Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

11.10.2013 08:36:02
game will be answered. If you ask me a question already on the
walkthrough, your email will be submarily deleted. Use Crtl+F to search
what you are looking for. Even if you beg me to read the email I will
most definitely delete the message. Too many stupid questions already
in the walkthrough has been asked of me. I got over 700 emails
regarding this game alone, I will delete those with the subject Final
Fantasy 7 on it. If you do subject a title something else, but you
ask a Final Fantasy question on the message, your email will be
permanently blocked, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I updated this
FAQ massively, in hopes that questions will be answered in the FAQ.
I've included everything to make sure dumb emails won't come to me
again. If I'm in a good mood, I'll answer your email, but when I see
another FF7 question that puts me out on a bad mood. If you want to
talk that's fine, but I know what is in my FAQ and what is not. I
will read your message occasionally and decide what to and what not
to reply, and if you flame me or criticize me negatively I will send
a flame right back at you and block your email address so that you
can never contact me again unless you create a new email account and
behave. This is also quite possibly the LAST time I will ever update
the FAQ. If enough requests comes in(which I doubt) the FAQ will be
updated if you are specific in which areas needs to be updated. Also
take a look at Mr.Prolific's million dollar worth FF7 FAQ, its great
and has massive information only Kao Megura can provide.

The lastest(and believe me, this is the lastest) version can be found at:

Final Fantasy VII(7) FAQ
Version LAST
(my initials)@

--------------------------------[ Credits ]----------------------------------

+-+ Squaresoft (
For making a good and entertaining game to keep people busy for 60 hours.

+-+ David Cassady(
For his help in creating the lists. Thanks a bunch (^_^).

+-+ CJayc (
For having a devoted site to gaming and his hard work to provide people
with enough gaming information as possible and for keeping the best
gaming site out there.

+-+ Dingo Jellybean (
For typing this FAQ.

-----------------------------[End of Credits ]-------------------------------

3/12/99 Version 1.0- The first time I submitted the walkthrough to GameFAQs
and had the walkthrough, character bios, and materia

6/15/99 Version 1.01- Made a few corrections, nothing much(209k)

1/31/00 Version 2.1- Massive update, adjusted strategies, added more lists,
changed layout, and corrected more errors.

9/15/00 Version Last- Added a few lists, took out the review index and
changed the format. No more updates will be made.


This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
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You may juxatpose this---document with other---documents as well without
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forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of self guilt or in terms
of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at

The characters Aeris Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Cait Sith, Cid Highwind,
Cloud Strife, Red XIII, Sepiroth, Tifa Lockheart, Vincent
Valentine, and Yuffie Kisaragi are copyright of Square
CO.Ltd. 1997


Well I've finally corrected my mistakes with the help of 50+ different
individuals about my brief review of FF7. I thank those people who have
been polite and telling me about this major error I had put up, and I
have even recieved threats! I mean come on, this is just a game and
people all have different opinions, and for those people who claim they
can bench press me, all I have to say is bull! Now these days anybody can
talk however they want over the internet because you don't know the
person. Well thanks to all those people who have helped me correct my
problem with the utmost respect, and for those people who have hated me
for putting up those questions they should just go home and ask their
parents why haven't they taught their kids some respect!

Congratulations! You have purchased one of the best 15 games of all time!
Okay so I'm a little late on this guide and its been a year and a half
since this game came out, but I haven't had the time to compose a FF7 FAQ
because of school. Well now on to the FAQ!

Also, you may use this guide on your website if you wish, without my
consent. Just so long as you do not make any profit off of the guide,
you do not alter the guide in anyway, and you give credit to me when
due. I know it may sound harsh, but hey, it does help prevent those
idiots that tend to do whatever they want with the guide. This is
DEFINITELY going to be the last time I'm going to update this guide ever,
I don't even care for some debug room or whatever, ADean has a pretty
good Debug Room guide...check that on for more details.
So I'm asking you people a favor, I don't mind the praise letters(because
I don't get many *sob*) but look over this guide and follow it directly
and if you can't get through...I'll try to answer your question to the
best of my ability because it's been basically two years since I had last
play the game.

Thanks for your cooperation folks!


- Character Info and Limit Breaks
- Walk Through
- Disc 1
- Disc 2
- Disc 3
- Side Areas
- Chocobo Breeding
- Materia Listing
- Monster Listing and Item Listing
- Weapons Listing
- Armors Listing
- Accessories Listing
- Credits


At age 16 Cloud dreamed of becoming a SOLDIER, mainly because he idolized
Sephiroth. With his hometown set on fire and Sephiroth leaving many dead
he and ZACK was later caught by Hojo's henchmen and put in a giant Mako
tube to see if they would have the neccessary properties to become
SOLDIER. Apparently they both didn't fit the requirements. During one of
there daily meals they both escaped and set foot to Midgar. But Cloud is
the only mercenary Barret could hire for 2000 Gil, so what happened to
Zack? Fing out in the side area under LOST MEMORY. Cloud is the character
that will be with you 90% of the time as your leader so you can't put him
out of your group. You won't regret having him in your party because his
powerful sword attacks are only rivaled by Sephiroth. He avid Mat user,
but he's not always the best. His limit breaks are highly desvestaing and
will become quite useful all the way through the game just make sure to
switch Limit Breaks as he advances to the next level.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 1: ]---------------------------------

A highly powerful single slash that can be very damaging early on. This
limit break is double the strength of Cloud's regular attacks. Good for
bosses or a strong enemy.

This limit break is the same as above, but this can cause paralysis
except on most bosses.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 2: ]---------------------------------

Blade Beam
This is a highly effective Limit Break against a group of enemies because
the single slash will serverely damage a targeted enemy while smaller
waves do weaker damage on all other near by opponents.

This limit break is best used agaist a boss or single strong enemy
because it only hits once but that hit is stronger than the blade beam
attack. Its probably wasted on a group.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 3: ]---------------------------------

A highly powerful attack that can cause up to 20,000 HP of DMG depending
on the strength of your sword. This attack is great against a single
opponent or groups because it hits 4 times causing lots of damage. Its
better if this is used on a boss.

Finishing Touch
In my opinion the weaker of the Level 3 limit break. This attack will
blow away any weak enemies into oblivion and if the opponent is not
automatically dead then it takes servere damage. In my opinion its almost
wasted on a boss because it'll never do as much damage to a boss as
Meteorain because it only hits once. Just save this for groups.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 4: ]--------------------------------

A highly powerful sword attack that hits probably 20 times that does
serveral thousand points of damage each hit. If used against a boss it'll
more than likely kill him. If used against a group of enemies it'll kill
them too. Either way you'll always tip the advantages to your side.
REMEMBER the stronger the sword the stronger the slashes. If cloud is
equipped with the Ultima Weapon and his strength is around the 200 area
he can cause up to 200,000 HP of damage!! That should scare off the
weapons! Early on it'll cause about 35,000 HP of damage.


Barret Wallace
The 35-year old AVALANCHE veteran doesn't know when to quit when it comes
against Shinra. He is the leader of the AVALANCHE group and has high
priority with his long range weapons. He thinks that Shinra is
responsible for the death of his wife and often regrets not nuturing
Marlene. His hometown in Corel use to be a clean environment and was the
best place around the globe to mine. Now its nothing but a junkyard with
innocent lives living in shacks and tents due to Shinra's Mako reators.
Its best if you put him in the back only if you have a long range weapon.
This is the best time to load him with materia. If he has a short range
weapon put him up front and deequip only the materia the lessens his
performance like summon or magic materia.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]---------------------------------

Big Shot
As Barret gathers his ammo into a single shot a giant red fireball
appears infront of his gun causing heavy direct damage against one
opponent. This is best used for bosses.

Mind Blow
Its not for offense but in some cases its a highly affective attack.
It'll drain about 100MP from an opponent making happy magic users into
sad defenseless wimps.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]---------------------------------

Grenade Bomb
As Barret throws a highly explosive bomb at opponents it causes a good
amount of damage against a group of enemies. This is best used for
groups, but you should also use this against a boss because the
Hammerblow isn't a good choice(read below).

As Barret punches the daylight out of an opponent the opponent is
automatically out of battle and cannot return and you still gain the
opponents expierience. The bad news is, is that it cause no damage and
will not work on any bosses.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]---------------------------------

Satellite Beam
Barret calls upon his friends at AVALANCHE to target a satellite against
a group of enemies cause massive damage. Early on this will cause about
3000-4000 HP of damage, but as you progress his levels they can do twice
as much damage if not more. This is best used against a group of enemies.

Barret goes berserk with his gun as he empties his ammo against a group
or an opponent. This hits about 10 times, but is best used against a
boss. The strength of each hit is about the same as Barret's regular
attacks so save it for a boss.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]---------------------------------

A giant super heated flare is unloaded against a group of enemies or a
single boss causing an unbelievable amount of damage. This hits about 15
times each hit doing 3000 HP of damage and sometimes a few of the hits
can cause up to 6000 or even 9000 points of damage depending on his
strength. If you can max out Barret's levels and give him about 20 power
source and have him equipped with his Missing Score you cause almost
50,000 HP of damage!


Tifa Lockheart
A beautiful girl with deadly martial arts attack power. She doesn't need
a weapon except a glove and can cause just as much damage with her fist
as Cloud can cause with his sword. When she was about 8 she fell off
Mt.Nibel and was in a coma for days and her parents blamed Cloud even
though he was only following her from a distance while being at the wrong
place at the wrong time. She later joined Barret's AVALANCHE group in the
fight against Shinra and she will try everything in her power to keep
Cloud at her side even thoguh she would never admit that she has a crush
on Cloud. Early on Tifa can chain all her limit breaks so she doesn't
need to switch limit breaks and later can chain all 7 hits for monster
damage. They're are slots though when you stop at "MISS" she'll miss that
part of the limit break if you score a "yeah" she'll deliver up to twice
as much damage but it's pretty hard to score a yeah because its between
all the "miss" slots. If she scores a "hit" she'll still deliver a
punishing blow and these are very easy to get.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]---------------------------------

Beat Rush
A series of blazing fast attacks to a single opponent will most likely
injure them.

A powerful flip kick that causes alot of damage as she puts on hit number

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]---------------------------------

Tifa sends the enemy down with a sweeping waterkick. Don't worry she
won't gain any lives against a water base creature as she tacks on hit
number 3.

Not only a martial arts expert but she can also deliver a painful
backdrop causing a wave of damage.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]---------------------------------

Dolphin Blow
As Tifa calls upon a Dolphin she tacks on hit number 5 causing servere

Meteor Strike
A super version of the Meteordrive that sends the opponent high above
then crushes the opponent with a devestating drop.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]---------------------------------

Final Heaven
Summoning all the energy into her fist Tifa delivers a nasty blow thats
more than likely to destroy an opponent with ease as Tifa adds the Final
hit number 7.


Aeris Gainsborough
A gorgeous 22 year old girl is a luminous spot in the dark and misty
Midgar. Aeris holds the secret to the land of the ancients and that has
why Shinra has followed her for life in hopes to be lead to the fabled
promise land. Aeris first meets Cloud while selling flowers on the street
after the first reactor exploded. Aeris can be put up front as a fighter
which isn't a bad idea but she would serve alot better if she was a heavy
materia user. She has a very high magic power than anyone else so put her
in the back and let her be the medic and equip her with lots of materia.
Her Limit breaks aren't offensive based but they can be just as

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]--------------------------------

Healing Wind
Aeris calls upon the white wind to heal the party of any lost HP. Quite
useful throughout the game.

Seal Evil
As Aeris uses her magic power she can parylize the enemy and stop them
from using any magic.

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]--------------------------------

Breath of the Earth
Until you have a ton of remedies, equipped with a Ribbon or have the
Esuna spell this should prove handy. This will not heal the party and if
your party is not affected by anything negative this Limit Break will be
completely wasted and this also takes away your WALL or REGEN.

Fury Brand
Aeris will risk her limit breakand instantly fill her party member's
guages. So unless both of your other party members are near their limit
breaks this should come quite handy in close fights.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]---------------------------------

Planet Protector
As Aeris uses her limit break to to form a shield around her party
members they are invincible for a few rounds.

Pulse of life
Sorta like the Healing Wind and Breath of the Earth combined but comes
with two added bonuses, it'll completely restore your MP and will cast
LIFE2 on any pary member.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]---------------------------------

Great Gospel
This is the combination of both Level 3 limit breaks but the barrier
lasts longer. Extremely useful throughout the game.


Once believed to be human but was a product of one of Shinra's Mako
expierments and as a result he is an animal with a extremely high
intellect and has a slow cell rate and as a result he can live 10 times
longer than that of any human.

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]--------------------------------

Sled Fang
This attack is twice as strong as Red's physical attack and will hit any
long range enemies.

Lunatic High
Until you have the Time materia this should come in handy through many
battles to come. With this limit break Red will cast haste on the Entire

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]--------------------------------

Blood Fang
Much like the Sled Fang but stronger and will absorb some HP and MP
depending on how much the opponent has. This is a better chioce but you
gain about 200-500 HP and 200 MP.

Stardust Ray
This can cause up to 30,000 HP of damage because it hits alot, and this
works well against a group of enemies or a single opponent. Depending on
your levels this will already cause more damage than the Cosmo Memory.

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]--------------------------------

Howling Moon
After he uses this limit break he automatically casts HASTE and BERSERK
on himself leaving him uncontrollable for the remainder of the battle.

Earth Rave
Using all elements of the Earth this causes a hugh amount of damage to
all opponents. Be careful when using this against some enemies because
you might gain them HP.

----------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]--------------------------------

Cosmo Memory
A giant Fireball is summoned causing unbelievable damage to all enemies.
Don't worry this isn't elemental. There is one problem though, it only
hits once for a lousy 10,000 HP of DMG. That just won't cut it against
most enemies. It's better if you stick with his Earth Rave or Stardust


Cid Highwind
By his last name you can tell that he's the pilot of the game. He hasn't
once forgotten his dreams of going into outer space. This tough talking
bad mouthing guy has a warm heart and aborted a space launch to save the
life of his wife Shera. Now he blames her for ruining his dreams because
the rocket is now inoperable and Cid spends countless hours fixing it and
someday hopes that the new president of Shinra Rufus will fund the new
rocket in hopes of fullfilling his dreams. Cid is the most agile
character in the whole game in my opinion. He has superior fighting
skills and knows the skill of materia. No matter how you use him he will
always have more advantages than disadvantages. His limit breaks are one
of the best. When you ride your Chocobo at Gold Saucer he will often ask
to ride it, but you have the choice of letting Cloud ride it as well.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]----------------------------------

Boost Jump
Twice the damage of his normal attack Cid will literally destroy the
opponent early on.

Cid will light a stick of dynamite with his cigar and throw it at the
opponent. Great against a group of enemies but doesn't rely on his weapon
to determine damage but his vitality.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]----------------------------------

Hyper Jump
A stronger version of Dynamite and works well against a group of strong
enemies. This causes death sometimes and if you use this against an
undead monster you'll heal it.

As a Dragon appears it critically damages an opponent and Cid is allowed
to absorb some MP and HP in the process.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]----------------------------------

Dragon Dive
In my opinion the best of his Level 3 Limit break. Practically the best
Level 3 limit break in the game offensively and this hits 6 times causing
a load of damage. If each hit can do 9999 DMG this limit can cause up to
60,000 HP worth of damage.

Big Brawl
This will hit about 12 times of his regular attack strength. A great
attack against a group or an enemy.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]----------------------------------

As Cid calls upon the Highwind and his crew unleashes 30+ missiles each
causing up to 3000-6000 HP of damage each. Obviously his best Limit. The
damage will pile up pretty quick so don't expect to try to count how many
times it connects unless you can record it on tape and watch it in slow-


Yuffie Kisaragi
As a 16-year old she is a very sneaky theif and steals from a whole bunch
of defenseless travelers that is until she met her match with Cloud's
group. She is incredibly greedy and a common theif. Being a descendant of
many ninja generations she has high fighting skills and will help the
party out in any way she can IF you know how you get her(read at the end
titled SIDE AREAS).

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]----------------------------------

Greased Lightning
Even though the title may fool you, its not an elemental attack. It's a
real quick attack that causes up to twice the normal damage.

Clear Tranquil
This is extremely useful throguhout the entire game. If you can max out
her levels she can gain the party up 7000 HP.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]----------------------------------

This is a powerful attack that does heavy damage on a group of enemies as
she summons an earthquake that rises against the opposition. Best against

A series of 12 damaging blows each 1/2 the normal attack strength. Great
against a group of 3 or a strong lone attacker.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]----------------------------------

A giant blue light is summoned beaneath the opponent causing a ton of
damage against a group of a single opponent. When your levels are maxed
out this will most likely be just as strong as her All Creation.

Doom of the Living
This will do a ton of damage depending on which weapon is equipped. Same
as the Bloodfest but she attacks at normal strength.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]----------------------------------

All Creation
This might actually be the most useless Level 4 limit break in the game.
This will cause up to a mere 10,000 HP of damage. This only hits once but
hits all enemies. If you like special effects this is your limit other
wise just stick with her Level 3.


Vincent Valentine
With a dark exterior its a sure bet he's working for Shinra right? Wrong.
After going through a series of Mako expierments he can turn into any
beast he wishes. What if I were to tell you that Vincent and Sepiroth
were brothers? Well this can can be either false or true but follow the
storyline and you'll see. After a while you'll see a happy side of
Vincent and he evens says "cool" because Cloud thoguht he was a heartless
dark member of Shinra. Wow! Right? Well always keep Vincent in the back
because all his weapons are long ranged. Becareful of his Limit Breaks
though you won't be able to control him afterwards. But he does gain
twice his current MAX HP during battle and will be fully healed
regardless if he has low HP. Even after battle he should have full HP if
he doesn't lose half of his current HP or if he dies.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]----------------------------------

Galian Beast
As Vincent turns into a purple colored bull he will use some attacks that
are pretty helpful.

Beast Flare-
A giant amount of HP is lost from a group of enemies after they get
a taste of fire.

Berserk Dance-
A large amount of damage is incurred as he unleashes his physical

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]----------------------------------

Death Gigas
Vincent turns into somewhat of a Frankestein clone and will inflict some
major pain.

A large amount of electricity is blasted onto a group of opponents
causing a ton of damage.

A stronger version of the Berserk Dance.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 3 ]----------------------------------

Vincent turns into a clone of Jason as he slices and dices.

A series of 5 half strength attacks is unleashed against an

Every negative status effect in the book is released against a
single opponent.

--------------------------------[ LEVEL 4 ]----------------------------------

Turning into a giant winged beast Vincent can instantly kill all on scren

Satan Slam-
A giant skull is released under the opposition and all enemies not
instantly killed are hit by flaming skulls causing up 7000 HP of

Chaos Saber-
A Slash all is performed against the opponents but doesn't rely on
his weapon to determine damage. Quite damaging actually.


Cait Sith
A giant stuffed Mog appears to CLoud as a fortune teller at first but
soon they realize his true idenity. Well you can say he's Setzer from
Final Fantasy 6 because he deals with casinos and has slots like Setzer
but you have to earn them. Cait Sith is really(wait I'm not gonna spoil
it!)... Although he looks durable he basically has the same defense as
any other character. Doesn't matter where you put him, but he works best
if you give him materia and have him attack physically.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 1 ]---------------------------------

A number of dices is thrown out and if he rolls a 6 that means 600 HP is
lost against the enemy. Caith Sith can have up to 8 dices causing up to
4600 HP DMG. Not bad for a level 1.

---------------------------------[ LEVEL 2 ]---------------------------------

This is his maximum limit break. There is one real nasty slot that you
should look out for that will kill your party. There's really no timing
involved in this. Once you stop at a star it'll most likely become 3
stars on the slots.

3 Stars-
A tiny Mog appears as he replenishes all the allies HP and MP about

3 Crowns-
Toy soldiers appear causing heavy damage against the opposition.

3 Bars-
A random summon is used. You might even summon Knights of the Round!

3 Mogs-
A giant version of Cait Sith is formed and he will gain all
expierience and the party returns at the end and their HP is reduced
to 3333 and their MP to 333.

3 Hearts-
A female elf puts 3 hearts on the party members ensuring no misses
with attacks or magics.

2 Cait Sith and 1 Bar-
Instant death for all allies resulting in a game over. This is what
I was talking about, this is rare but save before you use his Level
2 Limit breaks.

3 Cait Sith-
Instant Victory that means you automatically win the battle. And for
those of you wondering, it won't work on bosses or the Weapons!



Watch out this will contain a ton of spoilers so you might not want to
read on, but for whatever reason you can't advance any further through the
game because you are stuck, then read on.

Mako Reactor #1
Items: Potion(3), Pheonix Down
Materia: Restore Materia
Party's level: 5
Party: Cloud

In the beginning you see Aeris near the fireplace while handling some flowers
letting you sample the graphics engine and it even looks like a real movie!
Pretty nifty huh? Then you see a speeding train up ahead with Cloud and
Barret aboard. As you jump the guards make sure to pick up a POTION left
behind by each downed guard. You'll see 2 MPs at the end of your walkway in
which cloud easily destroys. When you reach the next room talk with Biggs and
Jessie and they'll open the gates. When you get through go to the right to
pick up a PHOENIX DOWN then head for the elevator and follow Jessie into the
reactor. She'll soon step aside to let you through but make sure to pick up
the POTION in front of her. As you move along a pretty linear path enemies
get stronger, but easily conquered. You'll see a save point to the left of
Cloud and just save the game. You might want to fight a few battles before
moving on to gain a Level or 2 before moving on, but the Guard Scorpion is
pretty easy to defeat. Just as you get closer to the reactor you'll see a
shining green materia pick it up and receive the RESTORE MATERIA, don't equip
it just yet. As Cloud reaches the Reactor Core he'll set the bomb but that
triggers the alarm for the desfense mechanism, the Guard Scorpion.

BOSS FIGHT: Guard Scorpion HP:800 Item: Assult Gun(Barret)
Just have Cloud use Constant Bolt spells and Barret attack with his regular
attacks. When Cloud Warns Barret to "Be careful" stop attacking and if your
HP is around the 100 area use POTIONS to heal the wounded member if you
attack it it'll counter with the Tail Laser causing 75-80 HP of DMG to each
character. When it stops preparing for the Tail Laser just repeat the attack
pattern like before and he should be toast.

Quickly head back out because you'll have 10 minutes to eascape. Make sure to
save as you see the save point because you will encounter some hefty battles.
When you encounter Jessie her foot will be stuck, help her out so you'll be
able to escape. Once you get to the security doors speak with both Biggs and
Jessie to poen the locks. Burn baby burn! With a giant explosion Mako reactor
No.1 explodes. That should show Shinra who he's dealing with. Yeah!

Items: Potion
Materia: None
Party's level: 6
Party: Cloud, Barret

You'll meet just outside the destroyed reactor and the Barret tells the team
to split up and meat becak at headquarters. Follow Barret and you'll
encounter a flower girl, tell her what happened and purchase a flower for 1
Gil and leave. As you exit out go south and pick up a POTION on the way. Here
Cloud will fight a couple of MPs, which is a good decision since they are
very weak, make your decision quick because the guards will get annoyed and
initiate the fight anyways. When Cloud gets surrounded he'll drop on the
train headed for Sector 7 Slums just in time. When you get on the train talk
to everybody and you'll notice that you'll need fake IDs to get through
heavily guarded areas.

Items: Ether
Materia: All Materia
Party's level: 6
Party: Cloud

When the train arrives at the designation go into the bar. There's a save
point on the way but its not necessary. Here you'll get a chance to give the
flower you purchased earlier to either Marlene or Tifa, it doesn't matter
whom. When you speak with everybody Barret comes interupting calling for the
meeting downstairs. When everybody is gone speak with Tifa, then head down to
the pinball machine. When Cloud was little he made a promise to Tifa about
joining SOLDIER and protecting Tifa, now you must stay with her! Now you
recieve 3500 Gil from Barret for your work and next mission.

Items: None(except for shops)
Materia: None
Party's level: 6
Party: Cloud, Barret, Tifa

Go buy the armor for Cloud and Iron Bangles for both Barret and Cloud, buy a
third one for Tifa and pick up the ETHER and ALL MATERIA near the ITEM SHOP.
If you want you can pick up a FIRE MATERIA or another RESTORE MATERIA, both
are just optional, but if you are gonna get one stick with the RESTORE
MATERIA. Pair up the ALL MATERIA with RESTORE MATERIA to have it handy
because each cure spell can restore up to 400HP in a single turn, but if you
spread it outside or during battle each party member will recive about 150-
175 HP each. Now exit the gates and save. You can explore if you want but its
not necessary.

Items: Pheonix Down, Hi-Potion, Ether(2), Potion
Materia: None
Party's level: 6
Party: Cloud, Barret, Tifa

Talk to Tifa and an alarm sounds. Quickly move on to the next car to avoid
being caught. When you enter the second car talk to the old bum and he'll
give you a PHEONIX DOWN. In the third car talk to the guy near you to recieve
the HI-POTION. Now ignore the guy stealing your items in the next car and
continue foward. When you reach the end talk to Tifa to bail out. You'll only
have 10 seconds in each cart to move out so make your decisions quickly. If
you were trapped in the first car you'll end up near a tunnel guarded by
endless Special Combatants, just listen to what Cloud says and turn back.

Now when you reach the end go to the left control panel to get through the
sensor nets. As you get through pick up 2 ETHERS on the way and continue down
the ladder. When you reach a wide wearhouse go down and take the next
available ladder. When you reach inside go to Cloud's left side in the corner
to pick up a POTION. Now continue to the ladder on your left side and follow
the ladder until you see a save point just ahead. Go and save it because a
BOSS is right around the corner. This place is similar to the first one. Just
take the staircase and continue down towards the screen and enter the room on
the left side of the screen. Climb down the ladder and reach the reactor core
and you'll see the storyline unfold a little bit. When Cloud sets the bomb
there's no need to rush because Cloud will detonate it once he's outside.
When you exit the place you'll encounter a control room with switches that
must be hit all at once. Just hit the O button and move on. When you reach
the next are you are forced to fight the Air Buster.
BOSS: Air Buster HP: 1000 Item: Titan Bangle
This boss should be fairly easy but not for everybody. Always hit its back to
incur twice as much damage as your normal attacks. Have one of your party
members use BOLT on him constantly and use your Limit Breaks whenever
possible. Whoever hits the Air Buster will have the Air Buster turn arounds
towards that opponent, then if your wait guage is up, attack from behind.

After defeating this boss Cloud falls down into the Slums below.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 8
Party: Cloud

When Cloud awakens he wakes up in a flower bed. This time you'll be
introduced to Aeris. But wait she'll ask you to be her Bodyguard and you do.
Then Reno of the Turks appear with three guards. When you both try to escape
the guards use their trusty machine guns and Aeris falls to the floor below
and the guards move in. Your given these commands for Aeris:

"Hold on a minute"

Tell Aeris to hold on. Now move to the top floor of the church and you'll see
four barrels push the one on the left side of your screen in the back. Next
push the one in the center in the back and finally push the one on the right
side of your screen. The barrel in the center in the front of the screen
should never be touched. Once your done haed all the way to the top of the
church to escape through the broken roof ahead. You'll encounter some enemies
on the way but they shouldn't be much of a threat.

Items: 5Gil, Pheonix Down, Ether
Materia: Cover Materia, Poison Materia
Party's level: 8
Party: Cloud, Aeris

When you get out Aeris will point the way to her house,but this place is
pretty linear. Just keep going to the left to Sector 5. When you reach Sector
5 you'll see a save point, but it's not necessary to save yet, but go ahead
and save. On the next screen you'll see two guys blocking your path to Sector
6, ignore them for now and go right into the light. When you reach this area
go to the Southeast corner and enter the house and you'll see a boy who tells
about 5 Gil in his dresser. If you take his 5 Gil you'll gain 5 Gil but if
you don't you'll recieve the TURBO ETHER. Considering an ETHER costs about
1500 Gil that means a TURBO ETHER would most likely cost around 5000 Gil if
not more. Its better if you leave his money here, you can still choose to
read the magazines if you like.

Now go to Aeris' house which the entrance to her house is directly above the
boy's house. The shops in here are pretty much useless. Save your money
unless you decided to go for some new Materia or in a need of new supplies of
POTION, PHEONIX DOWN, ANTIDOTE, or a TENT. It's ideal to pick up a TENT and
about 6 POTIONs and two or three PHEONIX DOWNs or ANTIDOTEs of each. When you
reach Aeris' house go west to her garden and some items are hidden along the
bush area on the right and left sides of her garden. Go all the way to the
right of her garden to pick up an ETHER and go all the way left to pick up a
COVER MATERIA. It doesn't matter which one you pick up, it's just that I pick
them up in that order. Now go inside Aeris house, there's a save point but
its not necessary, and if you do happen to save don't use your TENT because
you'll be fully healed once you get out of Aeris' house.

During the middle of the night Aeris' stepmother will ask you to leave
without her because she knows Aeris will follow you so you happily obliged.
When you get out of her house just walk do not dash, so in other words don't
hold down the X button while walking because it'll wake up Aeris. When you
try to go to Sector 6 you'll notice that Aeris has caught up to you! Now
would be a good time to save it.

Items: Hyper, Ether, Pheonix Down
Materia: None
Party's level: 8
Party: Aeris, Cloud

When you exit out of Aeris' house go to the place with the two guys blocking
the door. You'll notice that you can now go to Sector 6. When you reach here
its fairly linear and there's nothing inside the broken crane machine. When
you reach a worn out dusty playground Aeris and Cloud will take a break. Wait
a minute, who's that girl in the blue dress? And why is she on a chocobo
cart? No it couldn't be! It's Tifa! Wonder what she's up to. For now just
follow that cart! When you reach the Wall Market go north of the Wall Market
until you see a guy in front of Corneo's mansion. He'll tell you that
Corneo's not fond of men, but then how do you get in? You can't beat him up
because the game doesn't allow it, but there's a better idea, get Cloud to
look like a girl! Go back to the south part of the Wall Market and enter the
shop on your left. Now go to the northern part of the wall market and go into
the bar on the left. When you talk the guy into making you a dress you'll be
given a few choices made my Aeris:

that feels clean
that feels soft

It doesn't matter what you choose, but if you want the best disguise for
Cloud get something that is Soft and Shimmers. Now that you have a dress,
you'll need a wig. Now go southeast from the bar into the gym below. When you
enter inside you'll be entered in a squat contest. Just press the "Square,"
X, O button in that order. Don't press the next button until the previous
step has been fully completed. If you win you'll get a Blonde Wig, which is
the best wig. If you tie you'll get a dyed wig and if you lose you'll get a
plain wig. Now that you have the neccessary items go foward to the dress shop
and speak with the guy up front to go in. If you want Cloud to be the "lucky
gal" you must get Cloud some more items, if you do not care just skip the
next part and go back back to the DRESS SHOP.

Remember when the guy was trying to hold it in? You know when you were in the
bar and a lady was hogging the bathroom. Talk to that lady and she'll say she
needs some medicine, probably to keep her from throwing up too much. Go back
to the southern part of the Wall market and enter the restaurant that's right
in front of Cloud. When you go in just order a meal and you'll recieve the
coupon. Just make sure you have enough. Now get out and go to the next shop
that is directly south of the restaurant and into the pharmacy. You are given
the choice of:


Choose the digestive and go back to the lady who's hoggin the bathroom and
she'll give you the SEXY COLOGNE. Then you see the guy waiting for hours
quickly rush to the bathroom. Now head to the Materia shop that's in the
northeast part of the southern part of the Wall Market. Speak to the guy
standing behind the counter and spend the night for 10 Gil and in the middle
of the night spend 200 Gil on the vending machine and in the morning you'll
get the Diamond Tiara. If you spent 100 Gil you'll get a Ruby Tiara anything
less you'll get a Glass Tiara. Make sure Cloud gets the Diamond Tiara or your
efforts here will be wasted.

Now go to the western part of the Wall Market and talk to the guy who's just
walking around pondering. Just speak with that guy and he'll give you the
Member's Card. Go inside and pick any room. Your welcomed to look through the
key hole on the occupied rooms if you like. When your all done head out and
return to the Dress Shop. When you and Aeris try everything out go to
Corneo's mansion. When you enter the mansion go to the basement on the left
side with the door open. Here you'll see Tifa downstairs and eventually the
guard will yell down the stairs, now head back upstairs and go to the room in
the middle of the second floor. When your let inside you'll see Tifa and all
three of you will be put in his office for his choosing. Ha! Just look at
Cloud always putting his head down!

If Cloud has any other combination of Silk Dres, Blonde Wig, Sexy Cologne,
Diamond Tiara, and Undergarnment Corneo will probably pick Tifa or Aeris.
When Cloud is chosen by Corneo you can decided to play along with his come-
ons or choose to reveal your true self, either way Tifa and Aeris eventually
break in. If Cloud was not Chosen he'll enter this room with a bunch of men
chasing after him. Don't worry they can't harm you and they'll always follow
you. When your in the room don't forget to pick the PHOENIX DOWN on the right
side of he room. Talk to Scotch in the top of the room to reveal your true

BOSS: Corneo's Lackey HP: 42(each)
This fight is incredibly easy just have Cloud pummel the lackies with his
regular attack's and you'll be fine.

Next you'll fight Scotch who is superiorly stronger compared to the Lackey's
but you are still way stronger.

BOSS: Scotch HP: 150
Just pummel this guy until he dies. If your HP runs low(boy you stink!) just
use a regular POTION because most likely he'll almost be gone and just finish
this guy off. One of Cloud's Limit Break should easily snap this guy like a

Afterwards go into the hall and if Corneo chose Tifa go to the basement and
retrieve Aeris, if Tifa joins you in the hall go directly to Corneo's office
and into his backroom to meet either Tifa or Aeris. What's this? Shinra plans
to destroy the support structure over Sector 7 and that would possibly
crumble AVALANCHEs forces! When you realize that Don was just hired by Shinra
and to locate AVALANCHE's hideout your dropped to the floor below. Don't
forget to check Don Corneo's bed for a hidden HYPER. Yes you heard right.

Items: Hi-Potion, Echo Screen, Potion, Ether
Materia: Steal Materia
Party's level: 9
Party: Aeris, Cloud, Tifa

When you reach the underground make sure Aeris is equipped with the FIRE
MATERIA before heading on. Don't forget to put her in the back. Basically
give Aeris the RESTORE MATERIA linked with the ALL MATERIA in case you become
serverely injured in the upcoming battle.
BOSS: APS HP: 1200
Well have Aeris use her Fire Attacks constantly against APS and heal the
party when your HP is below 180. You'll notice that APS has a SEWER TSUNAMI
attack that injures the party and him. If it comes from the front of your
party it'll do about 40-45 HP of damage to each character and half that to
any back row characters. If the SEWER TSUNAMI attack comes from behind your
party it'll do about 100-200 HP of damage to any back row character and half
that to any front row character. It's basically random and most likely APS
will be doing more damage to himself than you can do to it. Have Cloud use
his Cross-Slash Limit Break to paralize APS or use Aeris' Seal Evil. No items
for this battle.

Don't forget to pick up the POTION near your entrance and continue to walk
along the sidewalk in the sewers and pick up the STEAL MATERIA along the way
to the ladder. When you get to the next area it's pretty linear. Okay this
next part is a little difficult and confusing but there are lots of items
down here. Also if you see any oil drums just search through them and you
might find some useful items. You can either crawl over the trains or walk
through theminside the trains. When you first enter this area go over the
train and pick up the HI-POTION. When you reach the end of the train check
the oil drum to the left to recieve another HI-POTION. Then go up north and
on the train and pick up the POTION.

Afterwards get back down and go northwest to pick up an ECHO SCREEN. Now go
northeast and pick up the POTION and continue on foward to the next area. I
know this place is dificult and sorry if I can't be more descriptive. If your
still stuck just email me and I'll lead you through myself. Just be careful
when you encounter Ghosts. They'll disappear after being hit and reappear a
little later so just hit the other available targets and wait for the ghost
to reappear. And don't forget to steal a STRIKING STAFF from Eligor. He sorta
looks like a half human half chariot. This has staff has the same qualities
of Aeris' current staff but double the attack power. When you enter the next
area make sure to go right and pick up some supplies from an old man and go a
little more right to pick up an ETHER.

Now go back to where you came in an go directly north and hop onto the train
which causes one of the boxcars to move. Now go up to the second train but
before you do go right to recieve a HI-POTION. Now enter the former
inacessible train directly above the one you moved and this will create a
bridge or walkway to Sector 7 Slums. Before you hit the Slums you might want
to consider fighting a few more battles and gain a level or two before
heading on. When your about to leave the Trainyard deequip Aeris with any
materia she may have and move onto Sector 7 and a save point should be right
ahead. Save your game now before heading out. You'll notice as you are about
to leave Aeris will say that she will comfort Marlene and will temporarily
leave your group. When your done go up north of the save point and into the

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 10
Party: Cloud, Barret, Tifa

Continue to climb the tower and don't forget to talk to Barret and you'll
have a chance to equip Barret with any materia Aeris used or any new armor
you may have purchased. Put Barret in the back row and head out. When all
done and done Reno will appear and he has just set off the bomb to destroy
the support pillar over Sector 7 Slums. You might still have a chance to
deactivate it but it's not gonna be easy.
BOSS: Reno HP: 2000
This fight is not going to be easy. Have Barret or any one of your magic
users use any magic spells like FIRE, ICE, or LIGHTNING on Reno. You can't do
much about the Electro-mag Rod attack because it'll do a hefty amount of
damage and it'll stun one of your allies. Just heal him or her if their HP
falls below 200. Watch out for the Pyramid attack that will encase one of
your characters and prevent them from pariticpating in a battle. Just have
one of your characters target the pyramid and they should be free. Don't
forget to use any limit break that comes available. After a tough fight Reno
will take a look at the time and move out.

Here you'll see Tseng of the Turks holding Aeris captive as he boast off in
his helicopter. The team tries to stop the bomb with their best efforts but
luck runs short on them, but they at least manage an escape.

Items: Turbo Ether
Materia: Sense
Party's level: 11
Party: Cloud, Barret, Tifa

After the explosion Barret is furious and Cloud is mysteriously interested in
the Ancients and a wierd voice appears in his head while resting upon a
wrecked playground. Before you leave out make sure to pick up the SENSE
MATERIA around the little mouse house just below the slide. When all done and
done go to Aeris house to check on Barret's daughter Marlene. On your way to
Aeris' house don't forget to speak with the boy who had five gil saved up and
talk to him and you'll recieve a TURBO ETHER.

When you reach inside Aeris' house you'll get a lengthy conversation with
Elmyra about Aeris' and the Ancients. Afterwards rest upstairs and don't
forget to save outside of Aeris' house. Now go to the northern part of the
Wall Market and follow the little kids running around and you'll see the
entrance to Shinra Tower. You'll see Barret's descrption of the "Golden Shiny
wire of hope" but there's not much you can do now except go to the weapons
shop. You know the shop labeled with a pink sign that says "GUN." Purchase
the batteries the weapon shop owner is selling for three hundred gil. You
must purchase them to advance through the game!

Now head back to the "Golden shiny wire of hope" boy I love saying that! When
you reach the top after a long climb you'll see a yellow socket to the right.
Move up the tangled rails and to the right yellow sewer tube and place the
batteries in the socket. You'll see the propeller moving but it seems the
weapon shop owner sold you some cheap batteries. Doesn't matter your priority
is to get to Shinra's corporate tower.

Now the propeller has made a bridge cross the bridge and onto the next
junkyard and place the battery into barricade. Now you'll notice a pole
swinging around. This part is quite fustrating and it took me twenty minutes
to get through this. Basically you just have to aim so you land on the swing
pole. Don't worry if you miss you'll just be droppe to the platform below and
open to try again. When you reach it make sure to go right and place a
battery into the socket to open up a dirty treasure chest to reveal an ETHER.
Now head right and onto the big tube that leads to the Shinra Tower.

Items: Elixir
Materia: None
Party's level: 12
Party: Tifa, Barret, Cloud

Save your game here. Afterwards your given the option of going to the front or
taking the stairs. They both lead to the same place so you decide. If you go
through the stairs there are no enemies but it'll take you about fifteen
minutes to get past them cause they are extremely long. If you take the stairs
explore each set of stairs and check the fifth staircase to pick up an
ELIXIR. If you take the front a bunch of people will run out of the building
except for some Grenade Combatants. Taking this area is alot shorter than the
stairs and you recieve Gil, Expierience, and Ability Points. In this area
your forced to fight random encounters, but the battles aren't too difficult.
On the second tier you can buy some supplies and watch a video of Shinra
Motors before moving on.

Now go to the elevators in the back and move to the 59th Floor. In the
elevator an alarm sounds and you are forced to fight a number of battles that
the team easily wins. When you reach the 59th floor go to the yellow
staircase and fight the guards to recieve the KEYCARD 60. This will allow you
access to the see-through elevator and will let you go back down to the lobby
where you can save and rest. When you reach this floor you'll see four guards
the block your path. You can only get through if you move behind the statues
when the guards turn to walk. You must also call your fiends over(Tifa and
Barret) and signal them to move to each statue when the cost is clear. If you
mess up and get caught by the guards you are forced to fight two guards and
you must start over from the beginning. Well when I was here I kept fighting
the guards until there were no more left and I easily went to the next
staircase. It might be different for some people because you have to fight
alot of battles.

When you reach the 61th floor south of the staircase. He will tell you about
Aeris and give you the KEYCARD 62. When you reach the 62nd floor go all the way
to the left of the floor and talk to Mayr Domino. He'll give you a challenge to
figure out a password. You can visit Hart just outside the office and buy tips
from him, but they get steeper everytime. If you can get the password in the
first try you get the ELEMENTAL MATERIA. But you can go to the library in the
middle of the floor to figure out the clues. There are four different libraries
on this floor each of them contains a letter to the password. When you enter
each library read the plaque outside to see which library it is. Now check the
number on each file. Some numbers don't belong in that particular library.

If the file starts with a number 6 check the 6th letter in the file. If you
see this file "Modern history of Midgar Space program vol. 1" then just go
back to Mayor Domino and pick MAKO as your password because the 16th letter
of the file name is the letter M. When that's done the Mayor will give you
the KEYCARD 63, KEYCARD 64, and KEYCARD 65. You can save yourself a ton of
time if you just try to figure out the password on your own by guessing the
password. If you so happen to miss the passowrd on the first try you do not
get the ELEMENTAL MATERIA but this materia isn't really important nor would
it help much in your upcoming battles. When you reach the 63rd floor you are
given the option of getting the Item Coupons or just move on to the next

If you want to get the items follow these steps:

First visit the computer on the bottom right handed side of the floor and
talk to the computer and you'll get a chance to open three security doors.
When you first talk to the computer and recieving the chance to open the
three security doors first go ALL the way up to the north part of the floor
and open the first door from the right and open the third door from the RIGHT
and go to the room in the left to get the coupon and return to the computer
for your prize which includes a STAR PENDANT, FOUR SLOT, and ALL MATERIA. Now
go back to the same procedure as above and when you enter the room go through
the duct and you'll enter at the room in the middle and open the box to
recieve the ITEM COUPON, now go out of that room, but not the duct and open
the next door on your LEFT and enter the room to recieve the last ITEM
COUPON. Now return to the computer to recive your items and head for the 64th

When you reach the 64th floor go all the way to the left side of the floor
where you can rest and save. It's wise to save here so just go ahead and save
it. Now head for the lockers in the north part of the floor and check the
lockers to recieve the MEGAPHONE. This item is useless now but you'll
probably need it later as a weapon. After wards go on to the 65th floor. Here
on this floor you are forced to fight serveral pretty easy battles. Now go
all the way to the west side of the floor and enter the top room and all the
way to the left of the room is your first Midgar part in which you place at
the center of the floor, place the part in a counter clockwise pattern. Now
go back to the west side of the floor but enter the bottom room and collect
the Midgar part on the left side of the room and place it in the next slot in
the Midgar model. Now go back to the west side of the floor and enter the top
room and get the Midgar part up on the north part of the room. Now place it
on the Midgar model.

Now go back to the west side of the room and enter the bottom room and get
the Midgar part and place it in the Midgar Model. Now go to the room
northeast of the floor and collect the last Midgar part and place it in the
center of the room. Afterwards you'll here the same sound that opens the
boxes as you heard earlier. Now go to the staircase and pick up the KEYCARD
66 that you couldn't pick up when you came in this floor and head for the
66th floor. When you arrive here head for the bathroom in the northwest
corner of the floor and climb up the toilet and into the ducts to overhere
the meeting in the office.

Now head back out and go back to the stairs to the 67th floor. Upon arriving
on the 67th floor you'll see a guy in a white gown now follow him to the
southwest corner of the floor and into the storage room and collect 4
POTIONs. When you encounter a Soldier:3rd make sure to steal the Hardedge
from them. This is Cloud's best weapon of choice as of now. Also fight some
Moth Slashers you know the machines with spinning spikes at the bottom and
steal a couple of Carbon Bangles from them. This is the strongest type of
armor in the game as of now. If you recieved the FOUR SLOTS earlier you might
only want to steal two CARBON BANGLES because the FOUR SLOT has 4 linked
materia slots so you can give it to Barret and put him in the back and make
him your basic materia user or healer. When your in the storage room check
the giant tank that reads Jenova and Cloud realizes that Sephiroth is near

Before you go to the 68th floor equip the POISON MATERIA, which can be found
in the center of the floor on either one of your party member's armor with
the ELEMENTAL MATERIA in the same slot. And if you have a STAR PENDANT equip
that with someone else so you'll be protected from poison. When you arrive
you'll see Aeris in a specimen tank along with a strange red dog. When you
free them both the mystreious dog offers his help so send Tifa with Aeris and
let Barret remain in your party. Now Hojo will send his latest creation.
Item: Tailsman
This boss is pretty tough, but nothing the team can't handle. Don't worry
about SAMPLE: HO512-OPT(the little eye guys) because they'll keep coming back
to life. This boss will sometimes poision your party member if he/she is
protected by the ELEMENTAL-POISION MATERIA combination then he/she should be
fine. This goes the same if someone else is equipped with a Star Pendant. If
someone is poisoned you an ANTIDOTE to get rid of it. Always attack the guy
in the middle(SAMPLE: HO512) and never hit anybody or anything else. If he
goes they go.

Afterwards collect the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA from the giant lab tank and just
keep talking to Hojo's lab assistant and he'll give you the KEYCARD 68. Now
go back to the 66th floor and head for the elevators. Before you can go
anywhere Tseng and Rude cut you off.

Items: Mythril Armlet
Materia: None
Party's level: 12
Party: NA

President Shinra explains his interest over the Cetra or Ancients. What he's
really after is Mako energy and Aeris is the key to the Promised Land. After
the long talk you'll be taken captive in holding cells on the 67th floor.
When Cloud is in the holding cell speak with the other party members and take
a nap. When Cloud awakes he'll notice that the security doors have been
unlocked. Go outside the door and talk to the injured guard and go back to
your holding cel and talk to Tifa. After you aquire the cell key from the
injured guard free the others and follow the trail of blood that leads to the
president's office. You'll see that President Shinra is dead and with the
look of the sword on his back it looks like the Masamune! Only Sephiroth
could handle the destructive power of this sword.

Cloud now will take the opportunity to meet the new president of Shin-Ra,
Rufus who has his helicopter lying on top of the building. Now when Tifa is
gone to stay behind and wait for Cloud give Aeris the LIGHTNING MATERIA and
any other materia. Now give Red XIII the ICE MATERIA before you head on.
Don't forget to put al characters in the back row. Now when your done head
for the elevators and they encounter another high tech machine by Shinra.
BOSS: Hundred Gunner HP: 1600
If someone does not have a long range weapon or equipped with some spell
materia then your in deep trouble. But you'll want to keep you party members
in the back so they sustain less damage. Have Aeris constantly use BOLT
because it'll do alot of damage and have Red XIII use ICE while Barret use
his regular attacks. When your Limit Breaks are up use them. When you get it
down to about 300 HP he'll prepare for its super weapon the Sensor Cannon.
It'll take it two rounds for it to actually fire the cannon, but that should
be enough to finish him off.

When he's through he'll transform into the Heli Gunner
BOSS: Heli Gunner HP: 1000 Item: Mythril Armlet
This boss is similar to the first except when it nears about 250 HP it'll
boost up its attacks and sometimes cause some negative status effects on the
party. That's why its a good time to equip yourself with the STAR PENDANT or
the POISON-ELEMENTAL MATERIA combination. POISON however will not work
against either of these two bosses nor any other negative status effects that
you can put on them because their machines. Basically this is the same fight
as the first and keep your HP above 200.

After the tough boss fight Cloud has his boss to deal with. Appaerently Rufus
is also after the promised land and just when Cloud and Rufus were becoming
best friends. Your given the chance to equip cloud, but if you have a spare
RESTORE MATERIA equip it with Cloud.
BOSS: Rufus HP: 500 | Dark Nation HP: 200 Items: Power Vest and Power Source
This fight will be tough because Dark Nation will provide all the protection
on himslef and Rufus so kill Dark Nation first and concentrate on Rufus. If
your in the back row with Cloud have him change and put him in the front row
because with Rufus' barrier and your weakened back row attacks you'll have a
long fight against this guy. Just keep pounding on Rufus and use your Limit
Breaks when available.

Afterwards leave and find Tifa but don't forget to save behind the desk. Now
set all back row members in the front and front row members in the back for
the fight later. Tifa will rush down the stairs and tell the rest of the
party to follow her and she'll fill them in on the way. So what's Cloud
doing? He's borrowing one of the new high tech Shin-Ra motorcycles while the
rest of the party ride on the new Shin-Ra truck. Here you'll enter a mini-
game and you'll see the Lifebar above and below Cloud. They are there for two

1.If any party member or Cloud loses the green part of the bar you must
start over.
2.The damage incurred will be carried on to the next battle.

Basically stay near the truck and swat away the motorcycles coming towards
you. Never stay far off from your truck because other bikers will follow in
and hit the truck causing damage to your party members. Try using the Domino
Effect by knocking down a biker in front of another biker so that they both
fall down and slide across the pavement. This mini-game is fairly long but
still is alot of fun. When you reach the end of the road get ready for yet
your fifth boss fight.
BOSS: Motor Ball HP: 2600 Item: Star Pendant
Remember when you were to switch your party members in reverse order? Well
for this boss you'll see why. This boss will be one tough fight. He gets the
first attack on your party causing 80-95 HP of damage to every character.
Have Aeris use BOLT because as of to this point she has the most magic power
you can cause almost 300 HP of damage with her. But the problem is is that
you can't choose the three of five thats gonna fight. The only person you
know will fight is Cloud. The other two members in your party are random. But
if she is in your party for the fight have Aeris' use BOLT. Have Cloud attack
regularly in the front row and have Barret attack from the back row since he
has a long range weapon. When the Motor Ball starts to stand up its preparing
for its Rolling Fire attack that can inflict up to 280 HP of damage to all
characters so watch out! Use limit breaks when neccessary. Its good that you
have Cloud with the RESTORE-ALL MATERIA combination so he can heal the party
after the Rolling Fire attack. If you see him standing up make sure all party
members' HP are above 300. And try to do so throughout the fight.

When the battle is over with you(yes you the player not Cloud) are about to
explore some real interesting areas you never saw in the dark and gloomy
Midgar. This is the point where everything starts to unfold with the WHITE
and BLACK MATERIA and you'll know who Zack is soon enough. Is Cloud really
Cloud? Is he a fake? Well I'm not going to spoil it for you here. Until the
time comes I'll spill my guts. Sephiroth obviously headed for Kalm and Cloud
knows he's out there. What does Jenova have in connection with Sephiroth?
Well take once good long kiss goodbye to Midgar because it'll be some time
before you'll need to come back here.

Items: PHS, Guard Source, Peacemaker, Ether(3)
Materia: None
Party's level: 12
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you walk out of Midgar go northeast into a Kalm. You might want to save
it when you first leave Midgar because some enemies can get pretty nasty out
here. Well once you get inside you can search around if you like and if you
do first go into the first three houses on the left side of Kalm. When you go
inside the first two houses pick up an ETHER from each house. Now go to the
next house and pick up the PEACEMAKER, no this weapon is not for Barret, its
for somebody else. In the next area pick up the GUARD SOURCE.

Now go to the Kalm Traveler's house in the southeast part of town and pick up
an ETHER inside. You can visit the shops but don't buy any weapons for Cloud
since the weapons here don't match the HARDEDGE. Buy some armor if you like
but its best to save your money. You can go to the Materia shop and pick up
some new Materia. Only two new materia should you keep your eyes focused on
and they are the EARTH MATERIA and HEAL MATERIA. Once your done exploring go
to the Inn, your friends are waiting upstairs and the night is free.

It doesn't really matter if you go to the Inn first or looked around town
first because Barret will still be pissed off at you being so late. This is
where I spoil things for you so if you don't want to find out what happens
don't read on. When Cloud begins you see him in a truck walking around and
being so excited that he's in SOLDIER. When the truck stops another creature
created by Mako confronts both Sephiroth and Cloud, Cloud barely tickles the
green dragon, but Sephiroth kills it with once swift of his Masamune Blade.
Sephiroth level is at 50 and your at level one so you can actually picture
how strong this guy is. Once your in Mt.Nibel the monsters create by Mako
don't get any easier, but Sephiroth breaks them with an Ice3 spell, while
Cloud just stands there as a punching bag. Well at Nibelheim Cloud gets a
chance to visit all the people in the town as well as Tifa's house. Go to
Tifa's house(the house next to Cloud's on the bottom left corner) and play
the piano upstairs and write this down:


Now put it somewhere so you won't lose it. You'll need this for the Final
Heaven later on. When your done with the piano and talked to Cloud's mother
about him needing a quiet girlfriend go back to where Sephiroth entered.
Afterwards you are taken outside and a photographer wants your picture.
Sephiroth hesitates a little but goes forth with it. He mentions about giving
each one of you a copy of the picture. When you reach Mt.Nibel you stumble
upon the bridge and lead Cloud through the mountains. When Sephiroth arives
at the Mako reactor chamber he goes berserk with his sword slashing at the
test tanks, then it hits him.

Is this what I'm truely am? "I knew I was special but not like this" when you
have Cloud look in the giant test tank you'll see a once human life form
transformed into a hideous and bizzare creature. At this point Cloud freaks
out and slumps to the floor. When Sephiroth is gone go back to Nibelheim and
go to the mansion in the middle of town. First take the stairs and enter on
the right and go down the long tube. Here you'll find a library with
Sephiroth in it. It appears he wants to learn about Hojo's Mako expieriments.
Sephiroth will spend all night reading the books so have Cloud move to the
other room on the second floor and have him rest. When he wakes up the guard
is gone and the library has books all over the floor.

Go outside the mansion and the town is ablazed! What happen here? It appears
that Sephiroth is ashamed of his origin and he goes on a killing spree
burning the town and killing the people in it, including Cloud and Tifa's
parents. Here you'll see some cool scenes that should look extremely familiar
if you have seen the T.V. ads and magazine ads. When Cloud arrives at
Mt.Nibel he finds that Tifa wants revenge for what happened to her parents
and tries to kill Sephiroth but wasn't very successful. Then Cloud comes and
go talk to Tifa and put her to the side. When Cloud goes in the Reacor core
Sephiroth is looking over the 2000 year old geological stratum called Jenova.
It appears that this creature of some sort is Sephiroth's mother.

Here you'll go through another scene with graphics that should look very
familar. Here Cloud wants all the answers about what Sephiroth has done. Tifa
was nearly killed as both Cloud and Tifa appraoched Sephiroth. Afterwards
Cloud can't remember what happened after the tragic moment. Now when your
story is told go downstairs and talk to Barret to recieve the PHS which is
like a phone and you can call and rearrange your party members on a save
point or on the world map. This will come useful later on. Afterwards you can
fight the Custom sweepers just ouside of Kalm and steal Atomic Scissors,
which is Barret's strongest weapon up to this point of the game. If you
haven't explored Kalm earlier go ahead and do so now and you might want to
restock on your supplies. If your low on money fight the enemies around town
and save when your weak. Now its onward for the search for Sephiroth.

Items: Chocobo Lure, (any)Greens
Materia: Chocobo/Mog
Party's level: 12
Party: Cloud and whomever

When your out of Kalm head east until you see a ranch. This walk wil be
fairly long and the enemies might give you some trouble, so take the
neccessary supplies and head forth. When you reach this area go inside and
into the Chocobo Ranch. First off talk to the closest chocobo near you and
say "Wark" after the chocobos dance you'll recieve your first SUMMON MATERIA
of the game. It's also the weakest but at this point of the game its alot
stronger than what you can dish out! When you go inside the ranch speak with
Chocobo Billy and he'll tell you that you need a chocobo to cross the marsh.
But he doesn't have a chocobo for you, but you can lure them out with the
CHOCOBO LURE MATERIA he has for 2000 Gil. At this point this will most likely
be all that you can afford and you'll also need to buy a green to keep the
chocobo from running away. Buy a TANTAL green and head out afterwards. Now
walk olong the chocobo tracks along the area of the Ranch, you know those
"V" shaped marks on the grassy terrain. When you hear sort of a cowboy music
that is completely different form regular battles you know that you have a

When your in battle immediately give the chocobo a green. You might want to
move the green to the top so you won't waste time searching for it. When the
chocobo is given a green quickly finish off the other enemies and don't hit
the chocobo or else you'll have wasted your money you spent for the green and
forced to try again. Don't wait to long to give the chocobo the green either
because the opponent will attack your party members and the chocobo hates
violence and will run off. If you do cause alot of damage to a chocobo he'll
attack everybody and run off. After you have captured a chocobo don't hit the
X button until you have safely reached the Mythril Mine down south of the
chocobo ranch. When you reach the swamp or marsh stay away from the serpant's
shadow or you'll be force to fight the Midgar Zolom here are it's stats:

HP: 4000 MP: 348 EXP: 250 Gil: 400 AP: 25 Susceptable to GRAVITY

As you can see this guy doesn't give much and he will finish off your party
in a snap of a finger. While your on your chocobo you won't encounter any
enemies except for this one. You won't be strong enough to kill it in a long
while. Just stay away from it. When you reach the entrance to the Mythril
Mine you'll see a Midgar Zolom slaughtered on a tree. Sephiroth knows your
coming and that's his warning sign. Now do you get the idea of how strong he

NOTE: You really don't need a chocobo for this part, but your chances
escaping from the Midgar Zolom will be down, but that doesn't mean you
still don't have a good chance at dodging it. The serpent is about 40%
faster than you are, but if you have quick reflexes go ahead and dodge
it, but save before entering the marsh. When you reach inside the
Mythril Mine go to the right and when you see a vine hanging out climb
it and you'll reach the top of a tier go to the treasure bx to collect
the LONG RANGE MATERIA, this materia will allow you to put any party
member in the back and cause the same amount of damage as if they were
in the front without taking alot of damage. Now climb back down and
climb the rock stairs on the right and pick up an ETHER on the stairs
and go to the treasure chest to pick up a TENT. When your all through
go back out to the entrance and from the netrance go south down the
cave until you see a treasure chest go to it and open it up to reveal a
MIND SOURCE. Now go to the left and in the next sceen you'll encounter
Tseng and Rude of the Turks along with the newest member Elena. She'll
screw up and talk about Sephiroth heading for Junon Harbor. You should
see the words highlighted to tel you exactly where you need to go. Whne
your coversation with the Turks is over head north of the cave and into
another area, here you'll see a green light the background that's the
Mako energy. Pick up the ELIXIR just in front of you and the HI-POTION
in the back. Now head out of the Mythril Mine and onward to Junon

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 13
Party: Cloud and whomever

You'll notice a trophy like icon on the world map go inside and take a look
around. At this point of the game this place is completely optional. You are
welcomed to visit this place and participate in the strategy battle by
speaking to the man at the top of Fort Condor. You can help pay for troops if
you like, but you may want to rest and save at the bottom of the Fort. When
your all done leave and head for the grassy area near Junon Harbor. You can't
buy any items if you don't participate in the battle. The Materia and items
sold here are nothing to worry about because you already have what they're

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 13
Party: Cloud and whomever

Northwest of Fort Condo you should find a forest with a mystery ninja around.
This part is a real spoiler and completely optional and has nothing to do
with beating the game.
BOSS: Mystery Ninja Level: 32 HP: (Basically depends on what level your at
the higher your level the more HP she has.
Just hit her with your normal attacks and you should be fine. She shouldn't
be much of a problem. Your Chocobo/Mog materia you had recieved earlier will
stun her, once she's stunned attack, attack, attack!

Afterwards talk to to the downed ninja and do not save. She'll ask you to
fight one more time, just say your "Not interested." She begins to taunt you
and will ask if you are scared of her you reply by "Petrified." Afterwards
she turns her back and starts to leave and you tell her to "Wait a Second."
She's listening and she asked if you want her along you reply: "...That's
right." She agrees and you say "...Let's hurry on." Don't ak her for her name
because she'll just leave. Now go northwest and look for a giant cannon
sticking out of a military base on the side of a montain near the waters.

Items: Power Wrist
Materia: Shiva
Party's level: 14
Party: Cloud and whomever

Before you go to the shores give Cloud the LONG RANGE MATERIA and switch him
to the back row. Now have Barret equipped with his ASSULT GUN. Now give your
third party member any other materia and put him or her in the backrow. Make
sure the third member has a ALL-RESTORE MATERIA combination. Now when you
enter this dark town you might want to rest outside of Junon Harbor using a
TENT. Now save your game and head for the shores just south Junon inside the
town. Along the shores you'll see a girl named Priscilla playing with a
dolphin and she asks you to leave immdiately because she thinks your with the
Shin-Ra. When you are about to leave Priscilla gets attacked by a sea
BOSS: Bottomswell HP: 2000 Item: Power Wrist
Just have your long ranged characters attack regularly and have your third
party member use FIRE or ICE or LIGHTNING on Bottomswell and have that same
party member heal your party when your HP drops below 200. This isn't any
easy fight, because one of your characters will sometimes be encased in a
giant water bubble and can no longer participate in the battle except:

1. You pop the bubble with magic not physical attacks
2. Or you can wait till they sufocate and then bring them back to life

When one of your party members are encased they slowly lose their HP so make
sure to take neccessary precuations. When you kill Bottomswell it'll use the
Big Wave. Just make sure to keep your HP above 200 and you should be fine.

It seems that Priscilla isn't breathing! You must perform CPR on her or
she'll die. When Cloud's lungs fill up hit the O button to release the air
back in. Don't over inhale because Cloud will exhale. Don't worry she can't
die because she's not suppose to. When she starts to breathe she'll need to
rest. Now go to the lady in front of Junon and take her up on he offer and
spend the night at her house. When your done Cloud starts hearing voices and
asks Tifa about Nibelheim. When your through go speak with Priscilla and
she'll give you the SHIVA MATERIA your second SUMMON MATERIA of the game.

Now you need a way to the top of Junon but how? Priscilla got it! You can hop
on her dolphin friend and reach the top. First find the spot to want to jump
from and call Mr.Dholphin. This is a little easier than the swinging pole at
the Wall Market but still pretty fustrating. Just keep trying until you make

Items: 1/35 Soldier(2), Mind Source, Luck Source, Guard Source, Power Source,
Speed Source
Materia: Enemy Skill
Party's level: 14
Party: Cloud and whomever

When your here keep going left until you see a little yellow box. go to that
box and switch it to make the lift go down. You'll here some pretty energetic
music here and for a reason. The new Shin-Ra president is arriving, Rufus.
When you reach to the door at the end your wlecomed to save it but not now.
Go to the northern room when you enter and you'll come in the locker room.
The captain will just think your out of uniform and he'll lend you another
one. In here you are to perform the traditional Shin-Ra greeting. Just follow
what the soldiers do and you do the same. You are chosen to give the final
greeting which is Cloud's winning pose and the troops will be amazed! When
all is done and done follow the commander through a shortcut to the parade.
Here gets quite difficult because Cloud must get to the back row without
messing things up. You'll see a rating chart at the botom of the screen that
basically tells you waht kind of item you get. The higher the rating the
better the item(s).

29% or lower Grenade
30%-39% POTION(6)
40%-49% ETHER(6)
50% or higher 5000 Gil

After you make it through the new Shin-Ra president will be very pleased and
you also know that Sephiroth is here, but you can't do anything now. Your
captain will give you a little practice before performing the proper
greeting. Take your time to practice and head out. Make sure you visit all
the shops in Junon because there are alot of freebies.

Here you'll find some pretty good shops and you have two materia to look out
for, SEAL MATERIA and REVIVE. You can buy some new armor and accessories
cause you'll need them. The items in Junon are quite steep but if you perform
well you can save yourself the Gil. When your all done go to the dock and you
are now tested to perform your greeting. If the president's mood is high your
item will be high in value as well. Look at the chart below.

0-50 Sunglasses
100+ FORCE STEALER(Cloud's strongest sword as of now)

When your all done go into the boat.

Items: Wind Slash, Ether
Materia: Ifrit, All Materia
Party's level: 14
Party: Cloud

When you reach aboard talk to the people wandering around, hey wait a minute!
How your other party members get onboard? Well anyways just don't forget the
items like the ETHER on the left side of the bottom floor of the boat and the
ALL MATERIA just across from the ETHER to the right side. Now there's a save
point on the deck of the boat save it cause its a must. Now go to the fron of
the boat and talk to Barret serveral times and an alarm sounds off, what! Did
one of your party members get caught? Wait their talking about a man in a
black cape, that's Sephiroth! Sephiroth is onboard! Now go down and head for
the room the guard was previoulsy standing in front of and you'll engage in a
storyline. Pick up the Wind Slash just in front of the dead guard and head
for Sephiroth but wait, what's this?
BOSS: Jenova-Birth HP: 6000 Item: White Cape & Ifrit Materia
Now this boss is obviously not an easy fight, but don't worry the other
fights with Jenova get easier. First off continue to cast all your summons
and when you run out use the FIRE MATERIA to cause some good damage. Watch
out when she cast STOP on one of your characters which will paralyze your
characters temporarily. Watch out when she uses her Tail Laser which can
cause up 400 HP of DMG. Just keep your HP up around 300 and move quickly and
get organized before the battle.

After a long fight your fast approaching Costa Del Sol.

Items: Shinra house(optional), Motor Drive, Fire Ring, Power Source
Materia: None
Party's level: 15
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you reach here its nice, warm, and pleasant. Too bad! Because you still
have a lot of work to do. When you first approach this town go take the
stairs next to the entrance and enter the side of the house that says "Costa
Del Sol." Inside you can buy the house for 300,000 Gil, yeah its cheap, but
you might wanna rather take the items in the basement. Down the basement
you'll find a FIRE RING, POWER SOURCE, and a MOTOR DRIVE which is Tifa's
strongest weapon up to this point. Go ahead and visit the shops and kick the
ball a few times and head out. Now head west to Mt.Corel. And buy those

Items: Tent, Wizard Staff, Turbo Ether, Star Pendant, Pheonix Down(10),
Mind Source, Power Source, W Machine Gun
Materia: Transform Materia
Party's level: 15
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you reach Mt. Corel you'll find plenty of items worth taking. When you
reach the reactor there's just nothing to do inside for now head down towards
the railroad tracks. Occasionally you fall but as long as you hold right or
left and quickly tap the O button as your falling you should pick up a Star
Pendant and a Wizard Staff. Now when you reach the tracks the look like they
cross each other take the top bridge and pick up a W MACHINE GUN for Barret,

Now take the high path and go all the way to the end and hit the control
switch for the bridge. When you hear birds chriping climb up the side of the
mountain and you'll see a bird's nest. Your welcomed to pick up the 10
PHEONIX DOWNS but it disturbs the birds and your forced to fight it's mother,
Cokatolis. Don't worry she shouldn't be of any threat except that the fact
that she can cast STONE on one of your party members. Afterwards go down to
the lower tracks until you see two tracks that meet. Turn right as you reach
them and into a small mine to pick up a POWER SOURCE, MIND SOURCE, and TENT.
Now go back outside and continue down and past a long bridge until you reach
North Corel.

Here you'll find a dirty town also Barret's hometown. Now see what these
reactors are doing? Are you gonna let this happen? Of course not! Your
welcomed to visit the shops. Buy some weapons you didn't have before or
something strong for Barret. Now go to the left side of North Corel and into
Gold Saucer, a fun-filled arcade that's better than playing Marvel vs Capcom!
Okay its not that good, but the games sure are fun! When you enter here don't
use the save point because it'll cost you five Gold Points not Gil, you can
exchange your money for GP if you have enough money and when the guy is
standing in the back.

Go to the entrance a pay a mere 3000 Gil for the entrance or if you want, pay
another "mere" 30,000 Gil for a lifetime pass. Now when you go in and enter
the Speed Arena to meet Dio the owner of Gold Saucer. Now head to Wonder
Square to pick up Cait Sith to add to your party and head for Battle Arena.
With a guy's arm replaced by a gun going berserk against Shinra soldiers,
they more than wilingly accused Barret of the mass murder. But can Barret let
his emotions about what happen to North Corel release them to an innocent
crowd like this? You are now prisoners of Corel for a crimed that was framed
upon your party and thrown to an unescapable prison.

Items: Silver Armlet
Materia: None
Party's level: 17
Party: Cloud and whomever

First off, just watch your items so equip all the materia to your armor and
equip as many people with the most valuable weapons and armors and accesories
your party may have cause there are Bandits around who will steal all
uneqipped items and materia and all other items worth stealing ike HI-Potion
or ETHERs. You must defeat these bandits quick because you'll lose your item
permanately if you don't. Barret is in a depressed state and he leaves but
follow him off screen.

Now when your in the next screen go to the bottom left corner of the prison
to find Barret. He tells about his intervening with Scarlet and a terrible
accident happened when Barret and Dyne returned to North Corel, they both
loss there arms and were forced to replace them with gun-arms against Shin-
Ra. Now go back to the entrance of the prison and through the gate the man
was on previously and enter it and go to the right and up north to find
Barret's best friend Dyne. Ouch! This guy isn't too happy about Barret's
return and he wishes to destroy everything Barret loves most.
BOSS: DYNE HP: 1200 Item: Silver Armlet
Well its best that Barret is equipped with the RESTORE MATERIA so he can heal
himself if it wasn't stolen by the bandits. Also give Barret a HYPER in his
regular status so he is on FURY which will double his Limit Break meter's
growth. But he might miss sometimes but it shouldn't be a problem. Keep your
HP above 350 because he can use his S-Mine attack after his regular attack
sometimes and will do a lot of damage. When he has about 300 HP left he will
use his Molotov Cocktail which will do 150-200 HP of damage so keep your HP
up. This guy isn't easy so don't cry when you lose, just try again. (^_^)

When Dyne is defeated he is serverely wounded and afterwards he will give a
pendant to give to Marlene. Then at the same time he kills himself. Now go
rest and visit Mr.Coates an S-Class chocobo racer and your only ticket out of
this dead prison. Now Mr.Coates won't be so willing to help because he knows
Dyne is dead and now if the party wants out they must win a short course
chocobo race. Don't forget to pick up the RUMAH SUMMON MATERIA while your
inside his office. When you race all you'll want to do during the entire race
is to get a head start by pushing the O button, then stops when you have
about 15% of your stamina left and hold R1+R2 together to build up your
chocobo's stamina. You can basically have the chocobo sprint the entire way
having an easy victory by hitting the SQUARE button. Now with apologies from
Dio he offers his crappy worn out Buggy which will help you get to your next
destination. You the buggy and go south pas the river to reach an area which
looks like a model of an old reactor which is Gongaga Village.

Items: X-Potion, White M-Phone
Materia: Titan, Deathblow Materia
Party's level: 17
Party: Cloud and Whomever

Now when you enter continue on the same path and you'll encounter Rude,
Elena, and Reno of the Turks. Elena will run off to warn Tseng. You should
have Aeris use her Seal Evil or have someone use the CHOCO/MOG SUMMON to
paralyze both the Turks before engaging battle.
BOSS: Rude and Reno HP: Reno(2000) Rude(2000) | Item: Fairy Tale and X-Potion
If you use your CHOCO/MOG SUMMON or Aeris' Seal Evil you should be fine, just
keep using it until they are paralyzed and start pounding away with your
strongest summon and spells.

Wow go to the center of the reactor and Scarlet and Tseng will show up
talking about an explosive new weapon and needs the HUGE MATERIA to do so.
Scarlet will talk about junky reactors having bad materia, but if you pick up
the glowing red materia you'll recieve the TITAN SUMMON MATERIA. I don't
consider this junky, do you? Now go back to the walkway you entered and go
back to where you fought the Turks and pick up the DEATHBLOW COMMAND MATERIA
just above where you fought. Now head right until you see the screen start to
turn red and go up until you see sorta of a giant telescope on top of a
canyon and the Buggy breaks down right in front of it.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 18
Party: Cloud and whomever

Here this place is very comfortable and tribal music is soothing to the ears
which Barret promised to bring his AVALANCHE members to if they stopped Shin-
Ra's mako reactors. Don't forget to talk to the contruction worker and tell
him you are not here to study and he'll fix the buggy for you. When Red XIII
meets BUGENHAGEN you'll notice that he is Red XIII's father and that his real
name is Nanaki. Here you'll learn about the spirit energy and that when
living things die their spirit energy is returned to the earth. NOw go to the
save spot you saw earlier and save it. And enter the center of Cosmo Canyon
and talk with everybody, you know the place with the locked door. After you
have talked to Red XIII BUGENHAGEN will appear and unlock the door to the
Cave of Gi.

Items: Black M-Phone, Fairy Ring, X-Potion, Ether, Turbo Ether, Pheonix Down,
Wiser Staff
Materia: Added-Effect Materia, Gravity Materia
Party's level: 18
Party: Cloud and whomever

Here just climb the ladders into the cave. When you first enter the cave alot
of empty spaces are along the walls each one of them contains a breakable
rock. Each time you break a rock a fight will initiate. There's a secret door
in the middle of the cave but I forgot what's in it. Well that's all done go
to the next room until you see red on the floor below the rocks. First you
might want to go out to the gave on the left and collect the ADDED AFFECT
MATERIA which should come in handy and go back once you've collected it.
Watch out for liquid gold because you'll slide right into the spikes on the
wall which won't kill you but will take away some HP. So don't hold down the
X button while on these spots.

Now when you past this area you are given a choice of five rooms to go in.
Just go to the second room from the left but if you want the item in the
fourth room from the left go ahead but you'll fight a tough battle. Well
along the way if you took the second tunnel from the left you are forced to
fight spiders along the way which are initiated when you touch the spider
webs. When your through equip your characters with something that protects
fire by using the ELEMENTAL-POISON MATERIA combination. And equip your
characters with some CURE or ICE MATERIA and all your summons except IFRIT.
Now approach the wall that has a golem on it to ensue a fight.
BOSS: Gi Nattak and Soul Fires HP: 5500 and Soul Fires 1300 Item: Pheonix
Down and Wizer Staff
Well first off attack it with Holy magic like CURE or CURE2. Ice surprisingly
will do regular damage despite the fact it is fire. You can't kill it with a
Pheonix Down or using LIFE. It'll posses your character with its Soul Fires
which will cast FIRE2 about every two or three rounds. Watch out when Gi
Nattak drains your MP and HP. So carrying a few ETHERs or HI-POTIONs should
counter that. Use your max amount of summons cause they'll do more damage
than you can dish out you can't paralyze it but still.

After this somewhat easy boss follow Bugenhagen out of the cave and pick up
the GRAVITY MATERIA on the way out. Now you'll go into a storyline about
Seto, Nanaki's father and realizing the hero that was his father. Now head
out of Cosmo Canyon and Red XIII will meet up with you. Now take you Buggy
north pass the shallow body of water up to Cloud's and Tifa's hometown,
Nibelheim, which is a town in front of a mountain.

Items: Platinum Fist, Turbo Ether, Luck Potion(2), Elixir
Materia: None
Party's level: 19
Party: Cloud and whomever

There's basically nothing to do here. And I thought this town was suppose to
be a pile of soot remember? Well you can pick up some weapons in the mansion
in the back of the town and aquire Vincent but the boss is awfully tough so
you might want to wait until your stronger. For now talk to the fallen black
mages or whatever and they'll give you an item.

Items: Rune Blade, Sniper CR, Powersoul, Plus Barrette, Elixir
Materia: Counter Attack Materia, Elemental Materia, All Materia
Party's level: 19
Party: Cloud and whomever

Now exit though the back of the town. You might want to save right in front
of the mountain so that when you encounter a Dragon you can start off right
in front of the mountain just incase you lose cause this guy is tough.

Now when you enter the mountain just walk through the linear path but amke
sure to pick up a few items on some of the mountain ridges like the RUNE
BLADE or the PLUS BARRETE. Next comes the long bridge cross it and enter the
next room. This room you'll see pipes to the left screen and enter one of
them at a time to reach some unreachable items. Now all you need to do is to
go down the ladder and save and fight a few battles to bump up a level or two
before fighting the creature standing in front of the exit. There is a door
on the left side of the room if you want to pick up a SNIPER CR if you have
Vincent in your party otherwise just fight.
BOSS: Materia Keeper HP: 8400 Item: Jem Ring
This guy is tough. His Trine attack will cause 500 HP of damage to each
character, fortunately its a lighting based attack so having the ELEMENTAL
MATERIA-LIGHTING combination in your armor will protect against it. As usual
use your best attacks and magic and limit breaks and summons. Make sure you
have a CURE-ALL combination so that after the Trine attack you can keep your
HP up. These simple procedures should make a very tough fight alot easier. If
you have the ENEMY-SKILL MATERIA you can learn Trine, which is a very
powerful attack up to this point.

Afterwards pick up the Counter Attack Materia left behind by the Materia
Keeper. Now just use a TENT and save and exit the reactor and walk northwest
towards the next destination, Rocket Town.

Items: Power Source, Drill Arm, Yoshiyuki
Materia: None
Party's level: 20
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you first enter here your welcomed to shop around and if you talk to the
guy standing in front of the item shop and look at the rocket. If you do
he'll give you the YOSHIYUKI, which is the strongest sowrd in the game up
till now and the only chance you can get the YOSHIYUKI. Now go two houses
from the right of the Rocket and enter the house to pick up a POWER SOURCE.
From there enter the house that's to the right of the Rocket and enter the
the room in the top left corner to pick up Barret's DRILL ARM, which is a
short range weapon so unless you decide to equip Barret with it, you'll have
to move him up front in your row. Now head out the backdoor to see the
unusable(as of now) Tiny Bronco.

Shera will come in and tell you about the Shinra Space Program that has a
possibility to restart when President Rufus arrives. Now go to the Rocket and
climb the top to meet Cid, an expert pilot and engineer in mechanics and
tools with a bad attitude due to a crewman's fault that made him abort a
space mission, which was his life long dream. He won't let you use the Tiny
Bronco, now leave him be and go back to the house you met Shera earlier. Cid
now comes in and lets his mouth unload with his high use of profanity. Now go
talk to Cid again and you'll find out that Rufus wasn't even thinking about
the Space Program and he wants to use the Tiny Bronco to chase after
Sephiroth. Now go back inside the house and go back to the Tiny Bronco and
you'll find that Palmer is trying to steal the Tiny Bronco, the wierd guy
Shera just told you about.
BOSS: Palmer HP: 6000 Item: Edincoat
This boss should be pretty easy as long as you use CHOCO/MOG MATERIA or
Aeris' Seal Evil to paralyze him. His Mako Gun can couse up to 1,000 HP of
damage depending on what armor and materia your eqipped with. If he becomes
un-paralyzed then keep using the CHOCO/MOG MATERIA to paralyze him again and
the fight should be short lived. Afterwards a truck from out of nowhere hits
him when he tries to run and I have no idea where the truck came from or how
it got there, which is really one of the minor faults in the game.

Now the plane starts and the team doesn't know how to stop it. The plane runs
through the middle of the town and Cid quickly hops on and Rufus orders fire on
the plane and the Tiny Bronco puts out a few last miles before it goes crashing
into the ocean as a boat. Now head east of Gongaga to a weapon seller.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 20
Party: Cloud and whomever

Here is a weapon seller and he'll tell you about the Keystone needed for the
Temple of Ancients. The Weapon Seller tells you about selling it to Dio,
owner of the Gold Saucer. Now head towards the Gold Saucer.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 20
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you enter here just go to the Battle Arena and look at the Show Room
which has the Keystone, examine it and Dio comes in. Now you must fight for
the Keystone in a little risk battle. All you have to do is fight in the
battle and he'll give you the keystone. It doesn't matter if you win or not,
but if you do win(which is highly unlikely) you'll be rewarded with the
Protect Vest and the Choco Feather which are two very strong pieces of armor
up to this point in addition to the Keystone. Now leave the Gold Saucer, and
what do you know, the Railroad Tran is out of order, and what a coincidence
now that you have the Keystone. You'll have to stay the night at the Ghost
Hotel. During the middle of the night Aeris will come in depending on how
well you treated her and you'll have a chance to visit all the rides for

Look out the same time Aeris looks out of the Tran and you'll see some nice
graphics that the Squaresoft Team has produced. If you had treated Aeris
poorly you'll get a boring talk with some other party member. After you have
taken part in a stage show then took the little ride on the Roller Coaster
you'll fine Cait Sith with the Keystone, follow him around and you'll soon
discover that Cait Sith is a spy as he hands over the Keystone to Tseng of
the Turks. You have no choice but to have him remain in your party because he
knows where the Temple of Ancients is. Now head out Gold Saucer and head
southeast of Gold Saucer and into the giant black pyramid like shape that's
planted in the middle of a forest.

Items: Megalixir, Trumphet Shell, Princess Guard, Trident, Mind Source,
Silver Rifle, Turbo Ether, Nail Bat, Work Glove, Ribbon, Rocket Punch
Materia: Bahamut, Luck Plus Materia, Morph Materia
Party's level: 20
Party: Cloud and whomever

When you enter here you'll get a quick briefing of BLACK MATERIA and find
Tseng of the Turks wounded on the floor. Here he'll give you the Keystone and
asks you to place it on the Altar to open up the Temple's maze. Well I can't
really help you out much here, do to the fact that's its so complicated to
explain, but you should follow the Old Sage around until you fine his
quarters or chamber and he'll let you rest unlimtedly. So you can gain some
levels and save and head out to the second part of the maze. Once again no
dice here either but make your way around until you see another Old Sage and
follow him into a room with rolling U shaped boulders.

Here is a little bit tricky but if you time it so that the cut out part of
the boulder lands where your standing then you should be fine, don't worry if
you get rolled over by the boulders because you won't lose any HP or fight
random battles. Just keep doing this until you reach the end so that the trap
shuts off by itself and then enter the pool you saw earlier. Here you'll see
exactly what happened. Afterwards go into the Clock Room. Now there are
twelve doors in which you can enter here is whats inside each room:

1- Random Battle
2- Nothing
3- Random Battle
4- Aeris' Ultimate Weapon(Princess Guard)
5- Ribbon
6- Next Destination
7- Trumpet Shell
8- Mega Elixir
9- Nothing
12-Exit of Temple(You can't leave now, but later on)

After you have picked up everything you can knock yourself down into the pit
when the second hand hits where your standing you can pick up the Nail Bat
which is the strongest sowrd in the game as of now. You'll be force to fight
a battle but its a battle that's easily won. Now head to room number 6. When
you enter here you'll find that the guy has just locked the door leading to
your next area. He'll run into the door on the left and you must follow him,
but all you have to do is go all the way to the left side but don't enter the
door and jump down, now don't jump any further.

Head to the second door from the right and enter in there and he'll give up
and unlock the door and let you rest and save. Now enter the unlocked door
and you'll encounter Sephiroth and see a couple of scenes. It appears that
Sephiroth wants the BLACK MATERIA to damage the Earth and have the Soul
energy be a part of him. Devious huh? Try to equip something protects well
from physical attacks and not magic before you fight the Red Dragon.
BOSS: Red Dragon HP: 6800 Item: Dragon Armlet and BAHAMUT MATERIA
This a rather easy fight. Make sure you hit it with your strongest Ice spells
and use BIO2 or BIO if your not up there yet to gradually reduce his HP.
REGEN is an excellent way to keep your HP up and you should never have to
heal if you have REGEN along.

Now Equip the BAHAMUT MATERIA on Aeris after you have picked it up from the
floor. Head to room twelve you saw in the clock room earlier. Make sure you
save and heal before moving on. Here you'll notice that the wall is warm and
its moving.
BOSS: Demon Gate HP: 12000 Item: Gigas Armlet
This guy is tough. I lost a few times and finally gain some levels to beat
this oversized wall. Regen should be casted once the battle starts so you
won't have to keep healing. Use BAHAMUT immediately, it'll do about 3,000-
4,000 DMG. Slow works on him quite nicely and sorry you can't kill it with a
PHEONIX DOWN or casting LIFE. Its also immune to Holy Magic like CURE or
CURE2 despite it being a undead monster. Sometimes your characters will turn
to stone so having 4 or 5 softs should keep you in battle, but he rarely uses
it, and if he uses it alot, your in bad luck! Keep hitting him with your
strongest attacks except TITAN because is a part Earth and will cut the
damage down significantly. Note that you shouldn't be surprised if you come
out of the fight pretty weak...this guy isn't exactly a walk in the park.

After the tough fight Cait Sith will come and sacrifice himself so that the
BLACK MATERIA stays out of Sephiroth's hands. As the team exits the temple
everything caves in and the Temple becomes the BLACK MATERIA. Now that the
dirty work by Cait Sith is done Sephiroth comes in and forges, bends, and
manipulate Cloud's mind to force him to hand over the BLACK MATERIA. Later
Cloud turns on Aeris and goes Berserk as the third member of your party
(whoever that is) has to knock Cloud out as Cait Sith number 2 comes along.
Thought he was gone didn't ya? Well he didn't die sice he wasn't alive to
begin with. He was only a toy(if you hadn't known) and all of the previous
stats and armor and weapons and materia is still with Cait Sith #2.

Now when Cloud is unconcious Aeris appears in his dreams and tells him she
has to go and stop Sephiroth, but Sephiroth knows her intentions and her
plans. When Cloud awakens go to the Gongaga coastline to fine the Tiny Bronco
and head for the north most continent that has the Tundra climate and head
for a giant fossil that stands in the middle of the forest just of the
southern part of the northern continent.

Items: Lunar Harp, Buntline, Mop, Guard Source, Aurora Armlet, Elixir, Water
Ring, Magic Source, Viper Halberd, Bolt Armlet, Megalixir, Power
Source, HypnoCrown
Materia: Enemy Skill Materia, Comet Materia, Kjata, MP Materia
Party's level: 20
Party: Cloud and whomever

Here all you need here is the LUNAR HARP to avoid running the same scenario
over and over again. You need the Harp to wake the sleeping forest. Talk to
the guy standing behind the open treasure chest to ask him to start digging
for the harp. It'll cost you 100 Gil which is very cheap to have one man
start digging the area you choose, you can place as many as five workers, but
all you need is one. Now dig a few feet away just off the entrance of the
Sleeping Forest to find the LUNAR HARP. If you want you can buy some DIAMOND
BANGLES which offer some solid protection against magics and physical harm or
some RUNE ARMLETs which offer poor protection but doubles your MATERIA growth
with four unlinked slots.

When your done head for the forest. Now when you enter, the forest awoke and
lets you pass, after the first walkway you'll enter an area that's lightly
densed with trees. Wait a few seconds and you'll see a red materia hopping
around. Grab it to recive the KJATA SUMMON MATERIA. The next area is fairly
linear but when you first enter walk under the broken tree trunk and pick up
the WATER RING in the treasure chest. Equip it with any party member you like
but its wise to equip it on the weakest character or most likely the
character with the least amount of HP for later. The path to the City of
Ancients is an excellent way to earn expierience.

Three to five battles will easily gain you a level since the enemies come in
groups and each one of them give away lots of expierience. So its not a bad
idea to fight a coulpe of battles to bulk up your levels. When you reach the
center with three paths, take the path on the right and enter the hut shaped
house and pick up an ELIXIR, GUARD SOURCE, and the 2nd ENEMY SKILL MATERIA.
The paths ahead are not important and you can't enter there because the team
won't let you. The top path just leads to a middle area for later in the
game. Now take the left path to find a MAGIC SOURCE and an AURORA ARMLET.
Here you'll get a chance to save, and rest. Rest first then save, and you
must rest to continue the story.

During your nap Aeris will call for you, now you awake and head for the
center part of the Ancient city. When you reach the center take the spiral
staircase up to fine the COMET MATERIA which will most likely come in handy.
When you reach the very center of the city Cloud will stop the team members
and he'll take a look at what's going on. He then tries to kill Aeris, but
the team stops him just in time. If your wondering whats taking so long when
Cloud holds his sowrd and does nothing its because you haven't hit the O
button. Just hit the O button when Cloud is about to kill Aeris.

Sephiroth can't force you to kill Aeris himself so he comes and finishes his
dirty work. Yes, Aeris(one of the main characters, like Tellah the Sage in
Final Fantasy 4 or General Leo in Final Fantasy 6, you can't bring them back
to life with the exception of General Leo, not with a code or game shark) is
dead. Yes I was in shock too but not in tears(because I can take it *sweats
in profusion*) and Sephiroth flies away(how did he learn to fly?) and leaves
you with Jenova-Life for you to deal with. Remember you had the WATER RING
earlier? Well this is the time to equip it, all of Jenova's attacks will heal
BOSS: JENOVA HP: 10,000 Item: Wizard Braclet
Like I said before its an excellent idea to equip the WATER RING to turn all
Jenova's attacks into healing purposes. If you want to make it a quick fight
use TITAN MATERIA or QUAKE2 or QUAKE3 depending on your levels, BAHAMUT is
also a good idea and so is using COMET. If you have the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA
you can learn AQUALUNG from this ugly monster, but if you don't, then don't
worry cause you'll have plenty of chances to learn it later. Its attacks are
very strong and can knock out any party member with one or tow rounds. Just
wait after your party members have been wounded and let Jenova heal you until
her skill has run out. Now you can bring back your party members to life and
heal them and take out Jenova. That way you won't lose the expierience or
ability points because the expierience and ability points from your dead
party members will not be transfered to you like previous Final Fantasy games
which is a big minus in the game. Overall you should have no trouble thanks
to the WATER RING.

After the easy battle you will pay your final respects to Aeris as they lay
her body in the waters in the city as she sinks back to the Earth. Now is no
time to grieve, she didn't even budge when Sephiroth was near and she did it
for a reason. She was praying for the ultimate WHITE MATERIA to counter the
ultimate BLACK MATERIA which is HOLY. Remember in those Final Fantasy games
for the Super Nintendo when you had possesion of both HOLY and METEO? Well
never mind. The HOLY MATERIA fell into the water but the team didn't know
what to do with it. Yes I know your angry and so was I, but Aeris doesn't
want you to greive, she wants you to take back the BLACK MATERIA before
Sephiroth summons it, now go head for the Correl Valley cave, you know the
place you couldn't go to earlier? And don't forget to flip to your second CD.

---------------------------------[ DISC 2 ]----------------------------------

Items: Hero Drink, X-Potion, Vaccine, Turbo Ether
Materia: None
Party's level: 23
Party: Cloud and whomever

Here your welcomed to explore the town cause there are serveral free items
like a HERO DRINK, VACCINE, TURBO ETHER, and an X-POTION. Now go to the back
of town and the resident stops you, now Elena comes in and she's furious
about what happened to Tseng, now you are given the choice to either dodge
her punch by pressing right or left and she'll roll down Icicle Inn or you do
nothing and let Elena hit you in the stomach and you faint. She even wonders
why you didn't try to dodge her punch. When you wake up you'll be in Ifalno's
house or more likely Aeris' mother house.

You can check the equipment to learn more about Aeris' mother and the Cetra
or the called the Ancients. Now you'll need some supplies and a map of Great
Glacier if you ever hope to find your way around. First ask the kid you met
earlier about the snowboard and he'll let you borrow it. Now head for the
right most house in Icicle Inn and inspect the map that is in the center of
the house and take it. Now revisit the guy at the back of town who wouldn't
let you through earlier and he'll let you through now that you have some

Items: Poison, Mind Source, Elixir, Safety Bit
Materia: Alexander
Party's level: 23
Party: Cloud and whomever

Well here this is very linear and very fun. When you encounter a fork in the
road it doesn't matter which path you take because your basically going to
the same place just taking a different route. This place is very complicated
and will often confuse you. The only item of importance is the ALEXANDER
MATERIA. The other non-important item includes a MIND SOURCE, POISON MATERIA,
SAFETY BIT, ELIXIR, and an ALL MATERIA. Basically you can wait until you pass
out from the cold and Mr.Holzoff will rescue you and you can rest and save at
his house anytime you want. Coincidentaly his house is right in front of your
destination, the Gaea Cliffs. But if you want the ALEXANDER SUMMON MATERIA,
follow these instructions:

1) Just battle a few times and wait until you faint.
2) Now when you arrive at Mr.Holzoff's house go outside.
3) Now return to great glacier and go right.
4) Just remember that the wind blows you off course so when the wind
blows stop and wait until the wind dies down and continue going right.
5) Just make it past through the linear course until you see some cliffs.
6) Keep going right until you see your path stop and until you see three
different paths in front of you, take the most upper right handed path.
7) You'll encounter another linear area just keep going.
8) Now take the cave in the upperright hand corner and enter it.

When you enter this cave make sure you have touched the Hot Springs you saw
earlier or else you can't intiate a fight.
Okay this isn't exactly a boss, but it does play the boss music so I count it
as a BOSS, but it has low HP and your party should have no trouble with it
whatsoever. FIRE2 or FIRE3 should make quick work of her, infact you should
only need to cast it once, most likely.

Now all you can do is just wait and faint until you arrive at Mr.Holzoff's
house and continue north towards the Gaea Cliffs. Make sure to rest and save
before heading on.

Items: Fire Armlet, Javelin, Speed Source, Megalixir, Enhance Sword, Elixir
Materia: None
Party's level: 25
Party: Cloud and whomever

This part is very linear, so just climb up until you reach a cave but at each
ledge hit the "square" button to warm Cloud up so that his temperature is at
37 degrees but don't let it fall below 28 degrees or you'll wind up at
Mr.Holzoff's place again forcing you to start over from the beginning. When
you reach the cave just continue to walk and into the next room. If you
encounter a Stilva and you have the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA equipped then you can
learn MAGIC BREATH which is a very powerful ENEMY SKILL. All you need to do
now is go to the left room and that's it.

When you enter it you'll come across a bridge over the entrance of the cave,
go straight and pick up an ELIXIR(I'm not sure if it was an elixir) it should
be behind the wall and into the hidden room straight ahead. Now return out of
the secret room and stop just in front of the entrance to the secret room and
go up and walk around another bridge and into the next area, but don't foget
to pick up the JAVELIN for Cid just near the bridge in a blue treasure chest.
Now go straight into the next room and you should reappear at the top of the
room on a small ledge with a boulder in front. Push the boulder over and
watch it carefully to see what it knocks over. Remember where you couldn't
get through earlier because of the ice? Well return there and go through that

Now keep going through these paths until you reach a room with two doors and
a treasure chest on the top left corner that's inaccessible for now. Just
head right and in the next room you'll encounter some giant icicles that
stand in your way, and for some reason they fight back. All you have to do is
destroy the Icicles with a regular DEMI spell that costs just fourteen MP's.
Ignore the Evilheads because they are hard to hit and will distract you from
the real target. Destroy the Icicle and the Evilheads go with it. Just do
this four times and reach the treasure chest at the end of the walkway and
including the one near the entrance and fall down below. And enter the room
with icicle platforms in front of the door.

When you reach the other side of the mountain collect the ENHANCE SOWRD that
sits right in front of your face in a yellow treasure box and continue until
you reach the outside of the mountain and climb again and don't forget to hit
the "square" button to keep Cloud's temperature above 37 degrees Celcius. Now
when you reach inside you'll see a save point, first gain a level or two and
have the party touch the hot springs to recover HP and MP and equip yourself
with Materia combinations in your armor that protects against FIRE and ICE
and QUAKE. I suggest having your MATERIA with FIRE3 and ICE3 before moving on
because this next battle will be extremely tough. Now save your game and
enter the next room when ready. When you enter the hallway an Old Sage is
defeated and now you are forced to fight Schizo.
BOSS: Schizo HP: 36,000 Item: Dragon Fang
This boss fight is one of the toughest you'll ever encounter. They constantly
attack with hard hitting spells like FIRE2 or FIRE3 or ICE2 or ICE3. Use FIRE3
on the right side and ICE3 on the left side. Don't use KJATA because you'll be
healing them both and don't use IFRIT or SHIVA because you'll cause damage to
one side but recover another side. And if you learned MAGIC BREATH don't use it
here. REGEN is an excellent way to start things off as HASTE will to. If you
don't have those high fire and ice spells yet use QUAKE3 or
LIGHTNING3 or RAMUH, or BAHAMUT or COMET. Just use hard hitting non-ice or
fire spells but having ICE3 and FIRE3 would be alot easier to manage. When
one of the heads are defeated it will cast QUAKE3 causing about 800-1200 HP
of damage, and yes they can cast it serveral times before they are defeated.
You'll know one of the heads is defeated when the defeated side's head
slouches down. Yes all you get is a DRGAON FANG which is a very cheap item
since it just cast LIT3 on all opponents and wasted after one use.

When your done save the game and rest before heading on. Now leave the cliffs
through the path of the defeated Schizo and climb up the mountain to reach
the sunken crater.

Items: Poison Ring, Ether, Hi-Potion, Kaiser Knuckle
Materia: Neo Bahamut, MP Turbo Materia
Party's level: 29
Party: Cloud and whomever

Now just go down the crator until you've reach a save spot. Now save and make
sure to pick up and equip the NEO BAHAMUT MATERIA that's just right in front
of the save point. When your done continue towards the center of the crater
and watch for the green wind and only cross it when the green wind calms down
when you enter it while its moving then your bumped back and forced into a
fight. Make sure to check the fallen Old sages for some items. In the next
are is pretty straight foward(linear, if you didn't know what linear meant)
just make sure to pick up a KAISER KNUCKLE for Tifa and check the Old Sages
for some items. The next part is the same as before, just enter when the wind
is calm or you will be forced into a fight. In the next path don't forget to
collect the POISON RING and the MP TURBO MATERIA.

Now equip the FIRE RING and keep the the materia you had earlier in your
armor that protects against FIRE and have your most heavy magic user with a
RIBBON to protect you from Silence. When you reach the next area you will
encounter Sephiroth but you won't get the chance to fight him instead he has
left a dirty surprise for you.
BOSS: Jenova Death HP: 25,000 Item: Reflect Ring
Basically this enemy is pretty easy and using your CHOCO/MOG SUMMON MATERIA
should paralyze it. You can use SLOW but its not necessary, REGEN is an
excellent way to start off again so you won't have to restore some HP during
battle until REGEN wears off. When Jenova Death uses silence on the team have
your RIBBON equipped party member use ESUNA or have your effected party
members use an ECHO SCREEN or a REMEDY.

Afterwards give the BLACK MATERIA to either party member in your present
group. Now continue on but if your HP is low keep your party healed. You'll
flash through a series of past images you saw earlier that you saw in Kalm.
When you approach the green barriers these barriers will not dicipate
themselves so you need to dodge the green waves and lightning bolts. Continue
on until you have reached the crater core.

Cloud will begin to see images of Zack and he laughs at them, but why is Tifa
so sad? Shinra will now come into the picture and whoever is carrying the
BLACK MATERIA will get a visit from Tifa and asks you to go to the center of
the crater. It was not Tifa but Sephiroth all along. Now the character
holding the BLACK MATERIA gives the BLACK MATERIA to Cloud and in turn gives
the BLACK MATERIA to Sephiroth. Now the defenders of the Earth are awakened
which are more obviously called WEAPONs. There are four WEAPONs and Sephiroth
has control of all four. These are very powerful creatures but you only have
to destroy one of them. The team escapes in the airship but to no avail.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 30
Party: Tifa, Barret

A week later Tifa is locked up in a cell with Barret as they are about to be
publically executed on national television. The crater is now in a protective
magic barrier, the WEAPONs are running amock, and METEOR the spell the team
was suppose to stop has been summoned. All hope of ever stopping Sephiroth
has been killed. After you've seen a few scenes a guard comes in and escort
you to your deaths. Barret is furious that Tifa is the first to die, but that
doesn't matter. She is now strapped to the sides of the gas chamber chair but
apparently the guard has dropped the key and does not even know it. Before
the switch to the gas chamber is released Shinra soldiers begin to fire on
the EMERALD WEAPON and during the distraction Cait Sith reveals himself and
frees Barret. The two try to open the gas chamber door but it won't open. Now
talk to Cait Sith and look for the control room to shut off the gas chamber.
Now Scarlet locks the room and Cait Sith tells Barret to go to the airport.
Now the scene switches back to Tifa's scenario and she has the chance to free
herself. First have Tifa use her legs(X button) twice to reach for the keys.
Now have have her sit up by hitting the "triangle" button. Now hit the
"triangle" and "X" button simultaneously together to put the key in her
mouth. Hit the "O" and "triangle" button simultaneously together to unlock
her arms. Now hit the switch to the left of the chair to shut off the gas
chamber. She can't open the door now so you switch to the next scenario.

The Shinra soldiers try effortlessly to stop the EMERALD WEAPON but to no
avail. The Weapon fires a giant beam into the gas chamber blowing a hole in
the wall. Junon responds by unleashing their super cannon which sends off a
huge blast that sends the EMERALD WEAPON back into the water. Now climb out
of the gas chamber down the long side of the building and down the super
cannon and you will meet Scarlet. She'll slap you first but you will have the
chance to slap her back so hit that "O" button to slap back. It doesn't
matter if you win or lose, its just the fun part of the game. (^_^)

If you want to win just hit the "O" button right before Scarlet gets a chance
to slap back. Afterwards Tifa runs down the super cannon and into the new
airship, the Highwind. Well I guess Cait Sith number two has better fortune
telling skills than the first one. Now you must find Cloud. Talk to everyone
on board and head out, but you can stop in the operations room to REST, SAVE,
and to use the PHS. Now go back to Icicle INN and talk to everybody for some
information about Cloud's dissapperance. They mention about a doctor to the
south. Head for Mideel an Island south of the Chocobo Ranch.

Items: Elixir
Materia: Contain Materia
Party's level: 32
Party: Whomever

When you reach the town pet the small puppy and Tifa will over hear the two
guys talking about a spikey haired guy washing up on shore. It's obviously
Cloud and now Tifa decides to stay with Cloud. Apparently Cloud has been
flooded with Mako poisoning. Cait Sith talks about how Nibelheim was already
raided and Shinra's next stop is North Corel. But who's the new leader? Well
they picked Cid in the middle of his nap! Now head out and go back to North

Items: None
Materia: Huge Materia
Party's level: 32
Party: Cid and whomever

When you reach North Corel, nothing has changed not even the enemies. When
the team reaches the center they can't do a thing but watch the Shinra train
leave, now Cid has to steal one of the trains. Once Cid catches up with the
train they must fight an enemy on each car, but the fights are easy.

When you encounter the Wolfmeister hit it with everything you've got because
it has 10,000 HP and you have no time to lose since you must stop the train
in ten minutes. The Wolfmeister gives away 10,000 expierience points though!
When you reach the front of the train you must fight two Attack Squads which
is a pretty easy battle. Now with the guards gone you must stop the train
before it colides with North Corel. Just hit the control pad up and down
continously and the "Triangle" and "X" button continously to stop the train.
If you don't manage to stop the train you not only lose the HUGE MATERIA but
you have to pay 50,000 Gil if you want the ULTIMA MATERIA! Don't worry you
won't have to start over. If you do save the town you get the HUGE MATERIA
nad the ULTIMA MATERIA for free. Now go outside and save. Now head for Fort
Condor just south of the Mithril Mines from way back in the game.

Items: None
Materia: Pheonix, Huge Materia
Party's level: 33
Party: Cid and whomever

When you reach here talk to the guy at the top and he'll ask you to pay for
some troops to defend against Shinra. You really don't need to purchase any
soldiers. When your in the strategy game just let the soldiers come to you
and you'll be forced to fight the Enemy Commander.
Hit this boss with everything you've got, he isn't even that hard anyways.
Use Neo Bahamut and Comet...he won't survive many hits from
comet...especially Comet2. Have Yuffie or Cait Sith be the healers and have
Cid and Barret attack as normal.

After the battle the Condor is killed but the Baby PHEONIX lives in an egg.
Go outside and check the egg to recive the PHEONIX SUMMON MATERIA. Now go
downstairs and talk to the guy who has his head on the table. He will give
you the second HUGE MATERIA. Now head back to Mideel.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 35
Party: Cid and whomever

Now when you return to Mideel make sure to save it outside. When you enter
the town ULTIMATE WEAPON arrives after you have talked to Tifa. Cid trash
talks the heck out of Ulimate Weapon, that's not a good idea. >_<
Basically just keep hammering away at this guy. But first keep an MBARRIER up
to cut down the damage of ULTIMATE WEAPON's attacks. If you don't you'll be
eating 1500 HP of damage to every character and don't forget to cast REGEN.
Having Regen on in this battle will definitely help since it makes it almost
impossible for this guy to kill you. Magic spells like Ultima or Comet2 will
definitely be a benefactor to the party in the battle. Attack and keep your
HP up!

Afterwards the tremors the ULTIMATE WEAPON caused forced the Lifestream to
burst through the town of Mideel. As Tifa tries to get Cloud out of Mideel
they are both caught in the middle of the Lifestream.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 36
Party: Tifa

Now Tifa has no idea where she is, she runs scared of the dark and sinks into
the darkness. Now Tifa enters Cloud's mind first talk to Cloud that's sitting
in front of Nibelheim which is the Cloud at the top. Here you'll get the full
scenario of what really happened at Nibelheim when Cloud first arrived. Now
talk to the Cloud on the left. Then on the right. Apparently Cloud wanted to
attract Tifa's attention and joining SOLDIER seemed like the answer. Later
when Sephiroth had gone mad and destroyed Nibelheim Cloud apparently was in a
Shinra uniform. Afterwards Tifa heads to Mt. Nibel to avenge the death of her
parents but fails and Zack comes in(the guy from Gongaga and the guy in the
picture) and Sephiroth defeats him.

Now Cloud comes in and takes Zack's sowrd and slays Sephiroth apparently, but
didn't Cloud get stabbed? We all saw it with our own eyes right? So how did
Cloud survive? Also Tifa was with some boys the other day when she was very
young and she went to Mt.Nibel and one by one the three boys chickened off
but Cloud was still trailing behind her, later the bridge colapsed and Tifa
was left in a coma for days and Cloud was balme for hurting Tifa, being at
the wrong place at the wrong time. With the hidden truth uncovered Cloud has
rejoined the team and now must go to Junon. Before you go anywhere buy some
Mimett Greens from Chocobo Bill and feed it to the White Chocobo in the
destroyed Mideel up in the left part of town and tickle it behind its ear to
recive the CONTAIN MATERIA, which is basically an very strong elemental
materia with certain effects.

Items: Leviathan Scales, Scimitar, Battle Trumphet
Materia: Huge Materia
Party's level: 36
Party: Cloud and whomever

Remember where you had that big parade while disguised as a Shinra troop for
the celebration of the new president? Well now there is no need for a
disguise and you can go through the previous unaccesible elevator for the
very cheap price of ten gil. When you reach the top of Junon Cloud will
mention that something is missing. Well what is it? It's the Junon Cannon!
That's not important right now, for now just head straight down the streets
and keep going until you see a long hallway that goes up and down, but this
time go down instead of going foward. Now when you enter the elevator two
Subamrine Crew will attack to get a date with the elevator operator, defeat
them an continue on. When the elevator stops to the left of Cloud you will
see a dog, you can not access this area or should you need to just keep going
down the hallways until you see a save point. Here is a good time to save
your game.

When your done head towards the Underwater Reactor, when you enter the long
underwater tunnel, you'll occasionally encounter a Ghost Ship, you can morph
it for a GUIDE BOOK if you choose to decide to fight the EMERALD WEAPON, for
more details go to the Side Area section. When you enter the reactor you'll
encounter alot of Shinra Submarine Crews but they are not are to beat
anyways. After you have defeated all the troops take the underwater elevator
down. When you reach the reactor it is basically all linear when you
encounter Reno of the Turks he will leave a new invention behind to stall
some time.
BOSS: Carry Armor HP: 38,000 Item: God's Hand
This boss is very difficult so don't cry when you when lose. Lightning spells
surprisingly has a normal effect on this creature. It's arm has 10,000 HP
each and the body is 18,000 incase your wondering. First set up a BARRIER and
MBARRIER or just cast WALL once on the entire party. REGEN works really nice
as well. HASTE is optional but watch for the Lapis Laser attack causing about
1600 HP of damage to every party member but having your MBARRIER on will cut
the damage taken in half. Also when the Carry Armor picks up one of your
party members quickly destroy the arm with everything you've got or if it
kills the party member bring him/her back to life. If he happens to capture
two of your party members and the third party member dies, you all die so
becareful. Basically hit it with everything you've got and no status effect
like SLOW or MUTE will work on the Carry Armor because it is a machine.

After the hard fight the submarine escapes off with the HUGE MATERIA. But
luckily there is another submarine that is just about to leave, follow the
sub but collect the treasure chests on the way because they contain some very
valuable items. There is also a treasure chest that is behind the stairway
leading to the submarine and the item contained in there is the LEVIATHAN
SCALES I suggest you take them because this is absolutely the only time you
can take them, If forgot to take them once and I even tried digging for it in
Bone Village but no dice there so just take it although it is completely
optional. You should use the LEVIATHAN SCALES to put out the fire at the side
of DA-CHAO in Wutai.

NOTE: If you do not pick up the scales now, YOU CAN NEVER pick them up again.

When you reach the submarine you will be forced to fight serveral battles
with some Submarine Crews defeat them and continue on until you reach the
cockpit. Now your friends from the parade are here but you do not have to
fight them, but if you do you will get the chance to steal a SHINRA ALPHA
which is a fairly pretty decent piece of armor, just make sure you steal it
from the commander. I chose to fight them though, ha! You should see the
reaction you get when you fight them during battle. If you do choose to fight
them, just use one COMET2 spell and they should be gone. If you don't want to
fight them they'll be held prisoners everytime you use the submarine.

Afterwards you will enter a mini game in a submarine battle. Follow the red
submarine and do not lose track of it because you have to destroy the
submarine in under ten minutes. You can fire up to four torpedos at a time
and always hit the R1 button incase you lose track of the red submarine.
After you have sunked the enemy submarine you can use the submarine as a
vehicle for the rest of the game but the only place you can land it on is the
port near Junon. Shinra does not know it, but they accidently release
information about the other HUGE MATERIA leaving. When the team surfaces the
plane leaves off with the HUGE MATERIA but they know where the HUGE MATERIA
is headed, Rocket Town.

Items: None
Materia: Huge Materia
Party's level: 38
PArty: Cloud and whomever

When you first arrive hear just go to the rocket and make your way to the
control room. Cid will be forced into your party on the way and make sure to
equip him well. When you get past the Attack Squads you will encounter Rude
of the Turks and two Attack Squads.
BOSS: Rude HP: 10,000
There is basically no trouble coming from this boss. Hit it with everything
you've got like NEO BAHAMUT or COMET2. First take out the two Attack Squads
that will try to put you to sleep. When Rude's HP drops below 1500 he will
start to use CURE2, so make sure you save your strong summons for the end of
battle. If you have a STEAL MATERIA you can steal a ZIEDRICH from Rude which
can make the most strongest elemental spells seem like the most weakest
elemental spells. If you do not manage to steal the item fear not, you will
be given one more chance near the end of the game.

When you reach the control room the rocket is about ready to launch. But
Cid's dreams haven't passed yet. Cid decides to stear the rocket into outer
space. The rocket launches and is in a collision course with METEOR. At this
point Cid tells you about the HUGE MATERIA, wait a minute how did Cid know
where the HUGE MATERIA was? The HUGE MATERIA is locked in the Rocket's core
and Cid's clues will tell you how to unlock the combination. But forget that,
take out a sheet of paper and write this down:

"Cirle", "Square", "X", "X"

That's the combination for the lock. Regardless if you have gotten the HUGE
MATERIA or not its time to leave and there just so happens to be an escape
pod down through the engine room. Here a chunk of metal falls on Cid and the
team is unable to get Cid free and it really was a faulty oxygen tank after
all and Cid relizes what a mistake he made. But coincidentally Shera is
aboard the rocket and helps the team free Cid. As the escape pod launches
itself from the rocket the team witnesses the explosion of the rocket against
METEOR. At first the rocket might have a chance to destroy METEOR but METEOR
regroups and is on a collision course to Earth with only days to spare. After
the scenario take your submarine and head for the underwaters and take your
Submarine. Before you go down just save your game and I mean it! When you go
down here look for the red submarine you sank earlier and search it for the
last red HUGE MATERIA.

If you see a floating emerald colored piece of junk lying around in the
ocean, whatever you do IGNORE IT! If its in the way of something your trying
to get surface and then resurface so that the WEAPON has relocated itself.
Check my Side area section for more details. Now take all four HUGE MATERIA
to Cosmo Canyon and show them to Bugenhagen and he'll store the HUGE MATERIA
in his planetarium but not before you talk about how to get rid of METEOR.
Afterwards inspect the BLUE HUGE MATERIA to get the BAHAMUT ZERO SUMMON
MATERIA. Now you must head to the City of Ancients but first you will need
the key. Now go back to your submarine but save before you go and head along
the west wall and keep going until you see a small cut between the rocks and
enter it and through a tunnel and at the end you should see the Key to the
Ancients, inspect it and take it and head for the City of Ancients.

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 38
Party: Cloud and whomever

Take you airship and head over north of Bone Village and into the City of
Ancients. When you reach the city go to the center of the city, no not the
place where Aeris got killed but to the place I mentioned earlier that you
needed to go for later on. When you reach here go to where Bugenhagen is
standing and he will start to talk about how Sephiroth's evil presence keeps
HOLY from reacting. You must kill Sephiroth to save the world and that should
be sweet! He has taken your family, home, and even Aeris away from you, now
you can finally settle the score. As you leave the City of Ancients Cait Sith
reports about about the Junon Cannon. Now head for Midgar!

Items: None
Materia: None
Party's level: 38
Party: Cloud and whomever

When the Highwind reaches here the groud releases huge tremmers as the
DIAMOND WEAPON is fast approaching. Land on the coast of Midgar and wait a
long while before it finally arrives. Right before the DIAMOND WEAPON
approaches the shores save your game. And make sure to put all party members
in the back row.
Ouch! You finally get to fight one of the weapons and I hope your levels and
materias are high enough. First off the basics, cast REGEN and WALL on the
entire party. Then cast HASTE but make sure you either have a RIBBON equipped
or if you have about ten ECHO SCREENs. Hit this guy with everything you've
got and it will still be standing. Your physical attacks will do nothing
against him so its a good idea to have a weapon equipped with alot of materia
slots, about 6-8 slots should do. Use ULITMA, BAHAMUT ZERO, COMET2 just any
of your strong spells and that includes FIRE3 or ICE3 or LIGHTNING3. I'm not
sure if DEMI works but its worth a shot. You can also steal the RISING SUN
from him which has a quadruple Materia growth in the Japan version but a
double Materia growth in the U.S. version. When the DIAMOND WEAPON counts
down to one it will do the DIAMOND FLASH attack which will do 2500-3200 HP of
damage to every character so watch out and keep plenty of PHEONIX downs or
have a PHEONIX SUMMON or a LIFE or LIFE2 spell. DIAMOND WEAPON's basic attack
can cause about 500-1000 HP of damage but REGEN should easily counter that.

Afterwards, the DIAMOND WEAPON is stunned, but is still headed towards
Midgar. Just sit back and relax and watch the cool graphics. The party,
apparently has given enough time for the Sister Ray to build up energy from
the seven Mako Reactors except for the one you destroyed earlier of course.
The Cannon's destructive power is huge isn't it? As the Cannon builds up it
quiets down and releases a giant cataclysmic blast that blasts right through
the DIAMOND WEAPON and blasts through the barrier Sephiroth had up earlier.

But the DIAMOND WEAPON had already fired the blast towards Midgar and what do
you know, he aimed for President Rufus. The president is now dead but the
team has more important issues at hand. Now use your TENT and save your game
and take the HIGHWIND to the Crater. Before the team lands in the Crater Cait
Sith or Reeve alerts the team about Hojo firing another blast to the Crater
which will put the entire city of Midgar in danger and unless the team stops
the cannon the city of Midgar could explode!

Items: Aegis Armlet, Megalixir, Magic Source, Mind Source, Missing Score,
Mystile, HP Shout, Elixir(2), Guard Source, Pile Banger, Master Fist,
Starlight Phone, Power Source, Glow Lance, Ragnarok
Materia: W-Item Materia
Party's level: 38
Party: Cloud and whomever

You'll enter Midgar in parachutes and the view is quite breath taking isn't
it? Now follow Cait Sith to the underground sewers and save it if you like.
When you first arrive take the stairs down and continue down until you see
another ladder to the right of Cloud, climb the ladder to get the AEGIS
ARMLET. Now go down and go into the doorway that is in front of a tunnel.
Afterwards keep going until you see a treasure chest that contains a
STARLIGHT MICROPHONE. The floor will drop but take the ladder on the dirty
pipe and take the tunnel downwards.

Now follow up to the next area on the stairs and you should arrive at the
save point. Save your game and if you want to go back for the rest of the
items you can. Now when you enter the train tunnels the Turks will appear but
it is your choice if you want to fight them. If you do fight them, you will
get a good amount of expierience points but not only that each one of the
Turks are carrying a special piece of armor which you must steal from them in
order to get. If you stole from Rude earlier he won't have the Ziedrich.
BOSS: ELENA, RENO, and RUDE of the Turks HP: 83,000(total)
This is not an easy fight and is probably just as hard, if not harder than
the fight with the DIAMOND WEAPON. You must fight all three of them at the
same time. Elena has 30,000 Rude has 28,000 and Reno has 25,000 HP. Try to
use SUMMONS and Spells that will hit all of the turks at the same time. Start
the battle off by casting REGEN and WALL and HASTE. Try to avoid using
elemental spells that hits all party members because each one of the Turks
absorbs a certain type of elemental magic. Elena absorbs ICE, Rude absorbs
FIRE, and Reno absorbs LIGHTNING. They all have no weaknesses and GRAVITY
spells does not work. SUMMON MONSTERs are a great way to hit all members as
is ULTIMA or COMET2. I think basically all you have to do is concentrate on
one of the Turks and when one of the Turks has taken enough damage they all
go away.

Afterwards go back to the save point and use a TENT and save cause you will
need it. Now continue on and if you wish take a left and then take a right to
collect some really valuable items like Cait Sith's ultimate weapon, or an
extremely powerful GLOW LANCE for Cid. Also a really powerful MASTER FIST for
Tifa. After you have retrieved all the weapons make sure to take a look at
the banner that's all the the way in the back wall of the lobby and go back
to the train tunnels and continue forth towards the Sister Ray. Now the team
encounters the new weapon built by Scarlet and Heidegger.
BOSS: Proud Clod HP: 100,000 Item: Ragnarok
This boss has alot of HP and is very powerful so make sure you save before
fighting this guy. First off cast REGEN on the team and the cast WALL. Use
your strongest spells and summons against it. Its basic attack can cause up
to 1000 HP of damage which is the side guns and the Knee Fire and he can do
two in a row at any given time. Having REGEN should counter that, but it is
also a good idea incase your HP runs really low and you don't want to wait
for the REGEN. Also watch out for his MATERIA JAMMER which will prevent a
party member from using any magic, so keep some ECHO SCREENs, REMEDIES,
ESUNA, or have a RIBBON equipped. The Rainbow Ray will cast Reflect on a
party member and since Proud Clod doesn't have any magic attacks it will
prevent the party member from being healed so use DEBARRIER on that effected
party member. Watch out for his Beam Cannon, he will prepare for this attack
when he gets on his knees, this gives the party two rounds to attack unless
you have HASTE casted on your party which gives you three rounds to attack.
Watch out and be ready to heal after he does this attack because it will
cause 1500 to 2000 HP of damage to all party members so have a CURE3 ready.
LIGHTNING will not work well against this guy because he has no weaknesses so
any negative status effect will not work either. There are two parts to this
guy, Armor and Body, it really does not matter if you take out the armor or
body first because you will cause the same amount of damage. The Armor has
40,000 HP and the body has 60,000.

Now equip Cloud's second strongest sowrd in the game which is the Ragnarok
after you have defeated Proud Clod. Now save and continue onward. Watch out
for the Grosspanzer, it is a random battle occurance. This guy is like a mini
boss, he looks like a tank with spikes on its wheels. He has five parts to
attack, beware though it might look like a common enemy and has the HP for a
boss, about 25,000 total. Its Ram attack hits all party members that causes
up to 1000 Hp of damage. Its regular guns causes a 1000 HP of damage to a
single character. First destroy the cannon and all you have to worry about is
the Ram attack. Try running if you can because this guy gave me some trouble.

Now continue going on and if Barret is not in your party you will not find
the MISSING SCORE if Barret is not in your party, which is his ultimate
weapon. Along the stairway you will have serveral talks with all your other
party. If you want you can equip it but Materia will not grow while in the
weapon. Before you go any further equip someone with the COUNTER ATTACK
MATERIA and a RIBBON before moving on. At the top you will encounter Hojo,
here you will learn that Sephiroth is Hojo's son. And he needs to send
another blast of Mako energy to feed power for Sephiroth, although Sephiroth
does not know it Hojo is not about to let you interfere. Hojo has injected
himself with Jenova Cells which has given him mutagenic powers sorta like the
G-Virus in Resident Evil 2. (^_^)
BOSS: Hojo HP: 11,000
All you have to do is concentrate on Hojo and only Hojo. Its Capsule attack
does not do any damage but will call upon the Poodler Sample(HP: 10,000) and
the Bad Rap Sample(Hp: 13,000). They will always come back to life if you
keep killing them. Now prepare for the next battle.

BOSS: Heletic Hojo HP: 64,000(total)
This boss is a little tough but you do not have to worry so much. The Right
Arm is taken out easily because it has 8,000 HP and that is the first thing
you should do. The body has 26,000 HP is should be taken out next. The left
arm has 30,000 HP and should be ignored. REGEN helps out a lot in this battle
but it is not needed.

BOSS: Lifeform Hojo HP: 30,000 Item: Power Source
This form is the toughest of all three because its Combo attack hits the
party four times each hit causing about 250-500 HP of damage and a different
negative status effect. So a poorly equipped party member can have POISON,
MUTE, SLEEP, and SLOW effected on them all at the same time after one Combo
attack. Having the COUNTER ATTACK MATERIA mastered means countering all four
of Hojo's Combo attack without wasting a turn. Having the RIBBON means that
the party member that has the RIBBON on will not be effected by anything Hojo
throws at him. I once came poorly equipped and lost because his Combo attack
put all three of my party members to sleep and he kept attacking until I was
dead. So having the spell ESUNA ready on a person equipped with a RIBBON is a
good way to start out as keeping a coulpe of ECHO SCREENS is not a bad idea.
REGEN will keep some effected party members alive for a bit while longer but
if your asleep your just delaying your "game over."

After a strenous battle and getting nothing but a cheap POWER SOURCE you hop
on the highwind and approach the crater. Make sure you make a save point just
outside of the crater so you can do other things you have missed earlier in
the game.

---------------------------------[ DISC3 ]-----------------------------------

Items: Save Crystal, Elixir, Power Source(2), Hero Drink, Mind Source, Magic
Source, Guard Source Megalixir
Materia: HP Abosrob Materia
Party's level: 44
Party: Cloud and whomever

Before you go down I suggest you learn BIG GUARD from the Beachplugs in the
beach area outside of Costa Del Sol before entering, just manipulate the
Beachplugs and have them use the BIG GUARD on your party members. From here
you will need to pack alot of FENIX DOWNs(99 tops) unless you have the LIFE
and LIFE2 spells because these enemies have instant death attacks. Try to buy
as much TENTs as you can as well. Do not worry, I will try to guide you
through on some of these enemies. When you first enter here, it is very
different from your last encounter in the crater. At first you will see a
treasure chest, pick it up to recieve the SAVE CRYSTAL which is a very
important item and key for your survival. Do not use the crystal yet because
with this item you can create a save point anywhere in the crater as you
wish, but you can only use this once and it can only be used in the crater
and no where else.

Next to the treasure chest is a door or a cave leading back to the Highwind
incase you need anything or just running low on supplies. Some enemies here
are the Parasite which can cast L5 Death so levels that are divisible by 5
that means your party member with a level of 50 will die, do not worry
though, it almost never casts it though. You can also Manipulate these guys
and have them use the MAGIC BREATH on you if you have not learned it yet,
otherwise just keep attacking because all they do is the head attack.

When you see a Gargoyle I suggest you run unless you have levels that are not
divisible by 4, because the Gargoyles use this as their final attack 95% of
the time. The Dark Dragon is pretty easy but at the levels your at now, he
can cause quite a stir. You can Manipulate him and have him use the DRAGON
FORCE and the LASER on a party member that has the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA(in my
opinion one of the best MATERIA in the game) so he or she can learn the
attack. As you continue down the spiral walkway you will see a second
treasure chest, which contains a GUARD SOURCE. Use them on any party member
and continue on until you reach the next area. Here to the left of the screen
on anyone you like and continue on.

Make sure to explore all of this area if you want the items like a GUARD
SOURCE, MIND SOURCE, and an ELIXIR. This place is pretty small and you should
be through in no time. In the next area is a little complicated but not too
hard. First enter the door on Cloud's right which is the left side of the
screen. When you first enter here, ignore the treasure chest that is on a
small cliff on the left side of the screen. Here you will notice a small hole
on the top right of the screen on the rocks, go inside that hole to reach the
treasure chest on the top right cliff and collect and use the POWER SOURCE
and continue downward and collect the last GUARD SOURCE in the crater and use
it on any party member you like.

Now go back to where you came in and go out the door. Do not go back up but
instead keep going to the right until Cloud falls through and on the cliff he
falls on has a treasure chest which contains a MIND SOURCE now use it and
continue on and keep going left until you reach the door and enter it to pick
up the MEGAELIXIR and go back out and enter the cave on the right and
continue through until you are outside and drop down and continue to drop
down on the right side until you see a treasure chest pick up the item inside
and continue downward.

In the next area you will meet up with the rest of the group. Here you will
have to form groups that splits into two. Have two members in your party go
the right and have the other four members go to the left. But if you choose
to go to the right yourself just have three members in your group and send
the other three to the left path. After that you cannot have the other party
member join you if you had him or her sent down the opposite path. If you
take the left path read below:

Items: Turbo Ether, Vaccine, X-Potion(2), Speed Source
Materia: Mega-All Materia
Party's level: 46
Party: Cloud and whomever

Hopefully you have at least four people going down this path which is
comprised of two paths. Select two party members to go down the the other two
to go up. If Cloud chose to go up then continue on and you will see some
bright green terrain with a series of almost gold colored boulders all
surrounding a small pond. In this area you will encounter plenty of Magic
Pots and if you give them an ELIXIR and only the ELIXIR defeat them
afterwards to recieve 8000 Expierience Points and 1000 Ability Points. I
would not suggest giving up the ELIXIR because it can help you in the fight
against Sephiroth. Do not give these guys a MEGAELIXIR though because it just
will not work for some reason. Watch out for the Master Tonberry which looks
like a Mole holding a lit lantern with a star above their heads. Here are the
Master Tonberry's stats:

HP: 45,000
MP: 0
Morph: Ribbon

At first he may seem harmless but attack him three times and he will use the
Everyone's Grudge attack on one party member, if your stats are high it will
do alot of damage. If your stats are low do not worry because it should not
do more than 500 HP of damage. At this point in the game when Cloud gets hit
by this attack he will most likely fall and you will need to bring him back
to life. After you have attacked him three times it takes two hits for the
Master Tonberry to counter attack depending on who hit him last. Watch out
when he gets to close because he can use his Knife Attack which will
instantly kill any party member.

The only items in here are the REMEDY and the MAGIC SOURCE. Now keep going
and you will enter another area similar to the previous area. On the right is
the IMPERIAL GUARD, VACCINE and the SHIELD MATERIA which is the shining green
piece of Materia. On the right is the HERO DRINK. In the next area you will
find a bright shining pool of some sort in the very center, inspect it to get
the COUNTER MATERIA and just above it is the W-MAGIC MATERIA. And enter the
next area and you will be in the crater core with the rest of your party. Now
is probably the most perfect spot to use the SAVE CRYSTAL. Save your game and
use a tent.

If you took the Down path in the left path just follow through the linear
SOURCE, and the MEGA ALL MATERIA. To get the MEGA ALL MATERIA which is the
shining purple materia keep hitting the "O" button as he jumps on the
platform, if you do not he will jump right over it. When you reach the next
area you will meet up with the rest of the party. Whether you chose the Down
or Up path you will always meet up at the same area.

Items: Luck Source, Tetra Elemental, Mystile, Elixir, Speed Source,
Materia: None
Party's level: 46
Party: whomever

This place is extremely linear, the items worth getting are MEGAELIXIR,
Dragon Zombie you can learn SHADOW FLARE from it, but hopefully it will hit
the party member equipped wih the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA and also PANDORA's BOX.
Afterwards you will meet up with the rest of your party members. NOTE: It
does not matter which path you take UP, DOWN, or Right you will always meet
up at the same point. When you reach the meeting point talk to everybody in
your group and see what item they have collected along the way.

REMEMBER: Each party member will give you an item they have collected on the
way, but remember your party members did not collect everything. When you
have used a TENT and saved go down when ready. When you enter the crater's
core sometimes you engage in a random battle you must win, especially against
the Ironman. I have composed a guide to beating him, because chances are your
levels are not high enough.
Random Encounter: Ironman HP: 20,000
A very tough mini-boss and you probably have to fight serveral of these
before you reach the crater's core. Try to avoid Physical attacks because
this will have the Ironman use his Adrenaline skill which is a barrier that
will cut down all physical attacks down to half. Hit it with BAHAMUT ZERO,
ULITMA, or COMTET2 to deal some serious damage. Its basic attack hits all
party members dealing 800 HP of damage to each party member and he can use
this attack up to two times in a row. Watch out for the Grand Sword attack
which can cause up 1400 HP of damage to a single character so be careful. Its
a good way to start off the battle with BIG GUARD to cut down the attacks.
Move very quickly because this guy moves fast.

As you continue to make your way down the core, in the middle Jenova-
Synthesis will approach you.
BOSS: Jenova-SYNTHESIS HP: 80,000
Jenova has three parts, two arms and body. The arms are composed of 10,000 HP
each while the body is 60,000. Try to take out the arms first so you will not
have to deal with Jenova's quick attacks. Start off by casting BIG GUARD or
WALL and HASTE(BIG GUARD is actually both WALL and HASTE and it only costs 56
MP and you can use it on all party members! You should only have to cast this
spell once, in my opinion I see no disadvantages to this) and it is also nice
to have Cloud with the SLASH-ALL MATERIA to hit all parts of the body at
once. COUNTER ATTACK MATERIA is a good way to hit back without wasting a
turn. Use all of your best magics and summons like BAHAMUT ZERO, NEO BAHAMUT,
COMET2, ULTIMA, anything that is strong and hits all parts of the body. Whne
Jenova's HP drops below 15,000 it will start a count-down of 5, when the
timer hits 0 she will cast ULTIMA which is more than likely to kill your
party members. Just pray that the WALL is there to absorb some of the damage.
Move quickly and attack hard and the fight should not be too tough.

After you have defeated Jenova for the last time, it is time to face of
against the Big Ogre himself, yes Sephiroth. Here Sephiroth's power stuns the
party at will, but while the party is near HOLY they are unaffected by
Sephiroth's mind power. Here you will form two or three groups, I suggest two
groups because you only have six people in your party. Have your strongest
group with Cloud and the other three in another group but have them well
equipped and have someone with the RIBBON on and also the MYSTILE. Having the
ESUNA spell ready is very important as well as having a RIBBON equipped, the
MYSTILE has a 60% magic evade rate, so 6 out of ten attacks whether physical
or maigcal you can evade. BIG GUARD is a must. Heal your party's HP and MP to
full and remember to equip your best weapons and armors. After you are
through it is time to settle the score.
BOSS: Bizzaro Sephiroth HP: 107,000
Well this form of Sephiroth is not too tough, the only problem is, is that
you have five parts to Bizzaro Sepiroth. The head has 9,000 HP, the Left
Magic has 9,000, and the Right Magic has 9,000 HP as well. All those three
should be taken out first. Next is the Torso which has 30,000, and then comes
the main target: the Core: 50,000. You should use magics that hits all parts
of Bizzaro Sepiroth. Use your strongest magics like BAHAMUT ZERO or ULTIMA,
COMET2 does not really add a punch because Sepiroth cuts the COMET2 damage
down to a half. The Core is invincible except when you destroy all the other
four parts to Bizarro Sephiroth. Bizarro Sephiroth is incredibly slow at
attacking so having HASTE on the group means a huge advantage. BIG GUARD and
REGEN is a must. When Bizzaro Sepiroth uses his Fallen Angel attack, it will
put all party members HP down to one, but if you have REGEN you will be just
fine if you have not used REGEN then use CURE3 if REGEN has lost its affect.
This guy can also hit the party members with serveral different negative
status effects like Frog, Poison, Mute, etc. Did I mention this guy has a
DEMI3 attack? So watch out for that attack, but on the good note it will
build your Limit Break guage very fast. Bizzaro Sephiroth also has a physical
attack that causes up to 3,000 HP of damage to a single character up front so
watch out, and keep all magic users in the back. Bizzaro Sephiroth also can
revive fallen parts when he does the Bizzaro Energy and in turn also heal the
Torso. This is one of the longest fights, and it took me a good twenty
minutes to beat this guy. Also when your Max Summons runs out just switch to
your other party when you have defeated one of the parts and then switch
back. Also have Cloud use his FINISHING TOUCH over the METEORAIN, that way
you can hit all four parts to Bizzaro Sephiroth without the risk of having
one of the METEORs hit the Core which will do no damage.

After this fight the party with Cloud in it will fight the last and final
battle. All positive and negative status will be carried onto the next fight
except you will still have your maximum amount of summons still intact.
BOSS: Safer-Sephiroth HP: 120,000
When your BIG GUARD wears down you should still be in HASTE for the remainder
of the battle. But when your barriers wear down immediately set them up again
and do not wait to cast BIG GUARD the next available party member should cast
WALL if your Materia is high enough. Wearing a RIBBON is very important in
this battle because his Pale Horse attack will hit you with every status
effect in the book. Unless you have a LIMIT BREAK ready Sephiroth will
immediately start the battle off by casting WALL, and it will last through
the battle unless you have DEBARRIER to remove it, and you must do so if you
want to stand any chance of winning. Watch out for the SHADOW FLARE attack,
which can cause up 7,000 HP of damage to one character, hopefully if you have
SHIELD it can easily nullify it, but if you have not been gaining Ability
Points for the Materia then hopefully your BIG GUARD can cut it down to about
5,000, which is probably still enough to kill you. Watch out for Safer-
Sephiroth's Summon, the SUPERNOVA. Sephiroth calculates all the math into
this whopping behemoth as he summons what the Japaneese think will destroy
the world. This is a really long summon and it looks awesome! First he
summons the SUPERNOVA from a distant galaxy thousands of light years away,
then it enters the Milky Way, then into our Solar System, now is where the
real fun begins. The SUPERNOVA then engulfs Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune,
then enters the sun which destroys Venus and Mercury and the flares of the
sun crash land on earth and directly on the party which will drop all the
party's HP down to serveral hundred and it does not matter how much HP you
have and also it will hit the party with all the negative statuses in the
book, but have a RIBBON prevents all of the negative statuses, make sure your
REGEN is still working and you will most likely have to use a CURE3 along
with the REGEN. Use everything you have against this guy as well as limit
breaks. This guy moves fast so it is a good idea to keep HASTE on the whole
battle and quickly remove any negative status effects, do this and you should
win the long and very tough battle.

After the battle, well this part is a real spoiler, so continue to read on if
you do not mind having the ending spoiled for you.

---------------------[ Ending (CAUTION: SPOILERS!) ]-------------------------

Here the party can only wait for what approaches next. As the party
leaves Cloud trails behind them, but Cloud is still feeling Sepiroth's
presence. Now as Cloud tries to break free of Sephiroth's hold he splits
apart from his body and goes off to finally settle the score. Here Cloud
travels through a portal that leads to Sephiroth. Here you will be forced
into the last battle against Sepiroth and it does not matter because you
are not suppose to lose, so show Sephiroth how strong you have becomed,
OMNISLASH style. Regardless if you have the OMNISLASH or not Cloud will
do it anyways and if you have not seen yet, here is your chance to sample
just how powerful it is, as Cloud goes berserk and does count' em twenty
slashes each causing at least 3,000 HP of damage to him. If you just wait
for Sephiroth to attack Cloud will just counter attack and you will see
no OMNISLASH. After the quick battle Sepiroth's body and mind rips apart
after his humiliating defeat and bursts into a stream of light. Cloud
sees Aeris' and reaches for her hand but when reality starts to break
loose it is really Tifa who is trying to pull him up and escape, but the
rocks around Tifa break off but Cloud's quick reflexes save her as they
jump onto the next platform. Tifa wonders if the other party members are
safe and they are and suddenly hit with a small earthquake as the
Highwind falls down below. The party hops on aboard but something's
wrong, they can not get free, but luckily Cid's excessive cursing and
emergency switch boosts the Highwind out of the collapsing crater. As the
party escapes they wonder if they had worked fast enough for the HOLY
MATERIA to work and METEOR is fast approaching as the scene switches to
Midgar as Marlene looks out the window and METEOR has already started to
destroy Midgar, but HOLY moves and slows down METEOR but HOLY is not
enough and hope looks bleak. Wait! What's that? The Lifestream? It is
countering METEOR along with HOLY as METEOR begins to break up.
Afterwards Aeris' face appears. The credits roll and at the end it is 500
hundred years into the future and Nanaki is the only one left alive from
the group as he sees Midgar bright as day and full of green plants and he
has never seen a more prettier site.


------------------------------[ SIDE AREAS ]---------------------------------

Well this is the side area section and they are not required to complete
to beat the game.




In the Basin near Junon after you have defeated Hojo you will find the
ULTIMATE WEAPON hovering over the basin. Use the Highwind and bump right into
the WEAPON to iniate the fight.
BOSS: ULTIMATE WEAPON HP: 40,000 Item: Ultima Weapon
Here just start the battle off by using BAHAMUT ZERO and he should fly off.
You only have to lose him 8,000 HP anyways. But probably not before the
ULIMATE WEAPON has used the SHADOW FLARE on one of your party members which
causes up to 9,000 HP of damage.

When he flies off revive the party member to full if he or she is wounded.
Now go search either Nibelheim, Midgar, Mideel, or Cosmo Canyon. After you
have repeated the same steps just keep doing this until he stops at Cosmo
Canyon, right in front of the Ancient Forest. Afterwards Cloud will get the
ULTIMA WEAPON which is the strongest weapon in the game and can easily deal
9,999 HP of damage with each hit.


When you get the KEY TO SECTOR 5 in Bone Village in the area or around the
area where you found the Lunar Harp. Go to Midgar and back to the Wall Market
and to the broken vending machine that kept shooting at you everytime you
went near it, now use the key and recieve the PREMIUM HEART.


Go to speed arena and score 4,000 Points or better to recieve the PARASOL.


After the event in the Ancient City on the second disc go back to Cosmos
Canyon and enter the telescope tower and Nanaki(Red XIII) will find
Bugenhagen wounded and he is about to past away, after his death Red XIII
will decided to follow up on Bugenhagen's words to join the team and he
recieves the LIMITED MOON.


During your second trip to the Shin-Ra tower go to the 64th floor by the way
off the train tunnels and on the top part of the floor check the top row of
lockers and recieve the HP SHOUT. NOTE: You only have one chance to do this,
if you fail to get the HP SHOUT during your revisit trip to Shin-Ra tower you
can never get the HP SHOUT again, unless you decide to play the game again.


When you aquire a submarine or Black Chocobo go to the waterfall southeast of
Nibelheim and if you used a submarine place it around the the rock area and
have Vincent in your party and enter behind the waterfall. After Vincent has
visited the cave leave and come back a few minutes later and check the light
Lucrecia was standing on to pick up the DEATH PENALTY on Disc 3.


You must have Barret in your party to get the MISSING SCORE when you are on
the stairway that leads to HOJO on your return trip to the Shin-Ra tower. You
only get one chance though, and if Barret is not in your party, the treasure
chest will not be there.


Go to rocket town after the rocket has collided with METEOR and talk to the
guy repeatedly outside the Item Shop to recieve the VENUS GOSPEL which is
probably the second strongest weapon in the game.

-------------------------- [ LEVEL 4 LIMIT BREAKS ] -------------------------


In the battle arena in gold saucer fight in the battle arena and gain 32,000
Battle Points and check the machines near the entrance of the arena to pick
up the OMNISLASH and do not leave the Battle Arena or else your Battle Points
will reset back to zero.


Go back to Tifa's house and play her piano and play the following:


After she see's the music sheet and she will recieve the FINAL HEAVEN. Take
as much time as you want. NOTE: You must have Tifa in your group.


Go to the cave near Junon that is only accesible by the highwind or a blue
chocobo. Talk to the sleeping man and if the number of battles you fought
where the last two digits are equal you will recieve the Mythril most likely.
Now go to the Weapon Seller east of Gongaga and talk to the Weapon Seller and
take the small box on the top.


After she has defeated all five of the Mighty Gods in the Pagoda in Wutai.


In the crashed Gelnika, go to the cargo bay and inspect the crashed
helicopter to recieve the HIGHWIND.


Defeat the Loss Number in the safe in the Shin-Ra mansion in Nibelheim.


When you aquire a submarine or Black Chocobo go to the waterfall southeast of
Nibelheim and if you used a submarine place it around the the rock area and
have Vincent in your party and enter behind the waterfall. After Vincent has
visited the cave leave and come back a few minutes later and check the light
Lucrecia was standing on to pick up the CHAOS LIMIT BREAK on Disc 3.


Revisit North Corel after the Execution and talk with the lady in the tent
near the entrance to recieve the CATASTROPHE.


Fight enough battles using the DICE and recieve the SLOTS during the level
gain screen.

------------------------- [ Miscellaneous Events ] --------------------------

Items: Heaven's Cloud, Outsider, Highwind, Spirit Lance, Megalixir(2),
Conformer, Escort Guard
Materia: Double Cut Materia, Hades
Recommended level: 58

West of the Underwater Reactor you will find the sunken ship in a passage
between some rocks. This area is not big and is very linear. When you enter
here use the save spot because these monsters are tough if your levels are
low, otherwise they are just pushovers. In the room to the right of the save
TO the left of the save point is Reno and Rude of the turks, unless you have
encountered them in the second trip to the Shin-Ra tower in the train tunnels
a fight will start.

BOSS: Rude and Reno of the Turks HP: 24,000
Not very tough each of them carries 12,000 HP and you can paralyze them with
the CHOCO/MOG SUMMON MATERIA then attack all out. Use Comet2, Bahamut Zero,
Hades, whatever.

Afterwards go through the door to pick up the HIGHWIND LEVEL 4 LIMIT BREAK,

Watch out when you leave the ship because sometimes the EMERALD WEAPON is
right in front of the crashed Gelnika so save before leaving.

Location: Sunken Gelnika

Well have you ever wondered is it possible to raise your stats after your at
level 99? Well me niether, but you can get unlimited sources by morphing each
creature into an item. There are six different creatures aboard the Gelnika
each of them morphs into a different source:



When your HP is over 7,777 and an opponent or ally hits you and your HP falls
exactly on 7,777, the characters name will emit a Rainbow Glow and goes
berserk landing hits non-stop doing 7,777 damage each time until all enemies
are gone. After battle the party member who was effected by the Lucky 7
Effect his or her HP will drop to 1.

Location: Nibelheim

In the safe in the Shin-Ra mansion(in the back part of Nibelheim)unlock the
safe using this combination:

Right-36, Left-10, Right-59, Right-97

Afterwards a boss fight will initiate.
This boss is pretty easy if you came here either on the second DISC or the
third DISC. Just use CHOCO/MOG to paralyze it and pummel it or use ULTIMA,
COMET2, BAHAMUT ZERO, TYPOON, or FLARE once. One of these spells should
finish it off if your magic is high.

Now go to the basement using the spiral staircase and go to the locked door
just before the library and enter it and you will encounter a man in a coffin
named Vincent. Tell him about Sephiroth and talk to him again and he will
just close his coffin. Enter the library and now leave and before you hit the
spiral staircase Vincent will approach you and join your party.

Location: Forest just outside near Junon Harbor

Before your first trip to Junon you should find a nearby forest and you will
fight Yuffie.

NOTE: You can aquire Yuffie anytime you want might I add.
BOSS: Mystery Ninja HP: Depends on Levels
Just attack Yuffie like normal, use powerful spells and such, etc, etc, etc.

Afterwards, Yuffie will be lying on the ground, and DO NOT USE THAT SAVE
POINT! That means Yuffie gets away! Inspect Yuffie and copy the following

Yuffie: "You Spikey Headed Jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!"
Cloud: Not interested.
Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me huh!?"
Cloud: Petrified.
Yuffie: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!"
Cloud: Wait a Second!
Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?"
Cloud: ...That's right.
Yuffie: "All Right! I'll go with you!"
Cloud: ...Let's hurry on.

That's it.

Items: Elixir, Magic Source
Materia: Full Cure Materia

In the Item Shop in Cosmo Canyon when the team first arrives the doorway that
looks a little like a window is cut off, but revisit this exact same place
later in the game and the doorway is now open. The items in the room are

Items: Sector 5 Key
Location: Bone Village

In Bone Village you can find the KEY TO SECTOR 5 in the second or third DISC
around the tent, most likely infront of the tent's entrance. Tell the site
manager that you are looking for normal treasure. Afterwards you can go back
to Midgar and go to the Wall Market and visit the Item and Weapon shops to
pick up both the SNEAK GLOVE(129,000 Gil) and PREMIUM HEART for Tifa.


In Wutai, Turtle's Paradise is holding a contest and giving away prizes for
whoever can locate all the six flyers posted around the world. Start looking
in these places:

FLYER 1: In the Ghost Hotel Lobby in Gold Saucer
FLYER 2: Right next to Turtle's Paradise, in Yuffie's basement right next to
the trap room.
FLYER 3: The INN in Cosmo Canyon right next to the INN employee's front desk.
FLYER 4: The Weapon Shop in Cosmo Canyon, it is directly north of the save
FLYER 5: In Midgar visit the boys house who had five gil in his drawer, check
to the left wall.
FLYER 6: You only have two chances during your visit and revisit to Shin-Ra
tower, check around the lobby.

When you have found all six FLYERS go back to Turtle's Paradise to recieve a

Location: Nibelheim basement

After Cloud's encounter with the Lifestream go to the library in the basement
of Nibelheim. Here you will see that both Cloud and Zack underwent the Mako
treatment and Zack was the only one out of the two who had took the Mako
energy well enough. After Zack breaks free he also frees Cloud and helps him
escape, later they hitch a ride on the back of a truck towards Midgar, on the
ride Zack tells Cloud that he wants to become a mercenary to make alot of
money, but Cloud hears little as he is still a little dizzy from the Mako
energy. Just before they reach Midgar Zack fights off some Shin-Ra troops but
they overwhelm him and they shoot Zack dead, the troops investigate Cloud and
thought that Cloud was a goner anyways. Cloud, still a little dizzy went over
to his friend Zack to see that if he was still breathing, but sadly Zack died
defending Cloud. The only way Cloud feels he can repay Zack is by becoming a
Mercenary like Zack wanted to be and by taking his sword and swear revenge on

Items: Dragoon Lance, Oritsuru, Elixir, Swift Bolt, Hairpin
Materia: Steal As Well Materia, Leviathan, MP Absorb Materia, HP Absorb
Party: Cloud, and whomever
Recommended level: 30

You will need Yuffie for this next area(but you do not need her in your
party), otherwise it is just a regular town. Before you go anywhere I suggest
you get out a sheet of paper and write down the materia that is equipped with
each party member in the exact links and slots and keep the sheet of paper
after you are through with Wutai. The town of Wutai is on the northern part
of the most western island. You should come back here after probably around
the end of the second DISC, so that you are strong enough to face off against
the five Mighty Gods in the Pagoda. When you come close to Wutai Yuffie will
stop you but before she can finish Shin-Ra troops come after you. After you
have defeated the troops, something valuable is missing...YOUR MATERIA!

Now head for Wutai and talk to the town people and they will talk about Godo
and his house in the north part of Wutai. When your in the northern part of
Wutai check the house to the right and enter it and you will see Master Godo
sleeping in his room, talk to him serveral times and Yuffie will finally pop
out of hiding. She does not seem very happy and Godo chaces his daughter out
of the house. Along the right side of the house you will see a fake wall all
the way to the right of Godo's bedroom, check it to recieve Red XIII's

Now go to the Item Shop in southern Wutai and pick up the MP ABSORB MATERIA,
but before you put it in your pocket Yuffie comes down and snatches it from
you. Now go to the house that in to the right of the entrance of Wutai and
inside you will see a granfather and a boy, check the blind to the left side
of the room to scare Yuffie out of her hiding place. Afterwards check the pot
that is in front of Turtle's Paradise, the party will seal off both bridges
and Cloud will approach the pot, well what do you know, it is Yuffie! Now she
apologizes and she says she left all the party's materia in her basement, she
asks you to pull a lever, and it does not matter which one you pull because
they are both a trap, now Yuffie has tricked you and you fell for it! She
runs off, but first you must free your other party members.

Now head to the northern part of Wutai and to the left house you will see
that the gate that was previously locked is now unlocked, but how to get
in...wait! I have it, bang the gong to open the door to Yuffie's hideout and
inside you will learn that the girl crazy, overweight Corneo is back and this
time he has captured both Elena of the Turks and Yuffie, but before you can
do a thing you will engage in a fight against some Shin-Ra attack squads.
Afterwards go to the southern part of Wutai and you will walk into Reno and
Rude of the Turks, do not worry because you will not have to fight them this
time, but they tell you that Corneo is hiding in the Da-Chao mountains. Now
go Da-Chao located in the back of southern Wutai and find Corneo. When you
find Corneo he has strapped both Elena and Yuffie to the side of the Da-Chao
statues, but before you can resue them have Barret switch his LIMIT BREAK to
Level 1. You will engage in a battle against Rapps, Corneo's ugly pet.
BOSS: Rapps HP: 6,000 Item: Peace Ring
Have Barret use his MIND BLOW to knock out 100 MP from Rapps so that he does
not use his AERO3 attack that can cause up 1,400 HP of damage to a single
character. Then pummel him and use your LIMIT BREAKS as they come up. This
boss is a little tough, but with quick blows and having lots of HI-POTIONS,
this should be a pretty easy fight.

Afterwards Corneo is not about to play fair but Reno comes in and drops
Corneo to the mountains below. Now that you have your Materia back you can
save, but your MAteria is all out of order, so if you have that sheet of
paper I told you about earlier you will be fine. Now put Yuffie in your party
and you might want to visit the Cat House that is on the top right corner of
southern Wutai. Give Yuffie your strongest Materia and head for the Pagoda to
face off against the five mighty gods.

When you reach the pagoda you will first face off with Gorki.
BOSS: Gorki HP: 4,000 Item: X-POTION
Watch out when he uses DEMI2, but you can instantly beat him with either

Next continue up the pagoda and onto the next fight, heal if you were weak
from the last battle, if you so happen to lose, do not worry, you can try
BOSS: Shake HP: 5,000 Item: TURBO ETHER
You can paralyze it if you want with the CHOCO/MOG SUMMON MATERIA, but when
you have BAHAMUT ZERO in your possesion, why would you wanna waste your time?
Just use any strong spell once and he should be toast. Just watch out when he
does his Rage Bomber attack that causes up to 600 HP of damage.

Continue up the pagoda and enter the next battle. And heal if your life is
BOSS: Chekhov HP: 6,000 Item: ICE RING
This guy is real easy to beat, just use any strong spell to knock him out
like BAHAMUT ZERO, ULTIMA, COMET2, or FLARE. Sometimes he can stun you with
his Stare Down attack but having the RIBBON equipped makes it impossible.

Continue up the pagoda and enter the next battle. And heal if your life is
BOSS: Staniv HP: 6,000 ITEM: ELIXIR
Just pummel this guy to bits with your regular attacks if you want, otherwise
use a strong spell to knock him out quick because all he does is use his War
Cry attack which cause SADNESS, which slows down the rate of your limit
guage. Use magic and the works...etc, etc, etc.

Continue up the pagoda and enter the next battle. And heal if your life is
low. But wait, Yuffie's father is the mighty God of the pagoda? Yuffie will
have a hard time with this next battle.
Okay he is a little easy since your levels are high. Use either BREAK,
get. But when the battle starts you might wanna start the battle off by
casting REGEN on yourself. After three or four rounds he should be defeated.

Afterwards you should get the LEVIATHAN SUMMON MATERIA and the LEVEL 4 LIMIT
BREAK ALL CREATION. That is basically it, there is nothing else to do here.


When you try to find Corneo you might have bumped into a cave that is blocked
off by intense fire, if you have picked up the LEVIATHAN SCALES in the
Underwater Reactor then you can use them here to put out the fires and
collect both the ORITSURU for Yuffie and the STEAL AS WELL MATERIA.

Location: Cosmo Canyon

Remember when you went to store the HUGE MATERIA in Bugenhagen's planetarium?
Well if you have mastered materia you can mold it to form one materia that
does not affect your stats like magic and summon materia would. Here is the
materia you must master in certain categories if you want a master materia
for that group:




ONCE you have mastered each one of these they can be molded into one, and you
can summon monsters unlimitedly.

Items: Minerva Band, Spring Gun Clip, Supershot ST, Apocalypse, Elixir
Materia: Slash All Materia, Typhoon Materia
Location: Forest neat Cosmo Canyon

You can only get here if you have a Mountain Chocobo or better or if you have
defeated the ULTIMA WEAPON. When you enter here take the first three insects
and place each one of them in a Pitcher Flowers(the pods behind the bridge).
Then quickly use the small hill to the left and use the Pitcher Flowers(who
are now eating the flies) as platforms and hop across. You can get the item
on the Mutant Flytrap if you just barely step on the plant and if you do so
you will recieve the SUPERSHOT ST.

Now in the next area you must pick up an insect and reach the highest ledge
and put the insect to the left side of the Pitcher Flower so that it jumps
into the Pitcher Flower. Quickly let a frog eat an insect and place it in the
next flower pitcher and wait a while until Cloud will be launched to the
other side. Now pick up the Beehive and put it in the Mutant Flytrap and it
will shut automatically and then you can collect the SLASH ALL MATERIA and
also do not forget the treasure box's location(the treasure box that is
unaccesible right now). Now put the frog back in the right Flower Pitcher and
wait a while and he will be flung towards the next area. In this area put the
two insects in the pitcher flowers and Cloud should be able to reach the
springy stamen which brings him up above the Forest floor and into the high
canopy and wal all the way to the right and pick up the TYPOON MATERIA.

Now go back all the way to the left side of the Ancient Forest and Cloud will
climb down a limb so he can reach the previously inaccessible treasure box
which contains a MINERVA BAND. And go back to the area before you had gotten
the TYPOON SUMMON MATERIA. Now put an insect in the Pitcher Flower and pick
up the beehive after you have used the Pitcher Flower as a platform. Put the
Beehive in the Mutant Flytrap. Now pick use the other insect and put it in
the Pitcher Flower. Grab the other insect and put it in front of a forest
tree(the tree with a hole in it) to lure out a frog. Now leave the frog alone
and put it in the pitcher flower and then grab the frog and put it in the
Pitcher Flower and you will be propelled to the next area. In this area is
only a cave, the APOCALYPSE and an ELIXIR is all that is in here. Once you
exit through the top part of the cave, you will have to go through everything
again incase you decide to come back here on any item you have missed.

Location: Gold Saucer

There are two very special materia in the game that can increase the amount
of GIL and Expierience Points you gain and you can only get it if you have
enough GP at Gold Saucer. There is a lady standing inside the entrance of
Wonder Square and she will ask you to exchange your GP for some prizes. There
are two prizes labeled with "????????" one of them cost 1000 GP and the other


With these you can double the amount of GIL and EXPERIENCE gained from
battle, but you cannot pair two of them up in the same person and get four
times the amount of GIL and EXPERIENCE gained though.


All I can say is that you will need all the Master Materia and levels you can
get to beat these guys except for the ULTIMATE WEAPON and DIAMOND WEAPON of

During your trip back to Midgar on the second DISC you will encounter the
DIAMOND WEAPON coming from sea.
Ouch! You finally get to fight one of the weapons and I hope your levels and
materias are high enough. First off the basics, cast REGEN and WALL on the
entire party. Then cast HASTE but make sure you either have a RIBBON equipped
or if you have about ten ECHO SCREENs. Hit this guy with everything you've
got and it will still be standing. Your physical attacks will do nothing
against him so its a good idea to have a weapon equipped with alot of materia
slots, about 6-8 slots should do. Use ULTIMA, BAHAMUT ZERO, COMET2 just any
of your strong spells and that includes FIRE3 or ICE3 or LIGHTNING3. I'm not
sure if DEMI works but its worth a shot. You can also steal the RISING SUN
from him which has a quadruple Materia growth in the Japan version but a
double Materia growth in the U.S. version. When the DIAMOND WEAPON counts
down to one it will do the DIAMOND FLASH attack which will do 2500-3200 HP of
damage to every character so watch out and keep plenty of PHEONIX downs or
have a PHEONIX SUMMON or a LIFE or LIFE2 spell. DIAMOND WEAPON's basic attack
can cause about 500-1000 HP of damage but REGEN should easily counter that.

The other WEAPON is the ULTIMATE WEAPON which is not too tough. Look above
for Cloud's Ultima Weapon to find the location of this WEAPON.
BOSS: ULTIMATE WEAPON HP: 40,000 Item: Ultima Weapon
Here just start the battle off by using BAHAMUT ZERO and he should fly off.
You only have to lose him 8,000 HP anyways. But probably not before the
ULIMATE WEAPON has used the SHADOW FLARE on one of your party members which
causes up to 9,000 HP of damage.

When he flies off revive the party member to full if he or she is wounded.
Now go search either Nibelheim, Midgar, Mideel, or Cosmo Canyon. After you
have repeated the same steps just keep doing this until he stops at Cosmo
Canyon, right in front of the Ancient Forest. Afterwards Cloud will get the
ULTIMA WEAPON which is the strongest weapon in the game and can easily deal
9,999 HP of damage with each hit.

Here is where the stakes get high, both the RUBY WEAPON and the EMERALD
WEAPON are equally tough and very hard to beat, but if you follow these steps
and have the required items and levels, then you should be able to beat them.
First you must get the FINAL ATTACK MATERIA at the Battle Arena, you do this
by collecting both OMNISLASH and the W-SUMMON MATERIA.

Afterwards talk to the lady again and have Cloud equipped with his ULTIMATE
WEAPON and take the special battle and after seven battles you face off
against the suped up version of Proud Clod and if you beat him you will
recieve the FINAL ATTACK MATERIA and that is the only thing you should fight
the special battle for. Next You must also morph a guide book from the Ghost
Ship in the underwater reactor and give it to the Kalm Traveler in Kalm and
after you have recieved the UNDERWATER MATERIA equip it on anyone of of your
party members that will help fight the EMERALD WEAPON. Also pack your party
members down with HP PLUS and MP PLUS MATERIA so that they have 999 MP and
9,999 HP. You can find the EMERALD WEAPON in the ocean by using your
submarine, it should be wandering around somewhere, so just bump your
submarine into it to initiate the fight.

Items or status suggested/required:

BOSS: EMERALD WEAPON HP: 1,900,000 Item: Earth Harp
Hopefully you have the UNDERWATER materia equipped on either party memberto
eliminate the twenty minute time mark, making the fight easier. Well you can
start the battle off by casting KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND twice with the W-SUMMON
MATERIA and have your party MIME it, afterwards have your party members
attack with DEMI which will cause 9,999 damage until he almost dies of
course. Have another party cast BIG GUARD and put all Magic users in the back
and have the attacker hit with the 4X-CUT (basically Cloud) using his
APOCALYPSE sword(if you want to triple your Ability Points, but if you want
to deal 9,999 Damage you can equip him with his ULTIMA WEAPON). Next have
someone cast REGEN and BIG GUARD on the entire party. Now keep attacking with
DEMI and Cloud's regular attacks, but if you want you can MIME Cloud's 4X-CUT
attack dealing alot of damage. When the smaller EMERALDS come out quickly
knock them out because they can hit you with four consecutive attacks before
you can do a thing about it. Two EMERALDs drain 300-700 MP while the other
two drain 1500-4000 HP. Each EMERALD has 20,000 HP so knock them out quickly
by having a party member either cast KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND once or casting
BAHAMUT ZERO twice and MIME it the other party members. This guy can attack
hard and fast, but without his EMERALDs, he just another pushover. The EMRALD
WEAPON can attack with the TET-RAM STORM which will deal 9,999 Damage to
every party member, so having the linked and Mastered SUMMON PHEONIX MATERIA
and FINAL ATTACK MATERIA should bring your party members back to life, but
you must have at least 180 MP before the EMERALD WEAPON kills you otherwise,
you can not cast the PHEONIX and therefore you will die and cannot come back.
The EMERALD WEAPON can only attack with its super weapon if one of the
EMERALDS are still active. Continue to pummel him away with the repeating
steps but I suggest you have Cid, Barret, and Cloud in your group because
their LIMIT BREAKS cause massive damage and the EMERALD WEAPON's attack can
easily build up their guages with one hit. So keep repeating the process and
you can obtain:

Experience Points: 50,000 Ability Points: 50,000 Item: Earth Harp

If Cloud has his APOCALYPSE sword any materia contained in it will recieve
150,000 Ability Points! The same goes for the SCIMTAR! Now go use a TENT and
save your game outside and go to the desert you went to earlier(with Corel
Prison in the middle of the desert) and move the Highwind or a Gold Chocobo
into the beast to initiate the fight. But before you fight take the time to
equip one party member with the following:


Afterwards kill the other two party members before fighting the RUBY WEAPON
and move that character to the front row and make sure to pack them down with
HP PLUS and MP PLUS MATERIA so that they have 999 MP and 9,999 HP.
BOSS: RUBY WEAPON HP: 1,550,000 Item: Desert Rose
First wait for the RUBY WEAPON to put its claws in the sand and use KNIGHTS
OF THE ROUND twice with the W-SUMMON. If you have three alive members in your
party the RUBY WEAPON will use his Whirlsand Attack which sucks the party
member into the sand making him or her unavailable to use for the entire
battle and he will use this attack twice making the battle extremely tough,
that is why you must kill the other party members you do not want to fight
RUBY WEAPON, in a random encounter around Gold Saucer. After that RUBY WEAPON
will counter with ULTIMA, but if you have the MYSTILE you will easily dodge
the magic attack. Afterwards set up BIG GUARD and then HASTE and use a TURBO
ETHER to restore your MP. The RUBY WEAPON has three parts, Body, Claw1, and
Claw2. The body has super defense meaning all Magic and Physical attacks
cause one tenth the normal damage except for KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND SUMMON
which is the Claw on the left drains your MP by up 600, and the Claw2 can
damage you with a single attack that does up to 9500 HP of damage but if you
are put in the front row and have the BIG GUARD on then damage will be cut
down to a third of the regular damage. The Claw have 150,000 HP each and can
be revived over and over again, once you destroy the body the whole creature
dies. Watch out for the Ruby Flame attack which is incredibly powerful that
can cause up to 8,500 HP of damage to you and not to mention hitting you with
every single status effect in the book, but having the RIBBON on can easily
counter that and it has a COMET2 spell which is very powerful and can most
likely leave you with very little HP, but having the MYSTILE equipped means
that you can dodge at least two of the Comets that hit you or maybe all four.
Once you are revived just repeat with W-SUMMON KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND ATTACK
until he dies, but make sure your MP is above 100 so that you can cast LIFE2
before you die, do not combine the PHEONIX SUMMON MATERIA with the FINAL
ATTACK MATERIA which will bring all your party members back to life and that
makes the RUBY WEAPON use his Whirlsand attack and the possibility of taking
your main character out of the battle. Keep repeating the process and you can


So if you used your APOCALYPSE sword in the battle against EMERALD WEAPON and
you have used your APOCALYPSE sword in this battle you can gain 300,000
Ability Points for KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND SUMMON MATERIA leaving you with
200,000 left to go, which is a long way but still! After the battle you
recieve the DESERT ROSE which is basically a useless item.

Now take both the DESERT ROSE and the EARTH HARP to the Kalm Traveler in the
right house in Kalm and with the EARTH HARP you can recieve a three piece set
of Mastered Materia which are the MASTER COMMAND, MASTER SUMMON, and MASTER
MAGIC. Give your DESERT ROSE to the Kalm Traveler and he will give you
basically a useless prize which is a GOLD CHOCOBO, well why is it useless?
Well you have already gotten KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND SUMMON MATERIA right?


First off you will need at least two million Gil if you want a gold chocobo
and you will endure a long process that takes days to complete. Buy at least
four Chocobo Ranches for 10,000 Gil each by speaking to Chocobo Bill. Now
have your CHOCOBO LURE MATERIA equipped and capture a good and average
chocobo. If you have done so send them back to the Ranch and to tell if you
have got a good and average chocobo:

Good: "Mmm, this one's not bad"
Average: "This is a pretty average chocobo"

That is all you should hear to see that you got the right chocobos and make
sure one of them is a male and the other one is a female. Now go to the
Chocobo Sage in the mountains up north that is directly north above Bone
Village. Inside you will see a Green Chocobo talk to it and it will drop an
ENEMY SKILL MATERIA. Now talk to the guy on the top who is the Chocobo sage
and he wil tell you about Chocobos, afterwards buy as much SYLKIS GREENS as
you can. Go back to the ranch and feed your chocobos by talking to Chocobo
Billy, try to spread out your Greens to both the chocobos, try to max out
their stats for the long term better result.

After you have maxed out their statistics race them at the Chocobo Race in
Gold Saucer. During the race you can leave your Chocobo on Automatic control
as he sails by Class-C. After winning three races(does not have to be won
consecutively) you are moved to Class-B. Just let your chocobo run on
Automatic and if he or she does not win then run them on Manual. After you
have won three races you have moved up a rank which is the Class-A. You do
not need to proceed any further. Do the same for your other Chocobo, so now
you should have two Class-A chocobos.

NOTE: Occasionally Cid or Tifa(mostly Cid) will ask to ride a chocobo if they
are in your party, this does not change a thing, not even the prizes
won it is your choice if you choose to let him or her ride or not.

Afterwards go to a small island forest that is directly north of the Chocobo
Ranch and steal a ZEIO NUT from the Goblins. Return to the Chocobo Ranch and
have your two chocobos mate with one another and feed them a ZEIO NUT. In the
morning you should either have a RIVER CHOCOBO(blue) or a MOUNTAIN CHOCOBO
(green), if not just try again. It does not matter which one you get, but for
the easiest way to reach the ultimate chocobo follow the steps below:

Two Class-A chocobos mate with a ZEIO NUT.

Two Class-A chocobos mate with a ZEIO NUT. NOTE: After you have either
Chocobo do something for ten minutes in the game and come back and have
the save parents mate again to get the other chocobo and make sure you
have one Male Blue or Green Chocobo and a Female Blue or Green Chocobo,
keep trying until you have both.

Have one Male Blue or Green Chocobo mate with a Female Blue or Green
Chocobo(both chocobos must be Class-A or higher) and feed them a ZEIO

Have a regular Class-A chocobo(male or female) mate with a Class-S Black
Chocobo and feed them a CAROB NUT which can be stolen from the Vlakorados
near the plain area around Bone Village.

That's all you need to have your Ulitmate Chocobo, and each time a new
offspring is born their parents statistics are passed down so do not
worry about feeding them 100 SYLKIS GREENS again, but the offspring can
be fed more greens to max out greater statistics.

Now with your new chocobo you can reach all four normally impossible to
reach materias:

There is a mountain cave southeast of Wutai which can be reached by a
Green Chocobo or a Gold Chocobo.

Just north of Mideel Island and southeast of the Chocobo Ranch you will
find a cave surrounded by shallow water on the lower part of the island.
Have a Blue or Gold Chocobo ride off the coast east of the Chocobo Ranch
and walk along the shallow water and find your entrance to the cave.

Directly north of Nibel Mountains have a Black or Gold Chocobo reach
across a small river and into a cave that is surrounded by brown rocks
and a small river(which is the one you have crossed).

Take your Gold chocobo and head to the northeast corner of the World Map
and find an island that has a forest in the middle of the island
surrounded my mountain ranges and into the cave.

NOTE: This island is not located on the World Map.


If you have an S-Class Gold Chocobo and if you win 15 consecutive S-Class
races you will recieve some valuable items which can be the following:


You can only do this once though. So don't become over greedy because it's

-----------------------------[ MATERIA LISTING ]-----------------------------

Materia is practically the whole basis of this game, without it there
probably would be no storyline. As you all know that once a piece of
materia is mastered a new duplicated materia is born which you can master
over again and so on. Below is practically all the materia in the game
but if I am missing one, then eh. I'm not going to update this guide
over an insignificant detail anyways.


DEATH BLOW Either a serious blow or miss O
2X-Cut Hit enemy twice in a row 0
4X-Cut Hit four times on all enemies randomly 0
ENEMY SKILL Learn Attacks enemies have used on you Varies
MANIPULATE Control one opponent 0
MIME Very powerful, mimic last party command 0
SENSE Senes enemies LVL/HP/MP/Weakness 0
Slash-All Hit all enemies with a single command 0
Flash Sometimes useless, Instantly kills all opponents 0
Steal Steal an item from an opponent 0
Mug Attack and steal from an opponent 0
Throw Throw an item at an opponent
Coin Throws 600,000 Gil at opponents 0
W-ITEM Use an item two times in a row in battle 0
W-MAGIC Use a spell two times in a row in battle Varies
W-SUMMON Use a Summon two times in a row in battle Varies


CHOCO/MOG A strong physical attack that can cause paralysis 14
SHIVA ICE2 Attack on all opponents 32
IFRIT FIRE2 Attack on all opponents 34
RAMUH LIGHTING2 Attack on all opponenets 40
TITAN QUAKE2 Attack on all opponents 46
Stl.Bld.Swd. Cuts all enemies in two
Gunge Lance Powerful Holy Spear Attack on one opponent
LEVIATHAN WATER Attack on all opponents 78
ALEXANDER HOLY FLARE Attack on all opponents 120
BAHAMUT MEGA FLARE Attack on all opponents 100
NEO BAHAMUT GIGA FLARE Attack on all opponents 140
BAHAMUT ZERO TERRA FLARE Attack on all opponents 180
PHEONIX FIRE3 Attack and LIFE2 on party 180
TYPOON AERO4 Attack on all opponents 160
HADES BLACK MAGIC ATTACK plus all status effect(all enemies)150
KNGT.OF.THE.RND.13 Knights attack all enemies each hit doing 6000 DMG 250


ALL Allows your magic to spread to all allies or enemies 0
ADDED EFFECT Adds linked Materia status to Armor or Weapon 0
ADDED CUT Attack at the same time attached orb is being used 0
COUNTER Counter Attack with the attached Yellow Orb 0
ELEMENTAL Adds linked Materia element to Armor or Weapon 0
FINAL ATTACK Attached Orb goes into effect when character dies 0
HP ABSORB Take HP as the attached Orb damages 0
MAGIC COUNTER Counter Attack with the attached Green or Red Orb 0
MP ABSORB Take MP as the attached Orb damages 0
MP TURBO Uses extra MP to increase power of paired Magic 0
QUADRA MAGIC Casts attached Orb four times in a row w/o counters Varies
SNEAK ATTACK Start battle off by using attached Orb Varies


CHOCOBO LURE Lure Chocobos out of hiding on chocobo tracks 0
COUNTER ATTACK Attack enemy who damages you w/o wasting a turn 0
COVER Little defense increase, protect others randomly 0
ENEMY AWAY Random Encounter Rate% down 0
ENEMY LURE Random Encounter Rate% Up 0
EXPERIENCE PLUS Double experience gained(if your on the 2nd level) 0
GIL PLUS Double Gil gained(if your on the 2nd level) 0
HP<-->MP Swap Max HP and MP 0
HP PLUS Raises Max HP 0
LONG RANGE Same damage from both front and back row 0
LUCK PLUS Increases Luck 0
MAGIC PLUS Increases Magic 0
MEGA ALL "All" affect on all commands and magics 0
PRE-EMPTIVE First Attack Rate% Up 0
SPEED PLUS Raises Speed(if mastered it works better than HASTE) 0
UNDERWATER Lets party breathe in water in battle w/EMERALD WPN. 0


Barrier Cuts Physical attacks in half in battle 16
Mbarrier Cuts Magic attacks in half in battle 24
Reflect Reflects magic three times(cannot reflect SUMMONs) 30
Comet Strong Non-Elemental Attack on one opponent 70
Comet2 Strong Non-Elemental Attack on all opponents(random) 110
Freeze ICE4 Attack that can cause Paralysis on one enemy 82
Break QUAKE4 Attack that can cause Stone on one enemy 86
TORNADO AERO4 Attack that can cause Confusion on one enemy 90
Flare FIRE4 Attack on one opponent 100
DeBarrier Removes Barrier,MBarrier, and Reflect 12
DeSpell Casts MUTE on all opponents or allys 20
Death Instant Death on one opponent 30
Quake Low Earth Attack 6
Quake2 Med Earth Attack 28
Quake3 High Earth Attack 68
Escape Escape from battle(doesn't work with bosses) 16
Remove Remove an opponent from battle 99
Fire Low Fire Attack 4
Fire2 Med Fire Attack 22
Fire3 High Fire Attack 52
Fullcure Cure4(restores all HP to one ally) 99
Demi Decreases opponents HP by 1/4 14
Demi2 Decreases opponents HP by 2/4 33
Demi3 Decreases opponents HP by 3/4 48
Poisona Cures Poison 3
Esuna Cures all known negative statuses except for Timer 15
Resist Cast before being affected by Frog or Small 120
Ice Low Ice Attack 4
Ice2 Med Ice Attack 22
Ice3 High Ice Attack 52
Bolt Low Lightning Attack 4
Bolt2 Med Lightning Attack 22
Bolt3 High Lightning Attack 52
Confu Confuses opponent 18
Berserk Berserks opponent(unable to control themselves) 28
Bio Low Poison attack followed by low constant drain 8
Bio2 Med Poison attack followed by med constant drain 28
Bio3 High Poison attack followed by high constant drain 80
Cure Low HP restoration 5
Cure2 Med HP restoration 24
Regen Constant HP restoration 30
Cure3 High HP restoration 64
Life Revives fallen character to 20% of Max HP 34
Life2 Revives fallen character to full HP 100
Sleep Puts an opponent to sleep 8
Silence Mutes an opponent making them unable to use magic 24
Shield Extreme Magic Defense 180
Haste Speeds up character's wait guage 18
Slow Slows down opponents wait guage 20
Stop Stops an opponent from moving 34
Mini Transform and changes you/enemy back from Small 10
Frog Transform and changes you/enemy back from Toad 14
Ultima Extreme Magic Attack 130


----------------[ Monster Listing and Item Listing Charts ]------------------

Well that's basically what this is. Look on if you need it.

Monster: | Name of Monster
Level: | What level they are at
HP: | Amount of HP the monster has
MP: | Amount of MP the mosnter has
EXP: | The amount of expierience they give
GIL: | The amount of gil(money they give)
AP: | The amount of ability points the monster gives.
Weakness: | Any weaknesses the monster may have.
Strengths: | Anything the monster may absorb.
Ineffective: | Anything that would be rendered useless when used against the
| monster.
Abnormal: | Everything that WILL NOT affect the monster
Steal: | The item which can be stolen from the monster
Morph: | The item the monster turns into when morphed
Attacks: | Any attacks, other than physical attacks the monster may have
Location: | The event/location of where this monster can be found

None.-- This means that the monster does not have any weaknesses/strengths/
items to steal/other attacks/and cannot be morphed. Also when the
None. is put next to the Abnormal part, it means the monster can be
affected by anything.

-----------------------------------[ 1 ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | 1st-Ray
Level: | 4
HP: | 18
MP: | 0
EXP: | 12
GIL: | 5
AP: | 1
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Lasers
Location: | 1st Reactor

-----------------------------------[ 2 ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | 2-faced
Level: | 18
HP: | 330
MP: | 80
EXP: | 100
GIL: | 156
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth.
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Manipulate, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Self-Destruct, Cure3
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert

-----------------------------------[ 8 ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | 8 Eye
Level: | 30
HP: | 500
MP: | 220
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 720
AP: | 100
Weakness: | Poison
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Berserk, Confusion, Silence, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Life Drain
Location: | Temple of Ancients

-----------------------------------[ A ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Acrophies
Level: | 35
HP: | 2400
MP: | 220
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 90
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Aero
Ineffective: | Water
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Manipulate
Steal: | Water Ring
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw, Huge Tidal Wave
Location: | Coral Valley
Monster: | Adamantaimai
Level: | 30
HP: | 1600
MP: | 240
EXP: | 720
GIL: | 2000
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Transform
Steal: | Adaman Bangle
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Light Shell, Death Force, Barrier, MBarrier
Location: | Costa Del Sol(outside around beach area)
Monster: | Aero Combatant
Level: | 11
HP: | 190
MP: | 0
EXP: | 40
GIL: | 110
AP: | 4
Weakness: | Demi, Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Berserk, Paralysis, Break, Manipulate,
| Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Propeller Slash, Sword Rush
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Airbuster
Level: | 15
HP: | 1200
MP: | 0
EXP: | 180
GIL: | 150
AP: | 16
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Counter Attack, Big Bomber, Rear Gun
Location: | 2nd Reactor
Monster: | Allemange
Level: | 48
HP: | 8000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1300
GIL: | 1360
AP: | 100
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Quake
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Poison, SParalysis, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | Eye Drop
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw, L3 Flare, L4 Death
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Ancient Dragon
Level: | 34
HP: | 2400
MP: | 450
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 800
AP: | 80
Weakness: | Aero, Demi
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Water
Abnormal: | Poison, Stop, Return
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Southern Cross, Horn
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Aps
Level: | 4
HP: | 1200
MP: | 150
EXP: | 550
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Sewer Tsunami, Tail
Location: | Underground Midgar Sewers(after Corneo Mansion incident)
Monster: | Ark Dragon
Level: | 18
HP: | 280
MP: | 124
EXP: | 84
GIL: | 180
AP: | 10
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Earth
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Pheonix Down
Attacks: | Claw, Flame Thrower
Location: | Mythril Mines
Monster: | Armored Golem
Level: | 41
HP: | 10000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 2500
GIL: | 2680
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Paralysis, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Golem Laser
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Attack Squad
Level: | 34
HP: | 1300
MP: | 100
EXP: | 300
GIL: | 420
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | 8-inch Cannon
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun, Smaoke Bullet, Grenade
Location: | Wutai

-----------------------------------[ B ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Bad Rap
Level: | 38
HP: | 9000
MP: | 120
EXP: | 1050
GIL: | 2500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Ink
Morph: | Luck Source
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Monster: | Bad Rap Sample
Level: | 53
HP: | 10000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Bagnarada
Level: | 16
HP: | 450
MP: | 60
EXP: | 110
GIL: | 120
AP: | 11
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Fire, Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stone, Manipulate, Tranform, Stop, Death
Steal: | Diamond Pin
Morph: | Guard Source
Attacks: | Horn, Claw, Poison Breath
Location: | Mt.Corel
Monster: | Bandersnatch
Level: | 30
HP: | 860
MP: | 100
EXP: | 510
GIL: | 600
AP: | 40
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Ice
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, MAnipulate, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Ice Crystal
Attacks: | Fang, Bodyblow
Location: | Bone Village area
Monster: | Bandit
Level: | 17
HP: | 360
MP: | 0
EXP: | 99
GIL: | 220
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | X-Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Mug, Hold Up, Hit
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert
Monster: | Battery Cap
Level: | 24
HP: | 640
MP: | 58
EXP: | 270
GIL: | 386
AP: | 32
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Transform, Manipulate
Steal: | Dazers
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Four Lazers, Seed Shooting
Location: | Rocket Town
Monster: | Beach Plug
Level: | 16
HP: | 200
MP: | 100
EXP: | 95
GIL: | 155
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Turbo Ether
Attacks: | Bite, Ice, Big Guard
Location: | Costa Del Sol(shore area)
Monster: | Behemoth
Level: | 45
HP: | 7000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 1500
GIL: | 2200
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Horn Lift, Claw
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar, Last Crater
Monster: | Bizzare Bug
Level: | 28
HP: | 975
MP: | 0
EXP: | 420
GIL: | 340
AP: | 40
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Berserk, Confusion, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Toxic Powder
Location: | Western Continent
Monster: | Black Bat
Level: | 25
HP: | 550
MP: | 0
EXP: | 270
GIL: | 80
AP: | 24
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Vampire Fang
Attacks: | Blood Suck
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion Basement Area
Monster: | Bloatfloat
Level: | 18
HP: | 240
MP: | 0
EXP: | 90
GIL: | 125
AP: | 9
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Soft
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Body Blow, Vacuum, Spikey Hell
Location: | Mt.Corel
Monster: | Blood Taste
Level: | 8
HP: | 72
MP: | 0
EXP: | 24
GIL: | 32
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Tentacle Drain, Bite
Location: | 2nd Reactor
Monster: | Blue Dragon
Level: | 41
HP: | 8800
MP: | 500
EXP: | 1200
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Great Gale, Blue Dragon Breath, Bite, Tail, Dragon Force
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Blugu
Level: | 4
HP: | 120
MP: | 0
EXP: | 18
GIL: | 35
AP: | 2
Weakness: | Holy, Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Hell Bubbles, Bite
Location: | Midgar
Monster: | Bomb
Level: | 18
HP: | 600
MP: | 30
EXP: | 150
GIL: | 192
AP: | 20
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Fire
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate, Transform
| Stop
Steal: | Right Arm
Morph: | Shrapnel
Attacks: | Ram, Bomb Blast, Fireball
Location: |
Monster: | Bottomswell
Level: | 23
HP: | 2500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 550
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 52
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Paralysis, Stone, Death,
| Manipulate, Break, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Rail Attack, Moonstrike, Big Wave
Location: | Junon Shores
Monster: | Boundfat
Level: | 27
HP: | 500
MP: | 80
EXP: | 420
GIL: | 350
AP: | 40
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Dazers
Morph: | Dazers
Attacks: | Ice2, Death Sentence, Dark Needle
Location: | Bone Village
Monster: | Brain Pod
Level: | 15
HP: | 240
MP: | 46
EXP: | 52
GIL: | 95
AP: | 6
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Poison
Steal: | Antidote
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Refuse, Ram
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Bullmotor
Level: | 19
HP: | 420
MP: | 96
EXP: | 92
GIL: | 140
AP: | 9
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | X-Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Body Blow, Mantra Magic
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert

-----------------------------------[ C ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Cactuar
Level: | 20
HP: | 200
MP: | 20
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert
Monster: | Cactuar
Level: | 20
HP: | 200
MP: | 20
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Tetra Elemental
Attacks: | 1000 Needles
Location: | Cactuar Island(southwest of Western Continent)
Monster: | Capparwire
Level: | 15
HP: | 210
MP: | 20
EXP: | 60
GIL: | 103
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Wire Attack, Grand Spark
Location: |
Monster: | Carry Armor
Level: | 45
HP: | 24000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 2800
GIL: | 4000
AP: | 240
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Berserk, Confusion, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Slow, Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Lapis Laser
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Carry Armor(Left Arm)
Level: | 45
HP: | 10000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 1400
GIL: | 0
AP: | 95
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Berserk, Confusion, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Slow, Dark, MAnipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw Slam, Grab
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Carry Armor(Right Arm)
Level: | 45
HP: | 10000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 1500
GIL: | 0
AP: | 90
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Berserk, Confusion, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Slow, Dark, MAnipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Grab, Claw Slam
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Castanets
Level: | 15
HP: | 190
MP: | 0
EXP: | 65
GIL: | 113
AP: | 7
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | 2-Stage attack, Scissors Spark
Location: | Mythril Mines
Monster: | Ceasar
Level: | 8
HP: | 120
MP: | 0
EXP: | 23
GIL: | 55
AP: | 2
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ram, Bubble
Location: | Midgar Underground Sewers(after Corneo Mansion incident)
Monster: | Checkhov
Level: | 34
HP: | 5000
MP: | 210
EXP: | 2900
GIL: | 0
AP: | 50
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Absorb
Location: | Wutai Pagoda
Monster: | Christopher(always with Gighee)
Level: | 34
HP: | 6000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1300
GIL: | 800
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Earth Drum
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Stardust March, High/Low Suite
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Chuse Tank
Level: | 6
HP: | 36
MP: | 0
EXP: | 23
GIL: | 30
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Rolling Claw, Slap
Location: | Midgar
Monster: | Cokatolis
Level: | 17
HP: | 420
MP: | 0
EXP: | 97
GIL: | 168
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Stone, Break
Steal: | Soft
Morph: | Soft
Attacks: | Beak, Bird Kick, Pretrify Smog
Location: | Mt.Corel
Monster: | Corneo's Lackey
Level: | 8
HP: | 42
MP: | 0
EXP: | 8
GIL: | 10
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun, Stab
Location: | Corneo's Mansion
Monster: | Corvette
Level: | 36
HP: | 3200
MP: | 260
EXP: | 1050
GIL: | 2200
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Hyper
Morph: | Light Curtain
Attacks: | Bodyblow, Gash, Spinning Cut, Slap
Location: | Underwater Tunnel
Monster: | Crawler
Level: | 15
HP: | 140
MP: | 48
EXP: | 56
GIL: | 65
AP: | 6
Weakness: | Earth
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bite, Cold Breath
Location: | Mythril Mines
Monster: | Cripshay
Level: | 8
HP: | 100
MP: | 0
EXP: | 26
GIL: | 53
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ram, Dual Spike, Fire
Location: | Trainwreck Graveyard
Monster: | Cromwell
Level: | 42
HP: | 3500
MP: | 120
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 80
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Normal Shell
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Crown Lance
Level: | 20
HP: | 440
MP: | 70
EXP: | 225
GIL: | 400
AP: | 23
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | Lightning
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Dream Powder
Attacks: | Sleepel, Sting, Bolt
Location: | Cosmo Canyon(shore area)
Monster: | Cuahl
Level: | 33
HP: | 1300
MP: | 60
EXP: | 720
GIL: | 800
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | Tranquilizer
Attacks: | Light Spell
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Custom Sweeper
Level: | 15
HP: | 300
MP: | 100
EXP: | 63
GIL: | 120
AP: | 7
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Posion, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | Atomic Scissors
Morph: | X-Potion
Attacks: | W Machine Gun, Smoke Shot, Mantra Magic
Location: | Outside Kalm area

-----------------------------------[ D ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Dark Dragon
Level: | 57
HP: | 14000
MP: | 600
EXP: | 5000
GIL: | 2500
AP: | 350
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Lightning
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Dragon Armlet
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Laser, Dragon Force, Claw, Bite
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Death Claw
Level: | 19
HP: | 400
MP: | 120
EXP: | 96
GIL: | 168
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Platinum Bangle
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw, Death Claw, Laser
Location: | Gold Saucer Prison
Monster: | Death Claw
Level: | 48
HP: | 7000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 1800
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Dark, Transform, Death, Manipulate, Break
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Death Claw, Death Roulette, Spin Turn, Star
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Death Machine
Level: | 35
HP: | 2500
MP: | 150
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | W Machine Gun
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | W Machine Gun, 100 Needles, Matra Magic
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Deenglow
Level: | 10
HP: | 120
MP: | 72
EXP: | 35
GIL: | 70
AP: | 4
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slash, Ice, Demi
Location: | Trainwreck Graveyard
Monster: | Demon's Gate
Level: | 45
HP: | 10000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 3800
GIL: | 400
AP: | 220
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence, Break,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Rock Drop, Cave In, Demon Crush
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Desert Sahagin
Level: | 20
HP: | 580
MP: | 0
EXP: | 230
GIL: | 300
AP: | 21
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | Water
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Potion
Morph: | Fire Veil
Attacks: | Harpoon, Snadgun
Location: | Cosmo Canyon
Monster: | Devil Ride
Level: | 13
HP: | 240
MP: | 0
EXP: | 60
GIL: | 100
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, Dark,
| Transform, Death
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Wheelie, Drift Turn
Location: | Midgar
Monster: | Diablo
Level: | 41
HP: | 4000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1600
GIL: | 900
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Flame, Cold, Horn Bomber
Location: | Ancient Forest
Monster: | Diver Nest
Level: | 38
HP: | 2800
MP: | 100
EXP: | 1340
GIL: | 1250
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Tidal Wave, Bodyblow, Tornado Wave
Location: | Underwater Tunnel
Monster: | Doorbull
Level: | 35
HP: | 2800
MP: | 160
EXP: | 760
GIL: | 680
AP: | 50
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Gravity
Abnormal: | Manipulate
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fire Shell, Fang, Slash, Light Shell
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Dorky Face
Level: | 23
HP: | 520
MP: | 80
EXP: | 300
GIL: | 202
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Echo Screen
Morph: | Mute Mask
Attacks: | Cutter, Curses, Funny Breath
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion
Monster: | Dragon
Level: | 32
HP: | 3500
MP: | 250
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 1400
AP: | 110
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | Gold Armlet
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Dragon Fang, Flame Thrower
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Niebl)
Monster: | Dragon Rider
Level: | 35
HP: | 3500
MP: | 180
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 690
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | Mind Source
Attacks: | Bite, Head Hunting, Dual Attack, Head Hunting2, Rider Breath
Location: | Crater Area
Monster: | Dragon Zombie
Level: | 54
HP: | 13000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 4000
GIL: | 2800
AP: | 300
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Paralysis, Transform,
| Death, Stop, Stone, Break
Steal: | Cauldron
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Poison Bite, Shadow Flare, Body Tail, Pandora's Box
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Dyne
Level: | 23
HP: | 1200
MP: | 20
EXP: | 600
GIL: | 750
AP: | 55
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Molotov Cocktail, Needle-Gun, S-Mine
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert

-----------------------------------[ E ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Eagle Gun
Level: | 46
HP: | 17000
MP: | 50
EXP: | 2000
GIL: | 3800
AP: | 90
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Water
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Stone, Break, Confusion,
| Silence, Transform, Manipulate, Death, Dark, Berserk
Steal: | Warrior Bangle
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Single Wing Fire, Dual Wing Fire
Location: | North Corel Train
Monster: | Elfadunk
Level: | 14
HP: | 220
MP: | 34
EXP: | 64
GIL: | 140
AP: | 7
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Shower, Bodyblow
Location: | Chocobo Farm Area
Monster: | Epilonis
Level: | 36
HP: | 1800
MP: | 90
EXP: | 950
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Wizard Bracelet
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bird Kick, Catapulat, Acid Rain
Location: | Ancient Forest

-----------------------------------[ F ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Flap Beat
Level: | 18
HP: | 330
MP: | 60
EXP: | 140
GIL: | 186
AP: | 15
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | T/S Bomb
Morph: | T/S Bomb
Attacks: | Tailbeat, Flying Sickle
Location: | Gold Saucer area
Monster: | Flower Prong
Level: | 19
HP: | 550
MP: | 68
EXP: | 240
GIL: | 400
AP: | 24
Weakness: | Earth and Fire
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bio2
Location: | Gongaga
Monster: | Formula
Level: | 16
HP: | 240
MP: | 100
EXP: | 65
GIL: | 120
AP: | 7
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Manipulate, Stop
Steal: | Boomerang
Morph: | Speed Drink
Attacks: | Swoop, Blue Impulse
Location: | Fort Condor Mountain area
Monster: | Foulander
Level: | 27
HP: | 800
MP: | 100
EXP: | 440
GIL: | 460
AP: | 34
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw, Flame Dance
Location: | Wutai Da Chao Mountains

-----------------------------------[ G ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Gagighandi
Level: | 19
HP: | 480
MP: | 55
EXP: | 173
GIL: | 220
AP: | 18
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Soft
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Claw, Stone Stare
Location: | Cosmo Canyon area
Monster: | Gargoyle
Level: | 43
HP: | ????
MP: | 200
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 2500
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Petrify, Bite, L4 Death
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Garuda
Level: | 29
HP: | 1400
MP: | 200
EXP: | 520
GIL: | 520
AP: | 30
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Lightning, Ice
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Rod, Ice2, Bolt2
Location: | Wutai Da Chao Mountains
Monster: | Gas Ductor
Level: | 42
HP: | 3000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Punch, Smog Alert
Location: | North Corel Train
Monster: | Ghirofelgo
Level: | 26
HP: | 1600
MP: | 0
EXP: | 380
GIL: | 300
AP: | 44
Weakness: | Demi
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Break,
| Slow, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slash
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion
Monster: | Ghost
Level: | 10
HP: | 130
MP: | 80
EXP: | 30
GIL: | 22
AP: | 3
Weakness: | Holy, Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Silence, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Ghost Hand
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slap, Drain
Location: | Trainwreck Graveyard
Monster: | Ghost Ship
Level: | 44
HP: | 6600
MP: | 100
EXP: | 1600
GIL: | 2000
AP: | 60
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate, Death, Stop,
| Transform
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | Guide Book
Attacks: | St.Elmos Fire, Slap, Goannai
Location: | Underwater Tunnel
Monster: | Gighee(always along side with Christopher)
Level: | 34
HP: | 5500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 700
GIL: | 600
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Elixir
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Stardust March, Kick
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Gi Nattak
Level: | 29
HP: | 5500
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1400
GIL: | 3000
AP: | 150
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi, Water
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Take Over, Aspil, Hit
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Gi Spector
Level: | 23
HP: | 450
MP: | 88
EXP: | 260
GIL: | 150
AP: | 20
Weakness: | Holy, Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Death Sentence
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Goblin
Level: | 40
HP: | 2000
MP: | 80
EXP: | 20
GIL: | 20
AP: | 20
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Zeio Nut
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fight, Goblin Punch, Sleepel
Location: | Goblin Island, northeast of Eastern Continent
Monster: | Godo
Level: | 36
HP: | 18000
MP: | 240
EXP: | 5000
GIL: | 40000
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Paralysis,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Confu, Beast Sword, Bio2, Dmei3, Drain
Location: | Wutai Pagoda
Monster: | Golem
Level: | 24
HP: | 1000
MP: | 0
EXP: | 300
GIL: | 500
AP: | 22
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Manipulate, Transform
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Finger Shot, Megaton Punch
Location: | Cosmo Canyon
Monster: | Gorki
Level: | 30
HP: | 3000
MP: | 150
EXP: | 1500
GIL: | 0
AP: | 50
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Barrier, Regen, Demi2, Kick
Location: | Wutai Pagoda
Monster: | Grand Horn
Level: | 19
HP: | 460
MP: | 43
EXP: | 180
GIL: | 240
AP: | 15
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Punch, Grand Punch
Location: | Cosmo Canyon/Gongaga
Monster: | Grangalan
Level: | 16
HP: | 550
MP: | 60
EXP: | 88
GIL: | 220
AP: | 10
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi, Water
Abnormal: | Return. Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Manipulate, Transform,
| Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Silver Wheel
Location: | Costa Del Sol
Monster: | Grangalan Jr.
Level: | 15
HP: | 330
MP: | 40
EXP: | 77
GIL: | 110
AP: | 8
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, MAnipulate, Transform,
| Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Silver Wheel
Location: | Costa Del Sol
Monster: | Grangalan Jr. Jr.
Level: | 14
HP: | 110
MP: | 20
EXP: | 66
GIL: | 55
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi, Earth, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, MAnipulate, Transform,
| Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Silver Wheel
Location: | Costa Del Sol
Monster: | Grashstike
Level: | 8
HP: | 42
MP: | 0
EXP: | 20
GIL: | 20
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Silk, Slash
Location: | Midgar
Monster: | Gremlin
Level: | 36
HP: | 1500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 750
GIL: | 750
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tent
Morph: | X-Potion
Attacks: | Claw, Bad Mouth
Location: | Crater area
Monster: | Grenade
Level: | 32
HP: | 2000
MP: | 0
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 400
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Fire, Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate, Transform,
| Stop
Steal: | Right Arm
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bodyblow, Bomb Blast
Location: | Crater area
Monster: | Grenade Combatant
Level: | 10
HP: | 130
MP: | 0
EXP: | 42
GIL: | 72
AP: | 4
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Gun, Hand Grenade
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Griffin
Level: | 21
HP: | 760
MP: | 40
EXP: | 260
GIL: | 350
AP: | 25
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence,
| Manipulate, Transform, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | Pheonix Down
Attacks: | Peacock, Slash
Location: | Cosmo Canyon
Monster: | Griffon
Level: | 18
HP: | 800
MP: | 200
EXP: | 148
GIL: | 210
AP: | 14
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert
Monster: | Grimguard
Level: | 31
HP: | 880
MP: | 120
EXP: | 600
GIL: | 560
AP: | 45
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Ice, Lightning
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, MAnipulate, Transform
Steal: | Shrivel
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ice2, Bolt2, Spin Shield, Grim Rod
Location: | Corral Valley
Monster: | Grosspanzer
Level: | 46
HP: | 4800
MP: | 200
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 2100
AP: | 80
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Slow, Stop, Transform, Death, Dark, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ram
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Grosspanzer(cannon)
Level: | 43
HP: | 4000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Slow, Stop, Transform, Death, Dark, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Midgar Missile
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Grosspanzer(side guns)
Level: | 46
HP: | 3000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 100
GIL: | 2000
AP: | 0
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Slow, Stop, Transform, Death, Dark, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Guns
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Grosspanzer
Level: | 40
HP: | 4500
MP: | 0
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Slow, Stop, Transform, Death, Dark, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ram
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Grunt
Level: | 7
HP: | 40
MP: | 0
EXP: | 22
GIL: | 15
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Punch, Beam Gun
Location: | 1st Reactor
Monster: | Guard Hound
Level: | 3
HP: | 42
MP: | 0
EXP: | 20
GIL: | 12
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bite
Location: | Streets of Midgar(after 1st reactor incident)
Monster: | Guardian
Level: | 40
HP: | 4000
MP: | 340
EXP: | 940
GIL: | 500
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Poison, Paralysis, Stone, Break,
| Slow, Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Jumping Blow, Rocket Punch, W Rocket Punch
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Guard Scorpion
Level: | 12
HP: | 800
MP: | 0
EXP: | 100
GIL: | 100
AP: | 10
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Silence, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Dark, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Search Scope, Scorpion Tail, Rifle Tail
Location: | 1st Reactor
Monster: | Guard System
Level: | 35
HP: | 2200
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1100
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 80
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, Stone,
| Break, MAnipulate, Death, Dark, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Gun Carrier
Level: | 39
HP: | 3400
MP: | 240
EXP: | 860
GIL: | 1600
AP: | 75
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Normal Shell, Bodyblow
Location: | Underwater Reactor

-----------------------------------[ H ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Hammer Blaster
Level: | 12
HP: | 210
MP: | 0
EXP: | 43
GIL: | 80
AP: | 5
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Berserk, Confusion, Stone, Break, Manipulate, Stop,
| Transform
Steal: | Echo Screen
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Pound
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Hard Attacker
Level: | 32
HP: | 2500
MP: | 150
EXP: | 750
GIL: | 600
AP: | 58
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bodyblow, Oil
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Headbomber
Level: | 35
HP: | 1600
MP: | 200
EXP: | 640
GIL: | 460
AP: | 64
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | Tranquilizer
Attacks: | Dorsal Punch, Extreme Bomber
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Headhunter
Level: | 30
HP: | 2000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 650
GIL: | 333
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Sickle, Rising Daggar
Location: | Mideel Islands
Monster: | Heavy Tank
Level: | 21
HP: | 1600
MP: | 25
EXP: | 340
GIL: | 1300
AP: | 45
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | Power Source
Attacks: | Charge, Wheelie Attack, Big Spiral
Location: | Gongaga
Monster: | Hedgehog Pie
Level: | 6
HP: | 40
MP: | 52
EXP: | 6
GIL: | 40
AP: | 52
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fire, Charge
Location: | Midgar Church
Monster: | Heg
Level: | 22
HP: | 400
MP: | 0
EXP: | 250
GIL: | 240
AP: | 20
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Poison Fang, Holt Whip
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Heli Gunner
Level: | 19
HP: | 1000
MP: | 0
EXP: | 250
GIL: | 200
AP: | 25
Weakness: | Aero, Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Dark, Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Firing Line, AB Cannon, C Cannon, Flying Drill
Location: | Shin-Ra Tower escape elevator
Monster: | Hell Rider VR2
Level: | 18
HP: | 350
MP: | 50
EXP: | 72
GIL: | 165
AP: | 8
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stone, MAnipulate, Transform, Stop, Death
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Stomp, Electromag
Location: | Fort Condor Mountains
Monster: | Hippogriff
Level: | 37
HP: | 3000
MP: | 280
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Manipulate,
| Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | L2 Confuse, Peck, Peacock
Location: | Mideel Islands
Monster: | Hojo
Level: | 34
HP: | 11000
MP: | 120
EXP: | 2000
GIL: | 2200
AP: | 150
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Confusion,
| Paralysis, Stone, Silence, Slow, Break, Manipulate, Transform,
| Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Capsule
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Hellectic Hojo
Level: | 55
HP: | 26000
MP: | 260
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop, Silence
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Hellectic Hojo(Left Arm)
Level: | 55
HP: | 5000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Stone, Confusion, Paralysis, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop, Silence
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Stab, Confusion
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Hellectic Hojo(Right Arm)
Level: | 55
HP: | 24000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Stone, Confusion, Paralysis, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop, Silence
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Hellhouse
Level: | 11
HP: | 450
MP: | 0
EXP: | 44
GIL: | 250
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Confusion, Stone, Break,
| Transform, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Demi, Hell Bomber, Suicide Drop
Location: | Sector 6/7 Slums
Monster: | Hojo: Lifeform NA
Level: | 58
HP: | 30000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 25000
GIL: | 6000
AP: | 2500
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis,
| Stone, Break, Manipulate, Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Combo, Tentacle
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Hundred Gunner
Level: | 18
HP: | 1600
MP: | 0
EXP: | 330
GIL: | 300
AP: | 35
Weakness: | Earth
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Water
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Manipulate, Dark, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Hidden Artilery, Main Artillery, Auxilary Artilery, Wave
| Artilery
Location: | Shin-Ra Tower Escape Elevator
Monster: | Hungry
Level: | 33
HP: | 2000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 700
GIL: | 600
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Mini, Hit
Location: | Temple of Ancients

-----------------------------------[ I ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Ice Golem
Level: | 40
HP: | 4000
MP: | 30
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Berserk, Manipulate, Transform
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Cold Snap, Wide Grazer, Bodyblow
Location: | Great Glacier area
Monster: | Icicle
Level: | 30
HP: | 3000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 500
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | Fire, Demi, Earth
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Icicle Drop
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Ironite
Level: | 30
HP: | 2400
MP: | 100
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 680
AP: | 48
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bodyblow, Fry Upper, Sleepel
Location: | Crater area

-----------------------------------[ J ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Jayjujayme
Level: | 28
HP: | 640
MP: | 20
EXP: | 410
GIL: | 350
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bite, Silk Thread, Confu-Scales
Location: | Wutai Da Chao Mountains
Monster: | Jemnezmy
Level: | 24
HP: | 800
MP: | 80
EXP: | 510
GIL: | 400
AP: | 50
Weakness: | Poison
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Ice
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate,
| Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fascination, Cold Breath
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Jenova Birth
Level: | 25
HP: | 4000
MP: | 110
EXP: | 680
GIL: | 800
AP: | 52
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, confusion, Paralysis, Silence
| Stone, Break, Manipulate, Tranform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Tail Laser, W-Laser, Gas
Location: | Shinra Boat
Monster: | Jenova Death
Level: | 55
HP: | 25000
MP: | 800
EXP: | 6000
GIL: | 5000
AP: | 400
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Confusion, Poison, Return, Berserk, Silence, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Stop, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Silence, Red Light, Tropic Wind
Location: | Crater area
Monster: | Jenova Life
Level: | 50
HP: | 10000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 4000
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 350
Weakness: | Earth
Strengths: | Water
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | City of Ancients
Monster: | Jersey
Level: | 25
HP: | 500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 320
GIL: | 384
AP: | 30
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Manipulate, Stop
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Spin Attack
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion
Monster: | Joker
Level: | 18
HP: | 370
MP: | 0
EXP: | 150
GIL: | 260
AP: | 30
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Transform, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Heart, Club, Joker, Diamond, Spade
Location: | Gold Saucer Area/Bone Village Area
Monster: | Jumping
Level: | 24
HP: | 999
MP: | 0
EXP: | 400
GIL: | 50
AP: | 30
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Anartic Wind
Attacks: | Dive Kick, Club Sword
Location: | Bone Village area

-----------------------------------[ K ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Kalm Fang
Level: | 10
HP: | 160
MP: | 0
EXP: | 53
GIL: | 92
AP: | 5
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Fang, Bodyblow
Location: | Midgar
Monster: | Kelzmelzer
Level: | 30
HP: | 800
MP: | 0
EXP: | 410
GIL: | 400
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Antidote
Morph: | Antidote
Attacks: | Claw, Liquid Poison
Location: | Cetra Shrine
Monster: | Kimara Bug
Level: | 19
HP: | 700
MP: | 25
EXP: | 190
GIL: | 278
AP: | 19
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Spider-Web
Morph: | Hourglass
Attacks: | Butterfly Attack, Stop Web, Spider Web
Location: | Gongaga
Monster: | King Behemoth
Level: | ??
HP: | 18,000
MP: | 1000
EXP: | 2000
GIL: | 950
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Transform,
| Stop, Death
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Comet2, Claw, King Tail, Bite, Counter
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Kyuvildens
Level: | 24
HP: | 800
MP: | 0
EXP: | 340
GIL: | 368
AP: | 34
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Lay Flat
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)
Monster: | Kyuvilduns
Level: | 24
HP: | 800
MP: | 0
EXP: | 340
GIL: | 368
AP: | 34
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Lay Flat
Location: | Rocket Town

-----------------------------------[ L ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Land Worm
Level: | 22
HP: | 1500
MP: | 80
EXP: | 400
GIL: | 256
AP: | 40
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | Fire, Demi
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Earthquake, Sandstorm
Location: | Gold Saucer Desert
Monster: | Levrikon
Level: | 14
HP: | 200
MP: | 0
EXP: | 65
GIL: | 128
AP: | 7
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Bird Kick, Flaming Peck
Location: | Chocobo Farm area
Monster: | Lessaloploth
Level: | 34
HP: | 2000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 920
GIL: | 800
AP: | 65
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Ice, Demi, Poison, Aero
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | Pheonix Down
Attacks: | Wing Cut, Scorpion's Tail, Avalanche
Location: | Great Glacier area
Monster: | Lost Number
Level: | 35
HP: | 7000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 2000
GIL: | 2000
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Quake2, Fire2, Bolt2
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion

-----------------------------------[ M ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Madouge
Level: | 16
HP: | 220
MP: | 0
EXP: | 70
GIL: | 150
AP: | 8
Weakness: | None
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Grand Glove
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Iron Ball, Swampy Shoot
Location: | Mythril Mines
Monster: | Magic Pot
Level: | 41
HP: | 4096
MP: | 128
EXP: | 8000
GIL: | 8500
AP: | 1000
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Elixir, Bad Mouth, (stealing attack)
Location: | Last Crater
NOTE: | To defeat the Magic Pot, you MUST first give him an elixir,
| and note that a Megalixir WILL NOT DO.
Monster: | Magnade
Level: | 35
HP: | 1000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 980
GIL: | 1200
AP: | 50
Weakness: | Demi, Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Poison, Berserk, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Slow, Transform, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Shield Throw, W-Shield Throw
Location: | Great Glacier area
Monster: | Malboro
Level: | 44
HP: | 4400
MP: | 900
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 100
AP: | 100
Weakness: | WWater
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Transform, Manipulate, Break, Stone,
| Berserk
Steal: | M-Tentacles
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Frozen Breath, Bad Breath, Bio2
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Malldancer
Level: | 32
HP: | 600
MP: | 100
EXP: | 500
GIL: | 700
AP: | 56
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Pheonix Down
Morph: | X-Potion
Attacks: | Claw, Dance
Location: | Bone Village
Monster: | Mandragora
Level: | 10
HP: | 120
MP: | 0
EXP: | 55
GIL: | 135
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Lasan Nut
Morph: | Ether
Attacks: | Grass Punch, Slow Dance
Location: | Chocobo Forest Area
Monster: | Manhole
Level: | 35
HP: | 2500
MP: | 220
EXP: | 900
GIL: | 3000
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Break,
| Stone, Silence, Slow, Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Throw
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Marine
Level: | 16
HP: | 300
MP: | 20
EXP: | 75
GIL: | 150
AP: | 8
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | ShinRa Defense
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Sleep Gun, Grenade
Location: | Shinra Boat
Monster: | Master Tonberry
Level: | 45
HP: | 45,000
MP: | 1000
EXP: | 6000
GIL: | 6800
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Demi
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis, Stone,
| Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Break
Steal: | Elixir
Morph: | Megalixir
Attacks: | Everyone's Grudge, Knife
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Materia Keeper
Level: | 38
HP: | 8400
MP: | 300
EXP: | 3000
GIL: | 2400
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Big Horn, Hell Combo, Trine
Location: | Nebelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)
Monster: | Midgar Zolom
Level: | 26
HP: | 4000
MP: | 348
EXP: | 250
GIL: | 400
AP: | 25
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Slow, Manipulate, Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | X-Potion
Attacks: | Bite, Push, Beta
Location: |
Monster: | Mighty Grunt
Level: | 12
HP: | 230
MP: | 0
EXP: | 50
GIL: | 98
AP: | 5
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Berserk, Stone, Break, MAnipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | Grenade
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Double Gun, Rollerspin, Gun
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Mirage
Level: | 24
HP: | 570
MP: | 0
EXP: | 290
GIL: | 280
AP: | 22
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Manipulate
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slice
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion
Monster: | Mondo Drive
Level: | 2
HP: | 28
MP: | 28
EXP: | 18
GIL: | 8
AP: | 3
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ram, Fire
Location: | 1st Reactor
Monster: | Moth Slasher
Level: | 13
HP: | 260
MP: | 0
EXP: | 46
GIL: | 75
AP: | 5
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Carbon Bangle
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Speed Slash, Ram
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Motor Ball
Level: | 19
HP: | 2600
MP: | 120
EXP: | 440
GIL: | 350
AP: | 45
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Twin Burner, Arm Attack, Rolling Fire
Location: | Shinra Tower Escape
Monster: | MP
Level: | 2
HP: | 30
MP: | 0
EXP: | 16
GIL: | 10
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun, Punch
Location: | 1st Reactor
Monster: | Mu
Level: | 12
HP: | 210
MP: | 52
EXP: | 54
GIL: | 130
AP: | 6
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Stone, Break, Manipulate, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Hot Springs, Sinking, L4 Suicide
Location: | Chocobo Farm area

-----------------------------------[ N ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Needle Kiss
Level: | 17
HP: | 180
MP: | 40
EXP: | 75
GIL: | 130
AP: | 8
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Lightning, Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis
Steal: | Soft
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Chute Attack, Thunder Kiss
Location: | Mt. Corel
Monster: | Nerosuferoth
Level: | 16
HP: | 150
MP: | 20
EXP: | 53
GIL: | 146
AP: | 5
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Beak, Heatwing
Location: | Junon area
Monster: | Nibel Wolf
Level: | 23
HP: | 700
MP: | 0
EXP: | 265
GIL: | 160
AP: | 24
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None,
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Luchile Nut
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Bodyblow, Fang
Location: | Nibelheim area(duh)

-----------------------------------[ O ]-------------------------------------

There are no monsters for the letter "O"

-----------------------------------[ P ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Palmer
Level: | 38
HP: | 6000
MP: | 240
EXP: | 1800
GIL: | 5000
AP: | 98
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Break, Stone,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Mako Gun
Location: | Rocket Town
Monster: | Parasite
Level: | 51
HP: | 6000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 1100
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 100
Weakness: | Holy, Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Stone, Break, Dark,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | Remedy
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Head Attack, L5 Death, Magic Breath, Paratail
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Pollensalta
Level: | 41
HP: | 4000
MP: | 220
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 100
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hyper
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None. Cold Breath, Fire3, Fire2, Angel Whisper, Fascination
Location: | Last Crater
Monster: | Poodler
Level: | 42
HP: | 6000
MP: | 220
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 2500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | Speed Source
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Monster: | Proto Machine Gun
Level: | 4
HP: | 100
MP: | 0
EXP: | 16
GIL: | 15
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Lightning
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun
Location: | 2nd Reactor
Monster: | Proud Clod
Level: | 53
HP: | 60000
MP: | 320
EXP: | 7000
GIL: | 10000
AP: | 1000
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence,
| Slow, Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop, Stone
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Wrist Laser, Materia Jammer, Knee Fire, Machine Guns, Beam
| Cannon
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Proud Clod Armor(Battle Arena Edition)
Level: | 72
HP: | 90000
MP: | 1000
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | 0
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis, Silence, Return, Confusion,
| Break, Stone, Manipulate, Transform, Stop, Death, Slow
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Wrist Laser, Materia Jammer, Knee Fire, Machine Guns,
Location: | Battle Arena(after acquiring Omnislash and W-Summon Materia)
Monster: | Proud Clod Bare(Battle Arena Edition)
Level: | 73
HP: | 65,000
MP: | 0
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 0
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Poisonm Paralysis, Silence, Return, Confusion,
| Break, Stone, MAnipulate, Transform, Stop, Death, Slow
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Wrist Laser, Materia Jammer, Knee Fire, Machine Guns, Beam
| Cannon
Location: | Battle Arena(after acquiring Omnislash and W-Summon Materia)
NOTE: | You must defeat the Prod Clod Armor to attack Proud Clod Bare
Monster: | Prowler
Level: | 12
HP: | 150
MP: | 0
EXP: | 55
GIL: | 160
AP: | 5
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Hit Grind
Location: | Midgar

-----------------------------------[ Q ]-------------------------------------

There are no monsters for the letter "Q"

-----------------------------------[ R ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Rapps
Level: | 39
HP: | 6000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 3200
GIL: | 20000
AP: | 33
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence,
| Stone, Break, Manipulate, Transfrom, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Scorpion's Tail, Aero3
Location: | Wutai Da Chao Mountains
Monster: | Razor Weed
Level: | 27
HP: | 1000
MP: | 145
EXP: | 375
GIL: | 350
AP: | 30
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Glass Cutter, Spaz Voice, Magic Hammer
Location: | Western Continent
Monster: | Red Dragon
Level: | 39
HP: | 6800
MP: | 300
EXP: | 3500
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break, Poison,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Red Dragon Breath, Tail, Bite
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Reno
Level: | 22
HP: | 2000
MP: | 80
EXP: | 660
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Death, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slap, Turklight, Electropod
Location: | Gongaga
Monster: | Reno
Level: | 50
HP: | 25000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 5500
GIL: | 5000
AP: | 600
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Water
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Paralysis, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Berserk, Return, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | Tough Ring
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Turk Light, Electro Pod
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar(underground old submay transit)
Monster: | Rilfsak
Level: | 40
HP: | 2000
MP: | 500
EXP: | 750
GIL: | 1000
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Bloodsuck, Autumn Leaves
Location: | Ancient Forest
Monster: | Rocket Launcher
Level: | 5
HP: | 50
MP: | 0
EXP: | 13
GIL: | 7
AP: | 3
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Rocket LAuncher
Location: | 1st Reactor
Monster: | Rocket Launcher
Level: | 20
HP: | 1000
MP: | 0
EXP: | 600
GIL: | 300
AP: | 60
Weakness: | Lighting
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, MAnipulate, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Missle
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Roulette Cannon
Level: | 38
HP: | 3000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 1200
GIL: | 1600
AP: | 100
Weakness: | Lighting
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Poison
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, MAnipulate, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Missle, Roulette
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Rude
Level: | 23
HP: | 2000
MP: | 135
EXP: | 720
GIL: | 2000
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Death, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Punch, Fire, Cure
Location: | Gongaga
Monster: | Rude
Level: | 42
HP: | 9000
MP: | 240
EXP: | 3400
GIL: | 3000
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform
Steal: | Ziedrich
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | MBarrier, Grandspark, Punch
Location: | Rocket Town(just prior to capturing Huge Materia from Rocket)
Monster: | Rude
Level: | 51
HP: | 28000
MP: | 250
EXP: | 5500
GIL: | 5000
AP: | 600
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Confusion, Paralysis, Silence, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | Ziedrich
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Punch, Grand Spark
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar(underground old subway transit)
Monster: | Rufus
Level: | 21
HP: | 500
MP: | 0
EXP: | 240
GIL: | 400
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break, Manipulate,
| Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Shotgun
Location: | Shinra Tower Roof

-----------------------------------[ S ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Sahagin
Level: | 10
HP: | 150
MP: | 0
EXP: | 30
GIL: | 89
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Water
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hyper
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Water Gun, Trident
Location: | Underground Midgar Sewers(after Corneo MAnsion incident)
Monster: | Schizo(left)
Level: | 43
HP: | 18000
MP: | 350
EXP: | 2200
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 120
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Paralysis, Poison, Berserk, Silence, Stone,
| Slow, Break, Manipulate, Death, Transform, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Frozen Breath, Quake3
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Schizo(right)
Level: | 43
HP: | 18000
MP: | 350
EXP: | 2200
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 120
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Iece
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Berserk, Stone, Break, Silence, Death,
| Slow, Manipulate, Transform, Stop, Paralysis,
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Flame Breath, Quake3
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Scotch
Level: | 11
HP: | 150
MP: | 0
EXP: | 22
GIL: | 60
AP: | 0
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun
Location: | Corneo's Mansion
Monster: | Screamer
Level: | 26
HP: | 800
MP: | 40
EXP: | 400
GIL: | 400
AP: | 33
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Power Source
Attacks: | Iron Ball, Iron Attack, War Cry
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)
Monster: | Scrutin Eye
Level: | 15
HP: | 240
MP: | 60
EXP: | 80
GIL: | 120
AP: | 8
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, and Water
Abnormal: | Paralysis, Return, Stop
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fire2, Ice2, Ram
Location: | Shinra Boat
Monster: | Search Crown
Level: | 16
HP: | 150
MP: | 30
EXP: | 0
GIL: | 111
AP: | 8
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Manipulate, Transform
Steal: | Turbo Ether
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Seed Shooting, Four Laser
Location: | Mt.Corel
Monster: | Sea Worm
Level: | 22
HP: | 9000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 333
GIL: | 333
AP: | 200
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | Earth
Ineffective: | Demi, Fire
Abnormal: | Return, confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Manipulate, Transform,
| Death, Stop
Steal: | Dragon Scales
Morph: | Dragon Scales
Attacks: | Sandstorm, Crush, Earthquake
Location: | Mideel Islands(shore area)
Monster: | Senior Grunt
Level: | 35
HP: | 2600
MP: | 245
EXP: | 930
GIL: | 800
AP: | 90
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Handclaw, Harrier Beam, Water Wave
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Serpent
Level: | 40
HP: | 14000
MP: | 290
EXP: | 1400
GIL: | 2500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Water Ring
Morph: | Mind Source
Attacks: | Viper Breath, Aqualung
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Monster: | Shadow Maker
Level: | 42
HP: | 2000
MP: | 120
EXP: | 500
GIL: | 500
AP: | 25
Weakness: | Lightning
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Manipulate,
| Death
Steal: | Graviball
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slow
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Shake
Level: | 32
HP: | 4000
MP: | 180
EXP: | 2200
GIL: | 0
AP: | 50
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Berserk, Return, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Death, Transform,
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Beak, Rage Bomber
Location: | Wutai Da Chao Mountains
Monster: | Shred
Level: | 32
HP: | 900
MP: | 100
EXP: | 500
GIL: | 950
AP: | 40
Weakness: | Aero, Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Ice, Earth, Water
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Tail, Crazy Claw, Cure3
Location: | Great Glacier area
Monster: | Skeeskee
Level: | 20
HP: | 540
MP: | 0
EXP: | 222
GIL: | 222
AP: | 22
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | Hyper
Attacks: | Rage Bomber, Beak
Location: | Cosmo Canyon
Monster: | Slalom
Level: | 37
HP: | 1600
MP: | 30
EXP: | 700
GIL: | 1500
AP: | 70
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Poispm
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | Smoke Bomb
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Punch, Smog
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Slaps
Level: | 29
HP: | 900
MP: | 50
EXP: | 370
GIL: | 450
AP: | 30
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis,
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hyper
Attacks: | Bug Needle, Berserk Needle, Paralyzer Needle
Location: | Cetra Shrine
Monster: | Smogger
Level: | 8
HP: | 90
MP: | 0
EXP: | 32
GIL: | 60
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Poison, Paralysis, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Smog, Hit, Poison
Location: | 2nd Reactor
Monster: | Sneaky Step
Level: | 21
HP: | 600
MP: | 65
EXP: | 270
GIL: | 330
AP: | 24
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Triple Attack
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Snow
Level: | 32
HP: | 4000
MP: | 160
EXP: | 500
GIL: | 700
AP: | 42
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | Ice
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Confusion, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | Circlet
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Cold Breath, Fascination, Ice2
Location: | Great Glacier area
Monster: | Solider-1st
Level: | 44
HP: | 5000
MP: | 400
EXP: | 960
GIL: | 2400
AP: | 90
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Manipulate
Steal: | Shinra Alpha
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Sword of Doom, Slash
Location: | Second Raid on Midgar
Monster: | Soldier-2nd
Level: | 5
HP: | 4000
MP: | 340
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 750
AP: | 85
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Remedy
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fight, Sword of Doom
Location: | Junon
Monster: | Soldier-3rd
Level: | 13
HP: | 250
MP: | 40
EXP: | 54
GIL: | 116
AP: | 6
Weakness: | Fire
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hardedge
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Slash, Flying Sickle, Ice2
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Sonic Speed
Level: | 26
HP: | 750
MP: | 50
EXP: | 370
GIL: | 330
AP: | 28
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Manipulate, Stop
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Speed Drink
Attacks: | Harrier, Swoop
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)
Monster: | Soul Fire
Level: | 21
HP: | 1300
MP: | 220
EXP: | 200
GIL: | 100
AP: | 10
Weakness: | Holy, Aero
Strengths: | Fire
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi, Poison, Water
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Fire2
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Special Combatant
Level: | 9
HP: | 60
MP: | 0
EXP: | 28
GIL: | 40
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Hit, Wave, Beam Gun
Location: | 2nd Reactor
Monster: | Spencer
Level: | 17
HP: | 250
MP: | 0
EXP: | 110
GIL: | 175
AP: | 11
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Saraha Nut
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Swordblade, Uppercutter
Location: | Gold Saucer area/Icicle Inn area
Monster: | Spiral
Level: | 39
HP: | 2800
MP: | 100
EXP: | 700
GIL: | 333
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | X-Potion
Morph: | Guard Source
Attacks: | Spin, Charge
Location: | Mideel Islands
Monster: | Staniv
Level: | 36
HP: | 6000
MP: | 240
EXP: | 3600
GIL: | 0
AP: | 50
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Silence, Stone, Break,
| Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Chain, War Cry
Location: | Wutai Pagoda
Monster: | Stilva
Level: | 40
HP: | 5000
MP: | 300
EXP: | 1000
GIL: | 1100
AP: | 110
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Big Red Clipper, Trine, Magic Breath
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Stinger
Level: | 25
HP: | 2200
MP: | 60
EXP: | 290
GIL: | 358
AP: | 25
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Paralysis
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Hit, Sting Bomb
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak
Monster: | Submarine Crew
Level: | 32
HP: | 1500
MP: | 85
EXP: | 850
GIL: | 500
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | 8-Ince Cannon
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun, Hand Grenade
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Sweeper
Level: | 8
HP: | 140
MP: | 0
EXP: | 27
GIL: | 30
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Outside Kalm
Monster: | Sword Dance
Level: | 11
HP: | 160
MP: | 0
EXP: | 39
GIL: | 90
AP: | 6
Weakness: | Mone.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth
Abnormal: | Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Hyper
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Thrash, Slap, Sawback
Location: | Shinra Tower

-----------------------------------[ T ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Thunderbird
Level: | 28
HP: | 800
MP: | 80
EXP: | 385
GIL: | 420
AP: | 36
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Lightning
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Bolt Plume
Morph: | Swift Bolt
Attacks: | Stab, Lightning
Location: | Western Continent
Monster: | Tonadu
Level: | 30
HP: | 1600
MP: | 0
EXP: | 600
GIL: | 600
AP: | 45
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Water, Earth
Abnormal: | Return, Paralysis, Stop
Steal: | Bird Wing
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Claw, Great Gale, Big Sound
Location: | Cetra Shrine
Monster: | Touch Me
Level: | 18
HP: | 300
MP: | 74
EXP: | 170
GIL: | 180
AP: | 23
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Transform
Steal: | Impaler
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Frog Song, Frog Jab
Location: | Cosmo Canyon area(jungle)
Monster: | Toxic Frog
Level: | 26
HP: | 500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 420
GIL: | 260
AP: | 30
Weakness: | Ice
Strengths: | Earth
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Transform
Steal: | Impaler
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Frong Jab, Frog Song, Poison
Location: | Temple of Ancients
Monster: | Trick Play
Level: | 24
HP: | 1500
MP: | 100
EXP: | 480
GIL: | 800
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Earth
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Stone, Break, MAnipulate, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Magma, Sewer, Gold Mountain, L4 Suicide, Sinking
Location: | Icicle Inn area
Monster: | Twin Brain
Level: | 25
HP: | 400
MP: | 20
EXP: | 340
GIL: | 320
AP: | 32
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Ether
Morph: | Turbo Ether
Attacks: | Absorb, Stare Down
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)

-----------------------------------[ U ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Underwater MP
Level: | 34
HP: | 1000
MP: | 100
EXP: | 820
GIL: | 600
AP: | 80
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Shinra Alpha
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Machine Gun, Hand Grenade
Location: | Underwater Reactor
Monster: | Unknown
Level: | 50
HP: | 11000
MP: | 110
EXP: | 1500
GIL: | 5000
AP: | 150
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Fire Armlet
Morph: | Power Source
Attacks: | Fire, Fire2, Tail, Tongue
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Monster: | Unknown 2
Level: | 51
HP: | 13000
MP: | 130
EXP: | 3000
GIL: | 10000
AP: | 300
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Aurora Armlet
Morph: | Guard Source
Attacks: | Abnormal Breath, Tentacle, Needle
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Monster: | Unknown 3
Level: | 52
HP: | 150000
MP: | 150
EXP: | 2000
GIL: | 7500
AP: | 200
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Bolt Armlet
Morph: | Magic Source
Attacks: | Poison Fang, Creepy Touch
Location: | Sunken Gelnika

-----------------------------------[ V ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Valron
Level: | 24
HP: | 950
MP: | 80
EXP: | 300
GIL: | 300
AP: | 30
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return, Confusion, Berserk, Transform
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Speed Punch, Jump Kick, Dive Kick, MBarrier
Location: | Nibelheim area
Monster: | Vargid Police
Level: | 9
HP: | 140
MP: | 28
EXP: | 44
GIL: | 40
AP: | 7
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Tranquilizer
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Needle, Suicide
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Velcher Task
Level: | 26
HP: | 900
MP: | 28
EXP: | 320
GIL: | 350
AP: | 31
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Remedy
Morph: | Remedy
Attacks: | Claw, Poison Blow
Location: | Rocket Town area
Monster: | Vice
Level: | 7
HP: | 68
MP: | 0
EXP: | 24
GIL: | 80
AP: | 3
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Return
Steal: | Speed Drink
Morph: | Potion
Attacks: | Hit
Location: | Sector 6/7 Slums
Monster: | Vlakorados
Level: | 33333
HP: | 333
MP: | 510
EXP: | 460
GIL: | 40
AP: | None.
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Return, Berserk, Confusion, Stone, Silence, Break, Manipulate,
| Transform
Steal: | Carob Nut
Morph: | Elixir
Attacks: | Tail, Violent Advance, Bolt Ball
Location: | Grass Area south of Bone Village

-----------------------------------[ W ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Warning Board
Level: | 12
HP: | 270
MP: | 0
EXP: | 38
GIL: | 75
AP: | 4
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Lightning
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Paralysis, Poison,
| Stone, Break, Dark, Manipulate, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | None.
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Wind Wing
Level: | 35
HP: | 1900
MP: | 350
EXP: | 800
GIL: | 500
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Hi-Potion
Morph: | Pheonix Down
Attacks: | Tailbeat, Sham Sela, Aero3, White Wind
Location: | Crater Area
Monster: | Whole Eater
Level: | 9
HP: | 72
MP: | 0
EXP: | 24
GIL: | 70
AP: | 2
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Potion
Morph: | Potion
Attacks: | Sickle
Location: | Sector 6/7 Slums
Monster: | Wolfmeister
Level: | 43
HP: | 10000
MP: | 200
EXP: | 10000
GIL: | 600
AP: | 100
Weakness: | Water
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone, Silence,
| Manipulate, Break, Dark, Transform, Death
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Heavy Sword, Big Guard
Location: | North Corel Train

-----------------------------------[ X ]-------------------------------------

There are no monsters for the letter "X"

-----------------------------------[ Y ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Ying/Yang
Level: | 24
HP: | 2400
MP: | 220
EXP: | 350
GIL: | 400
AP: | 35
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Demi
Abnormal: | Sleep, Return, Berserk, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, Stone,
| Break, Manipulate, Transform, Death, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ice2, Bolt2
Location: | Nibelheim Mansion Basement Area
-----------------------------------[ Z ]-------------------------------------

Monster: | Zemzelett
Level: | 17
HP: | 285
MP: | 36
EXP: | 70
GIL: | 165
AP: | 7
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Water, Demi, Earth
Abnormal: | Berserk, Return, Confusion, Paralysis, Transform, Stop
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Hi-Potion
Attacks: | Thunderbolt, White Wind
Location: | Fort Condor Mountains
Monster: | Zenene
Level: | 14
HP: | 250
MP: | 93
EXP: | 58
GIL: | 60
AP: | 6
Weakness: | Holy
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | Poison
Steal: | Deadly Waste
Morph: | None.
Attacks: | Ghengana Tail, Piazzo Shower
Location: | Shinra Tower
Monster: | Zolkalter
Level: | 30
HP: | 950
MP: | 90
EXP: | 700
GIL: | 700
AP: | 60
Weakness: | None.
Strengths: | Poison
Ineffective: | None.
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | None.
Morph: | Antidote
Attacks: | Bite, Toxic Barf
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Monster: | Zuu
Level: | 27
HP: | 1200
MP: | 40
EXP: | 450
GIL: | 430
AP: | 38
Weakness: | Aero
Strengths: | None.
Ineffective: | Earth, Demi
Abnormal: | None.
Steal: | Bird Wing
Morph: | Bird Wing
Attacks: | Great Gale, Slash
Location: | Nibelheim Mountains(Mt.Nibel)

----------------------------[ Item Listing Charts ]--------------------------

Items | Effects
1/35 Soldier | (beats the heck out of me)
8-Inch Cannon | Very Powerful damage on against opponent
Antartic Wind | Casts Ice2 on all opponents
Antidote | The cure for poison status
Bird Wing | Casts Aero2 on all opponents
Bolt Plume | Casts Bolt2 on all opponents
Carob Nut | For chocobo breeding
Cornucopia | The cure for Mini status
Curiel Greens | For chocobo capture
Dazers | Casts Paralysis on one opponent
Deadly Waste | Casts Bio2 on all opponents
Dragon Fang | Lightning Damage against all opponents
Dragon Scales | Casts Water on all opponents
Dream Powder | Casts Sleep on all opponents
Earth Drum | Casts Quake2 on all opponents
Echo Screen | The cure for Silence
Elixir | Completely restores all lost MP and HP
Ether | Restores 100 MP of loss MP
Eye Drop | The cure for Darkness
Fire Fang | Casts Fire2 on all opponents
Fire Veil | Casts Fire3 on all opponents
Ghost Hand | Absorbs MP from one opponenet
Graviball | Casts Demi on one opponent
Grenade | Small Damage when used against opp.
Guard Source | Permanently raises Vitality by 1 point
Hero Drink | Raises random stat by 20 pts. 1/battle
Hi-Potion | Restores 500 HP of loss HP
Holy Touch | Casts DeSpell on one ally
Hyper | The cure for Sadness
Ice Crystal | Casts Ice3 on all opponents
Impaler | Changes one opponent to a Frog
Ink | Casts Darkness on all opponents
Krakka Greens | For chocobo capture
Lasan Nut | For chocobo breeding
Light Barrier | Casts Barrier on all
Loco Weed | Casts Confusion on all opponents
Luchile Nut | For chocobo breeding
Luck Source | Permanently raises Luck by 1 point
Magic Source | Permanently raises Magic by 1 point
Maiden's Kiss | The cure for Frog status
Megalixir | Completely restores HP/MP to All allies
Mimett Greens | For chocobo capture
Mind Source | Permanently raises Spirit by 1 point
Molotov | Casts Fire 2.5 on all opponents
M-Tentacles | Casts Bio3 on all opponents
Mute Mask | Casts Silence on all opponents
Pahsana Greens | For chocobo capture
Pepio Nut | For chocobo breeding
Pheonix Down | Revives a character to 15% HP
Porov Nut | For chocobo breeding
Potion | Restores 100 HP of loss HP
Power Source | Permanently raises Strength by 1 point
Pram Nut | For chocobo breeding
Reagan Greens | For chocobo capture
Remedy | Cures all abnormal statuses 1/battle
Saraha Nut | For chocobo breeding
Save Crystal | Create save spot anywhere in Last Crater
Shrapnel | Small Damage when used against all opp.
Shrivel | Casts Mini on one opponent
S-Mine | Powerful Damage against one opponent
Smoke Bomb | Allows easier escape from battle
Soft | The cure for Stone/Break status
Speed Drink | Casts Haste on one party member
Speed Source | Permanently raises Speed by 1 Point
Spider-Web | Casts Slow on all opponents
Star Dust | Casts Comet2 on all opponents
Super Sweeper | (beats the heck out of me)
Swift Bolt | Casts Bolt3 on all opponents
Sylkis Greens | For chocobo capture
Tent | Restores all lost HP/MP at save points
Tissue | (beats the heck out of me)
Tranquilizer | The cure for Fury/Berserk status
T/S Bomb | Casts Demi2 against one opponents
Turbo Ether | Completely Restores all loss MP
Vaccine | Use in advance to prevent transformation
Vampire Fang | Absorbs HP from one opponent
War Gong | Casts Berserk on all opponents
X-Potion | Completely restores all loss HP
Zeio Nut | For chocobo breeding

NOTE: The majority of the items involving the Wall Market ties up to the
Corneo's Mansion incident.

Rare Items/Event Items | Effect
Ancient Key | For use to acquire WHITE MATERIA
Basement Key | For use in Nibelheim Basement
Black(METEO) Materia | For use in developing storyline
Blonde Wig | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Cologne | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Cotton Dress | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Deodorant | For use in Wall Market only
Diamond Tiara | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Digestive | For use in Wall Market only
Disinfectant | For use in Wall Market only
Dyed Wig | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Flower Cologne | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Glacier Map | To help navigate through Great Glacier
Grass Tiara | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Huge Materia(all 4 of them) | To acquire Bahamut Zero/Master Materia
Keycard 60 | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 59
Keycard 62 | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 61
Keycard 65 | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 64
Keycard 66 | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 65
Keycard 68 | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 68
Keystone | For use in Temple of Ancients
Leviathan Scales | For use to put out fire in Da Chao
Members Card | For use in Wall Market only
Midgar Parts | For use in Shinra Tower Floor 65
Mythril | For use in Sleeping Man's cave
Pharmacy Coupons | For use in Wall Market only
PHS | For use in Save Points only
Ruby Tiara | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Satin Dress | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Sexy Cologne | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Silk Dress | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only
Snowboard | For use to get to Great Glacier
White(HOLY)Materia | For use in developing storyline
Wig | For use on Cloud in Wall Market only

----------------------------- [ Weapons Listing ] ---------------------------

-------------------------------- [ Aeris ] ----------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Aurora Rod | 5800 | 51 | 110% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Fairy Tale | 2500 | 37 | 103% | 7 | 0 | Normal
Full Metal Staff| 800 | 22 | 100% | 2 | 0 | Normal
Guard Stick | NA | 12 | 99% | 1 | 0 | Normal
Mythril Rod | 370 | 16 | 100% | 0 | 2 | Normal
PARASOL | NA | 58 | 118% | 0 | 0 | NA
Princess Guard | NA | 52 | 111% | 1 | 6 | Normal
Prism Staff | 2600 | 40 | 105% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Striking Staff | 1300 | 32 | 100% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Wiser Staff | NA | 33 | 100% | 4 | 0 | Double
Wizard Staff | NA | 28 | 100% | 3 | 0 | Double

Aurora Rod | Shop in Wutai
Fairy Tale | Recieved from Turks battle in Gongaga
Full Metal Staff | Shop in Kalm
Guard Stick | Initially equipped
Mythril Rod | Shop in Wall Market
PARASOL | 4000 pts. in Speed Square(Gold Saucer)
Princess Guard | Temple of Ancients
Prism Staff | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Striking Staff | Stolen from Eligor
Wiser Staff | Recieved from Gi Nattak battle
Wizard Staff | Fall left on Mt. Corel train tracks

-------------------------------- [ Barret ] ---------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
AM Cannon | 12000| 77 | 103% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Assault Gun | 350 | 17 | 98% | 0 | 2 | Normal
Atomic Scissors | NA | 32 | 99% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Cannonball | 950 | 23 | 98% | 1 | 2 | Normal
Chainsaw | 6300 | 52 | 100% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Drill Arm | 2000 | 37 | 97% | 4 | 0 | Double
Enemy Launcher | 3200 | 35 | 100% | 3 | 2 | Normal
Gattling Gun | NA | 14 | 97 | 1 | 0 | Normal
Heavy Vulcan | 2700 | 39 | 100% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Max Ray | NA | 97 | 98% | 0 | 6 | NA
Micro Laser | 12000| 63 | 101% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Missing Score | NA | 98 | 108% | 0 | 0 | NA
Rocket Punch | NA | 62 | 110% | 0 | 0 | NA
W Machine Gun | 18000| 30 | 100% | 3 | 0 | Double

AM Cannon | Shop in Mideel
Assault Gun | Acquired after defeating Guard Scorpion
Atomic Scissors | Steal from Custom Sweeper outside Midgar
Cannonball | Shop in Kalm
Chainsaw | Shop in Wutai
Drill Arm | Cid's House
Enemy Launcher | Nibelheim
Gattling Gun | Initially Equipped
Heavy Vulcan | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Max Ray | Found in Sector 8
Micro Laser | Shop in Icicle Inn
Missing Score | During Raid on Midgar
Rocket Punch | Temple of Ancients
W Machine Gun | Mt.Corel tracks

------------------------------- [ Cait Sith ] -------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Battle Trumphet | NA | 95 | 95% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Black M-Phone | 2800 | 31 | 104% | 4 | 0 | Double
Blue M-Phone | 5500 | 48 | 100% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Crystal M-Phone | 18000| 74 | 100% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Gold M-Phone | NA | 58 | 103% | 0 | 8 | NA
Green M-Phone | 12000| 41 | 100% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Marvelous Cheer | NA | 95 | 110% | 0 | 8 | NA
Red M-Phone | 11000| 60 | 100% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Starlight Phone | NA | 88 | 102% | 0 | 8 | NA
Trumphet Shell | 3000 | 68 | 118% | 0 | 0 | Normal
White M-Phone | 2300 | 35 | 102% | 3 | 0 | Double
Yellow M-Phone | 500 | 36 | 100% | 2 | 2 | Normal

Battle Trumphet | Underwater Reactor
Black M-Phone | Cave of Gi
Blue M-Phone | Shop in Wutai
Crystal M-Phone | Shop Mideel
Gold M-Phone | Costa Del Sol
Green M-Phone | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Marvelous Cheer | 3rd locker on the Gym in Shinra Tower during Midgar Raid
Red M-Phone | Shop in Icicle Inn
Starlight Phone | Sector 8
Trumphet Shell | Temple of Ancients(Door 7)
White M-Phone | Gongaga
Yellow M-Phone | Initially Equipped

--------------------------------- [ Cid ] -----------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Dragoon Lance | NA | 66 | 100% | 8 | 0 | Normal
Javelin | NA | 62 | 104% | 1 | 4 | Double
Mast Ax | 13000| 64 | 99% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Mop | NA | 68 | 118% | 0 | 0 | NA
Partisan | 19000| 78 | 100% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Scimitar | NA | 86 | 102% | 0 | 2 | Triple
Slash Lance | 6500 | 56 | 98% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Spear | 1200 | 44 | 97% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Trident | 7500 | 60 | 105% | 6 | 0 | Normal
Venus Gospel | NA | 97 | 103% | 0 | 8 | NA
Viper Halberd | NA | 58 | 102% | 4 | 0 | Double

Dragoon Lance | Da-chao Mountains in Wutai
Javelin | Gaea's Cliff
Mast Ax | Shop in Icicle Inn
Mop | Temple of Ancients
Partisan | Shop in Mideel
Scimitar | Underwater Reactor
Slash Lance | Wutai
Spear | Initially Equipped
Trident | Temple of Ancients
Venus Gospel | Rocket Town, speak with man after Meteor is casted
Viper Halberd | Coral Valley

-------------------------------- [ Cloud ] ----------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Apocalypse | NA | 88 | 110% | 3 | 0 | Triple
Buster Sword | NA | 18 | 96% | 0 | 2 | Normal
Butterfly Edge | 2800 | 39 | 100% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Crystal Sword | 18000| 76 | 105% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Enhance Sword | 12000| 43 | 107% | 0 | 8 | Normal
Hardedge | 1500 | 32 | 98% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Heaven's Cloud | NA | 93 | 100% | 6 | 0 | Normal
Force Stealer | 2200 | 36 | 100% | 3 | 0 | Double
Murasame | 6500 | 51 | 100% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Mythril Saber | 1000 | 23 | 98% | 1 | 2 | Normal
Nail Bat | 2800 | 70 | 100% | 0 | 0 | NA
Organics | 12000| 62 | 103% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Ragnarok | NA | 97 | 105% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Rune Blade | 3800 | 40 | 108% | 4 | 0 | Double
Ultima Weapon | NA | 100 | 110% | 0 | 8 | NA
Yoshiyuki | NA | 56 | 100% | 2 | 0 | Normal

Apocalypse | Ancient Forest
Buster Sword | Initially equipped
Butterfly Edge | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Crystal Sword | Shop in Mideel
Enhance Sword | Gaea's Gliffs
Hardedge | Steal from Soldier: 3rd
Heaven's Cloud | Sunken Gelnika
Force Stealer | Acquiring 150 or more points during Junon Event
Murasame | Shop in Wutai
Mythril Saber | Shop in Kalm
Nail Bat | Fall from Clock in Temple of Ancients
Organics | Shop in Icicle Inn
Ragnarok | Defeat Prod Clod
Rune Blade | Nibelheim Mountains
Ultima Weapon | Defeat Ultimate Weapon
Yoshiyuki | Talk to man in front Rocket Town

------------------------------- [ Red XIII ] --------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Adaman Clip | 11000| 60 | 106% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Centclip | NA | 58 | 108% | 8 | 0 | Normal
Crystal Comb | 17000| 76 | 108% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Diamond Pin | 1300 | 33 | 102% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Gold Barette | 6000 | 50 | 104% | 1 | 4 | Double
Hairpin | 6000 | 57 | 120% | 0 | 0 | NA
LIMITED MOON | NA | 93 | 114% | 0 | 8 | NA
Magic Comb | 3500 | 37 | 100% | 3 | 0 | Double
Mythril Clip | 800 | 24 | 100% | 1 | 2 | Normal
Plus Berette | 6000 | 39 | 104% | 4 | 0 | Normal
Seraph Comb | NA | 68 | 110% | 4 | 0 | Normal
Silver Berette | 2500 | 40 | 110% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Spring Gun Clip | NA | 87 | 100% | 0 | 6 | Normal

Adaman Clip | Shop in Icicle Inn
Centclip | Costa Del Sol
Crystal Comb | Shop in Mideel
Diamond Pin | Steal from Bagnadrana
Gold Barette | Shop in Wutai
Hairpin | Wutai
LIMITED MOON | Return to BugenHagen's room after Meteor begins
Magic Comb | Fort Condor(play mini game)
Mythril Clip | Initially Equipped
Plus Berette | Nibelheim Mountains
Seraph Comb | After Gi Nattak Caves
Silver Berette | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Spring Gun Clip | Ancient Forest

--------------------------------- [ Tifa ] ----------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Crystal Glove | 16000| 75 | 115% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Diamond Knuckle | 5800 | 51 | 112% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Dragon Claw | 10000| 62 | 114% | 2 | 4 | Normal
God's Hand | NA | 86 | 255% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Grand Glove | 1200 | 31 | 110% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Kaiser Knuckle | 15000| 44 | 110% | 6 | 2 | Normal
Leather Glove | NA | 13 | 99% | 1 | 0 | Normal
Metal Knuckle | 320 | 18 | 102% | 0 | 2 | Normal
Motor Drive | NA | 27 | 106% | 3 | 0 | Double
Mythril Claw | 750 | 24 | 106% | 1 | 2 | Normal
Platinum Fist | 2700 | 30 | 108% | 4 | 0 | Double
Premium Heart | NA | 99 | 112% | 0 | 8 | NA
Tiger Fang | 2500 | 38 | 110% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Work Glove | 2200 | 68 | 114% | 0 | 0 | NA

Crystal Glove | Shop in Mideel
Diamond Knuckle | Shop in Wutai
Dragon Claw | Shop in Icicle Inn
God's Hand | Defeat Carry Armor
Grand Glove | Steal from Madouge
Kaiser Knuckle | Whirlwind Maze
Leather Glove | Initially Equipped
Metal Knuckle | Shop in Wall Market
Motor Drive | Costa Del Sol
Mythril Claw | Shop in Kalm
Platinum Fist | Nibelheim
Premium Heart | Get Sector 5 key from Bone Village and use it in Midgar
Tiger Fang | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Work Glove | Temple of Ancients

-------------------------------- [ Vincent ] --------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
Buntline | NA | 48 | 124% | 0 | 4 | NA
Death Penalty | NA | 99 | 115% | 0 | 8 | NA
Lariat | 12000| 64 | 120% | 2 | 4 | Normal
Long Barrel R | NA | 66 | 255% | 0 | 8 | NA
Outsider | NA | 80 | 120% | 4 | 4 | Normal
Peacemaker | NA | 38 | 118% | 1 | 2 | NA
Quicksilver | 1000 | 38 | 110% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Shotgun | 3100 | 48 | 112% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Shortbarrel | 6400 | 51 | 118% | 1 | 4 | Normal
Sniper CR | 3000 | 42 | 255% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Supershot ST | NA | 97 | 120% | 0 | 6 | NA
Winchester | 18000| 73 | 120% | 0 | 6 | Normal

Buntline | Bone Village
Death Penalty | Waterfall Cave
Lariat | Shop in Icicle Inn
Long Barrel R | Costa Del Sol
Outsider | Downed Shinra Plane
Peacemaker | Kalm
Quicksilver | Initially Equipped
Shotgun | Shop in Rocket Town
Shortbarrel | Shop in Wutai
Sniper CR | Neibelheim Mountains
Supershot ST | Ancient Forest
Winchester | Shop in Mideel

-------------------------------- [ Yuffie ] ---------------------------------

Weapon | Cost | AttPwr | Hit% | UnLS | LS | Materia Growth
4-Point Shuriken| NA | 23 | 100% | 2 | 1 | Normal
Boomerang | 1400 | 30 | 101% | 2 | 2 | Normal
Conformer | NA | 96 | 112% | 0 | 8 | NA
Cystral Cross | 18000| 74 | 110% | 0 | 6 | Normal
Hawkeye | 12000| 61 | 107% | 4 | 2 | Normal
Magic Shuriken | 14000| 68 | 110% | 2 | 6 | Normal
Oritsuru | NA | 90 | 116% | 4 | 4 | Normal
Pin Wheel | 2600 | 37 | 104% | 0 | 4 | Normal
Razor Ring | 6000 | 49 | 105% | 4 | 1 | Normal
Super Ball | 3000 | 68 | 120% | 0 | 0 | NA
Twin Viper | NA | 36 | 108% | 4 | 0 | Double
Wind Slash | NA | 30 | 103% | 3 | 0 | Normal

4-Point Shuriken| Initially Equipped
Boomerang | Steal from Formula
Conformer | Find in Sunken Gelnika
Cystral Cross | Shop in Mideel
Hawkeye | Shop in Icicle Inn
Magic Shuriken | Costa Del Sol
Oritsuru | Da-chao Mountains
Pin Wheel | Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Razor Ring | Shop in Wutai
Super Ball | Fort Condor
Twin Viper | Nibelheim Mansion
Wind Slash | Shinra Boat

---------------------------------- [ Armor ] --------------------------------

Name: | Aegis Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 55
Evade: | 15
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 86
Magic Evade: | 60
Magic: | 1
Location: | Raid on Midgar
Name: | Aurora Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 76
Evade: | 8
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 54
Magic Evade: | 3
Magic: | 1
Location: | City of Ancients
Name: | Bolt Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 74
Evade: | 8
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 55
Magic Evade: | 3
Magic: | 1
Location: | Corel Valley
Name: | Bronze Bangle
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 8
Evade: | 0%
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0%
Magic: | 1
Location: | Initially Equipped
Name: | Carbon Bangle
Cost: | 800
Defense: | 27
Evade: | 3
Linked Slots: | 2
Unlinked: | 1
Magic Defense: | 8
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Moth Slasher
Name: | Chocoobracelet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 35
Evade: | 10
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 4
Magic Defense: | 38
Magic Evade: | 10
Magic: | 1
Location: | Random Chocobo Racing Gift
Name: | Crystal Bangle
Cost: | 4800
Defense: | 70
Evade: | 8
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 45
Magic Evade: | 1
Magic: | 1
Location: | Shop in Mideel
Name: | Diamond Bangle
Cost: | 3200
Defense: | 57
Evade: | 6
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 1
Magic Defense: | 37
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Shop in Bone Village
Name: | Dragon Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 58
Evade: | 3
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic Evade: | 7%
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Red Dragon
Name: | Edincoat
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 50
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 8
Magic Defense: | 33
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Palmer
Name: | Escort Guard
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 62
Evade: | 5
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Sunken Gelnika
Name: | Fire Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 72
Evade: | 8
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 52
Magic Evade: | 3
Magic: | 1
Location: | Gaea's Cliffs
Name: | Four Slots
Cost: | 1300
Defense: | 12
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 8
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 10
Magic Evade: | 0%
Magic: | 1
Location: | Give Item Coupon A in Shinra Tower
Name: | Gigas Armlet
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 59
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 0
Location: | Defeat Demons' Gate
Name: | Gold Armlet
Cost: | 2000
Defense: | 46
Evade: | 4
Linked Slots: | 2
Unlinked: | 2
Magic Defense: | 22
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Dragon
Name: | Imperial Guard
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 82
Evade: | 6
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 74
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Reno during Raid on Midgar
Name: | Iron Bangle
Cost: | 160
Defense: | 10
Evade: | 0%
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 1
Magic Defense: | 2
Magic Evade | 0%
Magic: | 1
Location: | Beginner's Shop
Name: | Minerva Band
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 60
Evade: | 8
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 57
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Elena during Raid on Midgar.
Name: | Mystile
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 65
Evade: | 60%
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 72
Magic Evade: | 60
Magic: | 1
Location: | Raid on Midgar, Last Crater
Name: | Mythril Armlet
Cost: | 350
Defense: | 18
Evade: | 3
Linked Slots: | 2
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 6
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Shop in Wall Market
Name: | Platinum Bangle
Cost: | 1800
Defense: | 20
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 2
Magic Defense: | 12
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Shop in Costa Del Sol
Name: | Rune Armlet
Cost: | 3700
Defense: | 43
Evade: | 5
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 4
Magic Defense: | 24
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 2
Location: | Shop in Bone Village
Name: | Shinra Alpha
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 77
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 6
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 34
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Underwater MP
Name: | Shinra Beta
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 30
Evade: | 0%
Linked Slots: | 2
Unlinked: | 2
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0%
Magic: | 1
Location: | Steal from Marine
Name: | Silver Armlet
Cost: | 1300
Defense: | 34
Evade: | 4
Linked Slots: | 2
Unlinked: | 2
Magic Defense: | 14
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Dyne
Name: | Titan Bangle
Cost: | 280
Defense: | 14
Evade: | 2
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 2
Magic Defense: | 4
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Airbuster
Name: | Warriors Bangle
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 96
Evade: | 0
Linked Slots: | 4
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 21
Magic Evade: | 0
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Eagle Gun
Name: | Wizard Bracelet
Cost: | 12000
Defense: | 6
Evade: | 3
Linked Slots: | 8
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 85
Magic Evade: | 3
Magic: | 1
Location: | Defeat Jenova Life
Name: | Ziedrich
Cost: | NA
Defense: | 100
Evade: | 15
Linked Slots: | 0
Unlinked: | 0
Magic Defense: | 98
Magic Evade: | 18%
Magic: | 0
Location: | Steal from Rude

----------------------------- [ Accessories ] -------------------------------

Name: | Amulet
Price: | 10000
Information: | Luck +10
Location: | Shop in Mideel.
Name: | Bolt Ring
Price: | 8000
Information: | Drops total damage down from lightning elemental attacks.
Location: | Shop in Mideel.
Name: | Cat's Bell
Price: | NA
Information: | Gradually restores lost HP as you walk.
Location: | Win 12 straight races in chocobo racing in Gold Saucer.
Name: | Champion Belt
Price: | NA
Information: | Power +10, Strength +10
Location: | 16000 Battle Points in Battle Arena in Gold Saucer.
Name: | Choco Feather
Price: | 10000
Information: | Dexterity +10
Location: | Shop in Wutai
Name: | Earrings
Price: | 7500
Information: | Magic +10
Location: | Shop in Rocket Town
Name: | Fairy Ring
Price: | 3500
Information: | Protection against poison and darkness statuses.
Location: | Cave of Gi Nattak.
Name: | Fire Ring
Price: | 8000
Information: | Cuts down total damage of fire attacks.
Location: | Costa Del Sol
Name: | Fury Ring
Price: | 5000
Information: | Puts user in Berserk status.
Location: | Shop in Gongaga
Name: | Headband
Price: | 3000
Information: | Protection against Sleep.
Location: | Shop in Junon.
Name: | Hypno Crown
Price: | NA
Information: | Increases chances of morphing opponents.
Location: | Coral Valley.
Name: | Ice Ring
Price: | 8000
Information: | Drops overall total damage of ice elemental attacks.
Location: | Shop in Mideel, defeat Chekhov.
Name: | Jem Ring
Price: | 7500
Information: | Protection against Paralysis, Petrification, and Slow status.
Location: | Defeat Materia Keeper in Nibelheim Mountains.
Name: | Peace Ring
Price: | NA
Information: | Protection against Sadness, Fury, and Berserk statuses.
Location: | Defeat Rapps.
Name: | Poison Ring
Price: | NA
Information: | Turns Poison into Regen effect.
Location: | Defeat Motorball.
Name: | Power Wrist
Price: | 7500
Information: | Power +10
Location: | Defeat Bottomswell.
Name: | Protect Vest
Price: | 3500
Information: | Vitality +10
Location: | Defeat Rufus atop Shinra Tower.
Name: | Reflect Ring
Price: | NA
Information: | Puts up Reflect at all times during battle.
Location: | Defeat Jenova Death.
Name: | Ribbon
Price: | NA
Information: | Protection against all status effects.
Location: | Morph Master Tonberry, City of Ancients.
Name: | Safety Bit
Price: | NA
Information: | Protection against death spells and Slow.
Location: | Great Glacier
Name: | Silver Glasses
Price: | 3000
Information: | Protection against Darkness.
Location: | Shop in Junon.
Name: | Sneak Glove
Price: | NA
Information: | Increases stealing ratio.
Location: | Purchase for 129,000G in Midgar after raid on Midgar.
Name: | Star Pendant
Price: | 4000
Information: | Protection against poison.
Location: | Exchange Item Coupon B in Shinra Tower.
Name: | Talisman
Price: | 4000
Information: | Spirit +10
Location: | Defeat H0512.
Name: | Tetra Elemental
Price: | NA
Information: | Absorbs all elemental attacks and converts to cure magic.
Location: | Last Crater, Morph Cactaur.
Name: | Tough Ring
Price: | NA
Information: | Vitality +50, Spirit +50
Location: | Steal from Reno during Raid on Midgar.
Name: | Water Bracelet
Price: | NA
Information: | Nullifies water attacks.
Location: | Coral Valley.
Name: | White Cape
Price: | 5000
Information: | Protection against small and frog statuses.
Location: | Defeat Jenova-BIRTH.

--------------------------------[ Credits ]----------------------------------

+-+ Squaresoft (
For making a good and entertaining game to keep people busy for 60 hours.

+-+ David Cassady(
For using his lists in his guide. Thanks a bunch (^_^).

+-+ CJayc (
For having a devoted site to gaming and his hard work to provide people
with enough gaming information as possible and for keeping the best
gaming site out there.

+-+ Dingo Jellybean (
For typing this FAQ.

-----------------------------[End of Credits ]-------------------------------

1999-2000 (C) Dingo Jellybean

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Saves an verschiedenen Stellen des Games

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Feindeskönnen FAQ deutsch

15.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 100, alle Summons inklusive 2 Ritter der round spells, alles Material, alle Gegenstände, alle ultimativen Waffen. Übermittelt von: Andrew Castillo (

15.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Code Guide
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Dieser Trainer bietet nun ungelogen 115 (!!!) Möglichkeiten der Manipulation an

16.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Speed Walkthrough

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: Everything at Boss Fight

16.Oktober 2013
European Version: Everything at Boss Fight

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 199. Ausserdem gibts alles was man braucht in Massen

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Monster Treasure Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Materia Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lucky 7's FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goodies FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
General FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Extra FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon Easy

13.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
11.Februari 2016
24.Februari 2018
22.Oktober 2014
13.December 2013