you'll come across an officer who has a little
problem with his head.
If you double-check him, you'll find that he has some Bullets. Further down the hall, you'll
come across a pool of blood. Now you'll see a movie which introduces you with Licker. Twice
with the Bowgun (if you saved) and he sleeps. If you ain't got Bowgun, leave it go through the
door on the other side of the hall. Pick up the green herbs to heal yourself now or later.
Enter the door. Go down the hall, ignore the double doors to the right. Head down the hall
through yet another door. There are many zombies here. I suggest you kill the girl and then
the guy coming towards you, then the rest. Besides the stairs, there are 2 Greens. The door on
the left is the dark room. There are Bullets in the glass cabinet, and a chest. The little
dark passage leads to the dark room, where you can develop films. Now go up the stairs and head
down the hall until you reach the statue with the second red jewel in its hand.

???????? Inspect the big statue and you'll get the clue. You have to push the statues so they
?PUZZLE? are looking at big statue. You'll see small squares on the floors. This is where the
???????? statues need to be placed. You'll hear a sound if the statues are placed correctly
and they will not be able to move. If you did something wrong, just leave the hall by the door
and return. The puzzle will reset. If done correctly, the red jewel will be released and is
yours for the taking (mail me if you don't understand).

Head through the door to the right of the statue. Enter the door to your left, which is the
S.T.A.R.S. office. On the desk you will find Chris's Diary, and beneath that you will find the
Unicorn Medal. Get the M79 out of the locker. NOW YOU'RE PACKED AND LETHAL!! and Bullets, which
are behind the big desk (with a big S.T.A.R.S board behind it). Now exit the room and a fax
will come in, which you should grab. Take the Unicorn Medal to the fountain in the main hall.
If you didn't kill the Licker, give him a piece of the M79. Put the jewel in the room after the
Licker hall. Place the Unicorn Medal in the front of the fountain. This will release the Spade
Go back to the Licker hall, and unlock the door to the file room which is to the right. There,
you'll find Ink Ribbon on the floor with the scattered things. Go around the shelf. To get the
Crank, push the step stool to the cabinet, climb up, and get it. When you get down, don't move
but simply turn to your right and on the shelf you'll find the Patrol Report. Now go up to the
S.T.A.R.S hall and a scene will take place. Kill the zombie and use the Spade key on the door
and discard it. Now go through and you'll have a scene. Down the hallway behind Leon, you'll
find a box of Bullets. In the desk you'll find Flame rounds (from now on Flame). Enter the
library to the left. Head up the stairs to the right and down the walkway, where you'll fall
through the floor.

???????? Look at the picture clue and push the red button and go through the shelve. If you get
?PUZZLE? far enough and look, you'll see there is a larger version of the picture behind the
???????? bookshelves. Approach the left-most book shelve and inspect the red light and choose
RIGHT. Then go to the shelve to the right of the left most shelve and choose to slide RIGHT
again. Once in the correct position, the picture will fall away and reveal the Serpentstone.

Take the stone and exit the double doors. Take it and exit the double doors. You're now in the
balcony. Make your way to the center of the balcony, and go to the red box and choose to press
the switch and lower the ladder. Now make your way to the other side of the balcony and through
the door. Pick up the Desk key, Ink Ribbon, and the Secretary's Diary A. You can save here and
put things in the chest. Return to the first floor via the emergency ladder and head for the
briefing room. Inside, to your left on the desk is the Operation Report. Go to the small room
in the back with the fireplace. Use the lighter to light the fire and burn the painting. This
will reveal the second red jewel. Take it and go back to the room where you got the lighter
and put it in the chest. Then, exit through the opposite door.
|3. Backside of the RPD|
Then exit through the opposite door, kill the zombies and head through the door at the end of
the hall. Exit through the door straight ahead. Once outside go down the stairs and enter the
door. You can take the Greens if you want. In here, go through doorway on the left. There are 5
Zombies in here, 3 on the other side of the room, 1 in the small side office and 1 lying on the
floor that never gets up and only attack if you get too close. Kill the 1 Zombie and enter the
small side office to your right. There is a safe here. To open the safe, use the combo 2236.
Inside you will find Acids and a complete police station map. Now go back the way you came,
out, up and about. Turn right and go forward. Inspect the officer and get something.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you turn the corner, a flock of Crows will introduce themselves to you and
!DANGER! probably give you a heart attack. Just keep running until you reach the end of the
!!!!!!!! hall and go out. Go down the stairs, give some lead to the Zombies or ZeeZAG and enter
the door around the corner, where you'll find a save point, Bullets, and a Valve handle. With
Valve handle in hand, return to the burning helicopter. Go behind the open fence next to the
door and use the valve handle on the water-pressure valve. Water will quench the flames and in
the front compartment of the chopper you will find Bullets.
Head back to hallway inside where the helicopter was protruding in. First go to the waiting
room and dump the Valve handle and take the jewels. Now with the flames out you can enter the
door on the right of the helicopter. In this room you will find the diamond key and Shells
somewhere on the right hand-side of the room. Place a red jewel in each one of the busts which
are on the left and right of the big relief. This will show an FMV and reveal part of the Blue
stone. Take it and dump into the chest, and head back to the first floor. Use the diamond key
to enter the evidence room on the first floor to the right of the main staircase. Dispatch the
Zombies quickly, and go forward towards the red drawers. When you inspect them, it will say,
"The lock seems to be broken, will you use the lockpick?" Select YES and the drawer will open
and give you the C4 explosive cube. Then search for the film, which is on the right side of the
shelves, but beware, 2 Zombies are guarding it. As you reach the drawer which contains it, the
camera angle will change (if you want to see it, take it and develop it. if not, just leave).
This time he's in (another) small side office. When you meet him, you'll find out how people
turn into Zombies. On the desk in the room where you find him will be the Detonator. Now,
combine the Detonator with the C4 and you'll have a Bomb! If you look around the main room you
will find some handgun bullets in the locker and a memo to Leon on the desk. Go to the door on
the right side of the main door. As Claire said, go up to the second floor via the emergency
ladder. Go to the chopper wreckage and use the Bomb on the damaged door. Go forward and in the
door. Go forward and you'll have a scene with the Chief. Exit the room through the other room.
Go to the end of the hall and through the door. You'll hear footsteps. Make your way to the
small room at the back. See the thing on the wall right besides the opening? It's a switch.
Push it and you'll have a scene with Sherry. Now go back to the Chief's room. Where the hell
did he go?! Take the Heart key and make your way back to the main hall on the first floor. Go
through the door on the right of the main entrance doors. This is the blue hall. There'll be a
herd of zombies charging at you. 2 from the Shotgun will do. Now go into the blue double. This
is the same room where you got the map of RPD. Go to the back from where you came the first
time, but this time turn left and go to the door. Use the Heart key and discard it. Go through
and take the 2 Greens if necessary. Just go to the other side of the hall and down the stairs.

|4. RPD B1|
Look out for the Cerberus patrolling here. If you kill him, the other will become active. Just
go forward till the T-junction, take your first right and run to the first door on your right
and this will save you from the Cerberi. Inside, pick up the green herbs and police B1 map,
then head for the reserve power control panel, which is situated in the back of the left side.
Once there press up, down, up, down, up. This will activate the key card lock door. Now head
back out, take a right, and go through the double doors at the hall, around the corner. Go
forward and take your left.
!!!!!!!! As you're reaching the manhole opening, 2 Cerberi will jump from the sky and try to
!DANGER! attack you. You can easily avoid them and go down the manhole.
|5. Sewage Disposal|
There is a room to your left. You have o go in. It is a save room. Once outside, you'll have a
scene and play as Sherry. Head to the elevator and go up. BEWARE OF THE CERBERI!! Sherry
doesn't have any weapons and she can't fight the Cerberi! Just take a right and run straight
into the door. Once inside the room, look to the right - hanging on the wall is the sewage-
disposal map. Grab it, hop down to the left of the control panel.
???????? You have to push the boxes so they make a bridge. Here are their
?PUZZLE? placing: | [2] |
???????? |[1] |
| [3]|
Climb up box 1 and drop off on the other side. Push box 2 only a little so box 1 can be pushed
into place. Now push box 3 and you'll have a bridge. Now for the water...

Now go back up and press the switch on the control panel thingee. The water will raise the
boxes and you can walk across and get the Club key. Just get out and run straight to the
elevator. Once back down, Sherry will automatically give Claire the items, and you will once
again control Claire. Go back up the manhole ladder and through a set of doors.
|6. Back to the RPD|
Once you are yourself again, head back up to the ladder, and back to the RPD B1. The Cerberi
will now be turned into Lickers. I killed them but still they turned into Lickers. Go to the
double doors in the middle of the hall, right in front of the T-junction. Use the Club key.
This is the autopsy room/ morgue. Go around the autopsy bed, and go to the shelf. Inspect and
you'll find a key card.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you pick up the key card, all the dead bodies in the room will come live.
!DANGER! Shoot a couple and run outta the room. Now go to the Weapon Storage and use the key
!!!!!!!! card on the card reader to the left (the one with the green light). Now go inside and
you'll find AMMO!! If you just go straight from the door to the lockers, you'll find a side
Now go out and back up the stairs. There is a door to your right, just behind the railing. Use
the Club key. Inside the room, you'll find Acids and the Nightwatchman's diary. FIRST OF ALL
TAKE THE LIGHTER!!! Now go to the blue hall and to the door that goes to a U Hall. Take care of
the walking dead and go to the door you come to first. Use the Diamond key and discard it, and
enter the room and take the Eaglestone on the shelf and if you want, the cord.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you take Eaglestone and turn to leave the room, a Licker will jump through
!DANGER! the mirror and scare the living daylights out of you. You can easily avoid it and
!!!!!!!! flee. Now, go to the green door, use the Club key to enter and discard. Don't forget
the Lighter!!!

???????? Go to the picture of the cart and read the writing. With lighter in hand, ignite the
?PUZZLE? furnace on the far side of the room. Then turn the faucets on the wall in this
???????? order: 12, 13, and 11. This will make the G-cogwheel fall out of the painting.

Take it and head to the third floor via the library on the second floor. Don't forget to take
the Crank!! Enter the only other door on the third floor and use the crank in the square hole
in the wall to lower a staircase. Head up the staircase and use the G-cogwheel on the gears,
then press the button to open the door to the right. Behind the door you'll find the other
piece to the blue stone. Now, you have to go to the Chief's room. In the waiting room, you can
stock up weapons, health items and the four stones. Combine both pieces of the blue stone to
make the Jaguarstone. Now go, but after saving. Go behind the Chief's desk and press the button
beneath the painting (there is also his diary on the table, which tells you what a sick person
he is). This will cause the painting to move. Place the three stones in the three slots
provided. This will open a door. Head through it, pick up the mail to the chief, and then go
down the elevator. Go around the corner to the door and you'll have a scene. Pick up the Acids.
Now go where you have to go. Down the ladder.....

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ Whoa this guy is ugly. "So, this is the 1st boss,
#BOSS Number 1 + huh?" This is what your probably saying. But watch
#THE "OFFSPRING" + out! This guy can kick ass. For those cockroachy
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ things, just one with the handgun will do. But for
the big momma, you'll have to use a combo of Flames and Acids. This is
the trick I use. Load Acids into the M79 and shoot while going forward.
When you get too close, he will pick up his huge, hurting claw. Just press
the down button when you see his claw is raising, and you'll dodge his
attack. Then quickly load Flames in the M79 and shoot the big eye on his
side. 4 Acids and 3 Flames worked for me. If there is a little too much
traffic from the little roaches, just equip the handgun and kill them.
When you kill Offspring, quickly leave the room the way you came or a dozen
roaches will jump outta his dead body and roach you!!

Now go back up the elevator and this time take Sherry with you to the room where you fought
Offspring. Go to the other side of the room and press the button. A ladder will lower. You
know what to do!!

|7. The Sewers|
Head into the sewers with Sherry. Go forward and down the ledge. You'll have a scene and a
sneak preview of William. Now you will be forced to play as Sherry. Simply forge ahead, and
watch out for the REAL cockroaches. These are roaches mutated with G-virus and are as big as
rats. They are only found in this air tunnel. Enter the first room, and exit it through the
air tunnel. There is a Zombie here so be careful. Go at the back of the room. There is a vent
here. Go down and go forward to try to pick up a silver coin. After Sherry helplessly falls,
you become Claire once again.
Now go further down the sewer and through the first door, picking up green herbs before
entering. This is Control Room 2. It contains a save point, a storage bin, and Sewer Managers
Fax. If you inspect the strange steel door, you'll realize you can open it. There is a ladder.
Down the ladder and you'll discover Acids and Spray, as well as the Zombie who gave Sherry a
hard time. Kill it for Sherry. That's better!! Take the valve handle from the chest. Now go
back up to the room and this time down the elevator.
Once down, grab the map on wall, head into the water, and search for the Flames in the
cubbyhole to your left end. Then go in the other direction, take a left, go through the door,
while evading the Spiders. There are more Spiders in here. Go forward until you see a ledge
into the door, which is to the left. You'll have a scene and a super COOL movie. Use the valve
handle on the bridge-lowering mechanism. Once across and on the other side, use it again to
raise the bridge back up (trust me). Head down the corridor until you see a scene. Time for
another boss!
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# I'm calling it a boss, cause it can be hell on earth
+BOSS FIGHT NO. 2# for you. You can either use all the firepower you
+THE GATOR # got, or use this trick. Run back all the way to the
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# door you came from. When you reach the corner to the door,
you'll see a red light. This is a gas canister. Push the button and it will
fall out. The Gator will be with you by now (boy is he fast!). If you look
closely, you'll see a crack on the floor. This is the best place to stand so
you can far from the Gator and still see him. Wait for him to take the canister
into his mouth, and then shoot at the Gator!

Head down to the door in the direction the alligator came from. Open the doors, and collect
the Wolfmedal (sound familiar?) and Sherry. Head up the ladder, go left, and get the Eaglemedal
(sound familiar?) and Sewer Manager's Diary. Veer right and use the valve handle on the
lighted machine to the left of the spinning fan. This will allow you to climb up the ladder
and through the air tunnel. I advise you to go back to the control room and throw the valve
handle away. Go back if you followed my advice. This time in the first sewer, instead of the
Spiders, Zombies will suddenly come to life from the water. BE CAREFUL! If you run too fast,
you will leave Sherry behind and then you'll have to save her and you'll be in real deep shit.
GO through the door. Yup, the Spiders are here in this room. Just go to the end of this room
this time and inspect the water-flow control panel to the right of the waterfall, and drop
both of the medals into it. This will stop the flow of water and allow you access to the door
Just go through the door on the other side of this hall. Make your way to the right side of the
trolley and turn on the power switch on the control panel to activate the trolley. Enter it and
take it for a ride. Once on the other side, exit and turn to your left. If you inspect the
thing you'll find out it's a flare signal. Located to the immediate right of the flare signal
on the ground is the Weapon-box key (you can't see it, but it's there). Pick it up and head for
the door on the left of the trolley.
|8. The factory|
Go down the walkway until you reach some zombies and the first intersection. Go to the left and
search the dead guy (yes, he is dead) to find the almighty Spark Gun. REMEMBER! THIS IS A
SPECIAL WEAPON AND WILL LOWER YOUR GRADE BY ONE. Now head back to the right of the intersection
and go through the door. Inside, you'll encounter some more zombies. To the right, there are
two green herbs and a zombie guarding them and to the left a ladder that leads to the room.
This is a very important room! It contains a save point (WHERE YOU SHOULD SAVE), a chest,
ONE DOUBLE HERB AND NOTHING ELSE. Once all of the items have been collected, game saved and
things arranged, head out the door. REMEMBER TO HAVE ATLEAST ONE FREE SLOT!
Take the Factory map on the wall. Turn to your right an go forward and you'll see a huge
machine like a train engine. Go inside. Here, a key in the front part of the train to activate
the platform. Take the key out to the control panel in front of the train (which is protruding
out), use it, and then press the button to activate. You'll have a small scene and yet another
FMV and then a scene again. GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!

+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# At last! Your first, (worst?) encounter with William.
+BOSS FIGHT NO.3 # Doesn't he do disgusting things? OK, enough with the
+WILLIAM I # criticism, lets see how we can bash his ass. This
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# guy can be hell on earth for you if you don't know how
to beat him. And I'm gonna tell you just how. If you noticed (and I'm sure
you did), he has only one claw and the other hand is like.. normal. That's
his weak point. Just equip your Flames and stand at the end of the platform
and fire away. When he reaches you, run to the other end of the platform PAST
HIS NORMAL HAND. This way, he will have to turn around to slice you and if you
have perfected your running skills, you'll be long gone! Yup, that's it! Easy
huh? Now you be good koochy girl and BASH HIS ASS OFF!! After he's down, go back

|9. The Labs & The escape|
After Sherry gives her speech, take all the things you want to take in the room. There is a
chest so arrange your inventory. Now go out and head for door straight to your left. Your are
now in the heart of the labs (this lab is nothing like the dumb one in RE). Go forward to the
intersection and take the left path, which is lighted by blue lights. Go through the door and
now you're in the East-area. Go forward till the door, take your left and through the frozen
door. Go around the computers. You'll see something shiny on the shelf. This is a Fusecase.
Take it. Now go to the green light and use the Fusecase. After the scene, you'll have the
Mainfuse. Now go back out and then leave the East-area. Go to the heart of the labs, and use
the Mainfuse on the thing on the floor. Now the lab is awake!
This time, take the right path lighted with red light. Now you're in the West-area (duh). Go
forward and take your right. Go to the end of the hall and enter the last door. Here, take the
Temporary User Note on the sofa and inspect the computer on the wall to get the Lab Security
Manuel. Also, activate the computer. Now, if you want to have a little more firepower and some
shooting practice, do this: Go to the huge wines protruding out of the wall. Equip Flames in
the M79 and shoot it. The wines will die. Go to the vent shaft and go down it. In this room,
there are 2 Greenlickers. Take care of them and go to the locker behind them. Open it twice and
you'll get both the Grenades inside it. Now go to the door and unlock it and go out to find
your self in the West-area!
Go forward to the shutter and push the button to open it. Inside you'll meet the Plantmonsters.
My weapon of choice: M79 fully equipped with Flames. The Flames just make these guys cabbage
shit. Once they've been dealt with, head through the door and kill one more Plantmonster. Then
head down the ladder by the big plant. Enter the door and go around the corner.
!!!!!!!! When you go around the corner and go forward, a Greenlicker will jump down through
!DANGER! the vent shaft and will do a Quick Slash Crash if you don't counterattack. After
!!!!!!!! killing him, go forward but go in the opening or another Greenlicker will try
to QSC you. There are 2 more Greenlickers here so kill them as well. Take the green herbs if
they gave you a hard time. Go through the door at the far end of the room. This is the Monitor
Room. Beneath the monitors you'll find a map of the labs. At the other side of the room is a
typewriter and a chest. I suggest you save your game here and if you don't have the weapon-box
key, take it. Go through the door and go forward till the intersection. Take your left and
through the doors.
Use the weapon-box key on the locker with green light to get two boxes of Grenades. Enter the
automatic door and kill the Zombie. Go to the other auto door and quickly shoot cause there's
a Zombie here to ambush you. Go forward and kill the remaining 2 Zombies and pick up the
Umbrella card. Now go back through the and out the double doors. You'll have a scene with
Annette and yet another sneak peak at William II. If you read the instructions to make 'Devil',
you'll understand nothing, but I'm here to help you! After the scene, you'll hear huge sirens
and an overhead voice. Looks like we need to escape......

Turn around and use the Umbrella card to enter the door to the right of the intersection. Go
forward until you see something on the wall.

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# I'm calling it a boss because there are not a lot of
#BOSS FIGHT NO.4# bossed in RE2. It is also one-of-a-kind, so I called
#THE MOTH # it a boss. The best way to kill him is to ambush him.
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# Just run into the room and start shooting as soon as
you see him. Don't give him a chance to attack, for he can be a real meany.

After you have killed The Moth, use the handgun to clear off the creatures on the computer.
Enter the password "guest" or for the newer versions of the game, "nemesis". Now go back out
and to the monitor room. Exit and go out.
!!!!!!!! As you go forward, another Green licker will jump down from the Vent shaft and will
!DANGER! try to kill you. Kill him. Head up to the East-area. On the way, you may encounter the
!!!!!!!! Plantmonsters as they came to life. Just avoid them. Enter the door straight in front
of you when you come to the east area. Pick up the serum-canister on the stretcher, shoot the
Zombie, and turn on the lights. You will find there are more Zombies and behind him, the MO
disk (if you turned on the lights). Now, we start making 'Devil'. Go to lit panel on the big
machine and use the serum-canister. Now go to the corner where you found the MO disk and hit
the switch on the machine to the left, return to the lit panel on the big machine and retrieve
the processed serum. Just one more thing to do!!
Go back to the West-area and avoid the Plantmonsters. Go out to the giant plant room and head
back down the ladder, and through the door. Now this room is filled with naked Zombies. Kill
them all and then go to the panel on the wall besides the huge iron door. Use the MO disk to
open the large iron door, BUT DON'T ENTER IT!!! Go to the monitor room, and from here to the
room where you found the Umbrella card. You can see a machine by the wall if you stand where
the Umbrella card was. Use the processed serum on this machine to get 'Devil'. Now go back to
the monitor room, save your game and then TAKE ALL THE HEAVY WEAPONRY AND HERBS YOU CAN CARRY.
When you pass the monitors you'll have a scene. NOW go to big open iron door and down the hall
and enter the door to your left. Go forward and you'll have a warning. You have only 4 MINUTES
BEFORE THIS PLACE IS DUST!!! Quickly run forward and push the button besides the elevator.
Guess who?.......

+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ The only advice I can give you, is to unload as much
+BOSS FIGHT NO.5+ lead on this guy as you can before he reaches to you.
+WILLIAM II + If you're successful, he will change right there and
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ then. But if not, then this is the strategy. Stay in
this aisle and run around him in circles. When ever you stop, manage to
get at least 2 shots into him. Then something nasty will come home to you......

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# Now, this guy is in his worst form. He is down on his
#BOSS FIGHT NO.6# four "legs" and looks like a dog. Well, at least the
#WILLIAM III # son-of-a-bitch came to his right form (get it? dog?
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# son-of-a-bitch? hahahaha!). On to the strategy. This
guy jumps on the huge containers in the room, which makes it difficult
to shoot at him. This is ho I killed him. Run, stay in a place for 3 secs,
and then run again and repeat. This way, William thinks he can pounce on
you give you a big bite, which is very painful. WRONG HE IS!! This way,
when he pounces on you, you can dodge him, run to a safe distance, turn
and fill his ugly face with lead. This is the strategy that works for me

After he's down, the cargo elevator will arrive (about time). Waste no time and get on it. When
you reach the bottom level. Run out, around the corner and run straight for the train. ENJOY

PLEASE READ THE author's notes, how to use this strategy AND 12 rules for survival FIRST!!!!

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|1. A City Gone Bad |
From the starting point, clear a path through the zombies or use ZeeZAG and make your way to
the corner of the road. Go forward until you reach the jeep and enter the door on your right.
Just move and you'll have a scene. After that, just come towards the screen and you'll see a
door. Forget it for now. There, you will find two boxes of Handgun Bullets, one behind the
right side counter, one by the left (I suggest you take the one in the right counter first).

!!!!!!!! As soon as you pick up the Bullets on the left hand counter and move, five zombies
!DANGER! will break through the glass and kill the shop owner. You can kill zombies and get
!!!!!!!! the owners Shotgun, or flee in terror. Now exit the shop and go around the corner
and you'll see zombies trying to break through the gate. Just go forward and the zombies will
break the gate (at least they have spirit). Keep going and you'll reach the back of a van.
There are Bullets in the back of the van. The zombies will break through the gate; yes, you
have to kill them. Go through the door, which leads to a street ball court. You can ignore the
guy in here. Go through the door on the other side of the court. Go up the stairs, around the
corners and down the stairs. You can either quickly climb the dumpster, ascend and ZeeZAG your
way outta here, or, climb the dumpster, shoot 2 zombies, descend ZeeZAG/shoot your way outta
here. It's up to you.
(you'll hear the sounds of flesh being ripped up, the bones being broken, the blood flowing,
the, OK I'm over doing it) From here, go forward and stay by the side of the cars and run like
hell coz when you reach the zombies they'll get up and go for new dinner, YOU. Just go to the
bus and go inside. Once there, take the Bullets behind you, go forward, take care of the
crawling bag of poopoo and Mister NoShirtAtAll, and head for the front door of the bus.
Once you're out, you'll find yourself surrounded by zombies. You can either kill all if you
have enough Bullets, or use ZeeZAG. Believe me this place is great to find out if you're great
at ZeeZAG or not. These zombies give me no problem. Once you're on the other side of the herd
of zombies (or herd of dead bodies), go through the small side gate (it's hidden coz of the
camera angle).
Tell you what, you can either go through the garden by killing 2 zombies, or (am I repeating
myself?) go forward, go down the stairs on you right, go forward, go up the stairs, take a
green herb, take a U turn around the railing, go forward and through the big door. It's up to
|2. Police Station, RPD|
In the main hall, go forward and go up the right hand-side path to pick up Bullets and Ink
Ribbon. You can save here at the typewriter. Go into the unlocked door (I'm not telling!) and
you'll have a scene. Now, go to the computer in the main hall where you found the Bullets and
Ink Ribbon. Use the computer and say yes when it asks for the key card (unless you've fallen in
love with the key card).
Now go to the big double door on the left side of the hall which was previously locked. There
is a chest on your left. Open it and put away the Knife forever and other unnecessary stuff.
There is a Police Memorandum on the sofa. You can't open the desk yet. Now turn around and go
to the door (what the hell was that you ask? You'll find out soon...). Down the hall you'll
come across an officer who has a little problem with his head.
If you double-check him, you'll find that he has some Bullets. Further down the hall, you'll
come across a pool of blood. Now you'll see a movie which introduces you with Licker. Twice
with the Bowgun (if you saved) and he sleeps. If you ain't got Shotgun, leave it go through the
door on the other side of the hall. Pick up the Green Herb (from now on Greens) to heal
Enter the door at the end of the hall. Go down the hall and through the double doors to the
right. To your immediate left on a desk you will find the Operation Report. Head to the small
room to the left of the chalkboard. There, go to the fireplace and ignite the fire with the
lighter to reveal the first red jewel. Note: Sometimes, there are Bullets or Shotgun Shells
(from now on Shells) besides the broken table at the top of the table. Take it and head out the
door and continue down the hallway.
Now continue down the hall and go through the door. There are many zombies here. I suggest you
kill the girl and then the guy coming towards you, then the rest. Besides the stairs, there are
2 Greens. The door on the left is the dark room. There are Bullets in the glass cabinet, a chest
where you can put the jewel. The little dark passage leads to the dark room, where you can
develop films. Now go up the stairs and head down the hall until you reach the statue with the
second red jewel in its hand.

???????? Inspect the big statue and you'll get the clue. You have to push the statues so they
?PUZZLE? are looking at big statue. You'll see small squares on the floors. This is where the
???????? statues need to be placed. You'll hear a sound if the statues are placed correctly and
they will not be able to move. If you did something wrong, just leave the hall by the door and
return. The puzzle will reset. If done correctly, the red jewel will be released and is yours
for the taking (mail me if you don't understand).

Head through the door to the right of the statue. There are 3 "officer" Zombies here. I suggest
you empty your Shotgun (if you have it/some Shells) in them, and enter the door to your left,
which is the S.T.A.R.S. office. On the desk you will find Chris's Diary, and beneath that you
will find the Unicorn Medal. You'll have a scene. Get the (same) Shotgun out of the locker and
Bullets, which are behind the big desk (with a big S.T.A.R.S board behind it). Now exit the
room. Take the Unicorn Medal to the fountain in the main hall of the police station, where you
first entered. Put the empty shotgun in the chest in the room before Licker hall. Place the
Unicorn Medal in the front of the fountain. This will release the Spade key.
Go back to the Licker hall, and unlock the door to the file room which is to the right. There,
you'll find Ink Ribbon on the floor with the scattered things. Go around the shelf. To get the
crank, push the step stool to the cabinet, climb up, and get it. When you get down, don't move
but simply turn to your right and on the shelf you'll find the Patrol Report. Now make your way
up to the S.T.A.R.S hall (hall before S.T.A.R.S room) and door around the corner which was
locked. Use the Spade key and discard it.
Make sure you have the Shotgun armed and ready. Go through the door and you'll see a herd of
zombies having dinner. Shoot them from a distance with Shotgun. 2 shots will work. Go to the
dark hall on the left. There you'll find Bullets besides the mop/ broom. Come back and go to
your left. Remember the desk besides the door. Go through the door and you'll find yourself in
a fancy library. From there, head up the stairs to the right and down the walkway. You will
fall through the floor.

???????? Look at the picture clue and push the red button and go through the shelve. If you get
?PUZZLE? far enough and look, you'll see there is a larger version of the picture behind the
???????? book shelves. Approach the left-most book shelve and inspect the red light and choose
RIGHT. Then go to the shelve to the right of the left-most shelve and choose to slide RIGHT
again. Once in the correct position, the picture will fall away and reveal the Bishop Plug.
Take it and exit the double doors. You're now in the balcony. Make your way to the center of
the balcony, and go to the red box and choose to press the switch and lower the ladder. Now
make your way to the other side of the balcony and through the door. Pick up the Deskkey, Ink
Ribbon, and the Secretary's Diary A. You can save here and put things in the chest. Remember
the desk I told you about. Well, with the Deskkey in your inventory, go back there and use it
on the desk. Take the Handgun Parts and combine them with your Handgun. AHHH-RIGHT!!! NOW
AT THE SAME TIME, AND NOW YOU CAN ALSO FIGHT WITH Lickers!! Now go back to the Waiting Room.

|3. Backside of the RPD|
Then exit through the opposite door, kill the zombies and head through the door at the end of
the hall. Exit through the door straight ahead. Once outside go down the stairs and enter the
door. You can take the Greens if you want. In here, go through doorway on the left. There are 5
Zombies in here, 3 on the other side of the room, 1 in the small side office and 1 lying on the
floor who never gets up and only attack if you get too close. Kill the 1 Zombie and enter the
small side office to your right. There is a safe here. To open the safe, use the combo 2236.
Inside you will find Shells and a complete police station map. Now go back the way you came,
out, up and about. Turn right and go forward. Inspect the officer and get something.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you turn the corner, a flock of Crows will introduce themselves to you and
!DANGER! probably give you a heart attack. Just keep running until you reach the end of the
!!!!!!!! hall and go out. Go down the stairs, give some lead to the Zombies or ZeeZAG and enter
the door around the corner, where you'll find a save point, Bullets, and a Valvehandle. With
Valvehandle in hand, return to the burning helicopter. Go behind the open fence next to the
door and use the valve handle on the water-pressure valve. Water will quench the flames and in
the front compartment of the chopper you will find Bullets.
Head back to hallway inside where the helicopter was protruding in. First go to the waiting
room and dump the Valvehandle and take the jewels. Now with the flames out you can enter the
door on the right of the helicopter. In this room you will find the diamond key and Shells
somewhere on the right hand-side of the room. Place a red jewel in each one of the busts which
are on the left and right of the big relief. This will show an FMV and reveal the King plug.
Take the plug and dump it into the chest and head back to the first floor. Use the diamond key
to enter the evidence room on the first floor to the right of the main staircase. Dispatch the
Zombies quickly, and then search for the film, which is on the right side of the shelves. As
you reach the drawer which contains it, the camera angle will change (if you want to see it,
take it and develop it. if not, just leave). Exit through the other door into the room where
the officer gave you the key card at the beginning.
This time he's in (another) small side office. When you meet him, you'll find out how people
turn into Zombies. On the desk in the room where you find him will be the Heart key. If you
look around the main room you will find some handgun bullets in the locker and a memo to Leon
on the desk. When you're done poking around, head to main hall from here. Go to the door on
the right side of the main entrance door. This is the blue hall. There'll be a herd of zombies
charging at you. 2 from the Shotgun will do. Now go into the blue double. This is the same room
where you got the map of RPD. Go to the back from where you came the first time, but this time
turn left and go to the door. Use the Heart key and discard it. Go through and take the 2
Greens if necessary. Just go to the other side of the hall and down the stairs.

|4. RPD B1|
Look out for the Cerberus patrolling here. If you kill him, the other will become active. Just
go forward till the T-junction, take your first right and run to the first door on your right
and this will save you from the Cerberi. Inside, pick up the green herbs and police B1 map,
then head for the reserve power control panel, which is situated in the back of the left side.
Once there press up, down, up, down, up. This will activate the key card lock door. Now head
back out, take a right, and head to the door at the end of the hallway marked parking. You'll
have a scene and will now meet up with Ada Wong. Help Ada move the truck out of the way. Follow
her in. Leave the door to your right and go through the sliding doors. Go forward and you'll
have a scene. Look to the shelf on the right for the manhole opener. Head to the blinking room.
These are the kennels. Kill the Cerberi in the cages or they will be trouble afterwards. Look
for the manhole to the left of the cages. Use the manhole opener and head down.
|5. Sewage Disposal|
Avoid the Spiders and head up the stairs. the door on your left is a save room. Go to the room
in front of you. Inspect if you want or just leave. Outside you'll have a scene. You'll play as
Ada now. Go through the door. Shoot at the first Cerberi and the other will become active. As
soon as either of them enters the screen, shoot them and they will eventually die. You want to
take the first right and head straight for the door. Inside the room, look to the right to find
the sewage-disposal map hanging on the wall. Hop down to the left of the control panel.

???????? You have to push the boxes so they make a bridge. Here are their placing:
?PUZZLE? | [2] |
???????? |[1] |
| [3]|
Climb up box 1 and drop off on the other side. Push box 2 only a little so box 1 can be pushed
into place. Now push box 3 and you'll have a bridge. Now for the water...

Now go back up and press the switch on the control panel thingee. The water will raise the boxes
and you can walk across and get the Club key. Now head back out and to the opening on the left
of the where you're standing. There is and elevator and some Shells waiting down. There is
nothing else. Just go back to where you started playing as Ada.
|6. Back to the RPD|
Ada will automatically give Leon the items. Once you are yourself again, head back up to the
kennels, and back to the RPD B1. The Cerberi will now be turned into Lickers. I killed them but
still they turned into Lickers. Go to the double doors in the middle of the hall, right in
front of the T-junction. Use the Club key. This is the autopsy room/ morgue. Go around the
autopsy bed, and go to the shelf. Inspect and you'll find a key card.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you pick up the key card, all the dead bodies in the room will come live.
!DANGER! Shoot a couple and run outta the room. Now go to the Weapon Storage and use the key
!!!!!!!! card on the card reader to the left (the one with the green light). Now go inside and
you'll find AMMO!! If you just go straight from the door to the lockers, you'll find a side
Now go out and back up the stairs. There is a door to your right, just behind the railing. Use
the Club key. Inside the room, you'll acquire the Magnum (YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA!!!!) and the
Nightwatchman's diary. Now go to the blue hall and to the door that goes to a U Hall. Take
care of the walking dead and go to the door you come to first. Use the Diamond key and discard
it, but don't enter if you're low on Bullets. Instead go to the room besides it. There is
smallkey here. Use it on the drawer in the room with the first chest to get Bullets. Or enter
the room and take the Rookplug and if you want, the cord.
!!!!!!!! As soon as you take Rookplug and turn to leave the room, a Licker will jump through
!DANGER! the mirror and scare the living daylights out of you. You can easily avoid it and flee.
!!!!!!!! Now, go to the green door, use the Club key to enter and discard.

???????? Go to the picture of the cart and read the writing. With lighter in hand, ignite the
?PUZLLE? furnace on the far side of the room. Then push the buttons on the wall in this order:
???????? 12, 13, and 11. This will make the G-cogwheel fall out of the painting.

Take it and head to the third floor via the library on the second floor. Don't forget to take
the crank!! Enter the only other door on the third floor and use the crank in the square hole
in the wall to lower a staircase. Head up the staircase and use the G-cogwheel on the gears,
then press the button to open the door to the right. Behind the door you will find the
Knightplug. Go down the shaft and you'll have a scene. Go to the cell Ben was in and after the
gross scene go where you need to go. Sewerage Disposal.....

|7. The Sewers|

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ Whoa this guy is ugly. "So, this is the 1st boss,
#BOSS Number 1 +#+ huh?" This is what your probably saying. But watch
#THE "OFFSPRING"#+ out! This guy can kick ass. For those cockroachy
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ things, just one with the handgun will do. But for
the big momma, you'll have to use the Shotgun. This is the trick I use.
Load the Shotgun and shoot while going forward. When you get too close,
he will pick up his huge, hurting claw. Just press the down button when
you see his claw is raising, and you'll dodge his attack. Then quickly
shoot the big eye on his side. 8 Shells worked for me. If there is a
little too much traffic from the little roaches, just equip the handgun
and kill them. When you kill him, quickly leave the room the way you came
or a dozen roaches will jump outta his dead body and roach you!!

If you have the plugs, re-enter and go to the door at the other side of the room and use all of
'em on the control panel. Or just go to the save room and take all of the plugs and repeat the
steps above.

Go a little forward and you'll run into Ada again. After a brief conversation, you will be
playing as Leon and Ada will follow him. Jump down from where you're standing into the water.
Go through the door. Go forward, climb the ledge and through the door. This is the Control Room.
Take the Bullets and Sewers Managers Fax. Don't forget to take the valvehandle!! Now go down
the elevator. You'll have a scene and you'll play as Ada again. Go through the door and follow
the woman up the ladder and on into the air tunnel.
Watch out for the REAL cockroaches. These are roaches mutated with G-virus and are as big as
rats. They are only found in this air tunnel. Go down the ladder on the other side. Go forward
and you'll have a scene and a COOL video. Now go across the small bridge. And down the ladder.
Over to Leon... Go down the hallway and get the sewer map. Go through the door and down the
ledge. Turn to your left and go to the small cubbyhole at the end of the hall to find the
Wolfmedal (sound familiar?) and some SHELLS. Go to other side of the hall and evade the
Spiders and through the door. There are more Spiders here. Go forward and up-the-ledge-through-
the-door to your left. Go forward until you reach a light. Use the valvehandle here to lower a
bridge. Once across and on the other side, raise the bridge back up (trust me). There are some
SHELLS here. Go through the door.
Head down the corridor until you see a scene. Time for another boss!

+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# I'm calling it a boss, cause it can be hell on earth
+BOSS FIGHT NO. 2# for you. You can either use all the fire power you
+THE GATOR # got, or use this trick. Run back all the way to the
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# door you came from. When you reach the corner to the
door, you'll see a red light. This is a gas canister. Push the button and
it will fall out. The Gator will be with you by now (boy is he fast!).
If you look closely, you'll see a rock on the floor. This is the best
place to stand so you can far from the Gator and still see him. Wait
for him to take the canister into his mouth, then shoot at the Gator!

Head down to the door in the direction the alligator came from. Go towards Ada and you'll have
a scene. Head up the ladder, across the bridge, go to the left, and get the Eaglemedal (sound
familiar?) and Sewer Manager's Diary. Head to the right and use the valvehandle on the lighted
machine to the left of the spinning fan. This will allow you to climb up the ladder and through
the air tunnel. Go to the other side and down the ladder. I advise you throw away the valve
handle in the chest in the control room. Go back if you followed my advice. Go forward till the
door again. This time, instead of the Spiders, Zombies will raise through the water. Just avoid
them and go through the door. Yup, those Spiders are still here. Just go to the end of this
room this time and inspect the water-flow control panel to the right of the waterfall, and drop
both of the medals into it. This will stop the flow of water and allow you access to the door
Just go through the door on the other side of this hall. Make your way to the right side of the
trolley and turn on the power switch on the control panel to activate the trolley. Enter it and
take it for a ride. BEWARE OF THE MONSTER HAND. You'll know when he attacks, as the roof shakes
a little before his hand comes through. Shoot up at his arms and Ada will help you as well! Once
he runs away, you'll reach the other side. Exit, and to the immediate left, use the lighter on
the flare signal to make the weapon-box key gleam in the light. THIS KEY IS VERY IMPORTANT!!
Pick up the key and head for the door to the right of the trolley.
|8. The factory|
Go down the walkway until you reach some zombies and the first intersection. Go to the left and
search the dead guy (yes, he is dead)to find the Shotgun parts. Combine it with the M-1100 P to
make the M-1100 (be sure to read the description in the game!). Now shoot a zombie with it and
see, HOW MUCH SHIT POWER THIS BABY UNLOADS!!! You are unstoppable now! Now head back to the
right of the intersection and go through the door. Inside, you'll encounter some more zombies.
To the right, there are two green herbs and a zombie guarding them and to the left a ladder
that leads to a room.
This is a very important room! It contains a save point (WHERE YOU SHOULD SAVE), a chest,
HERBS AND ONE DOUBLE HERB AND NOTHING ELSE. Once all of the items have been collected, game
saved and things arranged, head out the door. REMEMBER TO HAVE ATLEAST ONE FREE SLOT!
Take the Factory map on the wall. Turn to your right an go forward and you'll see a huge
machine like a train engine. Go inside. Here, a key in the front part of the train to activate
the platform. Take the key out to the control panel in front of the train(which is protruding
out), use it, and then press the button to activate. You'll have a small scene and yet another
FMV and then a scene again. GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!

+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# At last! Your first(worst?) encounter with William.
+BOSS FIGHT NO.3 # Doesn't he do disgusting things? OK, enough with the
+WILLIAM I # criticism, lets see how we can bash his ass. This
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# guy can be hell on earth for you if you don't know how
to beat him. And I'm gonna tell you just how. If you noticed (and I'm
sure you did), he has only one claw and the other hand is like.. normal.
That's his weak point. Just equip your M-1100 and stand at the end of
the platform and fire away. When he reaches you, run to the other end of
the platform PAST HIS NORMAL HAND. This way, he will have to turn around
to slice you and if you have perfected your running skills, you'll be
long gone! Yup, that's it! Easy huh? Now you be good koochy boy and BASH
HIS ASS OFF!! After he's down, go back inside.
|9. The Labs & The escape|
After Ada is done talking, explore the room for various items. Rearrange your stuff now cause
your gonna need it. Exit the room. Turn to your right and the door straight ahead. Now you're
in the heart of the labs (these labs are nothing like the dumb ones n RE). Go forward and
you'll reach a dark place. There are 2 paths here: one with blue lights and one with red
lights. Go to the path of the blue lights and go through the door. Now you're in the East-area
(you'll know if you can read). Go forward until the door, turn left, go forward and through the
frozen door. Around the computers to get the fuse-case off the cart. take it to the green light
and use it. Now take the Main-fuse to the heart of the labs. Use it on the thing on the floor.
Now the labs has come to life! Head to the West-area which is the red light path (of course).
Turn right and through the door at the end of the hall. Get the Lab Security Manuel on the
computer and Temporary User Note on the sofa. Go to the computer and turn on the anti-B.O.W.
sprinklers. Now you can the following thing to get some ammo, do some shooting practice and get
the deep-red-shit of this game.
Take the Flamethrower (oh, God! help us all!) out of the locker. Shoot the plant coming out of
the ventilation shaft with it. Equip the M-1100 and climb through the vent shaft. Meet the
Greenlickers, kill them and pick up the 2 boxes of Shells and ink ribbon. Unlock the door and
go out to find your self in the West-area. Or else, forget every thing above. Now go to shutter
and open it, but beware of the Plantmonsters behind it. Now you'd wish you were playing with
Claire and the M79. Forget about the Flamethrower, you'll get yourself killed. Once they have
been dealt with, head through the door and destroy one more. Then head down the ladder by the
big plant. Enter the door and go around the corner.
!!!!!!!! As you turn the corner and go forward, a Greenlicker will jump down the vent shaft
!DANGER! and try to Quick Slash Crash you. Kill it quickly. There are 2 more Greenlickers here.
!!!!!!!! Take care of them. Take the greenherbs and use them if the Greenlickers gave you a
hard time. Now go through the door at the other side of the room. This is the monitor room.
Search beneath all of the monitors for the map. At the other side of the room is a chest and a
save point. Save if you want and remember to take the weapon-box key. Go through the door and
down the hall until the intersection. Go to your left. Use the weapon-box key on the locker with
the green light to get the Magnum parts. These can be combined to make a custom Magnum. NOW YOU
HAVE ONE MORE TANK ON YOUR SIDE! Go into the auto doors and deal with the Zombie (better try
your C.Magnum!). Go to the other auto door and be ready cause a Zombie is gonna jump on you.
There are 2 more Zombies here so take care of them and pick up the Umbrella card. Now go back
through the auto doors and out the double doors. Go to the right of the intersection this time
(your left). Go to the door and use the Umbrella card to open it. Go forward until you see

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# I'm calling it a boss because there are not a lot of
#BOSS FIGHT NO.4# bossed in RE2. It is also one-of-a-kind, so I called
#THE MOTH # it a boss. The best way to kill him is to ambush him.
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# Just run into the room and start shooting as soon as
you see him. Don't give him a chance to attack, for he can be a real meany.

Now move over to the computer and clear off the keyboard by killing all of the little creatures
on it with the Handgun. Use the computer and enter in the password "guest" or for the newer
versions of the game, "nemesis". Now go back to the hall with alot of lickers.
!!!!!!!! As you go through the door and go forward, a Greenlicker will jump down the vent shaft
!DANGER! and try to kill you. Kill him in return. Then head back up to the East-area by avoiding
!!!!!!!! the Plantmonsters who will be back to life. Go forward and use the Umbrella card on
the door and discard it. Go in and kill the Zombie. Turn on the light behind him. Now you'll
see there are more Zombies in the room. Kill them as well. There is the MO disk on the
stretcher. Take it. Take the M-bullets as well. Leave he room. You'll have a scene and then
you'll hear huge sirens and an overhead voice. Looks like we need to escape....

Leave the East-area and go to the West-area. You'll confront Ada and will have a heart-breaking
scene. We must go Leon. Go into the West-area and avoid the Plantmonsters again. Go down the
ladder. Now the Greenlicker room will be full of naked Zombies. Kill 'em all. Now go to the
Panel on the wall and use the MO disk. The huge iron door will open. NOW, if you're happy with
what weapons and stuff you have in your inventory, just go down the evacuation hall and through
the door. Or else, go to the monitor room and fill all your inventory with weapons and health
items. When you go through the evacuation door and into the room with the huge barrels, you'll
have another announcement. Guess who?.....

+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ The only advice I can give you, is to unload as much
+BOSS FIGHT NO.5+ lead on this guy as you can before he reaches to you.
+WILLIAM II + If you're successful, he will change right there and
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ then. But if not, then this is the strategy. Stay in
this aisle and run around him in circles. When ever you stop, manage to
get at least 2 shots into him. Then something nasty will come home to you......

#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# Now, this guy is in his worst form. He is down on his
#BOSS FIGHT NO.6# four "legs" and looks like a dog. Well, at least the
#WILLIAM III # son-of-a-bitch came to his right form (get it? dog?
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+# son-of-a-bitch? hahahaha!). On to the strategy. This
guy jumps on on the huge containers in the room, which makes it difficult
to shoot at him. This is ho I killed him. Run, stay in a place for 3 secs,
and then run again and repeat. This way, William thinks he can pounce on you
give you a big bite, which is very painful. WRONG HE IS!! This way, when he
pounces on you, you can dodge him, run to a safe distance, turn and fill his
ugly face with lead. This is the strategy that works for me all the time.

After he's down, the lift will arrive (about time). Waste no time and get on it. When you reach
the bottom level. Run out, around the corner and run straight for the train. ENJOY THE RIDE!

"It never happens without help."
1. GOD
3. CAPCOM(c) (
4. The Right Game (
5. BIOHAZARDextreme (
6. Code Master's Game Software Code Creators Club
7. Home Page Of resident Evil
8. Dan Birlew (President Evil)
9. ALL the people who have any RE game and love it.
10. ALL the people who have a PlayStation(c) and love it.

"Some people never learn."
1. People who don't like RE series.
2. People who don't like PlayStation(c).
3. People who don't like video-games.
4. People who don't have RE series.
5. People who don't have PlayStation(c).
6. People who don't have video-games.

"Stay away."
1. People who will rip this FAQ.
2. People who will use this strategy guide for profit.
3. People who will send me naughty e-mail.
4. People who will mail me and ask about Legend of Zelda.
5. People who will drag my mother and sisters in the e-mail.
6. People who will mail me and ask me about bad things.

(note: this description is written by me. it isn't copied from another site and there is no
such file in the game)

The Genome Virus is a mutagenic toxin for the creation of BOWs (Bio-Organic Weapons). It
similar to the Tyrant Virus, but has a lot more potential. It was created by William Birkin, a
high ranked researcher for Umbrella Inc., a pharmaceutical company which also has its hands in
the creation of BOWs. Lets take a test subject, example, a human. Once injected, the subject
will lose consciousness and his interior body parts will start to change. The virus cells will
take control or as I like to put it, "hijack" the body. When the subject wakes up, he will
lose most of his memory, and lose the rest over a period of time. His skin will start to rot
and all of his emotions will be destroyed. This is followed by normal human sickness, such as
nausea or in some cases, bleeding. Then the subject turns into a zombie, and goes in the
direction of living things. The subject may attack anything living and thus biting another
living thing also infects it and makes it another monster. We have seen cases where zombies
have attacked dogs, which in turn became vicious and deadly. The G-virus also has the ability
to regenerate it's subject. This has resulted to the presence of "Lickers." When a body part of
the subject is damaged, the virus cells attack that part of the body, regenerating and
developing it into a more deadlier part, such as longer, larger claws, or more intelligence
etc. The last property of the Genome Virus is that the subjects have the ability to insert
embryos into the people with the same genetic coding, which are of course, their children from
normal life. If the embryos is planted into someone else, the victims body will tear apart. But
if the embryos are inserted into the same genetic coding, they will pupate into the most
powerful Bio Weapons ever.
------/////FILE CLOSED\\\------

Well, THAT'S IT! :D

|Final words: |
|Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get|
|up and kill. |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| {I'M A B.A.D, B.A.D M.a.N! ;D] |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für US-Version)

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ultimate Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Tofu 4th Survivor FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Diverse Spielstände

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für God-Modus und Munition

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Alle Geheimisse freigespielt.

18.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Tofu Scenario.

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Modi sind auswählbar.

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für : Anzahl der Gegenstände im Inventar, Gesundheit und Anzahl der Speicherungen (für Schlußbewertung)

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Leon Scenario 2

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Claire Scenario

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16.Oktober 2013
Dt. ausführliche Lösung mit Karten im Word-Format

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Scenario B FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Leon Scenario 2 FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Leon Scenario 1 FAQ

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Leon FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Hunk FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Files FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013