Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

16.10.2013 10:12:49

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-----> -----> -----> -----> -----> ----->
Strategy Guide/ Walkthrough
-----> -----> -----> -----> -----> ----->

-----------> <-----------
1. Table Of Contents

1. Table Of Contents
2. Controls
3. The Town(and surrounding areas)
3.1 Around the Town
4. The People
5. The Girls
6. Your Farm
6.0 Your House
6.1 Items in Your House
6.2 Your Tools
6.3 The Seeds
6.4 Your Animals
7. Recipes
8. Calendar & Birthdays
9. Walkthrough
10. Festivals
11. Power Berries and Other Secrets
12. Boring Legal Stuff
----------> <-----------

2. Controls

The controls for this game are very simple.
(X will be the X button, [] will be the square button, O will be the circle
button, and /\ will be the Triangle button.)

D-Pad- Move Your Guy, Menu Selection, Push Livestock
X- Pick up items, throw items,give gifts, talk to people, selection in menus,
speed up text
[]- Use Tools, Hold to Use Upgraded Tools, Eat
O- Run, Cancel in Menu, speed up text
/\- Look in Rucksack, Query for tips and information
R1- Tool Switch
R2- Put in Rucksack, Take Out Rucksack
L1- Whistle for Dog
L2- Whistle for Horse
Start- Pauses the Game and brings up the Status Screen
Select- Brings up the Town Map
3. The Town(and surrounding areas)


______ _____
| | | |
| 5 | | 6 |
| | To North Village
| 4 | ------>
| | ____________________
|________| |
| | |
| 3 | | *WEST
|________| | VILLAGE*
| |
| |
| |To South Village |

To West ____________ ______ ___________ To East
Village | | |[]|__|| | | Village
<------ | 7 | | | | 8 | ------>
______________|____________|_| |___|___________|_____________

________________________________ _________________________
| |
| |
| | | To Central Village
| | \/
| |
| | /-------------------->
/ ___
/ |10 |
<---------------------------------------------/ _|__ |
| | | _/ ___|
To North | [==] | 9 | __/ _/
Village | | |/ _/
<------ | |________| |
_____________|___________________ |
________________________________ ___|
| |
| |
*EAST | |
|Rose Square | |
| | |

| | To North Village /\
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
______| | *CENTRAL
| | | VILLAGE*
| | |
| | |
| 11 | |
| | | To Rose Square
| | | ------>
|______| |_____________________

/\ | |
To East | | |
Village | | |
___________________________________| |___
| |
| |
| |
| |
To | |
Central| |
Village| |
| | To Mineral
<------ | 12 | ----->
________| |___ Beach

________ *ROSE ___
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|____________________________________ ___|
| |
To Yodel Farm | | |
/\ To Rose | | |
| Square | | |
| | |
| To Chicken | |
To South Village To Yodel Farm | Lil's | |
<----- ------> | <----- | |
_____________________________________ | ____________________| |
| |
__________ ___________________ | ______ ___|
| | | || | | | | |
| | | || | | | | |
| | 14 | || | | | | |
| | | || | | | | *YODEL FARM* |
| |_________| || | | | 13 | |
| || | | | | |
| || | | | | |
| || | | |______| |
| *CHICKEN LIL'S* || | | |______________|
| (Poultry Farm) || | |
|____________________|| | |
| |
To Gotz' | |
House \/ |

| | /\ To East Village
| | |
| | |
_________ | |
| [] [] | | |
| [] []| | |
|____ | | |
| | | | |
|____| | | |
| | | | |
| | |_| |
| 2 | _ |
|____|____| | |
| |
| |
| | *SOUTH
| |
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__________ | |
/ \| |
| || |
| || |
| 1 || |
\_ _/| |
| | | |
| |__| |
| | |
| |__ |
|______| | | To Chicken Lil's
| | --->
To Your | |_________
Farm | |
| | _________
\/ | |
| |

3.1 Around The Town

1. Blacksmith's--Located in *South Village*

Hours: 10 A.M.- 4 P.M.
Off Thursdays

Go here to upgrade your tools, to buy tools, to make gifts for girls, and to
make special machines.


Upgrades(not additive):

Bronze Upgrade: 1000G-needs bronze ore
Silver Upgrade: 2000G-needs silver ore
Gold Upgrade: 3000G-needs gold ore
Mystrile Upgrade: 5000G-needs mystrile ore
Tools to Buy:

Brush: 800G
Milker: 2000G
Clippers: 1800G
Gifts are 1000G-needs Orichaelum Ore
Special Machines:

-Mayonaisse Maker--Turns eggs into mayonaisse, and you can sell them for more
-Cheese Maker--Turns milk into cheese, and you can sell them for more money.
-Yarn Maker--Turns wool into yarn, and you can sell them for more money.
All are 20000G-need Adamantine Ore
*In the Waterfall Mine, you can mine for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Mystrile
*In the Winter Mine, you can mine for Orichaelum, Adamintine, and Mystrile


Saibara and Gray live here.


2. Aja Winery--Located in *South Village*

Hours: 9-12 A.M.
Off Saturdays

Go here to buy wine or grape juice, or maybe get a part-time job.


Wine: 300G
Grape Juice: 200G


Duke and Manna live here.


3. Basil's House--Located in *West Village*

Go here to talk to Basil, Anna, and (sometimes) Mary.




Basil, Anna, and Mary live here.


4. Library--Located in *West Village*

Hours: 11 A.M.- 4 P.M.
Off Mondays

Go here to learn things about the village and its surrounding areas.


Look aroound the Library and get some helpful information: It's free!


Mary wroks here, and Gray often visits.


5. Ellen's House--Located in *West Village*

Go here to talk to Ellen, Stu, and (sometimes) Elli.




Ellen and Stu live here.


6. Mayor's House--Located in *West Village*

Go here to talk to the Mayor, Kano, or (sometimes) Harris.




The Mayor, Kano, and Harris live here.


7. Supermarket--Located in *North Village*

Hours: 9 A.M.- 5 P.M.
Off Tuesdays and Sundays

Go here to buy seeds, cooking ingredients, or other miscellanous items.


-Seeds--Explained in the Seeds section
Cooking Ingredients

Oil: 50G
Flour: 50G
Curry Powder: 50G
Rice Balls: 100G
Bread: 100G
Miscellanous Items

Fish food: 20G per feed
Shipping Basket: 5000G
Medium Rucksack: 3000G
*Large Rucksack: 5000G
Wrapping Paper: 100G
*Blue Feather: 1000G

* Something that cannot be aquired at the start of the game.


Jeff, Karen, and Sasha Live behind the Supermarket. They all work there, too.


8. Mineral Clinic--Located in *North Village*

Hours: 9 A.M.- 5 A.M.
Off Wednesdays

Go here for a checkup or to get medicine.


Exam: 10G
Bodigizer: 500G
Turbojolt: 1000G
Bodigizer XL: 1000G
Turbojolt XL: 2000G


Doctor and Elli live on the 2nd floor.
They both work here.


9. Church--Located in *East Village*

Go here for a confession, or just talk to Pastor Carter.


Confessions: Free


Pastor Carter lives here.


10. Harvest Sprites' House--Located behind the Church in *East Village*

Go here to ask the Sprites to help you on your farm, or go have a good time at
their tea party.


Ask the harvest sprites for help on your farm. Give them gifts and they will
llike you more, and work better. But beware: some sprites are better workers
than others.


Chef, Nappy, Hoggy, Timid, Bold, Staid, and Aqua(the 7 harvest sprites) live


11. The Inn--Located in *Central Village*

Hours: 8 A.M.- ?
Bar only open until 9:00 P.M.
Off Fridays

Go here to get some food in the day, some drinks at night, and the traveling
salesman(Won) sells here.




Cabbage: 500G per packet
Pineapple: 1000G per packet
Green Pepper: 150G per packet
Moon Drop Flower: 500G per packet
Toy Flower: 300G per packet
Pink Cat Flower: 200G per packet
Magic Red: 600G per packet
Orange Cup: 500G per packet
-Won will be selling these from 1-3 P.M.

Other Items:

SUDGW Apple: 500G in 1st year spring
Dog Ball: 100G in 1st Year or Winter, whenever you puppy turns into a dog.
Vase: 5000G after 2nd house extension.
Blue Feather: 30000G sometime after you read the "Blue Feather" mail and he
will sell it to you if you havent bought it from the Supermarket yet.

-Won will stop by your house to sell you these.


Doug and Ann live behind the Inn.
Gray and Cliff are staying at the Inn.


12. Rose Square--Located in *Rose Square*

Go here for the many festivals held here, or talk to some of the people that
gather on sunny afternoons.


Festivals-Explained in the Festivals section


No one lives here.


13. Yodel Farm--Located in the *Chicken Lil's* and *Yodel Farm* section

Go here to buy cows, sheep, fodder, or items to help your cows or sheep.


Fodder: 20G a bag
C.M. Potion: 3000G
S.M. Potion: 2000G
Cow(buy): 6000G
Sheep(buy): 4000G
Sell Cow*: --
Sell Sheep*: --
Animal Medicine: 1000G
Bell: 500G

* Price varies on how much hearts the cow or sheep has


Barley and May live here.


14. Chicken Lil's

Hours: 11 A.M.- 4 P.M.
Off Sundays

Go here to buy a chicken, chicken feed, or other things to help your chickens


Chicken Feed: 10G a bag
Buy Chicken: 1200G
Sell Chicken*: --
Animal Medicine: 1000G

* Price varies on how much hearts the chicken has


Lillia, Rick, and Popuri live here.


4. The People


Saibara is Gray's Grandfather.

Saibara is an old blacksmith who works very hard and does the job well. He
gets mad at Gray when he doesn't work as hard as he can. He also likes to
attend the festivals.

Most of the time you can find him in the blacksmith's shop.

Likes: Ores



Gray is Saibara's Grandson, and is his apprentice.

At first, Gray hates the village and rural life. Then he meets Mary, and gets
a different outlook on life.

You can find him in the blacksmith's shop or the library.

If you like Mary, Gray is your rival.

Likes: Ores



Duke is Manna's husband.

Duke is sad because his daughter, Aja, left the village. He often gets drunk.

You can find him somewhere in the Winery, or at the Inn late at night.

Likes: Wine



Manna is Duke's wife.

Manna is a housewife that loves to talk. Be friends with her and you will
learn the pasts of many people in the village.

You can find her at the Winery or at Rose Square on sunny afternoons.

Likes: Flowers



Basil is Anna's husband and Mary's father.

Basil loves the outdoors and loves to study the flora and fauna of Mother's
Hill. He wrote most of the books in the Library.

You can find him at his house or on Mother's Hill.

Likes: Foraged Items



Anna is Basil's wife and Mary's mother.

Anna likes to shop and to talk with all the other people in the town. She
also is very protective of her house.

You can find her in the Supermarket on Mondays, or in her house, or at Rose
Square on sunny afternoons.

Likes: Flowers



Ellen is Stu's and Elli's grandmother.

Ellen is a nice little old lady that enjoyes having Stu around. She dearly
wants to see the Flower of Happiness befor she dies.

You can find her in her house.

Likes: Apple Pie



Stu is Ellen's Grandson and Elli's sister.

Stu is a cool little(around 5 yrs. old) kid who is lonely because Elli works
so much. He also likes animals, dogs (HINT HINT) and rabbits.

You can find him at or outside his house.

Likes: Yarn, Grape Juice, Ice-Cream



The Mayor is Kano's father(I think).

The Mayor is well... the Mayor. He attends all of the un-romantic festivals,
and looks forward to them. He is easy to make friends with.

You can find him at his house or at Rose Square.

Likes: Wine



Kano is the Mayor's son(I think).

Kano is a photographer and isnt seen around the village. He doesn't play a
major role in the game.

You can find him at the Mayor's house.

Likes: Wine



Harris is the local police man. When there is a crime, you may have to figure
out who the culprit is. He has a suspicion about Won, but his only crimes are
his rip-offs.

You can find him patroling the village in the morning, and then taking a
"siesta" at the Inn in the afternoon.

Likes: Wine



Jeff is Sasha's husband and Karen's father.

Jeff is the owner of the Supermarket. He is known for being a pushover, and
Sasha gets mad at him for that. He is also a very good artist.

You can find him at the Supermarket.

Likes: Bodigizer (medicine from Clinic)



Sasha is Jeff's husband and Karen's mother.

Sasha is another wife who likes to gossip at Rose Square. She gets mad
because Jeff is such a pushover.

You can find her at her house of at Rose Square on sunny afternoons.

Likes: Honey



Doctor is a serious worker, but likes Elli, the nurse. Go to him for a

You can find him in the clinic, and at Mother's Hill with Basil and Gotz.

Likes: Grasses(Blue, Red, Green)


-Pastor Carter-

Carter is a nice man who likes kids and is the easiest person to make friends

You can find him at the Church.

Likes: Wine



Doug is the Father of Ann.

Doug is the owner of the Inn and a REALLY good cook. He really wants Ann to
get married.

You can find him at the Inn.

Likes: Mushroom, Egg



Cliff is a wandering traveler in need of a part time job(HINT HINT: Aja) If he
doesn't find a job in Fall, he will leave in 1st year Winter.

You can find him at the Inn or the Church.

Likes: Spa-Boiled Egg



Won is a traveling salesman who rests at the Inn. Watch out! He can rip you
off, but you can tell if he is.

You can find him at the Inn.

Likes: Wine



Barley is May's grandfather.

Barley is a nice old man who has to take care of May because her mother left
her. He likes to go to the Hot Spring, even though May is terrified of it.

You can find him at Yodel Farm or the Hot Spring.

Likes: Spa-Boiled Eggs



May is Barley's granddaughter.

May is a little girl who's mother left her. She is also lonely because she
has nobody to play with.

You can find her at Yodel Farm or the Hot Spring.

Likes: Garbage-not Fish bone, Ice Cream



Lillia is Rick and Popuri's mother.

Lillia has a strange diesese and is very weak. Her husband has gone off on a
journey in search of a desert flower that will heal her.

You can find her at Chicken Lil's.

Likes: Flowers



Rick is Lillia's son and Popuri's sister.

When Rick's dad left, he gave all of the farm's responsibilities to Rick. He
is very protective of Popuri, and he HATES Kai.

You can find him in the area between the Supermarket and the Clinic, and his
Poultry Farm.

Likes: Wine



Gotz is a woodcutter that lives on the side of the base of Mother's Hill. He
will upgrade your house for you.

You can find him at his house, Mother's Hill, and the Supermarket.

Likes: Lumber, Oil



Louis is a scientist looking for bees. If you ever get honey, show it to him.

You can find him at Gotz' house.

Likes: Honey



Zach is the deliveryman, and pays you for your goods. He lives in a house on
Mineral Beach. He is friendly and likes dogs.

You can find him at the Supermarket, your farm at 5P.M., and at the dock.

Likes: Wine, Large Fish



Greg is a local Fisherman. He only visits the town to fish on Fridays-

You can find him at the dock on Fri.-Sun. from 8-10 P.M.

Likes: Large Fish



Kai is a visitor to the village every summer. He and Rick do not like each
other. Kai is a good athlete who opens the Seaside Lodge every Summer.

Seaside Lodge:

Water: 0G
Pizza: 200G
Pasta: 300G
Roasted Corn: 250G
Snow cone: 300G

You can find him at the Seaside Lodge.

Likes: Corn


5. The Girls


Karen is a girl who is more mature than the other girls, and also likes Rick.
She lives and works with her father, Jeff, and her mother, Sasha, at the

Her birthday is Fall 15.

Rival: Rick




8-10 A.M. outside the Supermarket (in Supermarket on rainy days)
10 A.M-1 P.M. in her house
1-5 P.M. in the Supermarket
7-9 P.M. at the beach (inacessable on rainy days)


8-10 A.M. outside the Supermarket (inacessable on rainy days)
10 A.M.-1 P.M. in her house (inacessable)
2-4 P.M. Hot Spring (Gotz' House on rainy days)
7-9 P.M. beach (inaccessable on rainy days)


same as Mondays


8-10 P.M. Inn


She likes Wine, French Fries, Popcorn, and Truffles. Personally, I just give
her Wine.

*NOTE* In my walkthrough I will mention giving girls flowers every day.
Because Karen doesn't like flowers as much as the other girls, you should
give her wine occasionally, especially when you have the money.



Popuri is a girl with pink hair just like her mother, Lillia. She gets very
mad at Rick because he hates Kai, who Popuri likes.

Her birthday is Summer 3.

Rival: Kai




7:30-10 A.M. Hot Spring
11 A.M.-6 P.M. Her house


same as Mondays


9:30 A.M.-1 P.M. Church (not summer)
8:30-10 A.M. (not on rainy days, only summer)
1:30-4 P.M. (on rainy days at church)


She likes all kinds of flowers. Try to give her flowers that will make her
blush, and if you are really serious, grow those flowers in your fields.



Ann is a tomboy who was raised by her father, Doug. Her mother passed away.
Doug is the best cook in the village, and he teaches his skills to Ann.

Her birthday is 17 of Summer.

Rival: Cliff



7-10A.M. Hot Spring (on sunny days)
11 A.M.-10 P.M. Inn


same as Mondays


Likes: Spa-Boiled Eggs, Veggie Pancakes



Elli is the nurse at Mineral Clinic, and spends more time there than her
house. Her bedroom is actually in the 2nd floor of Mineral Clinic.

Her birthday is Spring 16.

Rival: Doctor




9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. at Clinic

Tuesdays, Thursdays-Sundays:

same as Mondays


9:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Her House
1:30-4 P.M. Supermarket
4:30-7 P.M. Her House


Likes: Flowers



Mary is a very hardworking girl who works and owns the Library. She likes to
read, and tries to get other people to read, too. She also likes things that
most people don't like, like Poisonous Mushrooms.

Her birthday is winter 20.

Rival: Gray



All days but Monday:

10 A.M.-4 P.M. At Library

Mondays: 11 A.M.-4 P.M. Supermarket


Likes: Poisonous Mushrooms, Mushroom, Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Grasses(Blue,
Red, Green)


6. Your Farm

This is The Your Farm where everything in your farm is explained.

6.0 Your House

Your first house is very small, but you can upgrade it.


Here are the upgrades(and the order you have to do them in):

1.Chicken Coop Extension-5 more chicken spaces, 1 more incubator, room for
Mayonaisse Maker.

Price: 5000G
Lumber: 420 peices

2. 1st House Extension- Kitchen, Cabinet to store items like ores.

Price: 4700G
Lumber: 370 pieces

3. Barn Extension-10 more livestock spaces, room for Cheese and Yarn Makers.

Price: 680G
Lumber: 500 pieces

4. 2nd House Extension-Bedroom with two beds, and a fireplace.

Price: 10,000G
Lumber: 750 pieces

5. Hothouse-Lets you plant crops from any season in the Hothouse.

Price: 30,000G
Lumber: 580 pieces


6.01 Items in your house

1. T.V.

With your T.V. you can watch the weather for the next day, or learn about the


Weather Report: Every Day
News: Every Day
Life On the Farm: Every Day

The Fairy And Me: Monday
The Delicious Hour: Tuesday
Song Hour: Wednesday
Star One Sports: Thursday
Mechabot Ultror: Friday
What's Your Passion: Saturday (only without first house upgrade)
T.V. Shopping: Saturday (after first house upgrade)
The Shogi Hour: Sunday

2. Toolbox

Here you can store tools or seeds, if you dont have enough rucksack room.

3. Bed

Here you either sleep without saving,
Sleep and save,
Load a game,
or Exchange animals with another file.

4. Cabinet- Need first house upgrade

Here you can store rucksack items, like ores and your dog ball.

5. Kitchen- Need first house upgrade

Here you cook. (see Recipes section)


6.02 Your Tools

Without your tools, you couldn't do any farm work. This part will explain all
of the tools that you use.

1. Basic Tools

-These are the tools that you acquire at the beginning of the game. They are


The sickle is used to chop weeds and dead plants.
BEWARE: Don't use on animals, and the sickle can chop live plants!


None: Can Only chop one spot in front of you.
Bronze: Can chop in a 1x3 area in front of you.
Silver: Can chop in a 2x3 area around you.
Gold: Can chop in a 3x3 area around you.
Mystrile: Can chop in a 5x5 area around you.


The hoe is used to till ground so you can plant seeds on it. You dig in the
mine with the hoe.
-Your upgraded abilities do not work in the mine.


None: Can only till in front of you.
Bronze: Tills 2x1 line in front of you.
Silver: Tills 3x1 line in front of you.
Gold: Tills 4x1 line in front of you.
Mystrile: Tills 6x1 line in front of you.


The ax is used to chop wood, which is essential for extensions. This tool you
need to upgrade quickly.


None: Can only chop branches.
Bronze: 6 hits to a stump.
Silver: 3 hits to a stump.
Gold: 2 hits to a stump.
Mystrile: 1 hit to a stump.


The hammer is one of the most useless tools. It is used for breaking stones,
rocks, undoing tilled soil, and repairing broken fences.


None: Can only smash stones.
Bronze: 3 hits to large stone.
Silver: 2 hits to large stone, 6 hits to big rock.
Gold: 1 hit to large stone, 3 hits to big rock.
Mystrile: 1 hit to large stone, 2 hits to big rock.

-Watering Can-

The watering can waters your crops. You refill it in the pond or the river.


None: Waters 1 space in front of you.
Bronze: Waters 1x3 area in front of you.
Silver: Waters 2x3 area in front of you.
Gold: Waters 3x3 area in front of you.
Mystrile: Waters 5x5 area in front of you.

Here is the amount that you need to upgrade the tools:

Sickle: Mystrile
Hoe: doesn't matter
Ax: Mystrile
Hammer: Silver
Watering Can: Gold

Here is the order that you should upgrade them in:

1. Ax (bronze)
2. Watering Can (gold)
3. Ax (gold)
4. Hammer (silver)
5. Sickle (mystrile)
6. Hoe

2. Other Tools

These are the other tools in the game.

-Brush-800G at Blacksmith's shop

The brush is used to make your horse, cows, and sheep happy. It is an
essential tool.

-Milker-2000G at Blacksmith's shop

The milker is used to get milk from a cow daily. It makes them happy.

-Clippers-1800G at Blacksmith's shop

The clippers are used to shear a sheep. It makes them happy.

-Bell-500G at Yodel Ranch

This is a pretty useless tool, because your animals don't listen to it and it
takes up a space in your rucksack.

-Fishing Rod-

Get this rod by talking to Greg at the dock on Fri.-Sun. at 8-10 P.M. You can
get fish with it.

-Fishing Pole-

When you get 50 fish in your pond, Greg will stop by and give you this pole.
It increases your chances of getting a fish.


6.03 The Seeds

Crops are the Easiest way to make money. Here is a complete guide to all of
the crops.

<-----Spring Crops----->

1. Turnips

Bag Color: White

Days to Grow: 4
Renewable: No

Sell for 60G.

Buy At: Supermarket


2. Potatoes

Bag Color: Brownish

Days to Grow: 7
Renewable: No

Sell for 80G.

Buy At: Supermarket


3. Cucumbers

Bag Color: Dark Green

Days to Grow: 9
Remewable: Yes

Sell for 60G.

Buy At: Supermarket


4. Cabbage

Bag Color: Green-Yellow

Days To Grow: 14
Renewable: No

Sell for 250G.

Buy At: From Won


<-----Summer Crops----->

1. Onions

Bag Color: Brown

Days to Grow: 7
Renewable: No

Sell for 80G.

But At: Supermarket


2. Tomatoes

Bag Color: Red

Days to Grow: 9
Renewable: Yes

Sell for 60G.

Buy At: Supermarket


3. Corn

Bag Color: Whiteish Yellow

Days to Grow: 14
Renewable: Yes

Sell for 100G

Buy At: Supermarket

-Note: You can turn 1 corn into 10 units of chicken feed by putting it in the
feed shed in your farm.


4. Pineapples

Bag Color: Yellow

Days to Grow: 20
Renewable: Yes

Sell for 500G.

Buy At: From Won


<-----Fall Crops----->

1. Carrot

Bag Color: Orange

Days to Grow: 7
Renewable: No

Sell For 120G.

Buy At: Supermarket


2. Eggplant

Bag Color: Purple

Days To Grow: 9
Renewable: Yes

Sell For 80G.

Buy At: Supermarket


3. Sweet Potato

Bag Color: Reddish

Days To Grow: 5
Renewable: Yes

Sell For 120G.

Buy At: Supermarket


4. Green Pepper

Bag Color: Dark Green

Days To Grow: 7
Renewable: Yes

Sell For 40G

Buy At: From Won


<-----Secret Crops----->

Can only be aquired by selling 100 of all of the crops available for that

1. Strawberries

-Grows In Spring

Bag Color: Pink

Days to Grow: 9
Renewable: Yes

Sell For 30G.

Buy At: Supermarket (after you read the letter)

2. Pumpkins

-Grows in Summer

Bag Color: Orangish Brown

Days to Grow: 14
Renewable: No

Sell for 250G.

Buy At: Supermarket (after you read the letter)

3. Spinach

-Grows in Fall

Bag Color: Green

Days To Grow: 6
Renewable: No

Sell For 80G.

Buy At: Supermarket (after you read the letter)



When Grass grows to a certain length, you can cut it with your sickle and you
can turn it into fodder for your livestock.

Grows in any season except winter.

Bag Color: Greenish Blue

Days To Grow: 10
Renewable: Yes

Sells For: Unsellable

Buy At: Supermarket


6.04 Your Animals

This section will talk about all of the animals.

There are special machines that can convert animal products into more valuble
products. They are:

Mayonaisse Maker- Turns Egg into Mayonaisse
Yarn Maker- Turns Wool into Yarn
Cheese Maker- Turns Milk into Cheese


Chickens are the eaiest animals to take care of, and are also the cheapest.
In the beginning of the game they are really important to have as they are
cheap and make a lot of money with minimal care. Picking them up can raise
their hearts quicker, though.


Things You Need For Chickens:

Chicken Feed- Feed Every Day


To buy anything that has to do with a chicken, go to the Poultry Farm.


Selling Prices:

Egg: 50G
Golden Egg: 150G
Spa-Boiled Egg: 80G (degrades price of golden eggs)

Mayonaisse: (needs mayonaisse maker)
-Small (S): 100G (egg fromchicken with 1-3 hearts)
-Medium (M): 150G (egg from chicken with 4-7 hearts)
-Large (L): 200G (egg from chicken with 8-10 hearts)
-Huge (G): 300G (golden egg from chicken that has won the Chicken Festival)


Sheep are the second easiest animal and their wool sells for a lot of money.
Sheep are harder to take care of than chickens though.


Things You Need For Sheep:

Fodder- Feed Every Day
Brush- Brush Every Day
Clippers- Clip once a week when fleece grows


To buy tools for sheep, go to the Blacksmith's.
To buy other things for sheep or the sheep, go to Yodel Farm.


Selling Prices:

-Small (S): 100G (sheep with 1-3 hearts)
-Medium (M): 400G (sheep with 4-7 hearts)
-Large (L): 500G (sheep with 8-10 hearts)
-Huge (G): 600G (sheep that has won the Sheep Festival)

-Small (S): 300G (Wool S put in)
-Medium (M): 700G (Wool M put in)
-Large (L): 800G (Wool L put in)
-Huge (G): 1000G (Wool G put in)


Cows are the most expensive animal and the hardest to take care of, but you
also get the most money from them.


Things You Need For Cows:

Fodder- Feed Every Day
Brush- Brush Every Day
Milker- Milk Every Day


To buy tools for sheep, go to the Blacksmith's.
To buy other things for sheep or the sheep, go to Yodel Farm.


Selling Prices:

-Small (S): 100G (cow with 1-3 hearts)
-Medium (M): 150G (cow with 4-7 hearts)
-Large (L): 200G (cow with 8-10 hearts)
-Huge (G): 300G (cow that has won the Cow Festival)

-Small (S): 300G (Milk S put in)
-Medium (M): 400G (Milk M put in)
-Large (L): 500G (Milk L put in)
-Huge (G): 600G (Milk G put in)


Your horse starts out as a pony when Barley gives you one. Brush it and if
you do not get his hearts up to 8 by exactly one year after, Barley will take
it away. If that happens, grow 20 fields of Grass and Barley will give you
another chance.


Things You Need For Your Horse:

Brush- Brush Him Everyday


Buy the brush at the Blacksmith's


Your dog starts out as a puppy, but train him with the Dog Ball and he can
mabye win the Dog Race. In Year 2, Barley will give you the opportunity for
your dog to mate with his dog and have puppies.


Things You Need For Your Dog:

Nothing! Just Hug Him (pick him up) everyday.


7. Recipes

*NOTE* 14. Rice Omelet will be in two catergories, for Egg and Rice.

*ANOTHER NOTE* There will only be 63 Recipes because i made multiple methods
of recipes, such as Fruit Latte into an a. and a b. instead of two different


1. Butter
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Mixer

2. Ketchup
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Vinegar

3. Mayonaisse S
Ingredients: Egg of Normal Quality from Chicken with 1-3 hearts, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

4. Mayonaisse M
Ingredients: Egg of Good Quality from Chicken with 4-7 hearts, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

5. Mayonaisse L
Ingredients: Egg of Excellent Quality from Chicken with 8-10 hearts, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

6. Mayonaisse H
Ingredients: Golden Egg from Chicken that has won the Chicken Festival, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

7. Apple Jam
Ingredients: Apple
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

8. Grape Jam
Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

9. Strawberry Jam
Ingredients: Strawberry
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

Egg Dishes

10. Tempura
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan

11. Scrambled Eggs
Ingredients: Egg, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan

12. Boiled Egg
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot

13. Omelet
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan

14. Rice Omelet
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Balls
Utensils: Frying Pan

Rice Dishes

15. Fried Rice
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Rice Balls
Utensils: Frying Pan

16. Truffle Rice
Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Balls

17. Mushroom Rice
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Balls

18. Bamboo Rice
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Balls

14. Rice Omelet
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Balls
Utensils: Frying Pan


19. Noodles
Ingredients: Flour
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin

20. Fried Noodles
Ingredients: Noodles (see Recipe 19), Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan

21. Tempura Noodles
Ingredients: Tempura (see Recipe 10), Noodles (see Recipe 19)
Utensils: Pot

22. Curry Noodles
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles (see Recipe 19)
Utensils: Pot

Fruit Drinks

23. Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Wild Grapes
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Sugar

24a. Fruit Latte (Method 1)
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Wild Grapes, Milk
Utensils: Mixer

24b. Fruit Latte (Method 2)
Ingredients: Fruit Juice (see Recipe 23), Milk
Utensils: Mixer

Vegtable Dishes

25. (Otashi) Greens
Ingredients: Spinach
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Soy Sauce

26. Pickles
Ingredients: Cucumber
Seasonings: Vinegar

27. Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar

28. Salad
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato
Utensils: Knife

29. Sandwich
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg (see Recipe 12)
Utensils: Knife

30. Happy Eggplant
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Soy Sauce, Vinegar

31. Stir Fry
Ingredients: Cabbage
Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan
Seasonings: Soy Sauce

32. Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil, Cabbage
Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan

Veggie Drinks

33. Tomato Juice
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer

34. Vegetable Juice
Ingredients: Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot
Utensils: Mixer

35a. Veggie Latte (Method 1)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot, Milk
Utensils: Mixer

35b. Veggie Latte (Method 2)
Ingredients: Vegtable Juice (see Recipe 34), Milk
Utensils: Mixer

Mixed Drinks

36a. Mixed Juice (Method 1)
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Wild Grapes, Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot
Utensils: Mixer

36b. Mixed Juice (Method 2)
Ingredients: Fruit Juice (see Recipe 23), Vegtable Juice (see Recipe 34)
Utensils: Mixer

37. Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Mixed Juice (see Recipe 36), Milk
Utensils: Mixer

Fish Dishes

38. Sashimi
Ingredients: Medium or Large Fish
Utensils: Knife

39. Sushi
Ingredients: Rice Balls, Sashimi (see Recipe 38)
Seasonings: Vinegar

40. Grilled Fish
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan

41. Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi (see Recipe 38), Scrambled Eggs (see Recipe 11)
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar

Baked Dishes

42. Cookies
Ingredients: Flour, Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

43. Chocolate Cookies
Ingredients: Flour, Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg, Chocolate
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

44. Pizza
Ingredients: Flour, Ketchup (see Recipe 2), Cheese
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven

45. Roasted Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Stone
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

46. Baked Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

47. Pumpkin Pudding
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Milk, Egg
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

48. Apple Pie
Ingredients: Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg, Flour, Apple
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

49. Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg
Utensils: Whisk, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

50. Cheese Cake
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg
Utensils: Whisk, Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

51. Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter (see Recipe 1), Egg, Chocolate
Utensils: Whisk, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar

Miscellanous Dishes

52. Popcorn
Ingredients: Corn
Utensils: Frying Pan

53. French Fries
Ingredients: Potato, Oil
Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan

54. Hot Milk
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Pot

55. Ice Cream
Ingredients: Milk, Egg
Utensils: Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar

56. Stew
Ingredients: Flour, Milk
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings:; Salt

57. Miso Soup
Ingredients: Various
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Vinegar

58. Curry
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Balls
Utensils: Pot

59. Raisin Bread
Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grapes

60. Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter (see Recipe 1)

61. Jam Bun
Ingredients: Bread, *Apple Jam (see Recipe 7), *Grape Jam (see Recipe 8),
*Strawberry Jam (see Recipe 9)

* You only have to use 1 Jam.

62. Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Bread, Cheese
Utensils: Pot

63. Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves
Utensils: Pot


8. Calendar And Birthdays

This section will cover the calendar for the first three years, as well as
tell the birthdays of the people in the village.
This should help you plan things ahead.

**BY THE WAY when i was planning this out i had NO IEDA that another FAQ had
something like this with the ASCII calendars...**


Spring, Year 1


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30


Louis's Birthday : 2nd of Spring
Bold the Sprite's Birthday: 4th of Spring
Saibara's Birthday: 11th of Spring
Staid the Sprite's Birthday: 15 of Spring
Elli's Birthday: 16th of Spring
Barley's Birthday: 17th of Spring
Lillia's Birthday: 19 of Spring
Elli's Birthday if your's is the 16: 20th of Spring
Aqua the Sprite's Birthday: 26th of Spring
Greg's Birthday: 29th of Spring
Sasha's Birthday: 30th of Spring


Summer, Year 1


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30


Popuri's Birthday: 3rd of Summer
Harris's Birthday: 4th of Summer
Cliff's Birthday: 6th of Summer
Popuri's Birthday if your's is on the 3rd: 10th of Summer
Basil's Birthday: 11th of Summer
Timid the Sprite's Birthday: 16th of Summer
Ann's Birthday: 17th of Summer
Kai's Birthday: 22nd of Summer
Ann's Birthday if your's is on the 17th: 22nd of Summer
Mayor's Birthday: 25th of Summer
Zach's Birthday: 29th of Summer


Fall, Year 1


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 28 30


Gotz's Birthday: 2nd of Fall
Stu's Birthday: 5th of Fall
Hoggy the Sprite's Birthday: 10th of Fall
Manna's Birthday: 11th of Fall
Chef the Sprite's Birthday: 14th of Fall
Karen's Birthday: 15th of Fall
Doctor's Birthday: 17th of Fall
Pastor Carter's Birthday: 20th of Fall
Anna's Birthday: 23rd of Fall
Karen's Birthday if your's is on the 15th: 23rd of Fall
Rick's Birthday: 27th of Fall


Winter, Year 1


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Kano's Birthday: 2nd of Winter
Gray's Birthday: 6th of Winter
Ellen's Birthday: 13th of Winter
Duke's Birthday: 15th of Winter
Won's Birthday: 19th of Winter
Mary's Birthday: 20th of Winter
Mary's Birthday if your's is on the 20th: 25 of Winter
May's Birthday: 26th of Winter
Jeff's Birthday: 29th of Winter


Spring, Year 2


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30


Summer, Year 2


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30


Fall, Year 2


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Winter, Year 2


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30


Spring, Year 3


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30


Summer, Year 3


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30


Fall, Year 3


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Winter, Year 3


| Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30


9. Walkthrough

This section will talk about what to do in the game, and the goals that you
should have.
I am writing this walkthrough as if everyone here were a newbie and had
already read the beginning of this faq.
For more info on the Festivals, go to the "Festivals" section.


Spring, 1st Year

1ST SPRING: You are moving in and nothing happens on this day. Also you can't
go to the New Year's Festival.

Your goals for this season are:
always get turnips and add one more field every harvest period
get a horse and a brush the same day
buy a chicken early and reproduce
upgrade ax
buy medium rucksack
Have 5 egg-laying chickens
2ND SPRING: This is your first real day on yor farm, and probable your
busiest. When you leave your house, the Mayor will ask you for a tour of the
village, and SAY NO! Here is a time outline for what you should do:

6:00-whenever: clear an area by the shipping bin, and use your hoe to make 4
shapes like this: OOO
Plant 4 of them in a square.

Then, go to the supermarket and you will see a scene, say " you should pay" to
Duke, and you will be on your way to being friends with Jeff, Sasha, and
Buy 4 packs of Turnup Seeds.

Go and plant your seeds, and water them.

Then take the path by the hen house and get the bamboo shoots and blue
grasses. Sell those and get 350G for the day.
Then hike up high into the mountain, and you will see a meadow of flowers and
a lone cedar tree. Chop the tree, but when it talks to you, spare it, and you
will get your first power berry!

Then go to sleep (and take a DEEP breath)

3RD SPRING: Keep Foraging, and water you crops. If you run out of water in
Watering Can, refill by pressing [] by the pond or the stream.

Today after your daily chores, take a walk around town. You will see a lot of
mini-scenes as you go into buildings and other parts of town. Meet people,
and give a yellow moondrop flower to your future wife. That free flower is
all you can afford right now.

4TH-5TH SPRING: Do your chores, and give those yellow moondrop flowers to your
future wife. you can also see that your turnips should have started to grow if
you watered them every day.

6TH OF SPRING: If you watered them every day, your turnips should be ready for
harvesting. Pick them up using X, and throw them into the shipping bin. Then
go forage. When you get back, hoe another seed area (like I explained
earlier) and go to the supermarket and buy FIVE turnip packets this time.
Plant and water them. If you have the time, give your future wife those
flowers again.

7TH: Do your chores, foraging and watering, and if you have more than 2500G,
buy a chicken. Also buy 20 things of chicken feed worth 200G. Go to the
ANIMALS section for how to take care of a chicken. You shouldn't have very
much money, but that is why you forage. If a girl is at a purple heart, you
can ask her out to the Goddess Festival tomorrow.

8TH: The Goddess Festival is today. You probably couldn't invite a girl to go
with you, go go on your own at 10:00 and watch the dancing.
Afterwards, do your chores, and still forage.

9TH-13TH: During this time you should get a Medium Rucksack as it allows you
to hold twice the items and fit all of the foraging in one trip. By the 13th
you should have at least 2 chickens laying eggs.

14TH: Spring Thanksgiving is today. Give the girls cookies, but you don't
have a kitchen yet, and so you'll have to give your girl flowers.

15TH-17TH: These are normal work days.

16TH: This is Elli's Birthday. If you are going for Elli and can afford it,
wrap those flowers in wrapping paper at the supermarket.

18TH: The horse race is today. You can't race because you don't have a horse,
but you can bet on the other horses and maybe win some prizes.

19TH-21ST: Buy a brush at the Blacksmith's for 800G and get your horse. Kepp
foraging and making money little by little. By now you should have 3 chickens
laying eggs.

22ND: The Cooking Festival is today, but you can't parcipitate. It is a nice
festival to watch and to talk to all of the people before and after the

23RD-30TH: On the 23rd, go to the mine and get a bronze ore. Go to the
blacksmth's shop and have Saibara upgrarde your Ax to bronze. After that chop
lumber every day.
On the 29th, if you have the money, upgrade your Watering Can to gold worth
3000G. Durinig that time ask the Harvest Sprites to water for those three

Special Events:

Barley and May will come by and ask you where May could go and play. Lead
them to the church and you will see Stu and Pastor Carter there. May and Stu
will play together and it helps you be friends with May, Barley and Pastor


Summer, 1st Year

1ST: Today is a festival day, so the Supermarket will be closed and you can't
buy any crops.

Your goals for this season are:
Forage Every Day
Chop Lumber every day
Upgrade chicken coop and have all 10 chickens
Upgrade watering can to gold
Win Swimming and Chicken Festival
Put girl's heart on blue
Try to upgrade house
Buy twice as many tomato(6) seeds as corn(3)
Have girl's heart on blue
Upgrade rucksack again
Forage today, but you will see that there are only red grasses. You can only
make 200G off of foraging this season.

Make sure that you have 9 planting spaces ready for tomorrow.

Today is the Swimming Festival. Refer to the Festivals section for strategies
on the festival.
If you win you get a much-needed power berry.

2ND: Today go out to the supermarket and buy 6 packets of Tomatoes and 3
packets of Corn. Corn sells for a high price, but takes 14 days to grow.
If you have all of the lumber, you should upgrade the chicken coop.

3RD: Today is a normal day, but it is Popuri's birthday!
Give her one of the flowers that aren't red, and wrap it.

4TH-6TH: These are normal days. If you don't have the chicken coop extension
DO IT NOW! you want to get it out of the way. Right when you get your chicken
coop save two eggs and put them in the incubators. REMEMBER TO KEEP BUYING
Get a chicken to 10 hearts, you should have already.

7TH: Today is the Chicken Festival. Water your plants, take care of your
animals, and then find the chicken with the most hearts, and carry him to the
Chicken Festival. For more on the Chicken Festival, go to the Festivals
If you win, your chicken will lay golden eggs worth 150G!

8TH-11TH: Normal Days. Keep giving stuff to your girl (that she likes) and
keep chopping lumber. Keep getting money, and your tomatoes should be able
for harvesting by now. Also upgrade your Rucksack to Large.

12TH: Today is the Tomato Festival. There are four teams, and if you pick
Elli's, Ann's, or Popuri's, and win the festival, then you will become better
friends with them. This is a really fun festival and you don't want to miss

13TH-19TH: Keep chopping Lumber, keep forgaging, and keep getting more
chickens via incubator. If you have chopped lumber every non-festival day,
you should be able to upgrade your house. Your corn should also have grown.
Don't put any for chicken feed, sell it all. You need the money. If you have
the money and the ore, upgrade your Ax to gold for 3000G. Also you should
have a girl's heart on blue.

17TH: Today is Ann's birthday. If Ann is at a purple heart and you get an
invitation, wrap a present and go to the party.

20TH: Today is the Cow Festival. you shouldn't have a cow, so you can't

21ST-23RD: Keep chopping lumber, and if you haven't already, upgrade you
house. If you already have, upgrade your Ax. Make sure you have your girl on
a blue heart for the Fireworks Festival on the 24th.

24TH: Today is the Fireworks Display at the Dock at 6 P.M. If you have your
girl on a blue heart, ask her to watch the fireworks with you. If not, you
have to watch them with Kai.

25TH-30TH: These are normal days. By now you should have all 10 chickens.
Keep doing all of the normal chores. Make sure that you have 11 squares for
crops for Fall.

Special Events:

The first day that your corn is ready for harvesting, Kai will ask if he can
buy a corn from you. Give him a corn and if you say that it is 50G(half the
price) then he will become good friends with you. If you say it is 200G
(twice the price) then he will get mad at you but still buy it anyway.


Barley shows up one morning and tells you that May has run away. Arrive at
the Dock at 6 P.M. You will find May, and if you "Listen To Her Story", then
you will be friends with a lot of people after this event.


Fall, 1st Year

1ST: Today isn't a festival, and you can get your crops today.

Kai will leave though until next summer. (a good thing for you Popuri likers)

Your goals for this season are:
Plant 11 fields of Sweet Potatoes, and nothing else
Buy a cow
Get girl on yellow heart
Chop lumber every day, but not harvest days.
Upgrade barn and be ready to upgrade house by beginning of winter.
Rack in the cash, you'll need it
Save money for Mayonaisse Maker

Take care of your chickens, and then run over to the Supermarket and buy 11
packets of Sweet Potatoes.
Water your plants, and get that Truffle in the mountains.

Here is what you should give your girl this season:

Popuri: Flowers
Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs
Karen: Wine
Elli: Flowers
Mary: Mushrooms

2ND: Chop lumber every non-harvest day. (days that you can't harvest your
Sweet Potatoes)
Today Paster Carter will come and ask if you want to play in the Music
Festival. If you say yes, you have to be ready to ENTER the church door at
6:00 P.M. tomorrow.

3RD: Today is the Music Festival. Water your plants, take care of your
animals, and then chop as much lumber as you can before 3:30P.M. At 3:30,
start heading for the Church. Enter the door at 6:00.

4TH-8TH: These are normal days, except for the day(s) you harvest your Sweet
Potatoes. It will take you the whole day to harvest and water these. You
should make about 10,000G on that day.
Keep choppin lumber on non-harvest days, and upgrade your barn sometime.

9TH: Today is the Harvest Festival. Bring an Egg to put in the Hotpot. Don't
bring a Sweet Potato!

10TH-12TH: Keep chopping Lumber, Keep getting money, and buy a cow.

13TH: Moon Viewing Day. Today go up to Mother's Hill at 10:00, and the girl
that likes you the most will be there, waiting for you.

14TH-20TH: Sometime Duke will come by your farm and ask if you want a part-
time job harvesting grapes. Accept his offer and he will ask if you can bring
someone else to help. You need to bring cliff or else he will be jobless and
leave later this year. If you are desperate and mean you can let Cliff leave
so there will be no rival for Ann, but that is one less friend to make, and it
is Much harder to make Pastor Carter your friend.

If you havent already, upgrade your barn.

-About the Job-

You go there and talk to Manna and she will take your tools. you and cliff
will go out in the vineyard. Cliff will just stand there so you can get all
the grapes. When you have some grapes, hand them to Duke. He wont let you
leave until you get all the grapes. Then you get paid 50G for each grape, and
then it will be 5:00. It's not really worth the money for the time spent,
especially in Fall, the busiest season.

14TH: From now on DO NOT cut the wool of your best sheep until the 22nd, you
need it for the Sheep Festival.

(This is for all years, you shouldnt have a sheep yet anyway)

15TH: Today is Karen's birthday. Give her some wrapped wine and she will be
shocked, but very happy.

21ST: You can enter you best sheep (it needs its wool on it), but you wont win
unless it has 10 hearts. That sheep will now give golden wool, and golden
yarn sells for 1000G a piece!

22ND-30TH: Keep chopping lumber, harvesting your sweet potatoes and grass, and
making friends.

Making money is important, you will need it in the winter.

Special Events:

When your puppy grows into a dog, Won will come and sell you a Dog Ball for
100G. Take it, because you need it to train your dog for the Dog Race. Use
it by throwing it (X) near your dog. It will bring it back to you and pick it
up and throw it again.


5TH: On this night, Doug is up at Mother's hill mourning the death of his
wife. This is a good way to make friends with Doug and Ann.


Winter, 1st Year


Your goals for this season are:
Chop lumber, but dont sleep in
Get your house upgraded before the Dog Race
Make friends
Get girl's heart on Orange
Have 3 cows
Make money from chickens (mayonaisse maker+10 chickens with full hearts=2000G
a day)
Get as much Chocolate as you can at Winter Thanksgiving
Fish if you have the time.

There is no festival today (or in awhile for that matter) so take care of your
animals and go up to the Lake at Mothers hill and see that it is frozen over.
That small island is the entrance to the Winter Mine, but dont go there yet.
Go around the back of the entrance on the left side and press X all over at
the entrance and you will eventually find a power berry. Then go into the
mine. You will find Junk Ores, Mistrile Ores, Adamantine (looks like a blue
diamond), and Orchialeom (looks like a silver hand pointing up). Find an
Adamantine and get out and go to the Blacksmith and get a Mayonaisse Maker
with the Adamantine.

Then chop lumber, but if its snowing (it probably will), stop if he shakes his
head, go home, and eat something, and then dont chop anymore. If you dont do
that, he will sleep in the next day.

What to give your Girl this season:

Popuri: Honey
Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs
Karen: Wine
Elli: Show her your Dog
Mary: Honey

2ND-9TH: Keep chopping lumber, sometime in this time get a house extension,
and if you can afford it after the upgrade and the Mayo. Maker, buy another

Always watch the weather, so you can tell when a blizzard is coming and

10TH: Today is the Dog Race. If you trained your dog enough with the Dog
Ball, he will follow you and you will win. If you run too far ahead your dog
will stop and you have to go back and get it.

11TH-13TH: Keep chopping lumber and making your girl happy.

On the 12th, save, but not on the 13TH.

14TH: Today is Winter Thanksgiving. Stay right by your house until 4:00 and
then go on with your daily business, but no lumber chopping today.

15TH-23RD: Normal workdays. Chop lumber EVERYDAY until you have 580, give
your girl persents everyday (no wrapping paper, only for birthday)
Also make sure your tools are upgraded like this:

Ax (bronze)
Watering Can (gold)
Ax (gold)
Hammer (silver)

DO NOT smash all the small stones (hack away at the big ones) because you need
a Small Stone for a recipe.
Also make sure you have gotten 2 cows this season but do it now because you
need to save your money.

23RD: Talk to your girl and she will invite you to the Star Night festival.

24TH: Today is the Star Night Festival. Enter your girl's house at 6:00 PM

25TH-29TH: For this span of days you have one goal: Get a hothouse. On the
25, go to Gotz and tell him to build it and pay him. Then sometime in the
next 2 days, get 2 packs of Pineapples and 4 of Cabbage. When its finished,
plant the Pinapples and go to the Supermarket. You will see that now all
plants for all seasons are available. Buy 2 packs of sweet Potatoes and
arrange you hothouse like this:

. Tillable land that you dont plant on
S Sweet Potatoes
P Pineapples
C Cabbage
B Bin



Now plant your sweet potatoes and Pineapples.

Get your packs of Cabbage and plant them where it says "C".

The cabbage will be planted in the spaces with a =, leaving you 8 cabbages to
make recipes with, and room to navigate freely. Here is what it will look

' Empty Land (non-tillable)
. Empty Tillable Land
S Sweet Potato
P Pineapple
C Cabbage
B Bin
W Water


Special Events:

Sometime on a snowy day go to Rose Square at 10:00 and you will see Cliff
faint and when hes on the ground, look around pressing X, and you will find a
picture. Then you will be in the clinic, and give him that picture.


Talk to Ellen at her house and she will talk about a white flower that blooms
and gives happiness to anyone who sees it. On the next snowy night, go to
Mothers Hill and you will see that "Flower of Happiness". If you talk to
Basil and Ellen they will be suprised and joyful.


Last Day of Winter: If you didn't give Cliff that winery job in fall he will
leave forever (don't laugh evilly, you Ann lovers).


Spring, 2nd Year


Your goals for this season are:

Get Married
Have 6 cows and 1 sheep.
Have Your horse (did you take care of it?)
Get the Cheese maker
Get lots of grass (20 9x9 fields if you got your horse taken away)
Make friends

Today is a festival day, so the supermarket is closed. Just make sure your 11
planting spaces are all well and planned.

--Planting Guide--

11 fields of 9x9 squares.

6 fields of Cucumbers.

(if you have sold less then 100 turnips already)

5 fields of Turnips.

(if you have already sold 100 turnips)

5 fields of Potatoes.


What to give your girl this season:

Popuri: Moondrop and Toy Flowers

Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs

Karen: Wine

Elli: Moondrop and Toy Flowers

Mary: Bamboo Shoot


SPRING: Well this is a lot less exciting than the first year seasons theres
less to do and less events. Just do the goals and follow the planting guide
and you should be on your way to a successful farm.

Special Events:

1ST: On that afternoon, Karen will come by your house and ask to practice
dancing. When you learn how to dance, you can dance with your girl at the New
Years Day festival that night.


Summer, 2nd Year

Here are you goals for this season:

Have 8 cows and 3 sheep
Win Swimming Race
Win Chicken festival again
Win Cow Festival
Get Power Berries
Get Recipes
Get the secret Crop
Get Yarn Maker

--Planting Guide--

18 fields of 9x9 Squares.

6 Fields of Tomatoes.

6 Fields of Onions.

6 Fields of Corn.


What to Give Your Girl this season:

Popuri: Pink Cat Flowers

Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs

Karen: Wine

Elli: Pink Cat Flowers

Mary: Red Grass


SUMMER: Personally i think that this season is more fun than spring but i like
the festivals better. Just do the goals other than that theres not much for
me to talk about. If you feel extremely bored you can catch fish.

One day, you wife will say something different thatn what she normally says in
the morning. Then a.s.a.p., go to the clinic, and you will see a scene and
Elli and Doctor will tell you that your Wife is pregnant! You will have the
baby in exactly 2 seasons from that day.


Fall, 2nd Year

Here are you Goals for this Season:

Have 10 Cows and 5 Sheep
Get the Secret Crop
Try to Win Sheep Festival
Make about 250,000G(yes i have the right amount of 0's and not 1 too many)
Have at least (more is preferred) 20 recipes by the end of Fall

--Planting Guide--

26 fields of 9x9 squares.

7 Fields of Eggplants

7 Fields of Carrots

7 Fields of Green Pepper

5 Fields of Sweet Potatoes.


What to Give Your Girl this season:

Popuri: Magic Red Flowers

Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs

Karen: Wine

Elli: Magic Red Flowers

Mary: Green Grass, Mushroom, Poisonous Mushroom


FALL: Get ready to be rich. After this season you will never need to worry
about money...

AS long as you follow your goals you will have basically secured your
financial plan for seasons (and years) to come. If you do that, then you can
concentrate on other things like making friends and getting recipes.


Winter, 2nd Year

Here are you goals for this season:

Fish every day until you get 50 fish (if you are really bored you can get
Have 10 Cows and 10 sheep
Make about 150,000G (animals)
Have at least 70% for your farm by the end of the year
Have 45 recipes
Catch the Angler (legendary fish)
Have your baby

--Planting Guide--



What to give your girl this season:

Popuri: Orangecup

Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs

Karen: Wine

Elli: Orangecup

Mary: Honey


WINTER: Just do the goals. Take care of your animals, get all the recipes
that you can, and try to fish every day. This season is probably the most

The highlight of this season will be the birth of your new baby. For a season
you cant talk or do anything with him but after that you will need to care for
him too.

-Your Baby-

His birthday is ?.




Soemwhere in your house.


He likes Honey and Hot Milk.


3rd Year

Your goals for this year are:

Get the spring secret crop
Get all the recipes
Get all the power berries
Win all of the festivals
Get 4 Legendary Fish (all but Sea Bream and Carp)
Be a millionaire

3RD YEAR: This can get boring some times but just keep playing and remember
at the end of the year...


The Years Ahead

A single goal:

Get 100% for your farm.

THE YEARS AHEAD: If you watn to keep playing, that is reccommended. In the
years ahead, you will se marriges and scenes with the other couples, mysteries
of the buffet, and just have a good time. Getting 100% would be the perfect
ending for the perfect farm...


10. Festivals

I will explain the festivals and tell you how to win them.



New Years Day-1st of Spring.

Your first year you cant go to this festival, but on the other years you can
dance with your girl at Rose Square or get drunk with the adults at the Inn.

Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Rose Square or Inn
Goddess Festival-8th of Spring.

At this festival, the town celebrates the goddess and the girls perform
another dance at Rose Square. On the 7th, ask a girl out to the festival.

Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Rose Square
Spring Thanksgiving-14th of Spring.

Today you show your appreciation for your girl by giving her cookies.

(Dont give Karen cookies, she doesnt like them)
Horse Race-18th Of Spring.

For this you need a full-grown well trained horse and when you race him you
have to press X on a steady but not too fast pace. If its too fast your horse
will tire out. You can also bet on the horses and if you win you get prizes.
If your horse wins the race, you get your picture taken with it and it hangs
in your house.

Time: 10:00AM
Place: Rose Square
Cooking Festival-22nd Of Spring

In this festival a Gourmet Judge comes to taste-test the best food in the

You should try to make a Relaxation Tea, it wins every time.
If you cant, a good thing to make is a curry with as many optional ingredients
as you can have.

Time 10:00 AM
Place: Rose Square



Opening Day/Swimming Festival-1st Of Summer

You can a couple of other men will compete in a swimming race. Press X and
Triangle Alternately as fast as you can. Kai will get out to an early lead
but you should be able to beat him down the stretch.

Time: 10:00 AM
Place: The Beach
Chicken Festival-7th Of Summer

You should enter your best chicken in this festival, the winner lays golden

For this, you should just keep having the chicken jump until it scares the
other chicken but dont let it jump out of the ring...

Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Rose Square
Tomato Festival-12th Of Summer

In this festival, teams throw tomatoes at each other and you can throw until
youve been hit.

The team you are with largely decides the outcome...

Star Team

Replacement(if you arent on their team:

Skill: Best

Chicken Team


Skill: Normal

Wine (i think) Team

Gray(i think)

Skill: Normal

Sheep Team:


Skill: Bad

Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Rose Square
Cow Festival-20th Of Summer

This is a cow show, and the winner milks golden milk!

To win you have to enter a cow with 10 hearts.

time: 10:00 AM
Place: Yodel Ranch
Fireworks-24th Of Summer

Here you can watch fireworks with your girl or...

With Kai.

Time: 6:00 PM
Place: The Beach



Music Festival-3rd Of Fall

You can participate (no skills involved) or just listen to the performance of
Karen, Ann, Elli, and Mary. (and i think Popuri if you say no)

Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Church
Harvest Festival-9th Of Fall

For this festival you drop something in the hotpot and then enjoy the stew.

You should bring:
An Egg
A Pineapple
A Bring pepper

Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Rose Square
Moon Viewing Day-13th of Fall

On this day you see who likes you the most and they will be waiting for you at
Mother's hill.

Time: 10:00 PM
Place: Summit of Mother's Hill
Sheep Festival-21st of Fall

This festival is exactly like the cow festival, but to enter your sheep make
sure it has its wool...

Time: 10:00
Place: Yodel Ranch


Dog Race-10th of Winter

For this race make sure you have trained your dog with the dog ball or else it
wont follow you when you run.

Time: 10:00
Place: Rose Square
Winter Thanksgiving-14th of Winter

On this day the girls will give you chocolate if they are lower than green
heart and chocolate cake if they are green heart or higher. Stay at your farm
until 4:00 because thats the only way to get chocolate for your recipes.
Star Night Festival-24th Of Winter

The day before if ou talk to your girl they might invite you to her house for
dinner that night. Get in her door at e x a c t l y 6:00PM or you will miss

When you are married, you will ahve a big dinner and then go to Mother's Hill
to Watch the stars.

Time: 6:00
Place: Girl's house (not married), Your House (if married)
New Years Eve Party-30th Of Winter

This is a simple festival. You watch the sun rise and the New Year awaken on
Mother's Hill.

Time: Midnight
Place: Mother's Hill Summit


11. Power Berries and Other secrets

11a. Power Berries.

Power Berries are berries taht give you long-lasting permanent strength (and
1% more for your farm ^_^) There are 10 Power berries and are abtainable
throught different ways:

1. Digging up in the All-season Mine.

2. Digging up in the Winter Mine.

3. Press X near the left side of the Winter Mine.

4. Buy for 5000G at the Home Shopping Channel.

5. Fish for it in the Ocean.

6. Get it at the Horse Race for 1001 medals.

7. Plant 90 flowers and Let Anna pick as many as she wants.

8. Try to chop down the tree in the meadow but when it pleads you spare it.

9. Give 5 crops or Animal byproducts to the Goddess in one day

10. Win the Swimming Festival


11b. Kappa Berry/All Weather Berry

For this berry you need 3 (or more) cucumbers.

If its a sunny day in spring, to to the lake and by where the two trees are
(near the truffle) throw a cucumber in. You will see part of a green thing.
Do that twice more and Kappa will come and give you an All Weather Berry,
which lest you work in the rain or swnow twice as long.


11c. Harvest Sprites Tea Party

This is how to get relaxation Tea leaves, the ingredient in Relaxation Tea.

Go to the super market and buy 8 flours and then wrap them. Then at 3:30 PM,
enter the door of the Harvest Sprites house. Talk to Nappy (the Orange
sprite) and then all the other sprites. The givve a flour to Nappy. If he
says something like "give everyone a presesnt" then give everyone else a
present. Then you will have a tea party, and when its over, you will get the
Relaxation Tea Leaves.


12. Boring Legal Stuff

This FAQ is owned and made by me, Matt McGuire, aka Bubba26, and is not able
to be reused or retransmitted without my personal recognition. This FAQ is
not to be used for any site or directly linked to without my permission. And
if i do let this be on a site, i have to get the full credit i deserve for
writing this. For these "boring legal matters", you can email me at:

Also, for any corrections/additions to the FAQ, email me at the adress stated

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17.Oktober 2013
Festival FAQ/Walkthrough

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