Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

24.09.2013 10:07:28

Mortal Kombat
Special Forces


Manufacturer: Midway

Written By: Mike Zielinski of
E-Mail address
FAQ started on June 22, 2000

Table of Contents
I. Default Controls
II. The Story
III. Experience Points, and Combos
IV. Pick-Ups, Weapons, Enemies, andTips
V. Walkthrough:
Level 1: The Warehouse
Level 2: The Sewers
Level 3: The Towers
Level 4: Sin Kiang
Level 5: Outworld
VI. Extra Information

I. Default Controls

Run Forward - Directional Button Up
Turn Left or Right - Directional Button Left or Right
Turn Around - Directional Button Down
Draw Weapon - L2
Look - L1 (Jax cannot attack or move while in "Look" mode)
Fire Weapon (While weapon is drawn) - Square
High Punch (HP) - Square
Low Punch (LP) - X
High Kick (HK) - Triangle
Low Kick (LK) - Circle
Block (BLK) - R1
Inventory Screen - Select
Action (Opens doors, uses items, ect.) - X
Turbo - R2

II. The Story

One of the earliest stories that established the Mortal Kombat universe
was the relationship between Jax and Kano. Jax, a Special Forces Agent, was
hot on the trail of career criminal Kano, when he was led into the Mortal
Kombat tournament.

Kano represented the criminal underworld and Mortal Kombat was a
supernatural event that caused all of these things to collide. But, we've
only hinted at their shaded past.

What events caused Jax to despises Kano so much? How did Kano himself
come to be involved with Shang Tsung? Why is Jax so bent on stopping Kano's
gang? Is it the Black Dragon?

There's a story to be told here and one that will allow new elements of
gameplay, while remaining true to the myths that make up the Mortal Kombat

Jax's Story

Jax has a new mission. It's a mission he's always wanted to undertake,
and the disdain for his nemesis Kano is much too great to ignore any longer.

Kano represents the criminal underworld and Mortal Kombat was a
supernatural event that caused the chasm between these two powerful rivals.

Jax will be forced into hand to hand combat, as well as vicious gun
battles as he hunts down Kano. Join Jax in his search for Kano, destroying
his henchmen along the way. Get ready, another battle has just begun.

III. Experience Points and Combos

As you progress through Mortal Kombat Special Forces, Jax gains
experience points. As Jax gains more and more experience points, his attacks
become more powerful, his defense gets boosted, and he learns more powerful
combos. All of the combos are a series of button presses which all adds up
to one powerful attack chain. Below are all of the new combos you learn as
you gain experience, and the readily avalible special moves:

Readily avalible special moves: (Hold down R2 and then press one of the
four kick and punch buttons)

*NOTE* - As you may have noticed, there is a blue bar under your health
bar. This blue bar is the meter of your special moves. Every time Jax used
one of his special moves, the blue bar depletes a little. When you perform
the more powerful special moves, the blue bar depletes a larger portion.

* Hold R2 + X - Ground Smash
* Hold R2 + Square - Green Ring Ground Smash
* Hold R2 + Circle - Jax Punch (from MK4)
* Hold R2 + Triangle - Flaming Jax Punch

New combos as you level up:

* Git Some Suka: X, X, Triangle - 3-hit combo
* Chump Change: Square, Square, Circle - 3-hit combo
* Takin' Out The Trash: Triangle, Triangle, X - 3-hit combo
* Smash: Circle, Circle, Square - 3-hit combo
* Super Uppercut: X, X, X, Square, Triangle - 5-hit combo
* Bearhugger: Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle - 5-hit combo
* The Shocker: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, X - 5-hit combo
* Grand Slam: Circle, Circle, Circle, X, Square - 5-hit combo
* Spinal Crusher: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? - 8-hit combo (If anyone finds out the
actual button combinations for this combo, please E-Mail me at one of the
above E-Mail addresses and you will be given full credit!)

*NOTE* - These combos can only be executed when you have gained enough
experience points. They cannot be used at the start of the game.

IV. Pick-Ups, Weapons, Enemies, and Tips

Mortal Kombat is chock full of special items, numerous weapons, and
tons of baddies. In this section I will explain all of the weapons, some of
the many items, and enemies, and I will reveal some tips that saved my life
numerous times in this game.

Free Lives - The Free Life icon is a Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol.
They are found throughout the game. They add one life to your total
life total. Grab as many of these suckers as you can, you will
definitely need them!

Medi-Packs - There are three different kinds of Medi-Packs strewn
throughout this game. There are small Medi-Packs, which restore 25% of
your health, medium Medi-Packs, which restore 50% of your health, and
there are large Medi-Packs, which restore 100% health. Do not pass
these up!

Keys - There are many different kinds of keys you find in this
game. They all have different purposes. I will not explain these
items here. I will have them in the Walkthrough however.

There is some very powerful weaponry Jax can wield within the
course of his adventure. Below are all of the weapons, which ammo they
use, my rating, and any other personal comments I may have on a
particular weapon.

Sub-Machine Gun:
Ammo type - 9mm clip. My rating - *** (out of 5)
Comments: This gun can be very useful in the beginning of the game,
but gets rather weak in the latter stages of the game. It is good
against guys with shotguns however. It has a very fast rate of fire,
and is semi accurate. I used it sparingly in the latter part of the

Sniper Rifle:
Ammo type - Sniper Cartridge. My rating - **
Comments: The Sniper Rifle is a pretty cool gun in the start of the
game. It gets rather useful in the stages that come. It has a great
zoom feature that allows precise aiming for head shots. If a guy is
shooting at you it takes awhile to get a good shot off at him. I use
it for guys above or below me that cannot see me yet.

Ammo type - Shells. My rating - **** Comments: The Shotgun
is one of the better guns in the game. It has a very hard hit to it.
A couple of shots to an enemy, point blank, will kill them. It is a
great weapon for long range and shot ranges respectively. I used this
gun throughout most of the game. I really like this gun.

Ammo type - N/A. My rating - ** Comments: The detonator is
a very useful item/weapon in the game. The detonator is mostly used
for blowing open walls. Tasia, one of the bosses, takes massive damage
if you use this weapon on her. I recommend this item/weapon for just
about anything, albeit blowing up baddies or blasting walls down.

Rocket Launcher:
Ammo type - Rockets. My rating - **** Comments: This
weapon is very useful. I use it for just about everything. It is best
for killing enemies that are already shooting at you from a long
distance away. I use this weapon a lot! The only drawback is that
there is limited ammo for this baby, so use it sparingly.

Grenade Launcher:
Ammo type - Grenades. My rating - **** Comments: The
Grenade Launcher is a very neat weapon. The grenades bounce around for
awhile looking for a target after they are shot. This weapon is very
nice for a group of baddies in a hallway. You can take out multiple
enemies with this weapon. I strongly recommend it!

There are many enemies in this game, and some of them can be a
real pain in the a$$! In this section I will describe some of the
bosses in the game, and tips on how to beat them. I will leave the
rest for you to figure out.

*NOTE* - Weapons do not work well at all against the bosses. The only
exception to this is the detonator, which, if timed right, could do
massive damage to the bosses of Mortal Kombat Special Forces.

No Face:
No Face is the first boss in the game. He has a flame-
thrower and he throws flaming grenades at you. The best time to run in
for an attack is when he is going around in circles with his flame-
thrower. Run in and perform a combo. Repeat this process and this guy
is toast.

Tasia is the second boss of the game. She is one of the
easier bosses. Her attacks up close do close to no damage. When she
disappears into her cloud of smoke, set a Detonator where she will
appear again. (You will know where she will appear again because before
she appears a cloud of smoke appears where she will be standing when
she appears. This does massive damage. After the Detonator explodes
run in for some massive combo giving and she is done for.

Jarek is the third boss of the game. He is a harder one.
His main attack is his tri-blade. (This is also from Mortal Kombat 4)
He throws them rather quick, so be on the look out and keep dodging
them until he is vulnerable for an attack. He is history after some
well-timed attack chains.

*NOTE* - I will go more in-depth with the boss strategies in the actual

This is it! The Walkthrough is upon us. This is a Walkthrough
for the entire game of Mortal Kombat Special Forces. I hope it is easy
to read and you have fun playing the game. I know I did. So here we

Level 1: The Warehouse

You start outside of the warehouse. Go left. Two of Kano's henchmen
are there to greet you. Take both of them out using only your punch and kick
combos. Continue left and then go up off the screen to the alley. Take a
right and fight another guard. Go all the way to your right and up and enter
the warehouse door.
Go up the stairs and kill the guards. You should try out your new
combo now. Go right and kill three more guards. Stand at the back of the
trailer and climb on top of it. Grab the small Medi-Pack. Get off the
trailer, and go left and kill another guard, using your newly learned combo.
Go all the way left and climb the ladder. Follow the grating around and grab
the medium Medi-Pack. Jump off the ladder you came up from. Go up the first
corridor and all the way to the top of the screen. Go left and down the
staircase. Another guard awaits your arrival. Take his ass out. Go to the
top of the screen and down the corridor.
When you arrive at the end of the corridor, go in the small room on the
left and grab the 9mm clip. Go back up the same corridor and go right. Go
in between the rust colored boilers and grab the Power Room Key. Go back to
the previous stairwell and go up. Go down and to the right from there. Go
in the room at the very top of the screen and grab the Sub-Machine Gun. Hell
Yeah! Finally some firepower! Exit the room and continue to the right and
go out of the door. Go down the stairs and fight the three baddies.
Experiment with your new weapon, you will be using it frequently. Go to the
top of the screen and go in the Power Room. Hit the left power switch. This
switch allows access to the previously inaccessible elevator. (When you enter
this room, it becomes your first checkpoint, so if you die later in this
level it returns you to this room)
After you hit the switch, go out of the Power Room, and back up the
stairs. Go back into the warehouse and continue all the way to the left
until you get to the elevator. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. Grab the
9mm clip when you arrive on the 4th floor. Kill the guards and then go up.
There is a guard here with a Sub-Machine Gun, watch out! Draw your weapon
and experiment pumping holes into evil henchmen. Take the 9mm clip he leaves
behind. Go through the corridor on the left. Kill the two guards. Go up
and to the right and grab the large Medi-Pack. Go to the bottom left corner
of this room and go down into the next corridor. Shoot the guard. Go to the
right and fight three more guards. Continue to the right and grab the
Detonators. Follow your trail back to the elevator. Go up to the 3rd floor.
Shoot or punch and kick the guards at the very top of the screen, and
then go down. Fight 2 more guards. Go down and through the door on the
right. Go past the second wall at the top of the screen. Here, you will see
a crack in the wall. Place a Detonator on it and watch the explosion. It is
rather cool. But be sure to step back or else you will get hit by the blast
and take major damage. Now go through the hole and grab the large Medi-Pack.
Get out of the small room and go all the way back to the left of this room.
There should be another small crack in the wall. Place the Detonator there
and step back. Enter the opening and go all the way up the corridor and to
the right. Grab the Security Key. Go out of the corridor and go as far
right as it will let you. There is a door here. Open it with your newly
found key. Go into the room and there will be two guards for you to have fun
killing. Go to the far right and hit the fire alarm. (After you enter this
room, it turns into your second checkpoint) Go back towards the elevator
after killing some guards on the way.
Get in the elevator and go to the 2nd floor. Go up into the room and
kill the two guards. Grab the 9mm clip at the right of the room and then
exit. Go into the first room on the right and grab the medium Medi-Pack.
Get out of the room and go down and hurt the two guards very badly. Go all
the way to the right across the huge rug. Go into the door at the bottom of
the screen. Continue to the right and enter the room with the wooden floors.
There will be another armed guard here. Take him out and take his ammo. Go
into the room on the left. Go all the way up and you will find the fire
escape. Open the door and follow the grated stairs up, and around to the
left. Go into the room on the left. Kill the baddies and then go up. Kill
another baddie and go up and to the right. Take the medium Medi-Pack. Go to
the door on the right. This is the Boss Door. It leads you to the first
boss: No Face.
No Face: No Face is the first boss in the game. He has a flame-thrower
and he throws flaming grenades at you. The best time to run in for an attack
is when he is going around in circles with his flame-thrower. Run in and
perform a combo. Repeat this process and this guy is toast.

Save your game,
and move onto:

Level 2: The Sewers

*Note* - The Sewers are divided up into 3 parts. I will guide you through
all of the 3 parts.

Part 1:

You are in the sewers now. Start off by going left across the grating.
Kill the armed guard and take his ammo. At the first intersection you come
across go left. Go down and grab the Sniper Cartridge on the right. Then go
left and kill the guard. Grab his ammo too. Continue left and kill the
guard with....what is that?!?!....a wrench!! Anyway, go all the way up to the
tope of the screen and grab the medium Medi-Pack. Access the computer at the
top of the room. You will get the first code. It is in the form of a
sentence but the only thing you need to know is that the code is 3. Go back
and make your way down the grating toward the bottom of the screen. Kill the
armed guard, and grab his 9mm ammo. Continue to the left and go down the
stairs. Take care of this guard, and access the computer for the next code.
This code is also in the form of a sentence but the important thing is that
the code means 12. Go all the way back to the beginning of the level. There
is a door at the top of the screen. Go inside and go up the grate. Kill the
baddie and take is ammunition. Continue up and climb the ladder here.
Another guard awaits you. Take him out. Grab the Sniper Rifle from the
fallen guard. Access this computer too. You will get the third code. The
code is 9. So now you have 3 codes which you need in a second. Continue up
the grating and take a right. Grab the small Medi-Pack. Go left and shoot
the guard and take his ammunition. Go up the grating toward the top of the
screen. Go left at this intersection, and then take another left. Kill the
two baddies, and grab their ammunition, which is the Sniper Cartridge and a
Medi-Pack. Go back toward the top of the screen and into the door. Go in
the door and fall down the shaft. There will be an armed guard here. Kill
him and take his ammo. Go through the door.
Kill the 3 baddies and take all of their ammo. Continue up and to the
left. Go down the ramp and grab another Sniper Cartridge at the very top of
the screen. Go up the stairs to the platform in the middle of the room and
access the computer. Enter the access code. The access code is all of the
codes you have collected throughout this level. The code is 3129. A grated
door will now open. Go back to the left, and up the ramp. Go to the right
and then go into the opening at the top of the screen. This is the start of
Part 2 of the Sewers.

Part 2:

Walk forward, and grab the two Sniper Cartridges. Continue forward and
take the first left. Kill both of these guards and take their ammo.
Continue left, then take the grating down toward the bottom of the screen.
Kill this guard too and grab the small Medi-Pack. Go back up toward the top
of the screen, all the way to the door. Go inside the door. Kill the two
guards inside with extreme prejudice; don't forget to take their ammo. Go
forward and kill two more baddies. Then go left and kill yet another baddie.
Continue walking left as far as it is physically possible. Open the door, go
in, and take out the guards. Grab the ammo he leaves behind and also nab the
key card. Leave this room and go all the way to the right until you reach
yet another door. Go inside the door and grab the shotgun shells. Leave the
room and go back to the left. Take the first grating and go down toward the
bottom of the screen again. Go back through that door and then to the right.
Continue right and then up to the next door. Go inside this door and move
forward and go up left. Shoot the three-armed guards and steal their ammo.
Go to the left and grab the large Medi-Pack. Go back left and go up the
grating to the top of the screen. Kill the guard and take his ammo. Go
right, and then go up and to the right. Open the door and go inside. Shoot
the guard and grab his ammo too. Also, do not forget the key card in this
room also. Go back out of the door and then go to the left. Go down, then
to the left and then up until you get to the door. Open the door. This is
the end of Part 2 of The Sewers. Get ready for Part 3!

Part 3:

Walk forward and go up the ramp all the way to the top of the ramp. Go
inside the door. Kill the armed guard and take his ammo. Open the door on
the right and go inside. Kill the guard, and take his shotgun! YESS! More
new firepower. Go down toward the bottom of the screen and go to the far
right corner. Walk up the small stairs and to the right. Go inside the
door. To the left, shoot the armed guard and take his ammo. Also, do not
forget to grab the key card. Go back to the right and out of the room. Go
up and cross the water, via the bridge. Go through the hole at the top of
the room. Go inside the door and shoot the guard. Take his ammo. Then go
to the door on the left. Go inside the door and go down the ladder. Open
the next door and go in. Shoot the guard and steal his ammo. Go down toward
the bottom the bottom of the screen and around to the right. Go up and kill
the guard and take his ammo. Continue forward and climb up the wall on the
left to grab the shotgun shells. Jump off the wall and continue upward and
grab some more shotgun shells. Go back down to the bottom of the screen and
go inside the door on the right. Go up the ladder and follow the grate
around. And open the next door. Go in, and shoot the guard, take his ammo,
and lets move on. Go up to the next door and open it and go in. Go to the
right and then go down. Continue on to the left and go to the door at the
top of the screen. Open the door and go in. Grab the key. Then backtrack
by going right and then back up all the way to the top of the screen to the
next door. Open the door and go inside. Kill the guard and take his ammo.
Go around to the left. Grab the medium Medi-Pack and then go through the
door at the bottom of the screen. Grab yet another key card. Backtrack to
the right around to the left and then go in the door and back up the ladder.
Go back out onto the grate and access all three computers in order to move
the bridges around. Go towards the bottom of the screen and out the door.
Go to the right and into the first opening. Haul ass across the bridge to
the end. In this opening is the second boss: Tasia.
Tasia: Tasia is the second boss of the game. She is one of the
easier bosses. Her attacks up close do close to no damage. When she
disappears into her cloud of smoke, set a Detonator where she will appear
again. (You will know where she will appear again because before she appears
a cloud of smoke appears where she will be standing when she appears. This
does massive damage. After the Detonator explodes run in for some massive
combo giving and she is done for.

Save your game, and move onto:

Level 3: The Towers

Go down into the parking garage. Kill the guard who is here. On your
way through this level, look at every car's license plate. They all have
numbers and letters on them. You need these codes for later. Go to the left
and kill another guard. Continue on to the bottom left corner of the garage.
Go in the room and kill the guard. Push the red button to open the garage
door. Exit this room and haul to the top of the screen. Go through the
garage door and then walk left. Kill a guard and then go up to kill 2 more
baddies. Go to the number panel next to the garage door. Remember those
license plates? Well you better. Enter only the numbers in those plate
numbers. If you did it right, it should go 8-2-9-3-1. The garage door will
open. Go into it and kill the two guards. Go left and then go up. Pick up
the large Medi-Pack, and go back down and to the right. Go out and up and
kill the armed guard and take his ammo. Go to the other access pad at the
top left of the screen next to the other garage door. Enter the code 9-7-4-
8-2. The garage door will open. Go into it and kill the guard. Go forward,
and kill and armed baddie and take his ammo. Fight the unarmed guard. Then
go to the tollbooth in the middle of the room. Open the door and take the
key. Backtrack all the way through the level to the first number panel you
used. Go to the right and open the glass door, with the key from the
tollbooth. Go inside and go in the next door.
Go up the stairs and to the right. Kill the two guards. Grab their
ammo and go up the red carpeted hallway. Kill the armed guard and take his
ammo. Go to the door on the left and open it. Go inside the door and grab
the C Room key. Exit the room and go up to the right. Continue all the way
to the right then go down and use the stairs. Continue down and go right
into the locker room. Go up and then go to the right. Continue right as far
as it is possible. Go down the hallway and kill the armed guard, take his
ammo and move on. Keep going down and then back to the right. Go up the
hallway and then go right. Kill the guard and go down until you get to a
door on the right. Go inside the door and grab the BR key and the Mortal
Kombat symbol. (Free Life) Exit the room and backtrack killing any guards in
your immediate vacinity. Go all the way back upstairs and then go left. Go
to the first red door at the top of the screen. Open the door and enter.
Access the computer on the left and then exit the room the way you came in.
Go back to you right, and then back down the stairs. Go right and back into
the shower room. Follow the redheaded woman over to a locker. Open it and
grab the SFP key. Exit the locker room and go back upstairs. Go to the left
and all the way into the room where you found the first key. Go to the left
and open the door. Grab the Rocket Launcher and the CR key. Kill the armed
guard and take his ammo and the large Medi-Pack. Go back out of the rooms
until you get to the red carpeted hallway. Move on down then go to your
right and open the door. Access the computer to turn the elevator on. Leave
the room and go left. Go back up the red carpeted hallway and take the gold
elevator on the left of the room.
Get out of the elevator and go down the red carpeted hallway. Go right
through the door and keep going right. Kill the armed guard and take his
ammo. Continue right until you see a gate at the top of the screen. Open
the gate, and go in and climb up the ladder you should see. Shoot the two-
armed guards. Keep going forward and kill the guards. Go to the right and
kill another guard. Continue right and fall down the opening at the bottom.
Kill the guard and take his ammo. Go to the left and find the Detonators.
Stand in front of the cracked glass window and place the Detonator on the
glass. Drop down the hole and grab the medium Medi-Pack. Go up the ladder
and put another Detonator on the other cracked window. Drop down into the
hole, kill the guard, take his ammo and grab the key. Head back up the
ladder. Go forward and up the next ladder. Go left and then go up and kill
the armed guard. Steal his ammo. Continue forward then go to the right.
Kill the armed guard. Drop down the ladder at the bottom and kill the guard
and take his ammo. Drop down the ladder at the bottom and kill the armed.
Take his ammo. Go left and grab the detonator. And then go up and get the
small Medi-Pack. Destroy both of the windows with the Detonators and then
drop into them to grab the confines. Go back up the main ladder and then go
left. Then go up and kill the armed guard and take his ammo. Go all the way
to the end and open the door on the right. Access the computer and unlock
the gate from the computer. Exit the little room and then head right.
Inside that door is Jarek! The third boss.
Jarek: Jarek is the third boss of the game. He is a harder one. His
main attack is his tri-blade. (This is also from Mortal Kombat 4) He throws
them rather quick, so be on the look out and keep dodging them until he is
vulnerable for an attack. He is history after some well-timed attack chains.

Save your game and move onto:

Level 4: Sinkiang

Run forward and grab the Sniper Cartridge and the Rockets. Run back
and to the main path. Walk forward and shoot the guard atop the pillar on
your right. Shoot the guard with your Rocket Launcher. Walk forward and
shoot the guard on the left in the same manner. Continue walking forward and
kill the guard on the bridge. Move forward and kill the guard on the right.
Continue walking forward and into the little hut. Grab the large Medi-Pack,
and the Sniper Cartridges, and the Rockets. Exit the hut and then go to your
left. Go forward and shoot the baddie on the bridge. Continue forward and
kill the baddie on the right. Continue forward again and kill the baddie on
the left. Continue forward into the next little hut. Grab the blue key and
the medium Medi-Pack. Exit the hut and go left once again. Go forward and
take out the sniper on the right. Walk forward again and kill the baddie on
the left. Continue forward and grab the Rockets. Then kill the baddie on
the right. Keep going forward shoot the sniper on the left. Move forward
and shoot the sniper on the bridge. After he is dead, grab the medium Medi-
Pack. Move forward and shoot the baddie. Grab the ammo he leaves behind and
small Medi-Pack. Continue forward and down the hill to the door. Go inside
the door.
Once you enter the hallways, get a weapon ready. Move forward and
shoot the two guards. Look to your left. There is a crack in the wall.
Time for another Detonator. Go in the hole, and grab the emerald. Exit the
hole and then continue forward. Look to your right for another crack in the
wall. Place another Detonator on the crack. Walk inside the hole, and move
the third and fourth pillars aside. Run down each passageway and push the
pillars at the end of the passageways. Enter the rooms and hit the switch in
each of the passageways. Exit the room and go back into the hallway. Go
forward and look for yet another crack in the wall on the left. Blow open
the wall with the detonator. Inside is an altar. You will need this later.
Continue forward and open the door on the left. Grab the Grenade Launcher
and the Grenades. Exit the room and continue on down the hallway. Kill the
two baddies and take their ammo respectively. Continue forward and then into
the opening on the right. Follow the hallway around into the room on the
left. Access the computer to make the life go down. Exit the room and the
hallway altogether, into the main hallway. Walk forward and into the opening
on the left. Follow the hallway around to the doorway on the left. Go
inside the door. Move the crates at the top of the screen and go into the
hidden room to grab another Free Life. Exit this room and the hallway and go
back into the main hallway. Walk forward and across the bridge. Open the
door on the left and go in. Access this computer too. This computer will
make the lift go back up. Exit this room and walk forward. Kill the guard
and take his ever so precious ammo. Continue forward and grab the amethyst.
Go back down and to the right. Make you way down the hall and kill the
guard. Go left at the end of the hall and into the room and grab the blue
key. Continue to go left across the bridge. Grab the ruby and drop down the
opening at the bottom of the screen. Go down this hallway and kill the next
guard. Continue right and back into the main hallway. Go down and open the
door on the right. Then go up to the Altar of Queen Eliza and place the
emerald on top of the Altar. Exit this little room and head down the hall
towards the bottom of the screen and go into the second room on the left. Go
to the Altar of Princess Adrian and place the amethyst on the top of the
Altar. Exit this small room and go up the hallway. Go into the second
opening on the right and follow the hall around to the computer room. Access
the computer to put the damn lift back down. Exit the room and the hallway
and go back to main hallway. Walk forward and into the opening on the left.
Follow the hall around and into the room on the left. Walk up to the Altar
of Queen Rhiana and place the ruby on top of the Altar. The announcer will
then say "Excellent!" Exit this room and hallway and go back into the main
hallway. Go up and run across the bridge. Continue walking forward until
you get to a wall with the Mortal Kombat Dragon on it.
Go forward and climb on the last rock on the right. Climb up onto the
ledge. Follow the ledge around to the opening in the wall. Go in and go to
the right. Go up the ramp and grab the Snipe Cartridge. Shoot the guard and
climb the wall on the right. Run down and grab the Rocket and large Medi-
Pack. Drop down to the middle and kill the two guards, and take their
shotgun shells after they are dead. Climb the wall on the left and grab the
Grenades and the key. Drop down to the middle of the room and walk forward
and up the ramp. Go into the room and kill the three guards by any means
necessary. After that mess, go up the stairs on the right and access the
computer to move the plank. Go into the room on the right and kill three
more guards. Grab the Medi-Packs and then exit the room. Go back down the
stairs. Then go up towards the portal and climb the plank. Go into the
portal. When you arrive, you have to fight the 4th boss: Tremor.
Tremor: The easiest way to kill this jackass is to run around dodging
his projectiles and then when you get a chance just run in and beat his ass
with combos. The first time you get close to him, he will pound the ground,
knocking you back. Stave it off, then just attack with combo after combo,
until he is dead. This takes awhile but it works. It is just like Jarek,
just run around and dodge his projectiles and then attack him. After you
beat him walk through the portal.

Save your game and move onto:

Level 5: Outworld

Start off this level by going forward. After that, go to your right.
Continue going to the right and kill a baddie. Go a little further to your
right until you get to the pillars and then go down. Kill this ass, and then
go into the portal on your right. Go to your left and then up. Take a left
and then go down the platform in the middle. Take the dragon's eye. Go back
up the platform and then take a left. Go up this platform on the left of the
screen. Kill the guard. Grab the medium Medi-Pack and keep going left and
through the portal. Kill the guard, and then take a left. Kill yet another
guard, and then go forward and up the platform. Grab the Rockets and then
take another left. Go down and kill the guard. Take a left and kill ANOTHER
baddie also grab the medium Medi-Pack. Go right and stand in the middle of
the bridge. Drop forward towards the portal and try and land on the platform
underneath. Walk forward and go through the portal. Go forward and then
take a left and kill the guard. Continue left to the last platform and then
go down. Kill the guard at the top of the ramp. Go to your left across the
crooked bridge. You do not want to walk too fast or your dead. Go through
this portal on the left. Hit the switch at the top of the screen and then go
back right through the portal. Go back across the crooked bridge. Go
forward and then to the right. Continue to the right and kill the guard. Go
to your right and stand in the middle of the bridge. Drop forward and onto
the platform underneath. Walk forward, and kill the guard. Grab the
dragon's eye, after the guard is toast. Go back down the platform and to
your right. Go up the ramp and then back left across the bridge. Continue
to your left until you get to the pillars. Walk forward and then to your
right. Kill the guard. Go through the portal on the right of the screen.
Go right across the bridge and then down toward the bottom of the screen.
Take a left as far as it will let you, and then walk forward on the ramp.
Kill the two baddies then place a dragon's eye on each of the two altars. Go
through the door with the Mortal Kombat dragon on it.
After you arrive at Part 2 of Outworld, drop off the platform in front
of you and grab the large Medi-Pack. Walk forward, and kill the two
henchmen. Continue walking forward and grab the Sniper Cartridge. Go
forward and through the door and kill two more guards. Go to your left and
kill TWO more guards. Then go down and kill another baddie. Go to your left
and stop in the middle of the bridge. Drop forward to the platform beneath.
Go forward and then to your right. Then walk forward and go to the right.
Go down at the middle of this platform. Position yourself so you are
standing directly over a portal. Walk down and off the platform and into the
portal. Go forward and through the next portal.
After you arrive, go to your right and climb up on the short wall. Go
forward and climb up to the next level. Walk left across the top of the wall
and climb up to the next level. Walk forward and then to the right. Walk
around the tower on the bottom side and kill the armed guard and take his
ammo. Continue walking to the right and around the next platform. Grab the
large Medi-Pack. Drop forward onto the platform underneath and kill the
guard. Go right and drop down in the tower where the ladder is. Open this
door and then go out and to the right. Climb the wall in the top right
corner to nab the key. Drop down off the wall and then go back left and into
the tower. Go left and then forward into the room. Keep going forward until
you to the next tower. Open the door with the key, and then go up the
ladder. Go left and kill the armed guard. Then go down and drop through the
hole in the tower roof. Open the door and go left and kill the armed guard.
Walk forward and then to the right. Open the door of the tower and grab the
key. Exit the tower and then walk left. Go back down the platform and then
go right, and back into the tower. Go up the ladder, and then walk forward
and then go to the right. Drop down into the next tower and then go down.
Go back through the building and go right. Go to the left and then take a
right. Follow this path around and kill the guards. Grab the small Medi-
Pack. Walk forward, and use the key to open the door on the tower. Go up
this ladder and kill the guard. Walk left to the edge of the platform. Drop
down onto the platform the surrounds the portal. Line yourself up perfectly
so you do not miss. Go forward and through the portal. Get ready to fight
the 5th boss: Kano!
Kano: There will be an FMV with Jax and Kano talking. After that you
prepare for battle. This is the one exception where you can use all of your
weaponry against a boss. Use all of it. Do not hesitate. Do not get struck
with his powerful projectiles. Kill him and then walk forward and stand
underneath the levitating gem at the very top of the screen.

Save your game!!!!!

You have now enabled the Cheat Menu!!!

Cheat Menu: All you have to do is select Game Settings under the
Options Menu and you have the Cheat Menu!!! Start and new game, or load your
previous game and you will have, 999 ammo, all weapons, and all combos!!!

This FAQ is Copyright Mike Zielinski of Cannot steal or
borrow anything in this FAQ without my written consent. My E-Mail address is I hope you enjoyed this game as much as I did.

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24.September 2013
All Levels and all Cheats are unlocked

10.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

05.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor (100\% PAL Centered) und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +9 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +7 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +8 Trainer for the European PAL Version.

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