Tales of Destiny

Tales of Destiny

13.10.2013 13:47:33
Tales of Destiny
Tower of Druaga FAQ
Version 3.25
Author: SolidSnake316
E-Mail: LHEkewl2012@aol.com
ICQ: 59738955


Version 1.0 7/14/01 - Initial release
- Started on the floors that I know are accurate but a few incomplete floors
- Began enemy list.

Version 1.5 7/28/01
- Sorry for a lack of updates, I was away on vacation the day after I wrote
my FAQ ^_^
- Fixed some typos.
- Added a little more information on rod locations.
- Added one more preparation to the list.
- Completed some floors.
- Added Credits section.

Version 2.0 8/11/01
- Completed more floors.
- Fixed a few grammar mistakes.
- Fixed even more errors.

Version 2.5 8/15/01
- Fixed more rampaging typos and grammatical errors.
- Added Items Section.
- Completed more floors.
- Added Table of Contents for easy navigation. ^_^

Version 2.75 8/17/01
- Fixed more dangerous typos and grammatical errors. (Man do I suck at this
or what?)

Version 3.0 1/5/02
- Fixed more deadly mistakes and typos. (Can't get enough of these in my
works ^_^ )
- BC Rod is finally found thanks to the help of ClesStahnRiDio and the
confirmation by KatanaSoul.
- Floor 58-60 Completed.

Version 3.25 1/6/02
- Fixed version number and date. (D'oh!)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Information about the tower
3. How/Where to get into the tower
4. Preparations
5. Tower of Druaga Walkthrough
6. Enemy List
7. Items Section
8. A way you can help
9. Notes
10. Credits
11. Disclaimer


Welcome to my Tales of Destiny Tower of Druaga FAQ. I've decided to write
this FAQ because other Walkthrough/FAQs did not cover as much information on
the tower. Sometimes I would follow exactly what they write and I can never
get the item because of a mistake or two. So I've decided on a boring
Saturday to create an accurate FAQ on how to obtain the many items in the
tower. And besides who wants to read inaccurate FAQs anyway? And also this
FAQ can be the first one to be exclusively for the tower itself. Well anyways
onto the FAQ!

Information about the tower:

The tower of Druaga, in my opinion, is a 60-floor tower of doom! Why you say?
Well it's home to some of the cheapest enemies in the game. The rewards for
going through it is it's nice and powerful goodies but to obtain them is
easier said than done. Each level is the same but has a different layout.
Each floor has a treasure and to obtain it you must solve a puzzle associated
with each floor that was the same from Namco's original game, Tower of
Druaga. It may be simple or it may be very complex but the goodies are well
worth it. To reach the next floor you must obtain the key of the level and go
straight through the door. Easy, right? It would be if there weren't any
enemies around to make your life miserable.

How/Where to get into the tower:

To get into the tower you must first find three rods: The RC, GC, BC rods.

The RC rod is inside the Swordian Lab. The lab is located northeast of
Armeida. The chest with the rod is near where the tombstone Stahn obtains
another Ougi is.

The GC rod is in Cloudius. It is located in one the teleporters in the
left side of floor 4. Once you get inside Cloudius you MUST obtain the rod
before it is too late because later in the game you won't have a chance to go

The BC rod is in Walt's house in Harmetz. The BC rod is called 'Old
Cane' but you need to use a rune bottle or Philia's Identify ability to turn
it into the rod.

The tower is located in the area of Janos (that snow town in the
beginning of the game). Remember that temple where you met Mary with Rutee?
That's where the tower is. If you don't, exit Janos through the north way and
go to the right on the fork that you come across to. Keep running until you
come across a save point. Save your game here because the tower isn't going
to be an easy walk in the park. Once you have done that run north into the
temple. Once inside run up until you come across three altars. Place the
three rods on them to open up the entrance. Once open, step inside and meet
your doom!


This is the hardest dungeon in the game so you might want to come in prepared
for what lies ahead of you.

1. Have a FULL supply of every Gel, Life Bottle, P. Bottle, etc...
2. I recommend at least level 55 with more or less 6000HP but some people
have done it with lower levels.
3. Have Stahn equipped with the Phoenix skill.
4. Have a non-elemental weapon for Stahn (Bahamut's Tear recommended).
5. Have the best equipment you can find including the ones in Dycroft.
6. If your bringing Philia along have her equipped with the Mystic Symbol so
she cast her spells quicker.
7. Bring Chelsea along because her bow skills come in very handy especially
her Force Arrow.

These things are vital to your survival. These alone have helped me tackle
the tower and will probably help you too ^_^.

Tower of Druaga Walkthrough:

Floor 1
This has to be the simplest yet. The treasure is already here with no trouble
at all.

Item: W. Boots

Floor 2
Kill two black slimes.

Item: Dash Ring

Floor 3
Kill a black knight and then a green slime or the other way around.

Item: Life Bottle

Floor 4
Go to the door without the key and try as if you're opening it.

Item: Paralysis Charm

Floor 5
Just kill a mage.

Item: White Sword

Floor 6
Go to the lower right then walk to the upper right corner. Then run to the
lower left corner and walk up to the upper left corner.

Item: Lantern

Floor 7
Pick up the existing chest (Energy Bullet) and discard it in the inventory
menu. Then pick up the chest that appears.

Item: Reverse Doll

Floor 8
Get hit by a mage's beam from both sides of the screen.

Item: Lavender

Floor 9
Break a couple of walls in the north and south screens.

Item: Dark Seal

Floor 10
Kill all the red slimes without getting hit by ANY beams. That means the
knight's beam and the slime's beams can't hit you.

Item: Warrior Symbol

Floor 11
Move to the bottom of the screen and wait more or less 10 seconds.

Item: Strengthen Disc

Floor 12
Open the door and lure the druid onto the stairs and then attack it.

Item: Battlesuit

Floor 13
Touch the door without the key then kill all the enemies.

Item: Red Line Shield
2nd time through: Moon Sword

Floor 14
Walk for more or less 30 seconds without ANY encounters.

Item: ?Jewel (Moonstone)

Floor 15
Defeat a Blue Knight.

Item: ?Jewel (Emerald)

Floor 16
Kill the Mirror Knight on the left screen.

Item: Hellfire Disc

Floor 17
Kill the blue slimes and the druids.

Item: Reverse Doll

Floor 18
Walk clockwise around the floor twice.

Item: Dragon Sword

Floor 19
Kill the Quox, open the door, and then get the chest.

Item: Thinking Cap

Floor 20
Open the door without any enemy encounters.

Item: Elixir

Floor 21
Stand still for more or less ten seconds then move to another spot and wait
another 10 seconds. Make sure you are in a spot where enemies are not close

Item: Resist Ring

Floor 22
Lure the Quox to the upper left corner of the floor and stay there to fight

Item: Dark Seal

Floor 23
Kill a wizard, then slime, then a wizard.

Item: Thunder Disc

Floor 24
When you arrive stand still and wait for an enemy to attack you.

Item: Blessing Disc

Floor 25
As far as what other people say there seems to be no chest on this floor.

Item: Nothing

Floor 26
Get the key and fight a druid within 30 seconds or you won't get the chest.

Item: Hyper Gauntlet

Floor 27
Break 10 walls.

Item: ?Jewel (Ruby)

Floor 28
Lure and fight the green roper on the stairs.

Item: Elven Cape

Floor 29
Walk clock-wise around the room. You will only get the chest if you have not
gotten the combo command at the arena. If you have it already from the arena
then there is no chest.

Item: Combo Command

Floor 30
Stand from where you start and wait till 3 enemies fight you.

Item: Blue Talisman

Floor 31
Kill all slimes and will o' wisps.

Item: Mind Ring

Floor 32
Lure Quox into breaking 5 walls.

Item: Demon Arrow Disc

Floor 33
Drop Stahn's HP to critical state.

Item: Blue Line Shield

Floor 34
Kill one mirror knight.

Item: ?Jewel (Sapphire)

Floor 35
Kill 2 green ropers.

Item: ?Jewel (Topaz)

Floor 36
Kill 4 wizards without getting hit by any beams.

Item: Princess Cape

Floor 37
Upon entering the floor, do not break any walls. Pick up the key, open the
door, and then destroy a wall.

Item: Megalith Disc

Floor 38
Kill 2 will o' wisps.

Item: GC Rod.

Floor 39

Floor 40
Kill all Lizard men and mages then kill the ropers.

Item: Demon Seal

Floor 41
Defeat Quox first.

Item: Stone

Floor 42
Kill a red will o' wisp, then grab the key, then kill another red will o'

Item: Star Mace

Floor 43

Floor 44
Kill the wizard, sorcerer, mage, then the druid in that order.

Item: Magical Ribbon

Floor 45
There will already be a chest here but do not open it. First kill the Lizard
man, hyper knight, mirror knight, Black and then blue knights. Leave the Red
one alone. Open the new chest and there will be a flash. Now open the
original chest and receive your reward.

Item: Excaliber

Floor 46
Go to each corner of the floor and come back to the first corner you started

Item: Aqua Cape
2nd time through: SW500490

Floor 47
Kill a red roper.

Item: Rabbit Foot

Floor 48
Stay in each corner of the floor for more or less 10 seconds.

Item: RC Rod

Floor 49
Touch the door without the key then kill a wizard.

Item: Magical Rouge

Floor 50
Walk to the north of the floor, walk to the south, walk to the east, and to
the west.

Item: Emerald Ring

Floor 51

Floor 52
Break all vertical walls.

Item: Gold Armor

Floor 53

Floor 54
Use any healing item or magic on Stahn.

Item: Moon Crystal

Floor 55
There are no chests on this floor.

Item: Nothing

Floor 56
There are no items to collect here.

Item: Nothing

Floor 57
Touch the door without the key. Then look for a woman in the floor and defeat
her. After defeating her go kill a Lizard man.

Item: Berserker Bow

Floor 58
You cannot get in any battles in this floor. First, you must destroy EVERY
breakable wall. Now go to the TOP of the screen, and walk, not run, down the
middle aisle. You CANNOT get into any battles, and if you see an enemy in the
way, start over. After you do that, kill the Red Knight.

Item: BC Rod

Floor 59
This is it the showdown with the last boss of the dungeon, Druaga! Before you
try to kick his ass make sure you have ALL 3 rods or be prepared to have your
ass handed back to you because you can only damage him if you have all the
rods in your inventory. If you don't have all of them, get the key and open
the door to be "zapped" back to the lower floors (sometimes floor 38) to get
the rods that you have missed. If you have the rods here is what you do, kill
a hyper knight and a wizard. When this is done a Quox will appear (EQUIP A
NON-ELEMENTAL WEAPON!). Kill it and a new monster will appear onscreen. Go
towards it and fight Druaga. Once he is defeated get the key and go to the
final floor.

Item: Nothing

Floor 60
There are no battles to do on this floor so relax and take a breather. Talk
to the girl and place the 3 rods (by pressing X) on the bottom, middle, and
top of the screen.

Item: Destroyer Disc

Congratulations, you have made it past the hardest side quest in the game. Go
save your status and give yourself a pat in the back for a job well done. ^_^
Now go through it again if you want to get duplicate items (Magical Ribbons
for the girls) or new items such as the strongest SW disc. ^_^

Enemy List:

This is a complete enemy list for the tower.
Note: You get no Gald or Lens in the battles in the tower.

Green Slime
HP 2908
TP 400

These guys are easy to defeat just whack them!

Black Slime
HP 3228
TP 500

A higher-level slime but still same old slime.

Blue Knight
HP 3400
TP 0

A low level knight. Not tough to beat.

HP 2410
TP 420

You want to know why you need the Phoenix skill? It's because of scum like
him. These guys cast Cyclone continuously, which can totally mess up your
party. As soon as battle starts have Stahn thrust into a mage then
IMMEDIATELY do Phoenix. It should kill a few of them and interrupt their
spells giving you enough time to kill the remaining few.

HP 2728
TP 520

Use same tactics as above as these guys like to cast Explode.

Black Knight
HP 3728
TP 0

Higher level of the Blue Knight. Not very tough to deal with.

Red Slime
HP 3548
TP 600

Higher level of Slime but these guys like to cast fire magic usually

Mage Ghost
HP 2508
TP 500

Back from the dead and ready to get even! Same as a Mage with slightly higher
HP and TP. Phoenix still works even though they fly.

HP 3048
TP 620

Use same tactics as if fighting a Mage. These guys like to cast Holy Wrath.

Blue Slime
HP 3868
TP 700

Higher level of slime. These guys like using ice magic.

Druid Ghost
HP 2868
TP 620

Same as Druid, use my mage tactics to have an easier time to beat them.

HP 3368
TP 720

As always use the same Mage tactics on these guys. They like casting Air
Slash if I remember correctly.

HP 4568
TP 0

Now your probably thinking...why do I need a non-elemental weapon for Stahn?
Well it's because of this guy and a couple of other enemies. He absorbs all
elements and can only be beaten by non-elemental weapons. Bahamut's Tear is
the non-elemental weapon of choice for Stahn. If you so happened to run into
him without equipping a non-elemental weapon then during battle quickly equip
the kick attack skill on Stahn and repeatedly use it against him. It'll take
awhile to beat him with it though.

Mirror Knight
HP 4568
TP 0

A higher-level knight. Only difference is that they have more HP and have a
higher attack power.

W. Ghost
HP 3148
TP 720

Like always use the Mage tactic on them because they like to show no mercy.

Will O' Wisp
HP 4000
TP 500

These guys are nothing but they do cast some nasty spells.

Hyper Knight
HP 4368
TP 0

Same ole' knight. Like always they just have an increase in attack power and

Green Roper
HP 4048
TP 600

These guys are nothing until they get hold of you. Once they have you in
their clutches they pound away on you like there's no tomorrow. If Stahn
happens to be paralyzed quickly recover him and immediately use Phoenix to
get out of a sticky situation.

DG Slime
HP 4188
TP 800

Same ole' slime. Only difference is a higher attack power and HP.

Silver Dragon
HP 4888
TP 0

I call him the brother of Quox. He has higher HP and is immune to Dymlos.
Equip Stahn with Bahamut's Tear if you want to lay waste on him. Again if you
encountered him with Dymlos equipped, equip the kick attack technique.

Red Roper
HP 4368
TP 700

Just like a green roper but has a higher attack power. Don't get TOO close to

Red Knight
HP 5108
TP 0

The highest knight class. They have a much higher attack power and HP values
then other knights.

Lizard Man
HP 4688
TP 0

These guys absorb fire damage so Dymlos is a no-no. If you happen to have
Dymlos equipped have Rutee or Philia cast any water type spell.

DY Slime
HP 4608
TP 900

The highest slime class. These guys have higher attack and HP values than
normal slimes.

Blue Roper
HP 4688
TP 800

These guys are badass if you're caught in their clutches. They have a higher
attack value than normal ropers. So don't get caught or prepare for the
biggest beating of your life!

False Ishtar
HP 15,000
TP 850

She's not a worthy opponent to fight near the end of the tower. The only
problem you'll have with her is if she petrifies you with her charm.

HP ??,????
TP ???

I knew I forgot to get his HP & TP values. D'oh! Anyways, for being the last
boss of the dungeon, he's a pushover. Have Rutee heal whenever possible and
with Philia just pound him with her spells. Mary, Bruiser, Chelsea, Garr
should use their specials on him while Stahn should use assassin or Phoenix.

Items Section:

This section is for the description and stats of the items you obtain in the
tower. This list goes by the order of floors:

Floor | Item | Type | Description/ Stats

1 W. Boots Item This gets you out of the tower when
you use it.

2 Dash Ring Accessory This ring lets you dash anytime.

3 Life Bottle Item This item revives one party member.

4 Paralysis Charm Accessory This protects a member from

5 White Sword Weapon
Slash 620 Hit 30
Thrust 600 Attribute: Light

6 Lantern Item This item lets you view where the
locations of the boxes in warehouses
should be put.

7&17 Reverse Doll Accessory Automatically revives you when your HP
reaches 0.

8 Lavender Item Strength up one point.

9&22 Dark Seal Accessory Receive 150% more experience but this
disables the use of techniques.

10 Warrior Symbol Accessory Increase strength by 10%

11 Strengthen Disc Disc
Slash 120 Defense 5
Thrust 85

12 Battlesuit Armor
Attack 10
Defense 145

13 Red Line Shield Shield
Defense 15
Evade 30

Moon Sword Weapon
Slash 680 Hit 10
Thrust 680 Attribute: Light

14 Moonstone Accessory
Defense 20

15 Emerald Accessory
Defense 10
Hit 10

16 Hellfire Disc Disc
Slash 255
Thrust 278

18 Dragon Sword Weapon
Slash 400 Hit 30
Thrust 620 Attribute: Earth

19 Thinking Cap Helmet
Defense 25
Evade 20

20 Elixir Item Fully restore HP and TP.

21 Resist Ring Accessory Reduces magic damage by 10%.

23 Thunder Spirit Disc
Slash 85
Thrust 85

24 Blessing Disc Disc
Slash 82 Defense 5
Thrust 40

25 Nothing

26 Hyper Gauntlet Hand
Defense 26

27 Ruby Accessory
Defense 35

28 Elven Cape Accessory Encounter rate 10% down
Defense 8
Evade 10

29 Combo Command Accessory This makes all of Stahn's techniques
into Street Fighter like commands.

30 Blue Talisman Accessory Increases defense by 10%.

31 Mind Ring Accessory Restores TP by 1 after a certain
period of time.

32 Demon Arrow Disc
Slash 165
Thrust 155

33 Blue Line Shield Shield
Defense 25
Evade 30

34 Sapphire Accessory
Defense 20

35 Topaz Accessory
Defense 32

36 Princess Cape Accessory Reduces fire damage by 50%.
Defense 15

37 Megalith Disc Disc
Slash 460
Thrust 460

38 GC Rod Weapon
Attack 1 Hit 10
Defense 10 Attribute: Wind

39 Incomplete

40 Demon Seal Accessory Doubles the experience earned but
makes defense 0 and disables special

41 Stone Accessory Makes a person immune to Tractor

42 Star Mace Weapon
Slash 680 Hit 10
Thrust 680 Attribute: Light

43 Incomplete

44 Magical Ribbon Helmet
Defense 40

45 Excaliber Weapon
Slash 820 Hit 50
Thrust 820 Attribute: Light

46 Aqua Cape Accessory Water and Wind damage reduced by 30%
Defense 8

SW500490 Disc
Slash 500
Thrust 490

47 Rabbit Foot Accessory Raises Luck.

48 RC Rod Weapon
Attack 1 Hit 10
Defense 10 Attribute: Fire

49 Magical Rouge Item Get 10% off prices in stores.

50 Emerald Ring Accessory Special skills and spells cost 1/3
of TP less.

51 Incomplete

52 Gold Armor Armor
Defense 200

53 Incomplete

54 Moon Crystal Accessory Maximum TP up 30%

55&56 Nothing

57 Berserker Bow Weapon
Attack 450 Hit 95
Attribute: Fire

58 BC Rod Weapon
Attack 1 Hit 10
Defense 10 Attribute: Water

59 Nothing

60 Destroyer Disc Disc
Slash 415
Thrust 415

A way you can help:

If anyone knows an accurate way of obtaining the treasure on any floors I
missed please feel free to drop me an e-mail in my mailbox. Also e-mail me if
you happen to find any errors (which sometimes are abundant ^_^) while
reading my FAQ.


This is my first FAQ attempt so please don't flame me because you think it
sucks or you don't like its style and besides who's making you read it
anyways? Anyways if anyone has any questions, compliments, flames, about my
FAQ, again, drop me an e-mail.

- To my best friend Patrick Forgione for information of various floors,
spelling and grammar errors, and giving me the idea of writing an FAQ.
Couldn't have done it without him ^_^

Pay a visit to his site at: www.angelfire.lycos.com/rpg/Gyven. His site has
information and FAQs on various Playstation 1&2 games.

- GameFAQs.com for posting up my first FAQ. ^_^
- ClesStahnRiDio for providing the info on how to get the BC Rod in Floor 58
and KatanaSoul for confirming this.
- Me, for being such a cool guy to do this FAQ for you.
- And You, the reader, for taking the time to read my lovely FAQ.


This FAQ is for the sole purpose of helping anyone on the Tower of Druaga
side quest in Tales of Destiny. Please do not alter or sell this FAQ.

Tales of Destiny is developed and copyrighted by Namco.
And the FAQ made by me, the one and only, SolidSnake316.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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