Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

16.10.2013 21:08:50
Mike McElroy
Any corrections or additional info is welcome.

Tenchu FAQ

Menu translation-

Main menu- 1st New game
2nd Training mission
3rd Options

Option menu- 1st Easy or Hard
2nd Stereo or Mono
3rd Volume- 1st music volume
2nd sound fx volume
3rd exit
4th Sound Test- 1st music tracks
2nd sound fx tracks
3rd exit
5th Memory Card- 1st autosave on or off
2nd load game
3rd save game- yes or no
4th exit
6th Analog vibration- on or off
7th Exit

To exit any screen or the game hit start and select at the same time

Moves- Note-some moves seems very hard to do on the analog joystick

Jump- X

Block attacks- hold down

Slash- Square ( Can combo by hitting square 4 times for Ayame or
3 for Rikimaru)

Ayane- Left Slash- hold left and hit square twice

Right Slash- hold right and hit square twice

Rikimaru- left, right slash- hold left hit x, hold right hit x

right, left slash- hold right hit x, hold left hit x

Jump slash- hit square while jumping

Crouch- R1

Crouch attack- hold R1 and hit square

Roll- hold R1 down and double tap the direction you want to go
i.e. hold R1 and double tap up to do a forward roll

Front flip- double tap forward and hit x

Back flip- hold back and hit x

Side step- double tap any direction (up, down, left, right)

Side jump- hold left or right and hit x to do a short side jump

Back to wall- go next to wall and hold R1
(tip for adjusting view which ever way your looking when you
hold R1 down is the direction you'll probablly will see though
not always because of the bad camera angles)

Forward lunging attack- double tap up and hit square

Attack behind you- hit up then down then square (the up, down
must be done quick)

A jump leaves you facing the opposite dirrection when you
land-hit down, then up then x (very hard to do for some
reason, Must be done very quick)

Look Around- hold L1 down

Select weapon-R2 or L2

Use weapon- triangle

Look at map- hold select (the X is where you start in the
mission not your objective or where you are)

Character - Rikimaru or Ayame
Rikimaru is more powerful but is slower and less agile then
Ayame otherwise they are the same


Grappling hook- you are automaticly equipped with it and
it is extremely usefull. Use it to pull yourself out of pits
or onto rooftops

In order from left to right on shelves

1st shelf

Shiruken-ninja stars do about 20 damage, somewhat usefull

Caltrops-drops little spikes behind you that enemies may step
on while chasing you not really usefull

Health-recovers your life to 100

Bomb- pretty powerful, made to be thrown on enemy so it
explodes but if you don't hit anyone, it may go off eventually
or you may be able to pick it up and reuse it.

Smoke bomb- lets off a bunch of smoke that will cause the enemy
to choke for a while leaving them open for attack. It also works
on the bosses

Land mine- lays a mine that if anyone steps on it it will
explode causing lots of damage.

Poisoned food-throw to dogs or people and it may distract their
attention or they may go over and eat it causing them to be
poisoned and unable to fight for a while.

Sleeping powder- extremely usefull, use it to cause enemies or
dogs to fall asleep even when they have spotted you and are in
the middle of attacking. When they fall asleep run into them to
make them get up then you can get the silent attack animation
in which it kills them in one blow. Doesn't work on bosses.

Marker- leave a marker on the ground so you know if you've been
there. Useless

2nd Shelf- Bonus Items (see how to get in points section)

Leaf-When you die and you have this you will automaticly resurect
with half life

Clothes- these are awesome. It dresses you up as an enemy and
then you can just walk up to an enemy and Silent Kill him and
he won't suspect a thing. It wear's off after a while or after
you kill an enemy.

Paper-causes yellow dust to appear around you. Don't know what
the dust does though

Yellow Scroll-Teleports you forward

Purple Scroll-creates a dummy of you that the enemy will attack

5 knifes- Causes you to throw 5 knifes in a spread out pattern

Bone- causes a dog to appear that will help you and attack your
enemies (leaves after
certain amount of time or if it takes to much damage)

Red scroll-causes flame to appear on sword, seems useless

Flute- on the detection indicator if the indicator is small but
pink (they haven't detected you but they think something is there)
use the flute to make an animal noise and they will ignore you.
Doesn't work if they see you

Point system-

After you beat a mission you will get a ranking screen which will
give you points in these catergories

Silent Kills(animation)number of kills/number of possible
You get 20 points for each one

Normal Kills number of kills/number possible
You get 5 points for each one

Number of times you were detected
You start with 400 and you get less for each detection

How many civilians you killed (Blue)
You get minus 30 for each civilian kill

If you get 400 points you get the secret weapon for that stage
and under 400 you get more normal supplies the higher your score

Mission Goals

Level 1-You have to kill the accountant that has been stealing
Level 2-You just have to cross the bridge and return home
Level 3-You need to rescue your ninja companion
Level 4-You need to reach the top of the large Buddah statue
Level 5-You need to reach the ship and kill the boss
Level 6-You need to find a flower at the top of the mountain
Level 7-You need to kill the boss at the top of the building
Level 8-You need to kill both of the bosses in this level


Level 1&2- merely require you to travel by rooftops most of the
way to the objective and there is no real need to fight the enemies
on the ground.

Level 3- go into the cave with that glows with fire halfway in and
grapple over all the pits in this cave, you can't jump them. Kill
the bear (has unblockable attack) before fighting the boss. Avoid
his first overhead lunge and after that he is easy

Level 4- head to the large building and grapple to the top of
Buddha to fight the boss he is very easy. After you beat him
another boss will pop out with 200 life. He is harder and has some
unblockable attacks but he leaves after his health is reduced to

Level 5- Watch out for the men with guns on this level as they are
powerful but take a while to shoot so take them out quick. Head to
the docks and one of the two ships there will have the boss. Easy
ways to kill him are to either knock him into the water (No enemies
in the game can swim and they all will drown) or run off the ship
and kill him with ninja stars from far away

Level-6- Big falls on this level will kill you, Just head to the
top of the mountain and get the flower, there is no boss

Level-7 Head to the top of the tall building from the outside and
fight the boss with 200 health again. Watch out he will heal himself
and you need to take off all 200 points this time.

Level-8 Pretty straight forward level untill you fight the first
boss. After that explore the underground caverens (you can stand
in the lava but it hurts you a little bit it will kill the enemies)
continue till your in a room with something covering a hole in the
ground a cutsceen will get rid off it. Jump in to the final boss.
He has a lightning attack that will do 30 damage that you need to
avoid. But otherwise he is also not that hard.

Gameplay tips-

Detection meter- The little green ball at the bottom of your screen
becomes bigger the closer you are to an enemy and turns red if he
dectects you. Use it to spot enemies before they spot you

Quick kill-attack a enemy from behind or if they're waking up from
sleep powder before they detect you and you will get a animation
showing you kill him with one hit (The girl and the
guy both have three different animations) this is a silent kill.

Water- Use Water to your advatage and lure enemies into it because
they can't swim.

Rooftops- on missions with rooftops thats were you should be the
whole time enemies can't see you on the roof and you can just drop
down behind them when their not looking and get a Silent Kill


Instant healing during the game-pause and hit up, up, down, down,
left, right, left, right, square, triangle. if you did it right you
will hear a shout.

Level Select- on the stage select screen hold R2 down and press up,
up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle.

Increased Carring Capicity- Lets you hold 99 weapons, at the weapon
select screen hold L1 down and hit up, up, down, down, left, right,
left, right, square, triangle.

To get all the Secret weapons at the weapon select screen hold R1
down and hit up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square,

To get more weapons at the weapon select screen hold R1 and hit up,
up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. Each
time you do this all the weapons you have on the shelves increases
by one. The secret weapons will never go past 3 and the normal ones
can go to 99. To get 12 secret weapons though like clothes though
use the code till you have 3 than pick all three into you inventory
than do the code 3 times again and take thoses into your inventory ect.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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