Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive

15.10.2013 20:47:23
Ayane Character Guide Final Version
Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore for Sony Playstation 2
North American Version
By: “A” Tadeo
Created: June 3, 2001
Date last Updated: n/a
Mail me at:


This FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for anything
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You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this FAQ and put it on your own
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You also cannot use this FAQ as a guide for you to make your own FAQ, you
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Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Once more, hello again! =) This will be my first Playstation 2 guide. Dead or
Alive 2: Hardcore is such a great game with ultra-flashy graphics and intense
gameplay. Compared to the previous versions of Dead or Alive 2 (US/JAP
Dreamcast and JAP PS2), this one includes new characters and new costumes.
Seeing that I made a guide for its ancestor, Dead or Alive for the
Playstation, I decided to create characters guides for DOA2: Hardcore. I’ll
be concentrating on the ladies first and then I’ll create guides for the men.
After all, DOA is famous for its gorgeous and sexy women. =)


I. Updates/Revisions
II. Guide Info
III. Profile/Story
III. Ayane’s Special Moves and Combos
IV. Throws/Holds
V. Tag Battle Tips
VI. Survival Tips
VII. Individual Character Guide
a. Kasumi
b. Tina
c. Lei Fang
d. Ayane
e. Helena
f. Hayabusa
g. Jann Lee
h. Zack
i. Gen-Fu
j. Bass
k. Ein
l. Leon
m. Tengu
VIII. Costumes
X. Gameplay Tips
XI. Credits


Final Version (Started: July 10, 2001)
Here we go! The final version of the guide. Thanks for reading!
- Strategy again Bayman

Version 1.1 (Started: June 4, 2001)
- Profile and Story
- Complete costumes for Ayane


For this guide, I’ll be using these to represent the different movements or
positions for the moves.

u = Up BT = Your back turned (back faced from opponent)
uf = Up and Forward OC = Opponent is Crouching
f = Forward P = Punch
df = Down and Forward K = Kick
d = Down F = Free Button
db = Down and Backward OD = Opponent is Down
b = Backward WR = While Rising
ub = Up and Backward HD = Hold down button preceding this symbol
W = Execute next button after .5 seconds
NW = Next to Wall
BE = Backs turned against each other
CB1= You’re crouching with your back facing opponent
CB2= Opponent is crouching and his/her back is facing you

Now, I’ll try to explain the difference between uf+P,P and uf,P,P. In the
first one, uf and Punch should be pushed at the same time then press another
punch. For the second one, push uf first then press Punch, and then Punch


Country: Japan
Fighting Style: Ninjitsu
Age: n/a
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 104 lbs.
Vital Statistics: 37”! 21” 33”
Affiliation: Japan


Ayane is the master of the Mugen Tenshin Hajin Mon fighting style. Her
fighting style is one of the 2 sides of the Mugen Tenshin Style. She has an
unbelievable power and rumored to have magical abilities. Although, she is
good at fighting, she is one of the “runaway shinobi” who are doomed from the
shinobi tribe.

Let’s talk more about her personal life. It seems to me that she has an
affection to Ein, otherwise Hayate. She is also related to Hayabusa. He is
her brother. On the other hand, living a life of an assassin will bring you
up to many opponents. One of which is Helena, the new character in the DOA
series. Ayane was supposed to assassinate Helena but her mother stood in the
way and got killed.

But at the end, Ayane journeys to prove to many that she is the most powerful
ninja ever. Will her skills bring her to victory? Or will her dark background
succumb her into those who see the light?


For the description of the moves (as well as the other sections of this guide
that has a description column in it), I just invented some of the names
(applicable to those that I’ve discovered).

Note: Juggle means to attack you opponent continuously while he/she is still
in the air. This is nice to look at and very damaging. Combos are a series of
moves that damage the opponent successively, making him/her unable to
retaliate quickly.

Motion | Description
P,P,P | Sosho
P,P,K,K | Renten
P,P,f,P,P | Koei
P,K | Hajin
f+P,K | Koeiga
f,f+P,f+K | Soha
df+P,b+P | Fuzan
df,df+P,(HD)d,K | Jirai
b+P,K | Rijin
b+P,(W)K | Hishu
b+P,d+K | Riji
b+p,(W)d+K | R.Hien
uf+P,P,P | F.Sosho
uf+P,K,K | F.Renten
(HD)db,P,K | Sajin
K,K | Renkyaku
f+K,K | Ryuso
f+K,d+K | Roso
u+K | Soten
uf+K | Ryubi
ub+K | Shugetsu
b+K | Fujin
F+K | Retten
df+F+K | Rekku
d+F+K | Roso
P+K,P,P | E.Hajin
P+K,P,K | E.Fujin
P+K,P,b+K | Hajinsai
P+K,P,d+K | Hajin
d,df,f+K,K | Genmu
d,df,f+F+K | Fujinsai
b+F+K | Sho
(WR)F+K | Genwaku
(BT)P,P,P | R.Sosho
(BT)P,P,b+P,P,P | R.Eiko
(BT)P,P,b+P,P,K | R.Fujinsai
(BT)P,P,b+P,P,ub+K | R.Eikosai
(BT)P,P,b+P,P,d+K | R.Eikogeri
(BT)P,P,f+P,K | R.Rijin
(BT)P,P,f+P,(W)K | R.Hishu
(BT)P,P,f+P,d+K | R.Riji
(BT)P,P,f+P,(W)d+K | Rahien
(BT)P,P,(HD)db,P,K | Rasajin
(BT)u+K | Fusai
(BT)ub+K | Shugetsu
(BT)b+P,P,P | Z.Rajin
(BT)b+P,P,K | Z.Fujinsai
(BT)b+P,P,ub+K | Z.Hajinsai
(BT)b+P,P,d+K | Z.Hajingeri
(BT)(HD)db,P,K | J.Sajin
(BT)ub+P | Embushu
(BT)d+F+K | Enshusen
(BT)F+K | Kokuso
(OD)u+P+K | Hyomu
(OD)d+P | Kawara

u+P+K | Hyomu
d+P | Kawara

b,f,b+F+P+K | Taunt 1
d,d+F+P+K | Taunt 2
u+P | Haijin
ub+P | Kazemai
(BT)f,f | Furo
(BT)f,(HD)f,(W)(HD)f | Renpu 1
(BT)df | Oroshi
(BT)(HD)df | Shimo
(BT)df,(HD)b | Oroshiryu
(BT)df,(HD)db | S.Oroshi

f,f+F+P+K | M.Tensho (paired with Ein)
f,f+F+P+K | Ayase 2 (all other characters)

df+P | Spin Hand Chop
P+K,K | Super Spin Kick
u+K,u+K | Soten Combo
u+K,u+k,ub+K | Super Soten Combo (oftentimes work)
d+K,u+K | Double Kick Combo
u+K,P,P,K,K | Juggle Combo
u+K,P,P,K | Juggle Combo
u+K,u+K,f+K,K | High Kick Combo
u+K,b+K | Spin Kicks
P+K,F+P | Spin up Kick
f+K,(W)P,K | Custom Combo


To be able to pull off the throws and holds, you must be right beside and as
close as possible to your opponents. Remember that, you cannot use the throws
without the (OC) if the opponent is crouching and vice versa.

Motion | Description
F+P | Momiji
f+F+P | H.Embu
(NW)f+F+P | Hikari
b+F+P | Kirimadoi
b,db,d,df,f+F+P | Tosenka
(NW)b,db,d,df,f+F+P | Baisenka
f,f+F+P (W) u+F+P | Tsurara Throw Combo
d,df,f+F+P | K.Gengi
d,db,b+F+P | K.Ranmu
(BT)F+P | Namigatana
(BT)f+F+P | Yamigarasu
(BT)F+P | Ryusa
(BT)f+F+P | Tsubaki
(BE)f+F+P | Urayami
(OC)d+F+P | Setsuna
(OC)db+F+P | Kamiyo
(CB1)d+F+P | Syusui
(CB2)d+F+P | Muso
(CB2)db+F+P | Tenbujin
ub+F | Kamiyoi (Hold)
b+F | Ayase (Hold) counters punch
b+F | Fubujin (Hod) counters kick
db+F | Kogarashi


Ayane is quite an effective tag battle character. She is very useful in
switch attacks. When you’re using her partner, combo the opponent and press
switch at once. At that exact moment, you can use Ayane’s devastating back-
facing attacks to deliver punishment to your opponents. Use the tag attacks
(f,f+F+P+K) wisely as smarter computer opponents (level 4 and 5) will be
quite hard to throw. If you’re at a corner using Ayane, you can get out of it
effectively in 2 ways. First, be aggressive and attack your opponent until
he/she moves away. The best attack for this purpose is the d,df,f+K. If
successful, you’ll hit your opponent plus you’ll be away from the wall. If
not, you’re out of the wall anyway. Finally, you can use throws to escape the
wall. Just remember that tag battle has infinite possibilities. You can
invent your own attack anytime.


Ayane, in my opinion, is one of the best characters to be used for Survival
Battles. Ayane has some useful attacks (u+K, ub+K, uf+K, b+K, f+K) that can
easily surprise your opponents and render them helpless, therefore making it
easier and faster to beat them. It is suggested that you do not use combos
too much as it won’t be that effective. Out of the blue power attacks, see
the examples above, will be the most useful attacks for surviving this game


These are my observations for the different characters while I’m playing as
Ayane. I’ll be included some strategies that I’ve seen that is most preferred
against a particular character. If you have some very helpful strategies, you
may tell me about it.


Kasumi’s moves very fast and her attacks are very unpredictable. When you
successfully pulled-off a combo, block low at once because she will
retaliate. Your best bet would be using combos and countering her moves. Good
attacks and counters are u+K and the b+K. Back Facing attacks by Ayane are
also effective against Kasumi.

You can always use d+F+K to render your Kasumi helpless. Vary your attack
from high, middle, and low. Do not be very aggressive though as she is very
good at counter attacks.


Tina loves to throw her opponents and loves to counter her opponent’s moves.
Just stay a few steps away from her and counter her moves with the P+K
attack. also, vary your moves so that Tina won’t be able to predict your
moves. The basic rule of the thumb against Tina would be attack while
preventing being thrown. Low attacks will be very effective against Tina.
Just remember that she can surprise you with the tackle at any time. It’s
quite devastating and annoying.


Lei-Fang is quite quick in her moves and very agile. To counter these moves,
back-facing attacks of Ayane will be very effective. Just stay a few steps
back and counter or hold her moves. Just remember that Lei-Fang is a master
of strong and quick punches. She is very slow in terms of combos. With this
knowledge you can predict her moves most of the time. Don’t be fooled by her
stance, middle-holds will be adequate for her attacks. This will ensure your


Now that’s a versatile character. Ayane is fast and varies her moves from
time to time. Although you are using Ayane yourself, her moves will be
unpredictable too. The best thing to do is to stay away from her and wait
until she attacks and then counter her moves or just hold them off. There are
also some other things that you can do against Ayane. You can block off her
combos and you can stay near her and keep on attacking. Don’t worry about
throws, she doesn’t like throwing very much. You can also counter her moves
if you’re quick. The uf+K or the ub+K are good counter attacks. Stay away
from her then when you see her move, counter at once so that you’ll have a
better chance of pulling the counter off.


Helena’s kicks are very very quick. She can pull-off 3 kicks in a second. The
trick is to Hold her kicks in the middle section. If you want to counter
Helena, use the b+K move. This move catches her off-guard most of the time.
Now, when you successfully did a combo, or even if she blocked you, press
Hold afterwards because she oftentimes attacks a follow-up punch or kick. Use
Ayane’s back facing attacks most of the time as I find it really very
effective against her. Just remember that Helena will always try to come near
you and either attack or throw you. Use the uf+K move to stop Helena’s
attacking stance.


Hayabusa is fighting with strategy so you might have problems with him. When
you attack him and you are blocked, most likely he will throw you. Vary your
moves and attack high, low, or middle and stay close to him, but not too
close. Ayane’s back facing attacks will do him in. The u+K and b+K moves are
also effective. Do not be very aggressive though because Hayabusa’s Hold
attacks will definitely bring pain to Ayane. His combo throws are quite
inescapable so try your best to avoid it.


Unlike before (DOA for PS), Jann-Lee will pose as a major problem to you. He
can pull-off out-of-nowhere punches and kicks so be alert. Stay away from him
and counter or block his moves. Watch out for the flying kick as he uses it
most often, especially when you’re far away. Also, use the u+K to counter and
surprise him. He also uses quick but strong punches. To block them, use the
ub+F hold. This will catch his attacks most of the time.


Zack will be quite easy. You can predict his moves and easily hold or counter
his attacks. Just be aggressive and keep on moving towards and away from him
to confuse him. Use b+K to counter him or just simply surprise him. Beware
though as he likes to hold you or throw you.


Gen-Fu is versatile, he can pull-off punches very quickly. Use kicks to
counter his attack. When you attack, also take note that he will counter your
moves. If you plan on being aggressive, wait for the opportunity when he puts
down his guard. But his weakness is his middle attacks. He will oftentimes
use middle punches and that makes it easy to hold then counter attack. Final
note, counter in the middle section and use f+P as it will hit most of the


Talking about throws, Bass does this a lot. Just stay away keep on moving
towards and away from him and attack his lower extremities. The f+K, u+K and
b+K moves will be very effective as an offense or a counter. Just be
aggressive and keep on attacking. If he gets near you, attack him until he
moves away, his intentions are clearly to throw you. But the main trick here
is to stay away and analyze his moves. If he begins to kick, get ready for a
middle or a low hold/counter. If he begins to move towards you, and it seems
that he has something bad in mind, you can do 2 things. Either stay low, or
go to him and pull off a throw yourself before he does.


Although Ein is strong and quite fast, you can easily counter or hold off his
moves. You can also block or hold especially in the middle and lower
extremities of his body. Beware also that he is an expert in counter moves so
vary your moves so that he’ll be confused. Another good move is to use b+K
after you successfully blocked his moves. Most of the time, this one hits
him. To make him suffer, use low attacks when he is open. You can pull this
off, right after his attack or right after holding or blocking. Here’s a good
tip, Ein can easily be thrown. Just time it right or else you’ll receive his


Like Bass, he likes to throw you and hold off your attacks. The main
difference is, Leon can do more than throwing. He can pull off nasty combos
so stay away from him and counter him when he attacks. If he goes near you,
try your best to stay way from him. Use b+K to keep him at bay and prevent
those body-wrangling throws. Also, one way of effectively beating Leon is to
analyze his moves just like Bass. Stay away for a while and see what he’ll
do. If he starts to attack, prepare a middle hold. If he starts to come to
you, quickly go to him and throw him or better yet, attack low and do your
combos afterwards.


Tengu isn’t as hard as you think. He will be smarter than all of your
previous opponents though. But hey, holding his attacks is very easy. Most of
his attacks will be in the middle so prepare for a middle hold or counter. If
he is far from you, he’ll start to stomp on the ground right? Just block this
attack. Now, after blocking, it is most likely that he’ll do another one. So
when he starts to stomp again, run up to him and punish him by using a
powerful attack or combo.

Take note also that Tengu is quite good at juggling combos. Therefore, try
your best not to get caught unprepared by his attacks. And the first thing
you should remember that you need not be aggressive. He is good at holding
and countering and that makes your punches and kicks rather useless. You can
do attacks though if you can catch him off-guard.


Just like Leon, Bayman has powerful punches and kicks. But most importantly,
he is also a master of throws. Once he gets hold of you, most likely, he’ll
do a chain throw combo that will cut off at least 50% of Ayane’s life. To
prevent this from happening, stay a bit away from Bayman and wait for him to
attack using Punches and Kicks. This time, you can just hold off or counter
those attacks with your own attacks. If he doesn’t attack and is going
towards you, he is preparing a throw. So, be aggressive this time and keep
Bayman at bay.


These are just some brief descriptions of Ayane’s Costumes. These are also
those that I’ve discovered and I’ll add more when I find some.

#1: Blue Female Ninja Outfit, Big Red Ribbon behind
- acquired automatically
#2: Red Female Ninja Outfit, Black underpants and a Blue Ribbon
- acquired automatically
#3: Purple Ninja Overall Outfit
- Finish Ayane in Story Mode
#4: School Outfit (casual Japanese Style)
- Finish Ayane in Story Mode w/o continues
#5: Winter Outfit (blue motif in mini-skirt)
- Use Ayane 50 Times
#6: Backless Ninja Outfit
- Use Ayane 100 Times
#7: Sexy Casual Wear (stockings, mini-skirt, and sleeveless shirt)
- Use Ayane 150 Times
#8: Very revealing black outfit (same as swimsuit)
- Use Ayane 200 Times


1. Where can I find this FAQ?

This FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at http://WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM and
at Both sites are the 2 BEST FAQ
sites I’ve ever seen. Their webmasters are really very responsible and are
dedicated to their web site.

2. How often do you update the FAQ?

I’ll continue to update this guide until it becomes complete in time. If
there are MAJOR corrections, this guide will be updated.

3. Do you need to unlock Ayane in the game?

No, Ayane will outright selectable once you start playing the game.

4. How many costumes does Ayane have in this game?

Ayane has a total of 8 costumes all in all. The costumes for her, as well as
the other girls, are not the same as the first DOA (in terms of being sexy
and so on). They are still very pretty in their new costumes though. =)



1. Try to master the Hold Button. Countering an opponent is always a key to
winning the battle. Remember that Holding off opponent’s moves can be done in
High, Mid, or Lower sections.

2. Master also the throws. These give off a very big amount of damage to the

3. If a punch or a kick of an enemy can’t reach you, try to counter it with a
punch or kick of your own.

4. Master Ayane’s u+K, b+K, f+P moves. It can be used in many ways such as a
counter and a combo starter/launcher.


- Thanks to Tecmo for bringing yet another visually stunning game with
excellent gameplay for the best gaming console (PS2)! The girls are very
cute! Even cuter than the first one.

- Thanks to the readers of this FAQ. This won’t be called such without anyone
using it. Thanks very much!

- Thanks to my Sis for waiting patiently for me while I’m typing and playing
the PS2.

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can
view and download this FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to him.

Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore(tm)
is a registered trademark of Tecmo (tm)

Playstation 2, Playstation and its accessories
are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, inc.

The Ayane Character Guide
(c)Copyright May 2001
“A” Tadeo

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