Rakugaki Showtime

Rakugaki Showtime

17.10.2013 04:31:03
Rakugaki Showtime
by XenoMog

*Legal Stuff*

This document is copyright to Leo Tao AKA XenoMog 2000

Ummm, don't post my stuff anywhere else, don't copy out of this, don't
edit it in any way, because that would be illegal, and someone will
nail you for it, now, on to the fun stuff.

This guide can only be found at the following sites, anywhere else,
it's illegal:

(I admit, this isn't complete; give me time, GIVE ME TIME)


0.0 Legal Stuff
1.0 Contents
2.0 Intro
2.1 Review of the game
3.0 Story
4.0 Playing the Game
4.1 Normal Mode
4.2 Versus Mode
4.3 Training Mode
4.4 Option Mode
5.0 Controls
5.1 Basic
5.2 Advanced
5.3 Throwing
6.0 Items
6.1 Smiley Ball
6.2 Rock
6.3 Black Hole
6.4 ICBM
6.5 Grenade
6.6 Jirai
6.7 Homing Missile
7.0 Character Movelist
7.1 Yukiwo
7.2 Sasami
7.3 Pitan
7.4 Tsubohachi
7.5 Zacko
7.6 Armoured Zacko
7.7 Hayate
7.8 John Calibur
7.9 Ultra Johny
7.10 Ex Calibur
7.11 Cho Suke
7.12 Marina
7.13 ESPer Dog
7.14 John Mk-2
7.15 Lilo
7.16 ???
7.17 ???
8.0 Character Analysis
8.1 Yukiwo
8.2 Sasami
8.3 Pitan
8.4 Tsubohachi
8.5 Zacko
8.6 Armoured Zacko
8.7 Hayate
8.8 John Calibur
8.9 Ultra Johny
8.10 Ex Calibur
8.11 Cho Suke
8.12 Marina
8.13 ESPer Dog
8.14 John Mk-2
8.15 Lilo
8.16 ???
8.17 ???
9.0 Stages
9.1 stage 1
9.2 stage 2
9.3 stage 3
9.4 stage 4
9.5 stage 5
9.6 stage 6
9.7 stage 7
9.8 stage 7a
9.9 stage 7b
9.10 stage 7c
9.11 stage 8
9.12 stage 9
9.13 stage 10
9.14 stage 11
9.15 stage 12
9.16 stage 13
10.0 Character Flow
11.0 Tips and Strategies
12.0 The Future
13.0 Contributions and thanks
14.0 Revision History
15.0 FIN


It recently occurred to me that no one had made a guide for this
wonderful game. For those of you reading this, I assume you already
have this game, so you don't need a description, but for those of you,
like me, like reading guides for games that you don't have, here's the
low-down. Rakugaki Showtime (Literal translation: Graffiti Showtime)
is a party game by Enix and Treasure game along the same vein as
Poitter's Point (Also known as Poy Poy on this side of the Pacific)
wherein you try to defeat the opponents by throwing things at them.
Your characters have special attacks when you don't feel like throwing
something, and special throwing techniques to aid them at certain
points during the battle.

It also dawned on me recently NO ONE ELSE ON EARTH HAS THIS GAME, SO
WHY AM I WRITTING THIS? well, for personal uses and such, so in case i
ever get amnesia, i can look back and read these moves. That and so i
can leave a lasting mark on God's Green Earth.

My Japanese is limited to katakana and whatever I can find in the
dictionary and this is my first crack at making a guide, so bear with

I don't have the instruction manual (I got mine from a friend), so
anyone who has it, could they like scan it or something?

My Review

Ok, let's cut to the chase:

Gameplay: 10/10
This is where it gets interesting. What the game itself is is a
amalgam of dodge ball, the Playstation game Poy Poy (Poitters Point)
and the Nintendo 64 game Super Smash Brothers (Nintendo All-Star
Dairantou Smash Brothers). You take control of your character as he
tries to bash his way through to the big boss. To do this, you can use
one of three main methods: throwing a destructive ball around in one
of three ways, throwing miscellaneous objects around (i.e. explosives,
missiles, rocks, gravity wells, etc.) in an attempt to hit the opponent,
and finally, you can choose to just duke it out and hit the other guys.
If you ever get bored of fighting the computer, just head on over to
versus mode, and fight battle royal or in teams with yourself and
three other friends (or enemies, whatever).

Story: 6/10
Yawn... This is essentially the same storyline as Super Smash Brothers.
For anyone who doesn't know that particular storyline, it's like a kid
(in the one "God-Hand" who creates a bunch of characters so they can
fight against each other.

Graphics: 8/10
When i first laid eyes on this game, i was intrigued by it's
simplistic graphics. The characters in the game are all crayon
drawings on scraps of paper, deposited on a 3D backdrop. This may not
sound too interesting, but it adds an original feel to the game. The
menus are clean and rounded shapes and colours, similar to Chu Chu
Rockets, which is defiantly a plus in my book.

Sound: 7/10
Cute voice-overs, but bland music. The sound effects are the same old
"boom!" "crash!" that you hear in every other game on earth. The music
gets most aggravating after listening to the training mode song or the
character select song after trying to write a guide for three hours

Difficulty: 8/10
Another interesting feature is the automatic difficulty adjustment, the
computer will decide when you are doing bad (using two continues on
one stage counts as 'bad') and make the game easier, or when you are
breezing (killing enemies 'perfect', or really fast) and make the game
harder. The 'easier' and 'harder' consists of less or more enemies
respectively, and adds an interesting twist to the game, for instance,
one level, in 'easy', there are three enemies, in 'normal' there are
five, in 'hard' there are actually seven enemies to your one

Replayability: 10/10
Contrary to what another review I've seen has stated, the replayability
is immense, this stems from the fact that there are seventeen (17)
characters to choose from, four (4) of which are available from the
start. One character is unlocked every time you beat the game, some of
the better characters appearing only when you beat the game in
different difficulty levels.

Buy or Rent?
Hmmm, it depends if you want the full experience of the game, there
sure are alot of secrets to uncover, and a without these secrets, it
can be quite bland, so i suggest buy, anyways, where the hell are you
going to rent a out-of-the-way import game?

Overall: 9/10
This game is almost a must for anyone who doesn't have Super Smash
Brothers or Poy Poy, and is recommended by anyone with a Playstation.
it's really good for all ages, no blood, and all the characters are
cute and SD, so if you have time and money, go to your local import
store and pick this one up!


Well, from what i collect, it's generally the same as the Nintendo
party game Super Smash Brothers, where a kid with an overactive
imagination pits his characters against each other. The kid in this
game is known as "God-Hand" and draws all these characters that end up

Once again, i don't have the instructions, so it'd really be nice to
get some help here.

*Playing the Game*

Menu Controls
O - Accept
X - Cancel
T - Not used
S - Not used
L1 - Switch column (Versus Mode)
R1 - Switch column (Versus Mode)
Start Accept
Select Not used

Select+Start - exit from menus

Mode Select
When your start the game, there will be four selections available for
you to choose:

Normal Mode Versus Mode

Training Mode Option Mode

Normal Mode
In this mode, you battle enemies in set stages. The difficulty differs
depending on your performance, where doing badly (i.e. losing two times
in a row) nets you crappy characters (e.g. Zacko) whereas doing well
rewards you with really good characters (e.g. ESPer Dog)

Versus mode
In versus mode, there are four columns with these selections:

Chara (Your Character)
Player (1-4 or Com)
Team (A,B,C,D)
Colour (1-4)

Next you will be faced with the choice of what Items you want on the
playing field in this order:

Iwa (Rocks)
Black Hole
Jirai (Land Mine)
Homing Missile
Smiley Ball
Item Points

Select OK to begin the match

Training Mission

Here you select a character to fight against a Zacko who has an absurd
amount of life and hardly enough brain cells to fill a pore on the
human face. This is good to test out damage for the different moves of
your character. The missions are as follows:

Use the Smiley Ball
Use Items
Test your skills

Option Mode

The following are displayed:

User Friendly
Key Config

*User Friendly*
The second option is defaultly set on "Kids". This is BAD. Kids mode
sets some cheap options that you can't change, and doesn't show you
your enemies' lifebars and damage dealt. Change this IMMEDIATLY to
Normal mode if you want to fully enjoy this game. Below are
translations, note that the one with the *astericies* (is this the
proper plural for of asterix?) are the "default" options, and in this
mode only, the ones with _underscore_ are the "Kids" mode defaults.

Game Set <*kids*/normal>
Camera Player Up (?) <_on_/*off*>
Field Camera <_90°_/*45°*>
Game Speed


Mode <*Stereo*/Mono>
Music Volume
Effect Volume


Movie <*On*/Off>


Staff Roll


Auto Save

*Key Config*

Throw at opponent
Throw at object
Special Attack
Camera Left
No use 1(?)
Camera Right
No use 2 (?)



S - Throw at opponent
T - Throw at object
X - Jump
O - Special Attack
L1 - Camera Left
L2 - No use (?)
R1 - Camera Right
R2 - No use (?)


*Homing Jump*
Hold a direction and hit the X button twice, you will jump to the next
Item Point or Smiley Ball.

*Homing Cancel*
Press X during a Homing Jump to cancel the jump and fall down.

*Homing Jump Chain*
During a Homing Jump, hold X and before you get to your destination,
hold another direction, when you land on your original destination,
you will continue to the next Item Point in the direction you

*Special Attacks*
Performing certain joypad combinations, you can produce special moves
on certain characters

Press O without pressing any other directions.

Press O without pressing any other directions at the exact instant an
object hits you, and you will bounce it back to its source


The main attack method for most characters in the game is throwing
objects. To enhance gameplay, there are three ways of throwing an
object. All damage estimates based on Smiley Ball

*Normal Throw* DAMAGE 100
Pressing S or T near an object results in your character throwing the
object to the nearest enemy or object, respectively, this will be
indicated by a crayon like line tracing where the throw will end up.
Once the object hits the opponent, it stops/explodes.

*Forward Drive* DAMAGE: 400
Holding the pad towards the target while throwing results in you using
"Forward Drive" while throwing, Forward Drive will make the object
travel in a straight line. If said object is the Smiley Ball, then it
will pierce through the target and continue on until it hits a
boundary. This is faster but weaker than Back Drive

*Back Drive* DAMAGE: 600
Holding the pad away from the target while throwing results in you
using "Back Drive" while throwing, Back Drive will make the object arc
upwards and land on the target. If said object is the Smiley Ball,
then it will cause an explosion. This is slower but stronger.

I'm serious about the name. This is done simply by throwing the Smiley
Ball while it's flashing colours, resulting in a super move dependant
on the character. The move itself is totally devastating, and can do
up to 1000-3000 points of damage


"Items" are the objects that are used to pelt each other with, and
come in a variety of shape size and use. They are dispensed by Item
Points throughout the playing field (different amounts for each
field). Note that these are the official names:

*Smiley Ball*
The yellow Smiley Face... as absurd as it sounds, this WILL be your
main method of attack. Why? Well, for one, it does far more damage
than a physical attack, and will never disappear. It will pierce
opponents with Forward Drive, and create explosions with Back Drive.
As an added bonus, when you use it enough, it'll get PO'ed and start
flashing. When it does this, GRAB IT!!!!! It activates the Super
Smiley Attack, almost essential to winning.

*Rock (Iwa)* DAMAGE: About 1500 max
These are huge boulders (600 damage), which split into smaller pieces
(300) which then again split(30) (Asteroid anyone?) These smaller
pieces also do damage. This results in an insane amount of damage. If
Forward Drive is applied, it will split into less pieces.

*Black Hole* DAMAGE: N/A
These grey missiles with blue warheads create a miniature black hole
when thrown, sucking everything within a certain radius into it's
centre, it will dissipate over time.

*ICBM* DAMAGE: About 1,200 OR About 800
These are the really really huge white missiles. ICBMs have actually
two uses, one, if thrown normally will cause it to fly vertically,
later falling on an opponent, causing a huge explosion which deals
massive damage. The second, is done by throwing an ICBM with Forward
Drive, this will make it go forward really, really slowly, and hits
the opponent, causing a huge explosion, but this seems to cause less
damage. If thrown with Back Drive, it will rise slower and fall faster

*Grenade* DAMAGE: about 750
These are the grey ball-like objects, when thrown, they start a timer.
If the Grenade does not hit an opponent, it will continue the
countdown and then explode, if it does, it explodes on the spot, if
Forward Drive is applied, the timer will not appear and will just
explode wherever it lands. (kinda an anticlimax to the ICBM, eh?)

*Jirai* DAMAGE: 300 max
(I believe this means land mine because in Japanese, "rai" means
lightning, and in Cantonese "ground lightning" is the literal
translation to landmine)
These are simply land mines which explode when you step on them, they
also regenerate.

*Homing Missile* DAMAGE: 150
Tiny red missiles which when thrown, home onto the target. Rarely will
one escape this by running and hiding, but don't worry, it does
minimal damage.

*Characters Movelists*
This is far from complete, you guys don't hafta send your info in, i
got most of the characters. The special names i just made up. if i
need help, I'll ask.

The character select is such:
a b c d e f
g h i j k l
m n o p q r

a - Yukiwo
b - Sasami
c - Pitan
d - Tsubohachi
e - Zacko
f - Armoured Zacko
g - Hayate
h - John Calibur
i - Ultra Johny
j - Ex Calibur
k - Cho Suke
l - Marina
m - ESPer Dog
n - John Mk-2
o - Lilo
p - ???
q - ???
r - random

F - Forward
B - Back
D - Down
U - Up

O - Attack
S - Throw
T - Throw
X - Jump

+ - together
, - and then

Sp - Specials
ASp- Air Specials
SSA- Super Smiley Attack


backhand - f+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy down
two palm thrust - d+O
- damage: 600+100 if enemy hits wall
- knocks enemy far away

flying kick - any direction+O
- damage: 300
- knocks enemy away

spinning launch
- damage: 2200 max
- Yukiwo spins around and throws the Ball, which leaves a green trail.
Almost dragon like, it attacks the enemy multiple times
max laser - f+S or f+T
- damage: 2850 max
- Yukiwo focuses his energy through the ball, and creates a huge
Capcom style laser in the direction of his opponent
- if Yukiwo is hit during this attack, the Smiley Ball will continue
shooting the laser randomly, and is able to hit Yukiwo
big bomb - b+S or f+T
- damage: 3200 max
- Yukiwo throws the Ball high up, and at the top of it's arc above the
enemy, it falls, creating a grand series of blasts
- multiple enemies can be hit by the blast


Flying kick - f+O
- damage 100
- knocks enemy down
- Sasami jumps back
Falling kick - d+O
- damage 100
- knocks enemy down
- Sasami jumps way up if the hit succeeds
Headspin - u+O, any direction
- damage 60x
- press another direction before she starts spinning to choose direction
- hits multiple times

Flying kick - f+O
- damage 100
- knocks enemy down
- Sasami jumps back
Falling kick - d+O
- damage 100
- knocks enemy down
- Sasami jumps way up if the hit succeeds
Headspin - u+O, any direction
- damage 60x
- press another direction before she starts spinning to choose
direction of the spin
- hits multiple times

smiley multiply
- damage: 3000 max
- Sasami throws the Ball straight up, and an entire storm of Balls
appear and attack the enemy one by one
- there are about 30 balls, each do 100 damage
trail - f+S or f+T
-damage: 3000
- Sasami throws the ball, which bounces off walls and doing no damage,
a second later, a huge amount of energy appears where the ball had
traveled and hurts the enemies
bounce - b+S or f+T
- damage: 1200x
- Sasami throws the Ball, which bounces about 10 times, each time
creating a small explosion


Bruce Lee punch - f+O
- damage: 100+100
- the extra hundred is if the enemy hits the wall
- knocks enemy far away
crouch - d+O
- damage: 20
- what the heck is this for???
- damage: N/A
- runs around opponent
- can be linked to any of his other Sps

crouch - d+O
- damage: 20
- what the heck is this for???

- damage: 1500
- Pitan throws the Ball above the enemy's head, almost as a beacon,
and then he opens his head to shoot streamers at the enemy.
big bang - f+S or f+T
- damage: 4000 (!)max
- Pitan hurls the ball up and it falls down upon his enemy, creating a
HUGE explosion
heal beam - b+S or b+T
- heals: 660 max
- Pitan makes the Ball levitate above his head, and it beams down some
energy, healing him
- beware because this can also heal others


sneeze - f+O
- damage: 500+100
- knocks enemy far away
- second hit is if enemy hits a wall
puke - d+O
- damage: 900 max
- creates a puddle on the floor
- anyone who touches it looses 20 life at a set rate up to 45 times
??? - u+O
- damage: N/A
- uhhh... seems even more useless than Pitan's crouching

sneeze - f+O
- damage: 500+100
- knocks enemy far away
- second hit is if enemy hits a wall
puke - d+O
- damage: 120 max+ 900 max
- creates a puddle on the floor
- anyone who touches it looses 20 life at a set rate up to 45 times
- the puke falling can cause up to 120 damage
??? - u+O
- damage: N/A
- uhhh... seems even more useless than Pitan's crouching

drunk Ball 1
- damage: 2200 max
- Tsubohachi hurls the ball away, which glides along as if drunk, if
the Ball hits the opponent, it randomly shoots lasers around.
- each beam does 200 damage, there are 11 beams
drunk Ball 2
- damage: 3500 max
- Tsubohachi hurls the ball away, which glides along as if drunk,
if the Ball hits the opponent, it rises up and shoots a huge laser
mega puke
- damage: 4000 max
- heal: 1220 max
- Tsubohachi pukes on the floor, a lot. He proceeds to sleep in the
stuff (ewwww).
- this does damage to enemies in set rate (more than normal puke) when
they step in the stuff.

juggle - u+O
- damage: 150
upper - uf+O
- damage: 150
- throws enemy away
push - f+O
- damage: 150
- pushes enemy away
overhead hit - df+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy down
overhead hit2 - d+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy down, then bounces them up

projectile - d,df,f+O
- damage: 20
- Zacko rummage through his pants and finds a big purple ball which he
throws at the opponent for near minimal damage.

uppercut - u+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy straight up
flying tackle - uf+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy away
flying kick - f+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy away
falling kick - df+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy down
stomp - d+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy down

air combo - land on your opponent during a Homing Jump
- damage: 400 + 100
- if you by chance have an enemy on an item point, use that Homing
Jump, as soon as you land on him/her/it, Zacko will do a three hit
combo automatically.
- the extra 100 damage is if the enemy hits a wall.

lucky bomb
- damage: 500, 900 or 4000 (!)
- heal: ???
- Zacko launches the Ball and it randomly becomes whitish-blue, yellow
or red. It creates a big explosion which does damage depending on the
Ball's colour. I think I've seen this heal before, but I'm not sure.

Armoured Zacko

Shoot ball - direction+O
- damage: 20
- shoots a ball in the direction indicated
Hard Shot - S
- damage: 120
- shoots a ball like it was thrown (complete with crayon line) towards
the opponent.

Hard Shot - S
- damage: 120
- shoots a ball like it was thrown (complete with crayon line) towards
the opponent.



Jab - O
- damage: 40
Teleport up - u+O
- teleports straight up, good for avoiding objects
Flying Kick - uf+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy away
1,2 Jab - f+O
- damage: 20 + 140
1,2 Slide - df+O
- damage: 20 + 140
- damage: 200 or 20
- the 20 is if the enemy is only hit my the shockwave

Electric Ball - d,df,f+O
- damage 240 + 100
- creates a small ball of electricity at Hayate's hands
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
Mega Electric Ball - b,f+O
- damage: 800 max + 100
- creates a huge ball of electricity at Hayate's hands
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
Fireball, ground - u,d+O
- damage: 300 + 100
- Hayate creates a fireball that travels along the ground
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
Fireball, air - d,u+O
- damage: 300 + 100
- Hayate creates a fireball that travels up into the air
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
Red Lightning - u,uf,f,df,d,db,b,ub,u+O(?)
- damage: 3000 max?
- Hayate creates some red lighting around his hand, followed by a
GIGANTIC explosion.
- I've done this quite unreliably, if anyone could help, it'd be nice

drill up - u+O
- damage: 100
somersault - uf+O
- damage: 150
drill - f+O
- damage: 100
dive - df+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy down
teleport down - d+O
- teleports to the ground

follow wave
- damage: 1000
- like Sasami's Forward Drive SSA where she throws the Ball and
wherever a path was traced, an explosion would appear there.
instead, Hayate's green wave of energy follows the ball, making it
less useful.

John Calibur

juggle - u+O
- damage: 150
upper - uf+O
- damage: 150
- throws enemy away
push - f+O
- damage: 150
- pushes enemy away
overhead hit - df+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy down
overhead hit2 - d+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy down, then bounces them up

projectile - d,df,f+O
- damage: 20
- JC rummages through his pants and finds a big purple ball which he
throws at the opponent for near minimal damage.

uppercut - u+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy straight up
flying tackle - uf+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy away
flying kick - f+O
- damage: 150
- knocks enemy away
falling kick - df+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy down
stomp - d+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy down

Charged Shot
- damage: 2750 max
- JC grabs the ball, and charges it with energy, then shoots it at
an unbelievable speed at the enemy, and creates a huge explosion. You
can press any button during the charging sequence to shoot it right
away, it seems to do the same damage.

Ultra Johnny

rocket boost - u+O
- damage: 20
- this can be done 5 more times to juggle the opponent.
baseball bat - uf+O
- damage: 100 + 100
- if successful, UJ will pose
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
kick - f+O
- damage: 200 + 100
- if successful, UJ will pose
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
floor blade - df+O
- damage: 20, 140
- if successful, UJ will pose
machine gun - d+O
- damage: 240
- four shots, each do 60
- if successful, UJ will pose

helicopter morph - d,u+O
- UJ morphs into a helicopter, and gets a whole new set of attacks,
- UJ will morph back if hit
rise - T
- UJ goes up
fall - X
- UJ goes down
bomb - S
- damage: 200
- UJ drops a bomb
shot - O
- damage: 20
- UJ shots a single bullet
- when fighting against one enemy, corner them and use this till they
de-morph - d,u+X
- UJ turns back into his disco loving self

rocket boost - u+O
- damage: 20
- this can be done 5 more times to juggle the opponent.
baseball bat - uf+O
- damage: 100 + 100
- if successful, UJ will pose
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
kick - f+O
- damage: 200 + 100
- if successful, UJ will pose
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
thrusters - df+O
- damage: 20
- causes UJ to rise
- can be done multiple times
Bomb - d+O
- damage: 200

helicopter morph - d,u+O
- UJ morphs into a helicopter, and gets a whole new set of attacks,
- UJ will morph back if hit
rise - T
- UJ goes up
fall - X
- UJ goes down
bomb - S
- damage: 200
- UJ drops a bomb
shot - O
- damage: 20
- UJ shots a single bullet
- when fighting against one enemy, corner them and use this till they
de-morph - d,u+X
- UJ turns back into his disco loving self

disco Ball
- damage: 2400 avg
- UJ bats the Ball up, creating lasers that shine down to hit the opponent
- can do up to 20,000 (!!!) damage if the opponent is trapped in the corner

Ex Calibur
Sword Swing f+O
- damage: 100
Downward Swing d+O or df+O
- damage: 300

Tornado U+O
- damage: 160 + 100
- Ex makes a tornado out of his drill-hand
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
Sword Drill b,f+O
- damage: 300
- Ex flies sword-first horizontally, bashing whatever is in his way
directly upward
Sword Wave u,d+O
- damage: 400
- Ex slashes downward, creating a big blue wave that sails
Sword Spin u,u or uf,uf or f,f or df,df or d d
- damage: 120 max
- Ex walks forward while twirling his sword, each hit does 40 damage
Ex-plosion d,u+O
- damage: max 2,000
- Ex plugs his big sword into the ground, and points his drill-hand
upwards. A large explosion is then created blasting everything in
the immediate area

Sword Swing f+O
- damage: 100
Downward Swing d+O or df+O
- damage: 300


Cho Suke


Ascend - T
- Cho Suke flies up
Descend - X
- Cho Suke flies down
Flying Kick - u+O
- damage: 400 + 100
- causes Cho Suke to rise slightly
- the extra 100 damage is if the enemy hits the wall
Thrust Punch
- damage: 200 + 100
- the extra 100 damage is if the enemy hits the wall
Falling Chop
- damage: 200 + 100
- causes Cho Suke to fall a great distance
- the extra 100 damage is if the enemy hits the floor

Whirlwind I - b,f+O
- damage: 240 max
- Cho Suke flies horizontally, a whirlwind in his wake
Whirlwind II - d,u+O
- damage: 200 max
- Cho Suke flies horizontally, a whirlwind in his wake
Loop de Loop - f,f+X
- Cho Suke flies in a loop de loop (up and around)
Quick Ascend - u,u+X
- Cho Suke ascends suddenly
Quick Descend - d,d+X
- Cho Suke descends suddenly
Surround - b,f+X
- Cho Suke flies around his opponent quickly
- Cho Suke will just fly around if there are no enemies nearby

Dive Catch - S above the ground
- will grab the target, but will not throw it right away
- if there is an enemy nearby, it will automatically direct itself
towards the enemy
- if not, you can direct the dive with the directional buttons
Throw - S after Dive Catch
- throws object like normal
Hell Scrape - O after Dive Catch
- damage: 620
- Cho Suke descends to the floor, and flies horizontally, scratching
the enemy across the floor
- if you try this on a bomb, it'll blow up in your face, don't do it

- damage: 3500 max
- Cho Suke starts flying around the Ball, causing a huge tornado. This
tornado can be moved with the directional buttons, and will do
damage to any enemy touching it. Unfortunately, you have to KEEP the
enemy there, making it a bit less useful than expected


Uppercut - u+O
- damage: 200
- knocks enemy upward
Double Pound - f+O
- damage: 80
Floor Pound - d+O
- damage: 200 or 80
- the 200 is if you actually hit them, 80 if the shockwave hits them.

Catch - S or T
- will grab the target, but will not throw it right away
Throw - S or T after Catch
- throws the object as you normally would
Turbo Throw - direction+O
- throws the object at high velocity
- damage: 160
- if you're holding an object, multiple added effects may occur:
- Black Hole: creates a much bigger gravity well
- Grenade: causes more damage (2000 max !!!)
- ICBM: bigger explosion, slightly more damage (1,500 max)
- Rock: does more damage on impact (1500) fragments less
- Homing Missile: more damage (300)
- Smiley Ball: turns into Super Smiley Ball (!!!)

Bomb - d,df,f+O
- damage: 241 max
- Marina picks up a bomb from the floor and hurls it at the opponent
Roll - b,f+O
- Marina rolls on the ground
Dash - u,u or d,d or f,f
- Marina dashes in one direction
Rocket Dash - b,f+X
- Marina dashes in one direction, leaving a rocket trail that does

Somersault - u+O
- damage: 200
- launches enemy straight up
Double Pound - f+O
- damage: 40+40
Swan Dive - d+O
- damage: 300

Air Dash - u,u or d,d or f,f
- Marina dashes in one direction
Rocket Dash - b,f+X
- Marina dashes in one direction, leaving a rocket trail that does

Go Ball!
- damage: 1300 max
- the Ball grows huge in Marina's hands. she then throws it, and it
explodes into many smaller Balls which dissipate

ESPer Dog

Psychic Bark - direction +O
- damage: 100
- knocks enemy away

Float - d,u+O
- The Dog starts floating, any nearby Items start floating as well.
Fall - S or T
- The Dog drops all the items and himself
Throw - O
- The Dog throws all the items at the nearest enemy

Throw Collar - b,f+O
- damage: 400+100
- The Dog throws his collar, which has slight homing capabilities, at
the opponent
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall or floor
Attraction - u,d+O
- The Dog creates psychic waves which attract all Items within a
certain radius

Psychic Bark - direction +O
- damage: 100
- knocks enemy away

Throw Collar - b,f+O
- damage: 400+100
- The Dog throws his collar, which has slight homing capabilities, at
the opponent
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall or floor

- damage: 3000 max
- The Dog floats up and does some psychic stuff. UFOs are summoned and
they each come and shoot the enemy for 100 damage each

John Mk-2

rocket boost - u+O
- damage: 20
- this can be done 5 more times to juggle the opponent.
baseball bat - uf+O
- damage: 100 + 100
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
kick - f+O
- damage: 200 + 100
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
floor blade - df+O
- damage: 20, 140
machine gun - d+O
- damage: 240
- four shots, each do 60

helicopter morph - d,u+O
- JMkII morphs into a helicopter, and gets a whole new set of attacks,
- JMkII will morph back if hit
rise - T
- JMkII goes up
fall - X
- JMkII goes down
bomb - S
- damage: 200
- JMkII drops a bomb
shot - O
- damage: 20
- JMkII shoots a single bullet
- when fighting against one enemy, corner them and use this till they
de-morph - d,u+X
- JMkII turns back into his UJ-impersonating self

rocket boost - u+O
- damage: 20
- this can be done 5 more times to juggle the opponent.
baseball bat - uf+O
- damage: 100 + 100
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
kick - f+O
- damage: 200 + 100
- the extra 100 is if the enemy hits the wall
thrusters - df+O
- damage: 20
- causes JMkII to rise
- can be done multiple times
Bomb - d+O
- damage: 200

helicopter morph - d,u+O
- JMkII morphs into a helicopter, and gets a whole new set of attacks,
- JMkII will morph back if hit
rise - T
- JMkII goes up
fall - X
- JMkII goes down
bomb - S
- damage: 200
- JMkII drops a bomb
shot - O
- damage: 20
- JMkII shots a single bullet
- when fighting against one enemy, corner them and use this till they
de-morph - d,u+X
- JMkII turns back into his UJ-impersonating self

Charged Shot
- damage: 300 x? max
- JC grabs the ball, and charges it with energy, then shoots it at
an unbelievable speed at the enemy, and it bounces multiple times.
You can press any button during the charging sequence to shoot it
right away, it seems to do the same damage.


Grab - u+O
- damage: 2215 max(!!!)
- Lilo throws herself at the opponent and grabs them. The longer you
grab, the more damage it does. Press O to cancel
Psychic Push - f+O
- damage: 10
- Sends enemy FAR away
Attraction - d+O
- Lilo attracts all Items within a certain radius while looking REALLY
Bump - walk so she has her head turn, then walk into opponent
- damage: 80

Kiss - d,df,f+O
- Lilo sends a kiss (in the form of a heart) at her opponent, this
sticks to her opponent, and makes them slow.

Cheer - u+O
- Lilo flies up and cheers REALLY cute
Psychic Push - f+O
- damage 10
- knocks enemy away
Drop - d+O
- damage: 40
- if Lilo misses the opponent, she falls down and knocks herself down
for a second

- Lilo floats and starts transforming Sailor Moons style into... A FAT
WOMAN??? She gets a bunch of more powerful moves, and more life, but
this is only temporary


*Character Analysis*

- useful SSAs

- SSAs can damage own team

He's like the poster boy main character in the game, making him
obviously the most balanced member of the team. Use the big laser
(Forward Drive SSA) on ground based opponent, the big explosion (Back
Drive) on groups of enemies, and the green snake-thingy on flying
opponents. One of the best picks in the beginning of the game.

- ummm... speed?

- her SSAs suck. alot.

Not particularly useful in my book, she has bad specials and nearly
useless hard-to-hit-with SSAs, i would stay far away from her.

- speed
- great SSAs
- can heal

- bad Sps
- low life

Pretty good character with totally rocking SSAs, the healing works
great in a jam, and when there are a lot of enemies in a group (Stage 6
Hard mode, etc.) then use the big bang to kill a lot of people.

- reach with grab
- powerful SSAs
- can heal

- walks around drunk
- SSAs are hard to hit with

Not much to say... his drunken Ball with the vertical laser is better
than the one with the random lasers, it does more predictable damage.
The healing ability comes in handy...

- ummm... uh...

- low life
- falls trying to homing jump
- slow
- unpredictable SSA

AKA the Target. He's basically fodder whom you kill for a laugh,
translation: DON'T USE HIM, there are better alternatives

Armoured Zacko
- i believe he automatically deflects Smiley Balls coming towards him
from the front as long as no drive has been applied to the ball
(yeah, like THAT will come in handy, ha)
- you can get a good laugh

- can't throw
- specials suck
- no SSA
- slow
- can hardly jump
- no homing jump

Do i really need to tell you it would be pretty dumb to use this guy?

- lots of specials
- fast

- crappy SSA
- hard to do super move

I personally don't use specials that often, but if you are into that
sort of thing, go ahead, use this guy.

John Calibur
- all of Zacko's moves
- good SSA

- not really original
- specials are weak
- loses the air combo

Like i said, there are better alternatives to using Zacko, like this
guy, everything you could possibly want in Zacko but faster and more
durable! Plus, order now and you get a pretty good special to go with

Ultra Johnny
- Lots of specials
- they are so FUNKY!

- throws *really* slow

If you want, you can corner one enemy and shoot them to death, also,
if you use the disco Ball in the corner, there's a chance then enemy
will not fly out of the damage radius (as they normally would) and get
sucked up. I've seen this once, and it did 20,200 damage, no kidding!

Ex Calibur
- SSA style attack anytime
- good ranged specials

- a bit slow
- can't homing jump chain
- can't throw

Use the big explosion (d,u+O) like you would a SSA, as often as you
can, master it, and you can beat almost anyone.

Cho Suke
- can fly
- can catch and not throw

- weird controls
- SSA hard to use

Fly up high if you really want to be cheap, and dive and catch them
and use the scrape technique (O)

- catch move
- bounce move
- bomb move
- can throw fast

- tad slow
- can't jump too high
- takes a second to recover from jumps
- not so good SSA, but who cares?

Here's the fun stuff. She is, IMHO, the best character in the whole
game, even though her SSA isn't great, she can activate it almost any
time. There are a lot of fun things you can do with the bounce
technique, for instance, after you bounce a Grenade, it does more
damage than her SSA(!!!). Do stuff like use catch on an ICBM (S or T),
then bounce it (O), then hurl it real fast at someone (direction+O).
If there is only one enemy, catch them, the bounce till their dead!

ESPer Dog
- float move is pretty cool
- can attack in all directions
- uninterruptible SSA

- s--l--o--w
- specials are weak

i rarely use this guy, because i tend to like speed in a character,
his specials are interesting, but altogether not as good as other
characters. One thing that is useful is attraction (u,d+O) then float
(d,u+O) then throw (O).

John Mk-2
- all of Ultra Johnny's cool moves
- extremely fast, fastest in the game
- doesn't have to pose after ever move like UJ

- really bad SSA

One of the best characters in the game, he has all of UJs good moves,
and has insane blinding speed. The only bad thing is that he has a
useless SSA, which is similar to his first one (as John Calibur) but
now it bounces around for little damage.

- she's so cute!
- transformation SSA is uninterruptible

- as a girl she's really weak
- as a girl she has low life

Awwwwwwww, isn't she cute? Well, only till you get the SSA... Her SSA
is uninterruptible meaning that even if the enemy takes the Ball away
during her move, she still transforms!

Once again, i don't have the rest of the characters yet, so wait up...


Stage 1

easy: N/A
normal: Zacko x 3
hard: N/A

Item Points: 9
Smiley Ball: 1


Yeah right, this is so easy you can do it with your eyes closed. the

Zacko spend most of their time running away, so have fun.

Stage 2
easy: N/A
normal: Hayate x 1
hard: N/A

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 1
Homing Missiles
*note, this is weird: the Grenades always appear in the middle even
though there is no Item Point there

Four towers in corners

Hayate likes jumping around you, so throw him, then throw a Homing
Missile or a Grenade at him. Better yet, throw him directly at the
Grenade at the middle with the T button.

Stage 3
easy: N/A
normal: Zacko x 1, Armoured Zacko x 3
hard: N/A

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 3

Haha, don't make me laugh, there is no way in heaven or hell one could
even come close to losing this level. Kill the Zacko first, the
Armoured one can't pick stuff up, so he's pretty much screwed if the
non-armoured one dies. Just keep on getting the Smiley Ball mad then
use your SSA.

Stage 4
easy: N/A
normal: ESPer Dog x 1 THEN ESPer Dog x 2
hard: N/A

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 2
Homing Missiles

Front porch is raised near the house, heater thingy is raised more.

This is where it starts getting tough. The Dog likes to use two moves
in succession, the first where he attracts items within a certain
radius, and then one where he makes them float up and swing around.
What you can do (if you're brave) is let him do this, then throw
something at him so the stuff falls down and any grenades he was
holding will explode. The other major threat is the fact that if he
uses the SSA, you're screwed. Many UFOs come and use some lasers on
you, so secure the Smiley Ball at all times.

Stage 5
easy: N/A
normal: Ultra Johnny x 2 THEN Ultra Johnny x 1, Ultra Johnny x 1
hard: N/A

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 1
Black Hole

Use the black hole to your advantage (see tips + strategies section),
they don't seem to be as desperate for SSAs as the ESPer Dog, so it
makes it easier. There will be one more to replace each enemy that

Stage 6
easy: John Calibur x 1, Zacko x 2
normal: John Calibur x 1, Zacko x 4
hard: John Calibur x 1, Zacko x 6

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 1
Iwa - Rock

If you have any multi hitting SSAs, use them here, they work well.
Also, ICBMs with Back Drive work quite well.

Stage 7
Note at this point, you will randomly (?) but put into one of three
levels, these three levels can easily be some of the hardest levels in
the game, featuring Cho Suke, Ex Calibur, or Marina. I will give
individual strategies for each enemy as i fight them again.

Stage 7A
vs. Excalibur
Not yet!

Stage 7B
vs. Cho Suke
Not yet!

Stage 7C
vs. Marina

Easy: Marina x 1 (less items?)
Normal: Marina x 1
Hard: Marina x 3

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 2

OOOOOOOkay, this is really where it gets hard, Marina will
relentlessly attack you with anything she can find. She has the
ability to throw things REALLY fast, so it would be a good idea to
clear the screen of items (i.e. throw them at her). Be alert because
even if you do this, she can still throw bombs at you. Finally be
aware of her rocket dash -> swan dive combo she seems to like doing,
it does a measly 300 damage, but it can screw you up if you're trying
to do something

Stage 8

Easy: Lilo x 1, John Calibur x 1
Normal: Lilo x 3
Hard: fat woman x 1

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 3

Here you can practice your keep away skills. Your main objective here
is to kill the Lilo before they transform. There are really two ways
to do this, to kill them with specials, or risk having them transform.
Generally the first one is boring, so take risks. Use one Smiley Ball
over and over again, and try to catch the rebound. If one actually
does transform, use the Homing Jump Chain to bounce around the outside
of the room over and over again until she un-transforms. If you get
stuck with Hard mode, Homing Jump Chain around, grab the Ball and
throw it, rinse, lather, repeat. If she gets the Super Smiley Ball
in fat mode, she'll throw this homing kiss at you, once again, Homing Jump

Stage 9

Easy: John Mk-2 x 1, Ultra Johnny x 2
Normal: John Mk-2 x 1, Ultra Johnny x 3
Hard: John Mk-2 x 1, Ultra Johnny x 4

Item Points: 9
Smiley Ball: 1
Black Holes

Four vertical speakers in the corners

Augh! this guy just won't die! I can't think of any actual strategies,
per se, but i can tell you that Black Holes and ICBMs are you friends,
I hope you know how to use them well by now.

Stage 10
Once again the path splits randomly into three paths, strangely with
the same enemies (Cho Suke, Ex Calibur, Marina) at each end. But they
made friends. This will be your toughest battle so far. if you are
in Easy mode, refer to the strategies in stage 7 for that enemy,
as it is precisely the same as the stage 7 Normal.

*Enemies: Set A*
Easy: Ex Calibur x 1
Normal: Ex Calibur x 1, Cho Suke x 1
Hard: Ex Calibur x 1, Cho Suke x 1, Marina x 1

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 1
Land mines

Holy &*%#(, this has to be the hardest so far (possibly in the entire
game). My idea is to kill the most dangerous ones first, Marina then
Cho Suke and finally Ex Calibur, you might want to take out Ex
before Cho Suke because he's easier to hit. Focus all your firepower
on the target you are pursuing, and that should help. I really can't
think of anything else but "Good Luck"

Stage 11

Easy: Hayate x 2
Normal: Hayate x 1, ESPer Dog x 2
Hard: John Mk-2 x 1, Lilo x 1 THEN, Hayate x 2

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 2
Homing Missiles

This is a needed break after what you previously went through, this is
the second/third last level, so sit back and relax. This level is
pretty easy, the ESPer Dogs are really slow, and Hayate is the same as
always, other than the fact he has more life. If you're playing Hard,
then kill Lilo first because when one of them dies, the real battle

Stage 12

Easy: ??? x 1
Normal: ??? x 1, Armoured Zacko x 2
Hard: ??? x 1, fat lady x 1(or two?)

Item Points: 4
Smiley Ball: 1
Black Holes
Homing Missiles
Land Mines

Balloons reside in the corner of the stage, they act as item points,
you can stand on them, you can throw them (a pathetic distance) and
you can break them)

Kill the fat lady first. I can't stress that enough. Also, the boss
gives HUGE warning signs before he attacks, so you'd have to be pretty
stupid to get hit by one. This is simple compared to some of the
earlier stages, just don't let him touch that Super Smiley Ball

Stage 13

God-Hand x 1
and anything he draws

Zacko x 3

Item Points: 8
Smiley Ball: 1
and anything he draws

Let the Zackos take care of any enemies God-Hand draws, if they die,
they will immediately be replaced by more, so don't worry. God-Hand
will also do stupid things like drawing explosives so you can throw at
him. Just finish him off before time runs out (150 seconds or so) and
you'll get a new character! (assuming you haven't gotten all the
characters for the difficulty you finished ??? with).

*Character Flow*

In Normal Mode, you can obtain the different characters through
beating the game with different difficulties. I had already had a file
with all the characters (minus the two last ones) on a Memory Card, so
I'm starting a new save file just for you viewing pleasure, please
give me a few updates to finish this. I'm not quite sure how they set
this up, because the first time i beat the game (with my new file) in
Easy, i got Ex Calibur (a pretty good character) but last time, i only
got Zacko when i beat Easy mode the first time. But on my good file, i
can't get any more characters by beating normal or easy anymore... I
might have to abandon this entire character flow project unless
someone can help me here.




*Tips, strategies*

- Black Holes are your friends. Learn to use them wisely, because it's
the only thing you really need other than the Smiley Ball

- when others are sucked into a Black Hole, always try to throw the
Smiley Ball with Forward Drive into the Hole, sometimes, if you're
lucky, it will bounce back and forth really really fast in the hole,
killing everything inside.

- sometimes you can get out of the Black Hole by using Homing Jump

- big enemies such as the last boss and the fat woman (don't know
their names because they are the ONLY characters i don't have yet)
seen to take more damage from multiple hit moves than others do.

- it's generally a better idea to launch ICBMs than to with Back Drive
or no Drive than to Forward Drive them because the computer is stupid
and won't avoid the falling missile.

- try to throw ICBMs into the Black Holes if they contain enemies

- use Forward Force with the Smiley Ball to pump it up over and over
again, just make sure you get the Super Smiley Ball. Using Forward
Drive ensures that it bounces away from the enemy.

- to attack diagonally, rotate the camera

- while in a Black Hole with enemies, use moves like Sasami's
headspin (u+O) and Ultra Joe's floor sweep (df+O) which does multiple
hits, because most likely they will all succeed

- throw the enemy then throw something at him while he falls or after
he has fallen, it ensures the hit

- TOTALLY BOMBARD all enemies with a never-ending torrent of Items
in their face, it helps confuse them, does damage, and removes
pieces from the board that the enemy could have used.

- take advantage of enemies who do not have the ability to throw
things (i.e. Armoured Zacko, Ex Calibur) by continuously hitting the
with the Smiley Ball.

- try to steal the Super Smiley Ball from enemies while they are
starting their SSAs, sometimes you can get a SSA for doing this, and
sometimes it even stops the enemy's move

- if you're fighting annoying enemies like Cho Suke who like to fly
around try throwing the Smiley Ball at Grenades, Land Mines, and most
other Items to get the Ball mad so you can use your SSA

*The Future*

Hmmm, let's see, what to do, well, the crystal Smiley Ball says:

Finish Character Movelists for all characters i have
< > Get the last two characters
Stages with strategies and such
Character flow project
Organization is needed
Story stuff, translation errors...
Individual character strategies
Preliminary Formatting
Write a better review
Submit better review to GameFAQs

Anything else i can think of

*Contributions and Thanks*

CJayC - for posting up my FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com
Al Amaloo - for posting up my FAQ at www.gameadvice.com and


*Revision History*

18/03/00 - version 0.01
Well, first two characters, items, menu translations, general play,
some strategies.
18/03/00 - version 0.01a
another two characters, the first two levels, content section, ending
sections, and miscellaneous fix ups
25/03/00 - version 0.15
all the characters up to Ultra Joe (yeah! yeah!), stages 3, 4, 5, some
better item descriptions (Forward and Backward Drive), more copyright
stuff, added to intro, added to ending, and just general here and
there stuff.
30/03/00 - version 0.20
all the characters i have are up now! Yay! Formatting, and General
Here-and There stuff
31/03/00 - version 0.29
almost finished... got the rest of the stages, the review plus all of
the characters i have are now in the character analysis section as
well, yay!
01/04/00 - version 0.29a
spelling, grammar, and formatting corrections mainly, feel free to send
suggestions... please?


Ummm, this is awkward, i don't have a spiffy logo yet, so i guess i
just have to put some boring text stuff:

"I hate Gears and fighting"
- Wong Fei Fong (Fei Fong Wong)
"This job is a gift from God"
- Generic character
Final Fantasy Tactics
"Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
- Intro
Bad Dudes

And always remember: "A WINNER IS YOU" (Pro Wrestling)!

XenoMog, Master of the Snowman Jazz
Lionel "Leo" Tao
ICQ: sun/moon
UIN: 49381044

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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