Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

11.10.2013 13:21:40
FFT Deep Dungeon Guide+ v0.1
Author: Notti
Last Updated: January 27th 2000
Faq Version: 0.1
FFT Deep Dungeon Guide+ description: This is a FAQ that deals with the Deep
Dungeon(technically the hardest maps and enemies in FFT, and a place with many
rare treasures) and tries to give you all the info you need to totally own it.
As a bonus I have printed many rare tricks that are possible in FFT that I have
gathered, created and studied over my last two years of FFT playing. My goal for
this FAQ is to fill it with creative, technical, detailed, and original info
that you will not find commonly elsewhere....
Disclaimer: This FAQ may be distributed only under certain conditions.
1) This FAQ is to remain UNALTERED!
2) Credit is given to me(Notti:) for compiling it.
3) No monetary/barter/farm animals type compensation/gain shall be received for
this FAQ without my written in detail permission.
4) This FAQ shall not be published by or in any
magazine/periodical/manual/instruction/guidebook in an altered(back to condition
1 you dogs) or unaltered state without my express written permission.
5) I would prefer for you to email me(Notti:) if you
decide to post this FAQ on your site. This is not necessary BUT if you do post
this FAQ on your webspace(not merely a link to someone else's webspace) and tell
me I will then be able to put a link to your site in the next version of my FAQ
Hosted at: The newest version of my FAQ can be found at these sites =) Visit
often and then visit again... for the first time:


Console Gamer

Geomancer's School of Geomancing
I. FAQ History *updated*
0.1 (1/27/00) *new*
0.0 (5/29/99) |
I. Deep Dungeon Maps *updated*
N O G I A S |
T E R M I N A T E |
D E L T A |
V A L K Y R I E S |
M L A P A N |
T I G E R |
B R I D G E |
V O Y A G E |
H O R R O R |
E N D *updated*
II. Deep Dungeon Info/Tips |
DD Descrip |
DD Access |
DD Booty |
DD Mood Lighting |
Got Zodiac? |
DD Big Bad Boss Stats *updated*
III. General FFT Tips *updated*
The Real McDupe *updated*
Blade of the Ninja *updated*
Wet Poach *updated*
The Crystal Method |
FFT, Power Gamer Style *updated*
Hi-ho Boco! Away! *new*
The Brave and the Faithless *new*
Parting Shots, 2nd Chances *RUMOR* *new*
Master File of the Gods *new*
Holy Heavenly Dark Knights Batman! *new*
Elemental Knights *new*
Rumble in the Jungle *new*
How Ugly is an Ugly Stick? *new*
Happy Birthday! *new*
E=MCFFT *new*
IV. Conclusion *updated*
V. Credits *new*
VI. Links *updated*
I. FAQ History
This is not a comprehensive listing of what's happened to this lil FAQ of mine
over time but it's good enough(and it added a new section to the contents so the
FAQ looks bigger :P ).

v0.1 (1/27/00)
~FAQ History Section, woohoo!
~Added the Credit Section because you, you... and especially YOU deserve it.
~Added new tricks and interesting info.
~Cleaned up the FAQ a bit.
~Added a bunch of links for you surfers out there.
~A bunch of new stuff.
~Will put most "updates" in the contents section from now on.
~Hmmm more Maps... they will be the final battles at Murond and with Altima.
~Ha... maybe I'll get around to fixing the maps I ALREADY have :P
aybe some interesting Character Strats and Ability Combos.
~Any more tricks I can scrounge up ;)
ove my lazy ass.
~Test, test, test...

v0.0 (5/29/99)
~One small step...
~Have half done DD maps.
~DD info, mostly done.
~Listed the biggest tricks I know of.
ake FAQ History Section :P
~Need to make Credit List(retro-active).
~Need to clean up text, make purty look.

et more Elidibs info.
~Considering Byblos info section.
~Possibly add some more, generic, smaller tricks+tips.
~Plan on adding more details to maps, like tile type...
~Test, test, test...
II. Deep Dungeon Maps
How to read the maps: First of all the maps are organized on an x/y grid. The
top left corner of the map will correspond to the top left corner when you go
into the deep dungeon if you think of the characters when they enter the DD
levels as facing down on my maps. All the numbers are the heights of each panel
on the map(^ signifies .5). All possible party configuration starting points in
the DD will be marked by asterisks(* UNDER the height) and the starting point
for the Byblos in the final DD battle is a single B, the Apandas are A and
Elidibs is E.

BTW these maps are only half done... if you notice I have left plenty of space
in there to add extra info on each panel(such as whether you can even walk on
the panels in the first place, heh)... I just haven't decided on the BEST and
most efficient format to display the data, I'm also quite lazy in actually
collecting the data ;P

Damn it all. I just found out that my maps here are not accurate enough(even if
I added ground types/obstacle details). Each panel in an FFT map has 4 more
variables that I did not know about. I can't fit them in the current set up and
to find each detail about each panel is a bit too much, even for me :) I guess
I'll keep what I have here but I don't know if I'll ever add anymore or improve

---------- N O G I A S ----------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 |23 24 24 17 17 17 7 3 3 2
|* * *
2 |23 24 24 18 17 16 7 4^ 3 3
|* * *
3 |24 24 24 16 16 16 6 5 2 3
|* * *
4 |24 24 18 16 16 15 6 6 2 1
5 |24 24 17 14 14 13 7 6 2 1
6 |24 24 18 16 13 13 7 7 1 1
7 |24 24 18 18 12 11 7 7 1 1
8 |23 24 19^18 11^10 8 7 1 1
9 |23 24 20 20 10 10 8^ 1 1 0
10|22 22 21^20 10 9 9 0 0 0

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Kiyomori/Phoenix Down (6,1) Death Trap
Glacier Gun/Phoenix Down (1,10) Sleeping Gas
Elixir/Phoenix Down (4,10) Steel Needle
Blaze Gun/Phoenix Down (8,8) Death Trap

------ T E R M I N A T E -----

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 |9 11 12 12 13 13 11 10 12
| * * * * *
2 |8 10 9 11 12 10 10 10 9
| * * * * *
3 |8 11 9 9 10 9 11 11 7
4 |6 7 7 8 8 8 10 8 6
5 |5 8 7 8 9 6 6 7 6
6 |5 7 7 7 5 5 7 7 4
7 |4 7 6 6 6 5 6 5 3
8 |4 5 6 6 5 5 4 4 2
9 |5 5 7 4 3 3 3 5 2
10|3 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 1
11|1 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 2
12|1 2 2 0 0 3 1 1 2

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (3,2) Degenerator
Blood Sword/Phoenix Down (7,5) Death Trap
Save the Queen/Phoenix Down (1,11) Sleeping Gas
Elixir/Phoenix Down (5,12) Steel Needle

----------- D E L T A -----------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 |1 2 1^ 0 0 0 0 0 0^ 1
| * * *
2 |1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
| * * *
3 |1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
| * * *
4 |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 |0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 |0 1^ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 |0 2 4 0 0 0 0 4^ 2 0
8 |1 0^ 0 0 0 0 2^ 6 0 0
9 |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10|0 0^ 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
11|0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0
12|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13|0 0 0 0 0 1^ 0 0 0 0^
14|0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
15|0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
16|0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (3,1) Steel Needle
Mace of Zeus/Phoenix Down (2,10) Death Trap
Yoichi Bow/Phoenix Down (8,7) Sleeping Gas
Elixir/Phoenix Down (6,13) Death Trap

---------------- V A L K Y R I E S ----------------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 |9 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0
|* * *
2 |9 9 9 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 4 0 0 0 0
|* * *
3 |9 9 9 8 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 4 0 0 0 0
|* * *
4 |0 8 8 8 0 0 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 0 0 0
5 |0 0 8 8 0 0 5 5 5 0 4 4 3 0 1 1
6 |0 0 8 8 0 0 6 6 5 0 0 3 3 0 1 1
7 |0 0 8 8 7 0 6 6 6 0 0 3 3 0 1 1
8 |0 0 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 0 0 3 3 2 1 1
9 |0 0 7 7 7 7 6 6 0 0 0 3 3 2 2 1
10|0 0 0 5 7 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0
11|0 0 0 5 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (4,9) Death Trap
Kaiser Plate/Phoenix Down (11,1) Sleeping Gas
Fairy Harp/Phoenix Down (11,2) Death Trap
Faith Rod/Phoenix Down (12,3) Steel Needle

------ M L A P A N -----

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 |7 9 9 10 10 11 11
2 |7 9 10 10 10 11 11
3 |7 7 10 10 11 11 11
4 |6 7 18 18 18 12 12
| * * *
5 |6 6 17 18 18 12 12
| * * *
6 |3 5 17 17 17 13 13
| * *
7 |2 5 17 16 13 13 13
8 |2 2 2 10 10 0 0
9 |2 2 2 1 1 0 0
10|0 0 1 1 0 0 0
11|0 0 0 0 0 1 1
12|1 1 0 0 1 1 1

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Iga Knife/Phoenix Down (1,1) Sleep Gas
Excalibur/Phoenix Down (3,4) Death Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (1,7) Steel Needle
Elixir/Phoenix Down (7,1) Death Trap

------------- T I G E R ------------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 |0 0 7^ 2 2 3 3 3 9 5 5
| * *
2 |0 0 8 2 2 3 3 4 9 5 5
| * *
3 |1 0 7 2 2 2 3 4 9 5 5
| * *
4 |1 1 9 2 2 7 4 4 10 6 5
| *
5 |1 1 8 2 2 8 4 4 9^ 6 6
6 |0 1 7 2 2 7^ 4 4 9 6 6
7 |0 0 7 2 2 8^ 4 4 9 6 5
8 |0 0 0 0 1 11 4 4 5 5 5
9 |0 0 0 0 1 8^ 4 4 4 5 5
10|0 0 0 1 1 7 4 4 4 5 5

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Secret Clothes/Phoenix Down (10,1) Sleeping Gas
Cursed Ring/Phoenix Down (10,2) Steel Needle
Elixir/Phoenix Down (11,1) Death Trap
Blast Gun/Phoenix Down (11,2) Death Trap

--------- B R I D G E --------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 |0 0 0 10 10 10 4 3 3
| * * *
2 |0 0 0 9 10 10 4 3 3
| * * *
3 |0^ 0 7 9 12 12 4 4 3
| * * *
4 |0^ 0^ 8 12 12 12 4 4 2
5 |1 1 7 13 13 12 3 3 2
6 |1 1 2 12 4 3 3 2 2
7 |2 2 2 7 6 6 3 2 2
8 |2 2 2 7 7 7 7 2 2
9 |2 2^ 9 11^7 7 7 3 3
10|2^ 2^ 8 13 11 5 4 3 3
11|2^ 3 3 13 12 5 4 4 3
12|3 3 3 10 10 9 6 4 2
13|3 3 3 3 5 7 7 2 2
14|0 0 2 3 3 2 2 2 2
15|0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2
-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (5,1) Death Trap
Koga Knife/Phoenix Down (5,3) Death Trap
Sage Staff/Phoenix Down (5,5) Sleeping Gas
Elixir/Phoenix Down (5,11) Steel Needle

--------------- V O Y A G E --------------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 |3 3 11 11 11 11 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
| * * * *
2 |3 3 11 11 11 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
| * * * *
3 |3 3 11 11 11 11 11 8 7 0 0 0 0
4 |3 3 3 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 9 6 0
5 |0 3 3 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 9
6 |0 3 3 3 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
7 |0 1^ 3 3 3 3 3 9 11 11 11 11 11
8 |0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 11 11 11
9 |0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 4 11 11 10
10|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1^ 3 4 11 11 10
11|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 10 10 10
12|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 7 9
13|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 5 6
14|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 5 5

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (3,4) Steel Needle
Ragnarok/Phoenix Down (4,6) Sleeping Gas
Robe of Lords/Phoenix Down (7,7) Death Trap
Perseus Bow/Phoenix Down (9,8) Death Trap

------------- H O R R O R -------------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 |0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 |1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 |1 1 0 9 9 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
| * *
4 |1 2 0 9 9 2 2 0 0 2 2 2
| * *
5 |1 2 2 9 9 9 3 9 2 2 8 8
| * *
6 |2 2 2 9 9 9 3 9 8 2 8 8
7 |2 2 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 1 7 8
8 |0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 1 7 8
9 |0 0 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7
10|0 0 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 0

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Elixir/Phoenix Down (2,7) Steel Needle
Grand Helmet/Phoenix Down (9,6) Death Trap
Maximillian/Phoenix Down (3,10) Sleeping Gas
Venetian Shield/Phoenix Down (9,5) Death Trap

------------------ E N D -----------------

0x|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 |0 0 0 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0
2 |0 0 0 13 13 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0
| E
3 |0 0 13 13 13 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0
| A
4 |0 12 12 13 13 13 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
| * B *
5 |11 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
| A * * *
6 |11 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2
| * * * *
7 |11 11 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
| A * * *
8 |11 11 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 2
| * *
9 |9 9 9 9 8 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3
| A
10|0 9 9 8 8 7 0 5 5 3 3 3 0
11|0 0 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 0 0
| A
12|0 0 0 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 0 0 0
| A
13|0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 5 0 0 0 0

-----------Good/Bad------------ (x,y) Trap
Chirijiraden/Phoenix Down (6,1) ----
Elixir/Phoenix Down (6,3) ----
Elixir/Phoenix Down (8,1) ----
Chaos Blade/Phoenix Down (8,3) ----
III. Deep Dungeon Info/Tips
/ DD Descrip \________________________________________________________________

The Deep Dungeon is 10 deep, dark and dank levels ending with a Ramza-required
Zodiac Boss battle(you can however return to any level at any time once you gain
access to them). Inside the DD there are many powerful monsters and humans,
generally at a much higher level than your characters unless you are already
buffed out at level 99. This place contains the most powerful items in the game,
you'll definetly want to collect them. The DD also contains probably the single
strongest boss in the game, Elidibs(but if you come prepared, not a prob),
surrounded by a group of 6 Apandas. He has the single most powerful summon in
the game, Zodiac, which you'll want at least one of your summoners to learn(you
can teach it to others later)... you only get the chance at nabbing this summon
however in this one battle, don't kill Elidibs till you get it... and finally
you'll get a new ally when you finish this battle, a Byblos. He is a strange
type of Apanda and he will join your party after the battle(if you didn't KILL
him in the battle. He's a GUEST, not an enemy! ;P ).
/ DD Access \_________________________________________________________________

To actually get the Deep Dungeon to appear on the map in the first place you
need to be at the end of chapter 4 after the battle at Murond Holy Place but not
have entered the final sequence of battles at Orbonne Monastery. Then you need
to go to Warjilis Trade City. An automated cut scene will take place and
afterwards the Deep Dungeon will appear on the map with a path coming from
Warjilis. When you go to the DD on the map you will only have access to the
first level, NOGIAS. To gain access to further levels of the DD you need to find
the exit that is in each stage. The exit is random(supposedly) so to find it you
need to be lucky and step DIRECTLY on it(you DON'T need Move/Find Item). The
best way to do this is to kill all enemies except one and sleep+chicken(0 brave)
it and then search, panel by panel.
/ DD Booty \__________________________________________________________________

There are 4 treasures on each stage of DD. Most are extremely rare(one of a
kind) and powerful. To get them look at the DD maps above and find the panels
they are located on. You need someone with the Move-Find Item ability equipped
to get the actual treasure. There is one catch... for most every treasure panel
in the game there is a bad item and a good item. To get the GOOD item you need
LOW BRAVE. That is the secret. The formula for your chances of finding the GOOD
item is: 100-brave=percent% (you only have ONE chance of getting an item from a
panel). Many people use Rafa or Beowulf since they have low brave to do this(or
you can use Threaten, Chicken, or Foxbird to lower anyone's brave). The lowest
you can get your brave and still find items is 10, so you still have a 1 in 10
chance of getting the bad item. And finally, be careful of enemy treasure hun...
THIEFS! Some enemies come equipped with Move-Find item and they pick up the
items... you'll never have a chance to get them then :(
/ DD Mood Lighting \__________________________________________________________

Oh, one more thing about every DD stage... they are completely dark. That means
you can't see the stage at all UNLESS something dies and a crystal pops out.
When the crystal is out it shines and the stage lights up somewhat... a total of
4 crystals is needed to light up a stage totally. One trick to helping you
navigate the darkness, sans crystals, is to have at least one person in battle
with Teleport(hell... you'll want all characters to have Teleport in the DD...
lots of walls and high cliffs here) and then press X on him in battle to see his
possible movements and that will light up ALL the accessable panels in the
stage, very handy.
/ Got Zodiac? \_______________________________________________________________

Only Elidibs casts this ultra powerful/yet slow and costly summon. To learn this
spell you need to have a summoner on your team get hit by the spell AND SURVIVE
IT... then they may learn it(it's always worked for me however). The absolute
easiest way to do this is bring all your characters into battle with MP Switch
and someone Singing the Angel Song(you might also want 108 Gems to stop
Frog+Poison to help encourage Elidibs to cast Zodiac, not like he needs
encouragement ^_^ but when he does cast Poison Frog it's extremely annoying).
First, finish off the Apandas & Petrify Byblos(he can really hurt Elidibs)...
now group your characters together(remember the Summoner) but with some space
inbetween and Elidibs will most likely cast the spell(Remember, he ONLY has
~1200 MP... so don't play around if you want all 5 Summoners to learn it, you
might want to Hi-Ether him if he needs it then). If the Summoner survives(MP
Switch)... the spell should be yours(if in the Options menu you still have
Navigation Message turned ON you will get a prompt box(those prompts are
annoying, turn them off please) asking if you want to learn the spell, if not
you can tell if the spell was learned if the character breifly has the battle
cursor over them. BTW, this works for most every Summon I think).

Now you want to transfer the spell to others? Well if you are a daring FFT
player you can go into the END battle with 5 Summoners... that's 5 characters
you can get Elidibs to cast Zodiac on(only one person can learn Zodiac at a time
even if many summoners get hit). To further teach this summon to your other
characters you need to teach this spell to ENEMY Summoners first. It's the same
theory that you used for your team to learn the spell, have an enemy Summoner
survive and learn the spell(you'll know if they got the summon if they get that
battle cursor thing on them for a moment). Unfortunately you can't give the
enemy MP Switch... so what you should do is have YOUR Summoner with Zodiac be a
Lancer with a Summon secondary(Lancers SUCK with magic). If spell will kill the
enemy Summoner try casting Shell on him... if that STILL isn't enough, Solution
the enemy once(if you solution them too much they might not cast Zodiac back at
you)... then cast Zodiac on the enemy Summoner. If the enemy learns it, on their
next turn they will try to cast it generally if your team is grouped together.
If the enemy refuses to cast it(make sure they have the needed 99 MP) try
casting Don't Move on him and standing JUST out of range with one Knight on your
team with Equip Change(put on items that weaken the elemental summons he is
casting, Fire or Ice Shield and the White Robe...), if this still doesn't work
you can get desperate and Break/Steal all his equips, then kill him. HOPEFULLY,
he will leave a crystal. Have the person that wants the spell pick up the
crystal and take the abilities, HOPEFULLY the Zodiac summon will be one of the
abilities on the listing. If the crystal method is just not happening(too random
for you?) you can try inviting the enemy Summoner, saving the game, and then
going into battle again with the newly aquired Summoner(make him a Ninja with no
items equipped on so he dies quick and easy with the best chance of leaving a
crystal) and then kill them in battle(you'll get a casualty in the brave story)
and again HOPEFULLY get the crystal to pop out, however with this Invite method
if it doesn't work out you can just reset and try again =)
/ DD Big Bad Boss Stats \_____________________________________________________

Here's Elidibs stats as best I could figure(still need to refine the #s somewhat
and check for ALL the statuses/elementals... send help by mail if you want)...

Name: Elidibs
Type: ?(need Monster Talk, but Hamedo works)
Job: Serpentarius
Zodiac: Serpentarius? *Neutral to all*
Level: 75
Exp: Random
MaxHP: 2750-2950??
MaxMP: 1100-1300??
Brave: 70
Faith: 69-71?
Move: 4
Jump: 3+?
Speed: 7
Physical: 5!
Magical: 15!
C-EV: 3
Weapon: ???
Shield: ???
Helmet: ???
Armor: ???
Accessory: ???
Main: ???
Secondary: ???
Reaction: Counter
Support: ???
Movement: ???

Y/N Status
No Dead
No Undead
Yes Charging
? Defending
? Performing
No Petrify
No Invitation
Yes Darkness
No Confusion
No Silence
No Blood Suck
Yes Oil
No Float
No Reraise
? Transparent
No Berserk
No Chicken
No Frog
? Critical
No Poison
No Regen
Yes Protect
Yes Shell
Yes Haste
Yes Slow
Yes Stop - Hahahahaahahahahaha
Yes Faith - Don't be stupid =p
Yes Innocent - Not a bad idea since Zodiac kinda kicks ass :)
No Charm
No Sleep
No Don't Move
No Don't Act
Yes Reflect
No Death Sentence

Yes Quick
No Morbol

Elementals Weak, Normal, Half, Nullify, Absorb
Normal - Fire
Normal - Lightning
Nullify - Ice
Normal - Wind
Normal - Earth
Normal - Water
Normal - Holy
Normal - Dark
Normal - Cure
Normal - Non
IV. General FFT Tips
/ The Real McDupe \___________________________________________________________

Until now, most cheaters have had to make due with the old "DUPE" method which
not only worked on barely a third of the Rare Weapon list but you had to pay for
it too... well no more! Not only can you TRUELY dupe MOST EVERY RARE WEAPON in
the game, you can also DUPE shields =D

The method is as follows: Put the weapon or shield you want to dupe in the
bottom hand(NO TWO SWORD ABILITY! That makes the trick NOT work) and give your
character ALL your items that he can equip that have the highest HP, Attack,
PEvade and go into a shop that's BEST weapons or shields, THAT YOU CAN EQUIP,
are WEAKER(if the same strength, will only work if your's is more expensive than
the shop's best. PS, if anyone knows the next condition in Store Item Arranging,
let me know at with your reasoning. So far I know it's:
Type, then Price, then ???) than the one you want to do dupe. Now if those
conditions are satisified go to the "Fitting room", pick the character with the
item to dupe, choose "Try it on", pick the TOP hand, choose any weapon on the
list(or shield if that's what you want)... this should make you lose the item in
your second hand(that's why no TWO SWORDS), now choose "Best fit"... it SHOULD
be your original items :) , now choose "OK".... There ya go... item dupe
successful =)

Now that you know how to do it, here's how to dupe stuff REAL easy, REAL fast...
you just need some tips. Tip one, dupe with males(no bags!). Tip two, always
give your character that is going to dupe, the best items(better than the
store's anyway) that you can(so the store doesn't replace the items when you
"best fit" them). Tip three, make sure that the character that is going to dupe
has the highest HP max for a human on the team(so they will be first in line at
the fitting room... Equip Armor and making the other humans Bards and Dancers
with no armor is more than enough). Tip four(this is the FAST part), you don't
have to exit the store to RE-dupe items(yay!!!)... after the final step I gave
above on the method to dupe in the first place, press X twice, this will bring
you to the main shop screen out of the "Fitting room", now go though the process
again :) By going to the main screen you can reset the duping process and with
the tips(1, 2 and 3) I gave you it should be easy to press the buttons(and one
directional) quick and dupe, dupe, dupe, fast, fast, fast.

A very easy place to Real Dupe weapons with the above method is Gariland Magic
City. They have that lone little Broad Sword sitting there. What you do is give
your non sword using character "Equip Sword" and then he can dupe most of his
items(without looking for a shop that has items you want... Gariland doesn't
have shields though).

Almost NEVER use the old method again. With the Real Dupe you can dupe MOST of
the rare items(and at the beginning of the game duping is now possible). The
only ones you can't do this for are the Nagrarock(poachable), Healing
Staff(poachable) and the Mace of Zues(argh!). They are all too weak and cheap...
but wait! There's another method to dupe stuff :) Chrisilicious has shown me
that if you go to a shop that does NOT have any of the item type you want to
dupe(if you want to dupe a Mace of Zeus, go to a store with no Staffs or any
other weapons you can equip and no Martial Arts) but has Shields... you can pull
another dupe technique. First make sure that your character can equip
shields(Equip Shield if needed, and again, NO "Two Swords"), put the item you
want in the Top Hand, Shield in the Bottom, go to the "Fitting Room", pick your
guy with the item to dupe, "Try it on", put a Shield over the Top Hand(where the
item you want is), then put another Shield on the Bottom Hand(the first Shield
will dissappear), now choose "Best Fit". Everything should be back to normal ;D
Now you can follow the tips above on how to dupe stuff "fast, fast, fast", but
add an extra step to place a Shield in your hands again.

A small problem with the above method is finding a store with the Shields, but
NOT the item type you want. For the Mace of Zues and Healing Staff, Lionel
Castle works(there are many other places too), and to Dupe the Nagrarock one of
the only places you can do this is at Zarghidas Trade City(and ONLY as a Male
Knight/Geomancer). I haven't checked this completely so let me know if you can
find anything at .

This free duping is also a good way to make money for anything you may need it
for :) *cough* dupe FS Bags *cough*.... Just let it be known... duping IS a
cheat, so don't fool yourself, cheater :)
/ Blade of the Ninja \________________________________________________________

While the above method is considered cheating, this should not be. They gave you
the ability to do SPECIFICALLY this, so use it if you want and ease your
conscience =P I'm sure most know this trick, but for the sake of completeness I
will include it.

There is a "reaction" ability called "Catch" that you can learn from the Theif
job. What it does is CATCHES(duh) weapons thrown at you from Ninjas. Really
specific use eh? Well, most Ninjas throw worthless crap at you... it's really
not all that great... TILL you run into level 90+ Ninjas! Wooo, they throw Chaos
Blades, Excaliburs, Madlemgens, Chirijiradens, Masamunes, Scorpion Tails... lots
of awesome stuff, you just need to have Catch on and they'll practically give it
to you :)

The best place to do this is in the Deep Dungeon on the HORROR level(it can be
done ANYWHERE there are humans with THROW(Ninjas mostly)). Very often(compared
or other special looking battles) you'll run into a group of Ninjas and
Samurai(8 enemies total) in the DD's HORROR battlefield. This is the best place
for several reasons, 1) This battle pops up often enough. 2) You start out a
high point and they have make a long trek to get close to you(so they throw
stuff). 3) Not only does it take a while for them to get up to you(easy to set
up and wait), the only way to get to you is through a single point, EASILY
blocked. The point to be blocked however is a Death Sentence Trap... there are
several ways around this of course. You can set someone to stand on the trap
that has Immunity to Dead/Death Sentence(Ribbon, Cachusha, Barette, Judo Outift,
Chameleon Robe, Defense Ring, Angel Ring, Cursed Ring, White Staff, Undead,
Petrify). Another way to block off the path is to have someone stand on THE
OTHER SIDE of the hole(non trapped). The only thing about that is that you DON'T
WANT the Ninjas to start using normal attacks on you. The best way to do this is
make this person Transparent(Petrify is okay too... also if you're Undead and
Death Sentenced they don't seem to attack you... stupid AI, heh). I like to use
a Vanish Mantle or Secret Clothes(you can use Sunken State too, have a Wizard
bop him over the head to make him Transparent) and just make that character not
ever do anything except to move into place, the CPU will never be the wiser :)

Now that you know why HORROR is good for this, I suggest you bring 4-5 range
attackers/catchers, 2 Healers(Math is good, who cares if you heal the Ninjas)
and 1 main blocker(Transparent or Death immunity... try to give them High
HP+Regen too incase they get hit). Some abilities that are good are Guns and
Bows, Orlandu, Beowulf, Meliadoul, Math, Summon and give them all Catch. You
should also have a few with Battle Skill so you can injure the Ninja's stats and

That was the basics, here are some specifics: WHAT the Ninjas throw is based on
2 things, their level and what abilities they have(most random Ninjas do NOT
have ALL the throw abilities, or even many). I've made a chart now that will
tell you what a Ninja throws at what level but it is still really
incomplete(help will be accepted)... but here is an idea to try out for
yourself... levels... can... be... changed... in... battle. This is a good place
to use those Battle Skills... break ONE of their weapons and their Physical
Strength, then LET them hit you(try not to have people with Shields and Blade
Grasp)... whatever it takes to get their levels up(EXP). Another consideration
is to take a Mind Flare into battle and use his special monster skill, Level
Blast. This LOWERS levels and could be useful for experimenting.

Lvl|Knife Sword Hammer Katana Ninja Sword
99 |Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
98 |Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
97 |Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
96 |Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Koga Knife
95 |Zorlin Shape Sasuke Knife
94 | Scorpion Tail
93 | Scorpion Tail
92 | Scorpion Tail
91 | Scorpion Tail
90 | Scorpion Tail

Lvl|Axe Spear Stick Knight Sword Dictionary
99 | Javelin Whale Whisker Chaos Blade
98 | Javelin Whale Whisker Chaos Blade
97 | Javelin Whale Whisker Ragnarok
96 | Dragon Whisker Whale Whisker Excalibur
95 | Holy Lance Ivory Rod Save the Queen Madlemgen
94 | Defender
93 | Octagon Rod Defender
92 | Octagon Rod Defender
91 | Octagon Rod
90 |
/ Wet Poach \_________________________________________________________________

Now here is a pretty worthless trick, it has certain esoteric uses but for the
most part, it's useless. If you poach a monster in level 2 deepness water, their
body WON'T dissappear, then you can raise them from the dead and REPOACH them...
now you're probably thinking, "Notti, that sounds damn useful... I could poach a
WildBo, Porky, or Uribo as much as I want!" Well yes, that's what I thought :|
BUT, one thing that unravels this fine plan... most monsters hate
water(dammit!). It was actually suprising to me how many can't actually enter
the water... AND then there are those who can enter the water but don't
sink(grrrr). Here's an alphabetical list of the enemies that CAN be put into
deep water:

Black Goblin
Bone Snatch
Living Bone
Pisco Demon

Not a SINGLE useful poachable in the lot >:( The best that you can say for this
trick is that all poached items cost half as much as they would if you got them
straight from the regular shop. Other monsters that might have worked but don't
are... Chocobos, they float to level 1 deepness in level 2 deepness waters.
Morbols, they walk on the water's surface. Grenades and Ghosts, they FLOAT
above it all.... If you actually want to use this trick, it's easiest if you
bring your own monster and then move him into the level 2 deepness waters, then
kill him with a Secret Hunt character and then revive(I like the Monk's Revive
best... so I like my whole team to be a lot of Secret Hunted Monks). What you
want to look for is a level 2 deepness water tile that you can surrounded.
Bariaus Valley has level 2 deepness water but they are next to other level 2
deepness waters. What you need to do then is bring Float Boots or cast Float(or
"Walk in Water" or "Walk on Water") on the Secret Hunters. You can then have 4
people surrounding a tile(4 Floating, Secret Hunted, Monks and your prey).
Another reason I prefer Bariaus Valley is that eften enough you get into a fight
with Panthers of some sort(Vampires bad... however). They cannot enter the water
so it is best to leave them as the last enemy alive(or any other water hating
monster with no projectile attacks) and let them vainly try to reach you from
the shore :)
/ The Crystal Method \________________________________________________________

This is a simple method of transfering MANY abilities from one character to
another(probably from one of your generics to one of your special new characters
cause you want more space, this will save you a lot of time in reaquiring

Here's how it works, basically it's killing one of your own troops and then
having another member of your team taking his crystal :) IMO this is how you
should go about it. First take your NEW character and get him ACCESS to as many
jobs(18 jobs, no need for Mime, Females get Dancer, Males get Bard... BTW make
sure to get all the non main Squire abilities first) as you can. Secondly you
should be buying abilities but I recommend buying all the cheapest
ones(quantity, not quality). The reason for this is because you DON'T want to
waste the crystal transfer on low JP abilities since it seems to give a fraction
of the abilities possible(however the crystal may also figure the JP of the
abilities offered but I doubt it...). Thirdly, take the OLD character and make
him a Ninja(so he dies quick and easy) and no equips(so he doesn't leave a
treasure cheast behind) and bring him into battle with the NEW character. Have
someone kill the OLD character and then wait. Hopefully he'll turn into a
crystal instead of a treasure(hate that), then have the new character pick up
his crystal and choose "abilities".... WOW, look at that list... it's huge ain't
it :) And they are all the ones listed get transfered. If there's a SPECIFIC
ability or abilities that you wanted, you can reset and try again because the
choice of abilities given by the crystal appears to be random(if you can figure
it out, Notti). The one down side to this is that you
get a casualty in the Brave Story but most people don't care about that unless
they are going for a Master File(Look at the section called down there called
"Master File" You can stop emailing now ;p ).
/ FFT, Power Gamer Style \____________________________________________________

Want high stats? Want REALLY high stats? Well keep on reading.... There is a
method of doing this but it takes awhile, this is only for the type of people
who in FF7 got all their characters up to really high stats with Sources. The
basic theory is to level DOWN as a BAD job and then level UP as a GOOD job. De-
Leveling down can be done in 2 ways. Degenerator traps(if you try to Teleport
while on a trap and Teleport fails you will REACTIVATE the trap, use it. A
Degenerator can be found in the DD... look at my DD maps above for the exact
location) or the Monster Skill of a Mind Flare monster called Level Blast.
Leveling up can be done in anyway you see fit however I have a tip or two :)
Give your character Gained Exp UP and the Thief's Steal Exp Ability(and lots of
Speed upping items and bonuses if possible). With this you can now steal EXP
from your teammates and you SHOULD be going up 1 level every turn till you are
at a moderate level. Another okay level up trick is to use Bard or Dancer skills
plus Gained EXP Up(but this will take 2 castings, depending on how low your
speed is this CAN come out more often, but for me it's usually less often BUT
you don't have to worry about your teammates having enough EXP to steal).
Another tip is once you have decimated the enemy, turn the last one into a Frog,
Chicken, and put him to Sleep and then Petrify all members of the team that are
not needed(so you don't have to "Wait" them). And a final tip, who says you need
to go all the way up to level 99 then back down to level 1? That's unwise... use
my Steal EXP + Gained EXP Up trick and you should be able to get up to around
level 65 by doing 65 Steal EXPs, re-enter the battle then use the
degenerator/Level Blast, leave, then use Steal EXP again, repeat till you've got
a god =D

Until I get a good listing of what's ACTUALLY, 100% good to level up as and
what's good to level down as I'll go by basic "What the characters do when you
TURN them into a job" stats. According to that theory the BEST job seems to be
Mime, except it stinks in MP. And the BEST to go DOWN as is Calculator, except
it does have good MP. So basically if you DEGENERATE as a Calc and then level
back up as a Mime you will get a very good increase in all stats EXCEPT MP,
which will plummet. According to Job Transform stats(which I have not proven to
actually have TOTAL congruency with what you get when you level up/down, but
close enough to show you this chart).

Alterable Non-Alterable
SQ 100% 75% 120% 100% 100% SQ 4 3 5%
CH 80% 75% 120% 85% 100% CH 3 3 5%
KN 120% 80% 120% 135% 100% KN 3 3 10%
AR 100% 65% 120% 130% 100% AR 3 3 10%
MO 135% 80% 130% 150% 100% MO 3 4 20%
PR 80% 120% 130% 100% 135% PR 3 3 5%
WI 75% 120% 120% 65% 185% WI 3 3 5%
TI 75% 120% 120% 55% 155% TI 3 3 5%
SU 70% 125% 100% 55% 150% SU 3 3 5%
TH 90% 50% 130% 115% 70% TH 4 4 25%
ME 80% 120% 120% 85% 90% ME 3 3 5%
OR 75% 110% 120% 55% 150% OR 3 3 5%
GE 110% 95% 120% 130% 130% GE 4 3 10%
LA 120% 50% 120% 135% 55% LA 3 4 15%
SA 75% 90% 120% 140% 105% SA 3 3 20%
NI 70% 50% 140% 140% 90% NI 4 4 30%
CA 65% 80% 60% 55% 85% CA 3 3 5%
BA 55% 50% 120% 25% 140% BA 3 3 5%
DA 60% 50% 120% 130% 110% DA 3 3 5%
MI 140% 50% 140% 135% 140% MI 4 4 5%

This chart is pretty rough, as I did a bit of rounding up/down in places. The
column that is the worst is the speed. It's hard to get a good accurate reading
of this unless you do a lot of up/down leveling(some jobs that look equal are
not exactly equal. Ninja and Mime are not exactly equal, Mime is a BIT
speedier... and for the PA column Samurais are a BIT tougher than Ninjas). If
you have some tips for a better chart please feel free to mail me... please!
Notti: ^_^

Now with this chart you can figure out what you want to get better in and what
you don't care about losing. But there are a few combos where you don't lose
much(or anything at all)... such as...

Up/Down HP MP SP PA MA Description
PR/CA 15% 40% 70% 45% 80% Enlightened Magician combo.
MO/CA 70% 0% 70% 95% 15% Super Soldier combo.
GE/CA 55% 15% 60% 75% 45% Renaissance Man combo.
MI/CA 75% -30% 80% 80% 55% Who needs MP anyways god combo?

Personally, that Priest or Geomancer combo looks very nice... HP gets maxxed out
the quickest in level up/down so the Priest option might not be as bad as it may
look on paper(or in WordPad). Another reason "Up Priest/Down Calc" may be the
best is that it increases SP a bit more... the stat that grows the slowest, and
also one of the most important stats for a character IMO(5p33D rUL3zzz
D00Dzz!!!!). My final verdict... Up Geomancer if you only want to do a BIT of
level up/downing... Up Priest if you plan to go "all the way"....

Now lets take a look at some specific stat combos if you have the need to NOT
make gods who excel in all areas ;) These are just a few... you can figure out
other combos on your own.

Up/Down HP MP SP PA MA Description
MI/BA 85% 0% 20% 110% 0% You wouldn't like me when I'm angry combo.
MO/BA 80% 30% 10% 125% -40% Hulk Smash combo! +HP/PA -MA
WI/LA -55% 70% 0% -70% 130% Floating, bodiless brain combo.

PS, Wizards have an MA LIMIT according to Broken Job and Starmie Knight. What
that means is that at a certain MA, Wizards don't gain anymore MA level bonuses.
I think he said it was when the Wizards MA is around 21(approx). If you use my
Level 30 trick you can kinda get around this by having 21 MA when at low levels
and then leveling back up with a Summoner or something. If anyone has any info
on this email me at or anymore info about anymore limits.
Like if Summoners and other Magical jobs have this same limit.

PPS, Certain special characters such as Orlandu's and Reis' have really good
stats in their main jobs. Instead of Mimes you should use them when leveling up.
As for other special jobs I don't have any concrete info yet... Beowulf seems
okay, Rafa and Malak seem pretty average, better use the Mime IMO... maybe next
revision ^_^
/ Hi-ho Boco! Away! \_________________________________________________________

Chocobos have a special property compared to all other monsters you can have in
your party, humans can ride them. This can be done by moving your human
character to where the Chocobo is standing. This is interesting and it has it's
uses but on the whole it's a rather wasteful move for one reason, you lose a
party member. Just think, instead of fighting with 5 characters you now only
have 4(you can still get on and off, of course, but still)....

Here are some other interesting facts about this Choco-motion.

1) When on the Choco he is essentially, out of the battle. That means several
things. If in someway your team is in the path of some spell or something you
can hop on your Choco and save him and take the hit(and if it's certain status
attacks... well you'll see) thereby saving your team(if the spell can somehow
hit your entire team since a ridden Choco can't be defeated) or just the Choco.
Try having a Lancer ride a Choco and then Jump. The Chocobo will be in the
middle of the battle but untouchable, you can target the choco but nothing will
happen when you attack it! Hehe :)

2) By riding a Choco you now gain it's movement in place of your own. And yes,
that means that you lose your Teleport, Move-HP Up, Move-Find Item movements
and so on, they don't get combined(I was hoping for Teleporting Chocobo attacks)
:( That is another reason Choco riding is wasteful most of the time. But if you
insist, Black Chocos are the best if this is what you are planning since they
can Fly and can move 6 spaces(Yellows are the worst since Red Chocobos can
Ignore Height), REALLY nice.... Another little trick with this is since Mimes
DON'T have the possibility of Movement Abilities you can give him a Choco to
ride :) This is nice since the motto you should plan your Mime use by is
"Location, Location, Location." Only the l337est Mime users can use this to
their advantage....

3) Small tidbit... when on a Chocobo you can check it's status by going to the
rider's Status screen and then pressing R1 or L1. You'll notice that it keeps
the same CT as when you got on it and you can also check it's statuses.

4) Another neat thing happens when riding Chocos is that you can cure your
Chocobo of certain afflictions by mounting him, and also when you are already on
the Choco you are now immune to certain statuses =D This is another great reason
to use Chocobos and Mimes together if for nothing else than an easier time of
Miming Math Status attacks :) I have below a pretty complete listing of what you
can cure and what you are protected from while on your Chocobo.

*** Curative, the healing bond shared between steed and rider. ****
These are the statuses that the chocobo has that are cured when you mount it.

Y/N Status
--- Dead - He's dead Jim.
No Undead
? Charging
? Defending
? Performing
--- Petrify
No Invitation - When invited, a character switches sides, but if YOU invite.
No Darkness
Yes Confusion
No Silence
? Blood Suck - Can't Blood Suck monsters....
No Oil
No Float - This is good because the Choco STAYS floating when you get on.
No Reraise
? Transparent - If you could do this would it be like riding a ghost choco?
--- Berserk - Can't tame a wild choco :)
--- Chicken - Now this would've been funny... *toy horn in hand* CHARGE!
--- Frog - Are you perverted?
No Critical
Yes Poison
No Regen
No Protect
No Shell
No Haste
No Slow
Yes Stop - This is cool.
No Faith
No Innocent
--- Charm - I don't want to get on that Chocobo, he's looking at me funny.
Yes Sleep - Wake up sleepy head.
Yes Don't Move - Good good
Yes Don't Act - Uh huh uh huh
No Reflect
Yes Death Sentence - You got the right one baby

? Quick - Can't find a way to do this.
? Morbol - He not a chocobo anymore is he?

*** Immunities, the noble rider ignores such bothersome trifles. ***
Now here are Statuses that CAN be incurred to the rider WHILE on a Chocobo. The
rider does not LOSE any statuses by mounting a Chocobo, he is just protected
from some.

Y/N Status
Yes Dead
No Undead
Yes Charging
Yes Defending
Yes Performing
No Petrify
Invitation - Ack. I need a GS to test this one. Help me?
No Darkness
No Confusion
No Silence
No Blood Suck
No Oil
No Float
Yes Reraise
Yes Transparent - "Just a wild chocobo... we'll leave it alone."
No Berserk
? Chicken - Hmmm... the game won't let the brave go below 10 =)
No Frog
Yes Critical
No Poison
Yes Regen
Yes Protect
Yes Shell
Yes Haste
No Slow
No Stop
Yes Faith
Yes Innocent
Yes Charm
No Sleep
No Don't Move
No Don't Act
Yes Reflect
No Death Sentence

Yes Quick
? Morbol - Humans cannot be Morboled anyway....

There is also a small bug I discovered when trying these statuses out. If the
Rider has Float Boots on and the Fly movement ability together the character
will try to land on the Chocobo to ride him but the game will stall. You can do
nothing. Well, you can twirl and zoom the screen... wheeeeeee!!! What time is it
kiddies? Time to reset.
/ The Brave and the Faithless \_______________________________________________

Let's see... where to start. Well Brave and Faith are stats that affect certain
abilities for all characters. Brave affects all Reaction Abilities(except Weapon
Guard and Abandon), Knight Sword + Katana + Punch(NOT Punch Arts) strength,
standard monster "Attack" strength(generally) and Move-Find Item. Faith is used
in most magic attacks including Black + White + Yin-Yang + Time Magic, Summons,
Math, Magic Sword, Untruth, Spell Guns, and Counter Magic(you can counter Boss
Magics.. cool!). Faith is NOT used for Draw Outs, Geomancy and certain other
attacks even though they are technically of the magic type(Draw Outs can be
protected from by Shell and powered up by Magic Attack Up).

Brave and Faith have can have a value from 0 to 100. This is technically correct
and applies to ALL characters IN BATTLE, but out of battle, for MOST characters,
the range for Brave is from 06 to 97 and for Faith 03 to 94. The reasons for all
this is as follows:

1) Brave and Faith change every 4 points you change them IN BATTLE. If you think
about it that means that at, for example, 3 faith you can't get it to go any
lower because you ONLY have 3 faith points left to lower, and as I said you can
only lower faith PERMANENTALY by ONE POINT if you change your faith by FOUR
POINTS. This is the same reason that 97 brave is the high point for Brave(only 3
brave left till 100). But why is the low point for brave generally 6?...

2) The reason for the low point of brave being 6 and the high point for faith
being 94 is because if you go any lower/higher for the PERMANENT stat the
character will leave your party in Fear, or for God(forever? Look at "Parting
Shots, 2nd Chances *RUMOR*" email me, Notti, at if you
know more about this). Here's a listing for the PERMANENT(!!!!), out of
battle(!!!!), numbers:

85 to 94 Faith - High Faith Warning *ONLY a warning! They will NOT leave!!*
95 Faith - High Faith Parting Shot *Character leaves ONLY at this point!!!*
15 to 6 Brave - Low Brave Warning *ONLY a warning! They will NOT leave!!*
5 Brave - Low Brave Parting Shot *Character leaves ONLY at this point!!!*

3) And why is this GENERALLY true? Because Ramza and Guests(when they ARE
GUESTS) can't leave your party unless it's part of the story line. Just think of
how messed up it would be if Delita could leave in chapter one :p For these
characters the ranges for Faith and Brave are both 03 and 97. In my game I have
Ramza at 97 faith.

Here are some random assorted factoids...

-You can raise Worker 8's faith, but it does nothing since he always has
'Innocent' casted on him. I haven't tested yet if he says something at high
faith(Mail me, my name is Notti, if you know).

-Yes, you can start the battle at lower than 10 brave... but you are not a
chicken until something interacts with you(like say, someone hits you) or your
turn comes up(and you still have lower than 10 brave).

-Random enemies in the random battles have a faith and brave level ranging from
45 to 74. This means their AVERAGE faith/brave level is 59 or 60(I go with 60
since it's a nice small fraction... 3/5). In story battles this also seems to be
generally(!) true but bosses are the largest exception.

-Let me just say again that the faith and brave warnings are ONLY WARNINGS =P~
I've had many of my characters all the way back from chapter 2, on my file from
June 1998 at 94 faith and NONE, I repeat, NONE of my characters have ever left.
94 faith rox, the Warnings are not that annoying... heh =P
/ Parting Shots, 2nd Chances *RUMOR* \________________________________________

On a message board long ago(late '98, Me45's, it's gone now) Zodiac Mike, and a
few others, made a claim that characters after they left because of high
faith(95 faith) can be met again in random battles if you're lucky.

Here are some relevant quotes(from different people) from a few messages I

"I haven't met him twice but for Ex: I used Beowulf but this really happened to
Cloud. He was on the Soldier Class with his Materia Blade and whatnot and he ran
away after I got his Faith up too high. When I lost him I lost him at Germinas
Peak about July something then about March I fought a group of Samurais in
Araguay Woods not the ninjas. Like near Goland Coal City pass that is that
castle and the next fight when you go startight up you can fight a group of 11
monks. Well Cloud came back as a Samurai in Araguay Woods with a Chirijiraden
and all the Genji crap except for the Genji Shield and the Genji Gauntlet. The
next time this happened to me was when I had a regular guy named Ingram and he
was class ninja. I lost him and he reappeared some time later when I fought some
ninjas ( I think youmight be able to get them back in Deep Dungeon I'm not sure)
and there was Ingram throwing shitty crap at me. Except he didn't have the
shitty crap I gave him. I gave him a duped Sasuke Knife in each hand and Thief
Hat and Black Costume and Sprint shoes. When I got him back he had a Koga Knife
and a Scorpion Tail Thief Hat and Secret Clothes and Germinas Boots. Sometimes
they come back but they have either the same thing or some shittier thing I've
lost a duped Chaos Blade like so before with a Regular Person."

"Well the other thing is that I have noticed that my main character can invite
my enemy member back better than any of my other people. Main guy= 70-90% of
invite Other Members=30-50% of invite."
"Veronica - summoner, lv 43. zodiac. sage staff, theif hat, black costume,
Bv. 80, Ft. 94.

Played random battles in the same area I lost her in (VOYAGE of DD) for about 2
hours, and sure enough.

Veronica - summoner, lv 43. zodiac. sage staff, theif hat, black costume,
Bv. 80, Ft. 94.

Havn't tried with uniques. But if it works with regs, then why not special

I've also heard that this works with monsters and it doesn't HAVE to be because
of high faith. You can just "remove unit" them, supposedly.

I tried this once, long ago, but I couldn't get any results(maybe because I
NEVER took Ramza into random battles. Maybe you should). Call me gullible but
for some reason this seems to ring true. Okay now, just try this out... if it
bears any fruit let me know. There are several possible uses for this rumor if
it turns out to be true....
/ Master File of the Gods \___________________________________________________

Have you the perfect file? Are you a devouted FFT player? Well then try your
luck at the "Master File". This is NOT an official award given in the game like
"Master Treasure Hunter" or "Master Explorer". This is just merely the
requirements I(me and myself only) have to judge how perfect your file is.
Without further ado...

- All unique characters kept. That means all your 16 character slots will be
filled to the brim with: Ramza, Rad, Alicia, Lavian, Boco, Agrias, Mustadio,
Rafa, Malak, Orlandu, Meliadoul, Beowulf, Worker 8, Reis, Cloud, and the
"Byblos". A character is "unique" if you can go to it's name in the formation
screen and they say something.

- All characters at level 99 with 99 EXP, with all jobs open and Mastered with
JP at 9999. This includes getting Ultima for Ramza and Zodiac for ALL human
characters(all of em!).

- All characters at 97 Brave and 94 faith(even Worker 8), except for Malak who I
feel should be at 03 faith since his main job skill is better at low faith.

- All human characters at 999 in HP & MP and 99 in PA & MA and 50 in SP even
when in the jobs these stats are the worst in(like having 50 Speed when a
Calculator). Gotta use the Level Up/Down trick.

- 198 of all buyable/poachable/catchable items. 198 is equal to everything in
your inventory and the Fur Shop's... 99 + 99 = 198. Also get as many of the
'rare'(stuff you can only Find/Steal once or a few times) items as possible(you
can dupe some of them but that's cheatin'). Maybe I'll put a list in here

- Casualties equal to 0(zero). This means no one on your team can ever become a
crystal(none of my teammate crystal tricks can be done in a "Master File") or
treasure chest. However characters on your team CAN BE "Secret Hunted"... like
Wild Bos, Porkies and Uribos for example ;)

- Max amount of Injured... 9999? I only have 764 :) It prolly goes into the

- Every "Move-Find Item", in every stage in the game(except at the Gates of
Bethla Garrison, you can only choose one path), found. Also they must all be the
'good' Move-Find Item(low brave). Think of 'Move-Find Items' as treasure chests
in other RPGs. Do you leave treasure chests unopened in other RPGs when getting
a master file? Even when you can't get back to the Chest once you pass it up?
No, you don't.

- Every Proposition done perfectly, no failures.

- Max amount of Gil, 99,999,999. The War Funds have an 8 digit account so I
ASSUME this is the highest but it could be higher....

- Max Amount of time elapsed, 1000+ hours. This is the limit, I have my
file(which I've been playing since I got FFT, 2 years ago, when it first came
out in the US) at 1000+ hours and it keeps repeating, never reaching 1001 hours,
always recounting the minutes(0 to 59) and seconds.
/ Holy Heavenly Dark Knights Batman! \________________________________________

No you can't get any special classes for your characters unless you have a Game
Shark/Dex Drive type device or that's the way the character starts(e.g. Orlandu
as a Holy Swordsman)... and NO, you can't do it in the japanese version
either(NO Sorcerer trick!). Ramza is a Squire and that's all he'll ever be.
Square has actually posted on their site that the Dark Knight trick is false( ). You CAN'T Invite bosses
such as Celia and Lede, Ultima Demons, or Elmdor onto your team. Heavenly
Knights and Holy Lancers DO NOT exist in the game. If you mail me, I kill you...
Thanks :)
/ Elemental Knights \_________________________________________________________

Orlandu and Agrias have the set of Holy Knight skills that include...

Stasis Sword PA*(WA+2)
Split Punch PA*(WA+3)
Crush Punch PA*(WA+2)
Lightning Stab PA*(WA+4)
Holy Explosion PA*(WA+5)

They also include in their descriptions that they are "Holy" or "Lightning"
elemental. Unfortunately that is not true. However there is a cool little trick
you can pull with these attacks. If you give the Holy Knight an elemental weapon
in their top hand, the weapon will make the attacks mentioned elemental =D It's
interesting but not too useful(later in the game at least) since the only
elemental weapons you can use are pretty weak and any elemental bonus you might
be hoping for will be overshadowed by the more powerful weapons. Regardless, you
can equip the following elemental weapons and get them to be combined with the
mentioned attacks...

Weapon WA Element Equipable by:
Ice Brand 13 Ice Any class that can hold a sword or "Equip Sword"
Coral Sword 8 Lightning Any class that can hold a sword or "Equip Sword"
Flame Whip 11 Fire Ninjas & "Equip Sword", equip sword in bottom hand
Air Knife 10 Wind Ninjas & "Equip Sword", equip sword in bottom hand

Cool, huh :) BTW this trick does not work with Lancer Jumps or Knight Battle
Skills(well it does, but not any interesting way).
/ Rumble in the Jungle \______________________________________________________

This is just a sloppy, non standarized listing of 'unique' battles that I've run
into since I've been keeping a list. Some may be useful for enemies you might be
looking for, or some just might be for fun. The first number means the total #
of enemies in the battle, any other numbers mean how many of the specific
characters there are there(there can also be ranges) and any other notation can
be figured out by you(don't mail me about it, I'm a bit confused by what I meant
at times aswell, heh). If you have any battles that you think are interesting...
email them to me(Notti:) with the Location(uhhh),
Direction(very important) and Reason(be a bit detailed if you can), just let me
tell you I won't list the battle till I've actually run into it(gotta keep the
integrity of my FAQ high)... but I'll take your tip into consideration and look
for it :) BTW I've usually taken as many people into these battles as possible
and usually no Ramza. I know the first condition makes a difference to what the
battle is(sometimes, but it only seems to sometimes affect their NUMBERS), but
I'm not 100% sure on the Ramza part.


Zigolis Swamp/Goug/Underwater undead(Undeads start in level 2 deep water)
Voyage/-/Great Monster Battle(Behemoths, Dragons, Morbols, Hyudra)
Voyage/-/The Magical 4, 3F1M Summoner, 2F1M Wiz, F Calc
Voyage/-/Archer Bonanza 7, 5M2F Archer(Yoichi Bow possible)
Bariaus Hill/Lionel/Chocobo Battle(6; all three types)
Bariaus Hill/Zaland/SUPER Monster Battle(Behes, Drags, Tias) 2 guests(Bchoco)
Valkyries/-/All Morbol battle(5-9 reg Morbols, maybe one Great Morbol)
Valkyries/-/8 Archer+Oracle(top diamond)& Wizard+Cocatoris(bottom pairs)
Valkyries/-/Battle of 4(4 random enemies, lined up, start at the bottom)
Nogias/-/6-8 Goblin battle(usually all the same type of goblin)
Bridge/-/6 Minotaurs 2 Thiefs(3 Sacreds...)
Germinas Peak/Zarghidas City/3 Chemist(rare guns)+2 Mediator, all female
Aruguay Woods/Zirekile/Archers+Woodmen
Aruguay Woods/Zirekile/Enemies in the holes(morbols, skels, archer)
Horror/-/7-10 Archer(M 1-3)Knight(M 1-3)Wizard(F 1-4)Choco(1-3 Y,B,R)
Horror/-/8 Chop Socky battle(Ninja 1-6 Samurai 2-7)
Horror/-/4 Surrounded(2 Summs, Orac/TM, behe/cuar)
Horror/-/8 2-5Lancer 1-4RGB Dragon 1-3Cocatoris
Sweegy Woods/Dorter/5 2 Archer(m),1 Wiz(f),1Geo(f), 1 Orc(m)
Fovoham Plains/Zeakden/8 3 Sacreds+1Summ(m) 3squid+1gob
Zigolis Swamp/Goug/2M Knight 1M Sam 1F Lan 1F Squire
Doguola Pass/Grog Hill/5 3F TimeMage 1F Archer 1M Monk - 2 Choco(b+r)
Bed Desert/Bervenia/5 2F Archer 2M Knight 1F Summoner
Grog Hill/Lesalia/11M Monk
Nogias/-/8 2fMonk 1mChem 4bGob 1Bull
Nogias/-/4 1M Knight, 1F Theif, 1 MSquire, 1Gobble
Grog Hill/Lesalia/6 Close Battle 1M Geo 1F Priest 3Panther 1Choco
Delta/-/8 4Behe+Mino(close diamond), 4Archer+Knight(far diamond)
Poeskas Lake/Germinas Peak/The Magical 5 2M1F Wiz, 1M Time, 1F Summ
End/-/Magic Swirl 1mWiz 1fTime 1mSumm 1fOra
End/-/Shepherds 2fPriest 2YChoco 3BChoco
/ How Ugly is an Ugly Stick? \________________________________________________

This is the section where I detail the damage done by weapons by telling you the
equasions the game uses to figure how much it will do. Keep in mind that these
are based on NEUTRAL Zodiac relations... otherwise these equasions won't make
much sense.

How to read:
[] round down <---pay attention
{} round up <---pay attention
() groupings
* multiply
/ divide
- subtract :P
+ add :P
= equals! :P~~~

WA=Weapon Attack
PA=Physical Attack
MA=Magic Attack

Spell Guns=???(All I know for sure that matters is what your faith and your
target's faith is... like a spell, but with the gun's WA being like the MA)




Ninja Swords=WA*[(SP+PA)/2]


Axes=WA*([PA/2]+1) *this is only the estimate*
Hammers=WA*([PA/2]+1) *this is only the estimate*
Bags=WA*([PA/2]+1) *this is only the estimate*

Knight Swords=WA*[PA*BR/100]
Bare Hands=PA*[PA*BR/100]
/ Happy Birthday! \___________________________________________________________

Do you share a birthday with your favorite character? Many of these birthdays
were found by Shades. I have however double checked
several(not all) and added many of my own. BTW, anything in "quotes" is assumed
by using my chart at the bottom of this section. Ruvelia is never in battle but
her Zodiac can be guessed at, and Balk's birthday can never be known so I've
added the ranges based on his in battle Zodiac Sign(I haven't added quotes to
this FAQ version, hehe). Anything with a question mark is something I myself
have yet to confirm.

Name Full Name Birth Date Zodiac

Ramza Ramza Beoulve * ----- you choose ----- *
Delita Delita Hyral November 25
Ovelia Ovelia Atkascha May 11
Alma Alma Beoulve July 24 Leo
Zalbag Zalbag Beoulve June 30
Dycedarg Dycedarg Beoulve October 24
Larg Bestrada Larg ?
Goltana Druksmald Goltana ?
Orinas Orinas Atkascha November 22
Ruvelia Ruvelia Atkascha January 20
Omdoria Omdolia Atkascha ?
Funeral Marge Funeral ?
Algus Algus Sadalfas August 29?
Gafgarion Gaff Gafgarion ? Virgo
Agrias Agrias Oaks June 22 Cancer
Orlandu Cidolfas Orlandu November 10 Scorpio
Olan Olan Durai ?
Zalmo Zalmo Rusnada ?
Simon Simon Pen Rakshu ?
Beowulf Beowulf Kadmus October 4 Libra
Wiegraf Wiegraf Folles August 23?
Reis Reis Dular February 26 Pisces
Balmafula Balmafula Lanando August 16
Draclau Alphons Draclau ?
Rafa Rafa Galthana March 1 Pisces
Malak Malak Galthana June 9 Gemini
Elmdor Mesdoram Elmdor May 21?
Barinten Gelkanis Barinten ?
Mustadio Mustadio Bunanza October 15 Libra
Bezrodio Bezrodio Bunanza November 16
Rudvich Bart Rudvich ?
Celia Celia ?
Lede Lede ?
Vormav Vormav Tingel July 23
Rofel Rofel Wodring December 23 Capricorn
Izlude Izlude Tingel May 28?
Kletian Kletian Drowa June 6 Gemini
Balk Balk Fenzol ? Sagittarius
Meliadoul Meliadoul Tingel December 24 Capricorn
Teta Teta Hyral February 15?
Gustav Gustav Margueriff ?
Miluda Miluda Folles ?
Golagros Golagros Levine ?
Daravon Bordam Daravon August 26
Alazam Alazam J.D. * - always 53 years old - *

I think it goes without saying that if you can supply me with any of the missing
birthdays(or confirmation on anything with a ?, especially if you can tell me if
it's even POSSIBLE to get their birthday... such as Balk, Celia, Lede....) I
would be much obliged. Mail any you have to and if they
turn out to be correct I shall credit you.

I've also made this chart to help you figure out any of the relations you want.
Don't forget you can change Ramza's birthday to fit a strategy. For instance if
Wiegraf is too much for you maybe you'd want to be a Pisces so his Lightning
Stab doesn't hurt so much(Pisces is also "worst" against Gaffy)....

Zodiac Compatibility & Birthday Ranges
Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis
Aries - + ? + - Ari Mar 21-Apr 19
Taurus - + ? + - Tau Apr 20-May 20
Gemini - + ? + - Gem May 21-Jun 21
Cancer - - + ? + Can Jun 22-Jul 22
Leo + - - + ? Leo Jul 23-Aug 22
Virgo + - - + ? Vir Aug 23-Sep 22
Libra ? + - - + Lib Sep 23-Oct 23
Scorpio ? + - - + Sco Oct 24-Nov 22
Sagittarius + ? + - - Sag Nov 23-Dec 22
Capricorn - + ? + - Cap Dec 23-Jan 19
Aquarius - + ? + - Aqu Jan 20-Feb 18
Pisces - + ? + - Pis Feb 19-Mar 20
Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis

Key Sex x*Comp Type
any (x*1.00) Neutral - the most common Zodiac Compatibility reaction.
+ any [x*1.25] Good - 3rd most common reaction because of monsters.
- any {x*0.75} Bad - 2nd most common because of monsters.
? opp [x*1.50] Best - 4th most if female, 5th if male, never if monster.
? sam {x*0.50} Worst - 4th most if male, 5th if female, never if monster.
? mon [x*0.75] Bad - 2nd most common because of monsters.
/ E=MCFFT \___________________________________________________________________

These are just a bunch of random equasions, charts and stuff I have lying
around. Some of it's pretty messy, incomplete, and there are no notes for you.
Consider it a challenge :) In a future version of this FAQ I plan to go into all
the jobs and explain all the equasions I can in GREAT detail. BTW check out
"MUST HAVE downloads!" in the links section... FFT Mechanical rocks :)

|0/1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 |11 |12 |
|XXX| P |P3 | 4 |P5 | 3 | P | 4 | 3 | 5 | P |34 |
|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |
| P |XXX|35 | 4 | P | 3 | P |45 | 3 |XXX| P |34 |
|25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |31 |32 |33 |34 |35 |36 |
| 5 |XXX| 3 | 4 | P |35 | P | 4 | 3 |XXX| 5 |34 |
|37 |38 |39 |40 |41 |42 |43 |44 |45 |46 |47 |48 |
| P |XXX| 3 |45 | P | 3 | P | 4 |35 |XXX| P |34 |
|49 |50 |51 |52 |53 |54 |55 |56 |57 |58 |59 |60 |
|XXX| 5 | 3 | 4 | P | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 |XXX| P |345|
|61 |62 |63 |64 |65 |66 |67 |68 |69 |70 |71 |72 |
| P |XXX| 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | P | 4 | 3 | 5 | P |34 |
|73 |74 |75 |76 |77 |78 |79 |80 |81 |82 |83 |84 |
| P |XXX|35 | 4 |XXX| 3 | P |45 | 3 |XXX| P |34 |
|85 |86 |87 |88 |89 |90 |91 |92 |93 |94 |95 |96 |
| 5 |XXX| 3 | 4 | P |35 |XXX| 4 | 3 |XXX| 5 |34 |
|97 |98 |99 |100| Calculator Math Skill # Chart |
| P |XXX| 3 |45 |XXX=Uncalcuable P=Prime 345=345|

Gil Taking -GIL=S*L(no martial) %=???
Steal Heart %=50+M(no martial)
Steal Helmet %=40+S(yes martial)
Steal Armor %=35+S(y mart)
Steal Shield %=
Steal Weapon %=30+S(y mart)
Steal Accessry %=
Steal Exp +Exp.=5+S(mart?) %=70+S(yes martial)

Move-HP Up:
Move-MP Up:
Raise 2:MHP
Spell Absorb:[MMP/3]
Life Drain:[MHP/]???
Phoenix Down:
Demi 2:{MHP/2}

Invite %=20+M
Pesuade %=30+M
Praise %=50+M
Threaten %=90+M
Preach %=50+M
Solution %=90+M
Death Sentence %=30+M
Negotiate -GIL=S*L %=???
Insult %=40+M
Mimic Daravon %=40+M

Lancer Jump Speed/AT Moments comparisons:

Speed AT Moments
26-50 1
17-25 2
13-16 3
11-12 4
9-10 5
8 6
7 7
6 8
5 10
4 12
3 16
2 25
1 50

Speed AT Moments
34-50 1-2
23-33 2-3
18-22 3-4
17 4
14-16 4-5
12-13 5-6
10-11 6-7
9 7-8
8 8-9
7 10
6 11-12
5 14-15
4 16-17
3 25
2 33-34
1 100

Speed AT Moments
50 2
34-49 2-3
26-33 3-4
25 4
21-24 4-5
20 5
17-19 5-6
15-16 6-7
13-14 7-8
12 8-9
11 9-10
10 10
9 11-12
8 12-13
7 14-15
6 16-17
5 20
4 25
3 33-34
2 50
1 100

Speed 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Jump <-----------------------><-------><--><><>||||||||~
Norm |<--------------><------>|<-->|<-><><>||||||||||||~
Haste <---------------><---------><--->|<-><><>|||||||||~
V. Conclusion
So... the first revision to my first FAQ is done... great(I've been sitting on
half of this update for months now)! :) There are definitely typos, errors, and
all kinds of general mis-information in this FAQ that escape my bloodshot
glance. Please e-mail and tell me about them at Also
feel free to give me recommendations/suggestions and info at that address too.
There's a listing in the credits for ya if ya do :) I have a Credit(Alias,
Email, Reason/Comment, ICQ/AIM, Web Page) section so your tireless emails will
be acknowledged.

Also, if you like this FAQ check out my other FAQ in progress...

You can check on all my FAQs here...
VI. Credits
This section is dedicated to all the FFT players who have graciously shared
their knowledge with the public and me(alphabetical listing). If there is any
info here that is incorrect(old email/ICQ/AIM/WebPage) or you you want me to
take out.. haha too bad!... err no... tell me and I'll take it out ^_^

Name or Alias Credit Comment ICQ/AIM Web Page
-Alain For the Shield dupe trick
-Allan FFT GS d00d 46068736
-Andrew Fischer The man with the cool ideas
-Brent Good site and my first FFT MB
-Broken Job Level up/down schtuff
-Capheine Runs one of the best FFT site that also
gets some updates, RPGamer FFT poster 25674154
-Chrisilicious How to dupe the Mace of Zues and all
other weak weapons
-Damain Braged Me45 message boarder, Parting Shots,
2nd Chances *RUMOR*
-Dragon Fogel Lots and lots
of good FFT talk and posts, FFT Master File 17361174
-Dragonmaster Still yet more tons of FFT info and
talk, FFT Master File 40073525
-Evil 1 Me45 message boarder
-Hyuga Ricdeau Very
informative posts at FFOnline. Where oh where did his site go?
-Me45 His cool site and FFT message
boards of the past *sniff*
-NI Old skool FFT MB traveler :)
-Noah His FFT site & MB has been one of the
best & longest running I've ever had the pleasure to visit
-Rain Cloud Old time FFT poster
-Ramza311 From the olden FFT days... =)
-Rubicant One cool FFT monkey...
Elemental Knights 13622415
-Ryan Fischer FFT player extrordinaire
-Shades Many of the character's birthdays
-Silver Noble Me45 message boarder
-Starmie Knight Another RPGamer with massive FFT
know how ?/SMKnight42
-Salivator Good Stuff at FFOnline
-Tactician Mimed Math CT relations
-TerenceMc One of da boys at Noah's
-Zodiac Mike Parting Shots, 2nd Chances *RUMOR*
VII. Links
So you finished my FAQ and you want more? Wellllllll... I think I can help. If
there are any FFT sites out there that you think should be listed here as a
great place for FFT mail me(Notti:). The following are
all great sites for FFT, have fun and enjoy them.

~Want to talk about Final Fantasy Tactics?

~Final Fantasy New Groups, way too many FF7/FF8/OT posts to be honest....

reat sites for any other FFT info/media you might want:

~FFT Webrings, sign your site up or just surf around, good, bad and the ugly;list;list;list;list

UST HAVE downloads!

~FFT books you may want(but not need)...

~Fanfics, not for me but it is FFT related so maybe someone'd be interested...

~These sites just deserves their own section, tat's just the way it is, sick:

~Amazing, unbelievable, FFT tricks! Try them... they eventually work *snicker*

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Stealing Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Complete Game Script

16.Oktober 2013
Straight Character Challenge

17.Oktober 2013
Challenge FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Not So Common Knowledge Guide

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Brave and Faith Summary

14.Oktober 2013
Zodiac Learning FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spielstand mit 14 verschiedenen Charakteren.

17.Oktober 2013
How to Learn Ultima FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Part 1 of 3

16.Oktober 2013
Part 2 of 3

13.Oktober 2013
Part 3 of 3

14.Oktober 2013
US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

15.Oktober 2013
Dancer Guide

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

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Character Setups

17.Oktober 2013
Deep Dungeon Exits Guide

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Stealing Guide

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Spell Quotes Guide

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Secrets Guide

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Poaching Guide

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Job Requirements

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Deep Dungeon Guide

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16.Oktober 2013
Build Up Guide

17.Oktober 2013
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